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"XX believes he/she can make more money elsewhere."

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Hey in my default Cornellverse game, I opened a new fed and managed to beat the snot out of basically all western promotions in the game. A few workers won't join me though, stating that they believe they can make more money elsewhere. Well, I think I am the only promotion that can afford them, since they've remained unemployed for several months. Is there anything I can do about this? :confused:
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Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything you can do at the moment. You can wait for them to turn "freelance" after they can't find work, maybe. Or you can get in the editor and do things to make them want you more maybe, I don't know,... But, I don't think there is anything you can do until they turn freelance. Anyone else?
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I think it means that that they are more popular in another region and would therefore command a higher price there. Example. Champagne Lover makes more in a Mexican fed than he does in a U.S. fed at the start of the game... due to overness. I think that has something to do with the situation you describe.
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[QUOTE=xfactor9600;334953]I think it means that that they are more popular in another region and would therefore command a higher price there. Example. Champagne Lover makes more in a Mexican fed than he does in a U.S. fed at the start of the game... due to overness. I think that has something to do with the situation you describe.[/QUOTE] Bingo! You might find you're in a situation where there really isn't a promotion of sufficient size/quality to afford a worker of that stature. But the worker doesn't want to sell him/herself short so they continue to wait it out. Usually after a year of unemployment, they come around. USUALLY.
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Yeah Champagne Lover has been like that since I started the game. He has just been touring with INSPIRE ever since I can remember. The guys currently giving me these problems include the last remnants of the Stone and DeColt family not under my control. :(
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Although not modelled in the game, in RL workers would have things like personal appearances, interviews etc, all of which could make them money, and which they might find difficult to do if they had to relocate to another country. Finlay in DOTT and Champagne Lover in the Cornellverse, among others, are notorious for being too good for their home territories, and too patriotic to sign easily.
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