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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]KEY Spreading The Word [COLOR="Red"](on PPV), [/COLOR]Tues Week 2 May 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] At Evanovich Riverside, Tri State. Attendance 10000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] Dawn the Cheerleader interviews Alicia Strong backstage. Alicia says that she will prove to Squeeky that she is good enough and should get the title shot that she wants – and that will start right now. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Nobu Tatsuko arrives at the arena. He is met by Guide, who gives him a conspiratorial wink and says that he did his part of the deal last week – and that he hopes that Tatsuko will fulfil his end of the bargain after tonight’s match. Tatsuko tells Guide that there was no deal, but Guide laughs and says that he knows that Tatsuko is only saying that for the cameras. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 1: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AliciaStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Alicia Strong v Steven Parker[/CENTER][/B] OMG! These two have unbelievable chemistry and this opening match blows the roof off the stadium. Parker looks very dangerous, but Alicia is a step ahead the whole time and she finishes Parker with the Strong Arm Tactic. [B]Winner: Alicia Strong[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating A*[/COLOR][/B] Notes: They have great chemistry. [CENTER]******[/CENTER] As Parker goes backstage, Mean Jean Cattley appears behind him and comments that it’s yet another loss for Parker – and that he is a disgrace to MAW. When Parker turns round to confront him, Cattley disappears very quickly. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Squeeky McClean comes out to the ring and tells Alicia that her performance wasn’t bad…for a woman! But even then – it was only against Steven Parker and Parker hasn’t won anything of note here in KEY. But, he says, Alicia will have a challenge to overcome in two weeks time, when she will have to face someone who is making their debut next week – someone that Alicia will be quite familiar with – well....quite familiar to getting her ass kicked by at least! [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 2: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/RunawayTrain.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/ChrisCaufield.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Runaway Train v Chris Caulfield[/CENTER][/B] This is a hardcore match, and both men show their expertise in this type of match. However, the match still doesn’t impress the crowd, and it runs for a little long, until Train picks up the win going into the start of his series with Bulldozer next week. [B]Winner: Runaway Train[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Out comes Bulldozer who indicates to Train that he won’t have things his own way in their matches. Train has to be held back from coming and attacking his young enemy. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 3: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Scout.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Guide.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] [B]New Wave (c) v Team Pride[/B] (for the Tag Team titles)[/CENTER] After Team Pride won the contenders match last week, this title match has been moved forward, thanks to the somewhat unusual ending. Guide seems to be willing to battle fairly this week, as he starts out against Tatsuko. It is a good even match, with all four men getting their chance to shine. The end comes when Guide again faces Tatsuko. Guide is on top, when Tatsuko reverses an Irish whip and sends Guide straight into his partner, knocking Scout off the apron and into the guardrail. Guide looks on, apparently in horror and turns round straight into the Tatsuko Driller. We have new tag champions! [B]Winners (and NEW Tag Champions): Team Pride[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Team Pride take their newly won title belts and pose for the crowd. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Guide gets up from the mat, and confronts Tatsuko. “Do I get my title shot against Angry Gilmore now, champ?” he asks. Tatsuko stares at him, surprised that he is asking this question at this moment. He turns away and ignores the request. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 4: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/ArtReed.jpg[/IMG] [B]Squeeky McClean (c) v Art Reed[/B] (for the United States Title)[/CENTER] Although these two don’t click (which I should have known since they have fought before), they still put on an excellent match. Back and forth it goes, but it finishes with Squeeky retaining his title via the Stain Removal. [B]Winner (and still US champion): Squeeky McClean[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Jeremy Stone comes out and he announces that next week we will see Guide going one on one with Akinori Kwakami. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] He also announces that Team Pride will make their first defence of the tag team titles against the New Wave at Everything Changes at the end of the month, at which event he says that he hopes that there will be no dubious finishes. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Backstage, Scout has Guide up against the wall. “What the hell has got into you? Why are you losing matches deliberately? We’re supposed to be partners!” Guide pushes Scout away and tells him to look at his own actions before criticising him. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 4:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] [B]Angry Gilmore (c) v Natsu Miyamae[/B] (for the KEY World Title)[/CENTER] A slightly surprising opponent for Angry in this title match, but Miyamae shows his ability and nearly shocks the champion with a couple of early pin attempts. However, Angry fights back and looks well in control, when out runs Shimedzu to help his partner, and once again seemingly turn the match back in Miyamae’s favour. But then Chris Rockwell appears as well, to the commentators’ surprise, and he nails Shimedzu, evening things up. Angry gets his second wind, and hits Miyamae with the Anger Management to retain the title. [B]Winner (and still KEY World Champion): Angry Gilmore[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Notes: They don’t click. [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Miyamae, clearly frustrated at losing, joins Shimedzu on the outside and they double-team Chris Rockwell, clearly blaming him for the loss. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Backstage, we cut very quickly to an argument between our two owners, Nobu Tatsuko and Jeremy Stone. Jeremy is clearly very concerned that Tatsuko has come to a dodgy agreement with Guide, giving him a World Title shot in return for Guide dropping the tag belts to Tatsuko and his partner. Tatsuko vehemently denies that there is any agreement, and says that he cannot help it if Guide thinks there was. Jeremy is unconvinced, but tells Tatsuko that he is keeping his eye on the situation, and that he is going to double check every match that Tatsuko sanctions from now on. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]OVERALL RATING = B+ [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]PPV Buy Rates = 0.05[/B]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]KEY Spreading The Word [COLOR="Red"](on PPV), [/COLOR]Tues Week 3 May 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] At Wisconsin Gardens, Great Lakes. Attendance 10000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] The camera opens the show by panning round the crowd, and stops on a young blonde, who turns out to be Alicia Strong. She is waiting to see who Squeeky has brought into KEY to face her. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Squeeky comes out and tells Alicia and the rest of the crowd that the person who is going to test out Alicia is…. Wanda Fish. Wanda comes out to a few boos, and Squeeky remains at ringside for her debut match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 1:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/MarcosFlores.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Wanda Fish v Marcos Flores[/CENTER][/B] Well Marcos is tonight’s sacrificial lamb, and Wanda goes through her warm up match with complete confidence. She hits the Dish of the Day to win, while Alicia and Squeeky glare at each other on the outside. [B]Winner: Wanda Fish[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Wanda and Squeeky celebrate the win. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Squeeky grabs a mic and reminds Alicia that she will be facing Wanda next week, and that if she loses, then she will never get a United States title shot from him. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Steven Parker is backstage and challenges Mean Jean to face him at the PPV. “You reckon you are so much better than me? Well I don’t – I just think you have fluked your way to most of your wins, whereas I have lost some tight matches to the top wrestlers in KEY.” Cattley appears on another monitor and accepts the challenge, setting up a MAW grudge match at Everything Changes. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Backstage, Scout comes across Nobuatsu Tatsuko, and confronts him about his “deal” with Guide. Tatsuko insists that any deal is purely in Guide’s mind, and that he has not done anything. Scout will not accept this as a fact, and things turn physical, bringing both Guide and Akinori Kwakami out to join in the brawl. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 2:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/RunawayTrain.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/BulldozerBSmith_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Runaway Train v Bulldozer[/B] (Match 1 of 7)[/CENTER] The usual slugfest between these two heavyweights, and it is extremely even until Enforcer Roberts comes out and gets involved, leading to Runaway Train taking the early lead in the series. [B]Winner: Runaway Train[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Runaway Train and Enforcer Roberts continue to pound on Bulldozer after the bell, trying to put him out of action, but the save is made by Big Cat Brandon. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Jason, Ana and Rob mention that match 2 in this series will take next week, and will be a street fight, which they say will probably favour Train again, seeing as he seems to have Enforcer aiding him, and that will be perfectly legal next week. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 3: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Guide.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Akinori Kwakami v Guide[/CENTER][/B] This match has some bad blood surrounding it, although Kwakami has benefited from the alleged deal between Tatsuko and Guide. Guide is determined to prove that he was letting Team Pride win the last two weeks, and takes the attack to Kwakami throughout. Scout and Tatsuko cannot be kept from ringside, and the match descends into a four-man brawl, giving the referee no choice but to stop the fight as a draw, once they all start using weapons on each other. [B]Winner: No one (DRAW)[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Jeremy Stone comes to the ring, and tells the crowd that since everyone else who wants a World Title shot seems to already have a match at the PPV, he is going to cash in his one guaranteed title shot (from being runner up in the Best of the Best tournament) at Everything Changes. “So how about it, Angry? You and me, one on one, in ten days time!” Angry comes to the top of the ramp and shrugs. “Do I have a choice? Not only are you the boss, but you also do have a guaranteed shot. So it is clearly settled – it will be Angry Gilmore beating Jeremy Stone in the main event at Everything Changes.” [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 4:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Liberty v Ken Shimedzu[/CENTER][/B] Our next match features one half of the Rebellion, Shimedzu, against the ever-popular Liberty. With the crowd firmly behind him, Liberty seems to have all the momentum early on, but predictably this comes to a grinding halt when Miyamae comes to ringside and helps his partner. Outnumbered, Liberty puts up a brave fight, but finally succumbs to the Shimedzu Skull Drop. [B]Winner: Ken Shimedzu[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Someone finally gets a good match out of Liberty! [CENTER]******[/CENTER] The double-teaming of Liberty continues after the bell, until Chris Rockwell charges the ring to help Liberty, chasing the Rebellion up the ramp. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] After helping Liberty up, the Rock grabs a mic and addresses the Rebellion. “You cost me my match with Tatsuko in the tournament last month, then you attacked me last week, and now you cheat to beat Liberty here. How about the pair of you grow some balls and face TWO men for once? So how about it – the Rebellion against Liberty and the Rock at Everything Changes?” The Rebellion doesn’t hesitate to accept this challenge. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 5: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/JeremyStone.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jeremy Stone v Shooter Sean Deeley[/CENTER][/B] Jeremy looks to get a comfortable warm-up match here against our resident main event jobber, Shooter Sean Deeley. A good technical match pleases the crowd, and it is Jeremy who wins, once again thanks to his devastating Stone Hold. [B]Winner: Jeremy Stone[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]OVERALL RATING = B+ [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]PPV Buy Rate = 0.06[/B] In other news, a report on the internet says that apparently KEY are preparing to push Wanda Fish to the moon. Now given that she has just one more loan appearance to make in my promotion, that might be tricky! :p
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]KEY Spreading The Word [COLOR="Red"](on PPV), [/COLOR]Tues Week 4 May 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] At Wisconsin Gardens, Great Lakes. Attendance 10000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] The show opens with Liberty and Chris Rockwell in the ring. They talk about how they came to KEY to win things fair and square, and that they are now battling a tag team that wants to do everything the easy way – by cheating. “We may not see eye to eye on everything,” says Liberty, “but we both have reason to want to put these two Japanese upstarts in their place on Friday.” “And we will,” adds the Rock. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] As they leave the ring, Jason, Ana and Rob talk about our main event of the evening, featuring one of the new Tag champions, Nobu Tatsuko, against one the former champs, Scout. They expect an excellent match, but predict that it will turn into a four-man brawl involving the two men’s tag partners. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 1: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AliciaStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Alicia Strong v Wanda Fish[/CENTER][/B] Squeeky McClean has brought Wanda Fish to KEY to prove to Alicia that she cannot hope to compete with men like him, and that she can’t even beat another woman. However this proves to be a little patronising as Alicia is on fire tonight, and although Wanda is probably the best female wrestler in North America, tonight she has to pass that honour onto Alicia, as she shows the courage of her father in battling past both Wanda and also the constant interference from Squeeky, who is at ringside as Wanda's "manager". However this stops when the Bulldozer comes out of the crowd and takes Squeeky out, letting the two women battle inside the ring. Alicia fires off the Strong Arm Tactic to pick up the victory. [B]Winner: Alicia Strong[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Alicia starts to celebrate, and then notices Wanda still in the ring, She pauses, then walks over to Wanda and offers to shake her hand. Wanda glances at Squeeky, and then looks back at Alicia and smiles. She shakes the younger woman’s hand and then they embrace, before posing together for the fans, much to Squeeky’s disgust and anger. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] When Wanda leaves the ring, Alicia grabs a mic and addresses Squeeky. “So I beat a couple of men, and I just beat your ‘unbeatable’ female wrestler. Now do the honourable thing and face me for your title.” “Woah, slow down, kiddo. Who said anything about me defending this belt if you won tonight? I still don’t think you women have any place in wrestling – and I’ll prove it to you. I WILL face you on Friday, but it will be a non title match, and not only that – if I win, you have to leave KEY, and accept that you aren’t capable of competing on level terms with the men.” Alicia thinks for a second and then agrees – on the extra condition that if SHE wins – then Squeeky has to give her a US Title shot the following month. “Looks like we have ourselves another match on this Friday’s PPV then,” comments Jason. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 2:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jungle Jack v Steven Parker[/CENTER][/B] Jack has been complaining backstage that he keeps turning up to my shows and doesn’t get used for his final loan appearance – so here it is. He faces Steven Parker, who is desperate to try and pick up a win before facing his archrival, Mean Jean Cattley on Friday. And fortunately for him, he does manage to snap his losing streak here, as he uses his cunning and skill to overcome the size and strength of Jack, and the Future Shock does just that – it shocks Jungle Jack by giving Steven Parker a win! [B]Winner: Steven Parker[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] As Parker celebrates, Mean Jean appears and takes him down from behind with a Mood Swing, before snarling that he won’t get that kind of result on Friday. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Runaway Train comes out to the ring for his match. He is looking a lot happier than recently, after getting the last two wins over Bulldozer, the most recent of which gave him a 1-0 lead in the best of seven series. He tells the crowd that there is only one monster in KEY and that’s him, and no one is going to take that position away from him. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 3:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/RunawayTrain.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/BulldozerBSmith_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Runaway Train v Bulldozer[/B] (in a street fight)[/CENTER] Well given the lack of rules in this match, it was very unsurprising that the two men were not given much chance to fight on their own. Enforcer Roberts, yet again, was the first to join the battle, although the appearance of Big Cat Brandon soon levelled the numbers. But when Squeeky McClean joined in as well, obviously getting some revenge on Dozer for helping Alicia earlier, Train’s group took control and when Bulldozer received the Train Wreck for the 3rd consecutive match, Train took a powerful 2-0 lead in their series. [B]Winner: Runaway Train[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] The 3-on-2 beating continued for several minutes after the bell, until Dozer and Big Cat were left slumped on the arena floor, semi-conscious. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating B-[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Jessie catches up with Nobu Tatsuko, who says that he is looking forward to beating Scout tonight, since he doesn’t appreciate being accused of things that he hasn’t done. He warns Guide to keep out of his way as well. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Squeeky McClean and Enforcer Roberts are backstage. Squeeky comments that the exercise that they just had in beating up Dozer and Big Cat has warmed him up nicely for a match. He tells Enforcer that he doesn’t want anything too strenuous, and that he would really appreciate it if Enforcer ‘persuaded’ one of the young local wrestlers backstage to face him next. Enforcer goes off to the group, selects one young man, and drags him to the ring to fight Squeeky. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 4:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Squeeky McClean v Davis Newton[/CENTER][/B] Squeeky insists that the youngster tells the crowd his name – the youngster is apparently called Davis Newton. As soon as he says it, Squeeky starts hammering away at him. After a couple of minutes where it is all Squeeky, he tries to pin Newton, but the kid kicks out at 2, much to Squeeky’s surprise. When McClean tries to pin him again, he is shocked to be rolled up and nearly pinned himself. The crowd gets behind the youngster, who gets some momentum going for a while, but eventually the experience of Squeeky tells, and he rakes Newton’s eyes before hitting the Stain Removal, for a surprisingly hard-fought victory. [B]Winner: Squeeky McClean[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Jeremy Stone appears on the big screen and tells Enforcer Roberts that his actions tonight have earned him a match on Friday as well – against Big Cat Brandon. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Nobu Tatsuko is walking to the ring for his match with Scout, when he sees Guide stood in his way. He stops and tells Guide that he had better not start anything. Guide replies that he isn’t here to cause trouble – since the two of them are friends now. He wishes Tatsuko luck and tells him that Scout was complaining earlier about a bad back – maybe that information might help Tatsuko. Nobu tells him to go away and stay away – he wants nothing to do with Guide’s little schemes. As Guide does leave though, Tatsuko does look thoughtful. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 5: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Scout.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Nobuatsu Tatsuko v Scout[/CENTER][/B] These two put on the match of the night (as expected) with both men getting their fair share of offence. Tatsuko does seem to try and concentrate on Scout’s back and the commentators notice that the moves do seem to be causing Scout a lot of pain. Scout also seems to be expecting the appearance of his partner at various points, but the match remains, surprisingly, as a 1 on 1 encounter. Scout though is in fine form and although Tatsuko throws everything at him, he just cannot find a way to pin Scout, and from out of nowhere, Scout cinches in the Special Force, and Tatsuko is forced to submit. The commentators believe that this is the first time that Tatsuko has been pinned or submitted in KEY – a great win for Scout! [B]Winner: Scout[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] As soon as the bell is rung, Scout is off backstage. He storms into the dressing room that he is sharing with Guide, and yells at his partner, who is sat there watching the show on a monitor. “Where the hell were you? I thought we agreed that you would come and distract the referee? And what was that conversation with Tatsuko about? Telling him that I’m slightly injured and wishing him luck? You’d better get your head straight for Friday – or there will be all kinds of trouble. I’ll kick your ass from here to kingdom come if you cost us the chance to regain our tag titles.” “You and whose army, Scout? Don’t go blaming me for everything – you were the one that cheated to beat me last month,” replies Guide angrily. The show ends with the two men facing off, as the commentators wonder if they can co-exist in their match on Friday, to try and regain the tag titles. [B]Rating B[/B] [B][COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]OVERALL RATING = B+[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]PPV Buy Rate = 0.05[/B] OK so now I’m confused again – how did that show get a B+? I thought it was pretty rubbish and was expecting a B-!
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[QUOTE][B]Announced Matches[/B] [SIZE="5"][U][B][COLOR="Blue"]KEY Everything Changes PPV, Fri Week 4 May 2007[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] [B]Angry Gilmore (c) v Jeremy Stone (for the KEY World Title)[/B] - a low key build up to this match, but might that help the challenger, as Angry may be slightly unfocussed? [B]Squeeky McClean v Alicia Strong[/B] - certainly no love lost between these two. A vital match in the career of Alicia Strong, as her short stay in KEY may end prematurely if she loses, while a loss for the US Champion, Squeeky, will automatically give Alicia a title shot next month. [B]Team PRIDE (c) v New Wave (for the KEY Tag Titles)[/B] - this feud is now surrounded in mystery. Has there been a dodgy deal struck between Guide and Tatsuko? Guide says there has, while Tatsuko protests his innocence. Whatever you believe, Team PRIDE have the chance here to not only retain their titles, but to inflict a 3rd straight defeat on the former champs. [B]Runaway Train v Bulldozer (in a CAGE match)[/B] - Train leads their best of seven series 2-0. Will he move into an almost unassailable lead tonight, or will the youngster strike back with a win? [B]Enforcer Roberts v Big Cat Brandon [/B] - Enforcer has been getting involved in all of Train and Dozer's matches recently. In the last one, Big Cat came out to help Dozer, setting up this match. Will it be the technician or the brawler who comes out on top? [B]Liberty and Chris Rockwell v The Rebellion [/B] - Rockwell claims the Rebellion cost him the chance to win the Best of the Best tournament last month, and after they beat down Liberty following a singles match, Rockwell and Liberty made this challenge. Will the fan favourites win, or will the fluent teamwork of the Rebellion prove too much to handle? [B]Mean Jean Cattley v Steven Parker[/B] - the MAW feud continues, with each trying to prove that they were the top dog in that promotion[/QUOTE] Predictions, comments etc always welcome [QUOTE]Short Form: Angry Gilmore v Jeremy Stone Squeeky McClean v Alicia Strong Team PRIDE v New Wave Runaway Train v Bulldozer Enforcer Roberts v Big Cat Brandon Liverty/Chris Rockwell v The Rebellion Mean Jean Cattley v Steven Parker[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]KEY Everything Changes [COLOR="Red"]PPV,[/COLOR] Fri Week 4 May 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] At Plum Park, Tri State. Attendance 12817[/CENTER] The three announcers welcome everyone to the show and remind everyone that the KEY World Title is up for grabs tonight, as Angry Gilmore defends against Jeremy Stone, who has cashed in his title shot that he earned in the Best of the Best tournament last month. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] A short video airs, reminding the crowd of the goings on concerning the tag titles, and it questions whether Tatsuko did make a deal with Guide for a world title shot in exchange for losing the tag titles, and it also asks how well the New Wave will work together tonight, given their recent problems. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Scout and Guide are backstage, having watched the video. Scout turns to Guide and asks him if he can trust him to actually try tonight. Guide stares at his partner and stalks off towards the ring. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Jessie talks to the new Tag Champions, Team PRIDE. They say that they are expecting a very hard match tonight, with Tatsuko adding that he does now expect Guide and Scout to work well together again – given that Guide should have realised by now that there was no deal between them – whatever he may have thought previously. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 1: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Scout.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Guide.jpg[/IMG] [B]Team Pride (c) v New Wave [COLOR="Blue"](for the Tag Titles)[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] Well I just don’t get it with these tag matches. Singles matches between them produce A’s and B’s, whereas they join up and it’s rubbish. Scout and Guide work well together tonight, but so do their opponents, meaning that the match is very even. It takes a while before Guide and Tatsuko face off, and when they do eventually do so, the tension between them is obvious to all. The end comes when they are once again facing each other. Guide whips Tatsuko across the ring and fails to notice the blind tag by Kwakami as he is clotheslining Tatsuko. He turns round into a flying shoulder block from Kwakami, who, with Guide down, locks in his Kwakami Painlock to follow. Scout tries to make the save, but is blocked by Tatsuko. [B]Winners (and still Tag Champions): Team Pride[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Kwakami and Tatsuko celebrate their first title defence. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Scout and Guide walk up the ramp and are clearly arguing about the ending to the match, with Scout blaming Guide for not noticing the tag to Kwakami, whereas Guide blames Scout for not breaking the submission hold that forced him to tap out. The argument moves onto previous events, all the way back to Scout beating Guide in the tournament last month, and eventually Scout challenges Guide to face him next week on the premiere of KEY Total Wrestling on Sports America. Guide agrees and tells Scout that he will prove who the weak link in the New Wave recently has been. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Bulldozer leaves his dressing room for his next match with Runaway Train when both Train and his partner in crime, Enforcer Roberts, jump him. They start beating down on the big man, but once again Big Cat Brandon is on hand to level out the numbers, and soon, Train and Enforcer decide that they don’t fancy the battle after all. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] The announcers talk briefly about the history between the two heavyweights of KEY (Train and Dozer), and they mention that tonight’s match will be a cage match, which they think might work in Bulldozer’s favour, given that it will be harder for anyone to interfere in the match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 2:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/RunawayTrain.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/BulldozerBSmith_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Runaway Train (2) v Bulldozer (0)[/CENTER][/B] The two men enter the cage, and soon start brawling as usual. Bulldozer gets the upper hand, seeming to hardly feel any of his opponent’s strikes, and without the outside assistance from Enforcer today, Train has no backup plan. He uses his experience to bust Dozer open on the steel, but despite his face being bloodied, Bulldozer just keeps on coming, and there is nothing that Train can do to stop him. The Backdrop Driver seals the victory and brings Dozer right back into their series at 2-1. [B]Winner: Bulldozer[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] As Train leaves the ring, Bulldozer grabs a mic and tells his beaten opponent that it was nice to have a fair fight for once and that he looks forward to beating Train in every match from here on. Train tries to go back and knock some 'respect' into the youngster, but officials surround him and usher him to the back. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 3:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Mean Jean Cattley v Steven Parker[/CENTER][/B] The MAW grudge match takes place, and it is a solid enough match. Perhaps their dislike for each other interferes slightly in the match, with them both being more interested in hurting each other than winning the match. With both men being heels, the crowd doesn’t really know who to get behind, and they both use every underhanded trick that they know. Parker picks up the win eventually, following a rake to the eyes and the Future Shock while Cattley is blinded. Cattley is furious at the result. [B]Winner: Steven Parker[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Dawn the Cheerleader interviews Liberty and Chris Rockwell, who are united in wanting to put the Rebellion in their place, and get them out of their hair. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 4:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/ChrisRockwell.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Liberty and Chris Rockwell v The Rebellion[/CENTER][/B] A good even match for long periods here, as the tag team ratings curse continues. Rockwell and Liberty control the early going, before the Rebellion isolates the Rock. He eventually manages to tag in Liberty, who cleans house, but then tries to take on both Shimedzu and Miyamae on his own, leading to him being overwhelmed and put away with the Shimedzu Skull Drop, much to Rockwell’s disgust, as he has recovered and is yelling at his partner to tag him in. [B]Winners: The Rebellion[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] The Rebellion start celebrating their win, going completely over the top – but surprisingly the crowd lap it up! [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Commentator Rob catches up with Big Cat Brandon when he comes to the ring for his match with Enforcer Roberts. Big Cat tells Roberts that he is going to destroy him tonight, and persuade Enforcer to leave his friends alone. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 5: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/BigCatBrandon_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Enforcer Roberts v Big Cat Brandon[/CENTER][/B] Enforcer comes out and leads Big Cat a merry dance, avoiding contact as much as possible, knowing that Big Cat can overpower him. He manages to ground the bigger man eventually, and slows the match right down, wearing Big Cat down. But he cannot keep Brandon down for long, and several clubbing blows turn the match in Brandon’s favour. But Enforcer uses his experience to force a rope break and while Big Cat is arguing with the referee, he pulls out a pair of brass knuckles from his trunks and lays out Big Cat over the referee’s head. With the advantage now ensured, he takes his time in working over his opponent, and finally locks in the RCT, which gets an almost immediate tap out. [B]Winner: Enforcer Roberts[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating A[/COLOR][/B] Notes: They have great chemistry [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Enforcer beckons to the back and out runs Runaway Train, and the pair of them set Big Cat up for the Train Wreck. But Bulldozer is the next to appear and Train bails out of the ring to battle his young nemesis, giving Big Cat a chance to throw Enforcer outside and force his retreat. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating B-[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Big Cat and Bulldozer stand tall in the ring and they challenge Enforcer and Train to face them in tag action on Total Wrestling. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Jessie gets a brief interview with Alicia Strong, but before much can be said, Squeeky McClean bursts into camera and attacks Alicia, before dragging her towards the ring for their match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 6:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AliciaStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Squeeky McClean v Alicia Strong[/CENTER][/B] An important match for both competitors, but especially for Alicia, whose whole future here in KEY depends on her beating Squeeky tonight. Squeeky, meanwhile, has to give Alicia a US Title shot if she wins. Squeeky seems surprised by Alicia’s ability, despite having watched her winning several times recently. He slows the pace of the match down as he tries to re-group, but Alicia is onto him immediately and gets several near falls. After kicking out of all the pinning attempts, he slowly turns the tide of the match and dominates for a long period. Alicia now fights back as well, and then, not unexpectedly, comes the interference from Enforcer Roberts. But soon after he makes his presence felt, he is felled by the appearance of Big Cat Brandon as well, and they fight to the back. Alicia uses her quickness to take charge again, and although Squeeky fights hard, he cannot match her intensity, and she hits the Strong Arm Tactic to save her career in KEY. [B]Winner: Alicia Strong[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Alicia goes over to Squeeky and reminds him of the stipulation – that she will get a US Title shot against him next month, having beaten him tonight. He shakes his head and tells her that he remembers no such thing, that she got lucky, and that she should go back to playing with her dolls. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] As Squeeky walks off, leaving Alicia totally disgusted at his lies, out comes Nobu Tatsuko, who stops Squeeky and informs him that he WILL defend his US Title against Alicia at The Winner Takes It All PPV, next month, or else he will be stripped of the title. Squeeky gets in Nobu’s face, arguing, but eventually has no choice but to accept that he and Alicia will meet again soon. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Jason Azaria interviews Jeremy Stone about his World Title match tonight. “I earned the right to a title match last month and I am not about to waste that chance. Angry Gilmore has been a great champion here in KEY, but his reign is just a few minutes from being over, and I will become the rightful champion of my own promotion.” [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Angry Gilmore also has something to say. “Jeremy – I’m happy to be fighting you, and I’m even happier that it is under these circumstances, rather than if you gave yourself an undeserved shot, due to your position here in KEY. But this belt is going nowhere tonight. And as for Guide and Scout – well I know I’m going to have to face Scout at some point, but Guide, you are not getting a title shot from me, whether you have done a deal with Tatsuko or not.” [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 7:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/JeremyStone.jpg[/IMG] [B]Angry Gilmore (c) v Jeremy Stone [COLOR="Blue"](for the KEY World Title)[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] The two men shake hands before the match, but once the bell sounds they go at each other like the best of enemies. Angry has a more rounded offence, but Jeremy is probably the best technical wrestler in the world and this shows as he wears the champion down in the early going. However he is unable to lock in the Stone Hold and Angry fights back. He hits some high-risk moves, but his attempts at the Anger Management are repelled as well. The fight spills outside, and from out of the crowd appears Guide, who attacks Angry, clearly annoyed at his comments before the match. This interruption allows Jeremy to recover, and when he sees Angry battling against Guide, he comes to his opponent’s aid, and together they see off Guide, sending him running to the back. The match now continues, and it eventually sees Angry succeed in hitting the Anger Management to finish an excellent contest. [B]Winner (and still KEY World Champion): Angry Gilmore[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] As Angry starts to celebrate, Jeremy comes over and shakes his hand, and directs the crowd to applaud a worthy winner. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]OVERALL RATING = B[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]PPV Buy Rate = 0.25[/B] In other news, both KPro and DRAGON have been given just a month to pay off their debts. Apparently KEY is about to give Davis Newton a huge push – well maybe the press report isn’t too far off this time! You'll be the first to find out! Our new TV show has its premiere next week, so that's the end of the weekly PPVs for now.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 1 June 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] McGaw Arena, Tri State, Attendance 5000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]The Premiere![/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] The show opens with Nobuatsu Tatsuko in the ring, and he welcomes everyone to the all-new season of KEY Total Wrestling, now showing LIVE on Sports America. He reminds the crowd that following the events at the Everything Changes PPV on Friday, our main event tonight will be the warring partners in the New Wave, Guide and Scout, facing each other in singles action. And, he adds, just to add even more spice to that match, he and Jeremy Stone have decided that Scout is going to have to put one of his guaranteed World Title shots on the line – he has two at present from his win in the Best of the Best tournament, but a loss tonight will mean that both he AND Guide will then have one apiece. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Steven Parker is backstage, and he asks Mean Jean Cattley how it feels to lose, thus proving who really was the star of MAW. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] As Tatsuko is walking back to his office backstage, Scout accosts him and asks him what the hell he is thinking of, forcing him to put one of his title shots on the line tonight. Nobu shrugs, and simply says that it was a booking committee decision, not his alone – and that if Scout is as good as he claims, then it won’t be a problem. “Of course – if Guide was right, and you were the weaker link in your team, then…” Scout sees red and starts attacking Nobu, but surprising help arrives in the form of Guide, although this quickly proves to be just an excuse to attack Scout, rather than help Nobu. The three men go at it for several minutes. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 1:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/MarcosFlores.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Mean Jean Cattley v Marcos Flores[/CENTER][/B] Cattley is looking to get back on track after his defeat to Steven Parker on Friday, and his opponent is the talented high flyer, Marcos Flores, who seems to be able to have a good match with anyone, despite his style being somewhat different to most on the roster. Cattley is involved in a storyline, while Flores is a jobber at present, so guess the result? [B]Winner: Mean Jean Cattley[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Cattley grabs the microphone and tells Steven Parker that the result on Friday only levelled the score here in KEY. He challenges Parker to meet him at The Winner Takes It All PPV for a 3rd and deciding match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Backstage, Squeeky McClean is seen assaulting Alicia Strong - clearly he is very unhappy at losing to her at Everything Changes. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 2:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AlexBraun.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Alex Braun v Davis Newton[/CENTER][/B] The rookie faces off with the veteran here, and Braun shows his experience, controlling most of the match. But even veterans can make silly mistakes, and he underestimates Newton. As Braun tells the crowd to expect the Braun Damage, Davis quickly rolls him up from behind and Braun can’t break free before the 3 count. Newton picks up a surprising victory. [B]Winner: Davis Newton[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C-[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Just what you need when starting to push a newcomer - both men were off their games tonight! [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Jason, Ana and Rob talk briefly about our next match – Runaway Train and Enforcer Roberts facing off with Bulldozer and Big Cat Brandon. They comment that it won’t be pretty, and can the referee keep things under control? [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 3:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/RunawayTrain.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/BulldozerBSmith_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/BigCatBrandon_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Runaway Train and Enforcer Roberts v Bulldozer and Big Cat Brandon[/CENTER][/B] Hard-hitting action – these four men do not like each other and it shows. Enforcer has no real chance to show his technical skills, and the match soon spills to the outside, with all four men brawling at ringside. The referee reluctantly starts the ten count, but neither side shows any inclination to get back in the ring, and they are all counted out. [B]Winner: No one (DRAW – double countout)[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Unsurprisingly the brawl doesn’t stop at the bell – in fact it gets more frenetic as Squeeky McClean runs out to join in, and Alicia Strong follows him. The six wrestlers continue to go at it. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] When the ring is finally cleared, Chris Rockwell comes out and challenges Ken Shimedzu to face him right now – telling the Rebellion that they cannot beat HIM, and it was only his stupid partner, Liberty, who cost them the win on Friday. Shimedzu comes out and runs to the ring to start the match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 4: [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/ChrisRockwell.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Chris Rockwell v Ken Shimedzu[/CENTER][/B] Shimedzu’s sudden appearance seems to take the Rock slightly by surprise and the tag star takes charge early on. But the Rock fights back, spurred on by the crowd who dislike him slightly less than the Japanese star! He ends an excellent match with the Rock Down. [B]Winner: Chris Rockwell[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Chris Rockwell gets jumped from behind by Shimedzu while he celebrates, and when Miyamae joins in, he looks in trouble. Despite the Rock’s less than flattering comments about him earlier, Liberty comes to his aid and helps chase the Rebellion away. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] At the top of the ramp, Shimedzu’s partner, Miyamae, and their manager, The Guru, stop and address Liberty. They say that they want to show all these old, unfit Americans how real athletes fight – and that he wants Liberty one on one next week. Liberty accepts the challenge. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Scout appears and talks about the whole Guide situation. He is furious that he has to put a title shot on the line tonight, but tells Guide that everyone knows who was in charge in the New Wave, and that man was he, Scout. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [B]Match 5:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Scout.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Guide.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Scout v Guide[/CENTER][/B] There is a lot of obvious animosity between the two men as they face off in the middle of the ring, and it soon descends into a slugfest. Both men hit some of their signature moves, but neither will go down easily. Guide starts to take charge, clearly spurred on by the thought of a potential title match if he wins, and Scout rolls outside. He leads Guide on a chase round the ring, using Queen Emily (who manages both of them) as a shield to give himself a breather. He then shoves her into Guide, and rolls back into the ring. As Guide comes in himself, Scout launches his attack and turns the match in his favour. Guide battles valiantly, but again Scout proves to be the better wrestler, as he defeats his partner, and retains both of his world title shots. [B]Winner: Scout[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Scout starts a c0cky celebration, then pauses, turns round and cheekily offers to shake Guide’s hand. Guide stares disdainfully at Scout and refuses, before leaving the ring in disappointment. Scout shrugs and continues to pose for the crowd. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Scout then takes a microphone and calls out the World Champion, Angry Gilmore, putting him on notice that he is going to cash in his first shot at The Winner Takes It All PPV. Angry comes out and says that he can’t wait to wipe that smile off Scout’s face, and get his revenge for his defeat in the Best of the Best semi final, after Scout’s cowardly pre-match attack on him that night. Thus we have our PPV main event set early this month! [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]OVERALL RATING = B+[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]TV Rating = 2.20[/B] I extended our PPV contract with American Option for another 6 months - didnt want to end up forgetting about it at the end of the month when it actually runs out!
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  • 4 months later...
[CENTER][B][U]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 2 June 2007[/U][/B] Shakeshaft Auditorium, Great Lakes, Attendance 4798[/CENTER] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] opens the show in the ring. He talks about how he has to face [B]Scout [/B]at the end of the month, and that he will revenge the defeat that Scout inflicted a couple of months ago. Scout comes out and laughs at Angry, telling him that he is starting to believe all the publicity that he has been getting, thinking that he is going to keep on retaining his title. He tells Angry that he is now facing a man who is free from the shackles of a partner weighing him down and that Angry had better polish up the title belt because he wants it nice and shiny when he takes it off the current champ at the PPV. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Bulldozer [/B]gets his first taste of some mic time next, as [B]Jessie[/B] runs him through a brief interview about his series with [B]Runaway Train[/B], in which Dozer states that Train cannot beat him when it's one on one, only when he gets some help from his friends. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Match 1: [B][CENTER]Runaway Train v Bulldozer[/CENTER][/B] Tonight’s match is again in a cage – although this time only escaping the cage will win the match. This seems to keep both men happy as they attempt to beat each other senseless, using the cage as a weapon. The door is used several times as well, but it is Dozer who is the first to get fully through and out to the floor, to back up his words earlier. [B]Winner: Bulldozer[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [B]Runaway Train[/B] is absolutely furious at losing again, and storms backstage, throwing furniture etc around. He turns a corner and bumps into [B]Alex Braun[/B] coming the opposite way, and he takes his frustration out on the surprised Braun, systematically destroying the DAVE veteran. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating D+[/B][/COLOR] [B]Liberty[/B] is seen walking to the ring, when he is smashed over the head with a kendo stick. It is [B]Ken Shimedzu[/B] who has the weapon, and after a couple more shots, he drags Liberty towards the ring for his match against Shimedzu’s partner, [B]Miyamae.[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Match 2: [B][CENTER]Liberty v Natsu Miyamae[/CENTER][/B] This is really a total squash, as Liberty doesn’t appear to be in any state to defend himself after the backstage assault. Miyamae finishes the surfer with the Miyamae Spoiler. [B]Winner: Natsu Miyamae [COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR] [/B] Backstage, [B]Alicia Strong[/B] and [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] are arguing. She is telling him that he is everything that is wrong with sport these days, where everyone believes that it is OK to lie and cheat to win, while he winds her up by telling her to get back to the kitchen where she belongs. [B]Nobu Tatsuko[/B] comes past, and tells them that they should save their energy as they both have matches tonight, with Squeeky’s being a title defence, and also that they will fight for the US Title at the PPV. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [CENTER][B]Squeeky McClean v Super Joshuya [/B](for the United States Title)[/CENTER] Joshuya is becoming one of my go-to lower card guys for good matches, and this is no exception. Squeeky takes everything that the flyer can throw at him, and slowly grounds Joshuya, before forcing the pinfall thanks to the Stain Removal, to comfortably retain his title. [B]Winner: Squeeky McClean[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Squeeky[/B] takes a microphone and tells [B]Alicia[/B] that this is her fate at The Winner Takes It All, and proceeds to deliver several more destructive moves on the helpless [B]Super Joshuya[/B]. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] The cameras cut to [B]Liberty[/B], who seems to be wandering round backstage, looking totally miserable and confused about all the losses that he is taking here in KEY. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Ana Garcia[/B] catches a few words with [B]Alicia Strong[/B] backstage before her match. Alicia says that [B]Squeeky[/B] is running scared, and that she knows that she can beat him, whereas he hasn’t been able to find a way to keep her down – and that isn’t going to change in the their match at the PPV, meaning that she will become the first female to win gold here in KEY. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] As Alicia walks to the ring, we see [B]Nobu Tatsuko[/B] on the big screen. He has a message for [B]Guide[/B] – that they are going to face each other next week for a final time. [COLOR="Green"]“This is no longer about tag teams, or titles – this is personal – you have dishonoured me in my own company by claiming that we had some kind of dishonourable deal about you getting a title shot in exchange for deliberately dropping the tag belts to Team PRIDE. Now I’m going to show you what happens when a Japanese warrior gets his revenge.”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Alicia Strong v Shooter Sean Deeley[/CENTER][/B] You know I said that Super Joshuya was my go-to jobber? Well he’s just been relegated to second place here, as Deeley puts on an awesome match with Alicia. Although he gets a good share of the offence, he makes her look fantastic out there, and keeps the crowd guessing as to whether she can put him away. Even when Squeeky comes out and tries to alter the course of the match, Alicia battles through everything and eventually she does pick up the win, with the Angel Driver. [B]Winner: Alicia Strong[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]Rating A*[/B][/COLOR] As soon as the bell rings, [B]Squeeky[/B] is back onto [B]Alicia[/B], and even manages to catch her by surprise with the Stain Removal, before [B]Bulldozer[/B] charges out to ringside to protect his fellow rookie. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating C[/B][/COLOR] [B]Dozer[/B] helps [B]Alicia[/B] to her feet, and raises her hand in victory. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating D[/B][/COLOR] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] comes to the ring for his non title match tonight, but the next music that sounds is not that of his opponent, Chris Caulfield, but of [B]Scout[/B], who saunters to ringside and takes a seat in the front row of the crowd. Security try to pull him away, but he insists that he has a ticket and isn’t going anywhere, much to Angry’s annoyance. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [B][CENTER]Angry Gilmore v Chris Caulfield [/B](non title match)[/CENTER] Hhmmm, not the greatest match in the world. Angry looks great, but he just doesn’t seem to have that ability to drag lesser opponents to a great match. There is a lot of respect on show, but it just prolongs the match, and Angry takes the 'W' with the Anger Management. [B]Winner: Angry Gilmore[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B.[/COLOR][/B] [B]TV Rating = 2.15[/B] Runaway Train arrived very late - I guess that’s his way of showing his disapproval of jobbing once again! Well I’ll let him off with a warning this time.
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[CENTER][B][U]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 3 June 2007[/U][/B] McGaw Arena, Tri State, Attendance 5000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] The three announcers, [B]Jason, Ana and Rob [/B]remind the viewers that tonight’s main event will be the grudge match between KEY owner, [B]Nobu Tatsuko[/B] and [B]Guide[/B]. The reasons for their rivalry are well known by now. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] is in his office when [B]The Rebellion[/B] enter, and they demand that he makes a match at the PPV for the tag titles, between the champs, [B]Team PRIDE[/B], and them. Jeremy tells them that they have to prove that they deserve the title shot – by winning matches – and not just singles matches. The Rebellion aren’t happy about this, but Jeremy tells them that he will make the match once they have won a couple of tag matches. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] is backstage, when [B]Steven Parker [/B]comes up to him, accompanied by his tag partner, [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B]. Parker tells Cattley that he will have to refuse Cattley’s challenge for a deciding match in their series – reminding Cattley that in wrestling, you are only as good as your last match – and that that means he is better than the Mean Machine – something that he claims to have known all along. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [B]Cattley[/B] is disappointed, but then makes another challenge to [B]Parker[/B] – that there should be a tag match – Parker and [B]Deeley[/B] against his team. The Future glance at each other and decide to accept this challenge, but just as they are about to walk away, Cattley continues, and says that his team doesn’t actually include him. When Parker asks him which losers he has conned into wrestling for him, he tells the Future to turn round, as their opponents are right behind them. Parker and Deeley turn, and are immediately assaulted by [B]The Rebellion,[/B] who quickly get the upper hand and drag them to the ring. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Match 1: [B][CENTER]The Rebellion v The Future[/CENTER][/B] An excellent tag match, despite the Rebellion being clearly dominant, even moreso when Cattley comes to ringside and attacks Parker whenever possible. Deeley and Parker fight as hard as they can, but the Rebellion are too strong and too focussed on getting a victory to prove their credentials as future opponents for Team PRIDE, to be defeated. Miyamae gets the win over Parker. [B][COLOR="red"]Winners: The Rebellion Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Miyamae and Shimedzu[/B] grab the mics after the match and show off their new found grasp of the English language, as they remind everyone that they were the dominant team in Burning Hammer, and they soon will be in KEY as well. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] The announcers remind everyone that the US Title will be on the line at the PPV, as [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] will face the young lady who beat him last month, [B]Alicia Strong.[/B] They wonder if she can repeat the feat? [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 2: [B][CENTER]Alex Braun v Davis Newton[/CENTER][/B] A rematch from a couple of weeks ago, where the kid shocked the veteran by rolling him up for the win. Thankfully both are on their game tonight, and it is a much better match. However, it is clear that Davis has gained a lot of confidence, and this time he seems to be Alex’s equal throughout, and he doesn’t need a quick rollup to win this week, as he forces Braun to submit to his STF. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Davis Newton Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] comes out to great cheers. He talks about his future opponent [B]Scout,[/B] and how Scout claims that he will win at The Winner Takes It All, given that he beat Angry in the tournament 2 months ago. [COLOR="Green"]“What Scout is forgetting is that he only beat me that day because he beat me up backstage before the match. And my only other defeats here in KEY have been in similar circumstances – against Squeeky and Guide, when it took two or three people ganging up on me to defeat me. One on one – no one can take this title off me!”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [B][CENTER]Runaway Train (2) v Bulldozer (2)[/CENTER][/B] Bulldozer is back on level terms in their series, and tonight they come out of a cage and have a normal match. It follows the pattern of their previous matches – where Train just cannot exert his normal domination over his opponents, and it requires the assistance of his cronies, Enforcer Roberts and Squeeky McClean, to give him the advantage tonight. Three on one is too much even for the powerhouse, Bulldozer, and he succumbs to the Train Wreck. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner (and leads 3-2): Runaway Train Rating C[/COLOR][/B] The beating continues after the bell, until [B]Big Cat Brandon and Alicia Strong [/B]make the save. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Scout[/B] now comes out and bigs himself up. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Angry[/B] – you whine about only losing three singles matches here in KEY – and all allegedly out of your control. Well let me tell you how many singles matches I’ve lost here in KEY – absolutely NONE. ZERO. NADA. And when that continues in ten days time, I will become the new World Champion, and this time not weighed down by a useless partner.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating B+[/B][/COLOR] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Scout v Hitomaro Suzuki[/CENTER][/B] Scout takes poor Suzuki apart here, demonstrating how dangerous he is as a singles competitor (if anyone didn’t realise before). Simple regulation squash. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Scout Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] As [B]Scout[/B] starts to celebrate, [B]Angry [/B]appears at the top of the ramp, and holds his championship belt aloft. Scout rolls out of the ring and charges up the ramp, but security quickly appears and stops the two men from making any contact, although plenty of angry words are exchanged. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] When the arena is calm again, a video shows the lead up to our main event – [B]Tatsuko v Guide[/B]. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [B][CENTER]Nobu Tatsuko v Guide[/CENTER][/B] Well Guide shows that he clearly WAS donating the tag titles to Team PRIDE here, as he battles Tatsuko in a very even match. Both men seem to want to hurt the other to prove their point, and it takes the Tatsuko Driller to make the difference. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Nobu Tatsuko Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Tatsuko[/B] celebrates the win. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Guide[/B] departs angrily backstage and bumps into [B]Chris Rockwell[/B]. [COLOR="Green"]“Mind where you’re going,”[/COLOR] Guide snaps. [COLOR="Blue"]“Woah – calm down fella – what is your problem? You’ve had title shots galore in tag matches; you had a chance to get a world title shot two weeks ago. Just thank your lucky stars you aren’t living my life – I can’t get a shot to save my life.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Well that’s cos you are a loser – the only time that people liked you was when you made them laugh wearing your ridiculous lobster outfit – no one can take you seriously as a wrestler.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh really – in that case you’ll be quite happy to face me at the PPV then, I assume?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“You’re on, lobster-man.”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="red"][B]OVERALL RATING = B.[/B][/COLOR] [B]TV Rating = 2.16[/B] Used Suzuki too much. Traded [B]Runaway Train[/B] to UWF for 3 appearances for [B]Eric Tyler[/B] - I do love getting by far the best of these talent trades :p
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 4 June 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] Shakeshaft Auditorium, Great Lakes, Attendance 4848[/CENTER] [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] is with [B]Runaway Train[/B], psyching him up for match 6 in his series with [B]Bulldozer[/B]. Train prepares to go to the ring, and Enforcer says he will be there to help him in a minute. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Enforcer[/B] turns round to tape up his wrists, facing away from the door. He hears it open and then close. He turns round and finds himself face to face with [B]Big Cat Brandon and Chris Caulfield[/B], who tell him that he is going nowhere. He tries to push past them, but they refuse to let him out of the locker room, stopping him from interfering on Train’s behalf against Dozer. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 1: [B][CENTER]Runaway Train (3) v Bulldozer (2)[/CENTER][/B] It’s all or nothing for Bulldozer tonight in this street fight. Without the expected appearance by Enforcer, the match is interference free, and this, as usual, favours Dozer, who levels the series, taking it to a decider, with the Dozer Driver on the concrete stage, picking up the pinfall on the outside. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Bulldozer Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [B]Nobu Tatsuko[/B] comes out and says that the two men will go at it in the decider at the Winner Takes It All in two days time – in [B]HELL IN A CELL[/B]! [COLOR="Green"]“And this match will really define this PPV – after two months of battling each other, it comes down to one match, where the winner really will take it all,” [/COLOR]says Jason. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] is once again accosted in his office by [B]The Rebellion[/B], who again demand the tag title shot on Friday. Jeremy tells them that they can have the match if they win another match tonight – against [B]The Extreme[/B]. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] is backstage in front of a camera, telling everyone how good he is. It’s just your standard regulation self hype before his United States Title match with [B]Alicia Strong[/B] at the PPV. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] Match 2: [B][CENTER]The Extreme v The Rebellion[/CENTER][/B] A solid enough tag match here, and the Rebellion are looking in a bit of trouble against The Extreme, but this changes when [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] hits the ring and gets some measure of revenge on Big Cat and Chris (for stopping him helping Runaway Train earlier) by helping Shimedzu and Miyamae to pick up the win. [B][COLOR="red"]Winners: The Rebellion Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Disappointed at the loss, [B]The Extreme[/B] challenge [B]Enforcer Roberts [/B]to face them legally on Friday at the PPV, in a tag match, with a partner of his choice. Enforcer agrees to the match. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating B-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] comes out and tells [B]The Rebellion [/B]that they have now earned their tag title shot at the PPV – they will face [B]Team PRIDE [/B]for the titles. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [B][CENTER]Mean Jean Cattley v Shooter Sean Deeley[/CENTER][/B] Mean Jean faces off with Steven Parker’s tag partner this week, after he tricked the Future into their tag match with the Rebellion last week. Deeley controls most of the match, but the Mean Machine uses all his experience to out-fox the younger man and pick up the victory with the Mood Swing. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Mean Jean Cattley Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Not content with picking up the victory, [B]Cattley[/B] sends a message to Parker by continuing to beat up [B]Deeley[/B], but [B]Parker[/B] charges out eventually and chases a laughing Cattley away. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating D[/B][/COLOR] [B]Parker [/B]storms backstage and into [B]Tatsuko’s[/B] office, where he says that he has changed his mind about facing [B]Cattley[/B] again in a decider – he now does want that match on Friday. Tatsuko agrees and pencils the match into the PPV schedule. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jessie[/B] interviews [B]Chris Rockwell[/B] about his disagreement last week with [B]Guide.[/B] [COLOR="Green"]“The guy has a chip on his shoulder – but has no reason for it. If his mouth wants to write cheques that his body can’t cash then that’s his problem – and that’s what he has done by agreeing to face me. And now I’ve got a warm up match to win to get ready for Friday night” [/COLOR][B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Chris Rockwell v Raphael[/CENTER][/B] Well I wasn’t expecting this match to be this good! Raphael is obviously trying to impress tonight, and he really gives the Rock a hard time, matching him in every department. But the Rock hasn’t got to where he is by losing matches against unknowns, and he keeps his undefeated singles streak alive with the Rock Down. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Chris Rockwell Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Guide[/B] charges the ring after the bell rings, but security are clearly expecting this, and they easily keep him and [B]The Rock[/B] apart, as they both shout insults at each other across the ring. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] comes out and starts to give a promo about his World Title match with [B]Scout[/B] on Friday, but Scout interrupts him almost immediately and they also trade insults for a while. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Before this argument turns physical, [B]Nobu Tatsuko [/B]comes out and orders [B]Scout[/B] to the back, telling him that he will forfeit his title shot if he touches [B]Angry[/B] before their match on Friday. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [B][CENTER]Angry Gilmore (c) v Akinori Kwakami (for the KEY World Title)[/CENTER][/B] Angry does put the title on the line here, although everyone knows that he isn’t going to lose it two days before a big PPV. Maybe that stops the crowd from getting totally into this match, with the result a foregone conclusion, but both men put on a decent show, and it ends with the Anger Management. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner (and still KEY World Champion): Angry Gilmore Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B.[/COLOR] TV Rating = 2.21[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Preview for The Winner Takes It All PPV[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]KEY World Title Match:[/COLOR] Angry Gilmore (c) v Scout[/B] – Scout gets to cash in his first (of two) title shots after winning the Best of the Best Tournament earlier in the year, during which tournament, he actually defeated Angry. Angry claims that this defeat was solely due to a pre match assault on him by Scout. Who walks out of Plum Park with the gold? [B][COLOR="red"]KEY United States Title:[/COLOR] Squeeky McClean (c) v Alicia Strong[/B] – Alicia defeated Squeeky last month to keep her job here in KEY. Her reward is this title shot against the champion who still claims that a woman’s place is not in the wrestling ring. Which will be the stronger sex tonight? [B][COLOR="red"]KEY Tag Titles:[/COLOR] Team PRIDE (c) v The Rebellion[/B] – the two Japanese teams face off for the tag gold here, after the Rebellion have shown good form in both singles and tag matches recently. But Tatsuko has seemed to be one step ahead of anyone else in the tag division for the last few months – will this help the ex-PGHW pair defeat their ex-BHOTWG rivals? [B]Runaway Train v Bulldozer[/B] – match 7 in their series, and it is [COLOR="red"][B]Hell in a Cell.[/B][/COLOR] This will keep Train’s associates, Enforcer Roberts and Squeeky McClean out of the match – can Dozer continue his run of winning whenever the match stays as a 1 on 1 encounter, or will Train’s experience help him through? [B]Guide v Chris Rockwell[/B] – The Rock has constantly complained about not getting title shots here in KEY, and when he told Guide to stop complaining about the way his career has gone recently, Guide took offence. This match is the result. Will Guide get back on track after his split from former partner, Scout, or will Rockwell defeat yet another top star in KEY, and keep his undefeated singles streak going? [B]Mean Jean Cattley v Steven Parker [/B]– after Parker levelled their match results in KEY at 1-1 last month, he initially refused to fight this rubber match against his old foe from MAW. But after Cattley set Parker and his partner, Sean Deeley up with a tough tag match against the rebellion, and then took out Deeley in the ring, Parker has stepped up once again. [B]The Extreme (Big Cat Brandon and Chris Caulfield) v Enforcer Roberts and ??? [/B] - who will Enforcer’s mystery partner be, as he and Big Cat continue their rivalry? Predictions welcome [QUOTE]Short form: Angry Gilmore v Scout Squeeky McClean v Alicia Strong Team PRIDE v The Rebellion Runaway Train v Bulldozer Chris Rockwell v Guide Mean Jean Cattley v Steven Parker Big Cat Brandon and Chris Caulfield v Enforcer Roberts and ??? [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]KEY The Winner Takes It All PPV, Fri Week 4 June 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] At Plum Park, Tri State. Attendance 11944[/CENTER] We open the show with a video recounting how our main event came about. It shows [B]Scout [/B]beating [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]en route to winning the Best of the Best tournament, leading to him cashing in the first of his title shots tonight. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Steven Parker [/B]and [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] get into yet another argument backstage about who was the MVP of MAW. Both men are eager to settle this once and for all tonight in the ring. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Match 1: [B][CENTER]Mean Jean Cattley v Steven Parker[/CENTER][/B] The rubber match between these two, and I decided to let the road agent decide the winner. Both men earned themselves several near falls, before out came Parker’s partner, Shooter Sean Deeley, to attempt to turn things in his partner’s favour. But out of the crowd came Liberty to chase Deeley off. “What on earth is he doing getting involved in this match?” asked Jason. So it was back to an even match, and it eventually meant that Cattley hit the Mood Swing for the victory. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Mean Jean Cattley Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jason, Ana and Rob[/B] talk about the seven match series between [B]Runaway Train[/B] and the newcomer, [B]Bulldozer[/B]. Every time that it is just the two of them involved, Bulldozer has won, but Train has enlisted Enforcer Roberts to help him stay in contention. They comment that this may not be possible tonight, given that the two men will be locked inside the [COLOR="red"]HELL IN A CELL[/COLOR] structure. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating C+[/B][/COLOR] Match 2: [B][CENTER]Runaway Train (3) v Bulldozer (3) (Hell in a Cell)[/CENTER][/B] Train has the experience of this type of match from SWF, whereas it is all new to Bulldozer, and Train takes advantage of that to control the early going. But Dozer fights back and overpowers Train. Both men take a beating from the other, and both get busted wide open on the unforgiving steel. Both attempt their finishers, the Train Wreck and the Dozer Driver, but both men power out of the attempts. Eventually, Dozer hits an Inverted Piledriver, and makes the decisive pinfall to win this series 4-3. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Bulldozer Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Runaway Train[/B] goes backstage and is seen angrily destroying the area, despite The Guru trying to calm him down. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] comes to the ring once the HIAC has been lifted, and he announces that his mystery partner tonight will be a man who is very familiar to The Extreme – it is the traditionalist, [B]Eric Tyler[/B]. Tyler comes out, to loud boos, to join his partner for the night. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating B-[/B][/COLOR] Match 3: [B][CENTER]Eric Tyler and Enforcer Roberts v The Extreme[/CENTER][/B] An excellent tag match, as Tyler shows that despite being nearer to 50 than 40, he can still match up favourably with the younger, bigger stars. Of course, it also helps that he and the Extreme know each other really well from DAVE, and work well. I had hoped to have the Extreme go over here, but Tyler used his creative control and refused to job, so plans had to change and Tyler locked in the Tradition Lift on Chris Caulfield to give his side the win. [B][COLOR="red"]Winners: Eric Tyler and Enforcer Roberts Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Enforcer and Eric[/B] pick up the mics and tell [B]The Extreme[/B] to give up – they just can’t cut it here in KEY without the use of weapons like in DAVE. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] The tag champions, [B]Team PRIDE[/B] also get some mic time now. They talk about respect and hard work and honour etc etc etc. They say they respect the past achievements of [B]The Rebellion[/B], but that they are not going to lose their newly won titles tonight. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Team PRIDE (c) v The Rebellion (for the KEY Tag Titles)[/CENTER][/B] A hard-hitting matchup between the two Japanese teams. Tatsuko and Shimedzu come out looking the best, although the other two get to show off their skills as well. The end comes when Tatsuko and Shimedzu are exchanging kicks; Tatsuko gets on top and manages to set Shimedzu up into the Tatsuko Driller, from which no one gets up. Team PRIDE retain the Tag Titles. [B][COLOR="red"]Winners (and still Tag Champions): Team PRIDE Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Eric Tyler[/B] is backstage.[B] Guide[/B] comes up to his former stable leader in DAVE, but Tyler is not at all welcoming, telling Guide that he has been behaving appallingly, and that he is ashamed of how he has been so selfish and turned on Scout. Guide protests that it was not his fault – that Scout was the one who caused the problems by cheating to beat him, but Tyler refuses to listen. Guide tells Eric that it really is none of his business anyway, at which point Tyler tells him that he needs to learn some respect, and challenges Guide to face him next week on Total Wrestling. Guide, somwhat reluctantly, agrees to the match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [B][COLOR="red"]Guide v Chris Rockwell[/COLOR][/B] Guide heads to the ring to face Rockwell, but he is closely followed by Tyler, who insists on remaining at ringside to watch his former protégé. Unfortunately for Guide, watching is not all that Tyler does, as he manages to put Guide in his place by costing him the match with a chair shot to the head behind the referee’s back. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Chris Rockwell Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Tyler[/B] grabs the microphone again and tells [B]Guide[/B] that he should remember who his boss was – and still is. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] The three announcers talk us through the history between [B]Squeeky McClean [/B]and [B]Alicia Strong[/B], leading to tonight’s US Title match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Match 6: [B][CENTER]Squeeky McClean (c) v Alicia Strong (for the KEY United States Title) [/CENTER][/B] The history between these two means that this match starts at a frenetic pace, but neither can keep the other down for long. Back and forth they go, and as seems to be the habit tonight, there is some outside interference, as Enforcer Roberts hits the ring and destroys Alicia on Squeeky’s behalf. However, the referee turns round at an inopportune time and sees Enforcer attacking Alicia, and he climbs out of the ring and orders Enforcer to the back. As he does so, Bulldozer jumps out of the crowd and nails Squeeky with the Dozer Driver in the ring, before bailing out and back into the crowd. Alicia is the first to arouse, and she sees the unconscious form of Squeeky in the ring. Not knowing what has happened, she crawls over and drapes an arm over the champion, and the referee makes the 3 count. We have a NEW US Champion! [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/AliciaStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"]Winner (and NEW United States Champion): Alicia Strong Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Alicia[/B] watches the replay of the end of the match on the big screen as she celebrates groggily with her belt. She is clearly not happy to see that [B]Dozer[/B] nailed [B]Squeeky[/B], and she is even less happy when Squeeky, who has recovered somewhat, attacks her from behind, dropping her with the Clean Out. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, we come across [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] and [B]Scout [/B]arguing. Before things turn violent, [B]Nobu Tatsuko [/B]comes into camera shot and tells the pair that any contact prior to the match will mean forfeiting the match, and the other man will be declared the champion. Both men are clearly unhappy about this – but both slowly back away from the other, still taunting each other. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Alicia[/B] enters [B]Bulldozer’s[/B] locker room. He smiles at her and congratulates her on her win, but is surprised when she slaps him and tells him that she does not need to cheat to win, and that his actions disgusted her. Bulldozer apologises, and tries to tell her that he was only trying to even things up, but Alicia stalks off, leaving him looking unhappy. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 7: [CENTER][B]Angry Gilmore (c) v Scout (for the KEY World Title) [/B][/CENTER] Scout uses his first guaranteed title shot here against the only world champion that KEY has had so far in its history. It is a really good match, and surprisingly does not feature any interference, although, to be honest, Scout really doesn’t have too many friends to help him at the moment! Both men are happy to trade punches, take to the air and to wrestle on the mat, and it keeps the crowd on their toes, as both men get 2 ½ counts on the other. It spills outside and Scout rams Angry into the ring post, busting him open, and this seems to be the difference maker, as Angry slows down from then on. Scout ups his game and starts to dominate, but Angry fights back again, nearly pinning his challenger once more. He is slow to rise from the pin attempt and Scout quickly locks in the Special Force. Angry hangs on, and inches his way towards the ropes, but just as he is about to grab one, Scout drags him back to the centre of the ring and Angry is forced to tap out. Scout is the NEW KEY World Champion! [CENTER][IMG]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd66/rob4590/Scout.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"]Winner (and NEW KEY World Champion): Scout Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Scout[/B] celebrates in the ring with his title belt. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Scout [/B]then takes a mic and tells everyone that he has now proved who the most dominant wrestler in KEY really is – he is the only man to win the tag titles, the Best of the Best Tournament title, and now the World Title. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B.[/COLOR] PPV Buy Rate = 0.26 (best so far for me)[/B] Apparently Kwakami and Cattley are fatigued by their part in the show - well stop moonlighting for other promotions then guys! 5SSW have asked Alicia Strong to go on tour with them - I hope they don't wear her out as well. K-Pro and Dragon have gone out of business (both were small Japanese touring promotions) NPW (a small USA promotion, but the only small fed which was running weekly shows) get their final bankruptcy warning. I make an offer to buy them out, looking to hire their owner, Steve Flash, and also possibly Matt Sparrow – this owner block on hiring people who are employed elsewhere is pretty horrible, especially in this scenario. Oh well - only another 18 months of it to go! :rolleyes: So, we bought out NPW for $100k - whether that is the right price, i don't know - it's the first time I've ever tried a takeover - I wonder if I got ripped off? I made their Triple Crown Title (the main event title for them) into another midcard title for me - a high flying one, just for something different.
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[CENTER][B][U]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 1 July 2007[/U][/B] McGaw Arena, Tri State, Attendance 5000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] [B]The Guru[/B] is with his client, [B]Runaway Train[/B], who is clearly still unhappy to have lost his series to [B]Bulldozer[/B]. Guru tells Train that he has organised a nice easy match for him tonight, so that he can just go out there and beat the crap out of someone – and that someone is [B]Kashmir Singh[/B]. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating D+[/COLOR][/B] (the crowd hated the segment – how far Train has fallen!) Match 1: [B][CENTER]Runaway Train v Kashmir Singh[/CENTER][/B] It is a straightforward win for Train here, as he takes his time in throwing Kashmir around the ring, before pinning him following the Train Wreck. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Runaway Train Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Our new United States Champion, [B]Alicia Strong[/B] comes to the ring for a celebration of her title win at the PPV. She thanks the fans for all their support, as she battled for sexual equality in KEY, and she tells them that she will be an honourable champion, unlike Squeeky McClean. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating B-[/B][/COLOR] She is interrupted by the appearance of the [B]Bulldozer[/B], who tells [B]Alicia [/B]that he was only trying to help her by interfering in her title match on Friday. He apologises for upsetting her, but tells her that he would still do the same again if he saw her in trouble like that – it is only gentlemanly to help a lady out. Alicia accepts his apology but tells him that he is to treat her just like any other wrestler here in KEY, not to treat her different because she is a woman. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, our new World Champion, [B]Scout[/B], is with [B]Jessie[/B]. He tells her that he is, without doubt, the most dominant wrestler here in KEY, having now won THREE different titles in just six months. [COLOR="Green"]“What’s more,” [/COLOR]he boasts, [COLOR="green"]“I will be a fighting champion – starting right now!” [/COLOR][COLOR="Red"][B]Rating B+[/B][/COLOR] Match 2: [B][CENTER]Scout (c) v Marcos Flores (for the KEY World Title)[/CENTER][/B] The announcers complain about Scout’s first opponent, saying that Flores is clearly not in Scout’s league, but they soon fall quiet as Flores shows why he has such a huge reputation in Mexico. He hits most of his top rope moves, but can’t put the new champ down, and Scout powers past him in the end, forcing the submission with the Special Force to retain his title. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner (and still KEY World Champion): Scout Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Scout[/B] grabs a mic and addresses [B]Angry Gilmore[/B], telling him again that he is better, and that he has just proved it, by making voluntary defences of the title, unlike Angry. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] The two owners of KEY, [B]Jeremy Stone and Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B], come to the ring and address the crowd. They mention that, as most people know, they recently bought out [B]Steve Flash’s [/B]promotion, [B]NPW[/B], and that they are introducing one of NPW’s titles into KEY. It is the Triple Crown Title, which will be a highflying title here in KEY, and there will be an eight-man tournament for the title over the coming month, with the first match coming next. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [B][CENTER]Raphael v Insane Machine (Triple Crown tournament match) [/CENTER][/B] Keeping with the highflying nature of the belt, this is a ladder match and this plays straight into the hands of Insane Machine, who has lots of experience in such matches. This shows, as he uses the ladder to his advantage, whereas his young opponent, Raphael, seems a little lost at times. Insane Machine wins a good match when he retrieves the briefcase as required, which apparently contains a contract for the semi final match. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Insane Machine Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] A short video reminds the viewers of the full events of the [B]Runaway Train v Bulldozer [/B]feud, which was won in the Hell in a Cell match by Dozer on Friday. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Bulldozer v JD Morgan[/CENTER][/B] One word – WOW! They have great chemistry and boy did it show. JD played the cowardly heel, using all his experience to avoid matching up physically with the impressive Bulldozer, while whenever Dozer did connect with a hit on Morgan, he looked very dominant. Morgan could only run and cheat for so long, and Dozer finished things with an Inverted Piledriver. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Bulldozer Rating A*,[/COLOR][/B] thanks to their good chemistry. [B]Squeeky McClean [/B]comes out with a microphone as[B] Dozer [/B]celebrates, and sarcastically claps the young winner. [COLOR="Green"]“You may have beaten that c0ckney idiot tonight, but that’s going to change next week when you face me. You cost me my United States Title last week and I can’t forgive that, so I’m going to beat you within an inch of your life – if you’re man enough to fight me?” [/COLOR] Dozer nods and beckons Squeeky to start right now, but Squeeky backs away to the locker area, having got what he came for. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Scout’s[/B] music hits, and he makes his way to the announce table, telling Ana Garcia to leave. He is asked by Jason why he is out here to commentate on the next match between [B]Eric Tyler and Guide[/B], to which he responds by telling Jason to stop asking stupid questions – it is his former partner against his former mentor – of course he wants to watch! [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [B][CENTER]Eric Tyler v Guide[/CENTER][/B] Damn – what a let down. Guide doesn’t seem to be able to carry matches in the same way that Scout does, and it shows here. Tyler appears slow tonight as well, and the crowd come away feeling rather let down, despite the effort that both men put in. Tyler picks up the win to confirm his superiority over his former School of Tradition stable mate. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Eric Tyler Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Before [B]Scout[/B] can leave the announce table, out comes [B]Angry Gilmore[/B], who tells Scout that if he is the fighting champion that he claims, then he won’t mind fighting Angry again for the title at Out of the Frying Pan in 3 weeks time. Scout agrees to the match, but promises that it will be the same old result. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B-.[/COLOR] TV Rating = 2.90 (my highest rating so far)[/B] Shame I got the match order wrong there – could have been a much higher rated show otherwise! A cheeky buy out attempt for PCWA is turned down – I guess Rip Chord, who owns it, doesn’t want to come work for us! Signed Steve Flash and Matt Sparrow (from the now defunct NPW), and re-signed Marcos Flores (albeit with a much increased salary)
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Finally got back to this scenario, gotta say this draft was a great way to distribute the talent. I played a year with FLWA but since I can only stand to book 1 TV show a week, by the end of the year I was bringing up the rear in popularity.... With of course your fine promotion, KEY, in the lead. I decided to Autoclick from there- it's currently April of 2009 and KEY just went National (a mere 3 weeks after FLWA :p ): Your Main Eventers in the game are: [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] [B]Steve DeColt[/B] -[I] Brawling up to a B+ after 2 years of fighting McFly in T-Pro, he's a weapon now.[/I] [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] [B]Rick Law[/B] - [I]Freshly stolen from UWF.[/I] [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] The title went from Runaway Train ([I]until Feb. 2008[/I]) to Tatsuko ([I]until July[/I]) to Stone ([I]until Jan 2009[/I]) to Jack Giedroyc ([I]until April, when he foolishly left for NLWF days before they fell back to Cult[/I]) to current champ Enforcer Roberts. Still check this dynasty out once in a while, keep it up!
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;394334]Finally got back to this scenario, gotta say this draft was a great way to distribute the talent. I played a year with FLWA but since I can only stand to book 1 TV show a week, by the end of the year I was bringing up the rear in popularity.... With of course your fine promotion, KEY, in the lead. I decided to Autoclick from there- it's currently April of 2009 and KEY just went National (a mere 3 weeks after FLWA :p ): Your Main Eventers in the game are: [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] [B]Steve DeColt[/B] -[I] Brawling up to a B+ after 2 years of fighting McFly in T-Pro, he's a weapon now.[/I] [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] [B]Rick Law[/B] - [I]Freshly stolen from UWF.[/I] [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] The title went from Runaway Train ([I]until Feb. 2008[/I]) to Tatsuko ([I]until July[/I]) to Stone ([I]until Jan 2009[/I]) to Jack Giedroyc ([I]until April, when he foolishly left for NLWF days before they fell back to Cult[/I]) to current champ Enforcer Roberts. Still check this dynasty out once in a while, keep it up![/QUOTE] Thanks for the comment! Thats certainly not the main event I'd have chosen :p My owner goal of not hiring anyone who is employed elsewhere is a bit restricting - so my main event isn't going to change a great deal! And I'm gutted that your FLWA beat my KEY to national - given our war relationship in the scenario :D Superior Wrestling (in Mexico) are the front runners in this game - they've got 2 TV shows and are probably headed for national early in 2008. You'll probably notice a slight change in my booking towards the end of August (game time) - I had run right up to there when I was playing this in October, and have just got back into this game in the last few days - just can't get into a new game at the moment - I book 2 or 3 shows and lose interest. You will hopefully notice a few more matches after the end of August that have no interference - i re-read this diary this weekend and realised that about 80% of matches had an attack - so I'm trying to cut it down a little, and get back to 'proper' wrestling! Anyway - on with the next show! [CENTER]******************** [B][SIZE="4"][U]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 2 July 2007[/U][/SIZE][/B] Shakeshaft Auditorium, Great Lakes, Attendance 4523[/CENTER] The show opens, and the announcers talk briefly about our main event tonight, [B]Squeeky McClean [/B]against [B]Bulldozer[/B], which came about after Dozer helped Alicia Strong defeat Squeeky for his US Title recently. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Match 1: [B][CENTER]Kashmir Singh v Davis Newton[/CENTER][/B] Two youngsters open up tonight, with both hoping to make their mark here in KEY. Newton has a couple of wins over Alex Braun already, and in a very nice match, he adds another W to his win/loss record here as he beats Kashmir easily here, pinning him after a Fisherman’s Suplex. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Davis Newton Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Nobu Tatsuko[/B] comes out to the ring and announces that as part of the takeover deal for NPW, KEY has acquired the services of the former owner of NPW, [B]Steve Flash[/B], as well as one of the young stars in NPW, [B]Matt Sparrow[/B], and they will be teaming together here in KEY. They come out to join Nobu, saying that they are looking forward to testing themselves in a big promotion against quality athletes. No one cares. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Before [B]Tatsuko[/B] can return to the back, [B]Chris Rockwell[/B] comes out to talk to him. He reminds everyone that the pair of them fought to a draw in the Best of the Best tournament, when the Rebellion caused the match to be stopped. He says that since he has now accepted that he is going to be denied any title opportunities, he is going to try an erase any less than perfect matches from his record, and so he wants to face Tatsuko once again, to prove who would have won a couple of months ago. Tatsuko says that it is fine by him – he will face the Rock at Out of the Frying Pan, but that he will just have to confirm with Jeremy that it is ok, given that he would normally be expected to defend his tag titles that night. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 2: [B][CENTER]Shooter Sean Deeley v Hitomaro Suzuki (Triple Crown tournament match)[/CENTER][/B] Perhaps a strange pairing for a high flying tournament, and although this is nominally a ladder match, the ladder only gets introduced right at the end, for Shooter to climb and advance to round 2, as they battle most of the match on the mat. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley Rating B-,[/COLOR][/B] since they don’t click The World Champion, [B]Scout[/B] appears on the screen and addresses the locker room, reminding them that he is the real fighting champion here in KEY, and as such, he will face anyone at all for the title next week. That is, anyone except Angry Gilmore, because, as he says, Angry already has a title shot at the end of the month, and claiming another match would just be greedy. [COLOR="Green"]“Somewhat hypocritical, for a man who had two title shots available to him through his Best of the Best win!” [/COLOR]complains Ana. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [B][CENTER]Super Joshuya v Roku Sotomura (Triple Crown tournament match)[/CENTER][/B] The third first round match here, and again it is a ladder match, which clearly favours Super Joshuya, who dominates his Japanese counterpart throughout, before picking off the win. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Super Joshuya Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, we see [B]Alicia Strong[/B] warming up for her first defence of her United States Title. [B]Bulldozer[/B] appears round a corner, sees Alicia, stops briefly while looking thoughtfully at her, and then wishes her good luck tonight, before walking off. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jessie[/B] is with [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] who is itching to get his hands on [B]Bulldozer[/B] tonight, in order to make him pay for costing Squeeky his title. He promises Dozer that he will be put in his place by the superior technique of the greatest US champion in KEY. [COLOR="Green"]“But he’s been the only champion until last week!”[/COLOR] laughs Jason. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Alicia Strong (c) v JD Morgan (for the United States Title)[/CENTER][/B] The commentators can’t quite understand why JD has got this title shot tonight, given that he lost to Bulldozer last week, but once the two wrestlers start fighting, their criticism stops, as a wonderful match follows. JD tries to cheat his way to victory, raking the eyes, choking Alicia whenever possible, but his cheating doesn’t always quite work, notably when he forgets that Alicia isn’t a man, and tries to low blow her, which doesn’t have quite the same effect as he expected! Alicia fights back and returns the favour with a low blow of her own, with a much more potent effect! She then hoists JD into the Angel Driver and that is that. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner (and still US Champion): Alicia Strong Rating A*[/COLOR][/B] Notes: This is now rated as the best match that I have booked [B]Alicia[/B] celebrates briefly, and then starts walking up the ramp, but before she can reach the top, [B]Squeeky McClean’s [/B]music starts and he appears in front of her. There is a short pause from both wrestlers, as they stare each other down, and then a swarm of officials appear to keep them apart, as Squeeky continues to the ring, while Alicia goes backstage. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Bulldozer[/B] makes his entrance next, and before stepping in the ring, he addresses [B]Squeeky[/B], telling him that he may be young, but that Squeeky should remember his name, cos he will be hearing it for years to come. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [B][CENTER]Squeeky McClean v Bulldozer[/CENTER][/B] Squeeky soon finds out how powerful Dozer is, as he is thrown around the ring in the early going. But unlike Runaway Train, who tried to overpower Dozer, Squeeky uses his cunning to gain the advantage, leading Dozer on a chase round the outside of the ring, which gives him the advantage of rolling back in first. He has a good spell of offence as he then keeps Dozer grounded, but the youngster refuses to give in, even when Squeeky catches him in the Clean Out submission hold. He battles to the ropes and starts to turn the match round in his favour, but then Enforcer Roberts appears and nails Bulldozer with the ring bell, while Squeeky keeps the ref’s attention, complaining about a supposed thumb to his eye from Dozer. When Enforcer rolls the semi conscious Bulldozer back into the ring, Squeeky quickly hits the Stain Removal and makes the pin. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Squeeky McClean Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Squeeky and Enforcer [/B]continue to assault [B]Bulldozer[/B] after the bell, until [B]Alicia Strong[/B] comes out to help the former footballer, and chase off the laughing heels. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/COLOR] TV Rating = 2.98[/B] Now, for a show that really didn’t feature any of my main eventers, B+ is a heck of a rating! Mind you I’ve just auto pushed everyone after the show and Alicia IS actually now a main eventer!!! [B]Other news from around the world:[/B] Eisaku Kunomasu wins the GC Emperor’s Cup tournament in Europe. Surprisingly, an Internet poll has voted Angry Gilmore the Best High Flier in the world!! I've changed all my merchandising to custom as a trial - never done it before so let’s see how this goes!
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 3 July 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] McGaw Arena, Tri State, Attendance 5000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] The three announcers open the show by mentioning that [B]Scout[/B] will be defending his World Title tonight, but that his opponent is still unknown, as no one has officially answered his challenge from last week yet. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 1: [B][CENTER]NPW Alliance (Steve Flash and Matt Sparrow) v Kashmir Singh and Merle O’Curle[/CENTER][/B] A comfortable debut match for Flash and Sparrow here as they take on a makeshift pairing of Singh and O’Curle. Never much doubt as to the result, as Flash schools the youngsters. [B][COLOR="red"]Winners: NPW Alliance Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Match 2: [B][CENTER]Runaway Train v Hitomaro Suzuki[/CENTER][/B] Another seemingly easy matchup for Train this week, but he struggles to put Suzuki away, despite his size advantage. Eventually this does prove too much to overcome and the Train Wreck gives the monster another hard fought win. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Runaway Train Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, [B]Bulldozer [/B]bumps into [B]Alicia Strong.[/B] He thanks her for helping him last week, telling her that he is a new age man, and quite happy to admit when a woman is better than him, and last week was one of those times when she proved to be a real star, and if there is anything he can do to thank her, she only has to ask. [COLOR="Green"]“Is it just me imagining things, or is he hitting on her?” [/COLOR]comments Ana. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Bulldozer [/B]continues on his way to the ring, where he suddenly gets very serious as he talks to the crowd about what happened last week, and how [B]Enforcer Roberts [/B]cost him the match against [B]Squeeky McClean[/B]. He therefore challenges Enforcer to be a man and face him at Out of the Frying Pan. Enforcer comes to the ramp and accepts the challenge, telling Dozer it will be his pleasure to beat him face to face. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [B][CENTER]Steven Parker v Marcos Flores (Triple Crown tournament match)[/CENTER][/B] Yet another ladder match here in round 1, and it is an excellent match, with Parker using the ladder as a weapon, while Flores flies off it several times as his springboard onto Parker. A very even match ends when Flores drop kicks Parker into the ropes, where his arms get entangled, allowing Marcos to easily climb up the ladder and retrieve the last semi final contract. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Marcos Flores Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jeremy Stone [/B]comes out and announces that next week the two semi final matches will take place, and that they are as follows: [B]Shooter Sean Deeley v Super Joshuya[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Insane Machine v Marcos Flores[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, we interrupt a conversation between [B]Chris Rockwell and Eric Tyler, [/B]who congratulates the Rock on his excellent record, before claiming that he only beat [B]Guide[/B] recently because of the help that Eric gave him. Rockwell tells Tyler that he had things sewn up long before Tyler’s interference and that it was totally unnecessary. He tells Tyler to hobble off back to UWF, the only place where anyone cares about old, washed up, has-beens like him. Tyler takes offence and they start pushing and shoving. When [B]Nobu Tatsuko[/B] hears this commotion, he pulls them apart and tells them to sort this properly, right now, in the ring. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Eric Tyler v Chris Rockwell[/CENTER][/B] The match starts as they enter the ringside area and never slows down. The announcers are shocked at how a 47 year old like Tyler has so much energy, and the battle rages for over 15 minutes. Then Guide makes an appearance as the Rock has Tyler trapped in a sleeper hold. He grabs a chair, and signals to the Rock that he is going to nail his former mentor over the head with it, but at the last moment, he hits Rockwell instead. He then grabs a microphone and yells at Tyler that this is to show Eric that he is not totally useless. He prepares to assault Rockwell once more, but is speared from behind by Nobu Tatsuko, who comes to protect his opponent (The Rock) at Out of the Frying Pan! Tyler and Rockwell both slowly get to their feet and start battling again, but with Guide and Tatsuko refusing to leave the ring as they brawl, the referee gives up and ends the match as a draw. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: No one (DRAW) Rating A[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Tyler used his creative control once again, otherwise the Rock would have gone over him here. When the ring has cleared, [B]Jeremy Stone [/B]comes out and talks about how proud he is to see Tatsuko helping a future opponent out, and that situations like that make him glad he founded KEY. He then addresses [B]Scout[/B] and accepts his open challenge from last week, telling him to come on down right now and start the match. [B]Rating B+[/B] Match 5: [CENTER][B]Scout (c) v Jeremy Stone (for the KEY World Championship)[/B][/CENTER] And what a way to end the evening, as the two men battled for 20 minutes over the prestigious World Title, with neither giving an inch, and more surprisingly, neither man using any underhanded tactics to gain an advantage. The title nearly changed hands on several occasions, as Jeremy used his years of experience to control long periods of the fight, but Scout is on a roll, and simply refused to lie down for Jeremy. He battled back and retained the title with the Special Force. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner (and still KEY World Champion): Scout Rating A*[/COLOR][/B] [B]Scout[/B] starts to celebrate, when [B]Jeremy [/B]taps him on the back, and offers his hand. Scout pauses, looks round the crowd, and then grasps Jeremy’s hand and the two men pose for the crowd together. [COLOR="Green"]“Could Scout be turning over a new leaf?” [/COLOR]questions Jason. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/COLOR] TV Rating = 3.04[/B] Guide and Natsu Miyamae both re-negotiate their contracts and re-sign, but only on PPA contracts. It's better than losing them though.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 4 July 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] Shakeshaft Auditorium, Great Lakes, Attendance 4918[/CENTER] Match 1: [CENTER][B]Team PRIDE v The Extreme (for the Tag Titles)[/B][/CENTER] Given that they won’t be defending their title at this month’s PPV, Team PRIDE have a title match tonight against the Extreme. Caulfield is clearly the weak link in this match and he is kept out of the ring as much as possible. Unfortunately this means that Tatsuko and Kwakami wear down Big Cat and eventually Kwakami forces him to submit to the Kwakami Painlock. [B][COLOR="Red"]Winners (and still KEY Tag Champions): Team PRIDE Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] comes out and welcomes everyone to tonight’s show, reminding the viewers that the main event is [B]Angry Gilmore against Ken Shimedzu[/B]. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, and we see [B]Bulldozer and Alicia Strong [/B]talking. Bulldozer is clearly agreeing to everything that Alicia says, and generally trying to get back in her good books. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Match 2: [B][CENTER]Davis Newton v Hitomaro Suzuki[/CENTER][/B] Another dominant performance from Davis Newton here, as he takes Suzuki to the cleaners, winning quickly and easily. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Davis Newton Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] We cut backstage and see [B]Runaway Train[/B] and his manager, [B]The Guru[/B], watching the monitor showing Davis’ match. [COLOR="Green"]“He’s taking the mickey out of me,” [/COLOR]complains Train. [COLOR="green"]“Both matches I’ve had this month, he’s faced that person the following week, and made it obvious that he has beaten them quicker and more easily than I did. I’m not having it!” [/COLOR][B][COLOR="Red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [CENTER][B]Super Joshuya v Shooter Sean Deeley (Triple Crown Semi Final match)[/B][/CENTER] As usual in this tournament, it is a ladder match, and once again this appears to favour Super Joshuya. He is firmly in control of an excellent match, when Steven Parker races to the ring and tries to help his partner. As Deeley holds Joshuya from behind, Parker lines up a chair shot to the masked man, but Joshuya ducks out of the way and Parker levels Deeley instead. A vicious DDT lays out Parker as well, as Joshuya jumps quickly up the ladder to retrieve the briefcase with the contract for the title match on Friday. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Super Joshuya Rating A[/COLOR][/B] When [B]Deeley[/B] comes to, he realises that [B]Parker [/B]cost him the match, and the two men start arguing about what just happened, with Parker insisting that it was totally accidental. They leave the ring together but things are clearly somewhat tense. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating D[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] is in his office when [B]The Rebellion [/B]burst in. They complain that they have been screwed out of another tag title shot, with Tatsuko being allowed to face the Rock on Friday, and they demand to get another title shot against [B]Team PRIDE[/B] early next month. Jeremy says that next month’s matches don’t get sorted until after the PPV, and to have any chance of another title shot they must beat [B]The Extreme [/B]once again at the PPV. The Rebellion aren’t happy, but Jeremy tells them to take it or leave it. They nod angrily and leave to prepare for Shimedzu’s match later on tonight. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Enforcer Roberts v Alex Braun[/CENTER][/B] I thought it was about time that these two guys got some ring time, and with Enforcer facing Dozer on Friday, the result was a foregone conclusion, although the quality of the match surprised me a little. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Enforcer Roberts Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jessie[/B] is talking to [B]Alicia Strong[/B] backstage. She is asked about the re-match for the US Title on Friday against [B]Squeeky McClean[/B]. [COLOR="Green"]“I beat him two months ago to keep my job, I beat him last month to win his title, and I’ll beat him again to retain MY title on Friday.” [/COLOR] Then Jessie asks her about her relationship with Bulldozer, saying that it seems like he is sweet on her. Alicia blushes and refuses to answer. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Marcos Flores v Insane Machine (Triple Crown Semi Final match)[/CENTER][/B] Once again this is a ladder match, which should suit both these high flyers to a T. However it doesn’t quite take off (:p ) as well as the previous matches, although for two lower carders it is still a good match. It is very even throughout, and is decided when both men are up ladders. Insane Machine manages to throw Flores off his ladder, and he catapults off the ring ropes and is stunned against the ladder. Machine claims his reward of a place in the tournament final against his tag partner, Super Joshuya. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Insane Machine Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Nobu Tatsuko[/B] is in his office when his partner, [B]Akinori Kwakami,[/B] comes in. He says that he is feeling very left out – everyone else, except him, seems to have a match on Friday at Out of the Frying Pan. Nobu says that he can do something about that – he can have a singles match against [B]Runaway Train[/B]. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B] is the interviewer next, as she talks to [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] about his forthcoming re-match with [B]Scout[/B]. [COLOR="Green"]“Yes, I’m up against it – Scout has been totally dominant in singles matches since coming to KEY, and he beat me fair and square last month. But I won’t give up, and I’ll be giving it 110% to regain my title.” [/COLOR][B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [B][CENTER]Angry Gilmore v Ken Shimedzu[/CENTER][/B] And Angry is back on form here as he and Shimedzu battle for dominance. It raises the roof of the Shakeshaft Auditorium, and both the former Burning Hammer Junior Champions show why they won that title in the past. Angry gets some momentum going before his match with Scout as he wins thanks to the Anger Management. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Angry Gilmore Rating A*[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = A !!!!!![/COLOR] (Finally an A show!) TV Rating = 3.03[/B]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]KEY Out of the Frying Pan PPV, Fri Week 4 July 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] At Plum Park, Tri State. Attendance 15000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] [B]Jason Azaria, Ana Garcia and Rob4590[/B] welcome everyone to the PPV, and remind the crowd that tonight’s main event is for the KEY World Title, and it is [B]Scout[/B] defending the belt against the man he beat for the title last month, [B]Angry Gilmore[/B]. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating B-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B] is with [B]The Rebellion,[/B] who complain about having to beat [B]The Extreme [/B]once again tonight, and also that [B]Team PRIDE[/B] have just forgotten about defending the tag titles recently. They tell the crowd that that is not how REAL champions behave. What happened to their pride, their honour and the glory of defending their titles against the best team in KEY, they question. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 1: [B][CENTER]The Extreme v The Rebellion[/CENTER][/B] Well it’s pretty standard stuff in this match, as they have done this plenty of times now, and it is the same result the last few times – Chris Caulfield gets isolated in the ring, eventually makes the hot tag to Big Cat Brandon, who cleans house, only for Caulfield to tag back in and then make a rookie mistake allowing Miyamae to pick up the pinfall on Chris. [B][COLOR="red"]Winners: The Rebellion Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Caulfield and Brandon[/B] start arguing as they go to the back, with Big Cat telling Caulfield that he is fed up of having to try and do both of their work for them – Chris isn’t pulling his weight. Caulfield storms off. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating C[/B][/COLOR] [B]Jason [/B]talks briefly about out next match, which will crown a new champion here in KEY – it is the [COLOR="Blue"]Triple Crown title[/COLOR], which will be won by either [B]Super Joshuya [/B]or his partner, [B]Insane Machine[/B], in an [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate X[/COLOR] match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Match 2: [B][CENTER]Super Joshuya v Insane Machine (for the Triple Crown Title)[/CENTER][/B] The two partners have a lot of respect for each other and start out slowly, but it soon comes to life when Machine makes an early attempt to scale the wires. They both use all their top rope moves to try and keep the other down long enough to make the trip to the centre of the X, but it takes a long time before this happens, and when it does, it sees both men trying simultaneously. They both attempt to kick and punch the other off the wires while holding on with just one hand, and it is the puro background of Super Joshuya that prevails, as his kicks find the mark more powerfully, causing Machine to release his grip and collapse to the canvas. Joshuya grabs the title belt and drops to the ring floor, clutching his gold. [B][COLOR="Red"]Winner (and NEW Triple Crown champion): Super Joshuya Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Super Joshuya[/B] starts celebrating, and [B]Insane Machine [/B]joins in, but unfortunately the crowd don’t really want to know. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating D[/COLOR][/B] [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B] is in the locker room when he hears Chris Caulfield return. He goes over to confront Chris, and tells him that he wasn’t kidding earlier – he really has had enough of Chris holding him back, and that he no longer wants to tag with him. Chris snarls back that he agrees, that it was Big Cat who never wanted to get in the ring and fight recently during their matches – hence why HE was always worn out by the end. They start yelling at each other and both say that they will prove who was holding who back. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] In another corridor backstage, [B]Akinori Kwakami [/B]is warming up, when [B]Runaway Train[/B] comes flying into him, knocking him flying. Kwakami is quickly back to his feet and avoids a further attack from his opponent this evening, and Train soon decides that he has lost the advantage of surprise, and retreats. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] The World Champion, [B]Scout,[/B] is in the ring. He goes through the usual stuff about him never losing, how [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]can’t beat him etc, when Angry comes out with his own microphone and tells Scout to start respecting other fighters, and stop being so c0cky – as he should know the old saying – pride goes before a fall. Scout insists it is the truth, not boasting, and promises to prove it once again in their match later on. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating A[/B][/COLOR] [B]Rob4590 [/B]hypes the match between [B]Runaway Train and Akinori Kwakami[/B], saying that although there is not really much build up to it, Train desperately needs a confidence boosting win over a good wrestler, while Kwakami could also do with the win to try to break out of the shadow of his partner, Tatsuko. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C [/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [B][CENTER]Runaway Train v Akinori Kwakami[/CENTER][/B] And it’s a new personal best for Train! These two go at each other, with Kwakami not afraid to mix it with the bigger man, and he focuses on Train’s legs, aiming kicks at his knees and thighs, trying to force the 300lb-er off his feet. Train concentrates on brawling with Kwakami, trying to get close where he can use his size to his advantage, and overpower the Japanese star. He looks to have done so as he signals for the Train Wreck, but Kwakami slips away, and unloads a wicked inziguri (sp?) kick to Train’s head, knocking him down, before applying the Kwakami Painlock, and forcing the submission. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Akinori Kwakami Rating B[/COLOR][/B] (Yikes, it’s a miracle!) [B]Kwakami [/B]starts celebrating, but when[B] Train[/B] recovers, he launches himself once again at Kwakami and with the element of surprise he gains the upper hand. A cheer from the crowd announces the appearance of [B]Nobu Tatsuko[/B], who runs to the ring, quickly pulls off his tag belt from his waist and battles Train, protecting his partner. A gasp from the crowd signals that [B]The Rebellion[/B] have sneaked through the crowd, and they hurdle the guardrail and grabs Team PRIDE’s title belts, before disappearing quickly back through the crowd. [B][COLOR="red"]Ratings B- (attack and save) and B (belt stealing)[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jessie[/B] is interviewing [B]Bulldozer.[/B] He says that he spent the past three months fighting not only [B]Runaway Train[/B], but also his henchman, [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B]. [COLOR="Green"]“And even now, Roberts keeps getting involved in my matches, costing me the win over Squeeky this month. Tonight it sto….” [/COLOR] He is cut off by a shot from a kendo stick to the head, wielded by Enforcer. Roberts, who hits the heavyweight with several more resounding blows, before dragging Dozer out to the arena to start their match. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Bulldozer v Enforcer Roberts[/CENTER][/B] Bulldozer doesn’t have any time to recover, and he is clearly hampered by the assault during his interview, as Enforcer starts strongly, controlling the early going. However, Enforcer’s ground-based style gives Bulldozer a chance to clear his head while Roberts tries to tie him up in submission attempts, and he powers back into the match. But then Enforcer gets the upper hand again, as Squeeky McClean makes his presence felt by blindsiding Bulldozer, giving the veteran control once more, and allowing him to lock in the RCT, to force Bulldozer to give this match up. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Enforcer Roberts Rating A,[/COLOR][/B] thanks to their good chemistry. [B]Bulldozer [/B]staggers to the back, and [B]Squeeky and Enforcer [/B]take the mics and tell him never to underestimate them, and they ask him how it feels to be a loser on one of the biggest nights of the year? [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, [B]Jessie[/B] is now with [B]Alicia Strong[/B]. Jessie asks why Alicia didn’t help [B]Dozer [/B]just then, but Alicia says that she is focussed only on her own match tonight, and that she wasn’t even watching, as she is determined to retain her title, and keep proving that she is better than any man, especially [B]Squeeky McClean[/B]. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [CENTER][B]Alicia Strong (c) v Squeeky McClean (for the United States Title)[/B][/CENTER] Alicia and Squeeky know each other’s tactics by now, and this is a very even match throughout. Whenever one seemingly gets control, the other reverses a move and it swings back and forth. Both get several near falls as they tire, and then much to the disapproval of the crowd, Enforcer Roberts re-appears and starts getting involved, clearly repaying the favour to Squeeky from a few minutes earlier. Alicia is in serious trouble, and as Squeeky sets her up for the Stain Removal, Enforcer suddenly crumbles to the ground, having been levelled by his own kendo stick, which is now wielded by a furious, but still clearly groggy Bulldozer. Dozer rolls into the ring and swings wildly at Squeeky who bails out of the ring. The next swing nearly takes the referee’s head off and he quickly decides that he is not staying in the ring, and calls for the bell, citing a double DQ from both bits of interference. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: No one (Draw) – Alicia Strong retains the United States title Rating A* [/COLOR][/B] [B]Enforcer [/B]recovers enough to grab [B]Alicia’s[/B] foot and pulls her to the floor, before locking in the RCT on her, while[B] Squeeky[/B] stomps on the US champion.[B] Dozer [/B]slowly turns round and realises that Alicia still needs his help, and he dives through the ropes, forcing Squeeky and Enforcer to make their exit in a hurry. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, [B]Jeremy Stone [/B]is in front of the camera. He shakes his head and says that he is fed up with seeing matches ending in such circumstances, and that if they all can’t sort themselves out, then he will have to do it for them. [COLOR="Green"]“I’ve been content to let others steal the limelight so far, but not any longer. I am coming for the gold, and anyone who gets in my way is going to feel the power of the Stone Hold. You are all on notice!”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rob4590 [/B]talks briefly about the [B]Chris Rockwell v Nobu Tatsuko[/B] match, as brief highlights of their drawn match in the Best of the Best tournament are shown. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating C+ [/B][/COLOR](since I accidentally put Caulfield in the angle (instead of the considerably more popular Rockwell) Match 6: [B][CENTER]Nobu Tatsuko v Chris Rockwell[/CENTER][/B] And this match lives up to its promise as well. Both men are determined to prove that they would have won in April without the unfortunate ending thanks to the Rebellion, and they both show off their skills here. They battle long and hard, and without interference for over 20 minutes, when the Rock starts getting control. He manages to hit the Rock Down on Tatsuko, but the Japanese star ends up under the ropes, and uses his experience to roll out to the floor. Rockwell poses for the crowd for a moment, but when Tatsuko stands up outside, the Rock throws himself through the ropes in a suicide dive onto Nobu. The force of the impact throws both men into the announce table with a sickening thud, and they collapse to the floor, and are unable to beat the 10 count from the referee. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: No one (Draw – double count out) Rating A*[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jason Azaria [/B]talks once again about the World Title match between [B]Scout and Angry Gilmore[/B], saying that if it manages to top the last couple of matches, then the crowd is really in for a treat. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 7: [CENTER][B]Scout (c) v Angry Gilmore (for the KEY World Title)[/B][/CENTER] And it might just have done exactly that, as the current and former champions gave it their all. Non-stop action for 25 minutes kept the crowd on their feet throughout, as they cheered Angry on, with their favourite getting sooooo close with several pin attempts. Even when he hit the Anger Management, he still couldn’t make it count, as Scout got a foot on the ropes at 2. Scout also had his moments, getting Angry in the Special Force on two occasions, but likewise, Angry made the rope break each time. Eventually though, at the third attempt, Scout locked in the submission move, and Angry was too weak to resist, thus enabling Scout to retain his title. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner (and still KEY World Champion): Scout Rating A*[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Once again, my best ever match. [B]Scout[/B] celebrates the win, and [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]shows his respect for the performance of his conqueror, by shaking his hand and raising his arm in victory. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B+[/COLOR] PPV Buy Rate = 0.39 [/B](comfortably my largest buy rate, some 50% up on last month) With the wrestling industry rising, buy rates are up for everyone, not just for me, with IOW, ALL Wrestle and SCW getting the top three rates of the year this weekend (0.64, 0.59 and 0.49 respectively) However, inexplicably, T-Pro have let their PPV deal lapse.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][U]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 1 August 2007[/U][/SIZE][/B] Washington State Gymnasium, North West, Attendance 1983[/CENTER] The three announcers, [B]Jason Azaria, Ana Garcia and Rob[/B], mention that tonight’s main event is [B]Jeremy Stone [/B]getting back in action against another man who the crowd won’t have seen for a few weeks, [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B]. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] They go on to say that tonight’s opening match will be for the Triple Crown Title, and it is a repeat of the PPV match we saw on Friday, between the new champion, [B]Super Joshuya [/B]and his tag team partner, [B]Insane Machine[/B]. It will be a ladder match tonight. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Match 1: [B][CENTER]Super Joshuya (c) v Insane Machine (for the Triple Crown Title)[/CENTER][/B] An excellent way to open the show here in the North West, as they see a highflying match, which ends with the same result as their Ultimate X match on Friday, with Super Joshuya claiming the belt from the top of the ladder. [COLOR="red"][B]Winner (and still Triple Crown Champion): Super Joshuya Rating B[/B][/COLOR] The two men are good friends and embrace at the end of the match and celebrate together, despite Insane Machine’s disappointment at losing again. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, we see [B]Big Cat Brandon [/B]giving his former partner in the Extreme, [B]Chris Caulfield,[/B] a good kicking, rubbing in the point he made after their loss at Out of the Frying Pan.[COLOR="Red"] [B]Rating C[/B][/COLOR] Notes: Big Cat’s heel turn was a complete success. Match 2: [B][CENTER]Merle O’Curle v Davis Newton[/CENTER][/B] This is a very short match, as Davis controls it from the get-go. He puts Merle out of his misery very quickly with the Fisherman’s Suplex. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Davis Newton Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Alicia Strong and Bulldozer[/B] come to the ring, and they launch a scathing attack on [B]Enforcer Roberts and Squeeky McClean[/B], telling them that they have had enough of being constantly attacking by them, whenever one of them is in action. So they demand that the four of them face off in tag action next week. Enforcer and Squeeky appear on the big screen and accept this challenge. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Squeeky and Enforcer[/B] stay on camera, and they talk, saying that it would be a good idea if they had a warm up match tonight. They look around and see the [B]NPW Alliance (Flash and Sparrow) [/B]nearby, so they walk over and proceed to give them a few punches and kicks before dragging them to the ring. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating D[/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [B][CENTER]Enforcer Roberts and Squeeky McClean v NPW Alliance[/CENTER][/B] Well if the NPW pair thought they stood any chance in a fair fight, then the pre match beating removed that slim hope. It was all Squeeky and Enforcer, as they toyed with their unfortunate opponents, before Enforcer made Steve Flash tap out to the RCT. [B][COLOR="red"]Winners: Enforcer Roberts and Squeeky McClean Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Guide [/B]comes to the ring and says that he is fed up of losing recently – to Tyler, Rockwell etc. So he challenges [B]JD Morgan [/B]to fight him tonight, explaining that he knows he is better than JD – he always was in DAVE, so why should things be any different here in KEY? JD is clearly not happy with Guide treating him as an easy opponent, and he comes out and tells Guide that he can’t wait to wipe the smile off his smug face when they start the match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] The announcers talk about the losses that [B]The Extreme [/B]have suffered recently, most notably to [B]The Rebellion[/B], and how that has caused the split in their team, and hence the following match. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Match 4: [B][CENTER]Big Cat Brandon v Chris Caulfield[/CENTER][/B] Both men bring weapons to the ring, clearly intent on hurting each other, so the referee allows this match to proceed under hardcore rules. This means that both men are right at home, and they show the crowd how to fight this style. They find imaginative ways to hurt each other with all the ‘random’ items that we store under a wrestling ring (what DO we need with a road sign?), but it is Big Cat’s greater size and power that prevails, along with the unexpected appearance and assistance of Guide, who smashes Caulfield over the head with the ring bell, to allow Big Cat to hit the Brandon Bomb Drop for the win. However, given that both men are covered in blood by the end, perhaps neither can be considered to have come out of the match unscathed? [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Big Cat Brandon Rating A[/COLOR][/B], thanks to great chemistry When the ring is cleared, [B]Scout [/B]comes out to pose once more with his World Title belt. He claims to have beaten his only true challenger, in [B]Angry Gilmore[/B], and can’t see where any further difficulties in retaining the belt might come from. [B]Chris Rockwell [/B]appears and says that Scout must have been hit on the head too often in his days with DAVE, because he is forgetting the only other unbeaten wrestler here in KEY, and that is the Rock. The two go at each other verbally for a while, before Scout knocks Rockwell down with a right hand, and they brawl briefly, until security can separate them. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [B][CENTER]Guide v JD Morgan[/CENTER][/B] Perhaps Guide should have stayed out of the BCB/Caulfield match just now, and saved all his energy for this match. Every move he made, JD seemed to have an answer for, and Guide eventually had to submit to the Cross Atlantic Stretch, a result, which the announcers claimed, could be considered a big upset. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: JD Morgan Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] comes out to the ring and says that he is back and ready to rumble. He addresses both [B]Scout and Chris Rockwell[/B], and tells them that they aren’t the only ones interested in the World Title, and they should rule Jeremy out at their peril. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] Match 6: [B][CENTER]Jeremy Stone v Mean Jean Cattley[/CENTER][/B] Well perhaps they were both suffering from a little bit of ring rust, not having fought much recently, because this match, although really good, didn’t quite live up to their previous efforts together. Jeremy has a point to prove tonight, and he does so emphatically, putting Mean Jean away fairly comfortably with the Stone Hold. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Jeremy Stone Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Chris Rockwell[/B] appears on the stage, and he tells [B]Jeremy[/B] that he was not in the least bit impressed – after all, who was Jeremy fighting? Some nobody from a tin pot little promotion in the Mid Atlantic! Now maybe if Jeremy fought someone half decent, then maybe he would consider him as a rival, but until then, the Rock was the No 1 contender, as far as he was concerned. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/COLOR] TV Rating = 3.10[/SIZE][/B] SW, UWF, JCWA, GC, NLWF, IOW and FLWA appear no longer to be on PPV either
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]KEY Total Wrestling, Weds Week 2 August 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] Arkansas Coliseum, South East, Attendance 2000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] [B]Chris Rockwell [/B]opens the show standing in the ring. He is going on about being the clear no 1 contender for[B] Scout’s[/B] World Title, when [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] interrupts him and tells the Rock that to be the man you’ve got to beat the man – and since he is the former champion, he is still the man to beat in order to get the next title shot. The Rock responds by simply challenging him to a match later tonight for that privilege, and Angry, slightly reluctantly, accepts. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] Match 1: [B][CENTER]Runaway Train v Merle O’Curle[/CENTER][/B] The announcers explain that Train requested this match in response to him believing that Davis Newton was trying to one-up him last month, by beating all of his opponents the following week, hence him now trying to do the same back to Davis. Maybe it is Merle just trying that little bit harder after losing (to Davis) last week, but once again, Train finds it much harder going than Newton did, and although he picks up the win eventually, his demeanour after the match indicates that he clearly still feels that Newton has got one over on him again. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Runaway Train Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Train[/B] goes backstage and proceeds to destroy his locker room in his frustration at his performance. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] The three announcers mention that the next match, between[B] Marcos Flores and Shooter Sean Deeley[/B], will give the winner a shot at the Triple Crown Title next week. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] comes out before that though, and informs the crowd that next week, he will face [B]JD Morgan[/B], and he sarcastically adds, for Chris Rockwell’s benefit, that he hopes that JD would be considered a ‘good’ opponent, after JD beat Guide last week. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B-[/COLOR][/B] Match 2: [B][CENTER]Marcos Flores v Shooter Sean Deeley[/CENTER][/B] The announcers remind everyone that these two lost in the semi finals of the initial Triple Crown tournament, and they both try and make up for those losses right here. An excellent match, which is held under normal match rules, it finishes when Flores goes up top and hits the Flores Heaven Elbow from the top turnbuckle. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Marcos Flores Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Scout[/B] comes to the ring and is met by [B]Jason Azaria[/B], who asks the champ who he would prefer to face at our next PPV, Hazard. Scout says that it really doesn’t matter, but that he quite likes the idea that all his closest challengers are going to beat each other up in order to get a title shot. [COLOR="Green"]“Much easier for me to win then, once they are totally knackered already,”[/COLOR] he chuckles. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Scout [/B]then announces that he has given tonight’s title shot to [B]Super Joshuya[/B], as a way of congratulating him on winning the Triple Crown Title. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating B[/COLOR][/B] Match 3: [CENTER][B]Scout (c) v Super Joshuya (for the KEY World Title)[/B][/CENTER] Just wow! The high flyers can do no wrong at the moment, and Joshuya gives Scout a major fright here. But Scout is too powerful to be kept down, even with the impressive moves that Joshuya hits on him, and he turns things round and retains the title with the Special Force. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner (and still KEY World Champion): Scout Rating A*[/COLOR][/B] A video shows all the attacks and confrontations between our four competitors in the next match – [B]Squeeky McClean and Enforcer Roberts are taking on Alicia Strong and Bulldozer[/B]. [COLOR="red"][B]Rating B-[/B][/COLOR] Match 4: [CENTER][B]Squeeky McClean and Enforcer Roberts v Alicia Strong and Bulldozer[/B][/CENTER] Well compared with the previous match, this is a let down, but then again, this is as good a tag match as we have seen in KEY so far. Bulldozer is dominant when he gets involved initially, but tries to do too much and protect Alicia, and this gives the heels a chance to cut the ring in two and work him over. Alicia finally gets involved and cleans house, but she too is eventually overwhelmed and locked in Enforcer’s RCT, from which there is no escape. [B][COLOR="red"]Winners: Squeeky McClean and Enforcer Roberts Rating B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Enforcer and Squeeky[/B] mock the losing pair, with Enforcer signalling to Alicia that he wants her title belt round his waist. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating C+[/COLOR][/B] Match 5: [B][CENTER]Angry Gilmore v Chris Rockwell[/CENTER][/B] Angry has the crowd support here as he takes charge early on, as the Rock is perhaps a little too eager to attack. But Chris is too good to be kept down for long and he bounces back and gets a couple of near falls on the former champion. Back and forth it goes, but it ends when Angry attempts the Anger Management, which is reversed into the Rock Down. [B][COLOR="red"]Winner: Chris Rockwell Rating A[/COLOR][/B] [B]Chris Rockwell [/B]seems almost surprised to have won, and he goes crazy celebrating the victory, much to the crowd’s amusement. [B]Rating B+[/B] [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B+. [/COLOR] TV Rating = 3.07[/B][/SIZE] Alicia is feeling rather tired – she is touring with 5SSW and 3 matches a week for them, as well as my show is proving too much. Shooter Sean Deeley suffers a Doubly Distended Anus – you probably shouldn’t ask how he did it! :p He is out for a month. I’m very glad I made the decision to have Flores go over him for the Triple Crown title shot in this show now!
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[B]OOC: [/B]And that brings me up to the point that I had actually reached in the game back in October!!! And having re-read all the shows, I realised that the Rebellion stealing the tag belts at the last PPV had been totally forgotten after that - DOH!!! And now there will be a brief interlude while I disappear off abroad for 10 days - more shows to come when I return :cool:
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