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[CENTER] [I]OOC: Fake, all fake, please don't sue. Figured I'd do a dynasty that has never been done, or is likely to be done again. Highly anticipating crappy ratings due to it being a sports entertainement company based on people with no overness but should be fun hopefully. Also none of this will be in Italian or will it be subtitled - I know it detract from reality but I've never learnt a single word in Italian so deal with it ;) Anyway, on with the roster...[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/nwe.jpg[/IMG] [B]Former NWE Heavyweight Champion - Black Pearl[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] Black Pearl was the first ever winner of the NWE Heavyweight Title after defeating Scott Steiner in the inaugural tournament for title and ever since that day he faced constant challenges with the most notable coming from Vampiro, who ended Pearl's reign after months of feuding. Pearl has displayed a never back down attitude despite often having to overcome tremendous odds leading to him quickly establising himself as a fan favourite. [B]Former NWE Heavyweight Champion and a vampire - Vampiro[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Vampiro.jpg[/IMG] The second ever champion in NWE history and the most recent holder of the title. Vampiro is most famously known for his stay in WCW and has worked all over the world. Recently he has formed a stable with fellow NWE wrestler, Vampire Warrior, called Night Walkers. Vampiro's stable partner interfered in a recent NWE Title match involving Vampiro and challenger Black Pearl leading to Vampiro picking up the victory. These actions led to the vacating of the NWE Heavyweight Title by commisioner Kishi. Vampiro has already made it known that nothing will stop him in his quest to regain ownership of the title. [B]Former WWE Star / Weirdo - Vampire Warrior[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VampireWarrior.jpg[/IMG] One of the main attractions of NWE, Vampire Warrior had a long and successful stay within the WWE before moving on and finally ending up in NWE. He arrived in the promotion interfering in title match between Vampiro and Black Pearl with it being revealed that Vampire Warrior had aligned himself with Vampiro. This newly formed stable that he formed didn't get off to the best starts as commisioner Kishi stripped Vampiro of the title due to Vampire Warrior's actions. Despite Vampire Warrior's actions, the crowd often cheer him due to his fame and his very over gimmick. [B]Crazy - Jon Heidenreich[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] This towering phenom is a former WWE superstar and captured gold within that promotion whilst teaming with the legendry Road Warrior Animal. His WWE days may have come to an end but you can be certain that his days as a champion aren't over as he seems certain to be in NWE Heavyweight Title contention any day now. Clinically insane as well but no one has dared tried to commit him since that incident with a pigeon and Andrew "Test" Martin whom he "retired" last year... [B]Former WWE and WCW Cruiserweight Champion and Tag Team Champion - Billy Kidman[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] Another former WWE and WCW wrestler and the most successful wrestler on the books. Despite being on the small side he has one countless titles during his time, both in singles competition and in tag team action and is certainly one of the most recognisable wrestlers in the promotion. Another candidate to get a shot at becoming the next NWE Heavyweight champion. As boring as bread but with a stunning wife so we won't hold that against him. [B]Former Mark Henry tag partner - D'Lo Brown[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG] A very successful WWE European champion it was only natural for him to appear wrestling for a promotion in Europe. Does crazy shaking his head during matches which the crowd love. A definate candidate for the NWE Heavyweight Champion to add to his vast collection of title. Unfortunately had to team with Mark Henry - was soon fired afterwards. Mark Henry still has a contract. Sources speculate that they fired the wrong member of the tag team and Vince hasn't had the balls to admit it. Hasn't really done anything of note in the NWE yet. [B]NWE's only female wrestler - Vanessa Harding[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VanessaHarding.jpg[/IMG] The only female member of the NWE Women's Wrestling division (which seems utterly, utterly pointless by the way) with the lack of a women's title in the NWE could she be in line for a shock title shot? Probably not but it would make for entertaining tv. Noted for having an ego and political influence within the promotion which led to the firing of nearly every other female on the roster. [B]NWE future star / monkey of spots - Jack Evans[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JackEvans2.jpg[/IMG] Some would say he's too cool for school, some would say he's a spot monkey, most would agree he's too good for NWE and destined to head somewhere where he can make money. Whilst the future is bright for this youngster and he is most probably destined for great things, fans in NWE always appreciate his high flying moves and this has been noted by management. Could yet earn a shock title shot although that would be a sensible thing to do and not the "NWE way". [B]Commisoner Kishi[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Kishi.jpg[/IMG] The larger than life commisioner in the NWE, Kishi is best known for his WWE career and his involvement in a true piece of wrestlecrap - but he did it for The Rock so it was ok. Kishi was retired toward the end of last year by Vampiro but got his own back by recently vacating the NWE Heavyweight Title - possibly he fancies stepping back in the ring and winning the title. Whatever his motives, he is quite possibly the only man of his size to dance half naked around the ring and get cheered to do it - weird. [B]Are you Tough Enough? She is - Nidia[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Nidia.jpg[/IMG] Yet another former WWE star and the winner of the first ever Tough Enough!!! Not really done anything in the last year but hey, she's tough enough to win a title so why not? Plays the character of trailer park trash just a little too well for it to all be an act... [B][U]Other members of the roster[/U][/B] Johnny Stamboli Darren Burridge Matt Morgan Fire Angel Thunder Storm Ultimo Guerrero And the prize that everyone on the roster is after... [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/WCWTelevision.jpg[/IMG] [B]The NWE Heavyweight Title[/B] [I]OOC the first show should be up some time soon complete with supernatural wierdness[/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]NWE DESTINY[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/66ZCAXC0FLDCA7QPE01CA9ZBQDYCAQ5UD1Z.jpg[/IMG] Live from somewhere in Belgium, not sure where but it is definatley in Belgium, I think... oh well, on with the show. [QUOTE][B]Sebastian Lupoli:[/B] Ciao, holla, bonjour, привет and hello to everyone out there. You are watching NWE Destiny, live tonight from Belgium and folks, lets not waste a second talking as Commisioner Kishi is stood in the ring with the entire roster.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Vampiro.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vampiro:[/B] Kishi, if you do not present me with a title shot I will call upon the legions of the undead to join me in rising up and will destroy you and everything in this dimension. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] [B]Black Pearl:[/B] Yo, shut da hell up! You stole that title off me and you’ve been living on borrowed time ever since! [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VampireWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vampire Warrior:[/B] Pearl we are neither of the living or of the undead. We are immortal and we will be ruling the NWE for the rest of time and soon, very soon, you will go the way of all those that have dared to try and stop our kind from taking over this world! [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG] [B]D’Lo Brown:[/B] Now listen up, I don’t know what you’re all on about here but it’s time that the Brown got some lovin cause I know all these fans in here are down with the Brown and wanna see me get that title shot I deserve. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] [B]Heidenreich:[/B] Heidenreich!!! Heidenreich!!! Hein-den-Heid-den-Heidenreich! [B]D’Lo Brown:[/B] Yeah whatever dude, now listen… SILENCE!!! [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Kishi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kishi:[/B] I’m tired of this constant arguing. Frankly I’m bored of this Night Walkers / Black Pearl rubbish and I’m tired of constantly having to clean up this mess. I’m tired of people demanding a title shot and then blowing it making Commish Kishi look like a fool. So here’s how its gonna go down… [B]D’Lo Brown:[/B] I knew you loved the… [B]Kishi:[/B] SILENCE!!! Tonight, it will be Black Pearl versus Vampiro for the NWE Heavyweight Title. Any rubbish any shinnegans any sort of outside interference by vampires, people in love with everything Brown or just generally crazy people and then you’re all fired! [B]Heidenreich:[/B] Heind – den – REICH!!! [B]Kishi:[/B] You wanna a shot at the title huh? You too Brown? Then how about you earn it for a change. Heidenreich, you’ll face Billy Kidman and D’Lo, you’ll face Johnny Stamboli. Now how about one of you two win you’re match and actually have a reason for getting in my face demanding a title shot! [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] Wow, tough words from the commish and he looks to be in a foul mood which hopefully won’t last the evening folks, not least cause I’ve gotta commentate on tonight’s action with him, but what a show this is gonna be. Stay tuned as we’ve got some commercials coming up but after that its straight into the action as Jack Evans takes on Darren Burridge.[/QUOTE] [B]Rating = E+[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/DarrenBurridge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JackEvans2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Darren Burridge vs. Jack Evans[/B] Seemingly the crowd don’t care about matches and are only interested in angles as Evans puts on another fantastic in ring display and… the crowd crap all over the match. Evans picks up the victory after the Corkscrew 630 and the crowd couldn’t care less. [B]Rating = E-[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] Another impressive display by the young Evans but we’ve got no time to dwell on that match as I’m informed the Night Walkers have something to say… [B]Kishi:[/B] Oh brilliant, yet more whining. Seriously, I remember back in my day when people went out into the ring to dance around, entertain the fans, have a good time, have a few beers, meet a few girls, go back to the girls… [B]Lupoli:[/B] Sorry to interrupt you commish but here are the Night Walkers…[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VampireWarrior.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Vampiro.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vampiro:[/B] Black Pearl, I have a question for you, do you know what it feels like to die? [B]Vampire Warrior:[/B] Do you know what it feels like to suffer in hell for a century of torture? [B]Vampiro:[/B] Do you know what it’s like to never be able to see to see the day light again? [B]Vampire Warrior:[/B] Do you know what it’s like to fear the inside of a church? [B]Vampiro:[/B] Black Pearl, the reason why we ask you this is because we know what it’s like to suffer. [B]Vampire Warrior:[/B] We know what it’s like to pass into the afterlife [B]Vampiro:[/B] And soon Black Pearl, you will know our pain. You will know the meaning of suffering. You cost me the title – a most temporary of inconveniences I assure but an inconvenience none the less and one you will pay for with you’re life. I have seen hell and there is one almighty bad ass waiting for your arrival there but as for now, as for tonight… I am you’re future, I am you’re end and I am gonna win back what is rightfully mine! [B]Vampire Warrior:[/B] Enjoy the afterlife Black Pearl, you’re only minutes away from going there! The two cackle together, in unison no less, as the show cuts to a commercial. [B]Rating = D-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JohnnyStamboli-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]D’Lo Brown vs. Johnny Stamboli[/B] Another match that the fans weren’t really into. I wasn’t really into it either and used the opportunity to head to the toilet. Whilst I was away D’Lo hit the Low Down and picked up the victory. Huh rah! [B]Rating = E[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VanessaHarding.jpg[/IMG] We cut to the fans where Vanessa Harding, NWE’s only active female wrestler no less, is handing out fliers for the next show which is set to take place in Italy. On the basis of the show so far most probably won’t be in attendance but it’s worth a try. As she does so, she is interrupted by the “lovely” Nidia… [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Nidia.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nidia:[/B] What in the hell do you think you’re doing chatting up my men hussy? [B]Harding:[/B] Huh? [B]Nidia:[/B] I seen you, handing out you’re calling cards to all these customers – you make me sick! [B]Harding: [/B] Calling cards? Why would I be handing out calling cards? [B]Nidia:[/B] There’s no use pretending - this is my territory now back off! [B]Harding:[/B] Territory? Upon Harding’s response Nidia slaps her full on across the mouth, knocking Harding down. [B]Rating = E[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] What in the hell was Nidia going on about? Territory? Customers? [B]Kishi:[/B] There’s just no love going on this biz any more Steven, that’s the meaning here! [B]Lupoli:[/B] Folks, I’m shocked at what we’ve just seen been we’ve got something even more shocking on the way as here comes Heidenreich![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] I’m not gonna bother you with the exact details of this promo as I really don’t have a clue what this kid is on most of the time. Needless to say there were plenty of Heinds, Dens, Reichs and pigeons was mentioned once or twice. I think he was saying he was gonna batter Billy Kidman although I could have misunderstood and he could have been saying he was gonna take him out for dinner and battered pigeon. Some mysteries of this world we’ll never know… [B]Rating = E[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] [B]Billy Kidman vs. Jon Heidenreich[/B] A good match. The fans actually liked it! Heidenreich maybe loony as a loony tune but he is an absolute monster and Kidman had an uphill task which he encountered admirably. Heidenreich tried to put Kidman away with a big boot only for Kidman to duck and hit Heidenreich with a spinning wheel kick off the ropes. Kidman went up to the top rope about to hit his shooting star press. Unfortunately for Kidman Heidenreich was back on his feet and caught Kidman mid air before proceeding to powerbomb Kidman and pick up the victory. [B]Rating = D-[/B] After the match Heidenreich continues to beat Kidman down shouting out his name and pigeon intermittently to the crowd. Weird. [B]Rating = E-[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] Folks we’re heading for a commercial break but when we return it’s the main event, Black Pearl versus Vampiro for the NWE Heavyweight Title.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] We return from the commercial with Black Pearl standing in the ring… [B]Black Pearl:[/B] Vampiro, I dunno what meds you’re on but are you sure you’re not getting you’re roids from that WWE dude? You talk the talk, say that you’re gonna send me down to badass below the ground when the reality is, tonight you’re gonna step in the ring with the biggest badass around. What may have escaped you’re attention, in between ranting about something out of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and something out of Charmed is that tonight, I get to finally get my hands on you and teach you why you shouldn’t mess with the fastest wrestler in the ring. Vampiro’s little b****, i gotta message for you too by the way! I’ve got some ass whooping for you, deadman style if you wanna get involved but I wouldn’t recommend it for your own sake. See the bottom line is, whilst you may think you worship some little devil thing, you really need to be doing is praying to god I don’t obliterate you tonight, cause its gonna take some divine inspiration to save you’re worthless little lives! [B]Rating = D-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Vampiro.jpg[/IMG] [B]Black Pearl vs. Vampiro [/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/WCWTelevision.jpg[/IMG] [B]For the NWE Heavyweight Title[/B] Awesome match. Evidently the crowd got really into the promos as the night developed and were at a fever pitch for the match. Both wrestlers brought their a-game and the crowd appreciated it, particularly Vampiro’s high flying manoeuvres which got the crowd off their feet cheering before they remembered he was the heel in this fight. As expected, despite Kishi’s warning earlier in the night, Vampire Warrior ran into the ring after the ref got knocked down. Vampiro and Vampire Warrior started to double team Pearl only for the commentary booth to lose one of its members… Kishi: Oh no they did not just do that! Kishi chased Vampire Warrior (albeit very slowly but he can still seem fairly quick over the first half a yard) to the back, leaving Vampiro in the ring with Pearl. Pearl was obviously in a bad way following his beating and with the ref coming to, Vampiro hit his finisher. Except he didn’t. Pearl somehow countered into his own finisher, the Pearl Jam, dropping Vampiro on his head. Vampiro was out cold. Pearl made the cover, the ref made the count and Black Pearl picked up the victory to become the new NWE Heavyweight Champion as Kishi made it back to the commentary table. [B]Rating = D+[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] He did it, Pearl is the new NWE Champion! [B]Kishi: [/B] … [B]Lupoli:[/B] Are you ok? [B]Kishi:[/B] New… champ… great… Warrior… worthless… [B]Lupoli:[/B] Speaking of Vampire Warrior look who just showed up in the ring again! [B]Kishi:[/B] I’m gonna kill him! [/QUOTE] Kishi again began chasing Vampire Warrior to the back – clearly feeling the pain as the sweat poured off of him, but the crowd didn’t mind as they chaired the jiggling mass of fat all the way to the back [QUOTE] [B]Lupoli:[/B] Folks, I’m out of time. This has been Nu Wrestling Evolution and I hope you’ve enjoyed the show. Tune in next week for more action as we come to you live, from Italy. Once, again, goodnight, arrivederci and from all of us at NWE, avoir une bonne nuit![/QUOTE] [I]OOC: If I have to change NEW back to NWE one more time because microsoft word insists upon auto correcting it I'm gonna go insane. Anyway, thoughts / feedback / criticsm / ideas / personal insults are all appreciated and welcomed.[/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/bannerbasso.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Post Show Reaction[/SIZE][/B] Rating = D- Attendance = 594 TV Rating = 0.00 [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] Matt Morgan def. Ultimo Guerrero (Rating = E-) [B][U]A head booker's thoughts[/U][/B] Personally I thought the show went pretty well. Scoring a D- is a pretty impressive feat considering how there is a distinct lack of overness in the promotion. Unfortunatley there are a couple of guys on pretty big money so we lost a bit of money. Luckily we've got a couple of pretty wealthy backers so we should be able to cover the losses. The main event was out of this world and far better than the rest of the matches on the card - Vampiro and Pearl are definately our current MVPs. [B][U]Rumours[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/top.jpg[/IMG] American wrestling promotions WWE and TNA were both approached regarding working agreements. WWE rejected and instantly offered contracts to 2 NWE superstars. No news whether they have accepted the offers. TNA accepted the offer and one big name from TNA is set to appear on the next NWE Destiny show. Although his identity is a closely guarded secret, NWE are hopefull that it'll boost turnout for the show. Local: Western Europe weren't happy with the television rating for the show. With the contract up at the end of the current season there's a good chance that NWE shows will once again end up being broadcast exclusively on the internet although management haven't completely given up on getting the show renewed. Several new stars are on their way into NWE as a way of freshening up the roster. The majority of the people have all had a stay within the WWE at some point in their careers and should appear on tv within the next few weeks. Among the new signings are two new tag teams (any guesses as to who they are and the mystery TNA wrestler?). [I]OOC: In future I will post matches to predict, if anyone fancies to that is, but at the moment with half the roster having recieved offers from the WWE I'm kinda booking on the fly and hoping that everyone I've got plans for doesn't get picked off. Chances are they will and I'll be left with the less talented members of the roster which will suck a lot but life goes on[/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]NWE Destiny[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/66ZCAXC0FLDCA7QPE01CA9ZBQDYCAQ5UD1Z.jpg[/IMG] This time we're definately in Italy as everyone has a slice of pizza in hand and we are ready to kick the show off with a bang... [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] Ciao and hello to all our fans tuning in from all around the world and we're wasting no time as Commisioner Kishi is stood in the ring ready to kick things off... [/QUOTE] [B]Kishi:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, last week we crowned a new NWE Heavyweight champion so lets not waste any time and get the new champ out here. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] Black Pearl makes his way to the ring to a great pop from the crowd and heads up the turnbuckle and holds the title high above his head, milking the crowd. Suddenly the crowd start to boo. As Pearl descends from the turnbuckle, unsure as to why the mood of the crowd has changed, he walks into the Exorcism of Goodness, delivered to himself by Vampire Warrior and Vampiro. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VampireWarrior.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Vampiro.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] Once again these two have shown up and caused havoc in a NWE ring! [B]Kishi:[/B] Not on my watch.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Kishi.jpg[/IMG] Kishi storms (???) the ring as Vampiro and Vampire Warrior disappear, making their exits in different directions. Once again Kishi struggles to keep up and Vampire Warrior is soon out of sight. Kishi proceeds to (slowly) chase Vampiro who gets further and further away. With Kishi out of sight, Vampire Warrior emerges back from the crowd and grabs the title belt from Black Pearl who is still lying prone in the ring. Vampire Warrior holds the title belt above him before slinking off through the crowd much to the crowd’s displeasure. [B]Rating = E-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JackEvans2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/robertoindiano.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Evans vs. Roberto Indiano[/B] He’s the owner and with a popularity in the D’s deserves to job as much as possible to everyone on the roster. Despite this, the crowd don’t deserve to have this squash match inflicted upon them for any more than 2 minutes (and if it lasted any longer I think Indiano might have words with me). Evans hits the Corkscrew 630 to pick up the win. [B]Rating = E-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VanessaHarding.jpg[/IMG] As Evans makes his way to the back he brushes past Vanessa Harding who is handing out T-shirts to the crowd (I sense a completely pointless segment on the near horizon…). The two smile before Harding continues handing out the T-shirts. Out of nowhere she is nailed from behind by Nidia… [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Nidia.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nidia:[/B] I told you keep you’re nose out of my business. I see you for the lady of the night that you are. Italy is my territory remember. I’m the one that all the men wanna see and all the women well, they wanna see as well but that’s a different story... Anyway, Harding, let me tell you this, the next time I see you, touting yourself about in this area I’m gonna make you’re life a living hell! [B]Rating = E+[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] She’s lost it, she’s completely out of her mind she’s totally loco! [B]Kishi:[/B] Like most of the dudes in this promotion I’m sorry to say but don’t worry man, things are gonna change, starting tonight, starting with the Night Walkers and boy, I’m gonna enjoy this…[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] Before Kishi can finish his statement we see Black Pearl making his way down to the ring with a paramedic pleading for him to calm down… [B]Black Pearl:[/B] Kishi, get your (fat???) ass into this ring right now. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Kishi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kishi:[/B] Hey dude, how you feeling, you don’t look so good. [B]Black Pearl:[/B] How do you expect me to look? Like I didn’t just have my title belt stolen off of me? Like I didn’t just get the hell beaten out of me? Like you didn’t just sit there and watch the whole damn thing? [B]Kishi:[/B] Look man I tried. [B]Black Pearl:[/B] Tried and failed cause you've eaten more pasta than Pavaroti! I want my title back! You’re the commissioner and I want you to make it happen! Pearl begins shaking after this outburst. [B]Kishi:[/B] Pearl, I’ve got a little something planned for those two but you’ve gotta take it easy. Listen, you have the rest of the night off. Me and my associate are gonna take care of Vampiro and we’re gonna get you’re title back. You go back, make yourself comfortable and put you feet up, the commish will take it from here! [B]Rating = D-[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] Associate? [B]Kishi:[/B] You’ll see…[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/FireAngel.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JohnnyStamboli-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Fire Angel vs. Johnny Stamboli[/B] A pretty standard high flier versus a power house. He may not be world champion material but Stamboli can certainly handle himself in the ring and he put his opponent away with an Italian Press Slam. No one seemed all that bothered. Some people got confused as to whether Angel was wearing a knocked off version of Rey Mysterio's mask. Still no one seemed all that bothered though. [B]Rating = E[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG] D’Lo Brown is backstage when all of a sudden Heidenreich comes up to him and begins shouting at him… [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] [B]Heidenreich:[/B] HEIDEN – HEID – DEN- HEID – REICH – DEN – Mr. SQUIGGLES – HEIDENREICH!!! [B]D’Lo Brown:[/B] Chill out man, there’s too much agro in this room for the both of us and you know what that means, it’s up to the Brown to sort things out… [B]Heidenreich:[/B] HEIDENREICH! HEIDENREICH! HEIDENREICH!!! [B]D’Lo Brown:[/B] I know exactly what you mean dude. You wanna have a match up with the man of the sauce, the man of the river, the brown man himself, D’Lo Brown and you know what, the Brown is Down with that so lets do it right after this commercial break, cos Brown is also Down with adverts! [B]Rating = D-[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, as you may have just witnessed before the commercial break, I believe that Heidenreich challenged D’lo Brown to a match up and I am informed that that match will take place next. [B]Kishi:[/B] Yeah I don’t know what D’lo was talking about when he was going on about rivers and all that but he certainly speaks a hell of a lot more sense than that pazzesco man he’s about to get into the ring with. [B]Lupoli:[/B] By the way, care to elaborate on your associtate? [B]Kishi:[/B] Nope[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] [B]D’Lo Brown vs. Heidenreich[/B] After Vampiro and Pearl these are two of the biggest names on the roster and the crowd showed their appreciation with several chants regarding rivers and D’Lo Brown (we’re not gonna get in trouble with the censors are we?). Anyway, Heidenreich’s crazy and you definitely don’t want to provoke him into an angry reaction – which D’Lo just so happened to when he went for the Low Down. Heidenreich countered, throwing D’Lo high into the air. Heidenreich then lifted Brown up before delivering a thunderous Spinning Side Slam and picking up the victory. [B]Rating = D-[/B] Another Heidenreich post match attack. More Heidenreich screaming out his name. You get the picture. [B]Rating = E-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Kishi.jpg[/IMG] We cut to another commercial and when we return, Commisioner Kishi is standing in the ring… [B]Kishi:[/B] Vampiro, Vampire Warrior, get yo undead selves out here before I… [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/va213.jpg[/IMG] Kishi is cut off by a coffin mysteriously appearing from beneath the ring and being slid out to the side. The coffin lid slides off and Vampiro sits up getting a bit of a pop from the crowd (he may be a heel but it’s a damn good gimmick). Vampiro gets out of the coffin and gets in Kishi’s face… [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Vampiro.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vampiro: [/B] You wanted to speak to an undead being then so be it. What is it that you want day walker? [B]Kishi: [/B] First I want you to cut the c*** (censors really ain’t gonna be loving this show) and stop acting like you’re some sort of vampire. [B]Vampiro:[/B] See I would do, if I weren’t in tune with supernatural forces. Suddenly the arena is plunged into darkness for a split second and when they come back on again Vampiro is standing behind Kishi… [B]Vampiro:[/B] So if you want me to cut this “c***” then I suggest you are deeply mistaken. [B]Kishi:[/B] Whatever, now, the real reason I’m out here is cause I’ve got a beaten up world champion who had his title stolen off of him by you and your associate and he wants his title back. [B]Vampiro:[/B] Vampire Warrior is indeed my brother of darkness and a fellow member of our army of undead but I have not seen him since we did to that disbeliever what he deserved. Unfortunately for you I have no idea where he is or where Pearl’s precious title is. [B]Kishi:[/B] Well you better prey to god, or the devil or whoever you worship that you find that title. [B]Vampiro:[/B] I see no reason to cater to your demands human. There is nothing that you, nor anyone of this dimension can do to harm me. [B]Kishi:[/B] Now its you who are deeply mistaken. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Rhino2.jpg[/IMG] Upon saying this, from out of nowhere TNA superstar Rhino jumps Vampiro from behind… [B]Kishi:[/B] See if I’m not mistaken, I think you’re about to get sent straight back to hell cause right now, its gonna be you, Vampiro versus "the war machine" Rhino in a casket match! [B]Rating = D-[/B] [QUOTE] [B]Lupoli:[/B] Wow, a casket match right now! This is huge![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Rhino2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Vampiro.jpg[/IMG] [B]“The War Machine” Rhino vs. Vampiro in a casket match[/B] Rhino was the man who had all the momentum behind him, taking the match straight to his opponent, battering Vampiro in the corner. Vampiro rakes Rhino’s eyes and ducks out of the ring. Rhino follows him only to be nailed in the head by a two by four. The two continue brawling as the crowd show their appreciation. Lupoli: These men are gonna destroy each other! Kishi: Nope, hopefully Rhino’s just gonna destroy Vampiro The two continued brawling, inside and outside the ring. Vampiro isn’t a brawler and it was obvious that Rhino had the advantage out of the ring so Vampiro ducked back in the ring. Eventually he was able to gain an upperhand and went for the Nail in the Coffin. Rhino managed to counter and pushed Vampiro away. The crowd knew what was coming as Vampiro turned around to walk straight into the Gore. Vampiro weren’t gonna be moving after that. Rhino rolled Vampiro into his casket and proceeded to close the lid, shutting Vampiro inside. Rhino celebrated as Kishi abandoned his announcing partner and proceeded to nail the coffin shut before calling for some of the back stage workers to come down and wheel the coffin away (of course he couldn’t do it because considering the shape he’s in he’d probably keel over before he got to the back) [B]Rating = D+[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] I can't believe what we've just witnessed. Is this the end of Vampiro? Find out next week on NWE Destiny but until then, arrivederci[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U][B]Results[/B][/U] Jack Evans def. Roberto Indiano Johnny Stamboli def. Fire Angel Heidenreich def. D'Lo Brown Rhino def. Vampiro[/QUOTE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/bannerbasso.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Post Show Reaction[/B][/SIZE] Show Rating = D- Attendance = 59 (so this promotion is based in Italy then?) TV Rating = 0.00 [U][B]Dark Matches[/B][/U] None this Week [U][B]Head Booker's Thoughts[/B][/U] Wasn't so happy with this show as it was a bit rushed and didn't have the enjoyment factor of the last time. There's a definite need to bring the good times back (and I know exactly who to do that with). We made another loss but had a massive boost in popularity in the area. In case you hadn't guessed Vampiro was one of the stars who was offered a WWE contract hence rushing through the storyline. I'm hopeful he'll return to us after the standard WWE fall in size so I decided to bring in an outsider to take him out rather than use Black Pearl - this way their feud remains unresolved leaving the door open for him to return. Hopefully the next show will be better (and we may actually get someone to tune in) [B][U]Rumours - sponsered by WNW[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/top.jpg[/IMG] If you hadn't guessed it yet then we're gonna put you out of your misery - TNA and NWE have come to a working agreement which led to the appearance of Rhino on the last show. Although Rhino is undoubtedly a draw and his appearance was a definate suprise, managment feel that there needed to be a slower build to it. Any future appearances by TNA wrestlers will be more carefully thought out in future. Across the Atlantic, WWE are in all kinds of trouble. They put on a poor Smackdown which was main evented by The Great Khali demolishing Matt Hardy. It bombed, the fans rioted and the WWE dropped to cult. Khali was handed a new contract but a good proportion of the WWE talent were cut along with the brands. NWE is said to be monitoring the situations of two of the cut members. Before the fall, WWE had offered two contracts which were apparently signed before last week's NWE Destiny. After the ending to Destiny it is pretty obvious that Vampiro was one of those superstars which is regarded as a major blow as the company were very high on him. The other superstar whom agreed a contract was suprisingly Heidenreich. Heidenreich has already worked previously in the WWE with his stay being rather uninspiring. As was mentioned last week, one big name tag team has agreed to appear on NWE shows and we can exclusively reveal will appear on this week's edition of Destiny. [U][B]Rubbish internet rumour of the week[/B][/U] [url]www.wrestlingrubbish/jerichoNWEcommisioner?!?[/url] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]NWE Destiny[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/66ZCAXC0FLDCA7QPE01CA9ZBQDYCAQ5UD1Z.jpg[/IMG] We're in paris, the city of garlic bread and you know Vampire Warrior ain't gonna be enjoying that... [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] Mesdames et Messieurs, bonjour et bienvenue, this is NWE Destiny and we are coming to you live from the city of love, the city of romance, the city of wrestling… Paris and what a show we have for you tonight. [B]Kishi:[/B] You don’t know how right you are Sebastian, last week I brought in TNA superstar Rhino to take out Vampiro and this week I’m gonna top it! [B]Lupoli:[/B] That’s a pretty big claim commish but after last weeks show I don’t doubt it for a minute. Another thing I don’t doubt for a minute is the fact that NWE Heavyweight Champion Black Pearl has something on his mind as he’s making his way out here right now![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] Black Pearl comes out to a good reception from the crowd (some of whom are dressed in goth clothing as a tribute to the departed Vampiro – don’t they have anything better to do with their time?) [B]Black Pearl:[/B] So Vampiro has departed for the land of crazydom or hell or wherever and whatever the hell he wants to call it but there’s one big ass problem here and I don’t mean the fact that there are people out there who think vampires are real and get slayed by a cute little blond girl. See, I’m sure I was introduced as NWE Heavyweight champion but I still don’t have my title and seeing as commish lazy down there ain’t done anything to get my title back I’m gonna have to put some leg work in. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that Vampiro is no longer “in the land on the living” or whatever but his little buddy Vampire Warrior is still around and weirdo has my title. Vampire Warrior get your… get your… ah hell I’ll say it just to make you feel better, get your undead ass out here so we can settle this like men or vampires or little kids running around in makeup drinking ribenna – I really don’t know or care what you wanna describe it as in your mind I just want my god damn title back! Suddenly the arena is plunged into darkness. There is a flash of light and a cackle of thunder before the lights come back on. Black Pearl is still alone in the ring. [B]Black Pearl:[/B] Cute, did the special effects department teach you that huh? I want my title! … Fine have it your way, I’m gonna come back there, find out where it is your hiding and do far worse things to you than any vampire slayer would ever dream of! Black Pearl drops the mike and storms towards the back… [B]Rating = D[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] Wow, he’s pissed. [B]Kishi:[/B] You know, I’d help him but after that Pavaroti and pasta comment last week I seem distinctly unboverrrd about his situation [B]Lupoli:[/B] Harsh words. Anyway, high flying action after the break as Billy Kidman takes on Ultimo Guerrero![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/UltimoGuerrero.jpg[/IMG] [B]Billy Kidman vs. Ultimo Guerrero[/B] A chance to show off high flying talent within the promotion. A chance for both wrestlers to establish themselves as fan favourites. A chance…ahh screw it. Sucky suck suck, the match bombed, the fans hated it, they didn’t click and I was embarrassed on their behalf. Kidman wins, I cry. [B]Rating = F+[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Kishi.jpg[/IMG] After the match our larger than life colour commentator, commissioner Kishi gets in the ring (Have we checked that it’s reinforced? Enough to handle two tons you say? Well its too late now, we’ll just have to chance it.) [B]Kishi:[/B] Folks, last week I trapped Vampiro in his own casket, nailed it shut and sent that little casket on a one way trip to Australia and I don’t for one second think that we’re gonna be seeing him again in this promotion but anyway, I promised a surprise for tonight on by Kishi I’m gonna deliver it! So without further ado, let me introduce two men that I’m sure you all remember and you all love, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the coolest tag team in wrestling history … [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/ScottTaylor.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BrianLawler.jpg[/IMG] [B]Very Cool![/B] (Commerical break) [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/DarrenBurridge.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JohnnyStamboli-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BrianLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/ScottTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [B]Darren Burridge and Johnny Stamboli vs. Very Cool[/B] Yeah, I did it and I’m proud of myself, I brought back Scotty “the hottie” and Brian “Sexy” Lawler and they had great chemistry together and they brought the house down and picked up the victory. A bit of the worm, a bit of Grand Lawler Leg Drop and then you know what’s coming… [B]Rating = D-[/B] “Banging it, Banging it, Banging it… you get the picture” [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] This is what its all about, this is wrestling and this is entertainment the likes of which this world has never seen before![/QUOTE] Kishi, Scotty and Sexy all dance as the crowd cheer. The crowd go nuts for a bit of break dancing by Kishi – damn he got da moves. A good time was had by all. Well except that pregnant woman that threw up during it. I guess the sight of Kishi’s juggling man boobs can do that to a lady… [B]Rating = D-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VampireWarrior.jpg[/IMG] We cut to a commercial and when we return we are taken to a dark, candlelit room with Vampire Warrior sitting in the middle of a ring of candles with the NWE Heavyweight Title lying in front of him… [B]Vampire Warrior:[/B] Black Pearl, you mock me, you mock my kind and you do so with a smile on you’re face. Prepare to have that smile wiped clean from it. Kishi, you may have sent Vampiro packing but you failed to steak him through the heart and he will return and he will bring with him a legion of undead followers to accompany him and when he does we will reign together as we bring our hell upon this world. As for you Black Pearl, you want this title then you must earn it back. Over the coming weeks I will set you trials that you must overcome. Challenges that you must complete. Quests that will test your limits. You will endure suffering, I will put the worst obstacles in your path and then, only then when you have proven yourself worthy, will I consider stepping in the ring with you and granting you a shot to recover… In the background we hear a commotion. [B]Vampire Warrior:[/B]Anyway, Pearl, you will endure… There is a large crashing sound. [B]Vampire Warrior[/B]Pearl you will ... hey ... what ... how’d you find me? [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] [B]Black Pearl:[/B] What can I say, I guess I just overcame you’re trials. Maybe next time you wanna send me a message do your own camera work rather than getting some monkey to do it for you. Oh, and maybe, just maybe, if you don’t want me to find you then you won’t hide away in your own locker room! Title! [B]Vampire Warrior:[/B] Err, yeah, I suppose you earned it. Here you go, nice and shiny. [B]Black Pearl:[/B] Oh and here, lets just say you earned this… Pearl smacks Vampire Warrior over the head with the title sending him crashing to the floor (we had the fire safety people on hand just in case he landed on one of the candles if you were wondering). [B]Black Pearl:[/B] Don’t you ever think about messing with me again! [B]Rating = D-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Nidia.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG] We head straight to the ring where Nidia is standing in the ring accompanied by Matt Morgan… [B]Nidia:[/B] Harding, I know you’re not here tonight, a wise choice cause you know that France is my territory as well so you did the right thing. The reason you did the right thing Harding, is cause effective immediately I have hired an enforcer of sorts, a man who will ensure that no one muscles in on my “territory” a man who will smack all those hussy wannabes down if they try any funny business. And to sure you just how serious I am about all this, tonight, my enforcer will take out one of your “customers” – get out here Jack Evans so you can be made an example of! [B]Rating = E-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Evans vs. Matt Morgan[/B] Morgan’s huge. Evans' small. David vs. Goliath anyone. Evans might not have had a couple of pebbles in his pocket but that didn’t matter, he a risk taking, high flying and I’m not gonna start babbling again. Evans off the top rope goes for a Corkscrew 630 only to be caught and slammed to the mat by Morgan. 1,2, kick out! Kids got heart! Morgan lifts him up for a powerbomb. Evans escapes his clutches, going over the top and kicking Morgan in the head sending him down to the mat. Evans climbs the turnbuckle, hits the Corkscrew 630 and picks up the shock victory. [B]Rating = E+[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] Black Pearl is walking backstage when out of nowhere Heidenreich grabs a hold of his arm and spins Pearl round… [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] [B]Heidenreich:[/B] HEIDEN-DEN-HEID-PIGEON-REICH [B]Black Pearl:[/B] Safe you’re breath, you got you’re match. Just please don’t yell at me, I can’t take any more crazy people getting in my face. [B]Heidenreich: [/B] HEIDENREIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICH!!!!! [B]Black Pearl:[/B] Too much to ask huh? [B]Rating = D+[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] [B]Black Pearl vs. Heidenreich[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/WCWTelevision.jpg[/IMG] [B]for the NWE Heavyweight Title[/B] He’s leaving, a fair number of the fans already knew it and didn’t expect him to get his hands on the title. It was a funish match but nothing special. It wasn’t helped by the fact that they didn’t click but you know, it was a main event so I guess that’s expected. Pearl hits a superkick and picks up the victory to make his first title defence. [B]Rating = D-[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli: [/B] And we’re just about outta time here folks so au revoir and join us next week for NEW Destiny [B]Kishi:[/B] And Sebastian, wasn’t it refreshing to not have a show with Vampiro on it! [B]Lupoli:[/B] It certainly was, I’m…[/QUOTE] Kishi and Lupoli are interrupted by a video playing on the big screen (yes we have a big screen and a ramp in this promotion – spared no expense). [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/22898200.jpg[/IMG] We are shown a cargo ship sailing in the open ocean. The sun is setting in the background and there is no one in sight. The camera cuts to the cargo hold of the ship. The camera pans over a number of creates before focusing in on a wooden object at the back of the hold. As the camera zooms in on the wooden object there is some writing on the side showing that the object is destined for Australia. The camera spins to reveal a top down view of the wooden object revealing it as the coffin that Vampiro was trapped in. The casket begins to rock back and forth as the image fades to black with writing coming up as the show closes… [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VAMPIRO WILL RETURN…[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/bannerbasso.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Post Show Reaction[/SIZE][/B] Rating = D- Attendance = 594 TV Rating = 0.00 [U][B]Dark Matches[/B][/U] D'lo Brown def. Heidenreich (Rating = D-) [I]Well he decided to piss off to the WWE so he deserved to job the ungrateful so and so[/I] [B][U]Head Booker's Thoughts[/U][/B] Personally I was very happy with the show. Very Cool pulled off a decent match and got the fans worked up. Black Pearl continues to perform well both in the ring and on the mike. I was a bit disappointed by the Kidman match as I was hoping to see what those two could do if given the chance. I may push the cruiserweights later on down the line but at the moment the crowd obviously aren't that into them. Evans however will continue to appear as I'm very high on him [B][U]Rumours - sponsered by WNW[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/top.jpg[/IMG] Former NWE superstar has been released from his WWE contract before having the opportunity to appear on the show. Apparently he asked for his old NWE job back but was told in no uncertain words that he wasn't wanted back due to his disloyalty. Another former NWE superstar, Vampiro has obviously been forgiven for jumping ship as shown in the closing moments of last weeks NWE Destiny. The video clip left open the chance of a return to the NWE by Vampiro. Management were very happy by the reaction to the clip from fans in attendance and watching at home. Several former WWE superstars have been signed to appear in special one off appearances in NWE Destiny. One of these is former WWE superstar Barbie Blank (known as Kelly Kelly from his stint on ECW). Blank is all set to appear on the next edition of Destiny although her exact role is unknown. Other former WWE superstars Ron Simmons and The Sandman have been contacted regarding making special appearances on the show, more news as it comes. [B][U]Rubbish Internet Rumour of the week[/U][/B] [url]www.wrestlingrubbish/hornswoggleMcMahon?[/url] [B][U]From the mail bag - a head booker's responses[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/banner2.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][I]I loved the show. I can;t wait to see more. The comedy was the best part and gave it a feel as if the Promotion is making fun of their own inadequacies. I always thought NWE could go places and thought about doing a NWE dynasty at one time myself. Great work.[/I][/QUOTE] I don't think you could really take a promotion all that seriously when its main draw is a Vampire and an overweight colour commentator. Having said that, there are a lot of talented workers here and the opportunity to bring in ex WWE superstars which is in keeping with the promotion's identity is definately part of the promotion's appeal. Just think of us as European TNA... [QUOTE][I]Ha ha! Great show! Really like the comedy, keep it up![/I][/QUOTE] Thanks, hope you keep reading. [QUOTE][I]It's always fun reading about big troubles a little company like this haves... Hopefully you can recover the pressure from WWE... Interesting to see who the TNA guy is[/I][/QUOTE] Yeah, its frustrating when they raid you but it makes it a challenge and means that the roster is constantly being freshened up. I know Rhino might not have been an obvious choice but he is ex WWE (part of the citeria of any NWE wrestler) and I'm a bit of a Rhino mark. Also probably the highest profile star I could get to bring in from TNA. [QUOTE][I]Oh I'm liking this. It'll be fun watching where things go. Does TWC show this anymore? Its been ages since I've seen it. Actually, does TWC show wrestling anymore?[/I][/QUOTE] I honestly don't know if NWE is running shows at the moment. Their website hasn't been updated in a long time. As for TWC, does anyone actually watch TWC anymore? Anyway, thanks for the feedback, in future I'll try to reply to it faster. Keep reading and keep enjoying ;) [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]NWE Destiny[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/66ZCAXC0FLDCA7QPE01CA9ZBQDYCAQ5UD1Z.jpg[/IMG] We're back in Italy which can only mean one thing, lots and lots of empty spaces in the crowd. Oh well, so no one turns up, at least there'll be lot of people watching on television right... right? Is there anyone out there??? [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] [I]Ciao to all our fans watching tonight as we have an action packed show including a title shot for the Vampire Warrior who I am reliably informed has a message for Black Pearl ahead of their match up so we’re not gonna waste any more time and we’re gonna take you straight to Vampire Warrior whom is in an unknown location[/I]…[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VampireWarrior.jpg[/IMG] Once again Vampire Warrior is seen in a darkened room surrounded by candles with a mysterious symbol in the middle… [B]Vampire Warrior:[/B] [I]Pearl, I look at you and I feel pity. I feel pity for you because you have chosen to fight for the forces of good, for the salvation of mankind. I respect your bravery, I respect your courage but when the time of reckoning comes, when I step into the ring with you tonight, you will realise once and for all that there is nothing in this world except for darkness. Come the end of tonight, I will rise up and capture the title and this will usher in a new era in this world’s history. Pearl, your time upon this world is running out, you’re star is fading and when I am done with you tonight you will stare at the gates of hell and you will realise that there is no stopping the our rise and when that happens, when the realisation finally occurs, I, I will be the one to send you screaming to your demise. Enjoy the rest of your evening, cause when you step into that ring with me you will witness first hand the beginning of my reign of terror in the NWE![/I] [B]Rating = E[/B] (Commercial break) [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] [I]Again strong words from Vampire Warrior who will go one on one with Black Pearl for the NWE Heavyweight Title tonight.[/I] [B]Kishi:[/B] [I]He talks the talk but come the end of tonight we will find out if he can walk the walk.[/I] [B]Lupoli:[/B] [I]We certainly will commish. Anyway, up next, Matt Morgan looks to restore his reputation after last weeks defeat against Jack Evans when he takes on Ultimo Guerrero.[/I] [B]Kishi:[/B] [I]Didn’t Nidia get all upset last week!?[/I]![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/UltimoGuerrero.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Morgan vs. Ultimo Guerrero[/B] Morgan needed a win to build himself up a bit after last weeks less than impressive showing. Guerrero just isn’t performing at the moment and the crowd are badly struggling to get into his matches. This one was no different and the crowd didn’t seem particularly bothered that Morgan picked up the victory after chokeslamming his opponent. [B]Rating = E-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Nidia.jpg[/IMG] Following the match we are show a clip of Nidia backstage watching Morgan’s match with a distinctly unimpressed look on her face… [B]Nidia:[/B] [I]Brilliant, just brilliant, last week he screws up, gets beaten by one of Harding’s clients and yet this week he manages to win. Where are all the men out there? Why can’t anyone just get the job done? Its not like he’s a 7 foot giant or anything, he’s just some punk kid who needs to be taught a lesson![/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG] As Nidia continues with her rant, she’s interrupted by Johnny Stamboli… [B]Stamboli:[/B] [I]Lady, I couldn’t help but overhear you’re rant and I was wondering if I could be of service to you, know what I mean?[/I] [B]Nidia:[/B] [I]Look, I don’t give my “services” away for free. If you want me you gotta pay![/I] [B]Stamboli:[/B] [I]Err, I think you’re mistaken signora, see, its not what you could do for me, its what I could do for You.[/I] [B]Nidia: [/B] [I]Get outta here, do I look like I have to pay to get…[/I] [B]Stamboli:[/B] [I]Easy, see there’s obviously been a misunderstanding here. Lets just say that, I have certain contacts, contacts who can get certain jobs done, certain problems taken care of capiche? [/I] [B]Nidia:[/B] [I]You telling me you could get Harding and her little boy toy taken care of.[/I] [B]Stamboli:[/B] [I]For a price of course…[/I] [B]Nidia:[/B] [I]Listen, last week I had Matt Morgan telling me exactly the same things that you are right now and he choked so forgive me if I ain’t willing to hand over all of my, hard, earned cash right away.[/I] [B]Stamboli:[/B] [I]Of course il mio angelo, how about we do a try before you buy. I have a match up against Evans tonight. After I take care of him then me I’m sure that me and you could come to some sort of agreement.[/I] [B]Nidia: [/B] [I]Sounds like you might be of some use. Say, I’m a little short on cash at the moment, seems that business ain’t been going so well recently.[/I] [B]Stamboli:[/B] [I]I’m sure you could find some other way to settle our debt.[/I] Stamboli puts his hand around Nidia as they walk off together arm in arm. [B]Rating = E+[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/ThunderStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/FireAngel.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BrianLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/ScottTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [B]Thunder Angel vs. Very Cool[/B] If you don’t know who’s gonna win this match you need your head examined. A few minutes of Lawler and Scotty working the crowd up. A Lawler Leg Drop. A Worm. The crowd are off their feet. Very Cool pick up the victory. [B]Rating = D-[/B] Lets change the music up a bit. Mainly because we just got sued by Vince for using their entrance music last week. This week their rocking out to a bit of Timberland (hopefully he won’t be watching). Dancing, cheering, more dancing, cheering, Kishi’s jiggling man boobs, vomiting. Standard stuff here really. [B]Raing = D-[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] We cut to a commercial break and when we return, Black Pearl is stood in the ring, mike in hand… [B]Black Pearl:[/B] [I]Now I know my match ain’t till later tonight but ya know what, I couldn’t just sit in the back, especially as tonight I’m gonna “get sent to hell” and all. So I thought, heck why not come out here and plead for lenience from Vampire Warrior? I mean, its not like I beat the holy hell out of Vampiro to win this title belt! And I suppose that last week I didn’t knock Vampire Warrior out after completing a “gruelling” set of trials in order to get my title back or anything. Enough of with the joking though, tonight I’m gonna step in the ring with Vampire Warrior and like he says, one of us is gonna go to hell tonight. Unfortunately for one undead *******, that dude is gonna be him. Warrior, if you think, in that deluded head of yours, for one second that you’re gonna beat me then you’re crazier than I thought you were! The only way, and I mean the only way, that some waste of space like you is gonna beat me is if you use some sort of voodoo withcraft or something on me and even then its gonna be a close run thing! So Vampire Warrior, when you step into the ring with me, you’re damn right one of us is gonna be staring straight at the gates of hell. See, I’m the big bad round here and its about time you start realising that![/I] [B]Rating = D[/B] [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] [I]Tough words from the champ.[/I] [B]Kishi:[/B] [I]Yeah, and unlike Warrior, my man, Pearl has the proven ability to back it up in the ring.[/I] [B]Lupoli:[/B] [I] Well the time for talking is nearly over as we are getting ever closer to our main event but before then, it will be Jack Evans taking on Johnny Stamboli who will be accompanied by the “lovely” Nidia.[/I] [B]Kishi:[/B] [I]It’s a very loose use of the term lovely Sebastian![/I] [/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JackEvans2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/JohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Nidia.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Evans vs. Johnny Stamboli w/ Nidia[/B] Compared to Evans, Stamboli looks like a giant. Evans has a lot going for him (in particular the fact that Nidia isn’t in his corner) and showed once again that his high flying offence is enough to take out people much bigger in size than himself. Stamboli charged Evans only for Evans to duck out of the way with Stamboli tumbling to the outside of the ring. Evans didn’t let up with his offence, vaulting the rope and crashing right down onto Stamboli. This is yet another holy s*** moment that the crowd crapped all over once again. Bothered. Evans hits the Corkscrew 630 and the match is done and Nidia once again looks unhappy, although not as unhappy as last week… [B]Rating = E[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/Nidia.jpg[/IMG] Oh jesus, yet another angle the crowd crap all over. Anyway, Evans celebrates his victory when out of nowhere, Ron Simmons of all people comes running into the ring hits Evans with a huge big boot. Simmons continues to pound away on Evans as Nidia takes the mike… [B]Nidia:[/B] [I]Did you really think I’d be so stupid to trust someone in this worthless promotion to get the job done. A woman of my talents needs a real man to protect her interests and this is that man. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my man, a former World tag team champion, Ron Simmons![/I] [B]Rating = F+[/B] (evidently any segment where Simmons doesn’t say damn bombs) [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/france-eiffel-tower.jpg[/IMG] Anyway, we get a video clip played next. The scene is Paris, the scene is the Eiffel tower. French music plays. You get the picture. [B]Frenchman 1:[/B] [I]Mes Amies, we are here with a most important of messages for you.[/I] [B]Frenchman 2:[/B] [I]We are here to tell you that we are coming to save the NWE.[/I] [B]Frenchman 1:[/B] [I]We are coming to save you from yourselves.[/I] [B]Frenchman 2:[/B] [I]You want us[/I] [B]Frenchman 1:[/B] [I]You need us[/I] [B]Frenchman 2: [/B] [I]You will remember us[/I]. [B]Both Together:[/B] [I]We are La Revolution and we are coming to the NEW![/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/ReneDupree3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/RobConway.jpg[/IMG] The camera pans out to reveal former WWE stars Rene Dupree and Rob Conway. The fans pop (a little) as the video clip shows the French flag with the French national anthem playing in the background. Some writing appears over the top of the French flag… [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/french-flag.jpg[/IMG] Viva La Revolution! Rating = D [QUOTE][B]Lupoli:[/B] [I]Exciting times and not just because La Revolution are coming to the NWE cause after the break its time for our NWE Heavyweight Title match up.[/I] [B]Kishi:[/B] [I]Great, more snobby Frenchmen, just what the doctor ordered! [/I][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/BlackPearl.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/VampireWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [B]Black Pearl vs. The Vampire Warrior [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/WCWTelevision.jpg[/IMG] For the NWE Heavyweight Title[/B] A decent enough match. Warrior is always a crowd pleaser and knows how to work the crowd. Pearl is the resident NWE bad ass and took the match straight to Warrior, landing a number of blows to Warrior, beating him into the corner. The ref tried to pull Pearl off of his opponent only for the ref to get pushed away. Warrior took the opportunity, grabbing Pearl’s head and trying to bite his neck which drew a great reaction from the fans. Pearl was shocked. The ref was shocked. Vampire Warrior just grinned sadistically. From this moment on, Pearl tried to stay as far away from Warrior as possible, landing in his shots from distance, going for Warrior’s knees trying to knock him to the ground. After a series of reversals, Warrior ended up behind Pearl and again went for the neck. This time Pearl countered into the Pearl Jam and dropped Vampire Warrior to the mat. Pearl managed to pick up the victory, instantly getting out of the ring as he’d spent as much time in the company of Vampire Warrior as he could possibly stand. [B]Rating = D-[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/bannerbasso.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Post Show Reaction[/B][/SIZE] Show Rating = D- Attendance = 64 TV Rating = 0.00 [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] ??? def. Billy Kidman (Rating = D-) [B][U]Head Booker's Thoughts[/U][/B] It was an ok show, nothing out of the ordinary. La Revolution should certainly spice things up, along with Ron and the immortal ???. These 3 should certainly make for a couple of entertaining characters being added to the dynasty. Up until this point we've only really had 2 feuds going but now we should be able to up that number. Oh, those warnings from the network about how they were gonna drop us - well they did - b******s. [U][B]Rumours - sponsered by WNW[/B][/U] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/NWE/top.jpg[/IMG] Wrestling is in a general state of disarray as no more than 4 tv shows were cancelled last week. Take this into account with the fact that the WWE are getting weekly warnings from their networks threatening cancellation and things don't look good. At the same time though a number of new small promotions have opened accross the world including 2 in Europe and 1 in America. Last week we reported that Barbie Blank was set to appear on the next edition of NWE Destiny. This information was incorrect and it appears that Barbie Blank will not be appearing in the NWE at any point in time. Ron Simmons did however debut, along with former WWE stars Rob Conway and Rene Dupree. Obviously all 3 are popular stars but Conway and Dupree in particular are very over in Europe due to their work as La Resistance whilst in the WWE. It will be interesting to see if any more stars are added / cut from the roster due to the recent dropping of the tv show. Another former WWE star appeared in the dark match wrestling Billy Kidman on the last edition of NWE Destiny. We won't reveal his identity except to say that it was a bit of a suprise to see him in the promotion and certainly leads to the prospect of another very popular stable being reformed. [B][U]Rubbish Internet Rumour of the Week[/U][/B] [url]www.wrestlingrubbish/KhaliNWEshockdebut[/url] [B][U]From the mail box - a head booker's response[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Nice Start, I'll be interested to see how you go with getting everybody over[/QUOTE] Easier said than done considering the average overness of the roster is E- and this is a sports entertainment promotion. This new signing should go some way to improving this though. [I]OOC A couple of matches to predict if you want for this weeks NWE Destiny [B]Black Pearl vs. Ron Simmons (non title) Very Cool vs. Billy Kidman & D'Lo Brown[/B] Also any guesses as to the identity of the mystery new signing?[/I] [/CENTER]
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