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Ring of Fire: Fighting Every Step of the Way

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Friday Week 3 January Norman Blue Athletic Centre 244 in attendance Attendance record once again! We now have eight times the audience we did when I started, at least in the Midlands. I dare say we'd get a decent crowd elsewhere in the UK, but ticket sales are pretty essential to us. We began the night with Black Eagle taking on Arthur T. Turtle in the dark; not brilliant, but decent. When high flying didn't work Eagle slugged it out with Arthur for a while, and while it didn't win all the way out it was definitely a good show. Eventually the Turtle Package carried the day. RATING: D [B]Jed High vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] Power versus speed; it's a good basic staple. And this was a basic, by-the-numbers match; I may need to match the Force up against better ring generals for a while. Still, reasonable. Jed got a win over Brandon with a Sky High to build some momentum. Dammit, one day I WILL have a tag division. RATING: D+ [B]Hidekazu vs. El Critico for the #1 Contendership[/B] These two don't click, and one day I'll remember that. Considering the chemistry issues it wasn't too painful, though I could've done with a step up from Jed and Brandon. The Critical Mass ended things in just under ten minutes. RATING: D+ [B]Bairei Yasujiro vs. Petey Barnes for the ROF Championship in a ladder match[/B] A thirty-minute ladder match? Sure, why not? This was excellent; both men really let it all hang out, gelling perfectly at every step. Highlights included the brainbuster Bairei hit from the top of the ladder, a flip blockbuster over the top of the ladder from Petey, an abdominal splash onto a man climbing a ladder from the top turnbuckle – that an innovation by Bairei – and the finish, a spot I hadn't been sure they could pull off when they suggested it; Petey hit the Future Shock off the ladder and Bairei's feet snagged the belt from where it hung on his way down, giving him the win. RATING: C+ Yeah, once again I have to say I'll take results like this. All I need is a TV show and I can prove that Ring of Fire is the number two promotion in the UK. We consistently outperform 21CW even with all our problems. OVERALL: C Bairei has signed with WLW. That's going to make things interesting, just like it did with Dragon when WLW went on tours. Speaking of Dragon, he's dropped down the card – consistently in the upper mid card or main event of WLW's last tour, he's an opening act defending his WLW Streetfighting title now, and putting on weaker matches than he ever did with us – but he's doing it for more money in front of more people. Can't entirely blame him.
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Friday Week 4 January Norman Blue Athletic Centre 256 in attendance Mmm, another record audience. Here's hoping we can keep this up. The dark bout showed us El Bandito throwing down with Toby Juan Kenobi. A surprisingly good bout for the dark, Bandito showed the youngster a few things before eating a Kenobi Kutter for the pin in just under ten minutes. RATING: C- [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] My two American imports don't click. But they overcame that – with perhaps a little help from Bulldozer's new manager, the patriotic April Appleseed – and put together a match at least as solid as the dark bout that preceded it. Both of these guys have taken losses against warriors higher up the card recently, having previously been pushed hard. And both of them clearly wanted to get a win back; that determination drew both men to last the full fifteen minutes. RATING: C- [B]El Critico vs. Sergei Kalashnov for the #1 Contendership in a submission match[/B] Man, Sergei gels with his opponent once again! Both these guys are solid technical wrestlers, but I may have to ask them both to open up in the air soon; this was pretty good but they might well be able to do better on a wider platform. The finish came when Critico springboarded into an inverted DDT setup but went for a dragon sleeper instead, forcing the Fresh Prince of Belarus to tap. RATING: C- [B]Bairei Yasujiro vs. British Samurai for the ROF Championship[/B] Ah, yes, this deserved to be the main event even on a pretty good show. Twenty-seven minutes of solid action, culminating in Sammy's DDT attempt being converted into a Yasujiro suplex for the pin Not much to say beyond that; it was Sammy, and while dependable he's not showy. The crowd were into it, though... RATING: C+ We continue to get good but not excellent writeups. Personally, though, I feel that a record crowd at least saw a better show than last week. And heartening, too, is the news that our 'net downloads are improving. Particularly in Scotland – and we've never run Scotland under my leadership. OVERALL: C I don't believe it. We actually squeaked a profit this month.
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Friday Week 1 February Norman Blue Athletic Centre 269 in attendance The dark match this week pitted Sergei against perennial enhancement talent El Bandito... and Sergei gels with him, too! Only nine minutes of match, which is kind of a shame, but they did OK. The major flaw, I think, was the gap in card status; the fans were basically just waiting for the Eastern Block to hit home, and it did soon enough. RATING: D+ Miss Information showed up on the big screen, then, accosting Petey Barnes. She laid it out for him; Sammy had asked her to help Bairei with the language issues, and he wanted Petey as a title challenger tonight – we hadn't got anything arranged for him; he'd been in Japan with WLW for the start of the tour and I hadn't booked a bout for him until he showed up at the arena, bags in hand. Result, really. Petey naturally accepted. RATING: E I've got to figure out how we can sell the audience on these girls. They're solid mike workers, and they can wrestle, too, if the fans'll accept that. Petey's improving his own mic skills from what I can tell; I should give Ota a bill. [B]Billy Robinson vs. El Critico for the #1 Contendership[/B] Billy wouldn't let Critico call the shots, and that hurt the match. A year ago I'd have been happy with it as a main event, though, so I guess I can't complain. Critico got the pinfall in the end with another Critical Mass. RATING: D+ [B] Gino Montero vs. Don Henderson[/B] Gino only just started wrestling, but the guy has a golden heritage and a skillset to match. These two rolled through to near the time limit in another excellent technical bout before the Scottish Deathlock claimed another victim. I know Don will never be Merle, but he can prop my ratings up solidly, so I can't complain, right? RATING: C- [B]Bairei Yasujiro vs. Petey Barnes in a two out of three falls match for the ROF Championship[/B] I think Petey was disappointed he wasn't booked to win; it wasn't as good as it could have been, though it was pretty good. Bairei came through with a small package in the thirteenth minute to go one up, but Petey battled back, hitting a shining wizard on a standing Yasujiro from the top turnbuckle to even the score at twenty minutes in; unfortunately, five minutes later, Bairei turned a Future Shock into a spin-out facedriver and capitalised with his feet on the ropes. RATING: C I've got to get Gino Montero better known; people weren't too keen on seeing a quarter-hour bout with him in, despite the quality of the match. Strange people. Other than that, though, the show was strong; probably didn't help the Midlands too much, but everywhere else'll be keen on it. And the word of mouth machine keeps rolling... OVERALL: C- So we broke attendance records. Again. And we did it without a number of our competitors – Davis was busy in CGC – and while 21CW was putting on its big monthly supercard. (Which, by the way, we outdid. Along with UCR, 21CW's regular show... the usual cast of casualties on our rise to do well.) TV networks continue to give us the heave ho. I think we could get on digital if we could adjust the style of show, but – while I'll never admit this to Sammy's face – he's right, doing so at the moment is a real risk. I'd be happier if I still had Merle and Dragon to help out.
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[B]El Bandito [/B]vs. Eric Future [B]YNFT[/B] vs. The Force vs. The Shooters in an elimination match for the ROF Tag Titles Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs. Hidekazu vs. Gino Montero vs. Black Eagle [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Sergei Kalashnov I'm still a little unsure as to the pecking order of a lot of your newer talents. Future is certainly a good person for Bandito to cream overness off if he's not up to his pop level already. Not sure you want The Shooters as a team given Henderson's push, so I'll go with YNFT to retain. I don't think the 5-way is the match for Montero to suddenly go up the rankings just yet. I'll go with Ota over Kalashnov but am a little torn there. I used love the Fresh Prince in my 2005 game. Always think his picture is way off though.
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Friday Week 2 February Norman Blue Athletic Centre 252 in attendance The pool of regulars keeps getting bigger, or at least I assume these two hundred and fifty two are those out of the 269 last week who've decided to make us, at least for a while, part of their weekly routine. Our dark exhibition this week: El Bandito and Eric Future, who I hadn't used in far too long. Eric even got the win with a Time Slice after seven minutes. Not bad, particularly considering how little time I gave them to work with. RATING: D+ [B]YNFT vs. The Force vs. The Shooters in an elimination match for the ROF Tag Titles[/B] A big chunk of cash, this bout, but all of these guys deserve the attention. Johnny Highspot took the Shooters out early on with a big – and lucky – frog splash on Don while Toby Kenobi executed the Kenobi Kutter on Billy Robinson, yanking him all the way off the apron to the ground. That took a lot out of Toby, and Jed found himself essentially one-on-two as YNFT demonstrated the art of the quick tag and the concentrated assault before Jed got a break; a timely backdrop sent Highspot out of the ring and allowed the Sky High to put Jonni Lowlife away, giving us new tag champions. RATING: D+ [B]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Hidekazu vs. Gino Montero vs. Black Eagle[/B] This is also known as the 'all these guys work cheap and deserve exposure' match. After nine minutes Eagle hit the New Jersey Turnpike on Davis; Brandon military pressed him out of the ring and then found himself face-to-face with Hidekazu. Both men attempted to land a tombstone piledriver, rotating and reversing their way all the way across the ring, and Davis recovered to hit the Newton's Cradle on Gino when no one was looking. Not at all a bad match... RATING: C [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Sergei Kalashnov[/B] Bah. This shoulda been on before the previous match; these guys didn't turn in brilliant performances, despite both being of high quality in a number of common styles. Sergei played the stamina game, taking a lot of Ota's offence and dodging the most lethal parts of his armoury, and wearing the less fit man down over twenty six minutes, but ultimately the ninja managed to find it in himself to leapfrog over the Eastern Block and hit a Ninja Strike as Sergei turned. RATING: D Well, in fairness, we've put on shows that fell flatter. And it didn't actually get any fans up in arms. But I guess the main event has to be right if you're going to build a midcard on numbers. OVERALL: D+ Congratulations are due to the Stones; NOTBPW is now officially a worldwide concern!
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;309464] I'm still a little unsure as to the pecking order of a lot of your newer talents. Future is certainly a good person for Bandito to cream overness off if he's not up to his pop level already. Not sure you want The Shooters as a team given Henderson's push, so I'll go with YNFT to retain. I don't think the 5-way is the match for Montero to suddenly go up the rankings just yet. I'll go with Ota over Kalashnov but am a little torn there. I used love the Fresh Prince in my 2005 game. Always think his picture is way off though.[/QUOTE] It's too late for me to really show where the pecking order was here, though there's one written into the notes ahead. Solid logic on a lot of this - I love Sergei too, he's fun as a character, but he's not very over yet in the UK. As for Montero, I don't like giving immediate megapushes without halts. Gino will be building up other projects for a while, though I'm looking to kick things into gear soon. One of the joys of RoF: talent seems to shine even when it takes losses.
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Loving this, if you want the girls in the ring I'm sure you have to change it in the editor or the fan's will always crap over the matches, I think I did that anyway. I had major fun playing as ROF in all TEW games, good to see there are more of us. Oh and DWN FTW, his overness flew up with next to no help from me.
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[QUOTE=JP317;309634]Loving this, if you want the girls in the ring I'm sure you have to change it in the editor or the fan's will always crap over the matches, I think I did that anyway.[/QUOTE] Oh, I know - but I've set myself a goal of not using the editor except when I can justify it. I do intend to get female competitors in there eventually, but the girls I hired, I hired for a mix of wrestling and mic skills.
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Friday Week 3 February Norman Blue Athletic Centre 269 in attendance And in front of a nearly full Norman Blue Walter Morgan found himself in the dark working with El Bandito. This seems to be a good idea; Bandito's psychology is definitely improving. Shame I need that more from Walter, but he picked up the win with a Wigan Wrench to maintain momentum. C- [B]British Samurai vs. Gino Montero[/B] What have I been saying about Gino? This man'll be a breakout star soon enough. 'Course, we need to finish teaching him a decent amount of English first. But this was great; Sammy helped Gino with some more technical basics before putting him away with a fisherman's suplex for the win. RATING: C [B]Johnny Highspot vs. Arthur T. Turtle[/B] Well, this didn't work so well. Talking to Arthur afterward I found out why; really he needs me and Jeff Nova both to realise he needs a couple of months off. I think his ROF activity is going to have to be in the dark for a while, and short, and irregular. Ah, well. On the plus side his psychology, too, is improving, and they worked a move contest sequence which ended with Johnny picking up a couple of Arthur's speciality moves. RATING: D Nadia Snow came down to the ring with Don for the main event. “This is it,” she smiles. “Don Henderson is rapidly demonstrating dominance across the roster. He's the best technical grappler in the United Kingdom. And now he finally gets another chance to prove that for the Championship. Get used to him, ladies and gentlemen, because Don Henderson is going to win – and the Ring of Fire champion will once more be exclusive to Ring of Fire.” Rating: E- [B]Bairei Yasujiro vs. Don Henderson for the ROF Championship in a two out of three falls match[/B] The bout ran twenty-four minutes, near enough, and worked pretty well. While Don didn't pick up a single fall, I felt he acquitted himself well, grounding Bairei effectively and nearly destroying his legs by the end of the match. We caught fans speculating on the forum that someone would learn from Don to finally take the title from Bairei – and I'm really proud of these guys for the finish they came up with; the Scottish Deathlock went on and Yasujiro twisted, using all his agility to pin Don's shoulders while still in the submission. All he had to do then was hold out for another three seconds... and he did. RATING: C Miss Information grabbed the mic and gave us a quick rundown of Bairei's accomplishments in Ring of Fire and elsewhere, talking him up. RATING: E- And after a bout like that they still claim that Gino shouldn't be getting so much screen time? Bah. We'll get there. It was a pretty good show; I'd hoped to get a better rating, but without either Dragon or Merle I'm not expecting to beat this by too much any time soon. RATING: C-
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Friday Week 4 February Norman Blue Athletic Centre 267 in attendance Our dark match this week pitted Jonni Lowlife against Eric Future. Donny scripted them for the bout, but it still didn't hang together too well. I dream of a day when all the Ring of Fire workers have great psychology, I really do. Eric got the win with a Time Slice at 8:57, a fact I'm hoping he'll remember as we move into contract negotiations. RATING: D- [B]Sergei Kalashnov vs. Gino Montero[/B] I knew that sooner or later we'd find someone Sergei wouldn't click with. Turns out it's Gino, which is a shame, but better it be someone who can still pull out a not-abysmal match even with chemistry issues, right? The end came at 8:06 when Gino's springboard forearm met the Eastern Block and lost out. RATING: D [B]The Force vs. Davis Wayne Newton & El Critico[/B] A champion and a hot rookie take on the tag champs. Davis, as ever, turned in an outstanding performance, at one point catching the Kenobi Kutter while Toby was still in mid-air and flipping him over and to the mat to lock in the STF – but Jed broke it up with a slingshot senton. Shortly afterward Jed and Critico both tagged in and a Critical Mass ended the bout. Still a very solid match. RATING: C- [B] Hidekazu & Bulldozer Brandon Smith in a Submission Match[/B] An old familiar pairing; these two could one day be a new Merle/Don pairing, so long as we can train them both up. There's a natural rivalry that just works between them, even if you can't put your finger on it, and they always turn in very respectable matches. I made this a submission bout chiefly to see how Brandon does when he can't just rely on the backdrop driver and inverted piledriver. An armbar wasn't what I expected, but Hidekazu played the part of not expecting Brandon to shift entirely and target the arm to perfection. In 7:24 Brandon picked up the win. RATING: C [B]British Samurai vs. Bairei Yasujiro for the ROF Championship[/B] 23:57 of beautiful back-and-forth between two great athletes. The Yasujiro Suplex nearly ended it at twelve minutes, fifteen minutes, and twenty-one minutes; the Secret Samurai Stretch nearly got a tap at fourteen, seventeen, and the Fisherman's suplex finished. Sammy picked up a well-deserved win in the best match of the night. RATING: C+ Another good show all round to finish off yet another TV negotiation month with no joy in that direction. The fans ate it up, though, and once again we get fantastic reactions on the forums. More and more good news... OVERALL: C
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Friday Week 1 March The Paddington Club 49 in attendance Yes, having made a very minor profit the past two months – God knows how – I'm taking us on the road again; we're going to alternate shows between Norman Blue and the Paddington Club and try to build up a better following in the South. We began with a dark bout between Velocidad and Black Eagle – and one of these days I will remember they don't click, darn it! Thank goodness this was in the dark. Still, it should get better from the moment the Velocidad Tornado ends it onward... RATING: E+ [B]Arthur T. Turtle vs. Eric Future[/B] Keeping Arthur in the public eye and putting Eric down a peg. Negotiations didn't go well; I'm not paying seven hundred a show for Eric, he's just not worth that much. So Future X will die of too little use. Arthur got the win with another Turtle Package in 6:51 RATING: D+ [B]Petey Barnes vs. Sergei Kalashnov[/B] Oh, the return to Paddington could be going much better. This was another so-so match; the Future Shock ended it at 9:51. RATING: D+ [B] El Critico vs. Gino Montero vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Don Henderson for the #1 Contendership[/B] I knew I could rely on these four. This only went ten minutes before a Critical Mass dropped Gino like a stone, but it was solid and we got some lovely suspense out of the Scottish Deathlock that Don had Davis in at the time; pinfall or tap? Critico retained, however. RATING: C [B]British Samurai vs. Fumihiro Ota in a Last Man Standing bout for the ROF Championship[/B] Something special, and a way to cover for Ota's tendency to blow up around the twenty minute mark – of course he looked exhausted after this. The move that put it away was something I'd never seen before; a spinning fisherman's slingshot suplex. Not too shabby... RATING: C- It's good to see proof that the net broadcasts have built our fanbase up here, too; we nearly doubled what we drew fourteen months back. And this performance should hopefully nudge us a little further ahead in the standings... OVERALL: C-
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Friday Week 2 March Norman Blue Athletic Centre 266 in attendance During the dark match we found out Jonni Lowlife has pretty good chemistry with El Bandito. It still wasn't a brilliant match, but it wasn't bad. Bandito carried the day with a Hijack Suplex at 11:38 RATING: D+ [B]The Force vs. Steve Flash & Black Eagle for the ROF Tag Titles[/B] Yes, Steve Flash joins my team of experts helping the younger men develop their skills. He went fairly easy on Jed insofar as he moved slow, showing Jed a few holds he could use himself before the hot tag and the Kenobi Kutter out of nowhere. The Force retain on their first defence. RATING: D [B]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Walter Morgan[/B] The technical specialist and the young, polished all-rounder. Nothing out of the ordinary from these two; just fifteen full minutes of excellent wrestling to the time limit draw. Davis continues to be one of our most valued wrestlers, particularly for his paycheque. RATING: C [B]British Samurai vs. Don Henderson for the ROF Championship in a Submission Match[/B] And the match of the night, as you'd hope. This went a full half an hour of technical showcase, with the occasional break into brawling as one man or another felt the advantage slip decisively away from him. By the end it was Don's weaker conditioning that decided the match; unable to settle it in less time, he eventually found himself unable to prevent the Secret Samurai Stretch from locking home. Note to self: I have to persuade Sammy to change that thing's name. RATING: C+ Lovely show, all told. We're still picking up momentum and we're showing why, and so long as I can use DWN and Sammy in doing that I'm likely not spending too much. I really do have too many projects, though... Can't wait until I can lock some of the guys into written contracts and really up their appearance rates. OVERALL: C
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