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DAVE: Lets Get Down To Business

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DAVE [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Magenta"]Danger And Violence Extreme [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]The Product: [/B] Traditional: Heavy Mainstream: Low Comedy: Heavy Cult: Key Feature Risque: Heavy Modern: Heavy Realism: Low Hyper Realism: None Hardcore: Key Feature Lucha Libre: None Pure: None Daredevil: Heavy [B]Face/Heel Divide:[/B] Medium [B]Promotion Pacts:[/B] None right now but that WILL change ;) Do I have any experience with DAVE? No! This will be my first time ever using them.[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Magenta"]Monday Week 1, January 2007[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][QUOTE]DAVE ended 2006 with a bang and will be looking to enter 2007 on the same note. Two men who struggled for the first part of 2006 but came on strong towards the end of 2007 will finally get in the ring one on one when “Pure Athlete” Art Reed takes on Joey Minnesota. Carl Batch has been doing what he does best recently and that’s talking, the man hasn’t shut up since DAVE’s last show and he’s been telling anyone who will listen that Eddie Peak will not be beaten and is offering 100,000 dollars to anyone who can last 20 minutes in the ring with Mr. Peak. The Beautiful announcer, Emma Chase has something to say and will be on hand to call all of the action and get her special in ring time to express her self. Ever single member of The School Of Tradition will be in action and that doesn’t bode well for the rest of the roster. The young team of Sammy Bach and Teddy Powell hold two upset victories over The New Wave at the end of last year, can they make it 3 in a row? Or Will Scout and Guide finally finish the job? Acid finally gets a title shot against Jack Giedroyc. And last but certainly not least Eric Tyler will be taking on Big Cat Brandon in a battle between two of the biggest stars in the industry.[/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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Thank you Mystic, hopefully you will continue to read after the first show [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Magenta"]DAVE Back In Black[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Monday, January week 1, 2007[/B] Mitch Naess is in the ring to start the show as he is at every big DAVE show and he thanks the crowd for coming to the arena, runs down the card and tries his best to get the crowd pumped at Evanovich Riverside Arena. The first match of the night was a technical masterpiece, by DAVE’s standards at least as Art Reed and Joey Minnesota went head to head. Both men split the offense in the match which was clearly scripted. Reed picked up the victory with The Dread Lock submission finisher. The members of Adrenalin Rush, Teddy Powell and Sammy Back came out to a few cheers as their opponents didn’t get any cheers. The New Wave, Scout and Guide came out and didn’t look happy. Teddy and Sammy tried their best and fared pretty decent against the more experienced tag team but were unable to defeat The New Wave as Scout made the pin fall after a Wave Of Mutilation. After picking up the victory Scout and Guide weren’t done as they called for a microphone, Scout got on the microphone and this is what he had to say: New Jersey Devils, get your asses out here! I seen you in the back, when I was using the urinal I looked to the left and saw your stupid little Mohawks peaking over. Oh, and Tank, Alex we aren’t asking you to come out here and give us a title shot, we are telling you that we are going to get a title shot tonight. One way or another, so if I were you I would bring my homosexual asses out here right now. That is if.. Just as he was going to finish the sentence he is cut off by the theme music of The New Jersey Devils. The Devils enter the ring and I guess this is an official bout because there is a referee and the bell is rung. Alex and Tank took it to The New Wave, dominating the early part of the match but that all changed when The Latino Kings manager Phil Vibert came in and destracted Braun allowing The Wave Of Mutilation to be hit on Bradley as Scout and Guide become 4 time tag team champions. Eddie Peak and his manager Carl Batch come out for an interview. Batch says that he has found a man to take up his challenge and that man is Johnny Martin. Batch says that if Martin can last 20 minutes with Peak he will receive 100,000 dollars and that if he can beat Eddie he will be the champion. Peak grabs the microphone and all he had to say was Johnny Martin? What is this 1999? As he begins to leave the ring, Batch follows and tries to calm the champion down who is clearly not happy. Emma and Mitch talk for a bit hyping the rest of the card and Mitch keeps asking her what she is going to say, but she says that he will find out just like the rest of the world. This is on the house microphone of coarse because this show is not being shown any where. When they are done talking we cut to the back where we see Carl Batch talking the “Enforcer for Hire”, Hell’s Bouncer but they quickly close the door when the camera is shown so we don’t have a clue what they were talking about. The DAVE Brass knuckles title was on the line in the next match as Acid took on Jake Giedroyc in a match that shows why DAVE is Dangerous and Violent. Acid not usually the one to use weapons had no choice when Jake continued to please the fans with his hardcore brutality. That’s the attitude that got Jake busted open in this match, but that’s a small price he had to pay to win match. Acid dished out a hell of a beating though, but it doesn’t mean much as he didn’t walk away with the gold. The camera cuts to the back where Johnny Martin is found laid out, a few wrestlers and backstage people check on him and no one seems to know what happened. The next match featured Big Cat Brandon vs. “The Traditionalist” Eric Tyler. Brandon immediately went for weapons knowing that wasn’t Tyler’s MO. The two traded blows and split match time on the offensive which has been a big thing for this show. We are trying not to **** on anyone to begin the year but we know this won’t work all the time. Tyler picked up the victory with a modified version of the Tradition Lift, it had to be modified because lets face it Big Cat Brandon is well a Big Cat. Tyler’s victory makes The School of Tradition 3 and 1 today if you count both of Scouts and Guides victories. Emma Chase made her way to the ring for her announcement and announced that she will be leaving the announcing booth to take care of some other things that she wants to do in her life and that she is quitting being an announcer effective immediately saying that Mitch can call the rest of the show himself, and that she won’t miss trying to entertain these “idiots” in the crowd. Emma leaves to alotta boos and a few whistles from the crowd Mitch says the show must go on and there is one more match. Eddie Peak and Carl Batch make their way to the ring, Batch says it is unfortunate what happened to Johnny but they have a challenge that needs to be taken up. The music of Chris Caulfield hits and Batch says that Peak isn’t scared although the look on the Champions face shows a different story. Peak is clearly upset when Batch tells Caulfield that he can have the match. Caulfield dominated the match taking it to Peak right off the bat, using his patented extra large steel chair which always has a picture of his opponent or the person he wants to hit on it, and he rarely misses the person on that chair. It just so happens that tonight Carl Batch’s face is on the chair. Caulfield dominates Peak and then pulls Batch into the ring as he picks up the chair, Peak grabs Batch and pushes him into Caulfield as he is hit so hard that the chair is bent at least 3 inches inward. Emma Chase returns the ring and hits a low blow on Chris as Peak hits the Peak Of Perfection for the victory. After the match Peak and Chase celebrate with a kiss! [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="5"]News and Notes [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Thursday, Week 1, January 2007 [QUOTE][COLOR="Magenta"][B]Road Agent Notes from Dave Back In Black[/B][/COLOR] [B]Improvements:[/B] - Art Reed: Performance Skills - Joey Minnesota: Rumble, Technical Skills - Teddy Powell: Performance Skills - Guide: Performance Skills - Scout: Rumble, Performance Skills - Tank Bradley: Performance Skills - Jake Giedroyc: Performance Skills - Eric Tyler: Rumble Skills - Big Cat Brandon: Technical, Performance Skills - Eddie Peak: Technical Skills - Chris Caulfield: Performance Skills - The Fans Hate Tank Bradley - Show Rating was a pathetic C- and it hurt our popularity - 7,700 fans attended the show - Feedback – Decent, although hardly spectacular [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Owner Goals:[/B][/COLOR] -The promotion cannot drop below 442,525 dollars within the next year - I can’t sign any one who works for another company, wants homegrown stars - Can’t sign anyone that gets injured a lot for the next 2 years (C-) Injured workers are a waste of money [COLOR="Magenta"][B]DAVE working agreements:[/B][/COLOR] - World Level Wrestling - Ultimate Combat Ring - Pride Glory Honor Wrestling - Original Lucha Libre In Extreme - North Of The Border Pro Wrestling - Inspire Diversity Group[/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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