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[QUOTE=Arrows;291340]Solid writing, and a fun read so far. Just hoping the guys that are currently in the X Division don't get forgotten while the WWE rejects and old greats come in and grab the spotlight constantly.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I'm still trying to find a solid voice for the writing style, but I think I'm almost there. This is the first story-form dynasty I've done so it's been a challenge to try and create interesting backstage characters as well as on-screen characters. I'm also writing many of my own storylines for the first time just for this diary, such as the big tag fued going on right now. I have some plans for the X Division, and the few guys I hire from WWE are going to be protrayed on the same general level as guys like Lethal and Shelley so I can build the credibility (as well as aid in fixing the horrible overness gap in the card). I'm currently about a week ahead of the most recent Impact! in-game and without posting any sort of spoiler, I can say that none of the former WWE guys are under contract with me as of yet. Any feedback is much appreciated. I will also be doing more "Impact! Polls," and if I have a fair amount of readers I plan on doing an interactive predictions game where the winner each week has some input into the next Impact. Anyone interested in participating let me know and I can probably work one for the next Impact, which probably won't be up until Sunday/Monday because I'm busy with work all weekend.
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I'll be keeping up with reading as best I can, and would take part in any polls/prediction games. If I may make a suggestion though, I personally feel it would work out better if the weekly shows were left unspoiled by prediction things. Always thought it better to establish matches during the show instead of the entire show being known before hand. Doing them for Pay Per Views and allowing the person who gets the most right there some sort of reward would work better, in my opinion.
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;291363]Good show though I would have saved Christian's first TNA pinfall loss for PPV myself. I'll be reading to see where you go with things. :)[/QUOTE] It was mentioned somewhere in all of the fluff that Christian's first loss was to Joe at the Sacrifice PPV. The first Impact posted here was for Week 3 of August, that way all of the big opening shake-ups in the game had passed and I could worry less about who might be leaving the company. Thanks for all the feedback, though, guys! Glad you're enjoying it. And I agree with you Arrows, I may limit it to PPV. . . I like establishing matches during the show as well.
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[QUOTE=falling_star;291433]It was mentioned somewhere in all of the fluff that Christian's first loss was to Joe at the Sacrifice PPV. The first Impact posted here was for Week 3 of August, that way all of the big opening shake-ups in the game had passed and I could worry less about who might be leaving the company. Thanks for all the feedback, though, guys! Glad you're enjoying it. And I agree with you Arrows, I may limit it to PPV. . . I like establishing matches during the show as well.[/QUOTE] Oops! Sorry, I should pay more attention! :o
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Thankfully everything checked out out, and [B]Kurt Angle[/B] had legitimate travel issues that caused him to miss the show. [B]Arn[/B] seemed a little embarassed by his outburst, but it seemed justified at the time considering we had to rewrite TV two hours before the show. We were now doing Impact! live-to-tape in the early evening on Thursday, allowing just a few hours for clean-up and delivery before airing at 9:00PM. The only change was having [B]Abyss[/B] removed from the building, which caused him to flip out and assault [B]Bobby Roode[/B]. That freed up the time for his planned segment, which we added to the main event and allowed [B]Sting[/B] & [B]Joe[/B] to really give the match their all for those watching the show. Arn liked to try and hold a good relationship with the audience; he said that he felt our audience was loyal, but that a person can only be cheated so many time before giving up. Keeping that in mind, we gathered the team to start working on next week's show as well as the web content to hype it. [B]Terry[/B] seemed a little more at ease today, almost friendly at points. . . but every so often I'd still notice him trying to stare a hole through me. I decided that it had to be a rib, and I was going to throw it right back at him sometime soon. We still had four weeks of TV before the next PPV, and we felt that we were already building the strongest card the company had put together in months. The only official match at this point was Angle versus Sting, but with the tag team fued going on a singles or possibly even three-way is likely and with [B]TAJIRI[/B]'s victorious debut earning him a shot at the X Division belt that could be a strong possibility as well. Fate had given me a reality check with Angle's no show. We all had to stay focused, because just beyond [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] was the big one: [B][I]Bound for Glory[/I][/B].
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TNAWrestling.com [QUOTE][CENTER][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]TNA IMPACT! ON SPIKETV [/COLOR]THUSDAY NIGHT @ 9:00PM[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] OFFICIAL PREVIEW [B]Sting[/B] emerged victorious as the #1 contender to [B]Kurt Angle[/B]'s TNA World title last week after a hard fought match against [B]Samoa Joe[/B]. This week we will get a preview of things to come at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] as each man picks a partner and steps into the ring for a tag match! Rumours are flying as to who each man's mystery partner might be, with nearly every name in the TNA lockerroom and many from outside the company being mentioned. Who will the two men be? Tune it to find out! Also last week, after being thrown out of the building by head of TNA management [B]Jim Cornette[/B], "The Monster" [B]Abyss[/B] went haywire backstage. Several security guards were tossed around before [B]Robert Roode[/B] entered the scene; if there were ever a more perfect example of someone being in the wrong place at the wrong time, we can't think of it. This week, Roode has challenged Abyss to meet him one-on-one and promises to extract his revenge! All this, plus #1 contender to the X Division title [B]TAJIRI[/B] will be in action, and [B]Team 3D[/B] responds to [B]The James Gang[/B]! Thursday night at 9:00PM on SpikeTV; don't miss it! [/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]CONFIRMED BOUTS MAIN EVENT - KURT ANGLE & ??? -VS- STING & ??? ABYSS -VS- ROBERT ROODE[/SIZE]
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TNAWrestling.com presents [I]The Impact! Poll[/I]. . . [QUOTE]Hello out there TNA fans, and welcome to the Impact! Poll on TNAWrestling.com. A lot has happened in the past weeks, not only here in TNA but in the entire wrestling business. As we ented the month of September, we'd like to ask a few questions about the state of things as well as this weeks [B][I]Impact![/I][/B][/QUOTE] [B]1. Who will be Kurt Angle's mystery partner on [B][I]Impact![/I][/B]?[/B] 1- Abyss, who might be looking for revenge on his former friend Sting 2- Samoa Joe, looking to avenge his recent loss 3- Monty Brown, TNA alumni recently released by WWE 4- Paul London/Brian Kendrick, also recently released by WWE [B]2. Who will be Sting's mystery partner on [B][I]Impact?[/I][/B]?[/B] 1- Samoa Joe, showing respect after his loss to "The Icon" 2- Rhino, who seems to be on the warpath after returning 3- Paul London/Brian Kendrick, recently released by WWE 4- Abyss, who has yet to actually attack Sting [B]3. Who would you like to see in TNA?[/B] 1- Monty Brown, TNA alumni recently released by WWE 2- Paul London/Brian Kendrick, recently released by WWE 3- Bryan Danielson, internet & indy favorite 4- Jushin "Thunder" Lyger, Japanese legend and a natural fit in the X Division [I]((Predictions for this week's Impact, as well as thoughts/predictions for the PPV are welcome. I thrive on feedback, so feel free to share any thoughts you may have. I was also wondering if anyone would be interested in a weekly internet 'dirt sheet' for a peek into what other companies are doing, as well as rumours & other things? I like the idea, but I'm not sure I want to detract from the focus on TNA.[/I]))
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1. Who will be Kurt Angle's mystery partner on Impact!? 1- Abyss, who might be looking for revenge on his former friend Sting [B]2- Samoa Joe, looking to avenge his recent loss[/B] 3- Monty Brown, TNA alumni recently released by WWE 4- Paul London/Brian Kendrick, also recently released by WWE 2. Who will be Sting's mystery partner on Impact?? 1- Samoa Joe, showing respect after his loss to "The Icon" 2- Rhino, who seems to be on the warpath after returning 3- Paul London/Brian Kendrick, recently released by WWE [B]4- Abyss, who has yet to actually attack Sting[/B] 3. Who would you like to see in TNA? 1- Monty Brown, TNA alumni recently released by WWE 2- Paul London/Brian Kendrick, recently released by WWE [B]3- Bryan Danielson, internet & indy favorite[/B] 4- Jushin "Thunder" Lyger, Japanese legend and a natural fit in the X Division (THAT'S A TOUGH ONE)
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[B]1. Who will be Kurt Angle's mystery partner on [B][I]Impact![/I][/B]?[/B] [B]1- Abyss, who might be looking for revenge on his former friend Sting[/B] 2- Samoa Joe, looking to avenge his recent loss 3- Monty Brown, TNA alumni recently released by WWE 4- Paul London/Brian Kendrick, also recently released by WWE [B]2. Who will be Sting's mystery partner on [B][I]Impact?[/I][/B]?[/B] [B]1- Samoa Joe, showing respect after his loss to "The Icon"[/B] 2- Rhino, who seems to be on the warpath after returning 3- Paul London/Brian Kendrick, recently released by WWE 4- Abyss, who has yet to actually attack Sting [B]3. Who would you like to see in TNA?[/B] [B]1- Monty Brown, TNA alumni recently released by WWE[/B] 2- Paul London/Brian Kendrick, recently released by WWE 3- Bryan Danielson, internet & indy favorite 4- Jushin "Thunder" Lyger, Japanese legend and a natural fit in the X Division I can see Joe and Abyss being the other two men involved in the tag match, but I can't see Joe siding with Angle. As for bringing someone in, all are great picks. I'm just not much on God Rosters, and Monty seems to be a step in the other direction, with him being a former TNA wrestlers, and one of the top names at that. Danielson, Lyger, London, and Kendrick would all make great picks to come into the promotion, I just get irked by the whole..Bring in All The Gods type deals.
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WrestlingHeat.com [QUOTE]THE DIRT SHEET - The WWE main event roster took another hit this week, with [B]Batista[/B] suffering a leg injury during his match with [B]Bobby Lashley[/B]. Early reports have him sitting out for apx. 5 months. Batsta joins [B]Edge, Shawn Michaels[/B], and [B]The Undertaker[/B] on the injured list. Times look dark indeed for McMahon & company. - Despite reports to the contrary, [B]Monty Brown[/B] insists that he's had no contact with TNA about a return. "If you remember correctly, I left them because I was unhappy. Why would I go back to be misused some more?" Word is that due to the urgent nature of the releases, most workers are not under no complete clauses, so look for them to show up on indy shows as well as places like ROH and TNA soon. - Rumour has it that [B]TAJIRI[/B] and [B]Jason Jett[/B] were signed to TNA deals before the recent WWE releases. It is said that there are no plans for an influx of talent, although a few guys have been sent feelers. People are saying that morale is low in the WWE lockerroom, and that some of the talent may decide to sit out for a while. - Also in TNA, we have an early line-up for [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] listed below; a more concrete line-up is expected after this weeks's [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] [LIST] [*]MAIN EVENT: KURT ANGLE (C) -VS- STING FOR THE TNA WORLD TITLE [*]TEAM 3D -VS- THE STEINER BROTHERS [*]SAMOA JOE -VS- ABYSS [*]RHINO -VS- TOMKO IN A HARDCORE MATCH [*]JAY LETHAL (C) -VS- TAJIRI FOR THE X DIVISION TITLE [/LIST][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]TNA IMPACT! -WEEK 1, SEPTEMBER 2007[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]In two very good matches filmed for Xplosion, [B]Alex Shelley[/B] defeated [B]Jason Jett[/B] and [B]Petey Williams[/B] beat [B]Chris Sabin[/B] with a Canadian Destroyer.[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Red"][I]BOOM![/I][/COLOR][/B] [I]The opening pyro explodes, and we're ready for another addition of [B]TNA Impact![/B] on SpikeTV. [B]Mike Tenay[/B] and [B]Don West[/B] on commentary welcome us to the show[/I] [B][I][COLOR="Red"]"WATCH OUT, WATCH OUT, WATCH OUT!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [I]The crowd begins to cheer as [B]Team 3D[/B] make their way into the Impact Zone, others jeering their attack on [B]So Cal Val[/B]. Both men look all business while they walk to the ring seemingly oblivious to the crowds' mixed reaction.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Well Don, not quite the reaction Team 3D is used to getting here in the Impact Zone![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarKSlateBlue"][B]Don West:[/B] Can you blame the fans, Mike? I mean, what they did to that beautiful girl was just. . . just uncalled for![/COLOR] [I]Devon flashes Val a sick smile at ringside, and she creeps her way up the aisle looking scared. Ray & Devon slide into the ring, pacing for a moment as they prepare to speak.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Brother Ray:[/B] Last week two men, and I use the term loosely. . . two men came out here and started pissing & moaning about how us & [B]The Steiners[/B] have been fighting over which team is the better team. Well, [B]BG[/B]. . . [B]Kip[/B]. . . I gotta' tell you. . . we had no idea you felt that way![/COLOR] [I]The crowd looks confused for just a second, but Ray is obviously being sarcastic.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ray: [/B] I'm sorry we left you out, because you are just as welcome to an asskicking as The Steiner Brothers! You see, us & the Steiners have been all over the world, wrestled in over 20 countries around the world, BEATEN THE BEST! You two a------s never made it out of Stamford!![/COLOR] [I]This fued is starting to come to a boil, the crowd rumbling in anticipation as Ray launches into one of the scathing promos Team 3D is famous for doing.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ray:[/B] You see, Scotty's been ragging on us for weeks about our old stomping grounds being nothing but a bingo hall while they were wining belts in Japan, Canada, and the United States. Now personally I think Scott's full of equal parts juice and hot air. . . [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Woah!![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBluelue"][B]Don West:[/B] Now that's just uncalled for![/COLOR] [I]The crowd pops a little for the 'shoot comment' about Scott Steiner taking steroids, especially in such a touchy time on the subject. This is why we rarely give Ray a live mic; SpikeTV even insisted we censor the word 'juice' for TV, but liked the edgier direction of the promo.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ray:[/B] But now, I guess I can see why he might take offense. You see, while me & Devon were literally giving blood, sweat, and tears to ECW while taking licks in Japan as well, one of ya' was kissing [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B]'s ass and the other was calling himself Rockabilly! [B]James Gang[/B] we've battled a few times before, and we've kicked your asses all over the Impact Zone. You are two tough sons a-bitches, but [U]you are not in our league![/U][/COLOR] [I]As the crowd rumbles while mulling over the promo, Devon heads outside and grabs ringside announced [B]Jeremy Borash[/B]. When the crowd realizes what is going on, they start to boo again.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ray:[/B] Now we told you what we were going to do until we got what we want. . . and I haven't heard from the Steiners yet. So Borash, you better pray that they make it out here before I make it to the top rope, or you're done for![/COLOR] [I]Ray starts to climb to the top, and Devon sends Borash up kicking and screaming. It becomes apparent the Ray plans to Superbomb Borash to the outside through an announce table!![/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Oh my God!! Someone stop him![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Don West:[/B] This is just insane! D=They can't do this!![/COLOR] [I]Ray takes a second to scream taunts at Borash, but before he can jump [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B]' music hits, and Rick & Scott make their way into the Impact Zone. Borash manages to squirm away and hightail it up the ramp with Val as the four men face-off in the center of the ring.[/I] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Scott:[/B] Alright, forget all the b--------. . . if you want it, [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B], you got it! Team 3D versus The Steiner Brothers! It's gonna' be a pleasure kickin' your ass all over the arena, and making you believe that you're not worthy of lacing our boots![/COLOR] [I]Scott spits in Ray's face, igniting a brawl between the two teams. Ray & Scott trades blows while Devon manages to topple Rick to the outside. The brawl goes crazy all around the ring & outside for a few moments before security rushes the ring with [B]Jim Cornette[/B] directing traffic to break things up. Just as the two teams get seperated we head to commercial.[/I]
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[I]We return to the ring ring with "The Japanese Buzzsaw" [B]TAJIRI[/B] just entering. Out next is "The Fallen Angel" [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] with paint around his eye and a new design on his trunks that look like the symbol around his eye.[/I] [B]TAJIRI -VS- CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/B] Tom Pritchard booked this as the opening contest, and it carried over from the opening segment very well. As you could expect, TAJIRI and Daniels put on a great X Division match and kept the crowd enthralled with lots of high energy spots as well as TAJIRI's first use of his Tarantula move in TNA. The finish saw TAJIRI counter his way out of the Angel's Wings and nail Daniels with a stiff Buzzsaw Kick to the head. [B]WINNER: TAJIRI[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What a match! TAJIRI continues to work his way through the X Division and we're told that he will get his shot at the belt coming up at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B].[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Don West:[/B] That's right, Mike, and I understand that next week on [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] we're going to be having a very special X Division match-up involving the number one contedner TAJIRI as well as X Division Champion [B]Jay Lethal[/B].[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] That's right, Don. Jay has been working some dates over in Japan, which is why we haven't had a lot of focus on him in recent weeks but next week we'll see "Black Machismo" and the number one contender in the same ring. Up next, however, we'll be hearing from "Wildcat" [B]Chris Harris[/B]![/COLOR] [I]There is a commercial break before coming back, Harris standing at the top of one of the entrance tunnels along with [B]Jeremy Borash[/B]. Borash welcomes everyone back, and asks how Harris is feeling in recent weeks with Roode International as a constant thorn in his side. Before he can answer, [B]Robert Roode[/B] bursts onto the scene and launches an assault on the "Wildcat" as [B]Ms. Brooks[/B] directs him from the tunnel. With Harris down, Roode takes something from Ms. Brooks and seconds later tosses a FIREBALL AT HARRIS!![/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] OH MY GOD!! SOMEONE GET HIM OUT OF HERE!![/COLOR] [I]Tenay is literally screaming into the headset as Roode laughs. He bends down to pick up a microphone, but [B]Abyss'[/B] music starts to play in the Impact Zone! "The Monster" charges out of a the tunnel, shoving Ms. Brooks aside and forcing Roode towards the ring as they brawl.[/I] [B]ABYSS -VS- ROBERT ROODE[/B] The action continues outside, the contest unable to officially begin as Roode fights for his life against the powerhouse Abyss. Just as it looks like Abyss is about to destroy Roode, [B]James Storm[/B] comes out of nowhere and waffles Abyss with a chair! The "Tennessee Cowboy" takes a few more shots before hoisting Abyss into the ring, rolling Roode in after him for a cover just after the opening bell!! [B]WINNER: ROBERT ROODE[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Don West:[/B] What a cheap victory![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] A cheap win, but perhaps a little bit of revenge on behalf of Roode International. Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back with [B]Team 3D[/B] against [B]LAX[/B]![/COLOR] [I]The entrances begin as we come back from commercial, LAX out first followed by Team 3D. Mike Tenay & Don West talk about the boiling fued in the tag team division, and Team 3D's vicious promo that started the show before we begin.[/I] [B]TEAM 3D -vs- LAX[/B] A lot of the outrageous brawling you'd expect from these two teams in their best match together since the fued several months ago. Referee Mark Johnson managed to keep the action mostly inside the ring, making it a classic tag team bout between the powerhouse brawlers. Eventually there was a ref bump, however, which brought out [B]The James Gang[/B]! The three teams brawled while Johnson was out which led up to a double-team situation with Hernandez holding Ray for BG James to nail with a chairshot. . . which of course was ducked, with BG nailing Hernandez and getting tossed from the ring before a groggy pinfall by the ref. [B]WINNERS: TEAM 3D[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] I have a feeling that these two teams are about to explode! We'll be right back with our main event, and the unveiling of Angle & Sting's mystery partners![/COLOR] [I]When we return, [B]Kurt Angle[/B] is in the ring.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Kurt:[/B] So I guess that one time wasn't enough, and in a few weeks at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B]. . . I gotta' kick Sting's ass again! But this week [B]Jim Cornette[/B] told us both to find partners, knowing damn well that I don't have a friend in this company; knowing Sting could find any number of greedy people eager to prove themselves against the champ! So I went out, and I made a deal. . . that's right, I, Kurt Angle, had to make a deal. . . to find the meanest, toughest, most violent S.O.B. I could to stand by my side tonight.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Who could it be?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Kurt Angle:[/B] So because this guy is teaming with me tonight, next week you're going to see me defend my TNA World Heavyweight title![/COLOR] [I]The crowd pops for the announcement, still rumbling with anticipation as to who it might be. The lights in the arena go down, and [B]Christian Cage[/B]'s entrance music begins to play as the crowd goes nuts. Cage enters the arena with his 'problem solver' [B]Tomko[/B] and the two stand at the top of the ramp.[/I] [COLOR="Green"][B]Christian Cage:[/B] This week, you've got [B]Tomko[/B] on your side, but next week you're in the ring with me! You want a job done right, you gotta' pay the price! Now go kick some ass Tomko![/COLOR] [I]Tomko heads to the ring as Cage heads back down the tunnel. As the music starts, [B]Sting[/B] makes his entrance into the Impact Zone without a partner. He stands outside the ring, looking up at the tunnel as his music fades and the crowd chants a small variety of names. . . Joe, Rhino, even Abyss. But the music starts, and the crowd explodes when [B]Samoa Joe[/B] steps out and heads to the ring, Sting looking at Angle with a grin.[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT: KURT ANGLE & TOMKO -VS- STING & SAMOA JOE[/B] These men were given the last fifteen minutes of the program to work some magic as we continue to build to the PPV, and a match that surprisingly hadn't hit the dirt sheets yet. Tomko's performance was boosted by all of the other guys though he still paled in comparison; he & Angle worked well together to show off Tomko's power while keeping him mostly out of the ring. There was, of course, tension between Sting & Joe throughout the match but they seemed to work through it. Of course at the end of the match chaos ensues, and all four men wind-up brawling in the ring. As Joe takes out Tomko, Sting connects with a Scorpion Death Drop on Angle! Backing up, he walks directly into a CoquinaPlex by Joe!! Samoa Joe just dropped Sting on his head!! Moving quickly as Angle stirs, Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch and though he never taps, chokes Angle out! [B]WINNERS: SAMOA JOE & STING[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Don West:[/B] Oh my God!! Samoa Joe just choked out Angle! He choked out the TNA World Champion!![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay:[/B] I can't believe it, Don! Samoa Joe just took out the number one contender with a CoquinaPlex and stole the win by choking out Kurt Angle! What's going to happen next?! We're out of time, tune in next week for Angle versus Cage!![/COLOR] [SIZE=1]MAIN EVENT RATING: C OVERALL FINAL RATING: C+ ATTENDANCE: 2000 (SELL OUT)[/SIZE]
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So tonight's [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] kicked off our slow build for [B]Samoa Joe[/B] as the booking team tries to rebuild his credibility. Even though it was by choking out the World Champion we're going to hold off on a title match for just a bit as we re-establish the company's image. [B]Terry Taylor[/B] finally seemed to be warming up to me, shaking my hand after the show and complimenting my work with the tag fued. I made sure to thank him and note that I liked the old school vibe he was contributing to [B]Robert Roode[/B]'s character development; Roode reminded me a lot of "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert, especially with the fireball into [B]Chris Harris[/B]' face. I think [B]Scott D'Amore[/B] had noticed the tension between Terry & I, because he came over with a smile and said it was "good to see Terry giving the kid a chance." This week we announced next week's main event, [B]Kurt Angle[/B] versus [B]Christian Cage[/B] for the TNA World title. We're using the match to develop more matches for [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] but it is still sure to be a good match. If all goes according to plan, next week will be full of surprises. . .
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WrestlingHeat.com [QUOTE]THE DIRT SHEET - Word going around after this week's [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] is that the company is very pleased with the way things have been going with the new booking team in place. [B]Arn Anderson[/B] is said to be very passionate about the success of TNA, and [B]Tom Pritchard[/B] has been dedicated & professional while building the X Division storyline. [B]Terry Taylor[/B] is said to be very withdrawn on the new team, which is contrary to his old behaviour. Taylor has long been outstpoken about paying dues and its suspected his new frustration stems from Black's contest win. - The blows keep on coming for WWE, who saw ratings for both RAW & SmackDown! plummet. Many in the industry, and outside it, see the company as a sinking ship. The McMahon family maintains that the company will level off soon, asserting that it "got to big for itself" in recent years. If both deals are cancelled they plan to run with WWE Tuesday Night's Main Event on Sci-Fi in the old ECW timeslot. - Former WWE star [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] announced via his MySpace late last night that he has indeed signed a deal with TNA. He will be flying out sometime early next week to film vignettes that will lead to his PPV debut. - With SHIMMER currently a hot product, the wrestling industry is trying to launce a resurgance in women's wrestling. Recently, 5 Star Supreme Wrestling opened in Japan and Women's World Wrestling opened Canada. The women of SHIMMER have already been contacted by both companies with various offers. - There is some heat on [B]Brother Ray[/B] backstage after his comments about [B]Scott Steiner[/B] being "full of juice," which is wrestling lingo for being on steroids. At a time where the sport is being investigated due to rampant rumours of steroid use a lot of the staff & the boys thought it was innappropriate. Ray apparently cleared the comment with Steiner but not management; Steiner said he was okay with it because he could pass a drug test without problem. - Also in TNA, word backstage is that new booking team member [B]Michael Black[/B] is being well recieved by a lot of the veterans. [B]Arn Anderson[/B] has worked closely with Black to better develop his understanding of the business; Black is responsible for booking the current storyline between [B]Team 3D, The Steiner Brothers,[/B] and [B]The James Gang[/B]. - In Japan, both [B]Dragon Gate[/B] and [B]Michinoku Pro[/B] announced plans for higher scale tours as their companies continue to grow. - [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] regained the ROH World title over the weekend after defeating [B]Takeshi Morishima[/B]. Danielson was recently rumoured to be in talks with TNA, and though he will neither confirm nor deny rumours it seems to be untrue for now. - Below is a more current card for [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B]; only matches in bold are official. Although not currently booked, it is expected that [B]Christian Cage[/B] and [B]Robert Roode[/B] will be booked, and possibly some sort of X Division match. [LIST] [*][B]MAIN EVENT - TNA WORLD TITLE: KURT ANGLE (C) -VS- STING[/B] [*][B]TNA X DIVISION TITLE - JAY LETHAL (C) -VS- TAJIRI[/B] [*][B]TEAM 3D -VS- THE STEINER BROTHERS[/B] [*]MONSTER'S BALL - SAMOA JOE -VS- ABYSS -VS- RHINO -VS- TOMKO [*]AJ STYLES -VS- BRIAN KENDRICK [/LIST][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]- There is some heat on Brother Ray backstage after his comments about Scott Steiner being "full of juice," which is wrestling lingo for being on steroids. At a time where the sport is being investigated due to rampant rumours of steroid use a lot of the staff & the boys thought it was innappropriate. Ray apparently cleared the comment with Steiner but not management; [I][B]Steiner said he was okay with it because he could pass a drug test without problem[/B].[/I][/QUOTE] :eek:
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;292858]I just put in my nomination for your diary for DOTM...this is actually making me want to pick my diary writing back up![/QUOTE] Wow, thanks! This is the first time I've found myself really getting into the diary, so hopefully I'll be able to keep up the quality work! I have the next two days off, so I'm hoping to get up to (and possibly through) No Surrender before the weekend.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]TNA IMPACT! -WEEK 2, SEPTEMBER 2007[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]This week on Xplosion, we saw [B]Tomko[/B] defeat [B]Jason Jett[/B] and [B]Rhino[/B] defeat [B]Robert Roode[/B] in a great main event. After the match, [B]Jim Cornette[/B] came out and told Roode he would have big announcement concerning him and [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] on next week's [B][I]Impact![/I][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Red"][I]BOOM![/I][/COLOR][/B] [I]The opening pyro explodes, and we're ready for another addition of [B]TNA Impact![/B] on SpikeTV. [B]Mike Tenay[/B] and [B]Don West[/B] on commentary welcome us to the show as [B]Sting[/B]'s entrance music begins.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B]"The Icon" is here! Welcome, everyone, to [B][I]Impact[/I][/B] here on SpikeTV; I'm Mike Tenay along with [B]Don West[/B] and boy do we have a show for you![/COLOR] [I]Sting makes his way into the ring with microphone in hand as the crowd cheers for the number one contender.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Sting: [/B]Last week you saw [B]Samoa Joe[/B] choke out [B]Kurt Angle[/B] right here in the center of the ring. Now, Joe, I know you've never been much for having a partner or being part of a tag team. . . but what you did was absolutely uncalled for! From now on, you need to stay out of my w. . . [/COLOR] [I]The lights go down, and [B]Kurt Angle[/B]'s entrance music begins to play. Rising up with the flag held high, Angle gets a pop of cheers before the crowd begins to boo.[/I] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Kurt Angle: [/B]First off, let's get one thing straight: Samoa Joe did NOT choke me out last week! After you carelessly dropped me on my head I was already out, and lucky for you it didn't do any permanent damage! Then Joe comes out of nowhere and tries to kill me with that chokehold![/COLOR] [I]The crowd starts chanting "Joe's gonna' kill you" as Angle looks around wildly, demanding that they stop.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Sting: [/B]You need to forget about him, because coming up at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] it's gonna' be me & you one more time! This time, Angle, I'm not leaving without that belt![/COLOR] [I]Angle laughs a bit to himself, turning away briefly to telegraph a punch before the two launch into an all out brawl! Neither man seems to let up as the microphones fly, Angle's TNA World title falling to the mat as they fight like rabid dogs, referees and security storming the ring to try and gain some order. The fight spills outside as the crowd roars, Angle managing to take Sting down before stumbling away as security gets between them.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B] What a way to kick off [B][I]Impact![/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Don West: [/B]What else can happen here tonight?![/COLOR] [I]We head to commercial as security begins to restore order, Angle talking trash at Sting all the way up the ramp.[/I]
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[I]When we come back, [B]The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)[/B] are just finishing up their entrance. Out next is [B]TAJIRI[/B] as Mike Tenay & Don West welcome us back.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B]Up next is that special X Division match we talked about last week, it's going to be the young team of Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley taking on X Division champion [B]Jay Lethal[/B] and number one contender [B]TAJIRI[/B]![/COLOR] [B]MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS -VS- JAY LETHAL & TAJIRI[/B] These teams put on a good opening contest, with lots of chain wrestling and some of the high spots you've come to expect from the X Division. The finish came with Shelley (the legal man for his team) on the outside, Jay Lethal nailing Sabin on the inside of the ring with a Lethal Combination! With the ref checking on Shelley, Lethal turns around to a face full of green mist from TAJIRI!! Buzzsaw Kick and Lethal falls to the ground, the crowd booing heavily as TAJIRI laughs his way out of the ring. Shelley makes it back in for a quick cover. [B]WINNERS: MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Don West: [/B]TAJIRI!! TAJIRI JUST NAILED JAY LETHAL!![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B]I can't believe my eyes, Don! TAJIRI just cost his team the win![/COLOR] [I]Jay Lethal holds his head, staring up the ramp at TAJIRI. The crowd definitely didn't react the way we had hoped on this one, but we still have a few weeks to recover. The scene fades for a moment before some music begins to play, and we see a pair of boots. Panning up, we see a smiling [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] standing in the backstage area, looking into the camera with a satisfied smile & nodding his head slowly. As he walks away, a message flashed across the screen.[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]BRIAN KENDRICK: COMING SOON![/B][/COLOR] [I]After a commercial break, we see [B]Lance Hoyt[/B] headed to the ring with [B]Christy Hemme[/B] in tow. These two are a better pairing then we could've ever hoped for.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B]There you see the "Ticked Off Texan" Lance Hoyt, and that. . . that she-devil, Christy Hemme![/COLOR] [I]The crowd is booing, but they immediately pop with the beginning of [B]Samoa Joe[/B]'s music! Joe makes his way out the ring with an intense stare, sliding into the ring as the bell sounds.[/I] [B]SAMOA JOE -VS- LANCE HOYT[/B] In the opening seconds these two brawled all over the ring before Joe gained the upper hand, nailing Hoyt with several stiff shots before locking in the Coquina Clutch for a quick win at around the two minute mark. [B]WINNER: SAMOA JOE[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Don West: [/B]What a win! Joe just destroyed him![/COLOR] [I]Before Mike Tenay can respond, [B]Abyss[/B] comes bounding down the ramp and into the ring. The two big men charge at each other, but Abyss runs Joe into a turnbuckle and begins his assault. Abyss stomps away at Joe before hauling him up and slinging him into the ropes. . .[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B]BLACK HOLE SLAM!! He just nailed Joe with a Black Hole Slam!![/COLOR] [I]Joe lays lifeless in the ring as Abyss slinks up the ramp, satisfied with his job as we head to commercial. When we come back, [B]Team 3D[/B] have made their way to the ring and we join their promo in progress. We had to edit the segment that way because of [B]Brother Ray[/B]'s promo. . . I don't think we'll be giving him a live mic on TV anymore.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Brother Ray: [/B]So if you boys got the balls, whaddya' say we do it our way? At [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B], Team 3D versus The Steiner Brothers. . . no count outs, no disqualifications. . . you wanna' win you gotta' put us through tables![/COLOR] [I]The crowd pops as Team 3D look around; they've become the kind of heels that are going to get cheered no matter what, and The Steiners & The James Gang are heading in the same direction which makes this whole fued very interesting. [B]Scott & Rick Steiner[/B] make their way into the arena but stay atop one of the ramps.[/I] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Scott Steiner: [/B]In case you've forgotten, me & Rick don't come from no bingo hall! We made our name [I]wrestling[/I] teams like The Road Warriors, and DOOM, and. . .[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Brother Ray: [/B]Woah, woah, woah, Scotty! Before you go off on one of your tangents about beating this team and that team, in the NWA and in Japan and in New York. . . let me remind you that we don't give a s---! Tables Match, are you in or are you out?[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Scott Steiner: [/B]We're in! And its going to be a pleasure kicking your ass and putting it through a table! We're going to teach you some respect BOY![/COLOR] [I]The crowd pops for the announcement of a Tables Match at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B], Team 3D looking satisfied as both teams make their exit before the next match.[/I] [B]THE JAMES GANG -VS- LAX[/B] Both teams look hungry for a win as they enter the Impact Zone, and it showed in their performances. The James Gang are getting back to their old form, and LAX want to prove themselves among the legendary teams here in TNA. The finish saw Team 3D return to the ring and take out Kip James at ring side, allowing LAX to double team BG for a Border Toss and the win. [B]WINNERS: LAX[/B] [I]The James Gang look pissed on the outside as we head to commercial, Team 3D making their way back up the ramp as the scene fades.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B]We're back, and ladies & gentlemen it is time for our main event![/COLOR] [I][B]Christian Cage[/B]'s entrance begins as the crowd rumbles with anticipation. Arn was right about delivering high quality main events on TV because our ratings last week were up nearly a full point and we hoped to continue the trend this week.[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT - TNA WORLD TITLE MATCH KURT ANGLE (C) -VS- CHRISTIAN CAGE[/B] In this match, Angle looked to regain some momentum following his loss last week. Cage was also looking to avenge his recent losses as he went from being unpinned in TNA to losing two in a row. They had no trouble overcoming the fact that it was heel versus heel, Christian playing the true heel in the match by remaining ****y throughout. We decided to give the fans a clean match after the all the recent schmoozes in the main event, and Angle picked up the win with an Ankle Lock. [B]WINNER, AND STILL CHAMPION: KURT ANGLE[/B] [SIZE="1"]MAIN EVENT RATING: B- OVERALL FINAL RATING: C+ ATTENDANCE: 2000 (SELL OUT)[/SIZE]
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