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Second Chances and Last Dances

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I really didnt want to be in this match Id been back in the WWE about a year or so now, and the powers that be were finally convinced I was clean. The last thing they needed was another steroids scandal now that the hype surrounding Benoit was finally dying down. God, was that a year ago already? Id had to fight every step of the way to get back onto television. Then I had to convince the bookers that I was still good enough to get a few wins along the way. I threw everything I had into those matches and got the fans into it as much as I could, even if I was the heel. I got into a position where I was given an intercontinental title shot against Jeff Hardy and to my surprise was given the win. Tonight was defence number one on the raw after survivor series and I was supposed to drop the title to Cody Rhodes. I knew he wasnt ready, and I think he knew it too, but Dusty had been pushing hard for it behind the scenes and had got his wish. I talked to anyone who would listen, telling them it was too soon. No offence to the kid, he had improved a lot, but he was still green and the fans were smart. They would crap all over a Cody title reign. I was prepared to drop the title. Lord knows Id held enough titles in my time, bigger ones than this. I would have been more than willing to lose to someone more established. I even suggested working with cody, have him chase me a few months and put him over in a big match at the Rumble, but the bookers didnt want to know. I made my way to the ring, knowing this was going to be a trainwreck. My heart wasnt in it anymore and it was a bad idea all round. It would hurt both of us in the long run. I got to the ring to a chorus of boo's and picked up the nearest house microphone. I could see JR shuffling his notes and the mike chioda listening to his earpiece. This wasnt scheduled. "Last year I was sacked by this company for class A drug abuse. I was at the lowest point of my life, but I turned it around. I got clean, started hitting the gym, made a lot of humiliating phonecalls and eventually I was given another shot. Maybe I didnt deserve it but I got it, and I ran with it. Tonight, those same guys who put their trust in me want me to drop this title to Cody Rhodes." Everyone was going berzerk. The cameramen didnt know what to do, but were told to get the camera off me. JR tried to drown me out and they pumped the raw theme tune through the house speakers. I managed to get a few more words out as security chased me down. "After all the bull**** ive been through, you want me to hand over this title to Cody when he clearly isnt ready for it. You idiots are so far out of touch with what the fans want to see, I cant stand it anymore. Dusty, you want Cody to have this title so badly, take it, I quit!" And that was the last time I worked for the WWE
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I had about 30 missed calls on my cell phone from family, frinds and wrestlers when I finally got back to the hotel. I wasnt in the mood to talk to anyone so I turned it off and hit the mini bar, my first drink in months. That night it was all over the internet. Was it for real or was it an angle? Nobody was quite sure. If it had been an angle it would have been the most creative thing on WWE TV for a long time. Hell, im sure they will find a way to make money out of it all, and good luck to them. The booze kicked in and the adrenaline wore off and I soon drifted off to sleep face down on my laptop. It was the flashing of my email inbox that woke me up. There was a message from an old friend of mine. "Hey man its Dave! WTF happened last night?! Ive been trying to ring you but I guess your phones turned off. Im in the area if you need someone to talk to. You got my cell number." We met up in the hotel bar. "Well well, by the looks of you it was all true!" he said "Every word. Im done with them. Im done with wrestling." He looked at me with a smirk. "I think wrestlings done with you buddy. Even TNA have learnt they dont need another drugged up WWE reject by now, ROH wouldnt touch you with a bargepole and theres nobody else who could afford you." "Thanks for the confidence boost. I suppose I could always go back into training if I need to" "Yeah because your a great role model for aspiring young minds, pal. No offence." "None taken. What do you suggest then smart guy?" "Ah well...funny you should ask big man..." (I knew there was going to be an angle. There always is with Dave and I told him as much.) "Here me out will you!" he said with a now nervous tone to his voice. " Im involved with this small promotion based in Canada. Were looking for experienced guys to book the undercard. It doesnt pay much but its free board and lodgings. The companies well run and theres plenty of room for expansion. They got a good local following, good young workers, they could be the next big thing!" (God, if I had a pinfall for everytime I heard that, id have a streak longer than Goldbergs) "Listen Dave, " I said, "I appreciate the offer but...I dunno, theres a million things rushing through my head at the moment. Can I think about this?" "Oh yeah, sure buddy, take your time. Its just that im supposed to be meeting somebody in about half an hour for an interview. To be honest he was the only one qualified so I was gonna give him the job if he still wanted it." Damn, he was full of suprises today. Wrestling had been my whole life for the past 25 years, and whatever I thought about my previous employer, I still loved it. I guess this could be a chance to change things, to do things my way for once. I was excited about the opportunityit in all honesty, but nervous too. Id never booked a match in my life but Id often thought about it. Who was I kidding, my mind was already made up. " So whats it gonna be yes or no buddy?" I took a deep breath. "You had me at drugged up WWE reject. When do I start?"
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The next few days were a crazy blur. I headed up to Canada to meet up with my new employers, Blood Sweat and Ears. Rob Fuego himself met me off the plane. He showed me around the offices and the booking room and introduced me to a few of the guys I’d been working with. We sat down and watched some highlights of the last few shows. There were a few guys I recognised from my time as an Indie wrestler and there were a lot of TNA wrestlers. Overall I was impressed but there was clearly work to be done. Things went downhill pretty quickly when I met up with some of the wrestlers I would be working with. They obviously knew who I was and had been very vocal against me coming to the company. Id been warned that they thought I would harm the morale in the locker room but I was prepared for it. I was determined to win them over but it was clear I was viewed very much as an outsider. A few days later, news filtered down to us that all TNA talent would once again be pulled from independent shows, which means we were going to lose about half of our roster and most of our draws. It left us with about 28 workers, about half of which I’d consider good enough for our shows. If nothing else, things just got a lot more interesting. With a bit of restructuring, me and the rest of the bookers roughly split the roster into main event and upper card workers and the lower card and openers who I would be working with: MAIN EVENT AND UPPER MIDCARD TYSON DUX ASH DON PAYSAN EL TORNADO FRANKIE THE MOBSTER JAKE O' REILLY FLESH GORDON OTIS IDOL TRENT POWERS ANTON ARAKIS LOWER MIDCARD AND OPENERS JAMES CHAMPAGNE VLAD THE PENETRATOR CODY GOLD ANGEL DE GUERRA PIERRE SHADOWS CODY DEANER KOBRA KAI DAN CABANA It wasnt much left to work with but we were determined to make things work. It was going to be a long road, and we were only just at the start.
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the roster is out-dated. Otis Idol, Cody Deaner, Trent Powers and Jake O' Reilly haven't appeared in the company for months. Also, I believe it's Cody 45 instead of Cody Gold. And you're missing a lot of other Canadian talent that wrestles for Blood, Sweat & Ears like Extremo, Kris Chambers, El Sombra, El Vigote Dos, Vain, Mr. Black...etc. I would suggest looking at their website as they have tons of awesome videos. I would also consider hiring some IWS guys just to fill in the roster a bit more.
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Yeah the roster is just the one that was on the mod im using minus the TNA guys who were on there. And yeah sorry I changed Cody's name in the game. I checked out their website after I started this and figured I'd just carry on with what I had and add the guys that I want over time. Again thanks for the feedback.
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Preview for Saturday Nights Alright for Fighting Tonight see's the debut of BSE's new weekly event! The show will feature first round matches in a tournament to crown a new BSE champion. Flesh will be taking on Anton Arakis, Pierre Shadows and Cody Deaner will face off and Ash will have a mystery opponent. Also, rumours are circulating that BSE management have aquired a highly regarded duo to bolster the tag team ranks. Will they make an impact tonight? Tickets are still on sale at the Octane Night Club in Ontario for this historic event.
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