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The rise for the Future 5 and ABW

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(This is done on a tew file, which I made myself, when I first got the game, it has the original game wrestlers, but, when I got the game I created the real wrestlers, eg rey mysterio, because I didn’t know of the mods made on this site, so sorry about the most of the wrestlers having maxed out skills. I havent added many promotions, and have created my own promotion abw, along with wcw, ecw, roh, tna and wwe all having the same tv deal on a made up network with a tiny rating, for size, but all around the world. I have started playing into this for a week so I could sign 8 people (as each company has no workers to start with(so they can sign who they want) . Again sorry people have maxed out stats, as I would have had a even massiver headache, filling them in accurately. Also I have made them in 18 to 20’s in age sorry had a massive headache ) Show is set on Fridays but will properly be up on Saturday’s, starting after Destiny! The Scene Monday week 4, the press conference of the sudden closure of Most wrestling companies, due to abuse, and the Leaving in the rises of 6 smaller ones, ecw, roh, wcw, tna, wwe, and abw. Joe King owner of ABW (Amazing British Wrestling), gives his speech. JK- Men, Female Men, I am here to day to wind you up. (someone in the crowd tells him to **** of) Okey lets get serious … Now people say wwe, and wcw because of there former ties as training academies for promotions such as TCW, will have a better chance in the wrestling world than ABW, and the others, I wont mention cause there crap. Well wwe and wcw are crap, but that’s just my opinion, And soon to be all yours. I am proud to say in one week time, ABW will hold their first event, Destiny. Every man has a dream, and every man has his Destiny, and in 7 Days, the first signed 8 wrestlers will compete in a tournament for the [COLOR="Lime"]ABW World Heavy Weight Championship[/COLOR]. [COLOR="Lime"] Preview of Destiny[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Every man has a dream, and every man has his Destiny, 8 men but only one Destiny, 8 men all in all tournament, ABW World Heavy Weight Champion to be Crowned.[/COLOR] Wrestlers to Debut at Destiny in no match order, The 619, the high flying, The Biggest Little Man [COLOR="Cyan"]Rey Mysterio[/COLOR] a former world Champ in Wwe, takes on The Instant Clasic [COLOR="Red"]Christian Cage[/COLOR], a Former 2 time Tna World Champ A man new to the wrestling world, but found on the streets of Swansea, looks to bring the G into ABW. He is [COLOR="Red"]Flick Thug[/COLOR]! vs. Whats Up! I said What up! [COLOR="Cyan"]Ron Killings[/COLOR] that’s Whats Up! The former 2 time Tna Champion in ABW Battling the Thug of Swansea. The Lion Hart, the former Savoir of WWE, has come to Save us in ABW, [COLOR="Red"]Chris Jericho[/COLOR] faces Another man from Wales, but not Swansea, a man from Cardiff, The Unbelievable, Insane, Impossible Defier (sorry for Spelling) [COLOR="Cyan"]Scoz[/COLOR] Proclaimed by the Fans as The No Risker, former Tna X Champ [COLOR="Cyan"]Kaz[/COLOR] takes on The Shayman of sexy, the Face of a Champ, [COLOR="Red"]Jonny Nitro[/COLOR] Also the Semi Finals and Final will be held on the Same night in a History in the making 3 Hour Event of Destiny! Tune in to Destiny Monday week 1 January
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[QUOTE=wrestlefan;317475]so does anything happen to the guy, who gets the closest predictions, and does anyone want me to post Destiny late Saturday (uk time) if i finish it before sunday. and does any one mind if i only do full match reports for ppvs and just highlights for tv shows[/QUOTE] That's all up to you. Try reading some of the more well known and popular threads to find out what other people and it may hel;p you out. I would say try Battlelines, ECW worldwide and wwe from montreal to attitude as a start. It will help you greatly.:D
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[COLOR="Red"]Destiny[/COLOR] 15,000 Sell Out Earls Court Ppv byrate 0.18 Show Rating B+ The fireworks go off, and Destiny starts, the cameras roll backstage in Joe Kings Office, [COLOR="Cyan"]JK[/COLOR]- Welcome Ladies and Lady fellas to Amazing British Wrestling biggest, party of the year, and with it being a party, please welcome, former wwe appearance star, Big Dick Johnson! Johnson does his usual dance with, the fans closing there eyes, King joins in until, Johnson accidentally knocks King over, who rises to his feet. [COLOR="Cyan"]JK[/COLOR]- You, you, (but Johnson cuts him of) [COLOR="Orange"]BDJ[/COLOR]- I love dissing contests, me first, Your mom is so fat, when she turns around its her Birthday. Then King somehow lifts up Johnson, in a Fireman’s Carry, before Levelling The Death Valley Driver. The Crowd pops. [COLOR="Cyan"]JK[/COLOR]- Now the first match of the night, Flick Thug vs. Ron Killings Backstage The Truth is shown, [COLOR="Lime"]RK[/COLOR]- People who give a Damm, Whats Up, if u Feel me Stand up, you see Flick Thug, me and you one on one, to Advance towards the Semi Finals, your big first match, well Thug I got something to say, Whats (crowd shout Up) no not up, Whats Down, ur shoulders down for the 1,2,3 Hype for Flick Thug vs. Ron Killings The ABW Rundown Killings former 2 time World Champ Thug, brought up on the streets of Swansea Thugs first ever Wrestling Match [COLOR="Red"]Match 1[/COLOR] Advancement Match 1 [COLOR="Orange"]Flick Thug[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Cyan"]Ron Killing[/COLOR] Before the match Starts, the announcers Martin Theocolt (MT) and Salty Larry (SL) introduce Themselves. The match starts with Thug, throwing punches and kicks right to the face of Killings, who tries to fight Thug of, who whips Truth to the ropes, but the Truth Sprinboards before coming back at Thug with a Corkscrew spin Kick. 1 2 Kickout. Killings picks up Flick, and lifts him up onto his Shoulders, but Thug, knees Ron in the face, which causes Truth to put him back down, where Thug grabs Killings neck and Flips over Ron, Delivering a Massive Neckbreaker! Thug picks up Killings, and tries to lift him up, but Killings Lifts thug up into the Inverted Suplex driving Thug between his legs. Killings climbs up top and waits for Thug to get up, Ron then dives of the rope but Thug catches him and hitting from a Firemans carry, he rolls forward onto Killings driving his leg onto the neck of Truth! Called the The Loway. Thug climbs up the top rope, and stalks Truth, who gets to his feet and turns around, to a Mounsault flip by Thug, who bring Both Knees right in Killings Skull! 1 2, Kickout Thug picks up Ron, and delivers straight Roundhouse kicks to the neck of Truth, before, lifting him up on his Shoulder, Thug, then runs into the turnbuckle full speed, bringing the head of Ron right into the Corner, then hitting a move where, from a firemans carry, Thug did a Mounsault flip, Splashing Truth into the Canvas, called The Highway, he covers him 1 2, Kickout! Thug then Climbs up top again, and waits for Killings to get to his feet, Killings turns around and Flick does a Forward Flip, but before connecting onto Truth, Ron jumps up hiting a Devastating Jumping kick to the Back of Flicks Head! 1 2, Kickout! Killings makes his way to his feet, and stalks Thug, who turns around, to Truth who Springboards of the ropes with a Corkscrew Spinning Elbow to Thug! 1 2, Kickout! Ron tries to pick up Thug, but Flick manages a Spinning Roundhouse kick! Thug picks up Ron, and hit’s a Spinning Sidewalk Slam into a Backbreaker called The Swansea Finish! 1 2.… Kickout! Thug, places Truth up on the top rope, he jumps up and Attempts a Hunincanrana, but Killings pulls of a Powerbomb from the top rope, sending Thug Crashing into the matt. Killings then follows with a Front Flip Legdrop! 1 2.… Kickout! Killings gets up and picks up Thug, who tries to fight him of, but Killings quickly lifts up Thug before Levelling a Modified Air Raid Siren call The Truth Hurts! 1 2.… Kickout! Killings tries to pick up Thug, who jumps up catching a 450 spin of the ground, Driving the Knee into face of Truth! 1 2.… Kickout! Thug pick up Ron, who Clothlines Flick out of the ring, bur Killings hangs onto the ropes, so he would not go out as well, and stalks Flick, who when he turned around, Truth Springboards, and hit’s a 600 Crossbody onto Thug! Killings rolls Thug into the ring, and bounces of the ropes Hitting the Axe Kick! 1 2.… Kickout! Killings picks up the Remains of Flick who out of nowhere with the Ref, not able to see with him in the Way, Thug Low Blows, Ron, and lifts him up in a reverse firemans carry position, and drives Ron down like a FU, but brings his Knees into the face of killings like the G2S, called the Thug Smash! 1 2.… 3! [COLOR="Magenta"]MT- We had an amazing mat,ch going on but that Punk Flick Thug Stole a Victory SL- Hey Martin calm down, he did he had to do, to Win MT- Larry you can Shut Up, I saw what I saw as a Disregard to the Rules! SL- well if you can keep your Kickers on, because up next Rey vs. Cage[/COLOR] Cage is Shown backstage, [COLOR="Lime"]CC[/COLOR]- Rey Mysterio the Biggest Little Man, well for one thing I cant argue with Little, cause you see Rey, inless you’re the Instant Classic, Size Does Matter! Hype for Rey Mysterio vs. Christian Cage The ABW Rundown Both held Former Heavy Weight Gold for last Promotions Mysterio the Highflyer, Cage the Rulebreaker Umpretire vs. 619 [COLOR="Red"]Match 2[/COLOR] Advancement Match 2 [COLOR="Orange"]Christian Cage[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Cyan"]Rey Mysterio[/COLOR] The bell rings and immediately Cage goes after Rey, who ducks and hits Cage with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Rey waits for Cage to get up, and Sprinboards of the ropes hitting another Spinning Wheel Kick! 1 2, Kickout! Cage gets to his feet, and Rey jumps up to Cages Neck, where Cage Catches him, before walking backwards, bringing Rey, over his Shoulder behind him, Face First into the Turnbuckle! And Planting a huge Powerbomb right onto Cage’s Knee. 1 2, Kickout! Cage picks up Rey, and Springs of the ropes, hitting a Twisting Crossbody onto Rey. 1 2, Kickout! Cage tries to pick up Rey, who Jumps up hitting a Hunincanrana sending Cage over the Ropes! Rey then sees Cage is up and Springs of the ropes catching a Forward Flip into The Seated Senton on Cage on the Outside! The Ref begins the 10 count, as Rey climbs onto the railings, but as Cage gets up he spots Rey, and quickly Sprints towards him, Jumping onto the Railing, catching Rey’s Head and Jumping of the Railing, keeping Rey on it Sending his Parts into the Railing! Cage then places Rey onto the Steel Steps, he rolls into the ring, and backout resetting the count, then climbing up the Turnbuckle. Cage then hit’s a Mounsault into a Knee Drop crushing Rey’s head into the Steel. Cage rolls Rey into the ring and Covers him, 1 2.… Kickout! Cage tries to pick up Rey, but Rey somehow, begins, to kick at Cage’s Legs before, whiping Cage into the ropes and Hitting a Quick Powerslam! 1 2, Kickout! With Cage down Rey, jumps up top and Delivers to Cage a 450 Splash, 1 2.… Kickout! Rey gets to his feet and, waits for Cage to get up, then Rey pulls Cage Towards him, then Rey tries to pick up Cage for a Powerbomb, but Cage blocks it and spins around Rey and, Pulls of a Massive Reverse DDT! Cage goes up top, Frog Splash, 1 2.… Kickout! Cage shows his anger as he pulls Rey up, who out of nowhere Quickly picks up Cage, and hit’s the Powerbomb into the Jacknife Pin, 1 2.… Kickout! Rey picks up Cage, who throws Rey to the rope, who Sprinboards of the ropes Levelling Cage with a Legdrop, Smashing Cage’s head into the Canvas! 1 2.… Kickout! Rey picks up Cage, who rakes him to the eye, Cage then Whips Rey to the Corner who jumps up top, then jumps of trying a Crossbody, but Cage pulls of a Dropkick to the Face of Rey! Both men get to there feet, Cage charges at Rey, who Drops him with the Toehold onto the Ropes, he Signals it, Rey bounces of the ropes and hit’s the 619! Then he Springboards of the ropes for Dropin The Dime! 1 2.… Kickout! Rey tries to pick up Cage, but another Rake to the Eye, allows Cage to hit the Umpretire! 1 2.… Kickout! Cage goes up top, but Rey played Possum, and jumps up he then climbs up top with Cage, Rey attempts the Sunset Flip, but Cage blocks it, Rey quickly jumps back up, and grabs Cage like the Canadian Destroyer, Accept with his legs over the Arms of Cage, then Suddenly Rey pulls of a Massive Flippin Sunset Flip of the Top Rope. 1 2.… 3! [COLOR="Magenta"]MT- What a Move, What a Win, Go on Rey SL- Martin if you keep on showing Favortism, I will come over there and bust you in the mouth MT- Okey then, up next Jericho vs. Scoz [/COLOR] Chris Jericho is shown backstage, [COLOR="Lime"]CJ[/COLOR]- The Lionhart, has come to Saveus in ABW, Saveus from you the D*** Fans watching This, cause when I win the World Title Tonight, unlike Thug who won in his first match, Scoz, I’m going to Break You in Half! Scoz get ready for the Countdown 10,9,8 you know the Rest! Hype for Scoz vs. Chris Jericho The ABW Rundown Scoz no Experience, found fighting for his life against several Gang Members Jericho Multiple World Champion in other Promotions, and first ever WWE Undisputed Champion The Lion Hart turned Black vs. The Unbelievable [COLOR="Red"]Match 3[/COLOR] Advancement match 3 [COLOR="Cyan"]Scoz[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Orange"]Chris Jericho[/COLOR] The Bell rings, Jericho walks up to Scoz, slapping hisFace in, Scoz stares at Chris, before being Slapped again, Jericho attempts the swing, but Scoz blocks it before Hitting, Jericho with Several rights and lefts, Scoz signals to the crowd, and then Springing of the Ropes, with a Mounsault Clothline onto Jericho! Scoz picks up Jericho who, kicks Scoz in the chest, Jericho whips Scoz to the ropes, who sprinboards of them Attempting a move Similar to The Whisper in the Wind called Out of Nowhere, and hits it! 1 2, Kickout! Scoz picks up Jericho, who fights Scoz of, and lifts him up on his shoulders, and hit’s a Mounsault Flip Gut Buster called The Lion Tamer! 1 2, Kickout! Jericho picks up Scoz, and lifts him onto one shoulder, he runs toward the ropes but Scoz, grabs onto them, using them to get onto the Apron, but Jericho runs and bounces of the opposite ropes as Scoz Springboards and Levels a jumping Dropkick sending Scoz into the Railings Head First! Scoz slowly gets him self to his feet and turns around to Jericho who dives of the ropes, but Scoz jumps up and hit’s a Pele in midair to Jericho! Scoz rolls back into the ring, the ref count 9, but Scoz doesn’t want to Advance on Countout, so he Springs of the ropes hitting a 720 flip onto Jericho sending both into the Crowd! Scoz gets up, but so does Jericho, and with the ref, not being able to see Clearly, Jericho Low Blows Scoz, and hoists him up, before power bombing him onto the railings causing him to get stuck on the other side! Jericho climbs over the railings and goes into the ring, but rolls out again seeing the Defenceless Scoz! Jericho then goes onto the Apron and dives of hitting Scoz head first into the Railings with a Shooting Star Press into a Dropkick! Jericho rolls Scoz into the ring, Jericho then Grabs Scoz’s legs, and signals, The Walls of Jericho, he lock it in, bringing Scoz’s Body tilting up, the blood rushing to his head Along with Back, and legs Breaking in Half! Scoz screams in pain and tries to Crawl towards the Ropes, he gets closer, and closer, but Jericho pulls him Away! Jericho starts to mock him, with the Blood rushing Scoz looks to pass out, or Tap to the Pain! But, Scoz starts to grab Jericho’s legs, and flips him over, Scoz slowly gets up but, Jericho whips him to the corner, Jericho charges at him, but Scoz gets out the way, bounces of the ropes, and sprints towards Jericho before turning around, doing a mounsault Flip Clothine into Jericho against the Turnbuckle, bounces of the ropes Again, and hitting a 450 Flip Clothline into Jerchio, and bouncing of the ropes one more time for a Shooting Star Press Flip, into a Jumping Kick in the Corner, grabing Jericho and hitting a Bulldog! Scoz stalks Jericho who gets up and turns around, Scoz jumps hitting a Massive Dropkick (Extremely impact dropkick called The Last Chance) to Jericho! 1 2.… But Jericho foot is already under the rope! He didn’t move it, he was just lucky. Scoz picks up Jericho who Knees Scoz in the Balls! and lifts him up for The Tripple Powerbomb! 1 2.… Kickout! Jericho picks up Scoz and throws him to the ropes, but Scoz Springs of and catches a cloth line on Chris, but before taking him down, Scoz Swings around causing, Jericho to go into Scoz’s Knee, and using Jericho to Flip Over, for a Tornado DDT! Scoz picks up Chris and putting him on his shoulders and doing a forward flip, bring him his body to the side of Jericho landing like a Side Effect in a move called The Setup! Scoz then climbs up top, and hit’s a Mounsault Elbow to the chest of Jericho! Scoz stalks Jericho who when up Suffers The Ending Kick! (the jumping kick Deuce sometimes does) 1 2.… Kickout! Scoz tries to pick up Jericho who, rakes his eyes, allowing Jericho to hit a Facebuster, Jericho then Springs of the ropes, Lionsault! 1 2.… Kickout! Jericho quickly picks up Scoz, who somehow, flips over to the back of Chris, grabs him in a reverse DDT, like postion, Lifting him up, and Jumping to the side, slaming Chris head and back into the Canvas called The British Death Sentence! The crowd chant For Make him Tap, Scoz Points to Jericho, the Crowd Cheer, Scoz grabs both legs of Jericho, and tries to Bridge over, but Jericho slips out of it, and goes up top, but Scoz jumps up top, hitting a Enzigre, causing Jericho to fall, hanging onto the ropes, but Scoz goes onto the Apron, and grabs both feet of Chris, and Bridges over the ropes, Pulling at the Leg of Jericho! (the original move played of the ground is called The British Bridge) The ref counts to 10 (10 the break count in ABW) Scoz starts to let go, but the crowd Chant More, so Scoz holds it in Before 9, but Jericho is close to basically a Comer, Scoz then places Jericho hanging of the Turnbuckle, Scoz steps on Jericho’s legs causing Chris last remaining life, to lean up, Scoz then jumps with a 450 Splash into a Legdrop 1 2.… 3! [COLOR="Magenta"]SL- You What, Scoz you Cheating Bi*** MT- After Chris cheating, Scoz used the 10 count to his advantage, nothing wrong with That SL- Shut your Mouth Martin MT- Hey Scoz showed a Excellent Performance Today, in the Biggest Upset in History SL- Well Hopefully Nitro will show some good Wrestling Next MT- What that was Amazing, but don’t Forget Kaz next SL-Who[/COLOR] Nitro shown backstage, [COLOR="Lime"]JN[/COLOR]-Larry, I could not have said it better myself, Who is Kaz, Who is my Jobber, but most Importantly, Who am I Going to Beat Next! Hype for Nitro vs. Kaz ABW Rundown Both Looking to make Name’s for Themselves Nitro the ****y Youth, Kaz the Fans Own The New and Improved Wave of the Future vs. The Photo Finish [COLOR="Red"]Match 4[/COLOR] Final Advancement Mach [COLOR="Cyan"]Kaz [/COLOR]vs. [COLOR="Orange"]Jonny Nitro[/COLOR] The Bell Rings, and both men brawl, Kaz springs of the ropes and hit’s a Forward Flip into a Clothline on Nitro! Kaz waits for Nitro to get up and springs of the rope, but in midair, Nitro jumps up, hitting a Swinging Neckbreaker! 1 2, Kickout! Nitro goes up top and Kaz gets to his feet, he turns around and Nitro hit a Corkscrew Spinning into a Front Flip on Kaz taking Both men out the Ring! Both men get, up, and Nitro cloth lines Kaz into the Railing! Nitro charges at Kaz, who moves away, Kaz climbs on the apron, and Dives of with a Forward Flip Suicide Dive onto Nitro into the Railings! Kaz rolls Nitro into the ring but places his head under the rope, hanging over the apron, Kaz then Springs over the ropes Hitting a Mounsault Legdrop onto Nitro! Kaz rolls Nitro in the middle of the ring, 1 2, Kickout! Kaz stalks Nitro, who rakes Kaz’s eyes, then lifts him on one shoulder, before jumping down onto his Knee’s crushing Kaz’s ribs into his Shoulder! 1 2, Kickout! Nitro goes up top, he jumps and hit’s a Corkscrew Spinning Leg Drop to Kaz. 1 2, Kickout! Nitro tries to pick up Kaz, but Kaz fights him of and Springboards of the ropes hitting a Shooting Star Press into a Cross Body! 1 2, Kickout! Kaz picks up nitro and lifts him onto both shoulders, and hits and planting him down into a neck breaker move called The Kaz Plant! 1 2, Kickout! Kaz climbs up top, but Nitro gets up, and pulls on the rope, causing Kaz to loose balance and fall on his Crotch! Nitro then grabs Kaz’s head and with Kaz on Top hits his Corkscrew Neckbreaker! 1 2.… Kickout! Nitro Stalks Kaz, who turns around to a Move like a Mega Impactful Spinning Wheel Kick! 1 2.… Kickout! The Crowd go nuts! Nitro tries to pick up Kaz, who jumps up snapping of a Hunincanrana, then springing of the ropes hitting a Mounsault onto Nitro! 1 2.… Kickout! Both men get up, and Kaz jumps at Nitro who, hits Kaz with a Tiger Bomb called The Snap Bomb! 1 2.… Kickout! Nitro tries to pick up Kaz, who blocks Nitro and puts his back to Nitro, grabs his Neck and flips over into a Reverse DDT! 1 2.… Kickout! Kaz picks up Nitro, who rakes him to the eye, Nitro goes behing Kaz and grabs his head, he then flip over crushing Kaz’s Head into the Mat, called The Camera Zoom! Pinfall, 1 2.… but Kaz gets a foot on the Rope! Nitro picks up Kaz who of the Ground Jumps up, and hit’s a 450 Flip into a Jumping Kick! 1 2.… Kickout! Kaz picks up Nitro who tries to fight him of, but Kaz grabs him and HIt’s the new improved Wave of the Future! (just like the C4 paul birchil does) Kaz cover him, 1 2.… 3! [COLOR="Magenta"]SL- Noooooooooo! MT- Yesssssssssss! SL- Well at least he didn’t Cheat MT- Scoz didn’t Cheat SL- Shut up, besides Scoz, this PPV has be a huge Success MT- And up next, The Semi Final First Match[/COLOR] Hype for Semi Final match 1 Before there match, Thug tries to attack Rey, he keeps bringing rights and lefts, but Rey kicks him in the Shin, but Thug hits Rey with a Low Blow, Scoz and Kaz then come to the Rescue [COLOR="Red"]Match 5[/COLOR] Semi Final Match 1 [COLOR="Orange"]Flick Thug[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Cyan"]Rey Mysterio[/COLOR] The bell rings, Thug Straight Away brings the Knee to the Skull of Rey taking him out of the Ring! Slowly Rey gets to his feet, but Thug Springs of the Ropes with a Forward Flip onto Rey! Thug picks up Rey onto his shoulders, and slams him into the Steel Post! Still holding Rey, Thug walks in front of the Railings, and hit’s the Highway onto the Railings! Thug gets back into the ring and rolls back out, Thug stares down the Basically Crippled Rey, he pulls Rey into the ring, and places him on the top rope, Thug climbs up top too, he Attempts the Superplex, but Rey blocks it, fights Thug of, Rey hit’s the Sunset! (The Flipping Sunset Flip) But Rey has no Energy to cover Thug, and when he does get up, so does Thug, who Whips Rey to the ropes, but Rey comes back at him with The Mysterio Bulldog! 1 2.… Kickout! Rey climbs up top, Thug gets up and Turns around to a 450 Flip Seated Senton! 1 2.… Kickout! Rey picks up Thug, who rakes him to the eye, Thug then hit’s the Loway! 1 2.… Kickout! Thug Exit’s the ring, he grabs a Steel Chair and returns to the ring, He stalks Rey, who gets to his feet, Thug Swings, but as he pulls it back, Scoz pulls the Chair back, Thug turns to Scoz, who jumps onto the apron, Thug tries to swing at him, Scoz blocks hit and hunincanranas him out of the ring, into Kaz who hit’s a 450 flip into a Jumping Kick! The ref, doesn’t DQ Rey, because Thug had the chair, Scoz and Kaz roll Thug into the ring, Rey waits for Thug to get up, when he does, he dropkicks Thug to the ropes, here it comes 619! Rey stalks him, Mounsault! 1 2.… Thug gets a foot on the Rope! The ref sees Scoz and Kaz still at Ringside, and tell them to Leave! But Thug hits Rey with the Lowblow! He lifts Rey up, Here it comes Thug Smash! 1 2.… 3! [COLOR="Magenta"] SL- Finally some Justice MT- Larry can you not go by the Cheats SL- Martin I have my own opinion, you have yours, just no one cares about you MT- Well Everyones cares that Next is the Final Semi Final Match[/COLOR] Scoz and Kaz are both Shown backstage, Shaking Hand, saying good luck, to who Takes down Flick Thug! Hype For Semi Final Match 2 [COLOR="Red"]Match 6[/COLOR] Semi Final Match 2 [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Scoz vs. Kaz[/COLOR] The bell rings, Both men catch each other with Dropkicks to each others face’s, they both get up, Kaz springboards of the ropes, at Scoz who Catches him with a Midair Pele! 1 2.… Kickout! Scoz picks up Kaz who whips Scoz to the ropes, who Springs of the ropes but, Kaz catches him with a Front Flip into a Wheel Kick! 1 2.… Kickout! Kaz picks up Scoz, who fights him of, Scoz sprints at Kaz, who get out of the Way, but Scoz Springboards, but with him on the rope, Kaz hit’s a Jumping Kick to Scoz Sending Scoz into the Railings! Scoz slowly gets up, but as he does of the top rope, Kaz hits The Front Flip into the Suicde taking them both into the Crowd. The ref count is on 6, both men slowly get up, Kaz runs at Scoz who moves out of the Way and hit’s a Front Flip into a Kick called the Mele! The ref counts 9, and Scoz Springs of the railings into the ring, and quickly springs of the ropes into a Mounsault on Kaz who just got over the Railings! The ref restarts the count. Scoz picks up Kaz, but in the ring Flick Thug attacks the ref, and then Dives over the Rope with a 450 onto both Men! Thug picks up Scoz into a Overhead Powerbomb Position, and then Drives Scoz On the Back of the Head down to the Floor! (The move called the The Dreaded) Thug rolls Scoz into the ring, he then picks up Kaz and hit’s the Swansea Finish! He rolls Kaz into the ring, onto Scoz, and picks up the ref, Thug then heads to the back. The ref counts 1 2.… Kickout! Both men though, can get up, the ref count, he gets to 8, And both men Flip to there feet! (Like HBK) Kaz goes after Scoz, who does the Drop toe hold, Kaz goes down to the ropes like the 619, but he springs of the ropes and mounsaults to the other Side, grabs onto the Ropes and Swings down to Dropkick Kaz, in a Move called The Cardiff Swing Kick! Scoz stalks Kaz who gets up, and Scoz springboards but Kaz, catches him, grab his neck and Flips over him, Reverse DDT! 1 2.… Kickout! Kaz stalks Scoz who gets up, Scoz turns to Kaz who Grabs him, in a head lock and uses Scoz’s weight to, stay in the air, before coming down for a Impact DDT called The Lightning DDT! 1 2.… Kickout! Kaz picks up Scoz who fights him of, but Kaz trys the Wave of the Future, Scoz blocks it, and Flips over Kaz, he lifts him up, British Death Sentence! 1 2.… 3! [COLOR="Magenta"] SL- Scoz didn’t need to cheat in that one though MT- Will you get of Scoz’s Case SL- Don’t tell me what I can and cant do MT- No, you’ve been very intimidating to me all ppv, We are Partners SL- Im sorrt (says to him self, Whining B****)[/COLOR] The cameras roll in Joe King’s Office [COLOR="Lime"]JK[/COLOR]- have you people Enjoyed the Show so far, well I’ve got some Great News, not only do we have the Final Tonight for The World Heavy Weight Title, Right now I’m giving you a treat because, Next Kaz will take on Rey Mysterio for the ABW Inter X Championship! And like I said its Tonight! Backstage the Cameras show Flick Thug, [COLOR="Lime"]FT[/COLOR]- Well, Well look what we have for me Scoz tonight in our Match, The Swansean vs. The Cardiffian, im going to take you to The Point of Destruction, and when the smoke is Cleared, I will walk out the New World Champion Scoz then walks up to Thug, [COLOR="Lime"]Scoz [/COLOR]Thug let me get one thing Straight, in our match, not only will I enjoy the pain I take for the fans, the pain I take for myself, and the pain I take for my Title. When the Match is over, Flick Thug, you will know whats Unbelievable! Hype For Inter X Title Match Rey vs. Kaz [COLOR="Red"]Match 7[/COLOR] For the Inter X Title [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rey Mysterio vs. Kaz[/COLOR] The Match starts, Kaz feelings the effect of his last match more than Rey, due to his only not long ago, both men go at it, Kaz whips Rey to the corner, but Rey comes back at him with The Mysterio Bulldog! 1 2.… Kickout! Rey gets up and picks up Kaz who jumps with a 450 Filp into a Jump Kick on Rey! 1 2.… Kickout! Both men get up, Kaz runs at Rey, who blocks it Sunset! Rey hit’s the Flip Sunset Flip of the Ground! 1 2.… But Kaz with a foot on the rope! Rey picks up Kaz, but Kaz out of nowhere, Lightning DDT! 1 2.…This time Rey with a Foot on the Rope! Kaz picks up Rey, who fights him of, Rey Springboards of the Ropes Spinning Wheel Kick! 1 2.… Kickout! Rey climbs up top, 450 Splash, but Kaz rolls out the way, Eventually both men get up, Rey runs at Kaz, who blocks him, Kaz grabs Rey neck, he flips over him into the Reverse DDT! 1 2.… Kickout! Kaz picks up Rey, who hit the Drop Toe Hold, Rey bounces of the ropes, grabs the side with Kaz on it, Swings around but Kaz Ducks, Ret turns Around, Wave of the Future! 1 2.… 3! [COLOR="Magenta"]MT- And your Winner and Fist Inter X Champ Kaz SL- To be Honest for a Third match, what a Performance MT- Yea, and up Next the Final[/COLOR] Flick Thug is shown backstage, punching a Locker Hype for Final, Thug vs. Scoz [COLOR="Red"]Main Event[/COLOR] Final [COLOR="Lime"]Flick Thug vs. Scoz[/COLOR] The Bell rings, and Thug quickly Knees Scoz in the Face! Thug Gives Scoz repeated punches to the face, he picks up Scoz and whips him to the ropes, but Scoz Springboards hitting Thug with a Mounsault Clothline! Scoz Waits for Thug to get up, he turns around to the front Flip Kick the Mele! 1 2.… Kickout! Scoz stalks Thug, who gets up, he turns around to Scoz, dropkicking him over the rope, Followed by Scoz Springboarding with a 450 into a Crossbody into the Railings! Both men get up, Thug rakes Scoz’s Eyes, and then lifts him up and hit’s the Highway into the Steel Post! Thug rolls Scoz into the ring, 1 2.… Kickout! Thug stalks Scoz, he lifts him up, but Scoz counters it, Scoz Springs of the Ropes, but Thug catches him with a Dropkick! Thug waits for Scoz to get up, Scoz turns around Loway! 1 2.… Kickout! Thug climbs up the top rope, Scoz gets up and turns around, Front Flip into a Crossbody! 1 2.… Kickout! Thug picks up Scoz above his shoulder, he goes for the Dreaded, Scoz escapes British Death Sentence! 1 2.… Thug gets a foot on the rope! Scoz climbs up top he jumps a Triple Flip Swanton Bomb called The Unbelievable! 1 2.… Kickout! Scoz waits for Thug, but when Scoz runs at Thug, Flick jumps up and brings his Knees into the face of Scoz! Thug picks him up, The Dreaded! 1 2.… OMG! KICKOUT! Thug stalks Scoz, Thug runs at Scoz, but Scoz trips up Thug, he grabs his Legs, he goes for the Bridge, but no, Thug Escapes before it is Locked in! Thug gets back up, but Scoz hit’s the Pele! 1 2.… Kickout! Scoz tries to pick up thug, but Thug Lifts up Scoz, he goes for The Thug Smash, Scoz Blocks it, he slips out, Thug turns Around, The Last Chance Dropkick! 1 2.…3! [COLOR="Magenta"]MT- Listen to the Crowd (Crowd chant Scoz) SL- yea, they do Suck MT- Well Everyone, we have come to the end of Destiny, but remember this Friday ABW TV[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]The Camera ends on Scoz Celebrating.[/COLOR] Quick Results Thug beat Killings Rey beat Cage Scoz beat Jeicho Kaz beat Nitro Thug beat Rey Scoz beat Kaz Kaz beat Rey, Kaz became Inter X Champion Scoz beat Thug, Scoz became World Champion[COLOR="Lime"][/COLOR] Tips Appreciated
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3 New Signed Superstars, at [COLOR="Orange"]ABW TV[/COLOR] 3 newly signed workers will compete in a triple threat, where the pinned superstar will not able to Compete in the Main Event! [COLOR="Magenta"]ABW has given the fans some Clues to who they might be, [/COLOR] [COLOR="Cyan"]The first Wrestler, One of the good wrestlers to never have hold a World Title…................ World Title[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]The Second Wrestler, One of the most Controversial Face’s to be Hated quite Heavily [/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]The Final Wrestler, a pretty easy clue, The Youngest World Champion Ever in *** History[/COLOR] See you at [COLOR="Orange"]ABW TV[/COLOR] for there Debuts!
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You can post if you want to, who the post before is hinting Towards. [COLOR="Lime"]ABW TV Preview [/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]The Fallout From Destiny Revenge will be Seeked First Night for Champs Scoz and Kaz 3 New Signed Wrestlers A 10 Man Battle Royal for World Championship[/COLOR] Tripple Threat Match the [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Newly Signed Superstars[/COLOR] will Compete, The Winner and person not Pinned, will Join the [COLOR="DarkOrange"]10 Man Battle Royal[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Christian Cage[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Flick Thug[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Cyan"]Kaz [/COLOR]and [COLOR="Cyan"]Scoz [/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]The Pinned superstar[/COLOR] in the Tripple Threat Match takes on The Owner of ABW, [COLOR="Cyan"]Joe King[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"] 10 man over the top rope, until Final 2, Only Pinfall and Submissions Apply[/COLOR] [COLOR="Cyan"]The World Champ, The Unbelivable’s First Defence, Scoz [/COLOR] [COLOR="Cyan"]Kaz’s Chance for 2 Titles[/COLOR], [COLOR="Cyan"][COLOR="Cyan"]Rey Mysterio[/COLOR][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Flick Thug’s[/COLOR] second [COLOR="Magenta"]Chance at Gold[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Chris Jericho[/COLOR], [COLOR="Cyan"]Ron Killings[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Jonny Nitro[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Christian Cage[/COLOR], the 4 who Didn’t Advance’s [COLOR="Magenta"]Big Chance at Gold[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]2 Men join these 8 for the World Championship, Who will they Be! [/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Blue"]All this at ABW TV[/COLOR][/B]
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Just to say, i will post the show whenever i can, [COLOR="Lime"] ABW TV The Fallout From Destiny [COLOR="Cyan"]Revenge will be Seeked First Night for Champs Scoz and Kaz 3 New Signed Wrestlers A 10 Man Battle Royal for World Championship[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]ABW TV Fridy Week 1 Jan Earls Court 15,000 B-[/COLOR] The Cameras roll, and Reveal the Ring, Scoz’s Music Plays, he walks down the ramp into the Ring, Scoz- Scoz has Arrived Back... in One of the Greatest Arena’s of the World... Earls Corttttttttttt! You See last Sunday at Destiny, I had 3 matches, 3 matches and 3 wins, to become The World Heavy Weight Champion! Chris Jericho, Kaz, and Finlay, The Piece of Crap, Son of a Bitch, Couldn’t beat up his own Nan, Gay Prostitute, Flick Thug! At Destiny, I put my body on the line, I Suffered many moves, some of which even my own, to Show why I am The Unbelivable Scoz![/COLOR] Just then Flick Thug’s music plays, but no one comes out, Scoz turns around, The Knees to the Face! Thug attacks Scoz with Rights and Lefts, he picks up Scoz who fights him of, The Crowd Cheer, but then from behind, Cage with a Lowblow, Thug picks up Scoz, looks for The Dreaded, but Running for the Save comes, The Truth, Mysterio and Kaz! Cage and Thug run to the Back! Scoz is helped to the back! Joe King is shown in his Office, [COLOR="Red"]JK- Thug you want a fight with Scoz you got it at Redemption! Whether hes champ or not, you will go one on one with Him! The Crowd pops![/COLOR] Backstage Thug and Cage are Shown, [COLOR="Red"]FT- Cage, how about you and me forming a Group[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]CC- You want to form a Stable[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]FT- Yea that’s it, we need to help each other from P***** like Scoz, so together we can Rip ABW Apart![/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]CC- Thug I don’t mind, sometimes working together, but The Instant Classics, had Troubles With Stables Before, so on your offer, No![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]FT- Fair enough but u better have my Back Tonight[/COLOR] CC-[COLOR="Purple"] Don’t worry I Do[/COLOR] The Cameras show the Announcers [COLOR="Magenta"]MT- well Everyone what a Start to ABW TV SL- Your telling me, but it would have been Better, if Scoz got his Ass Kicked MT- What is it with you and Scoz SL- I just Don’t Like Him MT- Well okey, Up next the Tripple Threat Match[/COLOR] Match 1 Debuts All Around Winner, and Person not Pinned enters 10 Man Battle Royal Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kenedy… Mr Kenedy comes out to an ovation, he walks down into the Ring, with a Microphone, [COLOR="Orange"]MK- Shut Up, (Crowd boos) I said Shut Up, you see when I win this match, tonight, in the Main Event there will be a new Champion, Mrrrrrrrrrrr Kenedy, Kenedy![/COLOR] My Time is Now Plays, and Cena come out into the ring to Cheers and Boos, he grabs Kenedys Microphone, [COLOR="PaleGreen"]JC- (Cena points to the Crowd) You Cant See Me, you people in the Crowd, need to go get a Life![/COLOR] Hey nothing you can….., Randy Orton comes out and runs into the ring taking Cena’s Mic, [COLOR="DarkRed"]RO- I am Randy Orton, I am the Best in ABW and I am The Legend Killer Randy Orton, so those in Attendance, You are in the Pressence of a Legend so stand u and Bow………. I said Bow…… Stupid Bitches![/COLOR] The Match Starts, a pretty back and forth match the fans, don’t know who to cheer, The Finish comes when, Cena has Orton up for the FU, he Hits it, but Drops Orton down on the back of his Head! Cena covers him, 1 2.… but Kenedy breaks it up, he stalks Cena, who turns around, Kenedy grabs Cena head like a DDT, but Flips forwad in a Flipping DDT called The Greenbay DDT! 1 2.… 3! [COLOR="Magenta"] MT- The crowd didn’t know who to cheer SL- So they booed all of Them MT- well in the next match they can Cheer Scoz and Kaz SL- Why not Thug and Cage[/COLOR] The Cameras roll Backstage to show Kaz [COLOR="Blue"]Kaz- Cage, and Thug our match is next, but even Better, your Defeat is Next, cause me and Scoz will show you why, Where Champions![/COLOR] Match 2 Heels vs. Faces Flick Thug and Christian Cage vs. Scoz and Kaz A pretty Entertaining Match with many Flips to the Outside by all men, The finish Came When, Cage is down and Scoz is on the Top Rope he jumps The Unbelievable! He connects The Triple Flip Swanton, 1 2.… But Thug Breaks it up, he lifts up Scoz, he walks over to the ropes The Dreaded over the Ropes!!! A Signal to the Main Event! Thug Turns Around, The Flip Over Reverse DDT by Kaz! 1 2.… But Cage breaks it up, he Rakes Kaz’s Eye, he grabs Kaz in a Reverse Umpretier hold, he drops Down, Instant Win! 1 2…. But Kaz kicks out, Kaz fights of Cage but Thug, lifts Kaz up, Here it comes Thug Smash! 1 2.… 3! [COLOR="Magenta"]SL- Yes Scoz’s team lost, just like he will in the Main Event MT- You don’t know what will happen Latter Larry SL- Yes I do, and you in a Bin, might Happen to. Well lets go to John Cena Backstage [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][COLOR="Black"]JC- I may have lost Earlier, But, I will make up for it Next, Joe King I got 1 thing to say FU! [/COLOR][/COLOR] Match 3 Redemption vs. The Boss John Cena vs. Joe King Joe King shows some of his Athletic Ability, but Cena dominates most of the match, the finish comes when, King springboards onto Cena who catches him, FU! Dropping him onto his Head! 1 2.… 3! Backstage Flick Thug, Mr Kenedy and Randy Orton are Shown Talking! Also shown backstage in a Different Place is Chris Jericho, [COLOR="Plum"]CJ- Scoz and Flick Thug is I were you 2, put your Differences Aside cause Y2J will walk out The Champ! [/COLOR] Main Event 10 Man Battle Royal over the Top till final 2 Pinfall and Submissions Only Apply For The World Heavy Weight Championship Scoz vs. Flick Thug vs. Kaz vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Jonny Nitro vs. Ron Killings vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian Cage vs. Mr Kenedy vs. Randy Orton A PPV Quality Match, 1st Elimination- Thug runs at Scoz who ducks, Thug runs into Jericho who tosses him onto the Apron, Scoz then Dropkicks Thug Sending him to The Floor! 2nd Elimination- Mr Kenedy, who runs at Killings who lifts him up for The Truth Hurts! When Kenedey gets ups he turns around to a Dropkick by Kaz sending Kenedy over the Ropes! 3rd Elimination- Randy Orton who climbs up top, but Rey Levels a Dropkick sending of the top to the Floor! 4th Elimination- Killings, who turns to The Mega Impact Spinning Wheel Kick by Nitro, Sending Truth over the Ropes! 5th Elimination- Rey, who Jericho hit’s a Low Blow to, and throws Rey over the Rope! 6th Elimination- Nitro- Who tries to get Scoz, but Scoz hit The Last Chance Dropkick sending him into Cage who tosses him over the Ropes! 7th Elimination- Kaz who springboards but when on the rope, Cage hits him out of the Ring! 8th Elimination- Jericho who tries to get rid of Scoz who fights him of, and hit’s the British Death Sentence, Cage then, tosses Chris out of the Ring! 9th Elimination- Cage hit’s the Umpretier on Scoz! 1 2.… Kickout! Cage picks up Scoz, who hit’s the Setup, He climbs up top and hit’s the Mousault Elbow, Followed by The Ending Kick! 1 2.…3! [COLOR="Magenta"]MT- What a Match SL- Noooooooooo MT- Ohhh Yes SL- I was right earlier, u will be in a Bin MT- well, People see you next week for ABW TV SL- Wait a Minute in the Ring [/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]Scoz is shown in the ring celebrating in the top rope, but Thug runs along the Apron and Jumps up bringing his Knee Into Scoz, who fall of the ropes, into Randy Orton, RKO! Orton and Thug, Celebrate together, but Scoz Slowly gets up, he tries to fights both men of, but Kenedy from behind hit’s a Low Blow, the The Greenbay DDT! The 3 Men Celebrate! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]MT- Nooooooo you Jackass’s SL- He had that Coming, we will see you next, next week at ABW TV![/COLOR]
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[B][COLOR="Orange"]The Following comes from ABW.com[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"]In there first Interview since attacking Scoz. Flick Thug, Randy Orton and Mr Kennedy announced there new Team Name of [/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]The Loudmouth RKO Thugs[/COLOR]. [COLOR="Yellow"]What will happen on their first night Together! Joe King has announced that John Cena will go one on one on ABW TV with a [/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]New Addition to the Roste[/COLOR]r, [COLOR="Yellow"]who will be shown in the ABW TV Preview Im his First Interview since being Attacked, Scoz has said Randy and Kenedy will Face of against a[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]Debut of a Famous Tag Team[/COLOR], [COLOR="Yellow"]who will also be Shown in the ABW TV Preview[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]See You at ABW TV[/COLOR]
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sorry people but, i cant continue this because, some how my brother gussed my password on my laptop, and went onto my abw save and started messing around, with it, and deleting all the work i did on it, so i cant start again. So credit to The Human Cancer, i downloaded his mod, so is it okey, if i start a new diary
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