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Ring of Fire: Fighting Every Step of the Way

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Friday Week 3 March The Paddington Club 53 in attendance Well, numbers are going up in the south. This time our dark boys were Black Eagle and Jed High; Jed got the win in around nine minutes against an Eagle who, unusually, was off his game – which was a lot of the problem with the match, I felt. RATING: E+ [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Johnny Highspot[/B] I still like Johnny; again, I need time to push him, and jobbers to push him over. The Bulldozer took this one at 9:31 with a backdrop driver, which may or may not have been a mistake – but they both need the ring time. RATING: D+ [B] El Critico vs. Gino Montero for the #1 Contendership[/B] I understand that Critico once had a famous series against Gino's father; it might be that that lends this pair their fantastic chemistry. Between Johnny, Critico and the Bulldozer I think the #1 Contendership is one of the most highly prized midcard titles around – truth be told I don't think we can make it any more respectable, which is no reason not to try. This was a damn good match that ended when Gino was caught out of the air into a Critical Mass at 9:39. RATING: C [B]Billy Robinson vs. Hidekazu[/B] Guh. No, Hidekazu isn't the ring general I think he is, and Billy needs leading by the nose. Still, this one went OK for that fact, Billy eventually picking up the win with a Capital City Crucifix. On the plus side, too, these guys mesh really, really well. RATING: D [B]British Samurai vs. Davis Wayne Newton in a two out of three falls match for the ROF Championship[/B] OK. First off, these two don't click. Second off, who the hell cares when they perform like this anyway? They were fantastic, putting together a show that made you think both men were veterans instead of only one. Sammy picked up the first fall twelve minutes in after Davis' fisherman's suplex was countered and Sammy hit one of his own. The second and final fall came with a DDT at 24:25, and Sammy cemented Davis' rep by showing enough nerves to put his feet on the ropes. RATING: C So that went pretty OK, ultimately. I really need to figure out how I can teach Billy to call a match, though. OVERALL: C-
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Friday Week 4 March Norman Blue Athletic Centre 270 in attendance Another attendance record, hopefully offsetting the cost of running in the South a little. These guys saw Sergei Kalashnov take on the Bulldozer in the dark, with both men putting together a very solid little match that ended when the Inverted Piledriver was waiting for the Eastern Block at 11:38. RATING: C- [B]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Gino Montero[/B] I think this match may see us peak too early. Still, it was a beautiful ten minutes to watch that cements these two in their position as future stars, whether we managed to keep them our stars for that time or not. This is the first time these two have wrestled without others in the ring, and left to their own devices they put together a fantastic – and incredibly cheap – match that had the fans in Norman Blue roaring approval. In 9:37 Davis hit the Newton's Cradle to finish the bout, adding a little extra flourish. Strange as it is to think I reckon Gino's taught him a couple of new tricks. RATING: C+ [B]Bairei Yasujiro vs. Arthur T. Turtle[/B] I forgot these two don't click, which was a shame as they rolled all the way to a time limit draw. Again, though, with their talents failure to click still produces the sort of bout worthy of main eventing 21CW. (Which, by the way, Arthur doesn't. Go figure.) RATING: D [B]British Samurai vs. El Critico vs. Don Henderson vs. Johnny Highspot vs. Petey Barnes in an Elimination Bout for the ROF Championship[/B] And this was where the money saved down the rest of the card went. Not bad; Johnny went at ten minutes in when he tried to frog splash Don and got clotheslined by Sammy on his way down. Critico took advantage and hit the Critical Mass on Don, but Don kicked out, caught the luchador, and locked in the Scottish Deathlock, forcing him to tap. Critico didn't seem too happy, staring daggers at Don all the way to the back, but Don barely noticed; with Nadia yelling warnings he ducked a Future Shock attempt, turned around, nearly walked into a fisherman's suplex and went to work on Sammy's arms before Petey wiped them both out with a shooting star press, covering Don first and eliminating him. In the remaining few minutes Sammy and Petey put on a superb exhibition that culminated when the damage done to Sammy's arms prevented him from countering the Future Shock – and Petey picked up the ROF Championship! RATING: C Yeah, we likely peaked too soon, and Bairei and Arthur should've been the bout in the dark. But it was reasonable enough, I felt, and our champion is once again visible on TV programming. Not that this is always a good thing. OVERALL: C Ouch. Golden Canvas Grappling has closed its doors. Man...
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Friday Week 1 April The Paddington Club 45 in attendance Gino danced in the dark as ever, taking on Fumihiro Ota this time in a match that lasted a very short while before the Ninja Strike put the match out of question. They had less than eight minutes in which to tell a story, and they put together a pretty sound tale; the young up and comer who doesn't yet know quite what he's up against. RATING: C- [B]The Force vs. YNFT for the ROF Tag Titles[/B] Ever notice I keep messing up what should be in the dark? Yeah, did it again. I don't know what it is; Toby and Jed are skilled performers, and skilled in all the right ways to mesh well with my other teams. And Toby and Johnny should both be pretty good at putting matches together in theory, but this just isn't working right now. Still, it's early in the evening, and the objective here is to hammer the importance of the tag belts home a little. Jed did a lot of the Force's work early on, and going up against Jonni Lowlife I think he learned a little more about just brawling when you need to; at the end he tagged Toby in to hit the Kenobi Kutter and put it away. RATING: D- [B]El Critico vs. Don Henderson for the #1 Contendership[/B] At least this picked things up – continuing on, we told the home viewers, from last week's main event. Don, as is his speciality, went after Critico's legs, doing a serious amount of damage and putting the occasional fightback down viciously. Eventually, though, he missed a chance, and Critico got the Critical Mass and made it through an eighth defence. RATING: C- [B]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Walter Morgan vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] Two hot young American talents, one hard-as-nails British veteran, one winner. They had a little under ten minutes to really showcase themselves; hard-hitting Japanese action, Wigan-style technical viciousness, and Davis in the middle capitalising on a phenomenally wide range of moves to hit things people didn't expect. The finish came when Davis got ****y; he ate a powerbomb from Brandon who turned, saw Walter was ready, and the two men stood off, eyes glued to each other assessingly. The standoff lasted long enough that Davis was able to recover and flew in, flattening the Bulldozer with a flying neckbreaker – and then Walter caught him from behind with the Wigan Wrench, forcing Davis to tap before Brandon could break it up. I think – I'll never tell him this – but I think the two youngsters are starting to show Walter how you put a match together. RATING: C [B]Petey Barnes vs. Bairei Yasujiro for the ROF Championship in a ladder match[/B] Excellent... just as good a battle as the last time these two worked for each other this way. We actually played to the finish of the last bout, with Petey second-guessing himself when he had a clear opportunity at a ladder Future Shock. In the end he hooked Yasujiro in a legscissors and took him off the ladder without releasing his own hold; the belt became nice and easy to get hold of at that point. RATING: C+ Ahh, yes. THIS was a good show to bring down South with us. Hopefully it'll bring with it more sales in a fortnight... OVERALL: C ...Oh, I want to stab someone. Walter and I took three days to come to terms on pay, and while I think we were close at the end he's decided not to re-sign for me. I suppose he's got his tag reign in UKW to think about, but it's frustrating. On the other hand, UCR have it worse. Not only do I have The Force, Miss Information, and Sergei Kalashnov all choosing to work with me over them, but both Joey Beauchamp and Byron have turned them down for contract negotiations. They want to go somewhere bigger...
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Friday Week 2 April Norman Blue Athletic Centre 269 in attendance This card is so utterly schizophrenic, partially due to the fact Mitch's USPW duties took our play-by-play man away. Nadia Snow's filling in. This will probably go badly. We'll see. Our dark bout saw Steve Flash take on Seiji Jimbo, Sadaharu's nephew, in his first professional wrestling match, and while Seiji is already a gifted performer Steve's work with him was clearly helping the young man improve. At 12:37 Steve graciously did the job to the Seiji Ocean Lock. RATING: D Don came out at the start of the main show, which threw me. He wasn't, after all, scheduled to wrestle – and then Nadia relayed his demand; he wanted another shot at El Critico. I refused, on the basis that it's our well established policy not to provide rematches until others have had a chance to prove their worth – and Nadia snapped, throwing me out from behind the desk. Don rolled me into the ring and announced that I was gonna get a match out of him anyway – against me, for the right to take on Critico. Sammy appeared at the top ramp and sent Miss Information racing down to the announce booth to cover for me. RATING: E- [B]Don Henderson vs. Terry Roberts[/B] This bout was designed in no small part to demonstrate to the dirtsheet boys why I'm not planning on being in the ring for any length of time. In fairness, I wasn't – the Scottish Deathlock had me tapping at 5:04. As expected, the lack of play-by-play experience dragged the match down, but its quality should be attributed chiefly to Don; barring a couple of armlocks and a chickenwing all I did was bump and sell as hard as I could. Which, by the way, was my speciality even back then – watch the tapes if ya don't believe me. RATING: D+ [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Hidekazu[/B] Well, we had to get the crowd back onside somehow, right? And these two put on their usual very good performance of puro work, culminating as ever in a backdrop driver at 10:02. RATING: C- Hidekazu walked up to Brandon after the bout and shook his hands in the ring. The fans seemed a bit leery – perhaps doing this when Nadia had spent three minutes setting up a bout with me already wasn't appreciated. RATING: E- [B]Petey Barnes vs. Fumihiro Ota for the ROF Championship[/B] Nadia and I, stunningly, kept up with this bout well enough that no one would criticise it on the forum after we released the download. Ota and Petey have a long-term midcard rivalry in UKW, and they brought a lot of that storytelling across here – to his credit, Ota asked permission first, as it was advancing a storyline he booked, but I felt it would add to the realism for those who also follow UKW. A really good match culminated just before the time limit finish when Petey caught Ota's arm mid-Ninja Strike and cinched in a devastating-looking armbar I can only assume Merle taught him. The airborne champ defends by submission; we are, after all, Ring of Fire. RATING: C+ [B] Davis Wayne Newton vs. Toby Juan Kenobi[/B] I figured that this would be the match to put at the end and protect us from a weak ending. I turned out to be wrong; I should have more faith in my main eventers. Toby and Davis really worked a marvellous high flying bout to finish the match, culminating in Davis catching a flying axe handle, converting it into a T-Bone suplex and slapping on the STF to finish. RATING: C- And... we have a solid enough show, even without Mitch, to keep us gaining! I was glad to see my bout with Don criticised for the right reasons – namely, me – while sufficient of the fans correctly recognised how well Don worked with a man five years retired. OVERALL: C- Big news Saturday night for two ROF alumni; Merle O'Curle's thirteen-defence reign as UKW Grand Monarch ended when the UK Dragon finally overcame him.
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Friday Week 3 April The Paddington Club 86 in attendance Our dark bout this week saw a second appearance by young Seiji Jimbo, this time battling Johnny Highspot. A poor match overall – perhaps I should've asked Donny to script it – but Johnny needed a win to keep himself going, and the frog splash worked wonders here. RATING: D- [B]Don Henderson vs... Joey Beauchamp![/B] I informed Don and Nadia politely over the PA system that I wasn't going to allow bullying tactics to let them jump the queue, and invited them to come out and find out who Don would be facing tonight. The crowd erupted for UCR notable Joey Beauchamp, freshly snatched away! A pretty good match, this, which ended in 7:37 when the Breeze Block levelled Don for the pin. RATING: C- [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Hidekazu[/B] Mitch explained to the fans as the two came out that Brandon had asked for a Best of Seven series, while I clarified that Brandon had apparently had what Don's win over Merle had done for his career in mind. This was Bout One; despite Brandon's optimism, however, the Japanese grappler picked up the win here with a surprise schoolboy counter to the backdrop driver. RATING: C- [B]The Force vs. Young Blood for the ROF Tag Titles[/B] Young Blood are our newest tag team; Davis Wayne Newton and Gino Montero. Gino's performance actually wasn't up to his usual standards tonight, but Davis turned in a performance beyond what we usually ask of him, so that worked out OK. The four men whipped the fans into a frenzy, turning in the Force's best match to date, and kept them that way until the time limit ended things. RATING: C- [B]Petey Barnes vs. Arthur T. Turtle vs. Byron for the ROF Championship[/B] The main title back in the portion of the card that should belong to it by right. Another new arrival showed up looking to make his mark, but Byron couldn't quite get it done tonight, and Petey – who really did show why he deserves this title run – got the Future Shock and pin on Arthur. RATING: C Bah. I'd planned for Don's replacement opponent to be El Bandito – which would have had Don win and stay strong – but he was busy elsewhere. Sadly, we advertised it, and as such the show wasn't all it could've been. Nonetheless, particularly in the South, it was a show I'm glad to have put out there, and a show that leaves us with more fans than we began with. OVERALL: C-
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Ah. El Bandito's other booking turns out to have had him in MPWF's main event; I can't blame him. He lost the title shot, but turned in the performance of the night. ...Gutted. Gino's been approached by SOTBPW. He'd be a fool to turn them down, but they run their shows the same time we do. I guess we may lose him – unless there's actually a better time for me to be looking at putting our shows on. Actually, it's time for another roster breakdown, I think: MAIN EVENT Walter Morgan (also UKW, leaving us soon) Joey Beauchamp (also UCR, becoming just ours soon) Petey Barnes (also UKW) Fumihiro Ota (also UKW where he books, NYCW) British Samurai UPPER MIDCARD Don Henderson Toby Juan Kenobi (UCR) Bairei Yasujiro (WLW) Byron (UCR, becoming just ours soon) Arthur T. Turtle (21CW) MIDCARD Jonni Lowlife Johnny Highspot Jed High (UCR) Hidekazu El Critico Davis Wayne Newton (CGC, CZCW) Billy Robinson Bulldozer Brandon Smith (CZCW, NYCW) LOWER MIDCARD Seiji Jimbo Sergei Kalashnov (UCR) Velocidad (OLLIE) El Bandito (MPWF) OPENERS Amo del Gato (SOTPBW) Black Eagle (CZCW) Gino Montero (SOTBPW?) ENHANCEMENT TALENT Steve Flash (NYCW) PERSONALITIES Miss Information (UCR) Nadia Snow April Appleseed SOTBPW runs shows Friday, as does UCR, but my UCR workers prioritise me where I lose utterly against SOTBPW. The current WLW tour has them working on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. UKW runs shows on Saturdays, with their PPVs running Sundays. CGC runs shows on Sundays, the bulk of their PPVs being Fridays. 21CW tapes on Wednesdays and its monthly events primarily run on either Mondays or Fridays. NYCW don't run weekly shows, and are thus far less of a bother to me, and in any case I think I can count on Brandon, Steve, and Fumi choosing me over NYCW. The same's true of CZCW except I'm less sure I can count on the Coastal Zoners siding with me. That said, the bulk of their shows are on Mondays. I could potentially move to Tuesdays, thereby avoiding all scheduling issues at least until WLW reschedules its next tour. At that point I'd only lose workers during PPVs/monthly shows, and that irregularly. I'll need to replace Mitch if I do that, though, as UPSW tape on Tuesdays.
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Friday morning, backstage at the Norman Blue, and Sammy and I were... well, OK, actually we were playing Mario Kart on our Game Boys. But as far as the locker room were concerned – those who'd showed up early – we were 'strategising'. There was a knock on the door. “Yeah?” I called out, not really paying attention. The door opened a crack and Ota stuck his head round it. “Got a minute, Terry?” “Sure,” I flapped a hand. “Grab a seat. What's up?” “Steve,” he returned, stepping fully into the room. Sammy and I exchanged glances. “Yeah, we're looking at offering him a contract,” I said. “Problem?” “I doubt it. But you've got to realise it's gonna look like the three of us are in cahoots at this rate.” I sighed. “I honestly don't think Jeff Nova's realised we could be a threat yet, man. The only crossover we have with him is Arthur, and Arthur prioritises where the TV is. You've seen what we're doing, but...” I shrugged. “A lot of your success has come from giving our guys a bigger platform. It's why I didn't mind hiring you; it's not like you weren't watching anyway. And that seems to have worked out pretty well, right?” Ota shrugs. “Yeah. But we're making waves. I've got a millionaire backing my plays; you haven't. I can't really watch out for you, either.” Sammy and I exchanged glances again. “I appreciate the thought, man. And I'll keep an eye out. But this is actually about doing less damage to the competition.” Another shrug. “If you say so. Hey – that Mario Kart? You guys mind if I join in?” I laughed. “Nah, go for it.”
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Friday Week 4 April Norman Blue Athletic Centre 252 in attendance The Force returned to the dark, this time taking on our other recently created team; Black Eagle and Velocidad, calling themselves Death from Above. Not good, this; there just isn't a great deal of storytelling experience in the tag division yet, but we persevere. One day there will be. The end came when the Force hit their new double-team move – diving elbows from opposite turnbuckles – which they call the Star Destroyer, and Toby covered Black Eagle for the pin. RATING: D- [B]Hidekazu vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] I knew these kids could do it. A better match than any this pairing has produced before now, despite the fact I didn't have much time to give it. At the end Bulldozer easily lifted Hidekazu into the air for a powerbomb and the Japanese expert seized one of the arms holding him aloft. After a few moments of painful armlock, Brandon slowly lowered Hidekazu back down, the hold still cinched in. He shifted to a Russian leg sweep, kept hold of the arm, and made Brandon tap with a lethal looking armbar. RATING: C Nadia came down to the ring again, demanding a title shot against El Critico for Don. Once again – as the fans crapped all over us – I told her no. She looked infuriated and stormed off. RATING: F+ [B]El Critico vs. Seiji Jimbo for the #1 Contendership[/B] Whoops. Well, these two don't work well together, but I know that now, right? Under seven minutes of lacklustre action ended when the Critical Mass put Seiji down. Better luck next time... RATING: D [B]British Samurai vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] These two don't mesh either, and I know that, and I booked this anyway. And they went out and demonstrated why perfectly. These two almost don't have to mesh; it's enough that they're reading from the same book, they don't have to be on the same page. Sammy, after all, has always drawn the best out of his opponents, and that's exactly what Davis needs; someone he can showcase against while still not appearing too far ahead of the roster. Lovely match, and the first time I've seen an STF countered into the Secret Samurai Stretch. RATING: C [B]Petey Barnes vs. Bairei Yasujiro for the ROF Championship in a two out of three falls match[/B] And this deserved to be top of the card! Really good work, as ever, and the crowd was hot for it. Bairei actually picked up the first fall when he caught the Future Shock into a Yasujiro Suplex ten minutes in, and the remaining fourteen minutes was really one long tease that he might finish the job, worked to perfection. I suspect a lot of the new spots are things Bairei's developed in his role as the regular defeatee in the WLW main event; regardless, they added an extra level to this bout that made Petey's eventual victory really send the crowd berserk. I'm really proud of this show. RATING: B- And I should be; this is our best show in months. Maybe since we lost Merle. OVERALL: C+
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Tuesday Week 1 May The Paddington Club 76 in attendance That's right; we made the leap to Tuesdays with the acquisition of Steve Smith, now play-by-play man for everyone worth watching in British wrestling. And 21CW. OK, that was maybe unfair. Our dark bout this week was hyped as a potential future SOTBPW main event; Amo del Gato taking on Gino Montero. Gino really looked like a star out there, and del Gato's return after so long to the Ring of Fire arena was well received, though he lost to the Montero Press in relatively short order. RATING: D+ [B]The Force vs. The Shooters vs. El Critico and Joey Beauchamp for the ROF tag titles[/B] Critico, of course, the #1 Contender; Joey the number one contender to that belt. Have I mentioned I hate that title's stupid name? Don was the guy who made this as good as it ended up being, ultimately; he kept blind tagging in when Critico entered the ring and generally told a hell of a story while also teaching the Force a little something about tag theory. Not brilliant, but a satisfying opener. Eventually, however, Toby managed to catch the distracted Henderson with a Kenobi Kutter and score the pin. RATING: D+ [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Hidekazu[/B] Dear me. We can't get out of first gear tonight! This bout was nowhere near as good as last week; that being said, Brandon pulled a victory back to remain in contention. The Backdrop Driver won out despite Brandon still apparently having arm issues after the previous week. RATING: D+ [B]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Byron[/B] I don't know why I made this matchup, other than they both needed something to do, but I'm really glad I did; between their skill and their indisputable chemistry this was on a par with Davis' bout last week, and the crowd really came alive. Despite themselves they seem to be getting behind the young American, and when the Upper Class finally ended his chances at winning the match, there was a collective groan. Good work by both men at a time I really needed it. RATING: C [B]British Samurai vs. Fumihiro Ota in a Submission Match[/B] Petey's nursing a broken toe after Saturday, so I went to a good backup bout. This wasn't on the same level as Davis and Byron, but it was worth advertising in advance, which thus far Davis' matches haven't been. He deserves to be a lot better known, and I'm sure he will come to be. Pretty good match nonetheless, though, and Nadia's addition to the commentary table paid off here. Man, she can run her mouth when you give her a storyline to sell. We bickered through the match about Don and used that argument to put over both men in the ring while Steve marshalled us through the actual moves. Once again the bout saw Sammy go for the fisherman's suplex; once again Ota flipped to land on his feet; but this time the Ninja Strike was caught and the Secret Samurai Stretch triumphed. Not bad. RATING: C- A poor show compared to last week (though these things happen) but the fans at the arena were into it, and once again it looks like we're doing better overall. The forums actually have a fair few folks signed up from the States, Japan, Mexico... I knew bringing in international talent had to be good for something. OVERALL: C- Oyy... I thought moving to Tuesdays was being kind to UCR. Turns out our first Tuesday show goes up against one of their supercards. They lost the Force, Byron, Joey... Fortunately Sergei and Miss Information were able to get to the arena in time.
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Steve Flash vs. [B]Gino Montero[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Hidekazu Byron vs. [B]Bairei Yasujiro [/B]vs. Arthur T. Turtle in a ladder match El Critico vs. Don Henderson vs. [B]Joey Beauchamp [/B]for the #1 Contendership Petey Barnes vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton [/B]for the ROF Championship in a two out of three falls bout
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Tuesday Week 2 May The Paddington Club 86 in attendance I have a good feeling about tonight. We'll see if it's justified; my biggest fear is actually that the dark attraction will be one of the best parts. But Steve Flash isn't popular enough to be too heavily featured just yet; he takes on Gino in the dark and survives until a Destiny Explosion defeats him at 10:31. A really, really good match; I've been spending a lot of time talking to Steve of late and I do want to push him a bit harder soon. But Gino features in relatively immediate plans. RATING: C B[B]ulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Hidekazu[/B] And they're back on form, thankfully. A really nice bout this time, and they continue to blend their styles well. The crowd seem genuinely torn over who to root for, but they did appreciate Hidekazu turning a piledriver attempt into an ankle lock – Brandon broke free, came off the ropes, and ate a textbook dropkick to be pinned at 7:53. Lovely flowing work. RATING: C- [B]Byron vs. Bairei Yasujiro vs. Arthur T. Turtle in a ladder match[/B] This... didn't work, and I'm not sure why. I suspect Bairei may've been jetlagged, but that really doesn't explain it – we always get him when he's just raced back from WLW. Arthur seems to be developing as a ring general, or that may've been the problem – perhaps he was just calling shots he shouldn't have been. Byron actually retrieved the item with a springboard jump off the ropes while Arthur and Bairei each tried to suplex the other off the ladder to pick up the win, but it was too little, too late. RATING: D- [B]El Critico vs. Don Henderson vs. Joey Beauchamp for the #1 Contendership[/B] The full-blown Critico/Don feud continues to develop. What's around the corner will be an interesting change; hopefully it'll work well enough. This was a good solid triple threat bout that culminated in a Critical Mass to Joey Beauchamp and a retention by Critico – and the real chaos should kick off next week! RATING: C [B] Petey Barnes vs. Davis Wayne Newton for the ROF Championship in a two out of three falls bout[/B] These two don't click. See me honestly not care – they still put on the match of the night. Fall one came when Davis caught Petey mid-Future Shock, flipped him over, and applied the STF as the two were falling to the floor. That was seven minutes in. Fall two came when Petey faked Davis out with what looked to be another Future Shock – then the superkick dropped the young American like a stone and the pair evened the bout at sixteen minutes. 19:57 saw the bout end with a Future Shock delivered from the top turnbuckle and Petey's feet on the ropes. Five title defences thus far from Petey Barnes, and I've got to say it; as much as I was skeptical when Donny and Sammy told me to push him, I was wrong. Petey's become a good champion. RATING: C+ Yeah, they weren't happy with even that much Steve Flash. This needs remedying. An excellent demonstration of what we can do for the Southern fans, though. Hopefully we'll break a hundred attendance soon. OVERALL: C
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