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AXA - From A Building society to All xTreme Action

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Logo.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]BACKSTORY[/U][/B][/CENTER] You all remember being there. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! one guy just says something a little snotty to another, then they give it back. They then go nose to nose. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! One guy throws a punch. The other throws one back. They then go at it full on. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Then come there mates who jump in and help, joined by another guy, then another guy. Eventually there are 20 guys on 20. 30 on 30 and so on. In a wrestling ring its different. Everbody knows that the punches they throw aren't real. They all know when 20 are going at it in one ring, it is all coreographed and pre-planned. Everybody knows that the stuff that goes on in a ring isn't real. But what about backstage? No-one but the wrestlers and the larger than life personalities no what goes on behind the curtain. Well we do know one thing atleast. The punches that are thrown backstage are real. That is when a soap opera turns into a fullon brawl. But surely people who work on the road together 24/7 must be closer than anyone else in the world. True. But as I explained earlier, just one comment could light a fuse that could change the rest of a curtain industries future...forever........
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Backstory - Part 2 The tension had been building for several weeks. Ever since Vince re-hired Hulk Hogan, due to the lack of 'Starpower'. Of course he was only hired on Hogan's terms. Ie. defeat Rey Mysterio for the World Title. After th ematch, Rey new that he had pulled Hogan through it, and thus he went to have a chat to Vince about his frustration. Surprise, but who else is in Vince's office than, yep, 'The Hulkster'. [B]Rey -[/B] Vince could I just have a word? [B]Vince -[/B] Before you say anything, great match tonight. [B]Rey -[/B] Yeah, on my part. Thats why i wanna know why you made one of the most reliable guys in the company drop the title to...him... [B]Vince -[/B] I am sorry to say that, well your drugtest results came back...You were positive for 3 different kind of steroids. Hence i don't want some drugged-up 'Star' as my topman [B]Rey -[/B] You have got to be kiddin me? OK I admit the steroids...BUT IF THATS THE CASE YOU CANT SERIOUSLY PUT THE TITLE ON HIM! HE'S BEEN ON THE STUFF FOR 30+ YEARS! [B]Hogan -[/B] Hey, you little midget, ive been clean for over 5 Years! [B]Rey -[/B] Who you callin a midget, holmes? I think you can guess the rest. A fight broke out. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Other workers heard the caffuffel and charged into Vince's office. They then picked their sides. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Around 30 secs later, the whole roster was involved. After calming down and taking a chillpill...(or in Hogan's case a needle to the arm)...everyone stared at each other. Everyone had their sides. Unsurprisingly most of the athletic types were on Rey's side. The junkies and Fat Messes (see V, Big Daddy) were on Hogan's. Vince couldn't shouldn't and wouldn't tolerate this. He should have fired em all on the spot, but this is Vince we're talking about. Of course Hogan wasn't going anywhere. None of his chronies either. Vince barked for all of Rey's 'Posse' to leave...Thankfully, Ron Simmons restrained himself from saying DAMN....
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The backstory continues - Part 3 Meanwhile, in the Great Lakes region, some bloke named Tom Welsh had been making quite a stir with an upstart promotion, All xTreme Action. Or AXA for short. For the last time, not the building society :rolleyes: :p. They were all about what 'The E' wasn't. High-Impact, Fast Paced wrestling. Sure they did have abit of time for promo's, but the matches were what the show was about. It was also about giving less 'Muscley' men a chance to shine. Guys like Matt Sydal, Jack Evans, Tiger Mask IV and even Scott Steiner (OK that last one was just for kicks, he aint really involved :p) Word was spreading fast around the area and before long, around the country. Infact word was spreading so fast that 8 months after being incepted, the recently released guys, like CM Punk, Carlito, Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin and of course Rey Mysterio, were already thinking about joining, and thats what they did... That is where the backstory ends, and where the real story begins. We join AXA, looking through the eyes of Tom Welsh, who are lookin to make an impact on the world of wrestling, with fresh athletic stars leading the way, they can't fail...Can they?.........................
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[CENTER][B][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/axalogo-1.gif[/IMG] [U]The Roster[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] AJ STYLES [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/AlanFunk.jpg[/IMG] ALAN FUNK (TAG TEAM WITH MIKE SANDERS) [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/B-Boy.jpg[/IMG] B-BOY [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] BILLY KIDMAN [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/BrettMajor.jpg[/IMG] BRETT MAJOR (TAG TEAM WITH BRIAN MAJOR) [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/BrianMajor.jpg[/IMG] BRIAN MAJOR (TAG TEAM WITH BRETT MAJOR) [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/CarlitoAAF3.jpg[/IMG] CARLITO [COLOR="white"]CHRIS JERICHO[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] CM PUNK [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/DannyBasham.jpg[/IMG] DANNY BASHAM (TAG TEAM WITH DOUG BASHAM) [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/DougBasham.jpg[/IMG] DOUG BASHAM (TAG TEAM WITH DANNY BASHAM) [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/GregoryHelmsAAF4.jpg[/IMG] GREGORY HELMS [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] JACK EVANS [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/JeffHardy3.jpg[/IMG] JEFF HARDY [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/JohnnyNitroAAF3.jpg[/IMG] JOHN HENNIGAN [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/JohnnyKashmere.jpg[/IMG] JOHNNY KASHMERE (TAG TEAM WITH TRENT ACID) [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] MATT SYDAL [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/MikeSanders.jpg[/IMG] MIKE SANDERS (TAG TEAM WITH ALAN FUNK) [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] REY MYSTERIO [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/RobVanDamAAF3.jpg[/IMG] ROB VAN DAM [COLOR="White"]SHAWN MICHAELS[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/SheltonbenjaminBlonde.jpg[/IMG] SHELTON BENJAMIN [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/TigerMaskIV.jpg[/IMG] TIGER MASK IV [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r320/djwelshy/AXA%20Random%20Stuff/Workers/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] TRENT ACID (TAG TEAM WITH JOHNNY KASHMERE) [/CENTER] Also thanks to wrestlefan for abit of feedback lol ;)
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[B]June 2008[/B] [B][U][CENTER]MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT![/CENTER][/U][/B] AXA have signed contracts with the ITV PLC channel Men and Motors (Sky - 131, Virgin - 286.) to host AXA's brand new weekly show. The show has been rumoured to be named xTreme Action, in conjunction with AXA's (All xTreme Action) name. At this point, this is just a rumour, but is likely to be confirmed at a M&M press conference tomorrow. If this is ture, the show will likely debut at the start of July, which is of course the start of the new season. It could also be what the company needs to take their promotion to the next level. Which is what they need if they are to compete with some of the 'bigger' promotions. It is likely the influx of new (and great) talent after 'The fight of all fight's' releases, could (and probably will) well be involved on the show's debut in July... That is if they can score the TV Deal officially, of course. But that is not it. AXA have [U]officially[/U] announced that in the last week of July, they will hype up the new show by having one last big event. But that's not it. It will be a 12 man tournament to decide the first ever AXA World Champion! |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| Thanks for the feedback so far guys, it really is appreciated ;)
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