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Hello. My name is Chris, and I'm head booker for TNA. I have a couple of goals to meet, which are to have more money in two years and the regular stuff. I'm the head booker for TNA because thats the Promotion I picked on the screen. I'm going to be a bit tongue in cheek, because I loved it when reading a couple other diaries that were similar. I loved the one where he always ends with "We might suck, but are roster sucks worse!" and similar sayings. I won't probably be that creative, but you get the point.
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T-Zone starting in May, wk 1 of this year. I have no idea what the storylines were at this time, so we are starting with all fresh storylines. Christian Cage is the World Champion Chris Sabin the X-Division Champ Dudley's, or Brother Ray and Devon, the Tag Champs Advanced booking for tonights show: [B]Basham and Damaja vs. Martyr and Kaz. [/B]This is part of a tournament match, the winner to be in the finals at Sacrifice, for who gets to challenge the champions at Slammiversary. [B]Samoa Joe vs. Lynn vs. Senshi vs. Cowboy.[/B] This will determine who goes into the finals on next weeks iMPACT to determine who face's Sabin for the X-Division title at Sacrifice. [B]Daniels vs. Starr vs. Roode vs. Wildcat[/B] Same as above. The two winner's of these events will meet next week at iMPACT to decide who gets to face Sabin for the title at Sacrifice. [B]Rhino vs. Jeff Jarrett:[/B] [B]Scott Steiner vs. Kurt Angle:[/B] [B]Sting vs. Christian Cage:[/B] These two are already set to be the main event at Sacrifice. They will be in match's the next two weeks trying to gain momentum for their PPV match.
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Could be interesting seeing someone who's not a TNA mark, booking TNA. Harris and Storm in X-Division tournament matches? Interesting. Same with Roode. While I don't really see any of the three winning their respective matches here, still interesting. Basham/Damaja vs. Kaz/Martyr could be a good match. Can't wait to see what you do with Ser...whatever the job squad's name was. Senshi/Daniels finals would be fun to see for the X-Title number one spot. Rhino's the forever jobber, and I don't really see that changing unless some ECW mark's doing the booking. Should be interesting to find out if you think he's worth a crap. Steiner and Angle could be a dream match, if Scott wasn't slower than my bed ridden grand mother. Luckily this is TEW, and that means you could make something of him, but I can't see Angle jobbing to Steiner. Sting and Cage. Non title I'm asuming. Christian'll have help to win.
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Welcome to TNA iMPACT! Where I have no idea how to book, but they figure what the heck, I can't do any worse! First, a recap of what has happened BEFORE our show started. For the fine people here in Memphis Tennessee, we had two X-Divsion match's. As you can tell that really hyped up our crowd here. Don't worry. We have some highlights of the match's right here. Samao Joe come out on top, against Senshi, Jerry Lynn and James Storm. So he will be moving onto the finale bracket before Sacrifice. His opponant will be Christopher Daniels on next weeks iMPACT! Now for our main show. We open iMPACT with a video of Kurt Angle doing what he does best. B+ Rhino is in the ring, and Jeff Jerrett comes out with a look of total disgust on his face. Pointing and slobbering at the mouth. Rhino wasting no time, grabs JJ and throw's him in the ring. The bell rings and they start their match. Rhino looked good, and wins with a gore 1, 2, 3! We see Christian talking to Tomko backstage. Tomko: I got your back. Christian: Don't worry about me. Sting is OLD NEWS. I don't need your backup tonight. It's time I show the world I'm no fluke. I'm the real deal! Tomko: Ok, No problem. Hey man, good luck out there! Christian: What did you just say? I don't need luck! Rate B- Basham Brother's (that's how I know them) defeated Bentley and Kaz by pinfull after a bulldog by Damaja. Rated C. Damaja and Basham move on to the PPV. Scott Steiner comes to the ring followed by none other then Kurt Angle! Kurt comes out to a HUGE pop from the crowd. He doesn't dissapoint, not tonight. He delivered the Olympic Slam and gets the pinfall. B- So Cal Val comes out, she lets us know that tonight we will see Christian Cage take on Sting which is the first match of there series. B- Christian Cage comes out, looking as if he is right at home. This look of confidence is only ruined by the lights going out, and coming back on only to find Sting standing right behind him in the ring. This match was just way too good for TV! The crowd loved it, the match actually lifted the announcing quality, instead of vice versa. Was just an awesome match where we had no idea which way it would go. Finally Sting defeated Christian Cage in 12:44 by submission with a Scorpion Death Lock. Rating A. Well, hope to see you next week on iMPACT. Have a great day everyone!
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WoW! I Made the internet News!! [QUOTE]Total Nonstop Action Wrestling held TNA Impact last night in The Pyramid, and drew 8,587 fans. The feedback from the viewers has been excellent, it seems they really struck gold with this show.[/QUOTE] Well, all is not great, as the road agent notes show. [QUOTE]The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The X-Division storyline has continued with this match. James Storm is improving in Technical skills. Senshi is improving in Performance skills. Jerry Lynn is improving in Technical skills. Samoa Joe is improving in Technical skills. Samoa Joe is improving in Performance skills.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The X-Division storyline has continued with this match. Robert Roode is improving in Technical skills. Robert Roode is improving in Flying skills. Christopher Daniels is improving in Performance skills.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Jeff Jarrett and Rhino don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Rhino is improving in Technical skills. Rhino is improving in Performance skills.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Basham stood out as being good. The Tag Division storyline has continued with this match. Basham is improving in Rumble skills. Basham is improving in Technical skills. Martyr is improving in Rumble skills.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Main Event Scene storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Scott Steiner is improving in Technical skills. Scott Steiner is improving in Performance skills. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] So Cal Val looked lost out there. The Main Event Scene storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. The Main Event Scene storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Christian Cage is improving in Rumble skills. [/QUOTE] Overall Rating B (Show should have helped our popularity.) Some of this changes things, some has no effect. Only having two weeks to build up momentum for the PPV sucks though. Going to try to do my best with it.
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[QUOTE=Arrows;292154]Could be interesting seeing someone who's not a TNA mark, booking TNA. Harris and Storm in X-Division tournament matches? Interesting. Same with Roode. While I don't really see any of the three winning their respective matches here, still interesting. Basham/Damaja vs. Kaz/Martyr could be a good match. Can't wait to see what you do with Ser...whatever the job squad's name was. Senshi/Daniels finals would be fun to see for the X-Title number one spot. Rhino's the forever jobber, and I don't really see that changing unless some ECW mark's doing the booking. Should be interesting to find out if you think he's worth a crap. Steiner and Angle could be a dream match, if Scott wasn't slower than my bed ridden grand mother. Luckily this is TEW, and that means you could make something of him, but I can't see Angle jobbing to Steiner. Sting and Cage. Non title I'm asuming. Christian'll have help to win.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Senka Surakei;292243]XDDD Good show, "match actually lifted the announcing quality, instead of vice versa. " XD[/QUOTE] Like I said, I'm not up on TNA booking. I have no idea who gets in the X-Division and who doesn't. What I see is a storyline prop, with no limits (weight). I was going to treat as a cruiserweight title, but it seems they can let anyone in it (Samoa Joe for example, Kurt for another). Rhino would be a great jobber, but I figure he can do something better. He's got the overness and he is actually improving instead of the other way around. Any advice would be appreciated, but I have up to the next PPV kind of covered, so it might be a while before implemented. Steiner and Angle was pretty good. We will see. I'm impressed majorly with Sting and Christian at the moment though. Was a heck of a match for my first show and first day in my game.
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Off the record: I can't believe this, I'm going to double check, but I just got the best TV show, far as viewers as I ever have playing this game. I do not believe I did it with TNA (First time trying them, and my first show to boot). EDIT: Raw got over a 26.0, so I'm not as excited as I was at first, lol. My show did a 11.5 rating.
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Moody Melendez: Welcome To TNA iMPACT! We are live at the BJ Civic Center! Konnan comes out to the podium, along with LAX. Konnan hypes his tag team as the second coming of Death. Rated D+ Moody Jack: Samoa Joe's Music hits to a big pop from the crowd! Don West: He looks like he means bussiness tonight! As Joe get's in the ring, wasting no time, Christopher Daniels comes out! He litterally runs to the ring, sliding in and jumping to his feet, making eyeball to eyeball contact with Joe. Jack Melendez: The referee signals for the bell, and we have a match! Daniels tries to get into a brawling match with Joe, but to no avail. Joe's Technical skills seem to much for the "Fallen Angel". Samoa Joe defeated Christopher Daniels in 6:33 by submission with a Coquina Clutch. Rating C+ Don West: We have VKM coming to the ring! As they approach the ring, they are assaulted by Konnan and LAX! LAX Throws VKM into the ring and we have a match. Moody Jack: At ringside we have something going on here, is that? Don West: Looks like Kevin Nash and Konnan are about to get into a fight outside the ring. Moody Jack: Konnan keeps yelling, but he's backing up the whole time, holding up his hands as if to say "Not looking for trouble". Looks like they might shake hands. Moody Jack: OUCH, Konnan kicked Nash right in the groin, the referee comes to check on Nash Don West: ...and to see what all the fuss is about. Konnan jumps in the ring while the ref's back is turned, and attacks BG James. LAX defeated Voodoo Kin Mafia in 5:25 when Hernandez defeated BG James by pinfall with a Border Toss. C- Moody Jack: Lax leaves, while VKM go check on Nash. Don West: I don't think we are going to see the last of this. Moody Jack: What is he doing here now? Abyss isn't scheduled yet. Don West: Whatever it is, it's not going to be good! James Mitchell comes out with his client, Abyss. Both taunt Kurt Angle. Rating C Jeff Jarrets music hits. He comes walking to the ring, with his guitar and waving to the crowd. Moody Jack: Now what's going on? Jarrets not scheduled for a match at all tonight. Don West: Maybe he wants to play us a song? Jarret sits at ringside. Moody Jack: I don't like this, why is he even HERE? Don West: He wants to enjoy the show? Rhino comes out, and the crowd cheer gleefully. Moody Jack: Look at the intensity, the look of absolute focus. Don West: I know that look, sometimes I look that way when I ate to many burritos! Rhino gives a look over to Jeff Jarret, who kind of disreguards him, as if to say "I'm just here to enjoy the match". AJ Styles music plays, and he takes his sweet time getting to the ring. The crowd is definately split here, as he is getting boo's and cheer's. Don West: I like his attitude! Moody Jack: It's been rather different lately. The match is actually quite good, with both wrestlers looking as if they have a chance. However, Jeff wasn't there just to watch. Rhino defeated AJ Styles in 5:26 when AJ Styles was disqualified when Jeff Jarrett ran in and attacked Rhino, bonking him a good one on the head with his guitar. Rating B In comes Abyss with James Mitchel. The crowd boo's quite a bit, but is shortly interupted by Kurt Angle's entrance Music. Don West: Wow, That was some match. Those two are going to have to go at it again! Moody Jack: Sure was Don! I can't wait to see it! Kurt Angle drew with Abyss in 7:57 following a double count out. Rating B Now for the main event: Sting vs. Christian Cage, round 2! Sting defeated Christian Cage in 9:52 by pinfall with a Scorpion Death Drop. B+ A video ends the show, highlighting Sting vs. Christian for the PPV!
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OOC: I appologize for the lack of flash. I will work on some things as time goes on. I'm just actually enjoying this game more then I had thought I would. As I move the roster around, and get more familiar people into TNA, and less familiar out of TNA, I will try to get some personality into it. Right now, the most important thing seems to be getting better announcing quality. I hope I have that covered, and possibly for TNA PPV Sacrifise, which is the next show. Sting and Christians match's have both (only had two so far) come back with extremely positive feedback, outside of the announcing quality. I have a feeling I should be getting A and A* match's from those two. EDIT: I don't mean I'm going to change the roster, as in an extreme make-over. There are some people I just have no idea how to go about getting them into the mix, for lack of knowledge of their character. I have more fun trying to tackle C-Verse character's, since there is a bit of freedom with them. These guys though, If I have say... Eric Young be a mentor for Senshi, I probably will have a hard time explaining myself (or not, Not sure..). Both of those character's I think I have a handle on. I'm not lacking in talent at all on the roster, so getting rid of some people I don't know will help me out in the long run, to keep track... Also, Time is of a big concern for me right now. I have ONE, one hour show, and there is no way (I am putting on really small match's, lots smaller then I want to) I can squeeze all these people into the show. I can't afford not to include the main players for my storylines, so that's where I have to do something about the roster. As I said, any information or help on how these guys (the less familiar names) act out, is appreciated.
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[CENTER][SIZE="7"][B]TNA PRESENTS: SACRIFICE[/B][/SIZE] Sunday, Week 2, May 2007 [SIZE="5"]Held at The Pyramid![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Attendance 15,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B][/SIZE] Backstage we find Abyss heavily in conversation, talking about how what he's going to do tonight. The camera pans back to let us see who he is talking with and..... Apparently no one is there. Mitchell walks in the room and asks him "Who are you talking too". No reply, as we fade off. [B]C+[/B] We are then treated to a special "[B]Knockouts[/B]" match. We see two debuts, Candice Michelle and Crystal Carmichael. Short lived, as Crysty is first eliminated, then Candice, leaving Ms. Brooks and Christy Hemme left. Christy Hemme walks off the victor. [B]C-[/B] We are treated to a music video, promoting VKM, and recent ongoings with Kevin Nash. [B]C+[/B] [B]TNA Sacrifice officially starts, with an unscheduled X-Division Match up.[/B] An extraordinary match, with lots of high spots. Obviously giving the X-Division some much needed attention. A real treat here folks. [B]Jerry Lynn pulls out the win (surprisingly), against Austin Starr, Ron Killings, and Senshi. C-[/B] A woman's match. [B]Gail Kim pulls out a victory from Jacqueline, with an Octopus Stretch. D+[/B] [B]NOTE:[/B] The commentary has really upped their quality since last show. We are being treated by none other then Taz and Jerry Lawler, along with TNA Favorite Moody Jack. Christian Cage heads to his locker room, telling Tomko to guard the door. He says something about a few surprises, for later. He dissapears inside, while Tomko stands guard, looking mean. [B]B+[/B] [B]LAX defeats Damaja and Basham, Homicide pulling the 1,2,3 after a Border Toss, on Damaja. The loser's are not pleased at all. D+[/B] [B]LAX[/B] is celebrating their victory, when [B]Team 3D [/B]run in and beat them down. [B]C-[/B] [B]Team 3D[/B] then talks about hor good they are, and how LAX or anybody else doesn't stand a chance. [B]C+[/B] Jerry Lawler, Taz and Moody Jack let us know that we will be seeing alot more talent, people that should help us improve on all levels. They don't want to give to much away, but slip out one surprising name. [B]MICK FOLEY! B+[/B] The [B]X-Division title[/B] is on the line next. Samao Joe bassically dominated Sabin, untill Shelly interfered. This was caught by the ref, giving the win to Joe, by Disqualification. [B]As we all know, this means the title stays on Sabin (for now). [/B] [B]D+[/B] [B]Raven[/B] slides in the ring, and sits back against a ringpost, as if it's his living room couch. Sabin and Shelly do [B]NOT[/B] stop their attack on Joe though. Before too much damage is done....... [B]Raven jumps in for the save! D-[/B] [B]WOW! Why would Raven be involved?[/B] This is the[B] X-Division[/B]. Why would he help Joe out? Is he turning a new leaf? Samoa Joe get's up, and looks at Raven. Raven kind of smiles at Joe. Joe looks around in disbelief, then offer's his hand to Raven. Raven looks at Joe's hand, looks around the ring, then back at Joe, puts out his own hand... [B]Then Pulls Joe into a clothesline from hell! Samoa Joe is down, Sabin is Down, Shelly is down, and Raven looks around at the audience, shrugs his shoulder's as if to say "What did I do?", then slips out of the ring and away. C-[/B] We are treated to a video hyping up the Styles, Rhino, Jarret Match. [B]C+[/B] This match is next, and [B]Rhino[/B] looked to be the favorite from the bell ring. [B]Jarret [/B]seemed to be injured outside of the ring, as Rhino was going in for the kill on AJ Styles, [B]hitting the Gore[/B]. Jarret runs in and throws Rhino outside of the ring and get's the pinfall, 1,2,3, while using the ropes for leverage! The ref never noticed.[B] B[/B] We are treated to another Hype video, this time promoting [B]Abyss/Angle [/B]match up. [B]C+[/B] This match was absolutely [B]incredible[/B]. Lots of things going on, Mitchell doing his ussual thing at ringside, giving Abyss advice, etc. As the match went on (19:38), Abyss started tiring. [B]Kurt Angle looked like he's on fire though, as he picks up the win with an Ankle Lock. B+[/B] [B]A recap of the ongoing storyline between Sting and Christian is played. A+[/B] Another [B]fabulous[/B] match up. This match seemed to go on forever, 24.45 minutes! It looked as if Christian was getting the upper hand, as Sting was starting to tire out there. Christian found it necessary to pull out some [B]brass knuckle's[/B] and was [B]caught.[/B] [B]Sting picks up the win by disqualification. A[/B] [B][SIZE="5"]OVERALL Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] This show was considered a successfull show. TNA's popularity should have increased.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]HYPE![/B] [B]MORE STARS[/B] to be revealed, as TNA head into the next season. [B]A New Show?[/B] Stay tuned to find out more! [B]New Titles? [/B]Could be coming. Problems with the NWA have indicated that TNA might have to bring in thier own. Other developments have hinted towards two other title's for the roster. They certainly have the roster for it, but with only one hour to showcase, this might just make things even more complicated. [B]STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT MORE[/B]!
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