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Real Pro Wrestling: No Gimmicks, No Lame Storylines...just Wrestling

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[CENTER][CENTER][QUOTE] [CENTER] [url]www.thefightnetwork.com[/url] Sick of Sports Entertainment? Do you wish that you can watch Pro Wrestling without having your intelligence insulted? Well you came to the right place. Real Pro Wrestling is about to explode on the wrestling scene with a brand new television show on the Fight Network. We will not resort to lame jokes, semi-nude women and cartoon-ish wrestlers. Real Pro Wrestling, is a promotion for hardcore wrestling fans who want a true alternative to the other stuff currently being forced down their throat. This isn't Sports Entertainment, this isn't Total Non-stop Action, this is REAL PRO WRESTLING! [B]Every Wednesday night at 9:30pm est. Check your local listings... The Fight Network: All Fights All the Time[/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE] ....[/CENTER][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][QUOTE] [CENTER] [url]www.realprowrestling.com[/url] Welcome to Real Pro Wrestling, we're the true alternative to professional wrestling. Make sure to catch all of our weekly wrestling action on the Fight Network every Wednesday night at 9:30pm est. Real Pro Wrestling makes it's television debut, on the Fight Network, with the first bracket of the [B]Alternative Championship Tournament[/B]. [B]Bracket A:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Match 1[/B]: [B]"Tough Enough" Daniel Puder vs "Double C" Claudio Castagnoli[/B][/COLOR] [B]Daniel Puder[/B] is a Mixed Martial Arts fighter who turned Pro Wrestler, he is known mostly for his stint in World Wrestling Entertainment. Puder was trained by Frank Shamrock and Crazy Bob Cook at the American Kick Boxing Academy in San Jose, learning submission fighting and kick boxing. He is currently has an undefeated MMA record, 6-0, can he become the Alternative Champion? [B]Claudio Castagnoli[/B] was born and raised in Switzerland. Castagnoli was trained by SigMasta Rappo, a fellow wrestler from Switzerland. He eventualy moved to the United States where he continued his training with Chris Hero, Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth. Castagnoli held various Tag Team Championships and even competed in the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament under the Terry Funk bracket. [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Match 2: Roderick Strong vs Giant Bernard[/B][/COLOR] [B]Roderick Strong[/B] was trained by Jim Neidhart in Florida. Strong uses a North American Strong Style, focusing on stiff strikes and unique backbreakers. He's leading the No Remorse Corps into Real Pro Wrestling, looking to dominate the company. [B]Giant Bernard[/B], formerly known as A-Train, stands at 6'10" and weighs 326lbs. He has massive strength and size and knows how to use it. After being released from World Wrestling Entertainment, Bernard made his way to the rising sun, dominating the heavyweight ranks in New Japan Wrestling. He currently holds their Tag Team Championship. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Match 3: "H2O" Ron Waterman vs Sean O'Haire[/COLOR][/B] [B]Ron Waterman[/B] is a MMA fighter who turned Pro Wrestler. Many people compare his appearance to Scott Steiner, which might be the reason why World Wrestling Entertainment released him. Waterman has a current MMA record of 14-5-2. Can Ron Waterman relaunch his career and win the Alternative Championship? [B]Sean O'Haire[/B] started his career in WCW after training in the Power Plant. He teamed up with fellow Power Plant student Mark Jindrak. They held the WCW Tag Team Championships, and even formed an alliance with the Natural Born Thrillers. Once WCW folded, O'Haire signed with WWE, becoming the Devil's advocate. He was soon released and started a brand new career in MMA. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Match 4: "The Beast" Bob Sapp vs Rodney Mack[/COLOR][/B] [B]Bob Sapp[/B] is a MMA fighter and Pro Wrestler who usualy competes in Japan. He is well known in Japan, appearing in commercials, television shows and even releasing his own music cd entitled "It's Sapp time!". [B]Rodney Mack[/B] is better known for his stint in World Wrestling Entertainment. Mack is a legit tough guy, working as a bodyguard for various rockstars and celebrities. [B]Watch Real Pro Wrestling only on the Fight Network Wednesdays at 9:30pm est, check your local listings![/B] [/CENTER] [/QUOTE][/CENTER] ....
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[CENTER][I][B]Note:[/B] Since Real Pro Wrestling TV is only half an hour long, the matches are heavily edited and clipped. [/I] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Real Pro Wrestling TV[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]infront of 188 people at the Athletics Center Arena shown on the Fight Network your hosts are Scott Hudson & JJ Dillion[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The show's opening montage has clips of Real Pro Wrestler's striking and slamming each other. The intro video is set to[/COLOR] [B]"Rookie" by Boysetsfire[/B]. [COLOR="Blue"]We cut to the announcer's table where Scott Hudson and J.J. Dillion are sitting. [/COLOR] [B]Scott Hudson[/B]: Welcome to the debut of Real Pro Wrestling, my name is Scott Hudson and I'm joined by my broadcast partner, James J. Dillion. [B]J.J. Dillion[/B]: In all of my years in this business this is the most excited I've been for a product in a long time. You won't find any insulting sports entertainment bullcrap here, this is the home of Professional Wrestling at it's finest. [B]Scott Hudson[/B]: That's right J.J., we're the true Alternative in Professional Wrestling and tonight we're going to prove it in our quest to crown the Alternative Champion. Let's head to the ring to kick off our Championship tournament with a first round matchup... vs Sean O'Haire manages to beat Ron Waterman with the Widow Maker after Waterman dominated most of the match on the ground. [B]Match Rating: D[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian National anthem hits.[/COLOR] [B]The Quebec Resistance[/B], [COLOR="Blue"]Rene Dupree & Sylvain Grenier, make their way out towards ringside waving the Quebec flag over their heads. The crowd boo's them out of the building.[/COLOR] [B]Rene Dupree[/B]: We came to America because we heard it was the land of opportunity, filled with tons of competition. So tonight we're holding an Open Challenge to any American tag teams out there... [B]The Naturals[/B], [COLOR="Blue"]Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas, run out. They slide inside of the ring and stand toe-to-toe with the Quebec Resistance. [/COLOR] [B]Rene Dupree[/B]: I don't know who you are but do you really think you can take us on? Come on, really, you two look as if you're 150 pounds soaking wet. [COLOR="Blue"]Dupree and Grenier start laughing. The Naturals nail them both with punches, striking them into the ropes. They whip the Quebec fighters into the ropes and nail them with stereo dropkicks. The crowd explodes.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]A referee runs out and slides into the ring. He calls for the bell to officaly start off this tag team match. [/COLOR] vs The Quebec Resistance defeated The Naturals after a hard fought tag team match. Rene Dupree pinned Chase Stevens after Grenier nailed him with the Time Keeper's bell. [B]Match Rating: C[/B] vs Bob Sapp beat Rodney Mack after a hard hitting brawl with a Beast Bomb. [B]Match Rating: C-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Backstage, the No Remorse Corps, Davey Richards & Rocky Romero, are helping Roderick Strong warm up for his match against Giant Bernard tonight.[/COLOR] vs Daniel Puder upset Claudio Castagnoli after a solid technical matchup when he forced Double C to tap-out to a Keylock submission. [B]Match Rating: C[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Giant Bernard makes his way down the hallway, he looks intense and ready to fight. [/COLOR] vs Giant Bernard defeated Roderick Strong after a stiff fight. Both men nailed each other with vicious forearms and chops, by the end of the match Strong's chest was bloody. Once Giant Bernard hit his Bernard Driver(Chokebomb) it was all over for the Strong Style fighter. [B]Match Rating: C[/B] [B]Final Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
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I like the concept a lot. Kind of like a puroresu-style promotion in America, appealing to MMA fans. But there are some problems: - some of these guys...aren't really fit for this kinda of promotion. Claudio, Sean O'Haire...etc. I'd rather see guys that already wrestle styles that have that kinda shoot-style/MMA influence: Yuji Nagata, Davey Richards, Rocky Romero, Low Ki, a lot of Japanese wrestles: KENTA, Yoshihiro Takayama, Minpru Suzuki, Katsuhiko Nakajima, Shinsuke Nakamura, guys like that. - You say that there are no lame jokes or whatever, but you're second segment with Rene Dupree is pretty much 100% WWE-style. I mean, the lame entrance, and ending it in a weapon shot is pure sports entertainment. Plus the match times are weird. Unless you are doing pure shoot-style matches, they shouldn't be that short. So this has a lot of potential but I think there are some things that are a little off here.
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[QUOTE]I like the concept a lot. Kind of like a puroresu-style promotion in America, appealing to MMA fans. But there are some problems: - some of these guys...aren't really fit for this kinda of promotion. Claudio, Sean O'Haire...etc. I'd rather see guys that already wrestle styles that have that kinda shoot-style/MMA influence: Yuji Nagata, Davey Richards, Rocky Romero, Low Ki, a lot of Japanese wrestles: KENTA, Yoshihiro Takayama, Minpru Suzuki, Katsuhiko Nakajima, Shinsuke Nakamura, guys like that. - You say that there are no lame jokes or whatever, but you're second segment with Rene Dupree is pretty much 100% WWE-style. I mean, the lame entrance, and ending it in a weapon shot is pure sports entertainment. Plus the match times are weird. Unless you are doing pure shoot-style matches, they shouldn't be that short. So this has a lot of potential but I think there are some things that are a little off here.[/QUOTE] You wont see any Japanese wrestlers yet but there'll be cross-over wrestlers later on in the diary. I'm also trying to stay away from anybody who has a TNA contract since this promotion has a TV deal with Fight Network. Sean O'Haire has MMA training and has competed in PRIDE and K-1. I'd like to focus on mixing MMA fighters and Pro Wrestlers together, although when a Pro Wrestler who doesn't have that strong of a legit fighting background fights a MMA guy he'll probably stand a higher chance of losing, thus why Claudio(who is technicaly well versed) lost to Daniel Puder(who's currently undefeated in MMA). Davey Richards, Rocky Romero are in the promotion and will be featured in Bracket B of the tournament, they were in the first show in a backstage skit helping Strong train. You can't jump to conclusions on the Quebec Resistance segment yet, it'll conclude on the next show. Let's just say sports entertainment will be dying a slow death. I should've included this earlier, the show is heavily edited and clipped since RPW doesn't have that long enough of a time slot in Fight Network.
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[CENTER][QUOTE] [CENTER] [url]www.realprowrestling.com[/url] [B]Real Pro Wrestling suspends The Quebec Resistance[/B] -After viewing the replay of Real Pro Wrestling TV, the Board of Directors has decided to [B]fine and suspend[/B] The Quebec Resistance for using an ilegal weapon behind the referee's back. Using any sort of object as a weapon is completely illegal and will not be tolerated. We do not turn our back on such actions, unlike some companies. Any future offense will lead to the termination of their contract. [B]Bracket B of the Alternative Championship Tournament[/B] -Real Pro Wrestling will continue it's quest to crown the first ever Alternative Champion. Here's the lineup for bracket B: [B]Bracket B:[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Match 5: "Lord of the Ring" Nick Dinsmore vs NOVA[/COLOR][/B] [B]Nick Dinsmore[/B] is sick of being a Sports Entertainer, he's ready to be taken seriously once again and show the world what he's made of. Dinsmore is a technical wizard and can out-wrestle the majority of the pro wrestlers out there today. [B]NOVA[/B], formerly known as Simon Dean, is ready to make his return into the squared circle. Known to many as the innovator of pretty much every offensive move, NOVA has created such a unique wrestling style that it's pretty much impossible to study him. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Match 6: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce vs "Anarchist" Arik Cannon[/COLOR][/B] [B]Adam Pearce[/B] is the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Pearce made a name for himself in ROH, defending the company against CZW invaders in the Cage of Death and forming the Hangman's Three. Don't be fooled by [B]Arik Cannon's[/B] look or attire or he'll forearm you across your face. Cannon is a Strong Style wrestler who focuses heavily on strikes and suplexs. He's a former IWA Mid-South Heavyweight champion and just finished a successful tour with Dragon Gate in Japan. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Match 7: Davey Richards vs BJ Whitmer[/COLOR][/B] [B]Davey Richards[/B] along with Rocky Romero and Roderick Strong make up the No Remorse Corps. The deadly trio has their eye's set on dominating the singles and tag division in Real Pro Wrestling. Richards has a North American Strong Style, focusing on vicious kicks, although he is known for some times using his agility and speed in his offense. [B]BJ Whitmer[/B] was trained by Les Thatcher. Thatcher and many others, have looked as Whitmer as the next break out star comparing him to wrestlers such as HHH. BJ Whitmer uses a Strong Style, focusing on his Suplexs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Match 8: Rocky Romero vs Eddie Kingston[/B][/COLOR] [B]Rocky Romero[/B] is the third member of the No Remorse Corps. Romero started his career off in Mexico(CMLL) as a trio, teaming with Ricky Reyes and T.J. Perkins. Once he returned to the United States he quickly made a name for himself in ROH's tag team division, holding the championships with Ricky Reyes. [B]Eddie Kingston[/B] is the last of a dying breed. Trained by Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth, Eddie Kingston mixes a hybrid style of Street Fighting and Strong Style. While not the most impressive guy to look at, Kingston can take a beating and will most surely come back for more. [/CENTER] [/QUOTE][/CENTER] ...
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[QUOTE]Is this based off the real promotion RPW or is this made up with your own style? The reason I ask it because it seems that if they are your goal that you are to pro wrestling esque compared to what they do. Regardless I am watching.[/QUOTE] It's not based on the real promotion. This is a created promotion that's a hybrid of MMA/Pro Wrestling with a very small hint of some realistic storylines.
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[CENTER][B]Note[/B]: [I]Real Pro Wrestling TV is heavily edited and clipped to fit it's time slot. [/I] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Real Pro Wrestling TV[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]infront of 184 people at the Cliff Hagan Stadium shown on the Fight Network your hosts are Scott Hudson & JJ Dillion[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The show's opening montage has clips of Real Pro Wrestler's striking and slamming each other. The intro video is set to[/COLOR] [B]"Rookie" by Boysetsfire. [/B] [COLOR="Blue"]We're taken to the commentator's booth where Scott Hudson and J.J. Dillion are awaiting to introduce us. [/COLOR] [B]Scott Hudson[/B]: Welcome to another edition of Real Pro Wrestling TV, we have an action packed lineup for you tonight! We got the continuation of the Alternative Championship Tournament, we got a chance to witness what happened in Bracket A don't you miss out on what happens in Bracket B!! [B]J.J. Dillion[/B]: Hudson, sorry to interrupt you but before we can go any further let me address one thing. Last week, I was sickened to witness two fools nearly ruin this company. Real Pro Wrestling is a Pro Wrestling alternative, we don't need to resort to having two unemployed a-holes running around and putting down our great country! [B]Scott Hudson[/B]: You're talking about the Quebec Resistance, Rene Dupree & Sylvain Grenier, these two resorted to using a weapon to win the match and got themselves suspended. They're so used to being in sports entertainment land that they just buried themselves without even knowing it. [B]J.J. Dillion[/B]: It wouldn't kill me if those guys never returned. [B]Scott Hudson[/B]: They're in attendance tonight as audience members. I'll get a word with them later on. But right now, let's head on over to ringside for the opening bout. vs Rocky Romero defeated Eddie Kingston by submission with a Jujigatame. Kingston tried to keep this match on his feet, resorting to headbuts and forearms. Romero used his mat wrestling skills to take him down and submit him. [B]Match Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]We see Nick Dinsmore backstage warming up with neck bridges. He takes on NOVA later on tonight. [/COLOR] vs Adam Pearce beat Arik Cannon with a Sit-Out Piledriver. This match was mostly fought on their feet. Cannon handed out some stiff chops but Pearce didn't back down, he returned the same amount of chops. Later on, after some back and forth near falls, Adam Pearce managed to put Cannon away with a Piledriver. [B]Match Rating: C[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Scott Hudson is in the crowd standing next to Rene Dupree and Sylvain Grenier. They're dressed in their casual street clothes. [/COLOR] [B]Scott Hudson[/B]: Last week, you made your Real Pro Wrestling debut and totally dug a grave for yourselves by becoming a sports entertainment act. What do you have to say? [B]Rene Dupree[/B]: This isn't an act, Hudson. We're proud French Canadiens who have come to American for a better opportunity. America is the land of opportunity, is it not? [B]Scott Hudson[/B]: It sure is but that doesn't give you the right to bash a time keepers bell over Chase Steven's head. [B]Rene Dupree[/B]: We did what we had to do to win. We are serving our punishment right now for our mistakes but that doesn't change who we are. [B]Scott Hudson[/B]: Well as of right now, you're suspended untill the end of the month. Do you have your eyes set on anyone who you'd like to compete against when you make your in-ring return. [B]Rene Dupree[/B]: We came here to fight the best of the best, we don't care who we fight as long as we have competition. We don't care wether you think we're "sports entertainers" or not, you will not change us. We will continue walking out with our Quebec flag, proudly. [B]Scott Hudson[/B]: Thank you. Hopefully we'll see you two again. vs Davey Richards defeated BJ Whitmer with the DR Driver II in a very competitive match. [B]Match Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]NOVA is seen walking down the hallway, he's wearing a black boxing hoodie over his wrestling attire. His match against Nick Dinsmore is next.[/COLOR] vs Nick Dinsmore beat NOVA with a Bridged German Suplex. Both guys immediately took this match to the ground where they're more comfortable. After some back and forth mat wrestling, the match turned into a striking competition. NOVA got the upper hand and attempted his Kryptonite Krunch but Dinsmore countered it into a German Suplex with a bridge. [B]Match Rating: C[/B] [B]Final Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
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