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Death Camp Wrestling: Not for the weak of heart

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4-Way Elimination Deathmatch for the King of the Deathmatch Championship [B]New Jack[/B](c) vs Sexxxy Eddy vs Supreme vs The Messiah-[I]I want Eddie to win plus he is your best wrestler but Jack would kill you if you made him drop the belt in the first defense...just ask Vic Grimes...there's a storyline to bring in...[/I] "The Anarchist" [B]Arik Cannon [/B]makes his debut against Niles Young-[I]I'm from the Twin Cities so I gotta go with Arik. Him and Eddie and Trent are your best guys...so I would mark for a three way...[/I] Cheech takes on "The Ultra-Violent Savior" [B]Trent Acid[/B]-[I]I love Cheech and the rest of Special K but Trent Acid is amazing so ya.[/I] Josh Abercrombie goes one-on-one against Kaos the Rock Superstar[I]Your roster is moving away from hardcore to plain awsomeness and so I am gonna call the one a draw starting a lightwieght fued.[/I] [B]Da Baldies[/B](Tony DeVito & The D.B.A.) tangle with Danny Havoc & JC Bailey-[I]Awsome Team>Not Awsome Team[/I] [B]The Juggulator[/B] looks to get bloody with Scotty Vortekz-[I]Why not?[/I] Brain Damage is set on taking some aggression out on [B]Murdah Mack[/B]-[I]Him and Jack could get crazy.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="Red"]Gangsta's Paradise[/COLOR] Live at the Saloon in Detroit, Michigan infront of 17 people[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="red"]Fans are handed a flyer upon entering the venue. Instead of explaining what's on the flyer why don't I just show you. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/2h4t.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"]That's right. Death Camp will be producing a weekly internet television show on deathcampwrestling.com. The first episode will debut next week. Hopefully this will help Death Camp gain a larger fan base.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/scottyvortekz.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/juggulator.jpg[/IMG] [B]Scotty Vortekz vs The Juggulator[/B] Vortekz tries to use his wrestling skills against Juggulator but he's having none of that. Juggulator tosses Vortekz to the outside and tosses him into the steal guardrails. These two brawl around ringside, Juggulator throws Vortekz into 3 rows of chairs. Juggz runs at his opponent, Vortekz backdrops Juggulator over his head and ontop of some chairs. Back in the ring, Scotty Vortekz nails Juggulator with a Death Valley Driver in the middle of the ring and quickly follows up with a Double Knee Drop off the top rope. The referee easily counts to 3. [B]Winner: Scotty Vortekz(10:15) E+[/B][/QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [COLOR="red"]The lovely Jenna Haze makes her way out towards ringside. She steps inside of the ring and asks for a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Jenna Haze:[/B] Sexxxy Eddy, please come out here, I need to tell you something and it can't wait. [COLOR="red"]"Lap Dance" by N.E.R.D. hits. Sexxxy Eddy walks out licking his chops. He slides into the ring and stands infront of Haze. [/COLOR] [B]Jenna Haze:[/B] Eddy, the last time I was here we got "close". [COLOR="red"]Sexxxy Eddy grins and nods his head in approval. [/COLOR] [B]Jenna Haze:[/B] And don't get me wrong, all 3 and a half minutes of it was great but we have to talk about something really important. I'm pregnant and I think it's yours... [COLOR="red"]Eddy's grin quickly turns into a frown. He drops his head down, staring into the mat. The crowd chants "You ****ed up!, You ****ed up!" at the potential father. Eddy forcefully grabs the microphone away from Haze. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: Jenna, we made that baby together and I'm ready to take full responsiblity for it, no matter what. [COLOR="red"]Jenna Haze looks extremly happy. She starts to thank Eddy over and over again. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: No need for thanking me. Just give me a hug... [COLOR="red"]They embrace in a hug. Eddy drops the microphone while they hug, Haze bends over to pick it up when he stomps her across her back. Sexxxy Eddy slams her into the mat then hits a Split Legged Moonsault across her body. She clutches her stomach, screaming. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: I told you I'd take responsibility for it and that's exactualy what I just did. Problem solved! Before any more damage could be done, New Jack runs out with a Sickle in his hand. He chases Eddy out of the ring and to the back. New Jack looks over Haze and grabs a microphone. [B]New Jack[/B]: What the **** is wrong with you?! The one thing that pisses New Jack off more than anything else is when a pathetic piece of trash like you can't take care of his woman. I think it's time that New Jack teaches you how to properly treat a woman. [COLOR="red"]*Gunshot* "Natural Born Killaz" by Dr. Dre and Ice Cube blasts. New Jack walks intensely to the back, getting ready for tonight's main event. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/JCBailey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/dannyhavoc.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/tonydevito.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/dba.jpg[/IMG] [B]JC Bailey & Danny Havoc vs Da Baldies[/B] Da Baldies look like a well oiled team. They double team Danny Havoc and isolate him away from his tag team partner. Havoc fights back, nailing DeVito and DBA with punches. Havoc tags out to JC Bailey. Bailey jumps into the ring in a house of fire. JC nails DeVito and DBA with a flurry of clotheslines and Dropkicks. Bailey nails DBA with a jumping neckbreaker, he pins him, 1.....2....DeVito breaks it up. Tony DeVito nails Bailey with a Seated Uranger Suplex. DeVito covers Bailey, 1...2...3!! [B]Winners: Da Baldies(9:32) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/cheech.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/trentacid.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cheech vs Trent Acid[/B] "The Ultra-Violent Savior" Trent Acid attacks Cheech from behind before the match officaly started. Acid rams Cheech's head into a turnbuckle, Cheech blocks it with his foot and rams Acid's head into the turnbuckle instead. Cheech nails Acid with a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT for a near fall. Cheech climbs to the top rope to try to finish his opponent off, Acid crotches him. Trent Acid dominates Cheech, keeping him grounded for the majority of the match. Cheech tries to fight back but gets knee'ed across the face for his trouble. "The Ultra-Violent Savior" charges at his opponent and kicks his head off of his shoulders. He covers him for a 3 count. [B]Winner: Trent Acid(11:48) D-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/braindamage.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/murdahmack.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brain Damage vs Murdah Mack[/B] Last month, Tyra Banxxx screwed Brain Damage out of the KOTDM Tournament. Brain Damage looks pissed off, staring down a smaller Murdah Mack. Mack nails Damage with some punches across his mid-section, it doesn't seem to phase him. Damage pie faces him across the ring then Clotheslines him. Brain Damage wraps his hand around Mack's neck and nails a Choke Slam across his knee. Damage pins him for a quick 3. [B]Winner: Brain Damage(4:32) E[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]After the match, "Sweet n' Sour" Larry Sweeny surprises everyone by making his way out from the back. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/sweeny.jpg[/IMG] [B]Larry Sweeny[/B]: Excuse me! Excuse me! Hold it right there mister! My name is Larry Sweeny and I am Tyra Banxxx' representative...slash...agent. I'm here in this dump to give you a very special package from Ms. Banxxx. [COLOR="red"]Sweeny slides into the ring and hands Brain Damage an envelope. [/COLOR] [B]Larry Sweeny[/B]: You have just been served. You're being sued for assualt after you Choke Slammed her across your knee and sprained her back. Ms. Banxxx along with myself and her lawyer will see you in court. [COLOR="red"]Brain Damage rips the envelope in half, not even opening it. He throws the ripped up papers at Sweeny's face, Larry Sweeny jumps out of the ring before the Deathmatch Monster could grab ahold of him. Damage chases Sweeny all the way to the back. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/kaos.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/joshabercrombie.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kaos the Rock Superstar vs Josh Abercrombie[/B] Kaos and Abercrombie exchange some wrestling holds. Kaos tries to Belly-to-Back Suplex Abercrombie, Josh Abercrombie backflips and Dropkicks the Rock Superstar out of the ring. Josh Abercrombie dives over the ring ropes and lands ontop of Kaos. The crowd goes nuts. They brawl for a bit on the outside. Kaos gets the upper hand by ramming his opponents head into the turnbuckle pole. Abercrombie looks a bit dazzed. Back in the ring, Kaos stomps away at his opponent. Kaos hooks Abercrombie up and nails a Sliced Bread #2. Kaos pins him, 1....2...Kick out!! Abercrombie fires up. He hits a flurry of moves on Kaos, knocking him around the ring. The former WSX Superstar nails Kaos with a vicious Brainbuster then climbs to the top rope and hits a Phoenix Star Press. 1....2....3!! Josh Abercrombie gets the pinfall. [B]Winner: Josh Abercrombie(15:33) D-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/arikcannon.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/nilesyoung.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/noel.jpg[/IMG] [B]Arik Cannon vs Niles Young w/Noel Harlow[/B] Arik Cannon and Niles Young tussle over a lock-up. Niles backs Cannon into the corner, he tosses a wild punch, Cannon ducks and nails Niles with a punch of his own. Arik Cannon backdrops a stumbling Niles Young over his head out of the corner. Cannon kicks lifts Young up and drops him in a Jumping Sidewalk Slam. Arik Cannon gets a 2-count. Niles takes an easy way out and pokes Arik Cannon in his eye. Cannon seems to be blinded for a bit. Young takes advantage of it and beats his opponent down with stomps and punches. Young climbs to the second rope and hits a Blockbuster, he only gets a count of 2. Arik Cannon starts fighting back. He chops Young's chest untill it's bloody and red. Cannon nails Young with a deadly Spinebuster, nearly knocking Youngs out. Niles Young slowly gets back up, he gets up to a knee, Cannon jumps off of his knee and hits a Shinning Warlock(modified Shinning Wizard). He quickly covers him for a 3-count. [B]Winner: Arik Cannon(7:46) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]The Messiah and Supreme are waiting inside of the ring for tonight's main event. "Hardcore Homo" Angel and Sexxxy Eddy walk towards ringside. A small "New Jack's gonna kill you" chant starts up. Eddy grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: Unfortunately I have to make a very important announcement. While I was warming up for tonight's main event, I pulled my very favorite muscle, my groin muscle. I know that a lot of you probably bought a ticket to watch me win the King of Deathmatch Title tonight but I won't be able to compete. [COLOR="red"]The crowd booo's. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: But I found a suitable replacement. In fact, I might have just found the very next King of Deathmatch champion! Laides and gentlemen, I'm proud to introduce to you, my replacement for tonight's main event, he's ****ed locked and ready to unload, "The Hardcore Homo" Angel!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd booo's even louder. Angel jumps up and down in excitement. He hugs Eddy, Sexxxy Eddy pushes him off. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy:[/B] What did I tell you about that?! Not in public!!! [COLOR="red"]*Gunshot* "Natural Born Killaz" hits. New Jack runs out and slides into the ring, Eddy jumps out and hides underneath the ring. New Jack immediately attacks Angel. The referee calls for the bell. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/themessiah.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/supreme.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/angel.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/newjack.jpg[/IMG] [B]4-Way Elimination Deathmatch for the King of the Deathmatch Championship The Messiah vs Supreme vs Angel vs New Jack(c)[/B] New Jack tackles Angel down and starts punching away at him. Angel doesn't even try to cover up. Messiah and Supreme double team New Jack. They hit him with a Double Suplex then toss him out of the ring. Messiah turns on Supreme and starts beating him down. He grabs a chair and knocks him across his head with it. Messiah climbs the top rope, trying to finish off Supreme, Sexxxy Eddy crawls out from underneath the ring and throws Powder into Messiah's eyes. Eddy shoves Messiah off of the top rope and back into the ring. Angel quickly rolls up an blinded Messiah in a Small Package, 1...2...3!! Messiah is eliminated. Supreme nails Angel from behind with a clubbing forearm. He hits the Hardcore Homo with a Running Powerslam, crushing him. New Jack tries to re-enter the ring but gets stomped across his head with Supreme's large boot. Madman Pondo makes a surprise run out, he slides into the ring with 2 Lighttubes, he smashes them across Supreme's head. Pondo climbs to the top rope and squashes Supreme with a Senton Splash. Angel crawls ontop of Supreme, 1...2....3!! Supreme is eliminated. Angel can't believe he just eliminated two men. He starts gettinge excited and jumps up and down, focusing on Sexxxy Eddy who's on the outside. New Jack sneaks up from behind Angel with a Garbage Can in his hand. He turns Angel around and nails him across the head. He nails him over and over again with the Garbage Can untill it's dented in half. Sexxxy Eddy attacks New Jack from behind with a Chairshot. While New Jack's down, Eddy sets up a table in the center of the ring. Eddy lays New Jack ontop of the table and orders Angel to climb to the top. Angel hesitates, Eddy starts yelling at him, demanding he finishes New Jack off with a top rope splash. Angel is on the top rope about to splash New Jack through a table when [B]Jenna Haze[/B] runs out and shoves him off. Sexxxy Eddy grabs ahold of Haze's head, getting ready to punch her out. New Jack recovers and stops Eddy before he can harm the young pornstar. New Jack grabs a Chair and slams it across Eddy's head, busting him open. Jack grabs ahold of Angel and places him ontop of Eddy in a 69 position. New Jack climbs to the top rope and Splashes Eddy and Angel through the table. The crowd explodes. He covers both of them, 1....2.....3!!! New Jack retains his Championship in his first defense. [B]Winner and still King of the Deathmatch Champion: New Jack(19:35) D-[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]The show comes to an end with New Jack standing over Angel and Eddy's bodies(placed in a 69 position). The KOTDM Champion along with Jenna Haze celebrate with the crowd. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Final Rating: D-[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Death Camp's "Gangsta's Paradise" Results:[/U][/B] Scotty Vortekz def. Juggulator Da Baldies def. Danny Havoc/JC Bailey Trent Acid def. Cheech Brain Damage def. Murdah Mack Josh Abercrombie def. Kaos the Rock Superstar Arik Cannon def. Niles Young New Jack def. The Messiah, Supreme & Angel[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url] [COLOR="Red"]Blood & Guts News Report[/COLOR] Week 1 October:[/B] -Death Camp will begin streaming a half hour show entitled [B]"2 Hardcore 4 TV"[/B], it will air every Wednesday night at [url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url]. -"[B]Twister's Gentlemen Club[/B]" in Detroit, Michigan will be the home of Death Camp's "2 Hardcore 4 TV". -[B]Beef Wellington[/B] and [B]Madman Pondo[/B] have returned from their tour in Japan. Both men are expected to tear it up in Death Camp really soon. -[B]Larry Sweeny[/B], Tyra Banxxx' agent and repersentative, has told Death Camp that Brain Damage will be forced to show up to court wether he likes it or not. [B]Death Camp presents... [COLOR="red"]"2 Hardcore 4 TV"[/COLOR] live at Twister's Gentlemen Club in Detroit, Michigan[/B] [B]scheduled to appear, the King of the Deathmatch Champion, New Jack, Sexxxy Eddy, The Messiah...plus much more![/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url] [COLOR="Red"]Blood & Guts News Report[/COLOR] Week 1 October:[/B] -Death Camp has signed two commentators for the up coming "2 Hardcore 4 TV" webcast. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/richardgomez.jpg[/IMG] [B]Richard Gomez[/B], a self proclaimed Death Match wrestling historian, will be leading the commentating team. He's looking forward to filling everyone in with his tons of useless knowledge. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/scratchy1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Scratchy[/B], a homeless man residing in the back alley of "Twister's Gentlemen Club", will aid Gomez in calling all of the action. Scratchy knows practicly nothing about professional wrestling but he's dirt cheap so we hired him. -The main event for the first ever "2 Hardcore 4 TV" webcast has been announced. [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B] along with "The Hardcore Homo" Angel will take on [B]The Messiah[/B]![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url][/B] The intro to "2 Hardcore 4 TV" is a live version of Hatebread's "I Will be Heard". Once the intro is done we're taken into the ring where The Juggulator is waiting for his opponent. *Gunshot* "Natural Born Killaz" by Dr. Dre & Ice Cube hits. New Jack walks out with the King of the Deathmatch Championship wrapped around his waist. He makes his way down into the ring. Juggulator ambushes him as he enters but New Jack fights back and clotheslines him outta his boots. The referee calls for the bell. [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/newjack.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/juggulator.jpg[/IMG] [B]King of the Deathmatch Championship Match[/B] New Jack retains his King of the Deathmatch Championship after destroying Juggulator with various weapons in 4:49 E+[/QUOTE] Afterwards, New Jack grabs a microphone. The crowd starts a "New-Jack! New-Jack!" chant. [B]New Jack[/B]: [COLOR="red"]All ya'all listen up. This is Death Camp Wrestling, the most hardcore, ****ed up **** you'll ever see on the internet. If you ain't down with bloody niggas, crazy ass weapons and big ol' tittys then this show ain't for ya. And if this show ain't for ya then **** ya'all. **** ya'all for being too much of a ***** to take us on. This **** right here is real! This **** right here is motha ****in' Death Camp!![/COLOR] Screen fades to black, we're taken to the commentator's booth where Richard Gomez & Scratchy are calling all of the action. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/richardgomez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/scratchy1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Richard Gomez[/B]: Welcome to the first ever webcast of Death Camp's "2 Hardcore 4 TV"! My name is Richard Gomez... [B]Scratchy[/B]: ...and I'm Scratchy. Hey, do you know when I'm going to get paid? [B]Richard Gomez:[/B] What a way to kick off things here tonight, we just witnessed a King of the Deathmatch Championship defense and we still have tons of in-ring action to look forward to. [B]Scratchy[/B]: Where the **** am I? [B]Richard Gomez[/B]: Right now, let's take a look at a pre-recorded interview with Murdah Mack... [B]Scratchy[/B]: (scratching himself) **** this ****... We head backstage to Murdah Mack, he's standing infront of a camera, about to speak his mind. [B]Murdah Mack[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]My name is Murdah Mack, and I'm the West Coast Warrior. Ever since day 1, Death Camp has shown how ****in' racist they are. First off, they allow New Jack to bust into my match against D.B.A. and make it a 3-way, what the ****?! New Jack's calling all the shot's now? Second, I'm the only nigga in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament who had to fight a mystery opponent, I didn't have any ****in' time to prepare myself. Finally, they put me in a match against Brain Damage, a Deathmatch Monster who's pissed off at some porno star bitch. If that ain't bein' biased than I don't know what is! So from now on I ain't lettin' the man hold me down. It's time to fight back! My people won't be held down any longer! Throw dem' Dubs up in da air!!![/COLOR] Back in the ring, Murdah Mack is standing across from Danny Havoc. The referee calls for the bell to start the match off. [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/dannyhavoc.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/murdahmack.jpg[/IMG] Murdah Mack manages to beat Danny Havoc after [B]Sabian & Scorpio S[/B]ky run out and help him pick up a victory. 4:40 E+[/QUOTE] Murdah Mack grabs a microphone after the match is done. Sabian and Scorpio Sky beat Havoc down a bit more. [B]Murdah Mack[/B]: [COLOR="red"]Listen up bitches. This right here is a movement! Let me introduce to you the "Black Jesus" SABIAN!![/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/sabian.jpg[/IMG] [B]Murdah Mack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]And this guy right here is the "Big Mack of Dime Sack's" SCORPIO SKY!![/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/scorpiosky.jpg[/IMG] [B]Murdah Mack[/B]: [COLOR="red"]And this motha ****a right here is the "West Coast Warrior" Murdah Mack!! Together we are the BLK Panthers!! We're warning all of you biggots right now, we ain't gonna lay down for anybody. Now throw them dub's up!![/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/trentacid.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/nilesyoung.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/joshabercrombie.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/beefwellington.jpg[/IMG] Trent Acid & Niles Young defeat Josh Abercrombie & Beef Wellington after Acid low blowed Abercrombie and rolled him up for a quick 3 count. 5:42 D-[/QUOTE] "Lap Dance" by N.E.R.D. hits. Sexxxy Eddy and Angel walk out to a sea of boo's. They step inside of the ring, Eddy grabs a microphone. [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: [COLOR="red"]"Twister's Gentlemen Club" welcome to the Triple Sexxx Xpress!! Last month, Angel along with myself were robbed. We were about to beat that no good "thug" for his Deathmatch Championship when that sleazy whore, Jenna Haze interfered. That's just unfair! New Jack, if you wanna use some bitch to help you defend your championship, that's fine. Next week on "2 Hardcore 4 TV" why don't you find yourself another bitch and take us on in a Tag Team Deathmatch!![/COLOR] "Suicide Messiah" by Black Label Society interrupts. The Messiah makes his way out from behind the curtains. The crowd explodes. Messiah steps inside of the ring and stands toe-to-toe with Eddy. Angel tries to hit Messiah from behind but the Hardcore Homo ends up getting hit by the Godsmack. Eddy hits Messiah with a Superkick while his attention was on Angel. [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/sexxxyeddy.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/themessiah.jpg[/IMG] Sexxxy Eddy defeated The Messiah with the help of Angel in 4:32 D-[/QUOTE] After the match, Sexxxy Eddy and Angel continue to beat down Messiah. Angel holds a chair ontop of Messiah as Eddy hits a Split Legged Moonsault. Eddy and Angel celebrate their destruction when all of a sudden... [B]*Gunshot*[/B] "Natural Born Killaz" blasts through the speakers. New Jack runs out with a Guitar. Eddy rolls out of the ring and leaves Angel alone with New Jack. The KOTDM smashes his Guitar over Angel's head, he grabs a microphone afterwards. [B]New Jack[/B]: [COLOR="red"]Are ya motha ****a's crazy?! Do you know who I am?! I'm the "Original Gangsta", the motha ****a who started all of this crazy ass ****!! If you two wanna fight me next week, that's fine!! But I ain't gonna let you wait to find out who's my partna's gonna be, I'll tell ya motha ****as right now. There's only one man who's tough enough to watch my back and his name is Messiah!! That's right motha ****as. You're gonna die!![/COLOR] *Gunshot* The show comes to an end with New Jack and Messiah celebrating in the ring. Eddy carreys Angel to the back over his shoulders. [B]Final Rating: D-[/B] [B]Live at "Twister's Gentleman's Club" in Detroit, Michigan infront of 17 people [U]Death Camp's "2 Hardcore 4 TV" Results[/U]:[/B] New Jack def. Juggulator Murdah Mack def. Danny Havoc Trent Acid & Niles Young def. Josh Abercrombie & Beef Wellington Sexxxy Eddy def. The Messiah [/CENTER]
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