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TNA - Smashing Through The Glass Ceiling

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[quote]OOC: Okay I haven't had much luck in diarys and them lasting too long, because of various reason and I would like to remind everyone that I don't own anything used in this diary, that it does not protray actual events, and is just for fun for me to write and hopefully for you to enjoy. Also there's no elaborate backstory, this is just my take on the TNA and what I feel they should be doing it. My user character won't be involved on any of the shows for a while more than likely not until a few years in to the game. That said, let's get right into this![/quote] Credit: WrestlingExposed.com Ladies and Gentlemen it's been four long months since Kurt Angle with the help of his wife Karen Angle defeated Samoa Joe to win all of TNA's titles. What's even more shocking is that for four months Angle has been defending all three titles in the same night and hasn't falter once in a defence. Even after alienating his tag team partner Sting at Turning Point causing The Icon to walk out during the match. However, Angle found away to not only turn back Christoper Daniels for the X Division Title, Samoa Joe for the World title, but Team 3D and The Steiner's by himself! Well with the help of his wife who blinded Brother D'Von with a white powder long enough for Kurt to hit the Angle Slam for the pin while Rick and Scott were focused on Brother Ray. However, Karen Angle's assist to her husband didn't go unnoticed. Rick Steiner took his anger out on Mrs. Angle with a Steinerline leaving her down holding her neck in a scene eeriely familiar scene with Rick, but with Scott's one time tag partner Buff Bagwell. Mrs. Angle is currently still in the hospital as the extent of her injures are not known at this time. Leaving many to wonder if Kurt will be at Impact this week. Which wouldn't look good as far as one of his titles are concerned as Jim Cornette has made it his duty to get all of the titles off Angle. Below is the unofficial card for the show, but it will more than like become final. Havok vs. L. Hoyt vs Machete E. Young vs. J. Lethal vs. Matyr vs. Shark Boy P. Williams vs R. Roode Samoa Joe vs C. Daniels Styles vs A. Shelley Abyss & Raven vs. Damaja & Bashem TNA Tag Title Match: Sting & Angle? * vs ???
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Monday, Week 1 January 2008 Impact starts with a promo by Kurt Angle. He talks about how he “single-handedly” has kept all the TNA titles for months. He claimed himself as the “King of TNA” and the greatest wrestler of all time, but tonight his attention is on one man... Rick Steiner. His rant was cut off by the familiar sounds of Jim Cornette yelling as his way to the ring to a HUGE pop! They trade words before they make a match announcement, that Angle and Sting will defend the tag titles later tonight against mystery opponents! [b]Rating:[/b] B+ [b]Lance Hoyt vs. Havok vs. Machete[/b] The opening match of the night was a quick triple threat match that saw Hoyt pick up the win by pinning Machete after an Iconoclasam just barely over 5:37. [b]Rating:[/b] E [b] Marty vs. Eric Young vs. Jay Lethal vs. Shark Boy[/b] Fatal four way match showcasing some of the X division talent and with a rumor that the winner of the match might get a title match against Kurt Angle so the match was fast paced. So face paced that it ended before the five minute mark at 4:47 when Martyr pinned Eric Young following a Picture Perfect Elbow. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ Eric is still down in the ring moping after his tenth loss in a row when the familiar music of Shane Douglas hit the speakers. Douglas yelled at Young to get up, to suck it up, and take it like a man or get fired like a wimp that he. Young stared at Douglas blankly not sure what to make of the veteran. Douglas finished off by saying "Come with me kid and I can take you to the top!" The two then walked off together. [b]Rating:[/b] D [b]Petey Williams vs. Robert Roode[/b] In a rematch from Turning Point Williams and Roode met in the ring again, but the result was the same. Roode fell to the Canadian Destroyer for the one, two, three just barely over four and half minutes at 4:36. [b]Rating:[/b] C- Samoa Joe and AJ Styles are caught fighting over who should get the title against Kurt Angle Final Resolution. The two come to a "friendly" agreement to have a competition to see who can win the most matches before the PPV and that the winner should get the title shot. Joe says he'd like to see AJ take on Alex Shelley tonight... in a ladder match. [b]Rating: D+[/b] [b]Alex Shelley vs. AJ Styles[/b] In what could be called the X Division of night Alex Shelley defeated AJ Styles in 9:53 when he pulled his camera down from above the ring. Styles was furious after the match and attacked Shelley to take some of his anger on him. [b]Rating:[/b] C Backstage Christian Cage along with Tomko with Leticia. She doesn't get a word in edge wise as Christian just goes on and on about how he is the rightful TNA Champion and that Joe, Sting, Angle, and even AJ can't stop him from getting back what's his. [b]Rating:[/b] B [b]Abyss & Raven vs. Damaja & Bashem[/b] In a match that many thought would be a trainwreck turned out better than expected. Abyss and Raven defeated Damaja and Basham just short of nine minutes (8:50) when Abyss defeated Basham by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. [b]Rating:[/b] C Storm continues to taunt Rhino trying him to get him to take a drink. Rhino finally has had enough and attackeds James Storm. Rhino lays into him until Kevin Nash pulls him off, but it's too late for Storm as he's a bloodly mess. [b]Rating:[/b] C [b]Kurt Angle & Sting* vs. ????[/b] Sting and Angle are in the ring waiting for their opponents. As they wait Cornette makes his way towards the announce table. Cornette then announced that Angle and Sting were defeating the against not only VKM (A pop), but also Team 3D (Loud pop) and... The Steiner Brothers (HUGE POP). The match was of course hard hitting between the Steiner's and Angle. Which left Sting to fend for himself against VKM and Team 3D. Sting once again got fed up with Angle and his "agenda" with the Steiner's and walked out on Angle. Once Sting was gone again... Angle seemed to go "Extreme". Angle eliminated VKM, then Team 3D, and nearly had Rick Steiner tapping out to the Angle Lock, but Scott Steiner locked him in to The Steiner Recliner. Angle had to let go of the Angle Lock and tapped out five seconds away from the sixteen minute mark (15:55). The Steiner Brothers win the TNA World Tag Team titles. [b]Rating:[/b] B- [b]Overall Rating:[/b] C [quote]OOC: Apparently I over used Cornette and Machete during the show, but other than that it can be considered a success.[/quote]
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Credit: WrestlingExposed.com In a day that will go down in history as a bad day for professional wrestling as several wrestling companies cut "dead" weight. The list of released wrestlers both male and female is too extensive to name them all here. It will be exciting to see what happens with the recently released with so many spots now open around State side wrestling companies, not to mention Japan. The first big signing from the released talent which came to none as a shock... TNA signed Jerry "The King" Lawler to a pay per appearance contract. It's going to be interesting to see how TNA work's Lawler in to company with Don West already in the color man seat, but also with Mike Tenay and Moody Jack Melendez for Play by Play. Impact Preview: Lance Hoyt vs. Havoc Eric Young w/ Shane Douglas vs. Martyr Kaz vs. Ron Killings Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven TNA World #1 Contendership Match: Christian Cage vs. Sting
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Monday, Week 2 January 2008 Impact starts with a promo by Jim Cornette. He talks about how the fans are not too fond of someone within TNA. He then called Don West in to ring, who was visibly confused by what was going on. Cornette went on a rant telling west that the fans found him annoying to listen to. West cut in and asked Cornette where this was going and found out with an emphatic "YOUR FIRED!" Cornette then want on to say that since the show wouldn't feel right with out someone providing color commentry he introduced West's replacement... JERRY LAWLER to a HUGE pop! [b]Rating:[/b] C+ Christian Cage makes his way down to the ring. He takes a microphone and once again starts telling the crowd that he's the rightful TNA Champion, before getting interupted by Sting. The two argue over who should have the title shot, going back and forth on the microphone, before things take a violent turn and they start brawling. A whole host of staff hit the ring to break them up, and as they are being pulled apart Jim Cornette makes it official that tonight it will be Cage vs. Sting for the number one contendership. He also informs them that they don't have to worry about Angle tonight as he wasn't going to be here tonight due to his wife's injures. [b]Rating:[/b] A [b]Lance Hoyt w/ Christy Hemme vs. Havok w/ Raven[/b] It was a apparent from the start of this match that it was going to be a squash match to everyone with the expectation of Havok it seemed. Hoyt destoryed poor Havok in 5:22 before mercifully pinning Havok after an Iconoclasam. [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Eric Young w/ Shane Douglas vs. Martyr w/ Raven[/b] This match was interesting to see after last week and Douglas taking Young under his wings to show him to the top. Young and Martyr put on performances worthy of an X Division title shot, but the big story of the match was Douglas and Raven. They talked to one another through the match up which was eerie enough, but it seemed that Raven didn't seem interested in his protege Martyr and Douglas... well Douglas tripped Young up to where Martyr could hit the Picture Perfect Elbow Drop for the pin at 10:56! Douglas then went on to berate Young saying that he has to have eyes in the back of his not just for his opponent, but any and everyone around the ring. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ Joe is backstage with Jeremy Borash for an interview. Joe goes on a rant telling everyone how Styles couldn't get the job done last week and the fact that he couldn't even bring himself to be here tonight, but that he... he will get the job done against AJ choice of opponents tonight. Joe said that not on tonight will beat Christopher Daniels, but that he would make an example out of him not only to Styles, but to Cage and Sting as well. [b]Rating:[/b] C [b]Kaz vs. Ron Killings[/b] In a match that seemed rushed from the get go Kaz picked up the pinfall on Ron Killings after the Flux Capacitator at 1:57. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ A video played announcing that next week will we see Team 3D take on the Steiner Brothers. [b]Rating:[/b] C "The Punisher" Andrew Martin is shown with David Penzer of all people backstage. Martin talks to Penzer telling how in just a few short weeks that he will meet Abyss at Final Resolution. When Penzer brought up the reunion of sorts of Abyss and James Mitchell all Martin did was laugh and said...Punishment will be served. [b]Rating:[/b] C+ [b]Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven[/b] The world's longest squash match having lasted 13:11... I don't know why, but TNA felt the need to squash Raven badly in this match and for an extended amount of time at that. Jarrett won with The Stroke. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ Another hype video played announcing that next week we would see Christy Hemme take on Jackie Moore for the right to be crowned as the first official TNA World Women's champion. [b]Rating:[/b] D- [b]Christian Cage vs. Sting[/b] It should come as no surprise, but this was the match of the night for Impact. Cage and Sting really took it to won another to make sure that they were the one that would be getting the title shot, but despite what Cornette said earlier Kurt Angle was in the building! Angle attacked both Cage and Sting and the match was thrown out leaving everyone to wonder who would be getting the title shot now. [b]Rating:[/b] B [b]Overall Rating:[/b] C [quote]I used Havok and Martyr too much it seemed, but other than that the show was a success.[/quote]
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Thursday, Week 2 January 2008 Credit: WrestlingExposed.com When I was at the Impact taping on Monday I have to say that I am not sure what is going on and what is real. First off Jim Cornette "fired" Don West, but it's unclear if he is actually fired or not, because from all that I can see he is still on TNA's payroll. As far as Raven and Daniels go... not sure what is going on with their squash matches, but there has been buzz going around that Raven might sign on the dotted line to return to the WWE, but in the case of Daniels he has already inked a deal with WWE and is set to leave TNA any day now. Speaking of WWE and TNA relations it is also being rumored that they have offered a contract to Alex Shelley. Shelly two weeks ago got a big win over AJ Styles in a ladder match, but this week the word was he was pulled from the angle involving Samoa Joe due to the rumored talks with WWE. It's strange to see the WWE cherry picking TNA so ruthlessly when it's the norm that TNA cherry picks talent that the WWE releases. Releases such as Jerry Lawler who replaced West during Impact this week. There are rumors floating around that TNA has signed two more former WWE stars, but at this time their identities are being closely guarded to prevent them from leaking out. [b]Unfinalized Impact Card[/b] Non Title Match: Team 3D vs. Steiner Brothers TNA World Women's Title Match: Christy Hemme vs. Jackie Moore [b]Final Resolution Card to date[/b] Andrew Martin vs. Abyss
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Friday, Week 2 January 2008 Credit: WrestlingExposed.com Folks it has just been made official Raven has signed with the WWE to make a return. It is unclear how he is going to be used in the WWE, but one thing is for sure is that is going to be a big blow to TNA to lose both Raven and Daniels now. On TNA's website they have announced a ten man battle royal to determine a number one contender to Kurt Angle's X Division title. The men announced for the match are Kaz, Martyr, Eric Young, Jay Lethal, Havok, Petey Williams, Chris Sabin, Senshi, Sonjay Dutt, and ????. It will be interesting to see who the tenth person is... is it a former WWE star or could TNA just be covering their ass just in case Shelley decides to sign with. The ratings for Impact are in this week... Impact did 5.4 on Spike, 0.2 on Sun Sports, and 0.0 on Eurosport. The main event of this week's Impact is set to be Christian Cage teaming up with Sting to take on Kurt Angle and a partner of his choosing. It's going to be interesting to see how Cage and Sting work together after what they have been though and the fact that it is unknown what is going to be done about the TNA World Title match at Final Resolution. [b]Unfinalized Impact Card[/b] Non Title Match: Team 3D vs. Steiner Brothers X Division Contendership Battle Royal: Kaz vs. Martyr vs. Eric Young vs. Jay Lethal vs. Havok vs. Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin vs. Senshi vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. ???? TNA World Women's Title Match: Christy Hemme vs. Jackie Moore Christian Cage & Sting vs. Kurt Angle & ???? [b]Final Resolution Card to date[/b] Andrew Martin vs. Abyss
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Monday, Week 3 January 2008 [i]Dark Matches[/i] It's been a while since TNA has put dark matches on before the show, but with the recent loss of Daniels, Raven's departure is looming, and it's still unknow about Shelley. So it seems like TNA is trying to elevate some talent to replace them. [b]Lance Hoyt w/ Christy Hemme vs. Machete[/b] The return of the dark matches were a good idea, but I rather saw someone else go up against Lance Hoyt... maybe someone that would present the illusion of having a chance to win the match. Hoyt won the match at 2:57 after an Iconoclasam. [b]Rating:[/b] D [b]Voo Kin Mafia vs. Bashem & Damaja w/ Christy Hemme[/b] The next dark match was a tag team match in which VKM, Bashem, Damaja, and Christy Hemme picked up where they left of. This match was actually better than all of the previous matches combined. Kip James picked up the win by pinning Damaja at 2:36 with a Jumping Leg Drop. [b]Rating:[/b] C [b]Shark Boy vs. Homicide[/b] This match decided something for me... and that was neither Shark Boy or Homicide would be X Division contendership match during Impact. Other than that this match built up by the previous match. Homicide picked up the win with the Cop Killa at 2:50. [b]Rating:[/b] C+ [b]Masked Female Wrestler #1 vs. Masked Female #2[/b] I didn't catch the name of the women's wrestlers in the match as I was on my way back from the rest room, but I really didn't care nor did I care why either of them were wearing masks. Impact was set start taping after this match. MFW #1 defeated MFW #2 with a sick looking DDT at 2:48... other than that I was just glad the match was over. [b]Rating:[/b] C [i]Impact[/i] [b]Austin Starr vs. Brother Runt vs. Hernandez vs. Jerry Lynn[/b] I have to say that I was shocked when they started Impact off with a match tonight. However, the luster of the match wore thin when I released that the match was thrown together just to get Starr, Brother Runt, Hernandez, and Lynn on to a show as they haven't been on one for sometime. Other how this match was thrown together all four men put on one hell of show putting on a main event caliber match. Starr won by pinfall on Hernandez after Starrmaker Splash at 5:53 [b]Rating:[/b] B- After the ring was cleared Kurt Angle's music hit and he made his way down to the ring. He started off by telling everyone how he was robbed of the tag titles thanks to Sting, but assured everyone that the same thing wouldn't happened with the X Divison and World titles. At the mention of the World Title, Samoa Joe's music hit and he made his way down to ring. He stared in to Angle's eyes and told him that he needs a partner and he needs a title shot. Joe offered his services to Angle to be his partner tonight, but only when they win the match that Angle gives him a shot at the World title at Final Resolution. Angle thinks about it for a moment and then accepts the term of the deal, but then reminds Joe that he only gets the title match if they win the match. [b]Rating:[/b] B Going backstage we see Jim Cornette in his office along with Jeremy Borash. Cornette talks about the recent departure of Daniels from TNA for a brief second, but then turns his attention to the situation between James Storm and Rhino. He talks about how Rhino doesn't like Storm, and Storm keeps taunting Rhino with alcoholic beverages. Cornette says he is going to settle this on way or another and that next week it will be Storm teaming up with Tomko to take on Rhino and Chris Harris. [b]Rating:[/b] C [b]Kaz vs. Havok vs. Martyr vs. Jay Lethal vs. Eric Young vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Senshi vs. Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin vs. ???[/b] The match that everyone's been talking about, because the winner will get a title match against Kurt Angle for the X Division title, but also because of the mystery 10th men. Everyone was expectating to see Shelley as the final entrant or a big debut so they were disappointed when it was AJ Styles! The match lasted for 9:39 with the final four men in the ring being Styles, Kaz, Williams, and Havok! Kaz eliminated Havok while Styles eliminated Williams... It was looking like Styles was going to win the match and get the title shot, but Samoa Joe appeared on the ramp and started pointing and laughing at Styles distracting him long enough for Kaz to toss him from the ring to pick up the win and the title shot. [b]Rating:[/b] B- Backstage we were focused to watch a filler segment it feels like as Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks approach Ron Killings about a possible alliance. Killings looks to ponder the offer for a moment, but we don't get to see the answer. [b]Rating:[/b] D Raven comes out to the ring which shocks everyone in the Impact zone considering his signing with the WWE. Raven goes on a rant how he's gave his blood and sweat to help make TNA something, but they crapped on him every chance they got. Whether it was jobbing title to Rhino at a non-televisied show after beating Jarrett for it. Raven then goes on to name all of the former WWE and WCW stars that have come in and took shots away from not only him, but the rest of the faith TNA wrestlers... Security starts to flood towards the ring and Raven finishes it off... What about me? What about Raven! [b]Rating:[/b] C+ [b]Christy Hemme vs. Jackie Moore[/b] This match went on longer than it should have with it going on for 10:04 and we didn't even see a champion crowned! The match ended in a No Contest when Masked Female Wrestler #2 ran in and attacked them both. This match was pointless caused they obviously are going to wait until Final Resolution to decide the champion more than obviously with MFW #2 also being apart of the match. [b]Rating:[/b] D- Jeff Jarrett makes his way down to the ring and he apologizes to the fans for the outburst of Raven earlier. Claiming that Raven has been under a lot of stress lately with personal problems and health concerns. Jarrett then thanked the fans for coming to the show before he left the ring. [b]Rating:[/b] C We went backstage once again, but this time we saw Abyss giving Matt Morgan the Black Hole Slam on to the concrete floor while Mitchell was giving him instructs to make sure that his monster sends a clear message to Andrew Martin about punishment. Abyss picks Morgan up to go for the Shock Treatment, but gets a face full of Martin's big boot! [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [b]Team 3D vs. Steiner Brothers[/b] It's safe to say that these two teams have no love for one another and it showed as they went to war in this non-title match. This match didn't live up to the hype from the week before to the point I think that the match would have been better received if the match wasn't spoiled by the announcement. Brother Ray got the pinfall on Rick Steiner at 9:38, after a 3D on to a steel chair while the referee was down. [b]Rating:[/b] C+ [b]Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe vs. Cage & Sting[/b] The main event delivered once again as all for men came out with everything that they had in hopes of winning. As for Joe, Cage, and Sting this match even though it is a tag team match could have an impact on Final Resolution. Joe was seemingly on his way to win the match with a Muscle Buster on Sting, but Styles rushed down to the ring and hit Joe with a low blow. While the referee distracted by Cage. Cage tagged in and hit Joe with the Unprettier to get the pin at 12:58. [b]Rating:[/b] B [b]Overall Rating:[/b] C+ [quote]Sonjay was used a little too much it seemed, but other than the show was a success. I just wanted to say that reason why I didn't advance the Young/Douglas relationship on this show is because the battle royal already had enough going on. Thanks Ego that means alot to me.[/quote]
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Friday, Week 3 January 2008 Credit: WrestlingExposed.com We are just two days away from Final Resolution and other than Andrew Martin taking on Abyss there isn't any other known matches at this time. Personally I think that TNA has kept the card on the down low due to the cherry picking of the WWE. They didn't want to announce a match than have to cancel it. Then why did they release the Andrew Martin vs Abyss match then... well considering that big dog and Martin just parted ways little while back I think that it is safe to say that Martin isn't on their radar and Abyss... well Abyss has never been on their radar. In other TNA news the identities of the two masked females from the dark match on this last Impact and from the attack on Hemme and Jackie Moore are still at this point. I think it will be save to say that at least one of them will be involved this Sunday at Final Resolution, but other than it's hard to say. Raven has officially left TNA as of today and from word with in the company Alex Shelley is set to leave tomorrow. Gail Kim has also signed a pay per appearence contract with UWA. Stop the presses I have just been informed that TNA has released a couple more matches in hopes of getting more buys for the event. We will apparently see Christy Hemme vs. Jackie Moore vs. Angelica Jameson (Masked Female #1) vs. Candi Cane (Masked Female #2) w/ Gail Kim as the special referee to decide the first ever TNA World Women's champion! In an interesting not about that it cames that we will see Jameson and Cane with out the masks... makes you wonder why they wore them in the first place. Also added to the card is Voo Kin Mafia vs. Team 3D for number one contendership to the tag team titles. Which I find a little hooky as their's a contendership match, but no title match on the show that we know of. Well he isn't pulling triple duty, but Kurt Angle will still be given a work out as he will be pulling double duty as he will double duty as he will be defending the X Division title against Kaz and then have to turn around to defend the TNA World title against not only Sting, but Christian Cage as well! So the card for the big show looks like this right now... [b]Final Resolution Card[/b] X Division Title Match: Kurt Angle* vs. Kaz World Women's Title Match: Christy Hemme vs. Jackie Moore vs. Angelica Jameson vs. Candi Cane Tag Team Contendership Match: Voo Kin Mafia vs. Team 3D Andrew Martin vs. Abyss World Title Match: Kurt Angle* vs. Sting vs. Christian Cage [quote]Okay I am going to leave you this for right now. I have to get some sleep cause I have a busy day tomorrow and that I would like to see some predictions :D. I am going to try to have it where who ever predicts the most right for the PPV gets a prize... something like getting to choose a challenger for one of the titles or something else they might to see with in reason of course.[/quote]
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Sunday, Week 3 January 2008 [i]Dark Matches[/i] [b]Machete w/ Konnan vs. Shark Boy[/b] I wish this wouldn't have been the first dark match of the night considering by the two in the match it's the "toilet break" of the night. Konnan was of course at ringside for the match which give some sense of importance, but I wasn't feeling the match until the end. Konnan slipped Machete some knuckles while Mark Johnson was distracted by... Vickie Guerrero! Machete knocked out Shark Boy for the win at 2:58. I am still shocked over Vickie Guerrero... [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [b]Gail Kim vs. Ms. Brooks w/ Robert Roode[/b] They announced this match as TNA World Women's contendership match, but before they have one of those don't they need to have a champion? Not to mention would it make more sense if this match was on the big show instead of the preshow? Ms. Brooks one with the Pie In The Sky at 3:17 [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [b]Eric Young w/ Shane Douglas vs. Jay Lethal[/b] It seems that Eric Young will forever be wrestling on the preshow of the ppv for the most part. Douglas helped Young giving him some "pointers" during the match, but for the most part he really only took advantage of Andrew Thomas begin knocked down to nail Lethal with the Francisher! Young picks up the pin fall at 2:42. [b]Rating:[/b] D [b]Havok w/ James Mitchell vs. Robert Roode w/ Ms. Brooks[/b] This was an interesting match from the start, because I didn't expect to see Havok come out with anyone since the departure of Raven, but it seems like James Mitchell is taking Havok under his wing. The match was actually pretty good for a dark match and considering that Roode would not be on the main show that I know of now. Roode picked up the win after a chair shot to Havok by Ms. Brooks at 2:33. [b]Rating:[/b] C- [i]Final Resolution[/i] Sting was in the back talking to a camera telling everyone that tonight was Showtime! That tonight he was going to... Sting didn't get to finish what he was saying as he stopped when a smirking Christian Cage along with Styles and Tomko walked up to him. Cage flatly told Sting to forget about his dreams of granduer, because tonight is the Instant Classic's night! [b]Rating:[/b] B+ [b]Kurt Angle* vs. Kaz[/b] I wasn't shocked when I saw that the X Division title match was the first match of the main show as they had to give Angle time to recover between matches. I do have to say that I am a little surprised with the outcome of the match with all the build up that his match didn't get I could have swore Angle was going to retain the title, but Kaz won the match at 4:47! Kaz however did have a little help persay... Martyr came down and attempted to cost his former ally the match, but nailed Angle instead! [b]Rating:[/b] C+ [b]Hernandez w/ Konnan vs. Lance Hoyt w/ Christy Hemme[/b] This match might not steal the show, but this was what I was talking about. At the start of the match it wasn't easy to tell who was going to win the match, because they were both evenly matched for once. Hoyt looked like he had match won after Hemme blinded Hernandez with something, but out of no where Hector Guerrero nailed Hoyt with a lead pipe while the referee was trying to keep Konnan and Hemme away from one another. Hernandez got the pin at 2:58. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ I am not sure what happened next, but it seemed like there was an altercation in the back between Andrew Martin and Abyss. I couldn't understand what was said, but whatever it was caused the two of them to come to blows. [b]Rating:[/b] C+ Samoa Joe was in the back and once again he taunted Styles over his lose to Shelley who has moved on to other things and rubbed in the fact that he destoryed Daniels in his final match with in TNA. [b]Rating:[/b] C [b]AJ Styles vs. Senshi[/b] In a match that was a throw back to the days of the fledging X Division was a sight to see. Styles and Senshi were both on the top of their game tonight and it showed. Styles managed to pick up the win with the Styles Clash at 7:41. [b]Rating:[/b] B- L.A.X. along with Vickie Guerrero and Hector Guerrero along with Borash. Borash asked them about previously in the night when both Guerrero's seemed to help LAX pick up wins. Hector smiply answered that LAX was evolving and that he and Vickie were going to teach them about the Guerrero family values. (Do you think he was referring to the Lie, Cheat, and Steal? Wasn't LAX already doing that?) [b]Rating:[/b] D- James Storm attacks Chris Harris from behind in hopes of getting the advantage for his team for Impact, but ends up getting GORED by Rhino who was nearby. [b]Rating:[/b] D [b]Sonjay Dutt vs. Ron Killings[/b] This match seemed like it was just thrown together just to get the two of them on to the show to fill some time, but in the end of the match which lasted only 9:37 saw Robert Roode attack Killings allowing Dutt to pick up the win. [b]Rating:[/b] C+ [b]Petey Williams vs. Tomko[/b] I have to wonder what Petey did to deserve this match... that went on for 9:33 and saw Tomko come out as the winner! [b]Rating:[/b] C We went backstage once again, but this time we saw Brother Ray foaming at the mouth to Devon about the Steiner Brothers and how they should be wrestling for the titles tonight instead of Vile Kiddy Morons for contendership. [b]Rating:[/b] C- Cut to another part of the arena we see a familiar face walking to the ring... Lawler nearly calls her "Lita" but recovers to call her Angelica Jameson. [b]Rating:[/b] C+ Cut to another hallway we see another familiar face also heading to the ring, but this time Lawler can't help, but call her Trish Stratus! Tenay quickly tries to cover it up by asking Trish who? Then saying that's Candi Cane. [b]Rating:[/b] C [b]Austin Star vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Chris Sabin vs. Matt Morgan w/ Jim Cornette[/b] This match was one that I thought was going to be a train wreck with three X-Division stars in the ring with Matt Morgan, but the match was better than anyone thought I think. Sabin won the match at 10:48 with a Cradle Shock for the pin. [b]Rating:[/b] B- [b]Christy Hemme vs. Jackie Moore vs. Angelica Jameson vs. Candi Cane[/b] Normally I would have called this match a trainwreck, but the four women in the ring managed to turn out a somewhat decent match. The conclusion of the match came at 9:37 when Angelica Jameson gained the pinfall on Jackie Moore after a Moonsault. [b]Rating:[/b] C- Backstage Damaja and Bashem try attacking Jarrett, but Jarrett turns the tables on them when he blasts Bashem with his guitar causing Damaja to back away. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [b]Andrew Martin vs. Abyss[/b] Out of all the matches tonight this was the most hyped one of all, but in my opinion it fell way short of expectations. Martin was overwhelmed in the match by the presence of Mitchell at ringside, but also when Martyr and Havok both interfered in hopes of getting The Monster the win, but instead gave Martin the DQ victory at 9:32. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [b]Voo Kin Mafia vs. Team 3D[/b] This match was better than expected in my point of view. As TNA went in a direction that I didn't see coming. First off all The Steiners didn't get involved in the match like I thought and Team 3D fell to VKM after a piledriver by BG to get the pinfall at 9:50 [b]Rating:[/b] C+ [b]Kurt Angle vs. Cage vs. Sting[/b] The main event actually was a let down... Styles & Senshi or the fatal fourway could have easily been the main event of the night in place of this World title match even without something on the line. The match lasted for 12:37 with ending seeing Tomko attack Angle while Cage pinned Sting using the ropes for leverage! [b]Rating:[/b] C+ [b]Overall Rating:[/b] D+ [quote]Okay a couple things went wrong with this show. For one I sort of rushed it and didn't get enough angles or storylines in place to make the fans happy and I used Borash too much. [/quote]
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Monday, Week 4 January 2008 TNA are going to have to do better if they want to keep their PPV deals intact. Both DirecTV and Dish Network have told TNA management they need better than 3.48 buyrate. In other programming news last week Impact drew 6.7 on Spike TV, 0.2 on Sun Sports, and 0.0 on Eurosport. In other Impact news due to Final Resolution being last night we haven't heard any word on what kind of matches to expect. [quote]Sorry for the crappy update...I am not feeling well so Impact might take a few days before I get it up.[/quote]
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Monday, Week 4 January 2008 [i]Dark Matches[/i] [b]20 Man Battle Royal: A. Starr, Bashem, Brother Runt, C. Harris, C. Sabin, Damaja, E. Young, Hernandez, Homicide, J. Storm, J. Lethal[/b] The opening dark match of the night was a battle royal which wasn't for nothing special. In other words they needed just to get this guys on the show. The match went for 11:39 and saw the final four men as Brother Runt, Tomko, Chris Harris, and Rhino. Out of all the men that were left at point I didn't think that Runt would win the match, but he did after eliminating Tomko last! [b]Rating:[/b] C [b]Gail Kim vs. Jackie Moore vs. Christy Hemme[/b] Just another one of matches that you scratch your head at I guess. This match lasted for 2:16 which saw Hemme win with submission called HemmeLock. Interesting note about the move is it is a sloppy crippler crossface. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [i]Impact[/i] Impact starts with a promo by the new TNA World Champion Christian Cage. He talks about how the fans are rejoicing around the world that Instant Classic is once again their champion. He then said that he was going to make them all very proud of their new champion by holding on to the title until the day that he retires! That of course brought out the former champion Kurt Angle. Angle reminded Cage that he has rematch... and he wants it tonight! Cage looks like he is about to accept, but Cornette comes out and puts a halt to it all. Cornette informs Angle and Cage that... Cage would be defending the title tonight, but against Sting who was screwed out of the title and Samoa Joe! Angle tries to refute the decision bring his rematch back up, but Cornette smacked him down reminding Angle that he waived all of his rematchs for all the titles to hold all of them at once. Cornette then said he would announce the new number one contender a little later. [b]Rating:[/b] B [b]X Division Title Match: Kaz* vs. Havok[/b] I really don't know why they started the night off with an X Division title match that had no build up to it other than Kaz has been having troubles with Havok since splitting from Serotonin. The match went on for 4:49 and saw Kaz retain when he got the pinfall after hitting The Wave of The Future. [b]Rating:[/b] C Backstage Cornette was showing looking through some papers with Leticia who was holding a mic. Leticia asked Cornette who he was going to name the number one contender to the TNA World championship. Cornette paused before he answered and then said he's given it a lot of though and the only man that comes to mind is one that has been over looked for some time. Cornette is jus about to say the name until he is interrupted by a loud thud in the hallway. Cornette and Leticia rush to the door to peak out to see Samoa Joe pummeling AJ Styles! As referee, road agents, and security try to pull the two apart Cornette looks furious. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [b]TNA World Women's Title Match: Angelica James* vs. Ms. Brooks[/b] I could have swore they were going to kept this match until the ppv, but whatever. The match lasted about 4:01 and saw Angelica retain the title by pinfall following a Moonsault. [b]Rating:[/b] C AJ Styles is seen in the trainer's office with a bloody and battered face when Jim Cornette walks in with Jeremy Borash comes in to the ring. Styles looks straight at Cornette and demands a match against Joe tonight! Cornette reminds Styles that Joe has a match tonight, and he was also previously engaged as well to take on Senshi in a rematch from last night. Cornette says that he is going to give Styles the night off, but Styles tell Cornette to stick it that he will take on Senshi and let some of his aggression out while sending Joe a message. Cornette just nods his head and then tells Styles if he still wants Joe after tonight he can have him... at Against All Odds. [b]Rating:[/b] C- [b]AJ Styles vs. Senshi[/b] This two put on another solid performance even despite the condition that Styles is in. The match went on for 5:09 and saw Senshi avenge his loss at Final Resolution with a Dragon Clutch, but only after Samoa Joe tripped Styles up during the match by coming out on to the ramp way. [b]Rating:[/b] B Team 3D is still furious over the fact that not only did they not get a title shot at Final Resolution, but that they also lost to VKM of all teams. Brother Ray and Devon see The Steiners enter the building and attacked the both of them. Team 3D leave the Steiners out cold on the floor and leave with smirks on their faces. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [b]Andrew Martin & Matt Morgan vs. Abyss & Martyr[/b] I didn't see the point of this match considering Martin and Abyss had unimpressive match at Final Resolution. Interesting though is Abyss and Martyr won the match after Morgan turned on Martin at 4:35! [b]Rating:[/b] C+ Jeff Jarrett came down to the ring and address the crowd saying that it was about time that he got back in to the title picture the fans cheer in approval, but someone doesn't... James Mitchell made his way on to the ramp. Mitchell says that Jarrett is nothing and always was a nothing that the only way he made it was because of all the "help" he had. Jarrett responded by saying that he did have a lot of help, but this time he's going to do it on his own. Mitchell tells good luck that he hears it hard to win a title from a hospital bed and that's where his "Warriors of Apolocaypse" are sending him! On cue Havok, Martyr, and Abyss ran down to the ring. Jarret was seemingly fighting all of them off, but from the crowd came Matt Morgan attacking him from behind. After that it was all down hill for Jarrett. Mitchell then announced Matt Morgan as "War" the fourth and final piece of the puzzle. [b]Rating:[/b] C- [b]TNA Tag Team Title Match: Steiner Brothers* vs. Voodoo Kin Mafia[/b] Another title match tonight... it seems the theme of this Impact is Night of Champions as all the title have been on the line tonight. The Steiners were fighting an uphill battle from the get go thanks to the attack from Team 3D. However, they were able to pull it out and retain the titles at 10:26 by pinfall following a Steinerline on BG James. [b]Rating:[/b] C Don't know what was really going on here, but it would see that Petey Williams asked Candi Cane out on a date merely for the that she's Canadian. She accepted the date, but I wonder where this could be leading. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [b]TNA World Title Match: Christian Cage* vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting[/b] Cornette joined the commentry team for the match to announce the fact that he had barred everyone from ringside and if anyone gets involved in this match they will be fired. The match was intense and in my opinion would have been better suited as the main event of Final Resolution if it were possible. The match lasted for 17:39 and saw Cage retain the title by pinfall after nailing The Unprettier on Samoa Joe. [b]Rating:[/b] B [b]Overall Rating:[/b] C+ [quote]The show should be considered a success... which is great, but even better I did a pretty good job this time and didn't over use anyone.[/quote]
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Saturday Week 4 January 2008 Could TNA be in trouble? I don't know for sure, but coming off a sub par pay per view with an Impact that is on par with the their norm you'd think they were happy with their situation. However, that seems not to be the case as several wrestlers were just released and two have signed deals with the WWE! Don West was officially released after asking for his release. West who hadn't been on any of the shows since being "fired" on Impact three weeks ago was getting upset over being replaced by Lawler and then overlooked when it came to interviews in the back. Machete and Konnan have both been released due to attitude problems. It would seem that the two of them were both not fond of Vickie and Hector Guerrero's joining of L.A.X. in what was referred to by Hector at Final Resolution the "Evolution" of L.A.X. Moody Jack Melendez was released later in the day when management decided that having a third wheel on the announcing team was too much. Melendez was very furious when he learned of his release to the point where he said that he would never forgive whoever on TNA management made the call to get rid of him. The final release TNA management made was that of Shark Boy. Shark Boy was apparently not living up to what was expected of him and TNA decided to cut their losses. Eric Young... the man that has been Shane Douglas protege in recent weeks decided that staying in TNA wasn't right for him. Eric Young signed on with The WWE more than likely with a developmental contract. Ron Killings is the other man signed away this week by the WWE. Like Raven this will be a homecoming of sorts as they both had sent time in the WWE previously. TNA are getting steady numbers when it comes to Impact which is good thing, but with the recent cut in talent how will that effect the ratings? Impact drew in 6.7 on Spike TV, 0.2 on Sun Sports, and 0.0 on Eurosport once again.
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