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PGHW: Re-gaining the Glory (C-Verse 2009)

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Just wanted to drop by and say that I've been reading this dynasty, and I, being a fan of the C-Verse Puro scene, have to say that so far you've been handling PGHW very well indeed. Keep it up! Singles [B]Matthew Keith[/B] vs. Dean Daniels [I]You'll probably have Keith kick off his quest for revenge by gaining momentum with a win.[/I] Tag Team Non-Title [B]Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor & White Samurai [I]Keeping the young breakout team red hot is probably the wise thing to do, I think they'll win in an impressive fashion [/I] Tag Team [B]Masaru Ugaki & William Hayes[/B] vs. Washi Heat & Ryoma Muruyama [I]Just guessing[/I] Tag Team Team Toronto vs. [B]Akinori Kwakami & Noriyori Sanda[/B] [I]Those two can prove to be very useful, a win against one of the best tag teams on the roster could catapult Sanda and Kwakami to greater things.[/I] Singles Elite Series [B]Kozue Kawashima[/B] vs. SUKI [I]After seeing how successful his bout with Musashibo was, I have no doubt that Kawashima can be big, he'll advance imo.[/I] Singles Elite Series Raymond Diaz vs. [B]Buddy Garner[/B] [I]Tough one to call here, my gut says that you'll have Garner come out stronger in this tour, but if I were realistic here, I'd pick Diaz[/I] Singles Elite Series [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]This is gonna be a huge main event to kick off your second tour! Tatsuko is slowing down, whilst Eisaku has still a lot of dream matches to give[/I]
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[B]Matthew Keith[/B] vs. Dean Daniels Daniels has more experience in Japan, but he's never been pushed as an upper-tier Gaijin, so Keith gets the victory in his debut Tag Team Non-Title Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) vs. Joshua Taylor & White Samurai [I]Omega retain, but Taylor goes psycho on everyone including his own partner after the match, he'll then get all lovey-dovey with a chair[/I] :D Tag Team [B]Masaru Ugaki & William Hayes[/B] vs. Washi Heat & Ryoma Muruyama [I]This one's a bit of a coin-flip, but I think Ugaki/Hayes have the edge. Heat's unbeaten run came to a screeching halt at Farwell to DANGER and Muruyama can't quite break out of the lower mid-card to make his mark in a crowded mid-card.[/I] Tag Team Team Toronto vs. [B]Akinori Kwakami & Noriyori Sanda[/B] [I]The future is now, as the ageing but still very useful Team Toronto put two of PGHW's brightest up and coming talents over.[/I] Singles Elite Series Kozue Kawashima vs. SUKI Both of these are bright young talents, but after Kawashima's incredible match with Musashibo, when he took one of PGHW's leading lights to a Time Limit Draw, I feel he has the edge going into this match. SUKI also has a bright future ahead, but will be best served putting in time with a good run with the Historic Japan Title. Singles Elite Series [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Buddy Garner [I]Diaz has been on an absolute tear since the last tour, whilst Garner had a fairly uneventful one. I think you'll keep Diaz's run going.[/I] Singles Elite Series Eisaku Kunomasu vs. [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] [I]Kunomasu had the much better tour, last time out, but I just have the feeling that he'll go into the match with Tatsuko over-confident. Tatsuko will take advantage and pick up the victory to kick-start a revival for him on this tour.[/I]
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[I]Sorry for the late post, I had a Biology AS exam today, and spent the last week and a bit doing a lot of hardcore revision lol.[/I] [center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #1[/u][/b] Friday, Week 1, March 2010. Held in front of 5,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Osaka Athletic Stadium in Kinki [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Kazushige Matsuki vs. Nigel Svennson[/u] [i]This match was surprisingly good, with Nigel looking like he could topple the big man at several points in the match, only to get nearly decapitated with a right hook from Matsuki, who then covered him and got the win.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kazushige Matsuki by pinfall [b]C-[/b] [u]Match 2: Masutaro Kataoka vs. Akima Brave [/u] [i]Kataoka floored Brave with the Flying Forearm fairly early in the match, but the match ended up being a lot better than expected, and Jimbo said he definitely saw chemistry in this match.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Masutaro Kataoka by pinfall [b]B[/b] [u]Match 3: Hirokazu Yamanoue vs. Kalu Owusu[/u] [i]Owusu found toppling the veteran harder than usual, but was still able to plant him with the Ivory Coast Driver early on and get the victory.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kalu Owusu by pinfall [b]C+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Matthew Keith vs. Dean Daniels[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] This was a fairly anticipated match, mainly because of what the fans expected of Keith, and it was a chance for Dean Daniels to impress in the PGHW ring, as a lot of fans as well have been hoping he signs a contract with the company due to his skills. The match started out with the routine lock up, but it quickly changed into a mat brawl, with Daniels tackling Keith to the mat and locking him in various headlocks and leg locks, weakening Keith up for his various submission finishers. Keith was not too surprised, as he managed to eventually fight his way back up to his feet. As soon as he stood up, Dean tried to tackle him again, but was met with a clothesline to the throat followed by a jumping knee drop to the face. He rolled around on the mat before getting up, but was promptly booted in the gut and thrown overhead with a spinning suplex. Keith then went to work on the more experienced Dean, effectively keeping him down by using his superior weight to trap the veteran. Dean eventually escaped however, by rolling out from underneath. He then spent a while evening the damage with Keith, only to be floored by a spear from Keith before the nine minute mark. Keith then picked Daniels apart before slapping him in the Proton Lock to a thunderous ovation. Dean fought for a while, but the pain became too much, and he tapped out, giving Keith his debut victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Matthew Keith by submission in 9:40 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) vs. Joshua Taylor & White Samurai[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WhiteSamurai.jpg[/IMG] Kitoaji and Yasuda, as well as Samurai it seemed, were worried heading into this match, due to the current instability of Taylor. The match started with Samurai and Kitoaji battling for control, with Kitoaji coming out on top and dominating for a while, hitting a few big moves such as a spinning spinebuster. He then tagged out to Yasuda, who promptly resumed the beating on Samurai. He tried his best to keep his opponent from tagging out to Taylor, but he found himself on the wrong end of a snap suplex when Samurai caught him off guard. Samurai then leapt into his corner and tagged in his maniacal partner, Josh Taylor, who immediately began to pummel his own partner into the mat before launching himself at Yasuda and connecting with a forearm smash. Taylor then began to punch away wildly at Yasuda until he fought back with a headbutt and sent Josh reeling backwards. Samurai tagged himself in when Josh came near, not wanting Josh to ruin their chances of winning, but found himself in the Stitch In Time for it. Josh then went wild in the ring and disappeared under the ring while Kitoaji and Yasuda, and basically everyone in attendance was wondering what the heck just happened. Yasuda then set up Samurai for the Star Buster, and made the cover once it connected, getting the academic cover. However, Josh popped up at the other side of the ring with his favourite weapon, a chair, which seemed to have pigtails on it this time, and rolled into the ring. He then brought Chairyloo, yes he has actually named the chair that, down on the back of Kitoaji and Yasuda’s heads, then the refs when he tried to intervene. Josh then laughed before delivering two more shots to both Kitoaji and Yasuda, and then heading to the back. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall on White Samurai by Yasuda in 8:31 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Masaru Ugaki & William Hayes vs. Washi Heat & Ryoma Muruyama[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] This match started out with Hayes facing Ryoma, and as guessed, Hayes dominated from the get go, nailing high impact moves in order to keep Ryoma down. It didn’t last however, as Ryoma was able to flip out of a powerbomb and connect with a hurracanrana, throwing Hayes across the ring. He then went up top, and waited for him to get up, and as soon as Hayes did, Ryoma flew off and connected with a diving cross body. He tried to make the cover, but Hayes threw him off and staggered to his feet, only to be sent right back down again with a snap dropkick to the face. Ryoma managed to stay in control for a while, which surprised a fair amount of people. Hayes fought back eventually though, and drove Ryoma into the mat with a quick, thus less effective, End of Days, and tagged out to Ugaki. Ugaki instantly went to work on his former tag partner and picked him apart slowly, setting him up for the Ugaki Clutch. There were two hot tags made late in the match, when Hayes tagged back out to Ugaki after being beat on for a while by Ryoma again, and when Ryoma tagged Heat in for the first time in the match. However, Heat soon tagged back out when Ugaki managed to drop him badly on his ankle with a back body drop. Ryoma tried his best against Ugaki, but eventually found himself on the receiving end of a Predator’s Strike, a lightning fast Shining Wizard, and was pinned. Ugaki celebrated and taunted Heat, who was limping his way around the ring. After a while, Heat couldn’t take any more, and grabbed a chair from underneath the ring, chasing Ugaki up the ramp. The referee, not really sure what to do, followed suit. [b]Winner:[/b] Ugaki & Hayes by pinfall on Muruyama by Ugaki in 11:31 [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Team Toronto vs. Akinori Kwakami & Noriyori Sanda Non-Title[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AlexanderRobinson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/LeeBennett.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] This match was fairly anticipated, mainly due to fans looking forward to see Team Toronto in action. It started off with a four man brawl, before it was finally settled that Alex and Sanda would start off the match. They began by brawling as well, with Sanda managing to gain control over the smaller Alex, only to be hit with a boot to the gut and a backflip dropkick, to the face as opposed to a backflip kick to the back of the head, and sent Sanda flying backwards. He dominated for a while afterwards, using his agility to keep Sanda down. They ended up wearing each other down however, and eventually had to tag out to their respective partners. Lee and Akinori charged toward each other, with Lee ducking under a clothesline attempt and bringing Akinori crashing down to the mat with an STO. Lee then took the match to the mat, but found himself going hold for hold with the younger Akinori. This resulted in a stalemate, and they stood up. After a brief moment of tension, they shook each others hands before going right back at it. It was Lee who went for a clothesline, and connected, but Akinori just fired back with a discus clothesline, and both dropped to the mat. They didn’t move for a while, but eventually tagged out to their partners as well. The rest of the match was full of high spots and good mat wrestling. An example is when Akinori and Alex were on the mat, and spent a good three minutes or so going hold for hold, ending with Akinori trying to spin Alex into a full nelson, only to get nailed with a back flip kick to the back of his head, sending him to the mat. Each man realised they were drawing close to the time limit, and that stopped any of them from giving up. It ended up being an all out brawl in the last minute, with Sanda managing to nail Lee with a Dynamo Flying Elbow, only to have him kick out, then get nailed with the Canadian Violence. Alex then went for the cover, but Sanda kicked out, and then Alex found himself in the Kwakami Painlock. He was in a lot of pain, but managed to hold on just long enough to hit the time limit. [b]Winner:[/b] Draw at 20:00 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Kozue Kawashima vs. SUKI Elite Series – 1st Round [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] SUKI had a huge chance going into this, as he could potentially defeat a huge rising star, as well as make his way to Glory Crown title shot. Kozue was equally as focused however, as he was looking forward to getting his first Glory Crown shot since June 2008. Kozue took control as soon as the match started, battering away at SUKI with a series of kicks and chops, flooring the smaller man. Kozue then took the match to the mat, and took control there with several headlocks, weakening him up for the Future Lock, but SUKI clawed his way to the ropes when Kozue tried to lock it in. SUKI then managed to fight off Kozue, eventually forcing him into the corner, where he used his smaller size to attack Kozue from all angles, finishing up with a leaping leg lariat that took both men over the ropes and crashing to the floor. They got up at the same time, and brawled their way back into the ring. When Kozue slid in, he found himself on the bad side of a Springboard Leg Drop from SUKI, who crashed down on the back of his head. Kozue was stunned for a while, but as soon as he was fully focused, he fought back and dominated for a long time. SUKI was livid that he had lost control, and tried as much as possible to keep Kozue grounded, and he almost succeeded a number of times, succumbing to the same attack each time, a series of kicks and chops at the same time, a blend of Tatsuko and Musashibo style attacks. SUKI couldn’t defend enough, and found himself on the wrong end of the Future Lock. He managed to fight his way to the ropes however, and got up to his feet. Kozue ran towards him, trying to catch him off guard, but SUKI booted him in the gut and drilled him into the mat with a Mountain SUKI. He went for the cover, but Kozue’s foot was on the ropes, and the match continued. Kozue slowly staggered up to both feet, and was met with a vicious assault from SUKI. He eventually fought back, and floored SUKI with a K-Kick, and locked him back in the Future Lock! SUKI began to fade fast, as this was the third time he had been put in the move, but he still fought on until he passed out, at which point the referee called for an end to the match. Kozue celebrated his advancement in the Elite Series, before helping his opponent up and heading to the back. [b]Winner:[/b] Kozue Kawashima by submission in 17:21 [b]A*[/b] – great chemistry. Good news for SUKI. [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Raymond Diaz vs. Buddy Garner Elite Series – 1st Round [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] As per usual, Diaz was the much bigger man, this time he basically dwarfed Garner. Garner followed his usual pummel and submit style, but he was unable to get the giant off of his feet, and Diaz responded with a devastating clothesline that flipped Buddy over. Diaz then pulled him up to his feet and whipped him into the corner with force, almost breaking Buddy’s back from the impact, and followed up with a body splash attempt, but Buddy was able to roll out of the way, causing Diaz to crash into the turnbuckles. Buddy sprang back up to his feet and swept Diaz’s feet out from under him, and Diaz tumbled to the mat, but quickly made his way back up, despite several punches from Buddy which just had no effect. Diaz pushed Buddy away, trying to recover, but Buddy followed up with a kick to the head, which stunned Diaz, and then locked him in a headlock. This was a big mistake however, as Diaz simply stood up, lifting Buddy into the air, threw him up and caught him before nailing a unique spinebuster, which he calls the Rush Spinebuster. Buddy bounced off of the mat from the impact, and seemed to be knocked out. He kept coming back however, not staying down long enough for Diaz to capitalise. He nearly brought the giant down one more time, but was whipped across the ring and drilled with a massive spear, snapping him in half. Diaz pretty much dominated the rest of the match, ending it with a Ray Gun, spiking Buddy right on his head. He rolled him over and scored the pin to advance into the Semi-Finals. [b]Winners:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall in 16:31 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko Elite Series – 1st Round[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] This match was ready to explode from the moment it started. They began with a lock up, but neither managed to gain control, and ended up breaking away and rethinking their plans. They tried again, and Eisaku took control this time with a go behind, aiming for a German Suplex, but Tatsuko broke his clutch and reversed it into a hammerlock. Eisaku then elbowed Tatsuko three times in the head in order to counter, and Tatsuko staggered backwards. Eisaku then followed up with a running clothesline, but Tatsuko just took it and screamed at him. Eisaku tried again, bouncing off the ropes for added momentum, but was flipped over when Tatsuko jumped into the air and connected with a Tatsuko Sole Kick to the chest. Tatsuko remained in control for a short while, managing to pummel Eisaku into the mat and locking him in various leg locks, staying away from his arms as he knew Eisaku would outwrestle him there. Eisaku eventually escaped anyway, working his way over to the ropes to break the hold. He then used the ropes to make his way to his feet, and was whipped across the ring, only narrowly evading a powerslam by stopping short and kicking Tatsuko in the chest and face before bringing him down to the mat with a backbreaker. Eisaku then took the match back to the mat, concentrating on Tatsuko’s arms and legs, eager to both set him up for the Kunomasu Vice and to stop him using his vicious kicks. He was successful initially, but Tatsuko put up a massive fight, refusing to tap out at all, even when the Kunomasu Vice was eventually locked in, and slowly worked his way up to standing. Eisaku spent the last part of the match trying to ground Tatsuko again, and succeeding sometimes, but mainly failing because of Tatsuko’s intensity. The end came when Eisaku tried to go for a German suplex as he did in the beginning of the match, but Tatsuko elbowed him in the jaw, forcing him to stagger backwards, then connected with a Tatsuko Blind Kick out of nowhere right to the jaw as well. Eisaku collapsed to the mat, out cold, and Tatsuko fell on top to make the cover, and got the victory, establishing his place in the Elite Series Semi-Finals. [b]Winner:[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko by pinfall in 20:35 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: A great night to start off the tour.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] We have seen our first three sem-finalists of the Elite Series emerge victorious, Raymond Diaz, Kozue Kawashima, and probably the most unexpected, Nobuatsu Tatsuko. This week we will see three more matches featuring top talent. To kickstart the show, we have high paced action when Washi Heat takes on Joshua Taylor. Taylor has been going slightly crazier with each passing week, while Washi Heat has fallen down the pecking order since he lost his undefeated streak back in January. Which man will prevail? Will Josh go crazy again? Are the rumours of him proposing to 'Chairyloo' real or false? We also have youth vs. experience when Masutaro Kataoka faces newcomer Nigel Svennson in the second match of the night, followed by International Tag champion Chojiro Kitoaji in action against Roku Sotomura. Can Kitoaji impress management enough to warrant a shot at the Glory Tag titles? Matthew Keith is also in action against William Hayes, who will prevail? And will Taylor make an appearance? In the final three matches, which are the Elite Series matches, we have Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Bryan Vessey, in what is sure to be a blockbuster, Shuji Inukai vs. Bryan Holmes, and Dread taking on young Shingen Miyazaki. Miyazaki and Holmes have not been doing so well as of late. Shingen has a shot at SUKI's title at the next Pay-Per-View, and is in the Series because of it. [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Washi Heat vs. Joshua Taylor [I]Singles[/I] Masutaro Kataoka vs. Nigel Svennson [I]Singles[/I] Chojiro Kitoaji w/Tetsunori Yasuda vs. Roku Sotomura w/Billy Russell [I]Singles[/I] Matthew Keith vs. William Hayes [I]Singles Elite Series[/I] Dread vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]Singles Elite Series[/I] Shuji Inukai vs. Bryan Holmes [i]Singles Elite Series[/I] Yoshimu Musashibo vs. Bryan Vessey [i]Predictions always welcome. Thanks for the comments guys, Tigerkinney, I have requested a render for 'Chairyloo', which should be fun. [/i][/CENTER]
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Singles Washi Heat vs. [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] [I]Washi Heat frustrated by his recent slump will try to win with a chair-shot, but Taylor will be a step ahead and get assistane from his 'girlfriend'. [/I][I]I'm looking forward to the 'Chairyloo' pic[/I] :D Singles [B]Masutaro Kataoka[/B] vs. Nigel Svennson [I]Kataoka is a rung above Svensson at the moment[/I] Singles Chojiro Kitoaji w/Tetsunori Yasuda vs. [B]Roku Sotomura[/B] w/Billy Russell [I]I'll go for Sotumura to win, setting up an International Tag Title match between Team Omega and Sotomura/Russell[/I] Singles Matthew Keith vs. [B]William Hayes[/B] [I]Could go either way, but I think Hayes experience advantage will see him pull through.[/I] Singles Elite Series Dread vs. Shingen Miyazaki Singles Elite Series [B]Shuji Inukai[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes [I]Score a win for the 'old guard' over the established Gaijin[/I] Singles Elite Series [B]Yoshimu Musashibo[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]'Old Guard' to go 2-0 in the Elite-Series on this night.[/I]
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PGHW Warriors Tour Singles Washi Heat vs. [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] [I]Taylor. Why? Because I mark out for Taylor now.[/I] Singles [B]Masutaro Kataoka[/B] vs. Nigel Svennson [I]I'm taking the more established Kataoka here, but I see big things from Svennson in the near future.[/I] Singles Chojiro Kitoaji w/Tetsunori Yasuda vs. [B]Roku Sotomura w/Billy Russell [/B] [I]I got a gut feeling that Sotomura is taking the win here to set up a match against Omega.[/I] Singles [B]Matthew Keith[/B] vs. William Hayes [I]This seems like a bit of a coin toss, but I'm gonna go with Keith, since TigerKinney already picked Hayes.[/I] Singles Elite Series Dread vs. [B]Shingen Miyazaki[/B] [I]I'm going with Miyazaki here, simply because he'll have more to gain with a win, and he has more opportunity to put on better matches later in the tournament.[/I] Singles Elite Series [B]Shuji Inukai[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes [I]I don't see Holmes getting the win here, as much as I'd like to see it happen.[/I] Singles Elite Series [B]Yoshimu Musashibo[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]Mushashibo. Because he is a god, and I hate Bryan Vessey.[/I]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #2[/u][/b] Tuesday, Week 2, March 2010. Held in front of 5,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Akita Stadium in Tohoku. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Team Toronto vs. Masayuki Shiga & Strong Style Yoemon.[/u] [i]Toronto dominated and got the pin on Shiga with the Canadian Violence from Alex.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Team Toronto by pinfall on Shiga by Robinson. [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 2: Hirokazu Yamanoue vs. Ryoma Muruyama [/u] [i]Muruyama was met with surprisingly stiff opposition from Yamanoue, but managed to connect with the Muruyama Launch after countering a German suplex into a DDT.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 3: Tetsunori Yasuda vs. Taheiji Konoe.[/u] [i]Konoe managed to dominate a little while, which surprised a fair few members of the audience. Yasuda got the win however after a Minilla Plunge..[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Tetsunori Yasuda by pinfall. [b]C+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Washi Heat vs. Joshua Taylor w/Chairyloo[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] This was a very intense match, with Heat managing to steal control in the early goings, using his power to his advantage. He also nearly managed to get the victory after a spinning back suplex, but Josh managed to kick out at just before the three count. Taylor then began to fight back, reversing another suplex attempt with a boot to the gut and a knee smash, sending Heat down to one knee. Taylor then tried to hit a running knee smash, but Heat speared him to the mat as soon as he got within range, ending Taylor’s momentum. Heat then dominated for a short while after that, only to have Josh outwrestle him when he tried to take the match to the mat. Josh countered an arm bar attempt with several punches to the face, eventually forcing Heat to let go. They then traded control of the match for the next few minutes. The finish was incredibly energetic, with Heat almost managing to connect with the Washi Explosion, only to have Josh counter it into a Stitch In Time attempt. Heat managed to wriggle out of the move, but Josh caught him on the way down with a boot to the gut. Heat was stunned for a little bit, giving Josh enough time to connect with the Sapphire Bomb, a spinning sit-out spinebuster. Heat bounced off of the mat, and Joshua hooked the leg to get the victory. After the match, he brought ‘Chairyloo’ into the ring and danced with her to celebrate. Heat got up to his feet and went over to shake Josh’s hand, only to be cracked over the head with ‘Chairyloo’. Josh then repeatedly struck him in the head and back, causing Heat to bleed, before screaming “She’s mine!” and walking to the back. [b]Winner:[/b] Joshua Taylor by pinfall in 11:58 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Masutaro Kataoka vs. Nigel Svensson[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] This match was fairly short, but was exciting for what was expected of it. Kataoka dominated at the start of the match, as was expected, but met some heavy resistance mid-way through it. Nigel managed to counter a running clothesline into an arm drag and then locked Kataoka in a series of arm bars. Kataoka was caught off guard by the offence and almost tapped out, but managed to claw his way to the ropes. He then eventually fought his way back up to standing, managing to boot Nigel in the gut and drive him into the mat with a DDT. Kataoka then tried to rest and recover, but he soon found himself back on the mat when Nigel kneed him straight in the face, making a surprisingly quick recovery himself, and locked Kataoka in a cross-arm breaker. The veteran managed to fight his way to the ropes again, but Nigel refused to let go, until the referee warned he could get disqualified. Once Nigel let go, Kataoka dominated after pummelling Nigel into the mat out of frustration. He then pulled Nigel up and whipped him across the ring. Kataoka tried for a clothesline, but Nigel ducked under and kept running. This didn’t happen again however, as Kataoka floored him with a Flying Forearm on the return run, and got the pinfall victory over the youngster. [b]Winner:[/b] Masutaro Kataoka by pinfall in 7:29 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Chojiro Kitoaji w/Tetsunori Yasuda vs. Roku Sotomura w/Billy Russell[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] This was a fairly even match throughout, with Kitoaji gaining control about halfway through, but didn’t manage to keep control for that long. He eventually re-gained control later on when he countered a suplex into a suplex of his own, and then locked Roku in a tight grounded headlock. Roku tried several times to escape, but Chojiro continually punched him in the back whenever he did. He did eventually managed to escape however, and then booted Kitoaji in the gut as soon as both men were back on their feet. He tried to go for a double axe handle to the back, but Kitoaji dodged it and fired back with a discus clothesline, taking both men down to the mat again. Both men stayed down for a while before finally standing back up, and starting a brawl. Kitoaji gained control, as he was the better brawler, but he got a little too overconfident, swinging wide with one of his punches, allowing Roku to grab it and pull him into a grounded arm bar. Kitoaji slowly got up to one knee, but Roku elbowed him in the back of the neck and locked him in a Chinlock. Kitoaji fought for a long time and managed to get back up to his feet. He then tried to go for a running neckbreaker, but Roku countered with one of his own and then locked Kitoaji back in the Twisting Chinlock. Kitoaji couldn’t take any more pain and tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Roku Sotomura by submission in 13:51 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Matthew Keith vs. William Hayes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] Keith was very eager going into this match, as he wanted to begin his path of revenge against Taylor. However, he didn’t get the easy match he was expecting, with Hayes catching him off guard at several points in the match with his quick reversals and counters. An example of which was when Keith tried to go for a spinning neckbreaker, but Hayes spun out of it and replied with a modified over the knee backbreaker, causing Keith to roll around on the mat in pain. Hayes remained in control for a short while after, nailing several different backbreakers to keep his momentum going. Keith regained control shortly after with a big back body drop after countering an irish whip attempt. He then took the match to the mat, trying to use his superior mat skills to his advantage, but Hayes put up a strong fight there as well. Keith eventually gave up when he realised it wasn’t getting anywhere, and got back up. Hayes then surprised him again and whipped him into the corner, following up with a clothesline, squashing Keith. He then pulled Keith out of the corner, and tried to go for the Slick Trick, but Keith managed to wriggle out of it and land behind him, booting him in the gut when he turned around. He then pulled Hayes up into a powerbomb position, before flipping Hayes into a facebuster position on the way down. This move is called the Vengeance Driver, and it got the victory for Keith, making him undefeated so far. [b]Winner:[/b] Matthew Keith by pinfall in 14:31 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Dread vs. Shingen Miyazaki Elite Series – 1st Round [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Dread.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] This was a close match, as both men wanted to advance in the tournament. Dread was mainly focused on winning to prove he still had the skills that make him the legend he is, and become a 2-time Elite Series winner, while Shingen wanted to win in order to prove himself even more before his Historical Japan title shot at Night of PRIDE. The match started off fairly slow, with Dread dominating the smaller Shingen as he usually does, only to have Shingen counter a big boot attempt with a leg sweep and a dropkick, taking the big man off of his feet. Shingen then capitalised and kept the big man down as long as possible, but Dread proved to be too much for the youngster, throwing him off and getting up to his feet. Shingen went for a second dropkick, but Dread just took the blow, and then whipped Shingen into the corner, following him in with a devastating avalanche, completely crushing the youngster. Dread then pulled him out and then sent him overhead with a belly to belly suplex, and went for the cover, but miraculously, Shingen kicked out. He sprung up to his feet and began to punch Dread, and then kicked him, before running to the ropes. His momentum was killed right away though, as Dread flattened him with shoulder block. Dread then risked it all after splashing Shingen on the mat, as he began to climb up the turnbuckles. The fans got on their feet, but as soon as Dread left the top, Shingen rolled out of the way and got up to his own feet, waiting for the veteran to do the same. Dread slowly made his way up, feeling the pain from the crash landing, and was met with a Cavalry Charge right to the jaw! He staggered backwards, but didn’t go down, so Shingen tried again, he still didn’t go down. Shingen then bounced off the ropes and delivered a third, and this time Dread went down, and he fell on top. The fans were on their feet once more as the referee made the count, and Shingen got the biggest upset in his young career, advancing to the Semi-Finals and beating the legendary Dread. [b]Winner:[/b] Shingen Miyazaki by pinfall in 14:52 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Shuji Inukai vs. Bryan Holmes Elite Series – 1st Round [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] This was a fairly anticipated match, and each man performed well over what was expected, producing a classic. Holmes managed to wrestle control of the match to his side when the match started, booting Shuji in the gut to do so, then cracked him in the back with a double axe handle, sending him to the mat. Holmes them quickly capitalised and grounded Shuji, locking him in several holds, changing whenever Shuji seemed to be escaping, but eventually found himself on the wrong end of a clothesline when the two fought their way back up to standing, passing the control to Shuji. Inukai then dominated the match, keeping it standing, pummelling Holmes from post to post. He began to become confident that he was going to get a fairly easy victory and whipped Holmes into the ropes while he ran the opposite way, aiming for the Untouchable Lariat. However, Holmes countered at the last second with a jumping leg lariat, flooring the veteran Inukai, and getting the control back. Shuji managed to get up to his feet fairly quickly, but was sent down again by a lariat from Holmes, who took the match back down to the mat in order to keep control again, but Shuji grabbed the ropes when he was about to be locked in a sharpshooter. The rest of the match was full of near falls and almost constant reversals, with Holmes making everybody in attendance impressed. He almost had the match won at one point, after flipping out of a Backdrop suplex and nailing a beautiful German suplex. He then waited for Shuji to get up, and once he had, he booted him in the gut and went for the Cyclone Shock Kick, but Inukai dodged the move and rolled out of the ring. They then brawled on the outside, and back inside the ring, with Inukai chopping Holmes in the chest and whipping him across the ring. He ducked under a clothesline attempt, and floored the Canadian veteran with an Untouchable Lariat out of nowhere! He made the cover, and got the hard fought victory. Inukai then did something he rarely ever did, shake his opponent’s hand. [b]Winners:[/b] Shuji Inukai by pinfall in 17:45 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Bryan Vessey Elite Series – 1st Round[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] By no means was this match a let down, it was fantastic, but it didn’t seem to have the same quality as the previous one, which damaged the reactions of the fans. The match started out with the generic tie-up. Both men tried to get control, but neither would back off, until Yoshimi pushed Vessey to his knees and then to the ground. The two men then engaged in classic hold for hold mat wrestling, with neither locking in anything for longer than a second. This eventually led to standoff, albeit a short one, as Yoshimi floored Vessey with a Kesagiri right to the throat. Yoshimi then dominated for a short time, until he missed a Kesagiri in the corner, and Bryan tackled him to the mat and locked him in a cross arm breaker, then a grounded hammerlock, intent on keeping Yoshimi down. The veteran Yoshimi knew all the holds however and easily reversed the hammerlock. This resulted in another stalemate, and both men stared each other down before running in for another tie-up. This was pretty much the formula of the first half of the match, which became a little stale near the end, but was still good due to the talent of both men. Bryan ended up in control after a standing switch followed by a kick to the back of the knee. Vessey then pulled Yoshimi’s head back and planted him with a reverse DDT, before locking him in a body scissors. He had the hold in tight and punched Yoshimi each time the phenom tried to break it. However, Yoshimi eventually gained control after fighting his way back up to standing and nailing a Musashibo-Plex I, followed shortly by a Musashibo-Plex II. For the remainder of the match, there was a lot of shifts in power, with Vessey dominating a some points, which caught some off guard. The end of the match came when Vessey tried to go for a Vessey Line, but Yoshimi grabbed the outstretched arm and used it to force Bryan down with an armbar takedown, then locked him in an inverted Cross Arm breaker, then in the Yoshimi Lock, which made the crowd jump to their feet. Vessey fought for an incredibly long time, but he was never able to reach the ropes, as Yoshimi rolled him back to the middle of the ring whenever he tried. The pain became far too much eventually, and Bryan tapped out, but he had given a heck of a fight. [b]Winner:[/b] Yoshimi Musashibo by submission in 24:25 [b]B+[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [i]Main Feelings: Disappointed by Musashibo vs. Vessey, maybe the match went on too long.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] We now have the final brackets for the Elite Series. The next two shows will see the semi-final matches, and the final will take place at Night of PRIDE. The winners of each first match on the last two shows will face off, as will the second winners and so forth. So this week we will see Kozue Kawashima vs. Shingen Miyazaki, and Raymond Diaz vs. Shuji Inukai. Can Shingen continue his cinderella rise to the top, or will Kawashima take a further step towards his destiny? Can Diaz topple the 'Untouchable One', or will he become another victim of the infamous Untouchable Lariat? Eisaku Kunomasu faces Buddy Garner, in a technical masters match to see who is the better man, as well as see who deserves to stay in the title hunt. In other matches, Matthew Keith faces Barry Griffin, on loan from GCG. Griffin has been wanting to prove himself, and PGHW is the place to do so. Joshua Taylor also faces Ryoma Muruyama. Will 'Chairyloo' make an appearance? And what was with Taylor on the last show, did he really think Heat was trying to steal his 'girlfriend'? Masaru Ugaki faces off against Noriyori Sanda, and if Sanda wins he will get a shot at Ugaki's title. Ugaki has been ranting backstage about how he deserves better, and how he feels he should have more titles around his waist, so Jimbo put him in this match to see if he can back up his words. Nigel Svennson continues his quest when he faces Billy Russell, who's partner Roku Sotomura recently defeated Chojiro Kitoaji, earning them a shot at Team Omega's titles at Night of PRIDE. Kitoaji and Yasuda are in action against the young team of White Samurai and Taheiji Konoe, dubbed Team Hybrid. Will Omega continue their meteoric rise to the top, and will they impress enough to earn a shot against Team Toronto? But before that, can the overcome the challenge from Ultimate Submission like they did in January? [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Nigel Svennson vs. Billy Russell [I]Tag Team[/I] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) vs. Team Hybrid (Samurai & Konoe) [I]Singles[/I] Matthew Keith vs. Barry Griffin [I]Singles[/I] Joshua Taylor vs. Ryoma Muruyama [I]Singles[/I] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Buddy Garner [I]Singles Elite Series[/I] Kozue Kawashima vs. Shingen Miyazaki [i]Singles Elite Series[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. Shuji Inukai [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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[quote=PassagetoHonour;360242] After the match, he brought ‘Chairyloo’ into the ring and danced with her to celebrate. Heat got up to his feet and went over to shake Josh’s hand, only to be cracked over the head with ‘Chairyloo’. Josh then repeatedly struck him in the head and back, causing Heat to bleed, before screaming “She’s mine!” and walking to the back. [/quote] That segment was too funny :D . Taylor's 'demented' character is the best thing going in this diary right now....who'd think PGHW would introduce a bit of 'sports entertainment' into their shows ;) _____________________________________________________________ [B]Predictions:[/B] [U]PGHW Warriors Tour [/U][I]Singles[/I] Nigel Svennson vs. [B]Billy Russell[/B] [I]Svensson's still paying his dues[/I] [I]Tag Team[/I] [B]Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda[/B]) vs. Team Hybrid (Samurai & Konoe) [I]Team Omega keep on rolling[/I] [I]Singles[/I] [B]Matthew Keith[/B] vs. Barry Griffin [I]I thought Keith might slip up against Hayes last week, but he looks to be on something of a win streak, and I can't see him slipping up against Griffin who has never really made it any higher than being a glorified gaijin jobber during his tenure in Japan. [/I] [I]Singles[/I] [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] vs. Ryoma Muruyama [I]Taylor may be devoid of a sense of reality right now (his 'girlfriends' a chair ?!) but he seems to be getting more success since he 'snapped' and see that continuing against Muruyama. [/I] [I]Singles[/I] [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] vs. Buddy Garner [I]Garner can't quite seem to break into the main event scene and I see that continuing as Kunomasu will just have a bit too much class for him. [/I] [I]Singles Elite Series[/I] [B]Kozue Kawashima[/B] vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]I missed predicting for Miyazaki's match last time, but I probably would have gone for Dread, so his victory did come as a bit of a shock. Anyway I think Miyazaki's run ends here. Two reason's he's already scheduled to compete at Night of Pride to challenge for the Historic Japan Title and since drawing with Musashibo Kawasahima seems to be have been on the edge of smashing through the PGHW Elite's 'Glass Ceiling'. [/I] [I]Singles Elite Series[/I] [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Shuji Inukai [I]Inukaki seems to be have come back into a bit more form this tour and he could be the man to de-rail Diaz's recent mega-push but I fancy Diaz to come through with the victory.[/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #3[/u][/b] Saturday, Week 2, March 2010. Held in front of 5,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Kazushige Matsuki & Washi Heat vs. Shiga & Yoemon.[/u] [i]Matsuki and Heat dominated, with Heat pinning Shiga after a spinning Washi Explosion.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Matsuki & Heat by pinfall on Shiga by Heat. [b]B[/b] [u]Match 2: Hirokazu Yamanoue vs. William Hayes [/u] [i]Hayes gets the fairly easy win after he nailed the End of the Line.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] William Hayes by pinfall [b]B+[/b] [u]Match 3: Bryan Holmes vs. Akima Brave.[/u] [i]Holmes dominated throughout, getting the win with a Spinning Toe Hold.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Bryan Holmes by submission. [b]B[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Nigel Svennson vs. Billy Russell[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] The match starts out fairly even, which came as a surprise to a few fans, who were expecting an easy victory for Billy. He started off with the usual tie-up, and tried to take Nigel to the mat in order to get an advantage, but Nigel fought him off and whipped him across the ring. When Billy came back, Nigel ran towards him and nailed a spinning elbow right to the jaw, sending Billy flying. He then took control of the match by keeping Billy grounded and away from the ropes. It was not to last however, as Billy managed to fight his way out of a headlock and got back up to his feet. He then turned the match back in his favour by reversing every move Nigel tried to catch him with, until he finally managed to nail a snap suplex and then locked Nigel in a grounded arm bar, pushing Nigel’s body into the mat with his knee. Nigel desperately tried to get out of the move, managing to do so after elbowing Billy in the knee and then the face when Billy doubled over to hold his knee. Nigel then got back up to his feet, but Billy dropped him with a clothesline and locked him in a Russell Breaker, an inverted crucifix armbar, twisting the limb from time to time, causing a lot of pain. Nigel fought for a while but had to tap out due to the damage it was causing him. [b]Winner:[/b] Billy Russell by submission in 7:38 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) vs. Team Hybrid (Konoe & Samurai)[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TaheijiKonoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WhiteSamurai.jpg[/IMG] Team Omega were once again on fire during this match, with them showing amazing teamwork, cutting Samurai off from Konoe for most of the match. The match started with Yasuda in against Konoe, and it turned into a brawl almost as soon as the bell rang. Konoe gained control initially, unleashing a relentless barrage of punches on Yasuda, only to find himself on the wrong end of a dropkick to the chest followed quickly by a discus clothesline from Yasuda, ending his momentum right there and then. Konoe then got whipped into his corner, and Samurai tagged himself in. Yasuda tagged out to Kitoaji, and the two promptly began to double team their fellow youngster, hitting a double clothesline and then a double flapjack. Kitoaji then began to pummel away at the face of Samurai before pulling him to his feet and whipping him across the ring. When he came back, Kitoaji dropped him with an elbow to the jaw, and then dropped his elbow right in the gut of Samurai. Kitoaji and Yasuda made several quick tags after this, making sure each man was fresh and ready, and eventually got Samurai in position for the Star Buster, and when it was finished Samurai bounced across the ring from the impact, and Kitoaji, the legal man, scurried over to make the cover while Yasuda speared Konoe off of the apron. [b]Winners:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall on Samurai by Kitoaji in 7:48 [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Matthew Keith vs. Barry Griffin[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GCG%20Special%20Appearances/BarryGriffin.jpg[/IMG] This match was to be a proving ground for both men, as Barry wanted to show he has what it takes to wrestle in a PGHW ring, while Keith wanted to keep his streak alive and prove he could face people he hadn’t seen wrestle before. Keith was the first to gain control, catching Barry by surprise with a boot to the gut followed by a sidewalk slam. He then made sure Barry couldn’t get up by locking him in various different leg locks, weakening him up for the Proton Lock later. However, Barry escaped and punted Keith in the head before backing away to recover. This proved to be a bad mistake, as Keith recovered as well, and took the fight right to Barry as soon as he got up. He started with several punches, then elbows, and finally sent him face first into the mat with a running bulldog. He pulled Barry up to his feet and locked him in a hammerlock, but Barry reversed it and gained control for a while, managing to outmanoeuvre Keith, which is not an easy feat. However, this was again short lived, as Keith reversed a suplex attempt into a Neutron Plex 2.0, a face first version of the move, before locking Barry in the Proton Lock, drawing cheers from the crowd. Barry flailed wildly with his arms, and almost reached the ropes, but he soon felt too weak to continue and tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Matthew Keith by submission in 13:13 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Joshua Taylor w/Chairyloo vs. Ryoma Muruyama [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] Taylor came to the ring, carrying Chairyloo on his back as if giving her a piggy back, and slowly made his way to the ring. When he reached it, he placed Chairyloo inside in the corner, resting against the turnbuckles, and kissed ‘her’. Referee Yugoro Adachi looked stunned, as did most of the fans, who considered not the least bit normal. Ryoma ran down to the ring in his usual energetic way, jumping through the ropes. When the match started, Ryoma initially used his speed to out run Josh, but was eventually caught with a clothesline that turned him inside out. Josh then dominated for a short while, gazing to Chairyloo from time to time to check on her. Ryoma used this to catch Josh off guard and flip out of an arm wringer, and then dropkick Josh in the shoulder, sending him staggering backwards. He then connected with an amazing tilt-a-whirl Headscissors that sent Josh flying across the ring. Taylor staggered up to his feet and tried to clothesline Ryoma to the mat, but Ryoma ducked underneath and swept Josh’s legs out from under him. Ryoma then pulled Josh up to his feet and whipped him into the corner, accidentally sending Josh into Chairyloo, denting her. Josh realised what he had done and began to cry, before turning mad and battering away at Ryoma with several punches and kicks, before whipping him into the ropes. When he came back, Josh lifted him into the air, and then drove him into the mat with a Sapphire Bomb. He hooked Ryoma’s legs and got the victory in a fairly convincing fashion. After he had his hand raised, he slowly walked over to Chairyloo, and rubbed ‘her face’ before saying “It’ll be okay, it’s not bad, a plaster will fix that up.” He then picked her up, carrying her across his arms to the back. [b]Winner:[/b] Joshua Taylor by pinfall in 12:42 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Buddy Garner [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] This was a fairly anticipated match, as both men are technical masters, and this match would show who the true master was. The match started with both men going hold for hold, before taking the match to the mat, where they again went hold for hold, ending in a stalemate, so both men stood up and backed away to rethink their plan. Garner then tried to run in and deliver a punch to Eisaku’s face, but the wily veteran grabbed Buddy’s arm and dragged him to the mat with an armbar. Buddy struggled to get out of the move, but did eventually manage to do so. He then dominated for a long time, catching Eisaku off guard with an arc kick to the jaw, and then following up with several punches before sending Eisaku overhead with a belly to belly suplex. He then locked Eisaku in a series of different leg locks, changing each time Eisaku was beginning to escape. This resulted in another stalemate, as Eisaku began to mount a comeback, which was ended when Buddy missed a punch and Eisaku drove him into the mat with an STO. He then controlled the match for a while, with Buddy making several comebacks, but Eisaku eventually locked him in the Kunomasu Vice, which Buddy desperately tried to escape or reverse, but found no way to, and after fighting for a long time, tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu by submission in 17:33 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Kozue Kawashima vs. Shingen Miyazaki Elite Series – 2nd Round [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] Most people expected Kozue to easily control this match, as they felt Kozue was way ahead of Shingen in terms of talent, but just like earlier tonight, they were proved wrong. Shingen proved he has the skills to beat the top men when he took Kozue to the very limit in this match, while Kozue continued to show the skills that will later make him a sure-fire legend. It started off with Kozue in control, locking in a tight arm wringer, but Shingen back flipped out of it, using the ropes, and kicked Kozue right in the shoulder. Kozue jumped away and shook the pain away before locking up again. Shingen tried to catch him by surprise with another kick, but Kozue caught his leg mid swing this time, and drove his elbow right into the knee, causing Shingen to stagger backwards. Kozue then dominated for a short time, taking every chance he could to target Shingen’s knee. Shingen mounted a huge comeback however, ducked under a clothesline and bringing Kozue down with an STO-style backbreaker, and then a side suplex, throwing Kozue overhead. Kozue quickly got up to his feet, and narrowly dodged a running dropkick, and once Shingen hit the mat, he began to lock him in several different holds, keeping Shingen stuck on the mat. Shingen’s final comeback was at the end of the match when he had dodged a K-Kick and was preparing to nail the Cavalry Charge, only to have Kozue nail him with a K-Kick in the chest right when he was running at full speed. Shingen dropped to the mat right away, and Kozue pulled him up for the Kawashima Driver ’05, drilled him into the mat, and made the cover, advancing to the finals of the tournament. [b]Winners:[/b] Kozue Kawashima by pinfall in 17:34 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Raymond Diaz vs. Shuji Inukai Elite Series – 2nd Round[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] This was The Unstoppable Force vs. The Untouchable One, a battle of titans. Many fans had been talking over what move would end this match, the Untouchable Lariat, or the Ray Gun, and it ended with the Lariat inching ahead by 5% of the vote. When the bell rang, Diaz instantly used his immense strength to overpower Shuji and whip him into the corner, following up with a running avalanche splash. He then dragged Shuji out of the corner and nailed a single arm suplex, driving Shuji into the mat with ferocity. Diaz dominated like this for the first part of the match, using his sheer power to destroy Shuji. Shuji mounted a comeback however, managing to wriggle out of a suplex attempt and kick Diaz stiffly in the knees, bringing him down to his knees, and then delivered a Inukai High Knee, nailing Diaz right in the temple, causing the behemoth to topple backwards and hit the mat. Shuji instantly began to pummel away, using anything he could to keep Diaz down, but The Monster managed to cover up and got up to his feet. Shuji instantly went after Diaz’s knees, kicking away and kneeing him in the face whenever he doubled over, but this only served to anger Diaz, who nearly decapitated him with a short-arm lariat. Diaz then sat on Shuji’s back and pulled his head up, before punching him across the jaw. He did this several times, with Shuji noticeably fading with each consecutive blow, until one point where he shot full of energy and rolled over, shaking Diaz off of him, allowing him to get up to his feet to recover. Diaz mounted another assault, but Shuji ducked underneath and brought Diaz down with a huge back drop driver, which made Shuji unable to get up because he had to use so much energy. Both men then traded control for the rest of the match, with Shuji showing amazing resiliency, managing to withstand the assault of Diaz for nearly half an hour, but that came to an end after the match had been going for twenty five minutes. Diaz was standing, and whipped Shuji into the corner. He went to follow up with a splash like before, but Shuji ran out of the corner before he hit, and when Diaz turned to face him on the return, Shuji went for the Untouchable Lariat, but it had no effect, merely making Diaz take a few steps back. Shuji went for it again and still nothing. He tried a third time, but this would be his undoing, as Diaz grabbed him around the throat and drove him into the mat with a Chokeslam when he came back. Shuji was out like a light from the sheer height he fell from alone, due to being lifted over eight feet in the air, but Diaz wasn’t done, as he pulled a limp Shuji up to his feet and drilled him into the mat with the Ray Gun, before rolling Shuji over to make the cover. He got the victory, albeit surprisingly hard fought, and booked his place in the finals. [b]Winner:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall in 27:38 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Impressed to say the least with Svennson lately.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] What a great show, with our first two finalists being revealed in Raymond Diaz and Kozue Kawashima. The final match before the Finals takes place tonight, with Nobuatsu Tatsuko taking on Yoshimi Musashibo in what is sure to be an amazing match. Will it be the Blind Kick or the Yoshimi Lock that takes away the win? Due to the tag team champs having no liable contenders as of late, Alexander Robinson has set up a challenge for the legendary Bryan Vessey. If Bryan wins, he will find a partner to challenge for the Glory Crown, but what do Team Omega, who have been blazing through competition as of late, have to say about this? Speaking of Team Omega, Tetsunori Yasuda is in singles competition against one of the newest International Tag title challengers, Billy Russell. Can Rusell make it two for two this tour? Or will Yasuda even out the field? The newest addition to the roster, Nigel Svennson, will be in action again as he takes on Washi Heat in the first bout of the night. Can Nigel pick up his first win? Or will he fall to the Washi Explosion? Our own resident madman Joshua Taylor is in action against veteran Masutaro Kataoka this week. After his match, Josh was seen sat on a bench with Chairyloo wrapping 'her' up with bandages. After he was done he went skipping down the corridor with 'Chairyloo' on his shoulders, drawing the freaked out look from basically the entire roster as he passed. Eisaku Kunomasu has recently been quite dominant with his technical mastery, managing to make Buddy Garner tap out last week, something that has rarely happened in PGHW. This week he faces Akinori Kwakami, a rising star who is also very technically adept. Finally, Shingen Miyazaki gears up for his Historical Japan challenge after his Elite Series loss to Kozue Kawashima against William Hayes. Will he be entirely focused on the match and come out with the win? Or can Hayes upset the challenger? [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Washi Heat vs. Nigel Svennson [I]Singles[/I] Joshua Taylor vs. Masutaro Kataoka w/Kalu Owusu [I]Singles[/I] Tetsunori Yasuda w/Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Billy Russell w/Roku Sotomura [I]Singles[/I] Shingen Miyazaki vs. William Hayes [I]Singles[/I] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Akinori Kwakami [I]Singles[/I] Bryan Vessey vs. Alexander Robinson w/Lee Bennett [i]Singles Elite Series[/I] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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PGHW Warriors Tour Singles [B]Washi Heat[/B] vs. Nigel Svennson [I]Svensson is slowly edging towards causing an uspet, but I think Washi will just have too much for him this time round.[/I] Singles [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] vs. Masutaro Kataoka w/Kalu Owusu [I]Taylor might be full sandwich selection short of a picnic but right now he's winning and I see that continuing until he comes up against Upper Tier opposition. [/I] Singles Tetsunori Yasuda w/Chojiro Kitoaji vs. [B]Billy Russell[/B] w/Roku Sotomura [I]The ex MMA man from Puerto Rico to continue his winning run[/I] Singles [B]Shingen Miyazaki[/B] vs. William Hayes [I]Hayes will put up a good fight, but I fully expect Miyazaki to get a momentum boosting victory before his Historical Japan Title Bout. [/I] Singles [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] vs. Akinori Kwakami [I]Kunomasu will just have a little too much in his arsenal for Kwakami[/I] Singles [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] vs. Alexander Robinson w/Lee Bennett [I]Vessey is a bit higher up in terms of the singles rankings and I can't see you pushing Robinson as a singles star anytime soon.[/I] Singles Elite Series Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. [B]Yoshimi Musashibo[/B] [I]Two PGHW legends, locking up....this one could literally go either way but I'll give the edge to Musashibo.[/I]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #4[/u][/b] Tuesday, Week 3, March 2010. Held in front of 2,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Nagasaki Sports Park in Kyushu. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Sanda & Kitoaji vs. Shiga & Yoemon.[/u] [i]Noriyori and Chojiro decimated the veterans, getting the win after Kitoaji nailed the Kitoaji Lariat on Yoemon.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Sanda & Kitoaji by pinfall on Yoemon by Kitoaji. [b]B+[/b] [u]Match 2: Taheiji Konoe vs. Bryan Holmes [/u] [i]Holmes controls the match and gets the win with the Cyclone Shock Kick fairly easily.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Bryan Holmes by pinfall. [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 3: White Samurai vs. Ryoma Muruyama.[/u] [i]A match between fliers was surprisingly good, with Ryoma getting the win after nailing the Muruyama Launch.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama by pinfall. [b]B-[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Washi Heat vs. Nigel Svennson[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] This was a fairly fast paced match, due to both men being very intense in their wrestling styles. It started out with Heat in control when he whipped Nigel into the ropes and dropped him with a heel kick. Heat then began to dominate for a short while before Nigel managed to catch Heat off guard with a high knee to the jaw, then a second one before tackling him to the mat. Nigel then took control of the match with his superior technical skills, even nearly having Heat tap out a few times, which surprised the fans. Heat fought his way back and regained control of the match fairly easily with a spinning snap suplex that caught Nigel off guard. He then made sure he kept himself on his feet, not wanting to take the match to the mat where Nigel could gain control, and Heat simply resorted to brawling with Nigel. However, he was met with an equal brawl from Nigel, and found himself on the defence. This was very short lived as well, as Heat managed to duck under a punch and he elbowed Nigel in the gut before taking him up and over with a gutwrench suplex. He waited for Nigel to get up, before sending him flying across the ring with the Washi Explosion, and he hooked Nigel’s leg, getting the hard fought victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Washi Heat by pinfall in 7:46 [b]B-[/b] ______________________________________________________________________________ We then see Joshua Taylor backstage on a bench, sitting with ‘Chairyloo’. He appears to be having some sort of picnic with ‘her’, as several food baskets are laid out. Josh takes a piece of spaghetti, and places the other end on ‘Chairyloo’, and begins to slyly chew towards ‘Chairyloo’, before looking bashful and looking away. When turning he spots Sadaharu Jimbo looking at them, causing him to jump, and he quickly grabs ‘Chairyloo’ before running down to the ring. Jimbo turns to the camera and appears to want to say something, before simply walking on while shaking his head. ______________________________________________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Joshua Taylor w/Chairyloo vs. Masutaro Kataoka w/Kalu Owusu[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] This match was fantastic, as have all of Joshua’s matches as of late, and it started out with a basic standing reversal series, with him gaining the upper hand and dropped Kataoka with a backdrop suplex followed by an elbow drop. He then began to see if he could gain control on the mat, but the veteran Kataoka showed him different when he gained control instead and kept it by keeping Josh on the mat with several different holds. Taylor did eventually mount a comeback thought, reversing a DDT attempt into a back body drop. Josh then made sure he impressed his girlfriend by absolutely destroying Kataoka. He pulled the veteran up and began to batter away with punches and kicks, but this left him vulnerable at times, and Kataoka caught one of his kicks and took Josh down with a dragon screw leg whip. Josh staggered up to his feet, only to be dropped back down with a clothesline, but he didn’t give up, and slowly got up to his feet again. When Kataoka charged towards him this time, Josh rushed forward and caught Kataoka with the Sapphire Bomb, slamming him to the mat with authority. He then pushed the veteran’s shoulders to the mat and made the cover, getting the impressive victory. [b]Winners:[/b] Joshua Taylor by pinfall in 10:33 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Tetsunori Yasuda vs. Billy Russell[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] This was quite an anticipated match for the popularity of these two, as Omega fans wanted Yasuda to even the score, while others wanted to see Billy finally get his chance to shine. Billy did just that when he tackled Yasuda straight to the mat and began to unload punches right to him face, only to get shoved off when Yasuda recovered. Billy tried to regain control with a strong punch to the jaw, but Yasuda dodged it and chopped him in the chest before whipping him across the ring and throwing him across with a belly to belly suplex. Billy slowly staggered to his feet, and managed to counter a clothesline attempt into an armbar, forcing Yasuda down to the mat. He then began to continually focus on his arms for his finisher, and succeeded despite Yasuda putting up a lot of fight. Billy then pulled Yasuda up and punched him around, only to be the victim of a massive comeback from Yasuda, who hit several bit moves and then tried to hit the Minilla Plunge, but Billy reversed the move into a twisting neckbreaker, and quickly locked in the Twisting Arm Lock. Yasuda fought for ages, but eventually tapped out when Billy lied down and added a grapevine. [b]Winner:[/b] Billy Russell by submission in 12:49 [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Shingen Miyazaki vs. William Hayes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] This match was massively impressive, Shingen’s greatest performance so far this year, and Hayes too. Both men brought their all to this match, as Shingen desperately wanted to gain momentum for his title match, while Hayes wanted to get back on track and become a threat. The match started with Hayes in control after a swift STO takedown when Shingen tried to clothesline him, and then the match became fairly slow paced, with both men gaining control on the mat at different times. Hayes managed to gain control again and pulled Shingen up to his feet before whipping him into the corner. Hayes tried to follow up with a clothesline, but was met with a sharp elbow to the face. Shingen then charged out of the corner, and caught Hayes right in the jaw with an Axe Kick, and followed up with a spinning powerslam, due to Hayes being very dazed. Hayes staggered, quite literally, to his feet, and was swiftly booted in the gut. Shingen tried to connect with a Double Underhook Suplex, but Hayes reversed into a series of backbreakers, ending in a Pendulum Backbreaker. Shingen managed to fight back from this however, and went on a rampage before taking the match with the Miyazaki Destruction, forcing Hayes to tap out to the move due to the pain. [b]Winner:[/b] Shingen Miyazaki by submission in 14:35 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Akinori Kwakami[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] We expected a technical masterpiece, and we got just that. It started out with Akinori managing to surprise Eisaku with a lariat and an elbow drop, but when Akinori tried to take the match to the mat Eisaku promptly took control by reversing everything Akinori threw at him, eventually fighting his way up to his feet. Akinori booted him in the gut out of desperation then whipped him across the ring, only to be dropped with a Back Elbow to the jaw. Eisaku then took control of the match by keeping Akinori grounded with several quick submission holds, preventing Akinori from mounting a good comeback. However, Akinori did eventually manage to fight back, when Eisaku tried to lock him in the Kunomasu Vice, and he punched his way out of it before throwing Eisaku to the mat. Akinori then got up to his feet and pulled the veteran Eisaku up as well, and began to viciously pummel him into the corner. He followed up with a dropkick right to the jaw, payback for the elbow earlier, and then hit the Locomotion Knee Breakers, causing Eisaku to scream in pain. However, he didn’t capitalise and lock in the Kwakami Painlock, as he began to pose instead. Eisaku then recovered and pulled Akinori to the mat with an arm drag and swiftly locked him in the Kunomasu Vice, causing Akinori to swiftly tap out. [b]Winner:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu by submission in 16:22 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Bryan Vessey vs. Alexander Robinson w/Lee Bennett [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AlexanderRobinson.jpg[/IMG] This was a good match, but the two men didn’t seem to fully gel in the ring, which caused some uncomfortable points. The match started with Alex managing to sneak control by using his superior agility, but Bryan stole control away from him by turning him inside out with a Vessey Line early on. Bryan then kept control by taking the match to the mat, where Alex mounted some offence, but was mostly on the defence, with Bryan pummelling him into the mat from time to time whenever he seemed to be ready to escape. Alex did get off the mat eventually however, and turned the match in his favour when he connected with the Back flip Kick when Bryan was getting up. Alex then kept control with a lightning fast series of attacks, not wanting to give Bryan any time to breathe at all, hitting him with several suplexes and even nailing a spinning sidewalk slam when Bryan tried to clothesline him. However, this was not to last, as Bryan reverse a suplex attempt into a sit-out face first suplex, gaining control. He backed off to recover, but Alex was back on his tail, and tried to go for a Back Flip kick again, but Bryan caught him on his shoulders in mid-air, and quickly drove him into the mat with the Vessey Driver. He hooked the leg, and got the victory. He will now challenge Team Toronto for the tag titles with a mystery partner of his choosing. [b]Winners:[/b] Bryan Vessey by pinfall in 15:46 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Yoshimi Musashibo Elite Series – 2nd Round[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] This was expected to be great, but both men wrestled an instant classic, much to the delight of the fans. The match started with rapid standing switches, ending with Tatsuko getting control after sole kick to the chest of Yoshimi. Tatsuko then began to dominate with a series of kicks and chops, eventually forcing Yoshimi into the corner. He then backed away, and went for a running avalanche, but Yoshimi charged out towards him and floored him with a Kesagiri right to the throat, making Tatsuko spin around. Yoshimi then took control by tying Tatsuko in all sorts of knots, with very little offence coming from Tatsuko. However, Tatsuko did manage to fight his way out of the holds by clawing his way over to the ropes and grabbing on to them, while kicking away at Yoshimi, forcing him off. When he stood up Yoshimi tried to go for a Musashibo-Plex I, but Tatsuko wriggled out of it and drove him into the mat with a Reverse DDT, before stomping away rabidly at his chest. Tatsuko then went up top, something we rarely ever see, and came off with a diving leg drop, but Yoshimi rolled out of the way just in time, causing Tatsuko to hit nothing but canvas. Yoshimi capitalised by trying to lock Tatsuko in the Yoshimi Lock, but Tatsuko clawed his way to the ropes to escape it, and got back up to his feet. Yoshimi charged towards him to try and hit him with a Kesagiri, but Tatsuko threw him over the top rope. When Yoshimi rolled back in, he was met with a huge clothesline from Tatsuko, flooring him. Tatsuko then pulled him up and booted him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. Musashibo tried to counter with a Yoshimi Explosion on his return, but Tatsuko connected with another sole kick, and waited for Yoshimi to get up. And when he did, Tatsuko connected with the Tatsuko Blind Kick, knocking Yoshimi out cold. He rolled him over and made the cover, getting the victory and advancing to the finals. [b]Winner:[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko by pinfall in 27:06 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Impressed all round. Kwakami and Kunomasu have great chemistry, while Vessey and Robinson don’t appear to click.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] Another great show, and we are only one more show away from Night of PRIDE and the Elite Series. This time we will see young up and comer Nigel Svennson facing off against seemingly lost Ryoma Muruyama. Will Ryoma get back on track with a victory? Or will Nigel get the upset win? Kalu Owusu has set out a challenge for Joshua Taylor, wanting to make the psychotic youngster calm down. Will he managed to get the victory? Or will he fall like Taylor's last three opponents? Ultimate Submission are in action before their title match, facing the champions Team Omega in a non-title bout. So far, US is 2-2 against Omega, can the youthful team overcome the threat and get back on track? Historical champion SUKI is also in action against fellow youngster Washi Heat. With his title match next week looming on the horizon, will SUKI be fully focused, or can Washi Heat upset the champ? Masaru Ugaki, without a challenger for his title at Night of PRIDE, has gone on a search and given an open challenge for his title. Hayes was the first to answer, and if he can beat Ugaki, Hayes will get a shot at the title. And finally, we have the three finalists of the Elite Series, Kozue, Diaz and Tatsuko in action, readying themselves for the grueling match. Kozue will be in action against former tag partner Akinori Kwakami, while Raymond Diaz will be in action against fellow tag legend Bryan Vessey. Will Bryan unveil his mystery partner this week? And Tatsuko is in action against Eisaku Kunomasu, who has been on a rampage in recent weeks. Will Tatsuko gain more momentum? Or will he fall prey to the Vice? [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Ryoma Muruyama vs. Nigel Svennson [I]Singles[/I] Joshua Taylor vs. Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka [I]Tag Team Non-Title[/I] Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) vs. Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) [I]Singles[/I] Washi Heat vs. SUKI [I]Singles[/I] William Hayes vs. Masaru Ugaki [I]Singles[/I] Kozue Kawashima vs. Akinori Kwakami [I]Singles[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. Bryan Vessey [i]Singles[/I] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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Singles Ryoma Muruyama vs. [B]Nigel Svennson[/B] [I]Muruyama is in a slump and Svensson has been edging closer to a maiden victory each passing week. In some ways calling the upset would be a little too obvious, but I'm going to call it anyway[/I] Singles Joshua Taylor vs. Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka [I]The wackier Taylor gets, the better he seems to get as a wrestler...which makes him doubly dangerous for anyone who crosses his and Chairyloo's path.[/I] Tag Team Non-Title Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) vs. [B]Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)[/B] [I]On the one hand it's non title and it could suddenly build U.S as genuine contenders to Team Omega but I feel that Omega will just have too much for them. [/I] Singles Washi Heat vs. [B]SUKI[/B] [I]I can't see all three non title matches, finishing in upsets for the guys not carrying gold around their waists and come on it's SUKI (you know he rules !)[/I] Singles [B]William Hayes[/B] vs. Masaru Ugaki [I]Three Non Title matches, one of these has got to and end in an upset, and you've even alluded to this one being the most likely as Ugaki doesn't have a challenger for his International belt at the moment.[/I] Singles [B]Kozue Kawashima[/B] vs. Akinori Kwakami Singles [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey Singles [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [I]On paper these all look like tough tests, but I can't see any of the Elite Series Finalists, losing momentum before their big showdown at Night of Pride.[/I]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #5[/u][/b] Saturday, Week 3, March 2010. Held in front of 5,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Taheiji Konoe vs. Kazushige Matsuki.[/u] [i]This is an intense brawl, ending with Matsuki getting the win following a Fist of Fury.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kazushige Matsuki by pinfall [b]C[/b] [u]Match 2: Bryan Holmes & White Samurai vs. Yamanoue & Shiga.[/u] [i]Holmes and Samurai decimate the veterans, ending when Holmes connects with the Cyclone Shock Kick on Shiga.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Holmes & Samurai by pinfall on Shiga by Holmes. [b]B[/b] [u]Match 3: Akima Brave vs. Dread.[/u] [i]Dread gets the easy win with the Dreadsault in under three minutes.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Dread by pinfall [b]B[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama vs. Nigel Svennson[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] This was a mismatch in styles, and this didn’t seem to go down to well with the crowd, who were mainly behind Nigel. Ryoma started out the match in control due to a rapid assault of dropkicks and head scissor takedowns. He then went up top and tried to connect with a Somersault Leg Drop, but Nigel rolled out of the way and pulled him up to his feet, before leaping into the air and driving his knees into Ryoma’s forehead, sending him flying back. Nigel then took control of the match with several holds, keeping Ryoma on the mat. Nigel was surprisingly dominant for the rest of the match, amazing a lot of the fans in attendance. Ryoma tried several times to use his agility to get back up to his feet, but Nigel would just pummel him back into the mat whenever he did, stopping the comeback before it even began. However, Ryoma did eventually manage to escape by rolling over to the ropes and pulling himself up. Nigel tried to rush him and keep his control, but Ryoma caught him with an enziguri followed by a tilt-a-whirl DDT. Ryoma then jumped up to the top rope and flew off with the Muruyama Launch, connecting with Nigel’s sternum. He hooked the leg, and got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama by pinfall in 6:21 [b]C[/b] Josh Taylor is backstage, holding Chairyloo in front of him. “Honey, I appreciate you want to help, but you have to stay back here for this match.” The camera zooms in on the chair….which does nothing. “Don’t take it that way honey, I’m just saying....” Chairyloo again does nothing. “Fine, throw a sulk, I don’t care.” With that, Taylor puts Chairyloo down and begins to throw a tantrum, stomping on the ground like a toddler that wants his bottle, until Sadaharu Jimbo again appears, which prompts Taylor to run down to the ring. Jimbo again just shakes his head, then walks out of shot. [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Joshua Taylor vs. Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] Another amazing match from Taylor, who is performing on the same level as some of the Main Eventers. Kalu starts out in control of the match, using his power to throw Taylor around the ring, at one time, throwing him clean over the ropes to the outside. Kataoka is shouting encouragement from the outside, which seems to make Kalu perform better, as Taylor has no defence against this assault, with several near falls happening. Kalu even came close to hitting the Ivory Coast Driver, but Taylor wriggled out of the move and connected with an Inverted Leg Drop Bulldog, called the Seamless Trap. Taylor remained in control for a little while after, using his superior speed to keep the big man down, but Kalu eventually fought his way out and slammed Taylor into the mat with a side walk slam, and went for another cover, but, as usual, Taylor kicked out. Kalu was beginning to get frustrated, and whipped Josh into the corner, and tried to follow up with a splash, but Josh dove out of the way at the last second. When Kalu staggered backwards after hitting the turnbuckles, Taylor spun him around and nailed him with the Sapphire Bomb, before getting the victory. [b]Winners:[/b] Joshua Taylor by pinfall in 7:27 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) vs. Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] This match was a make or break situation for Omega, as they had recently lost two straight matches in singles competition to Ultimate Submission. Both men were very eager heading into this match, but so were Ultimate Submission. It was Kitoaji and Sotomura who faced off first, and they went straight to the mat when Kitoaji tackled Roku. It started off with Kitoaji simply pummelling Roku into the mat, only for Roku to counter and lock him in several different holds. Kitoaji fought out of this however, showing new fire, and pulled Roku up with him. He then booted Roku in the gut before whipping him into his corner. A series of quick tags followed, with Roku getting completely cut off from his corner and being dominated by Team Omega. Yasuda then remained the legal man, showing it with a snap suplex into a pin. Roku kicked out, but Billy rushed in to try and help him, receiving a Kitoaji Lariat from Chojiro who came in to counter the advantage. The rest of the match was filled with hot tags by Omega, and only two tags taking place between Ultimate Submission. The end came when Yasuda had Roku up on his shoulders, and Kitoaji helped him finish off the Star Buster, getting the victory for his team, and a big heap of momentum heading into Night of PRIDE. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall on Sotomura by Yasuda. [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Washi Heat vs. SUKI[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] Heat started off the match with incredible intensity, spearing SUKI into the mat and stomping on his chest before running to the ropes. He tried to go for a spinning elbow drop, but SUKI rolled out of the way and he met nothing but canvas. SUKI then took advantage by grounding Heat with the SUKI Special I, a Grounded Surfboard. Heat fought desperately to get out of it, but upon realising it was too hard; he clawed his way over to the ropes to force SUKI to release the hold. Heat then tried to get back in control of the match, but SUKI constantly reversed anything he threw at him. There was one more time when Heat regained control, and that was when he countered a suplex attempt into a big back body drop, then pulled SUKI up and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back, trampled over him with a Running Shoulder Block. When he tried to go for the pin, he found himself in a tight armbar, which SUKI swiftly turned into the SUKI Special III, causing Heat to scream in pain. Heat tried to fight through the pain, but found it too much to bear, and since he was caught in the middle of the ring, he wasn’t able to reach the ropes and tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] SUKI by submission in 11:23 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] William Hayes vs. Masaru Ugaki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] Now this was a great match, something that wasn’t expected. It started out with Ugaki trying to take Hayes to the mat, while Hayes was putting up a strong defence, and eventually came out on top when he threw Ugaki overhead with a hip toss, then locked him in a Chinlock. Ugaki fought out of it, and the two engaged in a vicious brawl, ending when Ugaki connected with a sharp chop to the chest, sending Hayes reeling backwards. He then tried to go for the Predator’s Strike, but Hayes dodged it and hit a leg drop on the back of Ugaki’s head. Ugaki managed to counter a clothesline attempt into a DDT, and then took complete control over the match, locking in hold after hold, and almost locking in the Ugaki Clutch, but Hayes fought his way out of it. Ugaki began to get a bit frustrated and pulled Hayes up to his feet, booted him in the gut, and then ran to the ropes. When he returned, he tried to connect with the Predator’s Strike a second time, but Hayes clotheslined Ugaki before he had the chance. Hayes then quickly took advantage by pulled Ugaki up and nailing the End of Days. He then hooked the leg, and managed to get the victory over Ugaki, gaining him a match for the title at Night of PRIDE. [b]Winner:[/b] William Hayes by pinfall in 12:36 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Kozue Kawashima vs. Akinori Kwakami w/Noriyori Sanda [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] Kozue and Kwakami shook each others hands before the match started out of respect for each other, but as soon as the match began Kwakami booted Kozue in the gut and whipped him across the ring. He tried to trip him up, but Kozue jumped over him, then floored him with a K-Kick when he returned, sending Kwakami outside. Kozue nearly went for a Plancha, but when he saw Kwakami duck in fear, he simply went for a baseball slide, knocking Kwakami into the guard rail. Kozue was in control for a short while after this, due to continually outmanoeuvring Kwakami. Kwakami did have a major portion of the match in his favour, and at one point he managed to dodge another K-Kick attempt and went to lock in the Kwakami Painlock, but put it on too hastily, allowing Kozue to easily escape it and connect with basement dropkick. Kwakami mounted another comeback when Kozue tried to go for the Kawashima Driver, when he lifted Kozue up and connected with a Blazing Impact, a Falcon Arrow. Kozue managed to roll out of the ring, and when he managed to wrestle control back over to his side, he swiftly ended the match, not wanting to get worn down too much, nailing the Kawashima Driver ’10, a jumping version of his ’05 finisher. [b]Winners:[/b] Kozue Kawashima by pinfall in 14:55 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 7:[/b] Raymond Diaz vs. Bryan Vessey w/Larry Vessey [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] This was a fairly anticipated match, as it placed two tag legends in the same ring, when both are trying to break free of that bind. The match started with the collar and elbow tie up, with Diaz managing to simply overpower Bryan, forcing him to his knees. Bryan tried to push back, but Diaz simply lifted him up by his hands, then head butted him, sending him reeling. Diaz then clotheslined him to the outside and followed him out. The two then engaged in a huge brawl, only ending because both had to roll back into the ring. When they got back in the ring, Bryan tried to clothesline Diaz down, but the monster just screamed back at him, and almost decapitated him in return. Diaz then pummelled Bryan into the mat, before lifting him up to finish him off. Bryan wasn’t done yet, and kicked Diaz in the chest, causing the giant to double over. Bryan then went up top, a rare occurrence, and leapt off; aiming for a Super Vessey Line, but Diaz simply booted Bryan in the face. Diaz would dominate for pretty much the rest of the match, with Bryan making several comebacks, albeit short-lived, but comebacks nonetheless. Diaz put Bryan out of his misery with the Ray Gun at around the 15 minute mark. He went for the cover and got the victory, but was suddenly attacked from behind by a masked man. This man was a not that much shorter than Diaz, but was fairly bulky as well. Diaz fought him off for a while, but the masked man managed to boot him in the gut, before running to the ropes and exploding with a huge spear. The fans were in shock, and were in silence, while the masked man went over to Bryan and lifted his hand up in victory. When Diaz came too, the men clambered out of the ring and up the ramp, leaving Diaz to fume inside the ring. [b]Winners:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall in 15:49 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 8):[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] This was once again a classic battle. Straight up fighter vs. technician, and the fans ate up every single piece of it. It started out with Tatsuko in control due to being stronger, but Eisaku managed to trip him up with a drop toehold, and quickly leapt onto his back to lock in a Chinlock. After a while of this he tried to go for a Camel Clutch, but Tatsuko powered out of it and whipped Eisaku across the ring, flooring him with a Sole Kick on his return. Tatsuko then kept control for a while after, managing to simply brawl his way out of trouble. Eisaku became increasingly frustrated as the match went on, as he was unable to mount a decent counter attack, until Tatsuko tried to go for a pile driver, and Eisaku swiftly pulled Tatsuko’s legs out from under him, then locked him in the Kunomasu Vice! Tatsuko screamed in pain, and Eisaku leaned back to apply more damage to the joint, but this just seemed to anger Tatsuko, who began to basically batter Eisaku with any free limb, forcing the Assassin to let go. Tatsuko then got up and took control again, but was favouring his right arm for the rest of the match. Eisaku realised this, and constantly focused his attacks on it, from kicks to submissions. At one time, Tatsuko tried to clothesline Eisaku with his bad arm, but Eisaku ducked under it and pulled it down for an armbar. Tatsuko did fight his way out again, but Eisaku had done more damage. The two exchanged control several times during the rest of the match, due to Eisaku slowly weakening Tatsuko, and Tatsuko managing to just beat Eisaku into a pulp. The end came in an amazing way. Tatsuko had just escaped another Kunomasu Vice attempt, and was up on his feet. Eisaku tried to lock it in again, this time running at Tatsuko and pulling him into the hold, but Nobuatsu turned him inside out with a leg lariat. Tatsuko then slowly pulled himself up, exchanging punches with Eisaku as he did so, and when Eisaku tried to clothesline him, he connected with a Blind Kick out of nowhere. The look on Eisaku’s face was one of surprise, before he fell to the mat, out cold. Tatsuko fell on top and rolled him over to make the pin, getting the very hard fought victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko by pinfall in 27:06 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Very impressive, Kwakami and Kawashima have great chemistry, Tatsuko & Kunomasu have great chemistry, as do Hayes and Ugaki, which can mean good things for each man.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] Wow, what a show. With Night of PRIDE fast approaching, we were expecting a great night, but not one filled with such impactful moments. Who was the masked man who attacked Raymond Diaz? I'm sure Diaz will be wondering that while he wrestles in the Main Event. To kick off the show, we have Nigel Svennson taking on the vicious Kalu Owusu in singles action. With Kalu losing last week to Joshua Taylor, we are sure he will be out for revenge. Can Nigel capitalise this and score his first win on one of the biggest nights for PGHW in the year? After that we have William Hayes facing Masaru Ugaki for the latters International Title. Can Hayes pick up his first piece of singles gold this night, and end the reign of 'The Predator' before it barely even begins? We then see Matthew Keith in action against Ryoma Muruyama, with Keith hoping to continue his win streak, and get closer to the return of his family. Speaking of which, Sam and Greg have been allowed to leave the hospital finally, and will be making their in ring return after Night of PRIDE. Expect anarchy. Then we see the young Akinori Kwakami in action against Masutaro Kataoka, with Kwakami hoping to leave his current rut. Our second title match of the night is next as Team Omega put their titles up against Ultimate Submission. US seemed to have the champs numbers, beating each man in singles competition, but that may have been luck, as when Omega were together, they obliterated their opponents, barely giving Billy any chance to be in the ring. Joshua Taylor, our home-grown psychopath, is in action after that against former International Champ Washi Heat. The two have met before after Taylors 'transformation'. Will Taylor continue on his recent streak, or will Heat have a trick up his sleeve? Our third title match follows straight afterwards with Team Toronto facing Bryan Vessey and his mystery partner. Who could it be? Was it the man who took down Diaz last week? And if so, the champs have a heck of a test on their hands. Our fourth title is on the line with SUKI being challenged by Shingen Miyazaki. This will be the third time these men have met each other in the ring for the Historical Japan championship. Who will walk away with it? 'The Prodigy' SUKI, or 'The Warrior' Shingen Miyazaki? Then a battle between two veterans as Bryan Holmes faces off against Eisaku Kunomasu, who will definitely be mad at not having a chance to be in the main event. Then, as the semi-main event, Glory Crown champion Mito Miwa will team up with Noriyori Sanda to take on Team Dynasty 2000. Can Sanda break his slump and get a huge win? Or will Inukai & Musashibo be just a bit too much for Miwa and Sanda to handle? Then, in the Main Event, for the Elite Series title, we have Raymond Diaz facing Kozue Kawashima and Nobuatsu Tatsuko in a massive encounter. Diaz and Tatsuko have a storied past, as do Diaz and Kawashima, which is sure to make for an amazing match. [u]PGHW Night of PRIDE.[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Nigel Svennson vs. Kalu Owusu [I]Singles For the PGHW International Title[/I] Masaru Ugaki (c) vs. William Hayes [I]Singles[/I] Matthew Keith vs. Ryoma Muruyama [I]Singles[/I] Akinori Kwakami vs. Masutaro Kataoka [I]Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Team Titles[/I] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)(c) vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) [I]Singles[/I] Joshua Taylor vs. Washi Heat [I]Tag Team For the PGHW Glory Crown Tag championships[/I] Team Toronto (c) vs. Bryan Vessey & ??? [i]Singles For the PGHW Historical Japan championship[/I] SUKI (c) vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]Singles[/I] Bryan Holmes vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [I]Tag Team[/I] Team Dynasty 2000 vs. Mito Miwa & Noriyori Sanda [I]Triple Threat For the PGHW Elite Series title[/I] Kozue Kawashima vs. Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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PGHW Night of PRIDE. Singles [B]Nigel Svennson[/B] vs. Kalu Owusu [I]Even though I was wrong to call the victory for Svensson last time out, I think he will finally get his first win here. [/I] Singles For the PGHW International Title [B]Masaru Ugaki (c)[/B] vs. William Hayes [I]Ugaki will be better prepared for Hayes this time outand it's too early for him to lose the belt[/I] Singles [B]Matthew Keith[/B] vs. Ryoma Muruyama [I]Muruyama may of got a confidence boosting win over Svensson, but I see Keith picking up the win, in this battle of lower mid-carders.[/I] Singles [B]Akinori Kwakami[/B] vs. Masutaro Kataoka [I]Kwakami's strong peformance in his match with Kawashima, would have done him no harm, so he'll get rewarded with the victory.[/I] Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Team Titles [B]Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)(c)[/B] vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) [I]I feel that Team Omega will keep retaining against the lower level tag teams, until they decide they are too good for the International Tag Belts and go after the Glory Tag Crown Belts.[/I] Singles [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] vs. Washi Heat [I]Until he comes against anyone higher than the mid-card I can't back against PGHW's resident mad man right now.[/I] Tag Team For the PGHW Glory Crown Tag championships [B]Team Toronto (c)[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey & ??? [I]Difficult one to call, because I have no idea who Vessey's partner could be. I feel that if it's someone internal then i'd more obviously stump for Team Toronto but if it's a big new acquisition then it may be an idea to make them have a big impact by winning the tag belts. [/I] [I]But with the masked man angle, I think it's more likely to be someone from already within PGHW that is not on the card, so I'll go for the champs to retain.[/I] Singles For the PGHW Historical Japan championship [B]SUKI (c)[/B] vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]Two guys that end up in every puro diary, due to their competent skill levels and their lack of loyalty to any one promotion at the start of the game. SUKI's only just started to get rolling with his title reign, so I'll tip him to retain.[/I] Singles Bryan Holmes vs. [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] [I]Kunomasu is that step above Holmes[/I] Tag Team [B]Team Dynasty 2000[/B] vs. Mito Miwa & Noriyori Sanda [I]The other regular tag teams are probably relieved that Team Dynasty 2000, treat their pairing as a side attraciton.[/I] Triple Threat For the PGHW Elite Series title [B]Kozue Kawashima[/B] vs. Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]Given the way he has been booked, Diaz looked like he had a strong wave of momentum going into the finals but I think the Masked Man attack will be playing on his mind and though I don't think the MM will attack again I think the psychological distraction will cause Diaz to lose focus.[/I] [I]Tatsuko has come back very strong this tour, but I don' think he needs the rub of winning the Elite Series, then again on the other hand it is the Elite Series and sometimes these things are about further rewarding the best in the promotion.[/I] [I]Kawasahima has quietly sneaked up into the main event, keeping an undefeated streak going but perhaps with a little less fanfare than the dominating Diaz. Winning the Elite Series would truly secure Kawashima's place amongst the main event. [/I]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Night of PRIDE[/u][/b] Friday, Week 4, March 2010. Held in front of 19,920 fans at the Kobe Football Stadium In Kinki [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: White Samurai vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi [/u] [i] Samurai basically dominates and gets the win after a Spirit Slayer.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] White Samurai by pinfall [b]C-[/b] [u]Match 2: Kazushige Matsuki vs. Merle O’Curle [/u] [i]Matsuki gets the win after nailing the Fist of Fury.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kazushige Matsuki by pinfall [b]C[/b] [u]Match 3: Hirokazu Yamanoue & Taheiji Konoe vs. Shiga & Yoemon[/u] [i]Shiga and Yoemon manage to get their first win in a while when Shiga nails the Dead Lift German Suplex on Konoe.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Shiga & Yoemon by pinfall on Konoe by Shiga. [b]B[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Nigel Svennson vs. Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] Many fans were anxious to see this match, as they were hoping to see Nigel get his first win in PGHW. Owusu came out thoroughly determined to beat him and crush those dreams, while getting back on track himself. The match started out with Kalu dominating from the second the bell rang, throwing Nigel to the mat and around the ring with various powerslams and suplexes. Nigel only just stopped getting pinned by rolling out of the ring following a snap scoop slam. Kalu followed him out, but was met with a barrage of punches and kicks, and soon found himself retreating back into the ring. Nigel kept up the attack, and whipped Kalu across the ring, rocking the big man with a roaring elbow. He tried again, but Kalu caught him and threw him overhead with a belly to back suplex. Nigel landed right on his head by was able to recover quickly, and was able to reverse a belly to belly attempt into a DDT following a head butt. Nigel began to signal for something, as Kalu began to get up to his feet. Nigel saw and ran to the ropes, and when he bounced back he sped towards Kalu and drove his knee right into his face, stunning Kalu. Nigel capitalised and hooked the leg, and the fans counted along with the referee, and when he was announced the winner, Nigel celebrated by walking around the ring, slapping hands with any fans who were willing. [b]Winner:[/b] Nigel Svennson by pinfall in 7:54 [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Masaru Ugaki© vs. William Hayes For the PGHW International Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_International.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] This was an amazing match for one so low down in the card. Ugaki wore the title with pride on his shoulder, and was definitely not ready to part with it just yet. Hayes was looking for his second International title reign and his first title since 2006. The match started out with Hayes trying to keep the match standing, taking away Ugaki’s advantage, but was unable to put up a strong enough fight, and Ugaki soon had control of the match. He began to target Hayes’ back and neck, locking him in various surfboard variations, almost having Hayes tap out at one point. Ugaki kept this up for a little while, but Hayes ultimately fought back, managing to reverse a headlock attempt into a pinfall, which was soon bridged out of, but he just used this chance to boot Ugaki in the gut and whip him across the ring. Ugaki surprised him however, dropping him with a cross body press. Hayes kicked out quite quickly, but found himself on the defence again when Ugaki tried to take him to the ground. Ugaki missed a few moves at various points throughout the match, which allowed Hayes to dominate for a while, even hitting a quick Slick Trick, but only getting a two count. He did get a huge chance late in the match however when Ugaki went for a clothesline, but Hayes dodged it and set him up for the Slick Trick again. Ugaki was ready for it this time however, and wriggled out of it. When Hayes turned around, he booted him in the gut, then floored him with the Predator’s Strike. Hayes was out like a light, and Ugaki made the cover, getting the victory and retaining his belt in a great match. [b]Winner:[/b] Masaru Ugaki by pinfall in 16:15. Masaru Ugaki makes defences number 2 of his title. [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Matthew Keith vs. Ryoma Muruyama[/u] [[IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] Keith came down to the ring with a look of death on his face, eager to keep his streak running in order to get closer to getting his match with Joshua Taylor. Ryoma came down, and hoped to be able to capitalise on Keith’s focus being elsewhere. The match started out with Keith taking Ryoma right to the match with a tackle and began to pummel him into the mat, before locking him in a grounded headlock. This lasted a while before Keith pulled him up and dropped him with a short-arm lariat. Keith tried to put Ryoma away with an early Proton Lock, but Ryoma was able to scurry over to the ropes to prevent him from doing so. Ryoma then began to mount a comeback with a dropkick, and tried to follow up with a flip corkscrew senton to the gut of Keith, but Matt rolled out of the way. Keith then waited for Ryoma to get up, and when he did, booted him in the gut and drilled him into the mat with a Double Underhook Suplex. Ryoma rolled around in pain, before slowly making his way to his feet, taking the time to recover. However, Keith quickly charged him and sent him overhead with a German Suplex when he eventually stood up, and then locked him in the Proton Lock. Ryoma put up a strong fight, but had to tap out due to the pain. [b]Winner:[/b] Matthew Keith by submission in 11:32 [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Akinori Kwakami vs. Masutaro Kataoka [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] This was a surprisingly close match, with Kataoka putting up a tremendous amount of resistance, not willing to go down without a fight. Akinori was initially caught off guard by his resilience, but learned how to use it to his advantage later in the match. When the match started, Akinori tried to whip Kataoka across the ring, but it was reversed and he soon found himself on the mat following a clothesline, and then under a vicious assault when Kataoka unleashed a series of knee and fist drops. However, when he tried for an elbow drop, Kwakami rolled out of the way and quickly got up to his feet. He then began to methodically pick apart the veteran, first nailing the Locomotion Kneebreakers, and then sending him back down to the mat with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip when he got up. Kataoka still refused to give up, and managed to reverse a suplex into a swinging neckbreaker, then went for a running knee drop, but Kwakami again rolled out of the way, causing the veteran to land on his bad knee. He struggled up to his feet, only to be sent right back down with a Reverse DDT, and then found himself in the Kwakami Painlock. Kataoka put up a huge fight, and didn’t tap for about a minute and a half, before finally succumbing to the pain. [b]Winner:[/b] Akinori Kwakami by submission in 12:15 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)© vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) For the PGHW International Tag Team Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_InternationalTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] This was a very good match, with Omega looking to decimate US on final time, with the hopeful result of it making them stop challenging for a while. It started out with Kitoaji and Roku facing each other, and the match promptly became a stalemate, with both men brawling. This came to a quick end however, as Kitoaji was able to duck a punch and boot Roku in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When he came back, Kitoaji lifted him up and drove him down with a Flapjack, before going to his corner and tagging Yasuda. Yasuda tried to continue the dominance, but Roku was able to outwrestle the youngster, locking him in several different holds. However, Roku wore himself out fairly quickly doing this, and was unable to reverse a snap suplex attempt. Yasuda stomped on his chest before tagging back out. The rest of the match was full of changes in control, but with Omega having it the majority of the match. Various tags were made, and the match finished with Kitoaji and Russell being the legal men, with Kitoaji managing to catch a kick attempt and sending Russell into his corner. He then lifted him up on his shoulders, and Yasuda delivered the spinning elbow, something not usually seen. Kitoaji made the cover, and got the victory for his team, with Yasuda only just holding Roku back. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall on Russell by Kitoaji in 11:36. Team Omega makes defence number 3 of their titles. [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Joshua Taylor vs. Washi Heat [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] Taylor looked very upset going into this match; apparently he had a row at home with Chairyloo, something about Taylor acting weird lately. Heat was very intense on his way to the ring, as he was incredibly determined in breaking out of his recent slump. He started out the match in control, booting Taylor in the gut right away, and then driving him into his knees with a Pendulum Double Knee Backbreaker. Josh screamed out in pain and dropped to the mat, before being dragged up to standing again. Heat then dominated him with various high impact moves before whipping him across the ring. He tried to go for a Tilt-a-whirl side slam, but Taylor flipped over Heat, then drove him into the mat with an STO. Heat rolled backwards, grabbing his head in pain, and Taylor broke out into a wicked laugh. The referee scratched his head in bewilderment, while Taylor began to stomp frantically on Heat’s chest before pulling him up to his feet. Taylor punched him in the gut, elbowed him in the back of the head, and then followed up with a fisherman’s suplex. Heat grabbed his head again, but Taylor gave him no time to recover, quickly pulling him back up to his feet. Heat fought back with a vicious brawl, which eventually turned against him though, when Taylor nailed him in the jaw with a back spin elbow. Taylor then whipped him into the ropes, and then connected with the Sapphire Bomb, getting the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Joshua Taylor by pinfall in 10:19 [b]B[/b] Taylor then scooted out of the ring to get something from underneath, only to reveal a chair with a beard attached to it. The referee ran from the ring, out of disgust, fear or just being too freaked out nobody knew. Josh then rolled into the ring and raised the chair to bludgeon a prone Heat, when familiar music began to blare. All of a sudden, Greg and Matt Keith charged down to the ring, and surrounded Josh, who suddenly began to shake uncontrollably. Sam Keith then emerged from the back, to a huge pop, and slowly approached the ring. Josh then snapped, and cracked Greg and Matt over the head with his new friend, as they were distracted by their dad, before shouting madly at Sam, and then escaping through the crowd. Sam rolled in and tended to his sons while staring a hole right through Josh. [B][U]Match 7:[/b] Team Toronto© vs. Bryan Vessey & Masked Man For the PGHW Glory Crown Tag Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AlexanderRobinson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/LeeBennett.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/bg_bio_original.jpg[/IMG] This match started out with the masked man on the apron, and Vessey trying to make sure he was forced to make the tag too early. Alex was the other legal man, and he kept trying to keep control in his hands, but Bryan kept flooring the slightly smaller man with several big moves, even hitting a Vessey Line. However, he soon found himself tiring a little bit, and had to tag in his special enforcer. The big man clambered into the ring and instantly began to destroy Alex, throwing him up into the air before catching him for a spinebuster. Alex had to tag out himself, and Lee stepped in, slightly wary about facing the masked man. He was able to duck under a clothesline attempt, but was caught with an elbow to the jaw, sending him staggering backwards. He tried to spear the champ to the mat, but Lee only just managed to side step it, and caught the masked man with a kick to the gut. He then tagged out to Alex, who ran in and nailed the man with a back flip kick. The man didn’t seem effected, but fell to the mat following a sudden Canadian Violence. He got right back up though and tagged out to Bryan. Alex was ready for him, and when he charged, Robinson caught him with the Canadian Violence, turning Vessey inside out. Alex went for the cover, and the masked man lumbered back in to try and break up the cover, but found himself taken to the outside by Lee, who took him out with a running clothesline. Robinson got the huge pin over Vessey, and retained his belts. [b]Winners:[/b] Team Toronto by pinfall on Vessey by Robinson in 13:54. Toronto make defence number 3 of their titles. [b]B[/b] When the bell rang, the masked man appeared to go ballistic and threw Lee into the barricade. He then rolled into the ring and nailed an unsuspecting Alex in the back with a big boot. He then pulled the champ up to his feet and whipped him into the corner, before following up with a huge spear. The fans began to boo when they saw this move, as they instantly recognised it. The man then tore off his mask to reveal a familiar face: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Match 8:[/b] SUKI© vs. Shingen Miyazaki For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_Historical.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] This match was highly anticipated, as it was undoubtedly the match that would finally prove who was the better wrestler. The match started out with neither man wanting to charge in first, as they knew each other’s movesets inside and out. However, SUKI eventually became impatient and tried to connect with an enziguri, but Shingen ducked under the second leg, and held the other one before dropping down to the mat to try for the Miyazaki Destruction, but SUKI clambered over to the ropes before he could properly lock it in. Shingen was quick to follow up however, by stomping away madly at the champ, not giving him time to recover. SUKI managed to fight his way out however, by booting Shingen in the gut and then taking him down with a Chop Block. Shingen then rolled out of the way of an elbow drop, tried it himself, but SUKI rolled out of the way as well, before both men had a stand off, with each looking fairly worn out. Shingen then tried to connect with a leg lariat, but SUKI nailed a spinning elbow smash before he gained enough momentum. The champ then kept control by grounding Shingen with various holds, including the SUKI Special I. Shingen struggled for a while, but managed to claw his way over to the ropes to escape. Shingen then pulled himself up to his feet, but was whipped across the ring before he could do anything, SUKI then tried for a back elbow smash, but Shingen dove underneath it, and then retaliated with a jumping leg lariat, dropping the champ. SUKI slowly got up to his feet, and Shingen seemed ready for the Cavalry Charge, and as soon as he was just about to hit it, SUKI dropped down to the mat, and tripped Shingen up. Once he hit the ground, SUKI synched in the SUKI Special III. Shingen fought for as long as possible, as he still had a lot of energy left in him, but was soon in too much pain to continue, and tapped out. [b]Winners:[/b] SUKI by submission in 18:42 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 9:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Bryan Holmes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] This match was fairly anticipated by the fans, as they always looked forward to seeing Kunomasu in action. It started with Holmes managing to surprise his fellow veteran with a Russian Legsweep, following it up with a single leg boston crab. Eisaku struggled for a little bit before eventually managing to claw his way over to the ropes and force Bryan to release him. Holmes dragged him back into the middle and tried to make him submit again, but soon found himself fighting to a stalemate, as Eisaku began to reverse everything that was thrown at him. Both men eventually ended up on their feet, and Holmes again managed to take control with a series of punches, forcing Eisaku into the corner. Bryan became too confident however, and went to the other corner to nail a running splash, but Eisaku dodged it and then took Bryan right down to the mat with a Sleeper slam, and then began to slowly pick Holmes apart with several different holds, many of which had rarely been seen before. This caused Holmes to panic, and despite putting up all the fight he could to get out of them, he knew it was over when Eisaku was eventually able to lock in the Kunomasu Vice, as he swiftly tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu by submission in 12:31 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 10:[/b] Team Dynasty 2000 (Inukai & Musashibo) vs. Mito Miwa & Noriyori Sanda[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] This match was very intense, as Sanda was being given a chance to wrestle with the headliners, and Miwa was facing two of his strongest challengers as of late. The match started with Sanda facing Musashibo, and Yoshimi initially got control after finishing a chop exchange with a Kesagiri, stunning Sanda. Yoshimi then whipped Sanda across the ring, and threw him overhead with a big back body drop. Sanda landed on his feet however, and caught Yoshimi in the back of the head with a spinning leg lariat. He then went over to his corner, dragging Yoshimi with him, and tagged out to Miwa. Both men then double teamed Yoshimi, stomping away before connecting with a Double Hip Toss. Miwa then swiftly began to pick apart Yoshimi, trying to set him up for an Amphora Clutch variation, but Musashibo was able to stop him from being in the position to do so, reversing a Tiger Suplex attempt with back elbow, followed by a DDT. He then tagged out to Shuji, and he promptly began to beat the champ down, forcing him to tag back out. Shuji wasn’t ready for Sanda, as the youngster flew over the ropes and nailed a Flying Forearm Smash, knocking Shuji down. Sanda kept control by stomping away at Shuji then nailing a snap driving elbow drop, before attempting a pin. Shuji kicked out, and managed to steal back control. The rest of the match was full of hot tags and near falls, with the end coming when Shuji was able to counter an Amphora Clutch Suplex by nailing a jawbreaker, then flooring the champ with an Untouchable Lariat. Yoshimi ran into the ring, and dropped Sanda with a Musashibo-Plex I while the referee made the count, and Shuji got the massive win. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Dynasty 2000 by pinfall on Miwa by Inukai in 16:36. [b]A[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 11):[/b] Kozue Kawashima vs. Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko Finals of the PGHW Elite Series[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_Elite.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] When each man was in the ring, the crowd was very divided, with each third cheering for a different person. After looking over the crowd, they began to circle each other. Diaz was the first to charge, heading for Tatsuko, but he soon found himself on the wrong end of a double team, as Kozue and Tatsuko realised Diaz was the bigger threat. The duo kicked Diaz in the gut and whipped him across the ring. When he came back, they tried to connect with a Double Clothesline, but Diaz ducked under it, and exploded with a double clothesline of his own when he returned again. Kozue was the first up, and Diaz cracked him across the back with a huge clubbing blow, sending him down to one knee. Diaz then tried to go for a suplex, but Kozue resisted, giving Tatsuko enough time to get back up. When he did, Tatsuko clotheslined Diaz, while Kozue spun around and swept Diaz’s legs out from under him, bringing the behemoth down. Once he hit the mat, Tatsuko began to brawl with Kozue, ending up on top and booting him in the gut. The veteran then connected with a vertical suplex, and went for the cover. Diaz was back up by now however, and broke up the pin with ease. Diaz pulled Tatsuko up and whipped him into the corner. He began to exchange chops with his rival, with the crowd cheering each time Tatsuko connected, and booing whenever Diaz did. Tatsuko managed to get control, hitting three straight chops and then a sole kick to the chest. The made Diaz stagger back, and Tatsuko went for another in order to take him down, but Diaz turned him inside out with a lariat. Kozue had recovered now, and with Diaz on one knee, connected with a vicious K-Kick right to the temple, knocking Diaz to the mat .He then pulled Tatsuko up and nailed a scoop slam. He then began to pick the veteran apart, only for Tatsuko to fight his way out and begin another brawl. Kozue managed to win this time however, and hit a massive brainbuster to keep the control as his. Kozue then pulled the veteran up and whipped him across the ring. And just before both men met in the middle, with Kozue going for a clothesline, Diaz charged out of nowhere and floored them both with a double lariat. He then pulled Tatsuko up and went for a Piledriver, but the veteran resisted. Diaz clubbed him in the back and went for the move, only to get hit in the face with another K-Kick. Tatsuko then slowly got up to his feet, but had no time to rest, as Kawashima was eager to get the win. After a long brawl, which Tatsuko came close to winning, he whipped the veteran across the ring into the corner, and connected with a clothesline, followed by a running bulldog. When he got up, he was for Tatsuko to get up, but was distracted by Diaz getting up to his feet. He turned around to face Diaz, but in doing so, was caught with a Tatsuko Blind Kick out of nowhere, right to the back of the head. He collapsed to the mat, effectively out of the match. Tatsuko then moved towards Diaz, but was quickly overpowered, and fell prey to a powerbomb. Diaz then signalled for the end, and nailed the Ray Gun. The fans began to boo massively as Diaz went for the cover, and Kozue began to stir, but was not able to get up in time, resulting in Diaz getting the victory, and winning the Elite Series for the first time. Kozue rolled out of the ring when he realised, and looked incredibly upset with himself, while Tatsuko was tended to by the referee. Diaz held the trophy high above his head and celebrated, as was deserved. [b]Winner:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall on Nobuatsu Tatsuko in 24:42. Raymond Diaz wins the PGHW Elite Series. [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Another great PGHW PPV, getting a 2.14 buy rate, our best yet.[/i] [/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] To start off this show, we have a tag match featuring veteran/youngster pairings. Kazushige Matsuki will be teaming up with veteran Yamanoue to face rising star Nigel Svennson and the deadly Merle O’Curle. Can Svennson get another win? Or will Matsuki have too much for him? Then we see William Hayes facing off against Washi Heat. Both men fell in defeat at Night of PRIDE, with Hayes coming just short of winning the International title for a second time, while Heat continued in his recent slump with a loss to Joshua Taylor. Which man will get back on their feet? Does Hayes feel cheated out of the title at PRIDE? Then the newest acquisition to the roster, Rhino Umaga, who made a monster in ring re-debut for us at Night of PRIDE. Most remember him for nearly reaching the top of the promotion back in 2008, facing Mito Miwa on two occasions, and Shuji Inukai on three. Each one was a classic, will Umaga get back on track here tonight? Then we have the return of Greg Keith as he teams with his brother Matt to take on Ultimate Submission. Both teams are very technically talented, but who will make an impact? Will Taylor make an appearance to finish what he started at Night of PRIDE, destroying the two brothers, for the second time for Greg? We then see Eisaku Kunomasu in action against Bryan Vessey. Will either man show their frustration of lack of title success as of late and make a statement? What will Bryan have to say about his loss at Night of PRIDE to Team Toronto? Then, in our semi-main event, we have a champions vs. champion & champion match, as Team Omega take on Masaru Ugaki and SUKI, the first time three of these men have been close to the Main Event, a factor which will surely effect the focus of both teams. A sheer matter of pride and dignity is on the line for each team. Team Omega clearly have the tag team experience on their side, but Ugaki and SUKI have the actual experience of time in the business when added together. Who will take the victory? In our main event, we have Elite Series winner Raymond Diaz facing off against Yoshimi Musashibo. Diaz will be facing champion Mito Miwa at our next PPV, Night of FORTITUDE, but was met with a challenge from Musashibo. Yoshimi feels he deserves a shot as he was part of the team that handed Miwa his first defeat since January. Therefore this match will put Diaz’s title contention on the line. If Yoshimi can beat him, he will be considered for addition to the title match at Night of FORTITUDE. Will Diaz be able to cement his position at the top of the title hunt? Or will he fall at the first hurdle? [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Tag Team[/I] Hirokazu Yamanoue & Kazushige Matsuki vs. Nigel Svennson & Merle O’Curle [I]Singles[/I] Washi Heat vs. William Hayes [I]Singles[/I] Rhino Umaga vs. Bryan Holmes [I]Tag Team[/I] The Keith’s (Greg & Matt) vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) [I]Singles[/I] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Bryan Vessey [I]Tag Team Non-Title[/I] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) vs. Masaru Ugaki & SUKI [I]Singles[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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Awesome event, by the way. Here are my predictions for the next show: Tag Team Hirokazu Yamanoue & Kazushige Matsuki vs. [B][B]Nigel Svennson & Merle O’Curle [/B][/B] [I]It's an odd choice, but I think another strong gaijin team will be interesting.[/I] Singles Washi Heat vs. [B]William Hayes[/B] [I]Hayes is easily the stronger at this point, with Heat in such a slump. Hayes gets the win here.[/I] Singles [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes [I]I love Holmes, but Umaga's appearance as the masked man and his attack after the match at Night of PRIDE gives him the edge here.[/I] Tag Team [B]The Keith’s (Greg & Matt)[/B] vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) [I]The Keith's need a win here in there amazing feud with Taylor, so I see them picking up the victory here.[/I] Singles [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]Kunomasu gets the win. Easy pick.[/I] Tag Team Non-Title[B] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)[/B] vs. Masaru Ugaki & SUKI [I]I love the teaming of Ugaki and SUKI, but Omega is too strong of a team right now. Maybe if the new pairing takes off, this can see a rematch somewhere down the line.[/I] Singles [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [I]Diaz takes the win to keep momentum going after winning the Elite Series. Should be an amazing match.[/I]
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