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Why can't I get 1.52???

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Just bought the game. Downloaded the full 1.52 install. After installation and re-boot, it said it was version 1.02. Downloaded the 1.52 Patch, or so I thought. Installed, now the game says it's version 1.51!!! What do I have to do to get 1.52? By the way, the demo I was playing (and uninstalled) was 1.52.
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Just downloaded BB from the GD site, supposedly the 1.52 version. It is actually 1.02. :mad: Can someone please tell me where I get the full 1.52 download. 1.02 works, but it doesn't have the player editor. When I apply the 1.51 patch (website says it's 1.52) the game gives me an error that I have 2 versions running.
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