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Central States Wrestling - Saving Tradition

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[I]April 1st, 1983[/I] It's funny how quickly things can change. Only a few weeks ago, I was just another post-graduate student working part-time at my college radio station. Earning a little cash, living in a ****ty apartment with three other guys, and single and one human being can be. Then, coming home after a night at work, I had the oddest note on the fridge.... [quote]Jesse, You got a call from Bob Geegil? Something about a new job or something. Didn't even know you were looking for another one. Anyway, number is (xxx) 555-3134. - Mark[/quote] ...well, after a six hour shift, calling some random phone number at eleven PM didn't seem like a good idea. So, the next morning I call the number and I get a secretary informing me that I've called Central States Promotions. After a moment, I realize she's waiting for a response and tell her that Mister Geigel left me a message to call me. Two weeks later, after a few meetings and phone calls, I'm the new head booker of perhaps the most respected territory in professional wrestling. The reasons were simple according to Geigel - I was a "smart young man" who knew the wrestling business and since Mushnick had recently retired, it was time for a change. He knew the business was slowly going to nationalize due to cable, "no matter what those other fools around the country" thought and he wanted to make sure that wrestling survived in more or less it's present form, without "cartoon bull****" taking it over. The only conditions were simple. Don't rape his child. My job is to save tradition from dying the slow death that would happen if someone like McMahon's kid or Dusty Rhodes got a hold of a national audience. This is my story.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;285668]And a territory that I don't think anyone's done anything in depth with. Best of luck with this![/QUOTE] I've done a Central States dynasty, didn't run long, but I did one. Also, I did a St. Louis Wrestling Club one. Best of luck on this dynasty, it is a great promotion to play with in the game.
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[quote=nimo34;285955]I've done a Central States dynasty, didn't run long, but I did one. Also, I did a St. Louis Wrestling Club one. Best of luck on this dynasty, it is a great promotion to play with in the game.[/quote] I remember the St. Louis one, the Central States one must have been before I was a regular reader.
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The first thing to look at to setup the future of Central States Wrestling in both the near and long-term. Basically, I set up three tiers of popularity along with a 'wishlist' for the near-future. TIPPY-TOP --------------- Harley Race - Will never be the main guy in Central States due to his other committments. However, he is the most popular man in the promotion and will be a part of the main-event scene, at least until Japan or Mid-Atlantic comes calling. Brusier Brody - Not a long-term man to build the fed around but by the same token, can be a guy at the top as a heel or face that will stay over with the fans in the heartland. However, his committments with All-Japan and Puerto Rico are something to be a little worried about. Bob Geigel/Pat O'Connor - Figurehead President and main road agent and will be useful in the near future once the product gets tweaked enough to allow some decent Authority and Old-Timer angles. UP & COMERS and/or FALLING DOWN ------------------------------------------ Bob Brown - Long-time veteran, will be useful for the next couple of years to put over new talent. Buck Robley - Manager, but currently a manager of a couple of low-card heels. Not overly charismatic and not that over, so may be out the door pretty soon to be honest. Buzz Tyler - Another veteran, but could be useful in short main-event spurts along with helping to put over new talent Crazy Luke Graham - Veteran with some talent, but way too expensive for what I can get out of him. Crusher Ayala - Solid heel, but not out-of-this world. An OK worker, but needs someone else to hide his flaws. Will be perfect as the muscle for the right group of heels. Will never be the champ, but could be the guy the champ depends on to keep his belt. David Von Erich - The future of Central States. Plain and simple. Yes, he's with World Class also, but I'm going to do everything short of giving Fritz oral to keep him in St. Louis. Dewey Robertson & Ray Hernandez - The current tag champs and I honestly really don't know why. They both have skills, but aren't currently over enough with the crowd to keep the belts. They have a future, but their time is not now. So yeah, enjoy the belts while they can. Killer Karl Kox & Killer Karl Krupp - Two old guys who will be out the door soon enough, but can put over new guys until they do so. Manny Fernandez - The current Heavyweight champion in Central States and a future star. He will get the proverbial rocket up his ass and will be in the main-event picture for the next year at least, barring injury and/or Central States being raided of talent. The Oates Brothers - Solid tag team that will never be able to pull off main-event level feuds, but will be perfectly reasonable wrestlers in the tag division. Roger Kirby - A solid mid-card wrestler who can do well as a face or heel and will help out the young greenhorns I'll be bringing in over the next few months. Sheik Abdullah - A manger without clients as Kirby is currently a face. May be on the backburner for a while. The Super Destroyers - Probably the best tag-team in the company and The Super Destroyer is a good singles heel who can get the occasional title shot. Will likely get a long tag title run while I build up the new tag teams I'm going to be bringing in. JOBBERS and/or JOBBERS TO THE STARS ----------------------------------------------- All these guys are either too old, too slow, too young, or just don't have 'it.' They'll be taking many, many losses over the next few months, including the current TV champion Mark Romero. Mark Romero Mike George Kim Duk Porkchop Cash Tank Patton Tommy Rogers The Convict Now, to plan out the next few months....
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