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PGHW: Re-gaining the Glory (C-Verse 2009)

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First things first, Night of Pride was very good. Almost called it correctly all the way, I was going to pick Diaz as the winner but the masked man thing made me look towards Kawasawa as being the more likely winner, so good bit of booking there. You do realise now that you have hired Rhino Umaga, that everyone of his matches must finish in him either spearing someone, or mis-timing the spear and the opponent taking advantage of said balls up by the big Samoan ;) [U]PGHW Warriors Tour [/U][I]Tag Team[/I] Hirokazu Yamanoue & Kazushige Matsuki vs. [B]Nigel Svennson & Merle O’Curle[/B] [I]Team UK FTW ![/I] [I]Singles[/I] Washi Heat vs. [B]William Hayes[/B] [I]Could realistically go either way but Hayes seems to be in better form[/I] [I]Singles[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes [I]Umaga's only just been revealed as the masked man, so him losing here would make his reveal as a bit of an anti-climax.[/I] [I]Tag Team[/I] [B]The Keith’s (Greg & Matt)[/B] vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura) [I]Ultimate Submission's chances at winning the International Tag Belts appear to have passed, and they continue their slump here as they put over the Keith's, so they could legitimately be built up as genuine contenders to those belts but they do have the distraction of crazy Joshua Taylor to deal with.[/I] [I]Singles[/I] [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]Pretty easy match to call, unless you decide to throw in a major shock just for the hell of it.[/I] [I]Tag Team Non-Title[/I] [B]Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)[/B] vs. Masaru Ugaki & SUKI [I]Interesting pairing with the two mid/lower card singles title holders. Part of me wants to pick them, as I think it could be interesting to see the Ugaki/SUKI combination go after Omega's tag belts, but at the end of the day I think that would just be setting up one more match between these two teams, so I'll so for the safer pick of Team Omega. [/I] [I]Singles[/I] [B]Raymond Diaz [/B]vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [I]It wouldn't surprise me if Musashibo uses his experience to pull of victory and force his way into the Title match, but I think Diaz needs to keep his MONSTER push going to set up a HUGE one on one showdown with Mito Miwa.[/I]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #6[/u][/b] Saturday, Week 1, April 2010. Held in front of 5,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Akita Stadium in Tohoku. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Noriyori Sanda & Team Power Experience vs. Shiga, Yoemon & Brave.[/u] [i]This was a surprisingly good match, which Sanda won for his team when he pinned Brave with the Dynamo Flying Elbow.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Sanda & Power Experience by pinfall on Brave by Sanda. [b]B+[/b] [u]Match 2: Taheiji Konoe vs. Shingen Miyazaki.[/u] [i]Holmes and Samurai decimate the veterans, ending when Holmes connects with the Cyclone Shock Kick on Shiga.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Shingen Miyazaki by pinfall. [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 3: Ryoma Muruyama vs. Lee Bennett.[/u] [i]Lee dominates the youngster, getting the win after a Return Ticket five minutes in.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Lee Bennett by pinfall. [b]B+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Hirokazu Yamanoue & Kazushige Matsuki vs. Nigel Svennson & Merle O’Curle[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/HirokazuYamanoue.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KazushigeMatsuki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] This was a good match considering the lack of popularity for Matsuki and Hirokazu, and the total unknowness of Merle. The match started out with Matsuki facing Merle, and while Kazushige was able to batter the Irishman at several points during this part of the match, Merle showed no mercy and eventually managed to take the big man to the mat, and began to lock him in several different holds. Just when it seemed like Matsuki was going to tag in his partner, due to fighting out of this assault, he was pulled down to the mat and to the middle ring, and locked in the Celtic Wreath. Merle kept the hold locked in for as long as possible, but was forced to release when Hirokazu ran in and punted him in the side of the head. Nigel charged in at this point and levelled the veteran with a running knee right to the jaw. Merle then tagged Nigel in once the youngster returned to the apron, which gave Matsuki time to tag in his partner as well. Nigel and Hirokazu brawled for a short while, eventually ending with Nigel flooring the veteran with a series of knees to the skull, before nearly breaking his arm with the Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Hirokazu fought for a long time, but eventually had to tap out when he was in too much pain, causing the all gaijin team of Nigel and O’Curle to pick up the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Svennson & O’Curle in 8:11 by submission on Yamanoue by Svennson. [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Washi Heat vs. William Hayes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] This was another surprisingly good match between two rising stars. The match started out with Heat managing to steal the control away from Hayes, whipping him across the ring and throwing him over the ropes with a massive back body drop. Heat tried to keep his control by following Hayes, but he got caught with a spinning heel kick to the jaw when he left the ring. The two youngsters brawled for a while, ending up back in the ring, and after a brief struggle, it was Hayes who then gained control. He threw Heat to the mat with an arm drag and wrapped the masked menace in various different armbar variations. Heat put up a strong fight, and managed to claw his way over to the ropes, forcing Hayes to retreat. Heat slowly got up to his feet, and only just ducked a clothesline attempt, and returned the favour with a leaping lariat that took both men out of the ring once again. They brawled for a long time, with Hayes whipping Heat into the barricade, before nailing a Hayes Fever Backbreaker series. Heat was in a lot of pain, and Hayes went for an End of Days, but Heat managed to wriggle out of it, just in time to hear the bell ringing, signalling the double count out. Both men got frustrated and really went at it, with Heat going under the ring looking for a weapon. All of a sudden, the crowd hears a massive crack, like a chair hitting someone’s face, and when Heat came back out he was holding his forehead, and staggers backwards into Hayes. Taylor emerged from under the ring and mercilessly battered both men with ‘Chairyloo’, appearing to have made up with her. The crowd then burst into cheers as Sam Keith charges down to ringside, wielding a kendo stick, causing Taylor to flee once again through the audience. Sam warns Taylor to stay away from his kid’s match tonight, before checking on Hayes and Heat. [b]Winners:[/b] Draw due to double countout at 13:41 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Rhino Umaga vs. Bryan Holmes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] Umaga came out to a huge round of boos from the crowd, but it did not seem to faze him at all. Holmes’ expression says it all, as it was full of focus, due to him wanting to break his slump. The match starts out with Bryan managing to steal control away from the Samoan Wrecker, taking him to the mat with various submissions, mainly targeting his legs, trying to take away the ability to perform his finisher. However, he was not able to keep him down forever, as Umaga managed to break free of a crowbar, and whipped the veteran into the corner. Umaga then tries to go for the Rhino Charge, but stumbles and drops to one knee, due to the damage that had been inflicted by Holmes. Bryan then ran out of the corner and connects with a basement dropkick, sending Umaga to the mat. Bryan then waits for Umaga to get up, signally for the Cyclone Shock Kick, but when the Samoan does get up, he absolutely mauls Bryan with a spear out of nowhere, nearly snapping Bryan in half. Umaga then gets an evil smirk on his face and pulls the veteran up before whipping him into the corner, following up with a massive Rhino Charge. Bryan yells out in pain and collapses to the mat, allowing Rhino to roll him over and make the cover, getting the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Rhino Umaga by pinfall in 13:43 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] The Keith’s (Greg & Matt) vs. Ultimate Submission (Russell & Sotomura)[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] The Keith brothers were very focused heading into this match, as they were aware that Taylor might try and ambush them at any time, knowing he was too crazy to follow advice. When the match started, it was Matt against Roku, and the two wrestled to a stalemate, as neither was able to take the other to the mat. Matt solved this fairly easily with a stiff forearm to the side of the head, followed by a snap suplex, effectively snatching control. He then locked in a tight grounded headlock, effectively stopping Roku from moving, continually adding pressure whenever it seemed like Roku was beginning to move. Roku did manage to bridge his way out of the move however, and made the hot tag to his partner. Billy came in and floored both Keith brothers with stiff punches, but found himself succumbing to the numbers game, as the brothers hit several different double team moves, including a Double Neutron Plex. The Keith’s effectively cut Billy off from his corner, while making several tags themselves. Eventually Matt managed to lock Billy in the Proton Lock following a sick snap DDT from the second rope, causing him to tap out almost immediately. [b]Winner:[/b] The Keith’s by submission on Russell by Matt in 14:47 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Bryan Vessey[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] This was another technical masterpiece by Eisaku, no doubt helped by the fact that Bryan is incredibly talented in that field as well. The match started with a series of lightning fast standing switches, while they moved towards the ropes. Bryan then managed to whip Eisaku across the ring, and went to clothesline him, but Eisaku leapfrogged him and then kicked him in the back of the knee, causing Bryan to drop down. Eisaku then kicked Bryan in the head, knocking him to the mat, and then locked him in several different holds, with amazing fluidity. He came close to locking in the Kunomasu Vice, but Bryan managed to scurry away and grab the ropes just in time. Bryan then dared Eisaku to attack him, and when the veteran did, Bryan floored him with a massive big boot right to the jaw, turning Eisaku inside out. Bryan then took control of the match himself, getting several near falls, even after two straight Vessey Drivers, Eisaku somehow managed to kick out. Bryan then got too angry for his own good, and let his control slip away, as Eisaku was able to trip him up and lock in an STF. Bryan clawed his way towards the ropes, but Eisaku pulled him back into the middle of the ring, and then flawlessly switched into the Kunomasu Vice. Bryan held on for as long as possible, but eventually tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu by submission in 16:48 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) vs. Masaru Ugaki & SUKI Non-Title [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] This match had a lot at stake, because if Omega lost, Ugaki and SUKI could challenge them for their titles, or if Ugaki and SUKI lost, Omega could go after their belts. The fans were completely behind Omega in this match, and Kitoaji heard it, dominating the early part of the match, managing to stop Ugaki from locking in any holds. Ugaki did manage to gain control after flipping out of a back suplex and dropkicking Kitoaji in the back, then tagging in SUKI. The Japan champ ran in and took Kitoaji to the mat with a Chop Block. He then went right for the arm of Kitoaji, both to weaken him up for the SUKI Special, but also to prevent him from using the Kitoaji Lariat. However, due to Kitoaji’s size advantage, he eventually managed to steal control away after forcing SUKI to break a crucifix armbar, and clubbing him in the back. For the rest of the match, there were several tags made by both teams, and it ended up like it started, with Ugaki facing Kitoaji. Ugaki tried to go for the Predator’s Strike, but Kitoaji dodged it, and promptly punted him in the head. He then pulled him up and Yasuda came in. SUKI ran in, trying to stop the Star Buster attempt, but Kitoaji saw this and shot off of the top, connecting with a Spinning Elbow right to his chest, making Yasuda just drive Ugaki into the mat with a Powerbomb. Kitoaji made the cover, and managed to get the win for his team. As he celebrated with Yasuda, familiar music sounded around the arena as Eisaku Kunomasu ran through the crowd and attacked Omega from behind. Ugaki and SUKI soon got up and joined in the 3-on-2 assault, leaving Omega a bloodied mess. Eisaku then grabbed the hands of Ugaki and SUKI and raised them into the air, causing the crowd to explode with boos. [b]Winners:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall on Ugaki by Kitoaji in 13:52 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Raymond Diaz vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] Diaz was very confident going into this match, and brought the Elite Series trophy with him to ringside, placing it on the announce table. When the match started, Diaz instantly began to batter away at Yoshimi, eager to destroy his apparent challenger. However, Diaz was a bit overconfident, allowing Yoshimi to dodge and attack and retaliate with a vicious Kesagiri shot. Diaz staggered backwards slightly, so Yoshimi followed up with another. Diaz went further back, but moved out of the way of a third Kesagiri, and floored Yoshimi with a vicious clothesline. He then peeled Yoshimi off of the mat and whipped across the ring, drilling him into the mat with a spinning side slam when he returned. Yoshimi was pretty much on the defensive for the majority of the match, but was not being overwhelmed, as he made several fairly long lasting comebacks, managing to knock Diaz over at a few points as well. The end of the match was incredibly intense, as Yoshimi had just reversed a Ray Gun attempt into a Yoshimi Explosion ’09 attempt. However, Diaz proved to be way too heavy for Yoshimi to hit the move, and Diaz punched him across the jaw, then drilled him into the mat with a gutwrench suplex .Yoshimi slowly staggered back up to his feet, narrowly ducking a big boot, and tried to take Diaz to the mat, but the monster clubbed him in the back before going for the Ray Gun again. Yoshimi reversed this one as well, and tried to go for a fast Yoshimi Explosion, and almost lifted Diaz up into the air, but the monster booted him in the gut and drilled him into the mat with a Ray Gun out of nowhere. Yoshimi bounced off of the mat and looked to be out cold, while Diaz simply made the cover, and looked impressive once again. The referee checked on Yoshimi, but Diaz laughed and pushed him away, before heading out of the ring and grabbing his trophy on his way to the back. [b]Winner:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall in 23:41 [b]A[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [i]Main Feelings: Good card, don’t understand why it wasn’t an A show.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] On this show, we see Nigel Svennson, who picked up what could be seen as a second upset win in a row over the team of Kazushige Matsuki and Hirokazu Yamanoue, in action against fellow youth hopeful White Samurai. Samurai has been eager to head up the rankings as of late; will that be enough to stop Nigel? We then see a clash of styles with Ryoma Muruyama facing off against Roku Sotomura. Both men have recently been in slumps, which one will break free of this slump? In what is definitely going to be a match to watch, we have the newly formed Team Fusion, consisting of Eisaku Kunomasu and Masaru Ugaki, with SUKI as a third member, but not in the match itself, facing Team Power Experience. Will this merely be a warm up match for Team Fusion, or will they be upset in their first match since their formation? Then we see our resident Samoan Savage, Rhino Umaga facing Billy Russell in singles competition. Will Umaga continue his path of destruction, or can Billy both leave his current slump and stop Umaga in his track? Lately, both Noriyori Sanda and William Hayes have been tipped as future carriers of the company by management, so we have decided to book them against each other in a match to decide the #1 Contender for the Historical Japan Championship. Sanda has been in this situation before, but has yet to be successful, will this time be different? Or will Hayes go on to challenge SUKI at Night of FORTITUDE? Then we see a David vs. Goliath battle, with Buddy Garner facing off against Dread. Both men have been fairly quiet as of late, will this match bring the winner back into the limelight? And finally, we have our Glory Champion in non-title action against Shuji Inukai. Shuji, along with Yoshimi Musashibo feels he should be in the title match at Night of FORTITUDE, especially since he scored the winning pin. Will Miwa simply beat him like his last few challengers, or will The Untouchable Lariat down the champ a second time? [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Nigel Svennson vs. White Samurai [I]Singles[/I] Ryoma Muruyama vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Tag Team[/I] Team Fusion (Kunomasu & Ugaki) vs. Team Power Experience (Kataoka & Owusu) [I]Singles[/I] Rhino Umaga vs. Billy Russell [I]Singles[/I] Noriyori Sanda vs. William Hayes [I]Singles[/I] Buddy Garner vs. Dread [I]Singles[/I] Mito Miwa vs. Shuji Inukai [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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First things first, the last show was solid but far from the best you've put on (not in terms of writing, but in terms of match ratings), so I wasn't that surprised it only scored a B+. Only two matches were over an A and the main event wasn't the best match of the night. Had the main event been the A* match, you may have just about earned an A Rating. PGHW Warriors Tour Singles [B]Nigel Svennson[/B] vs. White Samurai [I]Svensson seems to be on a bit of a roll, whilst Samurai appears to be a jobber with a gimmick. [/I] Singles Ryoma Muruyama vs. [B]Roku Sotomura[/B] [I]Both of them are hardly setting the world on fire, this really is a coin toss.[/I] Tag Team [B]Team Fusion (Kunomasu & Ugaki)[/B] vs. Team Power Experience (Kataoka & Owusu) [I]Got to say I love the idea of Team Fusion, with the veteran Kunomasu teaming up with two of the brightest young talents in PGHW in the form of Ugaki and SUKI. No way do TF lose in their first match to what is pretty much a semi-jobber tandem.[/I] Singles [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Billy Russell [I]Umaga made an impressive entrance and he needs to keep winning to be seen as genuine threat. Right now Russell is by all purposes a mid-card jobber to the stars.[/I] Singles Noriyori Sanda vs. [B]William Hayes[/B] [I]This could go either way, but the fact that Sanda has challenged before, makes me think that Hayes will pick up the pin because he would be the fresh challenger[/I] Singles [B]Buddy Garner[/B] vs. Dread [I]Dread has all the tools to completely dominate Garner, but I'm actually going to call the 'upset' on this one and stump for Garner instead.[/I] Singles [B]Mito Miwa[/B] vs. Shuji Inukai [I]Non Title it may be but Miwa needs to be kept strong before he faces of with ELITE Series winner Raymond Diaz for the title at Night of FORTITUDE.[/I]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #7[/u][/b] Friday, Week 2, April 2010. Held in front of 4,458 fans at the Kumamoto Sports Field in Kyushu. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: The Keith’s vs. Kazushige Matsuki & Taheiji Konoe.[/u] [i]The Keith’s pretty much schooled their fellow youngsters, with Greg getting the win with a Proton Lock on Konoe.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] The Keith’s by submission from Greg on Konoe. [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 2: Washi Heat vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue.[/u] [i]Heat was hampered by an injury he picked up at the last show, a case of Swivel Hips, but managed to defeat the veteran with a Washi Explosion.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Washi Heat by pinfall. [b]C[/b] [u]Match 3: Merle O’Curle vs. Strong Style Yoemon.[/u] [i]Merle gets the win here tonight, wrapping Yoemon in the Celtic Wreath in under two minutes.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Merle O’Curle by submission. [b]B-[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Nigel Svennson vs. White Samurai[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WhiteSamurai.jpg[/IMG] Most people expected a dominant victory for Nigel, who had been on a roll lately, but what they got was a decent back and forth match between two good future prospects. The match started with Nigel in control of the match, taking Samurai to the mat and keeping him grounded. However, he soon found himself on the defensive, as Samurai managed to counter one of the holds and escape, before connecting with a running senton right to the sternum of Nigel, stopping his momentum. Samurai then pulled Nigel up to his feet before whipping across the ring, nailing him with a beautiful dropkick when he came back. Samurai was able to stay in control for a little while, but was caught with a knee to the stomach, then a knee to the face, which Nigel followed up by nailing a snap STO, planting Samurai right on his head. Nigel then began to pummel away at Samurai before trying to lock in the Hyper Extension Armlock to end the match, but Samurai was able to roll towards the ropes before he could get it locked in properly. Samurai then slowly got up to his feet, dodging a lariat attempt when he did so. Nigel then bounced off each side of the ring, but got caught with an Art of War, a lightning fast Springboard Tornado DDT, planting Nigel right on his head, payback for earlier, and made the cover. Nigel kicked out, but just a second too late, as the referee had already counted to three. Samurai stood up in disbelief, before shaking hands with Nigel. [b]Winner:[/b] White Samurai by pinfall in 12:31 [b]C[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama vs. Roku Sotomura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] This was a total clash of styles, with Roku spending most of the match trying to keep Ryoma grounded, while Ryoma flew around the ring, and some believed this hurt the match. The match started with Ryoma using his greater agility to counter any attempt at being taken to the mat by Roku, at one point flipping out of an arm drag, then nailing a dropkick to his knees. Ryoma then tried to go for a running enziguri, but Roku sprung forward and nailed a jumping lariat, turning Ryoma inside out. Roku then took advantage by locking Ryoma in a grounded headlock. Ryoma wasn’t going to be kept down for long though, as he rolled out of the move, and kicked Roku stiffly in the chest. Roku struggled up to his feet, only to be knocked over again by a spinning heel kick. Ryoma then went to the top, but Roku ran into the ropes, knocking him off, and then locked in several variations of the Chinlock. Ryoma slowly edged his way to the ropes, eventually forcing Roku to release him, and when he did, Ryoma nailed a running bulldog, and then came off the top with the Muruyama Launch, connecting with the stomach of Roku, and made the cover, getting the victory. [b]Winners:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama by pinfall in 10:51 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Team Fusion (Kunomasu & Ugaki) vs. Team Power Experience (Kataoka & Owusu)[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] This was a very good tag contest, as each man in the match has had good experience in tag teams. The match started out with Ugaki facing Kalu, and he was on the defensive for the early going, as Kalu booted him in the gut right away and drove him into the mat with a spinebuster. Kalu then dominated for a while after that, pummelling Ugaki into submission basically, but Ugaki was able to fire back with stiff elbow shots to the face, forcing Kalu to back away. Ugaki then tagged out to Eisaku, who ran in and took Kalu off his feet with a jumping leg lariat. Eisaku then stretched Kalu’s arm out and began to stomp away at it, nearly breaking his arm, causing Kalu to scream in pain. Eisaku laughed before pulling Kalu up to his feet and whipping him into his corner, but when he tried to follow up with an elbow smash, Kalu grabbed Eisaku’s arm and dropped the veteran with a vicious lariat. Several more tags were made throughout the match, until Eisaku found himself up against Kalu again, and he managed to lock him in the Kunomasu Vice in the middle of the ring. Kataoka ran in to try and help, but was caught with the Predator’s Strike from Ugaki, and Kalu was quick to tap out. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Fusion by submission on Owusu by Kunomasu in 14:57. [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Rhino Umaga vs. Billy Russell[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] This match was again a clash of styles, but it didn’t seem to affect it as much as it affected the opener. As soon as the bell rang, Umaga charged towards Billy, but got caught with a vicious uppercut right to the jaw, stunning him, then another punch to the cheek. Umaga staggered backwards, and got caught with a running tackle, as Billy managed to take him to the mat, before punching him into the mat. This just seemed to anger Umaga, who pushed Billy off, and nearly decapitated him with a charging clothesline when Billy attempted a clothesline of his own. Billy got virtually no offence in the latter part of the match, as Umaga was far too angered for Billy to take him down. The end of the match came when Umaga set Billy up for the Rhino Charge in the corner, but Billy tried to get out of the way, only for Umaga to stop short of the turnbuckles, and spear Billy into the mat instead. Umaga wasn’t done yet, and pulled the former MMA fighter up to his feet, then drilled him into the mat with an Island Driver, a Samoan Driver. Billy was dumped right on the back of his neck, and he rolled around in pain on the mat, allowing for Umaga to easily pin him and get the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Rhino Umaga by pinfall in 11:34 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Noriyori Sanda vs. William Hayes #1 Contendership For the Historical Japan Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] This was a long match, but it was an epic match, as both men brought everything they had to this match, due to both wanting a shot at the Historical Japan championship. It started out as a stalemate, with Sanda and Hayes continually countering every single move, not necessarily holds, but generic moves as well. This went on for a good part of the beginning of the match, ending when Sanda caught Hayes by surprise with a Sanda Series, kicking him square in the throat with the final kick. He then tried to go up to the top rope to end the match early, but when he tried for the Dynamo Flying Elbow, Hayes rolled out of the way. Sanda landed badly on his arm, and he favoured it for the rest of the match, a factor Hayes constantly took advantage of. Hayes dominated for a while after this, even attempting to go for the End of Days, but Sanda was able to land on his feet, kicking Hayes stiffly in the stomach. Sanda then connected with a Russian Legsweep before going up top once more. Hayes sprung up to his feet and leapt to the top rope, before sending Sanda halfway across the ring with a Double Underhook Suplex from the top rope. Sanda was in a huge amount of pain, and rolled around on the mat. Hayes went over and went for the cover, but Sanda kicked out and began to mount a comeback, punching and kicking away Hayes, but after he missed a kick, Hayes nailed a Pendulum Double Knee Backbreaker, before signalling for the Slick Trick. Sanda staggered up to his feet, and Hayes promptly booted him in the gut. He then put Sanda in position and dropped him with the Slick Trick, but Sanda also caught him with a neckbreaker style move on the way down, driving his shoulder into Hayes’ neck. This left both men down, with Hayes being the first to move and make the cover. After what seemed like an eternity, the referee counted to three, making it William Hayes vs. SUKI at Night of FORTITUDE. [b]Winner:[/b] William Hayes by pinfall in 17:50 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Buddy Garner vs. Dread[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Dread.jpg[/IMG] Buddy looked very confident heading into this match, while Dread just looked like he felt like breaking a few bones tonight. As soon as the bell rang, Dread went right after the veteran Buddy, only to get nailed with a succession of quick jabs to the jaw, and then a leg sweep. However, he didn’t fall over, making Buddy try again, only to be driven into the mat with a Spinning Slam, called the Fear Factor. Buddy bounced off of the mat, and seemed to be out already, before slowly making his way to his feet. Dread instantly charged towards him, squashing him with a massive body block, before pulling Buddy up to his feet again and whipping him into the corner. Dread then ran full pelt at Buddy, but the smaller man was able to dive between his legs, and then kick Dread into the turnbuckles, making the bigger man hit his head. From this point on, Dread was dazed, and Buddy was able to take him to the mat, weakening up his leg with several different holds. Dread manage to get up, but Buddy was able to take him down with a running dropkick to the knee, and then locked him in the Garner Tendon Hold. Dread tried to claw his way to the ropes, and was just about to reach them when Garner applied a grapevine and stopped Dread going anywhere. The monster refused to tap, but eventually had to due to the pain. [b]Winners:[/b] Buddy Garner by submission in 14:54 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Mito Miwa vs. Shuji Inukai [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] This match was highly anticipated, as Inukai had a chance to stake his claim for the Glory Crown. However, Miwa was not just going to lie down and let this happen, so he brought his A-game to this match. The match started out as a stalemate, with both men getting little moments where they were in control of the match, but Miwa was able to end that with a load of quick Fire Forearms, stunning Shuji. Miwa then whipped Shuji across the ring, but was caught with a Flash High Knee, sending him to the mat. When Miwa sat up, Shuji kicked him stiffly in the back, causing him to lie back down on the mat. For a while afterwards, Shuji was in control over the Glory Champ, but Miwa managed to dodge a roundhouse kick, and nailed another forearm before taking Shuji off of his feet with a Running Elbow Smash right to the jaw. He then pulled Inukai back up to his feet and booted him in the gut before nailing a lightning fast Snap Suplex, and went for the pin. Shuji kicked out just in time, which seemed to make Miwa a little angry. He pulled his opponent up and hit him with various suplexes, but Shuji continued to kick out, until he was able to reverse a brainbuster attempt into a swinging neckbreaker. Shuji was up first, and when Miwa got up to his feet, he nailed him with a Echo Kick right to the thigh, causing Miwa to stagger backwards, gripping his leg. Shuji then followed up with a quick lariat, but was not able to get enough power behind it to knock the champ over, and when he tried again; Miwa dodged it and nailed a quick Tiger Suplex, dumping Shuji on the back of his neck. Both men managed to steal control at various points throughout the match, until Miwa finally sealed the deal with an Amphora Clutch Bomb, followed by a Pride Bomber, catching Shuji in the temple, knocking him out. Miwa made the cover, and got an impressive win. [b]Winner:[/b] Mito Miwa by pinfall in 20:53 [b]B+[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [i]Main Feelings: Not a good thing, Miwa and Shuji don’t click at all, at least they were able to put together a good match. Umaga and Russell had pretty good chemistry, as did Hayes and Sanda. I’m really considering giving Sanda and Hayes bigger matches with the bigger names, to see how they would perform, as they are among some of my most consistent, and best, performers.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] First of all, we would like to congratulate on Sam Keith’s recent title victory in Golden Canvas Grappling. He managed to unseat Hiroyasu Gakusha from his third title reign as World Heavyweight champion in one of the best matches seen since 2006, and become World champion for the first time in GCG. Onto our next card, which is the second to last one before Night of FORTITUDE. To kick off the show, we have another match between the younger members of the roster, as Nigel Svennson faces Akima Brave in singles competition. Nigel was recently upset by White Samurai, will he be at 100% focus, or will he be distracted by this loss? Then we have a match featuring three of our most prominent midcard workers, as we determine the #1 Contender for the International championship. It is a triple threat match between Masutaro Kataoka, Joshua Taylor, and Greg Keith. Two of these men, Taylor and Keith, have a well known history, which has escalated during the last few weeks. Will they only be focused on each other, or will they be able to co-exist in a ring without destroying everything in sight? They we have the other Keith son, Matthew facing off against Chojiro Kitoaji. The Keith’s have recently been dominating the undercard, and have set out a challenge for the International Tag Champ, Team Omega. Kitoaji has accepted that challenge, setting the match for Night of FORTITUDE. Will this match be a prelude to the title match? Rhino Umaga is once again in single action, facing Roku Sotomura. Roku has been falling lower and lower down in the pecking order, or so he claims. If he is able to get the victory, it could lead to a re-birth of his confidence. Will he be able to, or will Umaga just steamroll right over him like his last opponents? Team Fusion, this time consisting of Masaru Ugaki and SUKI, faces a team that has some history with SUKI, William Hayes and Shingen Miyazaki. Hayes is going to challenge SUKI for his title at Night of FORTITUDE, will he be able to get the win, and the momentum, heading into their title match, or will the newly formed Team Fusion be too much for him and Shingen to handle? In our semi-Main Event, we have Buddy Garner facing Shuji Inukai. Buddy managed to topple Dread in his last match, will this lead him to victory over Shuji, or will The Untouchable One be too angry at his loss against Mito Miwa for him? Then, in the Main Event, we see Team Fusion leader, Eisaku Kunomasu, facing a man who has challenged him as the Master of the Mat in PGHW, Yoshimi Musashibo. Which man will come out on top, and will the other Fusion members make an appearance? [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Nigel Svennson vs. Akima Brave [I]Triple Threat #1 Contendership for the International Championship[/i] Masutaro Kataoka vs. Joshua Taylor vs. Greg Keith [I]Singles[/I] Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Matthew Keith [I]Singles[/I] Rhino Umaga vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Tag Team[/I] Team Fusion (Ugaki & SUKI) vs. William Hayes & Shingen Miyazaki [I]Singles[/I] Buddy Garner vs. Shuji Inukai [I]Singles[/I] Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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PGHW Warriors Tour Singles Nigel Svennson vs. [B]Akima Brave[/B] [I]I think Svensson will get back on track here, against the SWF alumnus[/I] Triple Threat #1 Contendership for the International Championship Masutaro Kataoka vs. [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] vs. Greg Keith [I]I just can't back against 'Crazy' Taylor right now[/I] Singles Chojiro Kitoaji vs. [B]Matthew Keith[/B] [I]With Greg losing out on the International Contendership, I think Matt will pick up the win here to set up a match for the International Tag Titles with Team OMEGA[/I] Singles [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Can't see Jobomura being much of a challenger for the stampeding Rhino[/I] Tag Team [B]Team Fusion (Ugaki & SUKI)[/B] vs. William Hayes & Shingen Miyazaki [I]On one hand you will want Hayes to look strong as a challenger for SUKI's Historic Japan Belt, but I feel that Team Fusion also need to continue to look strong in their first few matches to build them up as a dangerous stable, so think they'll edge it here.[/I] Singles [B]Buddy Garner[/B] vs. Shuji Inukai [I]Inukai came off a disappointing showing against Mito Miwa in a non title match, and I think that might have planted a few seeds to maybe shake things up a bit. So on the back of his win over Dread, I think Garner will use that momentum to cause an upset over Shuji.[/I] Singles Yoshimi Musashibo vs. [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] [I]The rest of Team FUSION will make their prescence known, leading to Kunomasu picking up the victory[/I].
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PGHW Warriors Tour Singles [B]Nigel Svennson[/B] vs. Akima Brave [I]I'm going with Svennson here to get back his momentum.[/I] Triple Threat #1 Contendership for the International Championship Masutaro Kataoka vs. [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] vs. Greg Keith [I]Really, is it ever a surprise anymore that I pick Taylor? :cool: [/I] Singles Chojiro Kitoaji vs. [B][B]Matthew Keith[/B][/B] [I]Honestly, I can barely pick a winner here, but I think that Kitoaji is more focused on the tag ranks right now, so he doesn't stand to fall to far with a loss to Keith.[/I] Singles [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Rhino gets the win here, and Sotomura continues his free fall.[/I] Tag Team [B]Team Fusion (Ugaki & SUKI)[/B] vs. William Hayes & Shingen Miyazaki [I]My gut tells me that Fusion gets the win here, with SUKI possibly dropping the belt at FORITUDE. I could be completely off, though.[/I] Singles Buddy Garner vs. [B]Shuji Inukai [/B] [I]The one big problem with PGHW is their crowded main event scene, and I feel that regardless of momentum here, Inukai is just the stronger of the two.[/I] Singles [B]Yoshimi Musashibo[/B] vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [I]I'm going against Senor Tigre here and picking Mushashibo to win the match, but for Fusion to beat the bejesus out of him afterwards.[/I]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #8[/u][/b] Sunday, Week 2, April 2010. Held in front of 2,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Hiroshima Sports Park in Chugoku. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Taheiji Konoe vs. Billy Russell.[/u] [i]A surprisingly good match, with Billy getting the win after locking Konoe in a Spinning Toe Hold.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Billy Russell by submission. [b]B[/b] [u]Match 2: Ryoma Muruyama & Noriyori Sanda vs. Shiga & Yoemon.[/u] [i]In another surprisingly good match, Ryoma and Sanda get the win following a Dynamo Flying Elbow from Sanda on Shiga.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Muruyama & Sanda by pinfall on Shiga by Sanda. [b]B+[/b] [u]Match 3: Kalu Owusu vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi.[/u] [i]Owusu dominates, meeting little resistance, and gets the win with the Ivory Coast Driver.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kalu Owusu by pinfall. [b]B-[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Nigel Svennson vs. Akima Brave[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkimaBrave.jpg[/IMG] Unlike previous openers, this was at the standard suspected for an opening match, nothing special, but a solid match. This could be down to the clash of styles, with Brave being a flier and Nigel being a technician and brawler. The match started out with Nigel in control, as he was able to dodge a leg lariat attempt and connect with a knee drop right to the throat of Brave. He then continued his beating, constantly driving his knee into the face of Brave, until he seemed to be out cold before letting up. Nigel stood up and took a moment to recover, but Brave leapt up to his feet and connected with a dropkick that took Nigel off of his feet. Brave then ran to the ropes, and drove his foot right into the back of Nigel when he tried to sit up, and then nailed a flip face buster when he tried a second time. Akima went to do this second time when Nigel sat up, but the Swedish Fighter spun around and nailed him with a Flash Knee to the face, knocking Brave to the mat. Nigel then signalled to the crowd, who got behind him, and when Brave sat up, connected with the Running Knee Driver, before going for the pin and the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Nigel Svennson by pinfall in 6:02 [b]C[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Masutaro Kataoka vs. Joshua Taylor vs. Greg Keith #1 Contendership for the International Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] Each man had his own advantage coming into this match, Kataoka had experience, Keith had great all-round technique and Josh had….well…insanity. When he came out, he was carrying ‘Chairyloo’ on top of his head like a baby, which caused Kataoka to break out in laughter. Josh took offence and charged to the ring, wielding ‘Chairyloo’. However, referee Kuroda stepped in and took ‘Chairyloo’ off of him, which Josh initially resisted, but then allowed, and blew a kiss to ‘Chairyloo’. With the crowd now thoroughly confused, the match began, and Keith went straight for Josh. The two started off with a brawl, with neither seeming to get an advantage, until Kataoka intervened and kicked Josh stiffly in the back. He then threw the madman overhead with a Release German Suplex before facing Greg. Keith was ready for him however, and took the veteran down with an armbar takedown, then locked him in a Crowbar. Kataoka refused to give up, and fought for a long time, with the hold only being broken when Josh kicked Greg in the jaw. Kataoka rolled out of the ring, and Josh and Greg once again faced off. As before, neither man was able to get control, until Josh ducked a clothesline and took Greg to the mat with a snap neckbreaker. Kataoka was back in, and took Josh down with a running forearm smash, and then locked him in a rear Chinlock, applying as much pressure as possible. Josh looked at ‘Chairyloo’ at ringside and suddenly began to fight back, filled with a new energy, and found his way back up to standing, and elbowed Kataoka three times in the ribs, before sending him across the ring. The veteran ducked a rear elbow attempt, but got caught with a Sapphire Bomb. Josh went to make the cover, but Greg was back in and kicked Josh stiffly in the back. Josh slowly got up to his feet, and only just dodged a punch from Greg, then two more, before whipping Greg across the ring and nailing a leg lariat. He then stood up again, and waited for Greg to get up, and when he did, went for a Full Nelson, but Greg reversed it into a Full Nelson of his own. Josh wasn’t about to give up, and reversed it into a Stitch In Time, driving Greg right into the mat. Kataoka was back up, but was sent back down again with a second Sapphire Bomb from Josh, who made the cover and emerged victorious in this great bout. [b]Winners:[/b] Joshua Taylor by pinfall on Masutaro Kataoka in 15:39. [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Matthew Keith[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG] This was an anticipated match, as this was a bout between two second generation wrestlers, who were most likely going to be part of the next wave of main eventers. The match started off fairly slowly, with a series of standing switches and continual counters to any other moves, until Kitoaji was able to reverse a suplex into a swinging neckbreaker. He then got up and waited for Keith to do the same, and as soon as he was up, charged towards him, arm outstretched for a Lariat. Keith was able to stop his momentum with a dropkick to the knee, causing Kitoaji to trip and hit the mat. Keith then kept him grounded with a long grounded headlock, showing his technical ability by constantly shifting his weight to prevent Kitoaji from escaping, although he eventually did. They kept this up for a while, with Kitoaji managing to escape one hold, only to be locked in a different one. However, Chojiro eventually got out, and as soon as he was up, he punched Keith in the chest, and then chopped him several times, before following up with a spinning backhand, stunning Keith. He then ran to the ropes and tried for the Kitoaji Lariat when he returned, only to get caught with a running jumping lariat from Keith, taking him off of his feet. Keith then promptly locked him in the Proton Lock while he was stunned, which caused Kitoaji to tap out fairly quickly. [b]Winner:[/b] Matthew Keith by submission in 12:46 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Rhino Umaga vs. Roku Sotomura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] This match was very much another clash of styles, and although Roku lasted longer than Billy, Umaga still dominated most of the match, looking more impressive than last week. When the match started, Umaga charged right at Roku, and stampeded right over him with a running body block, squashing him. Umaga then pulled him up again and whipped him across the ring, but was caught with a running kick to the stomach, followed by a facebuster from Roku. Umaga then found himself defending, as Roku was able to keep the monster grounded with several different holds. Umaga did manage to escape eventually however, when he clawed his way over to the ropes and forced Roku to break the hold. Roku did so, and backed off a little bit, before trying to drag Umaga back to the middle of the ring. Rhino jumped up to his feet and pummelled Roku, forcing him into the corner. Rhino tried to go for the Rhino Charge, but got taken out with a Sunset Neckbreaker, driving him stiffly into the mat. Roku again took the match to the mat, keeping Umaga down, but for the second time, it was not enough, as Umaga escaped a hold and drilled Roku into the mat with a brainbuster. He then waited for Roku to get up, and when he did, almost broke him in half with a Samoan Spear, and got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Rhino Umaga by pinfall in 13:44 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Team Fusion (Ugaki & SUKI) vs. Shingen Miyazaki & William Hayes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] Kunomasu accompanied Ugaki and SUKI down to the ring, with both men proudly wearing their respective belts. When Shingen and Hayes came down to the ring, to a surprisingly loud pop, Fusion left the ring and attacked them on the ring, starting the match. Shingen and Ugaki were the first in the ring, and became the legal men. Ugaki easily gained control, and took Shingen to the mat with an arm drag, followed by a grapevine armlock, causing Shingen to yell out in pain. He tried to fight his way out of it, but was unable to, so he clawed his way to the ropes and forced Ugaki to release him. Ugaki did, and tagged in SUKI, who instantly began to stomp away at his gut before driving his elbow into the same place. He went for another, but Shingen managed to roll out of the way, and get to his feet. When SUKI got up, he was met with a stiff forearm to the jaw, then a scoop slam from Shingen, who was beginning to recover. Shingen ran to the ropes, and when he came back, drove his fist into the face of the Historical Japan champion, before tagging out to Hayes, who was more than ready to get in the ring with SUKI. When he was tagged in, Hayes leapt over the ropes and pummelled SUKI into the mat once again, as SUKI was starting to get up, before locking him in a surfboard. SUKI screamed in pain, but eventually managed to turn it around into a Northern Lights Suplex, and almost got a pinfall. The two men fought to a standstill after that, and Hayes tagged out to Shingen. The Warrior charged right at SUKI, but SUKI was ready for him, and caught him with a Double Knee Facebuster, followed by a leg drop bulldog. Both tried to gain control on the mat, but neither would give up, leading to another stalemate. SUKI then began to get desperate, and kicked away at Shingen, managing to catch him with a kick to the jaw, stunning him. Ugaki then raced in, and nailed the Predator’s Strike, and SUKI followed up with a Mountain SUKI. Hayes ran in, trying to save the match, but Ugaki got in his way while SUKI made the cover, getting the victory for his team, and getting the momentum boost. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Fusion by pinfall on Miyazaki by SUKI in 15:36 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Buddy Garner vs. Shuji Inukai[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] This was an uphill struggle from the start for Buddy, as Shuji was much larger than him. But he felt that if he could beat the much larger Dread last week, Shuji should be an easy win. He didn’t get what he expected, as Shuji was angered at his loss last week, and as a result, his shot at the Glory Crown. From the start of the match, Shuji used his size advantage to dominate Buddy, throwing him across the ring with various suplexes, until he Buddy managed to catch him in the jaw with a vicious right hook, then a belly-to-belly takedown. Garner kept the rest of the match mainly on the mat, not wanting to allow Shuji any chance to gain momentum or use his size advantage. There were various moments where it seemed like he would force Shuji to tap out, but Inukai showed his resilience by refusing to do so, and fighting out of the hold. In the last few minutes of the match, Shuji had managed to steal control, and nailed a Shuji Flash High Knee, stunning Buddy, before running to the ropes. He tried to go for the Untouchable Lariat, but Buddy was able to slide through his legs and trip him up. Buddy then grabbed hold of Shuji’s leg and locked in the Garner Tendon Hold. Shuji again showed his resilience by fighting the urge to tap out, but the pain grew to strong for him, and he tapped out. [b]Winners:[/b] Buddy Garner by submission in 15:31 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] The main feeling going into this match was that it would be a classic, not matter what, as both men are technical masters, and each had something to lose should they not come out on top. At the start of the match, both men were very cautious, and went for a generic collar and elbow tie up. Neither was able to gain the advantage, until Eisaku was able to slap an Arm Wringer on Yoshimi, causing him to wince in pain. The Phenom was too focused on winning to just let Eisaku get control, and managed to spin out of the move and nail a Kesagiri, sending Eisaku straight to the mat. Yoshimi then took control of the match, locking Eisaku in every hold he knew. However, Eisaku slowly grew to predict what Yoshimi was going to do, and the two men began to go hold for hold on the mat, resulting in a standing stalemate. Yoshimi was the first to move after this, but got caught with a kick to the gut, followed by a clubbing blow to the back, sending him down to one knee. Eisaku then wrenched his arm back all the way, and forced Yoshimi’s body away with his free hand, trying to deal maximum damage. Yoshimi fought out of it however, which surprised Eisaku and he booted the veteran in the gut before sending him overhead with a Musashibo-Plex II, and went for the cover, but Eisaku kicked out at two. Yoshimi then drove his elbow into the back of Eisaku’s head, trying to weaken him up for the Yoshimi Lock, but when he tried to hit a leg drop, Eisaku rolled out of the way and kicked the Phenom stiffly in the back. He then locked him in all sorts of armbar variations until he managed to effortlessly lock in the Kunomasu Vice. Yoshimi put up a huge fight, but had to tap out after a long resistance due to the huge amount of damage the move was doing to his arm, giving Eisaku the win. After the match, Ugaki and SUKI ran down to the ring and began to put the boots to Yoshimi, with Eisaku joining in, until Mito Miwa, Nobuatsu Tatsuko and Buddy Garner, the favoured elite, ran down to save him. Fusion ran for it, leaving a bloodied Yoshimi in the ring, unconscious. [b]Winner:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu by submission in 24:41 [b]A[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [i]Main Feelings: A fairly good show, with Brave and Svennson appearing to have pretty good chemistry, while Chojiro and Matt didn’t seem to click.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center] And thankyou for the nomination in the DOTM thread Tigerkinney, it's great to know you are enjoying the diary. And good to see your back hrdcoresideburns, I was worrying where Josh's #1 fan had gone lol.
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] This is the final show before Night of FORTITUDE, and arguably one of the biggest events of the New Year for PGHW. To kick off this show, we again showcase the undercard, with Nigel Svennson taking on Mohamed El Yaaggoudi. Both men are known for their great brawling skills, which man will come out on top? Then we have International #1 Contender Joshua Taylor in action against Billy Russell. Billy has been in a slump as of late, while Taylor has been ripping through the promotion, mainly because most of them are too freaked out by him. Will this match be any different for either man? We then see International tag champ Tetsunori Yasuda face off against one of his challengers, as his partner Chojiro Kitoaji did last time, Greg Keith. A win for either man will give a massive momentum boost for their respective teams, so who will get that, will it be Yasuda to even out the odds, or will Greg tip the match in their favour even more? Following that, in order to get tag title Contendership in order, we have Shingen Miyazaki and Noriyori Sanda taking on Team Power Experience, with the winner facing Team Toronto at Night of FORTITUDE. Toronto themselves will be at ringside, as they are eager to see who they will be defending against on their anniversary with the belts. William Hayes is then in action, to warm up for his title match against SUKI, against Akinori Kwakami. Will Hayes use this match to prove a point, or will Kwakami take advantage of Hayes’ focus being elsewhere? In the semi-main event, we have Nobuatsu Tatsuko in action against Bryan Holmes, in a battle of veterans. Which man will take the win and further their rise up the roster? Finally, in our Main Event, we have Glory Crown Champion Mito Miwa teaming up with Yoshimi Musashibo to take on Fusion Leader Eisaku Kunomasu and Raymond Diaz. Miwa came to the aid of Yoshimi last time when he was attacked by Fusion, while also looking to get the momentum heading into his title match against Diaz. Which team will get the win here tonight, will Diaz get even more momentum heading into the biggest opportunity of his career, or will Miwa topple him before the big day? [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Nigel Svennson vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi [I]Singles[/I] Joshua Taylor vs. Billy Russell [I]Singles[/I] Tetsunori Yasuda vs. Greg Keith [I]Tag Team[/I] Miyazaki & Sanda vs. Team Power Experience [I]Singles[/I] William Hayes vs. Akinori Kwakami [I]Singles[/I] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Bryan Holmes [I]Tag Team[/I] Mito Miwa & Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Eisaku Kunomasu & Raymond Diaz [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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PGHW Warriors Tour Singles [B]Nigel Svennson[/B] vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi [I]As lower carders go, Svensson's had a bit more booking focus behind him, compared to MEY.[/I] Singles [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] vs. Billy Russell [I]Taylor continues his hot streak. It's just a shame that the PGHW product does not really allow for 'mixed tag' matches with 'Chairlyoo'[/I] :D Singles Tetsunori Yasuda vs. [B]Greg Keith[/B] [I]Greg Keith, to get the psychologically boosting singles win, to make the Keith's look like even more credible challengers going into Night of FORTITUDE[/I] Tag Team [B]Miyazaki & Sanda[/B] vs. Team Power Experience [I]Team Power Experience, might be the more regular pairing, but I think the overall ability of Miyazaki & Sanda will see them through to victory. [/I] Singles [B]William Hayes[/B] vs. Akinori Kwakami [I]Kwakami will be a strong test, but Hayes needs to keep the momentum going before he challenges for the Historic Japan Belt.[/I] Singles [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes [I]For me there is one way to describe Bryan Holmes in PGHW and that is 'Jobber to the Stars'[/I] Tag Team [B]Mito Miwa & Yoshimi Musashibo[/B] vs. Eisaku Kunomasu & Raymond Diaz [I]Could easily go either way, I think the 'faces' if you could call them that, get a bit of revenge, as Kunomasu and Diaz fail to co-exist.[/I]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #9[/u][/b] Tuesday, Week 3, April 2010. Held in front of 2,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Kagawa Sports Field in Shikoku. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Team Fusion (Ugaki & SUKI) vs. Shiga & Yoemon.[/u] [i]An amazing match, with Fusion taking the win following a Fusion Experiment (Double Running Corner Shiranui).[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Ugaki & SUKI by pinfall on Shiga by Ugaki. [b]A[/b] [u]Match 2: Team Toronto vs. Kazushige Matsuki & Taheiji Konoe.[/u] [i]Toronto dominate in a decent match, putting Matsuki away with the Canadian Violence from Alex.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Toronto by pinfall on Matsuki by Alexander. [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 3: Hirokazu Yamanoue vs. Rhino Umaga.[/u] [i]Umaga destroys the veteran, hitting the Island Driver in under two minutes.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Rhino Umaga by pinfall. [b]B+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Nigel Svennson vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MohamedElYaaggoudi.jpg[/IMG] Nigel was fairly confident going into this match, as he had been training to defend against Mohamed’s style of attack, but he was not fully sure of what to expect. The match started with a generic tie up, and Mohamed instantly made use of his feet, as he kicked Nigel in the thigh, then in the chest, and finally in the back, brining Nigel down to his knees. He then tried to go for a jumping roundhouse, but Nigel was only just able to duck underneath, and swept Mohamed’s legs out from under him. From there, Nigel kept the match on the mat, pummelling Mohamed and making sure he couldn’t use his feet. However, this was not to be, as Mohamed was able to fight his way back up to standing, and gain control again with vicious kick to the side of the head. Nigel was dazed, but was able to reverse a suplex into a neckbreaker, stealing back control. He then looked around and signalled for the fans, who began to cheer for him, as he began to stomp on the ground. Mohamed began to move, and when he sat up, Nigel charged and wiped him out with a Running Knee Drive. He made the cover, and got another victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Nigel Svennson by pinfall in 8:27 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Joshua Taylor vs. Billy Russell[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] This was an amazing match, as both men brought their A-games, and fought a tough battle. The match started out with Billy trying to floor Josh with a few punches, but Taylor was able to dodge each one, before booting him in the gut and driving him into the mat with a gutwrench suplex. He then tried to gain control on the mat, but Billy went hold for hold with him, resulting in stalemate. Both men then got up to their feet and backed off, before Josh laughed and charged towards Billy, trying to nail a Superkick, but Billy clotheslined him, turning him inside out. Josh was dazed, allowing Billy to pummel him into the mat and lock him in several different holds. Taylor refused to give up however, and eventually clawed his way to the ropes, forcing Billy to back off. When Josh got up to his feet, Billy tried to knee him in side of the head, but Josh moved out of the way and kicked him in the back, before whipping him across the ring. When he came back, Josh dove under his legs, before drilling him into the mat with a devastating Sapphire Bomb. Billy bounced off of the mat from the impact, and Josh made the cover, getting the victory. After the bell rang, Josh began to laugh again, this time with a sadistic look on his face. He rolled out of the ring and reached for ‘Chairyloo’, only to have Sam Keith emerge from under the ring instead, holding ‘her’. Josh began to cry and shake uncontrollably, before screaming in anger and booting Sam in the gut. He dropped ‘Chairyloo’, but this didn’t help him, as Josh punched and kicked him several times all over his body, resulting in Sam bleeding, lying prone on the outside. Josh then picked ‘her’ up, slapped ‘her’, and headed to the back. [b]Winners:[/b] Joshua Taylor by pinfall in 14:46. [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Tetsunori Yasuda vs. Greg Keith[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] This was a classic brawler vs. technician match, which may be why there were a few awkward moments within it. The match started with the usual tie up, until Greg tried to take Yasuda to the mat with a flapjack, only to be kneed in the head, and then elbowed in the back before finally being planted with a DDT. Yasuda pulled him back up and began to brawl with him before whipping him across the ring. When he came back, Yasuda leapfrogged over Keith, but was drilled with a Reverse DDT, as Keith stopped before getting to the ropes. Keith then took the match back to the mat, and managed to keep control of the match for while, only to have Yasuda fight his way back up to his feet while in a Chinlock, and regain control with a snap suplex. However, Yasuda made the mistake of giving Keith time to recover, and soon found himself back on the mat, as Keith speared him before locking him in a bow and arrow lock. Yasuda screamed in pain, and was close to tapping, but managed to hold on long enough for Keith to release him in frustration. Yasuda got up to his feet, and managed to boot an incoming Greg in the gut, and went for the Minilla Plunge, only for Keith to flip out of it and fling him overhead with a German Suplex. Keith then locked him in the Proton Lock, as Yasuda was too dazed to fight back, and despite fighting for a while, Yasuda eventually tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Greg Keith by submission in 15:14. [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Miyazaki & Sanda vs. Team Power Experience (Kataoka & Owusu)[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] Another great match, with Miyazaki and Sanda appearing to have excellent chemistry as partners. The match started with Sanda and Owusu as the legal men, and Owusu was instantly able to gain control, booting Sanda in the gut and flinging him across the ring with a belly to belly suplex. Sanda took the beating, but managed to mount a huge comeback, when he landed on his feet following a back body drop, and hit a chop block, followed by a flip legdrop. Owusu then found himself on the defence, with Sanda using his superior agility to outmanoeuvre Kalu. Sanda soon tagged out Shingen, who leapt over the ropes and ran towards Kalu. He was just getting up to his feet after a brainbuster, and got hit with a running dropkick from Shingen, but remained standing. Shingen tried to boot him in the gut, but Kalu caught his leg, then clotheslined Shingen to the mat. Kalu then tagged out to Kataoka, who was able to keep control of the match, keeping Shingen grounded, until Shingen nailed a running heel kick, and tagged out to Sanda. The two kept tagging in and out, isolating Kataoka from his corner. The end of the match came when Shingen rushed in, while Sanda climbed the turnbuckles. Shingen nailed the veteran Kataoka with the Cavalry Charge, a running thrust kick, knocking him to the mat. Sanda then leapt off of the top and nailed the Dynamic Flying Elbow, before making the pin. Shingen kicked Kalu off of the apron as he did, and the referee counted to three. [b]Winner:[/b] Miyazaki & Sanda by pinfall on Kataoka by Sanda in 14:35 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] William Hayes vs. Akinori Kwakami[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] This was another great match, with several near falls happening throughout, raising the fans opinion of Kwakami greatly. The match started with Hayes in control after a flurry of chops, backing Kwakami into the corner. He then tried to go for a Superplex, but Kwakami countered and pushed Hayes off of the top. He waited for Will to get up, and when he did, Kwakami flew off and connected with a Missile Dropkick. He then took the match to the mat, concentrating on Will’s legs, weakening him up for the Kwakami Painlock. Hayes fought back though, clawing his way to the ropes while on the mat, and using them to pull himself up. Kwakami tried to hit a big boot, but Hayes moved out of the way, and took advantage by planting Kwakami with a vicious backbreaker. He rolled around on the mat in pain, clutching his back, until Hayes pulled him, up to his feet and booted him in the gut again. He went for a Tiger Bomb style backbreaker, but Kwakami flipped out of the move, and nailed Hayes with a forearm shot to the temple, stunning him. Kwakami then ran to the ropes and tried to nail a spear, but Hayes nailed him in the side of the head with a thrust kick, then pulled Kwakami up for a Slick Trick, and made the cover after nailing the move. [b]Winner:[/b] William Hayes by pinfall in 15:54 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Bryan Holmes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] Tatsuko went right after Holmes as soon as the bell rang, kicking away at him before whipping him across the ring. When he came back, Tatsuko floored him with a Sole Kick, and kept control going by grounding the veteran gaijin. However, after a while, they ended up in a stalemate, with Holmes managing to find some way to escape each hold Tatsuko threw at him. They brawled their way back up to standing, and continued to brawl into the corner, with Tatsuko nailing Holmes with a forearm smash to the face. He continued the barrage, battering away at Holmes, until pulling him out to nail a Belly to belly suplex. The veteran Tatsuko then took some time to recover, but this allowed Holmes to surprise him with a boot to the gut and a bulldog, enabling him to steal away the control. Holmes kept control of the match for a while, but lost it when he tried to go for the Cyclone Shock Kick, only to have Tatsuko duck it. Tatsuko waited for a Bryan to get up, and when he did, nailed the Tatsuko Blind Kick, before going for the cover and getting the victory in a well fought contest. [b]Winners:[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko by pinfall in 14:45 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Mito Miwa & Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Raymond Diaz & Eisaku Kunomasu [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] This was a massively anticipated contest, and it didn’t disappoint at all. There was a lot of storied history between each man in this match. Diaz was challenging Miwa for the Glory Crown in two days, and so both men were looking to get that all important momentum boost heading into it, while Eisaku had ordered the beating on Yoshimi three days ago by Team Fusion. The match started with Miwa and Eisaku as the legal men, and they instantly went for each other, resulting in a series of standing switches as neither man was able to effectively gain control. After a while however, control went to Eisaku, who managed to trip up Miwa and lock him in several different variations of the armbar, until Miwa was eventually able to escape by rolling out of the move, and ending up on his feet. Eisaku tried to take him down again with an arm drag, but Miwa refused to move, and instead flung Eisaku across the ring with a hip toss. Eisaku jumped up to his feet, and tried to clothesline the champ, but Miwa ducked underneath him and nailed an Amphora Clutch Suplex, before tagging out to his partner. Yoshimi ran into the ring and began to stomp wildly at the chest of Eisaku, eager to get revenge. Eisaku was barely able to defend against the shots, and only just managed to get up to his knees. Yoshimi then went for a running kick to the face, but Eisaku dodged it and got back up to his feet, albeit slightly dazed. He then took his chance and kicked Yoshimi in the knees before locking him in a surfboard, eager to weaken him up for the Kunomasu Vice. He had control for while, until Yoshimi was able to fight his way out and floor him with a Kesagiri. When Eisaku got up, he raced over to his corner and tagged in the monstrous Diaz. Diaz dominated Yoshimi, throwing him around the ring, and almost broke him in half when he whipped the phenom incredibly hard into the turnbuckles, following up with a spear. He went for the cover, but Miwa ran in and stopped it. For a while after that, Diaz got several near falls, with Yoshimi only just managing to tag out to Miwa when he dodged a big boot. Miwa was fairly eager, but slightly worried, to step in the ring with Diaz, and found himself on the defence first, until he was able to dodge a lariat attempt and take out Diaz’s legs with a chop block. The two ended up brawling for pretty much the rest of the match, until Diaz turned Miwa inside out with a successful lariat, and tagged out to Kunomasu. However, Eisaku was too confident getting into the ring, and locked Miwa in fairly loose holds. This allowed the champ to fight his way out and regain control. The end of the match came as a result of this, with Eisaku trying to steal back control with a running shoulder block, only to have Miwa duck under it and nailed a Pride Bomber, knocking Kunomasu to the mat, due to it hitting him right in the temple. He made the cover, and Yoshimi ran in to stop Diaz from getting into the ring, but found himself on the wrong end of a Ray Gun because of it. Miwa managed to get the pin though, as Diaz took too long to get in the ring. This marked the third time Eisaku had fallen prey and lost a match because of the Pride Bomber, which must surely be burning a hole in him. After the bell rang, Diaz got incredibly angry, and threw Yoshimi from the ring, and pulled Miwa high into the air. Mito was able to kick Diaz across the face when he did this however, causing him to drop him, before nailing him with a Pride Bomber as well. However, Diaz seemed to show absolutely no effect at all from the move, as he just stood there smiling, which caused the champ to kick him in the knees to distract him then nail it again, knocking Diaz down to his knees. Miwa then ran to the ropes, and tried to nail a third version, but Diaz caught the champ around the throat, then drilled him into the mat with a Chokeslam. The final image we have before Night of FORTITUDE is Diaz standing over the fallen champ, with Yoshimi out cold on the outside, and Eisaku still on the mat as well. [b]Winner:[/b] Mito Miwa & Yoshimi Musashibo by pinfall on Kunomasu by Miwa in 22:27 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A* [i]Main Feelings: My first A* show, which is fantastic, providing a great lead heading into Night of FORTITUDE. Josh and Billy had pretty good chemistry, while Hayes and Kwakami had great chemistry.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] We have finally arrived at Night of FORTITUDE, the biggest night of Raymond Diaz’s career as he steps into the ring to challenge Mito Miwa for the PGHW Glory Crown championship. Diaz won the Elite Series last month, and has carved a path of destruction on his way to the top, one can only imagine what is going through the mind of the champion Miwa the moment. We also, following a lucrative working agreement, we have secured three top talents from WLW, and are pitting them against some of our up and coming stars. To start off the night, we have the first PGHW vs. WLW bout of the evening, with Nigel Svennson taking on Bussho Makiguchi. This is Bussho’s second appearance with PGHW, with his first being during the Dream tour. What will the score be, will it be PGHW 1, WLW 0, or will Bussho upset the Swedish Brawler? We then see an anticipated bout, with Masaru Ugaki defending his International title against Joshua Taylor. Recently, Josh has been carving, much like Diaz before him, a path through the card, and has made enemies throughout the roster. Will ‘Chairyloo’ make an appearance? Will the Keith family get their revenge on Taylor through Ugaki? The second PGHW vs. WLW bout then takes place, with the undefeated Rhino Umaga taking on Magnum KOBE. This is set to be a clash of styles, with Rhino’s outright brawling taking on KOBE’s flying. Another anticipated match follows shortly after that, with Team Omega putting their belts on the line against the Keith Brothers. Will Omega continue their hot streak, and put the Keith’s in their place? Or will the Keith’s pick up their first piece of PGHW gold here tonight? Matt has already experience championship gold, winning the Burning Openweight Championship in August 2009. Will this be a factor? Our final PGHW vs. WLW match takes place, with veteran Bryan Vessey taking on the demonic Hell Monkey. Which style will come out on top? Bryan’s technical skills? Or HM’s agility and flying? Our third title match of the evening follows suit, with Team Toronto putting their titles on the line against Shingen Miyazaki and Noriyori Sanda. Will Toronto’s incredible experience as a team give them an advantage over the newly formed team of Miyazaki & Sanda? We then have a #1 Contenders match, with Akinori Kwakami taking on Bryan Holmes, in the hope of earning a shot at the Historical Japan title. Both men are former Japan champions, so they understand the value of the title. Our fourth title match follows that, with SUKI putting his Historical Japan championship on the line against William Hayes. Both men have recently been on impressive streaks, with SUKI also being a founding member of Team Fusion, alongside Masaru Ugaki and Eisaku Kunomasu. Will this affect the outcome? Can Hayes pick up his first piece of major singles gold in PGHW? In our semi Main Event, we have a grudge match between Yoshimi Musashibo and Eisaku Kunomasu, the leader of Team Fusion. Eisaku was responsible for the beatdown on Yoshimi a week ago, which left the Phenom fuming, but bloodied. Will Fusion make an appearance again? And to top it off, as mentioned before, we have Mito Miwa facing Raymond Diaz, with Miwa’s Glory Crown title on the line. Will it be the Pride Bomber, or the Ray Gun? ‘The Pride Warrior’ or ‘The Behemoth’? [u]PGHW Night of FORTITUDE[/u] [I]Singles PGHW vs. WLW[/I] Nigel Svennson vs. Bussho Makiguchi [I]Singles For the PGHW International Championship[/I] Masaru Ugaki© vs. Joshua Taylor [I]Singles PGHW vs. WLW[/I] Rhino Umaga vs. Magnum KOBE [I]Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Championships[/I] Team Omega© vs. Matthew & Greg Keith [i]Singles PGHW vs. WLW[/i] Bryan Vessey vs. Hell Monkey [I]Tag Team For the PGHW Glory Tag Crown Championships[/I] Team Toronto© vs. Miyazaki & Sanda [I]Singles #1 Contendership for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/I] Akinori Kwakami vs. Bryan Holmes [I]Singles For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/I] SUKI© vs. William Hayes [I]Singles[/I] Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [I]Singles For the PGHW Glory Crown Championship[/I] Mito Miwa© vs. Raymond Diaz [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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First of all Congratulations on putting together your first A* star :) Hopefully you can follow that up with an equally as good Night of Fortitude [B]PGHW Night of FORTITUDE[/B] Singles PGHW vs. WLW Nigel Svennson vs. [B]Bussho Makiguchi[/B] [I]As it's part of a series , I think WLW get off to a flier with Makiguchi claiming victory. [/I] Singles For the PGHW International Championship Masaru Ugaki© vs. Joshua Taylor [B](DRAW)[/B] [I]Difficult one this, because on one hand Ugaki has just joined TEAM Fusion and they need to stay hot as a stable. Taylor on the other hand has been on huge hot streak, despite being obviously an entire picnic basket short of a country house weekend. Think Ugaki will retain the belt, but it'll end in some sort of chaotic no contest.[/I] Singles PGHW vs. WLW [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Magnum KOBE [I]You've built Umaga up pretty strong so far, why throw that away by jobbing him to a WLW Mid-Carder[/I] Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Championships [B]Team Omega©[/B] vs. Matthew & Greg Keith [I]At last Team Omega have some serious competition for the secondary Tag Belts. Keith's will run them closer than their previous challengers but I still see Omega retaining.[/I] Singles PGHW vs. WLW Bryan Vessey vs. [B]Hell Monkey[/B] [I]I know PGHW are the home-team here, but I'm more of a fan of Hell Monkey and to be honest Vessey doesn't do much for me. So I'll say that Monkey will cause the slight upset, with WLW leaving with their heads held high. With PGHW's pride hurting, this can lead to another 'series' between the two promotions. [/I] Tag Team For the PGHW Glory Tag Crown Championships Team Toronto© vs. [B]Miyazaki & Sanda[/B] [I]Miyazaki and Sanda may be coming into this match as a thrown together partnership, but I think they'll pull of the 'shock' here and end Team Toronto's title run, as their thrown together team suddenly becomes a more full time commitment.[/I] Singles #1 Contendership for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship [B]Akinori Kwakami[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes [I]Holmes seriously needs to string some wins together, before I can perceive than being more than a Gaijin Jobber to the Stars, I suppose winning this match would help, won't stop me backing Kwakami to win this though.[/I] Singles For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship [B]SUKI©[/B] vs. William Hayes [I]I think SUKI with Team Fusion behind him, will have a pretty solid run with the PGHW mid-card belt.[/I] Singles Yoshimi Musashibo vs. [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] [I]Musashibo's team got the win on the previous show, but I think Kunomasu will a win back here. I think Kunomasu actually needs to get a win back here, so that he can look strong as the leader of Team Fusion.[/I] Singles For the PGHW Glory Crown Championship Mito Miwa© vs. [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] [I]Diaz has been built up as a total beast, and they way you had him standing over everyone else, in the post match melee and just shaking off Mito Miwa's Pride Bombers, you made him look absolutely unstoppable.[/I] [I]This could go one of two ways, you'll either continue with Diaz's 'unstoppable' push and have him defeat Miwa for the title, or you'll have his run ended by Miwa, and by doing so making the champion look even stronger. In my opinion Miwa's had a good run with the belt, so I think you'll stump for the first option.[/I]
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I've been catching up with this diary lately, and I like how you've been developing certain characters, and I also like your booking, you've been having great ratings, I'll keep watching this one, as for my predictions: Singles PGHW vs. WLW Nigel Svennson vs. [B]Bussho Makiguchi[/B] Singles For the PGHW International Championship [B]Masaru Ugaki©[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor Singles PGHW vs. WLW [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Magnum KOBE Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Championships Team Omega© vs. [B]Matthew & Greg Keith[/B] Singles PGHW vs. WLW [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] vs. Hell Monkey Tag Team For the PGHW Glory Tag Crown Championships [B]Team Toronto©[/B] vs. Miyazaki & Sanda Singles #1 Contendership for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship [B]Akinori Kwakami[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes Singles For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship [B]SUKI©[/B] vs. William Hayes Singles [B]Yoshimi Musashibo[/B] vs. Eisaku Kunomasu Singles For the PGHW Glory Crown Championship Mito Miwa© vs. [B]Raymond Diaz[/B]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Night of FORTITUDE[/u][/b] Friday, Week 3, April 2010. Held in front of 15,000 (SELLOUT) fans at the Nara Football Stadium In Kinki [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Sam Keith vs. Billy Russell [/u] [i] Keith has his return match in the pre-show, putting on a fantastic match, getting the win with the Proton Lock in about six minutes.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Sam Keith by submission. [b]A[/b] [u]Match 2: Kawashima/Kataoka/Heat vs. Matsuki/Konoe/Samurai [/u] [i]Kawashima gets the win for his team with the Kawashima Driver ’10 in about five minutes.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kawashima/Kataoka/Heat by pinfall on Konoe by Kawashima. [b]B[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Nigel Svennson vs. Bussho Makiguchi PGHW vs. WLW[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WLW%20Guests/BusshoMakiguchi.jpg[/IMG] When Bussho came out, he received a large amount of boos, as he was the trainee of the traitorous PRIDE Koiso, which seemed to anger him, while Nigel came out to a large amount of cheers. When the match started, Nigel went straight for Bussho, aiming to take him to the mat, but Bussho dodged the move and tripped Nigel up with a drop toehold, before taking the match to the mat himself, and keeping control for a while. Nigel refused to give up though, no matter what was thrown at him, and he eventually managed to escape after fighting his way over to the ropes. When he got up, Bussho tried to floor him with a clothesline, but Nigel ducked it and took control of the match, hitting a series of suplexes, before attempting a cover, only to have Bussho kick out at two. He then pulled his opponent up to his feet, and whipped him into the corner before following up with a running knee drive to the gut, causing Bussho to collapse to the mat in pain. Nigel stayed in control for a while after, before attempting the Running Knee Drive, only to have Bussho move out of the way at the last moment, and catch him with a Blazing Elbow from behind, connecting right with the back of his head. Bussho then made the cover, while the fans booed, and managed to get the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Bussho Makiguchi by pinfall in 10:04 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Masaru Ugaki© vs. Joshua Taylor For the PGHW International Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_International.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] This was a fantastic match between two rising stars, as they brought their A-games to the ring tonight, and left it all in there. Yet again, Taylor came out with ‘Chairyloo’, this time with her hair flowing down her….well….back, which Josh continually stroked on his way to the ring. Ugaki had a look of pure disgust on his face as Josh made his way down, clearly upset with having to face him tonight. When the bell rang, Josh began to shake a little bit, which worried Ugaki a bit, allowing Josh to surprise him with a lariat out of nowhere, followed by Josh pummelling the champ into the mat with several strikes. Josh remained in control for a long time, as Ugaki was just unable to defend against the assault, until he flipped out of a German Suplex attempt and kicked Josh in the back, causing him to fall to his feet. Ugaki then tried to go for a Shiranui, but Josh lifted him into the air before planting him with a side slam. Ugaki did manage to get control late in the match, when he booted Josh in the gut after a missed clothesline, then hit a leg lariat, knocking Josh to the mat. Towards the end of the match, with Ugaki in control, Josh was beginning to get increasingly angry, and he exploded out of a headlock, and threw Ugaki high into the air with a belly to belly. He then grabbed ‘Chairyloo’ from the outside, which prompted the Keith family to emerge from the back and race down to the ring. Josh quickly retreated into the ring, but was caught with a Predator’s Strike out of nowhere from Ugaki, sending him to the mat. Ugaki then tried to go for the cover, but Rhino Umaga stampeded from out the back to help Josh for some reason. The Keith’s tried to stop Umaga, but he barged right through them and clambered into the ring, flooring Ugaki with a Rhino Charge. The referee had had enough by this point, and ended the match, unable to decide a winner, since both men had been attacked. [b]Winner:[/b] Draw in 17:51 due to referee stoppage. Ugaki makes defence number 3 of his International Title. [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Rhino Umaga vs. Magnum KOBE PGHW vs. WLW[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WLW%20Guests/MagnumKobe.jpg[/IMG] This was a clash of styles to the finest detail, as have most of Umaga’s matches as of late. However, this time, he found a lot more resistance from the rising star that is Magnum KOBE. When the bell rang, Rhino though the match was going to be easy, and so moved slower than usual, allowing Kobe to catch him with a hurracanrana out of nowhere, quickly followed up with a flip senton leg drop. Rhino then found himself on the defence, as he was not prepared for the agility that Kobe had. He did manage to eventually make his comeback though, when Kobe tried to nail a standing hurracanrana, but Umaga held onto his legs before driving him down into the mat with a monstrous powerbomb. From then on, Umaga held control, as he either tied Kobe in knots on the mat, or kept the flier in check with several powerful moves. The end of the match came when Umaga whipped Kobe into the corner, and tried to nail the Rhino Charge, but Kobe leapt out of the way, and then onto the top rope. He then tried to nail a Diving Cross Body Press, but Rhino caught him mid-flight with a vicious spear, almost breaking him in half, and getting the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Rhino Umaga by pinfall in 13:08 [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)© vs. The Keith’s (Greg & Matt) For the PGHW International Tag Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_InternationalTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG] This was an anticipated match, and it didn’t disappoint, as both teams went for each other’s throats from the very start. When the bell rang, it was Kitoaji and Matt who started out as the legal men, and they locked up, before Matt was able to eventually able to take him to the mat, and from there he dominated for a while, as he was just that little step ahead of Kitoaji to prevent him from escaping. However, Yasuda ended up coming in and he kicked Matt in the side of the head, allowing Kitoaji time to get up. When he did, they both pulled Matt up to his feet, and whipped him across the ring. Greg leapt into the ring however, and took Yasuda down with a running back elbow, while Matt was able to throw Kitoaji overhead with a back body drop. There were several near falls and tags made during the rest of the match, and the fans were on the edge of their seats by the time the end came. The match ended with Kitoaji and Greg as the legal men, with Matt on the outside, brawling with Yasuda. Greg whipped Kitoaji into the ropes, and tried to take him down with a drop toehold, but Kitoaji leapt over him, and flipped him over with a Kitoaji Lariat when he returned, and made the cover. Matt tried to break the pin, but Yasuda stopped him from entering the ring, and Kitoaji got the victory, retaining the belts for his team. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall on Greg by Kitoaji in 14:55 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Bryan Vessey vs. Hell Monkey PGHW vs. WLW[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WLW%20Guests/HellMonkey_alt.jpg[/IMG] This final match of the PGHW vs. WLW series topped all of the previous ones, as could be expected, with Bryan really stepping up his game in order to keep his home team from losing to the invaders tonight. When the match started, Monkey ducked a lariat attempt, and swept Bryan’s legs out from under him before nailing a swinging elbow drop. He then tried to leap up top, but Bryan quickly got up to his feet and threw Monkey right across the ring. From there, Bryan kept the flying sensation on the mat with several different holds, as he knew that if he grounded Monkey, he would lose his advantage. However, Monkey was not willing to go out without a bang, and he fought his way back up to his feet while in a headlock, and elbowed Bryan three times in the gut before running to the ropes. When he came back, Bryan caught him for a scoop slam, but Monkey reversed it into a hurracanrana, stealing away control. They then locked up, but neither was able to gain control until Bryan broke away and floored Monkey with a vicious punch right to the jaw. Monkey was dazed, but still went up top after catching Bryan off guard with a spinning leg lariat. He then flew into the air, aiming for the Tumbling Monkey, but Bryan rolled out of the way, and as soon as Monkey rose to his feet, very weak and damaged, Bryan charged towards him and nailed the Vessey Line, before making the cover. Monkey was out cold at this time, and was unable to kick out, leaving PGHW victorious over WLW tonight. [b]Winner:[/b] Bryan Vessey by pinfall in 14:38 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Team Toronto© vs. Miyazaki & Sanda For the PGHW Glory Tag Crown Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_GloryTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AlexanderRobinson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/LeeBennett.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] Another great match, as Miyazaki and Sanda showcased excellent tag team chemistry, being almost as fluid as Team Toronto in their tag team moves. Both teams shook hands before the bell rang, with the legal men being Miyazaki and Alex. They started off with a standard brawl, only ending when Sanda was able to flip over Alex after being whipped across the ring, and then taking the champ down with a stiff snap backbreaker. He then tagged out to Shingen, who continued the beat down, stomping away wildly at the champ’s gut. He then pulled Alex up to his feet before booting him in the gut and lifting him up for a brainbuster, only to have Alex drop down behind him and connect with a spin kick to the jaw, sending Shingen staggering back. Several quick tags followed, with neither team really able to gain the advantage, until Shingen was able to duck a Canadian Violence attempt, and then super kicked Alex right in the jaw, knocking him to the mat. He then tagged out to Sanda, who went up to the top rope, but Lee shoved him off from the apron. Shingen threw Lee into the ring, and they began to brawl. Alex had gotten up by this point, and went for another Canadian Violence, but Shingen dodged again, and it caught Lee instead! He went flying over the top rope, and before Alex could react, he was nailed in the jaw again, and then hit with the Dynamo Flying Elbow. Sanda hooked the leg with an incredibly happy look on his face, as the fans leaned forward, eager to see the result, while Shingen kept an eye on Lee on the outside. When the referee counted to three, the fans erupted in applause, while Shingen and Sanda embraced before being handed the titles, and celebrating together! [b]Winner:[/b] Miyazaki & Sanda by pinfall on Robinson by Sanda in 15:58. Miyazaki & Sanda win the PGHW Glory Tag Crown Championships [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 7:[/b] Akinori Kwakami vs. Bryan Holmes #1 Contendership for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] This was a great match between two very talented people. Holmes is very underappreciated here, as he has a huge amount of talent, as has Kwakami. This was a chance for them to burst out of that slump and head towards championship gold. When the match started, both men went straight for each other, and tried to take the other to the mat, but this resulted in a series of standing switches, with neither man ever able to get control. Holmes was the first to break this, when he caught Kwakami around the jaw with a sharp elbow, and took advantage by throwing Kwakami to the mat with an arm drag. Holmes then tried to force Kwakami to submit, locking him in all kinds of holds, but Kwakami was able to hold on long enough to grab the ropes and get back up to standing. He then caught Holmes with a kick to the knee, followed by the Locomotion Knee Breakers, before attempting to lock in the Kwakami Painlock early on. Bryan fought out of it though, refusing to tap out and lose his chance, and he eventually managed to claw his way to the ropes. He then used them to get up to his feet, and a series of standing switches was quick to follow. The end of the match came fairly abruptly, with the lead up to it being very even. Bryan nailed Kwakami with a sharp knee to the jaw, stunning him long enough for Bryan to attempt the Cyclone Shock Kick, but Kwakami was just able to dodge it, and he hastily locked Bryan in the Kwakami Painlock as soon as he hit the mat. The veteran screamed in the pain and fought on for a long time, but when Kwakami threatened to break his leg he tapped out. [b]Winners:[/b] Akinori Kwakami by submission in 14:23 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 8:[/b] SUKI© vs. William Hayes For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_Historical.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] This match was highly anticipated, as Hayes has really stepped up his game as of late, and was incredibly eager going into this match, looking to gain his first major piece of gold. SUKI had his back up however, and this caused him to be very c0cky heading into it. The match started with Hayes using his size advantage to batter SUKI around the ring, but he ended up getting a bit too confident, and this allowed SUKI time to move out of the way and catch him with a series of knee’s to the face, followed by a double knee facebuster. Hayes staggered backwards, and SUKI quickly took him down with a leaping knee, before going for the cover. Hayes kicked out, and was able to get back on the offensive, dodging another knee and catching SUKI out with a STO style backbreaker, before drilling him with a running neckbreaker. Hayes remained in control for a while after, managing to keep the champ down on the mat and constantly switching holds to try and keep him grounded. However, SUKI filled with energy towards the end of the match, and was able to kick Hayes in the jaw, then in the face, before following up with a head scissors arm drag into an arm bar, the SUKI Special I. Hayes screamed in pain, but was able to fight out of it eventually. The rest of the match after that was a complete stalemate, with each man managing to halt the others momentum before they gained too much of an advantage. Hayes managed to reverse a neckbreaker attempt into an Argentine Backbreaker, helping him gain control. SUKI was not about to give up though, and he filled up with even more energy, getting back up to standing, and blocking several punches from Hayes before booting him right in the gut. Hayes dropped to one knee, and SUKI ran to the ropes. When he came back, SUKI booted him right across the jaw, in a move called the Hagakure Rage Kick. Hayes was out like a light, and SUKI made the cover, managing to retain his belt in a very hard fought contest. [b]Winners:[/b] SUKI by pinfall in 18:42 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 9:[/b] Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Eisaku Kunomasu[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] This match was almost as highly anticipated as the main event, as these men have met twice before, and both matches have been blockbusters. As soon as the bell rang, Eisaku was quick to kick Yoshimi in the elbow, and then he quickly got him in an arm wringer. Yoshimi had a trick up his sleeve however, as he flipped out of the hold and locked Eisaku in it instead. This caused Eisaku to get angry, and he tried to hit a clothesline, but Yoshimi ducked it and locked Eisaku in a hammerlock. After that, Eisaku tried to elbow Yoshimi in the head, but the Phenom ducked it and then wrenched the hold even further up his back. Eisaku was in a lot of pain, but was able to spin himself out of the move and then nail a Northern Lights Suplex. The referee began to count the pinfall, but Yoshimi bridged out of the move and kneed Eisaku right in the face, causing him to stand upright and stagger backwards, before nailing him with a Kesagiri. This went on for a long time, until neither man was able to get a single lick of control, as they went hold for hold with each other for almost the entire match, but it was still amazing to watch, as it was always a new move, and a new reversal. The end of the match came when Yoshimi managed to reverse a hammerlock suplex attempt into a Musashibo-Plex II. He then went for the Yoshimi Lock, but Eisaku resisted and clawed his way to the ropes, forcing Yoshimi to release the hold. Yoshimi pulled him up to his feet and went for another suplex, but Eisaku flipped over his arm and used the momentum to drag Yoshimi to the mat with him, before quickly locking in the Kunomasu Vice. Yoshimi resisted for as long as possible, but did eventually tap out, giving the Team Fusion Leader the edge in this feud. [b]Winner:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu by submission in 12:31 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 10):[/b] Mito Miwa© vs. Raymond Diaz For the PGHW Glory Crown[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_Glory.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] This was a hugely anticipated match, and it did not disappoint at all, in fact it is one of the best matches each man has had in a long time. The match started with Diaz throwing Miwa around the ring with several different suplex, showing off his immense strength and size advantage. He almost got the victory early on after nailing Miwa with a Big Boot in the corner, causing the champ to fall forward, seemingly out cold, but Miwa kicked out with just a nanosecond to go before the three. Diaz slapped the mat in anger, before getting back up and stomping away wildly at the gut of the champ. He then pulled him up to his feet, but got a stiff forearm to the face, stunning him a little bit. Miwa then booted him in the gut several times, eventually forcing Diaz to double over, and then he fired off about eleven consecutive forearm shots. After the final one, Diaz fell to the mat, but was back up again almost right away. Miwa was in disbelief, and tried to do the same thing again, but Diaz grabbed him and flung him across the ring with a massive hip toss. Diaz waited for the champ to get up, and when he did, he charged towards him, but Miwa was ready, and leapt out of the way, connecting with a leaping elbow shot while doing so, causing Diaz to fall forward and hit his head on the turnbuckle. Miwa took advantage of this and quickly locked him in a surfboard, using all of his strength to do so. However, Diaz was just too strong for him, and the monster eventually fought his way out, and threw Miwa over his head with a belly to belly suplex. The champ hit the mat with a thud, and he clutched his back in pain before getting up. Diaz kicked him stiffly in the same spot though, causing him to drop to one knee. The challenger then tried to add insult to injury by going for a Full Nelson suplex. However, Miwa filled with rage and reversed the move, before switching with Diaz and attempting the move himself. Diaz laughed at his attempt to lift him, but Miwa got the last laugh, as with one massive use of energy, he was able to lift Diaz into the ait and drive him into the mat, sending the fans into a frenzy. Miwa clambered over to make the cover, and heaved Diaz’s massive leg into the air to do so. The referee slapped the mat as the fans counted along. One... Two... Thr…NO! Diaz kicked out, causing the fans to groan in disappointment. Miwa got up to his feet, wandering what to do now, but this allowed Diaz to get back up to his feet, albeit slightly dazed, and clothesline Miwa in the back of the head. He then dominated the champion, stomping on his back before pulling him to his feet and whipping him into the corner. He tried to follow up with a huge splash, but Miwa was able to slip through the ropes just in time, and then kicked Diaz in the knee when he backed out of the corner. This brought the challenger down to one knee, and Miwa unloaded with another series of forearm smashes, and then he took a page out of one of his rival’s books, nailing a Running High Knee. Diaz fell to the mat, and Miwa ran to the ropes, before delivering a Miwa Snap Elbow Drive. He went for the cover again, but Diaz threw him off just before the three, again causing Miwa to breathe a sigh of disbelief. He pulled the monster to his feet, but was on the wrong end of a huge uppercut from Diaz, almost knocking him into the air. Diaz then clasped his hand around the throat of the champ, aiming for a chokeslam. But he took too long to pull off the move, deciding to taunt the fans for a little bit. Miwa used this chance to kick Diaz right in the gut, then slap his arm away and nail a Pride Bomber. Diaz laughed off the move, so Miwa tried again, a repeat of the last show. But again this had no effect. Miwa was then able to duck the clothesline the turned him inside out early this week, and nailed a third, this time nailing Diaz right in the temple. The monster tumbled to the mat, and Miwa made the cover, with the fans again counting along with the referee. One... Two… Thre….NO! Diaz kicked out again. Miwa was beside himself with disbelief by this point, as he had basically unloaded his entire arsenal on this monster. He stood up and tried to re-think his plan, but Diaz sat up and slowly got up to his feet, shaking off the effects of the Pride Bomber. Miwa went for a running dropkick, but Diaz slapped his leg away, and got up to both feet, and awaited the champ. Miwa decided to try one more time, and after booting Diaz in the back of the legs to stun him, he went up to the top rope. He then went for a Flying Pride Bomber, but Diaz caught him in mid-air, hand clasped around his throat, and then drilled the champ into the mat with a chokeslam. Miwa bounced off of the mat, and Diaz pulled his limp body up for a Ray Gun, nailed it, and made the cover. Miwa seemed lifeless, which was amazing considering how full of energy he had been just six seconds ago, and Diaz made the cover. The fans cringed as the referee made the count. One… Two… Three! Diaz wins! A noticeable part of the audience are cheering loudly for him, but a majority of the fans are gazing in awe, seeing their hero Mito Miwa being practically dismantled here tonight by the behemoth. Diaz was handed the belt, and shoved the referee away before raising it high above his head. What lies ahead for the rest of the locker room, now that the Diaz Era has begun? [b]Winner:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall in 24:42 Raymond Diaz wins the PGHW Glory Crown! [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Another great show, with several matches performing as expected, while others overperformed, for example Kwakami vs. Holmes.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] In the opener, we again have Nigel Svennson in action, this time against veteran Hirokazu Yamanoue. What effect will the fact that Nigel was the only member of the PGHW team to lose to the invaders from WLW have on the rising star? Our local madman then teams with his apparant bodyguard Rhino Umaga to take on Team Power Experience. Will Josh and Umaga, who haveb oth been on massive ramages lately, continue that run? Or will PE manage to upset them and begin to stake their claim once again? Despite the victory by Team Omega over the Keith Brothers, it appears they have unfinished business, as Greg Keith has challenged Chojiro Kitoaji to a singles match, with the stipulation being that if Greg wins, him and Matt can challenge again, but if they lose, then they cannot challenge for as long as Omega holds the belts. Newly crowned champions Miyazaki & Sanda take on Team FUSION, consisting of Masaru Ugaki and SUKI, in non-title action after that. Will Fusion be able to qualify for a shot at the belts? Or will Miyazaki and Sanda stop them at the very first hurdle by defeating them here? Kozue Kawashima returns to live action against the veteran Bryan Vessey, who managed to lead PGHW to a win over the WLW invaders, which has raised the backstage opinion of him. Will Kozue get back on track, or will Bryan's recent boost lead him to get a huge win? In the semi-main event, we have Nobuatsu Tatsuko taking on Yoshimi Musashibo. Both these men have been on runs of their own, with Yoshimi recently coming off a massive feud with Eisaku Kunomasu. Is that feud over? Will either one of these men force themselves into title contention? Finally, in our Main Event, we see two former Glory Crown champions face off to determine the #1 Contender for the Glory Crown, with recently defeated champion Mito Miwa facing Eisaku Kunomasu. Will Miwa get an early chance of revenge, or will Eisaku steal the win and head towards adding a third piece of gold to Team Fusion? [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Nigel Svennson vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue [I]Singles[/I] Joshua Taylor & Rhino Umaga vs. Team Power Experience [I]Singles[/I] Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Greg Keith [I]Tag Team Non-Title[/I] Miyazaki & Sanda vs. Team FUSION (SUKI & Ugaki) [I]Singles[/I] Kozue Kawashima vs. Bryan Vessey [I]Singles[/I] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [I]Tag Team[/I] Mito Miwa vs. Eisaku Kunomasu [i]Predictions always welcome. Comments on Night of FORTITUDE would be greatly appreciated as well, as I went all out in the Main Event lol.[/i][/CENTER]
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Great show, I'm loving Diaz as the Monster Heel. Whoever beats him for the title, it will be a great moment, as he's really been built up as unstoppable right now. On a personal note, I almost got a perfect score on the predictions, only being blinded by personal preference in the Vessey-Monkey match, prevented me from getting almost all of my predictions correct. :)
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Taylor was so close to a title I could almost taste it! Tremendous work on the main event too. Diaz has been built up perfectly, and I'm looking forward to his (hopefully) long run as champion. On with the predictions... PGHW Warriors Tour Singles [B]Nigel Svennson[/B] vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue [I]Svennson redeems himself here after falling to Makiguchi (although Makiguchi is such a talent, it's hardly an embarassment - Koiso trained him, for God's sake!).[/I] Singles Joshua Taylor & Rhino Umaga vs. Team Power Experience [I]I'm debating no longer predicting Taylor's matches outcome (as I'm clearly biased), but instead the match rating. I'm going to play it safe here, and go with a B+. It's only the first one, after all.[/I] Singles Chojiro Kitoaji vs. [B]Greg Keith[/B] [I]The Keiths have to get a rematch somewhere down the line.[/I] Tag Team Non-Title Miyazaki & Sanda vs. [B]Team FUSION (SUKI & Ugaki)[/B] [I]After almost losing the title to Taylor before Umaga clearly cost my man the win, Ugaki must redeem himself here. Should be a good match.[/I] Singles [B]Kozue Kawashima[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]This is my dark horse pick of the night. Kawashima picks up the win, which launches a big feud (hopefully!) with Vessey. Plus I just really have an irrational dislike of the Vesseys.[/I] Singles [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [I]Tatsuko takes the win here to set himself up as the big challenger for Diaz's Glory Crown. Dare I dream another feud between these two?[/I] Tag Team Mito Miwa vs. [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] [I]Kunomasu has been strong lately, and I see him continuing that momentum here to set up a title match with Diaz. I think I just have a soft spot for gaijin workers. :cool: [/I]
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Singles [B]Nigel Svennson[/B] vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue [I]Svensson to get back on track[/I] Singles [B]Joshua Taylor & Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Team Power Experience [I]One teams a pair of singles wrestlers on a couple of hot-streaks that have now aligned themselves together, the other is more of a team but are a team of semi-jobbers. [/I] Singles Chojiro Kitoaji vs. [B]Greg Keith[/B] [I]I feel that with this rivalry Team OMEGA are the better 'team' but the Keith's are the better singles wrestlers.[/I] Tag Team Non-Title Miyazaki & Sanda vs. [B]Team FUSION (SUKI & Ugaki)[/B] [I]Team FUSION to earn a shot at the tag belts. [/I] Singles [B]Kozue Kawashima[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]I'm with Mr Sideburns. Kawashima has been starting to breakthrough into the upper echelons of the card of late and plus I'm not the greatest fan of the Vessey's either.[/I] Singles Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. [B]Yoshimi Musashibo[/B] [I]Both have earned legend status in PGHW, so this is what you would call a coin-flip. I'll go the opposite to Sideburns and stump for Musashibo[/I] Singles Mito Miwa vs. [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] [I]Kunomasu needs to continue looking strong as the leader of Team FUSION, whilst Miwa can have the excuse of not being at 100 % , with the hard hitting title match with Diaz at NOF, taking alot out of him.[/I]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Warriors Tour Show #10[/u][/b] Wednesday, Week 4, April 2010. Held in front of 4,895 fans at the Asahikawa Stadium in Hokkaido. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Kazushige Matsuki vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi.[/u] [i]Matsuki dominates the match up, ending it after three or so minutes with the Fist of Fury.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kazushige Matsuki by pinfall. [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 2: Ultimate Submission vs. Shiga & Yoemon.[/u] [i]Billy gets the win for his team in a good match, locking Yoemon in the Twisting Knee Bar.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Ultimate Submission by submission on Yoemon by Russell. [b]B[/b] [u]Match 3: Taheiji Konoe vs. Akinori Kwakami.[/u] [i]Awkward blend of styles, but still a solid match, with Kwakami getting the win after locking Konoe in the Kwakami Painlock.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Akinori Kwakami by submission. [b]C+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Nigel Svennson vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NigelSvennson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/HirokazuYamanoue.jpg[/IMG] Nigel was very eager going into this match, knowing that he needed to get the victory and get back on track, and since he was going up against Yamanoue, he felt it was pretty much a done deal. However, this was definitely not the case, as Hirokazu came into this match just as eager, and even managed to gain control by booting Nigel in the gut and driving him into the mat with a DDT. This went on for a while, much to the surprise of Nigel, until the Swedish fighters was able to dodge a clothesline and take the veteran down with a neckbreaker. After that, Nigel was pretty much in control for the rest of the match, locking Hirokazu in several different holds, purely to show off his knowledge, as the veteran Hirokazu was not able to break out of any. In the end, Nigel pulled him up, before driving him back into the mat with a suplex, and began to clap his hands for the audience. They joined in, and Nigel began to hop on each foot, waiting for Hirokazu to get up, and when he did, he charged towards the veteran and nailed him in the side of the head with a Running Knee Driver, before hooking the leg and getting the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Nigel Svennson by pinfall in 5:57 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Joshua Taylor & Rhino Umaga vs. Team Power Experience[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] This was a very good match, with Taylor and Umaga showing some good chemistry as a team. On the way to the ring, Taylor was carrying ‘Chairyloo’ on his shoulders again, occasionally looking up and jumping around playfully, causing Umaga to look at him weirdly. When the bell rang, it was Umaga against Kalu, and the two monsters immediately began a brutal brawl, throwing everything they had into it, until Umaga was able to boot Kalu in the gut and sent him overhead with a suplex. Kalu tried to get back up and steal control, but Umaga floored him with a running shoulder block. For a while after that, Umaga was largely in control of the equally towering Owusu, but was unable to keep the monster completely under control, as Kalu managed to fight out of a headlock, and threw Umaga overhead with a belly to belly suplex. He then tried to nail a big boot, but Umaga ducked it and speared him to the mat before tagging out to Taylor. Kalu soon tagged out to his partner, and from that point, Taylor was in control, eventually managing to escape a Power Brainbuster, and nail the Stitch In Time on the veteran. He hooked the leg, while Umaga stopped Kalu from breaking up the cover, keeping Taylor & Umaga’s hot streaks going. [b]Winners:[/b] Taylor & Umaga by pinfall on Kataoka by Taylor in 10:09 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Greg Keith[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] This was an amazing match, with these two showing some decent chemistry in the ring. When the match started, Kitoaji charged straight in, booting Greg in the gut, but soon found himself on the mat, as Greg was able to reverse a snap suplex attempt into a snap neckbreaker. For a short while after that, Greg was able to keep Kitoaji on the mat, locking him in various holds, concentrating on his arms in order to prevent the use of the Kitoaji Lariat, but he was unable to keep the focused youngster down on the mat, and he soon found himself on the wrong end of a spinning back elbow. Chojiro then kept control for a long time, hitting several big moves, including a spinning fisherman’s buster, and Greg was unable to stem the assault. However, Kitoaji began to get too confident, attempting to hit the Kitoaji Lariat early on, but Greg ducked underneath it and dragged him to the mat, using his arm as leverage, and locked him in a tight armbar. This went on for a while, but Chojiro was able to fight his way out, and quickly booted Greg in the gut. He then kneed him in the jaw, stunning him, before running to the ropes. When Greg looked up, he was nearly decapitated with the Kitoaji Lariat, and he collapsed to the mat. Kitoaji grabbed his arm in pain, before going for the cover, and managing to steal the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Chojiro Kitoaji by pinfall in 15:14 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Miyazaki & Sanda vs. Team FUSION (Masaru Ugaki & SUKI)[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] This was simply an awesome match, as both teams instantly clicked against each other, due to the history between SUKI and both Miyazaki and Sanda. When the match started, it was Ugaki against Sanda, and the two started to brawl across the ring. This was fairly short-lived, as Ugaki soon found himself trapped in the corner, and on the receiving end of a stiff dropkick to the chest, leaving him gasping for air. When he staggered out, Sanda kicked him in the back, then once more in the chest before driving him into the mat with an STO. He was able to dominate for a while, due to his superior agility, but Ugaki was eventually able to steal control away from him after hitting a Reverse DDT on Sanda following a suplex attempt. Ugaki then kept control for a long time, but was unable to get a complete advantage, with Sanda going hold for hold with him throughout. This resulted in a standoff, with both men then tagging out. When Miyazaki and SUKI came in, they had a massive brawl, due to their pure hatred for each other, eventually finding themselves outside of the ring. They continued to fight until they were back in the ring, where SUKI took control after a dragon screw leg whip. SUKI then promptly went for the SUKI Special IV, but Miyazaki scrambled over to the ropes before he had it properly locked in. The champ promptly pummelled Miyazaki into the mat in a fit of rage, gaining control once again. The match seemed to be going nowhere in terms of control, but every minute of this match was filled with gold, which caused the fans to groan in disappointment when the time limit bell rang, and the match was declared a draw, with the end being incredibly action packed. During the final minute, SUKI and Ugaki appeared to be in control finally, with Miyazaki in the corner, and with both ready to hit the Fusion Experiment on Sanda. They charged towards the corner, but Miyazaki exploded, nailing SUKI with a Cavalry Charge out of nowhere, knocking him out, while Ugaki was thrown over the ropes by a revived Sanda. Just when Sanda went to cover SUKI, who was the legal man, the bell was rung. [b]Winner:[/b] Draw at 20:00 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Kozue Kawashima vs. Bryan Vessey[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] This was expected to be a great match, as both men are very talented and popular, but there were several points throughout where it seemed awkward. When the bell rang, they locked up, and had a series of standing switches until Kozue nailed Bryan with a back elbow, and took control of the match. He was able to hang on to it for a while, only losing it when he missed a K-Kick to the corner, as Bryan moved, and he soon found himself on the defence, as Bryan began to pummel him into the mat and lock him in various holds, targeting the legs mainly, taking away the main base of his power. There were several points in this match where it seemed that Bryan might be able to pull off the upset of sorts, but Kozue always kicked out just in time. After about twelve minutes, Kozue stole control back from Bryan, and whipped him into the ropes after a boot to the gut. When Bryan came back, he tried to hit a clothesline, but Bryan ducked under it and kept running. When they met again, Kozue went for a K-Kick, but Bryan dodged the move, only just escaping it. The end finally came when Kozue was able to flip out of a Vessey Driver attempt, and drive Bryan into the mat with a Kawashima Driver ’10. [b]Winner:[/b] Kozue Kawashima by pinfall in 13:39 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Yoshimi Musashibo[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] This was a fairly anticipated match, as it could be the match that re-ignited the now famous Tatsuko/Diaz feud, and as such many fans in the audience were pulling for Tatsuko to win, which only really served to anger Yoshimi, who held control for a majority of the match. When the bell rang, the two legends brawled, but Tatsuko quickly gained control, turning a clothesline attempt into an armbar takedown, then followed up with several sharp elbow drops to the back of Yoshimi. The Phenom tried to move out of the way of these shots, but Tatsuko was able to change direction with amazing fluidity. Tatsuko then pulled Yoshimi up to his feet and whipped him into the corner, but when he charged in, Yoshimi burst out and nailed a Kesagiri right to the side of the throat, stunning Tatsuko. The Phenom then whipped his fellow legend into the corner himself, and unloaded a vicious barrage of spinning Kesagiri shots. He remained in control for pretty much the rest of the match, keeping him grounded for a lot of it. The end of the match came when Tatsuko was able to stun Yoshimi with a back elbow after escaping a Musashibo-Plex attempt, then nailed him with a lightning fast Tatsuko Blind Kick. Yoshimi collapsed to the floor, and Tatsuko made the eager cover, getting the impressive victory. [b]Winners:[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko by pinfall in 14:45 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Mito Miwa [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] The fans had begun to lose count on how many times these two have faced off against each other, but each time it was Miwa who came out on top, usually with the Pride Bomber knocking Eisaku out for the cover. However tonight, Miwa was not healed from his decimation at Night of FORTITUDE, and so was not as agile as usual, which worked to Eisaku’s advantage. When the match started, Eisaku was able to catch Miwa off guard right away with a dropkick to the chest, which was quickly followed up with a neckbreaker, driving Miwa into the mat. From there, Eisaku was in complete control, with Miwa sapped of strength, he was able to pick the champion apart, locking him in various different holds, attacking every limb, not just his arms, aiming to completely weaken him. Eisaku began to get very confident after a few minutes of this, and went for the Kunomasu Vice, but Miwa stiffened his arm, preventing the veteran Eisaku from pulling the arm round, and Miwa suddenly mounted a comeback, pummelling away at Eisaku with his free arm, causing the Assassin to back away and recover. Miwa slowly got up to his feet, prompting Eisaku to try and rush him, but he got a spinning back elbow to the face as a result, knocking him to the mat. Miwa then got back on track, driving his knee repeatedly into the side of Eisaku’s head before pulling him up to his feet. After doing that, he whipped the Assassin into the ropes, and threw him overhead with a big back body drop when he returned, but he grabbed his back soon afterwards, as it was not fully recovered yet. This gave an opening to Eisaku, who managed to get up to his feet while Miwa was in pain, and took the former champ down with a chop block, taking his legs out from under him. He then continued his assault on Miwa’s joints, and again went for the Kunomasu Vice, but Miwa clawed his way over to the ropes just in time. He then used the ropes to pull himself back up, only to be attacked by Eisaku again, who was showing no signs of slowing down. Eisaku took the Pride Warrior down with a series of arm drags, before locking him in a rear choke. Miwa was able to fight his way out of this move as well, but was beginning to slow down, as Eisaku was able to bring him crashing down with a stiff neckbreaker. Eisaku then remained in control for the rest of the match, with Miwa making a few comebacks, but with each being less eventful as they came along. In the end, Miwa was able to muster enough strength to whip Eisaku across the ring, and when he came back, summoned every last ounce of his stamina to nail a Pride Bomber, but Eisaku had learned a lot about the move, and was able to duck it, before shoving Miwa to the mat with an STO, then swiftly locked him in the Kunomasu Vice a third time. Miwa struggled, but was quick to tap out, finally giving Kunomasu a victory over Miwa. [b]Winner:[/b] Eisaku Kunomasu by submission in 23:06 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A* [i]Main Feelings: Another awesome show.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] After a fantastic show, we have another night of hard hitting action for you. To start off the show, we have the youngster Nigel Svennson facing off against another veteran in Masayuki Shiga. Will Shiga’s partner Yoemon, who will be by his side in this match, effect the outcome? We then see the new team of Joshua Taylor and Rhino Umaga taking on the similar inexperienced duo of Kazushige Matsuki and Taheiji Konoe, now known as Team Impact. Which team will come out on top, will it be the sheer ferocity of Taylor & Umaga? Or will it be the punching power of Team Impact? We then see Sam Keith against fellow technician Roku Sotomura, in what will be Keith’s return to a normal tour show with us. Following his fantastic match against Billy Russell at Night of FORTITUDE, will Sam continue his roll? Or will Joshua Taylor make his presence known, as he has done in recent weeks? We then see the legendary Sam Keith’s son, Matthew, in action against fellow Gaijin William Hayes. Both men have been chasing gold recently, and neither have been successful. Will Matt get the victory and prove himself to his brother Greg, who lost his last match, or will Hayes be able to down the rising star and get back in the title hunt? SUKI then faces a familiar rival in non-title action, former Historical Japan champion Bryan Holmes. Bryan came up short in the #1 Contendership at NoF, but can he steal the win and force his way into contention, and what will the new #1 Contender, Akinori Kwakami, have to say? In our semi-Main Event, Nobuatsu Tatsuko faces another stiff challenge in Shuji Inukai. Shuji has been inactive as of late, due to needing time off, but will definitely be very eager going into this match. Can Tatsuko overcome the Untouchable One in his, practically, return? Or will Tatsuko’s Blind Kick be the deciding factor once again? And finally, we have Eisaku Kunomasu in action against a common rival, Buddy Garner. Both have faced off before, with Kunomasu coming out on top usually. Will that trend continue? And will the champion Diaz, who Kunomasu will challenge for the belt at Night of Glory, have any words for Eisaku? [u]PGHW Warriors Tour[/u] [I]Singles [/I] Nigel Svennson vs. Masayuki Shiga w/Yoemon [I]Tag Team[/I] Taylor & Umaga vs. Team Impact (Matsuki & Konoe) [I]Singles [/I] Sam Keith vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Singles [/I] Matthew Keith vs. William Hayes [i]Singles[/i] Bryan Holmes vs. SUKI [I]Singles [/I] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Shuji Inukai [I]Singles [/I] Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Buddy Garner [i]Predictions always welcome.[/i][/CENTER]
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PGHW Warriors Tour Singles [B]Nigel Svennson[/B] vs. Masayuki Shiga w/Yoemon [I]Shiga's just the sort of middling veteran, who should at this stage of his career be used solely for the purpose of putting up and comers over.[/I] Tag Team [B]Taylor & Umaga[/B] vs. Team Impact (Matsuki & Konoe) [I]Despite not having a team name, Taylor & Umaga are getting a push, whilst Team Impact are two jobbers thrown together.[/I] Singles [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Keith Senior to get the win, but Taylor & Umaga will make their prescence felt post match. [/I] Singles Matthew Keith vs. [B]William Hayes[/B] [I]Matt Keith will be partially paranoid that Taylor, his metallic girlfriend and their Samoan Buddy will interfere in their match, giving Hayes the edge.[/I] Singles Bryan Holmes vs. [B]SUKI[/B] [I]SUKI's probably being groomed as a future major player, whilst Holmes is just kind of hanging around not doing much right now.[/I] Singles [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] vs. Shuji Inukai [I]Tatsuko will continue his current momentum, with another win over a fellow established main event veteran.[/I] Singles [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] vs. Buddy Garner [I]Kunosmasu's heading towards's a title showdown with Diaz, so he needs to keep his momentum going.[/I]
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