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Harlem Wrestling Alliance: Yes, it's as bad as it seems...

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Jack Vandal vs. [B]???[/B] - I never bet against ??? I've been burned too many times! [B]Mr. G[/B] vs. Tron the Pusher - Mr. G is one bad mutha... [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] vs. Lefty Jenson - one guy is known for his left hand, the other for killing people. I'll go with the guy who won't tell people why he's trying to kill them. [B]Warren Young[/B] vs. Dancin’ Rick - Because he OWNS the company. And because Warren Young reminds me of Warren Moon if he'd never headed to Canada.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Deep Cover[/COLOR] 4th Week, April, Friday, 1976 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 98 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** (Spare you the details, [B]Mr. G[/B] beats up [B]Tron the Pusher[/B]) [B]F+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Mr. G [/B]defeated [B]Tron the Pusher[/B], handily. Notes: Tron just flat out blows…why does he still have a job? [B]E[/B] **Dark Promo** ([B]Mr. G[/B] celebrates in the ring. Why? Because he’s Mr. F’n G, that’s why…) [B]F+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Warren Young[/B] defeated [B]Dancin’ Rick[/B], despite interference from [B]Disco Stu[/B]. Notes: Should have been better, oh well… [B]E-[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] dominates [B]Lefty Jenson[/B]. Notes: Charlie is just showing his force… [B]E-[/B] ([B]Homicide[/B] grabs a mic) [COLOR="red"]“I am not your executioner. I am not your devil and I am certainly not your God. I am Charlie Homicide. I can't judge any of you. I have no malice against you and no ribbons for you. But I think that it is high time that you all start looking at yourselves, and judging the lie that you live in.”[/COLOR] (With that, he throws down the mic and leaves…) [B]D[/B] [B]Jack Vandal [/B]makes his way to the ring, ready to begin the battle of ‘Old School’ vs. ‘New School’. We still don’t know who he is facing… (Music hits…A young sculpted man emerges from the back) [COLOR="Green"]“Oh my god people, it’s [B]Jason Jackson[/B]! Jason Jackson is the mystery opponent! It all makes sense now…his dad, Edmond Jackson, goes by the name ‘Old School’ and Jason goes by ‘New School’. It all makes sense now; I can’t wait to see these two tangle.”[/COLOR] [B]Jason Jackson[/B] defeated [B]Jack Vandal [/B]via submission with the Eagle Claw. Notes: I like this…it has vast potential… [B]D-[/B] Final Grade: [B]E+[/B] Notes: I was hoping for better, but I’m really excited about the possibilities of this Vandal/Jackson thing… Not much of a write up...why? Survey Says: Lazy...
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[B]Magnum Johnson[/B] boasted that he is single handily carrying [B]HWA [/B]and that without him, there would be no promotion. Well, he makes a valid point, but we can survive without him…I think the few stars we’ve brought in recently attest to that… [B]Mr. G [/B]and [B]Action Jackson [/B]re-upped with us. They didn’t really have much choice; where else would they go? [B]KKK [/B]resigned with [B]AICW[/B]…it’s a slow news month And I assure you, there will be no more piss-poor write-ups, a la the [COLOR="Red"]Deep Cover[/COLOR] show because I am now...caught up with my work! Hoorah!
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Fight the Power[/COLOR] 4th Week, May, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] vs. [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] What does the maniacal man known as Charlie Homicide have in store for the King of New York? [B]Mr. G [/B]vs. [B]???[/B] Does Mr. G’s reign of dominance continue? Who will be his next victim? There aren’t many more wrestlers left in the HWA… [B]KKK[/B] vs. [B]Action Jackson[/B] Action Jackson makes his long awaited return to the ring, this time to fight his partner’s old nemesis, KKK. Will KKK continue his racist mind games on the young Jackson or will Action stand and deliver against his old foe? What role will Gregory Watson play in this match? He has to be upset over the outcome of last month’s event…[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="red"]HWA: Fight the Power[/COLOR] 4th Week, May, Friday, 1976 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 100 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** ([B]Mr. G[/B] is shown parading around the ring with mic in hand) [COLOR="red"]“Isn’t there anyone out there that can stop the pure supremacy known as Mr. G?”[/COLOR] ([B]Omar Grandsbury[/B] makes his way to the ring) [COLOR="red"]“ha..ha…AHAHAHAHA! Wait, stop..stop..stop. You’re kidding me right? Who am I really facing?”[/COLOR] ([B]Omar [/B]snatches the mic away from [B]Mr. G[/B]) [COLOR="blue"]“You’re…"[/COLOR] ([B]Mr. G [/B]jumps [B]Grandsbury[/B] and beats him to a pulp. Once the beating is finished, he regains control of the mic) [COLOR="Red"]“Who the **** do you think you are? Ain’t nobody gonna touch my mic! Now ring the damn bell ref!”[/COLOR] [B]D- [/B]for the promo [B]F+[/B] for the beatdown **Dark Match** With the bell rung, Mr. G looked down on his fallen opponent and thought about flat-out pinning him. Changing his mind, Mr. G lifted Omar off the canvas for his patented Brawler’s Delight finisher, beating Omar in less than forty seconds. [B]Mr. G [/B]defeated [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B] in the shortest match in HWA history; be proud Omar, the revolution wasn't televised... Notes: That crowd hates Omar… [B]E[/B] **Dark Promo** ([B]Jack Vandal[/B] & [B]Jason Jackson[/B] bump into one another backstage) [COLOR="red"]“Look you little punk, you got lucky last month. It’s not easy to just show up and not know who you’re wrestling. You knew months ahead of time. You’re lucky; it’s not gonna be that easy next month. I’m gonna put your second generation ass in its place!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You know Vandal, there’s a reason why they call you ‘Old School’, it’s because you’re obsolete. You can’t keep up with the likes of me. This series will be over in four straight matches. You don’t stand a chance and deep down Jack, you know this…”[/COLOR] [B]D+[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] The actual show begins with KKK squaring off against Action Jackson while Gregory Watson scouted the match from ringside. That fact made KKK a little uneasy and he was always looking over his shoulder, making sure to keep his eye on the Olympian. Action and KKK knew each other well from last year’s feud of the year (who are we kidding, the only feud of the year…) between KKK and Magnum Johnson. The much younger and much quicker Jackson was able to use his abilities to out-wrestle KKK, but this is the HWA, wrestling doesn’t win matches. KKK’s brawling and experience began to play a vital part in the outcome of the match. Jackson thought he had it won with a hurricanrana off the top rope, but KKK reversed it into a pinning predicament and used the ropes to secure the win. [B]KKK[/B] defeated [B]Action Jackson [/B]while using the ropes for leverage. [B]Gregory Watson[/B] was at ringside scouting the match. Notes: They don’t click…at all. This is a major disappointment… [B]E+[/B] ([B]Charlie Homicide[/B] is in the ring with a mic) [COLOR="Red"]“You people look at me with disgust, with fear…I can't dislike you, but I will say this to you: you haven't got long before you are all going to kill yourselves, because you are all crazy. And you can project it back at me ... but I am only what lives inside each and every one of you. Remember that folks, remember that…”[/COLOR] ([B]Magnum Johnson [/B]makes his way to the ring and it invokes a stare-down between the two) [B]D[/B] This was a total mismatch of styles. Magnum was used to being an entertainer, one that feeds off the crowd. Homicide was a psychopath, violent in every letter of the word. Johnson was never in control and only survived due to Homicide ignoring the referee. I’d like to say Magnum walked out of here, ready to fight another day…but it was more like the limp of a three legged dog… [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] defeated [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] by ref stoppage; Magnum retains the King of New York championship. Notes: I like this; I now have a couple of feuds that have vast potential… [B]D-[/B] Final Grade: [B]D-[/B] Notes: Hey, it could have been a lot worse… The HWA is bleeding money. It’s bad…we might have to start making some drastic changes…I hope not, I’m finally getting in the grove of things here…
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During a match with [B]Flyin’ Ryan O’ Brien [/B]of the [B]SWF[/B], [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] suffered a Churchillian Neck-Nerve injury. No time table has been set to when he’ll be back to 100%. He has been quoted as saying that he will work through the pain, but some, mostly the [B]HWA[/B], are said to be very cautious about how they deal with this situation. PS-nothing else happened
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Hold Down the Block[/COLOR] 4th Week, June, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Jason Jackson[/B] vs. [B]Jack Vandal [/B][Match 1 of 7] With Jackson getting the early momentum, Vandal has some ground to make up quickly. Will ‘Old School’ be able to hang around with Jackson, or is ‘New School’ in session? [B]Charlie Homicide [/B]vs. [B]Action Jackson[/B] Homicide technically won his match against Johnson, but he did not walk out with the gold. Will he take out his frustrations on A.J? What will ole Charlie have to say that will both bewilder and horrify those in attendance? [B]Lee Wright [/B]vs. [B]Mr. G[/B] Wright has called out Mr. G and says that he is the one that will end his winning streak. Mr. G isn’t backing down and is prepared to take on the rookie in what will be the show’s opening bout.[/CENTER]
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Well, let's see how badly I can mess this up.... [QUOTE=km007;325012][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Hold Down the Block[/COLOR] 4th Week, June, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Jason Jackson[/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack Vandal [/COLOR][/B][Match 1 of 7] [B][COLOR="blue"]Charlie Homicide [/COLOR][/B]vs. [B]Action Jackson[/B] [B]Lee Wright [/B]vs. [B][COLOR="blue"]Mr. G[/COLOR][/B] [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Hold Down the Block[/COLOR] 4th Week, June, Friday, 1976 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 127 people (New Record!) All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** (Good old fashioned hype transparency between [B]Lee Wright[/B] & [B]Mr. G[/B]) [B]F+[/B] **Dark Promo** ([B]Lee Wright[/B] makes his way to the ring) ([B]Mr. G [/B]jumps him from behind) (That is all) [B]E-[/B] **Dark Match** Despite the pre-match beatdown by Mr. G, Lee Wright proved to be the biggest obstacle so far. He refused to stay down for the three count and had several near falls himself on Mr. G. At the end, the tide seemed to turn toward Wright when Mr. G started to show signs of fatigue. Wright decided to debut a new backdrop driver, but it wasn’t a good idea against the veteran. Mr. G reversed it into a stump piledriver, then pulled the tights to secure a victory. [B]Mr. G[/B] defeated [B]Lee Wright[/B] by using the tights for leverage. Notes: Mr. G was off his game and was tired…way to go Mr. G. I give you a worthy opponent and you **** it up… [B]E[/B] **Dark Promo** ([B]Charlie Homicide [/B]is backstage, swaying in a rocking chair…where the **** did he get a rocking chair? We can’t even afford video tape and he has a rocking chair. Hell, I stand at my lemonade stand when I announce, I should have that chair…) [COLOR="red"]“Ego is the man, the male image. Ego is the phallic symbol, the helmet, the gun. The man behind the gun, the mind behind the man behind the gun. My philosophy is that ego is the thinking mind. The mind you scheme with, make war with. They shoved all the love in the back, hid it away. Ego is like, "I'm going to war with my ego stick.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“This guy creeps the **** out of me…”[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] The real show started off with the anticipated Homicide vs. Jackson match-up. Many figured that Jackson would be able to give a challenge to the sadistic man, but they were wrong. Homicide’s eerie promo’s and peculiar demeanor were too much to overcome. Jackson seemed unsure of himself and never really wanted to get to close to ole Charlie. When Jackson finally did decide to grapple, the paranoia set in and Homicide simply overwhelmed him and finished him off with his Homicidal Tendency submission. Jackson submitted quickly, but Charlie refused to relinquish the hold, sending a clear message to Jackson’s mentor, Magnum Johnson. [B]Charlie Homicide [/B]defeated a shook [B]Action Jackson [/B]via submission. Notes: Charlie Homicide is becoming my man crush. If he can keep putting on D-‘s, I’ll pay him whatever he wants… [B]D-[/B] [B]Jack Vandal[/B] vs. [B]Jason Jackson[/B] in the first match of their best of seven series is up next. ([B]Jack Vandal [/B]makes his way to the ring and procures a mic) [COLOR="Red"]“Jason, I respect you. You wrestle the way God intended, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to wipe the ring with your ass. Tonight is match one, you ready? Cause I sure as hell am.”[/COLOR] (With that, [B]Jason Jackson [/B]makes his way to the ring) [B]E-[/B] The match was like watching an old school clinic. There were wrist locks and head locks and arm bars and plenty of rest holds. Vandal seemed to underestimate the 2nd generation superstar and it nearly cost him several times. While Vandal remained in control, he couldn’t seem to put Jackson away for the pinfall or submission. Frustration finally caught up to Vandal, and he decided to take matters into his own hands. He grabbed the only chair at ringside and bashed Jackson with it when the referee was turned. Vandal reentered the ring and delivered a vicious lariat to the already dazed Jackson. After that, the pinfall was academic. [B]Jack Vandal[/B] defeated [B]Jason Jackson [/B]after using a chair to weaken Jackson. Vandal wins match number one in the best of seven series. Notes: With the tainted finish, I can deal with that. [B]E+[/B] Final Grade: [B]E+[/B] Notes: Awww…There goes my streak of D- shows. Oh well, as soon as I saw that main event, I kind of figured.
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The [B]HWA[/B] has come to terms on contract extensions with the following: [B]Dancin’ Rick[/B], [B]Lefty Jenson[/B], and [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B]. Yes, Omar’s still on the roster… [B]Lee Wright[/B] will not be back…talented workers are expensive. And basically, all of the biggest stars in America are unemployed. They have become too popular. No company has the prestige or status to give these guys a job. [B]Buck Winslow[/B], [B]Antonio Moretti[/B], [B]Austin McCoy[/B], [B]Farmer Fran[/B], [B]Hanshiro Furusawa[/B], [B]Mike Kinsey[/B], [B]Jackson Andrews[/B], [B]Robbie Gordon[/B], [B]Tyson Lang[/B], and [B]The Boston Bomber[/B] are just a few who are ‘too big’ for any company out there. [B]Jack Vandal[/B] apparently likes to work against guys smaller than him…There’s only so many times you can beat up [B]Silky Seymour[/B] before it gets boring…aw, who am I kidding? It never gets boring…
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: New York State of Mind[/COLOR] 4th Week, July, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] & [B]KKK [/B]vs. [B]Gregory Watson [/B]& [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] Because quality matches are hard to come by… [B]Warren Young [/B]vs. [B]The Rainbow Warrior[/B] As evidenced here… [B]Silky Seymour[/B] vs. [B]Disco Stu[/B] And here… [B]Mr. G[/B] vs. [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] And most certainly here…[/CENTER]
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[B]Charlie Homicide & KKK[/B] vs. Gregory Watson & Magnum Johnson - Momentum for Homicide, with his godsend D- matches lol [B]Warren Young[/B] vs. The Rainbow Warrior - While the Rainbow Warrior screams quality, I think this'll be an upset ;) Silky Seymour vs. [B]Disco Stu[/B] - Bulletproof + Silky Seymour = Global. End of. :p [B]Mr. G[/B] vs. Lefty Jenson - This white boy don't stand no chance.
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[CENTER][COLOR="red"]HWA: New York State of Mind[/COLOR] 4th Week, July, Friday, 1976 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 99 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** ([B]Lefty Jenson [/B]is making his way to the ring to warm-up the crowd) ([B]Mr. G[/B] appears) ([B]Lefty [/B]wishes he wasn’t on the way to the ring anymore) [B]F+[/B] **Dark Match** The match started with Lefty being thrown into the ring after his beatdown. He managed some good offense, even got a pin attempt, but Mr. G cemented his position as the only undefeated man in the industry. He finished toying around with Lefty and finished him with a Brawler’s Delight. [B]Mr. G [/B]defeated [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] via ass whuppin’. Notes: If I were to call Lefty Jenson a project, it would be a slap in the face to the lower East side… [B]E[/B] **Dark Promo** (Highlights of [B]Mr. G’s[/B] reign of dominance is relived via Polaroid pictures passed around throughout the audience) [COLOR="Green"]“I hope we get those back…we’ll need them again…”[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] **Dark Match** The owner of the promotion and the gayest man to ever enter a wrestling ring squared off in what was nothing more than a glorified squash. It was more fabulous than glorified I guess… [B]Warren Young[/B] punished [B]The Rainbow Warrior[/B]…in a non-gay way. Notes: Wow, that sucked…(insert Rainbow Warrior gay joke here) [B]F+[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] Silky Seymour & Disco Stu make their way to the ring for the opening contest. Both men matched up well and were part of more established tag teams. Since there is no tag title, they’re trying to make a mark as single wrestlers. Disco has already put on a pair of * ½ star classics with Magnum Johnson while Silky, umm, hasn’t. The match itself was uneventful and seemed to lack any sense of flow. Disco Stu held the advantage for almost the entire match, minus a short minute where Silky seemed possessed by a better wrestler. But even the ghost of Frank Gotch himself wouldn’t have saved Silky, and he eventually was felled by the heel tendencies of the veteran Disco Stu. [B]Disco Stu [/B]defeated [B]Silky Seymour [/B]with a use of the ropes while making the pin. Notes: Disco is better than Pimpin’ apparently… [B]E-[/B] ([B]KKK[/B] and [B]Charlie Homicide [/B]are shown backstage) ([B]KKK [/B]begins to talk) [COLOR="Red"]“Magnum Johnson, you already know how I feel about you, you ****in’ burnt cracker. I don’t need to belittle you anymore boy, your race does it for me. But Gregory Watson, you have infiltrated my place of work. You have become an intruder to a place that you’re not welcome. And to make matters worse, you ‘win’ your matches with that rear-choke hold, which according to the New York and New Jersey Athletic Commission, is illegal. Now, I’m not one to nit-pick, but be a real man. Pin me, 1…2…3…There’s a reason why you haven’t, it’s because you can’t. This isn’t Munich or Mexico City, this is Harlem, this is where the real medals are won.”[/COLOR] ([B]Homicide [/B]looks into the camera) [COLOR="red"]“We’re not in Wonderland anymore Alice…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Charlie Homicide freaks me out…I won’t even lie…”[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] The match was a disaster from the get go. The ref never gained control once the bell rung and it seemed to be more of a tornado match then anything. Weapons and illegal holds were used left and right. Watson and KKK paired off while Homicide cemented his status as a title threat with his beatdown on Magnum. Maybe it was Johnson’s injury, but Homicide was in complete control against the only champion in the HWA. After continually failing to maintain order, Gus Stripeshirt finally gave up and rang the bell, signifying a draw to the bout. The clang of the bell didn’t stop the men from fighting though, and the action spilled over the ring until….and this is where our film ran out. Don’t you love 1976 video camera’s? [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] & [B]KKK[/B] drew with [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] & [B]Gregory Watson[/B] when the ref lost control of the match…not that he ever had it to start with… Notes: Magnum’s Injury hampered him severely it seems. Not good, that probably kept the match out of the D- range. [B]E+[/B] Final Grade: [B]E+[/B] Notes: Slow and steady…
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[QUOTE=km007;329040] Disco Stu held the advantage for almost the entire match, [B]minus a short minute where Silky seemed possessed by a better wrestler. But even the ghost of Frank Gotch himself wouldn’t have saved Silky[/B], and he eventually was felled by the heel tendencies of the veteran Disco Stu.[/QUOTE] Line of the night :D Best comedy diary I've seen by far :)
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA[/COLOR] News & Notes[/CENTER] [B]Lee Wright[/B] has left the company. We couldn’t come to terms with a suitable figure for his contract. We had plans for him, but for that amount of money, it just wouldn’t be wise to do so…especially with the financial situation that the [B]HWA[/B] is in… [B]Dancin’ Rick[/B] suffers from pre-match nerves and the more he’s pushed, the worse they get. Basically, nothing to worry about here… [B]Peggy Sue[/B] has been signed to be the first official [B]HWA[/B] hood rat. More to come when we find out what the title actually entails… [B]Tron the Pusher[/B] resigned. Yea, I’m excited too… [B]Glenn Head[/B] is apparently making political connections backstage. I don’t know how, since the only other person who holds power backstage besides me is [B]Pablo Gutierrez[/B], and he doesn’t speak English. And before you ask, Head doesn’t speak Spanish…
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Public Enemy No. 1[/COLOR] 4th Week, August, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Jack Vandal[/B] vs. [B]Jason Jackson[/B] Match two of the epic ‘Old-School’ vs. ‘New-School’ rivalry. Vandal holds the first victory; will his experience help him to a two nothing lead? Or will the 2nd generation superstar use his youthful vigor to upset the veteran? [B]Mr. G[/B] vs.[B] ???[/B] Mr. G is running low on opponents in the HWA and might slowly be on his way towards a title shot against Magnum Johnson. Will someone finally step up and be the first to secure a victory over the gangsta fiend? [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] vs. [B]Eddie Vessey[/B] With Magnum Johnson still ailing from his injury, Homicide suggested a pure soul for him to take on. The rookie Eddie Vessey has stepped up to the plate, but most think he’s bitten off more than he can chew. It will take a herculean effort to stop Homicide’s helter skelter ring style…but stranger things have happened before… [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] vs. [B]Glenn Head[/B] ‘Got Head?’ Well KKK doesn’t want any and he’s hoping to make quick work of the youngster as he looks ahead to his match against Gregory Watson next month. Will KKK look past the rookie, allowing a new star to be born? Or are we expecting too much from the man that only has six matches under his belt?[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=km007;330021][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Public Enemy No. 1[/COLOR] 4th Week, August, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [U][B]Jack Vandal[/B][/U] vs. [B]Jason Jackson[/B] I think Vandal goes up 2-0 here. New School will have to make the comeback. [U][B]Mr. G[/B][/U] vs.[B] ???[/B] Mr. G loves wings, brawling, chess, and cigars. With hobbies like that you're obviously an invincible badass. [U][B]Charlie Homicide[/B][/U] vs. [B]Eddie Vessey[/B] I think PeterHilton did Charlie Homicide... What a great character he is, and he gets his just due in this dynasty. [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] vs. [U][B]Glenn Head[/B][/U] I predict Silky Seymoure will attempt to pimp Peggy Sue out to a member of the audience, causing KKK to exit the ring and attack him, getting counted out in the process.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Public Enemy No. 1[/COLOR] 4th Week, August, Friday, 1976 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 94 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] Thank you [B]KKK[/B], thank you for missing the show. I heart you. I heart you lots… **Dark Match** [B]Lee Wright[/B] makes his final appearance for the HWA, taking on a local wrestler who was just signed the day before on a short term contract. The man’s so local; we don’t even bother to catch his name. I’ll call him [B]Queen’s Bridge[/B]. Lee Wright shows us why we had such high hopes for him, putting on an HWA match that satisfies the crowd that doesn’t want to see him go. Wright is perfect in this environment. He can brawl with the best of them and has enough basic wrestling skill to manage a mat takedown. His attention is totally on the rookie tonight and he seems determined to leave the HWA as a winner. Wright and Queen’s Bridge brawl around the ring untill Wright lifts him up to finish him with a brainbuster…but the rookie slides down his back, connects with a German Suplex, and connects the bridge for the 123! The crowd, knowing that this is the last chance to see Wright, shows their appreciation. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Yo Wright, you were never gonna make it!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Yo Wright, you suck!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You didn’t even get a gimmick!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Wright, I was with your momma last night, you were just like her in the ring. You both went down like a fat girl on a first date!”[/COLOR] (Sorry, I’m supposed to be announcing…) [B]Queen’s Bridge [/B]defeats [B]Lee Wright[/B] via German Suplex Notes: Not bad for what it was. Sorry to see Wright go, but maybe this local boy can amount to something. [B]E[/B] **Dark Things** ([B]Jacques Strapp[/B] poses on the entrance way/high school stage) ([B]Mr. G [/B]uses the trap door to Ultimate Warrior his ass) (British Bulldog comes out, rolls ankle, career is never the same) [B]D-[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Mr. G [/B]made short work of his competitor, mostly because of the trap door shenanigans. It was basically a four minute squash match…don’t worry, this all has a point…I think… [B]Mr. G[/B] defeated [B]Jacques Strapp[/B] via Brawler’s Delight Notes: Well, it could have been worse… [B]E-[/B] **Dark Girl** ([B]Peggy Sue[/B] earns her first *legit* pay check by shooting t-shirts into the stands! And by shooting, we mean hand toss. And by stands, we mean folding chairs. And by folding chairs, we mean blankets. And by blankets, we mean bring your own…and by shirts, we mean you need to pay for those. This isn’t UNICEF) [B]C[/B] (she now has a lifetime job) [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] ([B]Gregory Watson[/B] is shown backstage with a mic) [COLOR="Blue"]“So, KKK decided not to show up tonight. Now, not taking anything away from Glenn Head, but come one, its Glenn Head. But I don’t know. Maybe you’re afraid of me. Maybe you needed the extra month off to get yourself ready to wrestle an Olympic gold medalist. The task will be arduous. We all know you’re going to be out-wrestled and out-classed, why not just show your face and take your beating like a man?”[/COLOR] (Watson pauses…waiting) [COLOR="blue"]“Looks like you’re not coming after all. Pity, I wanted to see you finally win a match, cause next month, you don’t stand a chance. See you there.”[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [B]Eddie Vessey[/B] is shown waiting in the ring for [B]Charlie Homicide[/B]. Homicide enters through the stage and doesn’t lose eye contact with Vessey throughout his entire entrance. Vessey begins to shake. The match is already won for Charlie, and a quick flurry of stiff punches and kicks lead to Eddie’s demise. After the match, Homcide approaches my announce table, which legitimately scarred me. Needless to say, I backed away quickly. He stood on top of the table, pointed to the sky, then outstrecthed his arms. After a couple of seconds, he stepped down from the table and left. Moments later, the lemonade stand my daughter made crumbles. Was it because of him? Ok, I'm spooked...But memories, keep them while they last. [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] defeated [B]Eddie Vessey [/B]via spooky entrance. Notes: About what I expected E for the match E- for breaking table/lemonade stand Match two of the best of seven series is up next! [B]Jack Vandal [/B]and [B]Jason Jackson [/B]put on another wrestling clinic, satisfying the hardcore and technician fans at ringside. Jackson has shown that he’s adapted well to professional wrestling in only his third match with the promotion. He seemed to have it won when he nailed his own version of the ‘Old-School’ Lariat, but Vandal showed his experience and rolled out of the ring. Returning, he brought the ring bell, but promptly tossed it to Jackson. Jackson, bewildered, didn’t know what to do so the referee acted for him by taking the weapon and disposing of it outside of the ring. With the ref’s, and Jackson’s, attention elsewhere, Vandal hit a quick kick to the groin on his young opponent. With the ref reentering the ring, Vandal finished off his adversary with a vicious piledriver, thus giving himself a 2-0 lead in the series. [B]Jack Vandal [/B]defeated [B]Jason Jackson[/B] via pinfall. Vandal leads the series 2-0. Notes: Oh yeah, this feud is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do…aka, not suck… [B]D-[/B] Quickly, the attention is diverted to the backstage area, where a fight has broken out. [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] and [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] are brawling in the hallway, smashing each other against lockers and macaroni pictures. After having almost the entire roster help break them apart, I schedule a match for them at HWA: Shook Ones in October, two months from now. If any physical contact occurs between the two of them before then, then they will either be stripped of their title, or they’ll be pushed so low down the card they’ll wish they were the Son of Sam. [B]D+[/B] Final Grade:[B] E[/B] Notes: That’s Bull-****! I’ll just leave it at that…
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[quote=HWA](British Bulldog comes out, rolls ankle, career is never the same) D- **Dark Match** Mr. G made short work of his competitor, mostly because of the trap door shenanigans. It was basically a four minute squash match…don’t worry, this all has a point…I think… Mr. G defeated Jacques Strapp via Brawler’s Delight Notes: Well, it could have been worse… E- **Dark Girl** (Peggy Sue earns her first *legit* pay check by shooting t-shirts into the stands! And by shooting, we mean hand toss. And by stands, we mean folding chairs. And by folding chairs, we mean blankets. And by blankets, we mean bring your own…and by shirts, we mean you need to pay for those. This isn’t UNICEF) C (she now has a lifetime job[/quote] Heh. I haven't even finished reading this... but those two comments alone (DBS and 'job for life') explains why this is the best damn hardcore diary ever. EVAR! So good!
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[B]HWA[/B] has come to terms on a contract with [B]Queens Bridge[/B] and rumor has it that they have signed another wrestler, but the organization is tight lipped and no one knows who he or she is. Speculation is that they will debut at [COLOR="Red"]HWA: Shook Ones[/COLOR], but buzz abounds that they will be backstage at [COLOR="red"]HWA: Ready to Die[/COLOR]. Who is this signing and will they make their presence known at the next show? [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] resigned with the[B] HWA[/B]. Charlie has been on a roll lately and is waiting for a healthy [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]to return so he can get his long awaited rematch. A big day in the news, (aka a slow day) as the [B]HWA[/B] occupied the top two spots. [B]Warren Young [/B]has been labeled as a rising superstar…in the promotion he owns, while [B]The Rainbow Warrior[/B] worries about being pushed. Don’t worry Warrior, you have nothing to fret about… [B]Redneck Bill[/B] sighting!! He was on the radio over the weekend and said he enjoys working against people bigger than him. The guy hasn’t worked a match since June 1975, he just enjoys working… Speaking of former employees...guess who's still alive? Nope, not [B]Old Man Rivers[/B]...oh wait, no, what? He is? How? Ok, nevermind then...
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Ready to Die[/COLOR] 4th Week, September, Friday, 1976 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Gregory Watson[/B] vs. [B]KKK[/B] What will happen when the belligerent cop takes on the Olympic medalist? In all likelihood, bad things are going to go down. Then again, I could be wrong. KKK could pull another Scott Hall on me… [B]Mr. G [/B]vs. [B]???[/B] Mr. G’s open challenge continues and word is he challenged the rookie Queens Bridge to a fight. Will that rook accept the offer? Or will he mind his own business and let Mr. G pick on someone his own size? [B]Charlie Homicide[/B] vs. [B]Tron the Pusher[/B] Homicide is looking for more clean souls after his ravishing of Vessey last month. Tron’s probably not a good place to start, but then again, this is the [B]HWA[/B], we’re as dirty as it gets. And More!! [SIZE="1"](Disclaimer: And More!! does not necessarily mean that there is more to the show, it’s just there to make you think that. It’s false advertising basically. You can drink Corona all you want, but you’re never going to be on the beach with a hottie, yea, its kind-of like that…)[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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