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Harlem Wrestling Alliance: Yes, it's as bad as it seems...

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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Shook Ones[/COLOR] 4th Week, October, Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 27 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** Some hooded figure dismantles [B]Old Man Rivers [/B]and tries to send him to an early grave! He’s 86 for God’s sake… [B]E[/B] **Dark Promo** Hype Transparency is being shown. The crowd can’t wait to see the match between the two competitors tonight. The official word going around is that this is going to be one hell of a brutal match, hopefully to end the feud once and for all between [B]KKK[/B] & [B]Magnum Johnson[/B]. [B]E[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Jack Vandal[/B] defeated [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] via pinfall. Notes: Jack continues on his roll of putting people in their place. Next month he has Warren Young in a barbed wire match…all hell will break loose. [B]E[/B] **Dark Promo** [B]KKK [/B]and [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]are jawing at each other face to face, having to be held back by several wrestlers. I step in and diffuse the situation. They will not jeopardize my main event. [B]D+[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] [B]Super Secret Mystery Signing[/B] defeated [B]Warren Young [/B]when Vandal interfered and destroyed Young with a vicious Lariat. SSMS didn’t want to win that way, but he had no choice as Young was knocked the **** out. Notes: Eh, I was kind of hoping for something a little better than that, but since he has no momentum, I can deal with it. Hopefully SSMS pans out…and yeah, he’s not being revealed yet… [B]E+[/B] [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] vs. [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]in a scaffold match for the King of New York Championship! The match took up nearly twenty minutes of the show. The battle started in the backstage area and continued around the crowd. They fought around the scaffolding and made good use of all the available weapons. The crowd was on their feet when Magnum began to take control and KKK started to climb up. The battle on top of the scaffolding wasn’t about action, but storytelling and these two had it down to an art. Punch after traded punch sucked the crowd right into it. For a moment, it seemed as if KKK was going to powerbomb Magnum right off the structure. Magnum blocked it and delivered a sick back body driver on the scaffold leaving both men down. Exhaustion began to set in, with both men looking uneasy about being up so high. As they regained their composure, they slugged away at each other. Each punch brought a chorus of boos or cheers depending on who threw it. Johnson managed to block a punch and went for a short-arm clothesline, hoping to put KKK away. As he nailed it and KKK begin to fall, Kyle reached out and caught a hold of Magnum’s jewelry. Both men tumbled to the canvas below while the crowd watched in shock… [COLOR="Teal"]“Oh my god! They’re both down, both men are down. I don’t know who hit first. I think it was Kyle…Magnum might be the new champion…we might have a new champion…if that’s not the damndest fall I’ve ever seen, I don’t know what is…who’s the champion…who’s the King of New York?”[/COLOR] Notes: Can you say greatest match in HWA history? Awesome, I love it….both men fell off the scaffold…who’s the champion? Magnum? Or did KKK retain? [B]D[/B] Final Grade: [B]D-[/B] Notes: ****! I thought this would be better…oh well; we’ll have to see what new tricks we have up our sleeves… [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] suffered a swollen calf muscle following his fall tonight. I can totally deal with that, it could have been a lot worse…
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[B]Dancin’ Rick[/B], [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B], [B]Old Man Rivers[/B], & [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] have come up for contract extensions…some will be back, others won’t… [B]Jim Knobb[/B], the road agent, has also come up for a new contract…He’ll command the third largest salary… Everyone was brought back, minus [B]Old Man Rivers[/B]. At 86, he didn't want to return for another go-around. [B]Lee Wright [/B]has been signed to a short term contract…He’s a tough as nails rookie brawler. He’s young, so my goal is that he can develop and contribute in the future. He has potential, but then again, so does Bulletproof, and look where he’s going… The American Independent show just had a C- ranked show. Their roster is almost as stacked as any actual company… And I’m not sure how this happened, but [B]Dan Stone[/B] is mighty pissed at [B]Magnum Johnson[/B]. Probably because Johnson thinks he’s the **** and wrestles the same way…but that’s just my speculation…
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Through the Wire[/COLOR] 4th Week, November, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Jack Vandal[/B] vs. [B]Warren Young [/B]in a barbed wire match The culmination of the Old School vs. New School rivalry will finally come to an end here when these two square off. This could very well mark the end of hardcore wrestling in Harlem as we know it. What’s the status of the HWA King of New York championship? Who hit the ground first? Was it [B]KKK[/B] or [B]Magnum Johnson[/B]? Will an answer be given? And just who is this mystery signing? His ring attire, basically sweatpants and a hoodie, have covered up his true identity. If the man is so important, why is he concealing his image? Does he have something to hide? What’s his agenda within the HWA? Why are there so many questions?[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Through the Wire[/COLOR] 4th Week, November, Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 36 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** ([B]Mr. G[/B] is shown backstage with a mic) [COLOR="red"]“So, the title situation is up in the air and Mr. G ain’t even mentioned? Well, I hope you all take notice of this. I’m gonna beat every single wrestler in this company. I don’t care who they are or how good they’re supposed to be.”[/COLOR] ([B]Eddie Vessey [/B]is seen trying to sneak behind in the background, but is spotted by Mr. G) [COLOR="red"]“I’m gonna start with his white ass!”[/COLOR] [B]F+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Mr. G[/B] defeated [B]Eddie Vessey [/B]via pinfall with the Brawler’s Delight. Notes: Mr. G is gonna kill some white kids… [B]E[/B] **Dark Promo** ([B]Silky Seymour[/B] is in the ring, being a *****) [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m sick and tired of being overlooked in this company. I’m one of the most popular wrestlers; my matches are innovative and are what the HWA was made for. So why ain’t this ***** gettin’ any love? Where’s the love? I’m a ****ing Pimp and there is simply no love.”[/COLOR] ([B]Lee Wright[/B] appears) [COLOR="red"]“Damn right you get no love. How the hell is someone supposed to take you seriously? You’re dressed like a pimp…not shut the hell up so I can kick your ass!”[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Lee Wright[/B] defeated [B]Silky Seymour[/B] via pinfall. Notes: The crowd hates Silky…and they hate him even more as a pimp… [B]E[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] ([B]KKK[/B], [B]Magnum Johnson[/B], and [B]myself[/B] are backstage while the ring is prepared for the barbed wire massacre) [COLOR="Red"]“So, obviously I’m still the champion. We both fell at the same time, so it’s a draw. The draw means I retain the title over this jungle bunny. He didn’t beat me, and he never will.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“That’s bull****! You as well as all the other pasty white yankee’s know this. You listen here…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Come on thick-lips, what ya gonna do about it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“I’m gonna whip your mutha****in’ ass…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Hey, hey, hey. Whoa. All right. I’ve had a month to think about this and there is only one solution: one final match where a winner must be decided. At [COLOR="Red"]HWA: Welcome to the Terrordome[/COLOR], the HWA will introduce a match that shares a name with the event hosting it, the Terrordome (Thunderdome for everyone else…). There’s only two ways to win inside this demonic steel structure, one is by referee stoppage, and the other is by ten count. This will solve this entire racial backlash between the two of you once and for all, well, that is if you survive to see the end…”[/COLOR] ([B]KKK [/B]and [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] stare each other down as the camera fades to black…) [B]D+[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for: [B]Warren Young[/B] vs. [B]Jack Vandal [/B]in a barbed wire match! Only one man can win this match, and the deciding fall has serious implications on it. If Vandal wins, hardcore wrestling is done for within the HWA. If Young wins, well, we don’t know yet, but Vandal probably gets fired. The ring ropes have been replaced with barbed wire, and the entrances are about to start. Jack Vandal makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos. The fans have respect for him, but they hate that he’s trying to change something that is completely theirs. It doesn’t seem to faze Vandal. He runs a finger along the wire. He’s fighting in a match that is entirely opposite of which he wants to accomplish. He seems relaxed…well, as relaxed as a man in a ring of barbed wire can look… Warren Young makes his entrance to the ring, alongside [B]Victor McMahon[/B]. We all have to wonder what type of impact McMahon will have, if any, on this match. The crowd erupts for the owner of the HWA. They are totally pulling for the former collegiate quarterback in this one. Young looks uneasy about the wire. You can tell he doesn’t like the idea of scarring his body… Vandal and Young start slowly, like an old school grappling fest. They’re trying to feel each other out…without feeling the wire. The old school technique is dominated by Vandal and Young doesn’t have a chance. Arm wrenches, head locks, and wrist locks are being thrown around like a beginner’s clinic. Young tries to fight out of the variety of holds but keeps getting met with resistance…namely a well-placed fist to the face or abdomen. McMahon tries to drum up support on the outside, but Vandal is far superior the wrestler and the fans know it. Vandal gets ****y and goes for an arm-wrench suplex, but Young nails him with a head butt while maintaining control of his arms. He sees an opening and takes it: he throws Vandal back first into the barbed wire and collapses to the ground. Vandal arches his back and screams in agony as the barbs tear flesh from his body. He escapes the wire and falls to the middle of the ring; both men are on the ground. Now the crowd gets into it. ‘Let’s go Warren!’ shakes the rafters. The noise makes it seem like there’s 3,000 people here, not 30. Vandal and Young reach their feet at the same time. They meet in the middle of the ring and trade blows again. The crowd is living and dying on each move. ‘Yay! Boo! Yay! Boo! Yay! Boo! Yay! Yay! Yay!’ Warren gains the upper hand and mounts his comeback; he takes a step back and goes for a clothesline against the stunned Vandal. At the moment of contact, Vandal slips down and hits a drop toe hold on Warren right into the wire. The crowd groans and grimaces at the sight. Young’s face has been cut up and he’s bleeding badly. Vandal starts kicking him over and over again, trying to put Young away. He raises Young up and sets him up for a suplex. Vandal starts to mouth off to the crowd: [COLOR="red"]“This is your hero? Your savior? Nobody can save you…”[/COLOR] Vandal attempts to lift Young, but its blocked. He tries again, its blocked. The crowd buzzes. Young counters the suplex and lifts him up. He takes a step and drops him stomach first on the wire. With Vandal lying prone on the top rope, Young goes to work on his head, kicking and punching, trying to gain retribution for his own gash. As he goes for another punch, Vandal grabs Young’s head and pulls it down across the top rope as Vandal falls to the outside. Young stumbles back, stunned, trying to catch his breath. Vandal hits the ring and gets a running start toward Young. Warren turns and is nailed with an Old School Lariat! That’s it, this one’s over! The crowd is in utter disbelief! Stripeshirt makes the count. 1……. 2……. No! Victor McMahon pulled Vandal out of the ring and off of Warren! Vandal looks at him and Victor backs away. He trips over the ring steps and is left at the mercy of Jack. Jack throws him into the guard rail at ringside and hits Victor with an Old School Lariat! Vandal climbs back into the ring, pointing to the example he made out of McMahon… But he forgot about the man in the ring he was fighting. Young catches him with a boot to the midsection and sets up for his trademark DDT…but stops. He points towards the wires and the crowd roars their approval. With a strong turn of the wrist, he whips Vandal towards the ropes…but Vandal catches on and reverses, sending Young the other way. Young hits the breaks and goes to whip him again. Vandal hits a stiff kick to the stomach. He kicks again…but Young catches him! He spins him around and sends him careening into the wire full speed. Young hits the wire so hard it snaps off the turnbuckles and he’s left a heap of blood and barbs on the floor. Young ascends the top rope and connects with the MVP Moonsault onto the floor! He rolls off, in obvious pain as that may have hurt him more than it did Vandal… What seems like minutes goes by before either men stir…Young is the first up…Vandal is caught in the web of wire and can’t seem to get out. Gus Stripeshirt gets the clippers and proceeds to try to free him. Young pushes Stripeshirt out of the way and picks up a ringside chair…. Vandal makes it to a knee before the first swing connects. The force knocks Young off his balance and sends Vandal back to the concrete. Vandal is moving again…although it might be him twitching…Young proceeds to swing over and over, hitting Vandal again and again with the chair. After at least ten swings, Young drops the chair. He falls to his knees and collapses on top of Jack… The referee counts… 1…….. 2…….. 3……! [B]Warren Young[/B] defeated [B]Jack Victory[/B] via pinfall at 15:17. Notes: The write-up made this match seem a whole hell of a lot better…I’m disappointed… [B]E+[/B] Final Grade: [B]D-[/B] Notes: Not the D I was hoping for, but I’ll take this. It bummed me that the Young-Vandal match sucked so hard…I had no idea how to end it either. There were going to run-ins and swerves and…well, yeah, it would have been different…It probably would have made Russo proud though…
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[B]Old Man Rivers[/B] has left the company. He didn’t want to renew his contract because at 86, the wrasslin’ business had passed him by. In an editor’s note, this is the first time Old Man Rivers hasn’t died on me. He’s never made it this far before… [B]Jim Knobb[/B] has been released due to the fact that he…well, he sucks… [B]Pablo Gutierrez[/B] has been signed as the new road agent…he’s expensive…but hopefully worth it… [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] has signed on with the [B]APWF[/B]…even though he and [B]Dan Stone[/B], the owner, hate each other. Some industry experts have pegged [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B] as the next break out star…. Breaking news, some industry experts found to be addicted to heroin…. You ****ing ****! Pablo Gutierrez has become the new head booker of the [B]AICW[/B]. Something will have to be done…
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Welcome to the Terrordome[/COLOR] 4th Week, December, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] vs. [B]KKK[/B] for the King of New York championship Well, this is it, the biggest match in the history of the HWA. Nothing more can be said about it. Two men fueled by hate and driven by gold…one will walk out a legend…the other…might not walk out at all… [B]Mr. G[/B] continues his reign of terror Who will be his next opponent/victim? [B]Jacques Strapp[/B] vs. [B]Super Secret Mystery Signing[/B] The Canadian mat specialist takes on the puzzling SSMS. The mysterious man is an enigma that the crowd has yet to figure out. Do they cheer him? Do they boo him? Who is he? Is it even a he? What’s the condition of [B]Warren Young[/B] and [B]Jack Vandal[/B]? After that barbaric barbed wire match, will they even show up?[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Welcome to the Terrordome[/COLOR] 4th Week, December, Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 37 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** ([B]Mr. G[/B] is shown backstage) [COLOR="red"]“So what insignificant scum will I devour this month? Who will feel the pain of a chicken eatin’ black man curb stomping their skull in? Let’s see…let’s see…"[/COLOR] (Mr. G scans around, looking for someone. He spots [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B], who just arrived) [COLOR="red"]“Him. That irrelevant **** is the next victim.”[/COLOR] (Mr. G launches an attack on Grandsbury. When finished, he leads him to the ring and beats on him some more) [B]F+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Mr. G[/B] defeated [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B]…easily. Notes: Omar sucks donkey testicles. Both were off their games…both need to freshen their characters…and the crowd loathes Omar… [B]E-[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Lee Wright[/B] defeated [B]Tron the Pusher[/B] by pulling the tights. Notes: Still a little early to see if Wright will amount to much… [B]E[/B] **Dark Promo** ([B]Victor McMahon[/B] makes his way to the ring with a mic) [COLOR="blue"]“Mr. Jack Vandal, will you please come to the ring.”[/COLOR] ([B]Vandal[/B] appears on stage, heavily bandaged and walking with a limp) [COLOR="blue"]“After last month’s hellacious barbed wire massacre, my client, Mr. Young, has decided that the best thing to do is not to fire you…but to put you on extended leave while your injuries heal. He has plans of grandeur Mr. Vandal, and he doesn’t want you not able to work, this is a business. And with that, he wants you to get the hell out of this arena. Guards!”[/COLOR] (With that, several security guards (actually, just dressed wrestlers…we are poor you know…) subdue Vandal and take him backstage and out of the Weston Gymnasium) [B]D-[/B] **Intermission** The first match of the night is up next, it’s the Canadian mat specialist [B]Jacques Strapp[/B] vs. [B]SSMS[/B]! [B]SSMS [/B]defeated [B]Jacques Strapp[/B] by pinfall. Notes: Didn’t suck…but didn’t set the world on fire either…Maybe this was a bad idea… [B]E+[/B] (Up next is the Terrordome match between [B]KKK[/B] & [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]for the King of New York championship) ([B]KKK[/B] makes his way to the ring, making sure to take in the entire sight of the steel structure that surrounds him. He grabs a mic and proceeds to go on a rant) [COLOR="red"]“I don’t understand it. Magnum, you have yet to beat me. The only time you came close, the only time, was by disqualification. Why are you getting another match? Why not the likes of Jack Vandal? Or Lefty Jenson? Or Disco Stu? All of them are more than capable challengers. Instead, we have to make room for the darkies, the sooties, the spades…”[/COLOR] ([B]Magnum Johnson[/B] appears on stage to much fanfare) [COLOR="Blue"]“Bitch, are you fo’ real? Spades? Listen here knucka, I ain’t no playin’ card. I don’t get played. You think your bad, talking about the white class, well you ain’t, and I’m gonna shove that title up your cracka ass!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“You think your funny with your rhymes don’t ya? Well, I’ll give it to you some way you can understand. Last night, I had a dream, a glorious dream. One where you people were walking about, calling me Mistah and sowing my field. You didn’t bitch, you didn’t moan, you did the work. And if you complained, clack clack mutha****a! You know that sound, don’t ya tar baby? We live in Harlem, you can’t escape that…”[/COLOR] ([B]Johnson[/B] makes a beeline for the ring and tackles [B]KKK[/B]. The match is on!) [B]D+[/B] [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]defeated [B]KKK[/B] when Kyle couldn’t make the ten count. Magnum Johnson is the new King of New York. This is his first reign with the title. Notes: And the wait is over, Johnson finally wins the big one. Not the best match between these two, but oh well. You have to remember there was no chemistry between the two of them. It’s time to move on to bigger and better things… [B]D-[/B] Final Grade: [B]D-[/B] Notes: Not bad, I’ll take it…now it’s time to concoct some new feuds for the new year…And I tried for images, I really did...but my laptop blows hard so they didn't happen this show. Maybe in the future...not the near future, but the future...
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Heh. Fantastic stuff as always. You need to give Lee Wright some moniker. Extreme or Most or Tremendous. Hell change it up for every show if you want. Graphics in 1975? Bah! You needs to silkscreening and mimiographing sez I! I'm guessing KKK is off to some other promotions sometime soon. Looking foward to the next concoction of Harlem Craptacularity!
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[B]Silky Seymour[/B] and [B]Jacques Strapp[/B] have followed [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] over to [B]APWF[/B]. [B]KKK[/B] has evolved from a psychopath to an entertainer. You can tell he’s looking for greener pastures. We are in the process of making the two biggest acquisitions’ in [B]HWA[/B] history…this could be huge…Stay tuned for more…
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: 187[/COLOR] 4th Week, January, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]vs. [B]Disco Stu[/B] Magnum makes his first defense of the King of New York championship against Disco Stu. The question is how much of a toll did the Terrordome match take on Johnson? Will he be able to make it through the night? Or will a Disco reign come sweep the HWA? [B]Mr. G’s[/B] reign of dominance continues… Who will his next victim be? He’s running through the lower card like 3D through the X-Division… [B]KKK[/B] makes his return… Will he be in active competition? How does he feel about losing the race wars? How about the loss of his title? Will he seek revenge? [B]Warren Young[/B] vs. [B]Lee Wright[/B] Warren is ready to get back into the ring after his devastating barbed wire match two months ago. Will he show any rust? Should he have picked a better opponent than the hot rookie Wright? Does Jack Vandal make an appearance or is he still on forced 'leave'? All this and more at [COLOR="red"]HWA: 187[/COLOR]![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: 187[/COLOR] 4th Week, January, Friday, 1976 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 37 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] missed the show…Yea, our champion missed the show…This is bad…I had so much planned… **Dark Promo** ([B]Mr. G [/B]is shown backstage) [COLOR="red"]“**** this, you know the drill. I need some mutha****in’ respect!”[/COLOR] (He spots [B]Glenn Head [/B]and proceeds to beat the white out of him.) [B]F+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Mr. G[/B] defeated [B]Glenn Head[/B] Notes: Well, Head didn’t stand much of a chance, now did he? But they do have pretty good chemistry…might have to come back to that… [B]E+[/B] **Dark Promo** [B]Mr. G[/B] forces the ref to keep his arm raised, to show how dominate he is… [B]E-[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Action Jackson[/B] drew with [B]Disco Stu [/B]after the time limit expired. Notes: I can’t believe Johnson…Out of all the shows, this was one he couldn’t miss…this delays so much… [B]E[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] [B]Warren Young[/B] takes on [B]Lee Wright [/B]to start the actual [COLOR="red"]HWA: 187 [/COLOR]show! [B]Lee Wright [/B]defeated [B]Warren Young [/B]using the ropes for leverage. Notes: They don’t click…that sucks…oh well, neither did Johnson & KKK [B]E[/B] ([B]KKK[/B] is in the ring and is set to cut a promo) [COLOR="red"]“So I lost to the ****in’ jungle monkey. Once, that’s it. I lost once. But don’t worry I’ll get mine, I’ll be back on top before it’s all over. There’s no person in this company better than me. I can out-talk, out-brawl, out-fight, out-wrestle, out-last, and out-draw anybody. If you think you have what it takes, then come on. I’ll show you why I was the longest running HWA champion in history!”[/COLOR] ([B]I[/B] stand up from my announcing booth, aka cardboard lemonade stand, with a mic in my hand) [COLOR="Green"]“KKK, you want to fight? You really think you can out-wrestle anybody? Well, I have somebody for you; somebody that I know that takes your claims personal. Let me introduce you to him…” [/COLOR] (New music begins to blare from the sound stage aka boom box. It’s not that of a regular and the crowd doesn’t know what to make of it…The man emerges from the back and stands on the stage. It’s the [B]Super Secret Mystery Signing[/B]! He’s still got his face covered in his hoodie though…) [COLOR="green"]“This man is known the world over and is one of the most decorated wrestlers to ever step into a ring. At the last Olympic games, he won gold in the heavyweight division for wrestling.”[/COLOR] ([B]SSMS[/B] lowers his hood to reveal his face) [COLOR="green"]“Ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you your American hero, Gregory Watson!”[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [B]Gregory Watson[/B] defeated [B]KKK [/B]via chokehold. Notes: Don’t worry, I’ll explain who G.W. is. But this has potential…very good potential… [B]D-[/B] Final Grade: [B]D-[/B] Notes: This would have been my D+ show had Magnum shown up…I’m so mad at him… Ok, so Gregory Watson is a generated worker who is a former Olympic wrestler, according to his bio. My goal is that he can fill that legit wrestler quota we have. Seeing how it goes with him, I’m interested in seeing if ‘real’ wrestling has a place in HWA and to see if it can be integrated in. He is at D popularity in the States, which is better than anyone on my roster, and is very good in the ring. He’s gone under the SSMS moniker because I had absolutely no idea what to do with him until now. He’s been in the odd match here and there just to boost his momentum…and no, he’s not our big signing…
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Not a good time for us…Mass contract renewals, including [B]KKK[/B] and [B]Magnum Johnson[/B]… [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B] & [B]The Rainbow Warrior[/B] were involved in a little backstage scuffle. Well, they have to keep their names in the news somehow…and they sure as hell aren’t going to do that wrestling… [B]KKK[/B] is now the second highest paid member of the roster, behind [B]Warren Young[/B]…This might be the last time we see KKK because his next extension will be ridiculous… [B]Victor McMahon[/B] & [B]Glenn Head [/B]resigned for a cheap price…and don’t tell anyone, but Glenn is getting popular in the Tri-State for some reason…
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Battle Cry[/COLOR] 4th Week, February, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] vs. [B]Disco Stu[/B] Yes, it will happen this time… [B]Mr. G[/B] & [B]Bulletproof[/B] vs. [B]Eddie Vessey[/B] & [B]Glenn Head[/B] Mr. G has been thoroughly dominating his opponents and these two have asked for a rematch against him. They said he could pick any partner he wanted, he picked Bulletproof. Head & Vessey asked if he was high or just plain retarded. I assured them, Mr. G was not high… [B]Lee Wright[/B] & [B]KKK[/B] vs. [B]Warren Young[/B] & [B]Gregory Watson[/B] Two new feuds collide in tag team action! Yea, that’s all the byline you’re going to get… [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Battle Cry[/COLOR] 4th Week, February, Friday, 1976 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 53 people (It’s a new world record!) All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** (Silky Seymour is shown backstage with a mic) [COLOR="Blue"]“**** Mr. G. You straight up frontin’ dawg. You dissin’ all my brothas. ****, fight me if you wanna get dat respect.”[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Mr. G[/B] & [B]Bulletproof [/B]defeated [B]Eddie Vessey[/B] & [B]Glenn Head [/B]when Mr. G pinned Vessey. Notes: Considering who was in it, this could have been a lot worse… [B]E-[/B] **Dark Promo** [COLOR="red"]“You’re kidding me, right Silky? I take bigger ****s than you. It’s on brother. Next month, you vs. me at HWA: Children’s Story!”[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] ([B]Victor McMahon [/B]is seen backstage with a microphone on behalf of [B]Warren Young[/B] & [B]Gregory Watson[/B]) [COLOR="Green"]“KKK, Lee Wright, you two have messed with the wrong people. These two men are the two most athletic and accomplished individuals to ever grace a wrestling ring. Young is a former quarterback while Watson is an accomplished Olympic wrestler. I don’t know what provoked you to want this match, I really have no idea, but you better be prepared…”[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [B]Gregory Watson[/B] & [B]Warren Young [/B]defeated [B]KKK[/B] & [B]Lee Wright[/B] when Watson made Wright tap out to a chokehold. Notes: Really, an E+? That’s the best they can do? I’m disappointed… [B]E+[/B] [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] makes his way to the ring to make his first defense of the King of New York championship. What would normally be a tune-up match will be that much difficult due to the injuries, and now ring rust, that Magnum sustained from December’s [COLOR="Red"]HWA: Welcome to the Terrordome[/COLOR]. Will tonight witness the dawn of a new era? A disco era? [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] defeated [B]Disco Stu [/B]via pinfall to make defense number one of the King of New York Championship. Notes: I love great chemistry… [B]D[/B] [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] ascends the turnbuckle and parades with the title, celebrating with the fans. He makes his way around the outside of the ring, high-fiving those closest to the guard rail, showing himself to be a true people’s champion. The last fan, one draped in a pull-over hoodie, grabs Johnson’s hand and seems to tell him something. Johnson is taken aback and seems perplexed. The hooded man pulls him close and headbutts him! He jumps the rail and proceeds to attack the champ! He picks up a chair and nails Johnson over the back and head with it. [COLOR="Green"]“Who is this man? Why is he doing this? I can’t see…he’s removing the hood… Oh… My… God… It’s Charlie Homicide! Charlie Homicide is here! And he just laid waste to the champ! I can’t believe it; Charlie Homicide is in the building…”[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] Final Grade: [B]D-[/B] Notes: Wow…the Charlie Homicide thing bombed…I thought that would go so much better…oh well, they’re going to have to deal with it…and oh yea, new attendance record!! We are also now a small sized promotion. We’re still bleeding money like a girl when it’s that time of the month, but oh well, we’re gaining size. Our prestige shot to 15.5% and we’re at 11.1% popularity in the Tri-State. On a sadder note, apparently Disco Stu vs. Magnum Johnson is the best match we’ve ever had…I’m saddened…
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So, [B]Tron the Pusher[/B] and [B]Victor McMahon [/B]are now friends. Let’s just say that this won’t help Tron’s career… [B]GCG[/B] offered [B]Charlie Homicide [/B]a touring contract…well, I won’t see him for another year…there goes that storyline… We made another big signing. You will know soon enough who he is… [B]AICW[/B] have made an offer to [B]Magnum Johnson[/B]. That’s it bigger companies, just rape and pillage me, I don’t care anymore… [B]Old Man Rivers [/B]is still alive…don’t ask me how… WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] turned down [B]GCG[/B]. I won’t ask why and I really don’t care!!!!!!!!! [B]TWL[/B] have made an offer to [B]Magnum Johnson[/B]…man, he’s in demand recently… Someone reported that I’m very keen to make [B]Omar Grandsbury [/B]the focal point of [B]HWA[/B]. If I’m hemorrhaging money with [B]KKK[/B] & [B]Johnson[/B], I’ll drop dead with [B]Grandsbury[/B] at the front… [B]dse81[/B]=awesome...I doubt I'd win best new diary, but at least some one thinks I'm doing a good job...
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Children’s Story[/COLOR] 4th Week, March, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Mr. G [/B]vs. [B]Silky Seymour[/B] Silky handed out this challenge to the most unstoppable man in the HWA. Will Silky have what it takes to put Mr. G away? Or will Seymour become just another victim? What role will Tron the Pusher play in this match? [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] vs. [B]???[/B] Charlie Homicide made his surprise debut last month, attacking Magnum Johnson. What are his intentions here? Will Magnum Johnson seek retribution? Who is he facing? [B]Gregory Watson[/B] vs. [B]Dancin’ Rick[/B] Why? Because Olympians hate disco, that’s why. It's our 1 year anniversary show!!! aka, nothing special planned...[/CENTER]
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Hellz yes this thread is funny and entertaining. It's the little details like: "I stand up from my announcing booth, aka cardboard lemonade stand, with a mic in my hand" or "Omar Grandsbury & The Rainbow Warrior were involved in a little backstage scuffle. Well, they have to keep their names in the news somehow…and they sure as hell aren’t going to do that wrestling…" Good stuff man. I wear a HWA t-shirt with pride.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Children’s Story[/COLOR] 4th Week, February, Friday, 1976 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 106 people (It’s a new world record!) All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** ([B]Silky Seymour [/B]makes his way to the ring. He looks confidant, he might be the man that knocks off [B]Mr. G[/B] and hands him his first loss.) ([B]Mr. G[/B] appears from the back and jumps [B]Silky[/B]. He ends up powerbombing Seymour on the stage then throws his lifeless body in the ring. He intimidates the ref into ringing the bell. [B]Tron the Pusher [/B]comes out to make the save of his fallen partner, but he too falls to a powerbomb. After a few minutes of showboating, [B]Mr. G[/B] decides to end it.) [B]E-[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Mr. G[/B] defeated [B]Silky Seymour [/B]via ass whoppin’. Notes: It was what it was… [B]E[/B] **Dark Promo** ([B]Warren Young[/B] stands in the ring with a mic.) [COLOR="Blue"]“Jack Vandal, I have more respect for you than I do for anyone else, even my own mother. You stood up for what you believed in, you fought for what you thought was right, and after giving it some time to sink in, I think you were right. Hardcore wrestling will not propel us to the next level. That’s not to say that we will rid ourselves of hardcore wrestling, actually far from it. But you have shown me something; you have taught me that ‘Old School’ and ‘New School’ can coexist and for that, I’m rewarding you. For that, I’ve hired someone just for you. I want the two of you to prove yourself right. I want the two of you to carry the tradition on your backs. So next month, at HWA: Deep Cover, a preview match will take place between the two of you and it will be a precursor to a best of seven series. It will be ‘Old School’ versus ‘New School’. You’ve earned it Jack…”[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] (The real show kicks off with [B]Warren Young [/B]and [B]Disco Stu [/B]ready for the opening match.) [B]Disco Stu[/B] defeated [B]Warren Young [/B]thanks to interference by [B]Dancin’ Rick[/B]. Notes: Wow…this sucked… [B]E-[/B] [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] makes his debut, next! [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] defeated [B]Jacques Strapp[/B] via submission. Notes: Homicide killed Strapp…not literally, but it was bad… [B]E[/B] [B]Gregory Watson[/B] defeated [B]Dancin’ Rick[/B] via rear chokehold. Notes: And this sucked too… [B]E+[/B] (After the match, [B]KKK[/B] hit the ring and jumped [B]Watson [/B]from behind. He hit the Olympian with a chair and proceeded to show [B]Watson [/B]what it meant to be hardcore…) [B]E[/B] Final Grade: [B]E+[/B] Not a good show…not a good show at all…
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[B]Eddie Vessey[/B] re-signed with the company. [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] extended his contract with the [B]SWF[/B]. [B]Jacques Strapp[/B] has re-signed as well. [B]The Rainbow Warrior[/B] is pissed that I haven’t used him in six months…I can’t help it. He sucks so bad…and I’m talking about in the ring, not the other thing that he does… [B]Jack Vandal[/B] vs. [B]???[/B] is [B]HWA’s[/B] most anticipated match ever…I’m giddy about seeing the result…I pray for great chemistry… And I thank you all for the support and nominations, because of you, we have people fooled that the [B]HWA[/B] [I]can[/I] succeed...
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Deep Cover[/COLOR] 4th Week, April, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Jack Vandal[/B] vs. [B]???[/B] Warren Young promised a match-up of ‘Old-School’ vs. ‘New School’, but no one’s quite sure who Vandal’s facing. So far we have no idea, but the crowd is buzzing over this match and it’s the most anticipated match in HWA history! [B]Mr. G[/B] vs. [B]Tron the Pusher[/B] Mr. G wants revenge on the man who tried (unsuccessfully) to interfere in his last match. Does Tron have what it takes to win? Will Silky try to help his partner? [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] vs. [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] When will we hear what Homicide has to say? There has to be a reason he picked on Magnum in the first place… [B]Warren Young[/B] vs. [B]Dancin’ Rick[/B] After last week’s loss due to Rick’s interference, Warren looks for revenge against the youngster. What will Disco Stu do about this?[/CENTER]
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