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NMW - From backyards to stadiums

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Hey folks! I've been running this promotion for a while now off and on... Just transferred my data and will be starting a new game soon. I write rundowns for all of our shows, and have about 4 weeks worth from the past. Starting up this new one, I was wondering if anyone would enjoy reading them here. I've selected some of our best matches from the past to give you all a taste. I'm still wrapping up who I want on the new roster. These are all people I know, and this is a homemade promotion built from the ground up. As we get bigger we may get some indy talent that some people might recognize, but until then our website ([url]http://www.geocities.com/nmw_wrestling[/url]) has bios on our wrestlers and staff, past show results, and everything else you might need to familiarize yourself with Northern Michigan Wrestling. Be warned I'm still in the process of updating for the new game, so roster is subject to change, and a bunch of the sections are incomplete. I know for a fact that each wrestler in the preview matches has a working bio. Enjoy, and tell me what you think! As a side note, once things are up and coming the match summaries will be less in-depth (unless you like that?) and more of the actual story will be posted, with behind the scenes and stuff like that. [B]Match Schedule For the 'Best Of' series: [/B]-High-flying House of Fun Elimination Match (NMW Cruiserweight Championship) Mathaeis V. Shenlong Xiong V. Travis Speed V. Pat Fry -Death Match (NMW Hardcore Crown) John Ridgeway V. DeathStalker -Grimfell Asylum (NMW Heavyweight Championship) Flint Steel V. Wilhelm Metalhart V. Dr. Grimfell [B][U]House of Fun Elimination Match[/U][/B] [CENTER] This was our VERY first taped event, the first match of the show, and it brought down the house... of 15 attendees. :P[/CENTER] [B]Mosher: [/B]Welcome everyone to the inaugural edition of NMW Balls to the Wall!! [B]Turek:[/B] I’d like to remind everyone tonight that we are unsponsored and coming from the Kaliseum in good ole’ Kalkaska Michigan. [B]Mosher: [/B]Would we be anywhere else? [B]Turek: [/B]Not for a while, I’d imagine. [B]Mosher:[/B] Folks if you haven’t attended many NMW untaped events, let me clear a few things for you. We have recently been having good luck in the money department. I thank you all for giving what you could, as with this taped event, we are given a chance to leap, a chance to fly… [B]Turek: [/B]A chance to flop and freakin’ die. [B]Mosher:[/B] My compatriot’s downward attitude aside, we welcome you to the first ever taped event for NMW, our newly funded weekly show for the road, Balls to the Wall! [B]Turek: [/B]But enough chitty-chitty and time for the bang bang, we start out with a match that promises to shake the cake and jiggle your pickle, a 4 Man House of Fun Elimination match to determine NMW’s first ever Cruiserweight Championship! [I]First out to the ring is Mathaeis, entering with some japanese song sounding to have been lifted from an Anime intro. Running to the ring, standing and calling to the fans, as he takes off his glasses and hands them ringside for safety. [/I] [B]Mosher: [/B]Matt here has been known for his speed in the ring, but even more so for his hardcore video gamer attitude… Little known fact he actually owns a 3-D model of the Duck Hunt duck that he himself made. [B]Turek:[/B] Makes me feel secure about my Hello Kitty lunchbox. [I]Next out is Shenlong Xiong, dressed in urban wear, coming out to a mix of Chinese Rap. Holding up his hands in an X. [/I] [B]Turek:[/B] The X-Factor himself, one of the top-rated fliers in NMW [B]Mosher: [/B]As a side note, he originally was not slated for this match, but due to his tag-team partner, the Kid From Korea, Lee Chul Min, not showing up, he has been given this chance at the Cruiserweight title to make up for his loss of the Tag Team Title shot. [I]A sudden burst of speed/thrash metal plays as Travis Speed comes out, pumping the crowd up and looking very energetic, he jumps into the ring and does a flip off the first rope. The small crowd cheers him on. [/I] [B]Mosher: [/B]Speed of course the local favorite due to his showy attitude and high-risk style. [B]Turek: [/B]And a catchphrase that is cheesier than my entire repitoire… Speed Kills. [I]The attitude changes as a few hits of grungy country twangs over the speakers… The crowd erupts in boos as Pat Fry comes out, wearing cut jeans and a dirty white shirt with a confederate flag on it. [/I] [B]Turek: [/B]What a vocal crowd here in K-Town tonight! What’s that they are chanting, Moshe'? [B]Mosher: [/B]I believe it’s “Go back south”, Ryan. But aside from that, all four men are now in the ring and ready to have our first match. [I]The match goes on for some time equally, but around the two minute mark they all gang up on Fry. Mathaeis hits a running clothesline, knocking Fry to the ring apron… And Speed climbs to the top rope, nailing a hurricanrana to the outside floor. Xiong climbs one of the constructed barricades and jumps off the structure, nailing a double backflip on Fry and making the pin, elimination number one! [/I] [B]Mosher: [/B]Another NICELY executed manuever from the rising sun superstar! [B]Turek: [/B] Superstar? Getting ahead of yourself Moshe? Sure this kid's nice, but only one word comes to mind. "One trick pony." [B]Mosher:[/B] That's... three... Nevermind. Back to the action in the ring. [I]Xiong is celebrating the elimination, but Speed hasn’t forgotten that the match goes on, nailing Xiong from behind, knocking him into the barricade. Mathaeis is taking his time to regroup in the ring. Speed attempts to ram Xiong into the barricade again, but he kicks off of it, grabbing the overhead monkey bars and kicking Speed. Speed is down, and Xiong makes the pin. 1…2… Kick out! Xiong looks frustrated, but grabs the downed Speed and lifts him. Mathaeis makes a running dive from the ring off the top rope, but comes off too high, clipping his head on the monkeybars and knocking himself out. A sole fan from the crowd screams out "YOU GOT KNOCKED THE HELL OUT SON!" As Xiong shrugs and walks over, putting his foot on Matt’s chest for the win. Paramedics quickly come in and escort Mathaeis out of the building. The fight continues between Xiong and Speed, but eventually Xiong starts tiring out. Eight minute mark: Speed has gotten the action back in the ring, and after whipping Xiong into the ropes, hits a spinning DDT. He capitalizes, exiting the ring and climbing to the top of the monkey bars, measuring up and waiting for Xiong to rise, he runs across the rungs, making a seemingly 10-foot length jump into the ring, nailing a modified blockbuster, the “Speedtrap” on Xiong, covering him for the Win. [/I] [B]Mosher:[/B] We’ve got our first cruiserweight champion, the MPH MVP, Travis Speed. [B]Turek: [/B]Holy crap Mosher, did you just make that up? I’m proud of you. Yeah big hats off to the new champ, now lets see how FAST he can lose it.
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[B][U]Death Match:[/U][/B] [CENTER]For 2 weeks the enigmatic DeathStalker had been stalking Ridgeway, making claims that the old veteran has seen the best of his days, and that the end is near. This brutal match showcased the local hardcore Legend "Big" John Ridgeway in his final match, later becoming the Manager of his opponent, repackaging the Stalker into the rising Hardcore star Trevor Black.[/CENTER] [B]Turek: [/B]This match will NOT be for the weak of heart, nor will it be for those looking for a wrestling match. The ropes are barbed wire, the ring is surrounded by glass tables, the ground littered with thumbtacks, FIRECRACKERS line the turnbuckles, and just like myself, there is wood a plenty. [B]Mosher:[/B] You're correct there Ryan. I shudder to think of the kind of brutality we're about to see, especially with the barrel fires we have illuminating the ring as the sun goes down. Ridgeway is sick and tired of the harassment he has faced at the hands of that man who calls himself Deathstalker. [B]Turek: [/B] We might see more than one setting son tonight, kosher-Mosher. Lets shut up and watch. [I]Clutch's "The Mob Goes Wild" hits as Ridgeway makes his way down the ramp, carrying his trademark wooden boxes, each brimming with hardcore weaponry.[/I] [I]He's in the ring waiting for his opponent as the black-clothed figure sneaks from under the ring, nailing Ridgeway with the ringbell to start off the match.[/I] [I]The two exchange blows, Ridgeway reverses an irish whip, sending Stalker into the barbed wire ropes. The crowd cheers as Ridgeway hits a three-point stance, charging Stalker. Stalker moves, stepping on the wire to lower it as the crowd collectively gasps, Ridgeway flying out of the ring, straight into a glass table.[/I] [B]Mosher: [/B] OH MY GOD, what an impact!!!! [B]Turek:[/B] Normally I'd make fun of your Joey Styles esque shreik there, but I gotta agree, that was... brutal. [I]Stalker carefully exits the ring, approaching the bloodied and downed Ridgeway.[/I] [B]Mosher: [/B] Is this it? It cannot possibly continue like this... [B]Turek:[/B] Careful there, you forget who you're talking about? [I]As Deathstalker grabs Ridgeway's hair, John throws a handful of shattered glass at Stalker's face, causing him to back off, protecting his eyes. He uses that diversion to slowly raise to his feet, though the bloodloss is clearly getting to him. He opens one of his wooden boxes and gets out a wooden baseball bat, cracking it across Stalker's back, splintering the wood. He raises it to the crowd as they cheer him on. Stalker slumps to the ground as Ridgeway takes the splintered end, motioning to shoving it straight up Stalker's... he rolls out of the way!! The noise of scraping glass is heard.[/I] [B]Turek: [/B] Talk about taking the lesser of two evils, Moshe... Either crawl on glass or get it up the [B]Mosher: [/B]WE get the picture Ryan. [I]Ridgeway grabs ahold of Stalker, picking him up and whipping him into a nearby fire barrel. He hits it with a resounding metal 'DUN!' and begins screaming at the heat, running forward and into the ring. Ridgeway still on the outside. He rips off a piece of the ring curtain, tying it on his arm as a makeshift bandage before ducking into the ring. Meanwhile, Stalker has been disconnecting the barbed wire from the turnbuckle, and now runs at Ridgeway. The two lock up, vying for control of the wire, both's hands becoming bloodied. Ridgeway hits two straight headbutts, dizzying Stalker. He slings him into the turnbuckle, readying the three-point stance that signals his finisher, the Doorbuster. [/I] [B]Mosher: [/B]Here it comes Ryan, the end of this young talent. [I] Ridgeway charges forward, arms outstretched! Just at the last moment Stalker moves, and Ridgeway comes full force into the turnbuckle! A collective groan of pain is heard from the crowd. Stalker wastes no time, taking the barbed wire and jumping out of the ring, making loops and tying Ridgeway to the turnbuckle.[/I] [B]Turek: [/B]What the hell does he think he's doing? [B]Mosher:[/B] He certainly can NOT win the match by simply immobilizing his adversary. [I] A maniacal look overcomes Deathstalker as he reaches for the broken bat..[/I] [B]Turek: [/B]Now I'm intrigued... what's he planning to do with that thing? We gonna see some retribution for Ridgeway's earlier plans? [I]He takes it, soaking it in a fluid before going over to the fire barrel, the end of the bat igniting like a torch.[/I] [B]Mosher: [/B] Oh god.. I know what he's planning. We need to end this match NOW. Get EMTs ready to go! [I]Stalker slowly moves to the ringside, extending the flaming object to the end of the enormous string of firecrackers lining the turnbuckle. Security has their hands full restraining fans... The hiss of the lit wick a prelude to the end. With a quick bang followed by seemingly THOUSANDS more, the turnbuckle is now a large cloud of blackened smoke, clearing to expose Ridgeway collapsed on the ring. The emergency sirens go off and EMTs quickly load up and haul off John Ridgeway's collapsed form. Deathstalker leaves the ring amidst a torrent of yelling and boos from the crowd. He stops at the wooden boxes, taking the circle of dulled razorwire that is the NMW Hardcore Crown.[/I]
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[B][U]Grimfell Asylum Three-Way Match[/U][/B] [CENTER]After winning the title at the end of the 8-Man Title Tourney, Wilhelm Metalheart has been a marked man. After numerous matches, the two dominant challengers were above all the rest, ready for their shot. Dr. Grimfell, the tortured soul of a man caught up in his sick experiments, managed to convince the two others to, in his words, "Face their fears". Thus making the match one of his specialties, the Grimfell Asylum match. The ring, surrounded by a (cheaply made) cage, and inside the ring there were several items, from hospital beds, IV Stands, a defibrillator, and the objects of the night, two straightjackets. The last person not restrained by a jacket and thrown out of the ring wins.[/CENTER] [I] Pantera's "Cowboys From Hell" plays as Metalheart comes out, his trademark black bandana, tattered black jeans and studded black denim jacket. He throws up the devil horns as he enters the ring, the NMW Title Belt in his other hand. He tosses it to the referee as he climbs the turnbuckle.[/I] [B]Mosher:[/B] The current NMW Heavyweight champion for weeks straight now, Wilhelm Metalheart. Winning the title after an exhaustive 8-man tournament. The King of Metal seeking to make a further impact by taking out these two top competitors here tonight. [I]The music shifts to KMFDM's "Feed Our Fame" as Flint Steele comes to ringside, dressed in more traditional wrestling gear. adjusting his pads and psyching himself up as he approaches the ring. [/I] [B]Mosher:[/B] And this man here one of the semi-finalists in that tournament, Flint Steele. [b]Turek:[/b] Big man, Moshe, big man. One of the few here that has stated an aspiration of making it to the big leagues of the WWE. [b]Mosher:[/b] While that is true, he's still got heart for home, Ryan, don't sell that short. [b]Turek:[/b] Yeah Yeah, he makes it to the top? Twenty bucks says he doesn't even remember our names. [i]Ringside help quickly raises and secures the chain-link walls, as a creepy noise begins leaking from the speakers... The beeping of a heart monitor picks up, a slow pace. As Midnight Syndicate's "Alternate Therapy" hits full swing, the Doctor comes outin his bloodied labcoat, his pure white eyes gleaming at the "beauty" of his cage. [/I] [B]Turek: [/B]This is my kinda guy, a slasher-film hero, a gorefest genius... The horrorible being from a planet of horror. The Doctor, is in. [I]He hits the edge of the cage, clawing at it with the large scythe blades he caries in each hand. He drops them, a clang rings out as the rusted blades hit the cement walkway. He climbs the cage with a slow and haunting pace, eventually dropping into the ring as the bell is rung.[/I] [B]Mosher: [/B]Wait... horror-ible? That's not a real [B]Turek: [/B]Shut up and watch the ring. [I]Metalheart and Steele quickly team up on the deranged one, as he swiftly evades, ducking under the beds, jumping and grabbing onto the cage. Finally Steele catches him powerbombing him into the turnbuckle. As he turns to get the first straightjacket, Metalheart kicks him in the stomach, following with a european uppercut. The two continue battling as the Doctor raises to his feet, grabbing the jacket with both men distracted. After another lock-up, followed by an armdrag takedown executed on Metalheart, Grimfell gets a running bulldog on Steele, wasting no time to lock in the Madness Injection, and arching figure-four leglock. Metalheart gets to his feet, giving a bewildered look at the doctor as he grabs the jacket and forcefully secures Flint's arms.[/I] [B]Mosher: [/B]One man down and out, Turek. [I]Grimfell releases the lock, staring down Metalheart as he rises. The smart fans in the crowd cheer at the two off-screen brothers facing of for the first time one-on-one. They lock up, the match continuing at a good solid pace. Around 13 minutes in... Metalheart whips Grimfell to the corner, signalling for the Hammer of the Gods. He raises the Doctor to the top turnbuckle, lifting him into a top-rope stretch-buster. The crowd begins yelling as commotion is seen under a hospital table, Steele finally rising to his feet.[/I] [B]Mosher:[/B] I almost forgot! They didn't throw him out of the ring!!! [B]Turek:[/B] Aw crap, it's a technicality Moshe! And either way, he can't use his arms! Might as well send a hamster to stop an escaped snake. [I]Metalheart NAILS the top-rope stretch buster, his dubbed "Hammer of the Gods". He wraps Grimfell up in the jacket, kicking him out of the ring, a single bell strike signalling the elimination. He looks around, assured of his victory. A sudden realization hits him as he hears a loud snapping. [/I] [B]Turek: [/B]Great Zombie of Gwam, he got his arms free! [I]Steele charges the suprised Metalheart, pushing him into the turnbuckle and ramming him with unending shoulder-thrusts. As Metalheart drops, Steele uses the extended arms of the jacket to choke out Metalhart, and when he blacks out, Steele rips off the jacket, securing it on his opponent the best he can with the tattered remains, and throws him out of the ring.[/I] [B]Mosher: [/B] A NEW CHAMPION!! The Reign of Metal is over!!! Flint Steele has gotten the belt!! [I]Flint's music hits as the stage crew drops the cage walls slowly, and the show wraps up, the crowd obviously divided, but still very happy with the show and the performers.[/I]
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;324622]My suggestion would be to add formatting of some type. It would make it much easier to read. Just keep plugging away at it though and you'll gain yourself a fanbase reading it.[/QUOTE] thanks, I was actually considering that when I posted, but never got around to it. This was all cut and paste so it didn't even click at first that the formatting wouldn't carry over. as soon as I can I'll be editing it all for ease of reading
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Formatting done. Still editing the info in the program and updating roster/title histories, etc. Once done I'll start up the new season and switch to the show format rather than just these in-details match descriptions. Unless, as I said, you guys like that.
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