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The UWF Rides Again... Are you serious?

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Friday, Week 2, May 1975 UWF Unleashed The Asylum Dark Match: Anger Management def. Madd Black Brothas in 7:05. (D-) Wade Morris starts the show by coming to the ring. Morris - “I'm tired of you ducking me. And I don't think you made any friends last week Michael Mitchell. You better watch your back, but maybe Warren Hampton will be able to help you out. He's here this week and you don't have any excuse to hide. If Magnum and I win this week, I get my shot next week. And I'm willing to bet a Mustache Ride that the same thing that happened last week will happen again this week.” Overall: D Kaveri Ghandi vs. Steve Wilkins A nice technical back and forth between these two men. Steve looked like he would be able to put Kaveri away, but Lord Nathaniel Cornwallis got involved and Kaveri was able to get a roll up win. Winner: Kaveri Ghandi Overall: D Alex Pierce and Brad Kelley, the Show Stoppers, come out to the ring. Pierce - “We win, and win, and win, but we can't seem to get our shot at the Tag Titles. So Buck, Larry, come down to the ring and get ready for a fight.” Kelley - “We're tired of you two kids ducking us. Bring it to the ring.” After a couple seconds of no response, the Show Stoppers get upset. Pierce - “Fine, duck us again. We're not going to give up.” The two leave the ring and head to the back. Overall: E- Lord Nathaniel Cornwallis vs. Matt Wilkins Another technical match is received well by the crowd. Wilkins is able to out wrestle his opponent and knock him out with a choke out sleeper. Winner: Matt Wilkins Overall: D Brad Peck and the Thirtysomethings come down to the ring. Peck - “My team came out here last week, made a challenge, and won the match. Pierce and Kelley made a challenge, but they haven't won a match. So how about my guys take them on right now and we find a true number one contender?” The Show Stoppers reappear and seem to think that's an adequate proposal. Overall: E+ Thirtysomethings vs. Show Stoppers Brad Peck helped out his clients as best he could, but it wasn't enough, as Alex Pierce was able to hit Eric Thomas with the Piercing Wound for the win. Winners: Show Stoppers Overall: E+ Charlie Smash gets on the house microphone and announces that next week, a number one contender team to the Tag Titles will be crowned when the Thirtysomethings face the Show Stoppers face the Croc Hunters. The winners of that match will get a title shot. Overall: E- Warren Hampton and Michael Mitchell vs. the Mustache Brigade Hampton starts out with Morris. Hampton tries quickly to grab the upper hand by out speeding the mustached one, but he's pounded by fists. Morris scoops Warren and slams him to the mat. Magnum Hungary tags in to the match and goes to work on Hampton's back, hitting a couple back breakers. A hammer throw is met with a lariat and the Mustache Brigade is in control. Hungary tags Morris back into the match and Hampton is hit with a double clothesline. Morris takes a second to respond to the cheering fans. This turns out to be a mistake, however, as Hampton rocks him with a shot to the eyes. Hampton follows with a kick to the gut and throws him to the hostile corner. Mitchell tags in and the two stomp Morris in the corner. Mitchell immediately pulls Morris out of the corner and slaps on a surfboard stretch with a knee to the back. Count Refula asks Morris if he wants to give it up, but it's a resounding no. Refula checks the time and Mitchell rakes Morris' eyes. He holds an arm and tags Hampton back in. Warren slaps on a chinlock with a knee into the back. Morris starts pounding on the mat and the crowd gets into it. Morris fights up to his feet and Hampton slaps a headlock on to take him back down. Morris fights back up again and throws in elbows before breaking out and rocking Hampton with a lariat. Both men crawl to their respective corners and make the tag. Mitchell begs off, but it's not to be, as Hungary takes his head off with a lariat. Hungary picks the champ up and press slams him to the mat. The fans start going nuts, but a pin attempt only gets two. Mitchell crawls away from Hungary, but is caught by the hair. Hungary picks Mitchell up, but gets a mule kick for his troubles. Mitchell locks on a headlock and grinds Hungary to the mat. He switches the headlock to a version of a seated reverse chinlock. Mitchell cranks back. Hungary struggles, but can't break free. Mitchell keeps cranking and Hungary fights toward the ropes. It takes several moments, but he's finally able to drape his leg over the ropes to cause the break. Mitchell tags out and Hampton jumps in to drop an elbow. Morris is getting livid on the apron, wanting a tag in, but Hampton keeps Hungary far away with the chinlock. A few more moments until Hungary is able to fight to his feet and stretch out to make the tag. Morris comes in with fists flying, but Refula stops him, explaining that he didn't see a tag, as he was busy keeping Mitchell out of the ring. The fans boo intensely, but it's no use. As Refula is busy with Morris, a double teaming takes place on Magnum Hungary. Hungary finally snaps and beats back both his opponents. After pounding them both to the mat he takes a couple steps forward and collapses. The fans jump to their feet in an attempt to give Hungary the energy to make the tag. He crawls forward as both Hampton and Mitchell try to stop him, but the tag is made! Wade Morris comes in and levels both his opponents. Hampton is knocked over the top and to the floor with a clothesline. This leaves Morris and Mitchell alone in the ring. Mitchell drops to his knees and begs off, but Morris will have none of it. He comes down with a hard right hand and another and another. Mitchell tries a poke to the eyes, but it's deflected and Morris rocks the champ with a northern lights suplex. One... Two.... No! Mitchell is able to raise the shoulder. Morris picks Mitchell up and lifts him for a vertical suplex and turns it into a powerslam. That's the Mustache Ride! One... Two... Three! Winners: The Mustache Brigade Overall: D Attendance: 1000 Overall Rating: D- James Cason and Irwin Stevens vs. Show Stoppers? Dammit, I made a boo boo. That should have been a D show. Plus: Humorous news story of the day: HWA Fire Bulletproof. Think about it. Next week's card: Thirtysomethings vs. Show Stoppers vs. Croc Hunters Ray McQuarters vs. Arty Simpson Michael Mitchell vs. Wade Morris
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Friday, Week 3, May 1975 UWF Unleashed The Asylum Dark Matches: Matt Wilkins def. Tito Bumfhole (D) Lord Nathaniel Cornwallis def. Steve Wilkins (E+) Show Stoppers vs. The Croc Hunters vs. Thirtysomethings The Showstoppers pull the victory out in this match by using their flying skills. They're able to take the Thirtysomethings out first and then beat out the Croc Hunters. Winners: The Show Stoppers Overall: D- Michael Mitchell comes down to the ring dressed in his street clothes. The United Title is draped over his shoulder. Mitchell: “Wade Morris! You have been coming after me and my title for too long! You will not take this belt from me. There is one bottom line, and it says I walk out of the Asylum tonight as the UWF United Champion, and you walk out a loser! BYAAA!” Overall: D- Ray McQuarters vs. Arty Simpson Arty takes control early, and looks like he could put Ray away, but a mistimed personality switch leaves him open to take a dropkick and top rope body splash. Winner: Ray McQuarters Overall: E Wade Morris comes to the ring ready for his match, mustache looking solid. Morris: “Mitchell, your time as UWF United Champion is over. Tonight, when you get into this ring, the bell will sound, and I will destroy you. I will beat you within an inch of your life. And I'm walking out... the champion. I'd wager a Mustache Ride on it.” Overall: D- Wade Morris vs. Michael Mitchell © (UWF United Title) The bell rings and the match is under way. They start with a lock up that Mitchell turns into a headlock with the pull of Morris's hair. He cranks away on the head, squeezing the ears. Morris steadies himself and lifts Mitchell into the air for a backdrop. The fans come to their feet early, as Morris follows up with a mounted punching. Count Refula calls for a break, which Morris reluctantly complies to. He gives a quick stroke to his mustache as Mitchell gets to his feet. The two men lock up again and this time, Mitchell takes control with an eye poke and a headlock takedown. He cranks at the neck. Morris tries to power out, but Mitchell distributes his weight so Morris takes him nowhere. He is able to finally take Mitchell over with a head scissor, but isn't able to hold onto it. Morris sits up and is taken into a headlock again. This time he fights up to his feet and sends Mitchell into the ropes. On the return, he slaps a sleeper onto Mitchell. Mitchell wraps around and hits an atomic drop. Morris runs right into the ropes and takes Mitchell down with a hard lariat. He goes for a cover, but only gets a quick two. Morris takes control with a belly to belly suplex and floats over into the mounted punches again. Refula reaches four and a half before Morris gets up. He pulls Mitchell up with him and takes him right down with a snap suplex. Morris follows up with a headlock of his own. Mitchell fights to the ropes, causing the break. Morris charges in, but Refula backs him up, as Mitchell is still in the ropes. Mitchell comes in with a cheap shot to the back of the knee, sending Morris down. He follows with a few quick kicks to the kidneys. Mitchell grabs both arms and places a boot into the back of the Mustached One. Morris tries to bring his arms around to break the hold, but doesn't seem to have his full strength. The fans get behind the challenger, giving him the strength to fight out of the surfboard. He whips Mitchell into the ropes and decapitates him with a big boot. The fans get to their feet as Morris calls for the end. He picks Mitchell up and lifts him into the air. The champ is able to fight out and kicks his opponent in the back again. He tries to slap on another surfboard, but Morris fights back into a vertical suplex. He holds Mitchell up for a moment and then rips him to the mat with the Mustache Ride. He hangs on for the one, two, three. Winner: Wade Morris Overall: D+ Attendance: 1000 Overall Rating: D- Tommy comes up to Zack after the show, he's accompanied by a man in shirt and tie. . Tommy: “Hey, I just got stopped by this gentleman here.” Man: “Mr. Wilkins? It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Richard Drippington, I represent a network of local ACE affiliates. We would like to offer your wrestling promotion a spot in our syndication timeslots. Would you be interested?” Zack: “Very interested. What kind of deal are we looking at?” Drippington: “Normally, we charge a $2500 premium for a months worth of hour long slots and give you spots for your own advertisers. However, we would like to offer you no premium, but we get the advertiser slots.” Zack: “I need to talk with my creative team and get their input. Do you have an e-mail I can reach you at?” Drippington: “Ummm... e-mail?” Zack: “I'm sorry, I meant mailing address, or phone number. Whichever is better.” Drippington: “Here's my card. I hope to hear from you soon.” Zack: “Thank you.” Drippington leaves. Zack looks at Tommy with a big smile on his face. Zack: “Round up the boys. It's meeting time.” Oooh, it looks like things are looking up for our heroes. Maybe they'll start to get some exposure in the United States. But how will four men who don't exist in this time period pay taxes? They may have over looked some things. On a lighter note, Wade Morris has won the United Title! Who will be the first person to get in his way? You'll have to stay tuned to find out.
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UWF: Now on TV! (Syndication = internet of the 70s) Friday, Week 4, May 1975 UWF Unleashed The Asylum Cleveland's Finest vs. East India Company Our heroes decide to put on one fine match to kick off the syndication deal. They fight back and forth, until they lose control and get counted out. Winner: Draw Overall: D Warren Hampton makes his way to the ring. Hampton: “Over the week, I heard that someone was talking a lot of trash, saying that I'm too afraid to show up to this show each week. Well, I'm here now, and I'm ready for a fight. So Magnum, bring your sloppy mustache out here and get ready for it to be ripped off.” Magnum Hungary wastes no time in coming out from the back. In fact, he's coming out quickly... he doesn't look happy. Hungary: “You want to fight? Let's fight. Right now.” Hungary lunges and the two men start punching. Overall: D- Magnum Hungary vs. Warren Hampton The two fight for the opening minutes of the match, but Hampton starts to wrestle Hungary, throwing him off his game. Hungary fights back, but is rolled up out of nowhere, and is kept down with the help of ropes and tights. Winner: Warren Hampton Overall: D Michael Mitchell storms down to the ring. Mitchell: “Wade Morris! You stole my belt from me. I want my rematch tonight! You, me, main event! BYAAA!” Mitchell drops the microphone and leaves. Overall: D- Anger Management © vs. Show Stoppers (UWF Tag Team Titles) The Show Stoppers earned this shot with their victory last week. And they took it to the champs, too bad the champs defeated them soundly. Winners: Anger Management Overall: D- Wade Morris comes to the ring. Morris: “Mitchell, you want your rematch at my belt? The board of directors have given you your shot. BUT. If you lose, you're out of the UWF.” Mitchell storms out. Mitchell: “Give me my belt! BYAAA!” Overall: D Wade Morris © vs. Michael Mitchell (UWF United Title) You would think that after last week, these two would know the tricks of the other. Well, Wade knew Michael's, but not vice versa. Wade dominated the match and pulled the win out with the Mustache Ride. Winner: Wade Morris Overall: C- Attendance: 1000 Overall Rating: D+ Our heroes are in the back after the show, playing a game of poker. Steve: “That was a damn fine show.” Zack: “Tell me about it. Not a bad match on the card. If we can keep that up, we'll be making it big in no time.” Kash: “You just have to keep us in the spotlight and we'll do great. Did you see the crowd during our match?” Tommy: “It's stuff they've never seen.” Zack: “We've got some shakeups to make.” Michael Mitchell is out of the UWF? How much longer will Anger Management be able to hold on to those Tag Titles? And what about our heroes? What will they be up to? Stay tuned to find out.
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