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One Man's Journey (C-Verse)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/europe.png[/IMG] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][I][SIZE="3"]March 2007[/SIZE][/I] Hampshire South UK[/CENTER]
Tiffany hung up the phone again. She had lost track of the number of times she had attempted to call, but bowed out at the last moment. What could she say. She didn't blame him for what happened. These things happened, but the bankrupcy case had messed her friend up and he hadn't been seen since. She wasn't particularly a social person, having been a victim of a tragic past, but her friend was the one person in the world that she never thought would leave her and was someone that she had become quite attached to. She used to spend many an hour just sitting in silence with him, happy together under a tree, and when he had asked her to help him with his latest idea, she had jumped at the chance. His last idea had been a wrestling promotion with a guy he met called Kris Adonis, a local backyard wrestler and with a big enough backyard to host any events in. Together with Kris, they had arranged a number of local wrestlers to attend, but right from the start mistakes were made. The biggest was Melvin Riggs. Riggs was a recommendation from Kris but a contract error left their promotion almost financially crippled. With lackluster attendance and sponsorship revenue draining away, the bank started calling and they were shut down. Soon they were all thrust in front of a court room, called financial risks and Kris and herself were made to explain the blunders made. And the prosecutors were pointing the blame at her friend. The judge agreed and the case was closed. It had been a week after the case when Tiffany had first tried to get back in touch, but he wouldn't answer the door. She tried again a few days later but the man her friend was staying with told her that he wasn't in. She cleared her mind and picked up the phone again. Plucking up every ounce of courage she had, she dialled his number. [I]'Is he there'[/I] She asked? [I]'Urm.. I think you better head over. There's something you really need to see'[/I] [CENTER]To Be Continued....[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Tiffany stood outside the house for a little while, scared of what she would find. The last time she had seen him, he had been a broken man, wandering off without saying a word to anyone. Her mind began working through things she mind find and feared the worst. Would she find him dead inside. Had he been so upset that he decided to end it all. She wiped away a tear and headed to the door. Upon arriving at the front door, she was surprised when it opened without a touch. A face appeared, and she realised it was the guy he had been staying with, a man who's name she couldn't remember. He took her arm and led her inside the house. [I]'Where is he... please....tell me' [/I]she asked. [I]'I dont know...'[/I] [I]'What do you mean, you dont know.. WHERE IS HE!'[/I] she cried. [I]'He's gone.. I dont know where. I woke up this morning and his stuff was gone. He left this for you though'[/I] He reached over and took a letter off the table and pressed it into Tiffany's hand. On the front was handwritten ' Tiffany Everclear' in her friends distinctive scrawl. She gasped, and tore the letter open and began reading the contents. [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Tiff.. I wish i could have told you this to your face, but i know that you would have wanted to join me, and i need to do this on my own. When i began SHW with you and Kris i wanted it to be something that would bring us closer together and bring you out of your shell, but all i did was get you drooled over by men wanting blood and paraded around for a court trying to decide the best way to punish me. Its not what i wanted for you. Im going away for a while. I need to take stock on my life and find some value in it. You know.. Something to live for.. While im gone, it gives you a chance to grow without me. Something you have never had a chance to do before. I dont know when i will be back, but when i am, your the first person im looking up.. Adam[/FONT][/QUOTE] [I]'Oh god no' [/I]she cried and began sobbing almost uncontrollably. [I]'No No No.... Adam... No.... Why?'[/I] Tiffany turned to leave, but felt her legs give way under her and she collapsed onto the ground. She just lay there for a while, no longer wanting to do anything. [CENTER]To Be Continued...[/CENTER] [/FONT]
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I'll give Adam the award for 'most arrogant prick' (Character division) on the boards right now. Talk about egomaniac! [quote=Adam]"...a chance to grow without me. Something you have never had a chance to do before."[/quote] Doesn't have much faith in Tiffany does he? Or he truly does think he's the greatest thing since the British Empire. I'm enjoying the diary Clarity but I can officially put Adam up there with Lorna Midnight (In Nordvolf's AAA dynasty) as protagonists I can happily root against.
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][B][I]A Few Hours Earlier[/B][/I] [I]'One please'[/I] the unshaven man asked. [I]'Where to?'[/I] asked the pretty young thing behind the counter. [I]'Anywhere'[/I] he replied. [I]'Surprise me'[/I] [I]'We have a ferry living for Saint Malo in an hour'[/I] [I]'That will do me fine'[/I] he said and handed over the last of his money as well as his passport. The girl behind the counter started processing and grinned as she opened the passport. [I]'Oh wow.. My boyfriends called Adam as well.. You know something.. I think he is planning on proposing tonight...'[/I] She carried on for far longer than needed. Adam stood there and heard all about how her boyfriend worked in IT, and had been arranging a trip for them both to Paris to celebrate their 2 year anniversary. He could have stopped her at any point and got on his way but that would have meant trying to find a pause in which to try cut in, and it looked like she didn't have to stop to breath. She finally stopped when a queue began to grow and her supervisor shot her a very dissaproving look. Adam took his ticket and settled down awaiting the ferry. Setting the rucksack down next to him, and reached into the front pocket. He took out the photo that was there and stroked it gently. The photo was from the very first show that Adam had put on alongside Tiffany and Kris. All of them were wearing cheesy grins and at the bottom was handwritten 'Southern Hardcore Wrestling: The Beginning'. [I]'Oh yeah.. real hardcore... 3 months'[/I] he muttered to himself and sliding the photo into his jackets inside pocket. His mind began wandering on all the things that had led up to this point. They made the announcement for the Saint Malo ferry and he was shook from the thoughts. He took his rucksack and headed onboard. Easter was coming and the ferry was slowly becoming full of young children being taken abroad by their parents, all of which looked at Adam like he might abduct their kid at any moment. He headed to the back of the ferry where things were a lot quieter. After about an hour the ferry finally departed. Adam rose and walked to the railing as England grew smaller and smaller. [I]'Goodbye England... Goodbye Tiffany'[/I] And then soon after, England couldn't be seen at all. [CENTER]To Be Continued..[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][I][SIZE="3"]**Interlude**[/SIZE][/I]
With SHW shutdown and the inability to use its name in wrestling anymore, Kris Adonis had gone back to his roots with the aptly named 'Backyard Wrestling'. His idea this time was a complete no thrills backyard brawl between friends. While originally sceptical of him, his old wrestling buddies eventually came back having missed the thrill of the fight. He had to suffer sellout chants during his fights but all they normally did was spur him on and make him win his bout. It was one of his old wrestling buddies that he was meeting tonight. [I]'Yo Kris'[/I] a voice from behind said. [I]'Hey Melvin.. You got my share of the money'[/I] he replied. Kris turned to meet Melvin Riggs, SHW's former roadagent. Melvin was one of Kris's friends from school and they had trained together during their younger years wanting so badly to get onto Supreme TV. After school had ended, Kris had continued training, while Melvin had taken up video games and smoking weed losing most of his muscle mass and gaining quite a beer belly in the process. Melvin went to shake Kris's hand and in doing so slipped an envelope into his palm. Kris promptly stashed it in his back pocket. [I]'And thats the whole 25% of the contracted wages right'[/I] Kris asked. [I]'Yeah... Its a shame he cottoned on so quickly to your scheme. We could have used a few more months like that and i could have cleared some debts i have with my dealer'[/I] [I]'Your debts arnt my concern.. and i reckon if attendance had picked up, we could have kept that scheme up. Its only because he had to become so anal about finance that he even noticed'[/I] Kris added. [I]'Who did he get to replace me in the end?'[/I] [I]'Darius Hughes'[/I] Kris said. [I]'You remember him. Used to work for Men Of Steel Combat. He retired down here'[/I] [I]'Damn.. Im much better than he is'[/I] They small talked for a little while about the latest TCW & SWF programming, and what was wrong with it before heading their seperate ways. Upon turning the corner and out of sight of Melvin, Kris took the envelope out of his pocket and counted the cash it contained within.
[I][SIZE="3"]**End Interlude**[/SIZE][/I][/FONT]
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[SIZE="2"][I][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Saint Malo France[/I][/SIZE]
It had been 2 weeks since Adam had arrived in Saint Malo, and he was looking quite rough. Upon arrival he had managed to get some work helping out on the dock but it wasn't enough to afford him food and a place to sleep. He had found himself a quiet little alley out the way of everything with enough shelter so as not to get rained on. He got on with any work given to him quickly and quietly, having barely said two words since he had got there. His co-workers had begun to think maybe he was wrong in the head, or perhaps a mute, and apparently he was the subject of many a conversation during breaks. Adam found the work comforting, and stopped his mind wondering back home. There were occasions late at night when his thoughts headed back to England but he usually found a walk through the streets late at night cleared the cobwebs from his mind. It was Saturday night and as usual, the bars were heaving with people, most celebrating a football win, while their were some clearly dissapointed patrons planning a way to get their own back later on in the night. For them, the night would eventually end up stuck in a jail cell. Adam ran a hand through his scruffy beard, and began to ponder if he should neglect to eat tomorrow and finally buy a razor because it was really getting a little itchy and driving him crazy. [I]'ey baby.. cha want me to show you a good time'[/I] Adam shook himself from his musing looking around for the source of the noise and soon found it. Just up the road, a large man wearing a Union Jack t-shirt was trying to put the moves on a blond lady who obviously didn't want to know. [I]'Cmon sexy.. Let me by you a drink'[/I] The large man slurred obviously a few drinks over what he should have drunk. [I]'No thank you'[/I] said the blond with a deep foreign accent. The kind of accent that men love on women. Her blond hair came down to her shoulders in waves, and she had a body to die for. But the large man wasn't having any of it and started following her. His attempts at getting her a drink had ceased and he was getting more and more crude with his suggestions. The blond lady picked up her pace and began looking in her purse desperately trying to find either her mace, or her cell phone. She soon was passing Adam by and he could smell her sweet perfume and hear her cursing the drunkard under her breath. A thought struck Adam and he got himself ready. As the large drunk man came barelling down the road, Adam stuck his leg out tripping him and sending him crashing to the ground. The blond heard the noise and turned around to see the drunkard picking himself up off the floor and squaring up to Adam. [I]'What the hell'[/I] the drunk proclaimed. [I]'What do you think your doing, you smelly tramp'[/I] Adam's head was full of particular come-backs and witty remarks but he thought they would all fall upon deaf ears.. He didn't think anything he said mattered anymore. He just stared the drunk man straight in the eyes and the effect was obviously unnerving. So much so that the drunk decided to end the little stareoff early with a right hook to Adam's head knocking him out. [CENTER]To Be Continued...[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;309853]I think it could be that they havent read the full story.. But then again.. Maybe i can turn there opinions in the coming months[/QUOTE] No, I've read both Adam related dynasties and opinion came due to watching his antics and interactions (but particularly his view of Tiffany) through both dynasties. Huzzah to the quick right hook though! I think Sud 'ardcore Grapplin' du France found its first brawler!
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Differences of opinion are welcome. I find it quite rewarding to have created a character that some people take to right away, while others loathe him. Rest assured that everything i have written so far is leading somewhere. I have the next 3 plot points already planned out. Sons of Kohral - The interlude i did a few posts back was going to be the start of Kris Adonis' story arc. When i first noticed i had overpaid Riggs, the idea came to me. Especially with Adonis being a Driven Master Politician. That idea was never fully explored in SHW, but may wind up being worked into here. Everyone else - The wrestling will come. Im just working on the format as well
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][I]'He. Aussehen wie unser Held wacht auf[B][SIZE="1"]*[/SIZE][/B]'[/I]
His head was throbbing after that punch but slowly sound came back to Adam. He tried opening his eyes but the light was too bright and had to squint to make out the shapes in front of him. Initially just a shadow, he began to make out the shape of a man to his right. The man looked in his early 40's with slicked back hair and a goatee maybe a little bit too long. It was from him that the voice had come from. [I]'Sie denken, daß er Deutsches spricht?[B][SIZE="1"]**[/SIZE][/B]'[/I] came a womens voice from his other side. [I]'I know that voice'[/I] Adam thought and flopped his head to the other side. His vision had just about come back and he saw in front of him the blond women from outside the bar. The one that drunk man had been chasing. The intoxicating scent of her perfume wafted up his nostrils as if to confirm his thoughts. [I]'Where am i?'[/I] Adam asked. [I]'Ah. You speak English i see'[/I] the women replied. [I]'Dont worry. Your safe. Your in my hotel room'[/I] [I]'What is your name?'[/I] the dark haired man asked. [I]'Adam....'[/I] [I]'Mine is Jeri..'[/I] the blond replied. [I]'..and this is Louis'[/I] [I]'Louis Figo Manico... at your service'[/I] Louis proclaimed as he handed a glass of water to Adam. [I]'What happened?'[/I] [I]'You, my friend, are a hero. You put yourself in danger just to help Jeri. The man you blocked had attracted the attention of the local policia and his punch landed him in cuffs and taken away'[/I] Louis explained. [I]'I was on my way to meet Louis..'[/I] Jeri said. [I]'..but after what happened, i couldn't just leave you there. I explained everything to him, and we brought you back here'[/I] [I]'I am a man of honour..'[/I] Louis stated [I]'..and for what you did, i owe you and i intend to pay my debt. I have a proposition for you....'[/I] [CENTER]To Be Continued..[/CENTER][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Translations * Hey. Looks like our hero is waking up ** You think that he speaks German?[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Adam took a swig of the water Louis had given him and propped himself up on the bed, waiting for this proposition.. He had a feeling deep in his gut that he was going to be somehow 'charged' for the recovery time and have to do something he didn't want. [COLOR="DarkRed"][I]'Have you ever heard of UCR?'[/I][/COLOR] Louis asked. [I]'UCR... As in Ultimate Combat Ring?'[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"][I]'The very same. I own UCR you see, and Jeri here. She is one of my employees. We're in town for a few days for a show we are putting on here'[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][I]'However we have hit upon a snag'[/I][/COLOR] Jeri added. [COLOR="DarkRed"][I]'I dont want to go into all the details, very unprofessional you see to talk bad of old employees, but needless to say i had to let one of my workers go last night'[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"][I]'Have you heard of Swig Svensson?'[/I][/COLOR] Jeri enquired. [I]'No.. Never'[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"][I]'You may know him by his wrestling alter-ego Captain Hero. He is... [U]WAS[/U] head booker for UCR'[/I][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Magenta"]'And we have nobody to replace him'[/COLOR][/I] Jeri added. [COLOR="DarkRed"][I]'And thats where you come in Adam'[/I][/COLOR] Louis said with an air of resolution. [I]'What about me?'[/I] [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]'You helped Jeri out and in return im offering to help you out. I have a show tonight without anyone to book it for me. Now i could have replaced Swig with one of my employees already on the payroll, but i didn't want people to think i was playing favourites. But im offering the position to you for tonight as a reward. If you do well then maybe we can make it permanent.[/COLOR][/I] [I]'What makes you think i know the first thing about booking a wrestling promotion? You just picked me up off the street!'[/I] [COLOR="Magenta"][I]'This'[/I][/COLOR] Jeri walked over to her dresser and returned moments later with something in her hand which she gave to Adam. It was the photograph he had been carrying around in his jacket pocket since arriving in Saint Malo. It had however managed to pick up a fair amount of dirt and covered in some blood which Adam thought was probably his from his beating. [I][COLOR="Magenta"]'Southern Hardcore Wrestling it says on that photo'[/COLOR][/I] Jeri said. [COLOR="magenta"][I]'Looks like you know a bit about wrestling after all'[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]'And we are fairly certain that that guy in it is you.. Just less furry i guess'[/COLOR] Adam looked solemnly at the picture for a few moments. [I]'That was another lifetime ago'[/I] [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]'Look.. What im offering is a chance. You get to stay here tonight and clean up. If your show goes well, then i'll put you on the payroll and you can show me just what you got'[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="Magenta"]'Adam.. Louis isn't tying you to anything. Just help us out. If you dont want to stay after tonight then we wont stop you'[/COLOR][/I] [I]'Ok...Alright.. But only tonight..'[/I] [CENTER]To Be Continued..[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Astil;310362]It's never just one night...[/QUOTE] No...about 4 on average in a Clarity diary. :p Just kidding. Really looking forward to this, especially seeing as my suggestion for your diary was a European base, as they are almost never represented on the boards. And as Scap said, your backstory is a good one.
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/UCR.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Present:[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][I]'Sweet Pain'[/I][/SIZE] Sunday Week 2 April 2007 [/CENTER] [I][B]From:[/B][/I] Western European Tiny Arena, Saint Malo, France [I][B]Attendance:[/B][/I] 1,000 (Sellout)
The crowd sat in anticipation of tonights first match having been denied any dark matches tonight. Using as much caution as he could building the line-up for tonights show, Adam had decided to see if he could turn a profit from tonights show, something he had never managed in his other promotion. The lights dimmed and the crowd began buzzing with excitement.. Just who would be coming out first. But it looked like they would have to wait as the video screen flickered on. The screen began to show a promo of Byron, current World Combat champion. It began with his win over Captain Hero to steal the championship through some of his bouts over the last few months. The music began building up to a climax as they showed off more and more of Byrons finishers. Then as quickly as it built up, the music changed and Byron was replaced by UCR owner Louis Figo Manico. It showed the interview where Louis declared Byron a rich snob that had used his money to buy off the previous competitors for his championship and that he wouldn't be brought at any stakes. Various attacks on Louis had followed the previous weeks and the video showed Louis fending them off before finally the massive blow-up between them the week before. Byron and Louis were getting in each others face as the show went off the air. Finally, some words appeared on the screen. [I]'Byron.... Manico.... UCR World Combat Championship... Tonight...'[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] C+ The crowd popped at the thought of tonights main event, but they were soon cut short by tonights first event. Music for Bam Bam Johannson started and soon the menacing norweigian was lumbering down the ramp towards the ring. He played up to the crowds hatred towards him by ignoring the boos, and not touching the fans that had there hands out towards him. He slipped into the ring and climbed the nearest turnbuckle and shouted as menacingly as he could at the crowd. After Johannson had done his thing, the music went medieval as White Knight appeared at the top of the ramp. He walked down slowly with a young squire picked from the audience. He took off his armour and handed it to the young lad to hold for him, before kissing the hand of a 'damsel in distress' in the crowd. White Knight entered the ring and the bell rang. [CENTER][B]Match 1:[/B] Bam Bam Johannson [B][I]VS[/I][/B] White Knight[/CENTER] Both men circled each other for a little while before Johannson made the first move. They began a series of flashy moves with little actual substance behind them in an attempt to impress the crowd, and it did work somewhat. However as the match began to drag on you could see the mens stamina just dissapearing. Johannson looked ringside and eyed up Knights young squire, and went to grab him. Knight went for the counter, but Johannson had been waiting for it, and positioned himself for the spinebuster. Knight hit the deck with force and Johannson covered for the win. [B]Rating:[/B] D+ Johannson and White Knight headed backstage as the sound men piped in some local bands music between merchandise announcements to keep the fans occupied for a few moments. But luckily they didn't have to wait long as the Star Wars inspired music hit the venue. The crowd was split with some cheering and others just not caring as Toby Juan Kanobi & Jed High headed ringside swing toy lightsabers around and having a pretend swordfight. It was obvious they were loving it. Once ringside the music switched and the champions appeared at the entrance. Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain, known collectively as Double Dutch sauntered down ringside signing autographes and waving. They got in the ring and the bell rang. It was fan favourites vs cult favourites... [CENTER][B]Match 2:[/B] Double Dutch [I][B]VS[/B][/I] The Force [I]for the UCR Tag Team Championship[/I][/CENTER] Jed High & Ruud Van Anger started in the ring with counters and reversals galore, before Ruud started to gain some ground with some flashy somasults and hurricarana's. Jed High tagged out to Toby who kept his ground and began wearing Ruud down by bouncing around the ring. Ruud finally tagged in Frank De Pain who finally managed to pin Toby down and put a beating upon him. Frank picked Toby up and whipped him into the turnbuckle before chasing him there, flipping him the the ground and jumping to the top. Frank grinned at Ruud and went for a moonsault, but Toby got his knees up. Toby recovered and tagged Jed back in. Jed had caught a second win and beat Frank to the ground for numerous 2 counts before Ruud blind tagged himself back in. Ruud dodged a Sky High and connected with a Dutch Courage. Toby struggled back into the ring but was blocked by a flying Frank De Pain. Ruud then covered Toby for the win. [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER][I]End Of Part One[/I][/CENTER][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][B]Coming Up:[/B] Geena The Warrior Princess VS Miss Information Joey Beauchamp (c) VS Super Falcon [COLOR="Navy"][I]for the UCR European Championship[/I][/COLOR] Anna Ki (c) VS Jeri Behr [COLOR="navy"][I]for the UCR Female Championship[/I][/COLOR] Byron (c) VS Louis Figo Manico [COLOR="navy"][I]for the UCR World Combat Championship[/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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