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World Wrestling Entertainment 2008-Alternate Reality

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**I started this game shortly after Wrestlemania 23 in real time, playing to June 2008 and I have had a lot of fun with it so far, so I figured I might as well convert it into a dynasty. This first post is detailing the Pay Per Views from Backlash 2007 to Judgement Day 2008, along with detailing title changes on television.** [B]WWE Supercards From April 2007-May 2008[/B] **Contary to what was reported, brand-only Pay Per Views were continued after Wrestlemania 23, because the new WWE head booker felt that having all three(later two) brands on a Pay Per View fifteen times a year would oversaturate matches. ** (Prior to Backlash, Rated RKO captured the World Tag Team Titles, defeating Shawn Michaels and John Cena. Also, over on Smackdown, Montel Vontavious Porter defeated Chris Benoit to capture the WWE United States Championship) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Backlash 2007(Raw Brand Pay Per View)[/COLOR][/B] -In a Dark Match: Johnny Nitro pins Super Crazy with the Director's Cut(A Fisherman Suplex into a Bridge)(A*) -Melina pinned Mickie James to retain the WWE Women's Championship with a reverse DDT onto the championship belt(C+) -Carlito pins Ric Flair after using the ropes for leverage. Carlito spits an apple on Flair afterwards(A) -ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley battled WWE Interconinental Champion Umaga to a no contest with both the ECW Orignals and the New Breed interfered, leading to a massive brawl between both sides(B+) -Cryme Tyme defeated the Highlanders, Cade and Murdoch, and the World's Greatest Tag Team to earn a World Tag Team Title Shot in the Future. (B) -The Hardy Boyz captured the World Tag Team Titles defeating Rated RKO when Jeff Hardy pins Randy Orton with the Swanton Bomb after Edge accidentally hit his parter with the Spear(A) -Finally, in the main event, John Cena made Shawn Michaels tap out to the STFU to retain his WWE Heavyweight Championship(A) (The Night after Backlash, Carlito captured the WWE Interconinental Title in a Triple Threat Match, with champion Umaga and Ric Flair, by pinning Flair for the second night in a row when Umaga was tied up brawling with Bobby Lashley. ) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Judgement Day 2007(Smackdown Brand Pay Per View)[/COLOR][/B] -WWE Tag Team Champions Paul London and Brian Kendrick defeated La Resistance when Kendrick pins Sylvan with Sliced Bread #2(C) -The Boogeyman pinned WWE Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero in a non title match with a Tree Slam(C+) -Montel Vontavious Porter retained his WWE United States Championship against Chris Benoit, after countering Benoit's Crossface into a pinning predicament(B) -Jimmy Wang Yang won a six way cruiserweight battle over Daivari, Jamie Noble, Scotty Too Hotty, Gregory Helms and Shannon Moore when Yang pins Daivari with a Moonsault(B-) -Ken Kennedy defeated King Booker to win the 2007 King of the Ring Tournament with the Kenton Bomb(A*) -Kane and Finlay had a wild brawl that ended in a double disqualification(A*) -Ashley pins Jillian Hall with an elbowdrop off the second rope(C+) -World Heavyweight Champion the Undertaker retained his World Heavyweight Title against Batista with the Tombstone Piledriver(B+) (Prior to One Night Stand III, Marcus Cor Von captured the ECW World Title from Bobby Lashley thanks to interference from Umaga. Cor Von's reign was short lived, as he lost the belt to CM Punk a couple weeks later. Also, Chris Benoit defeated MVP to regain the United States Title, but lost it back the week later in a return match. ) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW One Night Stand III(ECW Brand Pay Per View)[/COLOR][/B] -Vito pins Little Guido in a Dark Match with an Elevated DDT(D+) -Elijah Burke pins Rob Van Dam with the Elijah Experience(B-) -Tommy Dreamer pins Kevin Thorne with the Dreamer DDT on a steel chair(C+) -Vladimir Koslov makes Balls Mahoney submit to a Triangle Choke(C+) -Matt Striker pins Sabu after Sabu inadvertantly put himself through a table(C) -Snitsky defeates the Sandman in a high incident scaffold match(D+) -CM Punk pins Marcus Cor Von to retain the ECW World Title, with the Go to Sleep(C) -Kelly Kelly pins Ariel after a cradle(D-) -Bobby Lashley defeats Umaga in An Anything Goes Match with a Spear(B) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Vengeance(Raw Brand Pay Per View)[/COLOR][/B] -The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated Val Venis and Eugene in a Dark Match, when Shelton Benjamin pins Val Venis with the Exploder Suplex(B-) -Carlito retains his WWE Interconinental Title against Ric Flair, making Flair submit to the Figure Four Leglock(A) -WWE Women's Champion Melina pins Candice Michelle to retain the title after power bombing Candice out of the corner on a ten count punches(D+) -Edge pins Super Crazy after Crazy missed a Moonsault and Edge nearly broke him in half with a Spear(B) -The Hardy Boyz defeated Cryme Time to retain the World Tag Team Titles with the Twist of Fate/Swanton Combinition on Shad(B) -The Great Khali destroyed Shawn Michaels with two vicious tree slams in what may have been the best match in the career of the Great Khali at this point(B+) -Kenny Dykstra pins Jim Duggan after using Duggan's own two by four against him and hitting a vicious Springboard Legdrop(C+) -Randy Orton pins John Cena after a leaping RKO to capture the WWE Championship(A) (Before the Great American Bash, Batista won a Steel Cage Match against the Undertaker on Smackdown to regain the World Heavyweight Championship, with three Batista Bombs. ) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Great American Bash(Smackdown Brand Pay Per View)[/COLOR][/B] -In a Dark Match: The Miz pinned Funaki with the Mizard of Oz(C) -WWE United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter defeated Chris Benoit in a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match. Benoit won the first fall with the Crippler Crossface, MVP won the second fall with the Playmaker, and MVP cheated to win the third fall, using the exposed buckle(B) -WWE Tag Team Champions Paul London and Brian Kendrick defeated Deuce and Domino to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles when London pins Deuce with a sunset flip out of the corner(C-) -The Boogeyman defeated William Regal and Dave Taylor in a handicap match when Boogeyman pins Taylor with the Tree Slam(C) -Finlay makes Matt Hardy pass out to a straight jacket submission hold(B-) -Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Gregory Helms and WWE Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero to win the title, when Yang pins Chavo with a Moonsault(B) -Ashley pins Jillian Hall with an elbowdrop off the second rope(C) -Rey Mysterio defeated World Heavyweight Champion Batista, The Undertaker, and King Ken Kennedy in a Fatal Four Way Match to win the title. Batista was laid out with the Tombstone Piledriver but Taker was distracted with Kennedy. That allowed Rey to connect with a frog splash and score the pin, to capture his first World Heavyweight Championship(A*) (During a match with the Great Khali, Matt Hardy suffered an injury, causing the Hardy Boyz having to vacant the World Tag Team Titles) [B]WWE Summerslam 2007[/B] -MNM II(Chris Masters and Johnny Nitro) defeated the World's Greatest Tag Team when Masters pins Charlie Haas with the Snap Shot in a Dark Match(C+) -Kane pins Finlay with the Tombstone Piledriver(B+) -Brian Kendrick, Paul London, and Chris Benoit defeated Deuce, Domino, and Montel Vontavious Porter when Benoit makes Deuce submit to the Crippler Crossface(B-) -Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch defeated Shannon Moore and Jeff Hardy and Cryme Tyme, in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match to win the vacant World Tag Team Titles(C-) -Vince McMahon defeated ECW World Champion CM Punk to capture the ECW World Title after Rob Van Dam accidentally hit Punk with a chair after fighting off the New Breed, allowing Vince to score the pin. Vince declares that he is killing off ECW effective tonight(B-) -Umaga, Elijah Burke, and Marcus Cor Von defeated Rob Van Dam, Sabu, and Bobby Lashley when Van Dam turns on his tag team partners, allowing Umaga to pin Bobby Lashley with the Samoan Spike. Van Dam shakes hands with Vince McMahon, driving the final nail in the coffin of the spirit of ECW(B+) -Carlito defeated Ric Flair and Super Crazy in a Triple Threat Match to retain the WWE Interconinental Championship when Carlito pins Ric Flair with the Back Stabber after knocking Crazy to the floor(A) -Shawn Michaels defeated The Great Khali in a Punjabi Prison Match after stunning Khali long enough to escape the structure(B-) -WWE Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton defeated Mark Henry and John Cena to retain the WWE Championship when Orton pins Mark Henry after knocking Cena to the floor and taking advantage of the F-U off the second rope that Cena gave Henry(B+) -WWE Women's Champion Melina pins Mickie James to retain the title after a backslide using the ropes for leverage(C+) -Edge captured the World Heavyweight Championship in an Elimination Chamber Match against King Ken Kennedy, Batista, The Undertaker, Booker T, and Champion Rey Mysterio, last eliminating the Undertaker with the Spear(A*) (The ECW Brand was discontiued after Summerslam, with all of the wrestlers distributed between Raw and Smackdown) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Unforgiven 2007-Raw Brand Pay Per View[/COLOR][/B] -MNM II defeated Hardcore Productions(Val Venis and Hardcore Holly) in a dark match, when Nitro pins Val Venis with the Snapshot(B-) -Super Crazy captured the WWE Interconinental Title in a Triple Threat Match against champion Carlito and Ric Flair, with a picture perfect Moonsault on Carlito(B) -Mickie James captures her third WWE Women's Championship from Melina with the Mickie DDT(B+) -Bobby Lashley runs over Umaga to close the book on their feud, hitting a huge powerslam to pin the Samoan Bulldozer(A) -Shawn Michaels pins the Great Khali after three Superkicks. After the match [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] makes his return to the WWE, destroying Shawn Michaels with three F-5s in succession, before busting open the Heart Break Kid with a steel chair! (B+) -Kenny Dystrka pins CM Punk suckering Punk into the corner and using a roll up with both feet on the second rope(A) -Cryme Tyme captured the World Tag Team Titles, beating champions Cade and Murdoch when JTG pins Cade with a small package(C+) -Randy Orton defeated Jeff Hardy in a blood bath of a ladder match. Hardy was inches away from capturing the WWE Championship above the ring, but Orton dropkicks him before hitting an RKO off the top of the ladder. Orton climbs the ladder to score the win and retain the title(B+) (The night after Unforgiven, John Cena makes Randy Orton submit to the STFU to win his fourth WWE Championship. ) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE No Mercy 2007-Smackdown Brand Pay Per View[/COLOR][/B] -In a Dark Match, Sabu makes Jamie Noble submit to a camel clutch(B-) -Montel Vontavious Porter retains his WWE United States Championship against both Booker T and Chris Benoit when MVP pins Benoit with the Playmaker with Booker's leg tied into the ropes(B) -Homicide pins Jimmy Wang Yang to capture the WWE Cruiserweight Championship with an extremely vicious lariat that caused Yang to fly three hundred and sixty degrees into the air(B-) -Rey Mysterio pins Finlay after the Dropping of the Dime(A) -The Freaks(Boogeyman and Kane) defeated WWE Tag Team Champions Brian Kendrick and Paul London, Deuce and Domino, and William Regal and Dave Taylor, when Kane pins Regal with the Choke Slam from Hell(B) -Edge retains his World Heavyweight Championship against Batista with the Spear(B) -Eric Young pins The Miz with a Springboard Swinging DDT(C+) -King Ken Kennedy defeats the Undertaker when Kennedy reverses the Tombstone Piledriver into one of his own to score the clean pin(B+) (On the Smackdown after No Mercy, World Heavyweight Champion Edge defeated Chris Benoit in a Championship versus Career Match with a Top Rope Implant DDT. Also, Finlay retired at the end of October.) [B]WWE Cyber Sunday 2007[/B] -WWE Interconinental Champion Super Crazy pins CM Punk with the Moonsault to retain his title(B) -Ric Flair and Bobby Lashley defeated The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, the New Breed(Burke and Cor Von) and the Hardy Boyz in a Tornado Tag Team Battle, when Lashley pins Shelton with the Running Powerslam(B) -Umaga and Brock Lesnar defeated Shawn Michaels and the returning Triple H when Brock Lesnar pins Shawn Michaels with the F-5 in a Street Fight(B+) -MNM II captured the World Tag Team Titles against Cryme Tyme when Nitro pins Shad with the Snapshot(C+) -King Ken Kennedy and the Undertaker defeated Carlito and Randy Orton in a Raw versus Smackdown Tag Team Spectacular when Taker pins Carlito with the Tombstone Piledriver(A*) -Mickie James pins Candice Michelle to retain the WWE Women's Championship with the Swinging DDT(B) -WWE Champion John Cena battled World Heavyweight Champion Edge to a sixty minute time limit draw in a title for title match(A*) -After the match, King Ken Kennedy announces that he will cash in on his Money in the Bank, which leads to Kennedy clonking Edge with the Briefcase, before pinning him in less than a minute to win the World Heavyweight Championship(B-) (Deuce and Domino won the World Tag Team Titles, defeating the Freaks on a Smackdown just before Survivor Series 2007. [B]WWE Survivor Series 2007[/B] -The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated Hardcore Productions when Charlie Haas pins Hardcore Holly with a spin kick/German Suplex combination in a dark match(C+) -James Storm pins the Miz in a dark match with the Superkick(B-) -Paul London, Spanky, Booker T, and Sabu defeated the Gringo Killerz(Chavo Guerrero and Homicide), Deuce, and Domino in a Survivor Series Match, with Booker being the sole survivor(C+) -WWE Women's Champion Mickie James defeated Candice Michelle and Melina to retain the title with a Mickie DDT on Melina(B-) -MNM II, Batista, Abyss, and Snitsky defeated The Freaks, Cryme Tyme, and Super Crazy in a Classic Survivor Series Rules Match. Abyss and Batista were your sole survivors(B) -Triple H, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, and Ric Flair defeated Umaga, Brock Lesnar, Carlito, and the Great Khali in a Survivor Series Match. Triple H was your sole survivor(B+) -Montel Vonvavious Porter retained his WWE United States Championship against the Undertaker via countout(A*) -John Cena, Rey Mysterio, The Hardy Boyz, and Bobby Lashley defeated King Ken Kennedy, Edge, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, and Elijah Burke in a Classic Survivor Series Match. Matt Hardy was your sole survivor, pinning World Heavyweight Champion Kennedy to win the match with the Twist of Fate(A*) (Rey Mysterio defeats MVP to capture the WWE United States Championship, with outside interference from the Undertaker. The Highlanders also captured the World Tag Team Titles, scoring an upset win over MNM II, but promptly lost the belts back to Nitro and Masters in a return match. ) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Armageddon 2007-Smackdown Brand Pay Per View[/COLOR][/B] -Vladimir Koslov chokes out William Regal with the Triangle Choke in a dark match(B-) -Jimmy Wang Yang pins Gregory Helms with the Moonsault(B+) -Deuce and Domino retained their WWE Tag Team Titles against the Freaks when Deuce pins the Boogeyman with the Smash Em in the Mouth(B-) -WWE Cruiserweight Champion Homicide defeats Paul London, Brian Kendrick, and Chavo Guerrero when Homicide pins Paul London with a huge lariat(B-) -Batista pins James Storm with the Batista Bomb(C+) -Rey Mysterio retains his WWE United States Championship against Sabu with the West Coast Pop(B) -Booker T pins Edge with a sunset flip out of the corner(A*) -Matt Hardy battled World Heavyweight Champion King Ken Kennedy to a double pin off of a German Suplex from Hardy. It is revealed that the referee might have been in the wrong position and incorrectly judged that Hardy's shoulders on the mat as well as Kennedy(A*) -The Undertaker defeated Montel Vontavious Porter in a Hell in a Cell Match with a bone rattling Tombstone Piledriver(B+) (Due to attitude problems, Randy Orton was released from his contract. The final straw as no-showing a hyped WWE Championship Match on Raw against John Cena. Tragically, on New Year's Eve, the Boogeyman passed away after a drug overdose) [COLOR=red][B]WWE New Year's Revolution 2008-Raw Brand Pay Per View[/COLOR][/B] -In a Dark Match, Cade, Murdoch, and Victoria defeated Cryme Tyme and Candice when Victoria pins Candice with the Window's Peak(C) -Umaga crushes Jeff Hardy with the Samoan Spike(C+) -Abyss pins WWE Interconinental Champion Super Crazy to win the championship with a pair of Black Hole Slams(B+) -Mark Henry pins Shawn Michaels with the World's Strongest Slam(B-) -The Great Khali defeated Triple H via disqualification when Triple H failed to take Khali off of his feet, so the Game opted to use a sledgehammer to even the odds, laying out Khali(B) -Carlito pins CM Punk with the Backstabber(B+) -Mickie James retained her WWE Women's Championship against Ariel with the Mickie DDT(C-) -Bobby Lashley and Ric Flair defeated World Tag Team Champions MNM II via disqualificaton when Flair assaulted his own partner. Flair, Masters, and Nitro assaulted Lashley, bloodying him, before standing over his fallen body, flashing the four fingers! (A) -Brock Lesnar captured the WWE Championship against John Cena with the F-5(A*) [B]WWE Royal Rumble 2008[/B] -The Great Khali pins Triple H with the Tree Slam in a No Holds Barred Match. Hunter threw everything he had at Khali but the monster refused to go down(B+) -Deuce and Domino retained their WWE Tag Team Titles against the Gringo Killerz and Paul London and Brian Kendrick when Domino pins London after Kendrick accidentally hit him with a missile dropkick(C+) -Mickie James pins Ariel with the Mickie DDT to retain the WWE Women's Championship(B-) -Matt Hardy pins Montel Vontavious Porter with the Twist of Fate(A*) -World Heavyweight Champion King Ken Kennedy defeated Kane to retain the title with the Kenton Bomb(A*) -Brock Lesnar retains his WWE Championship against John Cena with the F-5 off the top rope(A) -Matt Hardy won the 2008 Royal Rumble, entering at Number One. The Final Four consisted off Hardy, Triple H, Edge(Who as Number Thirty), and Batista. Batista was eliminated by Triple H. Edge was eliminated by Matt Hardy. This led to a confrontation between Matt Hardy and Triple H, with both men trading punches. Triple H kneed Hardy in the head and took his time setting up the Pedigree. This allowed Hardy to counter with a catapault sending Hunter into the corner. A pair of dropkicks before Hardy clotheslines Triple H to the floor to gain the title shot at Wrestlemania(B) [The Tag Team of London and Kendrick break up after the Royal Rumble, with London injuring Kendrick with a piledriver and a vicious Shooting Sta Press after they lost a tag team title match with Deuce and Domino. Rhino also made his return to the WWE, aligning with Chris Masters, Johnny Nitro, and Ric Flair, battering Bobby Lashley. Carlito joined the group a week later, turning on the Great Khali. Flair announces that Masters, Nitro, Rhino, and Carlito will be the Next Generation Horsemen, with Flair in the JJ Dillion role. Also, Triple H defeated John Cena to become the number one contender for Brock Lesnar's WWE Championship at Wrestlemania] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE No Way Out 2008-Smackdown Brand Pay Per View[/COLOR][/B] -Chuck Palumbo pins the Miz with a Swinging Uranage Slam in a Dark Match(C+) -Paul London pins Booker T after delivering a low blow and small package, after faking a knee injury(A) -WWE Tag Team Champions Deuce and Domino defeated Kane in a handicap match with a double team neckbreaker. They attempt to take Kane out of action, but [B]Mick Foley[/B] rushes out, helping Kane fight off the champions(B-) -Montel Vontavious Porter defeated James Storm with the Playmaker(A) -WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio pins Batista after reversing the Batista Bomb into a flash pin off of a rana rollup. Batista confronted Raw Superstar John Cena(who was in the crowd as a spectactor tonight). Words and eventually fists were exchanged, before security broke up the brawl. (B) -Matt Hardy pins Edge with the Twist of Fate to retain his World Heavyweight Championship Match at Wrestlemania(B+) -Eric Young pins WWE Cruiserweight Champion Homicide after Homicide hit shoulder first into the post and Young rolled up Homcide from behind to capture the Cruiserweight Title.(C+) -World Heavyweight Champion King Ken Kennedy defeated The Undertaker after Umaga ran out and knocked out the Undertaker with the Samoan Spike. After the match, Umaga broke the Undertaker's ribs with four huge splashes, as Armando Estrada looked on, before challenging the Undertaker to a match at Wrestlemania and vowing Umaga would be the one to end the streak(A) [B]WWE Wrestlemania 24[/B] -Snitsky won a Dark Match battle royal, last eliminating Booker T(B+) -Montel Vontavious Porter won Money in the Bank IV, defeating Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, Abyss, James Storm, and Paul London to win a championship at either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship between now and Wrestlemania 25. (B+) -WWE Tag Team Champions Deuce and Domino defeated Mick Foley and Kane when Deuce pins Mick Foley with the Superfly Splash(B-) -The Undertaker pins Umaga with two Tombstone Piledrivers to continue the streak in Smackdown vs Raw Match(A) -Rey Mysterio retains the WWE United States Championship against Edge with the West Coast Pop(A*) -Batista pins John Cena with the Batista Bomb in a Smackdown versus Raw Battle(A*) -Bobby Lashley, CM Punk, Super Crazy, and the Great Khali defeated the Four Horsemen(Rhino, Chris Masters, Johnny Nitro, and Carlito) when Punk pins Nitro with the GTS(B+) -WWE Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar defeated Triple H via disqualfiication when Lesnar faked getting hit with the title belt. Triple H attacks both Lesnar and the referee, hitting them with the Pedigrees(A) -WWE Women's Champion Mickie James pins Beth Phoenix with the Mickie DDT(D) -Matt Hardy finally reached the top of the mountain, capturing the World Heavyweight Championship, pinning King Ken Kennedy with the Twist of Fate in over forty minutes of great wrestling action(A*) (Jamie Noble captured the WWE Cruiserweight Championship against Homicide and Eric Young in a Triple Threat Match, after Noble took advantage of the bad blood between Homicide and Young, scoring the pin on Young) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Backlash 2008-Raw Brand Pay Per View[/COLOR][/B] -John Cena defeated Carlito with the STFU(A*) -WWE Tag Team Champions Deuce and Domino won a tag team turmoil match, to earn a World Tag Team Title Shot. Other teams were: The New Breed, Balls Mahoney and Eugene, The Highlanders, Jimmy Wang Yang and Chuck Palumbo, Cyrme Tyme, the Dalton Boys, William Regal and Dave Taylor, Mark Henry and Snitsky, Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty, Cade and Murdoch, The World's Greatest Tag Team, and Super Crazy and Jeff Hardy. -Umaga defeated the Great Khali with three Samoan Spikes and a Samoan Spike off the second rope(B-) - Bobby Lashley and Rhino battled to a wild double disqualification when they both wiped out the referee on different occassions. Ric Flair ran in afterwards but Lashley speared him. Rhino managed to Gore Lashley, knocking him out. Rhino pulled back the ring mats and prepared to piledrive Lashley off the ring apron to the exposed concrete but several wrestlers, referees, and security came out, to stop Rhino. Rhino decided to Gore Eugene through the barricade as a consolation prize(A) -WWE Interconinental Champion Abyss pinned CM Punk after hitting him with a chain when James Mitchell distracted the referee. (B+) -Triple H and Shawn Michaels defeated Money in the Bank Winner Montel Vontavious Porter and WWE Champion Brock Lesnar when Triple H pins Lesnar with the Pedigree(B+) (The night at Backlash featured the Draft Lottery 2008. Jeff Hardy, Umaga, Cryme Tyme, and Kenny Dykstra found their way over to Smackdown. MVP, Chuck Palumbo, Kane, and Batista made their way over to the Raw brand. Also, Deuce and Domino captured the World Tag Team Titles from MNM II, becoming the first team to hold the WWE and World Tag Team Titles at the same time. ) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Judgement Day 2008-Smackdown Brand Pay Per View[/COLOR][/B] -Rey Mysterio retained his WWE United States Championship against Edge with the 6-1-9 and West Coast Pop(A) -Paul London and Jillian Hall defeats Brian Kendrick and Ashley when London pins Ashley with a DDT. After the match, London and Jillian injured Ashley with a Spike Piledriver(C+) -Homicide defeats Jeff Hardy with the Lariat(B+) -MNM II defeated Deuce and Domino to win the World and WWE Tag Team Titles when Nitro pins Deuce with a roll up after Melina interfered(B) -Umaga defeated the Undertaker with the Samoan Spike. After the match, Umaga laid out the Undertaker with another Samoan Spike, before dragging him to the Spanish Announcer's Table and splashing the Dead Man through it. Taker was forced to be carried out on a stretcher, a rarity for the Dead Man. (B) -James Storm pins Booker T with the Superkick(A) -World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy defeated King Ken Kennedy to retain the World Heavyweight Championship with the Twist of Fate off the top rope, in another near hour classic match. This was Kennedy's last match under the King Ken Kennedy moniker, as there will be a new king in June for the King of the Ring Tournament(A*) [B]Important Storylines You Need to Know Leading Into KOTR[/B] -To replace the cancelled One Night Stand Pay Per View, WWE has brought back the King of the Ring Tournament, contested between both Raw and Smackdown, instead of just Smackdown as the case was in 2006 and 2007. So far, the following qualifying bouts have happened. -Chuck Palumbo defeated Elijah Burke(Raw, Week One, May 2008) -Kenny Dykstra defeated Eric Young(Smackdown, Week One, May 2008) -Snitsky defeated the Great Khail(Raw, Week Two, May 2008) -Jeff Hardy pins Chavo Guerrero(Smackdown Week Two, May 2008) -Carlito defeats Kane(Raw Week Three, May 2008) -Brian Kendrick over Homicide(Smackdown Week Three, May 2008) -CM Punk over Abyss(Raw, Week Four, May 2008) -Paul London pins James Storm(Smackdown Week Four, May 2008) -The Four Horsemen have been on a tear, adding another chapter to the legacy of this storied stable. Most of their wrath has been focused on Bobby Lashley, but recently, they have turned their attention to both the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and Number One Contender Triple H, interfering in a hyped title match on Raw, causing a no contest. They also interfered in the business of Money in the Bank Winner MVP and Shawn Michaels. Raw General Manager Kevin Nash announced that the Horsemen will have to put up or shut up at King of the Ring, as the main event will be the first ever War Games Match in the history of WWE. The Horsemen of Chris Masters, Johnny Nitro, Carlito, Rhino, and Ric Flair will face off against Brock Lesnar, Triple H, MVP, Shawn Michaels, and Bobby Lashley. -Despite being teammates at King of the Ring, Triple H and Brock Lesnar don't like each other. They teamed up in an attempt to wrestle the World Tag Team Titles away from MNM II, but failed due to a miscommunication which caused Johnny Nitro to score the biggest win over his career against Triple H. Lesnar and the Game argued, before getting suckered into a brutal five on two beatdown from the Horsemen, who had managed to find a way to lock Lashley, Michaels, and MVP out of the building, so the save could not be made. -The war between Batista and John Cena that started just before Wrestlemania gained new life when Batista was drafted to the Raw Brand. Nothing was settled in the first one on one match between these two men on Raw, which will lead to another match at King of the Ring. -Abyss has been dominating the Raw midcard as WWE Interconconinental Champion but his toughest foe is without a doubt CM Punk. Punk came close to winning the title at Backlash, had it not been for James Mitchell and a chain. Punk proved that he had Abyss's number further, by pinning him in the King of the Ring Tournament. Unfortunately for Punk, the Interconinental Title was not on the line. Abyss is not likely to forget this loss, which may spell trouble for Punk as he competes in the King of the Ring Tournament. -Since coming over from Smackdown, Kane has had a series of confrontations with one Mark Henry. Henry cost Kane a KOTR qualifying match against Carlito a couple of weeks ago and the Big Red Machine jumped Henry after he destroyed Robbie of the Highlanders last week, and brawled with the World's Strongest Man to the back. -MVP has the Money in the Bank Contract that he can cash in on at any time. Whomever the WWE Champion is has to be looking over his shoulder at all times. -Mickie James has been a fighting WWE Women's Champion since winning the title at Unforgiven 2007, but Smackdown's Jillian Hall poses the latest threat to her title. As it turns out, the clause indicating that any woman from Raw or Smackdown can challenge for the Women's Title that was issued at the beginning of the brand extension in 2002 was never overturned, so Jillian challenged Mickie to a title bout at the dual-brand King of the Ring Pay Per View, which the Women's Champion accepted. -Over on Smackdown, WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio has earned the right to challenge World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy for his belt at King of the Ring, beating Umaga by disqualification, before gutting it out at less than one hundred percent and pinning Jeff Hardy with the West Coast Pop, to earn the ever important World Heavyweight Title Shot. Rey has made it clear that he wants to hold both the World Heavyweight Championship and the United States Championship at the same time, but Matt Hardy will not go down without a fight. -Umaga injured the Undertaker at Judgement Day, but the Undertaker sent in a video promo form a graveyard, saying that Umaga will meet his maker in due time and he will be buried alive. Umaga freaked out after seeing an open grave as this promo was shown. -MNM II surrendered the WWE Tag Team Titles, when they declared they had no intention of competing on the Smackdown brand. The vacant tag team titles were put up in a TLC Match, involving the Gringo Killerz, The Hardy Boyz, Rey and Sabu, and Deuce and Domino. The Gringo Killerz managed to outlast the three other teams, capturing the belts, when their manager, Konnan, knocked Jeff Hardy off the ladder and sent him crashing through a table. -Mr. Kennedy was attacked by Edge after a match one week on Smackdown. It turns out Edge hasn't quite forgiven Mr. Kennedy using his Money in the Bank Contract and beating Edge for the World Heavyweight Title at Cyber Sunday. Smackdown General Theodore Long has announced Mr. Kennedy and Edge for King of the Ring. -Eric Young has been chasing WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble for his title over the past couple of weeks. Most recently, Eric Young teamed with Jimmy Wang Yang to defeat Gregory Helms and Noble in a tag team match, when Young pinned Noble. A cruiserweight Title Match should be forthcoming in recent weeks. -The feud between Brian Kendrick and Paul London continues, with London staying one step ahead of Kendrick on every occassion, including injuring Kendrick's valet, Ashley, with the help of Jillian Hall. Kendrick will finally get his hands on London in a King of the Ring Tournament Match this week on Smackdown. [B][U]WWE Roster(Wrestlers Only)[/B][/U] Heels are in Bold [COLOR=red][B]Raw Brand Superstars[/COLOR][/B] General Mananger: Kevin Nash [B]Abyss(WWE Interconinental Champion) Ariel[/B] Balls Mahoney [B]Batista Beth Phoenix[/B] Bobby Lashley [B]Brock Lesnar(WWE Heavyweight Champion)[/B] Candice Michelle [B]Carlito Charlie Haas Chris Masters(World Tag Team Champion)[/B] Chuck Palumbo CM Punk [B]Elijah Burke[/B] Eugene Hardcore Holly John Cena [B]Johnny Nitro(World Tag Team Champion)[/B] Kane [B]Lance Cade Marcus Cor Von[/B] Maria [B]Mark Henry Melina[/B] Mickie James(WWE Women's Champion) [B]Montel Vontavious Porter Rene Dupree Rhino Ric Flair[/B] Robbie McAllistair Rory McAllistair Shawn Michaels [B]Shelton Benjamin Snitsky[/B] Stevie Richards Super Crazy The Great Khali Tommy Dreamer [B]Trevor Murdoch[/B] Triple H Val Venis Viscera [COLOR=blue][B]Smackdown Brand Superstars:[/B][/COLOR] General Manager: Theodore Long [B]Booker T[/B] Brian Kendrick [B]Chavo Guerrero(WWE Tag Team Champion) Deuce Domino Dorian Dalton Edge[/B] Eric Young Frankie Kazarian Funaki [B]Gregory Helms Homicide(WWE Tag Team Champion)[/B] James Storm [B]Jamie Noble(WWE Cruiserweight Champion)[/B] Jeff Hardy [B]Jillian Hall[/B] Jimmy Wang Yang JTG [B]Kenny Dykstra Little Guido[/B] Matt Hardy(World Heavyweight Champion) [B]Matt Striker The Miz Mr Kennedy Paul London Ray Dalton[/B] Rey Mysterio(WWE United States Champion) [B]Ricky Banderas[/B] Sabu Scotty 2 Hotty Shad Shannon Moore The Undertaker [B]Umaga Vladimir Koslov William Regal[/B]
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[COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Preview for Week One, June 2008[/COLOR][/B] We are six days away from King of the Ring and the superstars of Raw prepare to get in their last words prior to the big Pay Per View Event. The King of the Ring Tournament continues with the first two quarterfinal round bouts(the other two taking place on Smackdown this Friday). In the first match, Snitsky faces off against Chuck Palumbo. In the second quarterfinal round match, CM Punk collides with Carlito. Both of these matches have high stakes, as the two winners move forth to the Semifinals this Sunday at King of the Ring. The final will be an interbrand affair between the Raw and Smackdown superstars. Last week, Johnny Nitro scored the biggest victory in his career, pinning Triple H in the center of the ring in a tag team match. On Raw, Triple H wants retribution as he goes one on one with Johnny Nitro. Both these men will be part of the first ever War Games Match in WWE history this Sunday at King of the Ring and no doubt the other eight men in that match will be in the building. At King of the Ring, Batista and John Cena will collide one on one. Batista scored the big win over Cena at Wrestlemania 24 but the second battle went to an inconclusive finish. The score may be settled at King of the Ring, but the fact remains both John Cena and Batista will be in the building this Monday on Raw. In addition, Mickie James and Candice team up to face off against Jillian and Melina in women's tag team action and The Great Khali goes one on one with Shelton Benjamin of the World's Greatest Tag Team. All this and much more, Monday night on Raw. [B]Quick Card:[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: Snitsky vs Chuck Palumbo KOTR Quarterfinal: Carlito vs CM Punk Johnny Nitro vs Triple H Jillian and Melina vs Mickie James and Candice Shelton Benjamin vs the Great Khali
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Sounds very intresting, you've got yourself a reader :D KOTR Quarterfinal: [B]Snitsky[/B] vs Chuck Palumbo KOTR Quarterfinal: [B]Carlito[/B] vs CM Punk Johnny Nitro vs [B]Triple H[/B] [B]Jillian and Melina[/B] vs Mickie James and Candice Shelton Benjamin vs [B]the Great Khali[/B]
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[B]Heat Tapings:[/B] Hardcore Productions defeated The New Breed when Holly pins Burke with the Alabama Slam in 4:37(B-) Beth Phoenix pins Maria with a split legged power bomb in 2:22(C) Abyss retains his WWE Intercontinental Title against Super Crazy after countering a bodyscissors roll up with a choke slam(A) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Monday Week One, June 2008[/COLOR][/B] A video is played, hyping up the events of last Monday on Raw, all leading up to the historic War Games Match this Sunday at King of the Ring(B+) We are live from the Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey in front of a sold out crowd! Your announcers are Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler and they send us down to the ring for the first bout tonight on Raw. [COLOR=red][B]Johnny Nitro(w/Melina and Chris Masters) squares off against Triple H[/COLOR][/B] Triple H dominates the early portion in the match, battering Nitro but Melina distracted the referee, allowing Masters to sneak in and attack Hunter. Nitro batters Triple H, hitting a reverse neckbreaker and a nice abdominal stretch, using the ropes for leverage but the Game fights out. Running Knee to the face and huge spinebuster rocks Johnny Nitro. Huge DDT rocks Nitro and Triple H covers for a close nearfall. Triple H goes for the Pedigree but Nitro counters with a low blow and hits the Director’s Cut, bridging for a nearfall. Nitro goes up top but Triple H catches him with a powerslam on the way off. Facebuster across the knee and Pedigree number two connects. Triple H prepares to go for the pin but Chris Masters rushes into the ring, catching Triple H right in the face with the Polish Hammer at 8:38, prompting the referee to call for the disqualification (B) Masters pummels Triple H, and locks on the Masterlock. Chris Masters punishes the Game but Triple H manages to break the hold before knocking Masters to the canvas. Rhino rushes out and attacks Triple H. MNM II joins the Man Beast in a three on one assault with a stompfest until Bobby Lashley runs out. Clotheslines send Masters and Nitro rocking but Rhino manages to knock Lashley down with a huge running clothesline, before a three on one beatdown occurs on Masters. Shawn Michaels rushes out and attempts to make the save, but gets destroyed himself by three of the four horsemen. Finally, Hunter gets his sledgehammer and manages to back off his foes, needing a weapon to do so. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Jillian and Melina vs. Candice and Mickie James(WWE Women’s Champion[/COLOR][/B] King of the Ring will feature Mickie defending her belt against Jillian. The babyface divas knock the heels around, sending them packing. Candice and Melina trade punches with Melina digging into the eyes, gaining the advantage. Candice is double teamed in the corner, including a nice inverted atomic drop/flying axe handle combination which scores a nearfall. Candice knocks both Melina and Jillian back with a double clothesline and tags in Mickie James. Mickie rushes into the ring, knocking both of her foes backwards. Mickie drives Melina down with the Mickie DDT but she is not the legal woman. Jillian grabs a double handful of hair from behind, before ramming the head of Mickie down into the canvas for the pin in 3:53(C+) Raw General Manager Kevin Nash makes his way out, talking about War Games this Sunday. Nash reminds us that he has competed in four War Games Matches in his career back in WCW, so he has an idea of the brutality involved. Nash runs down the rules for those who have never watched the old NWA/WCW. The battle will happen inside a steel cage structure with a roof on it. Two men will start out and then after five minutes, a coin toss will happen, with one team getting a one man advantage. Every two minutes, each team alternates sending a new man into the ring. The match cannot end until all ten men are in the ring and the only way to win is to make the opposing team surrender or submit. Nash promises blood and carnage inside the cage this Sunday at King of the Ring. Tonight there will be a little preview in a six man tag team match, based on the battle that happened later tonight when MNM II and Rhino square off against Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Bobby Lashley. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]King of the Ring Quarterfinal Round Match: Carlito(w/Ric Flair) vs. CM Punk[/COLOR][/B] The winner will face off against the winner of Snitsky and Chuck Palumbo at King of the Ring. Carlito and CM Punk trades holds, with Punk managing to gain the advantage with a pair of swift gutwrench suplex. Running dropkick by Punk but Ric Flair grabs the leg of Punk, allowing Carlito to dropkick Punk from behind and deliver a pair of European Uppercuts. Carlito delivers a tilt a whirl backbreaker and works the back of Punk with a bow and arrow submission and some stomps. Attempted backstabber but Punk fights his way out of the hold. Spinning leg lariat and Punk favors his back, before delivering a dropkick to the knee. Attempted Go to Sleep but Punk’s back is too hurt and Carlito slides down, before kneeing Punk in the back and connecting with the Backstabber! Carlito covers Punk, but Punk manages to drape his foot over the rope at two and three fourths. Carlito looks enraged and goes for another Backstabber but Punk counters with a headbutt. Dropkick to the leg and Carlito is on his knees before Punk rocks him with a running knee to the face, before making the cover and scoring the pin in 6:40 to advance to the semifinals of the King of the Ring Tournament. (A*) Todd Grisham stands backstage with his special guest, the Great Khali. Khali goes over his past problems with the World’s Greatest Tag Team, as only he can. The gist of what Khali says is that he promises to break Shelton Benjamin in the center of the ring and warns Charlie Haas not to get in the way. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Robbie McAllister in a non title match[/COLOR][/B] Clothesline, Clothesline, F-5, pin in 0:37 for Lesnar. (B-) Out come the Horsemen as Lesnar stands in the ring. They rush down into the ring but Lesnar escapes to the floor, before grabbing a steel chair. The Horsemen attempt to follow Lesnar but Lesnar fights them off with a steel chair long enough until security comes out. Lesnar doesn’t seem to want to jeopardize his health this close to War Games Match. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Shelton Benjamin takes on the Great Khali[/COLOR][/B] Shelton uses his quickness to outfox Khali right at the get go. Series of kicks to the leg and a spin kick, but Khali remains on his feet. To the top rope and missile dropkick but Khali remains on his feet. Attempted kick but Khali catches the leg and huge chop to the knock of the head, knocking Shelton to his feet. Khali raises his arms, giving a mighty bellow, before hoisting up Shelton and flinging him into the corner with a king sized biel. Shelton staggers right into a double handed throat before Khali hoists him up and turns around before planting Shelton with a vicious Tree Slam! Khali covers Shelton hooking the leg and scores the pin in 3:02. After the match, Charlie Haas comes out but Khali raises his hand threateningly, causing Haas’s eyes to go wide and back off at the power of the Great Khali. (B-) MVP makes his way down to the ring, flaunting his Money in the Bank briefcase to loud boos from the fans. He talks about being part of War Games and talks about how the Raw All-Star team could not function without the MVP. He is the franchise player on Raw and can become WWE Champion at any time, all he has to do is cash in on the contract in his briefcase. Tonight, MVP will square off against Kane. Nearly two years ago, Kane burned MVP but Kane will be the one to be burned tonight, when MVP humbles Kane in the center of the ring. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Kane[/COLOR][/B] “Let’s Go Kane” chants to start as Kane pummels MVP at the bell, knocking him around with a series of uppercuts and a Yakuza Kick. MVP gets to his feet and Kane hoists up MVP before knocking him down with a side slam. Kane lifts up MVP and whips him into the corner. The Big Red Machine charges in but MVP moves and Kane crotches himself in the corner. Kicks to the back of the leg of Kane, dropkick to the back of the head, before MVP spins Kane around and punches at him. MVP measures Kane before rushing him and knocking Kane with the running boot to the face. Kane falls to the canvas and MVP rolls him over, before delivering a pump splash for a two count. Punches and a kneelift before MVP does a leaping DDT for another close two count. MVP goes up to but Kane catches him with a clothesline as he comes off. Kane pummels MVP, deliver a snake eyes turnbuckle drop. Kane goes up top and leaps off with the clothesline but MVP uses the referee as a shield and Kane wipes out the referee! MVP goes for a kick but Kane spins MVP around before grabbing him by the throat and Choke Slam from Hell bounces him off the canvas! No referee but [B]Mark Henry makes his way down to the ring![/ B] Kane sees Henry and leaps over the top rope but Henry catches Kane before ramming him into the ringpost! Kane’s back cracks against the ringpost and Henry scoops up Kane before slamming him into the ringsteps! Henry rolls Kane back into the ring before walking off. MVP lifts up Kane as the referee comes to and casually hits the Playmaker to score the pin in 6:55 thanks to a little help from Mark Henry. (A) Charlie Haas gives Shelton Benjamin hell for getting crushed by the Great Khali. Shelton waves it off but asking Haas if he thinks he can do any better. Haas says he can beat anyone on the Raw brand. Shelton nods, saying that he hopes so, as he signed Charlie Haas up for a match against a very special opponent. Haas remarks that he is up for the challenger and declares that perhaps Shelton should take some notes. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Charlie Haas(w/Shelton Benjamin) vs. Eugene[/COLOR][/B] Eugene plays to the crowd as Haas looks to be disgusted with Benjamin’s choice of opponent. He slaps Eugene at the bell before attempting a fireman’s carry but Eugene counters with a deep armdrag. Another pair of deep armdrags and Eugene steps back before delivering a dropkick. Haas gets knocked around and Eugene delivers an atomic drop, and Haas flips to his back. Eugene grabs the legs of Haas and jack-knife cradle for a two count but Haas counters with a backslide for a two count of his own. Eugene rolls up Haas in a small package for another close two count. Haas catches Eugene with a knee to the face, before going behind and delivering a German Suplex into a bridge. Bridge for the cover but Eugene kicked out for a two and a half count. Haas picks up Eugene and forearms to the face, before delivering a Northern Lights Suplex for another nearfall! Haas works over Eugene some more, before turning to Benjamin and declaring that he’s going to finish him off but Eugene rolls up Haas out of nowhere in a small package to score the pin in 4:30. (A*) Shelton Benjamin jumps into the ring, attacking Eugene. Haas joins him in a two on one assault on Eugene, as Jim Ross damns them to hell on the commentary, calling them a pair of bullies. The crowd cheers as the Great Khali lumbers out. The World’s Greatest Tag Team heads for the hills, as the Great Khali bends down, checking on Eugene, who was battered by the WGTT. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]KOTR Quarterfinal Match Snitsky vs. Chuck Palumbo[/COLOR][/B] Winner faces CM Punk this Sunday. Snitsky attacks Palumbo before he could get his entrance gear off, pummeling him with punches and chokes but Palumbo goes to the eyes, before stepping back and running shoulderblock knocking Snitsky to the floor. Snitsky kicks the ring steps and Palumbo rushes to the floor, before throwing him into the guardrail, before throwing him into the ring. Palumbo enters the ring and chops away at Snitsky before delivering a huge powerslam. Torture Rack applied but Snitsky fights out of that hold and running high kick knocks Palumbo to the canvas. Snitsky lifts up Palumbo in a choke before hoisting him up and throwing him into the ropes. Clothesline drills Palumbo and Snitsky hooks Palumbo before delivering a huge belly to belly suplex for a close nearfall. Snitsky pummels Palumbo and scoops up, before delivering a backbreaker. To the second rope and Snitsky plays the crowd before leaping off but Palumbo blasts him in the jaw. The crowd cheers as Palumbo makes his way up to his feet. Superkick rocks Snitsky, before hooking the leg for a nearfall. Palumbo picks up Snitsky and whips him into the ropes. Clothesline is ducked and Palumbo ducks the head on the way down. Knee to the head of Snitsky and he hoists him before drilling him down with a pumphandle slam. Snitsky covers and scores the pin to advance to the semifinals in 4:43(A) Batista makes his way down to the ring, in a very expensive suit. Batista talks about John Cena, putting him over as one of the greatest young talents on Raw today, but also adds that Cena is not on the level of Batista. Batista says that Cena might have beaten Triple H, but did he beat the Game on three Pay Per Views in a row like Batista did? Batista asks if Cena beat the Undertaker to win the World Heavyweight Title inside a Steel Cage Match. Batista reminds us that he won the 2005 Royal Rumble last eliminating John Cena but that was three years ago. Cena had improved since then but Batista reminds us that he defeated John Cena in the center of the ring just this year at Wrestlemania. Every time they have came face to face, Batista has dominated John Cena like no one has ever done in the past. Speaking of Cena, out he comes. Cena makes his way down to the ring, going face to face with the Animal. Cena says that Batista dominated Smackdown during his three years there but now the Animal is on Raw, which is John Cena’s turf. Cena says it’s true that Batista beat Cena at Wrestlemania, but can Batista do it twice in a row? This Sunday at King of the Ring, we’ll find out. Batista looks at Cena, before stepping back and nodding. Cena turns around, but Batista just walks off, before getting on the microphone, saying that he wants Cena at one hundred percent for Sunday, so there will be no excuses. Cena nods, saying that he’ll see him on Sunday. (A*) [COLOR=red][B]MNM II and Rhino(w/Ric Flair and Melina) take on Bobby Lashley, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H[/COLOR][/B] War Games gets one more big plug during the entrances. A huge brawl between all six men start out, with the Horsemen getting knocked to the floor. Lashley knocks around the heels for quite some time, before bringing in Triple H, allowing the Game to deliver Masters with a huge spinebuster. Leaping kneedrop to the chest of Masters, before Triple H, before delivering a pair of knees but Nitro manages to knee Triple H in the back, causing Masters to knock Triple H. Lots of double and triple teaming action in the corner, with Flair getting in on the action whenever he can when the back of the referee is turned. Nitro gets knocked down with a clothesline after Triple H ducks an elbowsmash. Tag made to Shawn Michaels who is a house of fire. Punches to all and Michaels hits a huge slam, before delivering a leaping knee to the face of Nitro. Dropkick knocks Masters to the floor and Michaels goes up. Flying Elbowdrop on Nitro but Rhino runs Michaels over with a clothesline. Michaels is dragged in the corner for more double and triple teaming, working over the neck of Michaels, before the Masterlock is applied for an extended amount of time. Michaels fights out but Masters delivers a full nelson slam for a close nearfall. Masters pummels Michaels, before hoisting up Masters in a Gorilla Press but Michaels drops down and knocks Masters with a running elbow to the face. Race to the corner and tag made to Rhino. Rhino goes after Michaels, but he makes the tag to Bobby Lashley. Lashley rushes into the ring, exploding into Rhino with a running shoulderblock. Nitro leaps off the second rope towards Lashley but he catches him and over head belly to belly suplex. Nitro pulls his way out and Triple H steps back, knocking Nitro to the floor with an elbowsmash. Masters enters the ring and dumps Hunter to the floor. Masters jumps to the floor, as Bobby Lashley whips Rhino into the corner, before running spear delivered to Rhino in the corner. He scoops up Rhino and Running Powerslam delivered to Rhino as HBK climbs to the top rope as MNM II batter Triple H on the floor. Nitro and Masters turn around and Michaels leaps onto him with a flying cross body press. Lashley has Rhino at a disadvantage but Ric Flair is on the ring apron. Lashley gets his hands on Flair, launching him into the ring. Flair begs off but Lashley will have none of that and nearly murders Flair with a huge spear. Flair twitches madly as Rhino is up and couched into the corner. Lashley turns around, [B]right into the Gore![/B] The crowd explodes into boos as Lashley has just been destroyed by that vicious Gore from Rhino. Rhino hooks the leg for the cover in 17:38 to score the pin(A*) The Horsemen leave the ringside area, with Carlito coming out to join in the celebration. The Horsemen go into War Games this Sunday on a major roll. Good night everyone. [B]Overall Show Rating: B+[/B] [B]Quick and Dirty Results:[/B] Triple H over Johnny Nitro Jillian and Melina over Candice and Mickie CM Punk over Carlito Brock Lesnar over Robbie McAllister Great Khali over Shelton Benjamin MVP over Kane Eugene over Charlie Haas Snitsky over Chuck Palumbo MNM II and Rhino over Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Bobby Lashley. ********************************************************* Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to announce the World Wrestling Entertainment 2008-Alternate Reality, Prediction League. That's right, you get points for correctly predicting matches. At the end of the year there will be prizes for the poster with the highest standings in the League. Here's show it works. (A)I post the prediction, with people having at least a day(maybe more) to get in their predictions. There should be anywhere for 3-6 matches per television shows, with 7-10 for Pay Per View events. (B)The card is posted and I update the standings (C)For Television Cards, points will be normal. However, for single brand Pay Per Views, points will be doubled and on dual brand Pay Per Views points will be tripled! Still, despite the large point distributions for Pay Per Views, every point counts. A point might be the difference between the winner and the runner up! You can jump in any time throughout the year. There will be many chances to earn points with eight television shows and one(or in the case of June, November, and January two) Pay Per Views per month. So what will the prize be. You have two options. (A) You can call up any wrestler from developmental and choose the brand that he will go to upon his call up. (B)For a riskier use of your price, you can pick any wrestler on the TNA roster for me to poach. Of course, you run the risk of your prize being a waste, as they might turn down my offer for some misguided reason to compete in TNA. [B]The Standings:[/B] Lexa90: 4/5 Only one poster predicting on the last card, but I didn't expect much, because this diary started. Don't worry, because there will be many more chances to earn points. The Smackdown preview should be posted later tonight, along with a couple of news posts, talking about what's going on outside of the WWE.
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Tuesday-Friday News Updates for the World of Wrestling: [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News Update for Tuesday Week One, June 2008[/B][/I][/U] TNA Impact, the most stagnant show on Earth, was taped on Monday for Thursday’s airing. Six Years and TNA continues to run on the treadmill. Vince Russo is still booking. In 2008, the man is stuck in 1998. Let’s recap the events that will air on Thursday: -Andy Douglas defeated Chris Sabin in a match between two guys who are going nowhere fast. I’m wondering who Sabin pissed off lately, as he has been nothing but a jobber. Hell, Shannon Moore over on Smackdown, who has served no purpose other than Umaga’s bitch in back to back squash matches has been having a better career in wrestling than Mr. Sabin as of late. -Christopher Daniels defended his X-Division Title against three other men. Yes, Daniels is still marooned in the X-Division after all these years. For all who care, the guys who he fought were Austin Starr, Chase Stevens, and Sonjay Dutt. Top flight X-Division talent here. Yay! Go Daniels! Way to beat the jobbers. -Kurt Angle defeated Christian Cage. This match wasn’t even the main event folks and it happened on free television, with no build. This is why TNA will be distant second at best and at the rate they’re going, ROH will pass them to number two. Still the best match of the show. -The main event featured Scott Steiner and TNA World Champion Samoa Joe destroying TNA Tag Team Champions Team Pro(AJ Styles and Jay Lethal). Joe and Steiner did the wacky mismatched partners that don’t get along thing, but still managed to defeat the champions. Way to go TNA. AAA may actually be a worse show then TNA. They held a show in the Tri State area. There are some damn good drugs down in Mexico. Maybe Kurt Angle should go down there. The main event featured El Zorro beating Octagon. No title matches, just another ****ty AAA show. ZIMAX was a pretty acceptable show. Don’t know much about Puroresu other than the big three, but Shinjiro Otani beating Masato Tanaka in what was said to be a great main event. Tanaka’s AWA World Championship was not on the line. I’m personally counting down the days when Greg Gagne makes his way over to Japan and takes his rightful place as AWA Champion. Dragon Gate is a fun little promotion CIMA retained his Open the Dream Gate Title against occasional ROH superstar, Naruki Doi. Also, Ryo Saito retained his Open the Brave Gate Title against one half of the ROH Tag Team Champions, Shingo Takagi. Masato Yoshino defeated Kaz Hayashi in the match of the evening. FIP had their monthly supercard this month, dubbed “My Enemy” headlined by the long awaited Grudge Match between FIP Heavyweight Champion Roderick Strong defending his title against Nigel McGuinness. A quick rundown of the events of that night: -Kory Chavis defeated Jerelle Clark. -Jay Briscoe pins Sean Davis -Matt Sydal over Davey Richards -Jack Evans over Jimmy Rave -Mark Briscoe and Adam Pearce defeated Bryan Danielson and BJ Whitmer -Finally, in the main event, in what was reported to be one of the best FIP matches of the year, Roderick Strong made Nigel McGuinness submit to the Strong Hold to keep his title. This may been the best FIP battle since Strong’s battle with Bryan Danielson for the belt at the December “To the Death” Show. Get the DVD folks, it looks like a pretty damn good show. Also SHIMMER held taped their latest DVD, dubbed, Good Times Gone Bad. Quick results are -Cindy Rogers over Nikki Roxx -Mercedes Martinez and Rain defeated Tiana Ringer and Ariel(not to the WWE Raw Diva) -Ms. Chif and Malia Hosaka retained SHIMMER World Tag Team Titles against Lacey and Alicia -Lexie Fyfe defeated Christie Ricci -The main event featured Amazing Kong retaining her SHIMMER World Title against Jazz in a brutal vicious brawl, that caused both women to lose a great deal of blood but Kong just barely outlasting Jazz. This is the end of today’s daily news update on the World of Wrestling. See you tomorrow [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News Update for June 2008 Week One, Wednesday[/B][/I][/U] The big news from day is the recent woes of the CMLL promotion, the oldest wrestling promotion in the world. Attendance has been on the decline of the past several months. The thing is that CMLL’s show have been fairly good, compared to those utterly wretched Monday AAA shows. Still, interest in wrestling in Mexico is on the decline with the economy being on the rise. Last night’s CMLL show was held in Florida and the worst match on that show as better than the best match on that wretched AAA show on Monday. The double main event featured Mr. Aguila defeating Blue Panther and El Hijo Del Santo beating Negro Casas. Not a spectacular show, but not a bad show either. Last night’s NJPW show featured the tag team titles on the line, when Wataru Inoue and Koji Kanemoto retaining their IWGP Tag Team Titles against the duo of Hiroshi Tanahashi and Hiroyoshi Tenzan. In the main event, Manabu Nakanishi and Takao Omori defeated the team of Scott Norton and Masahiro Chono. Not too much else happened in the world of wrestling. As the Summer begins to heat up, the world of wrestling show as well. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][U][I]News and Notes for Thursday Week One, June 2008[/B][/U][/I] Apache in Japan had the first card of their June tour. Chris Kanyon made his return to wrestling, defeating Saburo Inematsu in the opening match. In title bout news, The Futurists(BADBOY Hido and Mammoth Sasaki) retained their tag team titles against the Posse(YOSHIYA and Takashi Sasaki) and in the main event, Maunakea Mossman put his Apache World Heavyweight Title on the line in a successful title match against Jun Kasai. A sellout show and a pretty fun night of wrestling action from the reports we are getting. Big Japan also had the latest show of their tour. Team Fate(Shadow WX and Tomoaki Honma) retained their tag team titles against Team Slayer(Ryuji Yamakawa and Abdullah Kobayashi). The main event of the evening featured Tomohiro Ishii defeated Ryo Saito. Nothing much of note, but a fairly solid show for a garbage wrestling company. Also, in resigning news, TNA has resigned Chase Stevens. Well, that’s a relief. I don’t know what TNA would do without the star power of Chase Stevens! That’s it for today. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News and Notes Update for Friday June 2008, Week One[/B][/I][/U] Quite the significant day in the world of wrestling, outside of the McMahon empire. Dragon Gate had another stellar show last night. Three titles were on the line. First Naruki Doi and Magnitude Kishiwada retained their WAR International Jr. Tag Team Titles against Anthony W. Mori and Keni’chiro Arai, Ryo Saito retained his Open the Brave Gate Title against Richard Slinger, and in the main event, CIMA retained his Open the Dream Gate Title against Susumu Mochizuki. Big news out of Mexico, as the CMLL Heavyweight Championship has changed hands. Chessman captured the belt, defeated El Hijo Del Santo, ending the thirteen month title reign of Santo. In other big battles in the supercard, Lizmark Jr. retained his CMLL Arena Title against Universo 2000 and a six man main event match, Aguila, Blue Panther, and Cien Caras defeated Olimpico, Bestia Salvaje, and Mascara Sagrada. CMLL’s shows are leaps and bounds better than AAA for damn sure and this was another example. Ring of Honor had their latest show this week, dubbed “The Fight of the Dragon”. Get the DVD for this one folks. Quick results. -Chad Collyer and Claudio Castagnoli defeated Larry Sweeney and El Generico. -Jack Evans pinned Lotus -Ricky Reyes defeated Jimmy Jacobs. -Brent Albright over Matt Sydal. -Chris Hero pins Ace Steel -Davey Richards over Jay Briscoe -ROH Tag Team Champion Kevin Steen over BJ Whitmer -Mark Briscoe over Nigel McGuinness in what was described as an epic encounter with a bunch of close nearfalls. Briscoe has really come into his own as a singles wrestler in ROH, since his brother’s injury kept him out for a half a year. -Adam Pearce defeated Roderick Strong -Alex Shelley makes his first defense of his newly won ROH World Heavyweight Championship, managing to come out on top with a small package against Bryan Danielson. Another great effort from Danielson, but damn if Shelley didn't keep up his end of the match. Apache had a special supercard dubbed “Where’s the Easy Button.” Another tag team title bout in the series of many between the Posse and the Futurists, with the Futurists retaining. Also Kamikaze retained his Apache National Title against MIYAWAKI and in the main event, Maunakea Mossman put his Apache World Heavyweight Title on the line against Kintaro Kanemura. In news from Japan, ROH World Heavyweight Champion and TNA wrestler Alex Shelley has signed on for a tour of NOAH. Also, Mark Jindrak will be heading the AJPW promotion for their latest tour. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Preview[/COLOR][/B] Forty Eight Hours before King of the Ring, the superstars of Smackdown prepare for the huge Pay Per View event with another edition of the most action-packaged show on Friday Night's, WWE Smackdown. This Sunday at King of the Ring, World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy and WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio will square off for Hardy's World Heavyweight Title. In an announcement made by Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long, he has announced that Mysterio and Hardy will have to team up against Deuce & Domino. Mysterio and Hardy both exchanged words and nearly fists, after the TLC Match last week, so can they coexist against the former WWE Tag Team Champions? Tune into Smackdown to find out. The King of the Ring Tournament continues with two more Quarterfinal Matches. Jeff Hardy collides with Kenny Dykstra and Brian Kendrick squares off against Paul London. London and Kendrick have had their share of confrontations as of late, since London turned on Kendrick last Winter when they failed to win the WWE Tag Team Titles against Deuce & Domino. London added more insult to injury, when he and Jillian injured Kendrick's valet Ashley with a vicious Spike Piledriver at Judgment Day. Kendrick attempts to both even the score and advance to the semifinals this Sunday. Mr. Kennedy and Edge will square off one on one at King of the Ring. This week, Mr. Kennedy will go one on one with James Storm. Kennedy might be a former World Heavyweight Champion, but could he be looking past the rough and tumble cowboy to his match with Edge on Sunday? Storm has held his own against the likes of Batista, MVP, and Edge himself in the past and Kennedy might not be in for the easiest night prior to his big match in forty eight hours against the Rated R Superstar. Plus Umaga will be in the house and a big six man tag team match will take place involving the WWE Tag Team Champions the Gringo Killerz and WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble against Eric Young, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Sabu in a six man tag team match. All this and much more on Smackdown. [B]Quick Match List[/B]: Deuce & Domino vs. Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio KOTR Quarterfinal: Kenny Dykstra vs Jeff Hardy KOTR Quarterfinal: Paul London vs. Brian Kendrick. Mr. Kennedy vs. James Storm The Gringo Killerz(Chavo Guerrero and Homicide) and Jamie Noble vs Sabu, Eric Young, and Jimmy Wang Yang.
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Deuce & Domino vs. [B]Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: Kenny Dykstra vs [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: Paul London vs. [B]Brian Kendrick.[/B] [B]Mr. Kennedy[/B] vs. James Storm [B]The Gringo Killerz(Chavo Guerrero and Homicide) and Jamie Noble[/B] vs Sabu, Eric Young, and Jimmy Wang Yang.
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Deuce & Domino vs. [B]Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: Kenny Dykstra vs[B] Jeff Hardy[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: [B]Paul London [/B]vs. Brian Kendrick. [B]Mr. Kennedy[/B] vs. James Storm [B]The Gringo Killerz(Chavo Guerrero and Homicide) and Jamie Noble[/B] vs Sabu, Eric Young, and Jimmy Wang Yang
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Deuce & Domino vs [B]Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio[/B] KOTR Quarter Finals: Kenny Dykstra vs [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] KOTR Quarter Finals: [B]Paul London[/B] vs Brian Kendrick [B]Mr. Kennedy[/B] vs James Storm [B]The Gringo Killerz(Chavo Guerrero & Homicide) and Jamie Noble[/B] vs Sabu, Eric Young, and Jimmy Wang Yang
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Deuce & Domino vs. [B]Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: Kenny Dykstra vs [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: [B]Paul London[/B] vs. Brian Kendrick. [B]Mr. Kennedy[/B] vs. James Storm [B]The Gringo Killerz(Chavo Guerrero and Homicide)[/B] and Jamie Noble vs Sabu, Eric Young, and Jimmy Wang Yang.
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[B]Deuce & Domino [/B]vs. Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio KOTR Quarterfinal: Kenny Dykstra vs [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: Paul London vs. [B]Brian Kendrick.[/B] [B]Mr. Kennedy[/B] vs. James Storm [B]The Gringo Killerz(Chavo Guerrero and Homicide) and Jamie Noble[/B] vs Sabu, Eric Young, and Jimmy Wang Yang.
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Deuce & Domino vs. [B]Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: Kenny Dykstra vs [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] KOTR Quarterfinal: [B]Paul London[/B] vs. Brian Kendrick. [B]Mr. Kennedy[/B] vs. James Storm [B]The Gringo Killerz(Chavo Guerrero and Homicide) and Jamie Noble[/B] vs Sabu, Eric Young, and Jimmy Wang Yang.
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[B]Velocity Tapings:[/B] -The Dalton Boys defeated Shannon Moore and Frankie Kazarian with the Kissing Your Cousin, in 2:15(D+) -Gregory Helms pins Eddie Kingston with the Shining Wizard in 4:36(C-) -Booker T over Ricky Banderas with the Axe Kick in 4:21(C) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Friday Week One June 2008(Taped Wednesday Week One, June 2008)[/COLOR][/B] World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy is warming up backstage when his opponent this Sunday night and WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio comes up to him. Rey informs Hardy that they have a match tonight, signed by General Manager Theodore Long, against Deuce and Domino for later tonight. Hardy doesn’t look too happy, but Rey asks Hardy if he has Rey’s back. Matt Hardy says they might have been opponents last week in TLC and opponents on Sunday, but he can count of the champion tonight in tag team action. Matt Hardy extends his hand and Rey Mysterio shakes it, as it appears these two men are on the same page…at least for tonight. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]King of the Ring Quarterfinal Match: Kenny Dykstra vs. Jeff Hardy[/COLOR][/B] The winner of this match will face off against the winner of Paul London and Brian Kendrick this Sunday at King of the Ring in the semifinals of the tournament. The winner of that match will go to face off against the winner of Punk/Snitsky, where the winner becomes the 2008 KOTR. Dykstra attacks Jeff at the bell and whips him into the corner but Hardy comes out of the corner with the Whisper in the Wind for a quick two count. Forearm shots and a running dropkick which sends Dykstra to the floor. Running pescado delivered to Dykstra and Jeff Hardy rams Dykstra into the ring, before springboarding to the top rope but Dykstra manages to catch Hardy with a fist to the midsection on the way off. Huge swinging neckbreaker delivers a pop and Dykstra delivers a leaping kneedrop. He picks up Hardy and whips him into the corner. Handspring Back Elbowsmash spikes Hardy in the corner and Dykstra hits a spin kick before delivering a backflip splash for a two count. Series of punches and Dykstra climbs to the top rope, before leaping off the top rope and senton connects for a close nearfall. Dykstra with boot scrapes, a running neck snap and a spinebuster into a Boston Crab but Hardy fights out of the hold. Dykstra hoists up and brain buster delivered before Kenny goes to the outside. Springboard Legdrop misses and Dykstra is in pain. Up and spinning leg lariat knocks Kenny Dykstra into the corner. Jeff Hardy steps back before leaping up and one man Poetry in Motion sending Dykstra down. To the outside but Dykstra catches Hardy, before hoisting him and Death Valley Bomb off the ropes! The crowd explodes into boos as Dykstra has a smug look on his face, before covering Hardy for a quickly nearfall. Dykstra picks up Hardy and forearms to the back, knee to the face and attempted power bomb but Hardy punches out and falls on top of Dykstra to score a flash pin in 8:32! The crowd cheers as Jeff Hardy bolts the ring and Dykstra looks forloned about the fact that he is out of the running for KOTR(B-) The Miz is backstage, showing off for several female stagehands backstage before bumping into William Regal. Regal looks at the Miz in disgust, before sticking his nose up in the air as if something foul had just walked into the room. Regal calls the Miz a disgusting little toerag. The Miz makes a joke about the British which gets him bitchslapped by Regal. Regal says he’ll see the Miz in the ring and he’ll make him a bloody human pretzel. (C) [COLOR=blue][B]The Miz vs. William Regal[/COLOR][/B] Regal works over the Miz at the bell, stretching him with several submission holds. The Miz fights out briefly with some basic offense, but Regal sends the Miz down and works over the neck some more, before delivering some European Uppercuts, a butterfly power bomb, modified neckbreaker, before slapping on the Regal Stretch. Regal punishes Miz before Miz decides to tap out in 6:55. JBL remarks on commentary that it just shows that Regal is one of the toughest men on Smackdown and he just schooled the Miz. (C+) Mr. Kennedy comes out, doing his usual spiel, before talking about his match with Edge this Sunday night at King of the Ring. Kennedy says he punked Edge out before and he’ll punk him out again at King of the Ring. Tonight, Kennedy will use James Storm as an example of what will happen to Edge at King of the Ring. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Mr. Kennedy vs. James Storm[/COLOR][/B] Punches and kicks are traded to start, before Storm manages to knock Kennedy around with a couple of clotheslines, before backing off and knocking Kennedy to the floor with a running clothesline. Kennedy quickly enters the ring, and James Storm delivers a couple of kicks, before delivering a powerslam, before climbing to the top rope. Storm leaps off but Kennedy moves. Storm lands on his feet and Kennedy catches him with a low blow! The crowd boos as Kennedy knocks Storm down with a short arm clothesline and a series of stomps. Storm gets to his feet and Kennedy kicks Storm in the back, before delivering a pair of belly to back suplexes. Up goes Storm and Irish whip into the ropes. Tilt A Whirl but Storm drops down the back but Kennedy counters with a back elbow and a jawbreaker. Kennedy picks up Storm and powerslam drills Storm down for a close nearfall. Up to the top rope but James Storm catches Kennedy and slams him off. The crowd cheers as Storm unloads on Kennedy with a pair of clotheslines before rocking Kennedy with a running bulldog. The rough and tumble Texan goes for the Superkick but Kennedy hides behind the referee Kennedy shoves the referee into Storm, before hitting Storm with a clothesline. Kennedy picks up Storm in a fireman’s carry but Storm’s feet kick, wiping the referee out. Storm hangs onto the arms of Kennedy and Kennedy staggers backwards, sending both men to the arena floor. Both men took a nasty spill and Kennedy gets to his feet first, but [B]Edge rushes out and nearly decapitates Kennedy with a nasty chairshot right to the head![/B] Edge hides behind the ring apron as the referee comes to, putting the count on both men but James Storm rolls back into the ring just before the count of ten, scoring the victory over the former World Heavyweight Champion in 7:57(B-) Edge waits for James Storm to leave with the victory, before attacking Mr. Kennedy from behind, as he struggles to his feet. Edge rolls Kennedy into the ring before returning into the ring and kicks Kennedy, before hooking Kennedy and driving him down to the canvas with the Elevated DDT! Kennedy took the second vicious shot to his head in many moments and Edge gets on the microphone, saying that the Rated-R Superstar was the one who sent the message and not Mr. Kennedy. Paramedics are out to attend to Mr. Kennedy, who may have a concussion from that brutal assault by Edge. (B) [COLOR=blue][B]The Gringo Killerz(WWE Tag Team Champions)(w/Konnan) and Jamie Noble(WWE Cruiserweight Champion) vs. Sabu, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Eric Young[/COLOR][/B] This match degenerates into a wild brawl to start, but quickly dies down. Jimmy Wang Yang and Chavo are in the legal men for most of this match, but a cheapshot from Homicide allows Yang to get triple teamed in the corner before fighting out and making the tag to Eric Young. Young enters the ring, a house of fire, knocking everyone around. Homicide and Chavo were knocked to the floor and Sabu and Yang deliver stereo suicide dives, wiping them out. That leaves Jamie Noble in there with Eric Young. Noble goes for the Tiger Bomb but Young fights out, before snapping off a picture perfect Northern Lights Suplex to hold the champion down long enough to score the pin in 6:42. For the second week in a row, Eric Young has pinned Jamie Noble in the center of the ring. (C+) A recap is shown from this past January, where Paul London turned on Brian Kendrick, after they lost another tag team title match to Deuce and Domino. This all leads to the King of the Ring Quarterfinal Tournament Battle for this evening. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]King of the Ring Quarterfinal Round Match: Paul London vs. Brian Kendrick[/COLOR][/B] Rapid fire chop battle to start, with London gaining the advantage, but Kendrick countering an attempted tilt a whirl into a spinning headscissors. Kendrick leaps up, knocking London to the floor with a huge dropkick. Baseball slide dropkick and Kendrick punches away at London, before rolling him into the ring. To the top rope goes Kendrick and he leaps off with a cross body onto London for two. Somersault legdrop onto London for another two and Kendrick lifts up London, before driving him down with a facebuster. Kendrick lifts up London and whip into the ropes but London reverses, before hoisting Kendrick up and Hotshot bounces Kendrick throat first onto the top rope. Kendrick clutches his throat and London hooks him before planting him with a reverse DDT for a two count. London picks up Kendrick and forearms to the face, before London delivers a backbreaker. London chokes Kendrick, drawing boos, before hitting a running knee to the back and hoisting up Kendrick to the top rope. London climbs up but Kendrick forearms London, knocking him off the ropes. Kendrick delivers a high knee from the top rope, which knocks London down. London is up and Kendrick steps back, before chopping London and hitting London with his own dropsault, drawing more cheers from the fans and a close nearfall. Kendrick hooks London and Sliced Bread #2 but London hangs onto the top rope and blocks it, before dumping Kendrick to the floor. Kendrick hits hard and London slides to the floor, before throwing Kendrick back into the ring. London enters the ring and goes for a clothesline but Kendrick ducks it and delivers a dropkick. Whip into the ropes no London reverses and leapfrog over Kendrick but London comes down onto his knee hard! London falls back, clutching his knee as Kendrick backs off, hesistant to attack London, just in case he’s really injured. Kendrick bends down but London rolls up Kendrick into a quick small package and pulls the tights to score the pin in 14:53(B+) London gets up, celebrating, before pointing to his head, drawing boos. It will be Paul London and Jeff Hardy in the King of the Ring Semifinals this Sunday but Kendrick rushes London, before delivering a high cross body press and punches away on London, before pulling up London forcefully by the hair. London begs off but Kendrick shoves London into the corner before waylaying him with chops. Kendrick isn’t taken being tricked out of the victory very well and he hooks London around the head, before running up the buckles and planting London with Sliced Bread #2. London twitches on the mat. He is going to King of the Ring, but after that post match beating by Kendrick, he might not be at one hundred percent. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Umaga(w/Armando Estrada) vs. Funaki[/COLOR][/B] Savate Kick, Running Ass Avalanche in the corner, Samoan Drop, Huge Samoan Spike, Funaki is dead meat, Umaga scores the pin in 0:50 (B-) Estrada puts over Umaga as undefeated since making his debut on Smackdown but the lights go out, with nothing illuminating the arena, except for the Titantron. The image of the Undertaker appears, saying that Umaga did not finish the job at Judgment Day. Umaga broke the Undertaker’s ribs but broken ribs will heal and the Undertaker promises to return next week on Smackdown. Umaga’s damnation will be at hand and he will Rest in Peace. Taker steps back, to reveal an open grave, with the headstone that reads “UMAGA” on it, which causes Umaga to freak out for the second week in a row, seeing an open grave. The announcers speculate that Umaga might have a fear of being buried alive and thus is reacting in this matter. Taker rolls his eyes into the back of his head as Estrada tries to calm the Samoan Bulldozer down. (A*) [COLOR=blue][B]Matt Striker and Little Guido vs. Cryme Tyme[/COLOR][/B] This is the Smackdown debut of Cryme Tyme, who were drafted back in April at the Draft Lottery and have been featured in vignettes over the past few weeks. JTG gets double teamed in the corner by the heels, before fighting his way out and tags in Shad. Shad cleans house, knocking Striker into the ropes, where JTG snaps the neck of Striker off the ropes, before Shad cradles him for the pin in 3:13. After the match, Cryme Tyme walks off with Striker’s yardstick, to auction it off in the crowd. Money, Money, Yeah, Yeah (C) Edge gloats about punking Kennedy out earlier tonight but Kennedy attacks Edge from behind. Kennedy gains a measure of revenge, pummeling Edge, pulling his shirt over his head, before throwing Edge headfirst into the wall behind the interview area. Kennedy picks up a steel pipe, but security and road agents break it up. Kennedy attempts to get at Edge, but Edge throws Shannon Moore in the way, who faces the wrath of Kennedy by getting a pipe smashed over his chest and knocked down. Kennedy yells he will see Edge at King of the Ring. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]Deuce and Domino(w/Cherry) vs. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy and WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio[/COLOR][/B] Deuce and Domino attack Rey, before Hardy runs out, making the save and fighting the Greasers off. Standard tag team fare with Hardy and Rey making lighting fast tags, knocking Domino around. Rey runs the ropes but gets knocked from behind by Deuce. Rey turns around and Domino catches Rey with a double axe handle to the back of the head. Domino distracts the referee while Deuce chokes Rey from behind with the tag rope. This brings Matt Hardy into the ring, which screws Rey, allowing Deuce and Domino to double team him in the corner. Double team neckbreaker delivered and Deuce covers for a nearfall. Kneedrop and Deuce slams Rey down, before tagging in Domino. Deuce catapaults Rey into a clothesline off the second rope from Domino. Another nearfall as Matt Hardy makes the save. This lets Deuce and Domino lay another whipping on Rey, as the referee ushers Hardy back into the corner. Deuce chokes Rey, and goes for a rocking horse move but Rey moves and Deuce gets crotched, before delivering the 6-1-9 to perfection. Rey makes the tag but Domino runs interference, distracting the referee as Rey makes the tag to Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy rushes into the ring, unloading on Deuce and Domino, but the referee forces him back into the corner. After all, the referee can’t allow the tag, if the referee didn’t see the tag. Deuce and Domino batter Rey in the corner with more double teaming actions, as Domino holds down Rey, so Deuce can waylay him with the Crack Em In the Mouth! The referee is a bit out position, as Domino covers, but only a two and a half count on Rey. Domino pounds away on Rey and goes for the power bomb but Rey counters with a faceplant. The race is on, tag to Deuce and tag to Matt Hardy, who enters the ring, fists of fire, unloading on both Deuce and Domino. Back elbowsmash to Domino and Hardy sets up Deuce, before delivering the Side Effect. Cover on Deuce but Domino breaks up the cover, with a double axe handle blow. Rey enters the ring, knocking Domino to the floor with a spinning leg lariat. Matt Hardy pulls himself up, grabbing Rey by the arm for leverage but [B]Rey elbows his partner in the face[/B] Rey spins around, looking horrified. Domino reaches into the ring and pulls Rey to the floor as Matt Hardy looks to be dazed from that shot and Deuce grabs Matt Hardy before bringing him down with a running Diamond Cutter type move. Deuce rolls over Matt Hardy and covers him in 11:36 to score the pin. Deuce has just pinned the World Heavyweight Champion! (B-) Rey enters the ring, as Deuce and Domino go to the back with Cherry to celebrate the win. Rey apologizes for accidentally striking Hardy but Matt shoves Rey backwards. The crowd is on their feet as Rey once again attempts to apologize but Hardy shoves Rey once again. Rey decks Matt Hardy with a forearm smash, knocking the World Heavyweight Champion down to the canvas! The crowd cheers as both of these men are face to face but we are out of time as far as the Smackdown broadcast is shown. Security comes down to the ring as Smackdown fades to black. See you at King of the Ring(B+) [B]Final Rating: B[/B] [B]Quick Results[/B] Jeff Hardy over Kenny Dykstra William Regal beat the Miz James Storm defeated Mr. Kennedy Eric Young, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Sabu over the Gringo Killerz and Jamie Noble Paul London defeated Brian Kendrick Umaga bulldozed Funaki Cryme Tyme humbled Matt Striker and Little Guido Deuce and Domino upset Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy. **************************************************** Prediction League Results: First, from tonight's Smackdown: Lexa90: 1/5 chris caulfield: 2/5 De@d frog: 2/5 Wink: 2/5 softflake: 2/5 The Human Cancer: 2/5 And for the overall standings: Lexa90: 5/10 chris caulfield: 2/10 De@d frog: 2/10 Wink: 2/10 softflake: /2/10 The Human Cancer: 2/10 Coming up next is King of the Ring, where there are plenty of chances to score big. How big? Well each correct prediction is worth three points towards your total, because both the Raw and Smackdown brands will be part of King of the Ring. There are nine matches at King of the Ring, plus a couple of bonus questions I throw in. That preview along with the weekend news updates should be up sometime tonight. Stay tuned!
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News updates for Saturday and Sunday. Final KOTR card will be up shortly. [QUOTE] [B][U][I]News and Notes for Saturday Week One, June 2008[/B][/U][/I] NJPW had another great night of television wrestling action for their Throwback Show. The main event featured Yuji Nagata defeating Shinsuke Nakamura. Also, in an odd match, Giant Bernard defeated El Samurai. JAPW featured B-Boy retaining his JAPW Light Heavyweight Title against Jose Maximo. Also, the team of Violent Conduct, Sonjay Dutt and Xavier defeated Trent Acid and Mark Briscoe. The Main event was the worst match of the show, with Boog Washington beating Jose Maximo. JAPW must have borrowed Vince Russo’s dart board to book this show. ECWA had their show, which was dubbed “Number of the Beast”. The show featured: -The Valedictorians retaining their ECWA Tag Team Titles against Brian Logan and Mike Tobin. -Mozart Fontaine defeated Brian Soscia -Mega defeated Matt Logan -Freak Nastty defeated Mr. Ooh La La -Ace Darling won the ECWA Light Heavyweight Title against Alex Wright. -Justin Credible pinned Nick Logan -Bobby Roode retained his ECWA Heavyweight Title against Quinton Jackson. In News from Japan, Doug Williams has signed on to tour with AJPW for their latest show. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News Update for Sunday Week One, June 2008[/B][/U][/I] AAA had a better than normal show this weekend. Perhaps there is some hope for this company. The main event featured the trio of La Parka Jr., Scorpio Jr. and El Zorro defeating Ozz, Escoria, and Cuervo to capture the Mexico National Atomicos Titles. Also, Juventud Guerrera retained his AAA Television Title against Cibernetico. Those two matches were the best AAA battles in a long time, with El Brazo defeated Gran Apache ranking up there. Not as horrid as the Monday Show, that’s for damn sure. ROH added some new stuff to the Video Wire portion of their sight. They added a five minute preview for the recent Bryan Danielson/Alex Shelley ROH Heavyweight Title Matches. They added two bonus matches as well, with Daizee Haze defeating Lacey and Ace Steel beating Jay Briscoe, both being shown in full. It’s free, so you can’t really beat that. CZW aired the premier addition of their weekly syndicated show in the Tri-State area, CZW Supremacy. The matches on the first show were -Jigsaw defeated Ruckus -Necro Butcher defeated Sexxy Eddy -The Survivors(The Messiah and Nick Gage) battled to a no contest with the team of Sonjay Dutt and Matt Sydal -In the main event, Justin Credible pinned Davey Richards. NOAH announced that Ricky Reyes will be part of their latest tour. [/QUOTE]
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[B]Final King of the Ring 2008 Card[/B] [B][U]War Games Match:[/B][/U] The Horsemen(Ric Flair, Carlito, Rhino, Chris Masters, and Johnny Nitro) vs the Raw All-Stars(Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Montel Vontavious Porter, and Bobby Lashley) [B][U]World Heavyweight Title Match:[/B][/U] WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio vs. World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy [B][U]Wrestlemania Return Match[/B][/U] Batista vs. John Cena Edge vs. Mr. Kennedy. [B][U]King of the Ring Semifinal Match[/B][/U]: Snitsky vs CM Punk [B][U]King of the Ring Semifinal Match[/B][/U]: Paul London vs Jeff Hardy [B][U]King of the Ring Finals[/B][/U] Winner of Snitsky/Punk vs Winner of London/Hardy [B][U]WWE Women's Title Match[/B][/U] Jillian vs WWE Women's Champion Mickie James [B][U]WWE Cruiserweight Title Match[/B][/U] WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble vs Eric Young [B]Bonus Questions[/B] Who will be the wrestler to surrender or submit in War Games? What will be the best match of the show? What will be the worst match of the show? Will There Be Any A* Matches on this show? If so, which match or matches will receive this honor? As he has reminded us week after week, MVP can cash in on his Money in the Bank Title Shot against either of the main championship holders of Raw or Smackdown. Will he choose to do so at King of the Ring? If you said yes, will MVP be successful in his title match or not?
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War Games Match: The Horsemen(Ric Flair, Carlito, Rhino, Chris Masters, and Johnny Nitro) vs [B]the Raw All-Stars(Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Montel Vontavious Porter, and Bobby Lashley)[/B] World Heavyweight Title Match: WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio vs. [B]World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy[/B] Wrestlemania Return Match [B]Batista[/B] vs. John Cena [B]Edge[/B] vs. Mr. Kennedy. King of the Ring Semifinal Match: Snitsky vs [B]CM Punk[/B] King of the Ring Semifinal Match: Paul London vs [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] King of the Ring Finals Winner of Snitsky/Punk vs [B]Winner of London/Hardy[/B] WWE Women's Title Match Jillian vs [B]WWE Women's Champion Mickie James[/B] WWE Cruiserweight Title Match WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble vs [B]Eric Young[/B] Bonus Questions Who will be the wrestler to surrender or submit in War Games? [B]Johnny Nitro[/B] What will be the best match of the show? [B]KOTR Final[/B] What will be the worst match of the show? [B]Diva Match[/B] Will There Be Any A* Matches on this show? [B]Yes[/B] If so, which match or matches will receive this honor? [B]Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] As he has reminded us week after week, MVP can cash in on his Money in the Bank Title Shot against either of the main championship holders of Raw or Smackdown. Will he choose to do so at King of the Ring? [B]No.[/B]
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War Games Match: The Horsemen(Ric Flair, Carlito, Rhino, Chris Masters, and Johnny Nitro) vs [B]the Raw All-Stars(Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Montel Vontavious Porter, and Bobby Lashley)[/B] World Heavyweight Title Match: WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio vs. [B]World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy[/B] Wrestlemania Return Match Batista vs. [B]John Cena[/B] [B]Edge[/B] vs. Mr. Kennedy. King of the Ring Semifinal Match: Snitsky vs [B]CM Punk[/B] King of the Ring Semifinal Match: Paul London vs [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] King of the Ring Finals [B]Winner of Snitsky/Punk[/B] vs Winner of London/Hardy WWE Women's Title Match Jillian vs [B]WWE Women's Champion Mickie James[/B] WWE Cruiserweight Title Match WWE Cruiserweight Champion[B] Jamie Noble[/B] vs Eric Young Bonus Questions Who will be the wrestler to surrender or submit in War Games? [B]Chris Masters[/B] What will be the best match of the show? [B]KOTR Final[/B] What will be the worst match of the show? [B]Diva Match[/B] Will There Be Any A* Matches on this show? [B]Yes[/B] If so, which match or matches will receive this honor? [B]Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] [B]Batista vs John Cena[/B] As he has reminded us week after week, MVP can cash in on his Money in the Bank Title Shot against either of the main championship holders of Raw or Smackdown. Will he choose to do so at King of the Ring? [B]No.[/B]
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War Games Match: The Horsemen(Ric Flair, Carlito, Rhino, Chris Masters, and Johnny Nitro) vs [B]the Raw All-Stars(Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Montel Vontavious Porter, and Bobby Lashley)[/B] World Heavyweight Title Match: WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio vs. [B]World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy[/B] Wrestlemania Return Match Batista vs. [B]John Cena[/B] [B]Edge[/B] vs. Mr. Kennedy. King of the Ring Semifinal Match: Snitsky vs [B]CM Punk[/B] King of the Ring Semifinal Match: [B]Paul London[/B] vs Jeff Hardy King of the Ring Finals Winner of Snitsky/Punk vs [B]Winner of London/Hardy[/B] WWE Women's Title Match Jillian vs [B]WWE Women's Champion Mickie James[/B] WWE Cruiserweight Title Match WWE Cruiserweight Champion [B]Jamie Noble[/B] vs Eric Young Bonus Questions Who will be the wrestler to surrender or submit in War Games? [B]Carlito[/B] What will be the best match of the show? [B]Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] What will be the worst match of the show? [B]Diva Match[/B] Will There Be Any A* Matches on this show? [B]Yes[/B] If so, which match or matches will receive this honor? [B]Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] As he has reminded us week after week, MVP can cash in on his Money in the Bank Title Shot against either of the main championship holders of Raw or Smackdown. Will he choose to do so at King of the Ring? [B]Yes[/B] [B]No he will not succeed[/B]
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King of the Ring 2008 Card War Games Match: The Horsemen(Ric Flair, Carlito, Rhino, Chris Masters, and Johnny Nitro) vs [B]the Raw All-Stars(Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Montel Vontavious Porter, and Bobby Lashley)[/B] World Heavyweight Title Match: WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio vs. [B]World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy[/B] Wrestlemania Return Match Batista vs.[B] John Cena[/B] [B]Edge [/B]vs. Mr. Kennedy. King of the Ring Semifinal Match: Snitsky vs [B]CM Punk[/B] King of the Ring Semifinal Match: [B]Paul London[/B] vs Jeff Hardy King of the Ring Finals [B]Punk[/B] vs London WWE Women's Title Match Jillian vs [B]WWE Women's Champion Mickie James[/B] WWE Cruiserweight Title Match WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble vs [B]Eric Young[/B] Bonus Questions Who will be the wrestler to surrender or submit in War Games? Nitro What will be the best match of the show? World title match What will be the worst match of the show? diva match Will There Be Any A* Matches on this show? yes If so, which match or matches will receive this honor? world title As he has reminded us week after week, MVP can cash in on his Money in the Bank Title Shot against either of the main championship holders of Raw or Smackdown. Will he choose to do so at King of the Ring? no
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We start with a video package, hyping the past War Games Matches, before leading into the preview for tonight’s battle between the Raw All Stars and the Horsemen tonight at King of the Ring 2008(B+) [B]WWE King of the Ring 2008[/B] We are live from the Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina for King of the Ring. Tonight War Games will take place, the World Heavyweight Title will be on the line, but we will also find out who will be King of the Ring. Let’s get down to the ring for wrestling action tonight at King of the Ring. [COLOR=red][B]King of the Ring Semifinal Match Snitsky vs. CM Punk[/COLOR][/B]: Both men lock up at the bell, with Snitsky using his power to muscle Punk into the corner. A series of rapid fire knee smashes in the corner, before Snitsky whips Punk into the ropes. Clothesline ducked and Punk comes off the ropes with a dropkick to the knee. Another pair of dropkicks to the knee and a single leg pickup, right into a spinning toe hold, working the leg of Snitsky but Snitsky kicks Punk into the ropes. Punk bounces off the ropes and kicks Snitsky, before delivering a jawbreaker. Go behind and reverse neckbreaker for a quick two count. Punk climbs to the outside and off the top rope with a cross body no Snitsky catches Punk and hoists him up before bringing Punk down with a vicious gutbuster. Punk sells it like his ribs were shattered and Snitsky drills Punk with a soccer kick to the ribs. Another vicious soccer kick and Snitsky hoists up Punk, before scooping him up and ramming him back first into the corner. Snitsky pivots around and bone rattling powerslam. Snitsky covers, scoring a nearfall. Up comes Punk and punches, before Snitsky whips Punk in and big boot rocks Punk for another nearfall. Snitsky chokes Punk, before pulling him up and throwing him into the corner. Series of vicious, stiff punches and kicks before Snitsky backs off. Corner clothesline and Snitsky hoists up Punk over his head before dumping him to the floor with a Gorilla Press Slam. Snitsky goes to the floor, which may be a mistake. Double axe handle to the back of the head of Punk and Snitsky rams Punk into the ring steps before rolling him back in. Snitsky gives the signal and running knee to Punk, before Snitsky begins to set up the Pumphandle Slam, but Punk slides down the back of Snitsky and waistlocks him but Snitsky elbows out. Punk staggers backwards and Snitsky aims for Punk’s head with a vicious kick but Punk ducks and Snitsky crotches himself on the top rope! The crowd cheers as Punk knees Snitsky from behind. Snitsky staggers out of the corner and Punk hoists up Snitsky, before dropping him down. [B]Go to Sleep rocks Snitsky![/B] Punk covers Snitsky hooking the leg and scores the pin, advancing to the King of the Ring Finals in 8:55 (A*) Bree is backstage with Edge. Edge talks about how Mr. Kennedy stole his World Heavyweight Title from him back at Cyber Sunday, but tonight at King of the Ring will be Edge’s genesis to his ascension back to the top of the company, holding the World Heavyweight Title over his head. Kennedy is just an obstacle, an obstacle that he will roll right over, on his way back to the top of the Smackdown roster. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]KOTR Semifinal Round Match Paul London vs. Jeff Hardy[/COLOR][/B] Both Jeff Hardy and Paul London lock up, with London grabbing Jeff’s arm and armwringer but Jeff quickly chops out, knocking London backwards. Shoulderblock. London kips up and shoulderblocks Jeff but Jeff kips up on his own and a series of rapid fire forearm smashes to Paul London before jabbing away at him and whipping him into the ropes. High back body drop and Jeff backs off, before knocking London over the top rope with a back elbow smash. London is on the floor and Jeff Hardy slides to the floor, before popping London with a clothesline. Jeff lifts up London by the hair and rams him into the apron and throws him into the ring. To the top rope goes Hardy and corkscrew body attack connects for a two count. Jeff lifts up London and double axe handle down to the back before he whips London into the ropes. Tilt A Whirl into a suplex. Jeff Hardy waits for London to get to his hands on knees, before stepping onto London’s back and leaping up, before coming down with a legdrop across the back of the head. Hardy lifts up London and hooks him. Gutwrench suplex scores a two count and Jeff whips London into the ropes. The head is ducked and London leapfrogs over Hardy. Jeff turns around and gets cracked right in the face with the dropsault! The crowd boos as Paul London drives a pair of knees into the face of Jeff Hardy, before hoisting him in a facelock. More knees to the face and London drives Jeff Hardy down with a snap DDT. Paul London steps to the outside, before slingshotting into the ring with an elbowdrop down across the ribs of Jeff Hardy. London covers once again hooking the leg. Two count only. Paul London picks up Jeff Hardy and whip into the ropes. Sleeperhold is applied by London. Jeff attempts to fight the hold, but London has it on good and soon, Hardy is fading to his knees. Hardy drops to his side and London has the hold on for an extended amount of time, as the referee checks the arm. Two and a half armdrops and Hardy fights back up, but Paul London drills Hardy down with a modified backbreaker out of the sleeperhold. Cover scores a two count. London picks up Jeff Hardy and knee to the face. Off the ropes and another knee to the face, before London hooks Hardy in a gutwrench. Up and down with a gutwrench power bomb, sending Hardy crashing to the canvas! Paul London climbs to the top rope, teasing the Shooting Star Press, before dropping down to boos and casually kicking Jeff Hardy in the head, drawing even more boos. London rams his elbow into the side of Hardy’s head, before covering. Two count. London delivers more elbows to the side of the head and another nearfall. London lifts up Hardy and whip into the ropes. London drops the head and pays for it with a leaping forearm smash down across the back of the head. Both men are down on canvas but London is up. Punch is blocked and Jeff Hardy fights back with more punches of his own, before delivering a discus clothesline, knocking London to the canvas. London is up and Jeff Hardy drills London with a series of jabs before launching him into the ropes. Up goes London and down across the knee of Jeff Hardy with a gutbuster. London is dazed and Jeff Hardy waits for London to get up, before hoisting him up and bringing him down with a spinebuster. Jeff is taking it to the top rope, Swanton Bomb could be moments away. Hardy is perched and leaps off but [B]Paul London rolls out of the way![/B] The crowd winces, as Jeff Hardy has just hit backfirst into the canvas. Paul London is on his feet and steps back, before attempting a running shooting star press but [B]Hardy avoids that![/B] London splatters on the canvas and now both men are at a disadvantage in this King of the Ring Semifinal Round Match. Jeff Hardy picks up London and punches rock him before Hardy whips London into the corner. Jeff charges into the corner but London moves and Hardy hits hard. London is behind Jeff and rolls him up. The referee makes the count, as London sneaks his foot on the ropes to score the cheap pin and advance to the King of the Ring Finals to face off against CM Punk in 10:40 (B-) Backstage in Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long’s office, the Gringo Killerz, in the former of WWE Tag Team Champions Chavo Guerrero and Homicide, along with their manager Konnan enter the office of the Smackdown General Manager. Konnan says he looked at the booking sheet for tonight and saw there must have been a mistake. The Gringo Killerz are not scheduled to be in action, even through they are the WWE Tag Team Champions. The Gringo Killerz are not down with that. Long apologizes for not putting them on the show, but there wasn’t room for everyone on Smackdown, because this is a dual brand show. Konnan says there was sure room for a gringos match between Jamie Noble and Eric Young for the Cruiserweight Title, but the Gringo Killerz are getting left off the card. Konnan calls Long a puppet and a disgrace to the Smackdown position of general manager, as Homicide and Chavo prepare to rough him but Theodore Long calls for security, which in turn escorts the Gringo Killerz from his office. (B-) [B]WWE Women’s Championship Match: Jillian vs. Mickie James©[/B] Both women trade punches at the bell, with Mickie gaining the advantage with a double leg takedown, before raining down the forearms onto the chest of Jillian. Mickie pulls Jillian up by the hair, before throwing her across the ring by the hair. Jillian clutches her hair and Mickie fires a couple of kicks, before whipping Jillian into the ropes. Leaping dropkick knocks Jillian through the ropes to the floor. Mickie bends down, attempting to pull Jillian back into the ring, but she snaps the throat of Mickie down on the top rope. Mickie is dazed and Jillian climbs to the top rope, before coming down across the head of Mickie with a double axe handle chop. Jillian chokes Mickie, breaking at four, before dropping a couple of elbows, and more choking. Jillian pulls Mickie up by the hair, talking trash to her a couple of times, before slapping her and scratching her face. Jillian pulls Mickie by the hair and chokes her over the bottom rope, before picking Mickie up and whipping her into the corner. Shoulder butt into the corner and Jillian climbs to the top rope behind Mickie. Knee placed into the head and Jillian sends Mickie down facefirst into the canvas, the knee impacting across the back of the head. Cover hooking the leg, but Jillian only gets a two count. Jillian is frustrated, more choking on Mickie and picks her up by the hair, before kneeing her in the back. Jillian hooks Mickie and slams the back of her head into the canvas, the same move Jillian used to beat Mickie on Monday Night Raw! Cover scores a two and a half count when Mickie has the pressence of mind to get the ropes. Stomps and Jillian lifts up Mickie, whipping her into the ropes. Clothesline is ducked and Mickie quickly bounces off the ropes, knocking Jillian silly with a Mick Kick out of nowhere. Mickie collapses on top and scores the pin out of nowhere to retain the WWE Women’s Championship in 7:09(C-) The crowd cheers, as Mickie lifts her belt over her head but Jillian is up with an enranged look on her face. Jillian attacks Mickie from behind, knocking her to the canvas, before battering the WWE Women’s Champion with a series of stomps. Jillian lifts up Mickie and short arm clothesline brings her down. The referee attempts to stop Jillian but Jillian knees him in the groin, causing him to drop to his knees. Jillian lifts up Mickie, screaming in her face, before hoisting her up to a shoulder position. Air Raid Crash sends Mickie head first into the canvas. Mickie looks to have been seriously injured, as JR and the King remark they have never seen a move like that before in the WWE, especially from a woman. Jillian picks up the WWE Women’s Title Belt, throwing it over her shoulder, and walking off with it. Paramedics are out to check on Mickie, who might be seriously injured from that vicious move from Jillian. (D+) Mr. Kennedy comes out, as the microphone descends from the ceiling. Kennedy gets on the microphone, announcing himself as the former, soon to be two time World Heavyweight Champion. He hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds. He is the man who will beat Edge in the center of the ring tonight, Mr. Kennedy…..Kennedy. (B) [COLOR=blue][B]Mr. Kennedy vs. Edge[/COLOR][/B] Edge slaps Kennedy at the bell. Kennedy smirks, nods, before slapping Edge. The crowd goes wild as both men trade punches to start out, before Mr. Kennedy gains the advantage, causing Edge to roll to the floor to stall Kennedy. Kennedy follows Edge, knocking him across the back of the head with a double axe handle smash, before ramming him into the barricade. Kicks and stomps by Kennedy, before Kennedy chokes Edge against the barricade. Kennedy breaks the count, before rolling back out and firing a knee to the midsection of Edge, before scooping him up and dropping him down across the barricade. A series of punches to the midsection by Kennedy before he rams Edge into the ring apron, rolling him back into the ring. Kennedy makes his way to the top rope, waiting on Edge. Missile dropkick connects, sending Edge down to the canvas. Kennedy covers Edge for a two count. Kennedy scoops up Edge, before putting him in the tree of woe. Kicks and stomps in the corner, before Kennedy backs off and running knee to the face. Another running knee to the face and Kennedy chokes Edge. Four and a half count, as Kennedy pulls himself back. Edge is pulled out of the corner and Kennedy hooks Edge, before hoisting him up. Delayed vertical suplex sends Edge down. Kennedy is up and leaping kneedrop across the head of Edge. Two count. Kennedy delivers more punches and picks up Edge, but Edge goes to the eyes. Kennedy struggles and Edge knocks Kennedy down to the canvas with a clothesline. Edge picks up Kennedy and headfirst into the buckle. Another headfirst ram into the buckle and Edge snap mares Kennedy, before delivering a jumping neck snap. Kennedy rolls onto his stomach and Edge fires a series of elbows to the back of the head, before Edge sends Kennedy into the corner and hooks him from behind. Belly to back suplex brings Kennedy to the canvas. Edge rolls Kennedy over, before driving a knee to the head. Another knee to the head and Edge hooks up Kennedy, couple of elbows to the chest, and whips him into the corner. Running shoulder to the midsection of Kennedy, before Edge picks up Kennedy on the top rope, before Edge climbs up, pounding away on Kennedy. Attempted superplex but Kennedy fights the hold. Edge is shoved off the ropes and Kennedy readjusts his footing. Edge gets up and Kennedy leaps off with a clothesline, wiping Edge out! Kennedy covers, but only a two count. Elbowdrop, before Kennedy picks up Edge onto the shoulders. Edge fights the move and drops down, before locking a waistlock on Kennedy, but Kennedy elbows Edge in the face, before going behind. Waistlock and German Suplex delivered by Kennedy. Kennedy hangs onto Edge and another German Suplex rocks Edge. Kennedy hangs on and completes the trifecta with a third German Suplex, bridging for the cover, but Edge rolls the shoulder up at two and three fourths. Kennedy picks up Edge, punches, before whipping him into the corner. Edge comes out of the corner and [B]Kennedy nearly decapitates Edge with a vicious lariat![/B] The crowd gives a mixed reaction, with mostly cheers leaned towards Kennedy, as Kennedy covers Edge hooking the leg but Edge manages to drape his leg over the bottom rope at two and three fourths! Kennedy doesn’t see it and springs up, raising his hands in triumph, thinking he’s scored the win. The referee informs him differently and Kennedy looks enraged. Edge pulls himself to his feet and Kennedy goes for another lariat. [B]Edge moves out of the way, before catching Kennedy off guard with the Spear on the rebound![/B] The crowd boos as Edge slowly crawls over to Kennedy, milking the reaction from the crowd, as the boos raise, before Edge covers Kennedy hooking the leg. Count but [B]Kennedy kicks out at two and three fourths![/B] Edge looks pissed, his hesitation having cost him. Edge picks up Kennedy, who is pretty much out of it before wasting him with a second Spear! Kennedy collapses like a sack of potatoes, before Edge hooks the leg to score the academic pin in 13:58 which causes the crowd to explode into boos and begin to pelt trash into the ring(B-) Edge stands in the ring over Kennedy, who has been deflated after that second Spear. Kennedy nearly won the match but Edge managed to sneak one past Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy showed his toughness, kicking out of the first Spear, before succumbing to the second Spear. A video package is shown detailing the past between Batista and John Cena, highlighted mostly with their bout at Wrestlemania 23 with Batista scoring the pin with the Batista Bomb. Tonight, Cena attempts to avenge that loss but the Animal isn’t all that easy to put down. (A) [COLOR=red][B]Batista vs. John Cena[/COLOR][/B] Batista and Cena stare down at the bell. Both men lock up and Batista bounces Cena into the corner, before flexing. Another lock up and this time, Cena manages to power Batista into the corner. Cena cleanly breaks and Batista offers a test of strength. Both men raise their hands, before locking knuckles. A titanic struggle, but Cena manages to summon the strength of fans, forcing Batista to the canvas, overpowering him before breaking the test of strength. Cena pounded away on Batista, before grabbing him around the head, popping the hips, and bringing him down to the canvas with a headlock takedown. Cena works the headlock but Batista quickly powers out of the headlock, bridging to his feet. Clothesline knocks Cena back down as soon as he gets up. Cena kips up to his feet and Batista delivers another clothesline. Another kip up and another clothesline, and this time, Cena doesn’t get up under his own power. Batista covers hooking the leg for a two count. Cena is pulled up and Batista forearms away at Cena, before scooping up Cena onto his shoulders. Batista holds Cena up there before dropping him onto the top turnbuckle with a snake eyes turnbuckle drop. Cena walks into a kick to the midsection and forearms to the back, before Batista hoists up Cena and backbreaker. Another pair of backbreakers waist him, before Batista pivots and brings Cena down with a sidewalk slam. Batista covers Cena hooking the leg and a two count. Cena is on his hands and knees and Batista rams the forearm across the back. Another forearm across the back and Batista lifts up Cena, before headbutting him, causing Cena to slump in the corner. Elbow drilled in the chest of Cena, before Batista whips Cena into the ropes. Batista hoists up Cena onto his shoulders before falling back into a Samoan Drop. Cena favors his ribs and Batista drives a knee to the side, before hoisting up Cena and ramming him side first into the buckles. Batista steps back and clothesline sending Cena over the ropes and to the floor. Cena is on the floor and Batista drops to the floor, before picking up Cena and irish whipping him into the ring steps. Cena collapses on the floor and Batista pounds Cena with a couple of soccer kicks to the ribs. The camera pans in to see that blood is dripping from Cena’s mouth. He is bleeding internally, he might have punctured a lung when Batista sent him into the ring steps. Batista rams Cena into the ring apron, before rolling him into the ring. Cena staggers to his feet and Batista punches Cena in the side, causing Cena to drop to his knees, before Batista hooks Cena, before locking up a bearhug. Batista punishes Cena, as blood continues to drip to his mouth. The referee is looking real close, he might have to call this match, because Cena looks worse for wear, blood dripping from his mouth. Batista breaks the hold, shoving Cena off before hoisting him up. Vicious spinebuster sends Cena down to the canvas. The crowd boos as Batista walks over, shaking the ropes, milking the boos. Batista walks over Cena, intimidating the referee away before giving the thumbs down on Cena! The crowd boos as Batista pulls Cena up, before putting Cena’s head between his legs. Batista hoists up Cena, before going for the Batista Bomb but [B]Cena manages to connect Batista with a huge DDT![/B] Both men are down and Cena clutching his side, before pulling himself up, barely able to stand on his feet. Batista pulls himself back up and Batista rushes Cena but Cena launches Batista over the top rope with a high back body drop! Cena collapses to the canvas, looking really hurt, as the referee looks to be calling for the bell, but Cena shakes his head no. Batista enters the ring and goes for a kick but Cena manages to catch the leg of Batista, before forcefully taking him down and [B]locking on the STFU![/B] The crowd is cheering as Cena is managing to summon enough, despite his injuries, to punish Batista with the STFU but Cena abruptly has to break the hold, before rolling away, clutching his side. Cena begins to hack up blood and the announcers beg the referee to consider stopping this match. Batista is up and knocks Cena down with a clothesline! The crowd boos as Batista picks up Cena, before setting him. [B]Batista Bomb lays Cena to waste![/B] The crowd explodes into boos as Batista bends down, covering Cena hooking the leg. [B]Batista pulls Cena off the canvas at two and three fourths![/B] Batista nods, it looks like he is going to end the career of John Cena tonight at King of the Ring. He hoists up Cena, talking trash to him. [B]Cena rolls up Batista in a small package to score a flash pin in 11:38[/B] (A*) [B]Batista decks Cena with a clothesline to the back of the head![/B] Cena is down and Batista picks up Cena, before setting him up and delivering a bone rattling Batista Bomb! Cena is down in the ring as Batista rolls to the outside, grabbing Lillian Garcia, before throwing her from her chair. Batista enters the ring with the chair. The referee attempts to stop Batista but Batista clocks him with the steel chair! Batista raises the chair and jabs it into the chest of Cena. Another jab into the chest of Cena and Batista picks up Cena, before setting up the chair. Cena is dropped right on the chair chest first. Out comes security, as Batista stands back, with a smug look on his face. Batista might have just taken out John Cena tonight at King of the Ring(B+) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Cruiserweight Title Jamie Noble© vs. Eric Young[/COLOR][/B] Lock up to start, with Noble quickly locking on a side headlock. Noble works the hold, but Young counters with a hammerlock. Noble quickly reverses that but Young snap mares out of the hold. Noble back to his feet and Young delivers a shouderblock. Young picks up Noble and series of punches rock him, before Eric Young whips him into the ropes. Leaping back elbow smash knocks the Cruiserweight Champion to the floor. Young steps back, before catching Noble with a baseball slide dropkick. Eric Young picks up Noble and elbow drilled down across the back of the head. Another pair to the back of the head and Young rolls Noble into the ring. Young to the apron and Noble goes after him but Young buries a shoulder to the midsection. Noble is hunched over and sunset flip into the ring, rolling up Noble for a two count. Noble is to his feet and Young with a kick, before stepping back and high cross body block. Young hooks the leg for the cover, but only a two count. Eric Young picks up Noble, but Noble counters with a sitout jawbreaker. Punches by Noble and Noble picks up Eric Young, before hooking him up. Front face suplex and Noble steps to the outside, before coming down across the back of the head of Young with a springboard legdrop. Roll over and two count. Noble pounds away at Young and goes for the Guillotine Choke but Young is in the ropes quickly. Noble pounds away at Young and whips him into the corner. Eric Young gets both feet up to the face, before running over Noble with a pair of clotheslines. The crowd cheers as Young winds up before knocking Noble down to the canvas with a roundhouse punch. Noble is dazed and Eric Young whips the Cruiserweight Champion into the corner. Up to the shoulders of Young and Young falls back with a reverse Samoan Drop. Cover on Noble hooking the leg but only a two count but the crowd is booing as we have company. [B]The Gringo Killerz are making their way down to the ring[/B] Eric Young pounds away at Noble, attempting not to get too distracted but Konnan slowly makes his way over. Young steps back and kick to the midsection, before delivering a Northern Lights Suplex, the same move that he used to pin Noble on Smackdown but the referee is distracted by Konnan, despite Young holding Noble in a pin for more than three seconds. This allows Chavo to find his way to the top rope and [B]Frog Splash delivered to the exposed Eric Young![/B] The announcers remind us that Eric Young did beat Homicide to win the WWE Cruiserweight Title back at No Way Out, before he lost the belt to Noble in a three way also involving Homicide, so this is his receipt. Noble is up to his feet and [B]Homicide decks Noble with a vicious lariat![/B] That same lariat won Homicide the Cruiserweight Title Belt and countless other matches, but fortunately for Noble, he manages to collapse on top of Young. Konnan and his Gringo Killerz leave as the referee counts Noble’s pin in 6:27(C+) We cut to a video package, detailing the events leading up to the match between World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy and WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio, including a few clips from their feud over the WWE Cruiserweight Title back from 2003. Tonight they meet for the World Heavyweight Title. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]World Heavyweight Championship Match: WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy©[/COLOR][/B] Lock up at the bell and Rey quickly armdrags the champion to the canvas. Matt Hardy rushes Rey, but Rey counters with a drop toe hold, before quickly rushing over and ramming a series of elbows down across the back of the head, but Matt manages to take his legs out from underneath him and elbowdrop. Another elbowdrop and Matt Hardy picks up Rey, before shoving him in the corner. A series of chops rock Rey before Matt Hardy whips Rey into the ropes. Back elbow smash drops Rey down to the canvas. Rey gets to his feet and Matt Hardy whips Rey into the ropes. Back elbowsmash is ducked but Rey comes off, wrapping his legs around the ribs of Hardy, but Hardy fights and hoists Rey up but Rey counters that with a snap mare. Matt Hardy pulls himself to his feet and Rey leaps up, delivering a dropkick. Matt Hardy gets to his feet and another leaping dropkick, before Rey grabs Hardy and whips him into the corner. Running shoulder into the corner and Hardy is doubled over, before Rey climbs to the top rope, behind Hardy. Series of punches down across the back of the head of Hardy, but Rey mounts himself onto the shoulders of Matt before flipping him down to the canvas with a spinning headscissors. Hardy gets to his feet, looking rather dizzy but Rey steps back and dropkick to the back of the leg of Matt Hardy, before he falls onto the ropes. Rey goes for the 6-1-9 but Matt Hardy scrambles out of the reach of Rey Mysterio, preventing from getting hit. Rey fires some punches before stepping back and grabbing Hardy before whipping him into the ropes. Spinning leg lariat knocks Hardy down to the canvas and Rey quickly covers for a two count. Rey steps back and leaps at Hardy, leaping onto the shoulders of Hardy but Hardy falls back and [B]snaps the neck of Rey onto the top rope with a hotshot![/B] Rey is on the ropes and Matt Hardy pounds away across the back of the head of Rey, before whipping him into the ropes. Huge clothesline sends Rey down and Hardy steps back, before drilling Rey with a leaping kneedrop. Rey forces himself up and Matt Hardy delivers a series of forearms to the back, before shoving Rey into the corner. Running knee to the midsection of Rey, causing him to fall to his knees from the corner. Matt Hardy climbs to the second rope, before leaping off, driving his knee into the back of the head of Rey. Hardy rolls over Rey and hooks the leg, but Rey bridges out at two. The champion pounds away at Rey before whipping Rey into the ropes. Tilt A Whirl into a backbreaker before Matt Hardy drags Rey into position. Climbing to the top rope facing the crowd. Hardy plays to the crowd, before connecting with a moonsault to Mysterio. Cover by the champion hooking the leg but Rey manages to kick out once again! Hardy looks enraged and begins to choke the challenger, drawing a few boos from the crowd. Breaking cleanly at four, Matt Hardy picks up Rey Mysterio and shoves him into the corner. Corner Clothesline and Matt Hardy whips Rey into the ropes, before firing a knee to the midsection. Go behind and waistlock, before Hardy hoists up Rey halfway before drilling him down with an inverted faceplant to the side! Rey clutches his face as Matt rolls him over with another cover and another nearfall! The World Heavyweight Champion picks up Rey, before whipping him into the corner. Rey staggers out of the corner and Matt drills him with a kick. Hook and Matt hoists up Rey, before drilling him down with the Side Effect! Cover hooking the leg but Rey manages to bring the shoulder up at two and a half! The crowd is getting into this match and Hardy drills a couple of knees to the head, before pulling up Mysterio by the mask. Headbutt rocks Rey and Hardy hooks Rey, before hoisting him up. Hardy holds up Rey for nearly fifteen seconds before dropping the challenger down to the canvas with a vertical suplex. Rey is sprawled out on the canvas and Hardy climbs to the second rope, before raising his arms. [B]Legdrop off the second rope drilled down across the chest of Rey![/B] Matt Hardy covers hooking the leg and Rey kicks out once again. Matt Hardy stomps away at Rey before hoisting him up in a waistlock, before placing him on the top turnbuckle facing the crowd, before firing a couple of elbows to the back. Hardy climbs up, his back facing Rey, hooking him in a crucifix position. Splash Mountain, [b]no Rey countered into a Super Rana![/B] The crowd goes wild, as that is the same way that Rey defeated Eddie Guerrero eleven years ago! Rey manages to hold down Hardy for a two and three fourths count, the champion barely staying in the hunt! Both men are down as the referee is putting the standing ten count on them. Rey beats the World Heavyweight Champion to his feet and a series of punches, before whipping him into the ropes. Leapfrog over Matt Hardy and Matt turns around, getting a dropkick to the chest. Hardy is doubled over and Rey bounces to the middle rope. Hardy puts his head up and [B]Mysterio delivers an Asai Moonsault, before grabbing onto the head of Hardy and snapping him down with a vicious inverted DDT![/B] The champion may have been knocked out and Rey quickly scrambles on top for the cover, before delivering another two and three fourths count. Rey picks up Matt Hardy, and chops him, before whipping him into the ropes. Hardy comes off the ropes with an elbow but Rey slides between the legs and dropkick to the back of Hardy, causing him to fall on the middle rope. Rey dials it up, before connecting with the 6-1-9! The crowd cheers as Rey pumps them up, before climbing to the outside. [B]Rey springboards himself in, Dropping the Dime on Matt Hardy![/B] The champion goes into convulsions as Rey covers him hooking the leg. [B]Kickout at two and three fourths![/B] Rey fires some stomps to Hardy and a snap legdrop, before climbing to the outside. Rey leaps to the middle of the top rope and leaps off but Hardy ducks his head and Rey has to steady himself, landing on his feet, nearly losing his balance. Hardy viciously kicks Rey when he turns around and [B]Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Rey blocks it![/B]. Matt shoves Rey off and kneelift before hooking Rey and this time he snaps off the Twist of Fate! Rey deflates on the canvas and Matt rolls him over, hooking the leg before scoring the pin and retaining the title in 14:54(A) Matt Hardy holds up his World Heavyweight Title, climbing to the second buckle but Rey pulls himself up, before calling Hardy over. Hardy climbs down and stares down Rey, before Rey extends his hand. The World Heavyweight Champion accepts it and they shake hands in a sign of respect, before Rey raises Hardy’s hand in the air, as the crowd cheers at that sign of respect between two great athletes. (A) [B]King of the Ring Finals: Paul London vs. CM Punk[/B] Lock up and London shoves Punk into the corner, before chopping away at Punk, before whipping him into the ropes. London ducks the head and Punk delivers a kneelift, knocking London backwards. London gets back to his feet and Punk with a series of jabs, before grabbing London in a wristlock, twisting him into a hammerlock. Punk hoists up London while in the hammerlock. London struggles and Punk drops him onto his arm, before driving a knee to the arm. Punk lifts up London before catching him with an European Uppercut. Another European Uppercut rocks London and Punk grabs London’s arm, wrenching it, causing London to double over. Punk steps over London’s arm and kick to the side of the head of London. Another kick to the side of the head of London and Punk lets go before rocking London with a martial arts kick to the ribs. Punk buries a kick into London’s stomach, doubling him over, before Punk underhooks London’s arms. Hoisting London up but London manages to twist his back, dropping behind Punk. Punk catches London with a back elbow to the chest before turning around and delivering a clothesline. London rolls over and Punk drills an elbow across the back of the head. Punk lifts up London and whips him into the ropes. Dropkick to the knee of London as he comes off the ropes and Punk steps back, before rushing London and roundhouse kick drilled to the back of the head of London! Punk lifts up London and whips him into the corner. Punk rushes into the corner but London gives a knee up to the face of Punk. Punk staggers and London goes for a kick but Punk catches it. [B]London snaps up, catching Punk with a vicious spin kick right to the face![/B] Punk drops down and London quickly covers hooking the leg, scoring a two count. London lifts up Punk and forearm to the chest. Another forearm to the chest before London steps to the outside, before leaping to the middle of the top rope. Punk is up and London dives off the top rope with a forearm smash, knocking Punk backwards. Punk goes down and London bounces off the ropes, before delivering a forward roll right into a senton backsplash. Punk is hoisted up and London dropkicks Punk in the leg. Punk is down and London delivers a running dropkick to the back of the head. London hooks the arm of Punk, before spinning around the arm, before delivering a La Magistral Cradle, pinning Punk to the canvas for a two count. Punk gets to his feet and kneelift drills Punk in the face, before London snap mares Punk and leapfrogs over him, before catching him in the face with a spinning leg lariat. London steps to the outside before coming to the top rope. He waves his hands from the top rope, waiting for Punk to get up. London teases leaping off but climbs down, and catches Punk delivering a running kneelift. Punk is doubled over and London steps back, before rushing Punk and running somersault neckbreaker sends Punk to the canvas. Punk favors his neck and London drills a knee to the back of the neck, before hoisting up Punk, before putting Punk in a full nelson. Pair of headbutts to the back of the head before London brings Punk backwards with a dragon suplex, bridging for the cover. [B]Punk manages to kick out at two and three fourths![/B] London picks up Punk, before raking the eyes of Punk, before whipping Punk into the corner. Punk staggers out of the corner and London pops Punk right in the mouth with the dropsault! Punk is down on the canvas and London lifts up Punk before hoisting him up and bringing him down with an inverted atomic drop. Punk is doubled over and London leaps over Punk, [b]before sending him down onto the back of his head with a standing sunset flip power bomb![/B] London hangs on for the cover, scoring a close nearfall! Paul London was just a half a second away from winning the King of the Ring. Stomps drills Punk, before London whips Punk into the ropes, before flipping Punk into the corner. Punk is caught in the tree of woe and London climbs to the outside, perched on the top rope in the corner where Punk is in the tree of woe, before London leaps up and drills his knee into the groin of Punk! The crowd explodes into boos as London stands on the groin of Punk, as the referee puts the count on him. London steps off at four, before reaching down and pulling Punk up to the top rope. Both men are on the top rope as London hooks Punk around the head. [B]Tornado DDT delivered with both men standing on the top rope![/B] The crowd is on their feet as both men are down from that vicious move. The referee puts the count on both men, as London rolls over towards Punk, before draping an arm over the chest of Punk. [B]Punk manages to kick out at two and three fourths![/B] London picks up Punk and whips him into the corner. Punk staggers out and London kicks Punk in the chest, before scooping up Punk. Bodyslam delivered to Punk. London steps back crossing his arms in an “X” mocking Punk, before London rushes Punk. Standing Shooting Star Press but Punk gets his knees up, blocking London’s attack. He spent too much time stalling and paid for it! London rolls over, clutching his stomach and Punk is back to his feet. London with a wild swing but Punk ducks that and punches away at London, backing him off, before Punk rushes back and knee to the midsection of London. Punk hangs onto the arm of London and works him over with a series of knee strikes. London is shoved into the corner and Punk charges in with a running knee strike! London is doubled over and Punk hooks him around the head, before bringing him out of the corner with a running bulldog headlock! London has been planted facefirst into the canvas and Punk covers hooking the leg, but only a two count. Punk picks up London and uppercut rocks him. Another uppercut and Punk steps back, before battering London with a couple of kicks to the ribs, doubling London over. Double Underhook is applied and Punk hoists up London before bringing him down with a vicious backbreaker! London is in pain and Punk quickly hooks London, before applying a surfboard! Punk is trying to make London submit, so he could win the King of the Ring Tournament. CM Punk has got to watch his shoulders, as wrestlers haven gotten themselves pinned in this move before. London’s back is taking a trashing and Punk rocks back, inadvertently putting his shoulders on the canvas for a close two count. Punk breaks the hold after a few more seconds torture and picks up London, whipping him into the corner. Charging in but London moves and catches Punk with a kneelift. Irish whip sends Punk into the corner and London charges in with a handspring into an attempted Frankensteiner but Punk moves and London manages to leap to the second rope, putting the breaks on. Punk turns around right into a twisting cross body press from London. Two and a half count before Punk manages to muscle London into a rollover, before climbing to his feet with London on his shoulders. [B]Punk takes London down with the Go to Sleep in a blink of an eye![/B] The crowd is on their feet as Punk covers London hooking the leg and scores the pin in 16:38.(A*) CM Punk is your 2008 King of the Ring Winner and he stands in the ring, celebrating for the crowd. Punk has defeated Abyss, Carlito, Snitsky, and finally Paul London on his road to the crown. No doubt CM Punk will use this victory with the King of the Ring to propel his WWE career to new heights. Only time will tell. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]War Games Match: The Horsemen(Ric Flair, Carlito, Chris Masters, Johnny Nitro, and Rhino) vs. the Raw-All Stars(Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Bobby Lashley, Montel Vontavious Porter, and Brock Lesnar)[/COLOR][/B] The cage is billed as twenty two feet tall, with a roof on it. The team members for both sides are at ringside, with security in between them to make sure a scuffle doesn’t break out before they enter the cage. The first period is Johnny Nitro and Shawn Michaels starting out. Punches are traded at the bell, with Michaels gaining the advantage right away, knocking Nitro down with a clothesline, before choking Nitro. There won’t be much technical wrestling in this match as Michaels grabs Nitro and throws him right into the cage. Michaels grabs Nitro by the back of the hair and scrubs his face into the cage. Nitro is the first man to bleed in this match and Michaels chops him, before biting his face, drawing cheers from the crowd and Michaels headlocks Nitro, before punching away on the head of Nitro. Blood sticks the knuckles of Michaels, before Michaels tosses Nitro to the canvas and scrubs the soles of his boots down across the face of Nitro. Michaels grabs Nitro and elbow driven to the back of the head, as we have thirty seconds before the next man enters the cage. Nitro is dragged around the ring, rammed into the mesh, before Michaels begins to wrap the tag rope around his throat, attempting to strangle Nitro. Punches with the tag rope still wrapped around Nitro’s throat as the buzzer goes off and [B]Chris Masters enters the cage![/B] The Horsemen have won the coin toss, gaining the one man advantage. Masters enters the cage and spins Michaels around but Michaels punches away on the Masterpiece. Michaels has Masters stepped back but Nitro is up and Nitro takes the leg of Michaels out from underneath him with a chop block! Double team assault by MNM II, as they lift up Michaels, before dropping him throat first onto the top rope with a double team hotshot. Masters chokes Michaels against the cage as Nitro walks over, untying the turnbuckle padding, exposing the metal bolt. Nitro walks over, joining Masters on their beatdown on Michaels, walking him over to the corner with the exposed buckle. Masters hoists up Michaels onto his shoulder, before dropping Michaels facefirst onto the exposed turnbuckle! Michaels falls back, cut wide open from that shot and blood dripping down his face. So far in this War Games Match, both Johnny Nitro and Shawn Michaels are bleeding. Nitro and Masters double team Shawn Michaels, getting in their shots while they still have the one man advantage as the time is up and [B]Bobby Lashley is sent into the cage![/B] MNM II rush Lashley but Lashley runs them over with a double clothesline. Lashley is fresh and he picks up Nitro, before flinging him into the corner effortlessly. Masters grabs Lashley but Lashley turns around with a series of vicious punches to the Masterpiece, before whipping him into the ropes. Lashley explodes off the ropes, nearly knocking Masters out of his shoes with a leaping shouderblock. Nitro attempts to attack Lashley but Michaels has Nitro by the arm and spins him around, jabbing away but Nitro catches Michaels with a knee to the midsection and whips him into the ropes. Michaels comes back off the ropes with a leaping forearm smash as Lashley hoists up Masters in a Gorilla Press, pumping him over his head, before dropping him down onto Johnny Nitro. Michaels climbs to the top rope as Lashley stands with his back to him in the corner MNM II get up and [B]Michaels dives off the shoulders of Lashley with a cross body press onto both Masters and Nitro![/B] The buzzer goes off, as the Horsemen send [B]Rhino[/B] into the cage, with the one man advantage swinging back to their favor. Rhino knocks Shawn Michaels back with a kneelift, before turning his attention to Bobby Lashley. Both of these large men trade punches, quite a bit of bad blood here between the two. Johnny Nitro and Chris Masters find their way behind Lashley and grab his legs, allowing Rhino to elbow Lashley in the face. Another pair of elbows and Lashley goes down, for a triple team stomp fest by the Horsemen. Michaels is up to his feet, so Rhino rushes over and [B]delivers the Gore to Shawn Michaels![/B] The crowd explodes into boos as Michaels has just been wiped out by the Gore. Michaels might be finished for tonight, as he is a crumpled, deflated heap in the center of the ring. Chris Masters reaches into his boot and he pulls out a chain, before tossing it to Rhino. Everything is legal in War Games as Masters and Nitro tie Lashley into the ropes. Rhino wraps the chain around his fist and [B]punches Lashley with it![/B] Rhino stands back as Lashley slumps down, breaking free from the ropes. Rhino kicks Lashley in the side of the head as Nitro and Masters batter Shawn Michaels in the corner. Blood is dripping from Lashley’s face, the third man in this War Games Match to bleed as Rhino sets up Lashley for a piledriver but Lashley fights it as the buzzer goes off and [B]MVP enters the ring for the Raw All-Stars[/B]. MVP steps into the cage cauctiously, as Rhino intimidates him backwards. MVP walks no part of this match, with both of his partners at a disadvantage. Rhino decides to go after MVP and [B]MVP tosses powder into the eyes of Rhino, blinding the Man Beast[/B] MVP enters the ring and knocks Rhino down with a clothesline, before punching him but Chris Masters attacks MVP from behind with a forearm to the back of the head. Masters stomps MVP, before hoisting him up and grabbing MVP, before scrubbing his face into the steel cage. MVP has been cut wide open and Masters whips MVP into the ropes. The head is ducked and MVP with a forearm across the back of the head. Playmaker attempt but Rhino explodes into MVP with a clothesline, having wiped the powder from his eyes. Rhino chokes MVP in the corner but Lashley has risen. Masters charges Lashley but gets powerslammed. Nitro rushes Lashley but eats a flapjack. Lashley grabs Rhino by the hair and hoists him up in a slam. Lashley rushes Rhino across the ring and slams him backfirst into the cage before delivering a fallaway slam. Lashley is on fire as Shawn Michaels struggles to get to his feet as well but collapses. That Gore took a lot out of him as the buzzer sounds, [B]bringing Carlito into the match[/B] as the Horsemen have the advantage of one extra man once again. Carlito rushes into the ring, attacking Bobby Lashley from behind. Carlito pounds away on Lashley, but Lashley grabs Carlito by the throat, hoisting him up with a choke lift. Carlito begs off but Chris Masters is back up and running double axe handle to the back of Lashley. Masters and Carlito double team Lashley with MVP attempting to make the save but Rhino grabs MVP and throws him into the cage! MVP is hurt and Rhino joins the double team attack from Carlito and Masters on Lashley, making it a triple team. Lashley attempts to fight off but three men is just too much for him. Johnny Nitro kicks Michaels a couple of times, before scrubbing his face into the cage, drawing more blood and joins the attack. Lashley is whipped into Rhino who hoist up Lashley before sending him down with a thunderous spinebuster. Carlito is on the second rope and leaps off with a kneedrop to the head. MVP pulls himself using the ropes but Masters grabs MVP and puts the Masterlock on him! Masters spins MVP around allowing Nitro to pummel MVP while he is in the Masterlock as the clock comes up and buzzes, as [B]Triple H[/B] enters the ring, evening up the odds. Triple H enters the cage as the Horsemen to there full attention to Triple H, all four of them going after the Game, attempting to assault him four on one, but Triple H fights his way out with a series of punches, causing the Horsemen to back up. Triple H grabs Carlito and throws him hard into the cage. Carlito staggers back, busted open from getting rammed into the cage and Triple H knees Carlito, before hooking the arms. Pedigree sends Carlito down to the canvas! Nitro spins Triple H around but Triple H kicks him and hooks Nitro. Pedigree delivered to Johnny Nitro! Triple H is a house of fire and Chris Masters and Rhino manage to catch Triple H off guard, whipping him into the ropes, but Hunter comes back with a double clothesline! Triple H pulls Masters up and punches before, before setting him up. Pedigree delivered to Chris Masters! Three Pedigrees delivered by Triple H and he knees Rhino, before bringing him down across the knee with the facebuster. Triple H signals for the Pedigree on Rhino but the buzzer goes off and [B]Ric Flair is the last man in on the Horsemen side![/B] Flair enters the ring and attacks Triple H, chopping away at the Game. Flair backs off the Game, working him into the corner with a series of chops, before Flair chokes Triple H, before digging his fingers into the eyes of the Game. Lashley is up but not for long as Rhino steps back, before going for the Gore but Lashley leapfrogs over Rhino! Rhino turns around and [B]Lashley nearly destroys Rhino with a vicious spear![/B] Rhino is down and Ric Flair grabs Triple H and chops away at him, but Lashley grabs Flair from behind but [B]Flair catches Lashley with a low blow back kick![/B] Lashley is doubled over in pain and Flair kicks him in the leg. Carlito staggers to his feet and grabs Lashley, before bringing him down with the Backstabber. Flair chops Triple H with Nitro and Masters closing in on the Game as well for a three on one assault. [B]The buzzer goes off and Brock Lesnar is the last man in the cage![/B] Now the Match Beyond begins, the only way you can win is by making the other team surrender or submit. Triple H is being pummeled as Lesnar has yet to enter the cage. Carlito, Nitro, Masters, Flair, and Rhino are battering the Game, picking him apart. Lesnar has his hands a steel chair, with the other three men in the match incapacitated and Triple H quickly becoming that way, Lesnar isn’t taking any chances, he’s bringing an equalizer into the battle. The Horsemen step back slightly as Lesnar raises the chair threateningly as Triple H pulls himself to his feet and [B]Lesnar nearly destroys Triple H with a vicious chairshot right to the head![/B] The crowd explodes into boos as Lesnar may have murdered the Game with that chairshot and Triple H has been split open from ear to ear, blood oozing out of his forehead! Lesnar holds up the dented chair for all to see, before bending down, and hoisting Triple H onto his shoulders. [B]The F-5 lays waste to Triple H.[/B] The Horsemen step towards Lesnar, like a pack of vultures but Lesnar yells: “I surrender”! The crowd is in shock as Brock Lesnar has just screwed his own team out of victory tonight at King of the Ring in 20:29(B+) The crowd alternates chants of “Lesnar sucks” and “bull****” as Jim Ross is going ballistic on commentary, as Lesnar holds up his WWE Championship Belt. Ross calls Lesnar a sellout and a quitter, instead of manning up and entering the cage, he attacked his own partner and then cost his own team the match by surrendering. The Horsemen celebrate in the ring, but Brock Lesnar may have just made himself a pariah to the entire Raw brand tonight at King of the Ring 2008. Security moves in, as some fans look like they want to jump the barricade and go after Lesnar. Pieces of garbage sail over the guardrail all aimed at Brock Lesnar, who has a smirk on his face. Ross calls Lesnar a “no good son of a bitch who deserves to rot in hell” as we fade to black. See you on Raw. [B]Overall Show Rating: B+[/B] [B]Quick Results:[/B] CM Punk over Snitsky Paul London over Jeff Hardy WWE Women’s Champion Mickie James over Jillian to retain the title Edge defeats Mr. Kennedy. John Cena over Batista WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble over Eric Young to retain the Title World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy over WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio to retain the World Heavyweight Title. CM Punk over Paul London to win the 2008 King of the Ring The Horsemen over the Raw All Stars in War Games, when Brock Lesnar screwed his team over. [B]Prediction League[/B] For the A* matches, I gave you a bonus point if you named at least one of the matches. Corrected matches were worth the three points, with bonus questions being worth one point. Sorry for not making that clear earlier. Prediction Results for KOTR: softflake-16/27. de@d frog- 26/27 Wink- 23/27 chris caulfield.: 24/27 Overall Rankings after the first week 1) de@d frog-28/37 2) chris caulfield: 26/37 3) Wink: 25/37 4) softflake: 18/37 5) Lexa90: 5/37 6) The Human Cancer: 2/37 EDIT: All errors in computing the totals have been fixed and everything should be accurate right now. Raw preview should be up this evening or at least early tomorrow morning.
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Awesome show man, I especially liked the ending to the Wargames match. I have to say I was surprised you made London go over Hardy, because I thought that mabe Kendrick was going to interfere and cost London the match. And I can't believe Snitsky vs Punk got an A*, yet Kennedy vs Edge only got a B, and Hardy vs Rey an A.
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Monday Morning News Update. Raw Preview will be up a little bit: [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News and Notes for Monday Week Two, June 2008[/B][/I][/U] WWE King of the Ring 2008 happened last night. The results are available elsewhere on the website, but it was a good show. The next Pay Per View is a Raw Brand Pay Per View, Vengeance, which looks like Lesnar/Triple H for the WWE Championship, but we will find out for sure on Monday. We should have the final buyrate figures in a couple of weeks, but those in WWE have been said to be very optimistic about the show’s success. For the Television Ratings this week, Raw received a 4.4 rating(4,963,200 viewers), Smackdown got a 2.4 rating(3,702,960 viewers). TNA Impact got a 1.3 Rating(1,466,400 Viewers). The AAA Monday Show received at 0.44 rating(496320 people), While the Saturday Night Show(a better show mind you) on Spike TV received a 0.26 rating(293,280 viewers). For CMLL, the Tuesday night show on Spike TV received a 0.77 rating(860,560 viewers), while last night’s airing on the HALLMARK CHANNEL~! received a 0.83 rating(936,240 viewers). NJPW Blaze of Glory received a 1.3 rating(1,466,400 viewers) while NJPW Throwback received a 1.1 rating(1,240,800 viewers). On ratings note, literally no one watches Zero One because it received perhaps the lowest rating in the history of humanity 0.01(11280 people bothered to watch this show). The rest is syndicated. NOAH and AJPW are currently not on the air, having been off tour. The last TNA Pay Per View, Sacrifice received a 0.13 or 52000 buys. Zero One had their monthly supercard, dubbed: “ZI-Max, Rising Challenge Met”. Quick results -Takuya Suguwara defeated Yoshihito Sasaki -Team Edge(Shunme Matsuzaki and Lingerie Mutoh) defeated Ricky Landell and Fuyuki Takahashi -Tatsuhito Takaiwa defeated Masayoshi Motegi. -Takehiro Muruhama and Ryuoji Sai defended their Z1-Max Lightheavyweight Tag Team Titles over Kazuhiko Ogasawara and Kohei Sato. -Danshoku Dino and Hirotaka Yokoi retained the AWA World Tag Team Titles over Mitsuya Nagai and Naohiro Hoshikawa. -GENTARO defeated Minoru Fujita to retain the Z1 United States Open Title -Shinjiro Ohtani battled to a double countout against Tomohiro Ishii -Masato Tanaka retained his AWA World Heavyweight Title against Ikuto Hidaka. Just another wrestling show. Nothing but, but nothing spectacular from what the live reports said. Last night, CMLL had their Hallmark Channel Sunday night show, featuring, Aguila, Blue Panther, and Dos Caras Jr. defeating Averno, Atlantis, and El Hijo Del Santo in a six man tag team match, headlining a pretty spectacular night of Lucha action. In Japan, Joey Matthews continues his tour of the country, this time with the NOAH promotion. [/QUOTE]
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