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WWE - The Future

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[B][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]WWE – The Future[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] At Unforgiven 2007, John Cena’s reign as WWE Champion ended as Randy Orton finally took the gold following a no holds barred match which saw Orton deliver a top rope RKO onto a chair for the victory. At the Survivor Series, a team lead by John Cena consisting of Triple H, Undertaker, the new World Heavyweight Champion Batista and a returning Shawn Michaels took on Orton’s team of Ken Kennedy, Umaga, The Great Khali and King Booker. Despite pinning Orton and staking a claim to be the number one contender to the WWE Title, Triple H was eliminated by Ken Kennedy following an RKO from the eliminated Orton. At Armageddon, Kennedy faced The Game in a number one contendership match which ended in controversy following interference from both Orton and Shawn Michaels. Triple H had got Orton beaten but with the referee out cold, Kennedy attacked the Cerebral Assassin, causing HBK to hit the ring and try to superkick Kennedy, only for him to dodge and Shawn to hit Orton with Sweet Chin Music. As the dust cleared, Triple H went for the cover and thought he had the WWE Championship won however a defiant Mr. McMahon made his way out to the ring and stated that due to all of the shenanigans he should suspend Kennedy and HBK and declare Orton still champion. As it stood, Mr. McMahon made the decision that Randy Orton was indeed still WWE Champion, and at New Years Revolution there would be a Fatal Fourway match for the title as Randy Orton would defend the title against Shawn Michaels, Ken Kennedy and Triple H. Unforgiven also saw the World Heavyweight Championship change hands as Batista defeated The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio to win the title. At Armageddon, Batista defended his title against Rey Mysterio and despite a tremendous effort from Rey, Batista’s power enabled him to retain his title following a Batista Bomb. Following the match, Rey and Batista shook hands but Batista showed his true colours when he then tossed Rey out of the ring and hit a Batista Bomb through the announce table. As the fans in attendance began to boo the actions of the champion, announcers Michael Cole and JBL wondered who would stand up to face The Animal for the World Heavyweight Title. They didn’t have to wait for long, as the Smackdown General Manager, Teddy Long made an announcement the next Friday night. At New Years Revolution, it would be The Animal vs The Phenom in a rematch from Wrestlemania 23 as The Undertaker takes on Batista. Other titles have changed hands over the past few months, so to keep everyone up-to-date: [B]WWE Champion:[/B] Randy Orton – won the title at Unforgiven 2007 from John Cena. [B]World Heavyweight Champion:[/B] Batista – defeated The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio at Unforgiven to take the title from Khali. [B]ECW Champion:[/B] John Morrison – defeated CM Punk at No Mercy 2007, following interference from ECW’s newest star “The Ripper” Paul Burchill. [B]WWE Women’s Champion:[/B] Mickie James – beat Beth Phoenix at No Mercy 2007. [B]WWE Intercontinental Champion:[/B] Carlito – defeated Jeff Hardy on an edition of WWE Raw. [B]WWE United States Champion:[/B] MVP – defeated Matt Hardy on an edition of Smackdown. MVP's long reign as US Champion ended at No Mercy when Matt Hardy won the United State Championship, however Hardy's reign only lasted three weeks with MVP regaining the title on Smackdown. [B]ECW Television Champion:[/B] Super Crazy – Super Crazy won the Cruiserweight Championship at No Mercy from Jamie Noble. Following Crazy’s victory the ECW General Manager, Armando Estrada arrived an stated that Super Crazy’s Raw contract had been negated and Crazy was now a member of the ECW Roster. Estrada then declared Super Crazy the ECW Television Champion and the Cruiserweight Championship was retired. [B]WWE Undisputed World Tag Team Champions:[/B] Hart Foundation 2.0 – At Survivor Series, Bret “Hitman” Hart and Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart appeared on the Titantron discussing the Hart family and the days of the Hart Foundation then poured scorn upon the WWE’s poor tag team divisions across all brands. The brother’s in law then announced that times were changing, as the Hart Foundation would be returning to the WWE with the next generation of Harts: Harry “Bulldog” Smith and Ted Hart managed by The Anvil’s daughter Nattie Neidhart. Following a meeting between all three general managers in the WWE, it was announced that the World Tag Team Championship and the WWE Tag Team Championships would be unified in a four team elimination match at Armageddon. Brian Kendrick and Paul London, Deuce & Domino, Cade and Murdoch and the new Hart Foundation battled over the titles but in the end it was a Running Powerslam from Harry Smith to Paul London that saw the Hart Foundation become the champions. It was announced that the Tag Team Championship was now an inter-brand championship (this rule also applying to the Women’s Title following Armageddon). The title is defended on all brands however the champions will only appear on one show per week. [B]Released Superstars[/B] Layla, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, Vickie Guerrero, The Highlanders. More releases are expected as new and recognised names are signed to contracts. [B]Called up from Developmental[/B] Harry Smith (Raw), Teddy Hart (Raw), TJ Wilson (Raw), Nattie Neidhart (Raw), Paul Burchill (ECW), Colt Cabana (ECW), Katie Lea (Raw). [B]Newly Signed[/B] Shelley Martinez (ECW), Chris Jericho (Raw), Spike Dudley (ECW), Matt Bentley (Smackdown), Cheerleader Melissa (Raw), Christy Hemme (Smackdown). Shelley Martinez returns to the WWE family under the name of Ariel Martinez. It is currently not known if she will return as manager to Kevin Thorn or given a new role. Chris Jericho has signed and will make his return at the Royal Rumble. He is rumoured to be facing Ken Kennedy at Wrestlemania this year. Spike Dudley returns to ECW following his release from TNA. Matt Bentley has signed with the WWE following his release from TNA and will now be a part of the Smackdown brand. Cheerleader Melissa joins Raw's expanding roster of Divas. She is expected to be a big part of the women's division and rumour has it she won't be the only new diva on Raw. Christy Hemme was recently released by TNA. WWE has signed her up and brought her to the Smackdown brand to work as a manager. It is expected for her to manage the Major Brothers and work in a programme with Deuce & Domino and Cherry.
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[QUOTE]At Armageddon, Kennedy faced The Game in a number one contendership match which ended in controversy following interference from both Orton and Shawn Michaels. Triple H had got Orton beaten but with the referee out cold, Kennedy attacked the Cerebral Assassin, causing HBK to hit the ring and try to superkick Kennedy, only for him to dodge and Shawn to hit Orton with Sweet Chin Music. As the dust cleared, Triple H went for the cover and thought he had the WWE Championship won however a defiant Mr. McMahon made his way out to the ring and stated that due to all of the shenanigans he should suspend Kennedy and HBK and declare Orton still champion. As it stood, Mr. McMahon made the decision that Randy Orton was indeed still WWE Champion, and at New Years Revolution there would be a Fatal Fourway match for the title as Randy Orton would defend the title against Shawn Michaels, Ken Kennedy and Triple H.[/QUOTE] Just a bit confused by something in that first paragraph. When you talk about HHH facing Kennedy at Armageddon you go on to say how when the dust has settled Orton is still champ and Kennedy and HBK are suspended. I think you may have got Orton and Kennedy mixed up somewhere along the line there.
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[QUOTE=tom_wk;289205]I think two different matches are referenced there, HHH vs Kennedy and then HHH vs Orton, at least, that's the way I read it.[/QUOTE] Doh! Yeah I messed up, was supposed to say there was a match at No Mercy for #1 contendership oh you get the point :)
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