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Harlem Wrestling Alliance: Yes, it's as bad as it seems...

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**Beginning Note: This is my first attempt at a diary and I'm going to be playing as HWA from the '75 Cornellverse mod, so bear with me. Feedback would be greatly appreciated...** [COLOR="Navy"]“You’re just not what we’re looking for. We need someone with more experience.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“What do you mean I’m not good enough?!?! You’re the freaking American Independent Circuit! You don’t even run real shows! Your ‘talent’ is all no name rookies! Where the hell am I supposed to work if I can’t get a job with you? You think Eisen or Lambert are going to step aside and take a chance on me? No way in hell. Where am I going to get experience if you, the AICW, the bottom of the barrel, won’t hire me? Honestly Mr. Crowe, answer me that…[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Bottom of the barrel? You think we’re the worst company out there? Oh, boy, you need to pack your bags. There is another company, they’re only locally ‘known’ though. They’re based in New York. They’re trying to create a niche in the market and make an impact on the wrestling world. You know, the more I think of it, I think you’d be better suited for that…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Thank you Walter, that’s the kind of information I needed…”[/COLOR] And with that I left Crowe’s makeshift office and began to make my way to New York. This is going to be great. A promotion already locally known that is based in New York. The whole Tri-State area is a hot bed for pro wrestling. This is better than anything I ever could have imagined…
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Oh it keeps getting better and better. The promotion, the Harlem Wrestling Alliance, is owned by a former college quarterback, Warren Young. If the rest of the wrestlers are as athletically gifted as he is, this is going to be easier than I ever imagined. I think I’ve fallen into wrestling heaven… I spoke with him over the phone and he offered me the job right then and there because of fear of the current booker jumping to the bigger stage of the SWF. Without hesitation, I accepted the job. This is amazing, I’m now the head booker of the flourishing HWA and our talent must be phenomenal if Eisen is raiding the roster. Let me just say this, I love Walter Crowe…
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**** Walter Crowe. I think I’ve just entered Hell…it’s hot, there are figures darting in and out of the shadows, and I don’t think there’s any way out… Hell, we run shows out of a F’n high school gymnasium in Jersey… That athletic roster? That’s a joke. Most don’t even know actual holds. If you want head locks and arm bars, this sure as hell isn’t the place. Half, no, 4/5ths of the roster would not be hired anywhere but the HWA. The niche they’re trying to carve out? Hardcore wrestling. This is 1975, nobody runs just hardcore garbage style matches. We’ll be lucky to attract 15 people to our shows, let alone make a profit. There’s no way I’m going to keep this promotion afloat… Oh what the hell, at least we have something in common. We both aren’t good enough even for the AICW. Well, I’m not one to back down from a fight, so I might as well make do with what I have. Maybe we can succeed in New York and I can leave this excuse for a wrestling company…
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Ok, after the initial shock of the entire situation, I’ve looked over the roster and have come to my conclusion: we’re ******. This is bad folks, real bad. Let’s take a look at what I have to work with: [COLOR="Red"]Main Event:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Krooked Kop Kyle[/COLOR]- He plays a racist cop…in New York…in 1975…this isn’t good… [COLOR="navy"]Magnum Johnson[/COLOR]- He’s the top babyface, that’s not saying much, but he’s what we got. He’ll probably be a fixture at the top of the card, but that’s because I don’t have any choice… [COLOR="navy"]Mr. G[/COLOR]- If he could wrestle for longer than four minutes, he’d have some value to me but all that drinking and eating wings have caught up to him [COLOR="navy"]Warren Young[/COLOR]- Mr. QB/Owner. He’s a main eventer on popularity alone. He’s at E- in two, yes two, places. [COLOR="red"]Upper Midcarder[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Action Jackson[/COLOR]- He’s Magnum’s partner. Basically Jackson gets beat up, Magnum saves him, yadda, yadda, yadda, Magnum’s a star while Jackson…well, isn’t a star… [COLOR="navy"]Dancin’ Rick[/COLOR]-sucks, teams with Disco Stu [COLOR="navy"]Disco Stu[/COLOR]-makes Dancin’ Rick look like World Class Wilson [COLOR="navy"]Jack Vandal[/COLOR]- 1975 Steve Corino…just not talented...(Generated Worker) [COLOR="navy"]Redneck Bill[/COLOR]-Oh dear God, a rascist cop and a redneck are teamed together as ‘The Haters?’ What’s next? Wrestler’s portraying a pimp and a drug dealer? [COLOR="navy"]Tron the Pusher[/COLOR]- Here’s our drug dealer [COLOR="red"]Midcarder[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Lefty Jenson[/COLOR]- Lefty’s consistant…consistently sucking [COLOR="navy"]Omar Grandsbury[/COLOR]-How do you have a job? No seriously, I’m actually asking. [COLOR="navy"]Silky Seymour[/COLOR]- And here’s our Pimp, who teams with our drug dealer as a babyface tag team…I’m dumbfounded… [COLOR="red"]Lower Midcarder [/COLOR](Abandon all hope ye who enter here…) [COLOR="navy"]Bulletproof[/COLOR]- Take what I said about Omar, and place it here…then multiply it by a thousand [COLOR="navy"]The Rainbow Warrior[/COLOR]-He’s flamboyantly gay…in New York…in 1975…’nuff said [COLOR="red"]Announcers[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Myself[/COLOR]- If I have to watch the atrocities in the ring, I might as well talk about it…it seems like it will be very therapeutic… [COLOR="navy"]Bob Johnson[/COLOR]- He’s long gone. He was the first firing. There’s no way I’m paying that much for a announcer at this level. I don't know why I included him here... [COLOR="red"]Referee[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Gus Stripeshirt[/COLOR]- With that name, he was born to wear stripes…until we find someone cheaper [COLOR="red"]Road Agent[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Old Man Rivers[/COLOR]- Let’s just say we already have the ‘Old Man Rivers Memorial Tournament’ scheduled this year… [COLOR="navy"]Jim Knobb[/COLOR]- aka cheapest Road Agent available
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I received my owner goals, and luckily, they’re not crippling. Wrestlers over the age of thirty-five are against the rules, and with good reason. In this hardcore environment, they’d be killed. And the other goal is that due to our unique environment, we must have somewhat resilient athletes. Makes sense. And the raiding has already begun. The dreaded AICW and the APWF have targeted [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] and [B]Magnum Johnson[/B]…we’re doomed…
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After having time to digest the task that is in front of me, I’ve started to make my mark on the promotion. First was the termination of [B]Bob Johnson[/B] as announcer. He was a luxury we couldn’t afford. Next was the hiring of [B]Jim Knobb[/B]. He’s not a good road agent, but we’re not a good company, so it’s a match made in heaven. I’ve sent flyers out to a couple referee’s and some workers, but I doubt I’ll sign any because their demands (probably $300) will be far too much for us. And speaking of salaries, [B]Warren Young [/B]is raking the dough in. He makes $1,500 a month, regardless of whether I use him or not. I’m going to ride his *** to exhaustion…but not in [B]The Rainbow Warrior[/B] type way… I’ve also set our schedule and our goal is to run one show a month. This month’s show will be [COLOR="Red"]HWA: Children’s Story[/COLOR]. I’m already advertising [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] vs. [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] for the King of New York Championship. It will be contested for in New Jersey. Ponder that for awhile… [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Children’s Story[/COLOR] March Week 4 Friday, 1975 [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] vs. [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] For the King of New York Championship Also, Other sub-par wrestlers will be appearing!![/CENTER]
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In disheartening news, all of the contracts offered to [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] and [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] have been accepted. The loss of our two sure-fire main eventers is inevitable… And all of the contracts offered to those that are unemployed...well, they are staying unemployed. Some don't want to work for a local promotion, others want outrageous sums of money to join...Looks like we'll have to make due with what we have... Yea, the post on the General Discussion board was just to see if there would be any interest. Since there's some, I'll try not to ruin this too bad...:p And I'll see what I can do with Mr. G, I have some plans for him, but only time will tell what they are. Thanks for posting. There's more to come shortly. The inaugural show should be up sometime tomorrow and it's worth checking out...
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Children’s Story[/COLOR] 4th Week, March Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 15 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Match** [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] defeated [B]Bulletproof[/B] in 4:53 via pinfall Notes: The crowd hates Bulletproof more than I do. Atrocious doesn't even begin to describe Bulletproofs (lack of) ability. And Lefty and Bullet don’t click… [B]F[/B] The real show starts with [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] standing in the middle of the jam-packed gymnasium. [COLOR="red"]“So, I’ve been told I’m facing Magnum Johnson tonight for the King of New York Championship. For the sake of all of New York, you better pray to God that I win tonight. Who really wants a damn ****** wearing any more gold than they should?[/COLOR] (Booing picks up while he points his finger around at the fans, 9 of who are black…sorry, I counted) [COLOR="red"]The only title you people should have is that of ‘slave.’ You’re lucky we’re not in the South or…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Or what? [/COLOR]([B]Magnum Johnson [/B]appears to the thunderous ovation of the 15 person crowd) [COLOR="navy"]You know, for a honky, you certainly talk way too much brother. We’re not in the South, we’re in the Tri-State, ya heard? And when we’re in the Tri-State, we handle ‘ghosts’ a little differently. When we see a ‘ghost,’ we cut the fool. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do to you tonight. When I hit you, I’m gonna split you to the dark meat, you no-business, insecure, jaw-jocked mutha *****.”[/COLOR] (Johnson leaves the ring area while KKK stands in disbelief to the tirade that he just heard) [B]C-[/B] (Whawhawhat?) The ‘first’ match (not counting the Lefty/Bullet abomination) of the new era is right up next, with [B]Warren Young[/B] taking on [B]Jack Vandal[/B]! [B]Jack Vandal[/B] makes his way to the ring first and grabs the mic from the ring announcer. [COLOR="Red"]“This is wrestling? All I see are a bunch of untalented boys throwing themselves around and hitting themselves with weapons. That ain’t wrestling folks. I’m here to restore wrestling back to the glories of before. I’m not doing this for me, I’m not even doing this for the Chord’s and Plumelli’s of the industry, I’m doing this for you, the fans. I actually feel pity for you. You shelled out hard earned money and you’re only going to see one real wrestler tonight…”[/COLOR] With that remark, [B]Warren Young[/B] emerges from the back to defend his company. [COLOR="Navy"]“The fans here came to see our style of wrestling, not some nobody talking. Get in the ring and I’ll show you why I founded the HWA."[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [B]Warren Young[/B] defeated [B]Jack Vandal[/B] in 11:53 with a MVP Moonsault. Notes: This brought the crowds mood down, but I’m totally fine with that. D-'s are hard to come by with this company. There as rare as real wrestlers here... [B]D-[/B] A video is played hyping the [I]King of New York [/I]Championship match…Ok, actually this was an overhead projector that was ‘borrowed’ out of the coaches office. [B]Old Man Rivers[/B] drew some pictures on three or four transparencies and we just showed them off…sorry, we’re poor and ghetto at the same time…oh yeah, it bombed…but was still better than anything Bulletproof will ever do… [B]E[/B] This is it. The Championship bought pitting [B]KKK[/B] against [B]Magnum Johnson[/B]… [B]KKK[/B] defeated [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] via pinfall by using the ropes for leverage. Krooked Kop Kyle is the first holder of the King of New York Championship. Notes: They don’t seem to click. This is bad. Real bad. But I should have seen this coming. This is the HWA after all… [B]D-[/B] [U]Final Grade:[/U] [B]D-[/B] It increased our popularity and was a success. Notes: I have no problems with this show, other than the lack of chemistry between my main event stars. All-in-all, a good starting foundation. It was better than I expected, especially for a half-hour show. Vandal surprised me with his solid performance; I just hope it wasn’t Young carrying him to that grade…Hey, it could have been a lot worse. If I can maintain D level shows, we might be on our way to the top! Yea, I kid, but it's the HWA, what do you expect?
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Funniest thing I've read all day... and in the top three for the week. However, given that it is Hrlem in the 70s, I demand a black kung-fu fighter show up at some point, just to complete the collection of cliches you're collecting. And of course, the foxy, arse-kicking valet, and the tie-dyed stoner who thinks he's at a peace rally...
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After our first show, our prestige skyrocketed a whole 1.1% to the whopping total of 4.1%. Our popularity did the same and now sits at the same level as our prestige. Needless to say, I’m impressed. Onto the finances…we’re just going to skip that. Let’s just say it’s not pretty. We won’t be making a profit for awhile. I offered a contract to a randomly generated referee…he wanted $400 per appearance. If he would have signed, he would have been my most over worker with [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR]’s across the board. That’s bull-****. He’s a referee! I won an award for best announcer ever…I’m kidding; I’m to announcing as Bulletproof is to wrestling. I bastardize the profession. The American Independent show was run in Colorado. 59 people attended and the show was rated as a D…I’m depressed… [B]Tron the Pusher[/B], aka the drug dealer and half of the most over tag team that the HWA has ever seen, has come up for a contract extension. He’s going to get it since he’s cheap and no one else wants to work for us…He’s now in the upper-tier of workers since he’s making $125 per appearance. The industry has pegged [B]Warren Young [/B]as the ‘next big thing’ in professional wrestling. I’m lucky he played football [I]first[/I]… [B]Chicago Championship Wrestling[/B] has risen to small size. This isn’t good. One, they’re a developmental territory and two, there’s only two promotions smaller than them to steal talent from. I could give you two guesses as to who one of those companies is, but you don’t need any help…ok, it’s us.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Deep Cover[/COLOR] 4th Week, April, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] & [B]Action Jackson [/B]([COLOR="Navy"]Street Soul[/COLOR]) vs. [B]Krooked Kop Kyle [/B]& [B]Redneck Bill[/B] ([COLOR="red"]The Haters[/COLOR]) Magnum looks for retribution after losing out on the title due to KKK’s cheating. ‘The Original Gangster’ [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B] vs. [B]Mr. G[/B] The remaining main eventer makes his debut against the Original 1975 Gangster!! & [B]Warren Young[/B] vs. [B]The Rainbow Warrior[/B] One’s a former athlete, one’s flamboyantly gay…but which is which? All this and more and the next HWA event…ok, there isn’t really more, this is it, deal with it… Predictions are welcome, if you dare...The show will be up later tonight[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Deep Cover[/COLOR] 4th Week, April, Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 19 people (Oh Yeah!!) All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Match** [B]Mr. G[/B] defeated [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B] in 5:14 via pinfall by a Brawler’s Delight Notes: The crowd reaction to Omar Grandsbury was brutal. It made Bulletproof look like a fan favorite… [B]E+[/B] **Dark Promo** ([B]KKK[/B] appears on stage with a mic) [COLOR="red"]"I told all you stupid pieces of dark trash that your race is inferior. There’s no way an Africoon is better than me. There was no way I was going to be defeated by an outdated piece of farm machinery. This title doesn’t just mean that I’m the King of New York; it means that the White populace is the rightful King of New York!"[/COLOR] (He leaves amiss a chorus of boos) [B]D+[/B] **Intermission** The actual show starts with [B]The Rainbow Warrior [/B]already waiting in the ring for his match with [B]Warren Young[/B]. You know what that means don’t you? Jobber! Warren Young makes his way to the ring with as much fanfare as 19 people can give. There is one guy that adamantly hates him though. He boos everything he does. Must have been a rival in college...or maybe he's pro-gay? [B]Warren Young[/B] defeated [B]The Rainbow Warrior [/B]in 4:40 with an MVP Moonsault. Notes: The crowd did not like the extremely gay Warrior. That’s three people that the crowd utterly despises… [B]E-[/B] As Warren has his arm raised by [B]Gus Stripeshirt[/B], [B]Jack Vandal[/B] hits the ring from the crowd and proceeds to beat the wholly hell out of Young. With Young on the ground, left as a bloody mess, Vandal spits on him to further illustrate his point. Myself: I guess that fan wasn't pro-gay, just anti-Warren. And I guess that means that we only have 18 people in attendance cause I doubt Vandal paid for a ticket… [B]F+[/B] [B]Street Soul[/B] vs. [B]The Haters[/B] Produced some back and forth action, but there’s no way [B]Redneck Bill[/B] should have been anywhere near this ring. Everyone one else was massively more talented than him, which is sad when you start to think about it… [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] defeated [B]Redneck Bill[/B] via submission in 9:43. [B]E+[/B] Notes: And make that four wrestlers now that the crowd hates. Redneck Bill not only sucks, the crowd hates him. And he was off his game tonight. How many times can he **** up a match? [COLOR="Navy"]"I’m an Africoon? An outdated piece of farm machinery? Listen here you rat-lookin’, mayonnaise eatin’ mutha*****, move over and let me pass 'fore they have be to pullin' these (points to shoes) Hush Puppies out your motha******' ***! You and me, one on one for the gold. Next month at HWA: Fight the Power, you better have an answer for me [I]Kyle[/I]…"[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] Final Grade: [B]E- [/B]The show was a success and increased our popularity even though the crowd didn’t think there was enough wrestling…aka they missed not having Jack Vandal in action… Well, more people showed up…but the show sucked that much more. Oh well, all in good time. I figure as long as I don’t [I]lose[/I] audience members we’ll be ok.
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Our prestige shot up to 4.2% while our popularity rose to 4.5%. They like us, they really like us…but that doesn’t make up for the fact that we’re losing money…Maybe we should get our wrestlers that portray drug dealers to get a second job as [I]actual [/I]drug dealers… [B]The Boston Bomber[/B] failed a drug test. We’ll keep score. That’s number one. [B]Franco Lambert[/B], founder of the APWF, died of a drug overdose. He won’t be missed… [B]Dan Stone[/B] has become the new owner of the APWF, [B]Terry Lambert[/B] is ****ed off… This is only important because mass cuts took place…and [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] no longer works for them! Score one for the HWA! Let’s see, that’s HWA: 1, Universe: A lot more than one… Industry leaders are very high on [B]Action Jackson[/B]. I was unaware that you could smoke/snort/inject black people, but where there’s a will, the industry leaders will find a way... And in humorous news, [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B] has been pegged to be the next big star in HWA. Over my dead body will that happen. I’m amazed he hasn’t killed anybody in the ring yet…
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Fight the Power[/COLOR] 4th Week, May, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] vs. ??? Does KKK except the challenge that Johnson threw down last week? [B]Silky Seymour[/B] & [B]Tron the Pusher [/B]([COLOR="navy"]Hood Rich[/COLOR]) vs. [B]Dancin’ Rick [/B]& [B]Disco Stu [/B]([COLOR="red"]Boogie Nights[/COLOR]) We’ve got a Pimp and a drug dealer taking on disco enthusiasts. Yes, you read that right. It doesn’t get much better than that… [B]Warren Young[/B] vs. [B]Redneck Bill[/B] After last week’s brutal assault, will Young take out his revenge on Jack Vandal? Or will Vandal launch another sneak attack? Will this distraction lead to a Redneck Bill upset? Will Redneck Bill make a single contribution to the company? Does anybody care? All this and more answered at HWA: Fight the Power…[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Fight the Power[/COLOR] 4th Week, May, Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 17 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** ([B]Warren Young[/B] stands alone in the ring) [COLOR="Navy"]“You think just because you attacked me from the crowd that you’ve sent a message Vandal? You’ve never been more wrong in your life. You have to remember, I’m the owner of this company. I thought about firing you, letting you work the independent circuit, but I thought I would give you a chance. So next month, at [COLOR="Red"]HWA: Hold Down the Block[/COLOR], I challenge you to a match, any match, so I can prove that HWA’s style is just restricted to ‘Garbage’ wrestling.”[/COLOR] ([B]Jack Vandal [/B]appears)[COLOR="red"] “All right, I’ll accept that. I’ll even tell you the match we’re going to have, cause I’m old school so I’m nice. It will be Mr. Failed Athlete Warren Young vs. The Savior of Pro Wrestling Jack Vandal in a submission match. I hope your amateur background includes some mat work…”[/COLOR] (with that, Vandal steps back behind the curtain, confidant in his decision) Notes: Vandal could use something to freshen up his character…He’s only been around for three shows! How are they tired of him already? [B]D-[/B] **Dark Match** Let me just first say: **** [B]Tron the Pusher[/B]. I advanced booked him to work a month ago and he goes and misses the show? He’s not even good enough to be signed by another company so this is just his stupidness coming to the forefront. Now I have to find a replacement and he’s going to start complaining about not being on shows…I’m so mad at him… [B]Silky Seymour[/B] and [B]Action Jackson [/B]defeated [B]Dancin’ Rick[/B] and [B]Disco Stu[/B] in 8:47 when Jackson pinned Stu after hitting the One More Time. Notes: Doesn’t matter, I’m still mad at Tron. And the crowd treated Silky with utter contempt. He’s one of the top babyfaces. Maybe number three or four. And the crowd hates him. Awesome… [B]E-[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] ([B]KKK [/B]appears in the ring as the show starts) [COLOR="Red"]“Magnum Johnson, I’m gonna do you a favor. I’m going to accept your gable challenge. Then after I soundly defeat you, I’m going to allow you to be my Uncle Tom. I have all kinds of chores that coon folk can do. I’ve got some laundry, a field to plow, well, you know, the usual. It is a part of your ancestry. I’ll see you in the ring, but not this month. I’ve lined up someone special for you this month. You’ll have your hands full, kinda like your grandfather did when he drove the horses…Good luck darkie, you’re going to need it…"[/COLOR] (KKK leaves to the backstage) [B]D[/B] Up next is sheer awesomeness with Young taking on Redneck Bill. The only question left, how hard will Bill try to ruin this match? The answer: he did everything he could. [B]Warren Young[/B] defeated [B]Redneck Bill[/B] in 6:57 with an MVP Moonsault. Notes: Redneck Bill was tired, off his game, and didn’t click with Young. That’s pretty much the HWA hat-trick. Bill was also utterly despised by the fans. He’s worthless. He might fight Tron to see who gets to keep their job next month… [B]F+[/B] ([B]Magnum Johnson[/B] makes his way to the ring. When he gets there, he takes the mic from the ring announcer and begins one of his negro-riffic promos) [COLOR="Navy"]“So [I]Kyle[/I], who’s this mystery opponent? Some confused cracka’ you dug outta the city? Well, I’m sure he thinks he’s bad and that he’s from a better class but I’m gonna stick these size thirteens right up the honkey’s ***!”[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] (With that remark, the stage curtain is forced open and [B]Jack Vandal [/B]makes his way to the ring…and just like all wrestler’s that work for the HWA, he ain’t happy) [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] defeated [B]Jack Vandal [/B]in 8:44 with a Tabled Street Justice. Notes: Nothing bad happened…and by our standards, it was four stars [B]D-[/B] Final Grade: [B]D-[/B] It increased our popularity and was a success. Score! Notes: I’ll take it. Storylines are moving forward, (some) wrestlers are proving themselves, Magnum Johnson is going to be sued by Dolemite, all-in-all, we’re doing better than I thought… And Tron missing the show wasn’t his fault, but that doesn’t mean I’m still not ****ed at him like no other…
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