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Can I transfer the game from my pc to my laptop

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I am pretty much techno-illiterate...so any help would be great. My PC is pretty much shot so I got a notebook. Can I transfer the game over or do I have to purchase a new license. I tried to copy it over but was unsucessful. I got a run time error 339 Cinoibebt 'ovsCombo2D.ocx' or one of its dependenciesnot correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid Thanks, Marco
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Re-download the game like you normally would if you were buying it. Use the license you had from when you bought the game, insert it into the box and click LAUNCH GAME! You don't need to pay for another license, you get two of them. If you've used both of them already, then unlicense the one from your PC while connected to the internet, and you should be good to go. If your computer is really shot and can't even do that, just give ELicense a call and they'll be happy to re-issue your licenses. In any case, you don't have to pay. Install the game like you would normally. If you want to transfer any files of previous games to your notebook, zip it up and move it over.
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