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Backyard Wrestling From Chambers (C-Verse)

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Chambers, Nebraska has never been a wrestling hotbed. Hell, we're seriously in the middle of nowhere. There are no wrestling schools, no wrestling arenas, nothing. You probably have never even heard of us. Well, with a population of only around 400, I'm not surprised. Yeah, it's true, there are a couple of other towns near us, but that only raises the population up to around 1000. But I digress. I grew up, watching SWF on TV and my one dream was to become a wrestler. Any kind of wrestler. I just wanted to get in the ring. I even made my own makeshift ring in my backyard. My friends and I would occasionally ditch high school class and wrestle shows for ourselves. Right after I graduated, I took a job at a local lumber mill over the summer. I made a thousand dollars and got this crazy idea. Why don't I start my own promotion? My backyard wasn't big enough to hold shows, nor did we have the proper facilities, but I learned I could rent out the local Chambers Community Center (CCC) to hold my shows for only $200 per show. I even found a few local businesses who would sponsor me. Tad's General Store would pay me to sell refreshments, and Mikey's Hardware would pay to have their name on the apron. I ran home and started to surf the web looking for people I could contact to wrestle at my shows. This was going to be great!
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Oh, excuse me. That was rude of me. I started my story and I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Chris Paisley. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I'm an amazing worker. Because I'm not. I don't know fancy holds are anything. I'm willing to jump off of anything, but that's it. I know my way around a ring, but not that well. Hopefully I can start this thing off... it would really suck if even with a thousand dollars, I couldn't.
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And my mom said that those spanish classes in high school would never come in handy! I'm the only one who can actually communicate to Velocidad. Did I mention I think she's racist? I singed alot of guys, most I'll be paying around $100 per appearance. Hopefully my sponsorships will be able to cover it, even if we can only run shows once every two months. I printed flyers and put them up around town announcing our card... which is small, but whatever. Here's our roster so far. Heels are bold: Main Event Ben Williams: Playing his plucky underdog gimmick. [B]Mark Smart[/B]: The "lead singer" of the boy band "Smart Stuff". Secret is, girls are actually turned off by him and he doesn't know it yet. Upper Midcard: [B]Valentine[/B]: He's playing a prima donna who thinks the world revolves around him. Kashmir Singh: He'll play to the fans as an old school face. [B]Chris Paisley[/B]: That's me! I'm a conman, always looking to cheat my way into a win. Midcard: [B]Stretch The Chicken Boy[/B]: Is'nt his name enough? Velocidad: He's pretty much being himself. A mexican luchador looking to make a splash and gain recognition in America.
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Cool, I worked with my little brother, paying him 5 dollars to put the flyers up for this Saturday. The card reads as this: [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chambers Presents World Premier[/B][/SIZE] [B]Semi-Finals For BWC Heavyweight Championship[/B] Mark Smart vs. Kashmir Singh [B]Semi-Finals For BWC Heavyweight Championship[/B] Chris Paisley vs. Ben Williams[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chambers World Premier[/B] From The CCC Attendance: 9 people[/CENTER] Rick Ramos: Welcome to the first ever show of BWC, the aptly named World Premier! We're getting set for a great half hour of wrestling s the competitors are fighting for the chance to compete next show for the BWC Heayweight Championship. Chris Paisley is at in the crowd holding a three card monty game. He picks his head up and grabs the money off the table. He walks over to the fold out table Rick is sitting in and grabs his mic. Chris: You know, I've been hearing alot of smack being talked in the back about how no one thinks I'll be able to make it to the finals. Well, let me tell you all something. There is no way that I'm going home tonight without that title shot. No way in hell. And if Ben Williams thinks otherwise, well, he's got another thing coming. Rating: D- Ben Williams walks down the aisle form behind the purple curtain and slides into the ring, prompting the match to start. Chris Paisley vs. Ben Williams Chris did everything in his power to cheat his way to victory, but in the end, everything failed. In the end, Ben Williams picked up the win. Rating: E After the match, Ben Williams is celebrating. A frustrated Chris rolls out of the ring and pushes a fan off his fold out chair. He slides into the ring and proceeds to viciously beat Ben until security comes and forcibly escorts Chris out of the ring. Rating: F- Mark Smart vs. Kashmir Singh Both men left it all in the ring, delivering a great match. Both got good responses from the crowd and had equal offense, but Mark was just that much better and scraped by with a victory. Rating: D- Rick Ramos: And Mark Smart is going to the finals, but Ben was beaten pretty bad and I'm getting news now that he might not be able to compete at the next show due to his injuries. Who will Mark be fighting in the finals? Find out next show, and thanks for coming! Show Rating: E+
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Wow, the sponsorships are paying more money than I thought! Now we can actually hire a referee and a road agent instead of us doing it when we're not working! As for our attendance levels... my parents my brother and sister showed up, two of my high school friends, the janitor who felt bad for us so bought a ticket, my old high school english teacher who found out what I was doing and only one real customer. I spoke with him after the show. It was a 15 year old kid named Jeff Mathers who lives a town away. He's a huge wrestling fan and happened to see one of our flyers. He seemed to have enjoyed the show and I told him to bring his friends. As for our ref and RA positions, I hired Buttercup as our RA, because she was cheap and REALLY hot, and Alan Gray as our Ref, you know, the guy with the hats. Our next show is being called BWC Night Of Champions and the card looks like such: [CENTER]Velocidad vs. Kashmir Singh [B]BWC Championship Match[/B] Chris Paisley vs. Mark Smart[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chambers Night Of Champions[/B] From the CCC Attendance: 12 People[/CENTER] Rick Ramos: Welcome to The Night of Champions hosted by Backyard Wrestling form Chambers. You're in for a great treat tonight as the BWC Heavyweight Title will be on the line in a match between Mark Smart and Chris Paisley. For those of you who weren't here last week, Ben Williams defeated Paisley for the championship shot, but Paisley brutally injured him leaving the spot vacant. t was finally decided that Chris would take the slot. But first, our opening match. Velocidad vs. Kashmir Singh A good opener, showing the Singh has what it takes to put people away. He won this one with a figure four arm lock. Rating: E Chris Paisley walks into the ring before his match. Chris: What happened last week was a message. A message for anyone who dares step into this ring with me. Tonight, I will emerge as champion. Whatever it takes. Mark Smart dances to the ring, starting off the show. BWC Heavyweight Title Match: Mark Smart vs. Chris Paisley A good match with good selling, it wasn't better than last week though. In the middle of the match, Ben Williams ran in and bashed Chris over the head with his cast. Mark seized the opportunity and hit the Smart Attack, winning the BWC Heavyweight Title. Rating: E+ After the match, Ben grabs the mic. (Yes, we have one mic) Ben: That was messed up what you did last week Chris. Messed up! Next month, the doctors say I'll be at %100. And since you like to use weapons, it's going to be you and me in a hardcore match! No rules. Now think about that while you're laying there. Rating: F+ Show Rating: E
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We're still making money, albeit, not as much as before, but still making it. With this roster, we shouldn't go into debt anytime soon. As for our popularity, I did some work with my calculator and it seems that the past two shows rose our popularity .6%, brining us up to 1.2%! Yay! I'm happy. No other signings to speak of. Besides, I think this roster could hold their own for a while. [CENTER][B]BWC Huskers Delight[/B] Valentine vs. Kashmir Singh Chris Paisley vs. Ben Williams[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chambers Huskers Delight[/B] From the CCC Attendance: 10[/CENTER] Rick Ramos: Welcome to the third show of BWC. As always, I'm Rick Ramos, here to welcome you to what's set to be a groundbreaking event. No titles on the show tonight, but instead, we're having our first real hardcore match between two men, each out for vengeance. It's sure to be a brain busting good time here in Chambers, Nebraska. Valentine vs. Kashmir Singh Kashmir is proving why he's Mr. Dependability in BWC, putting on a great show and picking up another win. Rating: E+ Chris Paisley slides into the ring. Chris: What I did was messed up? What I did? Look at what you did! I was about to become the first ever BWC Heavyweight Champion and you took that away from me! Come out here Ben, and get what's coming to you! Rating: E- Chris Paisley vs. Ben Williams Ben put up a hell of a good match, but in a match where cheating is encouraged, the con man himself Chris Paisley was able to use every trick in the book, assaulting Ben with every weapon he can find. Even the janitor's mop before he hit his fallaway neckbreaker onto a chair for the win. Rating: E Show Rating: E
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We're slowly but steadily becoming improving our popularity in the region which is good, because we're also slowly and steadily improving our bank account! Who knew, I could have made $3,000 in 3 months!? Sponsors love having their names eveywhere and I love putting them there... for a price. Our next show will be named Ground Assault, and here's the card: [CENTER]Kashmir Singh vs. Stretch The Chicken Boy [B]BWC Heavyweight Title Match[/B] Mark Smart (c) vs. Chris Paisley[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chambers Ground Assault[/B] From the CCC Attendance:[/CENTER] Rick Ramos: Welcome to Ground Assault, I'm your host Rick Ramos and you're here at a great show. In our main event tonight, we have Mark Smart defending his Heavyweight Title for the first time against Chris Paisley who is fresh off a victory from his hardcore match last week. Kashmir Singh vs. Stretch The Chicken Boy Stretch entertained the fans by performing the chicken dance in the middle of the ring as Kashmir watched in horror. After a few minutes of the dance, Kashmir clotheslined him and ended up picking up the win after a dominating performance, even though the two didn't seem to click. Rating: E+ Before the main event Chris Paisley walks around the room. He looks both ways, pretending he's really sneaky and slips something into a locker that says "Ben Williams". It's suspension of disbelief as the entire crowd has turned around and is watching him. Rating: D- BWC Heayweight Title Match: Mark Smart vs. Chris Paisley Not too bad of a match, it was pretty even. Near the end of the match, Mark grabbed a girl in the crowd and started to hide behind her. The ref was about to cal a countout when Chris dropped him with a bulldog and pulled out brass knuckles from his pocket. Mark kissed the girl on the cheek, she slapped him and Mark pushed her into Chris, sending him to the ground. Mark then grabbed her chair and hit the Smart Attack on it. He rolled Chris into the ring as Alan Gray woke up and got the pin to retain. Rating: E Show Rating: E+
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Two bits of interesting news. The wrestler Liberty failed a steroid test right before our show "Ground Assault". The other interesting thing is that Jeremy Stone of the famous Stone family in Canada and arguably the greatest technical wrestler of his generation, has retired from the ring. In other news, we have announced our next show, "Tractor Trail". A little homage to our farmers. We also tried singing Brady Prince, Sammy The Shark and Ace Youngblood, but they were asking for WAY too much money for us. The card for "Tractor Trail" looks a little something like this: [CENTER]Velocidad vs. Stretch The Chicken Boy [B]BWC Heavyweight Title Match[/B] Mark Smart (c) vs. Kashmir Singh[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chambers Tractor Trail[/B] From the CCC Attendance:15[/CENTER] Velocidad vs. Stretch The Chicken Boy Both men seemed out of it tonight and just going through the motions, which was kind of depressing since I know Velocidad is a good worker. Anyway, the mexican won this one with his Velocidad Tornado, a hurrcanrana off the top of a turnbuckle. Rating: E- Ben Williams walks out to the ring but is stopped by men dressed as security (basically 3 of the 15 people who were male and looked imposing... my father, my english teacher, and some random guy named Todd who said he's been coming to shows since Night Of Champions) come and escort him out of the arena, throwing him out. Ben fights the whole way, screaming asking why he's being thrown out. Rating: E BWC Heavyweight Championship Match: Mark Smart (c) vs. Kashmir Singh A great match, one of the best we've had so far. The crowd seems to love Kashmir. At the end of the match, Mark decided he had enough, grabbed his belt and walked out of the ring to the back. Kashmir won via countout. Rating: D- Show Rating: E+
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We made some new signings. We grabbed Thomas Morgan who just oozes potential. We also signed this new guy, Brad Eaton. He's a very good gymnast who wants to try his hand at wrestling. He has a lot of high flying talent and he will be our first big risk, as he'll be getting paid $350 per show (everyone else is getting $125) As for our next card, "Amber Waves", coming up with a card was actually a little difficult, but I think we managed: [CENTER]Chris Paisley vs. Thomas Morgan Kashmir Singh vs. Brad Eaton[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chambers Amber Waves[/B] From the CCC Attendance: 15[/CENTER] Rick Ramos: Welcome to Amber Waves, named after the waves of grain that flow across this great state. I'm Rick Ramos here to call the show for you in Chambers, Nebraska. We have a special treat for you tonight as TWO workers are making their debuts. Thomas Morgan vs. Chris Paisley Great chemistry is a beautiful thing and something I always make note of. This was a great match, Thomas seemed to learn a lot from Paisley (me) in the ring and I'm really glad to help him improve. I picked the win to set up for what's next. Rating: D- Chris Paisley grabs the mic from Ramos' table. Chris: You know, it's sad, this whole steroid issue. Just the other day I heard that Liberty from TCW was on steroids and failed a 'roid test. Tsk tsk. What makes it worse is that a few days later, I heard that our very own Ben Williams was caught with steroids in his locker after a random search! That's so very disheartening. Oh well... He gives the mic back to Rick and walks backstage. Rating: E+ Kashmir Singh vs. Brad Eaton Brad is a gymnast from Lincoln, Nebraska who is wrestling as a way to get a little extra money (randomly generated worker). Kashmir Singh held his own, but was too unprepared for Eaton's high flying technique. Eaton hit the Eatonity, a 450 Splash from the top rope. Rating: D- Show Rating: D- (!!!)
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  • 2 months later...
Nothing really exciting to report other than we actually have a couple of people coming to our shows. It feels like forever since we’ve had one… [B][CENTER]BWC Birth Of A Nation[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Brad Eaton vs. Velocidad Chris Paisley vs. Kashmir Singh[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chamber Birth Of A Nation[/B] From the CCC Attendance: 12[/CENTER] Brad Eaton vs. Velocidad The former gymnast showed his skill against the Mexican. He won easily. Rating: E+ Chris Paisley vs. Kashmir Singh Good match. We worked really well, putting on a great match. Near the end, Ben Williams ran into the ring from outside and attacked me. It gave Kashmir the opening he needed to pick up the win. Rating: D- After the match, Ben takes a chair away from a little kid in the crowd who instantly started marking out that a wrestler touched him. Ben slides into the ring and proceeds to beat me with said chair. Rating: F After the beat down, he calls for a mic. Ben: Why would you do that to me? Why? What have I ever done to you? That’s it Chris. Next week, you against me, and the winner gets a title shot against Mark. Rating: E- Show Rating: E+
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Trauma, a free agent, just failed a steroid test performed by the Association of Professional Wrestling. First Liberty and now him? Steroids seem to be a new trend in professional wrestling today. I’m thinking about instituting a wellness program, any worker caught using steroids will be fired on the spot. [CENTER][B]BWC Summer Swelter[/B] [B]Non-Title Match[/B] Mark Smart vs. Stretch The Chicken Boy [B]#1 Contenders Match[/B] Chris Paisley vs. Ben Williams[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chambers Summer Swelter[/B] From The CCC Attendance: 9[/CENTER] Rick Ramos: Welcome to BWC. It’s hot as hell right now and we’re getting ready for the number 1 contenders match to see who Mark Smart will face next month. For his title. Stretch The Chicken Boy vs. Mark Smart Stretch did that thing where he dances to freak out the audience and did a decent job to Mark, keeping him strong. Rating: E Chris Paisley is in the crowd, clapping after the last match. Chris: Nice work Mark. Too bad next month, that’ll be you laying down on the mat and it will be I standing over you with the Championship. Rating: F+ Chris Paisley vs. Ben Williams After a good open match that the crowd seemed to like, Ben Williams took a crazy bump, jumping from a chair outside the ring, to the top rope and bounced off, hitting a sick looking flying headbutt with a corkscrew twist. Ben becomes the number 1 contender. Rating: E+ Show Rating: E
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;377305]Glad you started this one back up! Grew up about 3 hours northeast of Chambers (Marion, SD), and could envision myself finding this on the internet, saying "what the hell, why not?", grabbing some buddies and driving down on a whim.[/QUOTE] Wow, thanks for the comment. I didn't think people were actually reading this! And that's the kind of crowd I want to appeal to in game. The "yeah, I'm around there and might as well go" fans. Because that's what I'd do if there were an indy promotion near me.
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Even though our attendance keeps dropping, we’re still making money because of smart money management. We made over $1,000 profit. I’m making money slowly, but we’re consistently making money. [CENTER][B]BWC Back To School[/B] Thomas Morgan vs. Stretch The Chickenboy [B]Title Match[/B] Mark Smart © vs. Ben Williams [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Backyard Wrestling From Chambers Back To School[/B] From The CCC Attendance: 26[/CENTER] Thomas Morgan vs. Stretch The Chicken Boy The trademark kept it traditional and professional in the ring, not even allowing Stretch to finish dancing before kicking him around the ring. Rating: E+ Mark Smart comes out and performs his new song, “Girl, I need you girl.” To the crowd. No one really cared. Rating: E BWC Heavyweight Championship Match: Mark Smart © vs. Ben Williams A pretty good title match that the crowd got into, getting behind Ben, cheering for him to win. In the end, Mark won by distracting Ben with his 2 groupies (one of them, my sister). Rating: E+ Show Rating: E+
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