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WWE- A Stiff Upper Lip

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I took another drag of my cigarette, my hands were shaking, my head was spinning, the Half a bottle of Jack hadnt steadied my nerves at all. Tonight had to be a sucsess, not just for UKWA but for me, if my aplication was to be accepted, if my dreams were to come true. I was scared, i am usually exited when the main event is aproaching, but today i just feel ill, what if the fans didnt want to see Champion vs Champion, Brother vs Brother all in one, maybe they wanted to see a title defence, what if they arnt happy with the outcome, what if it flat out SUCKS!! I have been the Booker at UKWA (United Kingdom Wrestling Aliance) for nearly 3 years now, i have took them from a small internet only promotion to a company that has fans all over the world, the most watched Wrestling show on Sky Sports in the UK (not including the WWE because that dream is unthinkable). I had signed some good performers to the roster and had a huge part in developing our home grown stars, including the Gascoigne Brothers two of the most different people in the world but both great performers and great Champions. As i finished my cigerette i heard Jonathan's entrance music, i ran inside, the rest of the Night Flashed through my mind, vs Doug Williams vs Dave Taylor The match was a bloodbath i overbooked the damn thing, im sure i did, i feel i should have made the match more technical but aparantly the crowd liked it, Doug hit his signature move the Chaos Theory after 21 minutes and pinned taylor, this was a hardcore match but the two didnt seem to use many weapons. (A) vs vs vs vs vs vs The best match of the night, the only one i was confident about pleasing the fans was the Lady's Battle Royale, it was a bra and panies battle toyal, it involved all our Woman, Rachael Briggs (The long time girlfreind of Jonathan Gascoigne), Shelly Martinez (Formally Ariel in WWE), Joy Giovani, Talia, Rebecca Knox, Becky Baylees and Bobbi all beautifull woman and all talented performers in my view. Joy won after stripping Talia the final two ended up removing there tops revealing they were waring nothing but body paint, the crowd went wild, and i have to say this was my high point of the evening. (B+) vs vs vs there were many other matches but the only other match that stood out in my mind from this our first ever pay-per-view UNION HELLFIRE. The match involved Chessman, Jack Evans, Jordan Gascoigne (nephew of the Gascoigne Brothers) and Bob Sapp. The four were fighting for the number one contenders spot for the UKWA title, the four went into all out warfare in this Barbed Wire Cage Match, the main high point was Jordan Gascoigne hitting the shooting star press onto the barbed wire wraped Jack Evans, Bob Sapp came out on top hitting his finishing move (in our promotion) The Beast Bomb (chokeslam Powerbomb) he got the 1-2-3. New number one contender crowd happy, but i wasnt so sure. (B+) now our main event, i needed a cigarette but this damn indoor smoking ban that was now in affect in the UK was really hurting my nerves especially today. My stomach was turning and my heart was in overdive, i couldnt keep my mind on the activities in the ring. It was to Be Champion vs Champion and Brother vs Brother all in one. The UKWA Champion Jonathan Gascoigne vs Ben Gascoigne the UKWA Dutch Conection Champion. The match was an instant classic, these two were allways going to give 110% but i had no idea it would be this good, on 34 minuets Jonathan Hit the Steel Cutter and pinned his bloody brother, afterwards they both hugged and raised eacothers hands, they were going at it with full force, chairshots, cricket bat shots and evan a barbed wire wip to the head of Jonathan couldnt cause these guys to fallout. (A) I went straight down to congratulate everyone after many handshakes and hugs i went outside for my after show cigarette, our first Pay-Per-View was a sucsess the crowd were shouting for more, chanting the companys name evan chanting England at full voice, The Hallam FM arena had seen the biggest UK wrestling show was a sucsess i couldnt believe it. Thats when i heard it, well felt it really, my mobile phone was set to vibrate, this was it, TNA were finally going to call me back about becoming a member of there booking team, i was finally going to be in the big leuges i was going to live my dream!! i ansrwed with a tremble in my voice,,, "Hello" "Hello Ian Devine" "Yes" Finally TNA HERE I COME!! "This is Vincent McMahon",,,,,,
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Ukwa the UKWA event was from a previous game i had on the go not just one i maid up, all no written contracts or anything like that and i started it in the year 2005 (game year not real year so my new game i am starting is in 2008) what did you guys think to the opening all feedback is good feedback in my book, wether its possotive or negative.
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part 2 i was left in shell shock, this had to be a hoax, it couldnt be who it claimed to be, evan the yank accent sounded fake to me, "who is this??" "Mr Devine this is no hoax this is Vincent Kennedy McMahon, i wish to meet with you, but it is a one time offer only, so the sooner you realise im serious the better." "ok,, ware would you like to meet Mr McMahon?" He wanted o see me on the other side of Sheffield in less than half an hour, WWE Smackdown had been on tour in the UK so i guess it was possible it could really be Vince McMahon, but is it worth all the hastle if it isnt. The Phone rang,, "hello" "Ian it's Ben youll never guess who my flatmate says is in a cafe near my house!" after i explained the situation i was soon in bens car doing what felt like 150mph, my heart was thumping out of my chest, what does he want, what if i get a job, but overall i was thinking how could i have been dreaming of TNA when the biggest company in the world may be after me. We arived at the only upper class cafe on Eccelsall Road to find Mr McMahon IN THE FRIGGIN FLESH! i was no sweating, i had gone past caring on my first opinion, i had to light up a cigarette, the nicotine filled my lungs giving me that confidant boost i needed. "Hello Sir" "You must be,," "Yes sir im Ian Devine" we talked over coffee, i was trying not to act drunk from the jack daniels i had been sipping all night, and ordred coffee after coffee despratly trying to sobre up, not to mention ciggy after ciggy. we talked about wrestling, life and buisness, he was building me up for something but what? i was just lighting up what seemed like the 300th cigarette of the meeting when he hit me with a bombshell. "Right Mr Devine, i have been watching your shows under the advice of Jim Ross, and as you may have heard my daughter Stephanie wants to take a break from being the head booker at The company and spend more time with my grandaughter. This leaves an exiting position open at the World Wrestling Entertainment. I am willing to give you the job on a 6 month probationary period, thats if you are intrested and could leave comitments here and move to the US, i hear since your mother is American there would be no VISA issues." I was shell shocked, not only had he packed such infp into one sentance, but my dreams my ambitions were here on a plate! and instead of feeling happy and overwhealmed i was sick and drunk, but still i wouldnt change this moment for anything, i strethed my hand out, shaking and clmmy and shook hands with McMahon. "sir we have a deal" "Congratulations and WELCOME TO THE WWE"
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okay so here is a predicomant i didnt see when i took the job, THE WWE IS IN TATTRES AT THE MOMENT! the storylines are stale, there is a lack of usable talent, and Adam Copeland and Gregory Helmes are injured, i have no idea for untill i start on Monday, i have to pack, i have to prepare and i have to plan. I HAVE TO STOP DRINKING WHEN THE SHOWS ARE ON! before id go through nearly a bottle of Jack for a 1 hour show, i dont know how i would manage a 2 hour show. I sat on my back garden, cigarette in one hand, beer in the other, my laptop was on and open, the internet was running and my notepad and paper were at the ready. ,,, Nothing my mind is blank AGGHH what am i doing, i allways have ideas, storys, gimmicks and twists but with the weak rosters i dont know what to do, AND TOMOROW IS SUNDAY!! It hit me what was needed to be done, but it risks getting in the bad books with my boss on our first meeting. The flight was amazing, why didnt i shell out the extra hundred pounds before today, it was my first flight in buisness class and it left me feeling like a millionaire, a once skint pennyless media student now about to become the head booker of the biggest Wrestling Company in the world. I had only ever dreamed of this kind of thing before, i had a typical working class lifestyle, well typical if you lived in sheffield. I have smoked since i was 7 years old i am now 29, i have had 9 jobs outside the wrestling buisness, they all sucked. I am a huge football (sorry guys soccer) fan Suporting Sheffield United FC sporting a huge S.U.F.C tattoo on my arm. and of corse i have a love for wrestling that i yet to see be rivaled in the UK, so know i take my talents (or lack of them in my book) to the MECCA THE HOLY LAND ofthe buisness and see how long i can last before they fire me for being a worthless piece of crap. and i have to get used dollers intead of pounds,,,, im done with all these CHANGES AGGHHH.
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it was like the first time you hear your favorite song on the radio, the first time you rip open your presents christmas morning, the first time i set my eyes upon the HQ of WWE i was inspired, the surge of emotions going through my sytem were enough to bring a man to his knees. all this exitment stoped when i saw the no smoking sign on the entrance doors and i had to have a ciggy outside the front doors getting strange looks from security and receptionists who i imagine thaught i was some random weirdo. afterwards i walked inside the building and told the rather puzzled Reception worker who i was and why i was here after phoning through she was happy to walk me to ware i needed to be. The girl walking me upstairs (Im hate lifts they make my skin crawl, dam going to have to start calling them elavators.) was blonde had big breasts and a superb figure, no clues to who hired hear me thinks. As we walked we talked about formalities and other random crap to dispose of those aquard silences, thats when she proves she was a natural blonde, "you dont seem english" "how do you meen" i replyed with a curiosity in my voice. "well your teeth are stright and you dont call me squire" i wasnt sure weather to laugh or cry for the poor girl "there just stereotypes 'luv' not evryone ware im from have muffed up teeth or talk like 40's londoners" i didnt have the heart to say anymore because i knew she didnt have a clue what i just said she giggled instead of replying. I walked into a Huge room behind the girl to find Mr.McMahon sitting at a desk waiting, just a center of Zen sat there no look of any emotion on his face. The room was dark, most of the blinds were closed, the only light seeping from a small lamp in the corner of the room was catching McMahons face, making him seem rather intimadating. Still he didnt talke he just sat there waiting,,, just waiting,,
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eventually McMahon got up and shook my hand. "okay Grace thank you for escorting Mr Devine Up" "no problem sir" she seemed rather nervous in her reply. i mutred a quick "by Grace" and winked as she left, i have allways had a weekness for a pretty face, and evan though i had only just learnt her name i knew she liked the show of intrest, i could hear her giggling all the way down the hall. Mr McMahon offred me a seat and a Whisky i knew i shouldnt but im weak vary weak when it came to whiskey, it may have not been Jack D or Teachers but Jim Beam was good enough for me, he explained i could also smoke in here, i declined stating that i did not want to stink up his office. "thats ok this isnt my office" "its not?" "No its yours, dont you think if it was my office there would be more than two chairs a desk and lamp?" "of corse ware is my mind at, wow, thank you" okay this man is my boss and he has given me my dream job, but there was also the Jim Beam and 2 glasses and an ashtray so there is more than just a desk, lamp and two chairs,, tit. we talked just like we did in the cafe in sheffield for a while, he informed me my booking team would consist of Jim Ross, Paul Heyman and Eric Bishoff. I wasnt to thrilled about Heyman and Bishoff, Heyman in my book was a vary talented booker but a plain our right Liar, and Bishoff just seems like an egomaniac to me. but i wasnt going to complain he also informed me my first show will be RAW live tomorow night, he wants a show in the next 12 hours that gives me untill 11pm tonight, to plan a two hour show! i wanted to get up and kick him in the face! untill i realised this gives me a great opurtunity to get my main ideas aproved. I pitched my storyline and twist ideas to him, my future plans my long run plan, and after a look of aprihension and hesitation Vince gave me the green light, the power to run every single one of my ideas, things were going to change dramaticly, especially for The ECW brand wich in my book can only be a good thing, as at the moment it was just terrible. McMahon also gave me the green light on talent i handed him a huge list of talent i wanted to sign, he looked and while some of them would be easy some would be pretty hard to aquire, but he agreed and swore to me "i gurantee i will do everything in my power to get you these people, and if i cant get them, we will figure something better out." i could tell some of the talent he seemed a little ifyf about, such as basicly my whole roster from UKWA, i would hate to leave my old promotion in the sh*t but some of the guys there deserve to be in the big time more than i do, so i owe them the chance. Vince also thaught that because of my ideas there was no point me getting a full rosters list, so he just gave me a champions list to browse. WWE Champions up to Sunday 31st January 2008 WWE CHAMPION John Cena Intercontinental Champion Carlito World Tag Team Champions Cryme Tyme Womans Champion Mickie James (I have wanted to meet this woman since seeing her in a live show a few years back, call it infatuation or whatever you want i have to try and not be biased with a girl im crazy about on the roster!) World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio United States Champion Mark Henry WWE Tag Team Champions Deuce & Domino Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble ECW Champion John Morrison Some of these champions would suit me fine some i wanted to strip of the belt there and then! i had a lot work work to do, but with the support from MrMcMahon, and the luck that i dont have to work with my booking team untill next week has given me confidence that maybe my time here can be sucsessfull. Its time to toughen up the WWE and show the fans that there is still shocks to be had, and that the attitude is still here ready to be reborn!!! ,,,,Just hope i dont f*ck it up!
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I have to admit, when I first saw this, I actually said to myself "****, ANOTHER WWE diary?". Apparently, i said it too loud bc my roomates looked up and just stared at me. But your first post was really cool and the back story is well written (and you smoke!!! what cigarettes might I ask?) I want to see a backstory with you and Grace evolve! Oh, and Mark Henry??? Ewww... Carlito as intercontinental? Yes.
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thanks for the feedback sons of kohral, have to admit i thaught doing a WWE story would be a bit unorigional but i hardly watch TNA or anything else, and i have often thaught the WWE could be good if vince would use his imagination so just really wanting to see if my game can forge the WWE popularity of old. and mark henry i know but i thaught a rubbish champ would give some good push opurtunities on smackdown, Ian devine smokes Benson and Hedges like his creator hehe, there will be plenty of twists and plotpoints to watch as well as the wrestling, so keep reading and hope you enjoy whats to come. p.s- sorry to evryone in advance about all the spelling mistakes, i have never been a succsessfull speller.
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RAW is aproaching me, faster and faster it seems, im putting the final touches to the show, In the short time since i got permission to sign any talent i liked i had signed 14 people, they were all going to be ready to work within 7 days. It was good news, and it fits well especially since i had big plans for the ECW show, i needed to have a meeting with the guys i have signed, make sure they know my intentions and make sure they are all ok with my plans, god i have never known this kind of stress. Thats when grace came in, i had asked her to bring me some Jack Daniels and some Ciggarettes, i had run out of Cigarettes and needed the Jack for my nerves. She said hi and placed them on my desk, as she left i couldnt help but look at her ass, wow, i think she knew i was looking, i could tell by the way she walked out of the room, and the way she smiled as she turned around and gave me a quick glance before she left. STOP IT cant think about woman now, need to get evrything ready, make sure the production guys have all there sh*t together for the show. The one thing thgat worrys me more than anything, how is Vince going to react to me signing basicly the whole Development roster to full contracts? GOD DAMN IT CONCENTRATE, need to phase out these thaughts,,,,,, wares the Good Stuff!!!
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SHOW TIME!! Tonights Venue Orleans Arena, Las Vegas Nevada Dark Matches The matches on heat were unimportant usually but for the workers i am using its MAJORLY important, i need to make sure there fine tuned and ready for my plans. vs The Sandman vs Santino Morella This match was what it was allways planed to be a jobbing mission by sandman and cheat win by santino. B- vs Val Venis vs Daivari This match saw Val at what i wanted him to be, a good hard worker, he showed glimpses of his prime, he sold well, he attacked well and he showed the showmanship that made him once Intercontinental Champion on his way to victory after hitting the Money Shot then locking in the Venis Fly Trap. B Time for the big one, my debut, my first opertunity,,,, "HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE WELCOME YOU TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW LIVE TONIGHT FROM THE ORLEANS ARENA LAS VEGAS NEVADA! MY NAMES JIM ROSS ALONGSIDE MY COLLEUGE TONIGHT JERRY THE KING LAWLER!" "THATS RIGHT J.R AND TONIGHT WE COME STRAIGHT OF THE BACK OF THE ROYAL RUMBLE, WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN HERE TONIGHT?!?!" "Well King looks like the chairman has something to say here before we get underway" "Ladies and Gentlmen, lastnight we saw possibly the GREATIST Royal Rumble ever seen, we saw John Cena Defeat Tripple H and retain his WWE title, We Saw The Returning Rob Van Damn Win The Royal Rumble (if i had been in charge of that show last night i would have rather hung myself than him winning that match so little can be done with him), but tonight ladies and gentlemen" *you suck you suck you suck you suck* "SHUT UP, im trying to make history damn it! Last night after the Royal Rumble was over, our executives had a secret draft lottery" *CROWD ERUPTS* "My God King Draft Lottery!" "does that meen were not safe J.R" "this lottery was made FULLY with more than 15 brand changes!" only I and the NEW general managers of each show know who has been drafted ware!" "KING NEW GENERAL MANAGER" "evrythings changed right under our noses J.R" (B+) "and this meens,,,,," "King the CHAMP is here, and after the stunts he pulled lastnight he isnt getting a vary warm reception from this crowd" *Booes echo the arena* "thats putting it lightly J.R, this crowd is baying for blood at the sight of John Cena" "Wow Vince, a draft lottery, how origional, thats so stupid its as though this dumb-ass fans came up with it" *vince smiles as Boo's get louder" "Well heres a message for any newcomer to RAW wanting this title, IF YOU WANT SOME COME GET SOME!!!!" (B+) "Well mr Cena, i wouldnt worry about any newcomers, first i would concentrate on you match tonight, because incase you hadnt got the memo, tonight you deffend you title, IN A ROYAL RUMBLE REMATCH AGAINST TRIPPLE H" *cheers replace the boos at the mention of HHH* "well J.R thats what tyhe fans wanted to hear" "i think it gave Mr.McMahon some popularity points aswell king" (B+) "King we have got an action packed night, we have 3 matches all of main event status" "thats right J.R the first one that springs to mind is Mr Kennedy, taking on UMAGA, now Mr. Kennedy will i presume be acomponied with his new ladyfreind Ashley" "i presume so King" "I hope so hehe" (B+) "aslo tonight King we will see Bobby Lashley take on the man he blames for him losing the Royal Rumble, former fan favorite now just has hated as John Cena" "talk about a huge transformation J.R, nothing is worse for an image than complaining all the time and thats what lashleys doing" (B+) "AND OF CORSE KING, OUR MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING, were going to see a Royal Rumble Rematch JOHN CENA vs TRIPPLE H!" "and J.R its for the WWE Title" (B+) (B+) -Comercial-
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hey guys, had to call a comercial im going to be late for work otherwise hehe, would be nice to get some feedback to what your all thinking of the first part of my first RAW. That way can read it when i come home, this gives me chance to plan my next RAW while im finishing posting this one. Anyways hope you all like
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raw part 2 as we return to the ring we find Carlito on his way to the ring- "well J.R looks like our intercontinental champion has something to say here tonight" "well he isnt schedualed to compete tonight, so one can only think he had something to share with us" "after lastnight hes lucky he's walking" "your not kidding king the TLC match with Jeff Hardy was hellacious" "well,it seems as though last night i, CARLITO showed exactly why i am Intercontinental Champion, you see NO one could have took the punishmant, the hell i went through lastnight and walk down here at 100% like i can." "in a way he is right King the punishment both competators wen through last night was tremendus, as for him being at 100% i think he may be,,, bending the truth a little there" "i think you may be right there J.R" "and no one is capable of taking this title from my hands NO ONE!" (B) *ref runs down to the ring whispers in Carlito's ear* "WHAT DO YOU MEEN CARLITO IS COMPETING, IM NOT SCHEDUALED" "looks like Carlito will be in action tonight J.R" "and he dosent look to pleased, luckily he is wearing his wrestling atire, but who will he be facing?" ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , , , , , , , "OH MY GOD KING I THINK WE JUST GOT OUR FIRST DRAFTEE!!" "CARLITO FACED JEFF HARDY FOR THE TITLE LAST NIGHT, NOW HE HAS TO FACE HIS BROTHER J.R" "at least for Carlito its non-title competition" vs Matt Hardy vs Carlito The match was up and down i ordred that they should call it in the ring, this is my prefred style, i prefer matches to flow and i dont think thats possible when the matches are scripted move by move, it just seems unatural. The two were good at calling it there and then, the match was open as i ordred with Matt eventually hitting the Twist of Fate after reversing the Back Stabber. Winner Matt Hardy (B-) *Backstage Kennedy and Ashley are flirting Uncontroably* "looks like Mr Kennedy and Ashley are getting closer and closer by the moment J.R" (C+) -comercial-
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comercial i snook out the back door and lit up a cigarette, the intake of nicotene was just what the doctor ordred,,,,,,,, well kind of. Its only when i had stoped tremboling i remembred i had to take my medication, the "relaxers" that my doctor in the UK had prescribes, the medication i spent 3 hours in the airport explaining i had forgot my prescription form for, the medication i thaught were going to get me cavety searched and locked up. Luckily i simple call to my doctor and a fax later i avoided both. After taking my pill and taking another drag i realised i wasnt alone outside. Next to me was Randy Orton. He saw the bottle and gave a quick comment "Well at least Vince wont think there steroids" I laughed a short laugh, we chatted momentaroly, both rushing to have our nicotine intake before the show starts again. before he dashed back inside after finishing his ciggy, (i was having another, nervous as hell and no booze! by choice of corse) he gave me a quick comment "by the way hope when you get in to the rythm of things i can get some good spots in the main event" I gave him a quick Im the boss and i will decide comment that failed misrobally as i coughed on smoke at the end "Well well have to see how things go" he grinned politley as he went back inside, i didnt know weather he was trying to ask niceley or try and mucle me around, but i was serious, i have him set for a storyline, and if he dosent pull out all the spots, the main event will still be that little bit to far away for him.
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Raw part 3 *as we return to Raw Jonathan Coachman is siting on a sofa in what seems to be Vince McMahons office* Coach- "damn if i was the new general manager i would be on time, whoever this punk is he better learn how to be on time or the coach is going,," *The Door Opens and in strolls,,* "Hey there Coach" "erm,,, Shane i mean,,Mr. Shane,, i mean Mr.McMahon" "now coach just Shane will sufice" "ok, i was just waiting for the new General Manager" "o Really, well you dont look to pleased about that." "well to be hounest,,, Shane im not to pleased, yet again the Coach has been overlooked and some talentless hack with no match making skills, and non of the authority or control i have! has been chosen over me" "well thats just terrable Coach, well if you could just go tell my father that i have arived, and tell him i saw the draft picks and things are certanly going to be,, differant!" "will do shane" "oh and Coach, things will PROBABLY be better for you by next week" "how do you meen?" "o youll see, and by the way the talentless hack, dya know who that is yet" "no" "well just so you dont go saying those things again ITS ME!!" *Coaches eyes bulge and he looks petrafied* "ill just be going and,,,," "yea yea whatever" *coach rushes out* J.R- "SHANE'O MAC IS OUR NEW GENERAL MANAGER KING" "Shane is in charge, hows that going to affect thing's J.R and what did he meen things will probably get better for Coach?" "i have no idea" (B+) "well King here come the World Tag Team Champions there schedualed to deffend the titles tonight but we wernt informed who against and neither were Cryme Tyme" "Thats gotta make things hard for Shad and JTG, it meens they wont have scouted there oponents style, or stole there wallets" "So the World Tag Team Champions now await there oponents, who do you think its going to be King?" "Well The Highlanders have been on good form They got a victory over the Worlds Greatist Tage Team, and Cade and Murdoch are set to return soon, so your guess is as good as mine J.R" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , *The Crowd is mixed with Cheers and Boo's, some glad to see them on RAW some wishing they hadnt baught wrestling boots* "ITS THE WWE TAGCHAMPIONS THAT MEENS BOTH TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE ON RAW J.R" "King this is monumental" "THIS MATCH WILL BE NEXT" -Comercial-
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hey guys, hope your liking RAW so far, would be great to get some comments on how you things are going so far and some predictions for the tag match and the 3 main matches wich will be coming up soon. hope your all enjoying and keep reading, more to come tonight just need a little break. edited in- and by the way if anyone has a good green screen or something simular of Umaga please post it in a reply the one i have sucks.
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