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Adrenaline Wrestling - A New Beginning (CornellVerse)

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When the booking meeting came around, everyone wanted to know how much of a financial loss we had incurred. I was happy to report we had only lost 2k, much to everyone’s surprise. The fact we drew our largest crowd to date helped us out there. I then brought up the feelers I had sent to the networks. All three that I had contacted didn’t think we were popular enough, so we were still running monthly shows for now. The economy seemed to be recovering from its slump and was on the rise, but the industry was rock bottom and hadn’t begun to recover yet. Ota had lifted the financial limitation at the beginning of the year since we hadn’t come anywhere near dropping below $125,000. Discussions popped up about our next show and we went to work building a card. At about 6 P.M. everyone left and I was alone to design the fliers for Afflicted Glory. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Afflicted Glory[/SIZE][/COLOR] At The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Covel successfully defended his title against the Road To Glory champion last month, this month he comes face to face with Aaron Andrews. The two had a heated rivalry in early 2007 and it looks to get re-kindled here. Will Covel protect his title or will Andrews walk out as the new champion?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] [I]After the outstanding match these two had in the finals of the Road To Glory tournament, we decided to book a rematch for the fans. Can Tyler continue his rise back to the top, or will Steven be able to park him? [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett ©[/COLOR][/B] [B]for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Cyrus Raynes defeated Cameron Vessey to earn this shot at the championship, but Jacob Jett has shown previously that he’s not afraid to cheat to keep his title. Can Raynes out smart Jett and take home the gold?[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rhino Umaga ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Trent Shaffer is given another shot to re-capture the belt he lost a few months ago. Umaga has been on a tear since he won the belt in his debut, but will he be able to over come the former champ again?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] Robbie has requested this match, saying he can defeat the bright young start two months in a row. Management granted his wish under the condition this be the last time they face off for six months. Both men agreed to the condition and look to come out on top of the series.
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Afflicted Glory[/SIZE][/COLOR] At The Junkyard Attendance: 652[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Valentine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 4:56 [B]E-[/B] [I]These two had pretty good chemistry, but the crowd wasn’t into it. Morgan continues to improve each time he goes out.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vessey Driver at 4:53 [B]E+[/B] [I]These two worked okay together, but the crowd didn’t like the match. Vessey gets the win to build him up for the angle we have planned.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Tim and Marv came out to open our main show and speak about the card. The crowd was most interested in our main event of John Covel and Aaron Andrews and Tyler Chance against Steven Parker. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] went to a draw after a double DQ at 7:35 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The match ended after we began brawling on the ground and wouldn’t separate at the referee’s five count. The crowd was into the match and very upset when it was thrown out. We felt like we had milked the match between us enough for now and decided to advance our feud with angles here and there for now.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Rhino Umaga[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 9:37 [B]to win the LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]What was a good match the first time, was held down because of a lower back injury Rhino Umaga was working through. He assured me he could work tonight and kind of failed me. The crowd was upset at the lack of effort he put in and they basically crapped on the contest. I hadn’t wanted to take the belt off of Umaga yet, but he informed me he was heading off to BHOTWG to tour and I couldn’t have one of my belts inactive for two months. [/I] Tracy Brendon made her appearance for the night, promoting our merchandise. On top of our shirts, we were debuting a new [B]“Best of Adrenaline Wrestling: 2007.” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Reverse Facebuster at 14:28 [B]to win the AW Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]I was happy to see that the crowd was finally alive again, but surprised to see that these two didn’t work as well together the second time around. It didn’t seem like either had an off night, but who knows. I’ll keep building these two up and see where it goes.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] went to a draw at 15:40 when both men were counted out [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a bad match, but I think I mixed up my notes from December. These two didn’t mesh very well in the ring and I thought they had. The match ended when Steven Parker had Tyler on the outside of the ring, putting a beat down and couldn’t make it back into the ring.[/I] We head backstage and see [B]Jacob Jett[/B] sneaking into a locker room and jimmying open a locker. Soon enough we see the [B]Midwest Title belt[/B] in it. He snatches the belt up and looks at it while laughing before heading out of the room with the belt in hand. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]A new way to heat up a feud. I’ve had this idea spinning in my head for a while and I think now’s the time for it.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 23:52 [B]to make defense number one of the Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two worked extremely well together, as they were expected to. A great match that saw a lot of believable near falls and great spots. The crowd was really hot for the match and were extremely vocal.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] A very nice show, despite the lower attendance and dead crowd. Just as I thought, Covel brings a little more flexibility to the main event scene. I’m sure financials were close this month, but time will tell. [/I]
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All I had on my plate for February was extending Andre Jones. He did ask for a bit of an increase, but didn’t ask for a downside, so I agreed to pay him. Otherwise it was quiet so let’s look to other news around the industry in February of 2008. [B] Recent News[/B] - 5SSW finally had its financial problems catch up to them, causing them to go out of business - WLW rose to Cult size - Larry wood became the owner of Mexican Hardcore Wrestling - Marcos Flores was given the head booker job at MHW - Joaquin Cruz, Leonardo Ortega, Simon Aguilar and Gino Montero all entered the business in Mexico - Seiko Nanami, Eric Tyler and Danger Kumasaka all called it quits. - Rhino Umaga made some friendly comments about Tracy Brendon on a radio show. I don’t think he knows she’s dating Joshua Taylor - Nene Ebina ripped UK dragon a new one on a TV interview - SWF got a new TV show on C.A.N.N [B] Signings/Releases[/B] - Ernie Turner and Arik Cannon signed with USPW - Remmy Skye and Citizen X signed with DAVE - MHW made a TON of signings totaling 17 names. Those signed included Phoenix I, II and III - Peter Valentine left USPW [B] Title Changes[/B] - Ultimate Phoenix defeated Matt Sparrow for the CZCW Xtreme Title - Nevada Nuclear defeated Valiant to win the RIPW Championship
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As our creative meeting opened I was happy to report that we had only lost $500 for the month. We all agreed were heading in the right direction and discussed the economy and wrestling industry. The economy was still recovering from its rock bottom slump and the industry was still rock bottom. We’d gained popularity thus far and didn’t think it would affect us for now. I also let them know I had sent out an agreement offer to a man that entered the business this month and hoped to hear back from him. Finally it was time to begin discussing our plans for Ground Zero. [B][CENTER][U][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Ground Zero[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U] At The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]This is a match requested by our fans. They have asked for these two to get into the ring for a one on one match. Covel and Chance, both respecting their fan’s wishes accepted the match without hesitation. Can Tyler Chance become the first two-time Heavyweight Champ? Or will Covel be able to successfully defend the belt? No matter what, we know the fans will win in this one.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] [I]Brandon makes only his second appearance since returning from an injury at the hands of Façade. This month he has his hands full against Aaron Andrews, who is coming off almost winning the Heavyweight Championship. Will Brandon be able to defeat Andrews or will the leader of The Fury be able to get back to his winning (and cheating) ways?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Mark Smart[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Cyrus Raynes has granted a title shot to the newcomer. Will Mark Smart make the most of the biggest match in his career or will Cyrus Raynes March into April with his belt intact?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer ©[/COLOR][/B] [B]for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Robbie is coming off of a tremendous series of matches with Davis Wayne Newton that has ended (for now) in a six month ban on wrestling each other. This month he gets a shot at Trent Shaffer and his LiveWire Championship. Can Trent walk out with his title?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]K-Squared[/B][/COLOR] [I]DWN is looking to continue his recent success by defeating K-Squared, who is looking to get out of his recent slump. [/I]
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[B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Ground Zero[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] At The Junkyard Attendance: 662[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Valentine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Running Powerslam at 2:37 [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Crowd liked the new guy. This guy is a beast and should be a valuable member of the roster with time.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Al Coleman[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Erik Strong[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 2:44 [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Nice victory for Coleman here to help establish his membership in The Fury of the Storm.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Bob Casey[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall at 3:32 [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Crowd lulled during this match. Bob and Thomas didn’t seem to mesh very well, but it was just a short match to help Thomas Morgan become a credible worker.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Tim and Marv opened like they normally do. The fans erupted when they talked about John Covel and Tyler Chance. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]K-Squared[/COLOR][/B] by submission with an STF at 4:02 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]DWN and K-Squared didn’t mesh very well either, but the crowd was still into the match. They are really behind Davis each time he comes out.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 6:51 [B]to make defense number one of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good match between myself and Trent. We worked well together and had fun doing it. The crowd was booing me like crazy and really behind Trent.[/I] As Trent and Robbie recovered from their match, [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] appeared from the crowd and completely destroyed both of them. He ended the attack with Vindications on both men. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]An interesting segment to begin Façade’s storyline. It seemed to go over nicely. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a brainbuster at 7:32 [B]to make defense number one of his Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]An average match for these two. The crowd was into the match and rooted for Cyrus all the way through. Raynes seems to be a nice choice for our midcard figure head.[/I] Tracy Brendon came out and shilled our merchandise. We debuted our new company t-shirt this month. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 18:42 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another great match in our upper card that had the fans on edge. They were loving to boo Andrews and got behind Smith. Smith would probably be in the Heavyweight Title picture if it hadn’t been for his tours of Japan.[/I] Backstage, [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] was able to catch up with [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B], who had the Midwest Championship belt in his hands. Raynes tries to talk the belt back into his possession but ends up getting frustrated and flooring Jett to re-gain possession of his belt. But out of nowhere, [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] attacks Raynes and helps Jett back to his feet. In the chaos, Jacob grabbed the belt again and took off. [B][SIZE="3"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 30:54 [B]to make defense number three of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B[/SIZE][/B] [I]An AWESOME match to close out our March event. The crowd was so split, not knowing who to get behind. Lot’s of back and forth chants for both men throughout the match. A great believable near fall after Tyler hit the Half and Half Suplex and got a two count.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Another fantastic show for us. The main event went over like none of us could have expected. The fans were alive for most of the night. The only real thing that went wrong at Ground Zero was the rock bottom wrestling industry, decreasing our attendance for the second month in a row. We’ll have to check the figures in the morning to see how much we lost.[/I]
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To my readers, I'm off for my winter break from school now and won;t be taking my desktop home. This means I won't have access to the game. Never fear, as soon as I get back I'll begin posting again. Before I leave here I'll probably get the industry news and the next card up so you can make predictions if you want. Thanks, Robbie.
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Besides signing and debuting Primus Allen in March, nothing else had come up. So elsewhere in the wrestling business: [B]Recent News[/B] - Primus Allen, a new addition to our roster, broke into the business along with Mexican announcer Esteban Reyes. - Magik completely dissed Mexican Ghoul on TV during an interview. - WLW and PGHW both signed new PPV deals. - SWF ended their Ring Warriors show. - NOTBPW ended their run of Championship Wrestling. - Missy Masterson had an epiphany of sorts, as she reportedly found religion. [B]Recent Signings/Firings[/B] - Stevie Grayson, Miquel Marquez, Reaper Dante, Jack Giedroyc and Scout all signed on to tour with WLW. - UK Dragon, Kid Toma and Cameron Vessey signed up to tour with GCG. [B]Title Changes[/B] - Ryan Powell defeated Shane Nelson to capture the CGC Canadian Title. - Our own Ota defeated Des Davids to win the Mid Atlantic Championship. - Matt Sparrow defeated Steve Flash to end his fifteen month long reign as NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion. - Texas Pete became the TCW International Champion after defeating American Buffalo. - Tommy Cornell regained the TCW Heavyweight Title.
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Ota, Tim and I all met up at my apartment to discuss what had happened in March and what should happen in April. The economy was still in bad shape, but recovering from its recent slump. On the other hand the wrestling industry was still on the decline and almost rock bottom. After that I reported that for Ground Zero we had lost almost 3k. Attendance was down a bit, so we weren’t that concerned. Talks of a card for We’re No Joke started and ended at around seven. Everyone left and I was alone to design the flyers. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents We’re No Joke[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR] At The Junkyard [/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel ©[/COLOR][/B] [B]for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]After their match last month at Ground Zero, we’ve decided to give the fans and Tyler what they want; a rematch. Can these two men relive what many have called the best match to ever occur inside an AW ring?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] [I]These two men both want an opportunity to win the Heavyweight Championship and a victory here could help push them into position. Can Ultimate Phoenix come one step closer to regaining his glory or will Aaron Andrews shove his way into the spotlight?[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes ©[/COLOR][/B] [B]for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Cyrus Raynes doesn’t have possession of his title belt, but he is on the right track to prove he is a worthy champion. Can the newcomer take the upset or will Raynes continue his path of glory?[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Trent Shaffer looks to continue his success with a title defense against Casey Valentine. Which youngster will come out on top?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: Davis Wayne Newton, Robbie Clavey, Thomas Morgan, Andre Jones and many more![/B] Tyler Chance vs. John Covel © Ultimate Phoenix vs. Aaron Andrews Bob Casey vs. Cyrus Raynes © Casey Valentine vs. Trent Shaffer ©
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[B][CENTER][U][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents We’re No Joke[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U] At The Junkyard Attendance: 665[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after a Jett Take Off at 3:51 [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a bad opener here. We needed to get Idol some time in the ring and needed to keep Jett fresh in the minds of the crowd.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 4:51 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid match on the undercard. The two worked well enough together and kept the crowd hot.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 5:02 with a roll-up and a handful of tights [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great match from these two that really proves that DWN belongs further up the card. This was a nice way to end our pre show and get the crowd hyped up for the main show.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Tim Buberle open the show by hyping the main event where John Covel will defend the AW Heavyweight Title against Tyler Chance. One other announcement they made was that it would now be a [B]30 Minute Iron Man Match! [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Nice little surprise for the crowd by making the main event an Iron Man Match. Crowd really liked the idea.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 5:48 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]I was happy to put Morgan over. I feel like he could end up as one of our stars if we use him right. The crowd really seemed to like the match and was hot all through it.[/I] As Thomas Morgan is celebrating his win in the ring, the masked monster [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] comes through the crowd and into the ring behind him. Morgan turns around and gets obliterated by the monster as Robbie Clavey bails to the back. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a horrible segment here. It was needed to advance one of our storylines.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 8:30. [B]Trent Shaffer makes defense number 2 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not bad for these two. The crowd was into the match all the way and seemed to like the story that was told. Shaffer continues his rise up the card and reign as LiveWire Champ with the win.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Reverse Pedigree at 6:31. [B]Cyrus Raynes makes defense number 2 of his Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Raynes looked awesome coming out of this match. It was a much better match than I had expected. Casey proves his worth by making Raynes look good. [/I] Tracy Brendon emerged from the back and plugged the new John Covel t-shirt. She also distributed some to the crowd. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Andrews Bomb at 17:40 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]An outstanding match here that will help to solidify Andrews and Phoenix as challengers to the Heavyweight Title later on. The crowd was having a blast booing both men, but we’re still into the match completely.[/I] Backstage Davis Wayne Newton is standing alone in front of a black curtain that has the AW logo on it. He begins going off on me, saying how he can’t wait for the six month ban to expire. He wants to face me one on one as soon as the ban is lifted to settle our war once and for all. [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]DWN is very good on the stick, and it showed here. The crowd really seemed to enjoy his promo.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] drew at 30:00 when the match ended at three falls a piece. [B]John Covel makes defense number 4 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]This match was just incredible. The ending saw Tyler Chance land a brainbuster and follow it up with a beautiful Shooting Star Press. He covered, but time expired before the referee could finish the three count. The crowd loved the re-match, which proved to be better than their meeting last month.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]By far our best show yet. Attendance was still down, which probably means we’ll have lost some money due to using a lot of talent. But the fact that we got this kind of rating is enough to justify it. Only time would tell what the financials would end up as. [/I]
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We renewed Rhino Umaga this month and sent some feelers out to the networks. Other than that we didn’t really have anything else going on. So here’s the news and notes for April 2008 [B]Recent News[/B] California Love Machine broke into the business. He doesn’t look as stellar as Davis Wayne Newton did when he debuted, but sure shows some potential. That’s why I sent an offer out to him. Ashley Grover also debuted in April. She is a highly attractive girl and protégé of Farrah Hesketh. The Stomper officially retired from the ring. Puerto Rican Power put over Mario Heroic during an interview. INSPIRE, DAVE and SWF all signed new PPV deals. [B]Signings/Firings[/B] Captain USA and Bulldozer Brandon Smith both signed with USPW, god help them. Human Arsenal, best known as Wrestling Machine #1, signed with CGC after leaving TCW. American Elemental and Rock Downpour both signed with DAVE. Joel Bryant signed with INSPIRE. TCW filled a gap with Jungle Jack. [B]Title Changes[/B] Jeremy and Dan Stone won the Ed Henson Memorial Cup for the second consecutive and fourth year in all. Stephanie Hazel defeated Emma Bitch for the NOTBPW Women’s Title. After the departure of The Machines, Rocky Golden and Rick Law, collectively known as Double Shot captured the TCW Tag Team Titles.
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We all met up at my apartment again to discuss what had happened in April. The wrestling industry had finally hit rock bottom and didn’t show any signs of turning around. On the other hand, the economy was rising, although still at a very low level. We had lost a little over 3k for We’re No Joke, but knowing it was our best show to date made it worth it in our eyes. I informed everyone I had sent out some feelers to a couple of new guys and if they accepted I planned on debuting them at our next show, No Retreat, No Surrender. Next our talks moved to the card for our May show and after a lot of deliberation, we finalized what I’d be putting on the flyer. [B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents No Retreat, No Surrender[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] At The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ultimate Phoenix & Andre Jones[/B][/COLOR] [I]All four men came to AW management and expressed interest in taking part at this show. This is what we came up with. This tag match should prove to be a good one.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Ace Youngblood[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW Midwest Title[/B] [I]Ace Youngblood gets a questionable nod from management in the Midwest Title match. Can he prove he should be champion, or will Cyrus Raynes retain his glory? Also, can Cyrus Raynes regain his championship belt from Jacob Jett?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both men have had momentum on their side as of late. This month, they put that momentum up against each other. Which one of these up and comers will continue their path to stardom?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Thomas Morgan has gone on an impressive winning streak lately and has earned himself a shot at the LiveWire Title. Can he continue his winning ways or will Trent Shaffer derail his trip to the top?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW Heavyweight Champion John Covel, The Fury of the Storm members Aaron Andrews, Cameron Vessey and Al Coleman, Steven Parker and many more![/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Tyler Chance vs. Ultimate Phoenix & Andre Jones Ace Youngblood vs. Cyrus Raynes © Davis Wayne Newton vs. Jacob Jett Thomas Morgan vs. Trent Shaffer ©
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents No Retreat, No Surrender[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] At The Junkyard Attendance: 876[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Al Coleman and Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Valentine[/B][/COLOR] at 4:13 [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]This wasn’t a good way to open up our show. The crowd kinda crapped on the match to be honest. Just something that was needed to keep Coleman and Vessey as threats.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Flying Lariat at 3:40 [B][SIZE="3"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [I]I put these two out there hoping Casey would just make Allen look amazing. But it didn’t happen. It was a complete flop that the crowd pooped on again.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show [/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Before Tim and Marv can make their way to the ring for the standard opening to our show, [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] comes down to the ring and gets on the stick. He speaks to the crowd, thanking them for their enthusiasm in his matches the last few months. He puts them over as the best fans he’s ever worked in front of. He is then interrupted as [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] comes out to the ring and begins making fun of his generosity. Andrews begins saying he deserves a title shot after defeating a former champion at last month’s show. Before anything else can be said by Covel, [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] emerges from the back, looking just as if not more ****y than Andrews. He gets on the stick and says he deserves another shot, being the Road To Glory winner last December. The three argue back and forth for a few minutes before Covel finally agrees to [B]defend his title in a triple threat match tonight! [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great, fresh way to open our main show. Crowd was really into Covel’s promo before the interruptions and then they really liked the argument.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] drew when the time limit expired at 10:00. [B]Trent Shaffer makes defense number 3 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a bad match here. These two seemed to work well together and the draw didn’t damage either man’s overness.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] is seen backstage, swearing that he will get revenge on [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] for stealing his title belt. He says [B]“I’ve worked long and hard to become a champion in this business and I deserve to have a title belt to show it!” [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]I thought Cyrus would have enough charisma to keep the crowd up here, but he didn’t. This continues the story with Jett and Raynes.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] drew with [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] due to a double count out after Robbie Clavey ran to the ring and began attacking DWN. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good match to get the crowd back. I thought I’d throw one of those WTF moments in here with the referee ignoring the interference and double team attack by Jett and myself for the count out.[/I] After the match, Jett leaves and I look to be doing the same. Just as Newton gets back up after our attack, I hit the ring again and lay him out with a backdrop driver. [B][SIZE="3"]E-[/SIZE][/B] Another okay segment that helped to continue one of our minor stories. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Ace Youngblood[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Reverse Pedigree at 6:33. [B]Cyrus Raynes makes defense number 3 of his Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Ace Youngblood was just off tonight. That coupled with the fact he didn’t seem to mesh well with anyone on the roster led to us not renewing his deal. Raynes still looked great.[/I] As Youngblood was getting to his feet, [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] hit the ring and DESTROYED him with a running Vindication off the ring apron. The crowd is really hating on the monster now. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice and simple way to write Youngblood out.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ultimate Phoenix and Andrew Jones[/B][/COLOR] defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance and Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall at 13:49 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match by our uppercard guys. Crowd seemed to like the formula that they used. Andre Jones pinned Tyler.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes out and plugs our merchandise. She displays the new Fury of the Storm t-shirt and fires some into the crowd. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] at 21:44 after hitting Andrews with an Intellectual Impact. [B]John Covel makes defense number 5 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another OUTSTANDING match in our main event. The crowd was hot during the whole thing.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A great show for us in front of our largest crowd yet. The HUGE increase in attendance surprised us, but we welcomed it. The crowd really loved the unannounced triple threat main event. Let’s hope this gets them to tell a friend about us. I’m sure with the talent we used, money will be close to in the black, but we’ll just have to wait and see.[/I]
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We had a LOT on our plate this month. We renewed Marv Earnest Jez McArtheur, Curt O’Malley, Dewey Libertine, Al Coleman, Brendan Idol, Angel De Mexico, Tracy Brendon, Ultimate Phoenix, K-Squared, John Covel, Erik Strong, Cyrus Raynes, Tyler Chance, Jacob Jett, Façade and Casey Valentine. We didn’t extend Ace Youngblood. We also added two new workers that would be debuting at our next show, one of which would have an immediate impact on the wrestling industry. With that out of the way, this is what happened in the industry during May 2008. [B]Recent News:[/B] GCW rose in size this month, now being classified as a Cult promotion. Son of legendary wrestler Rip Chord, Jay Chord, debuted this month and looks just as good as his dad did. Puerto Rican Power talked some smack to Big Smack Scott. Rafael Ruiz put over Lorenzo Blanco on a radio show. CGC signed a new PPV deal. NOTBPW, SWF and INSPIRE all got new TV shows for the season. [B] Signings/Firings[/B] Guide signed with TCW Merle O’Curle, Acid, Blood Raven and Jack Geidroyc signed up to tour with INSPIRE. Squeeky McClean left SWF. [B] Title Changes[/B] Davis Wayne Newton defeated Joey Poison to become the 4C Champion Donnie J ended James Prudence’s ten month reign as CZCW Champion The Natural won the NOTBPW Unlimited Action title from Edd Stone to begin his second reign
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We met at noon inside my apartment a couple days after our May event. We we’re extremely happy with the attendance and performances. Even with almost 200 extra people attending our show, a lot of the guys asked for slight pay increases in their new deals and we ended up losing almost 5k. Still, the economy was on the rise and getting stronger, so attendance should remain at this level. The industry was still on the decline, but we were hopeful that it would turn around. Next we began discussing what we should do for Summer Scorcher, our June event. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Summer Scorcher[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] At The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]California Love Machine[/B][/COLOR] [I]One of our debuting workers gets a huge opportunity here as he takes on one of the best AW has to offer. Can Andrews get some retribution for his failure to capture the top prize or will this newcomer surprise everyone?[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR] [I]Ota looks to bring some of his MAW success to AW as he takes on the young star Brandon Smith. Can Ota translate his success into AW style or will the change in venue lead to a victory for Bulldozer?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] [I]Steven Parker is coming off of an unsuccessful attempt at the Heavyweight Championship. He looks to regain the right direction with a victory over Davis Wayne Newton. Can Newton upset him?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Al Coleman[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer ©[/COLOR]for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Al Coleman is a member of a powerful faction in AW. Can he take that advantage and use it to help him gain AW gold?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW Heavyweight Champion John Covel, AW Midwest Champion Cyrus Raynes, Cameron Vessey, Thomas Morgan and more![/B] Aaron Andrews vs. California Love Machine Ota vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith Davis Wayne Newton vs. Steven Parker Al Coleman vs. Trent Shaffer (c)
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="3"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Summer Scorcher[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR] At The Junkyard Attendance: 817[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] To begin the night, Marv Earnest comes out and sadly announces that Tim Buberle is no longer with AW and introduces his replacement. [B]Mitch Naess has come to AW.[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 4:42 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good match for our pre show that allows myself to gain some momentum and Morgan to gain some experience. Also, I wanted to re-test this combination in front of our expanded audience, as I thought it was something that could end up being a regular program. [/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vessey Driver at 6:42 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match between these two to close out the pre show. Gives Angel some more time to hone his skills and helps to give Cameron Vessey some more momentum towards what we’re building him to.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Some music hits and the lights dim as the crowd wonders what is going on. After a few moments of anticipation, the son of a true legend strolls from the back. [B]Jay Chord has arrived in AW![/B] He climbs into the ring and gets on the stick. [B]“You people don’t know me and that pisses me off. I’m the best thing in this industry right now; everyone should know who I am! I’m the son of Rip Chord dammit! And just because of that you should all bow down before me! That includes your glorious Heavyweight Champion, John Covel. That’s right, I’m calling you out. I want a shot at that title tonight!”[/B] No time being wasted, [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] emerges from the back and steps into the ring. [B]“You know your father was a great in this business. He had it all. He was one of the best damn wrestlers to ever step foot into a ring. He had skills, he had charisma and he had respect. This is something that never made the transition from him to you. You come out here on your first night and demand a title match? You’re relying on your name value and that is just pathetic. But I am going to give you your way. You’ve got your match and I’ve got my opportunity to beat some respect into you!”[/B] Challenge [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] Acceptance [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice reaction for the debut of Jay. Everyone recognized him as Rip’s son and that immediately gained him some support. His work on the stick was good, but didn’t seem to match up to Covel’s. No big deal. It was his first show in front of a live crowd. He did good.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Al Coleman[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 7:19. [B]Trent Shaffer makes defense number 4 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"][/SIZE]D[/B] [I]A solid match here. I’m very happy with Trent’s progression. I think he may be ready to go to the next level.[/I] I’m backstage in front of our promo curtain and I begin to talk about Davis Wayne Newton. I accept his challenge from a few weeks prior and agree to meet him as soon as our six month ban is lifted. As long as it is in a No Disqualification match. [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]I felt confident on the microphone and personally can’t wait for our next match.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Future Shock at 9:53 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great match from these two guys. The performance put on by DWN didn’t hurt his momentum. This is a nice combination that I’ll keep in mind for later on.[/I] As DWN gets to his feet after the match, [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] comes through the crowd and gets in the ring. He lays out the young man and stands over his downed body as his music plays. [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another angle to advance what we’re doing with Façade.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Ninja Strike at 9:50 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another good match that saw a rare appearance by our leader, Ota. Brandon Smith looked good out there with the veteran and the crowd really liked the story told here.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] comes out next and gets on the stick, challenging [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] to a match next month at Something To Prove. He says he wants his belt back and to regain it, he’ll give Jett a shot. If Jett wins the match, he becomes the new Midwest Champion. If Raynes wins, he gets his belt back. [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good way to set up a match between the two next month.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]California Love Machine[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after an LAX Departure at 13:55 [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not horrible, but CLM was just off tonight it seemed. I’ll have to put him back out there next month and see what happens. This was his first time in front of a crowd, so hopefully that had something to do with it.[/I] Tracy Brendon came out and plugged a Façade shirt before firing them into the crowd. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 23:37. [B]John Covel makes defense number 6 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]An outstanding match from these two in the main event. Jay Chord is everything now what his father was years ago. The crowd really enjoyed booing him in his debut.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A solid show in front of our second largest crowd ever. The debuts of California Love Machine and Jay Chord should be great for our upper card ranks. All in all another good show. We’ll have to see in a couple days how our financials look.[/I]
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We extended Steven Parker, Cameron Vessey and Bob Casey this month. We decided not to renew Ace Youngblood at the beginning of the month. Myself and Tim weren’t worried about reaching a new deal, but as his contract came to a close we found out that Ota wouldn’t let me pay him what he’d get elsewhere. We had to let him go and make the money he deserved. On top of that we signed Mitch Naess to replace Tim and also added new comer Nathaniel Ca$ino. Other than that it was a quiet month. [B]Recent News[/B] SOTBPW rose to Cult size Demon Anger officially retired from active competition Jimmy Cox put over Masayuki Shiga during an interview BHOTGW, NOTBPW and GCG all signed new PPV deals NOTBPW ended As Good As It Gets [B]Signings/Firings[/B] Jay Darkness signed with DAVE to prove he is extreme Henry Lee, Enygma, Masked Cougar and American Machine will be touring with WLW American Elemental signed with GCG Joel Bryant and Jungle Jack signed with PGHW Knuckles signed with MAW Erik Strong left MAW after his contract expired Dallas McWade left DAVE [B] Title Changes[/B] Edd Stoen defeated The Natural to begin his 3rd reign as NOTBPW Unlimited Action Champion Puerto Rican Power ended Jumbo Shrimp’s 5 month reign as SWF National Champion Eric Eisen ended my buddy Lane Steven’s year long reign as SWF North American Champion
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With Tim gone, we were just down to Ota, John and myself as the creative meetings. We discussed how it finally looked like the wrestling industry was beginning to recover from its slump. The economy was still rising as well. Transitioning from that, I let them know that we only lost $300 for June. We knew now that if attendance stayed as it was, we could probably turn a profit if we kept worker costs less than 15k a show. That might be a little hard to do at first, as we tried to close up our current feuds. That transitioned into the card for our next event, Something To Prove. One match had already been confirmed at our last show, so we only needed a few more to round out the show. After a few hours of discussion, Ota and John left and I began working on the ads. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Something to Prove[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Both of these men had impressive victories last month. This month Ota has translated his victory into a shot at the Heavyweight Championship. Can he become the leader of two different promotions at once, or will John Covel continue his record setting reign as champ?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord made an impressive debut last month against John Covel. This month he gets former Heavyweight Champion Tyler Chance. Can he defeat the first Heavyweight Champion or will Tyler get back on track himself?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]California Love Machine[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] [I]CLM made his debut last month and defeated Aaron Andrews. Now he goes up against the first ever Road To Glory Champion in Steven Parker. Can CLM continue his success, or will Steven Parker gain his second victory in a row?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] [I]Last month Façade ambushed Newton after his match and that left the youngster upset. He’s requested this match to gain some revenge on the monster. Will Façade continue his path of destruction or can Newton put an end to it?[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer (c)[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Trent Shaffer has had a very successful reign as LiveWire Champion, but this month he gets put to the test. He must defend his belt against two of the hottest young talents on the AW roster. Will he be able to once again leave with his title?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: Jacob Jett, Cameron Vessey and many more![/B] Ota vs. John Covel (c) Tyler Chance vs. Jay Chord California Love Machine vs. Steven Parker Davis Wayne Newton vs. Facade Robbie Clavey vs. Thomas Morgan vs. Trent Shaffer (c)
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Something to Prove[/SIZE][/COLOR] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 920[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Brendan Idol[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vessey Driver at 4:32 [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice little opener here. Cameron still needs a lot of work before he can move up the card, but he’s on his way. [/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Jett Take Off at 6:47 [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Jacob Jett needed a win to keep his momentum strong going into his match with Cyrus Raynes. We may have confused our fans a bit by announcing it for this event and then not delivering, but we felt like it could use one more month of build up.[/I] Jacob Jett stays in the ring after his match and gets on the stick to accept the challenge made by Cyrus Raynes. Jett announced to the crowd he wanted a warm up match tonight before he took back his Midwest Title next month. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Main Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Marv Earnest and Mitch Naess open the show by plugging the main event in which John Covel defends the Heavyweight Title against Ota! [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A better than usual segment here. I think I’m going to like the pairing of Marv and Mitch.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] at 7:46 when he pinned Thomas Morgan after a Backdrop Driver. [B]Robbie Clavey wins the LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match by Thomas, Trent and I. Trent has proved to be valuable for us and has earned a step or two up on the roster, so he needed to drop the title to a lower card worker. I felt bad putting myself over Morgan, who is a hard worker, but Ota reassured me it was the best thing to spark a new program.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] hits the ring and announces he has gotten a new manager. The crowd whoops and hollers as Katie Cameron comes to the ring in a revealing outfit and embraces Jett in the middle of the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [I]I was hoping the addition of Jett’s real life girlfriend would help to round out his Entertainment follow. We’ll see how it goes.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a roll-up at 7:31 [SIZE="3"][B]C+[/B][/SIZE] [I]These two put on an excellent midcard match here. Newton seems to work with anyone on our roster. The fans might have initially been a little confused having our monster beat by the man he laid out last month until….[/I] Façade quickly regains his senses and attacks DWN from behind in the middle of the ring. The monster goes crazy as he continues his assault. Finally after a few minutes of destruction he backs off and retreats to the back. [SIZE="3"][B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [I]Another good way to build heat for our monster.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]California Love Machine[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a LAX Departure at 10:46 [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]CLM gets another big win against Parker here. We need to build up a few good faces for the next time a heel has our top belt and CLM is perfect for the job.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] appeared in front of the promo curtain backstage and cut a promo accepting the stipulations of No DQ against myself. [SIZE="3"][B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [I]This segment proved that Newton is one of the best on the stick we have. His segments get higher ratings than any of our others.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 15:33 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A very nice match to help establish Chord as a top player in AW. Tyler showed absolutely no problem in putting the new guy over. Great back and forth match-up.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and plugs the new Jacob Jett t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] by submission with a Broken Wings at 15:52. [B]John Covel makes defense number 7 of his Heavyweight Championship. [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another fantastic main event here. Covel is truly proving to be our biggest asset. Ota also forgot exactly how long he can last in a match as this sixteen minutes were too much. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Another good show in front of yet again our biggest audience. The extra gate would probably push us into the black this month. All we could do was hope. [/I]
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We extended Brandon Smith, Aaron Andrews and Thomas Morgan this month in addition to signing Katie Cameron to come on as Jacob Jett’s manager. Other than that I had sent out a few offers to a couple more second generation wrestlers and hoped to hear back soon. Else where in the wrestling world for July of 2008: [B]Recent News[/B] Animal Harker, a young brawler from Texas, debuted this month. He looks solid for just starting out but doesn’t fit into our product. He shouldn’t have any problem finding success somewhere. Thunder Hike finally called it quits at the age of 38 SOTBPW signed a PPV deal with Seleccion Mexico [B] Signings/Firings[/B] Brett Biggz signed a PPA deal with DAVE Eddie Peak signed a PPA deal with CGC Wael Hossam, Kazuma Narato and Takesi Umehara signed deals with GCG Jay Chord signed a PPA deal with NYCW Sean McFly didn’t renew his contract with NOTBPW [B]Title Changes[/B] Shane Nelson began his second reign as CGC Canadian Champion after defeating Ryan Powell Steve DeColt became a four time CGC World Champion by defeating brother Jack. Lane Stevens makes up for his North American Title loss by defeating Jack Bruce to end his 13 month reign as SWF Heavyweight Champion
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