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The Era of Snow

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Firstly this is my first dynasty attempt and will track the adventures of Eddy Snow, a retired, yet still youthful wrestler from Northern England starting in Nov. 2007. After wrestling in the old ECW Snow returned to England, however his career has been cut short by injury to the knees, forcing him backstage. Snow’s first head booking position is the small XWA based in North West England, despite its small size it boasts a solid amount of singles talent. [B]Main Eventers[/B] Robbie Brookside – A veteran of the English Wrestling Scene and holder of the XWA Heavyweight Title, his Heel persona here really isn’t his strongest. Ricky Knight – Another veteran, still wrestling at 54, but yet another Wrestler shoe-horned in as a heel Jonny Storm – Immensely popular in the UK, talented and the current attraction of the XWA [B] Upper-Midcarders[/B] Darren Burridge – Another popular and talented wrestler and tipped by the booking team to go on to be a success Johnny Phere – Solid worker who it seems will occupy the Upper mid slots without any Main Event Push. Zak Zodiac – The legit son of Ricky Knight, at 17 he is already well talented and with the correct booking could be huge [B] Midcarders [/B]Spud – A Spike Dudley clone it seems apart from he’s a bit of a high flyer El Ligero – UK Luchador, seems fairly talented and might become valuable with more popularity. Stevie Knight – Another Veteran of the UK scene, not too great in the ring though Johnny Angel – See Above. [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] Joey Hayes – Fairly average worker, one half of the tag team ‘Manchester Massive’ Sam Slam – Young worker who lacks performance skills but is gifted in Puro. Ross Jordan – Another high flyer, is the Flyweight Champion [B]Opener[/B] Declan O’Conner – The other half of the Manchester Massive, fairly average in the ring. Dirk Feelgood – Another Average ring worker with good charisma. The main problems I’m going to be facing is the Tag Division which at present only houses the Manchester Massive, yet Phere and Feelgood have worked together before. Another is the lack of upcoming talent, Burridge and Zodiac will probably go onto be stars, but can they help carry XWA? It seems that also for every worker who has a contract elsewhere that XWA is last on their list of priorities, so a lot of on the fly booking will be needed it seems. Shopping List - An established tag team will have to be brought in, alongside a cheap announcer (Currently Greg Lambert is too expensive) Speaking of Greg the objectives he set are fairly easy going, don’t drop in size or be any less prestigious, and don’t sign anyone over 42 or with less than B- Resilience. The first show of the reign of Snow is the end of the month, Last Fight of the Prom.
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In the weeks leading up to ‘Last Fight of The Proms’ small but substantial changes has been made in the XWA. Firstly there has been a cutting of deadwood, with Johnny Angel and Stevie Knights contracts being cut to bring in the tag team ‘Vegas Connection’ to help give the tag division a solid foundation. Also brought is a highly talented youngster named Marty Scrull, pushed at the minute as an opener but I’m predicting big things from him. A new announcer in the shape of James Hammil will be calling the action for me. My storylines are setup, Vegas Connection, Manchester Massive and Pleasure and Pain will be feuding over the Tag Team Championship, Robbie Brookside and Jonny Storm will go head to head for the Heavyweight title and Darren Burridge will feud with Zak Zodiac. The Advance Booking for LFTP is as follows: Marty Scrull vs. Sam Slam Vegas Connection vs. Manchester Massive Ross Jordan vs. Spud (XWA Flyweight Title) Johnny Storm vs. Ricky Knight (#1 Contenders Match) The big night finally arrives, however there is bad news that Johnny Storm is appearing elsewhere tonight, I rethink my main event and book the first chapter in the Burridge/Zodiac saga instead. [LIST] [*]In front of 74 people the era of Snow begins with [B]Marty Scrull[/B] taking his bow against Sam Slam in a well received opener which Scrull comes out of looking very good. [*]Next [B]Vegas Connection[/B] introduce themselves to the crowd, stating that they are the best tag team to grace the XWA, however they have to resort to cheating to gain their first victory over the Manchester Massive, this doesn’t sit too well with the crowd who boo the tainted finish. [*]Next up is the [B]‘Movie Star’ Ross Jordan[/B] who takes great delight in taunting the crowd before dealing with Spud in a fairly one-sided affair. [*]We move to the Main Event where [B]Darren Burridge[/B] is set to take on Zak Zodiac, after a brutal 10 minutes where Zak is unable to handle Burridge, the Zodiac simply walks out of the ring allowing himself to be counted out. Once more the crowd is incensed at this tainted finish to a match, and aren’t really paying attention when Zak Zodiac taunts Burridge, claiming that whilst he lost tonight, he promises Burridge will never beat him by pinfall. [/LIST] After the event it is decided that the XWA needs to move away from the more ‘hardcore’ fans of the XWA and bring it to a more family friendly image, who will hopefully be more apprective of the storylines going on. As the month ends it is revealed Joanie Laurer has died at the age of 36, however the XWA can’t stop to worry about such things as it looks forward to its December event ‘Frontier Psychotics’
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Between ‘Last Fight of the Proms’ and ‘Frontier Psychotics’ there have been a few minor changes in the XWA, firstly the company has announced working relationships with Irish Whip Wrestling and Wrestling Marvellous Future in Japan with the hope of bringing in some fresh faces to the UK wrestling scene. Internally there has been some conflict between owner Greg Lambert and wrestler Dirk Feelgood; mercifully for Feelgood it hasn’t affected his employment status. The company is also marketing its shows slightly differently, attempting to appeal more to the mainstream than hardcore wrestling fans. Moving to Frontier Psychotics all the key players in the XWA are available, however El Ligero, who was booked to fight Ross Jordan is unavailable, Joey Hayes is given a shot at the XWA flyweight title instead. [CENTER][B]So in front of 69 people at The Albert Hall, Bolton the card is as follows: Joey Hayes vs. Ross Jordan Pain and Pleasure Vs Marty Scrull and Sam Slam Vincent D. White vs. Zak Zodiac Jonny Storm vs. Ricky Knight (#1 Contenders Match)[/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]The show opens with Ross Jordan coming out to the ring, and expresses his disgust at being forced to defend his title against ‘peasants’ like Joey Hayes. With this one half of the Manchester Massive comes out to the ring and shows that whilst he may be a few rungs down the social ladder compared to Jordan, in the ring the two are very equal! [B]Jordan[/B] has to resort to dirty tactics to beat Hayes, using the ropes for leverage during a pin. [B]Match rating: D-[/B] [*]Next up ‘Doctor’ Dirk Feelgood cuts a promo where he states that people might be surprised, an utterly lovable guy like himself teaming with the biggest Psycho in the XWA Jonny Phere, Feelgood says that it’s simple, the two are overlooked in the organisation so will team up to show why they shouldn’t be ignored. The tag match between [B]Pleasure and Pain[/B] and Scrull and Slam is a fairly one sided affair, Phere doing the majority of damage, before Feelgood gets a blind tag to finish off Marty Scrull. [B]Match Rating E-[/B] [*]Jonny Storm then cut a promo saying that tonight will be a turning point in British Wrestling history, should he defeat Knight it will show Young Blood like himself are primed to take British Wrestling forward. [*]Vincent D. White then comes out for his match against Zak Zodiac, taunting the youngster, saying that he is only in the XWA because of who his father is, and without him he’d be languishing in some third rate wrestling school. Zodiac takes obvious offence at this and comes into the match steaming, however White can come up equal to him, until[B] Zodiac [/B]gets him in the ‘Zodiac Sleeper’ forcing White to tap out. Afterwards Zodiac snaps up the mike and tells the crowd that they’ve just had proof that he doesn’t live in his father’s shadow. [B]Match rating E[/B] [*]Ricky Knight is backstage right before his #1 Contenders Match with Jonny Storm, telling Storm that he isn’t ready for his chapter in British Wrestling to end, especially to a punk like Storm. [*]The Match between the two sees [B]Storm[/B] back his claim up with an impressive show of wrestling against Knight, he hits his finisher on Knight to end the match and become #1 Contender, and the show ends with his arm raised in victory. [B]Match Rating D-[/B] [/LIST] While there is some disappointment in the locker room at the end of the show with how it has gone, it is revealed the show has attracted several first time attendees who have been impressed with what they have seen and the attitude is that the promotion can only get stronger.
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Moving into 2008 there has been a significant change in the XWA in that Ricky Knight has announced his pending retirement from the ring, suggesting that either Darren Burridge, or indeed Zak Zodiac will be thrust into the Main Event scene, perhaps before they are ready… Elsewhere in the wrestling world the WWE has hit hard times and has been forced to cut a lot of its low level talent, the XWA attempts to recruit some of these but ultimately fails due either to the XWA being too small or the wrestler not having the Resilience the company looks for. [CENTER][B]XWA Cool on Craze Cumbria Civic Hall Attn: 69 Ross Jordan vs. Dirk Feelgood (XWA Flyweight Title) Darren Burridge vs. Johnny Phere Zak Zodiac vs. Ricky Knight Johnny Storm vs. Robbie Brookside (Non-Title Catch as Can Match)[/B] [LIST] [*]Cool on Craze starts with Ricky Knight making his way to the ring and states that his previous match showed him that whilst he is still at the top of British Wrestling, he is starting to show his age in the ring, and that he wants to retire with dignity. However there is one thing that bothered him from the last show, Zak Zodiac claimed not to be in his father’s shadow. Ricky has two words for his son, ‘Prove it’ [*]Ross Jordan comes down to the ring for his match with Dirk Feelgood, but first he picks up the mike and observes that there are more kids in the crowd than there used to be, which he personally hates, stating they can’t understand the brilliance of his wrestling. Sadly his last statement would bite him in the ass in his match, [B]Jordan[/B] looking off his game and Feelgood not really clicking with Jordan. It’s a poor bout and starts rumours in the locker room that Jordan’s contract may not be renewed in 2 months time. [B]Match Rating: E-[/B] [*]XWA Heavyweight Champion Robbie Brookside makes his way to the ring and congratulates Johnny Storm on becoming #1 Contender but states that if he truly is a British Legend, he should show that he can wrestle the traditional British way. Storm comes out and agrees, but tells Brookside he doesn’t want to fight for the title tonight, just pride. [*]The next match-up sees Darren Burridge take on Johnny Phere, the match is a good open affair until Pheres partner Dirk Feelgood runs in to attack Burridge, however with the referee distracted [B]Burridge[/B] hits his finisher onto a chair Feelgood had brought in to attack him with, giving him the victory. [B]Match Rating: D-[/B] [*]Zak Zodiac is backstage and hypes up his match against his father as the most important in his life, stating that it will be the beginning of his own spell at the top of wrestling. Ricky Knight is shown making his way to the ring for one last time. The match is another open one, with the father and son both taking it to each other, however father time is catching up with Knight who is visibly tired by the end of the match, [B]Zodiac[/B] gets his father in the Zodiac sleeper and picks up the win, after the match, the two clearly emotional, celebrate together in the ring one last time. [B]Match Rating: E-[/B] [*]The final match of the day is a Catch as Can Match between Brookside and Storm, in a lively affair with both showing good understanding of the old style of wrestling [B]Brookside[/B] picks up the win after suplexing Storm over the top rope. After the match the two engage in a stare down to end the show… [B]Match Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER] [/LIST] Overall the night seems to have been a far greater success than the previous show, thanks in part to the good showing in the Main Event. It seems likely that Darren Burridge will replace Ricky Knight in the Main Event scene after his good showing tonight, however changes may be afoot in the Flyweight Divison which does seem to be letting the promotion down.
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There have been substantial changes in the XWA since Cool on Craze, with both Ricky Knight and Spud departing the company. Filling the void that they have produced is Lionheart, a skilled lightweight who works primarily in Scotland, but perhaps the biggest signing in the XWA’s history is that of Balls Mahoney, who will undoubtly help boost the profile of the company. Sadly the ICWA are in the middle of one of their tours, meaning substantial changes are needed to pre-planned matches, the six man tag match between Robbie Brookside and Jonny Storm with support from the Manchester Massive and Vegas Connection will be a continuation of will see Darren Burridge and Zak Zodiac fill the gaps instead. [CENTER][B]XWA Gold Rush Gateshead Leisure Centre Attn: 73 Marty Scrull vs. Lionheart Ross Jordan vs. El Ligero (XWA Flyweight Title) Darren Burridge and Manchester Massive vs. Zak Zodiac and Vegas Connection Balls Mahoney vs. Johnny Phere[/B] [LIST] [*]The show kicks off with Zak Zodiac and the Vegas Connection backstage talking in hushed tones, whatever they are up to seems to be no good… [*]The first match of the show sees debutant Lionheart take on fellow Lightweight Marty Scrull, [B]Lionheart[/B] takes control of proceedings throughout the match and finishes Scrull off with a Super-Kick. [B]Match Rating: E+[/B] [*]Darren Burridge is shown backstage when the Vegas Connection run in and start to pound on him, when their rival tag team the Manchester Massive run in and makes a save, Burridge then looks into the camera and addresses Zak Zodiac, telling him that he won’t ascend the XWA ladder using goons like the Vegas Connection, and challenges them to face him and the Manchester Massive in the ring tonight. [*]Ross Jordan is in the ring next and proceeds to brag about his record of defending the XWA flyweight title, and how he can’t see El Ligero posing him any challenge tonight.Sadly this ****iness shows in the ring with Jordan not taking the Luchador seriously, allowing El Ligero to gain a head of steam and ultimately defeat Jordan. [B]El Ligero[/B] celebrates in the ring while Jordan retreats to the back solemnly. [B]Match Rating D-[/B] [*]Ahead of the six man match up Vegas Connection and Zak Zodiac tell their opponents to look at them carefully, after all they are 3 future legends whereas Burridge and the Manchester Massive are nobodies, and will always be nobodies. The match itself is a brutal affair, with everyone giving it 100%, however when it looks like Burridge and his team are going to win Zak Zodiac enters the ring with a chair and lays out Burridge, giving [B]Burridge and the Manchester Massive[/B] a DQ win. Vegas Connection and Zak Zodiac then being to pulverize the opposition after the match, leaving them lying in the ring. [B]Match Rating: E+[/B] [*]The Main Event of the evening sees [B]Balls Mahoney[/B] take on Johnny Phere, however it is hardly an awe inspiring debut from the former WWE man, and he hits the nutcracker suite on Phere to gain his first XWA win. [B]Match Rating E+[/B][/CENTER] [/LIST] After the show the feeling is that the show has done well considering the lack of true XWA big names and that the company’s reputation is continuing to grow, and that maybe with better quality opponents Balls will deliver more in terms of performance, however there is a growing feeling that something needs to be done with both the tag and heavyweight titles which are yet to be defended.
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In the previous month the XWA has been rocked by the departure of the company’s top star, Johnny Storm, who had deemed that he was too big for the company. This has left an understandable rift between Storm and Snow. Another possible wrestler leaving the XWA could be Ross Jordan, although his part in the match up against El Ligero has persuaded the management to give him one last try tonight. Two new wrestlers have joined the company, both lightweight; Dan Head and EdEn are semi-popular in the North and will hopefully augment the flyweight ranks. [CENTER][B]XWA Best of the North West I the Morecambe Dome Attn: 79 Manchester Massive vs. Lionheart and Dan Head Ross Jordan vs. EdEn Darren Burridge vs. Zak Zodiac (#1 Contenders Match) Balls Mahoney vs. Robbie Brookside (XWA British Heavyweight Title)[/B] [LIST] [*]The show kicks off with Balls Mahoney addressing Robbie Brookside, noting that he has been talking to the guys in the locker room and has found that Brookside hasn’t defended it in months, and suggests he’s scared of losing it, Brookside comes out and states that Balls has some nerve to insult him like that, and that tonight he’ll put the title on the line against Balls. [*]The Manchester Massive face the tag team of Lionheart and Dan Head in the shows opener. [B]Manchester Massive[/B] overwhelms their opponents with their experience in tag matches, and Joey Hayes pins Dan Head after a frog splash. [B]Match Rating: E [/B] [*]Ross Jordan is in the ring and says that despite losing his flyweight title, he is still the best flyweight in the company, reeling off a list of those he has beaten, but states that he will but if one can beat him tonight, the crowd erupts as EdEn enters the ring and proceeds to take the fight to Ross Jordan, who is obviously not expecting a strong challenge. [B]EdEn[/B] wins with a Flash Magik, and Jordan is shown leaving the building, dejected. [B]Match Rating D-[/B] [*]Announcer James Hammil hypes up the #1 Contenders Match between Darren Burridge and Zak Zodiac, the camera then snaps to backstage where Burridge is stood with a microphone and states that he is fed up hearing about how Zak Zodiac will go down as a legend in British Wrestling, and all he is concerned about is now, and a shot at the title. Moving to the match up the two wrestlers give it everything they have in order to win a title shot, but [B]Burridge[/B] shades it slightly in order to win a shot at the Champion. [B]Match Rating D[/B] [*]The Main Event of the evening is up next and beforehand Brookside takes a swipe at Balls and points out that he’s been part of two failing promotions, the original ECW, and the WWE. This simply fires Mahoney up who comes out of the traps fighting for all he is worth, Brookside quickly re-establishes himself in the match and the two trade offences until it seems Balls is poised to win. However Zak Zodiac runs down to the ring with a chair, laying out Balls, giving [B]Robbie Brookside[/B] an easy win. The announcer is mystified to Zodiacs motives as he raises Robbie’s arm in victory as the show ends.[B] Match Rating: C-[/B] [/LIST][/CENTER] Backstage there is a jubilant mood, feeling that perhaps the final two matches of the night would be fitting on any wrestling card in the world today, however the crowd aren’t too pleased as they feel the company are only focusing on 2 storylines at the moment, meaning a rethink is needed there. There is good news however for Ross Jordan as the management announce his contract extension is underway, and shows the rest of the roster that if they work hard that they will always have a spot on the XWA roster.
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Little has changed in the XWA over the past month, despite Ross Jordan being offered a contract extension he has decided to walk away from the company. Again this month the company struggles with members of the roster going to the ICWA tour, meaning it will be next month Darren Burridge gets his title shot. [CENTER][B]XWA War On The Shore Hippodrome Attn: 73 Johnny Phere vs. Lionheart Manchester Massive vs. Vegas Connection Balls Mahoney vs. Zak Zodiac (Hardcore Match) Darren Burridge vs. El Ligero [/B] [LIST] [*]Zak Zodiac is the first member of the roster the crowd sees, he gets on the house mike and says that people might find it confusing that he interrupted in the title match last show, but he explains that he felt that a British Belt couldn’t fall into the hands of an American like Balls Mahoney, this brings out Balls who says that he doesn’t know who Zodiac thinks he is, and points out that Zodiac denied tonight’s crowd a showdown for the title, but instead they’ll get something better, Balls beating down Zodiac in a hardcore match! [*][B]Lionheart[/B] and Johnny Phere go head to head in the shows opener, the Scottish high flier really makes an impact in this match, scoring the win with a Super Kick and possibly propelling himself to #1 Contender for the Flyweight Title, Phere however looks to be in a slump that is dragging him down the roster. [B]Match Rating: E[/B] [*]The Manchester Massive come out to the ring and challenge the Vegas Connection to face them tonight in a match for the Tag Team Titles, citing that their recent victory makes them contenders for the vacant belts. The Vegas Connection and the match begins. The two teams show no mercy to each other and give everything they have to be crowned XWA Champions, but after Joey Hayes pins Dan Evans the North West’s very own[B] Manchester Massive [/B]win the belts! [B]Match Rating E+[/B] [*]Balls Mahoney sits backstage looking into the camera and reels off a list of wrestlers that he has gone toe to toe with, ‘…New Jack, Axl Rotten, Al Snow, Raven to name a few.. all hardcore wrestlers at the top of their game, Zacky boy, I don’t think you know what you have got yourself into’ [*]The Hardcore match between Balls and Zodiac delivers all the intensity that it promises, [B]Balls[/B] uses his expertise in the match to utterly dominate and wins after shoving Zodiac head first into a ring post, then following it up with a chair-shot. Zodiac is pinned for the first time in the XWA and also needs a stretcher to remove him from ringside. [B]Match Rating E+[/B] [*]The Main Event sees Darren Burridge taking on El Ligero in a warm up match for his title match next show, [B]Burridge[/B] rarely needs to come out of 2nd gear and wins in a fairly short match to end the night. [B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER] [/LIST] Backstage one thing seems to have hit the roster, that tonight could have seen an arguably big drawing match between Balls Mahoney and Darren Burridge, title shot or not, plus with the lack of fanfare for Zodiacs first ‘pinned’ loss there is a slight frustration at the how the night has been booked, and lessons will have to be learned.
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Another uneventful month has passed for the XWA, save for the fact that Darren Burridge has signed a contract to tour with Juggalo Championship Wrestling in the USA next month, which has seen an improved contract being given to Burridge in the hope that it will keep him as part of the XWA in months to come. [CENTER][B]XWA Bad Moon Rising Leeds Town Hall Attn: 78 EdEn vs. Marty Scrull Vegas Connection vs. Pain and Pleasure El Ligero vs. Lionheart (XWA British Flyweight Title) Darren Burridge vs. Robbie Brookside (XWA British Heavyweight Title)[/B] • Darren Burridge starts the show in the ring by talking about how he has waited for his shot at the XWA Title, and how he feels with the fans behind him that Robbie Brookside will be unable to cope with him tonight. • The first in-ring action of the night sees EdEn take on [B]Marty Scrull[/B] in a flyweight division brawl. The two are fairly evenly matched throughout, however Scrull shades it to win with a ‘Party’s Over’ [B]Match Rating: E+ [/B] • The Manchester Massive are up next against the Vegas Connection with the Tag Team Title Belts on the line. The two experienced tag teams cannot be separated for most of the match with both showing the credentials needed to be named tag team champions, however the [B]MM[/B] win it after a clever double team allows them to get the win. Afterwards the Vegas Connection are livid and beat down the Tag Champions. [B]Match Rating E+[/B] • El Ligero is backstage prior to his match with Lionheart and hypes up how proud he is to be champion in what is a very competitive Flyweight Division. Sadly the match between the two is hardly a showcase match for the division, with Lionheart and Ligero not really clicking which spoils the match. In the end [B]Ligero[/B] wins the match, and afterwards the two shake hands in a show of sportsmanship. [B]Match Rating E [/B] • The Main Event of the evening is up next, beforehand Brookside, wearing the title on his shoulder taunts Burridge by claiming that he has only gotten this far in the XWA via other people falling by the wayside. The match itself is a open affair with both grapplers giving it there all to win the match, however during one exchange outside the ring, with the referee knocked out in it, [B]Robbie Brookside[/B] hits Burridge with the title belt, then rouses the referee to count Burridge out. The show closes with Burridge making his way to the back, never breaking eye contact with Brookside. [B]Match Rating: C-[/B] [/CENTER] Post Show the feeling is that the Main Eventers are really now taking the company to a new level, and there is a need for the rest of the roster to follow in their footsteps putting on matches that push the boundaries, the booking will need to be slightly sharper, but the XWA looks on course to carry on its push for popularity.
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A quiet month for the XWA sees no contracts expiring or being renewed, however there is news in that the management has decided to spend more on promoting XWA shows in the hope of attaining higher gates at the shows, only time will tell if this is a wise move… [CENTER] [B]XWA Overload Mortimer High School Attn: 161 Vegas Connection vs. Pain and Pleasure Zak Zodiac vs. Dan Head Balls Mahoney vs. LionHeart Darren Burridge vs. Robbie Brookside (XWA British Heavyweight Title)[/B] • Darren Burridge storms to the ring at the start of the show and immediately promises to get revenge on Robbie Brookside for screwing him over in the title match last show, and says that tonight will be a different matter. • Vegas Connection come out to face Pain and Pleasure to open proceedings, the Connection show the ruthless aggression in the ring that they have been showing for weeks, and Dan Head picks up the win against the clueless putz. Dirk Feelgood, after the match after all others have left the ring Adams is still celebrating. [B] Match Rating: E[/B] • Zak Zodiac is in the ring and states that staying at home last show after the injuries he sustained at the hands of Balls Mahoney taught him a lesson, that nobody respects a loser, and that’s why he has no respect for the guy he’s wrestling tonight, Dan Head. Zodiac and Heads then tie up for the match and Zodiac backs up his aforementioned lack of respect for Head by beating him severely. After an unchallenged pin Zodiac hypes the destruction he has brought to the ring daring anyone to stand in it with him. [B]Match Rating E[/B] • Robbie Brookside is backstage with his title belt over his shoulder, he addresses Darren Burridge and tells him that there wasn’t any conspiracy about his last title defence, he was just better than Burridge, like he will be tonight. • Announcer James Hammil is backstage interviewing Lionheart ahead of his match with Balls Mahoney. Lionheart says that he isn’t nervous and is ready to prove he can beat the best wrestlers in the business today. The match between the two is a good open affair, sadly Lionheart is a little out of shape in the match ruining it slightly, botching a few moves. Balls wins the match with a nutcracker suite. [B] Match Rating D-[/B] • The Main Event sees a rematch of the title match with Burridge taking on Robbie Brookside, Burridge, seemingly incensed by both the nature of his lost last time and Brookside’s comments earlier in the show dominates the match, until the referee is knocked out by Brookside using him as a human shield. Brookside then uses the title belt to knock Burridge out, but places it in his hands, and plays possum, as the referee comes too he sees Burridge with the belt and Brookside ‘knocked out’ therefore giving Brookside the win. Brookside laughs at Burridge as he retreats to the back.[B] Match Rating: D[/B][/CENTER] The Show it is felt hasn’t really reached the heights that the company expected, especially with so many stars on show, however the takings from the gate has led to this being the most financial successful shows, the company is continually growing in popularity however, is the XWA on its way to becoming the biggest in the UK?
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The XWA is having its contract renewal season; however one man who definitely won’t be returning to the XWA is Dirk Feelgood after his dispute with owner Greg Lambert. There are two new signings to the XWA roster, firstly from the most famous wrestling family in the world, Blade Hart takes his first steps into the world of pro-wrestling for the XWA and secondly Pete O’Neil, who will be playing a gimmick that, came to Eddy Snow whilst reading a sign… Finally all future XWA shows are now 1 and ½ Hours to allow for more promo time and matches. [CENTER] [B]XWA Vendetta Manors Quay Attn: 170 Blade Hart vs. the Bingo Caller Vegas Connection vs. Scrull and Slam El Ligero vs. Declan O’Connor Caller (XWA Flyweight Title) Zak Zodiac vs. Lionheart Darren Burridge vs. Robbie Brookside (Last Man Standing XWA Heavyweight Title Match) [/B] Darren Burridge starts the show with a rant aimed at Robbie Brookside, claiming that the only way he can win matches is by bending the rules; Burridge says that its okay with him, it just shows what a crappy wrestler Brookside is. Burridge then goes on to say that there is obviously only on way to beat Brookside, in a match with no rules, so tonight will be the two in a last man standing match. Promo Rating: D+ After Burridge leaves, there is a lull in activity, then a man in a sparkly suit emerges from the back, he grabs the house mike and states that because of the ‘brutes’ being in Manors Quay tonight, his regular Bingo slot has been taken, which he won’t stand for! He claims that he can take anyone on having done Judo as a boy...when suddenly a rock inspired take on the Canadian national anthem plays and Blade Hart comes out bedecked in a Canadian Flag. The bell rings and the two go at it, with [B]Hart[/B] taking it to the unwanted intruder and forcing him to tap out with the sharpshooter. [B]Match Rating: E [/B] The Vegas Connection make their way to the ring and declare that although they have had their share of letdowns in the past few months they are now in a position to once more challenge for the Tag Team Titles. They show this in a tag match against Marty Scrull and Sam Slam, however to win the match for the [B]Vegas Connection[/B] Evans hits Scrull with a pair of knuckledusters hidden in his tights, White gives his partner a stare down after the victory. [B]Match Rating: D- [/B] Next up is El Ligero vs. Declan O’Connor, before had O’Connor comes to the ring and announces that people might think that he’s greedy wanting two titles, but claims everyone loves a winner! The match itself is somewhat sloppy with little chemistry between the two brawlers,[B] El Ligero[/B] goes on to take an unremarkable victory [B]Match Rating: E+[/B] Zak Zodiac is in the ring and challenges anyone in the back to come and face him, out comes a young man with a lot to prove in the form of Lionheart who immediately draws taunts from Zodiac. Perhaps Lionheart showed more spirit in the even contest than [B]Zodiac[/B] had hoped, after having applied the Zodiac Sleeper for the win, he refuses to let go after the bell has gone, resulting in the locker room pouring out to break the hold! [B]Match Rating: D-[/B] The Last Man Standing Match is proceeded by a Robbie Brookside promo, where he directly taunts Darren Burridge, claiming choosing a match with no rules plays right into his court, and that tonight Burridge will feel the true meaning of pain… Burridge comes to the ring and is utterly psyched and takes the match to Brookside using many high impact moves to try to keep Brookside down, he rams his head into every available service causing Brookside to bleed. Brookside then attempts to make a comeback by hitting Burridge with a steel chair near to the steel ring post, however Burridge ducks out of the way and Brookside knocks himself out for the 10 count, giving [B]Burridge[/B] the title. [B] Match Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER] The XWA has seen yet another good night, however it is perhaps slightly disappointing the finale of the title saga wasn’t received better. The 90 minute format seems to have worked and will hopefully give more chances to members of the roster to show their skills. As ever the XWA looks forward to the next show.
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The XWA has struggled in the past month to keep hold of some of its superstars whose contracts were up for renewal, some, such as Robbie Brookside, were simply asking for too much money, others had fallen out with management, and others simply had no future in the company. However a number of new faces have also been brought in to help the XWA to grow, so the XWA roster and present is… [I] *- Yet to Debut[/I] [B]Main Eventers[/B] Darren Burridge – The man the XWA fans love, Champion Darren Burridge! Burridge has recently finished a stint in the JCW in America and will surely bring some experience and knowledge from the trip to make his reign as Champion a long one. Balls Mahoney – The former ECW brawler has settled in as one of the draws of the XWA, famously ending the ‘unpinned’ streak of Zak Zodiac, can this veteran of the squared circle be the first foreigner to win XWA Gold? El Ligero – XWA’s answer to Rey Mysterio! This Lucha star is currently the XWA Flyweight Champion, but can the divison hold him after his good showing against Darren Burridge at War on The Shore? [B]Upper-Midcarders[/B] LionHeart – This high flying Scotsman certainly has the crowd behind him, despite his somewhat unimpressive win-loss record. Currently injured after Zak Zodiac refused to release the Zodiac Sleeper, will he return with revenge in mind? Johnny Phere – Phere is one unstable character that the XWA roster are geniuely afraid of, despite dabbling in the Tag Team title hunt with former partner Dirk Feelgood (Who Phere claims to have murdered) Phere is now committed to showing what he can do in singles competition. Zak Zodiac – This 2nd Generation wrestler is without doubt the most outspoken member of the XWA, despite his young age Zodiac is very confident in his skills. The past few weeks have seen a new aggressive streak in Zodiac, what will result from this? [B] Midcarders[/B] Joey Hayes – A Tag Team Champion and now beginning to mature in the ring, Hayes looks set to become a future star in the XWA. Declan O’Conner – Much like Joey Hayes, his partner in the Manchester Massive, O’Conner is beginning to show what he can do in the ring in singles competition as well as in the tag arena. Ulf Hermann* – The Teutonic Terror will soon be putting fear into the hearts of those he opposes in the XWA! Can the veteran put his years of experience into becoming a star of the XWA? Dan Evans – The less vocal member of the Vegas Connection has been winning matches none too cleanly in the past few weeks, has this quiet figure got a separate agenda to his cleaner team-mate? Vincent D. White – The vocal member of The Vegas Connection, however he has shown contempt at Evans bending of the rules in recent weeks to win matches, is there tension in the air between the two? [B] Lower Midcarders[/B] Marty Scrull – This talented mat technican has shown what he can do a number of times in matches with his Flyweight brethren, still only 19 years of age and with offers coming in from rival promotions, Scrull looks set to shine in the future. Snatch Haggis* – Another Scotsman, albeit one that has spent time in America. Haggis comes to the XWA with only victory at any cost in his mind. UK Kid*- The UK Kid was trained in Texas, and has helped train many young upcoming wrestlers, but surely the only lesson he’ll teach in the XWA is pain! [B] Opener[/B] The Bingo Caller – This bizarre individual turned up to dispute XWA forcing him to cancel one of his Bingo games. Can he show the XWA up for ignoring his pleas? Yorghos Christopoulos * - This young Greek mat technican was released from rivals LDN wrestling and now is looking to make a splash in the XWA. [B]Enhancement Talent[/B] Blade Hart – Much like his father before him, Blade has come to the British Isles early in his wrestling career undoubtedly on a path that will match his fathers to greatness. [B]Tag Teams[/B] Manchester Massive – Declan O’Connor and Joey Hayes Vegas Connection – Dan Evans and Vincent D.White Tartan Army* - LionHeart and Snatch Haggis
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[CENTER][B]XWA Big Boys Northgate Arena Attn: 151 Blade Hart vs. Zak Zodiac Dan Evans vs. The Bingo Caller Vincent D White vs. Ulf Hermann El Ligero vs. Joey Hayes (XWA Flyweight Title) Darren Burridge vs. Balls Mahoney (XWA Heavyweight Title)[/B] [B][I] Dark Match: Tartan Army Defeat Marty Scrull and Christopoulos: Match Rating E+[/I][/B] Before his match up with Blade Hart, Zak Zodiac takes us back to the previous show where he injured Lionheart, which he brags about, claiming to be proud about it. The match itself is a good showing, especially considering neither of the wrestlers have left their teens. The two really can’t be separated, and this leads [B]Zodiac[/B] to remove the turnbuckle covers, ramming Hart’s head into the uncovered steel to gain the win. [B]Match Rating D-[/B] After the match with Zodiac back in the locker room El Ligero confronts him about Zodiac’s comments about Lionheart, claiming he should be ashamed of himself, Zodiac simply sneers at tells Ligero to mind his own business. Next up The Bingo Caller comes out to face Dan Evans, but first says he’s returning because last time out he was beaten dirtily. Sadly for him his opponent in this match is the king of dirty fighting in the XWA, [B]Dan Evans[/B], who wins a one sided affair after sing the ropes for leverage. [B]Match Rating: E[/B] New Commentator Andrew Coyne is in the ring with Joey Hayes who will be facing El Ligero later tonight for the Flyweight title, Hayes says that he thinks he can go one step further than his tag team partner Declan O’Conner did and win the match. Coyne then asks if the Manchester Massive will face the Vegas Connection again next week, with Hayes saying they will. Vincent D. White comes out for his match-up against Ulf Hermann, making his debut in the XWA. Ulf quickly begins to dominate in the ring, throwing White from pillar to post with little reply, however White’s partner runs down to the ring while the referee is attending to White and hits Hermann with a chair, allowing [B]White[/B] to gain the victory. [B]Match Rating: E[/B] Balls Mahoney is then interviewed by Andrew Coyne ahead of his match against Darren Burridge. Mahoney claims that he has a lot of respect for Burridge for the way he won his title, and the fact that he made Robbie Brookside ‘take his ball and go home’ but tonight in the ring it won’t mean a thing, because tonight is business. El Ligero and Joey Hayes then face off for the XWA Flyweight title, with Ligero showing why he is the Champion with plenty of high flying moves that keeps Joey Hayes at bay, the match is really starting to turn in the favour of Ligero when Zak Zodiac appears from backstage, shoving Ligero off the turnbuckle, allowing [B]Hayes[/B] to hit the Frog Splash for the win. [B]Match Rating: E+[/B] Zodiac then proceeds to beat-down Ligero, leaving him crumpled in the ring. As Zodiac retreats up the ramp, Ligero gets on the mike and challenges Zodiac to face him in a match at the next show, Zodiac agrees, claiming it will be a walk in the park. The Main Event of the Night sees Darren Burridge face off against Balls Mahoney for the Heavyweight Title, the two pt on an amazing show of wrestling for the fans, however neither can seem to find an opening that would allow the to take control of the match. Suddenly what appears to be a fan vaults the fence and begins to attack both Balls and Darren, and the referee calls for the bell. [B]Match Rating: D[/B] Colour Commentator James Hammil then points out that its no fan, its former WWE and TNA star Matt Morgan! Hammil then leaves his post and begins to instruct Morgan to destroy both of the wrestlers in the ring, after Morgan throws both out, Hammil ends the show by getting on the mike and ending the show with 8 words. ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, your future champion, Matt Morgan.’ [/CENTER] The XWA continues its steady progression, however the falling crowd numbers are slightly worrying when the spiralling wages are taken into consideration.
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