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Pride & Glory ~ Traditional Puroresu

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Pride Glory Honor Wrestling provides an interesting challenge in TEW. It has since the first game back in 2004...Basically, the promotion is top loaded. If used correctly, the promotion has the greatest collection of main eventers in the game...but beyond that, the quality drops dramatically. There-in lays the problem. You can have a fantastic uppercard, but your midcard will drag the promotion down. I've played PGHW multiple times. It's pretty much the one promotion I always come back to. In 2004 I played it for about five years, 2005 about two, and I've never gotten far in a TEW2k7 game. So this will be more of an experiment then anything. I've even tried a diary before...it lasted a week, maybe. In this game, I will not fire anyone under contract to preserve some kind of realism, and I have to use everyone every show unless their part-time. However, that doesn't mean I have to resign people if I don't want to. Going into the upcoming tour, here's how the roster and titles break down: [B]Akinori Kwakami[/B]: Akinori's always been one of my favorites in PGHW, and I really don't know why. In 2004 he was my chosen guy to build up, which I did by teaming him with Gakusha from GCG. In 2007, Kwakami's getting a push with Mito Miwa...but something seems to be lacking. Kwakami just doesn't click in this role, which will make him a challenge to get going. [B]Alexander Robinson[/B]: Team Toronto is pretty much what the bio in the game says. Their a reliable midcard act, but they don't have the skills to really go beyond that. Robinson is probably the better of the two, so I'll likely find something to do with him. [B]Bryan Holmes[/B]: Ultra solid. Holmes is like Team Toronto in that he doesn't really have any main event potential, but he will be a valuable asset to the midcards. [B]Bryan Vessey[/B]: For all their talent, I really don't care for the Vessey Brothers. They whine. Alot. That being said, Bryan is a really good worker, so finding him things to do won't be hard...Until I get sick of his whining anyway. [B]Buddy Garner[/B]: Buddy is always great to have on board. He's very good, he's easy to put against other people, and he always has a good match. In none of my games, I've never been able to make or keep Garner as a true main eventer, and I don't know why that is. He just never seems to get to the top and hold it. [B]Danger Kumasaka[/B]: Easily one of my favorites in PGHW. He's Fuchi meets Koshinaka. An old guy who can still *go* when needed, but has absolutely no issues with helping to elevate others. I always seem to team up Kumasaka and Dread. I'm not too sure why. [B]Dread[/B]: Dread is kind of sad...In 2004, Dread was just kind of old. He could still go, and I'd push him as such. He'd kill people dead there...but in 2007, Dread is downgraded. He can only do short matches, and his in-ring abilities aren't where they used to be. Still, until I can find another "monster", Dread has to fulfill that role. [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B]: Kunomasu has always kind of baffled me. I can't figure out who he's patterned after, and his in-ring skills, while good, I don't think are great. Kunomasu is really just an upper-midcarder who dances around main event status. [B]Jack Avatar[/B]: Only going to be used when I have to, to help fill out a roster spot. No other use then that. [B]Joshua Taylor[/B]: Taylor, like *alot* of PGHW's young workers has potential...but he's so incredibly far from reaching it, that it's kind of sad. Taylor is a solid opening match guy, but until he vastly improves, will never amount to anything else. [B]Junnosuke Fukazawa[/B]: My least favorite PGHW guy. He always seems to whine about losing, he's old, and he can't go without getting incredibly tired. I usually fire him in my games...but since I'm not doing that, I'm stuck with him for sixteen months... [B]KAZ[/B]: SAISHO cut him due to all the development talent I've signed, so I decided to pick him up. KAZ still has an incredibly long way to go to be good, but his basics and psychology already being at B- gives me hope for his future. He's a smaller worker, so he'll have to work even harder to get anywhere. [B]Kazushiga Matsuki[/B]: In all my of PGHW games, Matsuki's never amounted to anything. His stats are really not that good, and he doesn't really have a look either. Matsuki's fighting a very uphill battle, especially since his contract ends in four months. [B]Kozue Kawashima[/B]: Kawashima is an interesting wrestler...He's adept or good at just about everything, but not really GOOD at anything. In just about every game I've had, Koiso has completely ditched him in both popularity and skills...So Kawashima will be interesting to watch to see if he can get great, or if he just stays where he is. [B]Larry Vessey[/B]: Take Bryan Vessey's bad attitude, and then add in a lack of skills and you have Larry. Not that good, whines, and can't handle a full schedule. Probably won't be used much at all. [B]Lee Bennett[/B]: Like Robinson, Lee is just a solid hand to have around. However, Lee seems to be a little more adept at getting over, which led to one PGHW game where Lee became a main eventer. I strongly suspect that was a fluke, and doubt I'll see it again. [B]Masaru Ugaki[/B]: Kozue, Koiso, Sanda, and Muruyama are supposed to be the big top new young wrestlers...but I've always had a soft spot for Ugaki. Very good worker, who makes a natural partner to Inukai and Yoshimi. In every game I've had, Ugaki has reached the main events. I doubt this game will be any different. [B]Masayuki Shiga[/B]: Another old, kind of sucky wrestler. Shiga has fantastic basics and psych...But he just can't go anymore. That means he has to be kept at very short matches while someone like Danger can go still. Shiga has limited use. [B]Mito Miwa[/B]: PGHW's Misawa. Miwa is a jack of all trades, but he's really not great at anything. Miwa can more then hold his own in the ring, and is a pillar for PGHW's main event scene. Although, I have seen him get passed up in skill and dropped down to midcard before. So it can happen. [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B]: PGHW's Kobashi. Probably the best wrestler in PGHW in terms of his ability to work with others. Yoshimi may have better overall skills, but Tatsuko can work with anyone and get a good match. Has incredible momentum right now, so the logical mindset is to protect him and build to a title match with Yoshimi. [B]Noriyori Sanda[/B]: Sanda is like Kozue, but just a little worse. He's all over the place in abilities, but he's not really great at anything. The potential is there to be a truly fantastic wrestler, but I've never seen Sanda achieve it. [B]PRIDE Koiso[/B]: Without a doubt the easiest wrestler in PGHW to turn into a main eventer. Koiso has star power. Just incredible 1970's Showa level charisma. As a wrestler, he's adept, and can become great, but he really doesn't have to. Just off his presence alone, he's able to get good matches and rave reviews. [B]Raymond Diaz[/B]: Diaz has skills, and overness...but I've never been able to get into him. He just seems...bland. "Rawgh. Me big Gaijin hurt Natives. Rawgh". He's good, but I've never been able to get into him and give him a strong push. [B]Ryoma Muruyama[/B]: Muruyama is just weird...In 2004, I was able to turn him into a main eventer, but in the games since, he just has not worked in PGHW at all. His style doesn't mesh with anyone, he doesn't seem to improve very much, and he just doesn't have "it". Muruyama either ends up hideously de-pushed, or fired. [B]Shuji Inukai[/B]: One of my favorites. Inukai isn't a statistical god like others, but he can more then hold his own in the ring. Inukai usually gets a main event spot and holds onto it for dear life. Always a good, strong hand to have around. [B]Tetsunori Yasuda[/B]: I wanna know why Yasuda wears a Gi when he seemingly has no shooting abilities what so ever. Yasuda continues the FINE~! tradition of PGHW rookies being pretty bland and bad. Yasuda has potential, but like the other young guys; I've never seen him reach it. [B]Wael Hossam[/B]: I stole Hossam more or less because of his basics and ground abilities. Hossam has the potential to be a fantastic Tamon Honda-type wrestler who uses wrestling as a base for his style. It just depends on if he can get over and improve. [B]Washi Heat[/B]: I don't like Heat. At all. That said, he's a decent hand to have around, is young, and may become a good worker. I don't think he'll stay around long though, because I quite frankly can't stand him or his gimmick. [B]William Hayes[/B]: Hayes...is odd. If used in an American SE promotion, Hayes has the tools to become a major star, but in PGHW he's strictly average. He's not horrible, but he's not really great either. Only time will tell if he can achieve anything. Oddly, I usually team Joshua Taylor and William Hayes together to form a team. I'm not entirely sure why. [B]Yoshimi Mushashibo[/B]: It's fitting that this ends with the top guy in PGHW. Musashibo is awe inspiringly good. He has six A*'s and five A's. That's damn great. However, because he's so good, I often get in the habit of relying on him, so if he has bad chemistry with someone, it can royally screw things up. As it is, he's one of the best in the world at wrestling and the "ace" of PGHW. In Development: [B]Cameron Vessey[/B]: This one seemed kind of natural. Vessey could have been brought straight up to the main cards, but I figured giving him a chance to improve and get over before that would be smart. [B]Eien Miyamoto[/B]: I've ALWAYS signed Miyamoto since 2k4. I really do not know why either. He always seems to get pretty good, so he'll likely end up on the main roster eventually. I doubt he'll be a "Super Rookie" for me again though. [B]Hitomaro Suzuki[/B]: Another guy I always grab. Suzuki has the potential to become an incredibly good worker, it's just a matter of time and luck for him. [B]Munemitsu Senmatsu[/B]: More or less, I grabbed him for his sheer size then anything. If Senmatsu improves, he could become a decent to good midcard heel, but he has a long, long way to go. [B]Simon Flemmingway[/B]: Another guy I could probably bring up right now...However, like Vessey, I think it's wise to let him work out his skills for a little while before being brought up. He has potential to be good if he reaches it. [B]Stone Yoshikawa[/B]: Yet another worker who could probably be brought straight up. Has pretty decent skills, but he's not really good at anything. He has potential to be a fantastic wrestler if he reaches it. [B]SUKI[/B]: SUKI is by far the best in development right now. He could easily step into an opening match role in PGHW, but I think giving him time to work and develop would be best. Despite his size, SUKI has potential in time to be one of the top heels of PGHW. [B]Torch Nakazawa[/B]: By far the worst in development. Even worse then Senmatsu, which says alot. He has so far to go before he could be called up that I doubt he ever will be. [B]Toyota Munakata[/B]: Like Nakazawa, he has a very very long way to go...however, his legit background made me do a double take. Him being an accomplished Amateur in college means he might get called up if he can become passable in the future. ---- PGHW has four titles...Originally, there were five, but I didn't see any reason whatsoever to have the International Title. PGHW Glory Crown: Yoshimi Musashibo PGHW Glory Tag Crown: Kozue Kawashiam & PRIDE Koiso PGHW Historical Japan: Bryan Holmes PGHW International Tag Titles: Ryoma Muruyama & Masaru Ugaki The main goal with the Glory Crown right now is to build to Musashibo vs. Tatsuko. Tatsuko right now has around A* in momentum, so the entire goal is to keep him at that as long as possible. Mushashibo is around a B, so he needs to be built up...The Glory Tag Crown needs to be elevated to main event status ASAP...The other two titles...honestly...who cares? Their pretty much meaningless. ---- Having forgotten how touring works, I accidentally had to skip January, which means this will pick up in Feb with the "CONQUEST OF PRIDE" tour. I will be running PGHW very traditionally. That means very few singles matches and those that are used are mostly in the undercard, and mostly tag matches building towards bigger shows. Tours will run from four to twelve shows per month, depending on how I feel it will pay off. There will be no gimmick matches, no triangle matches, nothing of the sort. This will be run as if it's Pro-Wrestling NOAH or classic All Japan in real life. Barebones, and hard hitting. Realism is the key word here folks. [B]CONQUEST OF PRIDE[/B] [B]February, Tuesday, Week 1, 2007 Akita Stadium 5,000 fans[/B] 1. Washi Heat defeated Kazushige Matsuki at 7:38 with a Washi Explosion (C+) 2. Joshua Taylor & William Hayes defeated Tetsunori Yasuda & KAZ at 8:37 when Hayes pinned Yasuda with a Slick Trick (C-) 3. Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett defeated Danger Kumasaka & Masayuki Shiga at 15:39 when Robinson pinned Shiga with the Canadian Violence (B-) 4. PRIDE Koiso, Kozue Kawashima & Junnosuke Fukazawa defeated Dread, Bryan Holmes & Wael Hossam at 17:55 when Koiso pinned Hossam with the Koiso Death Cutter (C) 5. Nobuatsu Tatsuko, Noriyori Sanda & Ryoma Muruyama defeated Buddy Garner, Bryan Vessey & Raymond Diaz at 26:41 when Tatsuko pinned Garner with the Tatsuko Driller (B) 6. Mito Miwa, Eisaku Kunomasu & Akinori Kwakami defeated Yoshimi Mushashibo, Shuji Inukai & Masaru Ugaki at 27:04 when Kunomasu submitted Ugaki with the Kunomasu Vice (A) Final Rating: B Notes: Heat & Matsuki have good chemistry Report: This was a little disappointing, but it always seems to happen with PGHW when I first start. There's a period of building where wrestlers have to hit their next levels, and begin to mesh. Overall, the show was alright...I was really surprised by Heat and Matsuki having such a good match. I was also disappointed in Tatsuko, Sanda & Muruyama vs. Garner, Vessey & Diaz...but I'm willing to bet it was Sanda and Muruyama dragging that down. Kunomasu winning in the main event in such a good match sets the stage well for their Glory Crown match later this month too. Overall, a decent show didn't hurt but it didn't help either. [B]February, Friday, Week 1, 2007 Nagasaki Sports Park 2,000 fans[/B] 1. Wael Hossam defeated KAZ at 5:22 with a cradle (D+) 2. Danger Kumasaka & Masayuki Shiga defeated Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda at 9:27 with the Aurora Surfboard Vice (C) 3. Bryan Vessey, Joshua Taylor & William Hayes defeated Junnosuke Fukazawa, Masaru Ugaki & Washi Heat at 13:18 when Vessey pinned Heat with a Vessey Driver (C) 4. Buddy Garner defeated Ryoma Muruyama at 10:48 with a choke sleeper (B) 5. Mito Miwa, Akinori Kwakami & Noriyori Sanda defeated Raymond Diaz, Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett at 17:50 when Miwa pinned Bennett with the Pride Bomber (B+) 6. Nobuatsu Tatsuko & PRIDE Koiso defeated Dread & Bryan Holmes at 16:50 when Tatsuko pinned Holmes with a Tatsuko Driller (C+) 7. Yoshimi Musashibo & Shuji Inukai drew Eisaku Kunomasu & Kozue Kawashima at 30:00 (B+) Final Rating: B Notes: Hossam & KAZ don't click. Report: Disappointing show, but I learned a few valuable lessons here. First, keep Hossam in the opening matches until he improves. Oh, and keep him and KAZ away from each other. That was like a black hole of suck. Another was no matter how hard I want to push him for it; Dread just can't function as a top guy. It'd probably be best to keep him retained to bigger shows from now on, and stop putting him in long matches. Keiji Takeda's contract is ending...He's not a very good announcer, but there's no one on the free agent market that's better then him, which kind of forces my hand into keeping him. [B]February, Tuesday, Week 2, 2007 Yamanashi Athletic Stadium 4,207 fans[/B] 1. William Hayes defeated KAZ at 7:22 with the Slick Trick (C+) 2. Masayuki Shiga defeated Wael Hossam at 7:31 with a German Suplex (D+) 3. Danger Kumasaka & Tetsunori Yasuda defeated Junnosuke Fukazawa & Kazushige Matsuki at 10:47 when Kumasaka submitted Matsuki with the Aurora Surfboard Vice 4. Nobuatsu Tatsuko & Washi Heat defeated Dread & Joshua Taylor at 11:25 when Tatsuko pinned Taylor with the Tatsuko Driller (B+) 5. Raymond Diaz & Bryan Holmes defeated Noriyori Sanda & Ryoma Muruyama at 16:25 when Diaz pinned Muruyama with the Ray Gun (C+) 6. Yoshimi Mushashibo, Shuji Inukai, Masaru Ugaki & Bryan Vessey defeated Mito Miwa, Eisaku Kunomasu, Akinori Kwakami & Buddy Garner at 26:52 when Vessey pinned Kwakami with the Vessy Driver (B) 7. [B]GLORY TAG CROWN[/B]: PRIDE Koiso & Kozue Kawashima [B](c)[/B] defeated Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett at 22:42 when Koiso pinned Bennett with the Koiso Death Cutter (B+) [[B]V.1[/B]] Final Rating: B Yet another decent show. Nothing really outstandingly good, and one match that was pretty bad. I figured Shiga and Hossam would have a good match due to their styles as long as I kept it short...somehow, Shiga still got tired, and the match was horrible. No idea how. Hossam is looking like a bust, even though with his basics he SHOULD be able to have decent matches. I may try him against a main guy next to see how he does. I had to book Dread because without him I'd have had three workers unused; ironically, it was one of the best matches on the show. Dread is odd. William Hayes is the first worker to complain about being over worked...Kind of funny, since he's had a really lax schedule compared to others. Unless in his two matches with KAZ he was being stiffed or something. This is the major problem with a touring schedule, is it's really, really hard to keep everyone healthy for an extended period of time. We've only got three more shows to go before the break before the big final show of the month, so hopefully no one gets too banged up. Keiji Takeda resigned...I really don't like having him, but there aren't a whole lot of choices for me, so I kind of have to stick with him, sadly. Upcoming Dates: Friday, Week 2, 2007 Tuesday, Week 3, 2007 Friday, Week 3, 2007 [B]PGHW Night of CONQUEST Sunday, Week 4, 2007[/B] 1. [B]GLORY CROWN[/B]: Yoshimi Musashibo [B](c)[/B] vs. Eisaku Kunomasu That's all for now, I gots school work to do.
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