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INSPIREd: True Competition

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INSPIREd.com INSPIRE diversity group International is proud to announce it’s next tour the Warrior’s Honor Tour running every Friday from January through March. Along with our full roster eight other fighters have been invited to join the battle to prove who the king of fighters truly is. Of these eight only one has answered and we are proud to welcome Hirokumi Saito to the Warrior’s Honor Tour. Other invitees include: Eisaku Hoshino SUKI Kimitada Yanagita Koichi Kajwara Mamoru Nagahama Tiger Fuyuki Toshinobu Taku The first INSPIRE King Of Fighter, Marat Khoklov has promised to defend his title at the end of the tour. A tournament will be held to determine which warrior will be the one to face the giant. Brackets will be set the day before each show so that each fighter will only have one day to prepare. Sixteen fighter have been entered in to the tournament which means those who have not yet accepted our invitation to tour have lost their shot at the title. The sixteen competitors are: Raul Hughes Mike Watson Tasuku Iesada Billy Russell Li Bingci Masaaki Okazaki Mike Watson Arjen Van Den Leyne Bali So’oialo Claudio Burdisso Mohamed El Yaaggoudi Morimasa Kato Roku Sotomura Tornado Nagai Hitomaro Suzuki [B]INSPIRE Diversity Group International presents Warrior’s Honor Tour Show 1 From Tochigi Sports Stadium Kanto Province Hirokumi Sato versus Oda Yakuta[/B] Hirokumi is a ten year veteran of the ring and former PGHW worker. He’s been working the independent scene for the past three or so years and is coming to make an impression. Saito is known for his knee strike attacks and with his legs as his main weapon he can keep most opponents at bay. Saito faces off against Oda Yakuta a rookie regular with INSPIRE who joined as a trainee but has since proven himself to the roster. Yakuta relies on his punches and kicks to take down his opponents quickly and efficiently. Oda has a size advantage in this match but Hirokumi has more in ring experience. This match could go either way. [B]Tornado Nagai versus Hitomaro Suzuki[/B] Kazu “Tornado” Nagai is a solid technical wrestler who also brings some strong style game to the ring. Known for his in ring explosions where he tries to suplex anything in range, Nagai can sometimes be considered a little reckless. Hitomaro Suzuki is some times called a “Next Generation” fighter who uses an incredible Puroresu Style of mixed strong style strikes and chain mat work. His smooth style has gained him some fans but he is still growing as worker. Both fighters even out in size so a winner will all come down to skill. Oda has age and unexpected energy on his side and Hitomaro has youth and surprising skill on his. [B]Willie York versus Billy Russell Tournament Match Round One[/B] Billy Russell is an MMA fighter from Puerto Rico called “The Tap Out Artist”. Best known for a fight he barely lost against Buddy Garner, another fighter who has made it big in Japan. Russell is know to finish off his opponents with a Twisting Arm Lock or a Knee Bar, which can leave opponents the worse for wear even when a match is over. Willie York is another western MMA fighter who brings a lot power to the table. Willie has been known to lay out an opponent in one hit, but is also know for his weakness in a ground attack. Willie York takes quite a bit in size and power over Billy Russell and one hit could end Russell quickly. If Russell can make the match go long and stay under York’s punches he can wear him down and bring him to the floor for a win. [B]Marat Khoklov versus Tsurayuki Kamachi[/B] Marat Khoklov is a Russian giant and the first ever, and still reigning, INSPIRE King Of Fighters. Khoklov took the title beating legendary Tadiyuki Kikkawa, lifting the large man into his Russian Legend Powerbomb, knocking him out for the win. By all rights Khoklov is considered to be one of the strongest men in the world. Tsurayuki Kamachi is a very young fighter, another just barely out of the PGHW youth system. Kamachi is a decent technical and puroresu fighter but has a lot of room to grow. Kamachi is one of the low men on the INSPIRE totem pole and unless he can pull out a miracle there is little chance he will beat the giant. [B]Tadiyuki Kikkawa versus Claudio Burdisso Tournament Match Round One[/B] Tadiyuki Kikkawa is one of Japan’s top fighters and had dominated in BHOTWGs for a decade. Kikkawa is considered one of the most brutal combatants in the world and has risen to the top of INSPIRE. With the Kikkawa Lariat and the Kikkawa Driver he worked his way to the final match against Marat Khoklov and came shy of becoming the INSPIRE King Of Fighters by a very small margin. Claudio Burdisso is an animalist Chilean fighter well known to MMA fans. An intense brawler the young workers is expected to make waves in INSPIRE and is definitely considered one of the next generation of fighters. Burdisso gives just a little in size to Tadiyuki but just about equals him in raw power. This will be a fight of animals and which ever one bring that animal out first will probably win. [B]Raul Hughes versus Tasuku Iesada Main Event[/B] Raul Hughes “The Demolition Expert” was at one point probably [B]THE[/B] best known MMA Fighter in the world. He has seen and won quite a few fights even becoming the Burning World Chmapion which lasted a strong seven months. His Demolition Left Hook has laid out his fair share of INSPIRE workers as well. Tasuku Iesada is known as “Dangerous” for a reason as he is a masterful technician who has more ways to make a person tap out then most. A former GCG worker and a Burning Openweight Champion in BHOTWG, Tasuku is a tough customer to be sure. The Iesada Special and Iesada Special II have rarely been broken and could sure end a match quickly. Iesada and Hughes are two totally different fighters and two supremely tough men. This match could go either way and it could be decided in seconds or in minutes. Six fights. One Arena. Warrior’s Honor Tour Show 1 [B]OOC[/B] [QUOTE]I'm usually the first one to write a neat backstory but with INSPIRE it seems to me that it's all about the in ring hyper real action. So the only thing you'll see between events is what I think would be posted on the website if INSPIRE were a real fed. If there are other things you think you'd like to see on the website let me know.[/QUOTE]
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