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Everything posted by Midnightnick

  1. The 3-3 Rule is good, but this section Should be 3 weeks. Keeps the rule of 3s to 3.
  2. Love the gradient usage inside the Logo, real sleek.
  3. Just download the new update and then overwrite the database in the Database folder with the updated file. It won't affect any saved games.
  4. Amazing work! Love the world that @The Blonde Bomber has expanded upon and love the work you've done to flesh it out with these two logos. Totally could give WDJ a play through now.
  5. Thrilled to see a 2.0 release! You do magnificent work Bomber Edit: A continuity suggestion that ties with Barney LaRusso's update you could make in a future update is that Dr. Mishi's bio has him teaming with Dutch Leonard in Australia, but Dutch seems to have been a non-wrestler. There's also a pre 1970 gap entirely in Mishi's job history, you could have Barney LaRusso's ACG job history align with Mishi's and give them a tag team/relationship. Love to build lore, it's a change I've already made to my mish-mash.
  6. Those Comet/Meteor renders are incredible, love the chains they're wearing and the Yellow/Red face paint.
  7. Love that you are going Alphabetically (at least to start), the ALQ are some true inspired creations.
  8. I'd really love to see some what ifs? come into play. If anything the 80s are the biggest ??? of the C-Verse and an expansion filling out that would be wonderful. If you ever need some to bounce ideas off of, I'm free.
  9. Really love the SWF update, It gives alot of new directions! Also a big fan of Grizzly John. What's next on the horizon for future updates?
  10. PSX you magnificent bastard you've done it again!
  11. They definitely are worth posting! It's a nice mashup between the C-Verse event logos and the Real World.
  12. That's a fantatic reimagining of Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, very Carnival Barker.
  13. I'd love to see you complete the Tri-State area and take on Pittsburgh Steel. (Or really feeling up to it, tackle some CV77 rosters!)
  14. Can't wait to see the new update, I love how much lore you put into your depiction of the 77 C-Verse. I've been playing both yours (having a great time in TWL) and working on my own adaptation as well (balancing the small differences between yours and Kam's Title Histories and everything like that).
  15. It looks magnificent and definitely fits the vibe I requested, thank you!
  16. PSX, I've got two requests if you could possibly fill them! Long time fan of your work, and I think you'd do wonders with these two. Would it be possible to get a early 90's style TWL logo? They canonically didn't go under until 1995 so it'd be great to see what they tried to rebrand to at the end. See also; a mid/late 80s CWF (Canadian Wrestling Federation) logo as they didn't go under until the end of the decade in 1989. Thank you if possible, I (and I imagine the Historic C-Verse modding community) truly appreciate this. Just something that fits the vibe of early 90s/late 80s Texas and general 80s Canada.
  17. If you're looking for some options outside of that, you could give Jerrod Whitlock a look, he's more of a technical wrestler but he is out of commission with an injury at the start of a save and is lacking a bit in star quality. You could mold a young Rolling Johnny Stones into the role, he checks all the boxes but he is British.
  18. I really love your retro styled logos, not only for filling in C-Verse lore but you seem to truly get into the mindset of what would've been a proper logo be it in 97 or 77. I'd love to see more in that style (not just for the C-Verse but in general).
  19. MrCanada, this is some truly great work! I do have to suggest though that you make duplicate WWF events in the Datas, because when you have all the WWF-Branded events go dormant when they get the F out, the AI WWF doesn't ever bring back PPVs or monthly events. You can just copy each event and have them dormant to start and they all activate May 2002 when the F Branded ones go dormant.
  20. Hey @Adam Ryland, would you mind putting a rest to this question once and for all? If playing as a User Character and there are protege/mentor relationships, will the event occur of passing knowledge to your protege?
  21. I can't give a definitive answer but I can attest from my games where I've played as a Mentor, I've never had an protege event occur.
  22. Incredible work here Bomber! You've done a spectacular job.
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