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WWE. The giant isnt sleeping, its just resting its eyes!

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ADeezy62, yeah, like That 1 Dude says, I kinda had him denounce all his other gimmicks less than a month ago so I dont really want to change him to Mordecai. Also, I kinda have plans for big Kev leading upto and following WrestleMania. His overness is very low at the moment though so unless it picks up I have another story idea which could lead to a Mordecai return. Thankyou for the kind words Takerlives! Glad you like the Orton Express because I thought it could be very hit or miss! I'ts definitely fun to write, and it kinda writes itself once the setup is established! So I have played through No Way Out and plan on writing it on my day off tomorrow. (Im in England so look for it to be up 24 hours from this post) Thanks again for all your comments. Im really enjoying writing and enjoying seeing that someone else has left a comment! Feedback is always welcome, good or bad. The Card for No Way Out is a finalised card so feel free to speculate! Chris the SpaceNinja
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG] PROUDLY PRESENTS… [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/n2003s.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] J[COLOR="Red"]R: No Way Out has finally arrived! The 15,000 fans in attendance are already shaking the Target Centre to its foundations! The fans are ready, I’m ready, are you ready king? [B]King: What kind of questions that JR? The king is always ready! The question you should be asking is are Cena and Batista ready for the fight of their life against HHH? Is Bobby Lashley ready to be on the losing side against Vince McMahon again? Is Matt Hardy ready to lose his Intercontinental title back to Mr Kennedy only three weeks after winning it? [/B] JR: I guess we know who you’re going to be rooting for, king. Questions will be asked of all our competing superstars here in Minnesota tonight, but who will have the answers? First up, one of the biggest miss-matches in WWE history, at least on paper anyways. [B]King: Paul London and Brian Kendrick have impressed everyone as tag team champions, but The Punjabi Giant Khali and Big Daddy V are two huge monsters with revenge on their mind.[/B] [/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][SIZE="4"]MATCH NUMBER ONE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH PAUL LONDON AND BRIAN KENDRICK VS THE PUNJABI GIANT KHALI AND BIG DADDY V[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/BrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/GreatKhali.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/Viscera.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] London and Kendrick jump the two behemoths before the bell to get the early advantage. It boils down to London and Big Daddy V in the ring. London gets a few dropkicks sending V backwards and he gets trapped in the ropes! London tags in Kendrick and they deliver stereo dropsaults sending V crashing to the floor! Khali goes over to check on his tag partner and Kendrick and London plancha over the top but they both get caught. V and Khali drop London and Kendrick onto the guard rail . V throws Kendrick back in and tags in Khali. Khali dominates with chops and knees in the corner. Tag to V who gets a running corner splash on Kendrick. Kendrick drops to the floor. V goes for the pin.1...2....NO! Kendrick kicks out at the last second. V gets his massive frame around Kendrick for a bear hug. Kendrick is out! The ref raises his hand and it drops. He raises it again and again it drops. The crowd are clapping and cheering Kendrick’s name! The ref raises his hand for the third time and...Kendrick stops it from dropping! He pumps his arm in the air, looking for encouragement from the crowd and his tag partner, which he gets in spades. He tries to push V away but he is too strong. He tries to unclasp V's massive hands but they are tightly locked. Kendrick now with strong forearms to Big daddy V! He eventually gets V to break the hold and reaches to tag London, but V gets a tag to Khali who stops the hot tag. Khali picks up Kendrick and chokes him out, then drops him to the mat. Khali picks Kendrick up and tries to club him back down but Kendrick ducks. He ducks two more then gets kicks of his own! Khali grabs Kendrick’s leg whilst he is stretching to tag in Paul London. Kendrick jumps and gets the hot tag to London! London comes in and rocks Khali with kicks! He runs the ropes and dropkicks Khali in the knee, taking Khali down to one leg. London runs again and clotheslines Khali down. London goes up top and gets a shooting star press on Khali! London goes for the pin...1...2...Khali kicks out! London tags in Kendrick and they both go up top! London gets another shooting star and Kendrick gets a 450 splash! London keeps V out of the ring whilst Kendrick goes for the pin...1...2...3! [SIZE="4"](C)[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]JR: London and Kendrick win! The tag champions retain! What London and Kendrick give up in size they more than make up for in heart and spirit! [B]King: Those two broke every rule in the book, JR! I can't believe that the referee turned a blind eye to their blatant double teaming![/B] JR: They won fair and square in my estimation. This young tag team continues to impress. Up next, well, I have a feeling that this might be your favourite match tonight Jerry. [B]King: Oh I think you might be right! Candice Michelle and Melina one on one! I wonder if it's too late to make this into a triple-threat...[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][SIZE="4"] [CENTER]MATCH NUMBER TWO CANDICE MICHELLE vs MELINA[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/Candice3.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/MelinaPerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Melina talks smack to Candice and slaps her across the face. Candice responds with a thesz press and mounted punches! Melina reverses into a pinfall attempt and the ladies run a typical diva match pin attempt routine, showing off their "assets." Melina monkey flips Candice into the corner, but Candice holds onto the turnbuckle and gets a flying cross body on Melina for 2! Candice does the go daddy dance for the crowd. Melina is back up and takes Candice down by the legs, before performing a giant swing for a 2 count. Melina gets a single leg Boston Crab but Candice gets to the ropes. Melina won't break the hold and drags her back to the centre of the ring. Candice eventually breaks the hold and gets the spinning heel kick on Melina! The Candy Wrapper by Candice! 1...2...3! [SIZE="4"](C)[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]JR: Wow, an impressive display from both women tonight. [B]King: Oh man, did the temperature just go up in here? That match was hot![/B] JR: Still to come tonight....[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Vincent Kennedy McMahon comes to the ring alone)[/B][/COLOR] Vince: What a year it's been for me already! A pinfall victory over Jeff Hardy and a great run in The Royal Rumble....speaking of which, the person who knocked me out is going to get knocked out themselves later tonight! Quite frankly, I’m in the best shape of my life, so Bobby Lashley better bring everything he's got! You know, a lot of people, including my own son Shane, questioned me coming back to active competition. They said I was too old! They said I didn't have the know how! Well I've proved all the doubters wrong so far, and after tonight, I'm going to be looking for an opponent at the grand daddy of them all, WrestleMania! [COLOR="Red"][B]King: Wow, Vince looks to be in tremendous shape! His training has really paid off! You know, Vince grew up on the mean streets of Greenwich JR, there’s no way he can lose in a Greenwich Street fight![/B] JR: I'm sure that he will have a helping hand, if you know what I mean, Jerry. [B]King: Vince doesn’t need help to beat Lashley, you've seen the roll he's been on lately![/B] JR: Yeah, right....[/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]MATCH NUMBER THREE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH MATT HARDY VS KEN KENNEDY[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They lock up. Kennedy backs Hardy into the corner. They break but Kennedy can’t resist the cheap shot and knee's Hardy to the mid section. Kennedy takes Hardy down with a snap DDT and washes his face with his boot. The crowd Boo Kennedy who soaks it up! Kennedy goes for a side Russian leg sweep but hardy blocks it and hits Kennedy with elbows! Hardy turns the tide and throws Kennedy into the turnbuckle. He gets a corner clothesline into a bulldog. Hardy goes up to the second rope and hits the yodelling leg drop on Kennedy for a 2 count! Matt goes for a moonsault but Kennedy moves out of the way in time. Both men are down but Kennedy is up first. A side slam back breaker gets 2 for Kennedy. Hardy reverses a whip into the corner and goes for a splash on Kennedy. Kennedy gets out of the way and Hardy is now lying across the ropes. Hardy uses it to his advantage and gets Hardy up for a Lambeau leap from the top rope! Hardy elbows out and hits a super twist of fate from the top! Kennedy is out cold! Hardy covers for the 3 count! [SIZE="4"](B+)[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/StevieRichards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Norman Smiley and Stevie Richards are backstage enjoying the show. They run into Kevin Fertig.)[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/KevinThorn.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Fertig:Look who it is! The biggest waste of space tag team in the WWE! I can understand why you guys don't have a match tonight, but me? Kevin Fertig belongs on the big stage, he belongs on PPV. And if either of you jokers have a problem with that, you can TELL IT TO MY FACE! [B]Smiley: A,a,a...actually, Kevin is it? [/B] [U]Richards: Shhh, shut uuuuuup![/U] [B]Smiley: Yeah, hi! I don't have a problem with you as such. I just think maybe if you were a little nicer to people and didn’t try and injure your opponents, maybe you would get more matches? [/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Fertig looks at them both. They look back, then at each other.)[/B][/COLOR] [U]Richards: I’ve got a bad feeling about this![/U] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Fertig beats the holy hell out of Richards and Smiley, hitting them both with F-bombs, before tossing them into a dumpster and shoving it down the corridor into the wall)[/B][/COLOR] Fertig: That’s what I thought... [CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="4"]MATCH NUMBER FOUR RANDY ORTON AND JBL AND BOB HARDCORE HOLLY VS CM PUNK AND JEFF HARDY AND RON SIMMONS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JBL.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/RonSimmons2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Simmons and Punk are still hurting from their attacks at the hands of Kevin Fertig. Randy starts with Ron Simmons. They trade punches with Randy coming out better. Randy hits a suplex on Ron and whips him into his own corner. CM Punk tags himself in and locks up with Randy. Randy goes behind and hits a German suplex and locks on a front face lock. He then shoves Punk back into his own corner and Jeff hardy tags in. Jeff uses his speed to stay out of Randy's way. Jeff runs the ropes and hits a spinning heel kick on Orton. Orton is up quickly and ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Orton tags out to JBL who continues to over power Hardy. JBL locks in a Boston crab. Jeff is struggling but uses the support of the crowd to slowly work his way back to his corner. JBL tries to drag him back to the centre of the ring with his leg but Jeff hits an enziguiri and gets the tag to Simmons! JBL doesn't want any of his former tag partner! He tags in Bob. The two men stare each other down Simmons:....................................DAMN! [B]Bob:.......................................HARDCORE! [/B] They hit each other with huge right hands! Simmons takes control and hits a huge spine buster. Simmons tags CM Punk in. Punk hits a crooked moonsault for a two count. He gets multiple knee strikes followed by an Irish whip to the corner and a charging high knee into a bulldog! Punk tags Jeff back in who immediately goes for the senton. Randy distracts the ref and JBL drags Bob back to their corner as Jeff comes crashing down to the mat. Bob tags in Randy who stalks Jeff looking to hit the RKO. Jeff sees it coming and pushes Orton off. Hardy sets up for the twist of fate but this time Orton pushes him away! Orton goes for the RKO again and makes no mistakes the second time. 1....2.....3! Orton wins. [SIZE="4"][B](C)[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]JR: Say what you will about Randy Orton and his sometimes questionable tactics, but he looks in awesome shape . His WrestleMania training plan is really paying off. [B]King: You think he's taking tips from Vince?[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/VinceMcMahon3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](We cut to backstage in Vince's office where he is getting psyched out for his match.)[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/ShaneMcMahon2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Shane: Hey dad, my man! I just wanted to wish you luck before your match. And I just wanted to say....it's not too late to back out you know. [B]Vince: Back out? BACK OUT?! Have you forgotten what our last name is? McMahon's don't back out of anything![/B] Shane: OK, OK, I hear ya. Let me help you out then. This is a street fight! Everything’s legal! [B]Vince: Listen Shane. I appreciate that you're concerned but I'm on a roll lately and I've done alright on my own so far right?[/B] Shane: Right..... [B]Vince: Just let me do this on my own. I need to prove this to myself. After the match, how about me and you go out for a few drinks? Just you and me like we used to?[/B] Shane: Sure dad, that sounds great. Seeya after the match. Knock him dead! ([COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Vince leaves the office and Shane looks on with concern on his face.)[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][CENTER]MATCH NUMBER FIVE VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON VS BOBBY LASHLEY[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/VinceMcMahon3.jpg[/IMG]VS [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/BobbyLashley2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lashley just shrugs off Vince's offence and levels him with a clothesline. He continues the assault with a gut wrench suplex. Lashley plays to the crowd then heads outside the ring and looks under the ring apron for something. A fan in a Lucha mask jumps over the guard rail and takes out Lashley from behind with a steel chair shot! The camera follows the fan back into the crowd. [COLOR="Red"]JR: What the hell just happened!? We need security down here...oh wait, that’s no fan.....that’s EDGE![/COLOR] Vince begins to stir and see's that Lashley is groggy on the outside. Vince goes out to join him and whips Lashley into the ring steps. Vince goes searching under the ring himself and pulls out a barbed wire baseball bat! He raises it above his head and out of nowhere Lashley spears him hard to the floor! The crowd cheers Lashley's name! Lashley goes over to the announce tables and takes the monitors out. The crowd cheer in anticipation of Vince going through it. An old lady in the audience cracks Lashley with a walking stick! Lashley turns around to see it was SHANE MCMAHON! Lashley chases him through the crowd but gets clotheslined by EDGE! Edge drags Lashley back to the ring area and sets him up on the announce table. Vince is still down from the spear. Shane climbs the turnbuckle and gets a flying elbow onto Lashley on the announce table! Holy **** chants from the crowd! Edge throws Lashley back into the ring and tries to revive Vince before he and Shane make their way back through the crowd. Vince comes around and sees Lashley is down. Vince gets back to his feet and picks Lashley up for a stunner! 1....2.....3! Vince gets the victory! [SIZE="4"](B+)[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"][B]King: Oh my god he actually did it! Vince McMahon beat Bobby Lashley![/B] JR: Yeah, with more than a little help from his son and that son of a bitch Edge! Excuse my language folks but Lashley had this match won on at least two occasions. [B]King: He didn't get the pin though and the pin is all that matters. Vince McMahon’s winning streak continues![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](A video plays hyping the triple threat World Title match. It shows clips from the Batista vs HHH match and Orton vs Cena match at the Royal Rumble and both men’s beat the clock/impress the boss matches. It ends with JR's commentary over the five man brawl that ended RAW.)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR: The time has finally arrived for out main event of the evening. The winner of this match will not only win the World Heavyweight title, but will also go on to WrestleMania to face Randy Orton in the main event! The stakes don't get much higher than that! [B]King: I still can't believe that HHH has to compete in a handicap match to defend his title![/B] JR: It's not a handicap it's a triple threat match! There are no friends or enemies in this match, just three men willing to do anything to win. Triple H has as much chance as anyone.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]MATCH NUMBER SIX MAIN EVENT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE TRIPLE THREAT MATCH TRIPLE H VS BATISTA VS JOHN CENA[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/Batista.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JohnCena4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Big stare down to start. Who will make the first move? HHH swings for Batista but Batista ducks and takes both HHH and Cena down with big kicks. Batista clotheslines Cena over the top and goes to work on HHH. He whips HHH into the corner and hits him with the repeated turnbuckle thrusts. A power slam gets a 2 count. Cena is back in and gets in Batista's face. Batista pushes him out of the way and goes back to HHH. Cena pulls him back and spins him around into belly to belly side slam for 2. HHH gets to his feet and he and Cena hit a double suplex on Batista. HHH turns and whips Cena into the ropes and gets the Harley Race knee lift on him. Cena is staggering and easy prey for a spine buster. HHH tosses Cena and goes back to Batista who is playing possum and gets a rollup for 2. Batista and HHH are up. They lock up and Batista overpowers HHH and gets a scoop slam. Batista whips him and hits a running shoulder block. Batista throws HHH into the corner and charges but HHH gets the boot up. He bulldogs Batista. Cena is back up and takes HHH down with the throwback! Batista and HHH are lying helpless in the centre of the ring. YOU CAN'T SEE ME! Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle on both men! He gets HHH up for an F-U but Batista breaks it up with a spear! HHH falls on top of Cena for a 2 count. Batista throws Cena over the top rope, but he hangs onto the ring apron behind his back. Batista sets HHH up for the Batista bomb...NO! Reversed into a pedigree! 1...2....NO! Cena breaks up the count! Cena applies the STFU to Hunter. HHH slooooooowly gets to the ropes but Cena pulls him back to the middle before he can reach them! HHH is going to tap out! NO! Batista is back up and breaks the hold. Another spear to Cena! Batista shakes the ropes and the crows know what's coming! The thumbs go down and Batista gets the Batista Bomb on HHH! 1....2....NO!!!! Cena breaks the count! Cena ducks a clothesline and gets Batista up for an F-U. Batista fights out but falls prey to the sit out hip toss. Cena has Batista down and applies the STFU! Batista taps! John Cena is the new WWE CHAMPION! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Cena grabs the belt and celebrates in the ring knowing what he has just achieved.)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JR: What a match. WHAT A MATCH! These three men just gave everything they had and more. I’ve got a feeling that when people look back at their careers in years to come, this match will feature heavily in all of them! John Cena just became a four time WWE champion and you can see it in his face, this one means as much, if not more than all the others. [B]King: John Cena's going to WrestleMania as the champion! I think HHH could have beat him one on one but the numbers beat him in the end.[/B] JR: Cena just beat two men King! You saw there were no friends tonight in that ring! To paraphrase a great man, THE NEW CHAMP IS HERE! Goodnight![/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]FINAL SHOW RATING: B- ATTENDANCE:15,000 SELL OUT PPV BUY RATE: 5.44[/SIZE][/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]No Way Out is in the books and WrestleMania is only a month away! Shane McMahon has declared that this weeks RAW will be a Vince McMahon appreciation night, culminating in Vince chosing his WrestleMania opponent live in the ring! New WWE Champion John Cena will be in attendance for tonights Raw to address his title win and his match against Randy Orton at WrestleMania. Randy Orton will not physically be in the arena due to his Orton Express commitments, but he is sceduled to appear live via satelite link-up during the show! Speaking of the Orton Express, Randy, JBL and Bob will be in West Newbury Massachusetts, birth place of John Cena! Following Kevin Fertigs beat down of Norman Smiley and Stevie Richards at No Way Out, the big man will take them both on in a 2 on 1 handicap match. Wil Fertigs winning streak continue or will the numbers prove too much? Also scheduled for tonight are the first two qualifying matches for this years money in the bank ladder match. CM Punk will take on Johnny Stamboli and Bobby Lashley will go up against Big Daddy V. London and Kendrick put on an impressive display to keep their tag titles last night. Tonight, they face a new challenge as Addison and Apolo the Puerto Rican Playa's make their WWE debut. All this plus appearances from Intercontinental champion Matt Hardy, The R Rated supertar Edge, The Game HHH and the Animal Batista![/COLOR] Prediction Key: London and Kendrick vs Apolo and Addison Kevin Fertig vs Norman Smiley and Stevie Richards CM Punk vs Johnny Stamboli Bobby Lashley vs Big Daddy V
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