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World Wrestling Entertainment 2008-Alternate Reality

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[COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Preview for Week Two, June 2008[/COLOR][/B] Twenty Four Hours after King of the Ring, the superstars of Raw prepare for the next Pay Per View event, Vengeance. Brock Lesnar is no doubt the talk of the wrestling world after his cowardly actions of last night. He cost his team War Games and Lesnar will be in the building on Monday, but Triple H will also be in the house. The Game is not likely to let Lesnar's vicious chairshot and F-5 that he gave Triple H before surrendering War Games go without a receipt. Will these two wrestlers cross paths? Tune into Monday to find out. The Horsemen are on a high after War Games and this week, three of the Horsemen will be in action. Johnny Nitro squares off against Montel Vontavious Porter, Chris Masters takes on Hardcore Holly, and Carlito takes on Bobby Lashley. Ric Flair has promised us at WWE.com that the Horsemen will continue to dominate the Raw roster. We'll see if the Nature Boy lives up to his promises on Monday. CM Punk is the 2008 King of the Ring. Monday will be the first night of Punk's reign as King and what a first night he has, as he teams up with Kane to square off against Snitsky and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Abyss. Punk beat Snitsky and Abyss in battles in the KOTR Tournament on his way to his victory. Also, Kane and Snitsky have had their issues in the past. This tag team match should be a hotly contested battle. Two titans collide in the center of the ring on Raw. That's right, the Great Khali takes on "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry. All this and much more this Monday on Raw. [B]Confirmed Matches:[/B] Johnny Nitro vs. Montel Vontavious Porter Chris Masters vs. Hardcore Holly Carlito vs. Bobby Lashley Snitsky and Abyss vs. CM Punk and Kane Mark Henry vs. the Great Khali.
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[B]Heat Matches:[/B] -Super Crazy pins Rene Dupree with the Crazy Bomb in 3:02(B+) -Chuck Palumbo pins Larry Sweeney with a swinging uranage slam in 1:42(C) -Melina pins Candice Michelle in 2:55 with a spinning faceplant ( C) -The New Breed defeated Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney when Burke pins Dreamer after a Pounce from Cor Von in 4:19(C+) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Week One, June 2008[/COLOR][/B] We see recaps from Last Night at King of the Ring, with Batista battle with John Cena, the King of the Ring Tournament bouts, with Punk becoming King, and the controversial ending of War Games with Brock Lesnar stabbing his team in the back, giving the Horsemen the victory(B+) [COLOR=red][B]Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch vs. the Highlanders[/COLOR][/B] Typical main event on Heat tag team match. Cade and Murdoch dominate most of the bout, with Rory at first, but Robbie made the hot tag and made a bit of a comeback, but Cade decks him with a vicious lariat to score the pin in 2:53 (C) After the match ended, here comes Triple H, with his forehead bandaged up. Triple H enters the ring and the Rednecks attack him right away, but Triple H runs them over with a double clothesline. Triple H lifts up Murdoch and Pedigree to Murdoch. Triple H grabs Lance Cade and Pedigree delivered to Cade! Robbie gets up and Triple H kicks Robbie before delivering the Pedigree to Robbie! Rory gets knocked down and Triple H sets him up, before delivering the Pedigree before going for the microphone (C+) Triple H is all intense, yelling about Brock Lesnar, demanding that Lesnar show some balls for once and walk out, putting the belt on the line against Triple H, tonight on Raw! No, Lesnar and Triple H yells, calling Lesnar a sellout, a coward, and a paper champion. The Game wants just one title shot, one more shot, he’ll do anything to receive the title shot, he’ll put anything on the line, just so he gets Lesnar in the ring, one on one for the WWE Championship. Still no Lesnar as security comes out to attempt to escort Triple H from the ring. Triple H indicates that this isn’t over, allowing security to lead him off. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Batista vs. Val Venis[/COLOR][/B] Stills are shown of Batista destroying John Cena after Cena managed to score a flash pin on him. Cena will be out for the foreseeable future. Val Venis attacks Batista at the bell, with a kneelift and a clothesline, but quickly gets overpowered and Batista works over Val Venis, with the usual offense. Huge clothesline and Batista delivers the spinebuster. Thumbs down but Val Venis manages to fight up from underneath. The announcers remind us not to count out Val Venis, as he is a former two time WWE Intercontinental Champion. Val Venis delivers a kneelift, before hooking Batista in a cradle but Batista powers out and whips him into the ropes. Another huge spinebuster and this time, thumbs down, before knee to the gut. Batista hoists up Val Venis and huge Batista Bomb lays Venis to waste. Cover and Batista scores the pin in 4:35(B) Batista continues to beat down Val Venis at the bell and sets him up for another Batista Bomb. The crowd raises to their feet and [B]Shawn Michaels rushes out, making the save, catching Batista off guard with the Superkick![/B] Shawn Michaels has saved Val Venis from getting injured, just like John Cena was last night. When Batista gets up from that Superkick, he’ll beat hot and Michaels might be regretting putting his foot in Batista’s jaw! (B+) [COLOR=red][B]One Half of the World Tag Team Champions Johnny Nitro(w/Melina and Ric Flair) vs. Montel Vontavious Porter[/COLOR][/B] Both men lock up and MVP drills Nitro with a series of jabs to the chest, before whipping Nitro into the ropes and leg lariat knocking Nitro down. Corkscrew legdrop delivered to Nitro and MVP lifts up Nitro, before drilling the elbow down across the back of the head. Another elbow driven across the back of the head and MVP whips Nitro into the corner. Chop across the chest of Nitro and MVP goes behind Nitro, before hoisting him up and down with a belly to back suplex. MVP taunts Flair with a strut, which causes Flair to go ballistic on the floor, before dropping a pair of elbows on Nitro. MVP picks up Nitro, but Nitro delivers a jawbreaker to MVP! MVP is injured and Nitro hooks MVP, before delivering a swinging neckbreaker. Nitro stomps away at MVP and puts on a chinlock, drawing heat from the crowd but MVP fights out, so Nitro shoves him off and back elbow smash. Nitro lifts up MVP, and hooks him, before bringing him down with a vertical facebuster! MVP is rolled over and Nitro climbs to the top rope, facing the crowd. [B]Corkscrew Moonsault misses![/b], with MVP moving out of the way. Nitro favors his neck and MVP delivers a running knee to the leg of Nitro, causing him to slump into the corner. MVP with a series of kicks to the midsection before stepping back and running Yakuza Kick in the corner. MVP bends over Nitro, putting the leg over the head, before delivering the Playmaker in 6:55 to score the pin(A) Ric Flair throws down his sports jacket and grabs the microphone from Lillian Garcia. Flair says MVP must think he’s something, with the role he’s been on recently. MVP nods, with a smug look on his face but Flair yells that MVP hasn’t proved himself as far as the Nature Boy is concerned. MVP is a great athlete, a good kid, and a bright future, but there have been many others in the history of wrestling who have had a bright future but fizzled out once they stepped up to the big time. Flair tells MVP to be the man, he’ll have to beat the man, and after all these years, Ric Flair is still the man. MVP calls for a microphone of his own, and receives it. MVP calls Flair the best wrestler in the history of wrestling, but also adds that history is in the past and MVP is the present and the future. Flair says that MVP can prove that claim, by putting his Money in the Bank title shot on the line against the Nature Boy at Vengeance. MVP says he doesn’t sweat Flair and says he’s on for Vengeance. The crowd goes wild as Ric Flair and MVP have a “wooo” off. The match is on for Vengeance. (A*-God Bless Ric Flair). [COLOR=red][B]Mark Henry vs. the Great Khali[/COLOR][/B] Staredown between both men to start out, as Mark Henry might be the world’s strongest man, but the Great Khali may be the most awesome force on Raw. Jim Ross says you really have to see Khali live to appreciate his size. Henry rushes at Khali like a bull elephant three times, but he only manages to knock Khali back a step. Khali bellows and delivers a Mongolian chop to the chest of Henry, backing him off. Another succession of Mongolian Chops but Henry ducks a kick and kicks Khali in the legs a few times, before attempting to scoop up Khali for a slam, but no go. Khali shoves Henry up and kick to the chest. Henry is rocked and Khali signals for a slam of his own but [B]The World’s Greatest Tag Team[/B] rushes into the ring, attacking Khali from behind, drawing the disqualification in 2:34 (C) Khali is fighting off the World’s Greatest Tag Team but Mark Henry is on the second rope and he leaps off right into Khali with a double axe handle. Khali is staggered, before he falls into the ropes. Khali’s arms are tangled in the ropes and Khali’s buddy Eugene attempts to run out to make the save, but the World’s Greatest Tag Team stomp him as he enters the ring, before launching Eugene to the floor. The World’s Greatest Tag Team batters Khali while he is tangled in the ropes but the pryos go off and here comes Kane. Kane enters the ring and grabs Charlie Haas by the throat. Choke Slam to Haas! Benjamin goes for a spin kick but Kane catches it, spins him around, choke and Choke Slam. Mark Henry and Kane go face to face, as security, road agents, and referees come out, before these two titans can go at it. The crowd is on their feet as Mark Henry steps back, staring a hole through Kane. We fade out from the segment on this note (B) Brock Lesnar makes his way out, as the crowd is booing Lesnar, chanting “You Sold Out” which Lesnar thanks the fans for their acknowledgment, because in fact, his star power alone had sold out tonight’s Raw, which draws more boos and a light trickle of garbage into the ring. The WWE Champion acknowledges Triple H, saying that he only has one thing to say about the Game’s challenge…he refuses. Lesnar says he has a title defense line up tonight, against a superstar of the highest magnitude, a wrestler who has been in the company for quite some time. Lesnar says he hopes he can survive this tough challenge, because his opponent is quite the badass (B+) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Championship Match: Stevie Richards vs. Brock Lesnar©[/COLOR][/B] Lesnar murders Stevie at the bell, knocking him back with a series of clotheslines, a running spear and Lesnar delivers a huge belly to belly suplex. Lesnar hoists Stevie up and delivers the F-5. Cover and count, but Lesnar pulls Stevie up at two. Lesnar kicks Stevie and underhooks him. Lesnar drills Stevie with the Pedigree, before mimicking spitting water and rolling over Stevie to score the pin in 1:05 to retain the WWE Championship. (B) Lesnar holds up his belt, to boos but they quickly turn to cheers as [b]here comes Triple H![/B] Triple H enters the ring and knocks Lesnar down with a clothesline. Triple H pounds away at Lesnar, but Lesnar quickly bolts from the ring, leaving his belt in the ring. Triple H holds up the belt, before grabbing the microphone. Hunter says Lesnar will get his belt once he gives Triple H his title shot. Lesnar turns his back, walking to the back, as Triple H drapes his belt over his shoulder, before walking off to the back with it. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Snitsky and WWE Intercontinental Champion Abyss(w/James Mitchell) vs. Kane and The 2008 King of the Ring CM Punk[/COLOR][/B] Pier six brawl to start out, with Snitsky being left into the ring, being pinballed between Punk and Kane. The past between Abyss and CM Punk is brought up, as well as that between Kane and Snitsky. Kane batters Snitsky in the corner, delivering a clothesline an sidewalk slam before whipping Snitsky into the ropes. Kane ducks the head and Snitsky kicks him in the face, before grabbing Kane and shoving him into the corner, choking him. Tag to Abyss and Abyss and Snitsky with a double team attack. Abyss whips Kane into the ropes and running body attack before Abyss delivers a huge body splash. Two count and Abyss picks up Kane, before choking him on the middle rope, rocking horse move and Abyss pounds away on Kane, but tag made to Snitsky. Abyss holds Kane so Snitsky could kick him. Snitsky whips Kane into the ropes and big boot to the chest. Kane goes down and Snitsky climbs to the second rope, waiting for Kane. Snitsky leaps off but Kane boots Snitsky in the chest on the way down. Snitsky staggers back and Kane scoops him up, before dropping him with a powerslam! Both men are down as the race is on to the corner. Tag made to Abyss and Abyss grabs the tag to Kane, but Kane kicks him off and CM Punk is tagged in. Punk leaps into the ring, delivering a springboard dropkick! Punk knocks Snitsky out of the running with an elbowsmash. Punk steps back and delivers a leaping elbow to the head of Abyss. Cover on Abyss, for a two count. CM Punk picks up Abyss and elbow to the head, before Punk whips Abyss into the ropes. Punk charges into the corner but Abyss moves. Abyss lifts up Punk in a torture rack before sitting out! Cover hooking the leg but Kane makes the save. Snitsky enters the ring and Kane dumps him to the floor. Kane is dragged to the floor as Punk is pounded by Abyss. Abyss grabs Punk and flattens him with a choke slam! Abyss gives the signal for the Black Hole Slam, before whipping him into the ropes. Punk ducks down underneath the clothesline and Abyss ducks the head, so Punk leaps over him with a sunset flip. Punk struggles but Abyss attempts to sit down onto his chest, but Punk moves and Abyss hits the canvas tailbone first. [B]Punk decks Abyss with a running knee to the head![/B] Abyss goes down and Punk holds him down long enough to score the pin over the WWE Intercontinental Champion in 6:48 (A) General Manager Kevin Nash is backstage, where Triple H busts into his office. Triple H demands that Nash make Lesnar put the belt on the line with him but Nash remarks that Triple H is not endearing himself to him by stealing Raw property. As much as Nash doesn’t care for Lesnar after what happened last night, he still has certain rights as WWE Champion and his belt is a status symbol. Still, Nash says he might be able to get Triple H one final shot at the WWE Championship. Triple H says Nash has to the end of the show, or he will be back here, this time with a sledgehammer. Nash gets up, staring down Triple H, saying he is the law and the Game might find himself eating a Jack Knife if he gets out of line. Triple H steps back, reminding Nash that he beat him in Hell in a Cell, before walking off, still with Lesnar’s belt in his possession. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]One Half of the World Tag Team Champions Chris Masters(w/Johnny Nitro and Melina) vs. Hardcore Holly[/COLOR][/B] Hardcore Holly is on his own, because his regular tag team partner and ally Val Venis is still recovering from that Batista Bomb. Hardcore Holly attacks Masters at the bell, blistering his chest with chops and punches, before choking him in the corner. Hardcore Holly whips Masters into the corner but Holly leaps towards Masters but Masters hoists him up and drops him into the corner. Hardcore Holly staggers out and Masters with a clothesline. Masters stomps away at Hardcore Holly, before hoisting him up and whipping him into the corners. Running forearm smash to the face of Hardcore Holly. Masters raises his arms, preparing for the Masterlock but Holly elbows Masters in the face, before he could attack him. Hardcore Holly steps back, before delivering a leaping dropkick. Johnny Nitro is on the ring apron and Holly knocks him off with a dropkick! Masters kicks Hardcore Holly and goes for a power bomb but [B]Hardcore Holly counters Chris Masters with an Alabama Slam![/B] Hardcore Holly hooks the leg for the cover and scores a victory over one half of the World Tag Team Champions in 4:48(B-) Carlito is backstage, where Ric Flair gives him a pep talk, saying that the Horsemen have not been having a very good night, but Carlito can turn it all around, as he goes one on one with Bobby Lashley, who has been a thorn in the side of the Horsemen since they reformed. Flair says that Carlito can take the brass ring and move up to the next level against Lashley. Carlito remarks it’s all cool, he’s been studying Bobby Lashley matches all day and he has found a weakness in Lashley. Flair says Carlito has come a long way in the last eighteen months ago and has the killer instinct to be one of the best, if not the very best. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Carlito(w/Ric Flair) vs. Bobby Lashley[/COLOR][/B] Lashley attacks Carlito at the bell with a high tempo offensive flurry before Carlito rolls to the floor to stall Lashley. Carlito rolls back in and out, until Lashley slides to the floor, losing his patience with Carlito’s stall tactics and chases Carlito around the ring. Carlito makes it into the ring first and Lashley follows but Carlito drills Lashley in the side of the head with a kneelift. More kneelifts and Carlito snap mares Lashley to the canvas, before delivering a knee drop to the chest. Carlito chokes Lashley, before picking up Lashley and forearm to the chest. Another forearm to the chest and Carlito steps back, before leaping to the middle rope and connects with a back elbow smash off the ropes! Carlito motions for Lashley to get off and Carlito hooks Lashley, before bringing him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Dragon Sleeper applied by Carlito, but Lashley manages to power out, so Carlito goes to the eyes and kicks Lashley, before hooking him around the head and DDT sends Lashley down for a nearfall! Carlito lifts up Lashley and irish whip into the ropes, before delivering a spinning back elbow smash. Carlito picks up Lashley and manages to muscle him to the rope rope. Punches and Carlito climbs up with Lashley, attempting a superplex but Lashley blocks it and shoves Carlito off the ropes. [B]Huge spear off the top rope nearly breaks Carlito in half![/B] The crowd is on their feet as Lashley pulls himself to his feet as Carlito gets up and Lashley nails Carlito with an explosive clothesline, causing Carlito spiraling three hundred and sixty degrees in the air. Lashley lifts up Carlito and grabs the arm, before pulling him into a kneelift. He hooks up Carlito, before bringing him up and holding him up for thirty seconds, before slamming him down with a vertical suplex! Lashley lifts up Carlito and hoists him up before effortlessly hoisting Carlito over his head in a Gorilla Press. Lashley does reps on Carlito’s body, as the crowd chants to ten before Lashley throws Carlito down to the canvas ! Ric Flair is on the ring apron and Lashley knocks him off to the floor. Carlito is up and Lashley steps back before charging him. [B]Explosive spear wipes Carlito out![/B] Lashley gives the signal for the Powerslam but [B]Rhino is out from the back![/B] Rhino goes to enter the ring but Lashley grabs Rhino, before catapulting him into the ring. Rhino gets to his feet and Lashley grabs Rhino before throwing him to the floor! Lashley raises his hands but Carlito kicks Lashley in the back before hooking him. [B]Back Stabber brings Lashley down![/B] Carlito covers Lashley and scores the pin in 11:57(A*) Lashley is struggling back up as Carlito celebrates his victory but Rhino is back into the ring. [B]Gore delivered on Bobby Lashley![/B] Rhino bends down, punching away on Lashley, as Carlito and Flair roll to the outside of the ring, before pulling back to the ring apron, and removing a table from underneath the ring and sliding it into the ring. Rhino lifts up Lashley and rams him into the corner, as Carlito and Flair set up the table in the opposite corner. Rhino hoists up Bobby Lashley, before rushing him across the ring in an amazing show of table, and [B]slamming Lashley through the table in the corner, breaking the table in two![/B] Lashley has been wiped out as Rhino has put him through a table tonight on Raw! All three Horsemen leave the ring, as Lashley is being attended to (B+) Triple H comes from the back after the commercial break with both the WWE Championship and a sledgehammer. Triple H once again demands that Brock Lesnar be a man and put his championship on the line. Out comes Brock Lesnar, who has four riot cops with him. Lesnar tells Triple H that the riot cops are here to protect Triple H from Lesnar and not the other way around. Lesnar once again says that Triple H does not deserve a title shot but Triple H stares down Lesnar as Kevin Nash makes his way down to the ring. The Raw General Manager enters the ring, with a microphone of his own. Nash says he has been on the phone with the half hour with Vince McMahon and says that Mr. McMahon has agreed to Lesnar will have to put his WWE Championship on the line against Triple H at Vengeance! Lesnar protests but Nash isn’t finished. Nash says this is do or die for Triple H and the title match isn’t official, unless Triple H agrees to another stipulation. Triple H says name anything, he will walk through hell to beat Brock Lesnar and win the title. Nash says that if Triple H fails to win the WWE Championship at Vengeance against Brock Lesnar, he will have to retire from wrestling. Triple H looks reluctant but Lesnar ask “who’s the coward now, Triple H?” Triple H angrily accepts and it’s on. Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar, career vs. WWE Championship at Vengeance. (A*) [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [B]Quick Results[/B] Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch over the Highlanders Batista over Val Venis MVP over Johnny Nitro The Great Khali over Mark Henry via disqualification Brock Lesnar over Steve Richards Kane and CM Punk over Abyss and Snitsky Hardcore Holly over Chris Masters Carlito over Bobby Lashley Prediction League Results: For Raw: Lexa90: 2/5 De@d frog: 2/5 Wink: 1/5 softflake: 4/5 The Human Cancer: 0/5 Overall Rankings: 1) De@d frog: 30/42 2) Wink: 26/ 42 chris caulfield: 26/42 3) softflake: 22/42 4) Lexa90: 7/42 5) The Human Cancer: 2/42
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All the News in the World of Wrestling from Tuesday to Friday: [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News and Notes for Tuesday, Week Two, June 2008[/B][/I][/U] TNA…what can I say about TNA. Last night, Thursday’s Impact was taped. One more Impact after this is Slammivesary, celebrating six years of TNA. Let’s take a look at the matches that will air this Thursday. -Team 3D defeated The Pain Game. For those who don’t watch TNA, the Pain Game is consisted of Robert Roode and Matt Bentley. Team 3D scores a victory, maybe they could be the next team challenging for the TNA Tag Team Titles held by Team Pro(Lethal and Styles). (C) -Christopher Daniels successfully defended his TNA X-Division Title in another fatal four way match. The challengers this week were Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Chris Sabin. For those who are keeping score, these three men lost last week. This leads to my theory that Vince Russo uses a roulette wheel with all of the names of the TNA roster to book Impact. (C+) -Samoa Joe beat Alex Shelley. Yes, it was the TNA Champion vs. the ROH Champion. Neither belt was on the line. Joe wins the match, which was said to be a very excellent eight minute match. (B-) -The main event between Scott Steiner and Kurt Angle against Sting and Christian descended into a no contest. This was a dream partner tag team match for Angle and Christian, as a feud seems to be developing for these two men in TNA. Wild brawl to close the show between these four men, as Slammivesary is hyped up. (B) Good show as far wrestling was concerned but the booking makes you wonder sometimes. AAA continues their attempt to be a Global promotion, as they tour the states, having a Lucha show in New England of all places. Best match of the night was Juventud Guerrera pinning Octagon(Juvi’s AAA Television Title was not on the line). The main event featured La Parka Jr., El Zorro, and Scorpio Jr. defending their Mexico National Atomicos Titles for the first time against the trio of El Brazo, Gran Apache, and Abismo Negro. Nothing worth noting other than those two matches, as AAA continues to put on some of the worst wrestling shows in North America. This week’s Zero One had a double main event of Masato Tanaka defeating Iduto Hidaka and Shinjiro Ohtani over Tomohiro Ishii. Average night of Japanese wrestling. Last nights Dragon Gate show had three title matches. The first match was Ryo Saito defending his Open the Brave Gate Title successfully against Kaz Hayashi. Magnitude Kishiwada and Naruki Doi defended their WAR International Jr. Tag Team Titles against Keni’chiro Arai and Anthony W. Mori. Finally, in the main event, CIMA defeated K-ness to retain his Open the Dream Gate Title. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News and Notes for Week Two, Wednesday, June 2008[/B][/I][/U] Last night’s NJPW Blaze of Glory was a fair show. Main event featured Shinsuke Nakamura defeating Takai Omori. Also, two titles were on the line last night. Hirooki Goto retaining his IWGP U30 Title against Mitsuhide Hirasawa and Hiroshi Tanahashi successfully defending his IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title against Minoru Tanaka. CMLL featured a six man tag team main event, featuring Aguila, Blue Panther, and El hijo Del Perro beating the trio of Atlantis, Averno, and Black Warrior. The semi-main event featured El Hijo Del Santo defeating Mephisto. Also, the CMLL World Heavyweight Champion Chessman teamed up with Hector Garza to defeat L.A Park and Lizmark Jr. in tag team action. Big Japan had there “Spoiled My Victory” supercard last night. Quick run down of the events -Ruckus defeated Cibernetico in perhaps a match that will run neck and neck with the Great Khali against Mark Henry from Raw as the surreal match of the week. (E+) -Katsumasa Inoue defeated Ultraman Robin(D-) -Takehiro Muruhama and MEN’S Teoh over the No Fear Soliders(Takashi Sasaki and Ryuji Ito)(C-) -SUWA defeated Naoki Numazaki(D+) -Judo Suwa defeated Daisuke Sekimoto(C-) -Team Fate(Shadow WX and Tomoaki Honma) defeated Team Slayer(Ryuji Yamakawa and Abdullah Kobayashi) to retain the BJW Tag Team Titles(D+) -Ryo Saito and Ryuji Hijikata battled to a no contest (C) -Jun Kasai retained his BJW World Heavyweight Title against Tomohiro Ishii.(C) A mixture of some pretty decent wrestling and some garbage. Typical indy fare in other words. In the UK, FWA’s Television Tapings saw Doug Williams retain his FWA Heavyweight Title over Mark Sloan. Also Robbie Brookside retained his FWA Flyweight Title against Aviv Maayan. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]Thursday Week Two June 2008[/B][/I][/U] Last night’s Dragon Gate Show featured Magnitude Kishiwada and Naruki Doi retain their War International Jr. Tag Team Titles against Keni’chiro Arai and Anthony W. Mori in the latest battle in this feud. Also Ryo Saito retained his Open the Brave Gate Title against Masato Yoshino and CIMA retained his Open the Dragon Gate Title against Yoshinobu Kanemura. Still in Japan, Apache featured a brand new Apache World Heavyweight Champion, with Tengu Kaiser defeating Maunakea Mossman’s reign as champion, which started this past October. More Japan, as Big Japan had another show last night on their tour. Tomoaki Honma retained his BJW Deathmatch Title against Ryuji Yamakawa in the only title match of the evening. The double main event featured SUWA over Takehiro Muruhama and Ryuji Hijikawa over Tomohiro Ishii. World Women’s Wrestling held there “Murder Incorporated” show, taped for DVD. Quick match results are as follows -Rain and Amazing Kong over Christie Ricci and Tiana Ringer -Nikki Roxx over Sumie Sakai -Rebecca Knox over Lexie Fyfe -Malia Hosaka over Sirelda -Ariel successfully defended her WWW #1 Contenders Title over Jazz -Alicia defeated Ms. Chif -Nora Greenwald retained the WWW World Heavyweight Title over Madison. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News Update for Friday Week Two June 2008[/B][/U][/I] Last night’s Dragon Gate Show featured Magnitude Kishiwada and Naruki Doi retain their War International Jr. Tag Team Titles against Keni’chiro Arai and Anthony W. Mori in the latest battle in this feud. In other title matches, Ryo Saito retained his Open the Brave Gate Title against Dragon Kid and CIMA retained his Open the Dragon Gate Belt against Super Shiisa. Another great show from Dragon Gate. Ring of Honor had another show last night. No idea what the DVD is going to be titled, but it has a rematch between Bryan Danielson and ROH Champion Alex Shelley for the title. Let’s take a look at the results. -BJ Whitmer over Jay Briscoe ( C) -Jimmy Jacobs and Ricky Reyes over Chad Collyer and Claudio Castagnoli(C-) -Brent Albright over Lotus(D) -Adam Pearce over Jack Evans(C-) -Chris Hero over Matt Sydal(C) -Ace Steel and Roderick Strong over Larry Sweeney and El Generico (C) -Mark Briscoe pins Davey Richards (C) -Nigel McGuinness over ROH Tag Team Champion Kevin Steen(C+) -Alex Shelley retained the ROH World Heavyweight Title over Bryan Danielson in another great match. (B-) Not as good as last week’s show and rather unspectacular across the board, with the exception of Danielson/Shelley for the ROH Title. CZW also had a show last night, dubbed “Disposable Heroes”. A quick rundown of the events featured. -Johnny Kashmere defeated Caprice Coleman(E+) -Joker and Sexxy Eddy defeating Hallowicked and Nate Webb(D-) -CZW Tag Team Champions the Survivors(The Messiah and Nick Gage) retaining their belts against Necro Butcher and Adam Flash(D) -Jigsaw defeating Niles Young(D-) -Justin Credible pins Ruckus(C-) -Sonjay Dutt defeated CZW World Heavyweight Champion B-Boy to win the title, ending the nearly six month title reign of B-Boy(C) So, Sonjay Dutt’s the new champion. What’s the over/under on him jobbing to either one of the Naturals or Tomko on Impact next week? [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Preview for Friday, Week Two, June 2008[/COLOR][/B] Rey Mysterio is off of a breathtaking World Heavyweight Title Match against Matt Hardy, but it has come to the attention of Smackdown General Theodore Long that Rey Mysterio is rapidly reaching the thirty day window of not defending his United States Championship. Rey promptly signed an open contract, for any wrestler on Smackdown. That contract fell into the dastardly hands of one Armando Estrada, who signed Rey up for a United States Championship Match against the Samoan Bulldozer known as Umaga. Rey has fought the biggest and the baddest Smackdown has to offer before, but Umaga might even be more than Rey can handle, as the Samoan Bulldozer has yet to be pinned or forced to submit since arriving on Smackdown. James Storm scored big last week against Mr. Kennedy. The Tennessee Cowboy will attempt to continue his winning ways, as he squares off against the rough and tough William Regal. Regal is also coming off of a victory over the Miz, so both men will be looking to continue their momentum on Smackdown. Back at Judgment Day, Jillian and Paul London injured Ashley in a mixed tag team match, also involving Brian Kendrick. For Smackdown, Brian Kendrick has challenged Jillian and London to a mixed tag team return match. Since Ashley hasn't been cleared to compete, Kendrick has enlisted the help of the WWE Women's Champion Mickie James, who will be making a special apperance on Smackdown. Mickie and Kendrick against Jillian and London in intergender warfare on Friday Night Smackdown. The United States Title is a hot topic tonight, as Vladimir Koslov will square off against Sabu, where the winner will be the number one contender for the United States Title, facing either Umaga or Rey down the road. The vicious Russian Koslov has gone on a tear since coming to Smackdown, but don't count the former ECW World Champion Sabu. Sabu has been known to fight down from underneath as the underdog and Koslov should not be taking Sabu too lightly. Fresh off of his King of the Ring victory over Rey Mysterio, World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy will be in the house tonight. Who will Hardy's next challenger be? Only one way to find out and that's to tune into Smackdown. Also, Homicide squares off against Eric Young, the Miz locks horns with Jimmy Wang Yang, and much more. [B]Confirmed Matches:[/B] WWE United States Title Match: Umaga vs. Rey Mysterio(c) William Regal vs. James Storm Paul London and Jillian vs Brian Kendrick and Mickie James Match to Determine the Number One Contender to the WWE Unites Title: Vladmir Koslov vs. Sabu Homicide vs. Eric Young The Miz vs. Jimmy Wang Yang.
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WWE United States Title Match: [B]Umaga[/B] vs. Rey Mysterio(c) [B]William Regal[/B] vs. James Storm Paul London and Jillian vs [B]Brian Kendrick and Mickie James[/B] Match to Determine the Number One Contender to the WWE Unites Title: Vladmir Koslov vs. [B]Sabu[/B] Homicide vs. [B]Eric Young[/B] [B]The Miz[/B] vs. Jimmy Wang Yang.
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WWE United States Title Match: Umaga vs. [B]Rey Mysterio[/B](c) William Regal vs. [B]James Storm[/B] Paul London and Jillian vs [B]Brian Kendrick and Mickie James[/B] Match to Determine the Number One Contender to the WWE Unites Title: [B]Vladmir Koslov[/B] vs. Sabu [B]Homicide[/B] vs. Eric Young The Miz vs.[B] Jimmy Wang Yang.[/B]
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WWE United States Title Match: Umaga vs. [B]Rey Mysterio(c) William Regal[/B] vs. James Storm Paul London and Jillian vs [B]Brian Kendrick and Mickie James [/B]Match to Determine the Number One Contender to the WWE Unites Title: [B]Vladmir Koslov[/B] vs. Sabu [B]Homicide[/B] vs. Eric Young The Miz vs. [B]Jimmy Wang Yang.[/B]
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[B]Velocity Matches:[/B] -Kenny Dykstra pins Frankie Kazarian with a Springboard Legdrop in 1:52(B-) -Jamie Noble retained his WWE Cruiserweight Title against Scotty 2 Hotty by making him submit with a Gullotine Choke in 3:44(C-) -Jeff Hardy pins Domino with the Swanton Bomb in 6:38. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Week Two Friday June 2008(Taped Week Two, Wednesday June 2008[/B][/COLOR] Theodore Long is in his office, when Deuce, Domino, and Cherry enter Long’s office. Deuce says that he pinned the World Heavyweight Champion last week, so he should get a match with Matt Hardy tonight. Long says Deuce does have a point and with his pinfall victory over Matt Hardy, he has earned his shot at the World Heavyweight Title. So tonight, Matt Hardy will defend his World Heavyweight Title against Deuce. (B+) Mr. Kennedy comes out, giving his usual introduction, before joining JBL and Michael Cole for color commentary for the next match. (B-) [COLOR=blue][b]William Regal vs. James Storm[/COLOR][/B] James Storm chops away at Regal at the bell, before whipping him into the ropes. Quick high back body drop and running forearm smash drilled Regal between the eyes. Storm jabs away at Regal, before grabbing Regal and planting him with a bulldog. Kennedy maintains that Storm got lucky last week, if Edge hadn’t interfered, he would have beat Storm. Storm dropkicks Regal into the corner and up to the second rope. Ten count punches, but Regal catches Storm with an inverted atomic drop. European Uppercuts and Regal pounds away at Storm, before delivering a double kneelift to the face. Forearm down across the chest and Regal hits a double underhook suplex for a two count. Regal works over Storm on the mat with some vicious submission holds and strikes Storm is battered some more and Regal whips Storm into the corner. Half Nelson suplex, dumping James Storm down across the back of his head. Nearfall of that move. Regal scoops Storm over his shoulder but Storm counters with a reverse DDT to a mild pop. Storm gets to his feet, beating Regal to the punch, before whipping him into the ropes. Leapfrog over Regal and he comes back off into the ropes, into a Thesz Press. The crowd cheers as James Storm motions Regal to get back to his feet. Superkick attempt but Regal ducks it and Storm gets hooked, before being brought down with the Union Jack for a two and three fourths count. Regal picks up James Storm and vicious blows to the chest, before Regal hoists up Storm for a power bomb but Storm punches out, before flipping to his feet and [B]blasting Regal in the jaw with the Superkick![/B] Regal goes down as James Storm covers to score the pin in 11:08 (A*) James Storm celebrates but Kennedy gets on the microphone, brushing off Storm’s victory last week as a freak accident. Back and forth for a couple of minutes, leads to Kennedy challenging Storm to a match next week. Storm accepts and it’s on. James Storm/Mr. Kennedy II next week. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]Number One Contenders Match for the WWE United States Championship: Vladmir Koslov vs. Sabu[/COLOR][/B] The big Russian throws around Sabu at the bell, beating him down in the corner, before taking him down and mounted punches. Forearm Choke but Sabu goes low. Koslov is down and leg lariat delivered. Sabu dropkicks Koslov to the floor and tope to the floor drills Koslov. He rolls Koslov into the ring but the Russian catches Sabu with a kick to the side of the head. Some more kicks and Koslov lifts up Sabu, before delivering a belly to belly throw. Triangle Choke locked up, with Koslov punishing Sabu. Sabu struggles but passes out after a time, giving Koslov the victory and the shot at the WWE United States Championship in 5:15 (B) The Miz is backstage, as Edge walks up to him. Edge says that tonight the Miz has a match that he has to win on his way up the Smackdown roster. Edge says that the Miz is nothing but a joke. Miz says he isn’t but Edge demands that the Miz proves everyone wrong tonight. (C+) [COLOR=blue][B]The Miz vs. Jimmy Wang Yang[/COLOR][/B] Smackdown’s Resident Redneck beats down the Miz at the bell, battering him from pillar to post for the majority of the match with a series of high impact moves. The highlight of the beatdown being a rolling kick and a bulldog off the second rope. The Miz looks about finished as Yang whips him into the corner. Yang charges in but hits the corner. Miz rolls up Yang from behind, using the ropes for leverage to score the pin, surprising Yang in 4:54. The Miz runs to the back as Jimmy Wang Yang remains in the ring, looking a bit disgusted at his loss.(B+). A vignette hyping up Cryme Tyme airs. (B) [COLOR=blue][B]Booker T and Shannon Moore vs. Cryme Tyme[/COLOR][/B] Booker T looks like he wants no part of this match. Shannon Moore gets double teamed at the bell. After two minutes of quick tags by Cryme Tyme and Moore getting beat down, Booker T just throws up his hands in disgust, before walking off the back. Cryme Tyme hit the Ghetto Blaster on Moore to score the pin in 2:38 with Booker T walking to the back, not looking over his shoulder. (C+) Bree is backstage with Umaga and Armando Estrada. Bree asks about why Umaga has freaked out over the past couple of weeks, when seeing an open grave. Estrada says that the wrestling world has been wanting to know that and he has decided that he will unveil why. A younger, weaker, Umaga was once attacked by a group of hooligan Samoans and beaten to an inch from death, before nearly getting buried alive. It was fortunate that Estrada was walking by and he managed to dig Umaga out. Ever since that day, Estrada has turned Umaga into a destruction machine. Estrada says the Undertaker should come out and stand up face to face against the Samoan Bulldozer. Tonight, Umaga will destroy Rey Mysterio and win the WWE United States Championship. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Homicide(w/Konnan and Chavo Guerrero) vs. Eric Young[/COLOR][/B] Eric Young attacks Homicide at the bell, with a series of chops, before whipping Homicide into the ropes. Leaping knee to the face of Homicide knocks him backwards. Young waits on Homicide and before leaping to the second rope. Off the second rope and clothesline knocks him down. Cover hooking the leg for a two count. Eric Young picks up Homicide and whips him into the corners. Young ducks the head and Homicide pops him in the face with an uppercut. Another uppercut and Homicide goes behind Eric Young, before delivering a belly to back suplex. Homicide climbs to the second rope, before leaping off and kneedrop drilled into the chest of Eric Young. Homicide lifts up Young and hoists him up before dropping him with a brain buster. Cover hooking the leg but Young kicks out at two. Homicide picks up Eric Young and whips him into the corner. Charging in but Young gets an elbow up to the face. Young leaps to the second rope, before leaping off and catching Homicide with a dropkick to the chest. Homicide gets up and Eric Young goes for a kick, but Homicide catches the leg. Enzuigiri catches Homicide in the back of the head, knocking him down. Eric Young climbs to the top rope, but Konnan is on the ring apron, distracting the referee. Chavo is up and he grabs the foot of Eric Young. Young attempts to struggle, managing to kick off Chavo and leaps off, [b]right into a lariat from Homicide![/B] Konnan drops off the apron as Homicide hooks the leg for the cover in 5:53(B-) Eric Young pulls himself to his knees, but Homicide kicks him in the back of the head. Chavo joins Homicide and the WWE Tag Team Champions are stomping away on Eric Young. Young is battered as Konnan removes his belt as he enters the ring. The Gringo Killerz hold Eric Young down, allowing Konnan to whip him with the belt, drawing boos from the fans. Several whips raise welts on Eric Young’s skin. Eric Young clutches his back as the Gringo Killerz hold the WWE Tag Team Championship Belts over there head, before walking to the back. (C) Just seconds before Umaga’s WWE United States Championship Match with Rey Mysterio, Umaga’s handler, Armando Estrada is found down in the back, with a black wreath put on his chest. Estrada is bleeding as Umaga is going on a rampage, throwing things in the back. It looks like Umaga will have go out without his handler. (C+) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE United States Championship Match: Umaga vs. Rey Mysterio©[/COLOR][/B] Umaga attacks Rey as he enters the ring, shaking Rey like a ragdoll, before throwing him across the ring. The Samoan Bulldozer charges Rey, but Rey slides between his legs and Umaga turns around. Three dropkicks by Rey but Umaga steps back, before catching Rey with a vicious chop to the chest. Rey staggers back and Umaga with more chops to the chests, before whipping Rey into the ropes. Umaga hoists up Rey before bringing him down with a devasting gutbuster. Umaga stomps away on Rey, before pulling him up roughly by the mask and viciously throwing him into the corner. Running ass avalanche into the corner and Rey staggers out, before Umaga hooks him and thunderous belly to belly suplex. Rey is hoisted up once again and Umaga hoists up Rey onto the shoulders with a torture rack. Umaga is torturing Rey, attempting to break his back. Umaga delivers a spinning torture rack suplex, destroying Rey, before climbing to the top rope. Rey is down in the ring and Umaga leaps off. [B]Vicious splash off the top rope to Rey![/B] Umaga raises to his feet, opting to stomp Rey, instead of going for the pin. Rey is picked up and Umaga whips Rey into the ropes. Off the ropes and Samoan Drop by Umaga! Rey has been flattened like a pancake but no cover by Umaga. Umaga picks up Rey, before whipping him into the ropes. Clothesline is ducked and Rey manages to come off the ropes with a cross body, no caught and front slam by Umaga. Umaga pulls up Rey off the canvas and drops him on the ring apron. Rey is staggered to his feet and Umaga raises his thumb. [B]Samoan Spike drills Rey in the throat, causing him to fly off the apron and crash into the barricade![/B] Rey is out and Umaga shakes the ropes, with a mad look in his eye as the referee puts the count on Rey, reaching ten in 8:56. Umaga wins the match, but not the WWE United States Championship. (B+) Rey is down and Umaga rolls to the floor, before stomping Rey, who is slumped against the barricade. Umaga hoists up Rey and casually throws him right into the ring steps! Umaga lifts up Rey, before rolling him back into the ring. Umaga steps into the ring and raises his thumb, before pulling Rey up. [B]Another Samoan Spike devastates Rey![/B] Security comes out. It takes twenty security guards to restrain Umaga, as paramedics come out to tend to Rey, who has been destroyed. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Jillian and Paul London vs. WWE Women’s Champion Mickie James and Brian Kendrick[/COLOR][/B]. Jillian brings out the WWE Women’s Championship that she stole at the Pay Per View. Brawl to start, with Kendrick and Mickie knocking London and Jillian to the floor, before delivering stereo dives to cheers from the fans! London is rolled into the ring and Kendrick batters him with forearms and chops, before delivering an inverted atomic drop and a spinning leg lariat for a two count. Double stomp for a two count but Jillian drops down, grabbing the foot of Kendrick, allowing London to catch him with a running knee to the face. London pounds away at Kendrick, delivering a spinning backbreaker. London pounds away on Kendrick, and puts him up to the top rope. Attempted superplex but Kendrick punches away on him, knocking him off the ropes. Missile dropkick from Kendrick. Race to the tag, with both of the women tagged in. Mickie James rushes Jillian, taking her down with a clothesline. Punches delivered to Jillian, before Mickie whips her into the ropes and high back body drop. Jillian is up and Mickie trips her up, before hooking the legs and delivering a Giant Swing, dizzying Jillian. Mickie grabs Jillian and whips her into the ropes. Blind tag made to Paul London and Mickie decks Jillian with the Mick Kick. Mickie James goes for the cover but Paul London is legal and he enters the ring, kicking Mickie in the back of the head, before rolling her over with an Oklahoma Side Roll, using the ropes for leverage to score a cheap pin in 6:56, with Kendrick making the save just a second after the pin was made. (C+) The World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy is backstage, preparing for his title defense against Deuce, when Edge walks up to him with a smug look. Edge talks about how it took Matt Hardy fifty minutes to beat Mr. Kennedy, when it only took Edge eleven minutes. Hardy doesn’t say anything but Edge says that Matt Hardy has only beaten Edge once, back at No Way Out of this year. Every other time, Edge has beat Matt Hardy decisively. Edge wishes Hardy luck in his title match, because he wants to be World Heavyweight Champion again and Hardy would be no sweat for Edge. Matt Hardy stares down Edge, before walking off, as Edge stares at him retreating back. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]World Heavyweight Title Match: Deuce(w/Domino and Cherry) vs. Matt Hardy©[/COLOR][/B] Deuce headlocks Matt Hardy to start but Deuce is shoved off and comes back with a shoulderblock. Hardy kips up and hiptoss. Deuce rushes and a series of hiptoss, before jabbing away at Deuce, and whipping him into the corner. Matt Hardy delivers a running clothesline in the corner. Snap mare on Deuce and Hardy delivered a leaping legdrop to the chest of Deuce. Hardy picks up Deuce but Deuce digs into the eyes, before delivering a jawbreaker. Deuce lifts up Matt Hardy by the hair and forearms away at him, before whipping him into the ropes. Powerslam sends Matt Hardy down to the canvas. Deuce scores a two count. Stomps by Deuce and boot scrapes, before Deuce picks up Matt Hardy, before shoving him into the corner. Kicks to the chest and Deuce whips Matt Hardy into the ropes. Back elbow smash and Deuce climbs to the second rope. Hardy is up and double axe handle down across the back of the head. Deuce steps back and running kick to the side of the head! Vicious move by Deuce and Deuce covers Matt Hardy hooking the leg, but only a two count. Deuce lifts up Matt Hardy and whips him into the ropes. Sleeperhold delivered, as Deuce is trying to put the champion out. Hardy fades, dropping to his knees. The referee checks the arm, with two and a half arm drops but Hardy fights off and twists his weight, before delivering a belly to back suplex. Standing ten count, with both men struggling to their feet. Deuce goes for a punch but Hardy blocks it and pounds away at Deuce, before knocking him down with a clothesline. Another pair of clotheslines and Matt Hardy whips Deuce into the ropes. Head ducked but Deuce connects with a swinging neckbreaker! Cover, for a nearfall. Deuce climbs to the top rope, but Matt Hardy is on his feet and catches Deuce, before slamming him off the top rope. Hardy climbs to the second rope and legdrop down across the chest of Deuce! Cover hooking the leg and nearfall by Hardy! Matt Hardy lifts up Deuce, pulling him up by the hair, but Deuce shoves Hardy off. Clothesline is ducked and Matt Hardy catches Deuce, before bringing him down with the Side Effect. Matt Hardy signals for the Twist of Fate, but Domino enters the ring and catches Matt Hardy with a clothesline to the back of the head, knocking him down to the canvas! The referee calls for the disqualification in 17:28. (B-) Domino pounds away at Matt Hardy, with Deuce getting up and joining on the attack. The crowd gets to their feet and [B]Jeff Hardy runs down from the back![/B] Jeff rushes into the ring, saving his brother and grabbing Deuce, before punching away. Domino goes for a clothesline but Jeff ducks and leaping dropkick sends Domino to the floor. Matt Hardy is back up and kicks Deuce, before delivering the Twist of Fate. Jeff Hardy climbs to the top rope and rolls over Deuce, but Domino pulls him to the floor. The Greasers go to the back, regrouping as the Hardy Boyz celebrate in the ring. This is the last image we see as we fade to black. (B+) [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [B]Quick Results:[/B] James Storm defeated William Regal Vladimir Koslov over Sabu The Miz over Jimmy Wang Yang Cryme Tyme defeated Booker T and Shannon Moore Homicide over Eric Young Umaga over WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio via countout Jillian and Paul London over Mickie James and Brian Kendrick World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy over Deuce. Prediction Results from Smackdown: Wink: 2/6 Lexa90: 3/6 De@d Frog: 2/6 Overall Rankings: 1) De@d Frog: 32/48 2) Wink: 28/48 3) chris caulfield:26/48 4) softflake: 22/42 5) Lexa90: 10/48 6) The Human Cancer: 2/48.
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Weekend News Updates: [QUOTE] [B][U][I]News Update for Saturday Week Two, June 2008[/B][/U][/I] New Japan’s Throwback show was another night of great NJPW wrestling action. The main event featured Yuji Nagata defeating Jushin Thunder Liger. This weeks Jersey All Pro Wrestling Television Taping featured B-Boy successfully defending his JAPW Lightheavyweight Title over Joel Maximo. It wasn’t a good night for the Maximos over all as Jose lost the main event to Boog Washington. TNA has been signing some new talent recently. Former WCW Tag Team Champion and Natural Born Thriller Sean O’ Haire signed a deal with the promotion and may be making his debut in the Slammiversary 2008 show. Not too much news today, but the again it’s the weekend. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][U][I]Sunday Week Two June 2008[/B][/I][/U] AAA’s show on Spike was **** this week. Absolute **** and bile and disgusting ****. The main event featured La Parka Jr, Scorpio Jr., and El Zorro defending their Mexico National Atomicos Titles against the trio of Gran Apache, El Brazo, and Abismo Negro. AAA attempting to run these shows in America, especially in the f’n” Great Lakes is not playing at all. AAA may find themselves going the way of the dodo before we know it. CZW had Sonjay Dutt beating Justin Credible, Jigsaw retaining his CZW Lightheavyweight Title over Nate Webb, and a main event of The Survivors(Nick Gage and the Messiah) over Team Midnight(Joker and Sexxy Eddy). TNA has signed Sean Waltman to a contract, for his five millionth stint in that promotion over the last six years. I’m sure Vince is shaking in his boots at this coup from TNA. Another slow news day, but the ratings from the past week will be in tomorrow. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News Update for Monday Week Three June 2008[/B][/I][/U] Last night’s CMLL featured the CMLL Tag Team Champions the Wrecking Krew( L.A. Park and Lizmark Jr.) retaining their titles against Cien Caras and Halloween. In the main event, Atlantis and Blue Panther defeated Aguila and El Hijo Del Perro in what was some good lucha tag team action. For the Television Ratings last week, Raw got a 4.3(4,850,400 viewers), Smackdown received a 2.7(4,165,830 viewers). TNA Impact received a 1.3. (1,466,400 viewers). AAA Monday Nights received a 0.5(564000 viewers) and the Saturday Show received a 0.2(225600 viewers). CMLL on Tuesdays received a 0.8 rating(902400 viewers) while the Sunday evening CMLL show received a 0.9 rating(1,015,200 viewers). NJPW Blaze of Glory on Tuesday Nights received a 1.3 rating(1,466,400 viewers) while Throwback received a 1.1(1,240,800 viewers). Finally, Zero One received the usual minimal rating of 0.01(a whopping 11,280 viewers). NEWS LETTER SPOTLIGHT: Each week, we look at a random supercard from a promotion and I’ll analyze the matches that it has to offer. This week’s supercard is TNA Bound for Glory 2007, which was held in Week Four, October 2007. -America’s Most Wanted over Norman Smiley and Petey Williams- this was during a brief period of time where AMW got back together. It only lasted a few weeks before James Storm was signed with WWE (C) -Robert Roode and Matt Bentley defeated Tomko and Lance Hoyt. Bentley was introduced as the newest member of Robert Roode Enterprises, shortly after Serotonin broke up when Havok(Johnny Devine) was released, Kaz(Frankie Kazarian) went to WWE, and Raven just disappeared. Fairly unremarkable tag team match, with the team that would go on to be dubbed the Pain Game shortly thereafter. (D) -Jacqueline Moore defeated Shark Boy-this was a comedy match, nothing more nothing less. Moving along…(D) -Sonjay Dutt pins Jerry Lynn…this was a student vs. teacher match, where Sonjay Dutt won. Didn’t really lead to anything. (D+) -Rhino and Brother Devon defeated Alex Shelley and Kip James. I believe this was originally to be Team 3D against VKM, but for reasons only known to Vince Russo, this match was changed. Also, I seem to remember an Alex Shelley vs. Rhino match in the works. (C+) -AJ Styles defeated Simon Diamond, Chase Stevens, and Jeff Jarrett. This was to get Jeff Jarrett onto the show. Several months later, the Jarretts were pushed out of TNA, yet Vince Russo remains. This is TNA. (C) -Jay Lethal and B.G. James defeated Chris Sabin and Austin Starr. This was post-Black Machismo but pre-Team Pro for Jay Lethal. You could tell that B.G. James was a fish out of water in this match. Sadly, in April 2008, B.G. James passed away because of a drug overdose, while VKM held the TNA World Tag Team Titles. (C) -Brother Ray defeated Ron “The Truth” Killings. Ah yes, the fabled Brother Ray singles push, which amounted to nothing but a bunch of victories over the Truth and that one singles match with Sting at Genesis. Oddly enough, Devon was the one who got the Pay Per View Main Event during the brief Team 3D split up but more on that later. Decent match. (C+) -TNA X-Division Champion Brother Runt defeated Andy Douglas. Brother Runt as X-Division Champion was akin to the Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea holding the WCW Cruiserweight Championship during the latter days of WCW. His matches nearly killed the division, as he beat the likes of Alex Shelley, Austin Starr, and Chris Sabin, thus nearly tanking the credibility of the three, Sabin especially. Oh yeah, and this ungodly long feud with Andy Douglas that dragged on for months. It would be like if WWE put the WWE Intercontinental Title on, Val Venis, and had him feud with Viscera for months and months at a time. Much like Runt, Venis is a decent worker, but has been jobbed so far into the ground that he doesn’t have the credibility to hold the number two belt in the company.Anyway, Runt retained the title. This was a five month title reign that ended when Christopher Daniels beat Runt for the belt at Against All Odds. (C) -Sting defeated Hernandez. Speaking of lost in orbit, Hernandez ladies and gentlemen. Konnan and Homicide were signed by WWE, leaving LAX in the cold and Hernandez with nothing to do. Therefore, this job to Sting in a solid, if unremarkable match. (B) -TNA World Champion Christian Cage defeated Samoa Joe. This match caused a near **** storm on the Internet after it happened. Joe had been chasing Christian for months, and it looked like Bound for Glory would be Joe’s night to win the title. Was not to be, as Christian cheated to win. Many were shocked that the crowd didn’t burn down the Impact Zone that night. Joe got his title the next month, beating Christian Cage in a Three Way Dance that also involved Brother Devon. If you want to know why Devon was in that match, well, it’s Vince Russo! (B+) -Kurt Angle and Scott Steiner defeated Senshi and Christopher Daniels. One night reunion for 2/3rds of Triple X. Steiner and Angle were teaming up for no good reason, other than to get them on the Pay Per View. Actually, if I remember rightly, Angle was in some feud with Senshi that never fully materialized much past maybe one Impact match. (B) That’s it for the news update for today, along with our little trip down memory lane. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Preview for Monday Week Three, June 2008[/COLOR][/B] Last week on Raw, with the blessing of Mr. McMahon, Raw General Manager Kevin Nash made a championship vs. career match at Vengenance. Indeed, Triple H will put his career on the line for one last chance to become WWE Champion against Brock Lesnar. The stakes couldn't be any higher for Vengeance, but on Raw, both of these men will be in the building, so should their paths cross, the sparks will fly! Their are few men in history of Sports Entertainment that are greater than Ric Flair but Shawn Michaels may be one of the few who could match the Nature Boy. This Monday, two of the greatest athletes in the history of sports entertainment go one on one when The Nature Boy squares off against the Heartbreak Kid. Both men have big matches at Vengeance(Michaels vs. Batista, and Flair vs. MVP), so they want to go onto the Pay Per View on a bit of a roll. The feud between WWE Intercontinental Champion Abyss and CM Punk has been raging on for months. Last week on Raw, Punk pinned Abyss in a tag team match. Now, this Monday on Raw, Abyss will put his WWE Intercontinental Title on the line against CM Punk. You better believe that Punk is looking to add a WWE Interconinental Title reign to his resume in addition his King of the Ring victory of eight days ago, but don't count out Abyss? Let's not forget, he does have the diabolic James Mitchell in his corner. What will happen when these two Raw superstars clash? Tune into Raw to find out. Also, six man tag team action featuring the World's Greatest Tag Team and Mark Henry taking on Eugene, The Great Khali, and Kane, Chris Masters taking on MVP, Hardcore Holly facing off against Johnny Nitro, and much more. Another breathtaking week on Monday Night Raw coming at you live 9:00 PM Eastern Time on the USA Network. [B]Confirmed Matches:[/B] Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Abyss(c) vs. CM Punk The World's Greatest Tag Team and Mark Henry vs. Kane, The Great Khali, and Eugene Chris Masters vs. MVP Johnny Nitro vs. Hardcore Holly.
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Ric Flair vs. [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Abyss(c) vs. [B]CM Punk[/B] [B]The World's Greatest Tag Team and Mark Henry[/B] vs. Kane, The Great Khali, and Eugene Chris Masters vs. [B]MVP[/B] [B]Johnny Nitro[/B] vs. Hardcore Holly.
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Ric Flair vs. [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] WWE Intercontinental Title Match: [B]Abyss(c)[/B] vs. CM Punk [B]The World's Greatest Tag Team and Mark Henry[/B] vs. Kane, The Great Khali, and Eugene Chris Masters vs. [B]MVP[/B] [B]Johnny Nitro[/B] vs. Hardcore Holly.
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Heat Matches: Rene Dupree defeated Stevie Richards with the Loire Valley Driver in 1:41(B+) New Breed defeated the Highlanders when Cor Von pins Robbie with the Pounce in 3:18(D+) Val Venis pins Super Crazy with the Money Shot in 2:41(B) Carlito pins Chuck Palumbo with the Back Stabber in 3:40(A) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw for Week Three, June 2008[/COLOR][/B] A long video package starts Raw, hyping up the events of the last week between Brock Lesnar and Triple H, leading up to Triple H putting his career on the line against the WWE Championship of Brock Lesnar at Vengeance in thirteen days on Pay Per View. (A*) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Abyss©(w/James Mitchell) defends against CM Punk[/COLOR][/B] JR and the King go over the history between these two as Punk ducks underneath a clothesline from Abyss before catching him with a dropkick to the back of the leg. A series of roundhouse kicks, followed by a spin kick rocks the champion before Punk grabs Abyss and brings him down with a jawbreaker. Elbow to the back of the head and Punk steps back off the ropes, before running into a big boot from Abyss. Abyss pounds away at Punk, as Mitchell looks smug at ringside, as his monster begins to destroy Punk. Huge clothesline knocks Punk down and Punk gets back to his feet, before Abyss pummels him with forearm smashes before whipping him into the corner. Abyss raises his arms and running avalanche squashes Punk in the corner. Punk falls down and Abyss stomps Punk, before pulling him up, and hoisting him in a waistlock. Before bringing him down with a backbreaker. Another pair of backbreakers and an elbowdrop from Abyss scores two. Choking and Abyss brings up Punk, before sending him back down with a clothesline. Abyss picks up Punk, whipping him into the ropes but when Abyss ducks the head, Punk delivers a dropkick to the top of the head. Abyss is wobbled and Punk delivers a roundhouse kick, knocking Abyss right down to the canvas. Mitchell is going insane at ringside as Punk climbs to the top rope before leaping off right into Abyss with a missile dropkick. Cover by Punk but only a two count! Punk lifts up Abyss but Abyss shoves Punk off into the ropes, before hoisting Punk up into the torture rack. Abyss sits out, drilling Punk with the Shock Treatment. Cover by Abyss hooking the leg, but Punk manages to roll shoulder up at the count of two and a half. Stomps and punches by Abyss, before he throws Punk into the corner. Charging in but Punk moves and Abyss connects with the corner sternum first. Punk cradles Abyss from behind but only scores a two count! Abyss headbutts Punk, rocking him. More headbutts and overhead belly to belly suplex drills Punk. Abyss slits his thumb across the throat, before giving the signal. Black Hole Slam coming up as Punk is whipped into the ropes. Abyss hoists up Punk and down with the Black Hole Slam. Punk is down in the ring and Abyss kneels down, covering the challenger. [B]Punk drapes his foot over the bottom rope just before the count of three![/B] Punk just had enough and Abyss is now dragging Punk into the center of the ring, on the orders of Mitchell. Another nearfall and Abyss pulls Punk up by the throat, before shoving him towards the ropes. Running big boot but Punk ducks and [B]Abyss crotches himself on the top rope![/B]. Abyss is in pain, as Punk bends down, pulling Abyss onto his shoulders, before snapping him down, hitting the Go to Sleep! The crowd is on their feet as Punk covers hooking the leg and scores the pin in 10:52! [B]Ladies and Gentlemen we have a brand new WWE Intercontinental Champion![/B] (A) We cut to the back where Ric Flair is backstage with Maria. Flair cuts a spirited, but short promo about MVP, putting over MVP as a great athlete, but reminding us to be the man, you have to beat the man, and Ric Flair is in fact still the man. As for Shawn Michaels, Flair says tonight he is going to walk that aisle, styling and profile as only the Nature Boy can, strutting down to the ring, and he will take the Heartbreak Kid to school. Wooo! (B) [COLOR=red][B]Snitsky vs. Balls Mahoney[/COLOR][/B] The announcers put over Snitsky’s recent showing in the King of the Ring Tournament. Balls doesn’t get an entrance. Balls gets a brief offensive flurry but Snitsky snaps, beating Balls Mahoney viciously for over a minute, before ending the slaughter with a Pumphandle Slam in 1:50. (B-) Raw General Manager Kevin Nash makes his way down to the ring. Nash hypes up Championship vs. Career match at Vengeance, before deciding to touch upon something that happened last week. Triple H entered his office, threatening Nash with a beating with a sledgehammer. Nash says that him and the Game may go way back, but no one threatens Big Sexy. Nash calls out Triple H who makes his way out. The Game says that he got what he wanted, so he has no beef with Nash, even through he forced him to put his career on the line in exchange for another title shot. Nash replies that he is glad, because he wants to give Triple H a gift, a warm up match for Vengeance. Hunter responds that no one man could beat him in the center of the ring which Nash replies that it is a fortunate thing, because Triple H is facing two men, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, tonight on Raw. And that match is right now, as Cade and Murdoch rush down from the back, attacking Triple H from behind, as Nash leaves the ring. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch vs. Triple H[/COLOR][/B] Cade and Murdoch are looking for a bit of payback against Triple H, as he attacked them, along with the Highlanders, at the beginning of Raw last week. Double teaming but Triple H fights out with a double clothesline after a couple of minutes. Spinebuster delivered to Cade. Facebuster to Murdoch and Triple H kicks Cade before delivering the Pedigree. Murdoch kicks Triple H and goes for a lariat, but Triple H ducks under that. Kick, Pedigree. Triple H covers both Rednecks to score the victory in 3:34. (B) Triple H gets his victory but the crowd is booing. [B]Brock Lesnar rushes down from the back, before attacking Triple H from behind![/B] The WWE Champion has gotten the drop on the Game, battering him with a series of stomps. Lesnar has the WWE Championship Belt and smashes it right into the face of Triple H, knocking the Game down. Triple H has been cracked open by the belt, he is bleeding. Lesnar with a kick to the head, before he hoists Triple H to his shoulders. Thunderous F-5 sends Triple H down Lesnar pulls up Triple H and hoists him up to his shoulders, before punishing him with a second F-5. Triple H is deflated on the canvas, but Lesnar chokes Triple H, before pulling him up and bringing him to the shoulders and a third F-5. JR begs Lesnar to stop but Lesnar looks towards the announcer’s table, before smirking. Lesnar rolls to the outside, before clearing off the announcer’s table. JR begs Lesnar not to do it, but Lesnar slaps JR in the face before laughing. Lesnar shoves the King back and Lawler looks like he wants to get into it with Lesnar, but JR holds him back, as Lesnar rolls back into the ring, before dragging Triple H to the ring apron. Lesnar stands on the ring apron, his back to the announcer’s table before he pulls Triple H onto his shoulders. [B]Super F-5 off the ring apron, sending Triple H crashing through the announcer’s table![/B] Triple H is down in a crumpled, bloody heap as Brock Lesnar gets to his feet, before walking to the back as paramedics come out to begin to tend to Triple H as Lesnar walks off. (A*) We come back with replays of the last segment and the announcement that Triple H has been taken to the hospital for medical treatment after that vicious assault by Brock Lesnar. It is obvious that Brock Lesnar will do anything to keep his WWE Championship and he proved it tonight, with this vicious assault on Triple H. Even if he makes it to Vengeance, Triple H will be less than one hundred percent. [COLOR=red][B]Mark Henry and the World’s Greatest Tag Team vs. Eugene, Kane, and the Great Khali[/COLOR][/B] The babyfaces gain advantage, beating the WGTT and Mark Henry back. Kane is left in the ring with Charlie Haas, battering Haas from pillar to post, before throwing him into the corner. Clothesline in the corner, sidewalk slam, and legdrop before tagging in Eugene. Eugene enters the ring, before joining Kane in delivering a double choke slam to Haas! Eugene covers, but scores a two count when Mark Henry drops an elbow across the back of the head. Eugene gets triple teamed in the corner for a few minutes, with quick tags, before Charlie Haas whips Eugene into the corner. Haas ducks the head and Eugene connects with a DDT. Race to the corner, tag to Shelton Benjamin but tag to the Great Khali. Khali enters the ring, chop to the chest of Shelton knocking him down. Haas enters the ring and chop to him. Mark Henry rushes Khali, hitting him with a clothesline. Khali is in the corner and Mark Henry delivers a full head of steam, before connecting with an avalanche on Khali. Khali is down and Henry goes for a slam, but Kane rushes into the ring, breaking up the attack, before sending Henry to the floor with a clothesline. Shelton steps back, before rushing Khali and leaping avalanche in the corner as Kane and Mark Henry brawl on the floor. Shelton aims his leg, going for a kick but Khali catches it. [B]Dragon Whip cracks Khali right in the chest![/B] Khali drops to one knee and Shelton raises his hands, before climbing to the top rope. Khali pulls himself to his feet and Shelton leaps off the top rope but Khali catches him. Khali drops Shelton on his feet, before grabbing him by the throat and hoisting him up, before drilling him with the Tree Slam. Khali covers to score the pin as Eugene cuts off Charlie Haas with a three point stance into a clothesline in 6:43(B+) Kane and Mark Henry have disappeared into the back as Khali and Eugene celebrate the win but Shelton Benjamin is back on his feet, asking for the microphone. Shelton says Khali might have gotten lucky twice, but he will not surprise Shelton Benjamin a third time. With a completely straight face, Shelton Benjamin challenges the Great Khali to a Punjabi Prison Match next week on Raw! Shelton proclaims that he will beat the Great Khali in his own match, as Haas looks as if he thinks Shelton has lost his mind. After some gibberish, Khali accepts the challenge and it is on for next week, Shelton Benjamin against the Great Khali in a Punjabi Prison Match. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Chris Masters(w/Melina) vs. Montel Vontavious Porter[/COLOR][/B] Talk about MVP’s battle with Ric Flair at Vengeance. Masters attacks MVP at the bell, going for the Masterlock but MVP is in the ropes and he uses the distraction to elbow Masters in the face, before taking him down with an armdrag. MVP works the arm with an armbar, some knees to the arm, and a short arm scissors, but Melina helps Masters get to the ropes. MVP scoops up Masters and goes for a shoulderbbreaker but Masters slides down the back and whips MVP off the ropes, before taking him down with an elbowsmash. MVP is up and Masters hoists up MVP, barely able to hold him up, before throwing him down with a Gorilla Press Slam. Masters with kicks to the back of the head and he grabs the legs of MVP, before connecting with a wheelbarrow faceplant. MVP clutches his jaw and Masters gives the signal, before locking the Masterlock Master’s right arm is weakened from the work MVP did on it earlier, so that allows MVP to counter with an armbreaker. Masters’ favors his arm and MVP is up, before delivering a leaping knee to the chest, sending MVP into the corner. Shoulder to the midsection, doubling Masters over, before MVP measures Masters. [B]Running Yakuza Kick to the face of Masters as he is doubled up in the corner![/B] Master is bent over and MVP places the leg over the head of Masters, grapevining the arm before snapping him down with the Playmaker. MVP covers Masters hooking the leg and scoring the pin in 6:11 (A) Shawn Michaels is backstage, cutting a promo about Batista. HBK says while he doesn’t see eye to eye with John Cena, he says that Batista needs to be taken down a few notches and who better than the Heartbreak Kid. As for the Nature Boy tonight, well Shawn Michaels has a great deal of respect for the Nature Boy, but tonight, the 16 time World Champion is going to taste a little Sweet Chin Music. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Rhino(w/Carlito) vs. Viscera[/COLOR][/B] A clip is shown last week from Carlito’s victory over Bobby Lashley, thanks to a bit of help from Rhino. Tonight Carlito is in the corner of his fellow Horsemen to lend him moral support. Viscera attacks Rhino at the bell, before whipping him into the corner. Running Avalanche is avoided and Viscera hits the corner. Viscera turns around and Rhino shows an amazing show of strength, drilling Viscera with a vicious spinebuster. Rhino pulls Viscera up before bouncing off the ropes. [B]Gore nearly deflates Viscera![/B] The big man crumples to the canvas like a sack of potatoes as Rhino covers and scores the pin in 1:25 (B-) Rhino motions for Carlito, who pulls back the ring apron, and removes a table. Last week, Bobby Lashley was put through the table at the hands of the Man Beast and now it looks like Viscera is going to get more of the same. Carlito sets up the table in the corner but the crowd is cheering. [B]Bobby Lashley runs down from the back![/B] Lashley is wearing jeans, with his ribs taped up! Lashley slides into the ring and Rhino attacks Lashley, punching away at Lashley, attempting to whip him into the ropes but Lashley reverses. [B]Vicious Spear sends Rhino down![/B] Lashley puts to the table but Carlito catches Lashley with a dropkick from behind and headlocks him, before attempting to ram him into the table, but Lashley suplexes Carlito backwards! Lashley looks like he wants to put Carlito through the table but [B]Rhino catches Lashley with the Gore, sending Lashley crashing right through the table![/B] Lashley is down in the corner, with the table broken in half. For the second week in a row, Rhino has sent Lashley crashing through a table. Carlito has the apple and he takes a bite, before spitting it in the face of Lashley, as he is helpless. Rhino has broken two tables in two weeks with Lashley’s body. It looks like they better bring back that ambulance Triple H left in earlier for Lashley as he is barley able to move in the corner. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Johnny Nitro(w/Melina) vs. Hardcore Holly[/COLOR][/B] Footage shown from last week from Hardcore Holly defeating Nitro’s fellow World Tag Team Title partner, Chris Masters. The announcers talk about how Hardcore Holly has busted his ass in the wrestling business for over a decade and isn’t a fan of young disrespectful punks who think they are entitled to have everything handed to them. No one would fit that better than MNM II and Holly attacks Nitro at the bell, battering him with punches, before switching up with some forearm smashes and whipping Nitro into the ropes. Stiff clothesline rocks Nitro and Holly with a kneedrop to the forehead. Hardcore Holly picks up Nitro and open handed slap to the chest. Another pair of open handed slaps to the chest and Hardcore Holly knocks Nitro for a loop with a back elbow smash. Holly picks up Nitro by the hair and throws him to the floor. Holly rolls to the outside and pounds away on Nitro, before grabbing him by the hair and introducing his face into the barricade. Holly moves around and Nitro goes facefirst into the ring steps. Then into the ring apron and Holly rolls Nitro into the ring but Melina grabs the leg of Holly, preventing him from promptly entering the ring. This distraction allows Nitro to dropkick Holly. Holly is hung on the ring apron and Nitro delivers a DDT with Holly draped on the bottom rope, a modified version of the Snap Shot. Cover by Nitro but only a two count. Nitro delivers a corkscrew elbowdrop, before picking up Holly and chops away, before a jawbreaker. Holly is stunned and Nitro with a running kneelift, before he hoists up Holly. Nice front face suplex stuns Holly and Nitro rolls Holly over, before climbing to the top rope. [B]450 Splash delivered by Nitro connects with Hardcore Holly![/B] Nitro gets to his feet, miming taking a picture of the fallen Holly, before picking up Holly and slapping him a couple of times. Nitro might be getting a bit ****y for his own good. Nitro whips Hardcore Holly into the ropes and spinning back elbow smash drills Holly right in the mouth. Nitro stands on Holly’s chest, before hitting a leaping kneedrop, and picking up Holly once again, spitting in his face. Nitro steps back, before going for a clothesline but Hardcore Holly catches him. [B]Stun Gun connects to Johnny Nitro![/B] Nitro is hung up on the top rope and Holly bends down before snapping Nitro off the ropes with the Alabama Slam. Melina screams and Holly covers Nitro to score the pin in 7:18. Hardcore Holly has pinned both of the World Tag Team Champions in back to back weeks. (A*) Jillian makes her way out with the stolen WWE Women’s Championship Belt. The Smackdown diva said she will return the belt from Mickie James, in exchange for a title shot, as King of the Ring was a fluke and Mickie couldn’t beat Jillian twice in a row. Jillian then goes further, challenging any woman on the Raw Roster. [COLOR=red][b]Jillian vs. Ariel[/COLOR][/B] Jillian catches Ariel as she enters the ring, and she doesn’t recover from a short match. The match ends with Jillian’s version of the Air Raid Crash, which the announcer’s dub, the Pop Drop in 1:51(C+) Jillian gets up, before grabbing the WWE Women’s Championship belt. [B]Mickie James rushes down from the back![/B] Mickie slides into the ring, going after Jillian, but Jillian bolts with the belt, before Mickie could get her hands on Jillian. Jillian makes her way through the crowd. Jillian escapes with the belt, as Mickie stands in the ring, having gotten so close to getting her belt back tonight. (D+) [COLOR=red][B]Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels[/COLOR][/B] Lock up to start, with both men feeling each other out. Flair manages to thumb Michaels in the eye before chopping away at Michaels in the corner. Michaels shoves Flair, before chops of his own and high back body drop rocks the Nature Boy. Michaels with a leaping dropkick to Flair, before he grabs Flair and flips him over the top turnbuckle. Flair lands on the apron and Shawn Michaels delivers a running clothesline, knocking Flair to the floor. Flair staggers up to his feet, before flopping facefirst onto the floor. Michaels bends down, pulling Flair up before setting him up and nice suplex delivered! Strut by HBK, mocking Flair to the cheers of the fans. Flair begs off and Michaels grabs him. [b]Low Blow by the Nature Boy![/B] Michaels is doubled over and Flair chops Michaels a couple of times, before whipping him in the corner. Chop block begins Flair’s work on the knee. He pummels the knee for about seven or eight minutes, before applying the Figure Four Leglock to Shawn Michaels! Flair punishes Michaels, using the ropes behind the back of the referee, while keeping the Figure Four locked on but Michaels manages to drag Flair into the center of the ring, before reversing, turning the Figure Four Leglock over. Flair is now in pain and the referee pries the legs apart. Flair up to the corner and Michaels goes after Flair but elbow to the mouth and Flair backs Michaels off, before going to the top rope but Michaels catches Flair. Flair begs off but [B]Michaels launches Flair off the top rope with a slam![/B] Michaels collapses to the canvas and the referee puts on a standing ten count but he kips up at nine right into a chop from Flair, who manages to pull himself up right at the same time. Michaels comes back with chops of his own and a roundhouse right, which causes a Flair flop. Michaels lifts up Flair and scoops him up but Flair rolls up Michaels in a small package for a close nearfall! Clothesline by Michaels and Michaels climbs to the outside, taking his time because of the weakened knee. Flair gets up to his feet and Michaels leaps off with a double axe handle chop right between the eyes of Flair! Michaels staggers. The Heartbreak Kid to the corner and begins stomping the foot, but [B]Batista is out, pulling Shawn Michaels to the arena floor![/B] The crowd boos but Flair has the referee tied up! Batista steps back and [B]stiff lariat right to the jaw of Michaels![/B] Michaels crumples down in a heap on the floor, that lariat to the jaw having knocked him out! Batista scoops up Michaels and rolls him back into the ring, before crouching down by the ring apron. Flair walks over to Michaels and covers him, placing the feet on the ropes for leverage. The referee doesn’t see the feet and counts the pin, giving Ric Flair the victory over Shawn Michaels in 15:17, thanks to Batista. (B+) Raw goes off the air with Batista looking smug on the ramp as Flair gets his hand raised in victory. See you next week! [B]Show Rating: B+[/B] [B]Quick Results[/B] CM Punk won the WWE Intercontinental Title over Abyss Snitsky beat Balls Mahoney Triple H rolled over Cade and Murdoch in a handicap match Eugene, Khali, and Kane over the World’s Greatest Tag Team and Mark Henry MVP over Chris Masters Rhino defeats Viscera Hardcore Holly beat Johnny Nitro Jillian over Ariel Ric Flair pinned Shawn Michaels with help from Batista. *************************************************** [B]Prediction League Results:[/B] First for Raw: Wink: 2/5 Lexa90: 1/5 De@d Frog: 2/5 Overall Rankings: 1) De@d Frog: 34/53 2) Wink: 30/53 3) chris caulfield: 26/53 4) solftflake: 22/53 5) Lexa90: 11/53 6) The Human Cancer: 2/53
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Tuesday to Friday News Updates: [QUOTE] [U][I][B]News and Notes for Week Three, June 2008[/B][/U][/I] Impact was taped last evening and it was the go home show for the Slammiversary Pay Per View. A recap of the events that will air this Thursday on Spike TV. -Team Pro(Jay Lethal and AJ Styles) put their TNA Tag Team Titles on the line against Tomko and Steve Corino. Corino made his return to TNA, although this is his first appearance in the Impact Zone. This was Team Pro’s first title defense. (C) -Austin Starr pins Matt Bentley. An X-Division Match. Decent match, there was worse things that TNA could have put on to fill up six minutes of time. (C) -Kurt Angle and TNA World Champion Samoa Joe defeated Christian Cage and TNA X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels. This was another dream partner tag team match involving Christian and Angle picking partners. Best match in some time in TNA, with Joe pinning Daniels with the Muscle Buster. (B+) -Sting beat Senshi with the Scorpion Deathlock. This match elevated Senshi, showing that he can wrestle with the bigger name players and Sting had to struggle to beat him. Odd main event, but acceptable wrestling. (B-) Overall, a pretty good Impact leading into Slammiversary. AAA was the usual horrid pile of drivel, with some decent moments, and a dead crowd. This week, they are in the North West. The main event featured Scorpio Jr. and El Zorro beating El Brazo and Gran Apache. Also, the Real Main Event(Silver Cat and El Hijo Del Anibal) won the Mexico National Tag Team Titles over La Parka Jr. and Octagon. Zero One was unspectacular. No one watches their TV show. Masato Tanaka defeated Danshoku Dino in the main event. Yay! Dragon Gate was the usual rocking show. Susumu Mochikuzki ended CIMA’s reign as Open the Dream Gate Champion. Two month reign, but CIMA managed to defend the belt seventeen times before losing it. Also the War Jr. International Tag Team Titles were defended when Mag and Doi beat Ryo Saito and Masato Yoshino in a great tag team match. That’s it for the wrestling for today. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News Update Wednesday Week Three June 2008[/B][/I][/U] Last week’s NJPW Blaze of Glory show featured a double main event of Yuji Nagata beating Hiroshi Tanahashi and Takao Omori defeating Koji Kanemoto. Also Hirooki Goto defended his NJPW U30 Title successfully against Mitsuhide Hirasawa. CMLL was headlined by a six man tag team match involving Mr. Aguila, Blue Panther, and Atlantis defeating El Hijo Del Santo, El Hijo del Perro, and Averno. No title matches to note of, but it was a rather solid night of lucha action across the body. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][U][I]News Update Week Three Thursday June 2008[/B][/U][/I] Last night, we have a new FWA Flyweight Champion when Spud defeated Robbie Brookside to capture the championship. Brookside has held the championship since last November. Also, FWA Champion Doug Williams won a non title victory over Hade Vensen. Overall an average show, with the main event being great. The Apache Army promotion had two title bouts. BADBOY Hido defeated Kamikaze to capture the Apache National Title. Kamikaze has held the belt since last September. Also Tengu Kaiser had his first successful title defense of the Apache World Heavyweight Title over Minoru Fujita. Also Chris Kanyon’s career in the Orient continues with a loss to Asian Cougar. Another independent show in Japan, not much more to say about that. Big Japan had the latest show on their latest tour last night as well. The top three bouts were Tomoaki Honma defeating MEN’s Teioh to retain the BJW Deathmatch title, SUWA defeating Tomohiro Ishii, and in the main event Ryo Saito defeating Ryuji Hijikata. All three feature bouts were solid matches but Big Japan just continues to be another promotion in the Japanese landscape. That’s it for the news today. See you tomorrow. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][U][I]News and Notes for Friday Week Three June 2008[/B][/I][/U] Last night’s ROH show was a rare misfire. Now, granted, nothing was bad, it’s just that we’ve been spoiled by the great ROH shows as of late and thus it left everyone feeling a little flat. To review… -Larry Sweeney over Lotus(D+) -Lacey over Daizee Haze(D+) -Chris Hero defeated Jack Evans(C) -Adam Pearce defeated El Generico(C) -Roderick Strong defeated Brent Albright(C+) -The Briscoe Brothers defeated Ricky Reyes and Jimmy Jacobs in first tag match the Briscoes have competed in as a team in three months. (C+) Davey Richards and Matt Sydal defeated Chad Collyer and Claudio Castagnoli. (C) -Bryan Danielson humbled Ace Steel in less than five minutes. Danielson wants another crack at Shelley and the ROH Championship(C+) -Alex Shelley retained his ROH Heavyweight Title against BJ Whitmer with the Border City Stretch(C+) Dragon Gate rocked with three title matches. Ryo Saito retained his Open the Brave Gate Title against Kaz Hayashi, CIMA, Mag, and Yoshino retained the Open the Triangle Gate Titles against Doi, Shiisa, and Dragon Kid. Finally, in the main event, Susumi Mochizuki retained his Open the Dream Gate Title against K-ness. Another hot crowd for this great now of wrestling action. That’s it for the news for today. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Preview for Friday Week Three, June 2008[/COLOR][/B] It is time for another edition of the most exciting show on Friday Night's Smackdown! Over the past couple of weeks, World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy has been having his share of problems with Deuce and Domino. Last week, his brother Jeff made the save, helping him fight off the men from the wrong side of the tracks. Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long has announced that a dream tag team match will take place this week on Smackdown, featuring Deuce and Domino squaring off against the Hardy Boyz. No doubt this will be a tag team battle to watch. Over the past few weeks, the spectre of the Undertaker has been haunting Umaga and Armando Estrada, but the Dead Man has not surface. Estrada has informed WWE.com that Umaga wants the Undertaker and he wants him face to face this Friday on the CW! Will the Dead Man show up? The last time we saw The Undertaker in person, he suffered cracked ribs at the hands of Umaga, following the victory by the Samoan Bulldozer back at Judgment Day. Two weeks ago, James Storm scored a tainted countout victory over Mr. Kennedy. That loss has been haunting Kennedy, so he has challenged Storm to a rematch this week, which Storm has accepted. This week it will be Mr. Kennedy colliding one on one with James Storm. Kennedy needs this victory if he wishes to get back on track to recapture the World Heavyweight Title, but Storm will also open the eyes of a lot of people should he walk out tonight with the win. Eric Young has had his problems with the Gringo Killerz in recent weeks, but this week on Smackdown, he has a chance to really elevate his game. His opponent is the former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion Edge. The Rated-R Superstar has been riding a wave of success coming off of his victory over Mr. Kennedy and is looking to regain the World Heavyweight Title. Eric Young might be the spoiler to Edge's World Heavyweight Title plans. Cryme Tyme have hit Smackdown with a 2-0 win streak and they have their legions of fans. One man who is not a fan of Cryme Tyme is Booker T. Booker T's partner Shannon Moore was beaten by Cryme Tyme last week, when Booker, in disgust, walked out. Booker has challenged Shad and JTG to a return match this week, but Booker T says that his partner will not be Shannon Moore. Who has Booker T convinced to be his partner on Smackdown? Tune into the CW to find out! Also Matt Striker squares off against Brian Kendrick and the WWE Tag Team Champions the Gringo Killerz face off against the veteran team of Scotty 2 Hotty and Funaki. All this and more on the CW, Friday Night Smackdown. [B]Confirmed Matches:[/B] Deuce and Domino vs the Hardy Boyz Mr. Kennedy vs. James Storm Edge vs. Eric Young Booker T and a Mystery Partner vs. Cryme Tyme Matt Striker vs Shannon Moore WWE Tag Team Champions the Gringo Killerz vs. Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty.
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Deuce and Domino vs [B]the Hardy Boyz Mr. Kennedy[/B] vs. James Storm [B]Edge[/B] vs. Eric Young [B]Booker T and a Mystery Partner[/B] vs. Cryme Tyme Matt Striker vs [B]Shannon Moore WWE Tag Team Champions the Gringo Killerz[/B] vs. Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty.
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[B]Deuce and Domino[/B] vs the Hardy Boyz [B]Mr. Kennedy[/B] vs. James Storm [B]Edge[/B] vs. Eric Young [B]Booker T and a Mystery Partner[/B] vs. Cryme Tyme Matt Striker vs [B]Shannon Moore[/B] [B]WWE Tag Team Champions the Gringo Killerz[/B] vs. Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty.
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[B]Deuce and Domino[/B] vs the Hardy Boyz Mr. Kennedy vs. [B]James Storm[/B] [B]Edge[/B] vs. Eric Young [B]Booker T and a Mystery Partner[/B] vs. Cryme Tyme [B]Matt Striker[/B] vs Shannon Moore [B]WWE Tag Team Champions the Gringo Killerz [/B]vs. Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty.
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