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SWF: Smarks Hell

Guest The Aussie

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Guest The Aussie
[IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x10/The-Aussie/Wrestlingsmarks.jpg[/IMG] Welcome to Wrestlingsmarks.com, The number one site for Wrestling, Be it news or shows. Whether its bitching about Giant Redwoods booking or just complaining about Rich Money never winning the World title we'll be there. Its been a hectic year but now its time to continue onwards.
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Guest The Aussie
Smart Marks write Ups- DAVE Back in Black As done By Matty Williams from New York City [B] Acid beat Sammy Bach[/B] My Thoughts: Why is this bout Curtain-Jerking? Acid is a future legend and Sammy Bach is no slouch himself. So many awesome spots were done, much better than what we could see in SWF and the crowd loved it. I rate it a B for how good this match was, and for god’s sake Nemesis have Acid main event. I don’t wanna hear anything about ‘paying your dues’ or how undeserving he is. Just do it [B] Vin Tanner beat Art Reed[/B] My Thoughts: What? In what screwed up world would they have someone as talented as Art Reed job to an over-the-hill grappler like Vin Tanner? Vin’s never accomplished anything in the business and they had him squash an up-and-comer like Art? Bah A Decent match but if a decision like this is made again then I’m boycotting DAVE, I’ll give it a B- just to be nice. [B]McWade surprise attack on Alex Braun[/B] My Thoughts: Booooooooooooooooooring, Alex Braun sold their attack backstage well but no amount of good acting can make two untalented Canadians like the McWade brothers look good. What does NOTBPW see in them? I’ll give this a C for Alex Braun’s performance. [B] The New Wave beat The New Jersey Devils for the Tag Titles[/B] My Thoughts: My god Tank Bradley sucks he’s a black hole of talent, quite similar to Runaway Train or most of USPWs roster. Nonetheless, Everyone else puts on a great match and gets it to scrape through. A very safe B-, It would have been much higher if Braun teamed with anyone but Tank, That’s how much Tank sucks. How did he get hired anyway? He doesn’t have a good look and it definitely wasn’t because he was talented… Is he related to Vilbert? [B] Eric Tyler rips on Eddie Peak[/B] My Thoughts: God I am looking forwards to the four corners bout tonight. Everyone in the bout are decent or better workers and Eric Tyler is a genius when it comes to wrestling. High hopes here and this excellent promo added to it. I’ll rate this a B[B] Jack Giedroyc beat Travis Century and Joey Minnesota to retain the DAVE Brass Knuckles title[/B] My Thoughts: Another good match, all on the merits of Joey and Jack. These guys are the future of wrestling and have all the talent in the world. Shame that Travis Century had to be involved, as it could have been much better but he served his purpose by being beaten nicely. Giving this a B rating and I’m proud of it. [B] Hells Bouncer comes out and kills Hector Galindo[/B] My Thoughts: Okay, the title isn’t meant to be taken literally but Hells Bouncer came out and demolished Henky the Mexican Jobber…. I mean Hector Galindo. Hector looked like crap out there though which really hurt the heat Giving this segment a C+ as Hells Bouncer came off as a real monster out there. [B] Hells Bouncer beat Hector Galindo[/B] My Thoughts: Dammit, this had to lead to a match. Typical Hells Bouncer squash, some massive hits before crusing Galindo with the Damnation Drop. It was actually more boring then the last segment and I can’t put my finger on why. Perhaps the black hole of talent between the two. A C rating and that is pushing it.[B] Travis Century and Joey Minnesota combine to form …… Joey Century, or Travis Minnesota or something[/B] My Thoughts: I didn’t get to see this, I had to pee because of all the beer I’ve been drinking but I think I got the general jist of it. Century and Minnesota form an alliance to take out Giedroyc. I’ll just give this an average rating with a C+ because I enjoyed what happened during this segment, at least with me. [B] Shaun Gonzalez beat JD Morgan [/B] My Thoughts: Wooo, Technical Wrestling for the win. Better than a SWF match but nowhere on the level of the Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson match a few weeks ago in TCW. They definitely clicked out there and It was a good match. I’m rating this as a B and best bout of the night so far. [B] Eddie Peak insults his opponents[/B] My Thoughts: Oh bloody hell, can the make this match seem any more watchable? This bout is going to kick so many forms of ass that I don’t think half of them have been discovered. It’s gonna rule and there’s nothing you can say to deny it. I’m rating this a B+ as I am so freaking wired. I feel like I’m hooked on crazy pills. [B] Eric Tyler beat Eddie Peak, Chris Caulfield and Big Cat Brandon for the DAVE Unified Title[/B] My Thoughts: Tyler is so awesome; it’s without a doubt confirmed that Tyler is the best wrestler in DAVE. Hardcore brawling has never looked so good in DAVE and it was so bloody that I felt squeamish during it. Peak was the one pinned and I am kind of wishing that it happened to Caulfield instead as he is the least talented. Rating this a B and equal best match of the night [B]My Overall Rating: A good show overall, and I’m rating this as a B overall.[/B]
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Guest The Aussie
Rumoured Hirings in the Big 4 [IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x10/The-Aussie/Wrestlingsmarks.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]SWF[/B][/SIZE] -Rumor has it that a big name from USPW is to be poached by SWF. We're not sure yet but both of the Demons of Rage will have contract negotiations opened soon as well as the possibility that T-Rex, Freddie Datsun or Jim Force could be taken. -SWF are planning on calling up Valiant onto the main roster anytime now, we're betting he plays the generic All-American face that marks seem to love. [SIZE="4"][B]TCW[/B][/SIZE] - TCW are on a rampage lately and have gone after many talented wrestlers. Darryl Devine is nearly out of contract at USPW while Thomas Morgan seems to only be making sparing appearances. -TCW recently approached Texas wrestling legend Professor Nero to become a manager for a new team. He turned them down but we wonder who the team is. DAVE - DAVE are up to their old thing, hunting the Indies for any workers that can work hardcore. The only noteworthy hiring is Julian Watson of GCG fame. USPW -Crap Central aka USPW are actually surprising me with some workers they've approached. They've gone after two tag teams that fit their mold but can actually work. Shame that they'll be jobbed to the 'so very athletic' Demons of Rage and Lords of War. - I'm impressed, They are actually hiring edgy workers. Larry Wood and Primal Rage have been hired but they'll definetly conflict with their family friendly image. Here's betting that they get dropped the day after they debut on TV. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stay on for our run downs of SWF Supreme TV and TCW presents Total Wrestling on tonight where you'll see lumps like Big Smack Scott, Texas Pete and Runaway Train get pushed far beyond their talent deserves.
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Guest The Aussie
SWF TV Recap Live from The Shakeshaft Auditorium in Michigan Recapped by Dave-O Opener: [B][SIZE="4"] Big Smack Scott beat Robbie Retro [/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: I don’t think there is anyway of saying how badly both men sucked. Retro is mediocre at best and Big Smack Scott is… BSS. Crap as hell match but the crowd seemed to get into it. I’m rating this a C for crowd reaction and that was definitely not about the overall quality of the match. [B][SIZE="4"] Yawn-a-rama [/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: The announcers waste some time hyping up a Three Corners tag match tonight between The Almighty Dollar, High Concept and the Biggz Boyz. Everyone except me seemed to care and I don’t understand why. B- for how everyone else popped. [B][SIZE="4"] Huh? Almighty Dollar beat High Concept? Who’d of thought?[/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: I’m a little bit confused by this screwball, The announcers announced that the Biggz Boyz had been attacked and now it was a Non-title match. Remo is as crap as ever but the other three guys covered for him. It was still a pretty terrible match and all the guys seemed distracted A B- for effort.[B][SIZE="4"] Big Smack Scott cuts a promo? Oh holy god[/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: Oh my bleeding ears, whose idea was it to have BSS near a microphone? For all that is holy, never again. Rating of C because everyone popped for it again. Stupid idiotic marks, don’t they know they’re just encouraging him? [B][SIZE="4"] Christian Faith squashes Squeaky McClean. As Expected [/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: Can SWF please just have Faith shove over and vacate the Main Event for a young wrestler? He’s been with them since the early 80’s and it is really getting so tiring. McClean is much better in ring and has shown more talent in the last few years then Faith has in his entire career. Massive pop for this match though and I’ll give it a B+ for this and Squeakys input. [B][SIZE="4"] Biggz Boyz and Jessie wake up for some reason.[/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: Is it just me or do they look like they’ve been pounded an entirely different way? If I didn’t know that Jessie was Tommy ‘Angry’ Gilmore’s wife then I could’ve sworn that something happened here. They’re selling a massive beating which caused them to miss their match. What fiends could have done this? Check it out, same crap time, Same crap channel. Rating it a B- for Jessies sexy outfit, This will benefit my dreams nicely. [B][SIZE="4"] Whoooooooooooooo! AWESOME MATCH! BETWEEN LOBSTER WARRIOR AND ANGRY GILMORE.[/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: This is possibly the best match I’ve seen in ages and it was between Angry Gilmore and Lobster Warrior. Excellent bout although in typical SWF fashion, The gimmicky wrestler gets the win over the more talented wrestler. Still, B+ for an excellent match. [B][SIZE="4"] R.E.S.P.E.C.T. How Excellent[/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: In a completely unexpected swerve, Gilmore doesn’t flip out and attack. He shakes Lobster Warriors hand and I feel that SWF may actually soon turn over a new leaf. I’m rating this a B+ for a completely unexpected incident. [B][SIZE="4"] SWERVE!!!!!!!!![/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: Joe Sexy runs out and beats down Lobster Warrior and I question SWF’s leaf turning ness. Massive pop for Sexy and I’m giving this a B+ again. Three awesome segments in a row? Wow [B][SIZE="4"] F.A.G bashing. What can not be offensive about that?[/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: Steve Frehly comes down and destroys The Artist formerly known as Flex and now currently known as Frederique Antonio Gracia. Get the funny pun that SWF are actually able to make? It must be a leap year already. I’m rating this a B because of crowd pop, not because of talent that F.A.G doesn’t possess. [B][SIZE="4"] Runaway Train is next[/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: God damn, Frehly doesn’t even have to make a full sentence to make the crowd erupt. Apparently he is number 1 contender to the SWF title for some particular reason. A solid A for the huge pop and his sheer charisma, Frehly is a star. [B][SIZE="4"] Unsurprise Attack [/SIZE][/B] My Thoughts: In completely expected fashion, Runaway Train runs out and attacks Frehly and beats him down into the mat while screaming like a psycho about him bringing it on at the next PPV. The atmosphere was electric and the tension was so thick you couldn’t even cut it with a knife because it was so thick. This is an A* segment and proud of it. [SIZE="4"] [SIZE="4"]My Overall Rating: Besides some awesome segments and that great match between Gilmore and Warrior, there was really nothing on. We need something a bit better here to prevent me from giving this a B-[/SIZE][/SIZE]
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