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WCW: Like A Phoenix

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[[I]I've been reading some of these dynasties on the board and so many of them are so good. Rather new to the game and new to the board but I wanted to take a stab at writing a dynasty, see if I can do anything decent that people will read. And I am one of those lifetime WCW fans who would have killed for things to have gone differently at the end of the promotion. So here's my attempt at showing the hopeful return of WCW...[/I]] [I]My name is James Valentine. It was December of 2000 and WCW's future was bleak. Vince Russo had helped drive the last few nails in the coffin of WCW. After much persuasion, the honchos at AOL-Time Warner decided to give me, a relative unknown, a shot at reviving the ratings of WCW. It would be a tough, tough journey back to the top of the ratings. [/I] A few creative changes were set to be made and the very first of them was the reintroduction of Rey Mysterio's mask. No storyline in regards to it, just the matter of fact return of the mask that was taken away [in one of the more retarded concepts ever]. A few looks over the roster and I knew a bit of dead weight will have be be removed in the first few weeks...but first things first...Nitro was tonight... And this was to be the first step in the proposed return to form for WCW...
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WCW Nitro: December, Week 1 [CENTER][B]WCW MONDAY NIGHT NITRO![/B] Live from the Patriot Center! [SIZE="5"]Preshow[/SIZE] [B]The Jung Dragons [Kaz Hayashi/Yang/Jamie-san] [/B][B] vs. Air Paris & AJ Styles & Elix Skipper [/B][/CENTER] Six members of the Cruiserweight Division squaring off in six man tag match that serves as the dark match for the evening. It is quick and fast paced action, nothing too standout though. The Jung Dragons being an actual group gives them an advantage over the pairing of Air Raid with Elix Skipper. So it comes to no surprise that the Jung Dragons gain the duke after Jamie-san pins AJ Styes with a Tornado DDT. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Welcome To World Championship Wrestling...[/SIZE][/CENTER] The show opens opens with a opening video montage spotlight three of WCW's top guys, Booker T, Goldberg and Scott Steiner. Following the video, things go to Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan. [I]Heenan: Listen to these humanoids Tony! They are ready for Nitro![/I] [I]Schiavone:Right you are Bobby and tonight marks the first Nitor under the direction of our new head honcho, James Valentine. [/I] [I]Heenan:Well if there is one thing about this new boss, he likes his action because we have a match starting now![/I] [CENTER][B][SIZE="2"]WCW Cruiserweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [B]"Above Average" Mike Sanders[c] vs. "Sugar" Shane Helms [/B]][/CENTER] What a way to kick off the first show. The Cruiserweight Division was always one of the more popular parts of the WCW shows. While it has been booked rather moronically when Russo was in charge, it should ony take a bit to get things back up to par. Sanders is a capable worker and is a pretty decent heel but I don't believe, at least in his current form, that he is much of a division leading heel. Helms, on the other hand, has come into his own after breaking up with 3 Count. And that is why, 14:27 into the match, Helms delivered the Vertebreaker for the 3 count and to win the Cruiserweight Title. [CENTER][B]New Champion![/B][/CENTER] Having won the Cruiserweight Title, Helms holds the belt up and celebrates his title victory in the ring, soaking in cheers. [CENTER][B][/B][/CENTER] Naitch Speaks... "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair is standing backstage with Pamela Paulshock. [I]Pamela: Nature Boy, tonight you go against Jeff Jarrett. What are your thoughts on this? Flair: WOOO! Pamela, WOOO! The Nature Boy is here in the Patriot Center! Tonight, I take on the guitar swinging, slapnut obsessed Jeff Jarrett! What do I have to say about Jarrett? [/I] Flair turns to the camera and "WOO"s one more time. [I]Jarrett, to be the man...you have to...WOOO! Beat the man! And "The Man" doesn't plan on losing tonight! WOOO! [/I] [CENTER][B]Filthy Animals [Rey Mysterio/Kidman] vs. KroniK [Brian Adams/Bryan Clairk] [/B][/CENTER] Big vs. Small. Strength vs. Agility. The match was rather formulaic. Rey and Kidman hit some high risk and high impact moves early on but eventually Kronik settle into the beatdown stage, focusing on Kidman. A short rally occured with Rey getting the hot tag. However...things didn't go his way at the very end with Clarke catching him going for the springboard hurricarana and powerbombing Rey. One Meltdown later and KroniK were declared the winners. [CENTER][B]Don't Hate The Playa...[/B][/CENTER] A music video is shown, highlighting the exploits of Booker T. Clips from his early days as a member of Harlem Heat to his Best of Seven series with Beniot to his historic World Title win at the Bash at the Beach. [CENTER][B]Goldberg vs. Big Vito[/B][/CENTER] Vito can be a vital member of the roster when utilized properly. Tonight, he's not much more than a bump in the road for Goldberg. Spear. Jackhammer. Who's Next? [CENTER][B]Soaking it up...[/B][/CENTER] "Da Man" poses for the crowd, snarling. [CENTER][B]Goldberg's "Positive" Encounter [/B][/CENTER] Goldberg leaves the ring, heading back up the ramp. He turns to face the ring again, posing for the fans again. Out of nowhere Kanyon appears and blindsides Goldberg. Kanon quickly rolls the protective mat off the concrete floor and catches the rising Goldberg with the Kanyon Cutter...onto the concrete! [CENTER][B]Tag Title Hype! [/B][/CENTER] The Insiders, DDP and Kevin Nash, speak with Pam Paulshock on their match against Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire. [I]Pamela: DDP, Kevin Nash, tonight you defend the tag titles. What is your plan going into the match? Nash: Plan? Lady, it's Big Sexy and the Master of the Diamond Cutter you are talking to. The only plan we need is going out there and walking over those chumps. Right DDP? DDP: Right Big Kev. Tonight, Palumbo...O'Haire...you'll learn that when it comes to the Insiders...you may love us...you may hate us...but you'll never forget us![/I] [CENTER][B]WCW World Tag Team Titles The Insiders [Diamond Dallas Page/"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash] vs. Palumbo & O'Haire [/B][/CENTER] This match could reflect the "Old Guard" vs. the "New Guard". Some would argue that a team like Nash and Page should be putting the new stars over. Something that Nash doesn't do well. He learned from Hogan of course. It isn't time these old dogs to be put to the shed yet. The finish comes with Nash being set up for the Seanton Bomb but Page crotching him on the ropes. That sets O'Haire into position for Nash to easily Jacknife him for the victory. The Insiders retain the WCW Tag Titles! [B]"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett[/B] This match was a delight for the fans who ate up the action in the ring. Flair was at his best tonight and Jarrett was no slouch himself. All the usual spots were applied in this match, the Flair Flop, begging off before deliving a thumb to the eye. There were more blows to a crotch than a porn movie with these two. Eventually, Flair went for the Figure Four but Jeff kicked him into the ref. With the ref out, Jarrett brought in the acoustic equalizer and nailed Flair with the guitar. Jarrett woke the ref up who barely comprehended the fact Jarrett had covered Flair. A groggy three count later and Jarrett had just gotten the win over Flair himself! [CENTER][B]A Bitter Feud...[/B][/CENTER] A nice video package catches viewers up on the history between Booker T and Scott Steiner and the World Title that is the center of their feud. A World Title Steiner holds. [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"] Main Event! [/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER] Booker T & Hugh G. Rection vs. Scott Steiner & Shane Douglas[/CENTER][/B] Perhaps the crowd was burnt out from the very enertaining Flair/Jarrett match or the lack of teamwork between the two teams threw them off. Nevertheless, the four put on a middle of the road match that saw Booker T almost pin Steiner following a Book End but that pinfall attempt had been broken up by Douglas. The two powder out and that leaves Steiner with Rection. A belly to belly suplex out of the corner left Hugh in place for Scott to lock on the Steiner Recliner and that was all she wrote as Rection, the US Champ, tapped out. [CENTER][B] Showdown... [/B][/CENTER] Booker T got back into the ring after the match and went face to face with Scott Steiner. The two stared each other down and looked like they were going to come to blows before numerous members of the roster cleared out to hold the two back. The two stare each other down as they are held back as the WCW logo flashes and we go to black... [I]Nitro Attendance: 10,000 Raw Attendance: 2,000 Nitro TV Rating: 14.63 Raw TV Rating: 33.51 Card Rating: C [/I] [[I]Well there is my first card. I was puzzled on why I had such bigger attendance. Perhaps WWF just wanted a smaller arena. I hope to hear some feedback. And such. Perhaps for Thunder, I could do predictions or something. [/I]
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Nice show, I liked it... I particularly liked the Kanyon set up on Goldberg. That was tops. Good move to get the mask back on Rey, I've found it a little difficult to do just yet due to the tradition thing, but hey, WWE burned tradition in that respect right? Why can't little old dubbya cee dubbya :D I'll be tuning in fo shore marking out WCW 4 Life.
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WCW.Com Breaking News + Thunder Card released! [I]WCW.com[/I] WCW has come to terms on the mutual parting of several of its stars today. WCW management wishes them the best in all of their future endeavors. Tank Abott Prince Iaukea Scott Armstrong Reno Sharmell Sullivan Kimona Brad Armstrong WCW fans, tune in tonight on TBS for WCW Thunder [Wrestling That Is Changing Wednesday Nights!] The entire card has been issued for tonight's card. [CENTER][B]Fatal Fourway for WCW Hardcore Title [/B] [I]Crowbar [c] vs. Big Vito vs. Johnny The Bull vs. Meng [/I] [B]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [/B] [I]"Sugar" Shane Helms vs. "Prime Time" Elix Skipper [/I] [B]Triple Threat To Determine #1 Contender to the WCW US Title [/B] [I]Rey Mysterio vs. Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow [/I] [I]Booker T. vs. "The Franchse" Shane Douglas [/I] [B][SIZE="3"]MAIN EVENT[/SIZE][/B] Bill Goldberg & Ric Flair vs. Positively Kanyon & Jeff Jarrett [/CENTER] [[I]The card should actually be done about tomorrow afternoon so if anyone wants to do predictions, feel free. [/I]
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Fatal Fourway for WCW Hardcore Title [B]Crowbar [c] [/B]vs. Big Vito vs. Johnny The Bull vs. Meng WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]"Sugar" Shane Helms [/B]vs. "Prime Time" Elix Skipper Triple Threat To Determine #1 Contender to the WCW US Title Rey Mysterio vs. [B]Sean O'Haire [/B]vs. Bam Bam Bigelow [B]Booker T.[/B] vs. "The Franchse" Shane Douglas MAIN EVENT [B]Bill Goldberg & Ric Flair [/B]vs. Positively Kanyon & Jeff Jarrett
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Fatal Fourway for WCW Hardcore Title [B]Crowbar [c][/B] vs. Big Vito vs. Johnny The Bull vs. Meng Though, it's an interesting match up.. you have the Mamalukes who could conspire to win it together, and Meng, who only knows one way... the hard way. WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]"Sugar" Shane Helms[/B] vs. "Prime Time" Elix Skipper Triple Threat To Determine #1 Contender to the WCW US Title Rey Mysterio vs. [B]Sean O'Haire[/B] vs. Bam Bam Bigelow [B]Booker T[/B]. vs. "The Franchse" Shane Douglas MAIN EVENT Bill Goldberg & Ric Flair vs. [B]Positively Kanyon & Jeff Jarrett [/B] I suspect through devious actions to build obvious heat baby.
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WCW Thunder: December, Week 1 [B][CENTER]WCW Thunder! [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Live from the Welsh-Ryan Arena! [B]Choke on this Slapnuts![/B][/CENTER] The show cold opens with Jeff Jarrett standing in the middle of the ring, acoustic equalizer in hand. Admist the boos, he has a mic. [I]Jarrett: All you idiots didn't think I could beat Flair on Nitro, did you? Thought your "Nature Boy" could beat me. Face facts folks, this ain't the NWA. This ain't the same age and day that Flair tore the house down in Charlotte, up and down the Atlantic Coast. Ric Flair was the "Man" a long time ago. That time has long since past though. There is only one person who is "The Man" in WCW. And that is the one with all the stroke, the "Chosen One". Me! Now why don't you choke on that, slapnuts? [/I] [B]WOOO![/B] Flair steps out onto the ramp and has a mic in hand as he walks to the ring, dressed to the nines in a suit. He gets into the ring and stares down Jarrett. [I]Flair: Did I hear you right? That my time has passed? That the ol' Nature Boy isn't the same man that tore down the house with Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes, and so many others. You don't understand Jarrett, WOOO!, you just don't understand! I'm the Nature Boy! Countless wrestlers have gone up against "The Man" and have failed. Countless girlfriends and wives and their sisters have taken a trip on, WOOO!, Space Mountain...[/I] Flair points at a fan and Woos again. [I]Flair: You know what I'm talking about lady. WOOO! Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park but it's still the best! WOO! Jarrett, the only stroke you got around here is the one you do by yourself. And being good at "The Stroke" doesn't make you the Man. You want to be the Man? I'll give you every opportunity to be the Man! WOOO! But you ain't gonna become the Man. Because to be the Man, you have to beat the Man. And it ain't happening because diamonds are forever and so is the Nature Boy! WOOO![/I] [CENTER][B]WCW Hardcore Title Crowbar [c] vs. Vito vs. Johnny the Bull vs. Meng [/B][/CENTER] There was hardcore plunder aplenty as these four diverse competitors went at it. Early on, it was all Meng as the Tongan Warrior floored his opponents with a variety of throat thruts and side kicks. Eventually his momentum was derailed as all both the Marmalukes and Crowbar started to batter him with stop signs, trash cans and everything else you could throw at him. With Meng out of commission for a bit, Johnny and Vito went to work on Crowbar. However, when Vito went for a pin, Johnny pulled him off. This got the Marmalukes arguing with each other and that allowed Crowbar to drop Johnny with a reverse DDT. After a brief flurry of action, Crowbar got into position to deliver the Mindbender to Vito. One...Two...Three! Crowbar retains! [B][CENTER]Big Poppa Pump Is Your Hook-Up![/CENTER][/B] The sirens wail and the crowd reacts with a chrous of boos for the WCW World Heavyweight Champ as he walks out to the ring. The chain mail wearing Big Bad Booty Daddy flexes his physique for the crowd. [I]Steiner: On Nitro, I made Hugh G. Rection tap out to the Steiner Recliner! Booker T, you mess with the Genetic Freak, that is what happens. I am the WCW World Champion, the best there is. You can't begin to imagine how good the Big Bad Booty Daddy is. Just ask all my freaks in the back. Ask them about Big Poppa Pump. They'll tell you, I'm the best and that the Big Bad Booty Daddy is your hookup...holla if you hear me! [/I] [CENTER][B]An interested viewer?[/B][/CENTER] The cameras pick up Dustin Rhodes, the son of the American Dream, watching the show from the audience. He seems very focused on the show. [CENTER][B]WCW Cruiserweight Title Shane Helms [c] vs. Elix Skipper[/B][/CENTER] Now this is a match that got the crowd going. Both young competitors brought the A game. A rather high-flying contest that saw high risk moves that brought big rewards and huge crashes. The finish came when Helms tried to go for the Nightmare on Helms Street but that was countered into an attempt at the Play of the Day which was then countered into the...Vertebreaker! The count is academic from there and Helms retains! [CENTER][B]A man of many words...[/B][/CENTER] Pamela Paulshock stands backstage with "Da Man", Goldberg. [I]Pamela: Goldberg, on Nitro, you suffered a Kanyon Cutter onto the exposed concrete thanks to Positively Kanyon. And tonight, you team up with the iconic Ric Flair in a tag match against Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett. What do you have to say to that? Goldberg: Kanyon, Jarrett... YOU'RE NEXT![/I] [CENTER][B]Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match For the WCW United States Title Rey Mysterio vs. Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow [/B][/CENTER] Now this is a match of three differing styles. You have the rough housing Bigelow who is one of the most agile big men in the buisness. You have O'Haire who is touted in some circles as being a future star in the buisness and that Seanton Bomb is amazing for a guy his size. And Rey? What hasn't been said about the diminutive luchador who has amazed fans with his high-flying moves and his colorful masks? Both O'Haire and Bigelow took full advantage of being in a match with Rey because taking on a man Rey's size makes your offense look even more brutal. The end came with Rey attempting to nail O'Hair with a springboard hurricaranna and that being turned into a sitdown powerbomb. He went for the cover but Bigelow flew with a moonsault off the top rope onto O'Haire and Rey. Rolling O'Haire off of Rey, Bigelow piced Sean up and hit the Greetings from Asbury Park and he gets the duke and the shot at the US Title. [CENTER][B]Main Event Hype....[/B][/CENTER] The Nature Boy is standing backstage with Mene Gene. [I]Gene: Mr. Flair, you team with the explosive Goldberg to take on Jeff Jarrett and Positively Kanyon tonight. After the events on Nitro and your warring words with the Chosen One, is there anything else to say? Flair: WOOO! Mean Gene! Tonight, the Nature Boy teams up with "Da Man"! Jarrett, Kanyon, they are punks that run their mouths. Well tonight, courtesy of a Spear! Courtesy of a Jackhammer! WOOO! Courtesy of the Figure Four Leglock! WOOO! They will realize that to be the Man, they have to be "The Man" and "Da Man"! [/I] [CENTER][B]Booker T. vs. Shane Douglas [/B][/CENTER] Fast paced match that showed why Booker T is the man of WCW's future and Douglas still has all the gifts that made him such a viable part of the early ECW days. The match almost came to an end after Douglas had nailed Booker with a superplex off the top rope but Booker battled on. Later on in the mat, Booker caught a rebounding Shane with the Book End. He dropped to a knee and stared at his hand before delighting the Thunder crowd with a... SPINNA-ROONI! Booker bounces back up and catches the rising Douglas with the Scissors Kick for the three count. [CENTER][B]Steiner Likes Laying the Pipe! [/B][/CENTER] Booker T. is celebrating his win over Shane Douglas and is oblivious to the fact that Scott Steiner has arrived, armed with a lead pipe. He turns aroud to pose for more fans and that is when he gets clocked with the lead pipe. Steiner drops the pipe and holds the World Title over Booker's prone body. [CENTER][B]A Little "Inside" Info...[/B][/CENTER] Backstage, the Insiders are standing in front of the Thunder logo. No interviewer, just DDP and Kevin Nash. [I]Nash: It seems that Kronik has won the right to take on the Insiders for a shot at tag team gold. Really, is this the best that they send us, Page? Kronik, we are the Tag Team Champions. We are former World Heavyweight Champs. And might I remind you, I was one half of the tag team that changed the face of this promotion. I think you remember the Outsiders? Pack in your bowls boys and settle for that version of High Times, because there is no chance that you'll defeat the Insiders. Tell them DDP... Page: Bryan Clark, Brian Adams, Kronik. Watch your back. Because you'll eventually turn around and BAM! Diamond Cutter! You'll never see it coming! Badda Bing... Nash: Badda Boom... Page: [with Diamond Cutter sign] BADDA BANG! [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Bill Goldberg & Ric Flair vs. Positively Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett[/CENTER][/B] Match opens with Goldberg dominating both Kanyon and Jarrett. The WCW crowd eats up his basic offence like candy. Eventually it settles into Flair being worked over by Jarrett and Kanyon. Jarrett slaps on the Figure Four on Flair much to the dismay of the crowd. Flair howls in pain but eventually he counters it by rolling over. Jarrett gets the tag to Kanyon who rushes in just in time for a hobbled Flair to tag the outstretched hand of Goldberg! [I]Tenay: And listen to this crowd erupt for Goldberg! Stevie Ray: Frutti Booti I tell you! Goldberg is gonna treat Kanyon like he was one of his yaks. [/I] Goldberg goes on a tear. Press slam to Kanyon. Jarrett tries to intervene again. Side kick to the head. Goldberg goes to the ropes and snarls for the crowd before heading to the corner. He waits for Kanyon to get up and he plows into...the ref! [I] Stevie Ray: He just folded that ref up like an accordion! Tenay: That cannot be good news for Goldberg and Flair! [/I] Goldberg must have remembered what they tell you as a kid as he tries again [practice makes perfect...try...try again!] and this time he nails Kanyon with the SPEAR! The crowd pops because they know what's next. Goldberg grabs a prone Kanyon and hooks the head...only to have Jarrett shatter his trusty six-stringer over his head. The ref stirs, at the worst time, to see Goldberg stumbling. [I]Tenay: Goldberg did not go down from that guitar shot! Stevie Ray: But he isn't even close to being in that ring right now. He is off in la-la land! [/I] Still stunned from the guitar shot, Goldberg is prone to the...KANYON CUTTER! Kanyon covers Goldberg and the ref groggily makes the three count. [CENTER][B]Put The Kids To Bed For This...[/B][/CENTER] Goldberg, out from the guitar and Kanyon Cutter, is handcuffed to the ropes by Kanyon and Jarrett. He watches Kanyon mount Flair and lay fist after fist to the Nature Boy's temple, eventually opening Flair up. Kaynon lifts Flair up and nails him with the Kanyon Cutter. Jarrett locks on the Figure Four again and this time, Kanyon grabs Flair's arm and taps on the mat. [I]Stevie Ray: Flair just tapped! Tenay: He's uncouncious Stevie! He can't tap! This is outrageous! [/I] [CENTER][B]Destroying The Legend? [/B][/CENTER] Jarrett knees down and runs a finger through the bloody forehead of Flair and paints his chest with Flair's blood. A trophy of sorts. As Goldberg stirs, still handcuffed to the ropes, Jarrett and Kanyon celebrate as Thunder goes off the air! [I]Thunder Attendance: 7,850 Smackdown Attendance: 2000 Thunder TV Rating: 22.65 Smackdown TV Rating: 30.38 Card Rating: B+ [/I]
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Nice main event in particular. Major upset for Bam Bam to go over Sean O'Haire and Rey, but I will say this - for a man of about 350 pounds, Bam Bam Bigelow was an amazingly agile competitor who could put on a good match. I know Bret Hart had a lot of time for hmi.
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Thanks for the words Tristam. Your Death of WCW is one of my favorite reads on the board and for you to be enjoying what I'm doing so far is pretty darn awesome in my book. Yeah some may consider Bam Bam to be a bit of a upset but I thought he was rather misused during his last run in WCW. Plus I will have things planned for Rey and O'Haire both.
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WCW Nitro: December, Week 2 [B][CENTER]WCW Monday Night Nitro! [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Live from the Cox Arena! [B]Viewer Discretion is advised... [/B][/CENTER] The Nitro intro runs and it goes right to Tony Schiavone [along with Bobby "The Brain Heenan"]. [I]Schiavone: Ladies and Gentlemen, we saw a gruesome attack at the conclusion of Thunder. Following the end of the main event between the team of Goldberg and Flair, the devious Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett handcuffed Goldberg to the ropes and bloodied the legendary Nature Boy! Heenan: Jarrett and Kanyon just proved that you can get anything done when you put your mind to it. Schiavone: You're actually condoning this? Heenan: Not just that but I approve it of it highly. Schiavone: Despite the fact my broadcast colleague approves, the following footage is graphic. Watch at your own risk. [/I] Footage of the brutal beatdown at the conclusion of Thunder is shown. [CENTER][B]A new signing? [/B][/CENTER] The blonde and beautiful Stacy Kiebler comes out onto the stage, dressed in that very attractive, and revealing, yet professional attire. [I]Stacy: WCW fans, I am out here to announce that I have retrieved a new client. A client that will make his mark in WCW, mark my words. Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the men who will be the future of wrestling. Paul London![/I] Out from the back steps Paul London. He is relatively unknown but is an indy standout. With Stacy at his side, he heads to the ring for the upcoming match. [CENTER][B]Paul London w/Stacy Kiebler vs. AJ Styles [/B][/CENTER] These two are promising blue-chippers that aren't very well known right now but who knows where the future may lead them. There were many high-risk moves as the two cruiserweights tried to put on a good match but perhaps it was the unfamilarity of competing on Nitro that put a rough spell on the match. After Styles failed a Styles Clash attempt, London DDT'ed him to the mat and followed it up with a London Calling from the top rope for the win. [CENTER][B]That dastardly Steiner! [/B][/CENTER] Footage from Steiner attacking Booker T after his match with Shane Douglas on Thunder is shown. [I]Schiavone: The travesty that occured during the main event wasn't the only trouble on Thunder. After Booker T won a great match against Shane Douglas, he was attacked by the WCW Champ. Heenan- Well Steiner showed us why he is the champ. He wins by any means necessary. That's the American way! [/I] [B][CENTER]Chavo Guerrero Jr. & "Sugar" Shane Helms vs. Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore [/CENTER][/B] Very interesting dynamics in this match. You had all three members of what was once 3 Count in the same ring. You have also the "re-debuting" Chavo. It is phrased that way as he was released from the gimmicky "Lt. Loco" moniker. The crowd pop huge for the resurging Chavo as he showed more fire than he ever did as Lt. Loco. An unfortuanate incident occured while Helms was going for the "Nightmare on Helms Street". He misjudged his elbow dropping and he actually broke the nose of Shannon Moore when he nailed the move. That led to Moore quickly tagging out as blood poured from his nose. Karagias got the advantage on the champ for a moment but Chavo got a blind tag and surprised Evan with the Gory Bomb for the win. [CENTER][B]Partners now...Opponents later? [/B][/CENTER] Following the win, Chavo and Helms raise their hands in victory. After that, Helms picks up his Cruiserweight Title and Chavo lifts Helms' hand again, this time lifting the title in between them. Both men look at the title and then at themselves. [B][CENTER]Lance Storm vs. Mark Jindrak [/CENTER][/B] Lance went through this match, showing he was the obvious ring general when it came to this match. Jindrak held his own for most of his match but ultimately fell prey to Lance rolling into the Canadian Maple Leaf and winning the match by submission. [CENTER][B]Bitter Enemies...[/B][/CENTER] Another video viginette hyping the Booker T-Scott Steiner feud aired. [B][CENTER]My mask...my symbol...my legacy... [/CENTER][/B] Rey Mysterio Jr. comes out to the ring and delivers a stirring promo in which he relays to the audience just how important his mask is to him. "This mask is more than a means of anonymity. It is a symbol. It represents everything I have attempted to achieve in wrestling. And I mean to keep it that way." [B][CENTER]Jeff Jarrett vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. [/CENTER][/B] Jarrett is out almost immediately after Rey's promo. The put on a very solid match with Jarrett falling prey to many of Rey's moves. An attempted Stroke by Jarrett is disregarded as Ric Flair appears on the apron. Jarrett is distracted and this gives Rey a chance to attempt a hurricarana but Jarrett counters it into a powerbomb. Pointing at Flair as he picks Rey up, Jarrett delivers the Stroke for the victory. [CENTER][B]A flair for vengeance[/B][/CENTER] Ric Flair was immediately in the ring, peppering Jarrett with lefts and rights, lighting up Jarrett's chest with chops. An irish whip by the "Nature Boy" sends Jarrett crashing into the turnbuckle chest first. Jeff stumbles back...right into a Stroke of Flair's own! WOO! [CENTER][B]Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Buff Bagwell [/B][/CENTER] The #1 contender for the US Title faced off against Buff Bagwell. Despite being two different styles and two very different individuals, the two still put on quite a match. The end came when Buff went up top to try a Blockbuster but Bam Bam lifted him off the turnbuckles and spiked him to the mat with a Greetings from Asbury Park. [CENTER][B]The perfect bodyguards? [/B][/CENTER] Positively Kanyon, after his week of getting the upper hand on Goldberg, is rather wary of running into "Da Man" it seems. That is when he has "The Perfect Event", Chuck Palumbo and Shawn Stasiak, guarding his locker room. [B][CENTER]Positively Kanyon vs. Konnan[/CENTER][/B] This wasn't the longest of matches but it was still a good match. Konnan actually control large stretches of the match as Kanyon ended up being a bit spooked at times, looking around as if he suspected Goldberg to arrive. And then "Da Man" did finally arrive which when his music hit, Kanyon stumbled back into a rollup from Konnan. Kayon, keeping his state of mind, actually rolled through that rollup and found himself on top of Konnan, grabbing the ropes for extra leverage to get the win. [B][CENTER]Hot on his trail...[/CENTER][/B] Kanyon took off out of the ring like a bat out of hell as Goldberg was in chase. He booked it through the crowd, Goldberg on his trail. [CENTER][B]Still watching...[/B][/CENTER] Much like last week, the egnigmatic son of the American Dream, Dustin Rhodes is sitting in the audience, waiting for the main event to start. [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MAIN EVENT[/SIZE][/B] [B]Six Man Elimination Match [/B] [B]Booker T. & The Insiders [Kevin Nash/Diamond Dallas Page] vs. Scott Steiner & Kronik [Bryan Clark/Brian Adams] [/B][/CENTER] This match started off very professionally. For like three minutes and then it dissolved into a pier six brawl. The ref gave up trying to keep order and just let these guys go at it. The first elimination came from DDP catching Bryan Clarke with a Diamond Cutter. The second elimination was courtesy of Booker nailing Adams with the Book End. Steiner, all by himself, whacked Nash with a chair to get DQ'ed. [CENTER][B]Ending the show with fists flying![/B][/CENTER] Booker T did not let up at the end of the match and started brawling with Steiner. Eventually the action spilled into the crowd and the two brawled as Nitro went off the air. [C rating card] [Nitro Attendance: 6,091] [Nitro TV Rating: 14.25] [Raw TV Rating : 33:37] [Raw Attendance: 300 [Scotland audience]
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WCW In The News... [I]WCW.com-[/I] -Shannon Moore suffered a broken nose during the cruiserweight tag match that occured on Monday Night Nitro. It appears that Moore is going to work through it. -WCW agreed to terms with Paul London and WCW.com welcomes Paul London to the roster. [I]The Wrestling Observer-[/I] -Reports are coming out that WCW wrestlers Sgt. AWOL and "Screamin'" Norman Smiley have taken a dramatic disliking to each other. In fact, some reports have come in that the two were pulled away at a house show arguing and shouting at each other. -There are news of new signings from WCW, including possible names from the past. There is no further knowledge on any of the signings other than that there have been some. -WCW has offiially announced its main event to WCW Starrcade. It will be Scott Steiner defending his WCW World Heavyweight Title against Booker T.
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WCW Thunder: December, Week 2 [B][CENTER]WCW Thunder![/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Live from Alexander Memorial Coliseum [B]Who realy is "The Man"?[/B][/CENTER] The show opens up with a video package reviewing the ongoing feud between Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett [CENTER][B]Six Way Dance #1 Contenders Match for WCW Cruiserweight Title- Chavo Guerrero vs. AJ Styles vs. Elix Skipper, Mike Sanders, Shannon Moore and Paul London w/ Stacy Kiebler . [/B][/CENTER] Six way dance to determinate who faces "Sugar" Shane Helms at the Starrcade PPV and also just a good opportunity to get all these cruiserweights onto the show. Everyone gets a chance to shine but the end comes with Chavo Jr. nailing the Gory Bomb on AJ Styles for the pinfall. [CENTER][B]Who has more Stroke? [/B][/CENTER] Jeff Jarrett is in the ring. He has a mic. [I]Jarrett: On Monday, Ric Flair had the sheer audacity to use the Stroke on me? Flair, has senility gone to your head? I am the Chosen One! I am the one with all the Stroke around here, not you! So if you know what is best for you- [/I] Jeff is interrupted by Flair hitting the ring and after "Naitch" pummels Jarrett with a low blow, he delivers the Stroke again to Jarrett! Mind games on the part of the "Nature Boy"? [B][CENTER]Kronik [Bryan Clarke/Brian Adams] vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. & Billy Kidman [/CENTER][/B] Kidman and Rey are both talented performers. And one would think that they both have the talent to be pushed to the moon in WCW, especially Rey Jr. However, tonight it seems it is simply "Operation: Make Kronik Look Great". Despite the valiant attempts by the Filthy Animals, Kidman falls prey to the Meltdown from Clarke and that's all she wrote. [CENTER][B]Missed out on WCW?[/B][/CENTER] A video package plays going over the events of the past two weeks for those who are just tuning into WCW. The events involving Steiner, Booker, Goldberg, Kanyon, Flair, Jarrett and the Insiders were all covered. [CENTER][B]Rick Steiner vs. Crowbar[/B][/CENTER] "The Dog Faced Gremlin" took on the reigning Crowbar in a brutal hardcore match. Crowbar put on one heckuva fight but Steiner pulled the duke out with a very "unhardcore" tactic, that being rolling Crowbar up and grabbing a handful of tights for the win. [CENTER][B]Contract signing for the WCW Starrcade Main Event! [/B][/CENTER] Eric Bischoff was standing in the middle of the ring. A table with two chairs and a contract lying on it was set up. Bisch began to speak... [I]Bischoff: I'm down here on behalf of WCW managment to oversee the contract signing between the reigning WCW World Heavyweight Champion, "Big Poppa Pump", Scott Steiner and the challenger, Booker T. This contract will state that at Starrcade, a mere two weeks away, these two will compete for the WCW World Heavyweight Title! [/I] Both Booker and Steiner make their entrances. Taking their seats at the table, they stare each other down. [I]Steiner: Booker, if you knew what was best for you, you would walk away now. If you sign that contract, I promise you that at WCW Starrcade, the Big Bad Booty Daddy, the Genetic Freak himself, will break you in half. Booker T: That's where your wrong. Come Starrcade, you'll walk into a Book End and I'll walk out WCW World Heavyweight Champ. [/I] Booker signs the contract and extends the pen to Steiner. [I]Booker T: So holla if ya hear me, sucka! [/I] Steiner throws the pen aside and cheapshots Booker. An eye rake blinds the challenger and Steiner executers a belly to belly suplex that actually slams Booker through the table. Steiner reaches down, grabs the pen and then signs the contract that has come to rest on Booker's chest. [B][CENTER]The Insiders vs. Disqo & Alex Wright [/CENTER][/B] In reality, this match was nothing more than a glorified squash match for the Insiders but Disqo and Wright did a great job at that very thing. So a Diamond Cutter on Disqo sealed the deal. [CENTER][B]US Title Hype [/B][/CENTER] The reigning U.S. Champion, Hugh G. Rection is standing backstage with Pamela Paulshock. [I]Pamela: Hugh, at Starrcade, you are facing the "Beast from the East" for your United States Title. What are your thoughts? Hugh: You know what Pam? For far too long, I've been a joke. Here, I'm the freakin' United States Champion and I'm a walking penis joke. Before that, I was a guy who laughed. That's right, a guy who laughed. Frankly, I was tired of the crap they gave me back then. I was tired of the crap that Russo spewed out. I'm the freakin' US Champion and come Starrcade, the world will understand just how dangerous Bill DeMott is. Because that's who you are getting Pam. Not "Laughing Man" and no "General". The time for jokes is over and the last laugh will be mine.[/I] [CENTER][B]Lance Storm vs. Shane Douglas [/B][/CENTER] Well howdy doody, these two have some history. These two former ECW alumni put on a very good match in front of the crowd here on Thunder. Very sound wrestling chock full of pyschology and chain wrestling. Not only that, but the two were so good at telling a story. Douglas worked on the arm of Storm, trying to take the Canadian Maple Leaf out of the equation. He was successful in that but Douglas fell prey to a Lance Storm issued superkick to the jaw and that was enough to beat "The Franchise". [CENTER][B]You're Next![/B][/CENTER] Goldberg marched to the ring and grabbed a mic. He snarled and shouted. [I]Goldberg: Kanyon. You're Next! [/I] [CENTER][B]Or is Goldberg Next? [/B][/CENTER] Following his lengthy diatribe against Kanyon, Goldberg was set to leave hen the lights went out. The entire arena went pitch black and when they came back on, Goldberg was out cold, bleeding from his head. [I]Tenay: "Brain", Goldberg has been attacked! Stevie Ray: Brillaint observation there, you stupid yak![/I] [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MAIN EVENT[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Booker T. vs. Buff Bagwell [/CENTER][/B] Booker and Buff put on one heck of a main event. The two traded momentum back and forth. The end came with Buff looking to nail the Blockbuster off the top rope. However, Booker followed him up to the top and superplexed Buff off. The #1 challenger to the World Title climbed to the top and attempted the Houston Hangover. However Buff moved out of the way and Booker crashed to the mat. Booker was picked up by Buff who irish whipped him into the match. Buff dropped the shoulder, looking for a back body drop but Booker, clear out of nowhere, nailed the Scissors Kick for the duke. [CENTER][B]A Spinna-Rooni To Go, Please.[/B][/CENTER] Booker T, having won, dropped to his knee and looked at his hand before delivering a show closing SPINNA-ROONI! [B+ rating card ] [Thunder TV Rating: 22.59] [Thunder Attendance: 8,025] WWE is still on their overseas touring so I won't do attendance until they are stateside.
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WCW Nitro Card Released... [I]WCW.com-[/I] Coming live from Dale F. Halton Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]WCW MONDAY NIGHT NITRO![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Note: Some of these matches actually don't get announced storyline wise until events during the card. [/I] [CENTER][B]Buff's Open Challenge[/B] [I]Buff Bagwell vs. ???[/I] [/CENTER] Thanks to a new talent agreement with FMW... [B][CENTER] Crusierweight International Challenge [/B] [I]Hayabusa vs. "Sugar" Shane Helms [/I] [I]Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lance Storm vs. Mark Jindrak Goldberg vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. Positively Kanyon vs. Booker T. [/I] [B] [SIZE="3"]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE] Six Man Tag Match [/B] [I]Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner & Shane Douglas vs. Ric Flair & ??? & ??? [/I] [/CENTER] [I] [ Note: The main event is proposed during the card. Jarrett claims that Flair has no allies to help him out. So feel free to predict who Flair is able to find.][/I]
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Buff's Open Challenge Buff Bagwell vs. [B]???[/B] Usually mystery men spells bad luck for a bloke like Bagwell... Thanks to a new talent agreement with FMW... Crusierweight International Challenge Hayabusa vs. [B]"Sugar" Shane Helms[/B] You'd probably have to favour the local here, although Hyabusa would be great full time. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] vs. Lance Storm vs. Mark Jindrak I'm guessing if Bam Bam is in line for a shot, Bam Bam gets the W. [B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. No doubt there'll be interference, but Bill will overcome. [B]Positively Kanyon[/B] vs. Booker T. Big Poppa Pump to play a part MAIN EVENT! Six Man Tag Match Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner & Shane Douglas vs. [B]Ric Flair & ??? & ??? [/B] I have no idea in the blue world who the two men are, (Outsiders perhaps?) but I think it's the time for Ric Flair to strike back in the ring.
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WCW Nitro: December, Week 3 [CENTER][B]WCW Monday Night Nitro [/B] [I]Live from the Dale F. Halton Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina [/I] [B]I'm Buff...I'm The Stuff...[/B][/CENTER] After the Nitro opening concludes, the screen goes to show Buff Bagwell in the middle of the ring. The ****y Bagwell, complete with sunglasses and top hat, has a mic. [I]Buff: I'm Buff. I'm the Stuff. And incase you forgot, you're not! There is no one in on this roster that can compete with me, Buff "The Stuff" Bagw-[/I] [B][CENTER]Vampiro![/CENTER][/B] The crowd is surprised to see the talented Vampiro show up on stage. Buff is set back too. I mean, this is a guy who has even beat the man called Sting. Vampiro enters the ring and well, the ref believes that means "this is a match" and calls for the bell. [B][CENTER]Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell vs. Vampiro[/CENTER][/B] This was a bit of a middle of the road match. Honestly, Vampiro has a good amount of ring rust to shake off. Buff controls a decent amount of the match but honestly, this is more of a showcase for Vampiro. So it shouldn't come a surprise that Buff is pounded into the mat with A Nail in the Coffin. [CENTER]Stroke This? [/CENTER] Jeff Jarrett is in the ring when the show comes back from commercial break. He has his trusty six-stringer with him in one hand and a mic in the other. [I]Jarrett: Flair, you have some nerve you over the hill, washed up slapnut? Some nerve in using my own move against me! I don't want to wait for the fools in the back to give me you at Starrcade so how about you come down and we take care of this, right now![/I] The iconic sound of Flair's music hits and out walks the Nature Boy. [I]Flair: You want me? WOOO! You got the WOOO! Nature Boy! [/I] Flair drops the mic and takes off down the ramp. Jarrett gets out of the ring and meets Flair head on. This isn't a match, just a fists flying, eye gouging fight. Eventually security shows up to seperate the two. Eric Bischoff arrives on stage. [I]Bischoff: That's enough! WCW Management won't condone this chaos! You two want each other so bad? Then it'll be made official, Jeff Jarrett vs. Ric Flair at Starrcade! [/I] Both men nod their heads as they glare at each other. [I]Bischoff: But tonight? These WCW fans get to see you to in the ring even before Starrcade. But it'll be Jeff Jarrett and two partners of his choice against Ric Flair and two partners of his choice. That is tonight, for Nitro's main event! [/I] [CENTER][B]Cruiserweight International Challenge Hayabusa vs. "Sugar" Shane Helms [/B][/CENTER] The current WCW Cruiserweight Champion taking on the famous Hayabusa. The two only seemed to go through the motions on this one. Why they were became a little more apparent when Helms got distracted by Chavo Guerrero showing and fell prey to a tornado DDT from the FMW star. And one flying legdrop later, Hayabusa actually pinned the WCW Cruiserweight Champion! [CENTER][B]Still Watching...[/B][/CENTER] Just like he has been doing for most of December, Dustin Rhodes is sitting in the audience, watching Nitro. [B][CENTER]Triple Threat Match Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lance Storm vs. Mark Jindark [/CENTER][/B] A triple threat with three differeing competitors. Jindrak seemed to be more of the wrestling dummy for the more experienced Storm and Bigelow. He had his spots then and there, but Jindrak really did seem more like a supporting character. The end came with Bam Bam going for the Greetings from Asbury Park on Jindrak but he was distracted by Bill DeMott showing up and grabbing him by the ankle. That allowed Storm to nail Bam Bam with a dropkick to send him over the rope. A superkick onto Jindrak and Storm got the win. [CENTER][B]No Laughing Matter? [/B][/CENTER] After the match, DeMott attacked Bigelow and the coup de grace came when DeMott put Bam Bam on an outstretched table outside of the ring and hopped onto the ring apron. One No Laughing Matter later and Bam Bam was in a bad, bad way. [B][CENTER]Goldberg vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. [/CENTER][/B] A Spear. Jackhammer. Squash. match this wasn't. The gutsy Rey Rey put up one heck of a fight, using his sometimes unbelivable quickness and agility to successfuly combat the equally unbelivable strength and outright destructive force of Goldberg. Rey ended up going up top and leaping off the top. Goldberg caught him though in MID-AIR with the Spear! He picks him up and one Jackhammer later, another competitor has become a notch in Goldberg's belt. [B][CENTER]Respect[/CENTER][/B] Following the match, Rey hold a hand out and Goldberg shakes it as both men show tremendous respect for each other. Goldberg, in a moment of light-heartedness, holds Rey close and helps the smaller guy to the back. [CENTER][CENTER]I Got My Backup...[/CENTER][/CENTER] Jarrett is in the back with Pamela Paulshock with WCW World Champ, Scott Steiner, and Shane Douglas at his side. [I]Jarrett: Well Flair, I got my backup for tonight. Who do you have? Oh right, no one. Everyone you could count on has already wrestled tonight. Face it Flair, you are but one man. And you will be one man that doesn't measure up to these three. Now choke on that slapnuts! [/I] [CENTER][B]Come Starrcade...It All Changes[/B][/CENTER] After Jarrett and Douglas leave, Steiner stays behind with Paulshock. [I]Steiner: Here's a warning to Booker T, Ric Flair, everyone in WCW. And you better listn up because when the Big Bad Booty Daddy speaks, you listen. Come Starrcace, I promise you you'll leave Starrcade with your world turned upside down. Courtesy of...well you'll just have to wait and see. Holla if you hear me! [/I] [B][CENTER]Positively Kanyon vs. Booker T [/CENTER][/B] This was a quick and furious match, both men just relentlessly going at each other. At one point, Kanyon pulled a Book End of his own out of nowhere but he only got a two count with it. Booker T went for the Scissors Kick but he got distracted by the sound of the sirens wailing. He turned around to see Steiner standing on stage. Booker shouted a few choice words at him and then turned around, into the Kanyon Cutter. It was academic after that. [CENTER][B]Kanyon, YOU'RE NEXT! [/B][/CENTER] Kanyon had barely any moment to rest as Goldberg came down. [Steiner has already left]. Kanyon takes off like a bat out of hell and is chased around the ring and up the ramp. He is caught on the stage by Goldberg who grabs Kanyon by his hair and irish whips Kanyon into a portion of the stage. Set in stance...SPEAR! Goldberg just sent Kanyon through the wall of the stage! [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MAIN EVENT [/SIZE] Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner & Shane Douglas vs. Ric Flair & ??? & ??? [/B][/CENTER] Jarrett, Steiner and Douglas make their way to the ring and wait for Flair. Flair's music hits and he stands alone on the stage. [I]Jarrett: I told you that you had no one to help you Flair. I guess you have to ride alone on this- Flair: Did you say ride?[/I] The crowd absolutely erupts as the familar sounds of the hooves running on the ground play over the PA. First...out steps "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson! [I]Schiavone: Arn Anderson! Flair has "The Enforcer"! Heenan: Oh c'mon, a washed up Anderson? [/I] The cheers get even louder as out from the back steps the other half of the Minnesota Wrecking Crew...Ole Anderson! [I]Schiavone: Oh my goodness folks, this is quite a moment for Nitro! Three out of four of the original Horsemen are standing on stage! Heenan: Ole isn't even a wrestler anymore! [/I] And the pop gets even louder as Tully Blanchard steps out from the back. Jarrett, Steiner and Douglas all have their mouths open in shock. Standing in front of them on stage are the original Four Horsemen! And the trio of Flair, Blanchard and Arn Anderson make their way into the ring and any semblance of an actual match is thrown out of the window as the old guard goes toe to toe with the ****y Jarrett, Steiner, and Douglas. All three of the heels are much younger and physically much, much better. But the craftiness of the Horsemen is something you never can forget about. And the crowd reaction was hot when Blanchard whipped Jarrett into Arn who delivered...THE SPINEBUSTER! Eventually the ref threw out the scheduled match and labeled it a no-contest. [CENTER][B]World Title...On Line...On Nitro![/B][/CENTER] As the brawl still goes on in the ring... [I]Schiavone: Ladies and gentlemen, turn into WCW Thunder to feel the fallout from the return of the legendary original Four Horsemen. Also come this Monday Night Nitro, Scott Steiner defends the WCW World Heavyweight Title against GOLDBERG! [/I] Fade to black...
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WCW Thunder: December, Week 3 [B][CENTER]WCW Thunder[/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Live from Roy Wilkins Auditorium in St. Paul, MN [/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]Kanyon's Injured?[/CENTER][/B] The show opens via satellite as a pre-taped video of "Positively" Kanyon is played. He is sitting in a wheelchair and one arm is in a cast. [I]Kanyon: On Nitro, I found myself speared through the set and I have suffered many injuries thanks to that callous and inhumane act set out by the vile Bill Goldberg. Goldberg, I'm told that not only may I never wrestle again but I may never even walk again! I hope you're happy Goldberg. And I hope you burn in hell! [/I] [CENTER][B]Six Man Tag Match Paul London & Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio vs. The Jung Dragons [Kaz/Jamie-San/Yang] [/B][/CENTER] This was a perfectly acceptable warmup. This London character was trained by the Showstoppa himself so he has a bright future ahead. Pairing him with Kidman and Rey is just something that could only help him. The end came after Yang tried to powerbomb Kidman [you can't powerbomb Kidman!] and that was countered with a facebuster. A tag to London led the newcomer to climb the rope and nail a London Calling from the top for the win on Yang. [B][CENTER]World Title Hype [/CENTER][/B] Simply more video hype for the upcoming Booker-Scott Steiner Starrcade match. Neither of them seem to have been announced for any of the matches tonight so this is probably to keep them in the public eye. [B][CENTER]Holla If You Hear Me Sucka! [/CENTER][/B] Or not as the sirens began to wail... [I]Tenay: And here we have the entrance of the World Heavyweight Champion, totally unexpected! Stevie Ray: That's no Big Bad Booty Daddy sucka! That's...my bro! Tenay: #1 contender Booker T is coming down to the ring, mimicking the attire and poses of the Champion! [/I] "Big Poppa Pump" climbed into the ring, adjusting his chain mail head covering and began to speak. [I]Booker T: This goes out to all my freaks in the back! Freakzilla is here! Uh-huh, thanks to no one else but myself! And all those supplements I take for this body. Other than that, all by my-uh-self! See, the Big Bad Booty Daddy is a runaway train heading to Starrcade when he collides with the man who will take the World Title away from him, Booker T! A Book-End to my oversized title reign, that'll be what happens! When Big Poppa Pump speaks...all my freaks listen. Holla if you hear me...SUCKAAAAA![/I] [CENTER][B][CENTER]WCW Hardcore Title Triple Threat Crowbar [c] v. Shawn Stasiak vs. Big Vito [/CENTER][/B][/CENTER] The crowd wasn't all that into this one but the decent work of both Crowbar and Vito helped out a bit. The end came mercifully when Crowbar hit an Inverted DDT on Stasiak. [B][CENTER]Big Sexy...Down and Out [/CENTER][/B] Backstage, the cameras see that "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash is being attended to by medical officials. He's councious but really unable to comprehend what is going on. No word on who attacked him. [B][CENTER]"Sugar" Shane Helms vs. Hayabusa [/CENTER][/B] A rematch from Nitor. Chavo was barred from ringside. The current champ and the "Bird That Never Dies" didn't quite click right away but Hayabusa helped the younger champion along. About eleven minutes in, Helms went ahead and nailed the Vertebreaker and beats the international star. [CENTER]The Horsemen...WOOO! [/CENTER] The Horsemen music plays and out walks Ric Flair, flanked by Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. The crowd is marking out huge for the Classic Horsemen. All three get into the ring and salute the crowd with the Horsemen signal. Flair has the stick... [I]Flair: WOOO! The Nature Boy shocked the world on Nitro! The reunion of the legendary, WOOO!, immortal, WOOO!, incomparable, WOOO!, Four Horsemen! The Four Horsemen will live on again. Jarrett, what you got on Nitro was just a taste of things to come. With the blessing of Ole, WOO!, Arn, WOOO!, and Tully by God Blanchard, WOOO!, the Nature Boy will craft a new Horsemen unit that WCW has never, and will never, see again. WOO! Now choke on that, fatboy! WOOOO! [/I] [B][CENTER]Bill DeMott vs. Disqo [/CENTER][/B] This was a pretty decent match for Thunder. DeMott and Disqo really don't have much to tie them together but the two went out and put on a good show. That is one thing you can count on Disqo to do though, put on a good match. The match came to an end after DeMott nailed the No Laughing Matter Moonsault for the win. [CENTER][B]Payback [/B][/CENTER] DeMott is celebrating his victory and is blindsided by Bam Bam hitting the scene. He nails DeMott with the US Title and then, dropping the belt on the mat, nails the Greetings From Asbury Park on the champ. [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]MAIN EVENT [/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B]Kronik [Bryan Clarke/Brian Adams] & Jeff Jarrett vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Goldberg [/B][/CENTER] Originally this was planned to be a six man tag match but DDP's partner, Nash, got attacked earlier in the night. So for almost twenty minutes, DDP and Goldberg fought the odds against the powerful Kronik tandem and the resourceful Jarrett. The end came with Kronik keeping Goldberg busy outside of the ring alllowing Jarrett to nail the Stroke and to pin Page, with his feet on the ropes for added measure. [CENTER][B]The Chaos Continues... [/B][/CENTER] Goldberg and DDP continue to get brutalized by Kronik and Jarrett before a multitude of officials, workers and security break things up as Thunder goes to close...
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WCW Nitro: December, Week 4 [CENTER][B]WCW MONDAY NIGHT NITRO [/B] [I]From The MARK of the Quad Cities in Moline, IL [/I] [B]The Return of Perfection...[/B][/CENTER] A quick series of clips from some of the better moments in the career of Curt Hennig are shown followed by the words..."Perfection is coming back...coming back very soon". [CENTER][B]Rey & Kidman vs. Boogie Knights [Disqo & Alex Wright] [/B][/CENTER] Well this opening match was rather dismal. Which was a shame because last time the Boogie Knights were in a match, they did a great job. And combined with the talent of Rey and Kidman, well it was a dissappointment. The end came with Kidman pinning Disqo with the SSP. [B][CENTER]Still Sitting In the Front Row...[/CENTER][/B] Dustin Rhodes is shown sitting in the front row, watching the proceedings once again. [B][CENTER]WCW Hardcore Title Crowbar [c] vs. Road Warrior Animal [/CENTER][/B] This match just turned out ugly. Really is a shame. Thankfully it was short and the end came with Crowbar getting the 3 count with the Mindbender. [CENTER]High Times...[/CENTER] Bryan Clarke and Brian Adams, collectively known as Kronik, are standing backstage. [I]Clarke: Nash, Page, you call yourselves the Insiders. Come Starrcade, you live up to your name when you recieved some inside information. Adams: The inside information that HIGH TIMES are coming for you...and the tag belts are coming to us! [/I] Thankfully a short promo but for some reason, the sheer look of Kronik made that segment turn out good. [B][CENTER]Chavo Guerrero Jr. & La Parka vs. "Sugar" Shane Helms & AJ Styles [/CENTER][/B] Well the string of mediocre matches continue tonight as nothing really wants to gel. The highlight of the match tonight was the constant mugging for attention that La Parka did. The crowd pop when he grabbed a chair as Chavo was distracting the ref and walloped Styles with it. That allowed Chavo, the legal man, to nail AJ with the Gory Bomb for the win. [B][CENTER]We Are Gathered To Celebrate... [/CENTER][/B] Scott Steiner is in the ring, along with Jeff Jarrett, Rick Steiner and Shane Douglas. The ring has been set up to resemble a funeral home, with a casket with a picture of Booker T on it in the center. [I]Steiner: Listen up, it's the Big Bad Booty Daddy preaching to you. Booker T had the nerve to insult Freakzilla and all that did was to serve reason to piss me off! So Booker, consider this "funeral" to be a showing of your future. A future where your career is dead courtesy of...Big Poppa Pump. HOLLA IF YA HEAR ME! [/I] [B][CENTER]Bill DeMott vs. Vader [/CENTER][/B] The concept behind two of the matches on the Nitro card was that on WCW.com, it was announced that in preperation for Starrcade, DeMott and Bigelow could choose their opponents. So DeMott enters and is surprised as hell to find out that his opponent is VADER! Sadly these two did not click at all but it still almost clocked in to a "good" match. The end came with Vader going for a Vader-Sault but DeMott moving out of the way. With Vader incapacitated, DeMott hit his own moonsault for the win. [B][CENTER]He's Still Next! [/CENTER][/B] Goldberg is backstage in front of the Nitro set... [I]Goldberg: Kanyon, I feel no remorse for spearing you through the Nitro set. So you best wheel yourself to Starrcade because walking or not, YOU'RE NEXT! [/I] [B][CENTER]Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shane Douglas [/CENTER][/B] Finally a match that actually went over well. It might've been the fact these two worked so well together in WCW that they easily performed good here. Shane went for a Franchiser at the end but was shoved away. As he bounced back, he ended up into the clutches of Bam Bam and Bigelow delivered the Greetings from Asbury Park for the win. [B][CENTER]Six Man Tag Match Kronik [Bryan Clarke & Brian Adams] & Jeff Jarrett vs. The Insiders [Kevin Nash & Diamond Dallas Page] & Ric Flair [/CENTER][/B] This was a "rematch" of sorts from Thunder with Nash actually being able to compete. The second change is that since Goldberg was competing in the main event tonight, Flair happily took up the third spot on the team. This match tore up the house. Despite the best attempts, the bad blood between the six men led to a double disqualfication. [CENTER][B]Holla If Ya Hear Me...[/B][/CENTER] Steiner is backstage now... [I]Steiner: Freakzilla is supposed to face Goldberg? Well Goldberg, you are not unstoppable. That's been proven. Tonight, you fall victim to the Big Bad Booty Daddy, just like Booker will at Starrcade. Holla if you hear me...[/I] [CENTER][B] MAIN EVENT WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Scott Steiner [c] vs. Bill Goldberg [/B][/CENTER] Well this is another match where the two wrestlers didn't click. However, the overall talents of Steiner and Goldberg had been good enough that it pushed the match into the B range. Goldberg and Steiner were hotly contested for much of the match until Steiner nailed Goldberg wtih a Belly to Belly suplex. Steiner posed but didn't know that Goldberg had popped right back up. Goldberg nailed the turning Steiner with the Spear and signaled for the Jackhammer. That is until Kanyon appeared from the crowd, sans wheelchair, and nailed Goldberg with the Kanyon Cutter, drawing the the DQ victory for Goldberg. [CENTER][B]Show Ain't Done Yet...Sucka! [/B][/CENTER] Kanyon and Steiner kept on beating up Goldberg after the conclusion of the match, ignoring the ringing of the bell. [Really, whoever listens to the bell?]. Suddenly Booker T makes his way ringside and serves as the calvary for Goldberg. A few lefts and rights here, a Book End to Kanyon. He went for one on Steiner who shoved him off...and left the ring. As Booker helped Goldberg to his feet...Steiner pulled Kanyon out of the ring. The two duos stared each other down as the Nitro went off the air... [Last Thunder was a B card with 5,000 attending and 22.72 TV rating] Nitro was...A C rated card. And recieved a 14.45 rating on TNT]
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WCW Thunder: December, Week 4 -Note: These are just going to be a quick newsbite type result...for some reason...this Thunder was just horrible to go through. I may just be tired... -There was a press conference between Scott Steiner and Booker T. to build up even more hype for Starrcade. -Jeff Jarrett beat DDP and Bill DeMott, pinning Page with the Stroke, in the first of the night's many triple threats. -Tenay talks about the mystery attacks that have been occuring to men like Nash and Goldberg... -Kevin Nash defeated Shane Helms and Crowbar when Nash pinned Crowbar following the Jacknife. -Booker T cuts a promo on Steiner. Great rating it got by the way, a A* -Nash is still celebrating his victory in the ring [or it may be because I clicked the Booker segment one spot too far back] -Konnan/Rey defeated the Boogie Knights and Karagia and Moore, eliminating the 3 Count boys last. -Jeff Jarrett hyped the Flair match at Starrcade. -Bam Bam beat Ric Flair and Brian Adams with the Greetings from Asbury Park on Adams for the win. -Goldberg gets escorted to the ring by security. -Goldberg/Booker T vs. Kanyon/Scott Steiner went to a no contest as the ref lost control of the match and stopped it. -Show went to an end when Steiner and Booker stared each other down one more time. Card Rating: B+, attendance: 7,837 TV rating on TBS: 22.32
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[I]WCW.com-[/I] The Starrcade card has been released... [B][CENTER]Six Man Ladder Match for #1 Contendership to the Cruiserweight Title [/B] Alex Wright vs. AJ Styles vs. Billy Kidman vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger [B]Lucha Libre 2/3 Falls Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Title [/B] "Sugar" Shane Helms [c] vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. [B]10 Man Hardcore Battle Royale [/B] Crowbar [c] vs. Mike Sanders vs. Mark Jindrak vs. Lash LeRoux vs. Johnny the Bull vs. Disqo vs. Evan Karagias vs. Chuck Palumbo vs. Big Vito vs. Rick Steiner [B]WCW World Tag Team Title Match [/B] The Insiders [c] vs. KroniK [B]Tables Match for the WCW United States Title [/B] Bill DeMott [c] vs. Bam Bam Bigelow Ric Flair vs. Jeff Jarrett Goldberg vs. "Positively" Kanyon [B]Steel Cage Match [Escape Rules] for the WCW World Heavyweight Title [/B] Scott Steiner [c] vs. Booker T Plus lots of big surpises! Predictions are welcome... [/CENTER]
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Six Man Ladder Match for #1 Contendership to the Cruiserweight Title Alex Wright vs. AJ Styles vs. Billy Kidman vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Elix Skipper vs. [B]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B] Lucha Libre 2/3 Falls Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Title [B]"Sugar" Shane Helms [c][/B] vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. 10 Man Hardcore Battle Royale Crowbar [c] vs. Mike Sanders vs. Mark Jindrak vs. Lash LeRoux vs. Johnny the Bull vs. Disqo vs. Evan Karagias vs. [B]Chuck Palumbo[/B] vs. Big Vito vs. Rick Steiner WCW World Tag Team Title Match [B]The Insiders [c][/B] vs. KroniK Tables Match for the WCW United States Title Bill DeMott [c] vs. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Jeff Jarrett [B]Goldberg[/B] vs. "Positively" Kanyon Steel Cage Match [Escape Rules] for the WCW World Heavyweight Title Scott Steiner [c] vs. [B]Booker T[/B]
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[QUOTE=JMan;287546][I]WCW.com-[/I] The Starrcade card has been released... [B][CENTER]Six Man Ladder Match for #1 Contendership to the Cruiserweight Title [/B] Alex Wright vs. AJ Styles vs. Billy Kidman vs. [B][B]Christopher Daniels[/B][/B] vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger [B]Lucha Libre 2/3 Falls Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Title [/B] [B]"Sugar" Shane Helms [c][/B] vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. [B]10 Man Hardcore Battle Royale [/B] [B][B]Crowbar [c][/B][/B] vs. Mike Sanders vs. Mark Jindrak vs. Lash LeRoux vs. Johnny the Bull vs. Disqo vs. Evan Karagias vs. Chuck Palumbo vs. Big Vito vs. Rick Steiner [B]WCW World Tag Team Title Match [/B] [B][B]The Insiders [c][/B][/B] vs. KroniK [B]Tables Match for the WCW United States Title [/B] Bill DeMott [c] vs. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] [B][B]Ric Flair[/B][/B] vs. Jeff Jarrett Goldberg vs. [B]"Positively" Kanyon[/B] [B]Steel Cage Match [Escape Rules] for the WCW World Heavyweight Title [/B] Scott Steiner [c] vs. [B]Booker T[/B] Plus lots of big surpises! Predictions are welcome... [/CENTER][/QUOTE] Should be a good show, I'm lovin' this dynasty, by the way!
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WCW Starrcade! [B][CENTER]WCW Proudly Presents... [I]Live from the Charlotte Collisuem...[/I] [SIZE="4"]WCW STARRCADE! [/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Oh Brutha![/CENTER][/B] "Mene" Gene Okerlund is standing in the middle of the ring for the start of WCW Starrcade. The distinguished announcer and commentator wasted no time. [I]"Mean" Gene: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll be frank and to the point. Welcome to WCW Starrcade 2000! Tonight you get to see the titantic clash between Booker T and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Steiner, within the confines of a steel cage! Speaking of World Champions, I'm proud to introduce a former WCW Champion. Perhaps argubably the most recognizable man in the history of pro wrestling, the one and only, immortal HULK HOGAN! [/I] "American Made" begins playing over the PA system to a HUGE pop as the WCW crowd hasn't seen the "Hulkster" in a while. Absence makes the heart grow fonder you know. Clad in the yellow and red, Hogan makes his way to the ring. He climbs into the ring and poses for the crowd. He rips off the t-shirt to a big pop and then stands next to Okerlund. [I]"Mean" Gene: Hulk Hogan, tonight you find yourself back in a WCW ring for the first time since the controversial events of Bash at the Beach. What are your thoughts. Hogan: Well you know something Mean Gene, its been a long, long time since the Hulkster was able to stand in the the middle of the ring and soak in the cheers of all these Hulkamaniacs! Let me tell you something brutha, the Hulkster has been to the highest mountaintop and I've trudged through the lowest valley but I've always persevere. What Russo did to me at the Bash was something that made me look deep inside of myself and realize that I am not the same man I was back when I bodyslammed Andre the Giant, the Bodyslam Heard 'Round The World brutha! I like the politics of this buisness get ahead of me dude and it was something that almost killed Hulkamania brutha. And so that's why I came back tonight so I could leave the WCW squared circle the right away. With my head held high in front of all my Hulkamaniacs and not with my head sullied by that mangy dog, Vince Russo! Thank you all, all you Hulkamaniacs, for letting me come back to say goodbye. And brutha, one last time I gotta ask...WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD... [/I] Hogan gets cut off by thunder reverberating over the PA system. Smoke pours up from the stage and a very [I]familar [/I] entrance music begins to play. One not heard since 1998. Through the haze, to a huge pop, steps the Ultimate Warrior! Warrior looks up, like he is talking to the heavens, before running down to the ring in classic form. He runs into the ring and shakes the ropes as Hogan looks on, shocked. The Warrior grabs a mic and begins to speak. [I]Warrior: Hogan, you are indeed a legend in this buisness. An icon. A great combatant that will forever have his legacy etched in the long annals of pro wrestling lore. You have been the pure champion of goodness for many children and yet also the most despicable degenerate, a doer of deviance, a fountain of corruption of all the men and women, of all the souls that circulate you. The Warrior is glad you have found your inner fire again, that you have found your inner self, your true self, the self that brought you so close to the path of immortality. But this long winding road is not over Hogan. There is one more destination. One more chapter written into this legendary saga. One last clash between two titans of this industry. Hogan, look deep inside. Even after the events of 1998, can you really say you are still the man who finally beat a Warrior. Look deep inside Hulkster and you'll see the truth. That you've yet to tame Destrucity. That you can't end the Path of the Warrior. It's up to you Hogan to accept this offer. This chance of redemption for your tarnished reputation, your tattered soul. Another chance to take a stab at destiny, to face a Warrior. Reach deep inside Hulkster...call upon your Hulkamania... And make a date with destiny. A meeting with fate. A showdown with...DESTRUCITY! [/I] With that, Warrior stares down the Hulkster as the crowd is red hot [honestly they were, the segment was an A] as "Mean Gene" watches on. [B]Six Man Ladder Match for the #1 Contendership to the WCW Cruiserweight Title Alex Wright vs. AJ Styles vs. Billy Kidman vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger [/B] This was a barnburner to start off the first Starrcade under new management. So many different competitors and styles, but all of them could fly. This type of match, with this many competitors, didn't lend itself to much physchology but it had some great moments. One hightlight came from when Styles had propped another ladder up and caught Alex Wright, who had been reaching for the briefcase containing the contract, with a PELE! That high up! That amazing move took Styles out of the match for most of the rest of its duration. Skipper got a huge pop when he nailed the Play of the Day on Kidman, onto the ladder! A real treat was the chance to see junior heavyweight legend, Jushin Thunder Lyger in the ring. The iconic wrestling superstar wowed crowds with his timeless manuevers. A hush had fallen over the crowd when Lyger had the opportunity to grab the contract but failed to do so as he opted to leap off the top of the ladder and splash the prone Christopher Daniels. The last folks up the ladder were Kidman and Styles who was back up to his feet eventually. The end came with Kidman ducking a punch thrown by Styles and backdropping Styles off the ladder onto the mat! A reach up and Kidman was the new #1 contender to the WCW Cruiserweight Title. [B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match Lucha Libre 2 out of 3 Falls Match "Sugar" Shane Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero [/CENTER][/B] These two tried to put on a match with a bit more pyschology and story into it. The crowd was probably a bit worn out after the #1 contender match and that may have hurt this championship contest. The first fall came when Guerrero tried to go for the Tornado DDT but Helms blocked it and countered it eventually into the Nightmare on Helms Street to gain the first fall. The second fall came with Helms having the advantage. He went to try and finish the match all together by nailing Chavo with the Vertebreaker but Guerrero countered that one into the Gory Bomb which got the fall. The third and deciding fall came with Chavo escaping another Vertebreaker, going for a rollup when he was freed from the Vertebreaker setup. Helms rolled through and in a almost Guerrero fashion, threw his own feet on the ropes for extra leverage and for the third fall, allowing him to win the match and retain his title. [CENTER][B]Holla if Ya Hear Me...The WCW World Heavyweight Champion [/B][/CENTER] Scott Steiner is standing backstage in front of the WCW Starrcade set and the WCW World Heavyweight Title is strapped around his waist. He looks ready to go. [I]Steiner: Tonight, Booker T, you step into the unforgiving steel structure of a steel cage. Worse than that Booker, you step into the ring with Big Poppa Pump, the Big Bad Booty Daddy himself. You go face to face with Freakilla. You see, I've got the largest peaks and the most freaks, and I'm the World Champion. Tonight Booker, you will fail. You will fall. Tonight you learn that the one thing it all comes down to is... [/I] Steiner flexes his massive arms... [I]Steiner: There is nothing finer than Scotty Steiner. [/I] [CENTER][B]Perfection Will Return...[/B][/CENTER] The tron plays highlights of Curt Hennig's career again and the following is uttered. [I] WCW is many things. But one thing it isn't is Perfect. Soon...WCW will witness Perfection again. Curt Hennig returns. [/I] [B][CENTER] WCW Hardcore Title 10 Man Battle Royale Crowbar [c] vs. Mike Sanders vs. Mark Jindrak vs. Lash LeRoux vs. Johnny the Bull vs. Disqo vs. Evan Karagias vs. Chuck Palumbo vs. Big Vito vs. Rick Steiner [/CENTER][/B] Okay, this match wasn't a mat classic. It was a nice diversion from everything else though. The final four came down to Rick Steiner, Mark Jindrak, Disqo and Big Vito. The crowd had hated it when the crowd favorite, Crowbar, had been dumped over the top rope by the very unhardcore Disqo. The first elimination of the final four came with Jindrak clothesline Vito out of the ring and over the top rope. He didn't get a moments rest because Disqo came up and dumped him out. The diso loving superstar did his best Saturday Night Fever impersonation until he bumped into Steiner who simple lifted him over his head and threw him out to win the WCW Hardcore Title. [B][CENTER] Confident of Victory... [/CENTER][/B] The Insiders stand backstage in front of the Starrcade set. The WCW Tag Belts are slung over their shoulders. [I]Nash: Tonight KroniK, your High Times are going up in smoke. Tonight, all it'll take is one Jacknife Powerbomb...one Diamond Cutter...and its all over. Enjoy the spotlight while you can because tonight, you get cut down thanks to Big Sexy and DDP. Page: Yeah Big Kev. Tonight, you are gonna feel the Badda BOOM! The Badda BING! And how can I forget...the BADDA...[/I] Page does the Diamond Cutter sign... [I]Page: BANG!!! [/I] As Page walks off, Nash remarks. [I] Nash: In other words, you'll never see it coming. [/I] [CENTER][B]WCW World Tag Team Titles [/B][/CENTER] The Insiders [c] vs. KroniK This was an evenly matched contest that eventually saw Adams getting worked over by Page and Nash despite being the heel in the match. Adams actually got a chance to get the hot tag to Clarke but shockingly, Clarke dropped off the apron and walked away from a stunned Adams. Brian turned around right into...the Diamond Cutter! This led to Nash signaling that he wanted to do the "2 Sweet" hand signal to Page. Page happily obliged and that was when Nash booted Page in the gut and nailed the Jacknife. Having lost control of the match, the ref declared a no contest. [B][CENTER]The "Inside" Track to being Ousted. [/CENTER][/B] Nash brutalized his tag partner even after the bell rang. He dragged Page up to the stage, sometimes having to drag Page completely by the hair. He grabbed DDP and put him into position, bringing down the straps and then doing a crotch chop. He lifts Page up and Jacknife Powerbombs him...THROUGH THE STAGE! [B][CENTER] Emergency Attention Needed...[/CENTER][/B] EMTs go to work on the brutalized and bloody Page who is eventually stretchered out as Schiavone and Heenan speak in hushed tones about the horrific attack. [B][CENTER]WCW United States Title Match Tables Match Bill DeMott [c] vs. Bam Bam Bigelow [/CENTER][/B] This was a bruiser of the match. And some would say the "palate cleanser" after the shocking double turn in the last match. Both men busted their butts tonight knowing that they had three huge matches coming up after them. At one point, Bigelow had a table set up in the ring and was going to attempt to nail a Greetings from Asbury Park...from the top rope through the table. DeMott escaped from that instance but the pop from the crowd when they thought that was going to occur was pretty huge. DeMott and Bam Bam fought still on that top turnbuckle after the champ escaped the Greetings. Out of nowhere, DeMott hoisted Bam Bam up with a firemans carry and fell back, nailing a Samoan Drop off the top rope through the table to retain his title! [B][CENTER]WOO! The Stage is Set! [/CENTER][/B] Flair stands backstage, flanked by Ole Anderson and Tully Blanchard. [I]Flair: WOOO! Double J, Jeff Jarrett, the Chosen One! Tonight, on the biggest stage in all of WCW, Starrcade, you get to grace the ring with the WOOO! greatest world champion of all time! You get to compete on Starrcade against the Dirtiest Player in the Game, the Nature Boy, WOOO! Ric Flair! And tonight, with the classic Horsemen watching my back, I'm gonna make you tap out just like your woman did after riding Space Mountain last night, WOOO! Diamonds are forever Jeff...and so is the Nature Boy! [/I] [B][CENTER]Hah, Sucker! [/CENTER][/B] Jeff Jarrett makes his entrance for the upcoming match and he extends his hand to shake hands with a small boy but takes his hand away at the last moment, laughing his head off as the kid cries. [B][CENTER]Jeff Jarrett vs. Ric Flair [/CENTER][/B] Remember the match these two had earlier in the month? The one that was simply a very great match? These two built on that and IMPROVED on it. This match had the crowd hopping at each and every ebb and flow. There was nary a dead spot in it. One twist on a classic spot was when Jarrett irish whipped Flair into the turnbuckle and Flair did the vintage flip over onto the apron. Jarrett went to clothesline him but Flair, contrary to what usually happens, jabbed Jarrett in the eye and strutted down the apron. Later on in the match, Flair got busted open following a slingshot into an exposed turnbuckle. This led to a vintage Flair crimson mask and to an extended beatdown sequence from Jarrett. Flair came battle back for awhile but Jarrett stopped his momenum cold with a back body drop. He then locked the Figure Four on the man who was synomous with the hold. Flair battled on and eventually reversed the hold. Naitch stumbled up to his feet, his leg hurting from the Figure Four and that left him prone to the Stroke. Jarrett covered Flair...one two...thre...no kickout! Jarrett couldn't believe his eyes. He picked up Flair again and this time, with even more authority, he delivered a second Stroke. This one got the pinfall and the rather surprising clean win for Jarrett. [B][CENTER]Charlotte Salutes A Legend... [/CENTER][/B] A bloody Flair refuses help from the officials and stands up under his own control as the Charlotte crowd gives him a standing ovation. Flair simple nods, appreciating the touching gesture by the crowd. [B][CENTER]Here Comes Da Man [/CENTER][/B] Cue the knock on the door. The iconic entrance of Goldberg being escored to the gorilla position by security and police leads to the Invasion music, the pyro and the huge crowd reaction. [B]Goldberg vs. "Positively" Kanyon [/B] These two played their roles to perfection. Goldberg dominated the first part of the match, the crowd getting behind "Da Man" as he finally got a chance to go one on one with Kanyon. Kanyon capitalized on Goldberg going for the Spear early, an attempt that ended up harming his shoulder when he ended up spearing the ringpost instead of Kanyon. For most of the match, it was Kanyon reminding everyone why he was the "Innovator of Offense", seemingly creating moves on the fly to deliver more and more damage to the right shoulder of Goldberg. Very smart planning on his part, bad shoulder means no Jackhammer. The end seemed to come when Kanyon put a stop to a brief Goldberg rally and slipped out of the press slam...right into nailing "Da Man" with the Flatliner. One...two...kickout! Kanyon fell prey to another huge flurry by Goldberg who built up a head of steam, hitting power move after power move, capping it all off with the Spear! Goldberg signaled it was time for the Jackhammer and tried to get Kanyon up but his shoulder was hurting too much. Kanyon tried to go for the Kanyon Cutter but Goldberg shoved him off and got the Spear again! Goldberg once again went for the Jackhammer and his right shoulder caused him problems once more...this time he simple switched his grip on Kanyon to the left arm and using all the strength he had in his right arm, lifted Kanyon up and hit the Jackhammer finally. He covered Kanyon and got the well-deserved win in the conclusion of a red-hot match. [B][CENTER]"Da Man" Celebrates [/CENTER][/B] Nursing his hurt shoulder, Goldberg poses for the crowd, celebrating his very, very tough win. [B]WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Steel Cage Match Scott Steiner [c] vs. Booker T [/B] The crowd was, despite the last two matches being five star classics, still red hot for the main event and they didn't give up at all during the match. This match was, to quote Good Ol' JR, one hell of a slobberknocker. Steiner, who many had said was detoriating too quickly to be a main eventer, held his own against Booker T. Steiner brutalized Booker, slamming the challenger into the cage and opening him up with the "cheese grater" spot on the cage. Despite Booker using his definitive advantage when it came to speed, Steiner had a lock on him for most of the match thanks to his variety of suplexes. Booker gained a brief advantage when he nailed his side kick and that allowed him to make an attempt at the door. He almost made it but Steiner caught him with a belly to back suplex. Steiner then put Booker in the Steiner Recliner and worked the hold until Booker was jelly in his arms. Arrogant, Steiner posed incessantly as he made his way to the door. He actually made it all the way out onto the steps when he felt Booker yank him back towards the door. Booker got him back into the ring and started building momentum, laying into Scott with punch after punch. A back body drop on Steiner gave Booker a chance to catch the rising champion with the Scissors Kick. Booker dropped to one knee and stared at his hand before doing a Starrcade Spinna-Rooni! Sensing the end was near, Booker waited for the World Champ to rise to his feet and caught him with the Book End. With Steiner down and out, a bloody Booker stumbled towards the door. Suddenly Bryan Clarke had came from down the rampway and KO'ed the ref with a big boot. The big man burst into the cage and clobbered Booker. Booker fought back and nailed Clarke with a Book End. The moment Booker T looked at the door, Buff Bagwell was inside the cage now. He too ate a Book End courtesy of Booker T. Kevin Nash entered the cage now also and Booker ducked a big boot from "Big Sexy" and nailed him with a Book End. [I]Schiavone: This is completely insane Brain! Booker is having to fight half the roster to get out of that cage! Heenan: And look, its the new Hardcore champ! Rick Steiner trying to help his brother! Schiavone: And Rick eats a Book End too! By God, I believe Booker is going to pull out the miracle! [/I] Having gone through four men, delivered four Book Ends, an exhausted Booker crawled to the door. He stuck the upper half of his body out and that is when Kanyon came rushing to ringside, slamming the door across the head of Booker. As Steiner crawled towards the door, Kanyon reached in and eventually was able to pull Steiner out of the cage, allowing "Big Poppa Pump" to retain the World Title to the shocking conclusion of an awesome match. [CENTER][B]What Just Happened? [/B][/CENTER] The steel cage is being raised up and Scott Steiner is directing traffic as the five men that interfered in his match all beat up on Booker. Nash, Kanyon, Rick Steiner, Clarke and Buff all took shots at the bloodied challenger. Suddenly a huge pop came from the crowd as Dustin Rhodes appeared through the crowd, armed with a chair. He camed into the ring and threw himself between the six men and Booker. Still a huge numbers disadvantage but the six were wary of the chair. Dustin held them off as Booker tried to get to his feet... [I]Schiavone: It's Dustin Rhodes! After weeks of watching the actions of Steiner, the son of the "American Dream" has come to put a stop to this madness! Heenan: That goes to show you that stupidity must be herediatary... [/I] As soon as Booker got his feet, Dustin turned around and blasted Booker with the chair! [I]Schiavone: What just happened? Dustin Rhodes has obliterated Booker T with that chair! Heenan: Oh my God, I think I've just found myself a Rhodes to be a fan of! God, never thought I would even say that! [/I] [B][CENTER]It May Be A Sin...But Who Cares? [/CENTER][/B] The World Champion, Scott Steiner, locked the Steiner Recliner on a practically uncouncious Booker T. Dustin Rhodes grabbed a mic and leaned down to speak to Booker's bloody face. [I]Dustin: I know you can't hear me now Booker but I know you'll listen to this when you are laid up in your hospital bed. For this entire year, I've watched you try to play the role of the noble hero for this cesspool of a company. You've tried to do things the right way. And that's what has led you to where you are now. You see Booker, sin is natural. Sin is something we all live with and those who are weak...hide from sin. We are all guiltly of sin. The sin of Lust...lusting over the image of our own pefect body...[/I] Buff poses... [I]Dustin: ...The sin of Gluttony...the voracious appetite to cause people pain... [/I] Rick barks and pats the Hardcore title... [I]Dustin: The sin of Wrath...the need to destroy everything in your way...[/I] Bryan Clarke glares... [I]Dustin: The sin of Sloth...getting over on the hard work of others and getting credit for what they did... [/I] Nash shrugs in a "Who Me?" manner. [I]Dustin: The sin of Greed...that never-ending appetite for the bigger piece of the pie that will lead you to even turning on the closest of friends... [/I] Kanyon points at himself and mouths "Who betta?" [I]Dustin: The sin of Pride...which consumes you as your ego swallows everything around you, like a raging sun. [/I] Scott Steiner applies the Recliner a little more harsher... [I]Dustin: And yes Booker, the sin of Envy...which drives you to hate the very thing that brought you fame in the first place. Because it wasn't yours and it eats away at you. Yet, despite the fact we have sinned, we have not hid Booker. We have not covered up our ugly sides. We embrace the darker nature in all of us. We welcome the Sin of Man. You, Booker T, had the misforturne of being the culmination of weeks of planning. You'll never forget tonight, the night us seven men, us seven who relish the use of those seven deadly sins, changed the landscape of WCW and professional wrestling itself. You'll never forget Starrcade Booker and oh Booker, you'll never forget the name of... [/I] Dustin does that deep inhale and the little chomping gesture. [I]Dustin: Dustin Rhodes. [/I] [I]Schivaone: Ladies and Gentlemen, I can't begin to comprehend what has gone here tonight. I'm in complete and utter shock. Tune in tomorrow night for the backlash of Starrcade and...Bobby I can't believe what I've just seen. Heenan: I know! It's simply awesome! Schiavone: I'm at a loss of words. WCW fans, for Bobby "The Brain" and the rest of the WCW staff, I'm Tony Schiavone and we'll see you on Nitro. [/I] As Starrcade fades to black, Dustin Rhodes holds up the hand of Scott Steiner as the other five men stand behind them...the prone form of Booker T sprawled out in front of the seven men. [Well there is the first month in the can. What are your thoughts on the show folks and the month in general? Before I continue on, I would like some feedback on what you like, what you don't like, if you want more traditional stuff or more riskier stuff? Thanks for those who have been reading!
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That was a very good show you just put on. Really liked the flow of it from the off (the Hogan / Warrior thing should be very interesting to see how it plays out). It'll be interesting to see how you continue the seven sins as it should make for a number of interesting feuds if done well.
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WCW Nitro: January , Week 1 [I]WCW.com-[/I] Join World Championship Wrestling as it rings in the new year with a brand new Monday Night Nitro. With fallout from the shocking conclusion of Starrcade 2000! [B][CENTER]WCW Monday Night Nitro [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][I]Live from the Portland Memorial Colisuem [/I][/CENTER] [I] Paul London & AJ Styles vs. Kid Romeo & Elix Skipper The Filthy Animals [Billy Kidman/Rey Mysterio/Konnan] vs. Alex Wright, Disqo, and Mark Jindrak [/I] [B]WCW United States Title Match [/B] [I]Bill DeMott [c] vs. Lance Storm "Positively" Kanyon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow Ric Flair vs. Vampiro [/I] [B]WCW World Heavyweight Title Match [/B] [I]Scott Steiner [c] vs. Goldberg [/I]
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