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The Tuesday Night Wars

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[CENTER][b]THE TUESDAY NIGHT WARS[/b] Through out the history, one name has been synonymous with professional wrestling - Eisen. Since the late 1970’s, Richard Eisen has built his Supreme Wrestling Federation into a powerhouse. He revolutionised the business when he managed to introduce professional wrestling into the pay-per-view business, as The Supreme Challenge hit the air waves in 1980, officially making the SWF a household name in USA. With their roster of established and talented workers, the SWF made smaller promotions at the time seem amateurish in comparison and could not compete with Eisen. In the mid-80s, national superstars Sam Strong and Rip Chord were headlining the SWF’s shows. With the two men at the forefront of the company, the SWF began to dominate the industry. Local promotions were closing down, and competition was all but none existent. Over a decade later, a new excitement started to form in the wrestling business again. Multimillionaire JK Stallings Jr, a young software engineer and lifelong wrestling fan was settling up a new promotion out of California going by the name of the Hollyweird Grappling Company to showcase his favourite wrestlers. Using his fortune, he brand in the two men who made the SWF such a big name years earlier in Sam Strong and Rip Chord, as well as young stars of the independent scene like Liberty and Ricky Dale Johnson. This mix of new and established talent brought HGC to the forefront of American wrestling in next to no time and head to head with the SWF. However, the political atmosphere in the industry was starting to get to young Stallings, and he was looking for a way out. Desperate to sell and be out of the business, he was willing to listen to any offers. After some interest, it was announced that one of HGC’s biggest stars, Tommy Cornell, had bought HGC and all of its assets. He promptly changed the name of the company to Total Championship Wrestling (or TCW for short). Another ten years have passed since HGC’s formation in 1996. For the passed decade, the two promotions have been at war, competing for ratings and workers. This is the story of a time when professional wrestling has never been as popular. This is the story of the men and women of the SWF and TCW. This is the story of the Tuesday Night Wars. [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE][b]SupremeWrestlingNews.com New Eisen on the Block[/b] SWN can today reveal news of a shift in management in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Relatively unknown Justin Eisen (nephew of Richard and cousin to Eric and Jerry) has been working in the SWF for many years now behind the scenes in the creative department, but today he takes virtual control of the company as he has been handed the open booking position. Sam Keith - who formally held the book - stepped down from his position following last week’s Supreme TV stating that he didn’t want the pressure and political power that came with the job. While some may have thought the position was tailor made for his son Eric, Richard Eisen is said to have great confidence in Justin’s knowledge of the business. Richard is apparently keen for the SWF to push new talent rather then pick workers from the independent scene. Whether this strategy will actually benefit Total Championship Wrestling rather then the SWF is debatable, but it will be up to Justin how well the SWF performs over the next two years. Justin has also been asked to keep an eye on the SWF’s financial situation over the course of the next year. On another note, any new talent brought in are being put through a new training regime to see if they are up to scratch. It is believed this new policy is in light of the amount of injuries in the company over the passed several months, and Richard is keen to hire workers who are not injury prone. [/QUOTE] [b]OOC:[/b] This will be a split diary with Homicidal J, with me booking the SWF and J booking TCW. First show preview should be up soon, first shows should be up tomorrow.
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Supreme Assault TV Preview (Wk One, Jan 07) [b]Supreme Assault TV Preview Week One, January 2007[/b] It’s a New Year and the Supreme Wrestling Federation invites you to join us in a celebration of the year 2007! This Tuesday night, Supreme Assault TV will debut on American-Sports-1 at 9PM in replace of Supreme TV and promises to deliver the most exciting, action packed 90 minutes on network television. To kick start the New Year, Supreme Assault TV will feature a ten man, number one contenders Battle Royal, which will see the biggest stars in the SWF battling it out for a shot at Runaway Train’s SWF Championship at When Hell Freezes Over in just three weeks time. Angry Gilmore, Christian Faith, Eric Eisen, Enygma, Jack Bruce, Remo, Rich Money, Sam Keith, Skull DeBones and Steve Frehley will all be involved in this match, so it’s not to be missed! We will also see one of the biggest legends in the wrestling industry, a sure fire hall of famer, Sam Keith taking on young Randy Bumfhole. With the possibility of Keith competing for the SWF Championship at When Hell Freezes Over, can Randy overcome the two decades of experience Keith has over him? Or will Randy be another feather in the cap of the legend? Tune in to Supreme Assault TV this Tuesday at 9PM on American-Sports-1 to find out! [b]Confirmed Matches:[/b] [u]Singles Match[/u]: Sam Keith vs. Randy Bumfhole [u]Number One Contendership Battle Royal[/u]: Angry Gilmore vs. Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen vs. Enygma vs. Jack Bruce vs. Remo vs. Rich Money vs. Sam Keith vs. Skull DeBones vs. Steve Frehley
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Awesome! Gotta love the Tuesday Night Wars. This should be fun to watch. Sam Keith's getting a raw deal, being scheduled for both matches so far. [b]Sam Keith[/b] vs. Randy Bumfhole Angry Gilmore vs. Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen vs. Enygma vs. Jack Bruce vs. Remo vs. Rich Money vs. Sam Keith vs. Skull DeBones vs. [b]Steve Frehley[/b]
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[b]Sam Keith[/b] vs. Randy Bumfhole Angry Gilmore vs. Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen vs. Enygma vs. Jack Bruce vs. Remo vs. Rich Money vs. Sam Keith vs.[B]Skull DeBones[/B] vs. Steve Frehley Love the SWF, and this war always spices things up, I'll be reading!
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[I]This looks promising so far.....[/I] [U]Singles Match[/U]: [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs. Randy Bumfhole [I]Keith needs to look strong going into the battle royal.[/I] [U]Number One Contendership Battle Royal[/U]: Angry Gilmore vs. Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen vs. Enygma vs. [I]Jack Bruce[/I] vs. Remo vs. Rich Money vs. Sam Keith vs. Skull DeBones vs. Steve Frehley [I]I would have said, time to elevate Rich Money towards the main event, but with Runaway Train holding the title , that would be a heel vs heel match-up, so I'm going to go for Jack Bruce.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/tcwnews.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B]totalchampionshipwrestlingnews.com A New Family In Wrestling[/B] There is no doubt that over the past few years, one man has risen to the top of his profession, not only in the ring but outside of it as well. Tommy Cornell started his career in SWF, went over to J.K. Stallings new upstart HGC and then became one of the best wrestlers in the world today, as well as the owner of one of the biggest wrestling organizations in the world. Owner and World Heavyweight Champion of Total Championship Wrestling, Tommy Cornell is one of the most powerful men in the business. His rivals being the likes of the Stone Family and The Eisens! Well, now there’s the Cornell’s! At the start of this New Year, the Cornell’s will stake their claim as the most powerful family in wrestling. Jonathan Cornell is set to become Head Booker of TCW, taking over from Joel Bryant who will stay on the booking team. And Edward Cornell is apparently close to finishing his training and entering the wrestling world full time. Tommy Cornell had this to say about his brother taking the book in TCW. “Jonathan Cornell was a bigger fan of wrestling than I was when we were growing up, and because of his degree in Media Studies and English, he has been hired by numerous wrestling magazines and sites in the UK. His knowledge is inexhaustible and his story writing abilities are as good as anyone in the business, hence why he is deserving of a job in one of the biggest wrestling companies in the world.” However for those who have read Jonathan Cornell’s recent material, the news of him going to TCW isn’t a good thing. Jonathan Cornell is a big fan of some of the wrestlers in TCW, but hasn’t exactly promoted others. Jonathan Cornell has always favoured DAVE and CZCW as the promotions with the best matches in the US, and many of the wrestlers in TCW wouldn’t really fit in either of those promotions. It will be interesting to see what Jonathan Cornell has in mind for TCW. He had this to say on what he planned to do. “TCW is an established company, so I am not going to come in and change everything. We have fans who obviously like the company as it is, so my changes will be subtle. Everyone will have the chance to show me what they are capable of and keep the place that someone before me obviously felt they deserved.” However rumour has it that Jonathan Cornell is looking to bring in a couple of new faces at the beginning of his era in charge of TCW. Both Jonathan and Tommy are keen to add relatively young superstars with good athleticism to promote their show as having the best wrestling compared to the competition. Money is apparently no object as no financial restrictions have been placed on Jonathan Cornell. The main objective is to put forward the best wrestling product possible. [/FONT] [QUOTE]OOC: Well, I'm the other guy running TCW. I'm just about to do my first show preview, should be up tonight.[/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B]Total Wrestling Preview Week One, January 2007[/B] The New Year brings in the beginning of the reign of our new champions, Tommy Cornell, Chance Fortune and Rocky Golden as all three titles changed hands at the culmination of 2006, Psycho Circus. And the start of the New Year will go with as much of a bang as the end of the last. Tommy Cornell will be in attendance to celebrate his victory at Psycho Circus over Ricky Dale Johnson, and Ricky Dale Johnson will be in attendance two. If you know the history between these two men, you’ll more than likely know that this isn’t over yet, as it is already known that RDJ has a rematch clause in his contract. However RDJ will have to make sure his focus isn’t purely on Tommy Cornell, as he faces Troy Tornado in the main event, and Troy is most likely ready to jump into the title race himself and a victory over former Champion RDJ will surely boost his standing. However, four other men are also gunning for a title shot and are all trying to position themselves to be next in line. And they will all be in action against each other. Rick Law faces off against Genghis Rahn and Liberty faces BLZ Bubb. Both promise to be epic encounters. All that and International Champion, Rocky Golden, will make a title defence, as will the Tag Team Champions, the Wrestling Machines. So make sure to tune in at 9pm to Total Wrestling on GNN Sports. [B]Booked Matches:[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Troy Tornado BLZ Bubb vs. Liberty Genghis Rahn vs. Rick Law[/FONT]
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[b]Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] vs. Troy Tornado [i]If RDJ's getting a rematch, he's getting a victory too.[/i] BLZ Bubb vs. [b]Liberty[/b] [i]Normally, I'd go with BLZ Bubb (that's what Canadians do), but if you're looking to trim the fat, then he's where you'd look. Liberty's hardly a marvel, but at least he can go longer than 15 minutes without being exhausted.[/i] Genghis Rahn vs. [b]Rick Law[/b] [i]I'm actually hoping that I get this wrong. Nobody ever gives Rahn any love.[/i]
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Ricky Dale Johnson vs. [B]Troy Tornado[/B] [I]I can see Cornell coming to ringside and causing RDJ to lose his focus, and Tornado can take advantage. The win puts Tornado in the title picture, whilst RDJ can use the exhause of the distraction/interference.[/I] [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] vs. Liberty [I]BLZ Bubb's stamina levels are pretty poor, but I still think he has some mileage as a monster heel and Liberty to me is the sort of not all that bad but not all that great veteran who could be serviceable as a mid-carder. [/I] Genghis Rahn vs. [B]Rick Law[/B] [I]Law is one of the better big men on the TCW roster, and is a cut above the many poor quality hosses TCW has in the lower reaches of their roster.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/Totalwrestling.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]The Show kicks off with the music of the one and only Tommy Cornell blaring out of the speaker system, greeted by a chorus of boos from the 10,000 in attendance. Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes recap the events leading to Tommy Cornell’s win over Ricky Dale Johnson to gain possession of the TCW World Heavyweight Title, as Tommy walks down to the ring followed by Wolf Hawkins and The Wrestling Machines, who as usual are all business and just head straight for the ring. In comparison Cornell and Wolf soak in the hatred. Tommy Cornell gets into the ring with his title and showboats for the crowd. “While you’re reactions to true talent may not change,” Cornell begins as the crowd for now fall silent. “The facts that nobody can deny……….have! You may not like it, but finally you have an accomplished World Heavyweight Champion.” Naturally, the fans react negatively, as Wolf Hawkins tries to get them all to shut up and let the champion continue. “So tonight, I am giving you all the chance to change you’re ways and treat me with the respect I deserve, as I celebrate my World Title Reign here tonight, my time back on top of the mountain. You people should worship me, but all am asking is for a standing ovation for the best wrestler in the world!” A negative standing ovation ensues, just before the music of Ricky Dale Johnson causes the mood to change. Ricky Dale Johnson comes out at the top of the entrance way and stares at the ring, a smirk crossing his face. “These people could care less if you’re the champion, you’ll never have their respect. Maybe it’s because you still run this company and give yourself title shots. Perhaps it’s because you stand their demanding respect. But it’s most likely because you had Wolf Hawkins and the Machines run down and cost me the World Heavyweight Title.” Tommy Cornell tries to protest but RDJ continues. “As for you’re little celebration, enjoy it while you can. Because in less than a months time, it will all be over. Because just like many champions before me and many that will come after, I’m revoking my rematch clause. After Malice In Winterland, you’ll still be demanding respect, probably still be running this company, but you won’t be the World Heavyweight Champion.” And before Tommy Cornell can even respond, Ricky Dale Johnson’s music hits the speakers. [B]Rating: B+ [/B](for Tommy Cornell Celebration), [B]B+[/B] (for Ricky Dale Johnson Interuption) ***** [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/RockyGoldenInternational.jpg[/IMG]-versus-[IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] [B]TCW International Title Match Rocky Golden vs. Giant Tana[/B][/CENTER] Rocky Golden comes out to a surprisingly mixed reaction with his International Title slung over his shoulder. All though he plays a heel, a successful Blue Chipper always seems to get a following. Giant Tana gets a luke warm face reaction as he goes down to the ring, having fun with the fans as he goes. The match was nothing special, and it was probably never expected to be by fans or booking staff. Rocky Golden looked in control for the majority of the match, and showed off his power against the bigger Samoan. Some of the fans seemed more behind Rocky than Giant Tana, and Giant Tana was tiring by the end of a ten minute match (not good) as Rocky Golden finished him off convincingly with an impressive, if not perfectly executed, powerbomb. [B]Result:[/B] Rocky Golden defeats Giant Tana by pinfall. Rocky Golden makes defence number 1 of his TCW International Title. [B]Rating: D+[/B] ***** Chance Fortune is shown arriving in the arena, his All Action Title being proudly worn over his “Stroke of Luck” T-shirt. Chance is clearly in good spirits as greets everyone and anyone, till he passes Freddy Huggins, who seems less eager to return the greeting. In fact he doesn’t even reply. “You all right man?” Freddy Huggins tilts his shades and looks at Chance Fortune as he sits on a production box. But still, he says nothing, just glares at Chance. “Dude, you need to lighten up. Life is good. We’re bright youngsters in one of the best promotions in the world.” And with that said, Chance Fortune moves on, Freddy Huggins watching him go with the same glare. [B]Rating: D+[/B] ***** [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/GhenghisRahn.jpg[/IMG]-versus-[IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Singles Match Genghis Rahn vs. Rick Law[/B][/CENTER] And there was no fan divide in this one. Rick Law is one of TCW faithfuls favorites, being brought up slowly through the ranks as the future of TCW. Genghis Rahn however would probably be a better fit in DAVE and the fans love to hate the wild brawler who will break any rule. So it was a match of the loved Enforcer vs. the hated rule breaker. Goodbye Attitude Era? Well there was no rules to break tonight (minus the general rule of not selling you’re opponents moves, bad heavyweights!), as these two put on a match that the TCW/DAVE fans would love, and Genghis Rahn took this to heart and pressed the early advantage, getting weapon after weapon. A DDT on a trash can even caused a DAVE chant as Genghis got a few close pinfalls. But Rick Law is no slouch when it comes to using weapons. He thought back and then got one of the loudest pops of the night when he got his nightstick and clubbed Genghis Rahn over the head with it off the top rope. Then Rick Law should just how diverse he is with his weapon of choice, strangling and performing moves with the nightstick. By this point Genghis Rahn was visible tiring which tends to be a problem with the heavyweights so far. Rick Law in the end picked up a hard fought victory with the Long Arm of The Law (The Nightstick Version). [B]Result:[/B] Rick Law defeats Genghis Rahn with the Long Arm of the Law. [B]Rating: B-[/B] ***** The cameras go to the two announcers, Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes. Their job for the next minute, was to hype the clash between the demon of a man, BLZ Bubb versus TCW’s Charismatic Liberty. They do a decent job of it before the next match up, Kyle Rhodes showing an improvement character wise too. [B]Rating: C+[/B] ***** [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/JayDarkness.jpg[/IMG]-versus-[IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/ChanceFortuneAllAction.jpg[/IMG] [B]Singles Match Jay Darkness vs. Chance Fortune[/B][/CENTER] The TCW All Action Champion is the crowd favourite when it comes to the division, including Middleweights and lower. Jay Darkness on the over hand doesn’t really have that crowd connection unless it’s part of the tag team with Raul. However, the match was decent, which isn’t usually associated with Jay Darkness on his own. He showed what he is capable of in this ten minute match which had no downside but nothing special about it. If both where more over however, who knows what the atmosphere would have been like. The match however was made to put Chance Fortune over as a credible champion, as he used his pace to stay out of reach of Jay Darkness, and hit him with fast attacks while he’s grounded or on his feet. Eventually the Stroke of Luck came, just as expected and Chance Fortune picked up the win. [B]Result: [/B]Chance Fortune defeats Jay Darkness with the Stroke of Luck. [B]Rating: C[/B] ***** The cameras go straight backstage, as Floyd Goldworthy is standing with Freddy Huggins, but doesn’t say anything. This time is all about what Freddy Huggins has to say. “I requested this time to address Mr. All Action. You walk around like you’re S**t doesn’t stink, that life is great and getting better everyday. The Girls love you, the men want to be you and you have the gold. Life can’t get better right? Meanwhile, I’m watching all of this, and do you know what I’m thinking. That’s supposed to be me. I’m the one that the ladies love, I’m the Idol for millions. And I’m a better wrestler than you are! And it’s making me sick, watching you strut around like you’re untouchable. And until I get the spot I deserve, I’m going to make you’re life incredibly difficult. Say goodbye to the heaven you’re living in Chance!” [B]Rating: C-[/B] ***** [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/BLZBubb.jpg[/IMG]-versus-[IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [B]Singles Match BLZ Bubb vs. Liberty[/B][/CENTER] And here comes the match of the night. From two all out brawlers, to prove that when it’s done right, a brawl is phenomenal. Liberty is massively over thanks to his promo abilities and BLZ Bubb is one of those monsters who fans love to hate. And they went at it like they’ve been feuding for months. Liberty started the match as the fearless face, taking it to BLZ Bubb to the best of his ability. However an amazingly high elevated Back Body Drop soon stopped the momentum that Liberty had built as BLZ Bubb roared to the crowd. The fans were roaring their disapproval as BLZ Bubb then started to pummel Liberty into the ground. Big Move after big move and close pinfall after close pinfall had the fans on the edge of their seats, cheering for Liberty. And then came the face comeback as BLZ Bubb started to tire on que. Liberty got close but BLZ Bubb seemed to prevent the inevitable a couple of times, even launching the not so small himself, Liberty off of him and into the air after a pinfall. A couple of reversals later and BLZ Bubb hit his Hades Bomb and it was over. [B]Result:[/B] BLZ Bubb defeated Liberty with the Hades Bomb [B]Rating: B[/B] ***** Backstage the cameras fall upon Floyd Goldworthy, who seems to be on interview duty tonight, catching up with Genghis Rahn. “Genghis, Genghis!” Genghis Rahn stops and turns to face Goldworthy, breathing rather loudly directly in his face. “What?” “I just wanted a few words with you after you’re loss to Rick Law.” Genghis Rahn grabs the microphone and stares at the camera man that followed Floyd Goldworthy. “I want a rematch!” [B]Rating: C+[/B] ***** [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/RandallHopkirk.jpg[/IMG]-versus-[IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/BrentHillTagTeam.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/HumanArsenalTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [B]TCW World Tag Team Title Match Painful Procedure vs. The Machines[/B][/CENTER] Painful Procedure were out first, and it would be safe to say, that since Troy Tornado moved on, Painful Procedure have been lost in the shuffle. The fans gave them an okay response, but with no lead man there is no band. The Wrestling Machines however have a cult following, and then the rest of the crowd hate them. So the atmosphere in the match came from fans chanting either for the Machines or against them, and not really for Painful Procedure. The match started as it would finish, as The Machines stuck to their technical game, showing their prowess and domination. Painful Procedure tried to fight their way out of trouble, but the Machines are well adverse at handling such fighters, and Painful Procedure caused them few problems as they cleanly put Painful Procedure away. [B]Result:[/B] The Machines defeat Painful Procedure Wrestling Machine #1 hit Randal Hopkirk with the Certain Defeat. [B]Rating: C-[/B] ***** The cameras catch Tommy Cornell backstage talking to Troy Tornado, who doesn’t seem to be listening to a word that Tommy Cornell is saying. “Look here kid, if you get the job done tonight and beat that sore loser, then you’ll have grounds to claim you’re the number one contender and not Ricky Dale Johnson.” “It’s funny Tommy, you’re telling me stuff I already know.” “Well I’m glad you know it. Of course, I’d have to get back to you on when the title shot would be.” “Look, I’m going out there and getting the job done, for myself. So if you don’t mind, I’ve got a match to win.” Troy Tornado walks away from Tommy Cornell, who’s face goes sour as soon as Troy has his back turned. “Punk ass kid!” Tommy Cornell turns around and heads back to his locker room to watch the main event, but there seems to be something wrong with the shadows on the wall behind him. The Crowd start to react and then Tommy Cornell seems to notice or feel it himself as he turns around, but by then everything is normal. As Tommy Cornell walks out of shot, a man, with his face hidden, walks out from behind some production equipment, and seems to be staring in the direction Tommy Cornell went in. [B]Rating: A[/B] ***** [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG]-versus-[IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff254/HomicidalJ/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Singles Match Troy Tornado vs. Ricky Dale Johnson[/B][/CENTER] The fans, as they have been recently, are solidly behind their hero, Ricky Dale Johnson. Troy Tornado however doesn’t let it faze him at all, and despite his loss to Rocky Golden a couple of nights ago, seems confident as he stands on the opposite side of the ring to RDJ. The match started evenly for the first five minutes, both testing the water and neither wanting to make a mistake. Troy clearly wanted to wrestle RDJ and RDJ wanted to brawl, so the pace and style changed numerous times. And then Troy seemed to click, having the answer to most of RDJ’s attacks. At one stage, Troy was so fluid and quick, that the TCW fans where cheering for him. And then RDJ caught Troy on the ropes and crotched him before hitting a painful looking Superplex. The fans cheered for both men to get up and for the action to continue, and it was RDJ who was up to his feet first and attacking RDJ. RDJ hit a few power moves and got a few close pinfalls before a reversed powerslam allowed Troy to hit a hurricanrana and then his Star Maker, just for the crowd to be shocked when RDJ kicked out. The match went on for another few minutes, with Troy failing to put RDJ away, until a quick fight back resulted in the Southern Justice and RDJ standing tall. [B]Result:[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson defeats Troy Tornado with the Southern Justice. [B]Rating: B-[/B] ***** Ricky Dale Johnson is celebrating his victory signaling to his waist to say he is getting his title back as Troy Tornado slowly gets to his feet. He stalks Ricky Dale Johnson for a second as the fans start to warn Ricky Dale Johnson, who is to busy sending a message to Tommy Cornell. The fans get ready to boo the roof off the building as Troy turns RDJ around, but then does nothing………………..till he offers his hand to Ricky who eventually takes it. [B]Rating: B[/B] [RIGHT][B][SIZE="5"]RATING: B- ATTENDANCE: 10,000[/SIZE][/B][/RIGHT][/FONT]
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There's definitely great subject matter with the Tuesday Night Wars and I liked the first show from the TCW side. I'm more of a mark for detail, so it's always nice to see results written as if they're happening, with a lot of substance. A couple of things that spring to mind right off of the bat... It's a bit of a shame that that Cornell has already formed an alliance with Hawkins and The Machines. Although they're good (in Hawkin's case obvious) candidates to allign with Cornell, hopefully it's explained retrospectively how their group came about. Liberty can be very valuable given good support in the ring, despite his own fairly average abilities. I usually find that he'll always bring home a B rated match with skilled opposistion (e.g. Hawkins, either of the Machines, Bryant, etc). Anyway, good stuff so far.
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SWF Supreme Assault TV (Wk One, Jan 07) [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/assault.jpg[/IMG][b] Venue: Wisconsin Gardens, Great Lakes Date: Week One, January 2007 Attendance: 10,000 (Sell Out) Episode: #1[/b][/center] The show begins with a new opening sequence and the customary pyrotechnics display on the stage. The camera pans around the arena and over the sell out crowd. We are welcomed to the show by the announce team of Pete Michaels, Duane Fry and Ana Garcia, before the scene changes to backstage. We see sure-fire future SWF Hall of Famer getting warmed up for his match with Randy Bumfhole. He looks up as the door to his locker room opens and in walks Big Smack Scott with a swagger and his trademark sunglasses. Scott gives Keith a big toothy grin and tells him that he really wishes he could be the one to beat Randy Bumfhole tonight, but wishes Keith luck all the same. Keith raises an eyebrow before telling Scott that if he really wants to take on Randy, he can take his place. Scott looks confused and Keith walks by. He stops and pats Smack on the back, adding “Good luck” with a smile of his own. Ana questions whether Keith can make this kind of decision – no one seems to know the answer. [u]Segment Rating[/u]: C- [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/EricEisen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/Enygma.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] [b]vs. [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/Remo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/SkullDeBones.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/SteveFrehley.jpg[/IMG] Number One Contendership Battle Royal Angry Gilmore vs. Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen vs. Enygma vs. Jack Bruce vs. Remo vs. Rich Money vs. Sam Keith vs. Skull DeBones vs. Steve Frehley[/b][/center] The ten split up into one on one brawls. In the corner, Jack Bruce rains punches down into the forehead of Eric Eisen. After a quick kick to the midsection, he tosses the young Eisen over the top rope to the floor below. Eisen looks shocked and stares back into the ring. Frustrated, he begins to pound the ground outside with him palms. Bruce smiles and waves as Eisen is escorted up the ramp by officials and then turns into a clothesline from Remo. Meanwhile, Enygma hits Rich money with a dropkick and then climbs to the top rope. He poses for the fans for a moment too long, and Angry Gilmore shoves him down from his perch to the floor below. Next to go is Sam Keith, Remo once again demonstrating his power by press slamming him over the top rope. Gilmore hits Skull DeBones with a big clothesline and turns his attentions to helping Rich Money trying to eliminate The Dark Destroyer himself, Steve Frehley. DeBones sits up and looks at Gilmore. He gets back to hit feet and spins Gilmore around. Shocked, Gilmore looks for a right hand but DeBones blocks it and clotheslines him over the top rope. Money sees an opportunity, clubs DeBones in the back. DeBones slowly turns around to the horror of Money. He slowly backs away, but backs into Christian Faith who promptly throws him over the top rope. Faith smiles at DeBones and turns towards Remo, but DeBones grabs him from behind and throws him over the top. Faith looks back in disbelief, shakes his head and heads back up the ramp. Elsewhere, Frehley and Bruce are double teaming Remo in the corner with kicks to the midsection. Seeing Faith eliminated, Frehley turns to his attentions to DeBones. Bruce pauses for a moment, watching Frehley receive the Skull Krusher from DeBones. Bruce shrugs and turns back the Remo, only to be nailed with The Destroyer. Remo lifts Bruce’s lifeless body onto his shoulder and dumps him over the top rope. DeBones is trying to lift Frehley over the top rope, but Frehley clings on and refuses to budge. Remo clubs DeBones from behind, causing DeBones to turn. The two exchange blows in the middle of the ring until Remo kicks DeBones in the stomach and whips him towards the ropes. Frehley grabs the top rope and pulls it down just as DeBones is about to hit, causing the Avenging Angel to tumble out of the ring and out of the match. Frehley looks back at Remo from his seat on the canvas. Remo grins and walks towards him. Frehley kicks him away and gets to his feet. Remo throws him into the corner and looks to follow up with a clothesline, but Frehley ducks aside. He shoves Remo into the ropes and tries to lift him over but to no avail. Remo slaps him across the chest, causing him to recoil in pain. He tries to set him up for the Destroyer, but Frehley manages to wriggle free and fall behind. Remo turns; Frehley lifts him up and hits the Frehley’s Comet, sending Remo over the top rope and to the floor below on release. [b]Result (in order of elimination):[/b] [LIST]Jack Bruce eliminates Eric Eisen[/LIST][LIST]Angry Gilmore eliminates Enygma[/LIST][LIST]Remo Richardson eliminates Sam Keith[/LIST][LIST]Skull DeBones eliminates Angry Gilmore[/LIST][LIST]Christian Faith eliminates Rich Money[/LIST][LIST]Skull DeBones eliminates Christian Faith[/LIST][LIST]Remo Richardson eliminates Jack Bruce[/LIST][LIST]Steve Frehley eliminates Skull DeBones[/LIST][LIST]Steve Frehley eliminates Remo Richardson[/LIST] [LIST][b]Steve Frehley wins in 27:47[/b][/LIST] [u]Segment Rating[/u]: B Steve Frehley is walking back up the ramp, celebrating as he goes, when the SWF Champion, Runaway Train blindsides him. As The Guru screams instructions Train continuously hits Frehley with forearms and then throws him into the steps at ringside. Train proceeds to pound Frehley with closed fists to the forehead causing blood to start trickling from a newly formed cut. Train turns and says something to the Guru, who nods excitedly. He gets down on his knees and begins rummaging under the ring while Train continues pounding Frehley with right hands. The Guru finally emerges from under the ring with a steel chair in hand and hands it to his client. Train smiles sadistically and raises the chair above his head. He pauses for a moment before brining the chair down into Frehley’s forehead, the force causing his head to smash into the ring steps at the same time. Frehley slumps over to one side lifelessly and Train drops the chair. The Guru bends down over Frehley and starts screaming at him in his high pitched voice. Train stares at his handy work as EMTs rush down to ringside to help Frehley. The Guru shouts some abuse to the fans at ringside and slaps Train on the back. Obediently, Train turns and follows his manager back up the ramp, an intense look in his eyes. [u]Segment Rating[/u]: A* After a quick break, Big Smack Scott is waiting in the ring with a microphone. He paces around the ring while he cuts a promo on Randy Bumfhole. He says that he’s seen a million young “prospects” come and go in this business, and he’s beaten the best of the bunch – but Randy is nowhere near that calibre. He finishes by thanking Sam Keith for the opportunity and he’ll prove to Keith he didn’t make a mistake choosing him to be the one who beats the holy hell out of the young Bumfhole. [u]Segment Rating[/u]: B- [center][b][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/RandyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] Big Smack Scott vs. Randy Bumfhole[/b][/center] Scott removes his sunglasses and places them neatly in the corner of the ring. The two had a surprisingly good match, considering Scott’s in ring ability. But damn, he cuts a good promo. Scott took control early with a big clothesline and kept the offence going with a DDT and a few side suplexes. Randy came back with some fast paced moves, but the end came in less spectacular fashion, as Randy rolled Scott up with a Sunset Flip for the three. [b]Result: Randy Bumfhole via pinfall in 9:36[/b] [u]Segment Rating[/u]: C Scott holds his head in his hands as Bumfhole’s music hits and the realisation of what’s just happened hits home. He gets to his feet and glares at Randy, who is now on the top turnbuckle with his hands in the air. Scott hits him from behind and drags him off the top rope. Randy crashes into the canvas and holds his head. He drags Bumfhole back up and hits his patented Ego Trip. Bumfhole lies motionless on the canvas. Scott looks down at him and grins. He walks towards the ropes and slowly struts towards Bumfhole, hitting the Big Smack Shuffle. He puts his sunglasses back on and leaves as EMTs come to the ring for the second time tonight, this time for Randy’s aid. [u]Segment Rating[/u]: C- After a quick break, we return to see Jack Bruce in his locker room. He looks into a mirror and puts on a pair of sunglasses. He moves his head to get a view from different angles, but shakes his head and take them off again. He reaches down into his bag, and places a different pair on. He turns his head to get a better feel of how they look and grins. Suddenly, the door flies open behind him and crashes into the wall. Surprised, Bruce turns to see an angry looking Eric Eisen standing in the doorway. Eisen storms in and begins shouting at Bruce for embarrassing him in the battle royal earlier. Eisen says it is his destiny to win the SWF Championship and, because of Bruce, that’s not going to happen just yet. Seeing Bruce smiling only makes Eisen madder. He throws Bruce’s bag to the floor and says he’ll see him in the ring - tonight! [u]Segment Rating[/u]: B Next up is a North American championship match which will see Rich Money defending against the Lobster Warrior. Speaking of which, Lobster is heading for the Gorilla position when he’s blindsided by Rich Money. Money nails him in the side of the head with the North American title and proceeds to put the boots to Lobby. Eventually, Money looks down at his handy work and places the belt back on his shoulder, telling Lobby “This belt..? It’s mine, and it’s going to stay that way for a long, long time!” [u]Segment Rating[/u]: B- [b][center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG] SWF North American Championship Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money ©[/b][/center] Rich Money came to the ring first with the North American title over his shoulder and a grin on his face. He soaked up the fans boos and jeers as he climbed into the ring and held the title in the air. Lobby made his way to the ring somewhat gingerly, holding his ribs after Money’s attack. Once he was in the ring, the bell rang and Money pounced. He threw Lobby shoulder first into the ring post and put the boots to him. Lobby came back about half way through, managing to hit a Double Underhook Suplex and lock in the Lobster Pinch, but he couldn’t force the submission. Money took advantage of Lobby’s injured ribs with a low clotheslines, before hitting the Money in the Bank for the win. The match on the whole was a little sloppy as Money and Lobby just didn’t seem to click. [b]Result: Rich Money via pinfall in 12:27 to retain[/b] [u]Segment Rating[/u]: C [b][center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/EricEisen.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/SWF/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] Main Event Eric Eisen vs. Jack Bruce[/center][/b] Eric came out first, still looking angry about the outcome of the battle royal earlier tonight. He paces around the ring until Bruce comes out. When he does, Eisen jumps him from behind while he poses for the fans on the second rope. Eisen pummels Bruce with lefts and rights while he on the mat and begins stomping down into his midsection. Eisen stops and smiles seeing Bruce holding his ribs. He turns and walks to the far side of the ring to hurl some abuse at some fans at ringside. Still smiling, he turns only to be hit with a big clothesline from Bruce. Bruce is on top for the rest of the match, toying with Eisen by breaking his own pinfall attempts. He hits a lot of big moves, before finally finishing Eisen off with a New York Minute for the win. [b]Result: Jack Bruce via pinfall in 13:57[/b] [u]Segment Rating[/u]: B- Bruce grins as the referee holds his arm in the air to announce him as the winner. Suddenly, Bruce is stuck from behind my a steel chair, knocking him to the mat. Squeeky McClean stands over Bruce, a look of anger on his face. He helps Eisen back to his feet and hands him the chair. McClean pulls Bruce up and throws him into the corner. He unleashes with a flurry of punches as Eisen groggily shouts instructions. McClean whips Bruce towards Eisen’s swinging chair, catching Bruce square in the forehead. Bruce drops to the mat motionless, but the two aren’t done yet. Eisen shouts more instructions to McClean who nods in agreement. He rolls Bruce over onto his chest and locks in the Clean Out (an elevated leg lock). Bruce cries out in pain, causing Eisen to laugh hysterically. He kneels down beside Bruce and quietly and calmly begins to talk trash. He orders McClean to release the hold and, obediently, he does so. The due leave the ring with Bruce holding his legs in agony, but never taking his eyes off Eisen as the show ends. [u]Segment Rating[/u]: B [b]Quick Results[/b] Steve Frehley wins #1 Contendership Battle Royal (B) Randy Bumfhole def. Big Smack Scott (C) Rich Money © def. Lobster Warrior to retain the SWF North American Championship (C) Jack Bruce def. Eric Eisen (B-) [b]Show Rating: B-[/b] [QUOTE][b]OOC:[/b] Sorry it took longer then I thought to post this. I realised on Monday morning I had an assignment for Uni due on this Friday, so I've been working on that pretty solidly. I'm on top of it now, so expect more updates from now on.[/QUOTE]
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[b]Supreme Assault TV Preview[/b] Last week, the Supreme Wrestling Federation kicked off the New Year with a bang, with Steve Frehley winning the Number One Contenders Battle Royal in the first SWF match of the New Year, earning his shot at the SWF Champion Runaway Train at When Hell Freezes over in just over a week’s time. However, as soon as the match finished Frehley was the victim of a sickening attack at the hands of the Champion. Frehley has promised to be at this weeks show to call out Runaway Train, how Train will respond remains to be seen! Also stemming from the Battle Royal last week was a match between Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce. Eric took exception to the way he was eliminated from the Battle Royal and demanded a match with Bruce to get his revenge. Although Eisen lost the match, he gained his revenge thanks to help from Squeeky McClean once the match was over. Obviously, Bruce isn’t too happy about the two on one assault from last week, and is set to challenge the two to a tag team match. Who will his partner be? You’ll have to tune in to find out! There are also two title matches to look out for this week! Last week saw the SWF North American Champion, Rich Money successfully defending his title belt against the Lobster Warrior after a sickening attack backstage. This week, fellow Underwater Freedom Fighter, Calamari Kid will challenge for the title in attempt to gain a measure of revenge for Lobster Warrior. In the interest of competition, the SWF World Tag Championships will be on the line as The Dirty White Boys take on the champions, The Biggz Boyz! [b]Confirmed Matches:[/b] [u]SWF World Tag Team Championship[/u]: The Dirty White Boyz vs. The Biggz Boyz © [u]SWF North American Championship[/u]: Calamari Kid vs. Rich Money © [u]Main Event[/u]: Eric Eisen & Squeeky McClean vs. Jack Bruce & ???
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[U]SWF World Tag Team Championship[/U]: The Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]The Biggz Boyz ©[/B] [I]Not a great fan of either of these two teams..... The Dirty White Boyz at least have a recognisable gimmick, but are pretty much lacking in talent, whilst the Biggz are more talented but are bland.[/I] [I]Because it's their first defence, and it is only the DWB's I can see the Biggz retaining, but they [B]NEED [/B]a gimmick change to make them more interesting.[/I] [U]SWF North American Championship[/U]: Calamari Kid vs. [B]Rich Money ©[/B] [I]Can't see Rich losing the title right now[/I] [U]Main Event[/U]: [B]Eric Eisen & Squeeky McClean[/B] vs. Jack Bruce & ??? [I]My guess is that Engyma will be the partner, but the heels will get the win.[/I] ___________________________________________ [B]TCW[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson & ??? vs. [B]The Machines[/B] [I]RDJ may be contending for the World Title , and I think following last weeks events [B]Troy Tornado[/B] will be his mystery partner, but they'll fail to see eye to eye as an unit, and the tag champs take advantage of miscommunication.[/I] American Buffalo vs. [B]Liberty[/B] [I]Liberty is not someone who sets the ring alight with his in ring performance, but he's still better than Buffalo[/I] Rocky Golden vs. [B]Rick Law[/B] [I]Power match up.....lefts and rights.....rest holds !! Real edge on your seat stuff. Not a great fan of Golden, so I'll go with Rick Law...early title changes rarely happen in diaries, but this is one I wouldn't mind seeing come to fruition. A Law- Rahn rivalry would then be pretty good to help raise the prestige of the mid-card belt. [/I] Steve Gumble vs. [B]Freddy Huggins[/B] [I]Huggins must win to look like a viable threat to the All-Action title and not just some poser who thinks too highly of himself. Gumble has resident jobber material written all over him.[/I]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B]Total Wrestling Preview Week One, January 2007[/B] The New Year started as Total Championship Wrestling means to carry on, with a massive TV Rating of 27.69. Fans were enthralled and thanks to an amazing show, the anticipation for the next episode of Total Wrestling is all the much greater. Last week, Ricky Dale Johnson informed Tommy Cornell and the world, that his rematch was up and coming for Malice In Wonderland. He then went on to beat Troy Tornado in the main event to show how determined he is to recapture the World Heavyweight Title. And Tommy Cornell wants nothing more than to kill the momentum that Ricky Dale Johnson is riding towards the PPV. And he has attempted to with the main event that he has booked. Ricky Dale Johnson has the show to find a partner, to go up against the Tag Team Champions, The Machines. If he doesn’t, then it will be a handicap match. This decision by Tommy Cornell however, seems to be the final straw, as the board of directors have announced that they plan to address Tommy Cornell’s recent behaviour and booking at the next TCW show. Exactly what they are planning however, is unknown. The Match of last week was Liberty vs. BLZ Bubb. BLZ Bubb came out of the match the victor. However, there seems to be more behind this than a single match. BLZ Bubb, for the first time in his career, got in contact with TCW and requested a second match. BLZ Bubb rarely requests anything, instead usually taking a more direct approach to his challenges. A contract signing will take place this week for Liberty vs. BLZ Bubb for Malice In Wonderland as well as Liberty trying to get back to winning ways when he faces American Buffalo. On top of all that, will Rick Law answer Genghis Rahn’s request for a rematch and perhaps capture the International Title in the same night? What will happen between the two Teen Idol’s, Freddy Huggins and Chance Fortune, and some rumoured debuts, all on Total Wrestling. [B]Booked Matches:[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson & ??? vs. The Machines American Buffalo vs. Liberty Rocky Golden vs. Rick Law Steve Gumble vs. Freddy Huggins[/FONT]
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SWF SWF World Tag Team Championship: The Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]The Biggz Boyz [/B]© SWF North American Championship: Calamari Kid vs. [B]Rich Money[/B] © Main Event: Eric Eisen & Squeeky McClean vs. [B]Jack Bruce & ???[/B] TCW [B]Ricky Dale Johnson & ???[/B] vs. The Machines [B]American Buffalo [/B]vs. Liberty Rocky Golden vs.[B] Rick Law[/B] Steve Gumble vs. [B]Freddy Huggins[/B]
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SWF SWF World Tag Team Championship: The Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]The Biggz Boyz [/B]© [i]Neither are great, but the Biggz Boyz can find better competition than this. I'd give the Bumfholes a run at the belts. All in all, this is a showcase for the champs.[/i] SWF North American Championship: Calamari Kid vs. [B]Rich Money[/B] © [i]This is a carbon-copy of last week.[/i] Main Event: [b]Eric Eisen & Squeeky McClean[/b] vs. Jack Bruce & ??? [i]No idea who the mystery partner will be, but this win is needed to build heat for the PPV[/i] TCW Ricky Dale Johnson & ??? vs. [b]The Machines[/b] [i]Not many top-card faces to choose from for partners. I never like going against title contenders, but I think this will do wonders for the tag champs. That's a division that needs some help, and fast.[/i] [B]American Buffalo[/B] vs. Liberty [i]It's too early in Buffalo's run to take the fall at this point. This also helps build sympathy for Liberty, which is definitely needed at this point in his career.[/i] [b]Rocky Golden[/b] vs. Rick Law [i]A great rub for the young champ. I see Genghis Rahn getting involved, leading to Law vs. Rahn @ Malice.[/i] Steve Gumble vs. [B]Freddy Huggins[/B] [i]No brainer. This keeps Huggins hot for his eventual meeting with Chance Fortune.[/i]
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