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WWE- A Stiff Upper Lip

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I cant belive he blew us away so bad, this is bad, what made it worse was how bad that Vince reacted, i could be out of the job before i have evan got to my first PPV, and i still havnt told Vince that i need time of to see my child, he will kill me! Heyman has done what he said, he has made my life hell, and he has only done one show! The ratings for Smackdown were 18.63 on the CW wich was a colosal drop, despite this hsow being miles stronger than my first! but the 1.58 on Sky Sports was strong, wich surley meens something! Heymans Show stole most of our fans, at least I think that was the reason for the drop! I got the quick results from the internet! D-Lo Brown lost to "The Evil" Tanaka (C-) Mosh & Thrasher lost to Jerry Lynn & Phycosis (D) Sandman (He was signed up remrkably QUICK!) lost to Vampiro (C) Austin Aries, Bryan Deneilson (Still Holding the origional ROH Championsip), Nigel McGuiness & Bob Saap (if only i had reached him first, hopefully my old freind is only on an open contract with that scumbag) lost to SABU forthe New Ring of Hardcore Championship (A*) Show rating (B+) 1 hour 30 minuetes long Vince said he was going to solve the loss of the Haedcore fans problem! He also said RAW needs to get higher ratings than last week to compansate for the loss in SmackDown ratings. My Ex wont ansear the phone, i am so worried about the situation back home, and with work looming and things to plan i have no idea when im going to be able to get checked out myself! Things are never smooth WHEN WILL I GET STABILITY ION MY LIFE!! i got out my phone and text messaged Jonathan and Ben - Hey, PUB!?!?! 30 minuets later we were all pis*ed up in a pub just down the road from the hotel, alcohol allways numbs the pain at least,, , ,, , untill tomorow speeds into my life
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"MR MCMAHON,,,THIS,,THIS IS JUST A BAD IDEA!! I DONT KNOW HOW YOU THINK THIS COULD HELP!!" "Mr Devine, you are vary vocal, and so far i have took your advice on most things, and it had been sucsessfull! but this is a decision i have given much thaught about! and i believe its a step forward!" "But WHY!! why that company, why now, I think that doing this to any company is just,, WRONG!!" "ITS BUISNESS!! it's our way of solving the Heyman problem!" "HOW!!" "Because all the hardcore fans who have started watching Heymans Ring of Hardcore will be replaced!" "Just because you baught the company name and the titles of CZW dosent mean you have baught the fans!!" "They will be atracted by a story line involving CZW That YOU are going to put together!" "How will i do that!" "I dont know thats your job, i want ECW and CZW involved in a story line after Cyber Sunday!!" "on wich brand?!?!" "ALL 3!" "What CZW talent have we aquired?" "none" "WHY?!?!?!" "Thre not to our standard!" "BUT SIR YOU WANT CZW FANS TO TUNE IN TO US!! I NEED SOME OF THERE BEST AND BRIGHTEST!" "There are none!" "Please sir, let me sign at least there ast world champion and some others that i think would work well in storylines and add something to our product, it could be a good way to salvage this!" "SALVAGE WE HAVE EVRYTHING WE NEED!" "Please sir, please trust me, i havnt streered you wrong before!" *Silence* "Sir" "Sign no more than 10 former CZW workers, 9 after there world champion!" "Thats all i need sir" "I a list of them on my desk before RAW in 2days, also i would like a full list of all our development stars!" "No problem sir"
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memo to - VINCE MCMAHON [email]JR@WWE.INTERNAL>COM.NET[/email] DELEOPMENT TALENT> ACE STEEL - FCW AMY ZIDIAN - OVW APRIL HUNTER - FCW ARICK CANNON - CZW to FCW BRADDOCK - OVW B-BOY - OVW BOBBY ROODE - FCW CAPRICE COLEMAN - OVW CASSIDY RILEY - OVW CHARLES EVANS - OVW CHEERLEADER MELLISSA - FCW CHRIS HERO - OVW Cibernetico - FCW Daizee Haize - FCW Davey Richards - OVW Derrick Neikirk - FCW Frankie Capone - OVW Fuuka - FCW Harry Smith - FCW Idol Stevans - OVW Jacob Duncan - OVW Jay Briscoe - FCW Jimmy Rave - OVW Katie Lea - OVW Krazy K - FCW Krissy Vaine - FCW Mack Johnson - OVW Mark Briscoe - FCW Maison Raige - OVW Matt Sydel - FCW Mike Knox - FCW Mike Kruel - OVW Nattie Neidhart - OVW Nick Neimeth - OVW Niles Young - CZW to FCW O.D.B - OVW Ryan O'Reiley - FCW Sexxxy Edy - CZW to OVW Shantelle Taylor - FCW Shawn Spears - OVW Sonny Siaki - OVW Sosay - OVW Sylvan - OVW Ted Dibiasi JR - OVW TJ Wilson - FCW Valentina - OVW (AMAZING PROSPECT FUTURE CALL UP IMONENT!) Victoria C - OVW Vik DaLishus - FCW Vladamier Koslov - OVW CZW to MAIN ROSTER> Adam Flash Nigel McGuiness Ruckus - CZW Champion Sabian >>> Also the former Mega WWE stars you gave me permission to talk to, well its 50/50 results so far. -from Ian Devine
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sorry for the lack of updates guys, been a alcohol fueled, blur of a holiday season. "So whats the plan? what are we to do with this situation?" Bishoff had a tone of anoyance in his voice, Jim Ross hadnt said a word, i think he was sticking to his principles about the whole Vince Purchase of CZW, If You have nothing nice to say, then shut your mouth and sit in a corner lookin embaresed! "I have no idea, were going to have to get the ball rolling so to speak on RAW, but we cant officially get the storys going untill after cyber sunday!" "So what is he after like a FOURTH BRAND?!?!" Jim Ross replyd to Bishoff for the first time in the meeting "No i thinbk he wants a stroy line simular to the invasion angles" I was quick to retort "WELL HE CAN GET THAT IDEA OUT RIGHT NOW! and i just got rid of ECW now he wants it back again" Bishoff wasnt quiet about his opinion "THIS IS ALL THAT BASTAR* HEYMANS FAULT!"
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[CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket RAW GM Shane McMahon has laid down an open challange to Smackdown & Velocity regarding the new WWE Light Heavyweight Championship He has invited any one contender from each show who is in the weight class to come and challange his hand picked competator for the vacant title Photobucket Umaga will be taking on the unamed Monster who dismantled him last week Photobucket A Former WWE Superstar will be returning to RAW this week, while we dont know who it is we do know they have chosen Edge to be there first oponant plus We Will See Mickie James Take on Victoria, and a huge eight man tag match involving Triple H, The Hardys & CM Punk Take on The Undertaker, MVP, Carlito & Elijah Burke [/CENTER] Prediction Key RAW ??? VS Smackdown ??? VS Velocity ??? Unamed Monster VS Umaga Mickie James VS Victoria ???? VS Edge Team HHH VS Team Taker (can any of you guess who the ??? people are in the matches, would love to hear your guesses and predictions guys)
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Raw Tonights Venue THE ROSS SPORTS ARENA New England Photobucket dark matches [CENTER]Photobucket PhotobucketVSPhotobucket [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Candice Michelle VS Leona[/COLOR] This match was my way of debuting one of the new breed of woman workers i have signed up for the company, the match was fairly average, but a good debut performance from Leona, she showed that not all woman in wrestling are just pretty faces but there are true woman athletes out there, Candice was suprisingly impresive, she has been training a lot as of late and she showd how well she can perform here But The Match was over as soon as Leona hit a diving Knee Drop from te top rope 1,2,3 Winner: LEONA C- PhotobucketPhotobucketVSPhotobucketPhotobucket [COLOR="darkorange"]Jesse & Festus VS The Major Brothers[/COLOR] This was a very good tag team match, the two teams had good chemistry wich helped, as soon as the bell sounded Festus took early dominance but The Majors utilised Jesse and cut him off from his partner brilliantly, The im slightly lacking Tag Teams for major pushes so it was reat to see these guys put on a top notch performance. The Match ended after The Majors Debut finishing move "THE MAJOR-ITY" (A Concairto of superkicks one from each side of the head) on Jesse 1,2,3 Winners: The Major Brothers C [/CENTER] Main Show [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] [I]*THE PYRO'S GO OFF LOUDER THAN USUAL DUE TO THE ACOUSTICS IN THE ARENA, THE FAN IS PARTICULALY WILD TONIGHT, THE RAW VIDEO WAS SANG ALONG TO, AND NOW THE FANS WERE REMENICENT OF THOSE IN THE ATTITUDE ERA, LOADS OF HOMEADE SIGNS, PEOPLE GOING NUTS EVRYTIME A CAMERA POINTED IN THERE DIRECTION. VINCE WAS NOT SURE ABOUT BOOKING THIS VENUE, BUT I WAS GLAD I FOLLOWED BISHOFFS ADVICE ABOUT THIS PLACE.*[/I] Photobucket [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]"GOOD EVENING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WELCOME TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW COMING TO YOU FROM THE ROSS SPORTS CENTRE IN NEW ENGLAND!! MY NAME IS JIM ROSS ALONGSIDE MY BROADCAST PARTNER JERRY THE KING LAWLER!!!" [COLOR="black"][B][U]KING[/U][/B][/COLOR] "And LISTEN TO THIS CROWD J.R, there going nuts!!!" [COLOR="black"][U][B]J.R[/B][/U][/COLOR] "AND FOR GOOD REASON LISTEN TO TONIGHTS LINE UP!!"[/COLOR] Photobucket [B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]"Our General Manager has invited Smackdown & Velocity to send one Superstar each who qualifies as a light heavyweight,to come and compete for RAWS newist Championship against a Hand Picked RAW Representative!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]KING[/U][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]"Im Not to sure about this J.R, we could lose our newest Title to one of the other brands on the first night of its activation, i sure hope Shane O'Mac knows what hes doing!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (C+) Photobucket [COLOR="Black"][CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]"And this King is exiting, Shane McMahon has, signed a former Suprstar back to RAW, and tonight he has chosen EDGE, as his first oponant!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]KING[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Whoever this guy is i hope he knows what he's doing The Rated R Superstar will be looking prove a huge point as we head towards Cyber Sunday, especially after losing to C.M Punk last Week!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B+) *A Video re-cap plays from The Unamed Monster Attack on Umaga last week* Photobucket [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"King this match will not be pretty, it will be Apocolyptic, it will be a Brawl and I cant wait for it, The unamed Monster from last week will make his RAW Competative debut!![/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"and i think Umaga will be going all out to try and make his revenge as brutal as possible!!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B-) [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]"AND OUR MAIN EVENT TONIGHT IS A SLOBENOCKER GAURANTIE, TRIPLE H WILL TAKE HIS TEAM OF C.M PUNK AND THE HARDYS TO TAKE ON TEAM UNDERTAKER, WHO TAGS TONIGHT WITH, CARLITO, MVP AND ELIJAH BURKE!![/COLOR] (B+) [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] *Kane walks down to the ring wearing a huge evil smirk on his face, he climbs into the ring and then gets a Mic* [CENTER][B][U]KANE[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Kennedy, you need to listen to me RIGHT NOW! you turn up on other shows and on WWE.COM and DEMAND I bring Ashley Back!!" Well Thats just IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! you see i have selected her, she will be the woman who makes me undifeatable! You see My brother had informed me of a prophecy in our family! you see first i pick a wife, then after she is mine to make me undefetable I WILL HAVE A CHILD, you see once a male in our family has a child THEY BECOME IMORTAL!! but only,,, after they,,, *KANE GIGGLES MENICINGLY!* ,,KILL THE CHILDS MOTHER!!"[/COLOR] [B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"I dindt think it was possible but Kane has become more, deranged and evil than ever someone needs to help find Ashley before its to late!!!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B) *Kane drops the mic and waits for Kennedy to come out! Kennedy runs out of the crowd and jumps kane from behind, the to kick the hell out of eachother!* [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"AS MUCH AS KANE DESERVES TIS WE NEED HELP OUT HEAR!! THESE TWO ARE GOING TO KILL EACHOTHER!!!!"[/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR="Black"]KING[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]"We still havnt found out ware that monster Kane is keeping Ashley!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *The to brawl into the back as the first comercial starts!* (B) -comercial- *Kennedy and Kane are backstage still brawling as dozens of Refs and officials try and pry them apart! Shan McMahon comes into the shot on his way to the ring and yells at the crowd of officials and the two men as they are finaly pulled apart!* [CENTER][B][U]Shane McMahon[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Hey, if you two cant solve this dispute peacfully, then im stepping in! now despite whats in Ashleys best intrests, im making a match for her contract! as Manager, and also the winner of the match willhave her guarantied abodeance signed to them to use as they see fit! And thats going to be at Cyber Sunday!"[/COLOR] [B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"THATS HUGE NEWS!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"But it could be a tragic ending, for Kennedy AND ESPECIALLY ASHLEY!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B-) [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"And here comes RAW'S general manager, and my guess meens that its time for the Shane McMhaon invitational match!"[/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR="Black"]Shane McMahon[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]"Right now that the unplesentness backstage is out of my hair i think it's time to get match number one on the road. First of all lets find out who Velocity has chosen to represent themselves in this match up[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"and it looks as though Velocity has left there duties of trying to upstage raw To Super Crazy tonight!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="red"]"Thats just Super Dumb in my books, hopefully Smackdown's choice will be just as bad!"[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"I wouldnt underestimate SuperCrazy If i were you King, this guy is one hell of an athlete!"[/COLOR] [B][U]Shane McMahon[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"And Now Representing Smackdown,,,,"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Now that is a more wise decision, and im back to being a little concerned about this!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Concrned is right King, Paul London is a great competator, and he would love to take that Light Heavyweight Championship back to Smackdown![/COLOR] [B][U]Shane McMahon[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"and now without further adue, its time for me to anounce my hand picked RAW reprasentative, and soon to be our first Light Heavyweight Champion!![/COLOR][/CENTER] Photobucket [CENTER][B][U]Shane McMahon[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"THE PHENOMINAL JAY STYLES!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Jay Styles comes out to a thunderous reception, like many other cross overs the crowd are aware of who the worker is and his talents and tribulations away form the WWE* [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"now King i have heard a lot about this guy, and looking at some of the moves he has been pulling off in the hype videos the last few weeks he is going to give RAW some great matches"[/COLOR][/CENTER] Photobucket [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"lets just hope he can give RAW a win in this match!![/COLOR][/CENTER] PhotobucketVSPhotobucketVSPhotobucket [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Super Crazy[/COLOR]VS[COLOR="royalblue"]Paul London[/COLOR]VS[COLOR="Red"]Jay Styles[/COLOR] *The match was a true atention grabber, The 3 workers worked insanley well together, especialy London and Styles. The match began with the obvious begining of Crazy and London double teaming there RAW oponant ejecting him from the ring after some kicks and chops, then Super Crazy was the first to strike hitting a standing dropkick to london sending him to the turnbuckle, Super Crazy then lost his momentum missing a running front dropkick and kicking nothing but turnbuckle. This lead to London exploding upon super crazy like a firecracker, with lefts and rights then a dropsault, london sliped in a headloch but this was a mistake, as non of the two noticed Styels climb to rope, he hits an insane front dropkick to the chops of London, i was sure the guy was unconcious, the 3 then all shared the offence hitting some intence spots and nearfalls, getting huge pops from the crowd, But then styles turned the whole match* [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Super Crazy is still down after that enzighuri from london, London now aproaches Jay Styles form Behind,, OH MY LORD WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!?![/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"]"I have no idea J.R but it was something special, i have never seen that before! It was like a back flip dropkick of somekind!![/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"]Now Styles climbs the turnbuckle, these top moves can be extremley risky, but Styles seems to have great balence, whats he going to attempt here!"[/COLOR] *Styles dives from the ropes twisting various times in mid-air before landing on Super Crazy who had begun to stir on the ground* [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!!! This guy has talent coming out of every orephis!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Now he go's back to London, he picks up London by the hair, it looks like he is going for a Piledriver, wait he overlaps his legs over Londons arms, Now hi puts Londons legs up high, I dont know whats hapening hear!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Styles dops down dropping London on his face, and rolls around setting London up for a Pin* [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Thats IMPRESSIVE RING THE BELL THIS ONE WIN BELONGS TO RAW!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *1,2,3* *Shane McMahon comes out onto the stage with a mic* [CENTER][B][U]Shane McMahon[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Lets Hear it for The winner from RAW, on his debut, AND THE NEW WWE LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION JAY STYLES!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *Styles climbs the ropes showing off his new belt, holding it high, and being cheered from evry seat in the arena!!* [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"It may have only been Young Jay Styles debuting match but winning a title on your debut, and giving a performance like that surley meens this man has Main Event Written in his future!!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B) *We go backstage ware a suited man stands with a mic* Photobucket [CENTER][COLOR="red"]"Ladys and Gentlemen of RAW, my name is David Lactino, i am here to anounce that all of the RAW roster should be on notice because i spread the message of,,,,ABYSS, and ABYSS is not a place or situation, ABYSS IS A HE, BUT NOT A MAN, A MONSTER!! and tonight he will start his dominance by destroying the 'FORMER' DOMINATING RAW FORCE!! and this is a guarantie!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (When i first got this guy to be a manager i checked all his promo tapes, all his past shows in development, and he was good, but looking at that, WOW WHAT A MISTAKE!! if he dosent improve im going to have to try and pull of somekind of miricale to turn round this storyline) (D+) [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"it seems the beast has a name![/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"UMAGA TAKES ON THE MONSTER ABYSS NEXT!![/COLOR][/CENTER] (C+) -comercial- [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"And hear comes Umaga, and he looks all buisness, he is also still sporting that huge cut along his brow!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"But after last week's domination, this new guy Ayss surley has to be the favourite in this match, Right??[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Im not sure King, i would never rule out Umaga whatever the sircumstances!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Abyss and David Lactino march to the ring, Lactino singing Abyss's praises all the way down the ramp. * [CENTER]PhotobucketW/PhotobucketVSPhotobucket [COLOR="red"]Abyss W/David Lactino[/COLOR][/CENTER] VS [CENTER][COLOR="red"]Umaga[/COLOR][/CENTER] *This match was as J.R put it earlier a Brawl, a war and the crowd ate it up, While early on Umaga was the dominant force, Umaga came straight out of the corner nailing Abyss with lefts and rights, and then hit some huge chops on Abyss's massive chest,then after some kicks to the calves Abyss seemed to 'Wake Up' and imediatley nailed umaga with a massive clothsline knocking him to the mat with a huge thud!. Stiff rights and a Big Boot followed before Abyss did something no-one has ever ever done to Umaga in his time in the Comany nailing him with a massive spike Powerbomb! Abyss controled most of the match with Umaga having little spells of offence but as in most of the match Abyss would extinguish Umagas momentum with a Stiff Right.Umagas best offence came near the end hitting Abyss with the samoan spike out of noware! 1,2,,, Kick out by Abyss* [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"THIS MONSTER IS DOWN RIGHT SCARY KING!! nobody kicks out of that Samoan spike, but this,, this Monster i supose, is the word will not stay on the mat!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"I dont htink evan Umaga has what it takes to beat this guy, he seems invincible![/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Umaga runs at Abyss now, WAIT ABYSS IS UP,,GOD WHAT IMPACT, ABYSS HIT UMAGA WITH THAT MODIFIED STO just as did las week!![/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"I Think thats called 'ENTER THE ABYSS' acording to the guys backstage earlier today!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *Ayss pins Umaga 1,2,3* Winner-Abyss *A good solid match up, the two had great in ring understanding of eachother and worked very well getting the crowd involved in the perfromence, unfortunatley Lactino's weak ringside work made the match suffer!* (C-) *As Abyss celebrates Umaga roll's out of the ring* [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"J.R this guy could be impossible to defeat![/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"I dont usually agee with statments like that but King, after this Imapact he has left tonight,,, I Think i may have to agree just look at,, WAIT WAIT OH MY LORD!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *Umaga comes back into the ring and attacks Abyss from behind with a steel chair!* [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"I MA HAVE TO EAT THESE WORDS!! as David Lactino runs for the hills and looks on, Umaga stands over his victim!! He wont be pushed away from being the Dominant monster of RAW without a fight!![/COLOR][/CENTER] (C+) *We go backstage to Shane McMahons office* [CENTER][B][U]Shane[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"THATS WHAT IM TALKIN'ABOUT!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Edge and lita barge into the room* [CENTER][B][U]EDGE[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Shane what the Hell, You let some guy who couldnt cut it in the company the first time come back and picj a fight with me?!?! I dont evan know who this guy is, how am i suposed to steak my claim to be the Champ here if you put me in a match with some, some NOBODY!!"[/COLOR] [B][U]Shane[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Look Edge, you are allready in a match for the title at Cyber Sunday! so dont worry, and as for your oponant tonight! well, you do know him vary well, and you will understand why you are a natural selection as his oponant, also if he beats you tonight, HE WILL also be in the match for the title at Cyber Sunday, so you need to win tonight to stop things getting harder for yourself! So dont go out there thinking just cause you have a title shot you can take it easy, because that wouldnt be a good idea considering who your oponant tonight is, Good Luck!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Edge storms out with Lita looking less than happy* [CENTER][B][U]EDGE[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"This is Bull SH*T!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (B-) -Comercial- *We go backstage to Carlito getting ready for his match later as MVP walks into the room* [CENTER][B][U]MVP[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Hey Man, you heared about our match tonight"[/COLOR] [B][U]Carlito[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Its ok man, as long as we take it to them we can, show that this our brand, and we are the top dogs![/COLOR][/CENTER] *MVP looks puzzled* [CENTER][B][U]MVP[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"as much as I loved that cheap pop, Thats not what im talking about![/COLOR] [B][U]Carlito[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Well what the hell are ou talking about?!"[/COLOR] [B][U]MVP[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Tonight in our match, Shane McMahon will be looking, for people to include in the World Heavyweight Title Match exept for Triple H The Undertaker and Matt Hardy!![/COLOR] [B][U]Carlito[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"THATS GREAT NEWS, I MEEN IF WE WORK TOGETHER WE CAN,,[/COLOR] [B][U]MVP[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"and you!!"[/COLOR] [B][U]Carlito[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"WHAT DO YOU MEEN ME, WHY ARNT I IN CONSIDERATON!! THATS NOT COOL!!"[/COLOR] [B][U]MVP[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Your not in consideration because at Cyber Sunday You are going to be defending Your Intercontinental Title against,,, MATT HARDY!![/COLOR] [B][U]CARLITO[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Lo que se trata de la cogida RIDICOULOUS I dont quiere GIGHT follando mate resistente que pedazo de mierda polla CHUPADOR madre joder ¡Odio esta maldita gerente general que necesita llenar su culo con pumas"[/COLOR][/CENTER] (yes thats real spanish) *As Carlito begins Trashing his locker room MVP walks away smugley* (C-) (A) -comercial- [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Here comes Victoria, she has an amazing opurtunity here tonight, if she can pick up a win against the Womans Champion here imagine what that would do for her contendership for the Womans Title.[/COLOR] [B][U]King[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Thats true J.R, and if anyone can pick up this win it's Victoria, she lost her focus after linking up wit Kenny Dykstra over on Smackdown, but nows her chance to show why she can be one of the most dominant divas in the buisness![/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"And here's our Womans Champion, Mickie James , a great womans champ and outstanding athlete, but now with womans belts on all the other shows, she is going to have to step up her game, to be the True dominant Dia of the WWE.[/COLOR] PhotobucketVSPhotobucket [COLOR="red"]Victoria[/COLOR][/CENTER]VS[CENTER][COLOR="red"]Mickie James[/COLOR][/CENTER] *The Bell rings and the two woman got at eachother catiously, Victoria takes the early momentum after breaking a lockup with a armbar then a forearm the back of Mickies head, Victoria then turns het atention to Mickies knee baraging it with various attacks and stomps, Mickie sells pretty well, but Victoria so far is quite sluggish, Mickie turns the tables eventually after reversing a Victoria clothsline into a swinging DDT, while both woman are down the ref counts to 8 before both woman are up and they trade rights and lefts, after blocking one of Victoria's punches Mickie starts hitting some stiff punches, then nails Victoria with a huge clothsline then after dodging a Victoria kick she nails her with a MICK KICK 1,2,3* Winner - Mickie James (C-) *we go backstage to see CM Punk doing push ups while Becky Baylees gets some water, as she bendins into the fridge we get a great upskirt shot, evidently so does CM Punk as he forgets he is suposed to hold himself up and he falls to his face, as we get a close up of punks face we see a familiar pair of boots step down vary close to his face, as punk gets up and we pan out we find Edge and Lita becky comes over the four get toe to toe* [CENTER][B][U]Edge[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]"Now that you've finished purving on your babysitter Junior, how about you ansear me something, i hear that your looking to get into the Main Event and Title picture here on RAW, well if that's the case,, well let me stomp that dream right now because one fluke win over me certainly dosnt put you in my leauge or evan in my galaxy, it makes you a kid with a fluke win, so id get ready for disapointment Junior![/COLOR] [B][U]CM PUNK[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"You,,"[/COLOR] *Edge Slaps the taste out of Punks mouth before he can finnish, then walks off leaving CM Punk with an enraged look in his face.[/CENTER] (C+) [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Well the returning star comes back to take on Edge next!![/COLOR][/CENTER] -comercial- [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"King i would be lying if i said im not exited to find out who this returning Superstar is!"[/COLOR] [B][U]King[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"I know exactly how you feel J.R, i think I have goosebumps!!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] , , , , , , , [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]King[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"WHO IS IT I CANT WAIT!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] , , , , , , , , , , [CENTER][U][B]J.R[/B][/U] [COLOR="red"]"MY LORD I DONT BELIEVE THIS, HES BACK KING HE IS REALLY BACK!!![/COLOR] [B][U]KING[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"CAPTAIN CHARISMA IS BACK IN WWE AND BACK ON RAW WARE HE BELONGS, THIS IS GREAT!!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *Christian walks to the ring to a INSANLEY HUGE POP, he bows to the crowd and other such things! as he climbs into the ring and grabs a mic* [CENTER][B][U]Christian[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"CAPTAIN CHARISMA IS BACK TO RECLAIM HIS PEEPS RIGHT HERE ON RAW BABY!!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *Huge Pop* [CENTER][B][U]Christian[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"When i left this company a few years ago, I made the wrong decision!! I have to be a man, I have to admitt that, and I learned from my time in that company, TOTAL NON-STOP ANGLE!! That The WWE is WARE I BELONG AND WARE I SHOULD BE!! AND TONIGHT I STAMP MY MARK ON THAT VACANT TITLE!!! So to all the guys back at KURT KINGDOM WRESTLING!! SCREW YOU AND BRING ON MY FIRST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP REIGHN!![/COLOR] [B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"I think Christian has made his intentions clear."[/COLOR][/CENTER] *letting Christian go out there unscripted and just pore his heart out was the best decision i have ever made! that stuff was gold to the fans and gave us some great credibility over TNA, It also makes my point on unscipted promo's more justified!!* (A) [CENTER][COLOR="Black"][B][U]J.R[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"And hear comes that Damn Edge to ruin the Return of his former tag team partner![/COLOR][/CENTER] *Edge and Lita come down to the ring and Get right in Christians face, then Edge grabs the mic from Christan* [CENTER][B][U]Edge[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Well look whos back, its Mr Cage evryone, sorry we cant call you by that name here can you, tell me when did you change your second name anyway Jason, oh yea for all you people out there This piece of craps real name is Jason Reso, not Jew,,, erm i meen Christian Cagematch! Now before we get down to buisness and I kick your ass allover this ring and crap allover your big return, lets just say you have about as much chance as getting near MY TITLE, as you do at reserecting youre first wife!!!!!" [/COLOR][/CENTER] (before anyone says anything, that bit about his first wife is pure make believe and kayfabe to add something to the promo) *Christian Unloads on Edge!!! beating the Hell out of him* (B+) [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"AND CHRISTIAN WONT TAKE THAT KIND OF VERBAL AND DOWN RIGHT DISCUSTING ABUSE WITHOUT A FIGHT!!! THIS MATCH WILL GET UNDERWAY NEXT!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] -comercial- *We return as Christian is beating on Edge in the turnbuckle in the corner* [CENTER]PhotobucketW/PhotobucketVSPhotobucket [COLOR="red"]Edge w/ Lita[/COLOR][/CENTER] VS [CENTER][COLOR="red"]Christian[/COLOR] [B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Its been all Christian during the comercial break lets show you know what has being going on[/COLOR] *RECAP VID* [COLOR="red"]"as Edge was about to get off the mat Christian Just Nailed him in the face with a Huge Kick!![/COLOR] [B][U]King[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"After those discusting coments from Edge can you blaim him?!?!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Christian controles the offence for the begining part of the match, taking it quite slow with snapmares and hammerlocks, evrytime Edge trys to go on the attack Christian will reverse with a technical take down then locking in a tight hold on either the arms or the head of Edge, this continues untill edge grabs the ropes after a Triangle choke, as Christian try's to pick Edge of the matt he falls victim to blatant Thumb in the eye, as the Ref warns Edge Lita pulls at Christain's legs causing him to turn his back on his oponant, big mistake!! Edge capitalises with a huge chockblock, he then continues taking it to Christian with rights and lefts and a few dropkicks, the match go's pretty back and forth from here, untill Edge takes down Christian with a Downward Spiral, he then gets to the corner beckoning Christian to get up, he is ready to hit that spear he has that insane look in his eyes that usually meens the match is nearly Over!!* Photobucket [CENTER][B][U]KING[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"It looks as though this one could be over J.R, once Edge Hits that spear its lights out for Christian!!"[/COLOR] [B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Thats usually the case King, Christian has a Spear waiting for him, he gets up as EDGE RUNS TOWARDS HIM, HE HITS THE SPEAR BUT,, but,,!![/COLOR] [B][U]King[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"HE SPERAED CHRISTIAN RIGHT INTO THE REF, Now Edge is the only one sanding!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *Edge survays the damage he has done, then gets an evil smirk on his face, he grabs 2 chairs and heads into the ring,* [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"My GOD THAT SLIMEY EVIL SPINELESS REPTILE OF A MAN EDGE IS SETTING UP CHRISTIAN FOR A A CONCARTO, A VILE SICKENING MOVE THESE TWO MEN USED TO DELIVER TO PEOPLE AS A TEAM!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *Edge raises the chair ready to slam it down!* [CENTER][B][U]King[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"HEY WAIT A MINUETE[/COLOR] [B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"THATS CM PUNK HE TAKES EDGE DOWN FROM BEHIND WITH RUNNING NECKBREAKER!!![/COLOR] [B][U]KING[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"AND EVRY TIME HE TRYS TO GET BACK UP PUNK KNOCKS HIM BACK DOWN!! CHRISTIAN IS UP JUST AS PUNK SETS EDGE UP ON HIS SHOULDERS!![/COLOR] [B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"IS HE GOING TO, YES CM PUNK HITS THE GTS ON EDGE,,and now CM Punk gets out of the ring, the ref is starting to come around!![/COLOR] [B][U]King[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"WHY ISNT CHRISTIAN PINNING HIM J.R"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Edge raises slowly and just as he gets up Christian Hits him with an Unpretyier 1,2,3!!* Winner: Christian (THE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THESE TWO GUYS AS OPONANTS IS ALLMOST AS GOOD AS THERE TAG TEAM CHEMISTRY, AN AMAZING MATCH) (A*) *we go backstage ware Maria and Candace Michelle are talking to eachother, Maria is wearing a ball gown covering all of her legs and its vary flairy and elegant* [CENTER][B][U]Candice[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Maria that dress is Beautifull, I wish they, would give me that kind of thing to wear during my photoshoots!!"[/COLOR] [B][U]Maria[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"I know it looks nice but,, theres a breeze coming from underneath, i can keep feeling like a warm blow against my legs evry now and again![/COLOR] [/CENTER] *something moves under Marias Dress* [CENTER][U][B]Candice[/B][/U] [COLOR="red"]"OKAY MARIA, i dont want you to freak out but theres,,, theres something under your dress, like a small animal or something!!"[/COLOR] [B][U]Maria[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"OH MY GOD GET IT OUT GET IT UT IT JUST LICKED MY LEG OH MY GOD GET IT OUT!!"[/COLOR] [B][U]Candice[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"IM NOT GOING UNDER THERE!!![/COLOR][/CENTER] *Ron Simmons walks past and Candice grabs his arm!!* [CENTER][B][U]Candice[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Ron theres somehing under Marias Dress, cn you go under there and get it our?!?! [/COLOR][/CENTER] *Ron looks suprised shocked,, but yet very eager to look up Marias skirt* [CENTER][B][U]Maria[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Please Ron PLEASE IT LICKED MY LEG!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Ron Lifts up Marias skirt but before he gets a good look a laughing Hornswaggle McMahon runs out from under Marias dress and Chases the girls off screen screaming* , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Photobucket [CENTER][B][U]Ron Simmons[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]DAMN!!![/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] (C) *We go to a giggeling J.R* [CENTER][B][U]"I forgot Hornswaggle McMahon was evan still on RAW, we havnt seen him in a few weeks!!" But ladys and Gentlemen this next match is no laughing matter! lets take you back and show you some of the bad blood that Triple H and the Undertaker and the Hardys and MVP with Carlito have had over recent weeks![/U][/B][/CENTER] *Recap Video is shown* (C-) -comercial- *As we return Elijah Burke is stood in the ring awaiting the rest of his partners* [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Elijah Burke is standing in the middle of the ring now awaiting his partners for this huge Main event.[/COLOR] [B][U]King[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Now im not sure how burke got himself involved in this match, BUT i bet he is in two minds about waht to think here, on one side of the equasion he is in a HUGE main event match, and he gets a good chance to gain some momentum here on RAW, not to mention if he can impress he could be considred for a shot at the World Heavyweight Campionship at Cyber Sunday, and the other thaught he has to consider is HOW IN THE HELL DID HE AN CM PUNK GET CAUGHT UP IN THIS 3 man war between the other guys one ach team?!?![/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="Black"]"And now we await, THE PHENOM, there is nothing quite like the entrance of,, THE DEADMAN!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *They stand in the ring awaiting there oponants* *punk stands at the stage rather than walking to the ring wich is just suicide* *The 3 Men stand at the stage* PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketVSPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketW/Photobucket Elijah Burke, MVP, Carliro & The Undertaker VS Triple H, The Hardys & CM Punk w/ Becky [/CENTER] *The 4 Men on the ramp stare down the 4 in the ring for a short amount of time, they then sprint to the ring and begin brawling with there opanants its utter chaos* [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]"THIS IS AN ALL OUR BRAWL, THE REF NEEDS TO GET SOME, CONTROLE!! WICH TEAM WILL BE LEAVING ON TOP TONIGHT, WE WILL IND OUT NEXT!!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] -comercial- *as we return, CM Punk is dismanteling Carlito with snapmares and various submission holds, the momentum and offence is shared for most of the match, Burke himself put in a great performance wich was unexpected, i was just hoping to give him some exposure befor i give him a mini push, but he really shone and stood out more than i ever expected him to, The match ended when Jeff and Matt hit the poetry in motion on the Undertaker then Triple H the legal man nailed him with a pedagree. 1,2,3!!* (A*) *Taker and Triple H again for the second week running brawl of into the crowd and off Screen* (B+) *The Hardy's and MVP + Carlito Brawl up the ramp and of screen* (B) *Elijah Burke then attacks CM Punk from behind in the ring as Becky looks on mortified* [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"AND WHY THE HELL IS THIS NECOSARY!! BURKE ALLREADY HAD A GREAT MATCH WHAT ELSE DOES HE HAVE TO PROVE!![/COLOR] [B][U]King[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"Well his team lost the match, but with everything riding on this match he wants to leave his mark on Punk to show he is a contendor![/COLOR][/CENTER] (B-) *EDGE RUN DOWN THE RAMP AND SPEARS BURKE!!* [CENTER][B][U]King[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"AND EDGE MAKES THE SAVE WHAT THE HECK?!?! Oh WAIT, now he's setting up for another spear on CM Punk!![/COLOR] [B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"WAIT NO NO NO NO NO NO NOO!! A VILE SPEAR ON CM PUNK BY EDGE!!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] *Edge Climbs the turnbuckle looking triamphunt* [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] (C) [CENTER][B][U]J.R[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]DAMN HIM DAMN THAT MAN!! Good Night Evrybody!!![/COLOR][/CENTER] -End Show- Final Rating C+ (didnt use enough angles and Promo's DAMN IT!! lol)
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sorry about some of the crazy layout mistakes hear, its been a stressfull day and i keep getting distracted by family crap, so please dont trash this show to bad with negetive comments about the layout mistakes :(:( but that aside would love some feedback on the show and like to know what evryone tuaght to the way things are going.
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Wwe.com [CENTER]wwe [COLOR="Red"]RAW[/COLOR] Raw General Manager Shane McMahon has made some Huge anouncments regarding Cyber Sunday on Raws Side of the Card!! Photobucket Photobucket After Carlito cursed Shane McMahons name in Spannish on Monday Night, also claiming he is the worst GM of all time, Shane had decided that the fans can either agree with Carlito and put this match in another GM's hands OR leave it in Shanes court the decision is yours!! Photobucket The Rivalry has been fierce, ever since The Undertaker came to RAW and made his impact by picking a fight with THE GAME these two have been at WAR!! You now decide wich kind of match should settle there difrences! You have the choice between, A STEEL CAGE MATCH, A BURID ALIVE MATCH OR A SLEDGEHAMMER IS LEGAL MATCH!! Photobucket ALL OVER A WOMAN!! who will get Ashleys contract and services of manager, not to mention a written clause in the contract stating she must obey every order of the owner of this contract! Will it be the love of her life Kennedy or will it be the brutal Monster KANE!! You choose the match in wich we will find out!! Photobucket After a hugley competative RAW Shane McMahon has decided that you will create the match for the Vacant World Heavyweight Championship!! out of the 7 men you pick the 2 you want to see face off!! [COLOR="red"]REMEMBER VOTING BEGINS IMIDIATLEY AFTER FRIDAYS EDITION OF SMACKDOWN!![/COLOR][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys what do you think to these matches that have been added to the Cyber Sunday card would be great to hear what you think! but please dont anounce wich guys or match types you will be voting for in teh theread as that will ruin it all, and as for predictions i will put up a full prediction sheet after Smackdown. Also anychance of some more RAW feedback, i spent nearly all day writing that damn thing lol. as allways guys keep reading and hope your enjoying!
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