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Death of WCW 2008?

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WCW World Heavyweight Title Goldberg (c) vs. Hulk Hogan vs. [B]John Hennigan[/B] vs. The Giant US Title [B]Sean O’Haire[/B] vs. Shelton Benjamin (c) Lead Pipe on a Pole Match [B]Mr. WCW[/B] vs. Rey Mysterio WCW Tag Team Titles The Bashams vs. [B]The Wrecking Machines[/B] (c) WCW Race for the Cruiserweight Title (lumberjack match) [B]Jack Evans[/B] vs. Shane Helms 3 on 2 Handicap Match Diamond Dallas Page, The Miz & Carlito vs. [B]Better Than You[/B]
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WCW World Heavyweight Title [B]Goldberg (c)[/B] vs. Hulk Hogan vs. John Hennigan vs. The Giant US Title [B]Sean O’Haire[/B] vs. Shelton Benjamin (c) Lead Pipe on a Pole Match Mr. WCW vs. [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] WCW Tag Team Titles The Bashams vs. [B]The Wrecking Machines (c)[/B] WCW Race for the Cruiserweight Title (lumberjack match) Jack Evans vs. [B]Shane Helms[/B] 3 on 2 Handicap Match [B]Diamond Dallas Page, The Miz & Carlito[/B] vs. Better Than You
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[CENTER][FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="3"] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/wcwspringstampede.gif[/IMG] [B]Caesar's Palace (South West) ([/B] The show kicks off with a video package highlighting all of the matches which are going to be seen tonight. With the video package over, Michael Cole and Roddy Piper talk about the main event for tonight, the four way match for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Cole and Piper remind the fans of the history between Goldberg and The Giant, stemming back to WCW SuperBrawl before touching on the Hogan / Hennigan rivalry. They then go on to remind the fans of this Monday’s Nitro which proved that there were going to be no alliances as it is every man for themselves competing to win the WCW Wold Heavyweight Title. [U][B][SIZE="5"]WCW Tag Team Titles [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/WCWWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] The Bashams vs. The Wrecking Machines[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE]We’re straight into the action with a tag team title match. Cole and Piper hyped up the attack on Umaga on Nitro, questioning whether or not he could make the same impact as usual after suffering a conchairto at the hands of the Basham brothers. Their questions were answered instantly as Umaga for a change started off in the ring with Danny Basham, going straight after Danny with his high power offence. Danny couldn’t cope and tagged in his brother, Doug, at the first possible chance. Unfortunately for Doug, he didn’t fare much better. With Umaga still going strong, in his desperation to inflict punishment on their opponents, he came close to getting DQ’ed several times. The referee remonstrated with him which served to only anger Umaga further. Eventually his brother was forced to tag himself in. The Bashams tried to use this to their advantage but unfortunately for them they came up against a brick wall as Ro’Z quickly took off from where his brother had started. With both Bashams trying to double team Ro’Z, Umaga came in and flattened Danny Basham as Ro’Z delivered a thunderous Samoan Drop to Doug Basham before making the cover and picking up the victory[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNERS AND STILL TAG TEAM TITLES = THE WRECKING MACHINES[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Ro’Z has a warning to all potential attackers[/SIZE][/B] After they’re victory, Ro’Z grabs a microphone. He begins to rip into both of the Bashams telling them that they just got exactly what they deserved. Ro’Z issues a warning to anyone in the back who might have gotten ideas off of the Bashams this Monday when they chose to try to assault his brother Umaga. Ro’Z follows this up by commenting that although his brother might be considered a “savage”, he’s still his brother and will defend him, not that he needs much assistance in beating up low life scum like the Bashams. Ro’Z finishes by stating that if you mess with Umaga, then you mess with him and anyone who was thinking of copying these two wastes of space had better rethink their strategy. [B][SIZE="5"]Hogan arrives backstage and is interviewed by Eric Kingman[/SIZE][/B] Hulk Hogan is shown arriving in the parking lot in his limo. As Hogan arrives, he is greeted by WCW lead interviewer, Eric Kingman. Kingman asks Hulk for his thoughts regarding tonight’s match up and the events on Monday. Hogan replies that the event this Monday just served to underline how its every man for themselves and that’s just the way Hogan likes it brother. Hulk reminds Kingman of his previous title reigns and everyone of them he earned by himself, well except for the ones when I was in the NWO, but who’s counting anyway brother? Hogan goes on to straight he’s got history with each of the men involved and he knows all about them and how much each of them can be a threat to himself. Hogan finishes by asking a question… [I]“Watcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do Giant, when Hulk Hogan hoists you up in the air and delivers a body slam just like he did when he beat Andre the Giant? Watcha gonna do, John Hennigan, when Hulk Hogan beats the hell out of you and puts you back in your place just like all the other punks who tried to kill Hulkamania? Watcha gonna do Goldberg, when Hulk Hogan comes for that title of yours. Watcha gonna do all three of you, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?”[/I] [U][B][SIZE="5"]US Title [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/WCWUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] Sean O’Haire vs. Shelton Benjamin[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE]O’Haire started the match by still selling the effects of this Monday’s sustained beating with him coming into the match with a bit of a limp. Benjamin tried to go straight onto the offense by targeting O’Haire’s injured ankle but O’Haire was ready for this quickly countering one of Benjamin’s moves, putting him in the driving seat. O’Haire tried to capitalise on this by finishing the match quickly going for some high impact moves and made several covers going for a quick victory. Benjamin was able to escape from each pinning predicament and battled back before gaining the upperhand, allowing him the opportunity to go to work on O’Haire’s ankle. Eventually Benjamin went for the anklelock and it took quick thinking from O’Haire to counter the move resulting in Benjamin being catapulted through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. O’Haire wasn’t able to take advantage as he nursed his injured ankle in the ring. This prompted O’Haire’s partner, Mark Jindrak to make his way to ringside, remembering Benjamin’s attempt to inflict an injury upon him after their match up on Nitro. Benjamin struggled to make it back into the ring as Jindrak climbed up onto the ring apron. In the ring, O’Haire pleaded with his partner not to interfere in the match and cost him a DQ. With Jindrak relenting and beginning to back down, Benjamin took the opportunity to nail an unsuspecting O’Haire with the T-Bone Suplex before making the cover and picking up the win.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER AND STILL US CHAMPION = SHELTON BENJAMIN[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]A surprise appearance by a WCW legend[/SIZE][/B] Backstage we see Eric Bischoff sitting in his office when all of a sudden the crowd pop as a face from WCW past comes into focus. Bischoff is shocked to see former 4 time WCW Cruiserweight, Dean Malenko, standing in his office. Bischoff asks why Malenko has chosen to make an appearance here tonight. Malenko replies that as one of the greatest WCW Cruiserweights in the history of WCW, he wants to be a part of the WCW Race for the Cruiserweight Title. Bischoff replies that he’s a bit late seeing how tonight is the final of the race but he offers him a place as one of the lumberjacks for the match. Malenko suggests that maybe he could take on a different role, one with more importance. Malenko suggests that a match of this importance needs someone with experience to ensure it runs smoothly. Malenko asks Bischoff if he can be the special guest referee for the match up. Bischoff considers it for a few seconds before agreeing and appointing Malenko the special guest referee for the WCW Race for the Cruiserweight Final. [B][SIZE="5"]Backstage Evans and Helms face off[/SIZE][/B] With the Cruiserweight Final just moments away, we see backstage Jack Evans and Shane Helms come face to face for the first time since the match was sanctioned. Evans and Helms stare at each other before Helms wishes Evans good luck. Evans returns the show of respect and the two shake hands before the action cuts to ringside. [U][B][SIZE="5"]WCW Race for the Crusierweight Title – The Final (lumberjack match, Dean Malenko the special guest referee) [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/WCWCruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] Jack Evans vs. Shane Helms[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE]With Helms and Evans in the ring, the seven other participants for the race made their way down to ringside. With all the wrestlers assembled, Dean Malenko, donning referee gear for the night, got the match under way. As the match begun the two chose to keep the action in the ring as they didn’t want to provide the lumberjacks with an opportunity to influence the outcome of the match. With this strategy having been adopted, Helms had the slightly better of the match up. Evans began to get further back into the match and began to go air borne a lot more often, spending a lot of the match launching himself off of the turnbuckle. With this aerial based assault, Evans misjudged one of his attacks and was sent over the turnbuckle. This prompted several of the lumberjacks to begin trying to beat the hell out of Evans as Malenko began to count Evans out. Evans managed to battle his way and return to the ring just before Malenko got to the 10 count. With Evans struggling from the beat down, Helms took control of the match and used the advantage, eventually going for the Nightmare on Helms Street only for Evans to counter into a hurracarrana. Evans then headed up the turnbuckle only for Helms to regain his footing and head him off on the top. Evans and Helms battled for a few seconds before both lost their footing and crashed to the outside of the ring. This prompted the lumberjacks to begin the beat down again with Super Crazy and Juventud Guerrera leading the beat downs. In the ring, Malenko began making the count out. Evans managed to break free and it looked as though he was going to make it to the ring before the 10 count only to be headed off by a 450 Splash by Juventud Guerrera. In the ring, Malenko reached the 10 count meaning that both wrestlers were counted out and the final ended in a draw.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]JACK EVANS AND SHANE HELMS DREW AFTER BOTH WRESTLERS WERE COUNTED OUT[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]The Giant arrives and is interviewed by Eric Kingman[/SIZE][/B] The second competitor in the four way for later tonight, The Giant, is shown arriving at the arena in his limo. As The Giant gets out he is welcomed by Eric Kingman. Kingman tells The Giant that we’ve already heard what Hulk Hogan has to say about the match tonight and Kingman ask’s for Giant’s thoughts ahead of his title shot tonight. This prompts Giant to grab Kingman by the neck. Kingman pleads with The Giant for mercy as The Giant hoists him up in the air. After a few seconds, Giant releases his grip and lets Kingman down. Giant follows this up be stating that he has seen the same fear in Kingman’s eyes just then as he’s seen in the eyes of John Hennigan, Hulk Hogan and Goldberg. Giant continues by reiterating that he is not only the largest, but is also the most dominating wrestler in WCW history. Goldberg’s found this out and Giant once again taunts him about being unable to deliver the Jackhammer. Giant then states that Hennigan found this out when he underestimated The Giant and received a chokeslam through a table for his troubles. Giant then tells Hogan that he’s beaten him before and sure as hell he’ll beat the hell out of him again if it means that he gets his hands on the WCW World Heavyweight Title and reaffirms his position as the top dog in WCW. [B][SIZE="5"]Dinsmore begs Bischoff for a spot on the card[/SIZE][/B] Backstage, Eric Bischoff is once again in his office when Dinsmore once again begs for a match tonight. Dinsmore promises Bischoff that if he’s given the opportunity to show what he can do then he’ll not only pick up the victory but he’ll also put on one hell of a match. Bischoff is unimpressed but replies that seeing as they’re running a bit ahead of schedule he’ll grant him a match up. Dinsmore questions who his opponent will be. Bischoff replies that Dinsmore will take on the Japanese Buzzsaw, Tajiri, up next and if he doesn’t win then it’ll be a long old time before we see Dinsmore back on TV. [U][B][SIZE="5"]Dinsmore vs. Tajiri[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE]A last minute addition to the card and a real treat for all those watching as these two tore up the house. Dinsmore tried to slow Tajiri down with suplexs, submission holds and sleeper holds with Tajiri using his vast array of kicks and suplexs to make an impact. The result was a back and forth encounter with neither wrestler getting a sustained advantage. Both wrestlers hit a number of their signature moves. In the end Dinsmore managed to hit the Northern Lights Suplex before making the cover and picking up a hard earned victory.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER = DINSMORE[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]John Hennigan arrives at the arena[/SIZE][/B] John Hennigan is shown arriving at the arena in a limo. As he gets out of the limo he is swamped by photographers and people wanting an interview, one of these including WCW lead interviewer, Eric Kingman. Hennigan issues a statement telling the fans that he is more than confident leading into his mach tonight. Hennigan tells the fans that he is less than concerned by his opponents tonight pledges that tonight he is going to be crowned the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He finishes by inviting the assembled journalists that tomorrow night, on Nitro, he will be hosting a party to celebrate his winning of the Title and that everyone, including Hogan, Goldberg and Giant that they are all invited to the party. [B][SIZE="5"]A pre-match party with the Nitro girls[/SIZE][/B] Backstage we see Diamond Dallas Page, The Miz, Carlito and the three Nitro girls backstage. The three are laughing and joking with DDP commenting how it was nice for Carlito to make it tonight. Carlito and DDP square up before The Miz makes a joke and tension relaxes again. DDP comments that the fun and games are over as they need to focus on the task at hand and take care of Dupree and Doane. Carlito, Miz and Page agree that they need to focus on giving Dupree and Doane a bit of retribution for their attack 2 weeks ago. The three agree that it might be in their best interests if the three Nitro girls don’t accompany them to ring side. With Torrie, Maria and Carmella looking disappointed, the three wrestlers head out to the ring, leaving the three Nitro girls left in the dressing room. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Better Than You vs. Diamond Dallas Page, Carlito & The Miz[/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]In a bit of a slower based match up, DDP and Dupree started off in the ring with DDP getting the upperhand. Page took advantage by making a quick tag to Carlito, keeping himself fresh. This pattern continued for a while with Carlito, Miz and Page each tagging in and out, keeping themselves fresh as they worked on Dupree. Eventually Dupree was able to counter a move and tagged in Doane who began to work over Page in the ring. Soon the match descended to chaos as the referee got knocked down, allowing Dupree to re-enter the proceeding and double team Page. Miz and Carlito tried to help their partner only to be tossed out of the ring. In the ring, Dupree went for the Death Valley Driver only for Carlito to break it up. Page used the advantage to nail Doane with the Diamond Cuter as Carlito tossed Dupree out of the ring. As Page tried to revive the referee, as he turned around he walked straight in the Backstabber by Carlito. Carlito then dragged Doane on top of Page. With the referee coming round he proceeded to make the 3 count as Better Than You won the match thanks to Carlito turning on Page.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNERS = BETTER THAN YOU[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]A recap of Finlay’s match with Regal on Nitro[/SIZE][/B] After the match we are shown a video clip of Regal and Finlay’s match this Monday. The clip shows Finlay getting himself DQ’ed when he nailed Regal over the head with a lead pipe. Afterwards we are informed by Michael Cole that during the match, Regal sustained a large amount of blood loss and was concussed. We are also informed that Regal will not be attend tonight’s event and is likely to be out for a couple of weeks. [B][SIZE="5"]Finlay: it was never about the match[/SIZE][/B] Next up we see Finlay backstage, where he is interviewed by Eric Kingman. Kingman starts by asking Finlay for his thoughts on tonight’s match and asks why he got himself DQ’ed on Nitro. Finlay replies by stating that this Monday wasn’t about the match. Finlay states that he had no intention of beating Regal as he knew there was no guarantee to keep Regal from interfering even if he’d won the match. Finlay states that by taking Regal out he knows that there is absolutely no way for Regal to interfere tonight. Kingman then asks whether or not he’s confident with Mysterio’s ability to beat Mr. WCW in a lead pipe on a pole match. Finlay replies that he knows Rey and he knows that Mysterio is happy with the match stipulation. Finlay comments that he’s gonna be at ringside tonight to make sure that Walters gets exactly what’s coming to him. At this point Eric Bischoff comes into view, flanked by several security guards. Bischoff comments that he should have seen what Finlay was up to but no matter. Bischoff states that seeing as Regal is unable to be at ring side, in the interests of fairness, Bischoff is banning Finlay, not only from ringside but also the arena. Finlay tries to protest before the legion of security guards pull him away as the action cuts to ringside. [B][SIZE="5"][U]Lead Pipe on a Pole Match Mr. WCW vs. Rey Mysterio[/U][/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE]As the match got underway Cole and Piper reminded the fans of the stipulation for the match. A lead pipe is suspended on top of a pole which itself is on top of one of the turnbuckles. The winner of the match is the first wrestler to grab the lead pipe down from the pole and use it on the opponent. The match began with a couple of lock ups and counters with Mysterio coming out on top with the speed and agility advantage. With Mysterio continuing maintain an advantage, Walters brought his power game out of the bag, slamming Mysterio to the mat before whipping him to turnbuckle. Walters tried to work him over in the corner only for Mysterio to duck out of the way before trying to scamper up the turnbuckle and go for the lead pipe. Walters recovered in time to slam Mysterio to the mat before he went for the pole as well only to Mysterio to dropkick Walters sending Walters’ head straight into the pole with Walters then crashing back to the mat. The match continued with Walters and Mysterio hitting several high impact moves with both men selling the intensity of the match well. Walters went to nail Mysterio with the Playmaker only for Mysterio to counter with a hurracarrana leaving Walters prone on the bottom rope. Mysterio followed this up with the 619 before heading up the turnbuckle and retrieving the lead pipe. Walters tried to stop him from using it by clothes lining Mysterio. Mysterio ducked the clothesline, bounced off of the ropes before hitting almost a hurracarrana with Walters catching him in mid air, leaving Mysterio in a postion prone for a powerbomb. As Walters went for the powerbomb, Mysterio cracked the lead pipe over Walters’ head. The ref called for the bell as Mysterio was declared the winner.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER = REY MYSTERIO[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]The champ is here![/SIZE][/B] In the parking lot the final limo of the evening pulls up as Goldberg gets out of the limo to a huge pop from the fans. Eric Kingman tries to interview Goldberg only for Goldberg to grab the mike off of Kingman and send him away. [I]“Hogan, Hennigan, Giant, I’ve heard all these threats, I’ve heard you all shooting you’re mouths off about how you’re gonna run wild on me, how I’m afraid of you, how you’re gonna be having a celebration party tomorrow night on Nitro and you know what? I DON’T GIVE A DAMN! See, it doesn’t matter what you say, all this rubbish that you’ve been spouting. All that matters is what happens when the four of us get in the ring and that’s gonna involve me, Goldberg, spearing the hell out of you three and coming out of tonight with my WCW World Heavyweight Title still wrapped around my waist. Fear the spear! Who’s next? Tonight you’re all NEXT!"[/I] [B][U][SIZE="5"]WCW World Heavyweight Title [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/WCWWorldHeavyweight2-1.jpg[/IMG] Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan vs. John Hennigan vs. The Giant[/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Tonight’s main event and despite the fact that many of the participants weren’t in the best shapes of their lives but the adrenalin was certainly pumping as the likes of Hogan and Giant rolled back the years to deliver one heck of battle. Hogan and Hennigan pared off and spent much of the match battling as Goldberg and The Giant pummelled the hell out each other. Each man got a lot of offence in and each managed to get a number of near falls. In the ring Goldberg and Giant relented from their battle as they tried to clothesline Hennigan out of the ring. Hennigan was ready for them and pulled the top rope down meaning that Goldberg and The Giant came crashing over the top rope, leaving Hennigan and Hogan in the ring. Hennigan and Hogan began battling with Hennigan in control. Outside of the ring Goldberg and Giant stumbled to their feet before they once again began trading blows. In the ring, Hogan began Hulking up and started landing punches to Hennigan. Outside of the ring Goldberg got the upperhand and eventually delivered a spear to Giant sending him straight into the ring steps. In the ring, Hogan delivered a Big Boot to Hennigan both pumping the crowd. Hogan then went for the leg drop only to walk into another spear from Goldberg who proceeded to grab the ropes and do the normal taunt. Goldberg waited for Hogan to get to his feet, looking to deliver the Jackhammer and put the match away. Suddenly Hennigan blindsided him before throwing him out of the ring. As Hogan made it to his feet, Hennigan nailed Hogan with the Highway man before making the cover and picking up the victory.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER AND NEW WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION = JOHN HENNIGAN[/SIZE][/B] [B][U][SIZE="4"]SHOW RECAP[/SIZE][/U][/B] The Wrecking Machines def. The Bashams to retain the tag team titles [B](C+)[/B] Shelton Benjamin def. Sean O'Haire to retain the US Title [B](B-)[/B] Jack Evans drew with Shane Helms after both were counted out [B](C+)[/B] Dinsmore def. Tajiri [B](B)[/B] Better Than You def. Diamond Dallas Page, Carlito & The Miz [B](C-)[/B] Rey Mysterio def. Mr. WCW [B](B)[/B] John Hennigan def. Goldberg, Hulk Hogan and The Giant for the WCW World Heavyweight Title [B](B)[/B] [B]SHOW RATING = B PPV BUYS = 7.54 ATTENDANCE = 15,000[/B] [I]OOC: A pretty decent show. Carlito's turn didn't go down so well as he showed up late for the 2nd time this month. I felt the card was a bit lacking and wasn't sure that Hogan et al would be able to participate in an hour long classic so the Dinsmore / Tajiri match was used to beef up the card. Luckily for me they put on one of the better matches of the night. Dinsmore has just earnt himself a sustained push on the back of this performance. Hennigan's title victory has taken him over the top and his popularity is now maxed out in the USA, Canada and Mexico. I'm confident he'll make a good champion but as this is WCW anything can happen. In terms of predicitions ADeezy62 got 3 out of 6 with Tristram getting 2 out of 6 - evidently it was a pretty unpredictable card.[/I] [/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[I]OOC: In the spirit of keeping things unpredictable this show is designed to do exactly that in order to keep you guys guessing as to where I'm going with this. I think its fair to say the first half of the show is pretty slow paced but the second half is certainly full of suprises[/I] [CENTER][FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="3"] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/NEWNIT1.jpg[/IMG] Before we can have the pyros and the usual intro, a limo is shown arriving at the arena. Out from the limo steps the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Goldberg. Goldberg snarls at the camera before walking off into the arena as the show intro begins. [B][SIZE="5"]Cole and Piper hype tonight’s party[/SIZE][/B] As the pyros finish, the camera cuts to Michael Cole and Roddy Piper at ringside. Cole and Piper run down the happenings from last night’s show before informing the fans that tonight, John Hennigan, the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, will be hosting a championship party to celebrate the crowning of a new champion. They also go on to tell the fans that Hulk Hogan has a very important announcement to make tonight but before we can get to that we’ve got a WCW Tag Team Title match up next! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Tag Team Titles [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/WCWWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] Mark Jindrak and Sean O’Haire vs. The Wrecking Machines[/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]As the match got underway Cole and Piper reminded the fans of last night’s tag title match informing the fans that The Wrecking Machines’ opponents from last night were so badly beaten that they have been unable to make tonight’s show. Cole and Piper also remind the fans that last night Sean O’Haire lost to Shelton Benjamin after O’Haire’s partner, Jindrak had tried to interfere. Early on in the match O’Haire seemed reluctant to tag in his partner Jindrak although this reluctance quickly disappeared due to the fact that they were facing one of the most dominating tag teams not only in WCW history but possibly in any promotion. O’Haire continued to sell the ankle injury throughout the match as Ro’Z and Umaga continued their dominant streak. O’Haire and Jindrak put up a good battle but in the end a lapse in communication cost them as Ro’Z tossed O’Haire over the top rope whilst Jindrak was slammed to the mat before Umaga headed up the turnbuckle before hitting Jindrak with the Top Rope Splash and picking up the victory.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNERS AND STILL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS = THE WRECKING MACHINES[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]So you won one match… big deal[/SIZE][/B] Backstage we see Eric Bischoff looking for Dinsmore. When Bischoff finds him, Dinsmore is sat in the dressing rooms with a smug look on his face and tells Bischoff that he told him he could perform if he was given a chance to with Bischoff replying… “See, the thing about that is, you’re right, you did say you’d win and you did, congratulations. Now, here’s the question, can you repeat you’re success of was it just a fluke? See, I think it was a fluke. Now I’m a fair man so I’m gonna give you a chance to prove that it wasn’t a fluke. See tonight its gonna be you, Dinsmore, versus Mr. Lead Pipe himself, Rey Mysterio in one on one action!” [B][SIZE="5"]The race isn’t over yet is it?[/SIZE][/B] With Dinsmore walking off, slightly upset with Bischoff’s decision, Juventud Guerrera comes up to Bischoff. Guerrera reminds Bischoff of the outcome of last night’s final in the Race for the Cruiserweight title and also that the race isn’t over because of the ending of last night’s match. Bischoff accepts that this is true but interjects that that situation is likely to be resolved as Jack Evans and Shane Helms will once again meet tonight with the title on the line. Juventud Guerrera then asks Bischoff for a match tonight against any of the other competitors involved in the race. Bischoff grants his request and books him in a match against Taka up next but he points out that even if Juventud wins, its not gonna make a difference cause we’re gonna crown a new WCW Cruiserweight Champion tonight! As Bischoff leaves, Guerrera makes sure he’s out of ear shot before commenting that he’ll see about that. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Race for the Cruiserweight Title Juventud Guerrera vs. Taka Michinoku[/SIZE][/U][/B] You throw a guy a bone and what d’ya get huh? A lack of chemistry that’s what you get. A pretty poor match with the two not clicking with a couple of decent high spots. I’m not gonna go into much detail as the match doesn’t really deserve it. Anyway in the ring Juventud Guerrera hit Taka Michinoku with a Juvi Driver before picking up the victory and drawing level with both Evans and Helms in the race for the title. [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER = JUVENTUD GUERRERA RACE FOR THE CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE WINS = 4[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Carlito and his new pals are backstage taunting Diamond Dallas Page[/SIZE][/B] After the match we cut to backstage to see Carlito, his girlfriend, Carmella, Dupree and Doane. They are all joking about how they really put the beat down on Page. Carlito comments that Page never saw it coming before rubbing more insulting Page some more. Dupree and Doane tell Carlito that now they’ve held up their end of the bargain its time that he returns the favour. Carlito is in the process of telling them all in good time when The Miz approaches the three of them. The Miz verbally spars with Dupree and Doane for a while before turning his attentions to Carlito. Carlito asks The Miz how DDP is doing in a sarcastic manner with The Miz replying the Page hasn’t chosen to appear, not out of fear for Carlito, not due to injury but of fear for what he might to in his current state of mood. Carlito makes a wise crack which prompts The Miz to get in his face and tells Carlito that he doesn’t have that problem. The Miz states that he’d more than love to put the beat down on Carlito with Carlito replying that if he’s so intent upon getting revenge then how about he does something about that. The Miz is further angered by this and challenges Carlito to a match on next week’s Nitro. Carlito accepts the match before landing a cheap shot on The Miz. [B][SIZE="5"][U]Bryan Danielson vs. Jamie Knoble[/U][/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE]Its debut time as Jamie Knoble is waiting in the ring. Suddenly a man appears in hooded robe. He removes the hood to reveal himself to be none other than former WWE superstar, Brain Danielson, as the referee calls for the match bell. Cole and Piper go wild hyping this up as a major defection from the competition as the match gets underway. In the ring Danielson and Knoble trade moves for a while before Danielson gets the upperhand. Danielson takes the advantage and uses it to wear down Knoble with a series of high impact suplexs and submission holds. With Knoble clearly on the rocks he begins to get desperate and after a rake to the eyes tries to hit the Tiger Bomb. Danielson counters and floors Knoble before locking in the Arms Across America. With Knoble in the middle of the ring and with nowhere to go he’s forced to tap out giving Danielson a very impressive debut win.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER = BRYAN DANIELSON[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]I have seen the future[/SIZE][/B] After the match Danielson grabs the microphone. Danielson claims that he had a vision last week which told him that he was needed. He wasn’t sure if this was a divine vision or not but what he does know is that he was sent upon a mission and this is why he turned his back on those lesser promotions and has arrived in the promised land – WCW! Danielson proclaims that although all the aspects of his mission are still shrouded in mystery he knows that he must prepare the way. In his vision he was shown that a new force is coming to WCW – something that will re-write WCW history – something so big that the whole world will feel the impact of. Danielson states that whilst he does not know the identity or the nature of this force one thing is clear – his mission is to prepare the way – to prepare WCW for impact that this force will have upon it… [B][SIZE="5"]Mr. WCW arrives and is interviewed by Eric Kingman[/SIZE][/B] Backstage we see Mr. WCW arriving as WCW interviewer, Eric Kingman, approaches him. Walters is sporting a huge bandage over his head, evidence of last night’s brutal match up against Rey Mysterio. Kingman asks Walters how he feels coming off last night’s defeat at the hands of Mysterio. Walters is clearly angered by Kingman’s questions and launches into a tirade against Kingman, describing his interview skills as distinctly amateur. Walters shouts at Kingman… [I]“HOW AM I DOING? HOW AM I DOING? HOW THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK I’M DOING! LAST NIGHT I GOT MY HEAD BASHED OPEN BY THE MASKED MIDGET SO YOU KNOW WHAT, I MIGHT BE FEELING SLIGHTLY PISSED OFF TONIGHT AND THE LAST THING I WANT TO HEAR IS SOME JUMPED UP INTERVIEWER ASKING ME HOW I’M DOING! SO ASK YOU’RE SELF KINGMAN, NEXT TIME BEFROE YOU WANT TO ASK SOME PATHETIC LITTLE, ATTEMPTING TO BE INSIGHTFUL COMMENTS MAYBE YOU’LL THINK TWICE LITTLE BI***!”[/I] [B][U][SIZE="5"]Jimmy Yang vs. Shelton Benjamin[/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Well after that outburst its gonna be hard to top but Yang and Benjamin do a good job putting on a pretty even match up. Benjamin tried to get an early advantage and it worked with him slamming Yang to the mat. Benjamin grew c0cky and began taunting the crowd, drawing a fair amount of heat from this already worked up crowd. After heckling with the crowd for a few moments, he went back over to Yang. With Yang having been given a chance to recuperate, he rolled up Benjamin and got a long two count. When Benjamin was released he darted to the corner and stared at Yang for a few seconds. The two locked up apprehensively with Benjamin kicking Yang in the stomach before hitting a swinging neckbreaker. After this point Benjamin grew more and more angry with Yang using Benjamin’s over enthusiasm to his advantage, countering a number of Benjamin’s moves. With Yang starting to gain momentum, Benjamin grabbed Yang’s ankle and flipped him over into the anklelock with Yang quickly tapping out.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER = SHELTON BENJAMIN[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Is that the best you’ve got?[/SIZE][/B] After the match Benjamin grabs a mike. He begins by launching into a tirade against Yang and his opponent from last night, Sean O’Haire. Benjamin states that as you’ve just witnessed over the last two nights, Benjamin has beaten the best that the old WCW had to offer and he’s done it easily – pointing to the big screen as pictures from last night’s match flash up (the pictures fail to include footage of Jindrak distracting O’Haire as they’ve been clearly doctored). Benjamin finishes by making an open challenge to anyone, from the past WCW or the new WCW to step up and get in the ring with him, next week, as he puts his US Title on the line. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Race for the Crusierweight Title Final [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/WCWCruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] Jack Evans vs. Shane Helms[/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]When we return from a commercial break we are taken straight to the ring where Jack Evans and Shane Helms are stood ready to fight. As the bell rings, Cole and Piper hype up the fact that this is for the WCW Cruiserweight Title and unlike last night, this is no gimmick match, there’s no lumberjacks, no Dean Malenko as referee, just Jack Evans and Shane Helms in the ring. Evans and Helms tried to pick up from where they left off with a couple of high spots with them both being flung over the top rope. The referee began to make the count out in scenes reminiscent to last night’s match. Both men managed to make it into the ring and started to struggle to their feet. As they went to lock up again, they turned around to face the turnbuckle as Juventud Guerrera launched himself at them both taking them both down with double cross body. The referee had no option but to call for the DQ as the match was declared a draw and the Cruiserweight Title remained vacant.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]THE MATCH ENDED IN A DRAW DUE TO INTERFEREANCE BY JUVENTUD GUERRERA[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Regal’s injury is more serious than first thought[/SIZE][/B] After the match we are played a video clip from last week’s Nitro, showing the end of the Finlay vs. Regal match last week when Finlay nailed Regal over the head. Afterwards we are taken to ringside where Michael Cole and Roddy Piper talk about the shot that Regal took to his head last week. Cole then proceeds to inform the fans that as they were informed last night on WCW Spring Stampede, Steven Regal suffered a serious concussion and severe blood loss from the wound that Finlay inflicted with the lead pipe. Cole then proceeds to inform the fans that the medical prognosis is worse than they were informed and there have been complications regarding the injury. Cole continues by saying that they are unsure of the date that Regal will return to in ring competition – if he ever. Once Cole is finished he then proceeds to state that Eric Bischoff has sanctioned the following match as a punishment to Finlay. Up next it will be Finlay taking on one of the men who was involved in last night’s World Heavyweight Title match, The Giant, in singles competition! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Finlay vs. The Giant[/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]The match began with Finlay pretending to be intimidated by Giant only to floor him with a kick to the knee. Finlay continued to use his experience to keep The Giant off of his legs and on the back foot. Finlay went for the pinfall, with The Giant yet to get any sort of offence in, got a long 2 count. The Giant powered out of the cover and when Finlay tried to go to work on him again, The Giant floored Finlay with a huge big boot. This signalled a definite shift in the momentum as Giant took charge of the match. He proceeded to show a far more vicious side then he’d demonstrated in recent weeks and continued to slam Finlay to the mat over and over again. Finlay tried to battle back only to be on the receiving end of a huge chokeslam from The Giant. Giant refused to go for the cover and lifted Finlay up to whip him to the turnbuckle before following it in with a huge splash with Finlay crashing to the mat. With Finlay lying lifeless at the bottom of the turnbuckle, Giant proceeded to grab the ropes and use it for leverage as he choked Finlay. The referee began remonstrating with The Giant with The Giant pushing the referee away, whilst continuing to choke out Finlay. The referee again tried to pull Giant off of Finlay only to be shoved to the mat for his troubles. This led to the referee calling for the bell and DQ’ing The Giant. When The Giant realised what had happened he chased the referee out of the ring before delivering another chokeslam to Finlay as punishment for his victory.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER BY DQ = FINLAY[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Hulk Hogan’s announcement[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/200px-Hulk_Hogan3.jpg[/IMG] We cut to another commercial break and when we return Hogan’s music hits as the fans jump out of their seats. Hogan milks the applause for a few minutes before getting on the mike. Hogan reminds the fans that last night he wrestled in the WCW World Heavyweight Title match and he also reminds the fans that he was the one pinned as John Hennigan won the title. Hogan states that he realised something last night, he realised that there is nothing in this world that can kill Hulkamania. Hogan states that he realises that no matter whether he wins or loses, the fans, the people that made Hulkamania what it is will continue to cheer and will continue to believe in Hulk Hogan drawing a huge cheer from the crowd. Hogan milks the fans before starting on again in a more sombre tone. [I]“You know brothers, last night, as I looked up on the mat I realised something else. Last night I realised that although Hulkamania will NEVER die, it’s time to move on brother. Its time that Hulkamania took a side step to let another man try and shine in the spotlight. Its time to let another man try and fill the void of the immortal Hulk Hogan and brother, I know its gonna take one hell of a man to fill the void but brothers, all you Hulkamaniacs out there, this is something I’ve gotta do.” I, HULK HOGAN, OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE MY RETIREMENT![/I] (The crowd pop like hell with cheers of Hogan, Hogan thundering around the arena) [I]“Wo, wo, wo, now hold on there brothers. I might be announcing my retirement but Hulk Hogan ain’t done yet brothers. I’ve still got one or two matches left in me and sure as Hulkamania is still immortal, I ain’t going out having been pinned by some nobody, John Hennigan. So I’m issuing an open challenge, to anyone that wants a match up with Hulk Hogan in his last match at WCW Slamboree, to step up to the plate and see just how alive Hulkamania still is.”[/I] [I]“But, whichever brother is bold enough to step in the ring with the immortal, Hulk Hogan, I’ve got just one question for you… watcha gonna do?” “Watcha gonna do, whoever the hell you might be, when you step in the ring with Hulk Hogan for Hulk Hogan’s last ever match and you get the beating of you’re life? Watcha gonna do when you realise that Hulk Hogan ain’t gonna go down without a fight? Watcha gonna do when Hulk Hogan drops you with the big boot, hits the leg drop and wins the final match of his career? Watcha gonna do, when, for the last time ever, Hulkamania runs wild on you?”[/I] [B][SIZE="5"]Hogan might be retiring but there’s a bigger travesty at hand[/SIZE][/B] With Hogan’s rant over, the music of Mr. WCW, William Claudio Walters, hits the speakers to a loud boo from the crowd. Walters, mike in hand, makes his way out to the top of the ramp way, with his head still bandaged. Walters launches into a tirade describing Hogan as an egotistical maniac, but hey, that’s the way you’ve spent most of you’re career so why change seeing as its coming to an end soon enough. Walters yells at Hogan that no one cares about his retirement and people are more interested in what the lifeblood of WCW, Mr. WCW himself has to say. Walters concedes that no man will ever fill the void that Hulk Hogan will leave behind when he retires – because there is no void left to fill! Walters challenges Hogan to face him at WCW Slamboree – the night of legends – so that Walters can be the man to end the “fake” legend that is Hulkamania! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Dinsmore vs. Rey Mysterio[/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]With the crowd hot off of the Hogan / Walters angle, Dinsmore and Mysterio came into the match on fire, really feeding of the crowd. Mysterio came in on fire hitting a head scissors take down before following up by diving off of the turnbuckle with a dropkick. Mysterio picked up a 2 count. Mysterio continued with the offense until Dinsmore countered with a couple of suplexs to take the wind out of Mysterio. Dinsmore built up a fair amount of momentum with Mysterio beginning to sell the effects of his gruelling match up against Mr. WCW last night. With both men putting their hearts and souls into this match the crowd continued to show their appreciation with Dinsmore and Mysterio continuing to raise the bar. In the end Mysterio managed to hit the 619 and the West Coast Pop before making the cover and picking up the victory.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER = REY MYSTERIO[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]It’s party time with John Hennigan…[/SIZE][/B] We return from an advert break as we get ready for the John Hennigan title party with the ring covered in balloons and party streamers. Hennigan’s music hits as he comes out carrying his WCW World Heavyweight Title, with the fans giving him a lot of heel heat. Hennigan grabs a microphone and asks the crowd why they’re upset… “Hey, hey, hey, this is a time for partying! The highlight of Monday Night is here and he’s bringing the fun in. See last night, I didn’t just win this damn fine WCW World Heavyweight Title, I didn’t just cement myself as the top star in WCW, well, not that it would be hard to be the top star when you’re as damn fine looking as myself but that doesn’t matter right now. See no, last night, I ushered in a new era!” “Last night, at WCW Spring Stampede, I beat three of the cornerstones of WCW past, 3 of the biggest stars that the old WCW had to offer and I beat them with ease!” [B][SIZE="5"]Goldberg: Lets get this party started![/SIZE][/B] Goldberg comes out, having heard enough of Hennigan’s rant. Goldberg gets on the mike and congratulates Hennigan on an impressive victory last night. Goldberg also reminds Hennigan that although he may be holding Goldberg’s title belt around his waist, Hennigan didn’t pin the champ to win the title. Goldberg also reminds Hennigan that as a former champion, there is a rematch clause in Goldberg’s contract… “That’s right John, me and you are gonna have a rematch right now, with the WCW World Heavyweight Title on the line! Enjoy you’re title reign, its about to end… [I]“Who’s next? HENNIGAN, YOU’RE NEXT!”[/I] [B][SIZE="5"][U]WCW World Heavyweight Title [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/WCW/WCWWorldHeavyweight2-1.jpg[/IMG] Goldberg vs. John Hennigan[/U][/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE]The crowd were at fever pitch for this match as the match got underway with Hennigan clearly not wanting to be anywhere near the ring. Hennigan in fact tried to get himself counted out early on in the match only for Goldberg to come looking for him, nailing him with a clothesline from behind before tossing him back into the ring. Goldberg began pummelling him in the corner with Hennigan again escaping out of the ring. Goldberg again went looking for him only for Hennigan to play possum before hitting a low blow, which the referee missed. Hennigan rolled Goldberg into the ring and got a long 2 count with Goldberg only just kicking out. At this point Hennigan began to hit a string of high impact moves, leaving Goldberg rocking. Hennigan went for the Highway Man only for Goldberg to counter into the Jackhammer. Hennigan managed to counter himself and take Goldberg down with a hurracarrana. With Goldberg down on the mat Hennigan again went for the Highway Man. Goldberg was again ready for this and ducked out of the way. As Hennigan turned around he walked straight into a massive spear from Goldberg. 1 … 2 … 3 Goldberg is the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion! John Hennigan has just had one of the shortest title reigns not only in WCW history but in anywhere around the world.[/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WINNER AND NEW WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION GOLDBERG![/SIZE][/B] [B][U][SIZE="4"]SHOW RECAP[/SIZE][/U][/B] The Wrecking Machines def. Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire to retain the tag titles [B](C)[/B] Juventud Guerrera def. Taka Michinoku [B](D+)[/B] Bryan Danielson def. Jamie Knoble [B](C+)[/B] Shelton Benjamin def. Jimmy Yang [B](C+)[/B] Jack Evans drew with Shane Helms after Juventud Guerrera interfered. The WCW Cruiserweight Title remains vacant [B](C-)[/B] Finlay def. The Giant by DQ [B](B-)[/B] Rey Mysterio def. Dinsmore [B](B+)[/B] Goldberg def. John Hennigan to win the WCW World Heavyweight Title [B](B)[/B] [B]SHOW RATING = B TV RATING = 30.08 ATTENDANCE = 9,381[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [I]OOC: A pretty strong show by my books. Previously to joining us Danielson had worked for the WWE, pushing his popularity up quite a bit meaning that his defection would probably have been quite a big deal. [/I]
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