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Kings Of Wrestling - Let's Party!

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[b]Kings Of Wrestling: A New Kind of War[/b] [b]So It Begins: Jamaica, New York (6:00PM)[/b] Today, we make a huge decision. Well not really a huge decision but you catch my drift, me and my 2 brothers are visiting some man called John Marley. Who apparently wants us to do a job for him. All 3 of us walking down Jamaica Avenue, wearing white suits and black ties (Jeez, it wasn't my idea now), we walk down the long stretch of road passing the huge Toys 'R' Us me and my brothers use to shop at for presents and games, stuff like that. Right next door to it was a building. Not a skyscraper type, more like a mini-skyscraper with 5 floors. Now we entered it knowing this was 'Marley Towers', we went to the reception area and we're told to goto the fifth floor. "Head Office", we went into the elevator and it slowly went up the floors waiting patiently we finally reached top of the elevator, and the doors opened. There was a mahogany door in front of us, with a gold plated label which had the words "John E. Marley" engraved in the gold plaque kinda thing, we knocked on the door and we we're told to come in and have a seat. Marley turned his seat around so he was facing us... [b][color="#FF0000"]John Marley:[/color][/b] Nice of you to join me, on this fine wonderful day in New York. Queens, the place that was once mine... [b][color="#0000FF"]Me:[/color][/b] Once yours? [b][color="#FF0000"]John Marley:[/color][/b] Yes once mine you numskull, this city and beyond was a battleground back in the 90's, 'Territory Wars' more like it and the Tri-State area was owned my me. Vince McMahon couldn't hold a candle to what I had going, I mean we we're high flying until that prick who owns Wrestling Society X in the South West ran me out of business. Now he's making fat sacks of money which I should of been making, I mean I had it all set until he came along. He took my business, my guys and now I WANT PAYBACK! One of my brothers stood up. [b][color="#4B0082"]Jeise:[/color][/b] Uh, Mister Marley we do respect what your saying but why are we here if we are hearing your dated stories about the 90's, mother*censored*er we're in the 21st Century! [b][color="#FF0000"]John Marley:[/color][/b] Who are you calling a mother*censored*er? Eh? Boy, if I was 10 years younger, had a chair in my hand. I would be smashing the living daylights out of you...NOW SIT YOUR ASS DOWN! Jeise sat down... [b][color="#FF0000"]John Marley:[/color][/b] Now as I was saying, I want payback. now as you can see I am in no position to own what I want you to on, you see I have quite a bit of business to do here...As you haven't noticed, I am running a business for some stupid company in Japan which I can't pronounce the name of, god have mercy. Anyway, I want you to take this gold which is called Kings Of Wrestling. back in the 90's it was bigger than God...Bigger than the Rabbi, bigger than Ghandi. New York, New Jersey & Phileadelphia was our stomping ground...We took some part of Chicago as well but this where I want you guys to help me, I want you to own this wrestling company and hire WHO THE HELL YOU WANT! As long as we beat Wrestling Society X we're in the clear okay? My brother who hadn't spoken yet answered: [color="#2E8B57"][b]Rich:[/b][/color] Uh, sure... [b][color="#FF0000"]John Marley:[/color][/b] No all three of you numskulls sign this contract, before I smash your face in... Well all signed it, thinking being a wrestling booker was going to be by far the easiest thing we've done in a while...Well almost... [b][color="#FF0000"]John Marley:[/color][/b] Now we are on the right tracks boys... We shook hands with Marley knowing our journey would be tough...I mean who is this guy in the South East? Federation Information: Name: Kings Of Wrestling Initials: KOW Style: Mixed Owner: Joel, Jeise & Richard Kain Management: John Marley Size: Regional Based: Tri-State Prestige: D [quote][center]The Roster: No Face/Heel Divide [b]Main Event:[/b] A.J Styles Low-Ki Mr. Agulia Nigel McGuinness Paul London Samoa Joe Ultimo Dragon [b]Upper Midcard:[/b] Bobby Roode Bryan Danielson Claudio Castagnoli Homicide TAKA Michinoku Joker [b]Midcard:[/b] B-Boy Devon Storm Drake Younger El Generico Jay Briscoe Kevin Steen Mark Briscoe Ruckus [b]Lower Midcard:[/b] Brain Damage Hotstuff Hernandez Joel Maximo Jose Maximo [b]Opener:[/b] Bobby Quance PAC Sabian [b]Enhancement Talent:[/b] Brian XL[/center][/quote] WARNING: The Roster Is Not The Same Now!
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[quote][b]Kings Of Wrestling Presents: Opening Night Live From: ECW Arena, Pennsylvania Attendance: 2,000[/b] The show opens up to see a jacked crowd inside the ECW Arena. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to Kings Of Wrestling: Opening Night, I am Chris Anguis along with my partners Ben Jordan & Dean Ayass, and tonight us three have the honor's of calling the first ever show for KOW. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] Your damn right Chris, and it will be a good show nonetheless. A fully packed card here tonight, with the crowd ready to see what we can deliver. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Tonight we will see. Falls Count Anywhere In Philly Match, Low ki versus Ultimo Dragon, Samoa Joe vs Nigel McGuinness and more... Suddenly, the sound of "Whatever" by Godsmack hits the arena, and the ECW Arena know who it is coming through the curtain. It's Drake Younger, as Ed 'O Mac gets out of his Announcers Table position and grabs a microphone before going inside the ring to announce the entrances. [b][color="#800080"]Ed O' Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen, this is our opening match of the night. And it is a FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE IN PHILLY MATCH! And it is to crown, the first ever. Kings Of Wrestling, Underground Champion. Introducing first, weighing in at 210 pounds. He is fron Indianapolis, Indiana by way R.A.A.G.E Dojo. He is the 'Psycho Shooter', he is...[b]DRAKE YOUNGER~![/b] Drake slides inside the ring before hopping onto the apron and raising his arms, the crowd cheer him as loud as they can and start to chant 'Drake', at him. "Whatever" by Godsmack fades out as "Walk" by Pantera blasts through the P.A and Brain Damage comes out through the curtain before walking down the rampway, getting boo's from the crowd. Damage suddenly has a confrontation with a crowd member, Damage tells him to "F*ck Off" as he continues down the ramp. [b][color="#800080"]Ed O' Mac:[/color][/b] And Younger's opponent. From Last Chance, Texas. Weighing in at 270 Pounds....[b]BRAAAAAAIN DAMAGE~![/b] Damage gets inside the ring before coming face to face with Drake Younger as Jim Molineaux gets inside the ring and splits them up, Ed 'O Mac goes back to the outside to the announcers table as the bell rings. [b]KOW Underground Title Match/Falls Count Anywhere In Philly Match: Drake Younger versus Brain Damage[/b] With the crowd chanting 'Drake' still, Brain Damage shouts at them before turning towards Younger. Both men circle the squared circle before locking up, Drake manages to get the upperhand slowly by headlocking Damage but Damage powers out by pushing Younger. Sending him across the ring and into the ropes and back, Damage then follows up with a big kick to the face of Younger knocking him to the floor. Damage follows up with a elbow drop before hooking the leg: 1...2...Younger firmly gets the shoulder up, and Damage gets to his feet before taking Younger with him, Damage tries to deliver a right hook but Younger grabs it and hits a right hook of his own not affecting Damage at all, Damage retaliates with a successful right hook, then a flurry of punches but Younger battles back with a flurry of punches as well triggering a slugfest, Damage gets the upper hand as Younger is dazed. Damage suddenly knocks Younger over the top rope to ringside with a powerful right hook Younger flips over the top rope and crashes to the concrete floor. Damage follows Younger, and looks under the ring for a weapon of sorts. Damage pulls out a table and sets it up, he looks under the ring for weapons again and this time pulls out a chair. Younger just reaches his knees and Damage delivers a brain cracking chair shot, breaking the chair in the process as Younger falls to his back with the chair laying on his face. Damage soon pulls Younger to his feet and places him on the apron, he pulls the table towards the apron and climbs on himself grabbing Younger. Damage puts Younger between his legs and lifts him skywards looking for a Piledriver off the apron but Younger manages to get back to a vertical base before delivering a headbutt to Damage almost knocking him off the apron but Damage grabs onto the ropes, and gives Younger a right hand. Younger retaliates with a devastating boot to the face as Damage falls off the apron, just narrowly avoiding the table. Younger hops down and looks under the ring for a weapon, he pulls out a trash can and pops it on Damage's head before being handed a chair from a crowd member. Younger smashes the chair against the trashcan multiple times as Damage must be dead by now, he slumps to the ground and Younger starts to stamp on the can, making dents in it which is surely piercing into the skin of Damage. Younger finally stops and pulls the trashcan off Damage's head before going for the cover, Molineaux counts it: 1...2...Nope, Damage kicks out. Younger seems shocked. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Younger should be shocked, this guy is like the Terminator. Nobody can stop him, and I mean nobody. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Well I think the only way to stop this man is to, like throw him off the Empire State Building...HA! [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] And look, where's Younger going. Younger hops the crowd barricade, as Brain Damage stands to his feet. Younger runs through the crowd, Damage hops over the barricade and follows as they reach the car-park. There is a garage door and a couple of cars in the car park, fans start to flock outside to see the fight and Younger grabs Damage, he tries to throw him into the garage door but Damage counters and throws Younger into the door leaving a dent in it, Damage follows up with a boot to the face of Younger smashing his head into the garage, yet leaving another dent in it. Damage asks a fan for his belt, the fan gives it to Damage as he wraps it around Younger's neck before dragging him across the rugged concrete in the car park before coming to a stop at a car. Damage unwraps the belt and gives it to the back to the fan before raising Younger to his feet, Damage throws Younger into the car door, Younger bounces off it and Damage follows up with a Sidewalk Slam onto the concrete. Damage doesn't go for the pinfall but raises him to his feet once more, Damage grabs ahold of Younger's arm and goes to whip him into the windshield of another car, Damage pulls back as hard as he can but Younger counters and sends Damage flying through the glass, face first. And Younger drops to his knees exhausted, Damage gets out of the wreckage and drops to the concrete floor and we see blood drip down his face, from the glass breaking in his face. Younger hooks the leg and Molineaux counts the pinfall: 1...2...DAMAGE KICKS OUT! With the crowd outside booing at Damage, Younger gets to his feet. Younger walks towards the entrance and the crowd follow, leaving Brain Damage to recover. Damage soon gets to his feet and walks towards the entrance, not far behind Younger. Damage starts to run before taking Younger out from behind with a clubbing blow to the back of the head, as Younger staggers forward. Damage follows up with a clothesline to the back of the head sending Younger crashing to the floor face first. Younger is then pulled up by Damage who places him between his legs before lifting Younger into a Crucifix shape, Damage then tosses Younger onto a couple of chairs as they made a loud crash, Damage goes for the cover: 1...2...Younger kicks out just in time. Damage gets to his feet, with a crimson mask. He raises Younger and throws him over the crowd barricade before going over himself. Damage throws Younger into the ring and asks for tables to be put lengthways stretching across the ring apron and top of the barricade as the staff get on it. They do it and Damage asks for 4 chairs to be put onto those tables and two sheets of glass also and they set it up. Damage slides inside the ring and puts Younger onto the top rope, he starts to punch away at him before going to the top rope. Damage thinks he has Younger where he wants him by getting him ready for a Package Piledriver off the top rope, but Younger battles back. Elbows and all been thrown and Younger turns Damage around before putting his head between Damage's legs and lifting backwards. Younger then falls back hitting the Drake's Landing through the tables and glass as a loud "Holy ****" chant bellows through the arena, and Younger hooks the leg: 1...2...3! It's over... [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] HERE IS YOUR WINNER...AND THE FIRST EVER KOW UNDERGROUND CHAMPION...DRAAAAAAKE YOUNGER! [b]Winner & New KOW Underground Champion:[/b] Drake Younger [At 15:04] [b]Rating:[/b] D+ Younger is given his newly won title, before being raised up by Molineaux and taken backstage whilst arena medics check on Brain Damage. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] What a violent match that was Ladies & Gentlemen, I mean it was a wild brawl. the ending was just sick, I hope Brain Damage is okay. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Well obviously he will be, he's the Terminator of wrestling. Hopefully he can be at our next show... [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] Our next match is PAC versus Bobby Quance, and what a high flying war this will be people. I can't wait... "Put Your Quarter Up" by Molemen hits the arena, suddenly Bobby Quance is seen running down to the ring. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen, Opening Night continues with a match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Morgan Hill, California....Weighing in at 170 pounds...THE SHOOTING STAR....[b]BOBBY QUAAAAAANCE~![/b] Quance slides inside the ring before running around in circles awaiting PAC's arrival. "Put Your Quarter Up" soon fades, and "Stricken" by Disturbed hits the arena. PAC steps through the curtain getting cheered by the fans, he makes his way down the ramp and high fives fans going along... [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And Bobby Quance's opponent, from Newcastle, England...Weighing in at 172 Pounds...THE MAN THAT GRAVITY FORGOT...[b]PAAAAAAAAC~![/b] PAC slides inside the ring before hopping onto the second rope and backflipping off. Referee Mark Johnson gets inside the ring and calls for the bell and we're off... [b]Singles Match: Bobby Quance versus PAC[/b] PAC & Quance lock up in the middle of the ring, with neither getting the advantage but PAC exploits his quickness and manages to slip behind Quance and lock in a waistlock, he lifts Quance in the air for a German Suplex but Quance manages to backflip out of it and apply a waistlock of his own before pushing PAC into the nearby turnbuckle. Quance follows up with a dropkick to the face and goes for the cover: 1...2...PAC kicks out just in time, before Johnson could even say the word three. Quance gets to his feet and takes PAC with him and applies a front facelock, Quance pulls back looking for a Suplex as he manages to stall PAC in the air making it a Stalling Suplex. Before Quance can leap down making PAC's back hit the mat, PAC manages to get out of it and fall forward before grabbing Quance with his legs on the way down and hitting a Head Scissors, drilling Quance. PAC quickly goes for a cover: 1...2...Quance gets the shoulder up, but PAC seems like he isn't finished yet going all out by mounting ontop of Quance and throwing punches, Quance manages to flip PAC off but PAC bridges on landing and still has a grasp of Quance's hands, they both raise with hands together as PAC goes for a Backslide and Quance rolls through before getting up and kicking PAC in the face, he rolls out of the ring to the outside in pain not knowing that Quance has something planned for him...Quance runs across the ring and back before flipping over the top rope onto PAC as the crowd go wild on its impact. Both men are sprawled out on the concrete floor at ringside and Johnson starts his count: 1...2...3...4...5...We see Quance using the barricade to pull himself up and he does get to his feet, Quance rolls into the ring and back out restarting the count before going onto the apron. Quance hops onto the second rope and backflips back with the Asai Moonsault but PAC catches him in mid-air, PAC tosses Quance into the guardrail neck first sending Quance staggering back allowing him to hit a Russian Leg Sweep on the concrete floor. PAC gets to his feet before taking Quance with him and throws him inside the ring and gets inside himself, he climbs the top rope but Quance manages to get up before PAC can hit whatever he was going for. Quance runs up the ropes before reaching the top one and applying a Belly To Belly hold on PAC, he leaps back flipping PAC over with the Belly To Belly Suplex off the top rope, and PAC hits the mat hard. Quance hooks the leg for a pinfall attempt: 1...2...PAC KICKS OUT! [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Quance almost had PAC finished there, but almost isn't it. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] How much more can PAC take, I mean this is pure slaughter for the Man Which Gravity Forgot. He needs to think of something quick... [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] And Quance with the Standing Shooting Star Press, he nailed it perfectly. Nobody can do it like that... Quance hits the Standing Shooting Star Press before going for yet another cover: 1...2...PAC PUTS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPE! Quance doesn't seem at all pleased by this, he gets to his feet and climbs the top rope before screaming at the top of his lungs: "SHOOTING STAR PRESS!" Quance leaps off with the Shooting Star Press travelling forward looking to hit PAC...BUT THERE IS NOBODY HOME! PAC just moved out of the way, just avoiding the Shooting Star Press. PAC soon gets up and climbs to the top turnbuckle. PAC looks around the arena, before getting them to clap giving him momentum. PAC leaps off doing 2 front flips looking for the 630 Senton but...QUANCE HAS HIS KNEES UP! PAC lands on Quance's knees and leaps off them, Quance manages to follow up with a Tornado DDT before once again trying for a Shooting Star Press. Quance climbs to the top rope, looking at the fallen man known as PAC. He leaps off going for the Shooting Star Press...AND IT CONNECTS! Quance hooks the leg and Johnson slides in: 1...2...3! [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] HERE IS YOUR WINNER...BOBBY QUAAAAANCE~! [b]Winner:[/b] Bobby Quance [At 14:31] [b]Rating:[/b] D- [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Bobby Quance picking up his first victory here on KOW Opening Night. What a phenomenal match that was... Quance goes back up the entrance ramp with Mark Johnson raising his hand in the air. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] Yeah I agree Jordan, that was some match there with what we expected from both men. But i am a bit gutted that I never saw a 630... Anguis gets ready to call the next match: [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] KOW Opening Night continues with a Triple Threat Tag Team Elimination Match.... "Generations" by Dale Oliver hits the arena as the crowd know who's coming, Homicide & Hernandez otherwise known as the Latin American eXchange walk through the curtain with Hernandez holding the flag up high whilst walking down the ramp, Homicide is way in front walking around the ring as Anguis continues. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing Team Number One, from Brooklyn m New York. HOMICIDE...And his partner from Houston, Texas....HERNANDEZ...Together they weigh in at 515 pounds they are...[b]THE LATIN AMERICAN EXCHANGE~![/b] Hernandez gets inside the ring as Homicide is still walking around ringside, until he slides in. "Generations" fades out and "Tear Away" by Drowning Pool hits the arena, Kevin Steen & El Generico walks through the curtain and out onto the stage as they walk down the ramp no talk... [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing Team Number 2, from Canada, weighing in at a combined weight of 400 Pounds. The Team of Kevin Steen & El Generico....[b]TEEEEEAM EGO~![/b] Team Ego slide inside the ring before Kevin Steen talks trash to Homicide but Generico pulls him away. But soon L.A.X start the match early. Hernandez on El Generico & Homicide on Kevin Steen punches been thrown at their faces as Steen & Generico can't fight back, but soon enough The S.A.T run down with out no introduction as Anguis gets out of the ring as fast a he can. [b]Triple Threat Tag Team Elimination Match: Latin American eXchange versus The S.A.T versus Team Ego[/b] Jose & Joel slide inside the ring and start to join the brawl taking down Hernandez with a Double Dropkick. They then go towards Homicide pulling Steen away and both clotheslining Homicide over the top rope. Jose & Joel split up to take on the remaining team in the ring. El Generico quickly gets on the assault on Joel before hitting a Neckbreaker. Meanwhile Steen is being pummled in the corner by Jose who then whips him corner to corner before running at Steen but is soon intercepted by Generico who hits the Yakuza Kick twisting Jose inside out before going for a cover: 1...2...NO! Jose gets the shoulder up as Generico calls for Steen. Steen makes his way to help Generico by standing him on his feet, they both lock in a front facelock on Jose before pulling back and hitting a Double Suplex. Homicide comes back inside the ring and gives a devastating Running DDT to Steen, Homicide starts to mount on Steen and starts to punch away at him, Hernandez slides in and deals with El Generico by throwing him into the corner. Hernandez runs at Generico before hitting a huge Splash squashing the Luchadore as he faints to the ground, Hernandez turns his focus onto the S.A.T as they run at him to get a clothesline one for each man, Hernandez then calls for Homicide. Hernandez grabs Joel and then places him in a sitting position on his shoulders as Homicide climbs the top rope, Homicide leaps off catching Joel in a 3/4 Facelock in mid-air before hitting the Elevated Cutter drilling Joel on the mat from a long way down. Referee Tony barrat checks on Joel as Steen, Generico & Jose try to take down Hernandez but all attempts fail until they hit a Triple Dropkick sending Hernandez into the corner. Jose follows up with a Tornado DDT drilling Hernandez on the mat...1...2...NO! Hernandez powers out of the pinfall attempt by launching Jose into the air. Meanwhile El Generico has Joel set up for something in the corner...Generico runs across the ring and then drives his boot right across the face of Joel Maximo as the crowd scream "OLE!", Generico then applies a front headlock before lifting Joel into the sky, could this be a BRAAAINBUSTAH~!? Maybe not, Homicide takes Generico gets taken down with a vicious Lariat and Joel is dropped to the ground. Steen jumps Homicide from behind with a clubbing blow to the back, Steen turns Homicide around but is given a Lariat over the top rope for his troubles. Generico kicks Homcide over the top rope as he starts to scream but is soon backed into the corner by S.A.T. They put Generico on the top rope, they then try for a Spanish Fly as they do a backflip with Generico executing the Spanish Fly onto both Homicide & Steen on the outside. With 5 men on the outside, Hernandez is the only one in the ring. Hernandez looks around the ring before running backwards and then back gaining momentum, meanwhile all 5 men on the outside stand but here comes the Hernandez Expres...BIG SUICIDE DIVE CLEARING THE ROPES BY AT LEAST 4 FEET! Hernandez dives onto everyone on the outside as the crowd go wild. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] HERNANDEZ WITH THE SPECTACULAR DIVE...DESTROYING EVERYONE IN SIGHT! AND MY GOD IT WAS AMAZING! [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] This is why Wrestling Society X sucks at making matches like these...This is why the lack in entertainment...WE ARE THE NEW FACE OF WRESTLING! [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] This is one red-hot tag team match right here, and look at how beautiful that Suicide Dive was. I wish I could do that, I mean soaring through the air must be fun. Hernandez is the first one standing as he grabs ahold of El Generico and tosses him inside the ring before going in himself, he then stands Generico up before putting him between his legs. Hernandez then lifts Generico to his shoulders before tossing him across the ring with the Megabomb upon landing Generico folds up like a accordian and Hernandez hooks the leg: 1...2...3! [b]Team Ego Is Eliminated[/b] Kevin Steen seems shocked as he was going to break up the pin but didn't get there in time, with just the S.A.T & L.A.X left we see Joel & Jose slide inside the ring behind Hernandez, they try to take him down but Hernandez turns around and boots Joel and then wraps his hands around Jose's neck, before hitting the Cracker-Jack sending Jose crashing into the turnbuckle. Homicide follows up as Jose comes down from the turnbuckle, he then goes for the Cop Killa as he nails it, he hooks the leg: 1...2...3! [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] HERE ARE YOUR WINNERS....L.A.X~! L.A.X back up the ramp with the Puerto Rican flag held high as the crowd applaud their efforts. [b]Winner:[/b] Latin American eXchange [At 16:27] [b]Rating:[/b] C [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Well, that was a quick end to the S.A.T. And Latin American eXchange have won the Triple Threat Elimination Match, but will management consider them for a KOW World Tag Team Title Shot? I mean they both proved that they were great wrestlers, but do management think so? [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] I hope they do, I want to see these type of matches every show and I will be disappointed if I don't. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Well, onto our next match. The man who is real big in Mexico: Mr. Agulia, who will be taking on the 'Strong Style Thug' B-Boy in what promises to be yet another good match... "Real Mother *censored*ing G's" by Eazy-E hits the arena, and B-Boy walks out infront of the sold out ECW Arena. He walks down the ramp to chants of 'B-Boy' as he slides inside the ring, before hopping on the turnbuckle as Ed 'O Mac takes his place inside the ring: [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from San Diego, California. He weighs in at 200 pounds...THE NEW AGE PUNISHER...[b]B-BOY~![/b] The crowd applaud B-Boy as he jumps down from the top rope, "Real Mother *censored*ing G's" by Eazy-E fades out as there is silence for a couple of seconds. Mr. Agulia comes down the ramp with the crowd silent as there is no music... [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And B-Boy's opponent, from Tijuana in Mexico. He weighs in at 185 Pounds....[b]MIIIIIIISTER AGULIAAAA~![/b] Agulia slides inside the ring before getting to his feet and locking eyes with B-Boy as referee Jim Molineaux calls for the bell. [b]Singles Match: B-Boy versus Mr. Agulia[/b] The bell rings and we're off, B-Boy & Agulia circle eachother as they then lock up with neither getting a slight advantage as they both let go. They then lock up again with B-Boy getting the advantage and locking in a headlock, Agulia struggles but manages to push 'The New Age Punisher' away into the ropes and he comes back to dodge a clothesline, B-Boy rebounds off the ropes once more looking for a Shinning Wizard but Agulia escapes the attempt before getting back to his feet and hitting a dropkick on the face of B-Boy sending him staggering back into the corner. Agulia walks over towards B-Boy in the corner before driving his elbow into the face if 'The New Age Punisher' continuously doing it over and over again, B-Boy slumps down giving Agulia a chance to run across the ring and back driving his boot across the face of B-Boy and he goes for the cover: 1...2...B-Boy firmly gets the shoulder up, Agulia looks like he expected it and he raises B-Boy to his feet and applies a front facelock, Agulia tries to lift B-Boy up for a Suplex but B-Boy hooks the leg blocking the attempt. B-Boy takes back the initiative by hitting a Snap Suplex but keeping it locked, he gets up and hits another one before rolling over and hitting one final Suplex. B-Boy gets to his feet then gets Agulia to his feet, he starts to chop away at his chest and each connecting chop the sound "WHOOOOOO!" comes from the crowd. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7, Agulia's chest turns redder by the minute but he retaliates with his own Knife Edge Chops to B-Boy's chest. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...DROPKICK! Agulia destroys B-Boy with a dropkick sending him to the outside, where Agulia seems to want B-Boy. As B-Boy hits the concrete Agulia already has a running start, he rebounds off the ropes and runs directly at where B-Boy is situated and hops onto the top rope, Agulia then jumps off just as B-Boy got up and turned around before wrapping his legs around his throat and flipping him over with a Diving Hurricanrana sending B-Boy into the hard, cold concrete floor. B-Boy screams in pain as Molineaux starts the count: 1...2...3...He continues the ring out count as Agulia drags B-Boy to his feet, he Irish Whips him into the guard rail which falls over and then gets inside the ring. B-Boy manages to get his marbles together and crawl, he crawls to the ring apron before pulling him self up on it and getting inside the ring. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] How much damage can B-Boy take eh? I mean being thrown into the guard rail and it falling over causing maximum damage. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Plus there is no give in those guardrails, once it crashes into your back your hurt bad. And if you land on it, your in a deep world of hurt. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] What is Agulia setting up for? Mr. Agulia scoops B-Boy up into a Scoop Slam position before dropping him down onto the mat with a sit-out executing the Michinoku Driver. Agulia doesn't go for the pin but climbs the top rope, Agulia looks down at the fallen B-Boy before leaping off with a Corkscrew Moonsault but...THERE IS NOBODY HOME! B-Boy rolled out of the way in the last second, and he is up. B-Boy takes advantage as Agulia is on his knees clutching his stomach in pain, B-Boy runs across the ring and back before hitting the Shinning Wizard, as it seems Agulia has lost. B-Boy with the cover: 1...2...Thr-NO! Agulia kicks out just in time, B-Boy starts to scream in frustration as Agulia is crawling away from him. But B-Boy isn't letting up, he gets to his feet before delivering a devastating ground double stomp to the back of the head. B-Boy then climbs the top rope, he does a little taunt but Agulia pushes Molineaux into the ropes causing B-Boy to crotch himself. B-Boy sits on the turnbuckle in pain, and Agulia gets to his feet, he walks over to the sitting B-Boy and climbs to the second rope. He scoops B-Boy up and then leaps backwards before hitting a Super Rios Driver. Connecting and the impact is unbearable as Rios hooks the leg: 1...2...3! [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] HERE IS YOUR WINNER....[b]MIIISTEEER AGULIAAAAAAA~![/b] [b]Winner:[/b] Mr. Agulia [At 11:33] [b]Rating:[/b] C- Mr. Agulia walks up the ramp with his head held high laughing at B-Boy who sits up, and looks at him before going through the curtain. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] How brilliant was that comeback by Mr. Agulia, I mean getting hit by the Shinning Wizard but kicking out. B-Boy's Shinning Wizard is one to look out for but Mr Agulia had enough in the tank to fight it, but ladies and gentlemen. It is now time for their first ever meeting. Yes we are talking about Low-Ki & Ultimo Dragon, lets see whats gonna go down in their match which is next... "Realist Killers Instrumental" hits the arena, and Low Ki walks out. Without any taunting or anything he walks down the ramp with the crowd cheering him, he slides into the ring before jumping onto the second rope nearby and raising his arms before jumping down. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] This Match is a FIRST TIME EVER MEETING! And it is scheduled for One Fall. Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York. Weighing 170 pounds...[b]LOOOOOOOWWWWW KI~![/b] As Realist Killers fades out, "Dragon Storm" hits the arena as Ultimo Dragon rushes through the curtain to get applauded by the crowd here at the ECW Arena, wearing his blue mask & attire Dragon walks down the rampway cheered by crowd members and he slides inside the ring. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And his opponent. From Naygoya City, Japan. Weighing in at 185 pounds...[b]ULTIMOOOOOOOOOO DRAAAAAAGON~![/b] Dragon takes off his entrance attire before looking eye to eye with Low Ki as the referee Tony Barrat calls for the bell. [b]First Time Ever: Low Ki versus Ultimo Dragon[/b] Tensions running high as both men circle each-other before locking up, the crowd battle each-other with chants of "ULTIMO DRAGON" and "LOW KI", and Ultimo gets the upper hand with a headlock. But Low Ki lifts him from behind, looking for a Back Suplex but Ultimo flips out of it before kicking Low Ki stiffly on the back. Low Ki turns around, belting Ultimo with a roundhouse kick and then another, then following up with a couple of stiff kicks to the chest of Ultimo. Low Ki stops, for the second and chops Ultimo. Ultimo chops back gaining back the initiative, he kicks Ki in the stomach before putting him between his legs. Ultimo hops over with a Sunset Flip for the pin attempt but Ki rolls through and gets to his feet, he stiffly kicks Ultimo in the chest before raising him to his feet. Ki once again kicks Ultimo in the chest and then Irish Whips him across the ring, Ultimo comes back and Ki bends down looking for a Back Body Drop but Ultimo stops in his tracks and hits an Axe Kick to the spinal cord, Low Ki crumples to the mat and Dragon hooks the leg: 1...2...NO! Dragon quickly gets back on offence by punching away at Ki's face, he stops and drags Ki to his feet before going towards the turnbuckle. Ultimo climbs up to the second rope before pulling Ki towards him and locking in a front face lock. Ultimo signals for a Tornado DDT as he spins with Ki before dropping down onto his back, drilling Ki onto the mat. Ultimo does a backwards roll over the fallen Ki and hooks the leg: 1...2...Ki just gets the shoulder up, to the shock of Ultimo who quickly does a cut-throat taunt and raises him to his feet, Ultimo starts to perform a flurry of kicks, punches & real stiff knife edge chops into a Rush/Combo type of move. Ultimo tries to end the flurry with a Springboard Kick, he runs across the ring and hops off the second rope, turning 180 in mid-air so he is facing Low Ki but Ki gives him a Double Foot Dropkick knocking Ultimo out of the sky. Ultimo hits the mat and Ki uses the ropes to get to his feet, Ki climbs up top onto the top turnbuckle before leaping off looking for the Ghetto Stomp but Ultimo moves but Ki rolls as he hits the ground. Ultimo is soon pulled up by Ki from behind as he hits a Backdrop Driver with Ultimo's shoulders down Barrat slides in to call the pinfall: 1...2...Ultimo kicks out just in the nick of time, saving himself from losing this match. They both slowly get to their feet, both nearly done but Ki is the first to make a move with a sharp kick to the chest, making Ultimo flinch. Ki tries to follow up with a Suplex. But Ultimo hooks the leg stopping the attempt. Low Ki tries once more but to no avail, Ultimo tries to counter with a Small Package but Ki rolls through and starts to run across the ring and back again before delivering an earthshattering Dropkick to the chest of Ultimo sending him through the second rope. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] For their first match ever, it seems they are wanting to get the victory on each-other. And you can see the way they are wrestling. Stiff kicks, stiff chops, anything that they can pull out the hat. And that's what the fans wanna see period. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] I share the same opinion, they want to go down as superstars in the fans eyes if they lose, they will still gain popularity. Low Ki & Ultimo Dragon have the same kind of style, I cannot pick which one will win. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] The way Ki is going with this match, it seems it will be him winning. Low Ki climbs onto the top rope, just as Ultimo is about to stand. And Ultimo is standing, Ki leaps off and takes him out from behind with a Double Axe Handle to the back, knocking Ultimo to the floor. Ki raises Ultimo to his feet once more, he looks around the arena before kicking him in the stomach and putting him between his legs. Ki tries to raise Ultimo into the air but can't, Ultimo counters the attempt into a Back Body Drop sending Ki crashing onto tyhe concrete flooring with a loud crack. Ultimo then adds more damage by kicking the spine. Ki is soon raised to his feet, Ultimo throws him into the guard rail before throwing him back inside the ring and going inside himself. He slides in and hooks the leg: 1...2...NO! Ki raises his hand, just in time. Ultimo screams something out in Japanese and raises Ki to his feet, he throws Ki into the corner and then sets him up on the top turnbuckle. Ultimo climbs up there, he starts to punch away at Ki but Ki manages to deliver a cho getting Ultimo caught in the ropes and he chops him again to send him falling back, into a Tree Of Woe. Ki stands up... [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] We know where he's going with this, I think everybody does. And he does it every Thursday on iMPACT. Ki then leaps off with the Ghetto Stomp just as Ultimo was about to sit back up on the turnbuckle, completely hitting it on target as the crowd scream "OH~!", Ultimo drops down onto the mat and Ki hooks the leg: 1...2...NO! Ultimo kicks out, proving he's got life in him. Ki looks at Barrat and says it was a 3 but Barrat says it was 2. Ki raises Ultimo to his feet once again before scooping him up, Ki then hits the Ki Krusher 99 spiking Ultimo before going for the pinfall once again: 1...2...3! He got it... [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Here is your winner....[b]LOOOOOW KIIII~![/b] [b]Winner:[/b] Low Ki [b]Rating:[/b] C+ Ki gets his hand raised by Barrat as he leaves the ring, Ki walks back up the ramp as Ultimo lats motionless on the mat. Ki walks through the curtain, leaving the arena. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] What a match that was, man oh man. Ultimo Dragon must be in a whole world of hurt right now. Having the Ghetto Stomp done to you following up with the Ki Krusher must've hurt his whole body. I hope he's alright, but anyway folks. This is the moment you've been waiting for, the Triple Main Event. Starting with the Six Man Tag Team Match which is now... [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Kings Of Wrestling: Opening Night continues with the first of our Triple Main Events. This match will be a Six Man Tag Team Match, scheduled for one fall. "T.N.T" by AC/DC hits the arena as Paul London runs through the curtain and down the ramp. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing the first member of Team #1 from Austin, Texas....Weighing in at 205 Pounds....[b]PAAAAAUL LOOOONDOON~![/b] London slides inside the ring before hopping onto the top turnbuckle, he then backflips off and runs towards the ropes where he hops on the second one and raises his arms. "T.N.T" fades out and "Gimme Back My Bullets" by Lynyrd Skynyrd hits the P.A System, The Briscoe Brothers make their way down the rampway, walking past a hot crowd. Jay gets into an argument with a crowd member before sliding inside the ring, whilst Mark is already inside standing on the second rope, raising his arms up. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And Paul London's partners, from Laurel in Delaware. Weighing in at a combined weight of 430 pounds....MARK & JAY...[b]THE BRISCOE BROTHERS~![/b] As all 3 members of team #1 are inside the ring, "Gimme Back My Bullets" fades out. Silence is around the arena for a couple of seconds until this word is heard throughout the arena: "HEEEYYYY", "I Have To Have It Instrumental" strikes the arena triggering cheering from the crowd who love Claudio Castagnoli, he steps out through the curtain with thunderous applause from the crowd. They start chanting his name, Claudio walks down the ramp slapping the crowd hands, he slides inside the ring before going at one side of the ring and shouting "HEYYY", the crowd do it with him too. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And their opponents, first. From the United Bank Of Switzerland. Weighing in at 232 pounds...He is One half of the Famous Kings Of Wrestling Tag Team....[b]CLAAAAAAUDIO CASTAGNOOOOLI~![/b] With Claudio undressing from his suit to reveal his ring attire, "We Fly High" by D.J Sonic hits the arena and Ruckus & Sabian of BLKOUT walk through the curtain, with Robbie Minero following behind. The crowd has a mixed reaction towards them as they continue down the ramp. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And Claudio Castagnoli's parters, Accompanied by Robbie Minero, from the Chocolate City. Weighing in at a combined weight of 390 Pounds...RUCKUS & SABIAN...[b]THE BLAAAAAAACKOUT![/b] BLKOUT enter the ring via sliding in, Ruckus is quick to get in the face of Paul London as Mike Sparks calls for the bell and we're off. [b]Triple Main Event Match One/Six Man Tag Team Match: Claudio Castagnoli & The BLKOUT w/ Robbie Minero versus Paul London & The Briscoe Brothers[/b] [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Is this a last minute adjustment or what? Why is Robbie Minero out here, I mean this is a travesty. Sabian volunteers to go first as London volunteers to go first as well, their teams go onto the apron. Sabian and London come face to face, Sabian slaps London across the face as London retaliates with a forearm smash to the face. London follows up with another and another before going downstairs with the Basement Dropkick. Sabian gets down to one knee, suddenly Jay Briscoe runs in and drives his boot right into the face of Sabian knocking him down to the floor. Sparks tells Jay to get out of the ring as London starts to stomp on Sabian's body continuously before dropping the leg across his throat, Sabian rolls around on the floor as London hooks the leg, Mike Sparks turns his attention back to both of them before counting the pinfall: 1...2...Ruckus quickly stomps on London stopping the count. London in an instant gets to his feet, he looks eye to eye with Ruckus before being slapped by Ruckus who pushes him back into Sabian who gets a roll up, Sparks slides in for the count: 1...2...London just kicks out in time, saving himself for losing for his team in approximately 2 minutes. Sabian gets back to his feet as London gets back to his, Sabian makes the quick attack with a boot to the stomach, [b]Sabian tags out to Claudio, who gets inside the ring and hits a Twisting Neckbreaker.[/b] Claudio pops up before looking at the crowd, he then shouts "HEYYYY" and the crowd do it with him. Claudio goes back to London, he pulls him up by his hair and then tries for a European Uppercut but instead it is blocked, [b]London does an evasive roll under Claudio's arm and makes the tag for Mark Briscoe to come in.[/b] Mark enters the ring, and wastes no time on Claudio by using forearm blows to the lung area before lifting Claudio from behind and hiottting a Back Suplex. Mark calls for Jay who gets inside the ring. They both lift Claudio up to his feet and apply a Double Front Facelock, they then put both of his arms over their shoulders before pulling back and hitting a Double Suplex. Claudio lands hard and Jay rolls out of the ring, Mark meanwhile rolls over onto Claudio and hooks the leg in hopes of having him pinned: 1...2...NO! Claudio gets the shoulder up just in time, Mark looks at the referee about to argue that it was a three but Sparks told him not to and his decision is final. Mark stands up, as he raises Claudio to his feet and then starts to throw fists at his face. Little did he know, [b]Ruckus tagged himself in, whilst he was raising Claudio to his feet.[/b] Mark then goes for a Northen Lights Suplex as it connects, shoulders down but Sparks isn't counting. We see Ruckus leap off the top rope with a Double Stomp into the stomach of Mark breaking the bridge and taking the wind out of Mark, Ruckus goes for the cover: 1...2...Mark firmly gets the shoulder up, and Ruckus gets him to his feet. He starts to chop away at Mark's chest but Mark retaliates with a chop of his own, but Ruckus comes back with a forearm smash. Mark does the same and these two go on like this for another couple of seconds, Ruckus finally ends it after reversing a forearm smash by grabbing it and hitting an Arm Breaker. Mark rolls around on the mat for a couple of seconds as Ruckus climbs the turnbuckle, Ruckus looks down behind him and then tries for a Moonsault but lands on his feet as Jay Briscoe & Paul London pulled him out of the way. They had their backs turned at Ruckus who ran across the ring and back before doing a cartwheel combination and flipping over the top rope crashing down onto all 3 members of the opposition. Sabian soon followed with a Topé Con Hilo dive onto all of them just as they were about to stand. But here's the one you wouldn't expect to see....Claudio Castagnoli promised to the fans inside the ring that he would take air and thats what he did, he ran across the ring and dived through the ropes with a Suicide Dive like a bowling ball knocking all the bowling pins down for a strike everybody went down, the crowd start to chant "That Was Awesome" as Claudio is the only one standing..."HEYYYYY~!" Claudio picks up Ruckus and throws him inside the ring along with Mark, as Ruckus stands to his feet dazed, but he didn't care as he hit the Standing Shooting Star Press for the pinfall: 1...2...NO! Mark puts his leg on the ropes just saving him from the pinfall, and Ruckus tags out to Sabian who climbs the turnbuckle. Looking down at the fallen Mark he leaps off trying for a Black Jesus Stomp but Jay springboards off the top ropes with a Dropkick diverting Sabian's landing. That just binded Mark some time as Jay got back onto his side of the apron and held his hand out, the only man who hasn't been in this match is calling for the tag. [b]Mark manages to gather enough strength to tag in Jay who comes in like a house of fire, Ruckus & Claudio come in trying to stop him but all attempts fail as Jay takes hem down with a Double Clothesline.[/b] Claudio & Ruckus both roll out of the ring and Jay calls for London, Mark gets inside the ring and grabs a hold of Sabian's legs as Jay grabs a holds of Sabian's arms. They pull him up as London climbs the turnbuckle, London leaps off with a 450 Splash drilling Sabian in the stomach. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] What a brutal double team move that was. I wouldn't be surprised if Sabian didn't kick out. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] What the hell is the stupid fag Robbie Minero doing? Robbie Minero gets inside the ring and starts screaming at Mark, Jay & London. They turn towards him as Jay knocks him down with a right hand and then pulls him up, he applies a Double Underhook and lifts Minero to his feet. London & Mark go to the apron and springboard on the top rope before jumping down and grabbing both Minero's legs and pushing him down with force, with the Spike Jay Driller. Minero seems laid out but before the trio can do anything else. Joker runs in with a chair in hand and gets on the apron. The referee is distracted, we see Ruckus has a chair in hand and the trio inside the ring turn around but manage to Double Dropkick the chair into the face of Ruckus who goes over the top rope. Joker gets down the apron and pulls Minero out of there, [b]Claudio meanwhile is on the apron as Sabian tags him in.[/b] Claudio steps inside the ring, the trio go after him with punches but all the punches are blocked and European Uppercuts become of them. Mark & London go staggering back as Jay goes to the floor. Claudio then grabs the right leg. He lifts Jay up by it, and then slams the knee onto the ground. Claudio does this again and again before putting Jay's leg across his shoulder and lifting Jay off the ground locking in a Stretch Muffler. Jay screams in agony, Claudio applies the pressure again and again until Jay is on the verge of tapping out but it isn't to be as London dropkicks Claudio in the stomach making him drop Jay, Ruckus & Sabian get inside the ring and start to brawl with London, but Mark makes the save and joins in. Their fight spreads to the outside as Jay gets to his feet and gets Claudio to his feet, Jay kicks Claudio in the stomach and applies a double underhook before lifting Claudio into the sky and dropping him on his head hitting the Jay Driller. Jay hooks the leg: 1...2...3! [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Here are your winners...[b]THE BRISCOE BROTHER AND PAAAAAAAUL LONDON~![/b] [b]Winner:[/b] Paul London & The Briscoe Brothers [At 20:25] [b]Rating:[/b] C- As Gimme Back Bullets hits the P.A System, Mike Sparks raises the hand of Jay Briscoe. London & Mark slide inside the ring and get their hands raised too, Ruckus and Sabian get inside the ring and jump them all from behind and Claudio is laid out on the apron. We see Joker get involved as he took Minero to the back, and its a BLKOUT assault. Joker & Sabian clear the ring of The Briscoes as Ruckus & London are alone. Ruckus delivers a devastating Hate Crime to London before climbing the top rope and raising his arms, "We Fly High" hits the speakers as Ruckus leaves with Joker & Sabian leaving the wreckage of The Briscoes & Paul London in the ring and ringside. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] What the hell was that all about, I mean talk about sore losers. The BLKOUT just took out Paul London & The Briscoes. I bet you they are gonna be pissed off at the next show, I can just see it. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Well I can see The Briscoes being pissed off, thats for sure. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] But what a great match it was people, you got to admit all out action surely made the match and I am actually quite happy as the fans are too. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Opening Night continues with our Second Main Event of the night. And it is scheduled for one fall. "I Am" hits the arena, and a pyro waterfall starts to come down from the stage, and a hooded man walks through it in a hooded coat. He then takes off the hood to reveal himself as it is A.J Styles who walks down the ramp, the fans start to cheer him. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing first. From Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 215 pounds...THE PHENOMENAL...[b]A.J STYLES~![/b] Styles slides inside the ring before going to each side of the ring and doing the entrance taunt he does, by spreading his arms out. "I Am" fades out soon enough, and "The Final Countdown" hits the arena. Bryan Danielson walks through the curtain and wastes no time walking down the ramp, he slides inside the ring before coming face to face with A.J Styles and then he turns his back to him. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And A.J's opponent. From Aberdean, WA. Weighing in at 190 Pounds...THE AMERICAN DRAGON...[b]BRYAAAAN DAAAANIELSON~![/b] Danielson gets a mixed reaction from the crowd as Tony Barrat calls for the bell. [b]Second Main Event Of The Night/Singles Match: A.J Styles versus Bryan Danielson[/b] Both men circle the squared circle, they quickly come to fists as Danielson sends Styles staggering back with a right hand. Danielson then follows up with a elbow to the gut and then he whips Styles across the ropes. Styles comes back but using his quickness ducks a clothesline attempt and comes up behind Danielson, he applies a waistlock but Danielson counters and goes behind Styles, Danielson tries to lift Styles for a German Suplex but Styles counters with a Victory Roll for the first pin attempt of the match: 1...No, Danielson kicks out and Styles is forced to let go of the pin. Danielson is raised to his feet by Styles who then locks up with him, Styles is clearly getting the upper hand but Danielson manages to break free gaining back the initiative. He applies a front headlock and lifts Styles into the air. Danielson tries to leap back but Styles manages to slide down behind him and applies a sleeper hold. Restricting the oxygen to get to Danielson's head, but Danielson manages to reverse the sleeper and run into the ropes, knocking Styles off and breaking his grip. Danielson runs across the ring and back again just as Styles is standing and he chop blocks him, Danielson still has a hold of the leg and gets to his feet. Danielson drops his elbow onto the leg continuously working over one main part of Styles body. Danielson drops one final elbow onto the leg of Styles before staying there, his arm firmly placed on the leg and he starts to wrench back. Styles screams in agony, he is nowhere near the ropes and Danielson stands up and drops the elbow down on the leg again, he wrenches back on it and Styles is fighting the pain. Danielson finally lets go, he takes the time to taunt Styles who is using the ropes to stand to his feet. Danielson just kicks the leg of Styles making him fall back down, Danielson then starts to stomp on the leg of Styles to the dismay of the crowd who started chanting "Is That All You Can Do" at Danielson who picked up Styles. Danielson tries to whip Styles across the ring but Styles blocked it and threw Danielson over the top rope. Styles got out of the ring and Tony Barrat started counting, Styles grabbed ahold of Danielson and stood him up onto his feet. Styles pushed Danielson into the crowd barricade, Styles starts to fire off some elbows, forearms and punches to the face of Danielson but Danielson manages to block one attempt and kick Styles in the knee sending Styles to the hard, cold concrete floor. Danielson slides inside the ring and back out restarting the count to Barrat's unlinking and he starts to slam Styles leg against the concrete floor. He then pulls A.J's leg and places the crowd barricade on it before climbing up onto the apron. Danielson leaps off and pushes the barricade down onto the leg of Styles making him scream in pain, Danielson takes it off and then throws Styles inside the ring. Danielson goes in himself and takes a hold of Styles' legs. He then turns over executing the Boston Crab and putting all his weight down onto the spinal cord to making the maximum amount of damage he can, Styles starts to crawl to the bottom rope and he grabs it. Danielson still applies the pressure, and Barrat starts to count: 1...2...3...4...Fi-, Danielson lets go as Styles is finding it hard to stand to his feet. Danielson distances himself away from Styles who manages to stand, he turns around as Danielson charges at him with his outstretched boot. Directed at the knee but Styles moves, and regains the initiative and grabs Danielson in a fron face lock. Styles falls backwards and drills Danielson with a DDT. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] Well, as what we can see. Danielson is trying to damage the leg of Styles and he might of done it, you know what this means. No Spiral Tap, Styles Clash or any other inspired A.J Styles Move. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] But do you think A.J cares? Do you think he cares Dean? [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] A.J is a tough coockie to make crumble, even if you injure his legs he will do the move no matter what the cost. Styles gets to his feet, and he hobbles to the turnbuckle. He tries to climb it but has trouble doing it, he continues however and reaches the top. But A.J wasted to much time and Danielson rushes the move that A.J was going to do, and starts to battle it out with Styles on the top rope. Styles loses the effort and Danielson applies a front facelock, he then lifts Styles skywards but instead of going backwards he throws Styles to the concrete floor on the outside making aloud bang. Styles face tells the story of the pain he is going through, Danielson stands up on the turnbuckle he then jumps off. He lands his feet onto the back of Styles' leg, and Styles once again screams in pain. Danielson throws him inside the ring and slides inside himself, he then raises Styles to his feet but Styles makes a comeback with an eye rake evening out the game. Styles then whips Danielson across the ring, and runs at him once he rebounds of the ropes Styles boots him in the gut and then hits a knee to the face. Styles puts his hand on his knee in pain, knowing that he has to battle the pain to fight and he climbs the top rope faster than before like the pain isn't hurting him one bit. Styles looks at Danielson on the floor as he leaps off doing the Spinal Tap but Danielson moved out of the way, and Styles hit his leg on the mat. Styles rolls around writhing in pain as Danielson goes for the pinfall: 1...2...NO! Styles kicks out, Danielson quickly grasps the leg and tries to lock in a Single Leg Crab but Styles turns it into a Small Package for the quick cover: 1...2...3! Styles quickly rolls out of the ring escaping Danielson. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] HERE IS YOUR WINNER...[b]AJ STYLES~![/b] [b]Winner:[/b] A.J Styles [23:41] [b]Rating:[/b] C+ As "I Am" strikes the P.A System, A.J Styles backs up the ramp where Tony Barrat catches up with him and raises his hand as Danielson looks in complete shock at how Styles won the match. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] What a match that was. Danielson may have worked over Styles but Styles with the small package picked up the win. But now people...It is time for our Main Event of the evening. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen, this is our Main Event here at Opening Night. It is the big one, and it is scheduled for One Fall. "F*cking In The Bushes" By Oasis hits the arena and Nigel McGuinness steps out with his newly won HWA World Title & ROH World Title on his shoulders, he adjusts them before walking down the ramp. Nigel gets cheered by the crowd and he walks up the steps and gets inside the ring before raising his two title belts up in the air. [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing first. From London, England. Weighiong in at 220 pounds...[b]NIGEL MCGUINNESS~![/b] "F*cking In The Bushes" By Oasis fades out. "The Champ Is Here" by Jadkiss soon hits the P.A system as chants of "Joe Is Gonna Kill You" are being chanted at McGuinness as Joe walks through the curtain and rushes down the ramp, Nigel gets out of the ring and referee Jim Molineaux calls for the bell as Nigel and Joe start to brawl on the entrance ramp. [b]Main Event/Singles Match Nigel McGuinness versus Samoa Joe[/b] As punches are thrown between the two as the crowd are battling the chants like in the Low Ki/Ultimo Dragon match chanting the wrestlers names like a competition, Nigel throws Joe into the crowd barricade and starts to chop away at him. Molineaux is trying to restore order but leaves it as Joe turns the tables on Nigel and delivers some knife edge chops to Nigel before throwing him down the ramp. Joe follows up with a kick to the spinal cord making him roll down the ramp to the ringside area where the concrete floor is, and Joe throws his towel that was around his neck into the crowd. Joe raises Nigel to his feet and whips him into the post of the ECW Arena that is holding it together, as Nigel bounces off it. Joe follows up with a Big Boot sending Nigel staggering back into the crowd barricade corner as Joe starts to get the crowd going signaling for the facewash. Joe runs across the ringside floor and outstretches his foot for the facewash as it connects scraping his foot against the face of Nigel who feels the pain. Joe goes back on the attack quickly as he raises Nigel to his feet and tries to whip him across the ringside floor but it is reversed and he is whipped into the crowd barricade, Nigel gets inside the ring and calls for Joe. Joe meanwhile is regaining his marbles after being thrown into the barricade, Joe rolls inside the ring and is quickly assaulted by Nigel McGuinness who starts to stomp on him. Nigel mixes it up with a couple of elbow drops too, these two have just wasted at least 5 minutes brawling on the outside and now its time for the actual wrestling. McGuinness raises Joe to his feet and pushes him inside the corner, he pops up onto the second rope and starts the ten punch: 1...2...3...4...5...7...8...9...10? No Joe blocks the tenth punch and pushes Nigel off, Nigel rruns at Joe who is still in the corner looking for a Corner splash but Joe catches him in mid-air with the STO, Nigel hits the floor hard and Joe hooks the leg for the first pinfall of the match: 1...2...Nigel gets the shoulder up, narrowly avoiding the three. Joe mounts on McGuinness and starts to punch away at him like this is UFC, Joe does it continuously until he sees McGuinness screaming but once he does, McGuinness turns the tables and starts to fire off elbows to the head of Joe. McGuinness gets of Joe and then gets him to stand on his feet. McGuinness starts to headbutt Joe, 1...2...3...4...5...6....7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15, Nigel doesn't stop until he's done at the twenty mark before taking ahold of Joe's arm. Nigel Joe's arm around his throat and then hits the Ace Crusher as he goes for the cover: 1...2...No, Joe violently gets the shoulder up. Nigel doesn't know what to think, he gets to his feet and grabs ahold of Joe's legs. Nigel then drops his knee into the crotch of Joe unlike the normal McGuinness =, Nigel takes it up a notch by using moves that are making him look desperate to gain the victory quickly. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Well, now we all know that Nigel is wannting to end this match quickly before Joe can rise up and take him down. I mean who doesn't blame McGuinness. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] I certainly don't, I mean out of desperation you have to do it don't you. [b][color="#4169E1"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Well, now we see McGuinness in the corner could this be the Jawbreaker Lariat? Nigel is in the corner, awaiting for Joe to stand to his feet. Nigel runs at him once he does and is tossed into the turnbuckle by Joe. Nigel comes back out to be kicked in the gut. Joe whips him across the ring and back before delivering a Lariat of his own, knocking Nigel off his feet and hitting the ground. Nigel seems to be suffering the effects of that powerhouse Lariat, Joe raises Nigel to his feet and hits another one but Nigel gets to his feet in an instant and tells Joe to bring it as Joe Lariat's Nigel again and he gets up. Nigel & Joe run at eachother before Lariating eachother in the climax point of the Lariat Battle. Both men are laid out and Molineaux starts to count the knockout count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...Joe gets to his feet first and Nigel follows, Nigel tries for another Jawbreaker Lariat but Joe ducks the attempt and locks in the Rear Naked Choke. Choking out McGuinness who manages to reverse with a Jawbreaker. Joe staggers back and Nigel pushes him in the corner, Nigel fires off some chops to the chest reddening the chest of Joe who manages to block one and take advantage by kicking Nigel in the face with a stiff kick. Nigel retaliates with a Uppercut sending Joe back in the corner. Nigel manages to set Joe up on the top turnbuckle as he climbs up to the second looking for Superplex, he tries to lift him up but Joe instead scoops him up and jumps off the second rope with an Island Driver as it spikes Nigel on the mat. Joe hooks the leg: 1...2...3! [b][color="#800080"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Here Is Your Winner...[b]SAMOA JOE~![/b] [b]Winner:[/b] Samoa Joe [At 28:08] [b]Rating:[/b] B- [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Thank you for watching Kings Of Wrestling: Opening Night, we will see you next month of our second show. From me Chris Anguis, Dean Ayass & Ben Jordan goodnight and thank you for supporting us for our first show. The screen fades to black as Joe has his hand held high by Molineaux. [b]Overall Rating:[/b] C+ [b]Notes:[/b] Poularity Increased in The Tri State[/quote] Still More To Come
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[quote][center][b]Kings Of Wrestling Present: Valentine's Massacre Live From: Hammerstein Ballroom[/b][/center] As the lights start to flash, fireworks start to go off in the Hammerstein Ballroom, 1,388 people are on their feet cheering for Kings Of Wrestling Action to start as Chris Anguis and team introduce us to the show: [color="#000080"][b]Chris Anguis:[/b][/color] Welcome Ladies & Gentlemen, we are here live in the Hammerstein Ballroom for Valentine's Massacre and what a great show we got for you tonight. [color="#000000"][b]Ben Jordan:[/b][/color] Yeah tonight, Jersey All Pro Wrestling World Champion, Low Ki will defend his title here tonight against Nigel McGuinness in what promises to be a match of the year candidate. Also the KOW World Tag Team Titles, we will crown the first ever tag team to win that piece of gold. 4 Teams will battle it out in the first Red Carpet Hour, and the two teams that win will go onto face off for the gold. Also we have got Samoa Joe & Kevin Steen in the house. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] Plus, a KOW Underground Fans Bring The Weapons Four Way Dance. Drake Younger will defend the title he won last month at Opening Night against Brain Damage, Axl Rotten & Corporal Robinson. We will also have a Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match between Ruckus & Paul London. Settling the bad blood. But lets get to our Red Carpet Hour... [quote] [b][color="#FF0000"]Red Carpet Hour Results:[/color][/b] [b]Devon Storm versus Bobby Roode[/b][list] [*]The match started off with Roode getting the upper hand [*]He had hit a backbreaker followed by a DDT [*]But only got a 2 count. [*]Devon Storm fought back with rights and lefts before hitting a Reverse STO. [*]Devon signaled for a Guillotine Leg Drop but Roode managed to crotch him on the top rope. [*]Roode climbed up to the top and tried for a Superplex, but it was blocked by a Sit-Out Facebuster from Devon Storm. [*]Storm then hit a Mind Bender on Roode for the three [/list][b]Winner:[/b] Devon Storm [b]Rating:[/b] D [b]El Generico versus TAKA Michinoku[/b][list] [*]The crowd started chanting Olé at El Generico who started to fire off some punches at Michinoku [*]TAKA managed to regain the intitave and hit a Swining Neckbreaker [*]TAKA followed up with a Springboard Leg Drop and got a 2. [*]He raised Generico to his feet and whipped him across the ring into the turnbuckle hard [*]Generico hit the turnbuckle so hard the pad came off, Generico managed to turn the tables as TAKA ran at him but Generico threw him into the turnbuckle. [*]Setting him up for the Yakuza Kick in the corner. Generico ran across the ring and back and drives his foot across the face of TAKA before setting him on the turnbuckle and climbing up himself. [*]Generico looks for the BRAAAINBUSTAH~! as he hits it, drilling TAKA's head on the turnbuckle. TAKA drops down to the mat and Generico goes for the pinfall and gets the 3. [/list][b]Winner:[/b] El Generico [b]Rating:[/b] C- [b]Tag Team Qualifier #1: Latin American eXchange versus Spanish Assault Team[/b][list] [*]Hernandez and Joel started inside the ring [*]Hernandez dominated Joel for the opening minutes but the tide changed when Jose hit a Sprinboard Dropkick knocking Hernandez off his feet. [*]Double Team Moves soon followed and Hernandez tagged out to Homicide who came in like a House Of Fire [*]Taking everybody down inside the ring, Homicide hit a Diamond Cutter on Joel and went for the cover. He got a 2 [*]Joel tagged out to Jose as him and Homicide had a chop battle, he whipped Homicide across the ring and hit a Back Body Drop. Homicide landed hard on his back and Hernandez tagged himself in [*]Hernandez started his dominating streak but put Jose out of the match for a while with a Border Toss into the crowd as they caught Jose. [*]Joel wouldn't be declared a loser yet as he nailed Hernandez with a chair shot sending him tumbling over the top rope. [*]Homicide came back in as Jose came back from that Border Toss and they managed to hit a Spanish Fly On Homicide after many tag team moves for the win. [/list][b]Winner & Advancing To The World Tag Team Title Match:[/b] Spanish Assault Team [b]Rating:[/b] C- [b]Tag Team Qualifier #2: The Briscoe Brothers versus BLKOUT (Sabian & Joker) w/ Robbie Minero[/b][list] [*]The match was more like a brawl then a normal tag team match. [*]The Briscoes wanted revenge on BLKOUT for what they did at Opening Night [*]The match started out with both teams brawling inside the ring, Joker and Sabian got the upper hand and started double teaming both Briscoes. [*]Sabian had hit a Reverse Rana on Mark going for the pinfall, he got a 2 as Jay kicked him in the face. [*]Jay started to chop him stiffly but Sabian managed to block one and hit a Basement Dropkick, Sabian ran across the ring and back but was thrown over the top rope by Jay. [*]Mark and Joker meanwhile were trading Backdrop Drivers, one after the other as they both were unaffected by it. Joker then stopped the Backdrop Drivers and hit the sickest headbutt that you have ever seen on Mark, making his nose bleed. [*]The Briscoes started coming back as they hit a Spike Jay Driller on Sabian before going for the pinfall: 1...2...MINERO PULLS THE REFEREE OUT OF THE RING! [*]Minero knocks the referee out with a right hand as the Briscoes get outside and throw him in. They set him up for what happened at Opening Night with a Jay Driller but Joker makes the save. [*]But Joker recieves a Reverse Death Valley Driver from Mark as another referee runs down and counts the pinfall for the win. [/list][b]Winners & Advancing To The World Tag Team Title Match:[/b] The Briscoe Brothers [b]Rating:[/b] C [b]A.J Styles versus A Mystery Opponent[/b][list] [*]The Mystery Opponent was Mr. Agulia as both Styles and him started to trade punches. [*]Agulia threw Styles out of the ring and followed up with a Topé Con Hilo knocking Styles down. [*]Styles and Agulia got up at the same time and Styles knocked Agulia back down by throwing him into the turnbuckle post and then climbing inside the ring. He goes back out on the apron as he hops off with a Asai Moonsault crashing onto Agulia. [*]Both men got back inside the ring and Styles hit a Flying Forearm before getting a 2 count on the cover. [*]Agulia fights back with a Cradle Suplex. [*]He then gets Styles to his feet and Scoops him up for the Agulia Driver but Styles slipped behind and turned him around before hitting a Styles Clash on Agulia for the win. [/list][b]Winner:[/b] A.J Styles [b]Rating:[/b] C+[/quote] [color="#000080"][b]Chris Anguis:[/b][/color] And A.J Styles picks up a well earned victory here at the Red Carpet Hour, and it has ended. Now it is time to see [color="#000080"][b]Chris Anguis:[/b][/color] Well next up people, is the Fans Bring The Weapons Four Way Dance for the Underground Title and... [color="#000000"][b]Ben Jordan:[/b][/color] WHAT THE HELL! [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] What's happening. Suddenly we see Corporal Robinson throw Brain Damage through the curtain, the staff had finished setting up the outside area full of homemade weapons as Robinson and Damage took it to the ringside area as the crowd are chanting for both men. Damage and Robinson are slugging it out, but Damage manages to get the upper hand with a right jab to the jaw. The slugfest ends, just as "Whatever" by Godsmack hits the arena and Drake Younger runs down the rampway dropping his belt as he goes along and then joins the fray, he starts delivering some soup-bones to each one of them. He then throws them inside the ring and goes in himself. But where's Axl? Well he's seen on the cheap seats making his way down, he finally reaches the ring and the match begins. Two referee's which are Jim Molineaux and Tony Barrat and the mayhem starts up. [center][b]KOW Underground Title Match/Fans Bring The Weapons Four Way Dance: Drake Younger© versus Brain Damage versus Axl Rotten versus Corporal Robinson[/b][/center] With the match already in progress, Axl goes after Damage and Younger goes after Robinson. Axl pulls out a 1 dollar bill from his trousers pocket, then pulls out a staple gun from the other. He screams aloud and starts to staple the dollar bill on Damage's forehead, he finally does it and Damage screams in pain. Axl kicks him in the head, Damage retreats to the outside. Inside the ring however, it was more evenly set out. Robinson and Younger have started a chop battle, none seems to be giving up but Robinson ends it with a stiff clothesline sending Younger to the ground, we see Axl pull the fallen Younger to the weapon filled ringside area as he grabs a guitar which was resting on the barricade. Axl smiles and smashes it across the head of Younger making a hole inside of it, Axl isn't finished with it and uses the remains on Damage, smashing it like a woofer ball bat onto both men until it was completely destroyed. Axl reaches for a tack bat now, but before he could even smash it on the head of anyone. Robinson comes out of nowhere with a chair, smacking it across the back of the head knocking Axl down to the concrete. Robinson, laughs then starts to inspect the weapons at ringside. He suddenly pulls out a shopping trolley with lighttubes stuck on the front of it. He starts to push it towards where Damage, Younger and Axl are. He awaits for one of them to stand, and the unlucky one was Younger who had the Trolley pushed at him. The lighttubes exploded on impact, leaving a white cloud for a while but Younger falls to the floor. Robinson goes for the pinfall: 1...2...Damage breaks up the pinfall with a Double Axe Handle to the back. Robinson rolls off Younger, Damage grabs one of the weapons which seems to be the tack bat Axl tried to use earlier, Damage raises Robinson to his knees and starts smashing it against the head of Robinson continuously, until new blood stands up which turns out to be Axl but Axl grabs Damage and throws him into the guard rail on collision the loud smacking sound is heard throughout the arena. It just echoes infact, Axl wants to heat it up inside the ring a bit by asking staff to put most of the weapons inside the ring as they start doing it right away. Axl meanwhile grabs a tack filled Robinson and stands him on his feet, Axl goes behind him and lifts him up in the air as if he would be going for a Back Suplex but instead he drops Robinson balls first onto the steel guardrail, the crowd chant "OOOOOHHHHH~!" loudly, Robinson with the collective face expression tells the story. His future children may be dead for all we know, but he remains there. Axl picks up a stop sin wrapped in Barbed Wire which was provided by a real creative fan, he smacks it against the head of Robinson before being knocked stone cold by a thrown chair to the skull, Axl falls to the ground and we see the weapons finally inside the ring. Barbed Wire Boards lay inside the ring, paintings still in there cases, a fork, Ironing Board with Lighttubes taped to the top, a thumbtack table, Carpet Strips and more weapons lay inside. But there are still some outside, Younger pulls Damage into the ring after a elbow to the head and the fight is on. Rights, lefts, kicks, shoulders, clotheslines that had no affect are been thrown inside the ring by these two who faced off last month at Opening Night, have the score to be settled. Damage lunges forward at Younger but is given a Scissor Sweep sending him tumbling into the Barbed Wire Board with a loud crash. The board may be broken but Damage is tangled in the barbed wire and is hanging upside down. Younger steadily gets up, but catches Axl sliding inside the ring and starts to stomp on his body like a cowboy in a bar brawl. Axl manages to evade one stomp and get to his feet, he takes the initiative. Axl grapples with Younger before applying a front headlock, Younger tries to battle out of it but it fails and he pulls back lifting Younger into the air and he stalls him so the blood rushes to his head, this bides Robinson some time as he sneaked inside the ring. He pulls the Lighttube Ironing Board to the back of Axl as Axl drops down with the Suplex breaking the Ironing Board and the Lighttubes in the process, there is glass everywhere on the canvas and Younger is screaming loudly in pain, this is the second time he has tasted the lighttubes and he rolls over to reveal the blood dripping down his back, Axl goes for the pinfall but Robinson grabs a Carpet Strip from the pile in the middle of the ring and smashes it on the back of Axl, he then starts to scrape it on the forehead of him until he sees the blood drip down his head and it is doing just that. Meanwhile, Brain Damage is in the ringside area setting up tables. Putting one on top of the other, he does that twice so there is four tables in total. He pulls some left over carpet strips from the outside and puts it on the table, he then pulls some Lighttube Log Cabins from under the ring and is helped to put them between the tables and on top, he then looks under the ring for a Ladder and throws it inside the ring and goes in. Damage gets up and grabs the Painting still in its frame, he taps Robinson on the shoulder who is still digging the carpet strips into the head of Axl Rotten. Robinson stops only to make that mistake of turning around, Damage smashes the painting over the head of Robinson as more glass sprinkles onto the canvas and Robinson sits down because of the impact, Younger comes from behind and jumps Brain Damage, he starts to punch away at him but Damage just knocks him to the mat with a right jab to the face, Damage grabs the second Barbed Wire Board and throws it onto the torso of the fallen Younger, he starts to jump on it digging the Barbed Wire into the skin of Younger like when Damage was hanging from the Barbed Wire. Damage pulls the Board off and goes for the pinfall on Younger: 1...2...NO! Younger kicks out just in time but Damage doesn't care and pulls him up, Damage grabs the ladder that he brought into the equation and then smashes it onto the cranium of Younger... [center][b]HOLY **** HOLY ****[/b][/center] The crowd chants are simply deafening, and Younger is still standing, maybe he is concussed after that shot but Damage continues the destruction and smacks it against the cranium once more. Younger staggers back into the corner, we close up onto his face as there is a gash from the ladder shot. But Damage doesn't care, he sets the ladder in the corner and calls for another one. The staff pass it to him, Axl is on the verge of standing as Damage pulls him up but Axl rakes the eyes of Damage giving him a chance to strike back, Axl quickly goes to the outside and looks under the ring, he pulls out his signature chair. With the words "This Is Going To Hurt" drawn onto it along with his name. He slides back inside the ring, he then grabs Damage before delivering a brain damaging Chairshot to Brain Damage sending him to the floor, knocking him flat out for the while. Damage sprawls out on the floor, Robinson makes a comeback though by smashing a Baseball Bat across the back of Axl, Axl retaliates with a Chairshot then sets up the chair before shouting out..."Your Going To Have Brain Damage After This". Axl locks in a Front Facelock and lifts back, Axl then drops Robinson head first onto the chair busting it executing a Servere Skull Trauma. It seems to be it, but from out of nowhere a bloody Drake Younger with a Thumbtacked chair smacks Axl in the head, he continues to do it leaving Thumbtacks in the skull of Axl until he grabs Axl. Younger applies a double underhook and twists around twice so that Axl is ready for the Drake's Landing. Drake quickly positions himself near the ladder that was placed in the corner by Damage and then leaps back hitting it and busting the ladder, the crowd gasp and chants of "Holy Sh!t" echo throughout the arena once again as Axl landed sickly, Younger hooks the leg as soon as Axl hit the canvas: 1...2...Thr--NO! Robinson breaks up the pin by taking the battered ladder that Younger had hit a Drake's Landing onto and used it against him. Robinson sets up the other Ladder which was again brought in by Damage, before climbing up top. Damage soon follows as they start trading soup-bones atop, both men just not caring where they are going to fall. But suddenly Younger tips the ladder forward sending both men (Robinson & Damage) falling, before they hit the tables with the Lighttube Log Cabins ontop and in between not forgetting the carpet strips with its nails also digging into them on impact. The crowd start louder chants of what they have chanted two times before, with both Robinson & Damage out cold on the outside Younger falls back and the destruction left of his actions, could make him retain his title. Younger is pulled up by the bloody Axl Rotten, Axl locks in a front face lock looking for a Severe Head Trauma but Drake gets out of the front face lock and quickly lifts Axl from behind looking for the Drake's Landing, he hits it as Axl folds up like an accordian before going for the pinfall: 1...2...Axl kicks out just in the nick of time, Younger seems shocked as he screams. Younger gets to his feet slowly, he is most probably blinded by the blood that is flowing down his face, but he doesn't care as he sets up two chairs. He puts them a decent width apart from eachother, he then grabs a couple of Lighttubes and places them bridging the gap between the two chairs, he grabs ahold of Axl and sets him up for another Drake's Landing. Drake leaps back and smashes the lighttubes with Axl, hitting a Drake's Landing and Drake hooks the leg: 1...2...3! Drake Younger unhooks the leg as he rolls onto his back, relieved that the madness has ended. [center][b]Winner: Drake Younger© Rating: C-[/b][/center] Referee's and Staff flock from the back to check on Brain Damage & Corporal Robinson who are both laid out on the outside, meanwhile Jim Molineaux hands Younger the Underground Title, Younger rolls out of the ring before walking up the ramp clutching the Underground Title in his arms. We cut to an intermission to clear the ring.... [center]==================== [b]Intermission[/b] =====================[/center] We come back to the arena as Kevin Steen is inside the ring with a microphone in hand. [b][color="#483D8B"]Steen:[/color][/b] Now, tonight I was told that I would face Samoa Joe. One on One. But before we get that thing started, I want to talk to you about the Tag Team titles. And How we was not involved in that Mini-Tournament. So from me and El Generico, we are issuing a challenge to the Tag Team who win the titles at our next event. Steen gives the microphone back to Ed 'O Mac. "The Champ Is Here" by Jadkiss starts up on the P.A System as Samoa Joe runs through the curtain dropping his towel in the process, he slides inside the ring and starts to brawl with Steen inside the ring as Ed 'O Mac doesn't even announce his name. [center][b]Singles Match: Samoa Joe versus Kevin Steen[/b][/center] Steen & Joe throw punches at eachother before Steen ends the mini brawl with a kick to the stomach, Steen puts Joe between his legs and looks for the Package Piledriver early but Joe powers out of it flipping Steen over head with the Back Body Drop. Joe goes to the corner as Steen gets to his feet. They come face to face in the middle of the ring, Steen and Joe then lock up. Nobody is getting an advantage, but Joe manages to back Steen into a corner. Joe lets go of the grapple and hits Steen across the chest with an open palm chest slap, Steen's face expression tells the story as Joe hits another one. Steen falls to his knees, Joe kicks him in the face with a stiff kick and Steen falls to the mat, Joe rolls him over before starting to choke him with his boot. Referee Mike Sparks counts the choke hold, Joe lets go at four before scraping his boot across the face of Steen. Steen is pulled up, Joe delivers a punch, followed by another and then another before going for the Shuffle Punch but Steen ducks the attempt and attempts to clothesline Joe but Joe doesn't move. Joe kicks Steen in the stomach powerfully, Steen falls to the ground on the impact of the kick. Joe doesn't go for the cover but kick Steen out of the ring, he follows and allows the opponent to stand. Steen stands up, using the apron to help him. Joe charges at him but Steen counters with a Scissor Sweep sending Joe face first into the steps. The steps become dismantled on impact, Joe has his hands put over his face as Steen does a "I Am Smarter Than You" motion pointing to his brain and shouting at Joe, he stands Joe near the steel barricade, Steen starts to fire off some punches at the face of Joe, before taking his arm and smashing it on the top of the barricade. Joe staggers forward in pain as Steen takes ahold of the arm and smashes it against the apron, Steen then pulls Joe by his arm and smacks it against the steel turnbuckle pole and then wraps it around the steel pole, Steen then leaves the trapped Joe and distances himself in the corner of where the barricades meet. He starts to run across the floor, he extends his leg and drives it into the arm of Samoa Joe unwrapping it from the steel turnbuckle pole. Joe rolls onto the floor in pain, screaming in pain as Steen kicks the same arm. What is Steen setting up for here? Steen raises Joe to his feet once again and rolls him inside the ring, he climbs the top turnbuckle. Steen leaps off with a Double Stomp directed at the arm of Joe before Steen goes for the pinfall: 1...2...Joe gets the shoulder up, Steen mounts on him in an instant and starts to drop punches onto the face of him, Joe covers up but the pain is still coming from the soup-bones that Steen delivers until he is pulled off by Mike Sparks who tells him the rules of the match once again, Steen stops to see Joe trying to retreat until he hits a Baseball Slide Dropkick targeted at the arm sending Joe crashing to the ringside concrete floor with a loud smacking sound. Steen smiles at the crowd who start to rally up a "Joe's Gonna Kill You" chant at Steen who ignores them. Joe is on the verge of standing, Steen meanwhile is taking a run up for something as he dives through the ropes with a Suicide Dive catching Joe with his shoulder and sending him crashing into the steel crowd barrier knocking it down with force. With Joe laid out on the floor, Steen takes one of the free barricade and sandwiches his arm between the one which is under Joe after the Suicide Dive. Steen is intent on working over Joe's arm, he wants to break it. Steen climbs atop on the apron, he looks down at Joe as he goes towards the far turnbuckle. He then runs across the apron and flips off with a Cannonball but Joe moves out of the way getting his arm free, making Steen crash into the fallen guard rails. Steen rolls off on impact and has his hand on his back, screaming in pain as he landed quite badly. Joe manages to stand on his feet, he takes a chair from the crowd member and places it on the other conjunction of rails. He drags Steen across the concrete floor and sits him on the chair, Joe starts to get the crowd rallying again with chants of Olé. Joe sits Steen on the chair, he then distances himself from Steen on the other side of the ringside area. Joe then runs across the ring, full speed ahead and then drives his boot into the face of Steen... [center]***[/center] The crowd start chanting "Olé" over and over again as Steen falls off the chair, Joe then starts shouting at him before throwing him inside the ring and sliding in himself. He hooks the leg on Steen: 1...2...Steen kicks out with force and Joe doesn't seem to happy, Joe raises Steen to his feet but gets his eyes raked, Steen quickly clutches the arm and hits an Arm Breaker DDT maneuver on Joe adding the pain to his arm, Joe rolls around on the mat and Steen regains the initiative that quick. Steen takes Joe's arm, he sandwiches it between his two legs before leaping down with great force with his knees. Steen continues to do it, getting a greater chance of making Joe tap out with a Armbar or something, Steen stops the Knee Armbreaker and locks in a Armbar, wrapping his legs around the arm of Samoa Joe. Steen wrenches back, making Joe scream aloud but he manages to keep the pain within him the second time Steen wrenches back, Joe manages to use his free arm to grab the bottom rope just saving him from the tap out situation, Steen lets go and then screams at Joe to get himself up, Joe does just that and Steen chops him square in the chest before whipping him across the ring. Steen doesn't anticipate it but he gets his face filled with Joe's foot with a devastating Yakuza Kick sending him crashing to the canvas, Joe just smiles at him as Steen crawls to the corner, he is in a seated position and Joe runs across the ring and hits a Facewash, scraping his boot across the face of Kevin Steen. Steen is in a state of daze as Joe lifts him to his feet, Joe whips him across the ring and back bending down as if he would go for a Back Body Drop, but Steen flips over for the Sunset Flip, Joe doesn't go down instead he drops his knee on the head of Steen before running across the ring and back again drilling the knee across the head of Steen more powerful than the first one. As Steen is rolling around on the mat, Joe stares at him and tells him to get his ass up. Steen gets to his feet, Joe then sends him back into the corner before sitting him on the turnbuckle. Joe sets Steen up for the Muscle Buster as he runs to the middle of the ring and jumps up in the air before crashing Steen's head onto the mat with the Muscle Buster, Joe hooks the leg on impact: 1...2...3!!!! [center][b]Winner: Samoa Joe [At 11:22] Rating: C[/b][/center] As "The Champ Is Here" by Jadkiss starts up, Samoa Joe has his arm raised by the referee, before getting out of the ring. Kevin Steen meanwhile sits up in the middle of the ring, in pain from that Muscle Buster. El Generico walks down the rampway before pulling him out of the ring and walking to the back for our next match. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] Kevin Steen may have had his pride beaten, but what a brilliant match from these two. And folks next up is the match to crown the first ever Kings Of Wrestling World Tag Team Champions. [color="#000080"][b]Chris Anguis:[/b][/color] Now, The Spanish Assault Team & The Briscoe Brothers made it through to this stage. After defeating Latin American eXchange & BLKOUT. Could this be a great match? [color="#000000"][b]Ben Jordan:[/b][/color] No matter what, the winners will make KOW History and become KOW World Tag Team Champions. "Gimme Back My Bullets" by Lynyrd Skynyrd hits the P.A System, it booms throughout the arena triggering cheers from the crowd as The Briscoe Brothers walk through the curtain, they just walk down the rampway discussing their strategy for their match as Ed 'O Mac introduces them. [b][color="#0000FF"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] This Match is scheduled for One Fall, and it is a Tag Team Match to crown the first ever Kings Of Wrestling World Tag Team Champions. Introducing first, from Laurel in Delaware. Weighing in tonight at a combined weight of 430 Pounds...MARK & JAY...THE BRISCOE BROTHERS! Mark & Jay walk around the ringside area, as Mark slides inside the ring and runs around the ring and Jay just remains on the outside. "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn" hits the arena, as the lights in the Hammerstein Ballroom start to flicker. Joel & Jose run out through the curtains and down the ramp as they slide inside the ring, and then goto opposite corners hopping on and raising their arms. [b][color="#0000FF"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And their opponents. From Brooklyn in New York. Weighing in at a combined weight of 378 Pounds...JOEL & JOSE MAXIMO....THE SPANISH ASSAULT TEAM! No Sleep Til Brooklyn fades out and the bell is rung... [center][b]KOW World Tag Team Title Match: The Briscoe Brothers versus Spanish Assault Team[/b][/center] The crowd sides battle it out with chants of "S.A.T" and "BRISCOES" as Joel & Mark elect to go first, they both lock up inside the ring, no one gets the advantage as they stop the grappling. These two resort to punches, Mark drills Joel with a right hand and then Joel retaliates with his own right. The punches continue until Mark mixes it up with a kick to the gut, he grabs Joel by the hair and takes him to the nearby corner, he starts to smash Joel's head on the turnbuckle continuously, Mark stops for a second. He starts shouting at Joel "These Titles Are Ours", he then smashes his head against the turnbuckle once more sending him crumpling onto the floor, Mark tags out to Jay who hops over the top rope. Jay starts to stomp on Joel violently, Mark joins in as Jose gets inside the ring and takes him out with a Clothesline sending Mark over the top rope as well as himself. Back inside the ring however, Jay sends Joel across the ring. Joel runs back, ducking a boot to the face attempt and comes back with a Springboard Elbow Smash to the face, sending Jay crashing to the mat on impact. Joel hooks the leg quickly looking for the pinfall: 1...2...NO! Jay just firmly gets the shoulder up, just in time. Saving his team from losing the KOW Tag Titles. Joel gets to his feet, he drags Jay to his as well and sends him into the corner with a Irish Whip. Joel follows up with a elbow smash to the face, putting Jay in a dazed state. He walks to the middle of the ring, not knowing where he is and Joel hits a One Arm Bulldog. Finally Mark & Jose have stopped brawling on the outside, after being split up from officials who came from the back, Joel tags out to Jose giving himself time to rest as Jose goes to the top rope. Jose looks down at Jay who is sprawled out on the floor, face down. He then leaps off putting his knees forward and driving them into the back of Jay, Jose rolls out on impact and clotheslines Mark off the apron, Jose looks down to the ringside area and starts to scream at Mark before turning his attention back to Jay. Jose raises Jay to his feet, he applies a front face lock in an instant and pulls back lifting Jay in the air, but Jay manages to slip behind Jose and roll him up: 1...NO! Not even a 2 count there, Jay tried for a quick victory but it didn't work, he gets to his feet and raises Joel up as well, he puts him between his legs and pulls back so that Jose is on his shoulders, like he is going for a Powerbomb. Mark suddenly pops up on the top rope, he springboards off and takes Jose off Jay's shoulders with a Leg Lariat triggering the Powerbomb, Jose is rolling around on the mat and Joel suddenly takes air from atop with a Cross Body onto both, he starts to throw punches at the faces of both men but the numbers game comes into action seconds later as they push Joel off. Jay & Mark push Joel back into the ropes as he rebounds off before then grab him by the legs as he comes back and gives him a Double Hotshot but instead of hitting his head on the turnbuckle, they create a guillotine effect snapping his neck on the top rope. Joel rolls back on impact, Jose soon reaches his feet to fall prey to a kick in the stomach. Jay puts him between his legs looking for a Jay Driller but before he can even lift him in the sky, Jose flips Jay overhead with a Back Drop. As Jay hits the floor, Mark quickly comes to stop the adrenaline rush that Jose is having but falls short when he is booted in the gut, Jose applies a double pumphandle position before sending Mark face first into the canvas with a Maximo Velocity which may get the win here: 1...2...ALMOST! Jay just delivers a Double Axe Handle to the back of Jose breaking up the pinfall attempt. [center]***[/center] With Jose with the near fall, and Jay breaking up the pinfall he takes the initiative back for The Briscoes. He raises Jose to his feet, Jay then puts him between his legs and once again tries for a Jay Driller but Joel takes him out with a full power Forearm Smash to the face sending Jay crumpling to the canvas. Joel knows he and Jose have to do something to end this match now whilst Mark is still down, Jose lifts Jay onto his feet and then into a Firemans Carry position. Joel meanwhile takes to the top rope, he leaps off and comes down at the back of Jay's head before rolling through and climbing the other turnbuckle, Joel does it again and again until the 5th time. He leaps off and drives his knees into the back of the head of Jay as Jose hits the Death Valley Driver straight after. It seems Jay is done, but the S.A.T aren't as they set him on the turnbuckle in a dazed state. They both climb to the top and lock in a forward half nelson, they try for a Spanish Fly but their hopes are dashed as Mark climbs to the second rope, and grabs them both from behind, he leaps back hitting a 2 on 1 Back Suplex drilling both Joel & Jose on the mat, Jay remains on the top rope, before regaining his marbles, Jay looks down at both Joel & Jose before leaping off with a Frog Splash landing on Joel and he then rolls off, Mark meanwhile has Jose on his shoulder in a Torture Rack position before he hits the Cut Throat Suplex and the cover: 1...2...3! THE BRISCOES ARE OUR FIRST EVER TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! [center][b]Winners & First Ever KOW World Tag Team Champions: The Briscoe Brothers [At 8:56] Rating: C-[/b][/center] "Gimme Back My Bullets" hits the arena. As Mark & Jay are given the Tag Title Belts, they slide out of the ring. Leaving both Joel & Jose laying on the canvas, they walk up the ramp holding their Tag Titles held high. [color="#000000"][b]Ben Jordan:[/b][/color] The Briscoe Brothers make history, by becoming the first ever Kings Of Wrestling World Tag Team Champions. But my god they deserved it. [color="#000080"][b]Chris Anguis:[/b][/color] Your right about that, and the staff are now setting up for the next match. Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match...And my god, this is one of the most anticipated matches of the evening. [b][color="#FF0000"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] Paul London & Ruckus, it doesn't get any better than this does it. The lights start to flicker, "We Fly High" booms out of the P.A System as the crowd boo. Robbie Minero walks through the curtain followed by Joker & Sabian, who stand side by side. Ruckus walks through the curtain last as the crowd boo even louder, all 4 of them walk down the rampway with Minero leading. [b][color="#0000FF"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen, our next match is scheduled as a Tables, ladders & Chairs Match. No titles are on the line therefore, it is a pinfalls and submissions only. Introducing first weighing in at 225 pounds...Accompanied by Robbie Minero, Joker & Sabian. He is....RUCKUS! Ruckus walks around the ringside area, inspecting the ladders and tables. There is tables resting on the barricade, aluminum ladders of different sizes at ringside too. Ruckus slides inside the ring, he goes straight to the ropes before taunting the crowd members. "We Fly High" fades out, and soon "T.N.T" by AC/DC hits the arena, Paul London runs through the curtain before stopping. He suddenly calls "Come Out" and The Briscoe Brothers & PAC walk out to even the war, London suddenly slides inside the ring. [b][color="#0000FF"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And Ruckus' opponent. From Texas, Weighing in at 205 pounds....PAAAAUL LONDON~! London quickly comes face to face with Ruckus, as PAC & The Briscoes take sides as well as BLKOUT and the bell is rung. [center][b]Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match: Ruckus w/ Robbie Minero, Joker & Sabian versus Paul London w/ The Briscoe Brothers© & PAC[/b][/center] London & Ruckus circle the ring, tensions are running at an all time high as they lock up. London soon breaks up the grapple lock up, and hits Ruckus with a elbow smash to the face. London doesn't want this to be a Technical Affair. He wants this to be a brutal match between the two, as he starts to elbow smash Ruckus in the face continuously but Ruckus manages to fight back, Ruckus hits a uppercut sending London reeling. Ruckus is handed a chair by Robbie Minero before looking to smash the living daylights out of London early, Ruckus goes to swing but London ducks the attempt and runs across the ring and back. London tries to Dropkick the chair into Ruckus' face but Ruckus manages to evade the move, he then sets the chair up and uses it as a launching pad. He runs up it before leaping off to the ropes, he then regains his balance on the ropes and springboards back for the Moonsault but lands on his feet, London had moved out of the way and gotten to his feet. London screams at Ruckus "No Playing Around Anymore" as he runs at Ruckus, he outstretches his boot and catches Ruckus in the face with it sending him crashing through the second rope onto the concrete floor on the outside. Upon landing, Minero, Joker & Sabian try to raise him to his feet, but it turns out to be a fatal mistake. London is calling PAC inside the ring, London then whispers something into PAC's ear as they rocket off the ropes and run towards all of BLKOUT at ringside, they dive over the top rope (London with a Topé Con Hilo and PAC with a Shooting Star Press) knocking everybody on the outside down, The Briscoes just stand back and laugh at the wreckage left by PAC & London, a few seconds later PAC & London are on their feet, PAC walks back over to the Briscoes as London raises Ruckus to his feet. London hurls Ruckus into the steel guard rail, causing a crashing sound, London follows up with stomps to the body of Ruckus, continuing his assault. London soon stops, and surveys the weapons at ringside. He grabs a small Ladder and tosses it inside the ring along with a table, he raises Ruckus to his feet and delivers a sickening forearm smash to the face almost sending Ruckus over the guard rail but Ruckus comes back with a Headbutt which is unlike him, but London comes back with another sickening Forearm Smash. The Forearm & Headbutt battle continues as neither is getting an advantage, until London goes for one more Forearm Smash, Ruckus blocks the attempt and tosses London into the guard rail head first. Ruckus falls to his knees, and is helped up by Joker who rolls him inside the ring. London soon follows inside the ring, as Ruckus is up and has the table already set up. He grabs the Aluminum Ladder, he then smashes it on the cranium of London. Without remorse, Ruckus does it again and again until London is laid out on the mat. Ruckus calls for Sabian to hand him a larger Ladder as he does and this one is 20 feet. Ruckus sets it up, he then puts London on the table that he set up and starts to climb the ladder. Ruckus laughs aloud, and says he is gonna end this quick. He leaps off doing a flip in mid-air and then going for a Splash executing the 450 Splash but London moves out of the way, making Ruckus crash through the table as it smashes into pieces, Ruckus is checked on by Alexander Erven the referee for this match, London soon puts a arm over Ruckus' body for the first pinfall of the match: 1...2...NO! Ruckus just kicks out, he still has something left after crashing through that table. London rolls to his back, and then gets up to his feet dazed after the Ladder Shots that he endured. But London goes to the outside, he grabs two tables that were laying on the barricade, and sets them up one infront of the other. He then grabs two other tables and sets them up ontop of the tables he just set up, London slides inside back inside the ring and grabs the setted up chair from earlier, he folds it back so he can use it as a weapon again. Ruckus gets onto his knees, from the wreckage left from the table he crashed into and London starts to smash the chair over the back of him, but Ruckus manages to endure it and get to his feet. London tries to strike Ruckus over the head, but Ruckus kicks the chair into the face of London sending him over the top rope and to the concrete floor. London is sprawled out on ringside, and Ruckus is climbing the top turnbuckle. Still recovering from the crash through the table. Ruckus leaps off the top rope with a Double Stomp, conveniently placing his feet into the abdomen of London causing a great deal of damage. Ruckus rolls off upon landing just showing how powerful that Double Stomp was as London is rolling around on the floor, Ruckus quickly gets to his feet and is not wasting any time anymore. He grabs the second tallest ladder that he could find, a 18ft one. He places it on the apron so that it is stretching from the apron to ontop of the guard rail. Ruckus takes London by the hair, he drags him onto the apron as Minero is shouting at London. "Is This What You Want? Huh?", but Minero is soon shut up by a powerful uppercut from Mark Briscoe as Joker & Sabian start to brawl with him, Jay joins in with the fun and so does PAC making it a three on two advantage. But through all this, Ruckus applies a front face lock. He looks around and lifts London up in the air, he then leaps off with a Hate Crime sending London ribs first through the ladder. The crowd go crazy for the move, as London is sprawled out on the ringside floor, Ruckus manages to hook the leg for his first pinfall attempt of the match: 1...2...NO! PAC breaks up the pinfall with a Double Stomp to the back of Ruckus, but is soon taken out by a chair shot from Minero as he goes to deliver shots to the back of PAC. Ruckus slowly but surely gets to his feet, he drags London to his feet and grabs a chair. He slides it inside the ring along with London and gets in himself. Ruckus grabs the 20ft ladder that is set up inside the ring, and places it in the corner before taking the chair that he slid in. London gets to his knees, Ruckus then signals for the chair shot before smashing it over the head of London so hard that it left a dent in the chair. London falls to his back, as Ruckus isn't finished and gets him to his feet. He whips London hard into the ladder before going to the opposite corner, Ruckus then does a cartwheel followed by a back cartwheel before hitting his elbow right in the nose of London executing the Razzle Dazzle. London falls forward as Ruckus moves out of the way. Meanwhile the brawl on the outside is taken to the backstage area, only Minero remains along with PAC. Ruckus is handed a table by Minero, he sets it up in the middle of the ring before being handed a trash can by Minero. Ruckus places the trash can on the head of London before throwing him onto the table. Ruckus climbs the top rope with his back turned to London. He is about to go for a Moonsault, but London moves off the table and smashes Ruckus in the back with the dented chair. He pulls Ruckus down before placing him on the table, London grabs the trash can and climbs the top rope. Robbie Minero tries to stop him from leaping off, but PAC returns the favor that Minero gave him and smack him in the back with a brutal chair shot sending Minero tumbling off the apron. London returns his focus to Ruckus who is motionless on the table, he then leaps off doing a backflip whilst traveling forward in the air with the trashcan on his stomach. London then hits the Shooting Star Press, crushing the can on Ruckus and breaking the table as it seems it for Ruckus. [center][b]HOLY **** HOLY ****[/b][/center] The crowd chants get louder and louder, as London hooks the leg in this wreckage: 1...2...NO! Ruckus still finds something in himself to kick out, a now bloodied London (After that chairshot from Ruckus) looks at Alexander Erven with the hand gesture of 3. But Alexander doesn't bother arguing and says its not a Three, London seems puzzled about what he is going to do to Ruckus next to put him away. He soon thinks of an idea, he pulls up the 20ft Ladder from the corner and places it near the ring edge where the stacked tables that he set up earlier lay. London starts to climb the ladder, Ruckus soon follows but slowly. They are both on top now, both men are trading punches as Ruckus manages to get the upper hand. He lifts London up looking for another Hate Crime but London gets back down onto the same step of the ladder, London delivers a sickening and brutal Forearm Smash to the face of Ruckus nearly knocking him off but London applies a Front Face Lock. He lifts back and leaps off with the Ladder Superplex before crashing down below onto the tables, as they explode into pieces. [center][b]HOLY **** HOLY ****[/b][/center] The chants are so loud now, they bellow throughout the arena and can be heard outside as both men are laid out on the outside. London manages to gather enough strength to put his arm over the body of Ruckus for the pinfall as Alexander Erven quickly gets to the outside to make the pinfall: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Winner: Paul London [At 14:42] Rating: C+[/b][/center] As the crowd are still chanting "Holy ****", Paul London has his hand raised even though he is laid out on the concrete. London is pulled up by PAC as they walk to the back, meanwhile Minero is checking on Ruckus who is soon helped to the back by referees. [color="#000080"][b]Chris Anguis:[/b][/color] What a excellent match there contested by these two great athletes. And they are now even more popular than they were, but now ladies and gentlemen. Our Main Event of The Evening. It is for the Jersey All Pro Wrestling World Heavyweight Title. We were given permission by our good friends, Jersey All Pro Wrestling to hold a title match here. Nigel McGuinness who holds the ROH World Title & HWA World Heavyweight Title is looking to add something to his belt collection he's got there, but he's going to have a tough time against Low Ki. Suddenly. "F*cking In The Bushes" by Oasis hits the arena, Nigel McGuinness walks out with the HWA & ROH World Titles on his shoulders, but before he can walk down the ramp. He manages to catch Low Ki who came up from behind. Nigel throws Ki inside the ring as our main event gets started. [center][b]Jersey All Pro World Title Match: Low Ki© versus Nigel McGuinness[/b][/center] Ki & McGuinness start to battle it out with uppercuts, chops, punches, you name it their doing it. McGuinness gets more aggressive each time one offensive move hits, he hits another uppercut sending Ki back into the corner. McGuinness quickly gets the crowd on his side, taunting Ki but it proves to be a fatal mistake as Ki comes out of the corner, he charges the arm and clotheslines McGuinness to the floor. Ki quickly grasps the leg of McGuinness, he goes for a Single Leg Crab but McGuinness battles back and kicks him away sending him back allowing McGuinness time to get to his feet. Nigel quickly doesn't waste time punching away at Ki's face, but Ki manages to block an attempt and hit a punch of his own. But Nigel comes back looking for the Lariat early, but Ki ducks the attempt maintaining the fast pace this match has set so early. Ki comes from behind with a kick to the back of the head, before turning Nigel around and grappling with him. As they move about the canvas, back and fourth, it is clear that Nigel is getting the advantage, but he breaks the lock up and takes hold of Ki's arm, he then trips Ki to the floor before locking in an Armlock. Ki screams in pain, but Nigel doesn't care he just turns up the pressure on Ki. Making him scream even louder, as the seconds run down McGuinness keeps the Armlock locked in. Ki squirms on the mat, but manages to break free after rolling through the submission, forcing Nigel to lose his grip. Ki gets back to a vertical base, so does Nigel as they separate from eachother. Nigel & Ki lock up in the middle of the ring. Ki gets the upper hand with a headlock, just restricting the oxygen from reaching Nigel's brain but Nigel manages to get loose and push Ki across the ring. Ki rebounds off the ropes and comes back as he scouts that Nigel was going for a Back Body Drop and he kicks him square in the face, Nigel hops up and covers his mouth for a couple of seconds allowing Ki to quickly jump him from behind. Nige; gets guillotined on the rope as his head snaps back, Ki who is still ontop of him starts to punch the back of his head before holding his head on the top rope and choking him out. the referee counts the choke hold, 1...2...3...4...Ki lets go before sending a open palm chop to the back of Nigel. Nigel is then pulled off his knees to his feet, Ki applies a waist lock and tries to lift him from behind but Nigel manages to hook the leg avoiding a German Suplex but Ki manages to get it a second time around but Nigel lands on his feet. Nigel steps back and bounces on the ropes, Ki catches him in mid-air as he was going for a Yakuza Kick. Ki then drops Nigel with a Back Suplex before going for the pin: 1...2...Nigel firmly gets the shoulder up avoiding a three. Ki gets to his feet slowly, he then takes upNigel to his feet as well and Ki takes a hold of Nigel's arm, he then wrenches it trying to hassle Nigel to the ground but Nigel manages to grab a nearby rope clutching it for dear life avoiding a armbar. Ki lets go and gets back on the offensive with a elbow to the back of the head, Ki then turns Nigel so he is facing him. Ki applies a front face lock and lifts back, Ki has Nigel in the air, Nigel squirms but it doesn't matter as Ki falls backwards hitting a Suplex. Nigel hits the canvas hard, like a gymnast tumbling off the beam onto the hard cold gymnasium floor and Ki once again goes for the pinfall: 1...2...Nigel gets the shoulder up, just in the nick of time before the word "Three" could come out of the referee's mouth. Ki argues with the referee, telling him it was three but the ref doesn't take it and replies with two. Ki doesn't get to his feet but grab Nigel's arm, what he was trying to target a couple of minutes ago. He wraps his arm around Nigel's arm and wrenches back getting the Armbar locked in, perfectly applied and making Nigel wail loudly in pain. The referee asks if Nigel wants to tap but Nigel screams at him saying "No." Nigel steadily moves, whilst Ki is applying as much pressure as he can. It isn't slowing Nigel down one bit though, he is almost at the ropes, and he is there. He reaches his free arm out to grab the bottom rope, he does and Ki lets go. We see Nigel clutching his arm in pain, before Ki starts to stomp on it wildly. Ki is pulled off by the referee as Nigel retreats to the outside, and then turns around to see Ki hopping on the apron, Ki then hops onto the second rope and does an Asai Moonsault back but Nigel manages to grab him in mid-air into a Oklahoma Slam position. Nigel suddenly runs towards the nearby turnbuckle post, he slams Ki's back into it with force then hits a Oklahoma Slam onto the ringside area padding. [center]***[/center] We come back to see both men still being counted out on the outside, at the count of 5 now as they both slide inside the ring. Ki & Nigel soon get to their feet and start to battle it out once more, Ki manages to get the upper hand after a shin kick and then he lifts Nigel into the air, but Nigel manages to get back down. Ki loses his grip and Nigel goes for the Lariat once again but instead he clutches the arm of Nigel, Nigel manages to break free and send Ki across the ring. Nigel runs across the ring too, as they both rebound at the same time. Both men outstretch their arms looking for a Lariat but instead they hit eachother with a Double Lariat taking eachother out. The referee starts to knock out count: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10! Nobody answered the Knock Out Count. Low Ki Retains His Title. [center][b]Winner: Draw [At 17:39] Rating: B-[/b][/center] As a result, Low Ki retains the title. These two lay in the middle of the ring as the show ends, but it doesn't end yet. Suddenly Jeise, Joel & Rich walk out in suits...To find out what they have to say watch our next KOW Report.... Overall Show Rating: C+ Notes: Popularity Increased.[/quote] Once again Still More To Come
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[quote][center][b]Kings Of Wrestling Present: Survival Of The Sickest Live From: Carey Stadium [I know Open Air Stadium...But We got a closed roof for this event][/b][/center] The show opens up with pyro's going off on the stage as the packed crowd inside the Carey Stadium are ready, ready for one of the best nights ever in Kings Of Wrestling History. With a excellent card on hand, including a Tag Team Match with Four Of The Best Ever Wrestlers today, War Games & Much, much more. We cut to the announcing team as they hype tonight. [b][color="#000000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Welcome Ladies & Gentlemen, to Kings Of Wrestling Survival Of The Sickest. And tonight, its all about the hype for the World Title Tournament, but we have an excellent card for you guys at home. [b][color="#00BFFF"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] Our first ever WarGames, and I have just be informed that the Octagon Cage which shall surround the ring, will have weapons at ringside and it will be more brutal. But also, Paul London's team is a little short. By one person, but who will they pick to help them? [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] As that question still remains, we will continue to the Red Carpet Hour which is now... [quote] [b]Red Carpet Hour:[/b] [b]Mana versus Hernandez[/b] [list] [*]Mana & Hernandez started brawling up the entrance way, until Hernandez got the upper hand. [*]Hernandez ran at Mana but got a Samoan Drop for his troubles. [*]Mana set up a table at ringside before throwing Hernandez inside the ring. [*]Hernandez managed to fight back and lift Mana up for the Border Toss but Mana slipped down behind and pushed him over the top rope onto the apron. [*]Mana got on the apron as well, a punch battle ensued until Mana delivered a sickening headbutt to Hernandez followed by a Samoan Drop off the apron through the table for the win. [/list] [b]Winner: Mana Rating: D-[/b] [b]Devon Storm & Axl Rotten versus Bobby Roode & Brain Damage[/b] [list] [*]This match was a back and fourth affair which turned into a Tornado Tag more than a Normal Tag. [*]Brain Damage had Axl right where he wanted him but Ruckus & Joker ran down distracting him. [*]As Roode started arguing with them and the referee, Axl picked up his trusty chair and went for the That's Gotta Hurt as it connected. [*]Devon Storm took out Roode with a Mind Bender allowing the team of Axl & Storm to pick up a victory. [/list] [b]Winners: Axl Rotten & Devon Storm Rating: C[/b] [b]Corporal Robinson versus J.C Bailey[/b] [list] [*]Bailey & Robinson done everything they could to get the win. [*]The match started off with dueling chairs, they struck each other at the same time takeing out each other. [*]A couple of seconds later, Robinson has a bottle of whisky in his hand and starts to down it before smashing the bottle on Bailey. [*]Bailey came back by giving Robinson a cut across the forehead with a Pizza Cutter before pouring Robinson's "Back Up Whisky" into the wound. [*]Robinson managed to end the match with a Boot Camp through a couple of lighttubes for the win. [/list] [b]Winner: Corporal Robinson Rating: D-[/b] [b]4 Way Dance: Clinton Nash versus Cloudy versus PAC versus Bobby Quance[/b] [list] [*]Talk about High Flying. [*]Nash & Cloudy had started to beat down on eachother before PAC & Quance arrived. [*]There were many high flying spots in this match including: PAC's dive off the stage onto Nash, Cloudy & Quance. [*]Bobby Quance's drop off a balcony onto everybody. [*]Cloudy being decimated by a devastating Double Moonsault onto a chair from Nash. [*]Cloudy hit a Tornado DDT on Nash onto a chair for the three. [/list] [b]Winner: Cloudy Rating: C-[/b] [b]Jay Briscoe versus Low Ki[/b] [list] [*]Low Ki & Briscoe warmed up the crowd in the final match of the Red Carpet Hour. [*]Jay & Ki battled in a chop battle with Ki winning. [*]Ki followed up with a Brainbuster for a two as the match continued. [*]Jay hits a violent Jay Driller on Ki and seems to have the victory but Ruckus, Joker, B-Boy & Claudio Castagnoli show up and distract him, as the referee tries to get them out of the ringside area, Axl comes from the crowd and blasts Jay with a thunderous chair shot giving Ki the chance to hit a Ki Krusher for the win. [/list] [b]Winner: Low Ki Rating: C[/b][/quote] [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] This is disgusting, look at Ruckus and Co. Laughing at a fallen Jay as he still has to compete tonight. [b][color="#00BFFF"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] Calm down Anguis, London's team will try and get them for that. But anyway, we are now officially starting Survival Of The Sickest with a #1 Contenders Tag Team Match... "Tears Don't Fall" by Drowning Pool hits the arena as "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen walks through the curtain, with El Generico following. Generico starts shouting out "Olé", the crowd do it with him as they suddenly stop. Steen whispers something in the ears of Generico, maybe strategy? Anyway, they both slide inside the ring to get introduced by Ed O' Mac. [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen, Kings Of Wrestling Survival Of The Sickest officially opens up with a #1 Contenders Tag Team Match. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 400 Pounds..."MISTER WRESTLING" KEVIN STEEN & EL GENERICO....TEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM EGO~! Generico jumps around the ring, as Steen is resting in the corner. "Tears Don't Fall" fades out, and "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn" hits the arena, the crowd go wild as the Spanish Assault Team run down the rampway and slide inside the ring as Team Ego get out of the ring. S.A.T gets to their feet and bend over the ropes, screaming at Team Ego. [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And their opponents, from Brooklyn, New York. Weighing in at a combined weight of 378 Pounds...JOEL & JOSE...THE SPANISH ASSAULT TEAM~! "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn" fades out as Team Ego get inside the ring. The referee rings the bell and we're off... [center][b]#1 Contenders Tag Team Match For A Future KOW World Tag Team Title Shot: The Spanish Assault Team versus Team Ego[/b][/center] El Generico & Joel elect to go first as they lock up in the middle of the ring. They stop the lock up to start punching eachother hard in the face, none of them seem to be showing any signs of slowing down but Generico is put out of his offensive state by a Uppercut from Joel, Joel sends him staggering back before following up with another one almost taking Generico off his feet, but Generico fights back with a kick to the mid-section, he takes Joel's arm and twists it before tripping him up sending him to the canvas. Generico still has a hold of his arm, he drops his leg across it with a Leg Drop, Generico then wraps his legs around the arm of Joel Maximo, and has the Armbar locked in. He is wrenching back with authority & no remorse what so ever, as Joel screams in pain. Generico wrenches back even more before Jose makes the save and gets inside the ring, Generico lets go in an instant, Jose rushes Generico to his feet before firing off some soup-bones to the face of Generico who manages to fight back but Steen gets involved and takes out Jose, before Jeise runs down with a microphone in hand. [b][color="purple"]Jeise:[/b][/color] Sorry to interupt, this match in the early process...But from now on it shall be a Tornado Tag Team Match... [b][color="#000000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] YEAAAAAH! This is going to be one hell of a match now. With Steen now stomping the hell out of Jose, Generico in the mean time is working on Joel in the corner with some Knife Edge Chops. Generico continues to do it until he thinks Joel is stunned enough, he runs to the corner on the opposite side of the ring and then runs towards Joel in the corner outstretching his leg for the Yakuza Kick but Joel catches him in mid-process of the move, blocking it just in time before his fate was sealed. Joel slams the foot down on the apron, and clotheslines Generico. But he is blindsided by Steen with a Forearm Smash sending him through the second rope, Steen grabs Jose by his hair and tosses him out as well leaving both of the Spanish Assault Team, Steen goes up to Generico and raises him to his feet before whipping him across the ring, Generico comes back only to be given a Back Body Drop sending him flying into the air before crashing down onto the S.A.T with a Topé Con Hilo as the crowd start to go wild for the move. Steen just looks over at the carnage he left with the Double Team Move, Steen shouts at the crowd "I'll Go Airborne", they just laugh at him as Steen takes a run up after rebounding off the ropes, he leaps over the top rope with a Flip before crashing down on S.A.T & El Generico as the laughing stops, and the crowd now know that Steen was serious. They start to clap as the Tornado Tag Match continues, a couple of seconds later Generico stands onto his feet and takes Jose up and into the ring they both go, Generico lifts Jose to his feet and locks in a front facelock he puts Jose's arm around his shoulder and lifts back, making Jose go into a Suplex position. But will it be a Suplex? But Generico screams out aloud "BRAAAAAAINBUSTAH~!" as it seems to be that coming Jose's way but it is stopped by Joel who dropkicks Generico in the mush, allowing Jose to slip down behind Generico as he locks in a waist lock, Joel hits a Calf Kick with a loud smacking sound coming from the kick triggering Jose's German Suplex as he has Generico's shoulders down on the canvas and the referee counts the pinfall: 1...2...NO! Steen manages to pull Jose out of the ring as he starts to brawl with him. Leaving the fallen Generico and Joel inside the ring, as Joel takes Generico by the mask and smashes his head against the turnbuckle before stopping and turns Generico around, he quickly scoops him up into a Belly To Belly Piledriver Position. As Generico tries to get out of it as Joel hits the "Beach Blast" with authority and it looks like Generico is done for the night, Joel hooks the leg: 1...2...Thr-NO~! With Generico just putting his leg on the ropes, Joel looks at the referee before shouting at him "That Was Three" the referee tells him that was two, and Joel just gets to his feet. Joel grabs Generico by the mask once again but Kevin Steen from out of nowhere turns him around. He kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Package Piledriver as it connects but Generico quickly gets behind Steen as Steen rolls Joel backwards and allows Generico to catch him, Generico lifts Joel into the sky and then drops him down head first on the mat with a BRAAAAAAINBUSTAH~! As the crowd go wild, Jose comes back inside the ring but Generico takes him out with a Yakuza Kick knocking him over the top rope and down to the concrete floor as Steen has Joel's legs hooked: 1...2...3! [center][b]Winners & #1 Contenders: Team Ego [At 11:47] Rating: C[/b][/center] With Generico just running around the ring like a lunatic screaming "Olé" as the crowd scream with him, Steen has his hand raised. Generico stops running around to have his hand raised as Steen stands to his feet, Steen extends his hand and Generico shakes it. They both get out of the ring and make their way up the rampway, as Joel & Jose are at ringside upset about their loss. [b][color="#000000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Well, it was an excellent match there. And Team Ego deserved the victory, and they delivered what we had expected. [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Damn right, but next we have a One on One Contest between Mr. Agulia & TAKA Michinoku. So could this be a High Flying War? "Eye Of The Tiger" hits the arena, TAKA Michinoku soon walks out through the curtain. He looks at the crowd members and then raises his arms, he then walks down the rampway as the crowd have a mixed reaction towards him. [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Our next match is a Singles Match, scheduled for One Fall. Introducing first, from Morioka, Iwate, Japan. Weighing in at 238 Pounds...TAKA MICHINOKU~! Suddenly Rich comes out from the curtain. [b][color="#2E8B57"]Rich:[/color][/b] Sorry TAKA, but I got some bad news. Agulia was delivered to the hospital a couple of hours ago due to messing up on a Moonsault. But since you don't have a match, I will gurantee at our next show you will have a match against him. And infact we were just notified of this by AAA because the bitches didn't even bother knowing that Agulia had a show booked with us, but sorry TAKA. The crowd boo as TAKA leaves the ring, TAKA walks back up the ramp saddened by Agulia no-showing. [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Well ****ing done AAA. But anyway folks, our next match is the Tag Team Match. And my god its going to be the team of Samoa Joe & Bryan Danielson take on A.J Styles & A Mystery Partner. "The Final Countdown" hits the arena,as the crowd cheer. Bryan Danielson walks through the curtain. He stops for a second or two before looking around at the crowd the crowd meanwhile are chanting "Danielson Is God", Danielson smiles at what the crowd are chanting and walks down the ramp, he walks around the ringside area as he finally gets inside the ring. [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] This match is scheduled as a Special Challenge Tag Team Match, introducing Team Number One, first from Aberdean, WA. Weighing in at 190 Pounds....BRYAN DAAAANIELSON~! Danielson warms up inside the ring by running across the ring, rebounding off the ropes and back again as "The Final Countdown" fades out, the beating drums of "The Champ Is Here" is overheard through out the arena, the crowd are clapping in beat with it as the lyrics finally start blasting throughout the arena, and the wait is over. Samoa Joe walks through the curtain with his towel with new specs of blood on it. He walks down the rampway before hopping on the apron, he throws his towel into the audience as one lucky fan catches it. Samoa Joe then gets inside the ring... [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And his partner, from American Samoa by way Orange County in California. Weighing in at 280 Pounds...THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE...SAAAAMOA JOE! Joe raises his right arm in the air, "The Champ Is Here" soon stops blasting throughout the arena. "I Am" starts up, as a pyro waterfall starts falling from the stage set, stomping and chanting of "A.J Rules". All in the same rhythm the lights then go out and then A.J Styles steps through the waterfall, with a hooded jacket, he soon rips the hood off and walks down the rampway, Styles then stops at the end to wait for his partner. [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And their opponents, from Gainsville in Georgia. Weighing in at 215 Pounds...THE PHENOMENAL....A.J STYLES~! "I Am" by Dale Oliver comes to a close, the crowd are still wondering who A.J's mystery partner is as the lights turn out. Flames start to rush from the stage flooring, and "Dragon Storm" hits the arena, Ultimo Dragon walks through the curtain and the crowd start chanting "Ultimo Dragon" continuously, Ultimo was A.J's mystery all along. Ultimo runs down the rampway. [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And A.J Styles' partner. From Naygoya City, Japan. Weighing in at 185 pounds...ULTIMOOOOOOOOOO DRAAAAAAGON~! As Ultimo gets to Styles, Styles starts to run and they both slide inside the ring in unison as Danielson & Joe start to pummel them with forearm smashes to the back and the match begins. [center][b]Special Challenge Tag Team Match: Samoa Joe & Bryan Danielson versus A.J Styles & Ultimo Dragon[/center][/b] As Joe & Danielson get the upper hand early in this match, they back Styles & Ultimo into separate corners. Stomping a mudhole in them, Danielson is doing it so roughly that Ultimo is gasping for air, Danielson is still targeting the stomach until Ultimo falls to the mat where Danielson applies a foot choke. Meanwhile Joe is just mixing it up with stomps & punches & even some chops in there, Styles is trying to cover up but can't as Joe is just delivering them more powerfully at a time. But Styles manages to turn the tables and put Joe in the corner, he starts to fire off some kicks to the stomach as Danielson comes from behind and charges at Styles, but Styles dodges out of the way allowing Danielson to crash into Joe. Ultimo comes out of the corner that he was left in and takes down Danielson with a Tornado DDT, he hooks the leg for an early pinfall: 1...2...NO! Danielson gets the shoulder up firmly, as Ultimo raises him to his feet. A.J goes to the apron as Joe makes his way to his, leaving the American Dragon and Ultimo Dragon alone, Ultimo locks in a front facelock and wrenches back but Danielson quickly spins out of it, avoiding the submission attempt and manages to kick Dragon in the stomach, Danielson takes a hold of Dragon's arm, he twists it before driving his elbow into the arm & elbow joint, Ultimo screams in pain but the pain is only just beginning. Danielson twists Ultimo's arm once again, he pulls Ultimo over to his corner and tags out to Samoa Joe who comes in Danielson still has a hold of the arm and Joe kicks it, Danielson lets go and goes to the apron. Joe quickly starts to punish Ultimo's arm even more, by delivering an uppercut, he then throws Ultimo onto the canvas before wrapping his legs around the arm, Joe is about to wrench back but Styles quickly gets inside the ring, he stomps on Joe forcing him to break the Armbar making Ultimo free. Styles' then goes back to the apron, Ultimo manages to reach him and get the tag. Joe is just getting to his two feet, A.J is still on the apron getting prepared for something, Joe is finally on his feet and he turns around giving the queue for Styles to leap on the top rope and springboard off. With Styles in the air, Joe is unaware...Or is he? Styles gets caught in mid-air by Joe who hits the STO slamming Styles [b]HARD[/b] onto the canvas, Joe then does a cut throat motion. He runs across the ring, rebounds off the ropes, and back he comes. He leaps into the air, and brings his knee down on Styles head with force. Joe hooks both legs after the Knee Drop: 1...2...NO! Styles just kicks out in a matter of time, Joe just stares at him. Joe gets to his feet, Danielson tags himself in and drops a knee across the throat of Styles. Adding the pain to Styles body, Danielson stands onto his feet and sits Styles up on the canvas. He then wraps his arms across the throat of Styles and then wrenches back with the Dragon Sleeper, Styles squirms but isn't tapping out, as "American Dragon" applies more pressure making Styles on the verge of tapping out, but Styles manages to keep it in and bridge himself making Danielson stand from the crouching position. But Danielson tries to apply even more pressure wearing Styles down, but Styles manages to break free and take the initiative. Styles starts to fire off some elbows to the head of Danielson, he then whips him across the ring before knocking him down with a Dropkick to the face. Styles gets to his feet, he takes Danielson up with him and sets him on the ropes. Styles then whips Danielson across the ring and back but the "American Dragon" comes back with a clothesline taking Styles off his feet and slamming down onto the Canvas. Danielson then tags out to the Samoan Submission Machine, he steps inside the ring and then runs across the ring towards Styles who is now sitting up, Joe leaps up into the air before coming down: [b]BACK FIRST[/b] onto the neck of Styles as the crowd start to chant "Holy ****", the landing was so sick leaving Styles in a short period of blackout. Joe does not go for the cover though, instead he signals for something in the corner, raising his arm in the air. Styles starts to show some life inside him, he gets to his feet steadily as Joe charges at him full force. Outstretching his arm for the Lariat but Styles manages to evade the attack with the evasive roll before getting the tag to Ultimo Dragon who of which comes in like a house of fire, coming in and starting to kick Joe with sharp, stiff and dangerous kicks to the chest, legs & face but Joe manages to push him away. Joe follows up with a Stiff Kick to the stomach winding Ultimo, but Ultimo holds it in and hits a Spinning Backhand Punch knocking Joe into a state of daze. Ultimo quickly follows up with a Reverse STO on Joe planting him head first into the mat, Ultimo hooks the leg: 1...2...NO! Danielson quickly gets involved by pulling Ultimo off, Danielson then hits an Exploder chucking Ultimo into the corner, Ultimo was given an Exploder so hard the turnbuckle pad on the top rope fell off. With Ultimo down, Styles quickly takes to the skies with a Springboard attempt, he comes crashing into Danielson with a Flying Clothesline sending Danielson tumbling to the floor, Ultimo is starting to stand on his feet as Joe does the same. But Joe is quicker to react with a vicious kick to the head sending Ultimo reeling back, Joe then backs Ultimo into a corner before setting him on the top rope. Joe then gets him ready for a Muscle Buster but A.J breaks it by giving a Double Axe Handle to the back of Joe. [center]***[/center] Joe is turned around by Styles who kicks him in the stomach and puts his head between his legs. Styles tries to lift Joe up for the Styles Clash but Joe is too heavy for Styles to lift, Styles tries once again, he struggles but manages to get Joe lifted up but he can't keep his grip, Styles falls forward executing the Styles Clash, with it all done Ultimo quickly takes to the top turnbuckle. But Danielson pushes him off the turnbuckle, Ultimo goes flipping off the turnbuckle and crashing down onto the concrete floor on the outside with a loud smack, as Styles spotted Danielson on the apron he dropkicks him off the apron, Danielson goes flying before crashing into the steel barricade. Styles turns around but is kicked in the gut by the already recovered Joe, Joe lifts Styles up in position for the Island Driver as it connects. Spiking Styles' head on the mat, Joe can't cover him though as Styles is not the legal man. Joe goes to the outside, he throws Ultimo inside the ring and goes in for himself, he raised Ultimo to his feet before turning him around and applying the choke. Ultimo tries to fight it but can't as Joe now has his legs wrapped around the body of Ultimo, he starts to applying the pressure, making his arms tighter as Ultimo is starting to fade. Ultimo is finally out cold as Joe keeps it locked in, the referee raises Ultimo's arm once: No response. Twice: No Response. Third Time: [b]ULTIMO IS SAVED![/b] Styles had just dropped his elbow on the head of Joe for a desperation move as Ultimo is let free, Styles is just gathering his marbles before dragging Joe to the nearby corner. Styles starts to climb to the top rope, he then leaps off looking for the Spiral Tap and it connects winding Joe in the process, Ultimo looks like he wants to take air too as he climbs the top rope. Ultimo though leaps off with a Dragon Tornado landing on Joe before hooking the leg: 1...2...Thr-[b]NOT YET~![/b] As Danielson puts Joe's leg on the bottom rope before making his entrance into the ring, Danielson grabs Styles and throws him over the top rope but Ultimo comes too quickly for Danielson to get him, as he applies a 3/4 facelock. Ultimo does a back flip in hope of naioling the Ultimo DDT but Danielson blocks the move once Dragon flips down behind him, Danielson quickly gets behind Ultimo and locks in a Full Nelson, he lifts back but Dragon back flips out of the Dragon Suplex before trying to kick Danielson, Danielson ducks before charging the elbow and spinning before hitting the Roaring Elbow with a sickening impact, sending Ultimo into the corner giving the queue for Joe to get to his feet, well not getting to his feet by himself. Danielson pulls Joe up as Joe regains consciousness after the Dragon Tornado & Spiral Tap. He sets Ultimo on the top rope before setting up for the Muscle Buster...Here it comes look out...[b]MUSCLE BUSTER~![/b] It connects it connects, and Joe has the leg hooked on impact: 1...2...3! [center][b]Winners: Samoa Joe & Bryan Danielson [At 34:55] Rating: B-[/b][/center] As "The Champ Is Here" starts up. Joe & Danielson have their hands raised as they suddenly come face to face, Joe backs down before leaving the ring and going up the ramp way. [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Was that Joe's message to Danielson for the World Title Tournament? We already know that Joe will be in it, but what the hell was it about? [b][color="#000000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] I have no clue what so ever, and I mean what Joe did was most probably intimidating towards Danielson in my opinion. [b][color="#00BFFF"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] What a CLASSIC! I haven't seen a match like that in some time. Suddenly Ed 'O Mac takes center stage in the middle of the ring: [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen. It is now time for the 2/3 Falls Street Fight for the KOW Underground Title. Now here are the rules: There are no DQ's in this match, Pinfalls Count Anywhere in this building and You can gain a fall by Pin or Submission... "Whatever" by Godsmack hits the arena as Drake Younger steps through the curtain, with the KOW Underground Title around his waist. He takes the title off his waist and then raises the belt in the air, but is soon attacked from behind by Homicide as Hernandez is no where to be seen... [b][center]KOW Underground Title Match: Two Out Of Three Falls Street Fight: Drake Younger© versus Homicide[/b][/center] As Homicide jumps Younger from behind, he quickly starts to punch away at his face, Homicide doesn't stop until Younger blocks a punch and pushes Homicide off him, and gets to his feet. Younger then throws Homicide down the ramp, he makes his way down as Homicide slowly gets to his feet. As Younger is handed a chair by a nearby fan, he calls for Homicide to get to his feet. Homicide soon gets up, Younger motions for the chairshot but Homicide ducks the attempt before kicking it in Youngers face with such force. Younger staggers back, dropping the chair in the process, Homicide quickly follows up with another kick to the face of Younger sending him into the guard rail, where he is trying to get a quick breather but Homicide won't allow that, he charges at Younger full force before taking him out with an elbow to the face. Younger's head snaps back on the force of the elbow, Homicide meanwhile continues the dominant streak by whipping Younger into the turnbuckle post, making him bounce off with velocity and onto the concrete floor Younger goes. Homicide goes for the pinfall, which is the first of the match: 1...2...YOUNGER GETS THE SHOULDER UP! Homicide stares at Younger before reaching out to the apron cover, he pulls it up to reveal the amount of dangerous weapons left by staff. I mean this must be for the WarGames Match? Homicide takes a quick peak under, as he pulls out a Trash Can. The can is then set on the concrete floor, Younger is pulled to his feet by Homicide who applies a front facelock, Homicide pulls back lifting Younger in the air, Younger manages to slip behind him and turn Homicide around before applying the same facelock and lifting Homicide in the air. 'Cide squirms in the air, knowning he cannot match Younger's better strength abillity as he leaps back with the Suplex crushing the Trash Can with force, Homicide sits up straight away and is screaming aloud, and it seems that Younger may have hurt himself, we soon see blood dripping from the back of his head, meaning that a sharp edge from the crushed Trash Can may have cut Younger on impact, Younger soon sits up and pulls Homicide onto his back before once again going for the pinfall: 1...2...Homicide just kicks out in the nick of time, Younger quickly reaches for the chair he dropped and throws it inside the ring, Younger takes Homicide inside the ring and then sets up the chair. He pulls him up by the arms, he then irish whips Homicide across the ring as Homicide rebounds back before being tossed overhead by Younger but Homicide lands on his feet, he turns Younger around before grabbing him in a 3/4 Face Lock, Homicide goes for the Diamond Cutter but Younger manages to stall it, he lifts Homicide into the air, Younger travels back as Homicide reverses the Back Suplex attempt by flipping backwards onto the apron. He takes Younger onto the apron, but Younger manages to fight the attempts of being destroyed by starting to elbow away at the face of Homicide, Homicide retaliates with a uppercut almost making Younger tumble off the apron, but he regains balance and strikes Homicide with a headbutt as Homicide gets down to one knee, Younger takes Homicide into a Front Facelock before dropping forward with a Modified DDT smacking Homicide face first on the apron with authority. Younger leaves Homicide laying face down on the apron, he gets to the ringside floor and looks under the ring. Younger pulls out a table, but it isn't any normal table, no. It turns out to be Barbed Wire covered table, staff take the table off Younger and sets it up as Younger climbs onto the apron. He lifts Homicide up onto his feet, and gets him ready for a Back Suplex off the apron. But Homicide elbows out of it, he locks him into a position for a Russian Leg Sweep, Younger counters, just in the nick of time and turns Homicide between him, Younger then applies a double underhook and lifts Homicide in the air, Younger steps sideways and falls down with a Tiger Driver through the Barbed Wire Table, busting it on impact as the crowd start rallying chants of: [b]HOLY ****[/b], Younger hooks the leg in hopes of getting the quick advantage in this match: 1...2...3! [center][b]Winner Of Fall One: Drake Younger (1-0) [At 17:18][/b][/center] Younger takes the lead after a Tiger Driver through a Barbed Wire Table, both men seem caught in the Barbed Wire as Younger manages to escape the wires shredding his skin in a hurry, Homicide lays there motionless in the wreckage. Not moving, but he comes around and moves from the wreckage but Younger is already setting up for the next trick. He looks under the ring, and pulls out a Baseball Bat, as he also pulls out a bag of something. He throws the bag inside the ring but keeps the bat, Homicide rises to his two feet and faces the direction of Drake Younger, clutching the baseball bat, as he swings intending to hit Homicide square in the face but he ducks and takes Younger out from behind with a Russian Leg Sweep, smacking Younger's head on the cold & hard concrete with a loud smack, the crowd gasp as Homicide seems to have recovered quite quickly from that Tiger Driver off the apron as he goes for the cover: 1...2...No..Only a two count, Younger seems to have kicked out quick enough to avoid the words he does not want to hear come out of the referee's mouth which you must all know. Homicide surveys the laid out Younger as he spots Hernandez running down the rampway entrance, Homicide tells Hernandez to get some weapons set up in the ring as Hernandez gets to the job quickly. As Homicide lifts Younger to his feet, Younger tries to steady himself but is grabbed by the head and taken over to the steel steps, Homicide quickly shouts out to the crowd before slamming Younger's head into the steps with complete velocity, Homicide signals to do it again and he does and it continues: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...Homicide then stops and throws Younger into the guard rail, knocking it over. He leaves Younger ontop of the fallen guard rail, as he looks under the ring and pulls out a 20ft Aluminum Ladder. Homicide sets it up beside where Younger is sprawled out, Homicide climbs towards the top of the ladder, he then sits there. Radiating the crowd's cheering of "Do It", Homicide ends up diving off with a Guillotine Leg Drop, dropping his whole weight onto the body of Younger as not only does it smash onto him but also causes him to smash onto the hard steel of the guard rail that he was laying on, Homicide falls back on impact and is clutching his legs in pain, we see Younger just motionless not showing any facial expressions whatsoever. Hernandez seems to have finished putting all the weapons in place for Homicide, he gets out of the ring and takes Homicide's arm and places it on the chest of Younger in hopes that his L.A.X Partner would win some gold: 1...2...NO! It was not to be as Younger managed to raise his hand avoiding the three count, Hernandez looks horrified and pulls Homicide off Younger, he raises Younger to his feet and puts him between his legs but suddenly Mana runs down, with a table as he smacks Hernandez in the back of the head with it knocking him off Younger. Mana turns Hernandez around as the table is set up, he raises Hernandez onto his shoulders before leaping back and sending Hernandez crashing through the table with a Samoan Drop. Mana screams aloud, as he takes Hernandez by the arms and drags him backstage. Now we are back to Younger & Homicide again. Both men are slowly in the phrase of getting up, as they both reach their feet. Homicide manages to make the first move by throwing Younger inside the ring. Homicide goes in himself to see the amount of weapons inside the ring. Tables, Small Ladders, Wooden Planks, Chairs, Barbed Wire Boards and more. But Homicide reaches for Younger before setting up a chair in them middle of the ring, but Homicide remembers the bag that Younger threw inside the ring earlier. He suddenly opens it, his face expression tells the story as he is laughing, Homicide then tips the bag over the set up chair to reveal the millions and millions of thumbtacks, which are waiting to be stuck into someone. Homicide raises Younger to his feet and does a double twist in the position of the Unprettier, but instead he turns once more to have Younger in position for the Cop Killa. Homicide tries to jump back but Younger slides down behind him and puts him in position for the Drake's Landing but Homicide gets free, and onto his feet, he turns Younger around and then applies a 3/4 Facelock, Homicide tries to run forward but Younger manages to reverse the Gringo Cutter attempt into a Back Suplex which fails, Homicide rolls out and grabs a chair, Younger turns around....[b]WHAM, BAM, SMACK~![/b] The loud banging sounds of a chair can be heard throughout the arena, as Younger isn't falling infact he most probably has a concussion but doesn't know it. Homicide takes the chance to get Younger in position for the Cop Killa, as he leaps back near the chair and the chair gets broken on impact and thumbtacks go flying everywhere as Younger is rolling around on the mat, Homicide goes for the pinfall to try and equalize: 1...2...3!!!! [b][center]Winner Of Fall Two: Homicide (1-1) [At 25:24][/b][/center] With it tied 1-1, the end is near. Homicide gets to his feet as the referee is checking on the downed Drake Younger who is laying on the canvas, Homicide is handed four chairs which he sets up. He then places two Barbed Wire Boards on them so that it is like a table, Homicide goes out of the ring and looks under before pulling out a bag, a large black bag. Homicide pours the bag out onto the Barbed Wire Boards as it turns out to be broken glass, salt & thumbtacks, a lethal dose for pain. Homicide sets Younger on the top turnbuckle before grabbing a Lighttube Log Cabin and climbing the top rope, placing it on the neck of Younger as if he was going for the Cop Killa here. But wait a minute Younger takes the Log Cabin and smashes it over the head of Homicide before switching over on the top rope and he is now behind Homicide. With thumbtacks stuck in his back, and blood dripping down the back of his head, Younger lifts Homicide into a position for the Drake's Landing as he jumps off and crashes through the Barbed Wire Boards, with glass, salt & thumbtacks sprinkled on top as the crowd are chanting "Holy ****" continuously as Homicide seems dead between the wooden boards, Younger falls back and the referee counts the pinfall: 1...2...3!!! YOUNGER RETAINS! [b][center]Winner & Still KOW Underground Champion: Drake Younger [At 30:36] Rating: B-[/b][/center] As "Whatever" by Godsmack hits the arena, the crowd applause Drake Younger as KOW Staff Members crowd the arena and help Younger out of the ring as well as Homicide, as the crowd are chanting "Thank You Drake" & "Thank You Homicide". [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] What A Violent Match, and I mean these two are making their way to the top of this company. But Ladies & Gentlemen, next is the Main Event Of The Night...WARGAMES~! [center] ==================== [b]Intermission[/b] ==================== [img]http://www.whacks.bizland.com/CZW/12-10-05/IMG_1890.JPG[/img][/center] As the Octagon Cage is set up inside the Carey Arena, the staff I putting the final touches inside. Tables, Ladders, Spider Net, Glass Pane Trap, Chairs & Other weapons you may find around the ring. Also Scaffolding can be found on the side of the cage on top, as well as Barbed Wire being wrapped around it. [b][color="#000000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Well, its our first ever WarGames. And my god it will be Survival Of The Sickest, I mean all these weapons. This is like Judgment Day for Paul London & Co. And Ruckus will be looking to score a victory against London. [b][color="#00BFFF"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] But tonight the feud comes to an end, all that matters is who wins and who comes out bloody. [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Well the Cage, its an unfriendly enviroment and my god it seems to be a frightening place. Suddenly Ed 'O Mac is seen standing infront of the Cage door: [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen...IT IS NOW TIME FOR OUR MAAAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING! A WarGames Match. Here are the rules: In a couple of moments from now, the team members who elected to go into the Cage first will enter. And then every 2 Minutes, a new person will join the fray from each team. The entrants will be picked at random as a coin toss will detirmine which team will get the advantage. Also Eliminations can occur, by Pinfall or Submission and Pinfalls Count Anywhere...SO ARE YOU READY?!?!! [b]Crowd:[/b] YEAAAAAH! [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] IT IS NOW TIME FOR WARGAMES....And the first participants from each team will now make their way to the ring... "We Fly High" hits the arena as the crowd start to boo, as we all know it is a BLKOUT Member coming in first but which one is it? All is revealed as Joker walks through the curtain accompanied by Robbie Minero who has handcuffs in his hands for some unknown reason, but he places them in his pocket. [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing Entrant #1 For Team BLKOUT. Weighing in at 200 Pounds. He is from Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. Accompanied by Robbie Minero...JOOOOKER~! As the crowd boo loudly and jeer at Robbie Minero who is winding them up by making arrogant comments about the fans mothers (Oh The Originality), as Joker is surveying the Cage, the door is opened by a referee as he enters the psychotic design of the Octagon Cage which was meant to punish and destroy, and that may be Joker who will be. Joker gets inside the ring as Minero follows before popping a microphone from his suit pocket. [b]Crowd:[/b] Shut The Hell Up. [b][color="#483D8B"]Minero:[/color][/b] HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT THE F*CK UP NEW JERSEY! How abouts you shut the f*ck up and let me talk, huh? Now let me just lay down a few words. Now tonight Paul London, you and your little posse of idiotic p*ssies, come to challenge our team of hard knocking, bitch magnet, hardcore, high flying bunch of ass kickers? And you think you can take us down, so I am telling you GIVE US! YOUR BEST SHOT! YEAH YOU HEARD ME! Suddenly, Minero is cut off by the sound of "Mental Health" by Quiet Riot as the crowd scream aloud and [b]WE[/b] all know who the hell it is. As Necro Butcher comes through the curtain with a chair in hand, he starts smashing it against his skull like the redneck maniac he is as chants of "Necro" run wild throughout the arena. [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And Entrant #2 For Team London. Weighing in at 230 Pounds. From Morgantown in West Virginia...HE IS ONE HALF OF THE TOUGH CRAZY BASTARDS...NEEEECRO BUTCHER~! Butcher walks down the rampway before running through the Cage door and shutting it behind him and he slides inside the ring, he drops his chair and starts to slug it out with Joker as the bell rings. [b][center]WarGames Match: Paul London, The Briscoe Brothers, Necro Butcher & Nigel McGuinness versus The BLKOUT (Ruckus & Joker), B-Boy, Axl Rotten & Claudio Castagnoli[/b][/center] As the bell rings, Joker & Necro are still beating the living daylights out of each-other, fists flying everywhere on every part of the body, Necro manages to get the upper hand after a dangerous right jab to the mush of Necro sending him staggering back, Robbie Minero soon gets inside the ring picking up the chair that Necro dropped inside the ring before going to war with Joker. Necro turns around as Minero swings, the chair catches Necro in the head but he isn't phased, in fact Necro just grabs the chair from Minero and strikes him with it putting an end to that chapter. As the crowd roar with pleasure of Minero getting knocked out, Necro turns his focus to Joker who is getting to his feet. Joker stands, Necro charges at him full force before taking him down with a Stiff Clothesline, as Joker gets up in an instant. They meet face to face, they both charge their heads and deliver a headbutt but Joker's head was stronger, sending Necro staggering back but he manages to retaliate with a sickening headbutt, Joker falls to one knee, he rises, he catches Necro in the chin with a Uppercut before sending punches, chops & kicks his way with a combo before clotheslining him over the top rope. Butcher crashes to the concrete floor, as Joker slides down to ringside. He looks at the amount of weapons left by the staff, spoiled for choice Joker picks up a chair. He starts to shout at Necro Butcher to get up as Necro is slowly reaching his feet, but manages to low blow Joker so he drops the chair. Necro takes a hold of Joker's arm and tries to Irish Whip him into the Yellow Mesh of the cage, but Joker reverses and powerfully chucks Butcher into the mesh as he bounces off into a boot to the face. Suddenly the countdown starts from 10: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! Lights go out around the arena as the excitement of who's going to be entrance number 3 in this WarGames....Suddenly, "The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson hits the arena as it is none other than Axl Rotten... [center][b]Entrance #3: Axl Rotten (For Team BLKOUT)[/b][/center] [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing Entrant Number 3....AXL ROTTEN~! Axl runs down the rampway with his signature chair in hand labeled with "This Is Going To Hurt", Axl opens the cage door and starts to join in with Joker on stomping the hell out of Necro Butcher. No remorse what so ever between the two, as Minero starts to join in recovered after that brain damaging chair shot at the beginning of the match. As all three stomp on the body of Necro, Minero is just talking trash to him and stops Joker & Axl. He tells them to grab a table as they do what he says, Minero meanwhile is still talking trash towards Necro but soon enough he is taken down by Necro who grabbed him by the throat and stood onto his feet, Necro delivers the sickest headbutts ever (Well not ever) to Minero but Axl comes to the aid of him taking Butcher into the mesh, Axl starts to smash Butcher's head continuously into the mesh but the tables are turned soon enough and it turns out that he is getting his head smashed into the mesh, Necro Butcher is now officially a one man wrecking crew. Smashing Axl's head into the mesh wildly, before pulling him off and starting some soup-bones but Joker soon takes the "One Man Wrecking Crew" streak down throwing the table he got at him with velocity and the crowd with the collective [b]"OOOOOH~!"[/b] Necro slumps down onto the concrete as Joker sets up the table. But Minero has other plans, he takes Necro to the mesh and takes out the handcuffs from his pocket that he had earlier. He handcuffs Necro to the mesh and leaves the key on the apron, as Joker picks up the chair that he picked up earlier and Axl picks up his signature chair, they both signal for the chair shot as they start smacking the chair against the head of Necro. Necro starts to fade as the countdown starts again. But will it be Necro's teammate to help? 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! The lights turn out as entrant #4 in this WarGames is getting ready to come out. "Real Muthaf*cking G's" by Eazy E, hits the arena suddenly. And it looks like Team London didn't get the luck of the draw as B-Boy runs down for Team BLKOUT. [center][b]Entrance #4: B-Boy (For Team BLKOUT)[/b][/center] [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing Entrant Number 4....B-BOY~! [b][color="#00BFFF"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] It looks like Team London didn't get the luck of the draw. As B-Boy runs down the ramp, he runs through the already opened door and starts to beat down on Necro Butcher, but Necro manages to show life is still upon him and starts to fight back with his free hand, punching away at the others including B-Boy but is put back to sleep by one hell of a chair shot breaking the chair in the process, all thanks to Joker. The assault carries on but this time its B-Boy doing the mayhem, whilst Joker & Axl Rotten rest up. B-Boy just kicking, punching and even grinding his foot against the face of Necro Butcher, but soon stops as Minero goes out of the cage area. Soon he is handed a beer by a fan in the crowd, as Minero comes back and hands B-Boy the beer. He opens it up before taking a sip of it, B-Boy then starts to pour it over Necro Butcher as it drizzles down his chest. But it soon comes to an end as the countdown begins: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! The lights turn out again as B-Boy is now kicking away at not worried about who is coming...Well he should be...."Gimme Back My Bullets" by Lynyrd Skynyrd suddenly plays throughout the arena as B-Boy stops for a second, but laughs as it could be one member of the Briscoe Brothers. Well, how wrong was he as Jay Briscoe runs through the curtain accompanied by Mark Briscoe as they run into the Cage and the even sides brawl begins. Well technically not even sides, but the Briscoes are taking it to B-Boy, Axl & Joker. [center][b]Entrance #5 & #6: The Briscoe Brothers (For Team London][/center][/b] [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing Entrants, Number 5 & 6....THE BRISCOE BROTHERS! [b][color="#000000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] All hell is going to break loose now, and my god its gonna get too violent. I mean that is a illegal move by The Briscoes. Only one person is allowed to come out at a time... [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] It doesn't really matter, its a brawl get used to illegal entrants. As The Briscoes start to do battle with Axl, Joker & B-Boy succeeding taking them down. Jay grabs the key that Minero left on the apron and frees Necro Butcher from the handcuffs that he was in as Necro goes wild and starts to take on Joker mounting on him, he punches away at Joker with fists as The Briscoes throw Axl & B-Boy inside the ring. They get inside and start to stomp on them, until Jay lifts Axl to his feet and throws him across the ring. Axl comes back and knocks Jay off his feet with a powerful forearm to the face, but Mark jumps him from behind Mark starts to pummel Axl with clubbing blows to the kidney area but is taken out by B-Boy who grabs a hold of him and sends him to the corner with force, meanwhile Necro Butcher is now throwing Joker into the mesh. With authority Joker goes almost going through it, as Necro screams aloud and the crowd do it too, Necro grabs a hold of Jokers arms forming a Double Underhook before lifting him to his shoulders, Necro then gives a Double Underhook Powerbomb to Joker through the table that was set up by them. Joker seems dead as Necro goes for the first elimination of the match: 1...2...JOKER GETS THE SHOULDER UP! It was an attempt that failed as Necro doesn't seem to happy. He raises Joker to his feet and then takes him around the ringside area, to find what "Toys" he can find to "Play With". Necro suddenly throws Joker inside the ring, and like the mad man he is starts to throw some "Toys" into the ring: Aluminum Ladders, Tables, Barbed Wire Bats, Barbed Wire Boards, Chairs and other dangerous weapons into the mix before sliding inside the ring. As there are weapons now inside the ring, it has become a playground for Necro Butcher or his home. As he starts to punch away at B-Boy, Axl comes for some and Necro gives it to him with a thunderous Roaring Elbow, unlike Necro Butcher to use it. Necro starts to set up the weapons where he wants them now there is a clear area for a minute or two, he sets the Barbed Wire Boards in the corner, tables in the free corner, leaves the ladder where it is. Necro then grabs Axl by his hair. He takes a few steps forward before hurling Axl into the Barbed Wire Board destroying it in the process, the crowd start to chant [b]"HOLY ****"[/b] as even though the board is broken, Axl is hanging upside down in the Barbed Wire. B-Boy charges at Necro only to be thrown into the Spider Net set up on one corner of the ring as B-Boy didn't go through it luckily. The countdown is upon us once again as Necro doesn't seem worried infact he is shouting "Bring It On". 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! The lights turn out like the other three times, and we await the arrival of Entrant #7. "I Have To Have It Instrumental" hits the arena as the crowd erupt in cheers, for the arrival of Claudio Castagnoli who steps out through the curtain in jeans, not wrestling attire. Claudio runs down. [center][b]Entrance #7: Claudio Castagnoli (For Team BLKOUT)[/center][/b] [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing Entrant #7...CLAAAAUDIO CASTAGNOLI~! As Claudio quickly gets into the cage, he slides into the ring and a slugfest between him and Necro begin...Back and fourth the punches are thrown but Claudio sends Necro reeling with a European Uppercut. Necro comes back only to get a Missile Dropkick from Joker who Necro completely forgot about, Necro eats foot in his face as it connects with force. Necro infact tumbles over the top rope. Leaving Joker & Claudio to their own devices, as they lift Jay Briscoe to his feet. They perform a Double Irish Whip sending Jay across the ring and bouncing off the ropes as he comes back but ducks the Double Clothesline attempt and leaps to the second rope, bouncing off with a Cross Body catching both men as he quickly stands and starts to scream at both men who are downed. But however, Minero just handed Axl Rotten his signature chair as he is in the corner. Signaling for the "This Is Gonna Hurt", Jay turns around and Axl with full force ahead tries for the chairshot but Jay ducks the attempt and Mark finally gets to his feet, as Mark turns Axl to face him and he takes the chair away from him. Mark just levels Axl with the chairshot as Jay comes and puts Axl between his legs before trying to lift the near 300 pounder up for a Jay Driller as he slightly manages to. Mark meanwhile is already on the top rope, Mark leaps off before pushing Axl down head first onto the mat with velocity as the Spike Jay Driller connects. But before they can capitalize the countdown begins yet again: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! The original routine comes and suddenly the sound of "We Fly High" blasts throughout the arena, as the leader of Team BLKOUT & the final member to come out of the team Ruckus, walks down the ramp smoking a cigar, doing the original routine that he does on his entrance as he runs through the cage door and into the ring stopping Jay from getting a pinfall on Axl, he starts to punch both of them before delivering a Dropkick to Jay. Claudio joins in with the fun, he takes out Mark with the Aluminum Ladder smacking it against the back of the head, Mark crumples to the ground as we see Team BLKOUT coming around. [center][b]Entrance #8: Ruckus (For Team BLKOUT)[/center][/b] [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing Entrant #8, The Final Entrant for Team BLKOUT....RUCKUS! [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] The future seems bleak for Team London, as it is now officially a 5-on-3 assault. [b][color="#000000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Yeah, Two Minutes needs to come around so they can atleast make the teams a little bit fair. With Team BLKOUT now all standing tall, The Briscoe Brothers stand and Necro Butcher gets inside the ring, a standoff is a foot. All of them glaring at each other, we can see specks of blood in the sweat drenched hair of Mark Briscoe as he is the first one to leap into action delivering a sickening right hand to the face of Joker as it set it off. Necroi Butcher is being double teamed by B-Boy & Claudio, whilst Jay has Ruckus & Axl to deal with. Mark however manages to hold his own against Joker, as they all go to the ringside area. Jay grabs a Barbed Wire Baseball bat and swings it against the face of Axl Rotten, time is ticking down as all they have to do is survive a short minute and a half. Jay starts to grind the bat into the forehead of Axl Rotten as Necro Butcher is dealing with B-Boy. Claudio comes from behind and Spears Necro & B-Boy through the Yellow Mesh wall as the crowd go wild. The hole is made, and finally two minutes is coming to an end: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! At an instant, the lights start to flicker and "T.N.T" by AC/DC hits the arena and Paul London comes out as the ninth participant in this WarGames Match armed and dangerous with a crowbar as he enters through the cage door. [center][b]Entrance #9: Paul London (For Team London)[/b][/center] [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing Entrant #9...HE IS PAUL LONDON! [b][color="#00BFFF"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] HERE IS THE TEAM CAPTAIN FOR TEAM LONDON...AND HE IS ARMED AND DANGEROUS! London starts to swing the crowbar wildly. At anybody who is moving from Team BLKOUT, there goes Axl, Ruckus & Joker all unlucky enough to be struck full force with the metal crowbar, London drops it before stomping on Ruckus, the battle is finally on and London isn't holding back. Meanwhile as Claudio comes around after that devastating Spear, he hooks the leg of Necro Butcher as the referee counts the pinfall: 1...2...NO! Necro gets the shoulder up, Meanwhile, Axl Rotten has blood dripping down his face after the grinding of Barbed Wire to the face. B-Boy is soon up, along with Necro Butcher as everyone is now on the outside of the Cage. With London kicking Ruckus out of the Cage door, he starts to climb the mesh. Nearby the Scaffold Piece, London must be climbing onto that as the crowd start to chant "Please Don't Die" a reference to what they chanted at London whilst in Ring Of Honor. London doesn't waste time making his way across the top of the Cage balancing himself with a tight-rope style walk as he does a Shooting Star Press onto everybody on the outside who were on the verge of standing as the crowd go wild for the move. But the final entrant is soon upon us: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! "F*cking In The Bushes" blasts throughout the arena as Entrant #10 makes his way through the curtain and it is Nigel McGuinness, with his ROH & HWA World Heavyweight Titles on each shoulder as he drops them. [center][b]Entrance #10: Nigel McGuinness (For Team London)[/b][/center] [b][color="#006400"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] INTRODUCING...THE TENTH AND FINAL ENTRANT...NIGEL MCGUINNESS~! [b][color="#000000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] LET THE WARS BEGIN. Now the teams are even we may even see an elimination at this point. Nigel makes his way down to the outside area of the Cage where everybody is lying down, he grabs B-Boy by the head, he drags him to inside the Cage and into the ring, the referee follows as Nigel quickly signals for a Jawbreaker Lariat in the corner. B-Boy gets to his feet and then gets waffled with the Lariat with force, Nigel hooks the leg for the first elimination of the WarGames: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Elimination #1: B-Boy [At 20:25][/b][/center] With B-Boy down, out and eliminated. Team London now have the 5-4 advantage. Axl Rotten is dragged inside the Cage by Jay Briscoe who starts to rake his face on the mesh. Axl manages to fight back, with a devastating elbow to the head sending Jay Briscoe reeling backwards. Axl surveys the weapons, for one handy to use against Jay. Axl picks up a Trashcan, looking directly in the eyes of Jay he recklessly smashes it against the head of him making him crumple to the floor. Mark comes inside the Structure Of Destruction getting a Trashcan shot for himself, he staggers back and Axl comes with another shot before using the destroyed Trashcan like a chair whacking it across the head of Mark, Axl stops and hurls Mark into the turnbuckle post, causing him to whack his back on the edge. Mark crashes onto the concrete floor, and at the same time. Necro Butcher has Claudio Castagnoli up onto his feet. Necro starts to punch away at his face, he tries to end it with a wind-up punch but gets a Uppercut for his troubles. Necro falls to the concrete floor, and Claudio leaves him to get inside the Cage and then the ring to do battle with Nigel. Clubbing blows come from both men, back and fourth but Claudio ends it with a kick between the legs. Changing the mood of the crowd but he doesn't care, instead he is handed a chair by Axl as he places it on the face of Nigel. But before he can do anything, Paul London storms the ring and turns Claudio around, he kicks him in the gut and signals for a DDT but Claudio spirals out of it and takes London's head off with a clothesline. Thinking he is on top for now, we see Necro Butcher come back from the "Dead" and into the ring, starting the war with Claudio once again. Necro rams Claudio's head through a table without wasting anytime, but Joker is on hand. It seems like a Gauntlet now, everytime somebody gets hurt somebody else comes in. Joker however stops before reaching the ring, he looks under the ring to pull out lighter fluid. The crowd start to chant "We Want Fire" as Joker starts to smile. He throws the fluid into the ring and grabs a table, he slides it inside the ring and gets in himself before taking out Necro with one hell of a kick. Necro slumps down into the corner as Joker sets up for the fire. He sets up the table in the middle of the ring facing the scaffolding piece, as he starts to pour the lighter fluid all over the table. Minero who has just come back from the back, he must've gone to the back during the Shooting Star Press hands him a lighter. But Joker throws it back at him saying "Light It When I'm Ready" soon Joker is climbing up the mesh towards the Scaffolding Piece. But Mark Briscoe follows as he is climbing on the otherside of Joker. They both reach the top, Mark quickly starts to get to work on Joker elbowing him in the head and throwing punches but Joker gives him a low blow and Minero gets in position with the lighter, he sets the table on fire as the flames blaze brightly. Necro Butcher soon takes out Minero with a clothesline over the top rope, taking himself out as well as Joker lifts Mark up from behind, Joker Driver maybe? No, Mark manages to reverse it and come up from behind looking for a Cut Throat Suplex, but Joker slides down from behind and lifts Mark back into the Electric Chair position. Mark tries to battle out of it but can't as Joker edges nearer to the edge. Joker soon leaps off with the Joker Driver...[b]THROUGH THE FLAMING TABLE~![/b] The table explodes on impact and Mark Briscoe is having a fit literally on the mat, Joker quickly covers him: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Elimination #2: Mark Briscoe [At 27:01][/b][/center] As Joker faints back, we see Paul London calling for him to get up. And it looks like he has Lighttubes. Well not just Lighttubes...A RACK OF LIGHTTUBES! With the war just getting better, Joker rises to his feet and London charges at him with a Cross Body placing the Lighttubes on his stomach and crushing them on the torso of Joker once he lands. London hooks the leg for the 3rd Elimination of the match: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Elimination #3: Joker [At 27:50][/center][/b] With Joker eliminated, once again Team London have the advantage. But thats what you think. Ruckus is just getting himself up, as Jay Briscoe is looking on in horror at Mark who is knocked out on the canvas. Ruckus takes advantage by coming from behind with an elbow to the back of the head, Claudio Castagnoli joins him by hurling him into the Cage door with authority, from then onwards. Claudio & Ruckus start to double team Jay with various moves, they then grab chairs. Smashing them across their heads continuously no remorse whatsoever, until Jay is a bloody mess. Ruckus then calls for a Ladder as Claudio hands him it, Ruckus sets up the Ladder on the concrete floor as he raises Jay to his feet. Ruckus lifts Jay Briscoe into the air looking for a Hate Crime as he slams him back down on the Ladder with force, as Ruckus goes for the pinfall: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Elimination #4: Jay Briscoe [At 31:22][/b][/center] Back in the ring, Axl Rotten and Necro Butcher have just got back inside, both without weapons. But Axl soon find one, a Wofferball Bat covered with Lightbulbs. Necro and him look eye to eye, but soon the eye to eye contact is lost and Nigel McGuinness blindsides Axl Rotten with a Forearm Smash to the face, he hands Necro Butcher the Wofferball Bat covered with Lightbulbs. Necro motions to smash it across the back of Axl Rotten as he does and the glass explodes everywhere, before they can make the pinfall though. Ruckus & Claudio get inside the ring with rthe same chairs they bloodied Ruckus with, they start to swing and they miss, Claudio ends up getting a smack with a chest chop causing him to drop the chair. Necro at the same time delivers a soup-bone to the face of Ruckus but Ruckus tries to get him back with a Tornado DDT but Ruckus is powered into the broken remains of the Barbed Wire Board that Axl broke a couple of minutes ago. Ruckus screams aloud in pain as Necro turns around to be hit with a cracking chair shot from the already recovered Axl Rotten. The chair broke on impact, Necro falls to the canvas as Axl hooks the leg: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Elimination #5: Necro Butcher [At 35:49][/center][/b] Axl is knocked quickly out with a Modified Shooting Star Press from Paul London who drove his knee into the head of Axl, knocking him out temporarily. Nigel manages to hold off Claudio & Ruckus for long enough so that London could find a weapon to use, but London throws Axl to the apron. There is actually an already set up table by the apron where Axl is standing as London runs into the ropes and rebounds back before leaping over Axl Rotten and hitting a Sunset Flip sending him crashing through the table, London has the legs and shoulders down as the referee counts the pinfall: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Elimination #6: Axl Rotten [At 37:00][/center][/b] With Axl out, London falls back onto his back. Leaving Claudio & Ruckus alone with Nigel McGuinness who is fighting for himself, and he is doing a good job. He starts to beat down on each of them separately but the numbers game catches up, Claudio rockets back with a Snap Suplex. Ruckus then hits hard with a Knee Drop to the throat: 1...2...NO! Nigel kicks out just in time, not wanting to hear the word Three, but Claudio & Ruckus are still scheming for a move to put Nigel away. Ruckus goes to the outside and looks under the ring, he pulls out a chair. As he slides it to Claudio. Claudio sets it up, but Ruckus hands him another one and Claudio sets that one up next to the chair that he just set up. Claudio raises Nigel to his feet, before putting his head between his legs. Claudio tries to lift him up and does before coming down with a Ricola Bomb through two of the chairs, with impact. Claudio quickly rolls back allowing Ruckus to climb to the top rope. Ruckus then does a Moonsault before managing to go an extra couple of degrees before landing his leg on the throat of Nigel. Claudio quickly hooks the leg for the pinfall attempt: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Elimination #7: Nigel McGuinness [At 40:11][/center][/b] With Paul London left resting on the outside, Ruckus is going outside of the Cage as he asks staff to set up some tables near the scaffolding as they are doing it. They look to stack them up in a pyramid as Claudio drags London across the concrete floor. He starts to stomp on his prone body, but around about 2 minutes later. We see a pyramid of tables nearby the scaffolding piece. Ruckus tells Claudio to get on the Scaffolding piece with him as London soon follows. As he does Ruckus & Claudio are quick to attack, but London fights back. It fails and Claudio & Ruckus set London up for the Double Suplex. But instead London turns the tables, before sending both men forward and he dives off the scaffolding piece with both of them, crashing through the pyramid of tables. [b]"HOLY ****"[/b] The crowd start to chant as all of them are laid out, referees flock from the back to check on all of them if they are alright but London has his arm over the bodies of both men. Resulting in a pinfall: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Elimination #8 & #9: Claudio Castagnoli & Ruckus [At 44:54][/center][/b] As the crowd start to chant "Kings Of Wrestling" over and over again a bloody London has his hand raised not knowing if he got the victory for his team. [b][center]Winners: Paul London, The Briscoe Brothers, Nerco Butcher & Nigel McGuinness Rating: B-[/b][/center] [b][color="#FF0000"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] WHAT AN EPIC VICTORY~! [b][color="#00BFFF"]Dean Ayass:[/color][/b] I agree and man it was one hell of a war, but Team London came out on top. [b][color="#000000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Well tonight has been more violent then any night ever since KOW's Three Show history, and we have just proven why we are better than any other indy fed. GOODNIGHT FOLKS! [b][center]Overall Show Rating: B- Notes: Popularity Increased[/center][/b][/quote] Done dudes...
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[quote][center][size=5][color="#FF0000"][u][font="Arial Black"]F.E.A.R[/font][/u][/size] [size=1][b]"The Night Of A New Evolution"[/b][/size][/color] [size=1][i]Live From: Convention Hall, New Jersey *Card Is Final/Still Reply to SOTS[/i][/size] [b]KOW World Heavyweight Title Match:[/b] Samoa Joe versus Claudio Castagnoli [b]KOW Underground Title Match No Rope Barbed Wire Massacre Three Way Dance:[/b] Drake Younger© versus Abyss versus Necro Butcher [b]KOW World Tag Team Title Match: PWG vs. KOW[/b] The Briscoe Brothers© versus Super Dragon & Davey Richards [b]Six Man Tag Team Match: Lucha Rules:[/b] Team Ego & Ultimo Dragon versus Homicide, A.J Styles & Low Ki =========== [b][color="#FF0000"]Red Carpet Hour:[/b][/color] [b]Special Challenge:[/b] Joker versus Paul London [b]KOW Junior Heavyweight Title Match: 10 Man Mayhem Invitational (Pinfalls & Submissions Eliminations Only):[/b] B-Boy versus Bobby Quance versus Cloudy versus Cody 45 versus Joel Maximo versus Jose Maximo versus Mr Agulia versus PAC versus Sabian [b]Singles Match:[/b] Clinton Nash versus Bryan XL [b]Singles Match:[/b] Ruckus versus B.J Whitmer [b]Singles Match:[/b] Mana versus Axl Rotten[/center][/quote] [quote]Bonus Questions: Will There Be An Impromptu Match Tonight? If So Who Will Be Involved? Who Will Be The Last Two Standing In The 10 Mayhem Match?[/quote] Predictions Welcome Boys, sorry I haven't posted the news. But you'll know about the situations after this show.
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[quote][center][b]Kings Of Wrestling Present:[/b] [font="Arial Black"][size=5][color="blue"]F.E.A.R[/color][/size][/font] [b]Live From: Convention Hall, New Jersey[/b][/center] F.E.A.R, opens up with a video package highlighting the past few shows, and it ends with the words reading: "The Night Of A New Evolution", with that being said we go inside the Convention Hall to reveal a jacked up crowd ready for some Kings Of Wrestling Action. We quickly cut to Joey Styles, Chris Anguis & Ben Jordan who are announcing tonights show, as they introduce us: [b][color="#0000FF"]Joey Styles:[/color][/b] Hello everybody, and welcome to Kings Of Wrestling F.E.A.R, and tonight one hell of a show we got here for you. Tonight, Kings Of Wrestling will see their first ever World Champion crowned as Claudio Castagnoli & Samoa Joe go toe to toe. [b][color="#008000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] And if that's not enough, we will see the KOW Underground Title defended in a No Rope Barbed Wire Match as Drake Younger hopes to beat "The Monster" Abyss & Necro Butcher, two of the wildest brawlers on the planet. And if that wasn't enough for you....PWG TAKING ON KOW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! Yes, you heard correct as PWG Superstars: Super Dragon & Davey Richards hope to gain the KOW Tag Team Titles off The Briscoe Brothers. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] And also, the first ever crowning of a Junior Heavyweight Champion in a 10 Man Mayhem Match, and that is on the Red Carpet Hour next.... [quote][b][color="#FF0000"]Red Carpet Hour Results:[/color][/b] [b][color="#FF0000"]Brian XL versus Clinton Nash[/color][/b][list] [*]Brian XL won the match after getting Nash with the Xclimation Point [/list][b][color="#FF0000"]Winner: Brian XL Rating: D Ruckus versus B.J Whitmer[/color][/b][list] [*]Whitmer & Ruckus got even offence during the match. [*]Whitmer managed to hit a Wrist Clutch Exploder for a 2 to his disappointment. [*]Ruckus battled back and hit the Hate Crime off the top rope but Whitmer kicked out at 2. [*]Whitmer finished the match with an Exploder '98. [/list][b][color="#FF0000"]Winner: B.J Whitmer Rating: C Hernandez versus Devon Storm[/b][/color][list] [*]Hernandez dominated the opening minutes of the match driving Devon Storm to the mat with a Spinebuster. [*]Storm tried for a Hurricanrana but it was reversed into a Sit Out Powerbomb which rocked him. [*]The only offense that Storm got in this 9 minute match was a Tornado DDT for a 1. Hernandez managed to win by Count Out after a Border Toss to the outside. [/list][b][color="#FF0000"]Winner: Hernandez Rating: C- Axl Rotten versus Mana[/color][/b][list] [*]Mana has been impressive thus far and looked to continue the impressive streak. [*]But Axl started out with some huge Soup-Bones to the face, Mana took him down with a Headbutt and tried to follow up with a Big Splash but Axl moved. [*]Axl's chair soon came into play as Mana mistakingly knocked the referee out cold with a Lariat. Axl reached for his chair and obliberated Mana's skull with the best chair shot in history before going for the cover and the win. [/list][b][color="#FF0000"]Winner: Axl Rotten Rating: C[/color][/b] [b][color="#FF0000"]10 Man Mayhem Match For The KOW Junior Heavyweight Title:[/color][/b][list] [*]After a wild, High Flying affair, it came down to PAC, Mr. Agulia, J.C Bailey & Bobby Quance [*]Each one of them wanted the title equally bad, but only one could have it. [*]J.C Bailey was the first to go when PAC hit a 630 Senton, followed by a Shooting Star Press from Quance and a Moonsault from Agulia. [*]Quance was next to go after Agulia hit a Top Rope Agulia Driver. [*]Then finally Agulia was done after a Corkscreww 630 From PAC. [/list][b][color="#FF0000"]Winner & The First Ever KOW Junior Heavyweight Champion: PAC Rating: C- Paul London versus Joker[/color][/b][list] [*]This was an open challenge issued by Paul London as Joker answered it. [*]Joker & London engaged in a Chop battle, which turned into a Forearm Strike Battle, which turned into a Headbutt battle with Joker winning (Obviously). [*]Paul London fought back even though he had a gash on his head dripping with blood, as he hit moves like a Moonsault, Standing Shooting Star Press & DDT all moves failed. [*]Joker on the otherside almost beat London with a Wrist Clutch Exploder off the turnbuckle but London put his foot on the rope. [*]Joker and London battled on for another torso bruising 10 minutes which saw moves like an Exploder to the concrete, Cradle Suplex, Cradle DDT & A Ganso Bomb. [*]The match ended when London put Joker away after reversing his Joker Driver off the top rope into a Sickening Victory Roll which caused Joker to land directly on his neck. [/list][b][color="#FF0000"]Winner: Paul London Rating: B-[/color][/b][/quote] [b][color="#0000FF"]Joey Styles:[/color][/b] What a match that was ladies and gentlemen, and my god we saw some things from both men which took the fight out of them. However, guys are you ready for some 6 Man Tag Action? [b][color="#008000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Hell Yeah. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] What do you think? The lights in the Convention Center Arena soon shut off as "Tears Don't Fall" by Drowning Pool hits the arena, suddenly Kevin Steenw walks through the curtain, but as soon as he is near the ring apron. "Tears Don't Fall" changes to "Olé" by Bouncing Souls as El Generico runs through the curtain like the maniac he is, he continues to run and runs straight past Steen and slides into the ring, he reaches his feet and is spinning his cape around and himself before Steen slides inside the ring, he makes his way to the top rope and raises his arms as the crowd start chanting chants of "Steen" then the chants soon turn to "Olé". [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen, F.E.A.R Opens up with a Lucha Rules 6 Man Tag Team Match, scheduled for one fall. The rules state that when a teammate touches the ringside floor, you are allowed to go inside the ring and become the legal man, introducing team number one. First, at a combined weight of 400 Pounds...FROM CANADA...THE TEAM OF "MISTER WRESTLING" KEVIN STEEN & EL GENERICO....TEAAAAM EGO~! As "Olé" by Bouncing Souls fades out, "Dragon Storm" blasts through the Convention Center as Ultimo Dragon walks through the curtain, he runs down the rampway and runs up the steel steps, he steps inside the squared circle before rebounding off the ropes and back again. [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And their partner, weighing in at 185 Pounds...HAILING ALL THE WAY FROM NAGOYA CITY IN JAPAN...ULTIMO DRAAAAGON~! As Ultimo stops, "The Truth" by Beanie Sigel hits the arena, soon Homicide, A.J Styles & Low Ki run down the rampway and slide inside the ring as the match begins without them being announced. [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/K%20Images/Kevin_Steen7.jpg[/img][img]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ElGenerico.jpg[/img][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/U%20Images/Ultimo_Dragon6.jpg[/img] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/H%20Images/Homicide.jpg[/img][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/A%20Images/AJ_Styles13.jpg[/img][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/L%20Images/Low_Ki3.jpg[/img] [b]Lucha Rules 6 Man Tag Team Match: Team Ego & Ultimo Dragon versus Homicide, A.J Styles & Low Ki[/b][/center] With all 6 Men inside the ring: Chopping, Stiff Kicking, Elbow Smashing, Punching, Knee Crushing etcetera going on from all 6 men, Low Ki and Generico are battling it out in the corner. As the two members of each team go back into their corners, Low Ki is just chopping away at Generico's chest reddening it even more with each chop that connects, Generico manages to turn the tables with an unlikely eye rake sending Ki staggering back. Generico quickly delivers a Elbow Smash to the face of Ki, then jumps all the way towards Kevin Steen for the tag as it connects. Steen doesn't hesitate to get inside the ring with Ki, but they lock eyes. Steen just slaps Ki across the face, he runs backwards and into the ropes, rebounding back he goes before clutching Ki's head and hitting a Neckbreaker. Steen goes for the quick cover: 1...2...Ki gets the shoulder up, Steen is on the attack in an instant wrapping his legs around Ki's throat with the Leg Scissors, Ki squirms on the canvas but soon Homicide leaps into the ring and starts to stomp on Steen forcing him to break the hold, Ki meanwhile rolls out of the ring and Homicide is now the legal man. He raises Steen to his feet and takes a hold of his arm, he then wrenches back and whips Steen into the corner as Steen hits the turnbuckle chest first, with force as well sending him back. Homicide catches him with a waist lock and pulls back with a German Suplex but Steen lands on his feet, then starts to point at Ultimo Dragon who Springboards onto the top rope as he gets Homicide with both feet, Springboard Dropkick connects sending Homicide down to the canvas with force. Steen follows up with a big time Leg Drop across the throat, drilling him completely. Steen goes for the second cover of the match: 1...2...MAYBE NOT! Homicide gets the shoulder up, and Steen tags out to Ultimo Dragon who is inside the ring like a flash. He is already standing Homicide onto his feet, he starts to kick him low, then high, and then in the head before sending him into the corner with a Irish Whip. Homicide hits the turnbuckles back first, Ultimo runs at him as soon as he hits and leaps up on him looking for the Monkey Flip but Homicide stops it before he could flip him over, he lifts him up onto his shoulders before running across the ring and Powerbombing Ultimo into the corner back first, with a kind of whiplash effect. As Ultimo walks out of the corner Homicide performs a DDT for the pinfall attempt: 1...2...Ultimo just kicks out, Homicide tags out to A.J Styles. Styles climbs to the top rope, he then starts to call for Ultimo Dragon to get to his feet. Ultimo struggles to stand up onto his feet but manages as Styles leaps off, in mid-air he wraps his legs around the throat of Ultimo, twirling around 360 Degrees before flipping him over with the Hurricanrana. As Ultimo goes sliding across the ring, he slides out and El Generico comes in. Generico catches Styles off guard once he stood up with a earthshattering boot to the face taking him out of the ring along with Ultimo. Homicide steps in the ring and signals for the Brooklyn Lariat but Generico catches him between the legs and flips him over onto Ultimo & Styles, now with Low Ki standing right in front of Generico they lock eyes, Ki charges at Generico and goes for the Double Foot Dropkick but Generico moves, making Ki go through the second rope and crashing into Homicide with his feet. Steen steps inside the ring, looking at his Tag Team Partner, he starts telling Generico to take a run up as he does bouncing across the red and black ropes, rebounding back as Steen flips him high into the sky with a Back Body Drop. Just when Ultimo, Styles, Homicide & Low Ki thought it was over...Generico comes crashing down with them and chants of "That Was Awesome" fill the Convention Hall loudly, and Steen does what he did at Survival Of The Sickest: "I'm Gonna Fly" he shouts, the crowd like last time shout back at him "You Can't Fly", and Steen rests on the ropes and then runs once Low Ki is up, he leaps over the top rope executing a Suicide Dive crashing into Ki with force sending him back into the crowd barricade powerfully almost knocking it over. With almost everybody (I use the term almost everybody, because Homicide & Ultimo Dragon are near on their feet). Homicide is ready and rearing to go, he grabs the almost standing Ultimo Dragon and locks him in a Front Face Lock, he lifts him into the sky. He then drops him chest first onto the guard rail with velocity, Ultimo drops over and onto the concrete of the ringside floor. Homicide takes Ultimo by the mask and throws him inside the ring. [b][color="#0000FF"]Joey Styles:[/color][/b] OUCH! Homicide just dropped Ultimo onto the guard rail, tell me he hasn't got a broken rib. [b][color="#008000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] I think that is possible, and Homicide now working over the chest area of Ultimo Dragon. Homicide is stomping on the chest of Ultimo, just making it worse each time it connects. Styles gets on the apron and Homicide tags out quickly, he holds Ultimo by his legs so he can't move and Styles hops over the top rope and comes down with a Leg Drop across the chest area before going for the pinfall: 1...2...Ultimo gets the shoulder up, to Styles displeasure. With that all being done, soon Steen gets inside the ring to take out Styles with clubbing blows to the back, he raises him to his feet and whips him across the ring, Styles leaps onto the second rope and Moonsault's back before taking ahold of Steen's head and hitting the Backflip DDT. Generico soon comes in and charges at Styles, but Styles diverts his course ducking the clothesline attempt. Low Ki gets inside the ring and gives the Double Foot Dropkick he was looking for earlier, with so much force behind it Generico rolls backwards, but there is one person left...Ultimo Dragon is right behind thee two of them before turning them around, Ultimo takes ahold of their head and drops forward connecting with the Neckbreaker Drop. With them two down, Homicide steps back inside the ring and starts to give a series of uppercuts to the neck area of Ultimo, he then sets him up for the Cop Killa but Ultimo manages to spin out of it before the second rotation could be achieved. Ultimo kicks Homicide in the gut and tries for the Asai DDT, he gets the Asai part but lands on the shoulders of Low Ki who walks him towards A.J Styles who is calling for the next move on the apron, A.J springboards off the top rope and hits the signature Forearm Smash to the head making Ultimo tumble off to the canvas. Generico is just about to stand but Homicide grabs him in a waistlock and flings him back for the German, but Generico lands on his feet but Styles comes from behind and does the same but Generico lands on the shoulders of Low Ki before hitting a Reverse Rana drilling Ki's head on the canvas, Generico is quickly making a statement for himself as Styles raises him to his feet and looks for the Styles Clash here, right now but Generico manages to get back down and throw Styles into the turnbuckle pole, Homicide is in the corner and comes charging at Generico for the Brooklyn Lariat but once again Generico outsmarts him and puts him into the corner knocking Styles out of the ring as he was resting up from hitting the turnbuckle pole, generico starts screaming "Olé" and the crowd know whats next, he takes a stance in the corner. And then runs across the ring before outstretching his boot and....[b]OOOOOOOOOOH~![/b] The Olé Boot connects, as Homicide faints from the corner onto the canvas. Generico is about to go for the pinfall but Low Ki turns him around and lifts him up here it comes...[b]KI KRUSHER~![/b] Generico seems dead, but wait...Kevin Steen stops Low Ki from doing anything before planting his head on the mat with a Spike DDT. Steen goes for the pinfall: 1...2...NO! Ki just kicks out, but without noticing Styles comes out of nowhere with the Spiral Tap onto the back of Steen, the crowd groan as Steen is rolling around on the mat. Styles goes for the pinfall: 1...2...MAYBE NOT~! Steen just puts his foot in the rope, but soon Ki comes around after the Spike DDT and pulls Styles off him. Ki then raises Steen to his feet and locks in a Dragon Sleeper, before wrapping his legs around the body causing Steen to fall back into the Submissions High Point of Pain. With Steen turning red, Generico is pulled out of the ring by Homicide, leaving Ultimo Dragon, the only team member on the opposing team left as he goes towards the top rope. Ultimo is waiting for something, as soon as Steen turns over leaving Ki prone to anything, Ultimo does a Tumbleweed Leg Drop straight to the back of Ki, with a sickening impact landing on the back. Ki releases his grip of the Dragon Sleeper, as Ultimo throws him out of the ring. Styles meanwhile is stalking him, Ultimo turns around and blocks the kick to the gut, and spins Styles around before lifting him onto his shoulders, Ultimo bounces Styles back against the top rope before hitting the Dragon Bomb...It's over?!?!?! Just as Ultimo hooks the leg, the referee is dealing with another situation giving Styles some time to recuperate. Ultimo tries to turn the referee around but Styles just chucks him out of the ring, not realizing Steen is up. Steen kicks Styles in the gut and lifts him up....[b]PACKAGE PILEDRIVER![/b] With Styles done for the night, Steen hooks the leg and the referee turns back around to count the pinfall: 1...2...NO!!!! With Steen looking in total shock, Generico seems to have escaped from the claws of Homicide...Somehow....But anyway, Generico takes Styles up. He puts him resting on the top turnbuckle just as Homicide takes Steen out of the ring not noticing Generico, Generico lifts Styles up for a Superplex but....Twists him before coming down with the best move in the world....BRAAAAAAAAAAAUSTAH~! Styles' head is spiked on the top turnbuckle as he falls to the canvas and Generico goes for the cover: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Winners: Team Ego & Ultimo Dragon [At 29:36] Rating: B[/b][/center] With that all said and done, "Olé" by Bouncing Souls starts to play throughout the arena, as the crowd applaud El Generico getting the pinfall. Kevin Steen quickly raises him to his feet, then lets him run wild inside the ring, Ultimo slides back in holding his head in pain before Steen raises his arm and Generico's. They then leave together as we are getting geared up for our next match.... [b][color="#0000FF"]Joey Styles:[/color][/b] Some amazing match there folks, I mean I have never seeen anything live that...What the hell.... "Gangsta Gangsta" by N.W.A hits the arena as the crowd start chanting "Super Dragon" over and over again, as Super Dragon walks through the curtain. Smoke comes through that same curtain and travels down the ramp, Super Dragon walks down until like always, he finds a fan. Well this certain fan has a "Super Dragon Sucks" sign, he steals it from the fan and continues to walk down the ramp ripping it into pieces before stepping inside the ring. [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen, our next match is scheduled for one fall. And it is for the KOW World Tag Team Titles. Introducing the opponents, first...Weighing in at 200 Pounds, from Orange County, California...SUPER DRAGON~! "Gangsta Gangsta" fades out and "Running From The Devil" by Van Halen, hits the arena. Soon Davey Richards appears from the curtain, looking around at the arena and walking down the rampway. Richards slides inside the ring, before looking eye to eye at his partner. He then goes to each side of the ring with his hands raised in the air... [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And Super Dragon's partner....Weighing in at 202 pounds...From Othello, Washington...DAAAAVEY RICHARDS~! "Running From The Devil" stops, and the arena is silent. Intensity fills the air, Davey & Richards remain in seperate corners until finally "Gimme Back My Bullets" hits the arena. Jay walks through the curtain with the KOW World Tag Team Title on his shoulder, Mark walks through the curtain with the title hanging from his neck as they walk down the rampway. [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And the opponents, also KOW World Tag Team Champions...At a combined weight of 430 pounds...From Laurel in Delaware...MARK & JAY...THE BRISCOE BROTHERS~! The Briscoes walk up the steps one behind the other and step inside the ring, as they lock eyes with their opponents... [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Mark_Briscoe2.jpg[/img][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jay_Briscoe2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x40/badlefthook/superdragongl6.jpg[/img][img]http://th172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/th_Davey_Richards5.jpg[/img] [b]KOW World Tag Team Title Match: Pro Wrestling Guerrila vs. Kings Of Wrestling Showcase: The Briscoe Brothers© versus Davey Richards & Super Dragon[/b][/center] For a couple of seconds, the atmosphere is quiet once again until finally we get underway. Davey Richards & Jay Briscoe circling each-other before locking up. None show an advantage until Davey delivers a crushing knee strike to the stomach followed by a Headlock Takedown. Richards keeps his grip of Jay's head, he wrenches back tightening his arms around the neck of Jay. Jay manages to lift up, forcing Richards to stand with him, but Richards powers him back down onto the canvas delivering an elbow to the throat with a free arm. Richards still has the headlock locked in before letting go, he gets to his feet and tags out to Super Dragon who walks over to him. Dragon raises Jay to his knees, he then sucks in the hatred from some of the fans and uses it to kick the living daylights out of Jay in the chest. Doing the same technique for a couple of more times, he then raises Jay to his feet and sends him across the ring. Jay comes back to duck a Clothesline attempt, Jay rebounds back in hopes of getting his first bit of offense in the match but Dragon leap frogs over him sending him across the ring again and back he comes, Dragon lays down on the canvas, Jay hops over. Finally Super Dragon goes for another move attempt when Jay rebounds back, going for an Arm Drag but Jay flips over and gives him an Arm Drag. They both get up to a even stance, Jay gives him another Arm Drag but keeps the arm to be locked in an Arm Lock. Dragon attempts to make an escape but can't as Jay tags out to Mark who comes in. Mark kicks Dragon in the arm, Jay lets go for Mark to raise him to his feet as Mark locks him in a Front Facelock and attempts to hit a Suplex but Dragon slips down behind, he pushes Mark into the ropes and tries for a roll up but Mark rolls through, he lifts Dragon from behind and goes for the Back Suplex, once again Dragon slips behind escaping it. Dragon delivers one of the stiffest kicks he can deliver sending Mark forward and teetering on the ropes, Dragon then delivers an Axe Kick to the spine. Mark falls back onto the canvas as Dragon starts to stomp on his body, once again he soaks in the hate. Dragon kicks Mark in the head and then hits a Knee Drop across the throat, Dragon then locks in a Dragon Sleeper. Mark flails on the canvas, but its no use because Dragon keeps a tight grip. Mark manages to turn the tables by standing to his feet, he turns around so that he has Dragon right where he wants him and he hits the Northern Lights Suplex with the shoulders down he has the pinfall: 1...2...Dragon gets the shoulder up, just in time avoiding losing for Pro Wrestling Guerrila. Mark raises Dragon to his feet, he throws him into his corner and tags out to Jay where he delivers a knee. They both take a couple of steps back, Dragon slumps down into a seated position which is not where he wants to be. Both Briscoes run across the ring and Mark delivers a Low Yakuza Kick whilst Jay delivers a Low Dropkick all into the body of Super Dragon, the impact is unbearable as Dragon seems to be...Well dead. Jay rams his knee into the face of Dragon before dragging him out of the corner, Jay quickly grabs the leg of Dragon and then turns around for the Single Leg Crab, but it is short lived as Davey Richards delivers a kick to the head followed by a DDT to Jay before dragging Super Dragon to his corner. Dragon then makes the tag and Richards is back in, but with alot of force behind him he delivers a Senton to the back of Jay Briscoe before turning him over for the pinfall: 1...2...Jay kicks out, just in time. [center]***[/center] With Jay laid out Davey takes the time to raise him to his feet, nothing can stop him now as Super Dragon comes in. Davey knocks Jay back down on the canvas with a Knee to the Gut, Super Dragon soon takes over by getting Jay's legs locked in to his left leg making his right one free. As Dragon pulls Jay up by the arm,s he rests his right foot on the back of the head before pushing down with velocity with the Curb Stomp, nobody can get up from that surely. With Jay just done for the night, Dragon leaves the ring and Davey lifts him to his feet before getting him in a Gorilla Press Slam position. And more damage is coming Jay's way if nobody stops it, but too late as Davey nails the Go 2 sleep 2.0. Jay comes bouncing off the knee, and we see blood rushing down his nose. But soon Mark finally comes to his aid, firirng off some elbows/forearms to the face before sending him across the ring. Back Richards comes and Mark gives him a Hotshot into the top rope, temporarily dazing him. Super Dragon comes in but is chucked out of the ring by Mark who manages to get Jay to his senses, Mark gives Davey to Jay and climbs the top rope. Jay gets the double underhook and lifts Davey towards the sky, with Mark leaping off the top rope...[b]SPIKE JAY DRILLER~![/b] With Davey spiked on the mat, Jay hooks the leg: 1...2...Super Dragon just gets inside the ring, but Mark takes him back out making his attempts of stopping Jay from getting the victory futile. 3!!! The loud scream bellows throughout the arena, as the crowd cheer and the match is over. [center][b]Winners & Still KOW World Tag Team Champions: The Briscoe Brothers [At 20:39] Rating: C+[/b][/center] The Briscoes are handed the prestigious KOW World Tag Team Titles, as Davey Richards & Super Dragon walk back up the ramp, Davey clutching his neck and screaming "We'll Get You, We Swear To God". [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] The Briscoes just showed how we roll, and actually I do not mind if those two go for a rematch. [b][color="#0000FF"]Joey Styles:[/color][/b] Neither am I Chris, but wow. The Briscoes showed them and the upper management must be proud. [b][color="#008000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Both of you, its a moment what we have been waiting for next. And that is a Barbed Wire Massacre, Joey & Chris get ready for a long long journey into the world of the underground as tonight it goes down... [center]==================== [b]Intermission[/b] ====================[/center] We return to see the ropes replaced by sharp Barbed Wire. Bundles of barbed wire remain in the ring, barbed wire boards and other objects covered barbed wire also remain on the outside and inside. [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Ladies & Gentlemen. It is now time for the Barbed Wire Massacre. And here are the rules: The match can only end by pinfall or submission, violence is permitted and there are no rules. I may state that there will most probably be brawling in the crowd and for that reason, please may you stand bac kwhen these three come into the crowd...And may I mention, this match is for the Underground Title. "Whatever" by Godsmack hits the Convention Center, booming through the P.A System. Soon Drake Younger strides through the curtain, with the KOW Underground Title placed firmly on his shoulder. Younger then stands in the spot, looking around at the fans who seem to be hyped up for this match which may [i]steal[/i] the show, as Younger walks down the rampway he seems positive that he is going to come out alive, or maybe he is hiding the fact that he will die? [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing first, from Indianapolis, Indiana by way the R.A.A.G.E Dojo, weighing in at 210 pounds. He is fron Indianapolis, Indiana by way R.A.A.G.E Dojo. He is the 'Psycho Shooter', he is The Underground Champion...He is...DRAKE YOUNGER~! As Younger walks up the steel steps before observing the sharp barbed wire, he rolls inside the ring just narrowly avoiding it scratching his back, as Younger hands the belt to the referee. Soon "Whatever" fades out. [b][color="#0000FF"]Joey Styles:[/color][/b] I have watched many No Rope Barbed Wire Matches in my time from announcing, and this may be one of the wildest. When you put the elements of that sickening Abyss and that well, psychotic Necro Butcher together. With Drake Younger in the middle, it may equal pure mayhem. As far as i am concerned we might get lucky tonight and see Lighttubes. [b][color="#008000"]Ben Jordan:[/color] WE ALWAYS SEE LIGHTTUBES![/b] The silence is part of the lead up to the next mans entrance, nobody knows who it is but it is soon answered. [center][i]Well I'm an axegrinder Piledriver Mother says that I never never mind her Got no brains I'm insane Teacher says that I'm one big pain I'm like a laser 6-streamin' razor I got a mouth like an alligator I want it louder More power I'm gonna rock ya till it strikes the hour...[/i] [b]BANG YOUR HEAD~![/b][/center] With the sound of Quiet Riot's "Mental Health", Necro Butcher runs through the black curtain mad as ever, and even better this time he is wearing boots. Not taking any other chances with not wearing shoes like the last couple of No Rope Barbed Wire matches. As Butcher runs around the ringside area, chants start rallying up of "NECRO BUTCHER", Butcher finally rolls inside the ring before looking into the eyes of Drake Younger. [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Weighing in at 230 Pounds. From Morgantown in West Virginia...HE IS ONE HALF OF THE TOUGH CRAZY BASTARDS...NEEEECRO BUTCHER~! "Mental Health" stops suddenly, and the sound of Dale Oliver's "Down In The Catacombs" comes on. Abyss slowly walks through the curtain, with black gloves and his frightening mask. He looks down at the ring, a smirk comes on his face and he continues down the rampway. Abyss soon steps inside the ring but Younger & Butcher aren't taking any chances, they go straight after him... [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Drake_Younger2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/A%20Images/Abyss3.jpg[/img] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Necro_Butcher.jpg[/img] [b]KOW Underground Title Match: Barbed Wire Massacre: Drake Younger© versus Abyss versus Necro Butcher[/center][/b] Continuing from where they left off, Younger & Butcher are beating down on Abyss with clubbing blows to the back. Abyss manages to get to his feet and get some quick offense, knocking both Younger & Butcher away with right hands. Abyss then charges at Butcher taking him down with a Shoulder Block, Butcher hits the mat hard and Younger comes from behind. In attempts to stop the "Monster" from doing anymore damage but Abyss grabs him by the throat, Abyss throws Younger into the Barbed Wire making him the first to touch it. He screams in agony, Abyss meanwhile is just enjoying this. Punishing Younger with open hand chest chops to the chest, reddening it each time it connects, he then takes him off the barbed wire and drags him to the middle of the ring, he scoops him up and slams him down with the Scoop Slam and Abyss goes for the cover. 1...2...Nope, it was Butcher who stopped the pinfall. Butcher drops an elbow to the back of Abyss before mounting on him, Abyss is on all fours and Butcher is punching away at his face. With hard knockin' shots to the face of Abyss, Butcher then pulls back on the mask. He is soon in for a wild ride, Abyss stands up with Necro still on him as he drops back into the Barbed Wire. Butcher's skin touches it, and he is screaming. But Abyss doesn't care he is pushing Butcher back on the Barbed Wire, what is Abyss' plans here? To see blood? Because he is going the right way about doing it. Meanwhile Younger is coming back to his senses, reaching out for one of the weapons covered/wrapped in barbed wire which is inside the ring. Younger pulls a chair which has no shortage of barbed wire wrapped around it, Younger soon gets to his feet and swings at Abyss and it connects. Hitting him in the chest, he swings again and this time in the arm. Soon, he is scraping it on the arm of Abyss up and down scratching it. Butcher is just stumbling around, shaking off the effects of touching barbed wire. He comes back into the equation by booting Younger in the stomach, Butcher then sends Younger out of the ring by sliding him across the canvas and allowing him to crash into the concrete floor. Just leaving the two maniacs known as Necro Butcher & Abyss to their own devices, Necro is soon handed two chairs and he sets them both up inside the ring. He then shouts at Abyss "COME ON, LETS SEE WHO'S THE KING OF THE STIFF FIST!", Necro sits down and so does Abyss. Looking eye to eye, Necro does a gesture asking for one of Abyss' hardest punches. Abyss gives a right jab to the face, Necro almost falls off his chair and strikes Abyss. This soon continues, back and fourth the jabs fly until Necro turns the tide up a bit and starts to headbutt Abyss. Abyss manages to stop it before any more damage could be done, he then headbutts Necro sending him staggering back and Abyss charges at him like a couple of minutes ago taking his head off nearly with a clothesline. Necro hits the mat hard, meanwhile Younger is up and setting something up at ringside. Preferably something destructive. But wait, staff are setting chairs in a line. they then stack more chairs on top making a "Chair Pyramid". With dangerous intentions in his mind, we go back inside the ring as Abyss has Necro up in a Gorilla Press. He looks like he is aiming to slam Necro down on the barbed wire, but Younger gets inside the ring, picking up the barbed wire chair in the process and he strikes the bloody arm of Abyss which is absolutely covered in red. Abyss drops Necro on the mat, Younger soon continues his chair striking ways. Slamming it into the flesh, and trying to rip it open some more. Abyss soon manages to fight back, clubbing Younger in the face. Abyss soon gets some grapple moves in like more Scoop Slams and Short Arm Clotheslines. But Younger gets up asking for more until Abyss does the Short Arm combination, Younger expects a clothesline but instead Abyss takes him up for the ride...[b]SIDEWALK SLAM~![/b] Nothing Younger expected. Like they say, when you don't expect it, it hurts more. And that saying was utilized right there. Abyss in an instant hooks the leg, the referee slides in: 1...2...NECRO STRIKES A BARBED WIRE BAT ACROSS THE BACK OF ABYSS! With the unbearable impact, the pain must be shared by Necro Butcher as he strikes Younger in the stomach, but then he scrapes on the stomach, just to see a little blood from Younger. Once Butcher has finally finished, he drives the bat into the stomach once more. Younger is rolling around in pain, screaming as Butcher is just getting started. He raises Abyss to his feet and tries to send the Monster into the Barbed Wire instead Abyss hurls him into the Barbed Wire making him hang from the legs, with the sick vision in sight. Abyss just grabs a barbed wire chair. He places it in front of the face of Necro Butcher, Abyss stands back before running at Necro and extending his boot and it connects to the chair, the chair goes right into the face of Necro Butcher as every member in the crowd cringes. Necro is still hanging in the barbed wire but the referee helps him out of the hell. Abyss walks over to Younger who has a bloody chest, Abyss raises him to his feet before putting him between his legs. Abyss lifts back and Younger sits on his shoulders, Abyss makes his way over to the edge of the ring before tossing Younger over the barbed wire and crashing into the Pyramid Of Chairs. Crashing down onto the concrete, once again its just Necro and Abyss. Abyss points at the barbed wire board and is handed it by the staff. Abyss places it in the corner which has no turnbuckle padding, with it in place what is Abyss gonna do? He lifts Necro to his feet and then does the Short Arm combination once again but Necro ducks what ever Abyss was going for, Abyss then runs at Necro but...[b]NECRO WITH THE DROP TOEHOLD, SENDING ABYSS HEAD FIRST INTO THE BARBED WIRE BOARD~![/b] Abyss is screaming as the crowd are loving every second of the match. "Holy ****", they chant as Abyss is just laying there in the barbed wire. Necro goes to the outside, where Younger is and tosses him inside. He is handed a barbed wire covered table by the oh so ever kind staff, he sets it up in the middle of the ring and gets Younger. He locks in a Front Facelock, he tries to pull back but Younger hooks the leg. Younger then lifts Necro into the air and then turns around, he throws Necro down onto the strand of Barbed Wire stomach first as the face expression tells the story. Younger then grabs the Barbed Wire Covered Baseball Bat and strikes Necro across the chest with it. [center]***[/center] Younger hits Necro once more before hitting him across the head sending him falling back onto the cold, hard and unforgiving concrete floor. Abyss is regaining his marbles, Abyss stands to his feet and gets infront of the table which was placed by Butcher in the middle of the ring. Younger turns around to be met by Abyss who sets him up for the Black Hole Slam but Younger blocks the attempt with a Forearm Smash to the head, he then hits a devastating uppercut to the neck making Abyss almost fall back on the table. Younger is soon trying to make Abyss fall back into the table, rights and lefts have no affect whatsoever until he steps back. He the runs full force but whatever he was going for was stopped by Abyss who grabs him, here it comes look out...[b]BLACK HOLE SLAM THROUGH THE BARBED WIRE TABLE~![/b] As the table breaks on the sheer force of the impact, the crowd are now chanting "That Was Awesome" over and over again, Younger meanwhile is not moving. Abyss may have it here: 1...2...Not yet, Younger gets the arm up just in time avoiding the dreaded three count and losing his most loved title ever (So he proclaims on myspace), but what in the earth is Necro Butcher doing. Soon Lighttube tables are on the agenda with lighttubes being slid inside the ring. About twenty of them to be exact, Necro slides in and gets to work setting up the lighttube table. Abyss reaches for a lighttube, he takes ahold of it. I wonder what Abyss is thinking, as he stands to his feet. Necro asks for it and Abyss swings but Necro ducks...[b]ASIATIC SPIKE~![/b] Abyss could tap right here, and Necro could go home with the KOW Underground Title. Abyss flails his arms, panicking as we see Jeise Kain walk down the ramp. That is indeed the company's owner. But more staff appear from the curtain, and walk down the ramp carrying a Barbed Wire Spider net. What the hell has this turned into? A Weapons Massacre? As he stops by ringside, the staff place the Spider Net facing long ways so it stretches from the ring apron onto the crowd barricade, Jeise looks at Necro and shouts out at him "Come On Now, You Can End Him Like This", Necro is about to release his grip, but Younger smashes about 5 lighttubes across the back of him making a small white cloud, as Jeise takes a seat in the crowd. Younger takes a Lighttube Log Cabin once again handed by staff and smashes it against the back of him making a larger white cloud. He then reaches for the Lighttube Table and places it on the Spider Net. He looks at the crowd, with Necro in a dazed state. Abyss manages to turn the tables and raise him up into a Gorilla Press Slam, I don't like where this is going one bit...[b]ABYSS HURLS NECRO BUTCHER THROUGH THE LIGHTTUBE TABLE AND THROUGH THE SPIDER NET NECRO GOES~![/b] The crowd start to chant "Holy ****" even louder than before... [b][color="#0000FF"]Joey Styles:[/color][/b] [size=3][b]OH MY GOD~![/b][/size] [b][color="#008000"]Ben Jordan:[/color][/b] Your ****ing right about Oh My God. [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] ARGH! I just miscarried, that was brutal. Look at Butcher, trapped in the Barbed Wire. [center]***[/center] Abyss turns around and then manages to lift Younger up by the throat, he then slams him down through the Lighttube Table with a Chokeslam. Abyss is on a roll, and is asking for something. A black bag? Provided by staff (Damn I knew I couldn't rely on staff to keep to their job not helping the punishment...) Abyss pours the bag out on the canvas where there isn't something occupying the space. Glass, thumbtacks and salt. Just the perfect combination to destroy open cut wounds with a stinging sensation. Abyss raises Younger by the neck again and goes for the Short Arm Irish Whip again, looking for the Black Hole Slam...But no, Younger manages to survive and reverse. He then kicks Abyss in the gut, he goes for the double underhook and spins twice in hopes of lifting Abyss up for the Drake's Landing, he does...[b]YOUNGER LEAPS DOWN WITH THE DRAKE'S LANDING ONTO THE GLASS, THUMBTACKS & SALT PILE LEFT BY ABYSS...IT'S OVER~![/b] With Abyss coming down full force, Younger goes for the cover of this barbaric match to end it all: 1...2...3!!! [center][b]Winner & Still KOW Underground Champion: Drake Younger© [At 28:49] Rating: B+[/b][/center] "Whatever" by Godsmack starts up, once again Drake Younger proves that he is the best of The Underground. He is handed the Underground Title. Staff are checking on Necro Butcher who is trapped in the Barbed Wire after beihng put through a table & the spider net. More staff come down, some with wire cutters to cut Necro out as the crowd are all excited. Abyss meanwhile is laying inside the ring, arm bloodied and just slightly moving. Younger is walking up the ramp, clutching that gold as the crowd are left chanting "That Was Awesome". [center]==================== [b]Intermission[/b] ====================[/center] We return from the intermission, to see a referee holding the KOW World Heavyweight Title and Ed 'O Mac Standing by. [b][color="#0000FF"]Joey Styles:[/color][/b] After that wild Barbed Wire Massacre, it is now time to finish the night off to crown our first KOW World Heavyweight Champion. I am excited.... [b][color="#800080"]Chris Anguis:[/color][/b] Yup, so am I partner. [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] This is our Main Event of the evening. And it is the match to crown our first ever World Heavyweight Champion... "I Have To Have It Instrumental" hits the arena as the lights start flashing green, Claudio Castagnoli soon walks through the curtain shouting "HEYYY!" aloud as he walks down the rampway. [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] Introducing first, weighing in at 232 pounds...From The United Bank Of Switzerland...CLAAAUDIO CASTAGNOLI~! Claudio rolls inside the ring, he then makes his way to the corner and leaps up on the second rope saying "HEYYY!", but the mood of the crowd changes as "The Champ Is Here" booms throughout the Convention Center, Samoa Joe walks through the curtain with the signature towel around his shoulder. He continues down the rampway and then slides inside the ring before locking eyes with Claudio... [b][color="#4B0082"]Ed 'O Mac:[/color][/b] And the opponent, weighing in at 280 Pounds...From American Samoa...THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE...SAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOA JOE~! The crowd start chanting "Joe's Gonna Kill You" continuously as Claudio doesn't seem worried, they meet up in the middle of the ring as Claudio extends his hand. Joe is about to shake it but Claudio delivers a open palm slap to the face as Joe starts to punch away at him and the bell is rung. [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Claudio_Castagnol2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Samoa_Joe2.jpg[/img] [b]KOW World Heavyweight Title Match: Claudio Castagnoli versus Samoa Joe[/b][/center] With Joe going berserk on Claudio with punches to the face, he mixes it up with a forearm smash. Claudio isn't going to lay down, however he comes back with a forearm smash of his own, Joe doesn't feel anything and hammers him back with a Forearm Smash which sends him staggering back, Joe then grabs Claudio by the head and throws him across the ring. Claudio goes rolling on the canvas but comes back for some more, he delivers a chop to the chest of Samoa Joe, Joe returns the favor with an earthshattering chop to Claudio. Claudio flinches allowing Joe to get the upper hand once again, he chops him in the chest twice as hard before putting him in the corner. Joe chops Claudio once more and he falls to his knees, Claudio is then kicked stiffly in the face, he falls forward and Joe raises him to his feet. Joe goes to kick Claudio in the face but it is countered by Claudio who catches the kick before the damage could be done, he puts the foot down and rakes the eyes of Joe before slipping behind and going under Joe's armpit. Claudio lifts Joe back and hits the Back Suplex, quickly rolls over to get the pinfall: 1...2...Joe just powers out, and Claudio rolls off him. They are both on a vertical stance, and tensions are running at an all time high for these two. Claudio makes the first move stepping forward and extending his arm, going for the chest chop like last time...Joe catches it and performs the Arm Clutch, twisting Claudio's arm. Claudio screams in agony but has a plan, he crouches down onto the floor and rolls out of the predicament that he was in and twists Joe's arm, Joe's expression tells the story as he manages to twist Claudio's arm back into where it was in the first place, Joe then performs an Arm Drag before locking in an Armbar. With legs scissored around Claudio's arm, there is nowhere to go. Wrenching back recklessly is what Joe is doing, Claudio is trying to escape but can't as Joe pulls back harder trying to hyper-extend the arm to a certain degree. Claudio soon manages to turn Joe over for the School Boy Type pinfall, but Joe kicks out in an instant before getting to his feet. Claudio grabs him by the arm and whips him across the ring, Joe comes back charging full force looking for a Shoulder Block but Claudio hits a Scissor Sweep guillotining Joe on the middle rope and leaving him hanging. Claudio soon gets to his feet, he looks at Joe just hanging there and then runs back and rebounds off the ropes getting some momentum, he comes back and drives his knee into the back of the head of Samoa Joe as he stops hanging from the middle rope, Joe is on his back on the canvas where Claudio wants him. He grabs a hold of his leg and lifts him up by it with the Stretch Muffler. Pulling his leg with as much force as possible, Joe tries to reach the ropes nearby but can't. He devises a quick plan though, he takes the leg of Claudio making him fall forward as he grabs Claudio's leg and locks in a Single Leg Crab. With the weight that Joe is putting on the back, Claudio is screaming and is basically stumped. He can't move because Joe is pushing down on his back, Claudio manages to start crawling to the bottom rope. Joe lets go before any damage could be sustained to Claudio, Joe wants to inflict more damage/play around with Claudio more knowing that he can't survive long. Claudio uses the ropes to pull himself up, but Joe grabs him before he can start walking, applying a reverse half full nelson Joe then tosses Claudio overhead with the Exploder Suplex. Joe goes for the cover in an instant knowing that his opponent can't kick out after that: 1...2...Joe was absolutely wrong...Soon we see Joe do the cut throat taunt and get to his feet, he runs across the ring and comes back before leaping in the air and coming down with his knee drilling Claudio across the throat. He goes for the cover yet again: 1...2...NOPE! Claudio gets the shoulder up, nobody can believe it. In the opening minutes of the match Claudio has taken so much punishment, but Joe throws him in the corner again before putting him sitting on the top rope. Muscle Buster maybe? No, Claudio manages to deliver a Double Axe Handle before climbing the top rope. Claudio looks around at the crowd, he shouts out "HEYYY!" before leaping off but in mid air he gets hit by a Roundhouse Kick which is unlikely of Joe to do, but it done the job. Claudio hits the mat [b]HARD[/b] and Joe takes the advantage yet again. He slowly gets to his feet, looking down at the fallen Claudio before raising him to a seated position. Joe leaps up in the air...[b]SENTON! SENTON! 280 POUNDS OF A SAMOAN MACHINE COMING DOWN ON THE NECK OF CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI![/b] The crowd gasp, Claudio is dead...Nobody knows whats going to happen next with Joe as he goes for another pinfall: 1...2...Thr-NO~! Claudio puts his foot on the bottom rope, just avoiding the words he doesn't want to hear. Joe gets onto his knees, with his hands on his hips. Not happy about Claudio's will and determination to become the first ever KOW World Heavyweight Champion. Joe suddenly smiles like a lightbulb has come over his head signaling for an idea. Joe raises Claudio to his feet what seems to be for the last time, Claudio is whipped across the ring but suddenly he comes back...[b]SWI$$ UPPERCUT CONNECTS~![/b] Sending Joe down to the canvas, the uppercut was so powerful it might of knocked him out. Where is Claudio finding this inner energy? [center]***[/center] With both men laid out on the canvas, there is only one option for the referee...To start counting: "1...2...3...4..." he continues, nobody is moving an inch. But Claudio soon changes that and gets to his knees, Joe is just shaking off the pain and they are now both up. Joe making the first move with a stiff kick to the chest, the impact of it was painful and the sound was just heard throughout the arena. Claudio gets back though, with another Uppercut before taking Joe for another one but this time...[b]ROARING SWI$$ UPPERCUT![/b] with such power behind it from the Swiss man, Joe just staggers back and rests on the ropes where Claudio delivers a Dropkick sending Joe over the top rope but not to the floor. Joe just held onto the top rope, he gets to his feet and Claudio is on him with clubbing blows to the back. Soon a front face lock follows, he tries to lift Joe up for a Suplex but Joe lifts him up in a Suplex of his own and drops back with Claudio hitting the concrete floor, Joe meanwhile is still on the apron. He drops down, he is handed a chair by a crowd member as he sets it up in the corner of where the guard rails meet. He pulls Claudio up and sets him on the chair before walking over to the other side, Joe runs and chants of "Olé" fill the arena as the Olé Kick connects smashing his foot into the face of Claudio and making him fall off the chair. Joe throws him back inside the ring, and rolls inside himself. He does the cut throat signal once again raising Claudio to his feet, waist lock is applied. Joe flips Claudio back with the German Suplex but somehow Claudio lands on his feet, he scoops him up from the side looking for the Alpamare Waterslide...AND IT CONNECTS! Claudio with the Alpamare Waterslide, he goes for the cover in hopes of winning the KOW World Heavyweight Title: 1...2...JOE WITH THE SHOULDER UP! Nobody expected it, neither did Claudio as he raises Joe to his feet. He puts him between his legs and tries for a Ricola Bomb but Joe lifts him up, Claudio is hanging on Joe's shoulders by his two legs and Joe charges to the corner slamming Claudio back first into it as he is on a rage. Joe sets Claudio on the top rope, and this may be the Muscle Buster right here...Joe cradles Claudio on his shoulders and walks top the middle of the ring, but Claudio slips behind him and pushes him into the ropes and performs a Flapjack lift followed by another...Uppercut. Joe is stunned and Claudio takes the chance, he puts him between his legs and lifts back with all his power. Claudio then puts Joe down with the Ricola Bomb, it seems its over but we can't be sure until we hear the words "Three". Claudio has the shoulders down: 1...2...Thr--JOE JUST GETS THE SHOULDER UP! Claudio can't believe it, he is looking at the referee with the hand gesture making a "3" but the referee aint taking it. Claudio starts to slam his hands into the mat with frustration, he raises Joe to his feet but Joe slips behind...[b]THE CHOKE~![/b] It's locked in perfectly, Samoa Joe has resorted to putting Claudio to sleep with the Choke. Nobody can withstand this for much longer, Joe falls back and wraps his legs around the body of him and starts to pull back. Claudio flails but can't do anything about it until he tries to roll backwards and it succeeds with Joe's shoulders down Claudio has a pinfall: 1...2...NO! Joe just manages to let go and Claudio is free from The "Choke". Claudio runs at Joe who is nearly standing but he is grabbed by Joe's powerful one arm and slammed down to the mat with a STO. Joe follows up by raising "Double C" to his feet and locking in The Choke once more, this time Claudio runs towards the ropes and bounces off making Joe lose his grip and roll backwards. Joe runs at Claudio, Claudio turns around and delivers what seems to be the final Swi$$ Uppercut. With a sickening thud Joe staggers back, Claudio follows up by kicking him in the gut and hitting the Ricola Bomb for the second time: 1...2...3!!!! CLAUDIO DOES IT CLAUDIO WINS THE KOW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE AND BECOMES THE FIRST EVER ONE! [center][b]Winner: Claudio Castagnoli [At 19:54] Rating: C+[/b][/center] Claudio takes the belt and leaves the ring straight away, putting it around his waist as the crowd start to chant "Double C" over and over again. Claudio walks up the ramp smiling, an enraged Joe is on his knees turning red. Nobody can blame him, he was only a bit away from the KOW World Title... [b][color="#0000FF"]Joey Styles:[/color][/b] CLAUDIO DOES IT! CLAUDIO WINS THE KOW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE...AND IS OUR FIRST EVER WORLD CHAMPION! What a great night it has been, and thank you ladies & gentlemen for being here...GOOD NIGHT! [center][b]Overall Show Rating: B- Notes: Popularity Increased.[/b][/center][/quote] [quote][center][size=5][font="Arial Black"][b]KOW Newswire:[/b][/font][/size] [b]Next Event:[/b][/center] Well, our next major event is scheduled in July. We have moved the KOW King Of The Underground Tournament to November because we need things to build up until we have our first Underground Tournament, the trouble we have to go through with booking deathmatches/gimmicked matches. We are sorry but we have to look into the cost first before we act. Anyway, back onto the subject. We have just started preparing for our next major event which is in July, two months from now. I mean its going to be a Supercard as we promise to deliver the best action in Independent Wrestling Promotions History. The next event is called "Big Ass Summer Bash", it will be live from an unknown destination (As of now because we don't know where to hold it). The show will feature from the likes of Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuinness, KOW Underground Champion: Drake Younger, Our World Heavyweight Champion: Claudio Castagnoli and more. One match that is confirmed for now, is a KOW World Tag Team Title Match. Team Ego who lost a hard fought battle at one of our minor shows against the Briscoes, will have another shot. Thanks to them, they provided a solid Lucha Rules Match. Now The Briscoes (Whom of which defended their titles against the team of Super Dragon & Davey Richards from PWG) have welcomed the decision, they think that they can take down Team Ego easily. Another Match confirmed for the event is PAC defending his newly won KOW Junior Heavyweight Title against Mr. Agulia, Cloudy & B.J Whitmer. In a High Flying/Technical Clash, PAC who won the title in a 10 Man Mayhem at F.E.A.R is going to have a tough task ahead of him as this will be an Elimination Style Four Way Dance. [center][color="#000080"]___________________________________________________[/color] [b]In Other News:[/b][/center] Bryan Danielson & Nigel McGuinness was not present at F.E.A.R due to a booking over in England. They went over to 1PW where these two took on Doug Williams & James Tighe, they won the match at 21:09, after Danielson forced James Tighe to tap out to the Cattle Mullitation. We have been taking into consideration of getting a Television Deal with a local television station in the Tri-State Area. but we will have to wait two months until the new season sign-ups start. We have been on the point of firing J.C Bailey recently due to him not turning up for shows when expected too. He has at least not turned up for a show 5 times, we have warned him once and fined him on the other 4 times. So that concludes KOW Newswire.[/quote] [quote][center][size=5][b][color="#00BFFF"]Big Ass Summer Bash Card (Subject To Change):[/color][/b][/size] [list] [*][b][color="#00BFFF"]KOW World Tag Team Title Match:[/color] The Briscoe Brothers© versus Team Ego[/b] [*][b][color="#00BFFF"]KOW Junior Heavyweight Title Match Four Way Dance Elimination:[/color] PAC© versus Mr. Agulia versus Cloudy versus B.J Whitmer[/b] [/list][/center][/quote] [b][i]Replies Would Be Appreciated[/i][/b]
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Quite the roster you have there, and I like where you are going with this. The only thing I can think of is that you need to sort of break your match writeups down into smaller paragraphs. They just look intimidating to read and I found myself wandering to the end of them because they are so long. They are good writeups though so keep them, just maybe split them into multiple paragraphs. Keep up the good work. * KOW World Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Briscoe Brothers©[/B] versus Team Ego * KOW Junior Heavyweight Title Match Four Way Dance Elimination: PAC© versus [B]Mr. Agulia[/B] versus Cloudy versus B.J Whitmer
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