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work on vista??

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It still has some troubles with Vista but not as bad as TEW. The main reason this is better is because booking does not take nearly as long as in TEW, which is where my TEW would usually crash. Depending on how much ram you have, you will still find the game crahses every hour or two but I find that the game is still very playable and fun.
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Agreed. You get a lot more playtime this time around then '07. At the worst times my '07 would crash every 20 minutes. So far this game only really bogs down after hours and hours and hours of continual playtime. I actually like the occasional crash now because then I actually go to bed :D While it doesn't work 100% with Vista, it works at 95% I would say.
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I can't do two events in TEW 07 without the game crashing, but this is so much more stable. I've played this game a lot recently, and have just had one "Vista crash", after playing through well over a year in one session, over several hours. I've played that amount (and more) as well, and haven't had it crash. And the best thing? The one time it did crash, I rebooted, popped the game on and carried on where I left off. I lost nothing at all, and there's very little scope to lose what you've put into the game, as you'll always get back to the beginning of the day you're on.
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