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PGHW: Re-gaining the Glory (C-Verse 2009)

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[B]Noriyori Sanda [/B]vs. Masayuki Shiga [B]Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)(c)[/B] vs. Strong Style Yoemon & White Samurai Joshua Taylor vs. [B]Greg Keith[/B] [B]PROUD Exile[/B] vs. Shingen Miyazaki [B]SUKI[/B] vs. Danger Kumasaka Raymond Diaz vs. [B]Akinori Kwakami[/B] [B]Miwa & Tatsuko[/B] vs. Kunomasu & Musashibo
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Great Pay Per view (arguably the best one you have put on yet), everything pretty much delivered as expected for you. I'm guessing you feel the same way as me by this sort of thing....... [quote=PassagetoHonour;326617][CENTER][CENTER][/CENTER] [/CENTER] [LEFT][U]Match 1: Dread vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue [/U] [I]Dread destroys his fellow veteran in under a minute with the Dread Bomb.[/I] [B]Winner:[/B] Dread by pinfall [B]A*[/B] – what in the world?[/LEFT] [/quote] I know it's not a rating of how good the match is as such, but still there is no way the PGHW fans would be going wild for a blink and you miss it, Dread squash match, I don't think even SWF fans would go overboard for a Christian Faith squash match. Anyway onto predictions...... [U]PGHW Dream Tour Show #9 [/U][I]Singles[/I] [B]Noriyori Sanda[/B] vs. Masayuki Shiga [I]Sanda needs win to keep in the Historic Japan title hunt, Shiga seems to be more amongst the jobber end of the roster[/I] [I]Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Championships[/I] [B]Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)(c)[/B] vs. Strong Style Yoemon & White Samurai [I]Team Omega only just won the titles, and they wont be losing them to a part time tandem[/I] [I]Singles[/I] [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] vs. Greg Keith [I]Taylor gets the win, to even up this all Gaijin feud[/I] [I]Singles[/I] PROUD Exile vs. [B]Shingen Miyazaki[/B] [I]Miyazaki bounces back after losing the Historic Japan title[/I] [I]Singles Non-Title[/I] [B]SUKI[/B] vs. Danger Kumasaka [I]Kumasaka helps to put over one of the new generation, as he starts his retirement tour.[/I] [I]Singles[/I] [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Akinori Kwakami [I]Diaz came close to winning the Last Man Standing match, and will get the win here to stay on the cusp of the main event. Kwakami appears to be step above the mid-card but still a little bit away from joining the veteran dominated main event scene.[/I] [I]Tag Team[/I] Miwa & Tatsuko vs. [B]Kunomasu & Musashibo[/B] [I]Miwa hung on to his title at Night of Ferocity, and if his team wins here that pretty much kills the feud. That might be good if you want to take things in a new direction, but I have the feeling that the Miwa- Musashibo feud has more legs, so Musahibo's team gets the win.[/I]
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[center][b][u]DREAM Tour #9[/u][/b] Tuesday, Week 3, January 2010 Held in front of 5,000 fans at the Kanagawa Sports Field in Kanto [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Noriyori Sanda vs. Masayuki Shiga[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasayukiShiga.jpg[/IMG] This match, while not expected to be great, had a fair amount of hype to it, as the fans were wondering whether Sanda would be able to concentrate following his loss at Night of FEROCITY. The match started off with an exchange of blows before Shiga was able to catch Sanda off guard with a sharp elbow to the jaw followed by a clothesline, giving Shiga control. The veteran slowly began to whittle away at Sanda’s legs, but the rising star managed to escape a leg lock by grabbing the ropes. Sanda quickly got up to his feet and booted the veteran in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When Shiga came back, Sanda caught him with a running knee to the gut, flipping the veteran over. He then worked on Shiga’s body, in order to get the full impact of the Dynamo Flying Elbow. He maintained control over Shiga for a while, before the veteran was able to counter an armbar attempt into a grounded hammerlock. Sanda fought his way back up to standing however, and caught Shiga with a forearm smash to the side of the head, and quickly snapped him over with a suplex. He promptly leapt to the top rope and came off, more gracefully than ever, with a Dynamo Flying Elbow, landing right on Shiga’s sternum. He simply hooked the leg and got the fairly hard fought victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyori Sanda by pinfall in 8:18. [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)© vs. Strong Style Yoemon & White Samurai For the PGHW International Tag Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_InternationalTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/StrongStyleYoemon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WhiteSamurai.jpg[/IMG] This match was not that great, but all the participants performed well enough. The match started off with Kitoaji and Samurai facing off. Kitoaji was able to use his size and strength advantage over Samurai to dominate the masked worker for a while. However, Samurai was not going to just give up that easily, and fought out of a suplex attempt by Kitoaji and reversed it into a swinging neckbreaker. He made the cover, trying to capitalise, but Yasuda ran in and punted him in the head, effectively breaking it up. Kitoaji was able to get up to his feet fairly quickly and pulled Samurai up with him before whipping him into his teams corner. He tagged out to Yasuda, and the two men promptly kicked and punched Samurai. When Kitoaji returned to the apron, Yasuda picked up where he left off and decimated the smaller wrestler. Yasuda pulled Samurai up to his feet following a suplex, but got kneed in the gut and flipped over with a suplex instead. Samurai then used this chance to work on the arms and body of Yasuda. The champ was able to escape fairly easily however, and booted Samurai in the gut before whipping him to the ropes. Yoemon had been pacing up and down the apron, and was sent flying off when Samurai crashed into him. Kitoaji had climbed up to the top, and Yasuda booted Samurai in the gut before lifting him into position for a powerbomb. Kitoaji nailed the flying spinning back elbow, Yasuda nailed the powerbomb, effectively finishing the Star Buster, and Yasuda made the cover. It was academic as to who the winner was. [b]Winners:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall on Samurai by Yasuda in 7:53 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Joshua Taylor vs. Greg Keith [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] These two went right to each other as soon as the bell rang, with Taylor managing to catch Keith by surprise with a quick belly to belly suplex. Taylor then began to slap several holds on Keith, but the next generation star went hold for hold with Taylor, showing his fluid technical ability. Taylor then tried to keep hold of Keith when he pulled him up, but Greg elbowed Josh in the gut several times and sent him overhead with a belly to back suplex, driving Josh into the mat. He then went to work on Josh, managing to lock in several holds before Josh escaped by grabbing the ropes. Keith showed no intent on stopping as he repeatedly kneed and punched Taylor, forcing Josh to roll out of the ring to escape the assault. Keith was still not done, as he flew through the ropes with a plancha. The rest of the match was full of back and forth action, with Keith being in control more, as he was able to reverse many of Josh’s big move attempts. In the end however, Josh was able to reverse a Generation Buster attempt into the Stitch In Time. He eagerly hooked the leg, but threw a fit when Keith kicked out! He pulled Greg up to his feet, but was tackled to the ground and quickly locked in the Proton Lock in the middle of the ring in an instant. He fought for a short time, trying to reach the ropes, but eventually tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Greg Keith by submission in 14:23 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] PROUD Exile vs. Shingen Miyazaki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] This match started out very even, as Exile was able to outmanoeuvre Shingen due to his superior agility, but this was ended when Shingen caught him in the gut with a punch, followed by a knee smash to the face, sending Exile staggering backwards. Shingen tried to follow up with a clothesline, but Exile nailed a stunning dropkick out of nowhere, connecting with Shingen’s jaw. Both men stayed down on the mat for a while, before they both got up at 4. Exile again tried to catch Shingen off guard with aerial attacks, but was caught with stiff chop to the chest, stunning him, and then a discus clothesline that floored him. Miyazaki then began to work on the feet of Exile, aiming to both take away his agility, but also weaken him up for the Miyazaki Destruction. Exile realised this and fought his way out of it, eventually whipped Shingen to the ropes. Exile tried to side step Shingen for the hip toss, but was hit with a kick to the gut, and then a gutwrench powerbomb, driving him head first into the mat. Shingen took this chance to continue his picking apart of Exile, almost coming close to locking in the Miyazaki Destruction, only to have Exile grab the ropes. However, Exile was beginning to tire, and slowed down due to it as well as his weakened legs. This allowed Shingen to nail the Cavalry Charge when Exile tried to connect with a springboard clothesline, and then slapped the Miyazaki Destruction, an ankle lock, on a stunned Exile, who quickly tapped out in pain. [b]Winner:[/b] Shingen Miyazaki by submission in 15:46 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] SUKI vs. Danger Kumasaka Non-Title[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/DangerKumasaka.jpg[/IMG] This was an incredibly anticipated match, and it exceeded expectations. SUKI charged towards Danger, trying to surprise the veteran, but Kumasaka stood firm against a clothesline attempt, and retaliated with a huge spinebuster, driving SUKI into the mat. He then quickly went to work on the youngster, trying to weaken him up for the Aurora Surfboard Vice. SUKI showed his own skills when he went truly hold for hold with the veteran, resulting in a standoff that had the fans applauding them. They both bowed, in a rare show of sportsmanship from either man, before locking up again. Danger used his size advantage to overpower SUKI, forcing him down to the knees, but the youngster countered into a fireman carry. SUKI then went for a side headlock, but Danger slipped out of it and locked him in a hammerlock. SUKI tried to reach for the ropes, but Danger kneed him in the joint several times, taking away SUKI’s momentum as he did. After a very long mat based duel, and a short-lived brawl, the veteran then put SUKI in a front headlock hold before booting him in the gut. Danger then hoisted him into position for a delayed suplex, but SUKI wriggled out of it and landed behind Danger. Kumasaka tried to turn and floor SUKI, but was kicked right in the face, causing him to stagger backwards. SUKI capitalised by running forward and nailing a Double Knee Facebuster, stunning Danger even more, before driving him into the mat with the Mountain SUKI. He rolled the veteran over and got the victory, surprising many people in attendance. [b]Winner:[/b] SUKI by pinfall in 14:19 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Raymond Diaz vs. Akinori Kwakami[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] Diaz had the obvious advantage going in to this, and he used it to full advantage, tossing Akinori around like a rag doll in the early goings, and it seemed pretty even at some points during this decent length match. Kwakami showed some fight, as he managed to reverse a superplex attempt into a diving leg drop after shoving Diaz to the mat, but Diaz kept stealing control back, no matter how much punishment he took. Akinori realised his problem, and began to focus on Diaz’s legs, using moves such as dropkicks, normal kicks, and chop blocks, to try and knock the monster down to the mat, or at least halt his momentum, but it didn’t work. Akinori made one last ditch attempt to take Diaz to the mat, going for a knee breaker, but Diaz was too heavy for Akinori to lift, and Kwakami got hit stiffly in the back with a double axe handle, causing him to drop down to one knee. Diaz then lifted Akinori up into the air and brought him crashing down with a Release Powerbomb. Akinori landed right on his neck and rolled around in pain, but Diaz didn’t stop, instead picking him up again. He then booted Akinori in the gut and drilled him down into the mat with a Ray Gun, and made the cover to get the fairly convincing victory, as Akinori showed great spirit and some impressive skills. [b]Winner:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall in 15:53 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Mito Miwa & Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Eisaku Kunomasu & Yoshimi Musashibo[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] This was a massively anticipated match, and both teams made sure they did whatever they could in order to win. Miwa and Musashibo were the first in, which got the fans on their feet almost right away, and they didn’t disappoint as they played a reversal game where neither was able to get the advantage, resulting in both tagging out in order to re-think their game plan. When Eisaku & Tatsuko came in, they charged towards each other and met with a vicious brawl. Tatsuko was the first to gain control when he sent Eisaku staggering back with a kick to the gut followed by a kick to the head, but when he charged forward he was taken down to the mat with a drop toehold by Eisaku, who then locked him in a tight knee lock. Tatsuko fought his way to the ropes in order to break the hold, which Eisaku did, and used them to get back up to his feet. Eisaku went right back on the attack however, with a series of kicks and chop blocks, attempting to take Tatsuko down to the mat again. However, this ended when Tatsuko caught him in the jaw with a thrust kick, and then followed up by sending Eisaku flying overhead with a release German Suplex. There was much back and forth action for a while after this, as Eisaku worked on Tatsuko, while Tatsuko simply brutalised Eisaku whenever he could. Both tagged out, bringing Miwa and Yoshimi back into the mat, and they went right to it, brawling across the ring, ending up in the corner. Yoshimi was the man in control, and he let loose with eleven consecutive Kesagiri shots to the throat of Miwa, causing the champ to flop out of the corner. Miwa soon made his way back up to his feet however, not wanting to appear weak, and whipped Yoshimi across the ring, and floored him with a running double axe handle. He then tagged out to Tatsuko. Tatsuko brawled with Yoshimi, but was caught off guard with a lightning fast Kesagiri shot to the throat, stunning him long enough to allow Yoshimi to hit a spinebuster and lock in a leg lock. Tatsuko fought his way out, but Yoshimi just slapped another hold off. This went on for a long time, and Yoshimi eventually tired Tatsuko out, and locked him in the Yoshimi Lock, in a frighteningly quick fashion. Tatsuko fought the hold, trying to get out, but couldn’t. Miwa noticed this, and clambered back into the ring, but Kunomasu entered to even the score, and tripped the champ up into the Kunomasu Vice! With Miwa unable to help him, and Yoshimi not letting him escape the hold, Tatsuko had to tap out. [b]Winners:[/b] Kunomasu & Musashibo by submission on Tatsuko by Musashibo in 32:13 [b]A[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Woo, though I can’t say I’m impressed with the Shingen/Exile match.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] A great show for PGHW, and we look forward to a potentially even better one. First off, we will see former International Champion, Ryoma Muruyama, facing off against a former Tag champion, Kalu Owusu. Will either man look strong enough to get a title shot? We also see the current champ, Masaru Ugaki, in non-title action against the undefeated, so far on the tour at least, Washi Heat. Can Heat beat the champ to both continue his streak and get himself in title contention? Greg Keith is taking a break from Josh Taylor and Will Hayes when he faces off against Roku Sotomura in a Submission Match. Will Taylor & Hayes make an appearance? Can Roku upset the rising star? Danger Kumasaka looks to gain some payback for his loss last show when he teams up with his former co-tag champ, Akinori Kwakami, to face SUKI and Billy Russell. Billy was selected by SUKI as the young champ felt he needed a powerful striker to overcome Kwakami. Next we have Bryan Vessey hoping to crack into the main event scene when he faces off against Shuji Inukai. Can he upset the Untouchable One? Raymond Diaz faces off against Sanda as well in what could be a blockbuster. Finally, we have a title contention match, as Eisaku Kunomasu will face off against Nobuatsu Tatsuko. This is not a #1 Contendership match, that will be decided on the final show before Farewell to DANGER, but is a rankings match, whoever wins will rise up the rankings, while the loser will fall down the rankings as a result. [u]PGHW Dream Tour Show #10[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka vs. Ryoma Muruyama [I]Singles Non-Title[/I] Masaru Ugaki vs. Washi Heat [I]Submission Singles[/I] Greg Keith vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Tag Team[/I] Team Danger Lock (Kumasaka & Kwakami) vs. SUKI & Billy Russell [I]Singles[/I] Bryan Vessey vs. Shuji Inukai [I]Singles[/I] Noriyori Sanda vs. Raymond Diaz [i]Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings[/I] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [i]Predictions always welcome[/i][/CENTER]
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Singles Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka vs. [B]Ryoma Muruyama[/B] [I]Muruyama is just better[/I] Singles Non-Title Masaru Ugaki vs. [B]Washi Heat[/B] [I]Heat gets the win to earn a title shot[/I] Submission Singles [B]Greg Keith[/B] vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Greg could well end up being the more succesful in PGHW than his dead, and I tip him to get thw in over the master of the chin-lock.[/I] Tag Team [B]Team Danger Lock (Kumasaka & Kwakami)[/B] vs. SUKI & Billy Russell [I]Kumasaka has done a good job of putting younger talent over in his farewell tour, so it's time to give back. Plus this could help build Kwakami as a challenger to SUKI's Historic Japan title[/I] Singles Bryan Vessey vs. Shuji Inukai [I]It's not out of the realms of possibily that Vessey could pull off an upset, but I wouldn't bet against any of the big 5 right now (By the Big 5 I mean: Miwa, Musashibo, Tatsuko, Kunomasu and Inukai) [/I] Singles Noriyori Sanda vs. [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] [I]Diaz has looked a pretty dominant force of late, and looks the most likely to break the main event stranglehold of the Big 5.[/I] Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]I think that Kunomasu will continue where he left off at the end of the tag match from the last show, making Tatsuko tap out again to the Kunomasu Vice.[/I]
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[center][b][u]DREAM Tour #10 [/u][/b] Sunday, Week 3, January 2010 Held in front of 5,000 fans at the Akita Stadium in Tohoku [u]Pre-Show[/u] [U]Match 1: Bryan Holmes & Sam Keith vs. Masayuki Shiga & Yoemon[/u] [i]A quick match to give Keith & Holmes momentum, with Holmes getting the pinfall after nailing the Cyclone Shock Kick on Shiga.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Holmes & Keith by pinfall on Shiga by Holmes [b]B[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka vs. Ryoma Muruyama[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] This was a surprisingly even match up, as many expected Owusu to easily dominate the much smaller Ryoma. But the former International champ showed a new kind of determination, attacking Owusu’s legs to try and knock the beast over. Owusu was not going to go down without a fight however, as he just seemed to absorb each and every shot, before going on the offensive with Powerslam when Ryoma attempted a cross body. He then dominated Ryoma for a short while, pummelling him into the mat and not letting him get to his feet, but the young wrestler managed to kick him in the back, and roll out of the ring. Owusu followed him out, but this would prove to be a mistake, as Ryoma dropkicked him in the head when he rolled under the ropes, stunning him. As soon as Owusu got to the floor, Ryoma let loose with a dropkick to the chest, an enziguri, and finally a hurracanrana that finally took the beast to the mat, as Kalu was staggering. Ryoma began to feel confident and climbed back into the ring. Owusu got up to his feet, albeit slowly, and got back in the ring. Ryoma tried to go for a Diving Double Axe Handle, but Owusu kicked him in the gut when he landed, flipping the youngster over. He then pulled Ryoma up and drilled him with the Ivory Coast Driver. [b]Winner:[/b] Kalu Owusu by pinfall in 8:39 [b]C[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Masaru Ugaki vs. Washi Heat Non-Title Match[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] This was a genuine clash of style, with Heat focusing on powerful impact moves, while Ugaki focused on whittling away with submissions. This produced a great match, as each managed to show the traits that made them such hot prospects. The match started out with a lot of testing, as both Ugaki and Heat tried to take the match to their respective strengths right away, but neither would give any ground. Eventually it was Heat who gained control when Ugaki missed a clothesline and Heat brought him down to the mat with a neckbreaker. He went for the cover, but Ugaki kicked out. For a while after that, it was Heat in control, as he barely let Ugaki breathe, constantly attacking him and throwing him around the ring, but Ugaki managed to steal control when he countered a Spinebuster attempt with an arm bar takedown, and then worked on the shoulders and arms of Heat. Washi fought back, clotheslining Ugaki when Masaru tried an arm drag, but was slower than usual, which allowed Ugaki to counter several moves as the match went on, allowing him to effectively control the match. Heat was able to mount a huge comeback at the end however, when he countered an Ugaki Clutch attempt into the Washi Explosion, dropping the champ right on his head. He hooked both legs, but looked very tired, and got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Washi Heat by pinfall in 10:41 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Greg Keith vs. Roku Sotomura [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] This was a technical showcase, as Keith displayed his fluid technical ability, while Roku proved he was more than ‘The Master of the Chinlock’, and had a broad range of submissions. The match started out with a routine of reversals by both men, as each kept trying to go for standing submissions such as headlocks and hammerlocks, only to have the other reverse it. Roku began to get more and more frustrated as this went on, and when he reversed another hammerlock attempt, he punched Keith in the back, and then brought him down with a sleeper slam. Keith grabbed his neck in pain, but soon got up to his feet. Roku was surprised his got up so quickly, and went on the assault, kicking the youngster in the chest and knees. Greg began to succumb to the blows initially, but managed to catch Roku off guard with a jumping clothesline out of nowhere, flooring him. Keith then took this chance to recover, but as soon as Roku began to move, Keith kneed him in the head and slapped hold after hold on him. Roku managed to mount a comeback again, but he clipped the referee by accident with a discus punch, knocking him to the mat for a while. Keith then capitalised by hitting a chop block on Roku, and went for the Proton Lock, but Joshua Taylor emerged from the back. Josh ran down to the ring and put the boots to Keith, forcing him to break the hold. Josh then picked Keith up, booted him in the gut, and planted him with the Stitch In Time. He saw the referee waking up, and quickly left the ring, while Roku slapped the Twisting Chinlock on Keith, who was out cold. The ref noticed he was unconscious and signalled for the bell, causing Josh, who was on the ramp, to burst out in laughter. [b]Winner:[/b] Roku Sotomura by submission in 11:19 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Team Danger Lock (Kumasaka & Kwakami) vs. SUKI & Billy Russell[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/DangerKumasaka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] This was another technical showcase, with Kumasaka taking everybody to school. It was Danger and Billy out first, and the veteran easily outsmarted Billy, taking him to the ground as soon as the bell rang, and put him in submission after submission. Billy only managed to escape when Danger went for a knee lock, and Billy drove his free knee into the side of the veteran’s head, stunning him temporarily. Billy then got up to his feet and tagged out to SUKI, who charged towards the veteran, eager to even the score with a Double Knee Facebuster. Danger was ready however, and countered with a spear to the youngster, and then immediately went back the holds, picking SUKI apart bit by bit. SUKI struggled, as he couldn’t find a way to escape the holds, until he rolled away when Danger hesitated for a second due to tiredness. SUKI shot up to his feet and kicked Danger stiffly in the face, making him fall back to the mat, grabbing his nose. SUKI kept control of the mat for a while after that, until it became a stalemate when Danger mounted a comeback and the two traded holds. There were several tags, but nothing came of them, as Kwakami and Russell were very equal, neither able to gain an advantage. Kwakami managed to get control over SUKI however, and looked like he would make the champ submit to the Kwakami Painlock, only to have Russell come in and connect with a running knee. The end of the match came when SUKI went for the Mountain SUKI, only to have Danger counter it into a back body drop, and then went for the Aurora Surfboard Vice. SUKI flailed like a mad man, but when he realised he was too far away from the ropes, he tapped out. Billy was occupied with Kwakami on the outside, unable to help. [b]Winners:[/b] Team Danger Lock by submission on SUKI by Kumasaka in 14:57 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Bryan Vessey vs. Shuji Inukai[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] This was a huge match without a doubt, as a win for Vessey could finally give him the chance to enter the main event scene. He was as intense as ever throughout the match, with Shuji sometimes unable to withstand the attack. One such time was when Shuji tried to go for a suplex, but Vessey countered and then lifted Shuji into the air for a delayed suplex. Shuji tried to wriggle out of the move, but Vessey simply punched him in the gut and finished the move, knocking the air out of Shuji. He then tried to pummel Shuji into the mat, but the Untouchable One fought back and pushed Bryan off of him. Shuji quickly got up to his feet, only just managing to duck a clothesline in the process, and then drilled Vessey with a back suplex, before going for the cover. Bryan kicked out at two, and slowly made his way up to his feet. He seemed a little unstable, and Shuji charged towards him, with arm outstretched, trying to go for the Untouchable Lariat. It was a trap however, as Bryan sprung full of life just before Shuji was going to hit, and caught Inukai in the position for the Vessey Driver, and planted the Untouchable One. He hooked the leg and got one of the biggest upsets in his career. [b]Winner:[/b] Bryan Vessey by pinfall in 17:59 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Noriyori Sanda vs. Raymond Diaz[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] Diaz was once again very dominant in this match, but Sanda put up a huge resistance, pulling out every move he knew to try and topple the giant, like Ryoma had done earlier in the night with Owusu, but Diaz just kept coming back no matter how much was thrown at him. At one time, Sanda went for a beautiful missile dropkick, with his legs pulled close to his body, only pushing forward at the last minute to get the most impact, and connected squarely with Diaz’s chest, causing the monster to stagger backwards and drop down to one knee. Sanda realised and followed up with a running heel kick to the face, but this wasn’t enough to knock Diaz over, so Sanda went for a double axe handle, but Diaz caught him, lifted him up, and dropped him with a spinebuster. Sanda bounced off of the mat, and he looked to be out cold. Diaz then pulled him up to his feet and whipped him into the corner with authority, making Sanda fall to the mat in pain when he hit the turnbuckles, due to the power behind the throw. The rest of the match was a fairly one-sided battle, but Sanda looked incredibly impressive, as he never gave up, even going for the Vortex Crush on Diaz, but the monster was far too heavy, and Diaz easily countered it into the Ray Gun, getting the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall in 15:55 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] This was a hugely anticipated match, as it could help either mans careers, as Tatsuko seems to be in a rut as of late, losing a lot of matches, while Kunomasu just seemed to disappear the last few weeks. The beginning of the match was the usual lock up, and Tatsuko used his power advantage to force Eisaku down to his knees, but Eisaku then head butted the veteran, and took him over with an arm drag. Tatsuko got up to his feet and charged towards Eisaku, trying to shoulder tackle him, but Eisaku dropped to the mat and tripped Tatsuko up before rolling it through into a boston crab, causing Tatsuko to yell in pain. Tatsuko fought the pain, despite being the in the hold for a long time, and eventually managed to fight his way to the ropes. For a while after that, Eisaku focused on the legs of Tatsuko, sometimes shifting to his arms, until Tatsuko fought back after Eisaku ran towards him and Tatsuko connected with a Sole Kick right to the face, making Eisaku flip over backwards due to the impact. Tatsuko dropped to the mat out of exhaustion due to the damage he was suffering, and used this chance to recover. Both men got up a little while after, with Tatsuko up foot, although he was favouring his right knee. Eisaku realised this and capitalised by kicking away at the joint, but Tatsuko caught his leg at one time, and elbowed him in the knee before lifting him up by the leg and planting him with a Sit-Out Spinebuster. Tatsuko dominated for a little while after that, hitting a few big moves, but mainly just brawling in order to keep his control. Eisaku eventually wizened to this, and countered a punch attempt into a twisting wristlock. He then worked on the left arm of Tatsuko for a while after. Tatsuko eventually mounted a big comeback, throwing Eisaku around the ring, and whipped him across the ring. When he came back, he tried to connect with a Sole Kick, but Eisaku dodged it, and Tatsuko hit the canvas. Eisaku then capitalised when he quickly locked in the Kunomasu Vice, practically in the middle of the ring. Tatsuko fought and fought for a very long time, but eventually tapped out for fear of permanent damage, causing Eisaku to rise up the rankings. [b]Winner:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu by submission in 27:58 [b]A*[/b] – [i]great chemistry[/i] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Great show is all really.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] Once again a great show, with Bryan Vessey scoring a huge win over 'The Untouchable One' Shuji Inukai. On the last two shows before Farewell to DANGER, Shuji will definitely be looking for revenge. On the first show, Shuji will face off against PROUD Exile, who has been on a quest as of late, in an attempt to get back on track. On the final show, he will team with his long time partner Yoshimi Musashibo to take on Bryan Vessey and Buddy Garner. On the first show, Bryan will be in a match against Bryan Holmes. With both of these men being very talented veterans, we can only imagine what they could produce for us. In other action, following the controversial finish to Greg Keith's match, Sam Keith has challenged Taylor to a No DQ match, while Greg will look to intimidate Taylor when he faces Morimasa Kato. Josh's tag partner Will Hayes will be looking to impress management when he faces former Historical Japan champ Shingen Miyazaki in singles action, and then Noriyori Sanda on the following night. Could he upset both men and get a title shot after Kumasaka? Or will he get the short end of the stick in both matches? Danger Kumasaka, the esteemed veteran, will be looking to gain even more momentum heading into Farewell to DANGER, his namesake, when he faces Billy Russell, the person he faced last week, in singles action, while his former co-tag champ Akinori Kwakami will be facing the champ SUKI in non-title action the night before Farewell to DANGER. We also see more Glory Crown ranking matches, as Buddy Garner faces Dread on the first show, while Raymond Diaz looks to continue his mean streak against Kozue Kawashima. And finally, Masaru Ugaki has placed challenges before Washi Heat, putting him in matches against Roku Sotomura and Kalu Owusu, and if he wins he gets a title shot. However, Heat has accepted these on a condition that Ugaki faces Alexander Robinson, one half of tag champs Team Toronto, the night before Farewell to DANGER. [u]PGHW Dream Tour Show #11[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Washi Heat vs. Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka [I]Singles[/I] William Hayes vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]No DQ Singles[/I] Sam Keith vs. Joshua Taylor [I]Singles[/I] Danger Kumasaka vs. Billy Russell [I]Singles[/I] Bryan Vessey vs. Bryan Holmes [I]Singles[/I] Shuji Inukai vs. PROUD Exile [i]Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings[/I] Buddy Garner vs. Dread _______________________________________________________ [U]PGHW Dream Tour Show #12[/U] [I]Singles[/I] Washi Heat vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Singles[/I] Greg Keith vs. Morimasa Kato [I]Singles[/I] Alexander Robinson vs. Masaru Ugaki [I]Singles[/I] William Hayes vs. Noriyori Sanda [I]Singles Non-Title[/I] Akinori Kwakami vs. SUKI [i]Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. Kozue Kawashima [i]Tag Team[/I] Team Dynasty 2000 (Inukai & Musashibo) vs. Bryan Vessey & Buddy Garner [i]Predictions always welcome[/i][/CENTER]
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PGHW Dream Tour Show #11 Singles [B]Washi Heat[/B] vs. Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka [I]This one could be close, but I give the edge to Washi Heat, who needs the momentum to build up towards his showdown with Ugaki.[/I] Singles [B]William Hayes[/B] vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]Hayes seems to be building up, while Miyazaki seems to be stuck in a bit of a rut, so I give the edge to Hayes here.[/I] No DQ Singles [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor [I]This seems to be a great opportunity for Taylor, and I like how this storyline is going. I give the nod to Keith after Taylor cost Greg Keith a match earlier on.[/I] Singles [B]Danger Kumasaka[/B] vs. Billy Russell [I]I see Danger Kumasaka going out strong, so he gets the victory here.[/I] Singles [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes [I]I love Holmes, but I think Vessey has more stroke right now.[/I] Singles [B]Shuji Inukai[/B] vs. PROUD Exile [I]Exile is a bit too difficult to deal with to warrant a big push, so I think Inukai takes the win here.[/I] Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Buddy Garner vs. [B]Dread[/B] [I]Garner is the better worker by far, but my gut says Dread will take it. That's a complete guess though.[/I] __________________________________________________ _____ PGHW Dream Tour Show #12 Singles [B]Washi Heat[/B] vs. Roku Sotomura [I]This one won't be as close as the match against Kalu, and there's not much of a point for Heat to win one to lose the second.[/I] Singles [B]Greg Keith[/B] vs. Morimasa Kato [I]I like Kato, but I think Keith needs the win more for fuel for the feud with Taylor.[/I] Singles Alexander Robinson vs. [B]Masaru Ugaki[/B] [I]I'm a huge mark for Ugaki, and I pick him solely based on that fact. He should probably have a win before facing Washi Heat so they match up fairly evenly momentum-wise, which helps the choice.[/I] Singles William Hayes vs. [B]Noriyori Sanda[/B] This is a guess, and I think that Hayes has a good shot to take this. Still, I don't think he's quite up to par with Sanda just yet, so I see Noriyori taking this with a chance at a rematch later down the road. Singles Non-Title [B]Akinori Kwakami[/B] vs. SUKI [I]Seeing as the belt isn't on the line here, I see Kwakami taking the win to set up what should be a classic title match in the near future.[/I] Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Kozue Kawashima [I]I think Diaz's strong performance in the match with Tatsuko earlier in the tour gives him a slight edge in terms of momentum, but this could really go either way. This match has a good chance of stealing the show I think.[/I] Tag Team [B]Team Dynasty 2000 (Inukai & Musashibo)[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey & Buddy Garner [I]An irregular tag pairing against one of the best tag teams in the world? I'm going with the safe bet here.[/I]
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PGHW Dream Tour Show #11 Singles [B]Washi Heat[/B] vs. Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka [I]This one could go either way but I'll tip Heat to get the win[/I] Singles [B]William Hayes[/B] vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]I agree with Mr Sideburns, Hayes is gradually building up momentum, whilst Miyazaki has been in bit of a rut since dropping the HJ belt[/I] No DQ Singles [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor [I]I'm sticking with my when Sam Keith loses, it will be to a Japanese talent and not a fellow Gaijin.[/I] Singles [B]Danger Kumasaka[/B] vs. Billy Russell [I]Kumasaka builds up some momentum to go out strong before his impending retirement[/I] Singles [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes [I]Vessey's win over Inukai was a big surprise, and with that momentum behind him I can't see him losing to an Upper Mid-carder like Holmes in the next match.[/I] Singles [B]Shuji Inukai[/B] vs. PROUD Exile [I]Inukai will be fired up after losing to Vessey, and I can't see him dropping two in a row to mid-card level talent.[/I] Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Buddy Garner vs. [B]Dread[/B] [I]As Mr Sideburns said Garner is the better worker, but like Sideburns I see Dread over-powering Garner to pick up the win.[/I] __________________________________________________ _____ PGHW Dream Tour Show #12 Singles [B]Washi Heat[/B] vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Heat gets another win to build up momentum[/I] Singles [B]Greg Keith[/B] vs. Morimasa Kato [I]Keith gets the win to add more fuel to the fire in his feud with Taylor[/I] Singles Alexander Robinson vs. [B]Masaru Ugaki[/B] [I]Ugaki to pick up a momentum boosting win before his next International Title defence.[/I] Singles William Hayes vs. [B]Noriyori Sanda[/B] [I]Sanda is just that level above Hayes right now.[/I] Singles Non-Title Akinori Kwakami vs. [B]SUKI[/B] [I]Alot of these non title matches seem to go the way of the guy who isn't the champion to help build them as a contender, but I'll go against the usual grain this time and tip SUKI to pick up the win.[/I] Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Kozue Kawashima [I]Diaz seems to be on a bit of a run right now, and is starting to look like a legitimate Glory Crown Title Threat[/I] Tag Team [B]Team Dynasty 2000 (Inukai & Musashibo)[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey & Buddy Garner [I]When Team Dynasty 2000 get together, 99% of the time they'll be picking up the victory. [/I]
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[center][b][u]DREAM Tour #11 [/u][/b] Tuesday, Week 4, January 2010 Held in front of 4,916 fans at the Sapporo Sports Park in Hokkaido [u]Pre-Show[/u] [U]Match 1: Team Omega vs. Shiga & Yoemon For the PGHW International Tag Titles[/u] [i]Omega once again defeat Shiga & Yoemon to retain.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall on Shiga by Kitoaji following the Star Buster. [b]B+[/b] [U]Match 2: Ryoma Muruyama vs. Nigel Svennson[/u] [i]Nigel puts up a hard fight, but ultimately falls to the unique attack by Muruyama.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama by pinfall. [b]C+[/b] [U]Match 3: Kazushige Matsuki vs. Masutaro Kataoka[/u] [i]The veteran Kataoka defeats the boxer Matsuki quite convincingly, as Matsuki has not developed much since 2007.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Masutaro Kataoka by submission. [b]B-[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Washi Heat vs. Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] This match was basically a power struggle, as each man is known for hitting big moves, but neither could get enough momentum to hit their finishers, resulting in a fairly longer match than most people expected. It started off with a tie up, but neither was able to gain control, and Owusu resorted to clubbing Heat in the bag in order to gain control over him and the match. Heat managed to fight back shortly after however, catching Owusu with a short-arm clothesline when he reversed an irish-whip attempt. Heat then dominated for a little while afterwards. Owusu managed to make a huge comeback when Heat seemed ready to hit the Washi Explosion, and Owusu countered by booting him in the gut and kneeing him in the face, sending Heat staggering backwards. Owusu then ran towards him and sent Heat flying backwards with a vicious spear. Owusu went for the cover, but Heat kicked out just in time, causing Owusu to get angry and argue with the referee. Heat used this time to recover, and when Owusu turned around, Heat booted him in the gut and went for the Washi Explosion, dumping Owusu on his head and hooking the leg, effectively getting the victory, albeit a little hard-fought. [b]Winner:[/b] Washi Heat by pinfall in 6:36 [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] William Hayes vs. Shingen Miyazaki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] Hayes looked fairly focused here tonight; while Shingen seemed to be in off in the distance, as if he didn’t really care anymore. Apart from that, the match was full of high impact moves, with Shingen almost hitting the Cavalry Charge at one point, which Hayes reversed into the Hayes Fever Backbreaker combination, bringing Shingen’s momentum to a grinding halt. Miyazaki mounted a comeback later on in the match, ducking underneath a clothesline and elbowing Hayes in the back of the head before connecting with a neckbreaker. He went for the cover, but Hayes kicked out just before the three count, causing Shingen to slap the mat in frustration. Shingen then began to focus a little more towards the end of the match, picking Hayes apart, limb by limb, until it seemed like he could just lock in the Miyazaki Destruction and Hayes would tap out, but the gaijin refused to give in now, and fought out of an attempt by Shingen to lock it in, and Hayes fought his way back up to his feet. He seemed shaky, which prompted Shingen to drop his guard. Hayes capitalised, surprising him with a boot to the gut followed by the Slick Trick in quick fashion. He then hooked the leg of the former Historical Japan Champ and got the victory. After the match, Shingen looked really upset with himself. [b]Winner:[/b] William Hayes by pinfall in 14:10 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Sam Keith vs. Joshua Taylor No DQ Match [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] This match was a rarity in PGHW, and that most likely had an effect on how it was received. Taylor seemed very at home in this match, as he looked very fluid when he used weapons, as did Keith, which was very surprising. It started off with the generic tie up, and it was Keith who managed to force Josh to his knees and gain control, but Taylor simply low-blowed Keith, which was totally legal. The veteran collapsed to the mat in pain, and rolled around, allowing Josh to get a few weapons and proceed to beat Keith with them. The veteran showed his skills later on in the match when he ducked under a garbage can lid headed his way, and then connected with a big boot, pushing the lid into Josh’s face, making the youngster fall through the ropes. Keith followed him out, but Taylor caught him off guard with a cane shot right to the head, sending the veteran reeling backwards into the ring. Josh clambered back into the ring and went for another cane shot, but Keith moved out of the way, and then kicked Josh below the belt. He then picked up the cane and cracked Josh right between the eyes with it, knocking the youngster right to the mat. Keith made the cover and got the victory, but it wasn’t over yet. While he was celebrating, Taylor recovered, and viciously assaulted the veteran from behind with all sorts of weapons, chairs, canes, garbage cans, basically anything he could get his hands on. Not long after, Keith was bleeding profusely, and Taylor was laughing like a mad man, holding the chair that caused it up in the air as a sort of trophy. Greg Keith ran past him down to the ring to check on his dad, before staring daggers at Taylor, who was still smiling in a freakish way and caressing the chair. [b]Winner:[/b] Sam Keith by pinfall after a cane shot in 12:31 [b]C+[/b] – [i]Didn’t click at all[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Danger Kumasaka vs. Billy Russell[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/DangerKumasaka.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] This match was pretty much submission based, along with a lot of brawling, as each man wanted to prove their worth. Russell because he has been falling down the ladder as of late, and wants to get back on track, while Danger needs the win to make SUKI have to face him. It started out with a series of standing switches, which made some of the fans realise that Danger was still a technically minded wrestler. However, Danger didn’t manage to gain control, as Russell flipped him over with a judo throw and then locked him in a tight arm lock. For a long while after that, it was Billy controlling what Danger did, despite the veteran making several comebacks, Billy always managed to tackle Danger to the mat and lock him in an arm lock every time. However, this was short-lived as well. Danger managed to escape the fourth time, and quickly got up to his feet, and began unloading with punches and chops to the chest of Billy, who began to stumble backwards. Danger then finished it by connecting with a running high knee, and, when Billy hit the mat, quickly synched in the Aurora Surfboard Vice out of nowhere, causing Billy to scream in pain. He fought for a while, but eventually gave up, giving Danger a lot of momentum. [b]Winners:[/b] Danger Kumasaka by submission in 14:43 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Bryan Vessey vs. Bryan Holmes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] This match was an incredible show of technical ability, as both men are very talented in mat wrestling, and they wrestled an instant classic. Both men told a story in the ring as well, with Vessey’s being that of an underdog who had scored the upset, while Holmes was wandering aimlessly. The match started off much like the previous one, with standing switches, which slowly made their way to the mat when Vessey tripped Holmes up with a chop block. They traded headlocks for a while, until they worked back up to standing, ending with a stalemate, where both men broke away and shook hands. The rest of the match followed that formula, until the very end, which was full of energy. Holmes was in control of the match, something that surprised a lot of the fans, and was just about to go for a German Suplex, but Vessey countered with several elbow shots to the face, followed by a kick to the stomach once Vessey had escaped. Holmes doubled over, allowing Vessey to run in and club him in the back with a double axe handle, and then a leg drop bulldog to the back of the head, a move we’ve never seen from Vessey before. He then waited for Holmes to get up, and floored him with the Vessey Line as soon as he did, and got the victory. The fans applauded the match, as Holmes had shown he could be a major threat. [b]Winner:[/b] Bryan Vessey by pinfall in 18:07 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Shuji Inukai vs. PROUD Exile[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] Everyone had pretty much figured out how this match was going to go, as there had been rumours of a backstage fight between Exile and Jimbo, Inukai and Tatsuko, mainly over how Exile was being used. Shuji dominated from the very beginning, pummelling Exile into the mat and unleashing a hellacious combination of knee strikes right to the temples of Exile. Inukai relaxed for a second, and pulled Exile up to his feet. The freelancer tried to catch Inukai off guard with a dropkick, but Inukai moved out of the way and instantly went to work on the legs of Exile, taking away his advantage. Inukai dominated the rest of the match, save for one, very short, comeback by Exile, who unleashed a series of kicks to the chest of Shuji, and then took the veteran off of his feet with a tilt-a-whirl Headscissors. However, as soon as Shuji was back up, he stampeded over Exile with the Untouchable Lariat out of nowhere, flipping the freelancer over, and Shuji made the cover and got the easy victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Shuji Inukai by pinfall in 15:46 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Buddy Garner vs. Dread Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Dread.jpg[/IMG] These two managed to produce a classic, despite their obviously conflicting styles, and that the match went on a very long time for Dread. The match started out as the basic big man vs. little man fight, with Buddy trying to pick away at Dread to take him down, while the veteran Dread would just throw Buddy around the ring. At one point, Garner managed to connect with a jab to the jaw that stunned the beast, and Garner tried to go for a takedown, but Dread simply shook off the effects and pushed Garner to the ground. Garner tried several more times to get the veteran to the floor, but Dread was simply to big to knock over, and he was almost on the receiving end of a Piledriver because of it, but he managed to wriggle out of the move and kick Dread in the head before escaping to the outside. Dread followed him out, and the two brawled around the ring before ending up back in it. Dread booted Garner in the gut and lifted him up for a gutwrench powerbomb, but Garner managed to flip out of it at the last second and land on his feet. Dread, who was surprised, turned around and was met with a punch to the jaw that dropped him down to one knee. Garner then ran to the ropes, feeling the adrenaline, but it was brought to a horrific halt when Dread caught Garner coming off the ropes with a Spinning Dread Bomb, knocking Garner out cold, and getting the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Dread by pinfall in 23:14 [b]A[/b] The Rankings are as follows so far: 1. Eisaku Kunomasu 2. Dread 3. Raymond Diaz 4. Yoshimi Musashibo 5. Nobuatsu Tatsuko 6. Buddy Garner 7. Kozue Kawashima [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [i]Main Feelings: Still good show, although some matches disappointed, such as Keith vs. Taylor, and Inukai vs. Exile.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/internet.jpg[/IMG] [U]Wrestler fired from PGHW![/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] As of the end of last night's tour show, Burning EXILE, who was known as PROUD Exile, has been fired from PGHW. The story rotating around this is that Exile was growing incredibly frustrated with how he was being used, despite having a few wins to his name, and only really losing the bigger names. This anger resulted in Exile shouting at Jimbo during a staff meeting, which only made it worse for Exile, as stalwarts Shuji Inukai and Nobuatsu Tatsuko argued against Exile, effectively blackballing him. Jimbo warned Exile, but the superstar continued his rant, and was effectively fired during the meeting, but was given one last match, unfortunately against Shuji Inukai. Of course, this is from the perspective of someone at the meeting, so it most likely is biased, but we do now that Exile was disrespectful towards Jimbo. Exile now has only one promotion left in Japan where he can work, as the owners of WLW, BHOTWG and now PGHW don't want to work with him again, leaving GCG as the only viable option, but Hanshiro Furusawa, close friends with Jimbo, doesn't want to take the risk of hiring him. Only time will tell what happens for Exile, we hope he hasn't argued himself out of the business. In regards to PGHW, watch this section on Thursday for an interview with Sadaharu Jimbo, where we will talk to him about what he thinks about the company, and future plans etc. Take it easy readers, Kieran Parkinson Editor of TotalExtremeWrestling.com [/CENTER]
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[center][b][u]DREAM Tour #12[/u][/b] Thursday, Week 4, January 2010 Held in front of 5,000 fans at the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu [u]Pre-Show[/u] [U]Match 1: Team Power Experience (Owusu & Kataoka) vs. Nigel Svennson & Taheiji Konoe.[/u] [i]A tryout match for Konoe, and Nigel continues to impress us.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Team Power Experience by pinfall on Konoe by Owusu. [b]C+[/b] [U]Match 2: Kazushige Matsuki vs. Joshua Taylor[/u] [i]Taylor dominates Matsuki, and downs him with a Stitch In Time, before laughing wildly.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Joshua Taylor by pinfall. [b]B[/b] [U]Match 3: Bryan Holmes vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue[/u] [i]Holmes drop the veteran in just over a minute with the Cyclone Shock Kick.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Bryan Holmes by pinfall [b]B[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Washi Heat vs. Roku Sotomura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] This was a fairly awkward match for Heat, as he is used to a brawl or a power based game, yet he was facing a technician in Roku. But this didn’t make Heat any less determined, it almost seemed to make him more motivated. He started the match with a tie up, but soon found himself on the mat when Roku tripped him up and locked him in a variety of chin locks and head locks. Heat managed to power out eventually, and whipped Roku viciously into the corner, following up with a running back elbow. Heat was then in control for a little while, managing to stop Roku from finding a weak spot by constantly pummelling him into the mat whenever he moved. However, Roku was able to get away and fought his way back up to standing. He punched Heat in the gut a few times, making him back away, before running to the ropes. When he came back, Washi moved out of the way, making Roku continue running. When he came back this time however, Heat caught Roku with the Washi Explosion Version II (a spinning powerslam-style exploder suplex). Roku went limp, and Heat easily hooked the leg for the victory in a surprisingly good match. [b]Winner:[/b] Washi Heat by pinfall in 9:38 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Greg Keith vs. Morimasa Kato[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GCG%20Special%20Appearances/MorimasaKato.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men are talented technicians, and they showed this when they put on a fairly exciting match. Keith was the most determined he has ever been, after seeing his dad being bloodied by Taylor on Tuesday. He immediately took Kato to the ground and locked him in hold after hold, as Kato managed to slip out of a few, but Keith eventually kept control with a sharp elbow shot to the back of Kato’s head. He then worked away at the back of Kato, using holds like the Bow & Arrow Lock, until Kato managed to get to the ropes and get up to his feet. Kato managed to mount a significant comeback, getting control for a little while, managing the keep Keith grounded, but it was not to last, as Keith bridged out of a northern lights pin attempt, and kneed Kato in the gut. He then whipped Kato across the ring, and when he came back, Keith lifted him up into the air for the Neutron Plex. Kato bounced off of the mat, and Keith signalled to the fans, who went wild with applause, and Keith promptly locked in the Proton Lock, pulling Kato’s head further back than usual, making him tap out almost immediately. [b]Winner:[/b] Greg Keith by submission in 9:47 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Alexander Robinson vs. Masaru Ugaki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AlexanderRobinson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] Robinson was very confident going into this match, as he felt he could easily outwrestle Ugaki, while Ugaki felt he was much better than Robinson. Both men tried to gain control through the tie-up, but it was to no avail, as both men had to stop in order to re-think their game plan following a stalemate. Robinson moved first, charging towards Ugaki, knocking the youngster to the mat with a clothesline, and then dominated through his punches and kicks. Ugaki was defenceless against them, and only escaped when he grabbed the ropes and pulled himself out of the ring. Alex managed to get him back in the ring and continue dominating him for a while, and it seemed as if he was going to hit the Canadian Violence, but Ugaki side-stepped it, and then rolled Alex up, almost getting the three count. Alex tried to go back to brawling, even going for the Backflip Kick, but Ugaki countered each one, even turning the Backflip Kick into a wheelbarrow suplex. Eventually, Alex regained control, and went for the Canadian Violence again, and yet again, Ugaki side-stepped it, this time locking in the Ugaki Clutch on the tag champ. Alex fought it for a long time, but due to being in the middle of the ring, he was unable to get to the ropes, and eventually tapped out, giving Ugaki a huge amount of momentum heading into tomorrows match. [b]Winner:[/b] Masaru Ugaki by submission in 14:37 [b]B+[/b] – [i][/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] William Hayes vs. Noriyori Sanda[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] Hayes was incredibly confident going into this match, but Sanda didn’t seem to care, as he just beat Hayes up anyway. The match started out fairly even, with neither keeping control for long enough. The first person to keep control for a while was Hayes, who countered a suplex attempt into a snap spinning neckbreaker, and dominated Sanda for a few minutes after. He tried to pull Sanda up to his feet later on in the match, but Sanda kicked him in the gut, then twice in the chest, and finally in the face, sending Hayes flying backwards across the ring. Sanda then dominated for a while after that, using his vicious kicks to keep Hayes down. Hayes managed to break through however, ducking a kick and booting Sanda in the gut and nailing him with the Hayes Fever Backbreaker combo. Hayes got a bit too confident however, and pulled Sanda up to his feet slowly. He then lifted Sanda onto his shoulders for the Slick Trick, but Sanda reversed the move into a DDT! He then leapt up top and connected with the Dynamo Flying Elbow, and managed to steal the win when it seemed like Hayes was going to win. [b]Winners:[/b] Noriyori Sanda by pinfall in 13:01 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Akinori Kwakami vs. SUKI Non-Title[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] This was a technical match if there was ever one, as Kwakami was eager to beat his mentor’s rival, but it wasn’t as easy as he thought, as SUKI, despite being the smaller man, put up one heck of a fight, and dominated Kwakami at several points during the match. Kwakami controlled the first part of the match, managing to keep SUKI grounded with a variety of holds, until SUKI managed to reverse one and control the match for a little while in exactly the same way. This eventually resulted in a stalemate however, as it transcended into switches. SUKI was the first to gain control after, using his superior agility to surprise Kwakami. At one point, he took Kwakami down with a running leg lariat, and then pulled off an amazing cartwheel elbow drop, driving his elbow right into Kwakami’s sternum. Kwakami was able to get control soon after however, when he caught SUKI off guard with a clothesline, flipping the champion over, before taking the match to the mat again. This proved to be a mistake however, as SUKI easily took control of the match, despite being injured, and picked Kwakami apart, limb by limb. Eventually, he locked Kwakami in the SUKI Special III, and Kwakami tried to claw his way over to the ropes, but SUKI prevented him from doing so. He held on for a little while more before tapping out, giving SUKI momentum. [b]Winner:[/b] SUKI by submission in 14:36 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Raymond Diaz vs. Kozue Kawashima Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] This was a great match, and despite the obvious size difference, with Diaz towering over Kozue and being better built, Kozue managed to dominate the monster a few times during the match, and it felt like whoever won it really proved themselves. It started out as expected however, with Diaz dominating Kozue for a few minutes, until Kozue managed to take him off his feet following three consecutive clotheslines. Kozue took advantage of this and locked Diaz in tight holds to keep the monster down. Diaz was able to power out of it however, and floored Kozue with a lariat when Kozue got up, effectively regaining control. Diaz remained in control for a little while after that, before Kozue mounted another big comeback attempt when he booted Diaz in the gut several times, forcing the monster to double over, and then kneed him five times in the head. Diaz staggered backwards, prompting Kozue to run forward and connect with the K-Kick, knocking Diaz right off of his feet. Kozue then began to punch Diaz into the mat, but the monster once again managed to fight his way out of it, this time with a head-butt. The last few minutes were very close, and Diaz only just managed to connect with the Ray Gun when Kozue tried to go for a back body drop. Kozue bounced a few feet in the air from the impact, before going limp, and Diaz made the cover, getting the very hard fought victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall in 17:33 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Team Dynasty 2000 (Inukai & Musashibo) vs. Bryan Vessey & Buddy Garner[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] This was a hugely anticipated match, as Inukai and Vessey were in the ring against each other, as were Garner and Yoshimi, who seemed to be having an on-and-off feud over who is the best technician. The match started with Vessey facing off against Musashibo. They started off with a tie-up, and Vessey managed to get control after elbowing Yoshimi in the face and locking the phenom in a hammerlock. The two then went hold for hold with each other for a little while, resulting in Musashibo stealing control by punching Bryan in the gut and then planting him with a Musashibo-Plex Version I. Yoshimi tagged out to Inukai, who viciously attacked Vessey, eager to get revenge for his loss to Bryan last week. Inukai dominated Vessey, until Bryan was able to duck under a clothesline attempt, and then connect with a clothesline of his own, almost flipping Inukai over from the impact. He then dominated Inukai for a while, before several quick tags were made by both men. Garner and Musashibo had a technical showdown, but it ended up in a stalemate, forcing them to tag out to their partners. Inukai and Vessey ended up against each other again near the end of the match, and it was Inukai who managed to steal the victory when he ducked a Vessey Line and exploded with the Untouchable Lariat, pinning his rival while Musashibo brawled with Garner to keep the former MMA man away from the cover. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Dynasty 2000 by pinfall on Vessey by Inukai in 24:40 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: A great show heading into Farewell to DANGER.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] A great night for several people heading into Farewell to DANGER. Eisaku Kunomasu has earned himself another shot at Miwa's Glory Crown for coming first in the rankings, while other contenders Yoshimi Musashibo and Kozue Kawashima will face off in a rankings match. Another rankings match will take place as Raymond Diaz faces off against Nobuatsu Tatsuko one more time. We also see the anticipated match between Masaru Ugaki and Washi Heat, who will walk out the champion? Will Heat continue his streak? Or fall to The Predator? Greg Keith faces off against Joshua Taylor, but one has to question what sort of mind either man will be in, as Josh appears to have gone crazy, while Keith is completely focused on revenge. Team Omega will be defending their titles against Billy Russell, who is hoping ot break his losing streak, and Roku Sotomura, a team dubbed Ultimate Submission. Shingen Miyazaki and Noriyori Sanda will face off in a #1 Contendership match, to see who will get a title shot on the first event in the new tour in March. Will Miyazaki get a shot at 'his' title? Or will Sanda get a chance to prove himself again? Shuji Inukai got the match with Bryan Vessey that he demanded, and it will be a Last Man Standing Match, so that the winner will have proved themselves to truly be better. And last, but certainly not least, the SUKI vs. Danger Kumasaka match will main event the show, out of the respect management has for Kumasaka. [u]PGHW Farewell to DANGER[/u] Held at the Nara Baseball Stadium in Kinki [I]Singles For the PGHW International Championship[/I] Masaru Ugaki(c) vs. Washi Heat [I]Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Team Championships[/I] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)(c) vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) [I]Singles[/I] Greg Keith vs. Joshua Taylor [I]Singles #1 Contedership for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/i] Noriyori Sanda vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match[/I] Kozue Kawashima vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [I]Singles Last Man Standing[/I] Shuji Inukai vs. Bryan Vessey [I]Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]Singles For the PGHW Glory Crown[/I] Mito Miwa(c) vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [I]Singles For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship. Danger Kumasaka's retirement match.[/I] SUKI(c) vs. Danger Kumasaka [i]Predictions always welcome[/i][/CENTER]
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PGHW Farewell to DANGER Held at the Nara Baseball Stadium in Kinki Singles For the PGHW International Championship [B]Masaru Ugaki(c) [/B]vs. Washi Heat [I]Heat has been built up well as a challenger, but I see Ugaki holding onto the curtain jerkers title for now.[/I] Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Team Championships [B]Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)(c)[/B] vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) [I]For these belts to mean something, I think a team needs to have a good run with them, so I don't see Team Omega dropping them here.[/I] Singles [B]Greg Keith[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor [I]Keith gets the win, but Taylor goes psycho again and delivers a few post match chair shots[/I] Singles #1 Contedership for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship [B]Noriyori Sanda[/B] vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]Sanda seems to be pretty steady at the moment, where as Miyazaki seems to have lost his edge since losing the HJ belt to SUKI[/I] Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match Kozue Kawashima vs. [B]Yoshimi Musashibo[/B] [I]There's nothing in the build here to suggest that Musashibo wont be coming away with the victory, if Kawashima wins it will be a major upset. [/I] Singles Last Man Standing [B]Shuji Inukai[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]The fact that Inukai got the winning in the special attraction tag match on the last show, evens this feud up a bit, as it seemed to be swinging in Vessey's favour. I think the feud will continue to swing back in Inukai's favour, who will begin to get back on track after a difficult month.[/I] [I]Win or lose this match, Vessey's series with Inukai has elevated him as a performer at-least in my eyes.[/I] Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]Diaz is hot right now and I see him heading towards the title shot or at-least an out-right contenders match with someone like Musashibo[/I] Singles For the PGHW Glory Crown [B]Mito Miwa(c)[/B] vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [I]The key to my prediction here, is that the title match is not main eventing the show, so I don't see a title change happening here.[/I] Singles For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship. Danger Kumasaka's retirement match. SUKI(c) vs. Danger Kumasaka-[B]DRAW[/B] [I]This match has been built up really well, SUKI has looked relatively strong as champion....and whilst Kumasaka started out putting over the younger talent when he announced that he was going to retire, he has since gone on a winning streak and might just hang up the boots on the high note.[/I] [I]I think this will be a close thought battle, so close that I see it finishing as some kind of draw. That way SUKI gets to keep the title, but Danger can leave his final match with his head held high.[/I]
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PGHW Farewell to DANGER Held at the Nara Baseball Stadium in Kinki Singles For the PGHW International Championship Masaru Ugaki(c) vs. [B]Washi Heat[/B] [I]I see Washi Heat taking the belt here, as he has been built up fairly well thus far, and I'm hoping that dropping the title will give Ugaki the chance to move up the card.[/I] Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Team Championships [B]Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)(c)[/B] vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) [I]I agree with Mr. Tiger here, and I commend you on not getting rid of the International Tag Titles at the first opportunity like I did. :-P[/I] Singles Greg Keith vs. [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] [I]I see Taylor getting the win here in a cheap fashion, as I think this feud still has legs, and has easily been my favorite storyline that you've run so far. Very good stuff.[/I] Singles #1 Contedership for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship [B]Noriyori Sanda[/B] vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]Again, poor Miyazaki is in stasis, so I see Sanda getting the win here. Still, it could be interesting if it went the other way.[/I] Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match [B]Kozue Kawashima[/B] vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [I]I'm going with the upset here. Call me crazy, but I see something here that tells me that Kawashima will get the win. Don't ask me what it is.[/I] Singles Last Man Standing [B]Shuji Inukai[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]LMS matches tend to be feud blow-offs, and I think that Inukai would suffer a bit coming out on the losing end of this feud, so I'm picking him to get the win.[/I] Singles Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]Diaz has been a monster lately, and I don't see that momentum stalling anytime soon. I'm interested in seeing what happens with him after this match.[/I] Singles For the PGHW Glory Crown [B]Mito Miwa(c)[/B] vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [I]I second Mr. Tiger's opinion here, as a world title change won't happen unless it's main eventing.[/I] Singles For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship. Danger Kumasaka's retirement match. [B]SUKI(c)[/B] vs. Danger Kumasaka [I]I see that the best way for Kumasaka to go out is by putting over one of the best young talents in the game, which I think could be start of a big push for SUKI. I think it would be a great ending to an incredible career and storyline.[/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[center][b][u]PGHW Farewell to DANGER[/u][/b] Sunday, Week 4, January 2010. Held in front of 15,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Nara Baseball Stadium in Kinki [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Masayuki Shiga vs. Akima Brave [/u] [i]Akima has been brought in as new talent, and lost in his try out match when he was dumped on his head with the Dead Lift German Suplex.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Masayuki Shiga by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 2: Buddy Garner vs. Strong Style Yoemon [/u] [i]Garner blitzed Yoemon in under a minute, getting the submission victory with the Tendon Hold.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Buddy Garner by submission [b]B+[/b] [u]Match 3: Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. Ryoma Muruyama[/u] [i]Ryoma managed to duck under Mohamed’s kicks and nailed the Muruyama Launch.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 4: William Hayes vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue [/u] [i]Hayes and Yamanoue have an unexpectedly good match, with Hayes getting the win after reversing a delayed suplex into a neckbreaker, then nailing the Slick Trick.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] William Hayes by pinfall [b]A[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Masaru Ugaki© vs. Washi Heat For the PGHW International Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_International.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] This match had a fair amount of build up to it, as each man looked quite strong heading into it, with Heat being undefeated, 11-0 so far this tour, while Ugaki destroyed Muruyama to win the title last month, and has been a fairly dominant champion, despite an earlier loss to Heat at the start of the month. It started out with a lot of testing, with Heat seeing whether he could tackle Ugaki, while Ugaki kept trying for several holds, only to have Heat power out of them. They then had several standing switches, resulting in a stalemate, until Heat countered a hammerlock with an elbow to the face. Ugaki stumbled away, and Heat began to dominate the match, throwing Ugaki around with various suplexes, as well as a vicious snap spinning powerslam that almost broke Ugaki’s back from the impact. Heat tried for the pin after that move, but Ugaki fought out of it and eventually wore Heat down, locking him in hold after hold until he finally had him in the Ugaki Clutch. Heat fought out of the move however, and got back up to standing, waiting for Ugaki to get up. When he did, Heat charged towards him, only to get a vicious shining wizard type shot to the face, called the Predators Strike, from Ugaki. Heat crumpled forward to the mat, and Ugaki rolled him over for the cover. When Heat came to, he left the ring in disappointment, as he was no longer undefeated. [b]Winner:[/b] Masaru Ugaki by pinfall in 6:57 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)© vs. Ultimate Submission (Sotomura & Russell) For the PGHW International Tag Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_InternationalTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] Kitoaji and Yasuda were very eager heading into this match, while Roku and Billy seemed fairly disjointed, due to never teaming up before. It was Kitoaji and Yasuda who first faced off, and it soon broke down to Billy using his power and striking advantage to catch Kitoaji off guard, but Chojiro’s superior size helped him steal control away from Billy and pummel him into the mat. He tagged out to his partner, who jumped into the ring, and they whipped Billy across the ring. When he came back, Kitoaji jumped into the air and connected with a leg lariat, while Yasuda swept his legs out from under him. Billy flipped backwards from the impact, and Yasuda managed to remain in control for a fair amount of time, before Billy was able to escape a suplex attempt and tag in Roku. Yasuda locked up with Roku in a tie up, but neither was able to get any sort of advantage, until Yasuda booted Roku in the gut, and then dropkicked him in the side of the head. Yasuda then took the match to the mat, and mocked Roku by applying several Chinlock variations. Roku was able to fight out of it and whip Yasuda into the ropes, but Yasuda clotheslined him down to the mat. Yasuda then tagged in Kitoaji, and the two connected with the Star Buster on Roku, sending him crashing to the mat, and Kitoaji made the cover, while Yasuda planted Billy with a snap DDT. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall on Sotomura by Kitoaji in 7:32. Team Omega make defence number 2 of their titles. [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Greg Keith vs. Joshua Taylor[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] Keith came down to the ring full of anger, as he was visibly fuming with rage. As soon as he saw Taylor, who still had the sick, twisted, smile on his face from last night, he ran towards his father’s attacker, and tried to clothesline him to the mat. Taylor ducked it however, and the two brawled into the ring. They then tied up, and it was Keith who gained control, booting Josh in the gut, and then kneeing him in the face, making him stagger backwards. Keith then clotheslined Josh to the mat, and locked him in a variety of holds. Josh smiled throughout everything, and eventually fought his way out of a grounded headlock, working his way back up to his feet. He then booted Keith in the gut and clubbed him in the back with a double axe handle, causing Keith to drop to one knee. Taylor then dominated for a while, targeting the head and back of Keith, weakening him for the Stitch In Time. Near the end of the match, it turned into a stalemate, with Keith only just managing to reverse a Stitch In Time into a back drop suplex, dropping Taylor at a vicious angle. He then pulled Josh to his feet and nailed the Electron Driver, a jumping piledriver. He made the cover, and managed to get the victory, and seemingly his revenge. However, Taylor was not out cold at all, as he went and grabbed all of his friends from last week, a cane, several chairs, and a garbage can lid, and went absolutely ballistic in the ring. Keith tried to avoid the shots, dodging two cane shots, but got hit right between the eyes, then again, then between the legs, and finally one more time in the head, knocking him down. Josh then repeatedly struck him in the head and chest with the chair, until Keith bled buckets. Josh held up the chair, as if to taunt Greg, while the crowd massively booed him. He didn’t care, as he just began to laugh manically and headed backstage, while medics ran to the ring to help out Keith. He was taken out on a stretcher, which Taylor followed, giggling wildly while caressing the chair. [b]Winner:[/b] Greg Keith by pinfall in 12:01 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Noriyori Sanda vs. Shingen Miyazaki #1 Contendership for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] This match was incredibly electric, as both men gave it their all. Shingen appeared to have come out of his recent rut since losing his title, performing with a new found intensity. Sanda was on a roll, and was keen on keeping it that way, and as such, he performed at his very best. It started out with a tie up, but neither man would give way, and they ended up backing into the corner. Miyazaki was trapped, and Sanda fired off with a chops and elbows, until Shingen fired back with a few kicks, forcing Sanda backwards. They brawled for a little while after, with Sanda coming out on top after a Sanda Series. He then tried to take the match to the mat, but found himself outsmarted by Shingen, who went hold for hold with him, showing Sanda up in a way. Sanda gave up and pulled Shingen to his feet, only to get an uppercut to the jaw, followed by an STO, flipping him completely over. Shingen used this momentum to dominate Sanda for a while afterwards, and he almost had Sanda in the Miyazaki Destruction, but Noriyori rolled out of it and fought on. They brawled again, with Shingen gaining control after planting Sanda with a back to belly suplex. It then went back to the mat, with each man gaining control at some point, but not managing to keep control long enough for it to turn the tide of the match. When the match worked its way back up to standing, Sanda tried for a spinning fisherman’s suplex, but Shingen reversed it into a snap suplex, and instantly worked on Sanda’s ankles and lower legs. This didn’t last long however, as Sanda escaped a hold and got up to his feet. Shingen rolled to the outside, as he needed to think up a game plan, but soon found himself squashed when Sanda performed a running corkscrew splash over the top rope, landing on Shingen’s head. The match finally came to and end when Shingen ducked under a superkick attempt by Sanda, and retaliated with his own, the Cavalry Charge, hitting Sanda right in the jaw. Sanda stumbled around, before flopping to the mat, and Shingen made the cover, surprising a lot of people in attendance, as well as Sanda himself, who was expecting an easy victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Shingen Miyazaki by pinfall in 12:59 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Kozue Kawashima vs. Yoshimi Musashibo Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match – 20:00 Time Limit[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] This was a massively anticipated match, as each man had something to prove. For Kozue it was that he deserved a spot in the main event, and that he was on the same level as the current ‘old guard’ like Yoshimi. Yoshimi however, needed to prove that he still had what it takes, and that he deserved another shot at the title. Both men became impatient as a result, and as soon as the bell rang, each man rushed in. Yoshimi tried to tackle Kozue, while Kozue went for a K-Kick, resulting in both men missing their moves and looking quite foolish, as they landed face first and butt first respectively. They became embarrassed and brawled for a little while until Kozue found himself backed into a corner. He chopped Yoshimi several times in the chest, trying to force him back, but Yoshimi just took the pain and fired back with several Kesagiri, driving the bony part of his hand right into the neck of Kozue, making the youngster wince in pain. Yoshimi finally backed away, and Kozue fell forward onto the mat, in a lot of pain. Yoshimi then slowly but surely worked on the back and neck of Kozue, managing to cause even more damage. He seemed to have him in position for the Yoshimi Lock, and he tried multiple times. Kozue fought back however, and the two briefly brawled again until Kozue booted Yoshimi in the gut and connected with a K-Kick right to the sternum, knocking Yoshimi flying backwards. Kozue followed up by stomping on Yoshimi, who steadily made his way up to standing. He then booted Kozue in the gut, and drove him into mat with a Musashibo-Plex I. Yoshimi went right back to work on the neck of Kozue, but once again found resistance, as Kozue refused to give up yet, countering several attempts at the Yoshimi Lock once again. This kept happening, and Kozue almost managed to have Yoshimi in the Future Lock, showing how dangerous he could be, but eventually they hit the time limit, as neither man was able to gain enough control to put the other man away, but the fans applauded wildly, as they were very impressed. [b]Winner:[/b] Draw at 20:00 [b]A*[/b] – great chemistry, fantastic news [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Shuji Inukai vs. Bryan Vessey Last Man Standing[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] This was a very important match for both men, as Inukai had fallen behind recently in terms of his record, as he has lost a few too many times for his liking while Bryan has been climbing from ‘lost in the shuffle’ to main event star. Therefore both men brought their all, and neither was willing to give way. The match started out with a large amount of brawling, ending with Bryan in control when he pummelled Shuji in the corner with punch after punch. Inukai eventually fought back with a spinebuster, and then took the match to the mat. However, he met a strong resistance, and Bryan managed to take control of the match one more with a series of different holds. Inukai had to kick him in the face during a leg lock in order to escape, and rolled to the outside. Bryan followed him out, but Shuji surprised him and clotheslined him to the mat and then beat him out there. The match remained fairly even for the rest of the match, with highlights being when Bryan went for the Vessey Line but got caught with the Untouchable Lariat, but only stayed down for 6. Another was when Bryan hit the Vessey Driver, but only got to 4, as Shuji was up quick. The end came when Vessey tried one more time for the Vessey Line, but Shuji once again ducked and Bryan continued to the other ropes, and bounced back, right into a sharp elbow to the jaw, stunning him, allowing Shuji to nail him with the Inukai Driver. Shuji made the referee count. It seemed like Bryan might get up and fight on, as he was up to one knee at 8, but slumped forward at 9, unable to continue. [b]Winners:[/b] Shuji Inukai by knockout in 15:33 when Bryan was unable to beat the ten count. [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 7:[/b] Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko Glory Crown Contendership Rankings Match[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] Despite the size difference, with Diaz being noticeably taller and more muscular than Tatsuko, the veteran Nobuatsu showed no fear and fought a strong fight, as he was not about to just let some rookie walk over him. The match started out with Tatsuko outsmarting Diaz, moving out of his way and then kicking Diaz in the back of the leg. This went on for some time, until Diaz was too fast for Tatsuko and caught him right underneath the jaw with a Running Big Boot. Diaz then dominated for a while longer, until Nobuatsu was able to get up to standing and evade a clothesline. Tatsuko was able to gain control shortly after, catching Diaz off guard with a boot to the gut, a spinning kick to the chest, and a jumping back kick to the side of the head, sending Diaz staggering backwards, but not knocking him over. Tatsuko then ran up to him and floored him with a Running Sole Kick, catching him in the face. Tatsuko controlled the match for a little while, but Diaz was too powerful, soon breaking out of a hold attempt and throwing Tatsuko around like a rag doll. The two brawled at the end of the match, and Tatsuko almost had Diaz in position for the Blind Kick, but Diaz was able to grab Tatsuko and drill him into the mat with a Northern Lights Suplex. Diaz then waited for the veteran to stand up, and when he did, nailed him with a vicious Ray Gun, dumping him right on his head, and hooked the leg for the victory. [b]Winners:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall in 14:59 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 8:[/b] Mito Miwa© vs. Eisaku Kunomasu For the PGHW Glory Crown Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_Glory.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] This was a vaguely anticipated match, despite the lack of build up. The two naturally wrestled a classic due to both being able to go that extra mile in terms of performing. The match started with a staredown, which soon dissolved into a huge brawl across the ring and to the outside, only ending when Miwa elbowed Eisaku in the jaw and then dropped him with a neckbreaker on the concrete outside. The brawl continued, with Miwa dominating a little bit, until it headed back into the ring, and Eisaku was able to take it to the mat, effectively taking away Miwa’s strength. He slowly picked apart the champ, focused on the arms for the Kunomasu Vice. Miwa was able to fight back a little while after, firing of elbows to the face of Eisaku, forcing him to back away to escape. Miwa then went on a rampage, spearing Eisaku and pummelling him into the mat. Miwa then tried to put Eisaku in several different holds, but the challenger went hold for hold with him, resulting in a standoff. Neither man moved, as they were each scouting the other, until Miwa rushed in and found himself on the floor when Eisaku tripped him up and put him in a Fujiwara armbar. Miwa struggled initially, as Eisaku locked it in tight, but eventually clawed his way to the ropes. Miwa slowly made his way to his feet, and chopped Eisaku in the chest when his challenger tried to charge at him, and then connected with a roaring elbow. Eisaku staggered backwards, and Miwa capitalised by hitting a lightning fast snap suplex. Miwa gave Eisaku no time to breath by hitting him with the Pride Elbow Drop, a snap driving elbow to the sternum, right after. Eisaku managed to roll away to escape further punishment, and made his way to his feet. He engaged in a series of standing switches with Miwa, only to end up on the wrong side of the Amphora Clutch Bomb. Miwa then pulled him and nailed him with the Pride Bomber, effectively ending the fantastic match. [b]Winner:[/b] Mito Miwa by pinfall in 22:57 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match ):[/b] SUKI© vs. Danger Kumasaka For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_Historical.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/DangerKumasaka.jpg[/IMG] Kumasaka, as before, had the size advantage, and the experience advantage. However, SUKI was not effected, as he was just as eager as ever, feeling he had what it takes to put this ‘old timer’ away in a few minutes. Danger showed him much different, by dominating the smaller champion from the get go, locking him in several holds and throwing him about the ring with several suplexes, showing he still had the skills that made him so feared during his career. SUKI was able to evade a clothesline however, and tripped the veteran up before swiftly locking him in several difference leglocks and knee locks, trying to weaken him up for the SUKI Special III. Danger fought back however, powering out of the leg lock and kicking SUKI in the jaw, sending the champion reeling. Danger sprung to his feet, showing amazing agility for someone his age, and floored SUKI with a clothesline. He then swiftly tried to apply the Aurora Surfboard Vice, and the crowd became to scream in applause, but SUKI fought it and rolled out of the ring, causing the fans to boo him. He waved his hands as if to give up and walked up the ramp, mouthing “I don’t need to do this.” Danger was close behind him however, and threw him overhead with a back suplex, driving SUKI into the hard floor. Danger then dominated for a short while afterwards, and dragged SUKI back to the ring. Once they were in, SUKI used his superior agility to kick Danger in the gut before he could defend and nailed him with the Double Knee Facebuster. Danger staggered backwards, stunned temporarily, and SUKI ran forward. The veteran ducked underneath a leg lariat, and SUKI found himself experiencing déjà vu, as Danger swiftly went to lock in his finisher, for the second time in the match. SUKI only just managed to reach the ropes, causing Danger to get very frustrated. SUKI used this chance to catch Danger off guard with a dropkick, and then a tilt-a-whirl head scissors, taking the bigger veteran down. SUKI then began to work on the back of Danger, trying to weaken his already aging bones. Danger tried to crawl to the ropes, but SUKI pulled him to the middle of the ring and locked him in the SUKI Special IV, a new move, being a Full Nelson Surfboard submission. Danger was not prepared for this, and found himself in a lot of pain. He fought and fought the hold, trying to get out of it, lasting for about two minutes, before tapping out, as he could no longer take the pain. SUKI retained the belt, and defeated the veteran Danger in his retirement match. Danger recovered, and saw SUKI celebrating. He went over to the youngster and extended his hand, as he realised SUKI was better than him, but SUKI slapped him across the face before continuing his celebration. Danger didn’t look at all amused by that move, and quickly threw SUKI to the mat and locked him in the Aurora Surfboard Vice, causing the crowd to explode with applause and cheers. SUKI tapped wildly, but Danger kept the hold on for a minute before releasing. He then stood over a fallen SUKI, and raised his hands before giving his farewell speech to the crowd, who showed their appreciation for the legend that he is. [b]Winner:[/b] SUKI by submission in 17:52 to retain. [b]B+[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: A great night overall, disappointed that SUKI vs. Kumasaka wasn’t as good as the first time, but still impressed. I will post a tour review next, and then the interview with Sadaharu Jimbo.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER][U][B][SIZE="3"]DREAM Tour In Review[/SIZE][/B][/U] This tour was going to be pivotal for us, as it included the start of 2010, and we had to keep up with our previous performances, or else risk losing the top spot to BHOTWG, who had stepped up their game as of late. We did precisely that in my view, as we produced classic match after classic match, between superstars that it wasn't expected of, such as Dread vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue, and the Diaz vs. Tatsuko series, while the people with targets went overboard, producing A* matches almost constantly, people like Miwa, Musashibo and the like. As far as impressions go, this tour has really helped me to recognise good talent, as SUKI has truly stepped up to the plate as Historical Japan champion, as he produced amazing matches. People like Chojiro Kitoaji, Shingen Miyazaki, Noriyori Sanda, Washi Heat and Masaru Ugaki have impressed me enough to warrant further attention, as, especially these four in particular, have really impressed me, as they had produced stellar matches. Now a review of our top guys in detail: [B][U]Our Main Eventers[/U][/B] [U]Bryan Vessey[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 6-0-5 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Defeating Shuji Inukai. Bryan has impressed all of management this tour, as almost all of his matches have been amazing, save a few against lower level talent, especially his series with Shuji. He has finally cracked the main event scene, and looks set to make an impact in the Elite Series next tour in March. [U]Buddy Garner[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 3-0-5 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Defeating Team Dynasty 2000 w/Mito Miwa. Garner has had a fairly uneventful tour, but has made an impact in whatever match he has had. While he hasn't got a great win/loss record for the tour, he is still incredibly feared by the locker room, and many, especially those who beat him, have experience his many submissions. [U]Dread[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Dread.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 3-0-0 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Defeating Buddy Garner to rise up rankings. Dread goes undefeated in the tour, but has had a fairly unventful tour. He will look to remedy that in March for sure, as he aims to win the Elite Series 2010. [U]Eisaku Kunomasu[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 3-1-2 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Defeating Mito Miwa twice in tag competition. Kunomasu has had an eventful tour, facing Mito Miwa several times in epic match-ups, but never seeming to be able to beat him in singles competition, as he lost both times he faced Miwa one-on-one, but otherwise he always won. He will definitely look to finally beat Miwa in a singles match next tour. [U]Mito Miwa[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 6-1-2 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A (Almost A*) [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Defending his Glory Crown successfully against Eisaku Kunomasu twice. Miwa has been the crown jewel, no pun intended, for us this tour, as his stellar performances prove he deserves the title. However, Kunomasu definitely wants to take it from him, and Miwa has 11 others vying for his title come the Elite Series, so he will have to be prepared. [U]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 2-1-7 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Tatsuko has not had a good tour, losing several matches. He has however, shown amazing intensity and passion, despite his age, as he is almost 40 years old. He managed to defeat the behemoth Raymond Diaz, Diaz's only defeat in three months, showing he still has it in him to defeat such a monster. We hope he enjoys a better tour in March. [U]Raymond Diaz[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 7-1-1 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Defeating Nobuatsu Tatsuko. Diaz has finally cracked the main event scene, and did so in convincing fashion, destroying opponent after opponent, falling only once to Tatsuko. He rebounded and defeated his rival at Farewell to DANGER however, and looks set to carry on that momentum into the next tour, as he believes it is his destiny to win the Elite Series. [U]Shuji Inukai[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 6-0-4 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A. Shuji has had an average tour, as he overcame his rival Bryan Vessey at the final show. It may not be over however, but Shuji will be ready, as he went on a roll towards the end of the tour. What lies ahead is anybody's guess, but whoever is in his way had better be ready for him. [U]Yoshimi Musashibo[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 6-1-3 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A* (All but two were A*'s) [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Challenging Mito Miwa for the Glory Crown. Musashibo has performed the best out of everybody, putting on classics each time he stepped between the ropes. He feels he has earned a title opportunity, and so has his targets set on winning the Elite Series, so he can face Miwa one last time. [I]I'll put up the rest of the roster tomorrow, got stuff to do.[/I] [/CENTER]
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Awesome tour dude. Keep up the good work. I'm especially excited to hear that Ugaki might get a push of some kind on the next tour, and also that you're interested in seeing what Washi Heat can do. As I so far have had nothing for him to do in my dynasty, I'm curious as to what you can come up with. Good stuff as always, and I can't wait until your next tour.
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[CENTER][B][U]Our Upper Midcarders[/U][/B] [U]Akinori Kwakami[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 5-0-8 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Challenging for the Glory Tag Crown w/Kozue Kawashima. Kwakami has had a fairly eventful tour, but fizzled out of the public eye towards the end, with his high point being when he teamed with Kozue Kawashima. We definitely look forward to seeing what he can do next tour. [U]Alexander Robinson[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AlexanderRobinson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 3-0-2 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Robinson has not been seen much during this tour, same with his partner, so not much can be said. He has impressed however, and we look forward to see how much longer he can remain tag champion. [U]Bryan Holmes[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 6-0-8 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A The incredibly talented veteran Holmes has had an eventful tour, including a feud with Kawashima & Kwakami that produced some fantastic matches. He looks ready to challenge for the Historical Japan championship, and will be looking to make his mark next tour. [U]Kozue Kawashima[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 7-2-2 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Drawing with Yoshimi Musashibo. Kawashima is very close to reaching the Main Event, becoming incredibly popular during this tour. He is one of 12 people in the Elite Series, and as with everyone else, he has his sights set on taking home the trophy. [U]Lee Bennett[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/LeeBennett.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 4-1-1 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Lee has not been seen much, but has produced some great matches, and so management is impressed with him enough to follow how he does next tour. [U]Shingen Miyazaki[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 5-0-3 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Defending the Historical Japan Championship vs. SUKI. Miyazaki had a great start to the tour, being the Historical Japan Champion, and succesfully defended once, only to lose it in a triple threat. He then seemed to be stuck in a rut, but then came back with a bang when he defeated Noriyori Sanda to get a chance to reclaim his title. [U]SUKI[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 7-1-4 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Winning the Historical Japan Championship. SUKI has perhaps had the most eventful tour of the whole roster, as he produced fantastic matches and won the highly prestigious Historical Japan Championship, the title that made people like Nobuatsu Tatsuko stars. He looks set to have a lengthy run, and we look forward to seeing him in action in March. [B][U]Our Midcarders[/U][/B] [U]Billy Russell[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 1-0-8 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A. Billy has impressed this tour, producing some great matches, but has not had a successful tour at all, losing several matches. We hope he returns with a lot of drive next tour, as we like his style. [U]Chojiro Kitoaji[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 7-0-4 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Winning the International Tag titles w/Tetsunori Yasuda. Kitoaji has become incredibly popular this tour, and looks set to continue that momentum next tour. Can we smell Glory Tag gold for him and his partner in the near future? Could we see the first dual tag champions in PGHW history? [U]Greg Keith[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 4-0-2 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Keith stood up for his dad this tour, but found himself stretchered out of the arena for it. News is that he recieved a concussion at the hands of Taylor, and will be unable to wrestle next tour. [U]Masaru Ugaki[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 8-0-6 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Winning the International title. Ugaki has added even more gold to his resume this tour, and we look forward to seeing what he can do in the future as we have already mentioned. [U]Masutaro Kataoka[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 6-0-2 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A The veteran Katoaka has been critical in training up Kalu Owusu this tour, and his team with Owusu has become fairly popular as well. Their feud with Team Omega boosted all four mens popularity, which can only mean good news for Kataoka. [U]Noriyori Sanda[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 7-1-4 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Challenging for the Historical Japan Championship. Sanda has become steadily more popular this tour, and came very close to winning the Historical Japan championship. He will most likely be looking to get back on his feet during the next tour, so we look forward to seeing a more intense Sanda. [U]Roku Sotomura[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 3-0-5 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Roku has had a fairly average tour, so there is not much to say about him, apart from that he has impressed considering his apparently one dimensional style. [U]Sam Keith[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 7-0-0 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Sam Keith joined us midway through the tour, and instantly impressed. He will stay with us throughout the next tour, but his condition is under question, as Taylor sent him to hospital during the last week of the tour with his vicious assault. [U]Tetsunori Yasuda[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 8-1-3 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Winning the International Tag titles w/Chojiro Kitoaji. Yasuda found a new fire this tour, in his team with Chojiro Kitoaji. After the formation of Team Omega, he became more popular than ever, and hopes to have a lengthy run with his belts and to get the chance to wrestle for the Glory Tag Championships. [U]Washi Heat[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 11-0-1 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Being undefeated for 11 straight matches. Heat went undefeated until the final show, with his first loss being to Masaru Ugaki, who retained his championship. We definitely want to see what he does next tour, as he has been a consistent part of the midcard, and has become popular with the fans. [U]William Hayes[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 5-0-6 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Hayes has had an up-and-down tour, as he has both had high points, feuding with the Keiths, and lows, when he got stuck in a rut. He will look to break out of his bad fortune next tour, and has his eyes on the International title. [U][B]Our Lower Midcarders[/B][/U] [U]Joshua Taylor[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 3-0-10 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] Injuring Sam and Greg Keith...we suppose. Taylor had an unlucky tour, losing 10 out of 13 matches. We believe that made him snap, as shown when he destroyed both Sam and Greg Keith, hospitalising both men. Who is next in line for this madman and his best friend Chairyloo? [U]Kalu Owusu[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 4-0-5 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Owusu has become popular during this tour, and looks to make an impact in the tag team division next tour, alongside veteran Masutaro Kataoka. [U]Masayuki Shiga[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasayukiShiga.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 1-0-9 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Shiga has been a loyal and consistent performer on the undercard, something that made management grateful to the veteran. [U]Ryoma Muruyama[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 7-0-8 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] C+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Ryoma has had a lot of matches this tour, and has steadily improved. Despite losing his International title to Masaru Ugaki, he looks set to make another impact next tour. [U]Strong Style Yoemon[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/StrongStyleYoemon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 0-0-11 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Not much to say, except he has slowly improved and has performed better than expected. [U]White Samurai[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WhiteSamurai.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 0-1-5 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Samurai has overperformed this tour, and management are looking forward to seeing how he does next tour. If he impressed enough, he could join the roster full time. [U][B]Our Openers[/B][/U] [U]Hirokazu Yamanoue[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/HirokazuYamanoue.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 0-0-9 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Hirokazu has proved irreplacable as an undercard wrestler, as his matches have been hugely better than expected. He recently inked a new two year deal with us, and we are happy to continue working with him. [U]Kazushige Matsuki[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KazushigeMatsuki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 0-0-4 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Matsuki has been fairly good in this tour, and will see a lot more action next tour. [U]Mohamed El Yaaggoudi[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MohamedElYaaggoudi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 0-0-3 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Mohamed has been a fairly consistent performer, but management are not that keen on him. We have kept him on for the next tour, as we think he does have a bit of potential. [U]Taheiji Konoe[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TaheijiKonoe.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 0-0-1 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] C+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Konoe had one try out match during a pre-show, and impressed enough to sign a Short Term contract, to further assess his potential. [U][B]Our Enhancement Talents[/B][/U] [U]Akima Brave[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkimaBrave.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 0-0-1 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Same as Konoe, has signed a Short Term deal to assess potential. [U]Nigel Svensson[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Win/Draw/Loss Record:[/B] 0-0-2 [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] C+ [B]Biggest Moment:[/B] N/A Svensson has impressed management, and has signed a PPA contract. He will see some live action next tour, as management want to see how he does in front of a huge audience. [I]Interview with Jimbo next, then February-March news.[/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/internet.jpg[/IMG] [U]Interview with PGHW Owner, Sadaharu Jimbo![/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SadaharuJimbo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kieran:[/B] Thankyou for agreeing to meet with us Mr. Jimbo. [B]Jimbo:[/B] Your welcome Kieran. It's a pleasure. [B]Kieran:[/B] Okay, first question is a simple one, how do you feel about the company right now? [B]Jimbo:[/B] Well, we have really stepped up our game during the last year or so, despite the setback of losing Koiso to our rivals, and have become undisputedly the number one promotion in Japan, as our rivals have lost a lot of prestige. I feel we have a great load of talent throughout the roster, from the undercard to the main event, and that is why we have suceeded. [B]Kieran:[/B] I see, is there anybody in particular you are impressed with? [B]Jimbo:[/B] Chojiro Kitoaji, along with [Tetsunori] Yasuda, as they have produced great matches in the undercard, and gelled perfectly as a team. I am also impressed with SUKI, as he has become incredibly over and produced great matches, when he is only 23. [B]Kieran:[/B] Most people agree that SUKI has performed greatly, but some say you gave him the title too early. What do you think? [B]Jimbo:[/B] It's down to preferences I think, as some people believe SUKI needed to prove himself a bit more before getting a title. However, I think that he had proved himself enough throughout the year of 2009 to warrant a title shot, as his tenure in WLW, where he held the tag titles with Magnum KOBE, showed he can produce fantastic matches. He was there as part of his freelance period, at his request, as he wanted the chance to perform in other companies. [William] Hayes followed him as well, getting a tag reign alongside [Incredible] KOYAMA. [B]Kieran:[/B] Do you feel let down by anybody at the moment. [B]Jimbo:[/B] Not at all, some have underperformed, but not enough to disappoint me. [B]Kieran:[/B] Fair enough, have you got any special news about the next tour for our readers? [B]Jimbo:[/B] I do indeed, the third Keith family member, Matthew Keith, has signed with us, and will definitely be looking at taking revenge on Joshua Taylor. Apart from that, no other news except Omezo Shikitei, who is soon to graduate from our dojo, will be signing with SAISHO as soon as he does. [B]Kieran:[/B] Speaking of the Keiths and Taylor, how are the Keiths? [B]Jimbo:[/B] Sam and Greg are recovering well, they both had legitimate injuries caused by matches with GCG, and needed some time off to heal them. Taylor has really settled into this role I believe, and he has become more popular than ever. [B]Kieran:[/B] No doubt, a lot of our fans are happy to see Taylor finally get a good run going, and look forward to seeing him next tour. [B]Jimbo:[/B] Good to hear I am doing something right [laughs]. [B]Kieran:[/B] True [laughs]. My final question before we look at the polls on the website is, who would you single out to be the breakout star for PGHW in 2010? [B]Jimbo:[/B] That's a difficult question...hmm....I would have to say SUKI or Chojiro Kitoaji. Both have been stellar, and the fans are really beginning to like them. For a breakout team, it would have to be Team Omega. [B]Kieran:[/B] All right, that completes our interview sir, now we will look at the website to look over how the fans feel you've been doing. [B]Jimbo:[/B] Oh joy [laughs]. [B]End of Interview[/B] It was an honour to meet the man that helped revive Japanese wrestling, and to find out he is such a modest and kind man. We have an interview at the end of March, with the co-head bookers of PGHW, Mr. Kinson, the man behind the last tour, and Nobuatsu Tatsuko. Take it easy readers, Kieran Parkinson Editor of TotalExtremeWrestling.com [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][B]Japanese Wrestling News[/B][/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/internet.jpg[/IMG] A fair amount has happened in the Japanese wrestling scene in February/Early March: [U]WLW[/U] Magnum KOBE defeated The Incredible KOYAMA for his 5th Show Stealer title, this was KOYAMA's 8th reign with the belt. Eagle Kawasawa defeated Mabuchi Furusawa for the Streetfight Championship. UK Dragon & Mabuchi Furusawa are still 3-time WLW Tag champions, going undefeated in tag action throughout their tour. Panda Mask II defeated 4-time champ Beetle Kimura for his first taste of gold, the WLW Tap Out title . The Great Hisato defeated Koji Kojima for the Universal championship, his fourth. Tana The Mighty and Ash Campbell signed on for their next tour. [U]BHOTWG[/U] Washichi Inao and Dean Daniels sign on to tour with BHOTWG, as do Dark Angel and The Great Hisato. [U]GCG[/U] Kiminobu Kuroki ended the 5 month Openweight title reign of Eagle Kawasawa (Who has become a main eventer for every promotion he is in) to capture the belt for the third time. Hiroyasu Gakusha remains the 3-time World Champion, seeing off challenges from Pistol Pete Hall, Shingen Miyazaki, Junnosuke Fukazawa, Jimmy Cox and Seiji Jimbo. Wael Hossam & Takayuki 2000 remain tag champs, not defending the belts a single time. [U]INSPIRE[/U] No news, Raul Hughes remains 2-time champion, winning the belt last year in October. [U]SAISHO[/U] Hitomaro Suzuki (under development) and Barry Griffin (not under development) defeat Eien Miyamoto and Gonnohyoe Kada for the Destiny tag titles. Roku Sotomura remains the Destiny Champion, raising the prestige to 100% in the eyes of the fans. Omezo Shikitei, Torch Nakazawa and Stone Yoshikawa are sent to development. The latter two having been released two years ago. [U]Hinote Dojo[/U] No news, Yasuhiro Atsushi remains All-Japan champion, having won the belt in November 2008. And that wraps up the happenings on the Japanese scene. Next up, we have a preview of PGHW's first show of the New Honour tour. [/CENTER]
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Just for kicks, I've decided to post my end of tour awards for your dynasty. [B][U]Beat Tag Team[/U][/B] Team Omega - [I]I really like Kataoka and Owusu, but I think that Yasuda and Kitoaji have more long-term potential, and were an amazing tandem.[/I] [B][U]Most Impoved[/U][/B] Joshua Taylor - [I]His win/loss record may not reflect it much, but I don't think I saw anybody that has grown more during the tour than Taylor. However, I may be biased, as Taylor's madman storyline has been my favorite part of the dynasty lately.[/I] [B][U]Best Overall Performance[/U][/B] Raymond Diaz - [I]Other people may have had better records than Diaz, but I think that Diaz put out the strongest performances, and his ascent into the main event proves that.[/I] [B][U]Match of the Year[/U][/B] Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko (Last Man Standing Match - Night of FEROCITY) - [I]Easily the best match of the tour, as I think it completely solidified Diaz's place in the main event, and was the climax his feud with Tatsuko, even if it wasn't their final match on the tour.[/I]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] We kickstart the new tour with a blockbuster card. Matthew Keith makes his PGHW debut against another newcomer in Dean Daniels. Both are well known for their technical skills, so we are expecting a fantastic mat-focused match. But, more importantly, will Keith be focused on the match, or getting revenge on Joshua Taylor? Both Team Toronto and Team Omega are in action, with Omega facing madman Joshua Taylor and White Samurai, and Team Toronto face Akinori Kwakami and Noriyori Sanda. We also start of the Elite Series when Kozue Kawashima facing SUKI, and Raymond Diaz facing Buddy Garner. We also see Eisaku Kunomasu facing Nobuatsu Tatsuko for a chance to advance. All this and more, so what are you waiting for? Buy your ticket today! [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Matthew Keith vs. Dean Daniels [I]Tag Team Non-Title[/I] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) vs. Joshua Taylor & White Samurai [I]Tag Team[/I] Masaru Ugaki & William Hayes vs. Washi Heat & Ryoma Muruyama [I]Tag Team[/I] Team Toronto vs. Akinori Kwakami & Noriyori Sanda [I]Singles Elite Series[/I] Kozue Kawashima vs. SUKI [I]Singles Elite Series[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. Buddy Garner [i]Singles Elite Series[/I] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [i]Predictions always welcome[/i][/CENTER]
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