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WWE- A Stiff Upper Lip

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well yet again the press have slandred us in a way wich is so ridicolus that he makes me more giggly than angry. But the news about ROH, thats bad news in my book, Heyman could be onto a winner!! The ratings were in for Velocity, 25.08 the highist the slot had got in a long time!
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Benjamin Gascoigne (WHO IN THE BLUE HELL??) vs [B]Balls Mahoney[/B] [B]The Fallen Angel[/B] vs Raji Ditto (WHO IN THE BLUE HELL 2??) [B]Jamie Noble[/B] vs Shannon Moore [B]Goldust[/B](WHY?!) vs Kenny Dykstra [B]HBK & Batista[/B] vs Randy Orton & Lashley John Cena & Worlds Greatist Tag Team vs [B]Rey Mysterio, London & Kendrick[/B] Also i would like to ask when are you going to start with Cyber Sunday I read it a little while back and just wondred how ya planning to operate it?
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Benjamin Gascoigne you will know as Ben Gascoigne from Ian's first Promotion in the Dynisty, and Raji Ditto (Sonjay Dutt)hehe i had no luck coming up with a good name for him AT ALL!! Cyber Sunday Options will be up soon and it will be a PM Voting Sytem hope evryone who reads will make the Votes.
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After talking to Vince for nearly two hours last night we both afreed that Hiring some of WWE's classic talent could be a major boost, and after making several phonecall's and having several people turn me down, i came across one that was PURE GOLD!! i had allready gone free agent crazy with allready established stars especially from ,,, "THE COMPETITION" i was also getting critsism saying im not building talent but taking Workers that are just hyped up by the internet and so forth, but i feel like im on the right track, i just have a ,,,, gut feeling, i cant explain it,,, but i hope im right. Grace hadnt texted me in 3 days, and i havnt been to HQ since she stood me up, i winder if i have done something wrong??
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hey dont get to disgruntled about people not making predictions, people just tend to only comment on there fave's and i find it very harsh but i know you have me and at least 2 other loyal readers, and we cant wait for you to post the next SmackDown and more importantly Cyber Sunday. (Message to other readers, come on guys the guy is putting a hell of a lot of effort into this diary, just look at the pictures Video's and concepts give the guy some predictions and feedback, evryone else seems to get some and this diary is great but i get the impression the writer is getting rather dishartned, because from what i think he feels his diary has no intrest when in fact it do's so lets predict on what should be a hell of a show)
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I mention smoking a lot because evrything in this story has a purpose, its not just a game report its going to have a story to it, and as i said evrything has a purpose, plus the charicter is a smoker, its his diary, when he is stressed what do you think he thinks of? i usualy dont mind people giving negative coments as its all feedback, and feedback is good it helps to improve, but to just say that cause it mentions smoking it got on your nerves it winds me up and i think that was a rather pettey coment what could have been kept to yourself.
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also, Halfman_Halfamazing thanks for the continues support, but i dont think other readers would apreciate being almost ordred what to do, i again apreciate the suport and value you as a reader but i dont want people to get anoyed with you and then start arguing, especially as it would bring the story down.
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[B]Benjamin Gascoigne[/B] vs Balls Mahoney [I]Balls never get any love[/I] [B]The Fallen Angel[/B] vs Raji Ditto [B]Jamie Noble[/B] vs Shannon Moore [B]Goldust[/B] vs Kenny Dykstra [I]Now you've brought in the Gold one I'm definately gonna get into this dynasty[/I] HBK & Batista vs [B]Randy Orton & Lashley[/B] [B]John Cena & Worlds Greatist Tag Team[/B] vs Rey Mysterio, London & Kendrick [I]Can I just say this is one kick ass match here[/I]
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Benjamin Gascoigne vs [B]Balls Mahoney[/B] (Who doesn't love Balls?) The Fallen Angel vs [B]Raji Ditto[/B] (Because I like his name) [B]Jamie Noble[/B] vs Shannon Moore (One of my favourite current wrestlers) Goldust vs [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] (Dykstra needs it more. PS. I would love to see Balls and Goldust in a tag team! Golden Balls anyone?) [B]HBK & Batista[/B] vs Randy Orton & Lashley (I see Batista getting the pin here) John Cena & Worlds Greatist Tag Team vs [B]Rey Mysterio, London & Kendrick[/B] (Most exciting three man team ever!) Keep up the good work man, I know it can sometimes seem that people are'nt reading, but if you keep posting quality shows the people will come. If you post it...they will come! Also, don't worry about the smoking comment. I for one found that it added character to your work, but you can't please everyone. Parker is entitled to his opinion. Plus he clicked back on your thread after he said he had stopped reading it, so there must have been enough he liked to give it a second chance! SAMOAN JOE FOR RAW CHAMP!
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Benjamin Gascoigne vs [B]Balls Mahoney[/B] [B]The Fallen Angel[/B] vs Raji Ditto Jamie Noble vs [B]Shannon Moore[/B] Goldust vs [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B]-The ****y Punk Dykstra wins this one [B]HBK & Batista[/B] vs Randy Orton & Lashley-HBK hits the Sweet Chin music for the 3 John Cena & Worlds Greatist Tag Team vs [B]Rey Mysterio, London & Kendrick[/B]-Speed beats Strength
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*phone vibrates, i wake up my eyes still heavy and iritated, i look at the clock, 4:47am, smackdown isnt untill tonight, what the hell is this all about, i look at the screen and i dont recognize the number, do i ansear it, do i go back to sleep? maybe its important, maybe it one of these damn american telesales people. my breath still stinks like nicotine, Jack Daniels & Abysnth, my head hurt more than usual, i had been drinking allnight with Jonathan, Ben & Shannon Moore, he had become a good freind to Jonny & Ben, and he was a nice kid, liked a drink like us aswell, i just hope that people dont think im picking favoruites because despite who my freinds are I will allways be professional. The Phone is still ringing after 3 minuets of no ansear.* "Hello,,,,??" "Ian Devine?" "Yes?" "This is doctor James Harris from Sheffield Northen General Hospital" "erm, ok,, how can I help, im not living in Sheffield anymore im in the states and it's 4:52am" "im aware of this Mr. Devine, its just to let you know that Your Son has been diagnosed with a Bone Marrow Disorder" *I was in complete, shock, i felt helpless, I FELT SCARED!!* "but,, but why are you telling me instead of his mother?" *I hadnt seen my sone since his 5th birthday 4 years ago, i hadnt seen his mother in 2 years* "Because his mother wanted me to tell you, she seems upset that you have left the country, she also requests that you come home asap." "thats impossible, i cant come home for at least another 2 weeks!" *silence* "Sir i also have to inform you that, he has inherited this condition,,, from his father" *DISBELIEF!* "What,,what do's this meen?" "it meens that the reason for your abnormal waitloss and feelings of weakness that you reported ni your files on your last visit are because of this, BUT,, your sons contraction of the condition is more serious, BUT! only your sons could be fatal" *Tears started rolling down my eyes, i was helpless and miles away i cant help him, i cant comfort him* "Mr Devine please make sure you get checked out soon, also i would advice you come and visit your son soon" "Thank you for letting me know doctor" *As the doctor hung up i felt as though my life had caved in, what do i do?? I spent the rest of the night sat smoking and staring at the wall, the room slowly lit up as the sun raised, the flat was a mess, the smell of ciggys booze and old newspapers (I allways have english papers flown in so i can check the progress of my beloved Sheffield United) were the only censations i could feel properly, i was still crying but silently, and the tears were running out, i was dehydrated and helpless, not knowing what these feelings were or how to handle them! How will i cope running Smackdown tonight?? I was dehydrated and HELPLESS!*
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Wow compelling stuff! im not sure ware you going with this, but its drawn my aten'chan in a big way! I find that your story writing skills are amazing and also think that you should write up your match reports in more detail, with the kind of writing your capable of ou could produce some of the most compelling match reports ever, just a sugestion :) KUTGW amazing as allways, cant wait for Smackdown
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*The drive to the arena, it was slow, quiet, cold and to be hounest i felt like the short twenty minuete drive form the airport to the arena lasted a lifetime, the Frost Arena seemed to so far from touch. My mind was going a mile a minuete! It seems evan though i was a very nervous and weary person before I joined this company, but now its like trouble and problems are magnetized to me, every dark and humbeling emotion that exists are drawn towards me, locked inside and ripping me apart. I feel like im walking through life at the moment, im walking through hell and my veins are filled with ice, i felt like i was breathing smoke! The show i felt was possibly the strongest i had come up with, and usualy i would worry about it, and i would be concerned that the show would be a failure, but today, today that thaught was small, that thuaght was minascule, i was just so concrned about what was going on at home, i was scared that my health could also be in jepordy, i think that that one phone call had messed my mind up it had put my life into prospective, and it is making me think of my son more now than i have thaught of him in many a month! but i wont let it offect me, i wont let it get in the way of my job i have to deal with this, pulling into the carpark, people queing, im late, the show starts soon, im not in gurilla position, i feel no ergancy. This day is the worst of my life. I just hope the show is as strong as i think*
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I Just found out that ROH (Heymans takover now Ring of Hardcore) has his PPV Debut friday, and will be the same time as this taping! i sudenly now am a little nervous, as a think a lot of the old ECW fans who now watch WWE may swap over to ROH! [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]TONIGHTS SMACKDOWN TAPING VENUE THE FROST ARENA Brookings, SD[/COLOR] [B][FONT="Fixedsys"][COLOR="blue"]Dark Matches[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [CENTER]VS[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack Evans VS "Wildfire" James[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] I wanted to see how Jack performed, i know he is a future cruiserweight star, but weather he can go against a bigger guy who has been developed by some of the OVW trainers, Jack and Wildfire didnt click as i wanted them to, but they both pulled of some great spots, they definatley have a bright future but at the moment neither are ready for evan a small push, but it wont take long for them to fine tune! Evans pulled off the win with his new move it was just like his old one but renamed for the company, "The Rotary Blade" 1,2,3 (D) [CENTER]VS [COLOR="blue"]Jillian Hall VS Michelle McCool[/COLOR][/CENTER] Another match with stars that need fine tuning, especially for my plans for THE WHOLE of the womans division! They clicked very well, my idea to let woman put on the best match possible, and to give them extra training seems to be working, they still need work to be able to put on the standard of match i need however. Jillian picked up the win, holding the ropes while the ref wasnt looking for the 3 count! (C+) [CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]MAIN SHOW[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]*A short video plays recapping on last weeks action involving John Cena and Rey Mysterio, including Coaches decision on the title vs title match and Cena beating Myterio*[/COLOR] [CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]"TONIGHT WILL BE THE BEGINING OF THE NEW COACH ERA ON SMACKDOWN! WE WELCOME YOU TONIGHT FROM THE FROST ARENA IN BROOKINGS SOUTH DEKOTA! IM MICHAEL COLE AND SITTING BESIDE ME IS MY BRODCAST COLLEUGE JBL!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"and Michael The Coach ere could NOT have come sooner"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"im not so sure John, we have all seen how devious and self centred coachman has been on RAW over the years!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"But now he is running SMACKDOWN! THE BIG LEAGUE, THE NUMBER ONE SHOW IN THE WWE! so he will step up his game, and i think he has what it takes to take us the next level!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Well John we will have to wait and see about that, but i do have to agree he has booked some great matches for tonight!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Thats right first of we have the battle of the midget Division!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I think you meen Cruiserweights John"[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]"Whats the difference?!?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Never mind, but evan though this match is tonight and we know it should be amazing, we STILL have no idea what the two were at eachothers throats about last week!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"IT DOSENT MATTER! all we need to know is they aint gettin along and they get to settle it in the ring! and those two pint sized Pitbulls are gunna go toe to toe and i cant wait!"[/COLOR] [/CENTER] (C-) [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"Also tonight we will see the return of,, THE BIZARE ONE!!!!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"THIS I CANT UNDERSTAND, OF ALL PEOPLE JONATHAN COACHMAN COULD HAVE BRAUGHT TO SMACKDOWN,,,,,,, HE PICKS THAT TWISTED DEMENTED FREAK!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Well no matter what you think John, Goldust is a great in ring performer AND he is allways a hit with the fans!! AND a former Intercontinental Champion!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"HE IS STILL A FREAK AND I HOPE DYKSTRA ENDS HIS PIECE OF CRAP CAREER!!!!"[/COLOR] [/CENTER] (C) [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]"Our first match of the evening John we will see our latest new young talent, young brittish former street fighter Benjamin Gascoigne as he takes on Balls Mahoney!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]"Great a foreighner vs some washed up fat as* in riped up daisy duke shorts!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Here Comes Balls John and the crowd are exited at the prospect of ECW Origional Balls Mahoney being a Smackdown Superstar!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Ill be exited when he has retired or DIED!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"WOW, now this kid is a specimin!! 6 feet 6 inches tall 280 punds and he looks all buisness!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"I have to say apart from the stupid YO MTV RAPS outfit this kid doe's look like he could be some kind of force, that is if he can beat this washed up piece of crap BALLS MAHONEY!"[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"]Balls Mahoney VS Benjamin Gascoigne[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Benjamin walks into to the ring and after removing his cap he stares down with Mahoney, the ref rings the bell and after around 10 seconds of stare down tencion and balls speaking crap to the silent Benjamin Gascoigne, OUT OF NO WARE Gascoigne hits mahoney with a huge right hand to the jaw, the shot send Mahoney limp, and he drops to the canvas! Gascoigne then takes of his red basketball top and drags mahoney to his feet, and hits a modified Powerbomb!* [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]"I was told earlier today after a review video of Benjamin Gascoigne that, the move is just used is called a BIGZ BOMB!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Dumb Name HUGE IMPACT!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Gascoigne arogantly puts his foot on the chest of Mahoney! 1,2,3! Gascoigne wins on his debut after just 2 minuets and 27 seconds! [CENTER][COLOR="navy"]"Michael, we have just seen the first episode, of the Benjamin Gascoigne Domination Show"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"But JBL, this crowd dont like how arrogant Gascoigne was, this young man may be dominating, but i think he has allready made enemys with the fans!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"WHO CARES WHAT THE FANS THINK WHEN YOU CAN PHYSICALLY DOMINATE SOMEONE LIKE HE HAS JUST DONE!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (C-) *Gascoigne walks up the ramp* [CENTER][/CENTER] *Gascoigne exchanges a quick stare with WWE Champ John Cena as he aproaches the Titantron Stage, Cena says something we cant here and nods at benjamin, before Gascoigne disapears behind the curtain* (B+) *WWE Champion John Cena walks down the the ring acompanied by an eruption of boo's and jeers, he plays up to teh crowd showing of his title and mouthing off at them as he arogantly strolls to the ring, then he climbs in to the ring and after getting a mic adresses the crowd* [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"THE CHAMP IS HEEERRRREEEE!!!"[/COLOR] *evan louder boo's* [COLOR="deepskyblue"]"and now im on Smackdown, i have a message to evryone here on Smackdown, and it's NOT if you want some come get some,, its simply, WHY BOTHER!! I AN UNBEATABLE!! I BEAT THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!! I SHOWED THAT I AM THE MOST GIFTED ATHLETE ON THE WWE ROSTER!"[/COLOR] *a mixture of laughter and boos* [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"Thats Debatable!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"SHUT UP COLE THE CHAMP IS SPEAKING!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="deepskyblue"]"AND IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME!! lets look at who i have beaten over the last year!! and for you ,,,SLOWER,,people in the crowd i evan have visulisations for you![/COLOR] *John Cena points to the titantron* [COLOR="royalblue"]I have beaten ROB VAN DAM!"[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]THATS DISCUSTING AND DISRESPECTFULL!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"i would say its the a very recent picture!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"Theres been the GREAT KHALI G"[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]"KHALI G???"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"OH MY GOD"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"THATS GREAT COLE"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"THATS TYPICAL OF THIS LITTLE THUG!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"THERES BEEN THE ORIGIONAL VILLAGER,, RANDY ORTON!!"[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]*laughter*[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Someone needs to teach Cena some respect!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Well go ahead BOY WONDER"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"NO THANKS JOHN, im no fighter, but someone needs to take the fight to Cena!"[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"AND MOST RECENTLY, i defeated FORMER WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, THE BIGGEST LITTLE MAN!!,,,,, in Smurf Villege Rey Mysterio"[/COLOR] [CENTER] [COLOR="navy"]*Hysterical Laughter*[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"This is Revolting Behavious John!![/COLOR][/CENTER] (A) [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"And as Champ i offer this advice DONT EVAN MAKE THE CHALLANGE BECAU,,[/COLOR] *Before He can finnish Mysterio comes out of the crowd and into the ring, he then beats down on Cena, as Cena wasnt expecting it he struggles to fight back! Eventually Cena go's for a big right hand, Mysterio ducks it and swerves behind behind Cena, this gives Rey his chance, he hits a dropkick knocking Cena to the Ropes!!* [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"HERE IT COMES JOHN CENA IS GOING TO LEARN SOME RESPECT 619 STYLE!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B+) *as Rey is about to run and hit the 619 Shelton Benjamin Runs into the ring and hits a super Kick on Rey as he runs towards Cena! Charlie Haas then comes down and they both double team on Rey, then they drag him up and hold him down as Cena Rises from the ropes and beats on him. Cena then Picks Up Rey setting up for the F-U, Hass and Benjamin get down to one knee linking there knees together, Cena then F-U's Mysterio onto there Knees, causing Mysterio to Let Out a HUGE MOAN of pain, before Haas kicks him in the head putting him out* [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]"John, This is hard to watch, what the hell is going on here!![/COLOR][/CENTER] (B-) [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"For thos of you who dont know!! Tonight Myself and The Worlds Greatist Tag Team Take on the 3sum set of midget as* ticklers in Rey Mysterio and London & Kendrick, Well i talked with my teamates, and we decided that together WE CAN RULE SMACKDOWN!!!!"[/COLOR] *Haas and Benjamin nod and mouth prise for themselves, evan though we cant hear what they are saying we can tell they are hyping themselves up!* [COLOR="deepskyblue"]"SO BEWARE SMACKDOWN, BECAUSE WE ARE COMING TO TEAR THE HOUSE DOWN!! EVRYONE BETTER BE FULL OF FEAR!! BECAUSE THE CHAIN GANG IS HEEEEERRRRRRREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="navy"]"MICHAEL SAY HELLO TO SMACKDOWNS NEWEST FORCE, FORGET THE NWO, FORGET D-X AND SAY HELLO CHAIN GANG!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *The 3 Men Pose Like Gangster Rappers* (B) -COMERCIAL- [CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]"Welcome back to Friday Night Smackdown, as we return Shannon Moore is on his way to the ring"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"And Michael he and Jamie Noble are going to beat the hell out of eachother i cant wait!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]"Here Comes Our Midget Champion of the world!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"You Meen Cruiserweight Champion of the world i presume?!?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"NO I MEAN MIDGET BECAUSE THATS WHAT A CRUISERWEIGHT IS! AND IF YOU TRY AND CORRECT ME ONE MORE TIME, IM GUNNA BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YOU, THERE MIDGETS YOUR A DAMN DWARF!!"[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"]SHANNON MOORE VS JAMIE NOBLE[/COLOR][/CENTER] *The match starts out with Noble and Moore shouting loudly at eachother, carrying on there argument from last week! Noble then gives Moore a stiff right hand, followed by Moore retaliateing with the same back, they go blow for blow, each not wanting to give an inch! This keeps going until Moore uses a basic takedown on Noble, he then proceeds to keep going with lefts and rights untill the ref drags him off and splits them apart!* *Shannon Moore Chants reign around the arena* [COLOR="Navy"]"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING REF, LET EM RIP EACHOTHER APART!!"[/COLOR] *The two then pull off some stupendus chain wrestling, clasic Cruiserweight wrestling at its best, the two work very well together, the match turns in obles favour after a poke to the eye wich makes noble screw up his face, as his eye waters up Noble becomes relentless, a kick to the back of the knee gives him a target to work on, he keeps stomping at the knee, he then unwisley takes his eye of Moore to shout to the crowd about how great he is! Moore takes this chance to dive at Noble hitting another takedown, like before he reigns down on Noble with thundorous lefts and rights, but before the raf has to pull them apart Noble arise's and runs at the ropes, as he returns at Noble (know on his hands an knees) and hits a textbook low dropkick to the temple, Noble now has a look of sheer agony and dispair on his face, a red mark begins to show almost instantly, ripening his face, showing just how powerfull that drop kick is!* [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"MY GOD JOHN, NOBLE WAS ALMOST DECAPETATED!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Thats what Noble gets for taking his eye of the competition HE DESERVED THAT ONE!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Moore controles for a lot of the match with a mix of headlocks and armbars untill Noble reverses a headlock and hits a belly to back suplex leaving Moore holding his lower back and trying to get rid of the pain by gritting his teeth, Noble then takes a major offensive tactic, hitting Moore with suplex's, Punches, Kicks and clothslines BUT Moore refuses to stay down, just as Noble hits another clothsline he signals its time for the brain Buster!* [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"NOBLE SAYS ITS BRAINBUSTER TIME"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"IF HE HITS THIS ITS OVER"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"HE HAS MOORE UP,,,,, BUT WAIT MOORE FLIPS OUT NOBLE TURNS ROUND, KICK TO THE GUT OF NOBLE BY MOORE! HE BOUNCES OF THE ROPES,,[/COLOR] [/CENTER] *Moore its his new finisher, a cross between a Piledriver and a swinging DDT* [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]"THE MOHAWK SPIKE DDT!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"BALL GAME!! CALL THE FAT LADY AND TELL HER TO GET HER LUNGS A'READY CAUSE THIS ONES OVER!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"1,2,3 THIS ONES OVER, and thats a huge victory for Shannon Moore!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Moore gets his hand raised, this match lifted the mood of the crowd the two had great chemistry in teh ring, and it showed brilliantly!" (C+) *Moore rolls out of the ring and grabs a mic* [COLOR="Purple"]"JAMIE NOBLE LAST WEEK WHEN I CHALLANGED YOU FOR THAT TITLE, YOU SAID YOU COULD WHIP MY SORRY AS* WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED![/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"I think we have found the source of the argument!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Arguing over a title made for Midgets,how degrading for anyman!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]"WELL I JUST PROVED THAT WAS A LOAD OF CRAP, BECAUSE NOW YOUR THE ONE WHO MAYBE OUT COLD!! BUT IF YOU CAN HEAR THIS I WILL TELL YOU EXACTLY THE SAME AS LAST WEEK, I WANT THE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP, AND IM COMING FOR IT, AND I WONT BE STOPED!![/COLOR] (C) [CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]"HERE COMES THE NEW BOSSMAN MICHAEL, STAND UP SHOW SOME RESPECT!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"What?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"I SAID STAND UP DAMN IT!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"but,,bu,,"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"STAND YOUR PENCL NECK UP DAMN IT!!"[/COLOR] *Michael Cole Stands up for a moment befor JBL drags him down to his seat!* [CENTER][COLOR="navy"]"FORGET IT, people mint notice im sat here with you and think were freinds if you stand up!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [/CENTER] [COLOR="Gray"]"Now Shannon Moore, I Have to say that was one hell of a match! BUT at Cyber Sunday it wont be Jamie Noble vs Shannon Moore, IT WILL BE SHANNON MOORE VERSUS,,,, JAMIE NOBLE,,,,,,,,,VERSUS THE FANS CHOICE OF EITHER PAUL LONDON! BRIAN KENDRICK Or,,,,,TO BE ANOUNCED!![/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"TO BE ANOUNCED!?!?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]THATS RIGHT HAHA, JONATHAN COACHMAN SHOWING THAT HE CAN GIVE THE FANS WHAT THEY WANT! SUSPENSE, ACTION AND THE POWER OF CHOICE!![/COLOR][/CENTER] (C+) *We join HBK Backstage and has a cardboard cut out of Randy Orton Next to him* [COLOR="Red"]"HEY WHATS THE MATER RANDY, YOU LOOK ILL AS HELL! Now Randy you gotta tell me HOW DID IT GO!! I meen first you apear on Hogan Knows Best, THEN YOU TAKE BROOKE HOGAN ON A DATE!! now i may be a more spiritual man now, but come on GIMME ALL THE DETAILS!!"[/COLOR] *HBK makes some funny grunting sounds imitating a cave man* [COLOR="Red"]"Right, now i DO find it difficult to follow your dialect but let me see if i got this straight,, You cant tell me but you can show me??"[/COLOR] *More caveman sounds* [COLOR="red"]"How you going to do taht?!?!"[/COLOR] *more gruntng!* [COLOR="red"]"Ok Im Looking at the screen now show me how the date went!"[/COLOR] *HBK looks up at the screen behind him* [CENTER][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]"MY GOD RANDY,,,I MEAN,,,COME ON,,YOU SICK,, FOR THE LOVE OF,,I COULDVE GONE MY WHOLE LIFE HAPPY IF I HAD NEVER SEEN THAT,, EUUUUGGGGHHHH!! I think i jus threw up in my MOUTH DAMN IT RANDY!![/COLOR] -COMERCIAL- [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"We Return to Smackdown as a distressed looking Kenny walks towards the ring"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"YOU WOULD BE DISTRESSED IF YOU HAD TO FACE THE FREAK THATS ABOUT TO GRACE US WITH HIS PRECENSE!![/COLOR] ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , , , , , , *A bell chimes and the crowd go's Bonkers, obviousley Goldust was more popular than I thaught!* [CENTER][COLOR="navy"]"THIS FREAK SHOULD BE BANNED FROM THE COMPANY! I MEEN HE IS WEARING A WIG, THERES GOLD CONFETTI EVRYWARE AND HE KEEPS RUBBING HIS DAMN SELF!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Theres nothing quite like a Goldust Entrance hey partner!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Number One THANK GOD FOR THAT FACT and TWO, STOP CALLING ME YOUR DAMN PARTNER, YOUR MY DAMN SIDEKICK!![/COLOR] VS [COLOR="blue"]Kenny Dykstra VS Goldust[/COLOR][/CENTER] *The two start quite causiously, with a lock up and test of strength that Goldust wins, he quickly shoves Dykstra to he floor, then does the goldust deep breath taunt wich insences Kenny. The two go tooth and nail, both getting pretty equal offence, Goldust manages to hit the bigger impact moves compared to Kenny throughout however, the match turns well and truley in Goldusts favout after he hits a strong hedbut then whips Kenny into the corner, he props up one leg then the other, despite the warnings from the ref, Goldust strolls to the other corner and taunts Dykstra with the big breath once again* [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"We all know what this meens JBL!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Disqualify him DO IT NOW REF BEFORE KENNY GETS HIS DREAMS SHATTRED!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *As Goldust Sprints towards Dykstra ready to kick him SQUARE in the nuts, Kenny manages to reversce it and behind the referees back manages to get a hand on the ropes and a roll up pining position* [CENTER][COLOR="navy"]"COUNT IT REF"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"NOT THIS WAY!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"1,2,3!! BALL GAME!! HAHA TAKE THAT YOU GOLDEN FREAK!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (C+) *Kenny Celebrates as though he has just won the title going completley overboard!* (D) *We Go backstage to Kelly Kelly in her lockeroom when Alexis Roucka walks in* [COLOR="Teal"]"Well Well Well, its little Kel Kel! wares little Cody Tonight, o yea thats right, somehow he lost his ticket to the arena tonight didnt he!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Yes he did, but please just dont start anything, I dont evan know what i have done to upset you?!?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]"Well nothing per say, I just dont like snotty little miss look at me's, AND THATS YOU IN A NUTSHELL, and hey I think this mint be Codys"[/COLOR] *Alexis Giggles as she hands kelly Kelly Codys Plain Tickets* [COLOR="Magenta"]"HOW DID YOU GET THESE?!?!?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]"I didnt!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Then who did!!!"[/COLOR] *Alexis Giggles* [COLOR="Teal"]"HE DID!!"[/COLOR] *MASTERS APEARS FROM NO WARE AND BEATS KELLY KELLY TO THE FLOOR AND THEN LOCKS IN THE MASTERLOCK SHE BLEEDS FROM THE NOSE WARE MASTERS HAS PUNCHED HER, WHILE SHE IS IN THE MASTERLOCK ALEXIS SLAPS HER CONSTANTLY LAUGHING AS SHE DOES SO!* [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"THIS IS SICKENING!! LEAVE HER ALONE FOR GOD SAKES!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *masters eventually lets go, Alexis coresses his muscular chest as they look on the down and out Kelly Kelly, they walk away s******ing* -COMERCIAL- [CENTER][COLOR="navy"]"ITS THE CHAIRMAN< THE BIG CHEESE THE HEAD HONCHO!!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Mr McMahon powerwalks to the ring carrying the same black bag Stephanie had on Velocity, he climbs into the ring, he gets a fairly mixed reaction from the crowd!* [COLOR="SlateGray"]"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! I stand here before you tonight to bring you some great news that will afect the RAW brand AND THE SMACKDOWN BRAND!!"[/COLOR] *WHAT* [COLOR="slategray"]"A ANOUNCMENT THAT WILL GIVE ALL NEW OPURTUNITIES FOR SUPERSTARS AND RAISE THE BAR FOR COMPETITION!![/COLOR] *WHAT* [COLOR="SlateGray"]"DAMN IT SHOW ME SOME RESPECT! IM ABOUT TO MAKE A GREAT ANOUNCMENT FOR ALL OF YOU!!"[/COLOR] *WHAT* [COLOR="slategray"]"SHUT UPP!!"[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]"These People need to show some DAMN RESPECT THIS IS THE CHAIRMAN!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="SlateGray"]"In this Bag I HAVE A TWO NEW CHAMPIONSHIPS!! ONE FOR SMACKDOWN ONE FOR RAW!!"[/COLOR] *fairly bic cheer!* [CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]"A NEW BELT FOR SMACKDOWN!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"JBL THAT MEENS THAT WERE GOING TO HAVE MORE GOLD THAN EVER!!"[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR="SlateGray"]"We All Know That The Womans Championship is a RAW Championship, but now with Velocity having the Womans Wrestling Championship, it seems that SmackDown is the only place Woman cant win gold, and that, that is unaceptable! SO SMACKDOWNS NEW TITLE!! THE WOMANS DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP!![/COLOR] [COLOR="slategray"]"We may also notice that Velocity has the HARDCORE Championship, this makes it the home of the Hardcore Division! The Cruiserwight Title belongs here on Smackdown making it home of the Cruiserweights! WELL MONDAY NIGHT RAW IS NOW HOME TO THE LIGHTHEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP AND THE LIGHTHEAVYWEIGHT DIVISION!!!"[/COLOR] *fairly Good Pop* (B+) *as McMahon walks away from the ring we go backstage to Marcus Cor Von as he walks into Jonathan Coachmans Office* [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Mr.Coachman MY MAN MY MAN!![/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]"Marcus Cor Von, the Next Big Thing here On Smackdown!! Hows it going my freind hows it going"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well Sir I was just wondering if you have a decision about Mark Henrys Number One contender yet??"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]"Well actually I WONT be chosing his number one contender, the fans will, and as one of the people I have hand picked to be in the running i sugest you impress those fans here tonight, as you take on VAL VENIS!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Mr.Coachman, im gunna POUNCE THAT SUCKER and the fans will see that i deserve to be US Champ!!"[/COLOR] (C-) [CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]"WHOS THIS LITTLE PUNK IN THE RING!?!?!?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Thats Raji Ditto John a youngster who is about to take on the Debuting Fallen Angle and his asosiate Ariel Martinez!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , , , , , , , *The Two Dramitcly walk to the ring Both Hooded, Ariel is revealed as Ariel Martinez, she enters the ring with her familier bat like entrance! The Fallen Angel slides into the ring then quickly takes of his hood revealing his bald head he screams at the crowd as Ariel Falls to her knees at The Fallen Angels Feet!* [CENTER]VSW/ [COLOR="blue"]Raji Ditto VS The Fallen Angel W/ Ariel Martinez[/COLOR][/CENTER] *The match was short and sweet, the ariel abilities of Raji Ditto only got a few moments of being showcased! but they were shown as absolutley stunning wich they were! But The Fallen Angel showed he is a master of Technical Wrestling and contains an ariel arsenal to be rechoned with! The Fallen Angel Hits a Modified Spinning Pedagree on Raji Ditto after weakening him with kicks and other stunning moves!* [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]"He calls that the Angels Wings"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"I CALL THAT BALL GAME 1,2,3!![/COLOR][/CENTER] (C-) [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"JOHN NEXT UP ON THE BOOKS IS A HUGE TAG TEAM MATCH WERE GOING TO SEE THE HEARTBREAK KID SHAWN MICHAELS TEAM UP WITH BATISTA!![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"And there going to be taking on Randy Orton and Bobby Lashley ad thats next Michael!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] -COMERCIAL- [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"Welcome back to Smackdown during the comercial break Randy Orton and Bobby Lashley came down to the ring to a huge reception of boo's"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"AND THEY ONT DESERVE ONE DAMN BOO ITS A CONPIRACY MICHAEL!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"HERE COMES THE ANIMAL AND HE LOOKS LIKE HE MEENS BUISNESS AS ALLWAYS!!"[/COLOR] [/CENTER] *HBK runs straight down the ramp into the ring and go's for Orton! The Ref rings the bell and Lashley and Batista take there corners* [CENTER]VS [COLOR="blue"]HBK&BATISTA VS Randy Orton&Bobby Lashley[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]"HBK not waiting around he takes this one straight to Orton and he is pumbeling him with lefts and rights!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED BEFORE THIS MATCH EVAN STARTED!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *The match works well, Orton and Michaels show a lot of chemistry in the ring wich is essential as i plan for there fued to be a big sucsess! The match is evan between the two teams, Batista an Lashley showcase there power brilliantly on the two littler guys, but Batista and Lashley seem wuite evan in power, Lashley eventually gets the upper hand on HBK after hitting a Huge Clothsline, he the locks in a bearhug on HBK wich lasts several minuets, Michales eventually uses leverage to get himself to the ropes forcing lashley to thet go, as Lashley drags up HBK he hits a ferocious Super Kick out of no ware then sencing he dosnt have the power to cover Lashley he tags in Batista! As Batista Rushes in so does Randy Orton illegaly however he go's for a clothsline on batist isses and runs straight into SWEET CHIN MUSIC!! with HBK exhausted and down, Orton semi concious and Lashley still hurting Batista hits a Spinebuster then a Batista Bomb on Lashley* [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"THIS ONE IS OVER 1,2,3!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"THAT FAT LADY's A'HOLLERIN!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B) *Lashley and Orton roll out of the ring as HBK and Batista cellebrate going to the turnbuckles and working the fans, but as HBK and Batista shake hands then get there hands raised by the ref Lashley and Orton run in with chairs and take the two out! Orton imediatley leaves, BUT Lashley just throws HBK out of the rin,, he then turns, and gives that bulging eye stare, to the motionless and battred body of The Fallen Animal!* [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"What the hell has lashley got planed here?!?!?![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"I HAVE NO IDEA LADY GWENDALYNE WHY DONT YOU GO ASK HIM!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Lashley Sits up the chair so its ready to be sat on, but dosent sit! he drags up batista then uses his move THE DOMINATOR on Batista basicly crushing teh chair!* (B+) *Lashley grabs a mic!* [COLOR="Sienna"]"BATISTA!! YOU CLAIM TO BE AN ANIMAL!! YOU CLAIM TO BE THE DOMINANT FORCE HERE ON SMACKDOWN!! WELL GUESS WHAT,, YOU JUST GOT DOMINATED!! and thats just the begining of the pain im oing to put you under! YOUR DAYS ARE THROUGH!!"[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"Menacing words from the former ECW and United States Champion!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B) *We Go Backstage as Trinity is getting into her clothes and Val Venis comes and slaps the elastic the backside of her Trousers!* [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Trinity Trinity Trinty, you look good girl!"[/COLOR] *Val is dressed only in a towell and wrestling boots* [COLOR="Plum"]"Thanks Val, you look good yourself"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"I was wondering, you been into fashion and stuff what you thaught to my werstling trunks tonight, could you just look up my towell and tell me what you think!?"[/COLOR] *Trinity pokes her head under the towel then comes back up looking flushed and smiley* [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"So What you think?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]"I Think you forgot to put your trunks on!"[/COLOR] *Val Smiles!* -COMERCIAL- [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]"Ladies and Gnetlmen welcome back to FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN! now we have just found that our main event tonight will be the new formed CHAIN GANG team of John Cena and the Worlds Greatist Tag team taking on the High Flying team of Mysterio And The Hooliganz!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B-) [CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]"Now heres the former Alpha Male of ECW! lets see if he can keep up that kind of Form he had going in ECW the last few weeks before it became Velocity and he was drafted here"[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]"AND HERES THE BIG VALVOSKI ANOTHER NEW ADITION TO THE SMACKDOWN FAMILY!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"WHO CARES ABOUT HOT DOG BOY THERES TRINITY THE FUTURE MRS LAYFIELD WOO HOO!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Remember John These competators have a lot to prove as they could be voted in to face Mark Henry for the US Title at Cyber Sunday"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"WHO CARES WHILE TRINITY IS HERE!!"[/COLOR] W/VS [COLOR="Blue"]Val Venis W/Trinity VS Marcus Cor Von[/COLOR][/CENTER] *The match is of a good standard, the two work well together, they have contrasting styles but make good work of it putting on a good show, trinity shows some great outside work cheering on Val and the two flirting incesivly and Trinity flirting with the crowd gets them going a treat! Val eventually pics up the win after doging the pounce, then Trinity distracts Cor Von allowing Val to hit a bullgog then Lock in the Venis Fly Trap forcing Cor Von to tap!* (B-) *A Video Works Hyping A New Worker* (C) -COMERCIAL- [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]"WELCOME BACK TO FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN ITS MAIN EVENT TIME!2[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"THIS IS WHY COACH IS A GODSEND, WHO ELSE COULD COME UP WITH A MATCH THIS GOOD DAMN IT!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]"HERE HE IS THE FORMER CHAMP THE PINT SIZED PRETENDER FROM SMURF VILLAGE!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"THIS HAS GOT TO BE THE MOST HIGH FLYING 5 MAN TEAM I HAVE EVER SEEN!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"AND HERE COME THE NEWEST FORCE TO BE RECKNED WITH IN THE WWE, NOT JUST SMACKDOWN! THE CHAIN GANG HAHA[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"]The Chain Gang VS Rey Mysterio & The Hooliganz[/COLOR][/CENTER] *The match itself is total organized chaos, trying to keep notes was hurendous, butthe match itself was entertaining to the core! the tag teams both working well of eachother, Rey and Cena really going at it, high spots galore mixed with Cena Getting Gritty, his flaws were hiden quite well, the match ended when Cena was kicked out of the ring by Mysterio Then Mysterio Knocked Haas out teh ring, leaving the Hooligan Double Enzughuri To Benjamin Then the 619* [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]"619 conecting, Mysterio gets the WEST COAST POP, John as you would say,, BALLGAME!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"THIS CANT HAPEN!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,3 THE TEAM OF SPEED BEATS THE CHAIN GANG!!![/COLOR][/CENTER] (A) *The Chain Gang walk up the ramp as the other team celebrates, Cena Holds his belt but looks furious!!* [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]"GOOD NIGHT LADYS AND GENTLMEN!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] -END SHOW- Final Rating - (B-) Attendance - (7,138 SELL OUT!!)
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