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[quote]from Swf.com: Tune In Next Week To See Almighty Dollar Take On High Concept, Also The Amazing Bumfholes Will Face The Tag Champs, Sexual Aggression In One On One Matches. Lobster Warrior Will Face Kurt Laramee In A Hardcore Match, Also In Action Jack Bruce, Jumbo Shrimo, T-rex And Squeaky Mcclean. Plus Christian Faith Responds To Rich Money's Challenge, And Steve Frehley Will Have Something To Say About Remo's Use Of A Steel Chair On His Head.[/quote] Aslo On The Website: Should The Swf Commision A Women's Title?
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF Supreme TV Apr. Week 2, 2007 Daniel-Meyer Coliseum, Fort Worth, TX[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Show opens with [B]Christian Faith[/B] coming out to the ring; he is dressed in his street clothes. Christian goes through his usual catch phrases and routine. Then he gets down to the challenge laid fourth last week by [B]Rich Money[/B]. He says he would consider Rich one of the top guys in the business today and would gladly accept the challenge for the World is Watching. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #1: [B]Squeaky McClean v. Calamari Kid (with Wanda Fish).[/B] Squeaky comes out to his usual heat. Calamari comes out to a very small pop, accompanied Wanda, who is dressed to impress, at least if she is trying to impress a fourteen year old who just got a new “jar of lotion”. The match has a few athletic moments as one would expect from these two, but in the end Squeaky gets the win with the Clean Out, at 5:42. [B]Rating: C+[/B] As Referee [B]Shane Stones[/B] raises [B]Squeaky’s[/B] hand, [B]Jerry Eisen [/B]appears on the Eisentron. He basically just restates what Peter Michaels told viewers last week after Squeaky’s match, that he is the number one contender for the North American Championship held by [B]Groucho Bling[/B]. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #2: [B]Mikel Alonso v. T-Rex (with the Guru)[/B] Mikel is waiting in the ring when we come back from commercial break. T-Rex comes out to his manic entrance, but the crowd seems indifferent. The match is your basic monster heel squash of enhancement talent. T-Rex goes over with the Extinction at 5:50. [B]Rating: D+[/B] The cameras show backstage where [B]Dharma,[/B] dress as sluty as the censor will allow is joined by [B]Steve Frehley[/B]. She asks Steve about the chair shot from [B]Remo[/B] last week, which handed him the disqualification victory. Steve says that he knows he is the better man, which Remo knows he was the better man, which is why he took the easy way out and used the chair. Steve says he is so sure he can beat Remo that he is challenging him to a match at The World is Watching. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #3: [B]Shady K v. Jumbo Shrimp (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Shady K is waiting in the ring when we come back from commercial break. Jumbo Shrimp comes out a decent pop. He and Wanda kind of flirt there way down to the ring, the two of them have amazing chemistry. The match starts with Shady K trying to engage Jumbo in a brawl, which proves to be a big mistake as Jumbo just absorbs his blows and levels him with his own. From there the match is pretty much one sided with Jumbo gaining the win with the Ocean Wave at 6:29. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #4: [B]Andre Jones v. Jack Bruce[/B] A very one sided affair as Jack just works circles around Andre. Though the crowd is very into Jack it is obvious he is just playing with Andre. Jack goes over with the New York Minute at 6:20. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #5: [B]Kurt Larmee (with Cat Jemson) v. Lobster Warrior (with Wanda Fish) [/B]in a hardcore match. Kurt and Cat come out first. Kurt is dressed in his black jeans and without a shirt, they get decent heat; probably do to Cat’s tight black leather outfit. Lobster comes out with his comic book hero outfit, and Wanda is still dressed the same. This match is more of a fight, with Kurt gaining the early edge as Lobster seems not so sure of the hardcore rules. After a few shots to the head with chairs and other implements of destruction, and a nice little cat fight between Wanda and Cat, Lobster begins to regain the advantage. Lobster wins a bloody match with a pin fall at 11:50. [B]Rating: B-[/B] After the match, [B]Vin Tanner [/B]and [B]Henry Lee [/B]come running down the aisle. They begin to beat on Lobster, and Kurt joins in. when Wanda tries to intercede to help her client, [B]Alex Braun[/B] jumps the guard rail and floors her. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #6: [B]Joe Sexy v. Randy Bumfhole (with Rosa)[/B] Joe comes out first with his sequin robe. He makes a big deal of disrobing and revealing his ravishing physique to the ladies in the crowd. Randy and a bikini clad Rosa are next. They basically do the typical fun babyface entrance. The match starts with Joe overpowering the smaller Randy. The two go through a series of moves and holds, with the crowd chanting to keep Randy in the match. The finish comes when Randy nails Joe with the Bumfhole Buster at 11:36. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #7: [B]Angry Gilmore v. Zimmey Bumfhole (with Rosa)[/B] Gilmore comes out first; he walks to the ring in a very business like manner, showing no expression on his face. Zimmey, with Rosa, comes out to a thunderous pop. When the match starts Zimmey uses his quickness to avoid and counter Gilmore’s attack. After a few frustrating minutes, Gilmore switches up his style, or I should say reverts back to his old super junior style. The two put on an exciting fast pace match, with Gilmore showing stuff he has not done in years. Gilmore eventually catches Zimmey in a mistake and finishes him off by holding a handful of tights at 11:46. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #8: [B]Almighty Dollar v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] High Concept is out first with Dawn dressed in the tiniest cheerleader outfit you have ever seen. Next out is Almighty Dollar, they are much more subdued then the high energy entrance of there opponents. [B]Rich[/B] and [B]Groucho[/B] start, and they pick up right were they left off at Awesome Impact. The four men put on a clinic in moves on counter moves. Both sides give there all, and it appeared that [B]Elmo[/B] was going to win the match for his team. Elmo had [B]Remo[/B] down on the canvas and ascended to the top rope. While he was climbing the ropes, Remo staggered to his feet, Elmo jumped, only to be caught in mid air by the powerhouse Remo. Remo proceeded to nail Elmo with the Destroyer at 19:47. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 36.52 (up .62) Hallmark: 11.41 (up .33) Easter Euro: .00 Central Euro: .00 Western Euro: .00 J Sports: .01 Grade: B-[/B]
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I'm liking this quite a lot. I haven't played the Cverse recentlly so I can't help you with the manager situation. As for the women's title, it could be quite intersting. If you do go for it I'd like to see a slow build for it being introduced but with Wanda Fish on the roster, you could easily base a very strong women's division around her (plus she's hot!) Bold move bringing in T-Rex who is IMHO terrible in the ring. If you can do anything with him I'll be impressed. Oh, and a Money vs. Faith feud for the title has a lot of potential and can't wait to see how you pull it off. Hopefully you won't get bad chemistry to hold this feud back as it could easily run for a long time. Will try to make time for predictions as this diary is starting to grow on me.
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF Supreme TV Apr. Week 3, 2007 Knoxville Civic Center, Knoxville, TN[/CENTER][/U][/B] Match #1: [B]Enygma v. Remo[/B] Both Wrestlers are in the ring when the show starts. Remo goes right after the former World’s Champion. Enygma tries to counter and fight back, but he is really over matched from the start. Remo wins following a Destroyer at 5:43. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] is standing outside a door in the backstage area. He is mumbling to himself and holding something behind his back. Finally, after about 30 seconds, he decides to knock on the door. [B]Wanda Fish[/B] opens the door in just a towel. Jumbo’s eyes about pop out of his head and he is silent and blushing. Wanda asks him what he needs, and he starts to stutter. Finally he gets out that he has bought her a gift for all of her help recently. She takes the small package Jumbo was holding behind his box. She opens it, and pulls out a nice little diamond necklace. She reacts how most women would and gives Jumbo a kiss on the cheek. She then says she needs to put some clothes on and shuts the door. The camera shows Jumbo’s face with an ear to ear grin, then his eyes roll back in his head and he collapses.[B] Rating: D+[/B] Match #2: [B]Calamari Kid (with Wanda Fish) v. T- Rex (with the Guru)[/B] Calamari Kid is out first with Wanda. She has slip into some clothes, but not much. Guru leads his monster to the ring. The match starts with Calamari trying to avoid the Jurrassic Monster, but T-Rex just cuts the ring in half and begins to use his size and power to destroy the smaller man. T-Rex with the Extinction at 6:29. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The cameras find [B]Alex Braun[/B] backstage talking with his fellow Extremist, [B]Henry Lee, Vin Tanner, and Kurt Larmee[/B]. It appears they are talking about Alex’s upcoming match at The World is Watching against [B]Lobster Warrior[/B]. Vin keeps saying that after his hardcore match tonight there is no way Lobster will make the match at the PPV. Alex says it is always best to plan ahead, after a few minutes, Henry says he will speak with referee [B]Darren Smith[/B] to see what they can do. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match #3: [B]Justin Caton v. Groucho Bling (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] for the North American Championship. I was already waiting in the ring. Groucho and the scantly clad cheerleader come out to a decent ovation. I would like to say this was my break out match, that I win my first title and my career is taking off, but what actually happened was Groucho beat me like a government mule. He finished me off with the Bling Thing at 5:47 of a very one-sided match. [B]Rating: D+[/B] A video is played first showing how [B]Runaway Train [/B]injured his knee. Then showing his rehab procedure and workouts. The video ends with a graphic stating that Train will be returning at the World is Watching. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #4: [B]Andre Jones v. Elmo Benson (with Dawn the cheerleader[/B]) for the Shooting Star Championship. Andre is waiting in the ring; Elmo and Dawn do basically the same entrance as she did in the previous match with Groucho. And like in the previous match this one is very one-sided. Elmo wins following the Shockwave from Next Year at 5:37. Rating: C As [B]Elmo [/B]gets his hand raised and [B]Dawn[/B] hugs him, [B]Eric Eisen [/B]appears on the Eisentron. Eric begins to taunt Elmo, telling him that his title reign shall be short lived because Eric was going to take his title at The World is Watching. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match #5: [B]Vin Tanner (with Cat Jemson) v. Lobster Warrior (with Wanda Fish)[/B] in a hardcore match Vin and Cat come out first. Vin is dressed in his black jeans and without a shirt, they get decent heat; probably do to Cat’s tight black leather outfit. Lobster comes out with his comic book hero outfit, and Wanda is still dressed the same. This match is more of a fight, with Vin gaining the early edge as Lobster seems not so sure of the hardcore rules. After a few shots to the head with chairs and other implements of destruction, and a nice little cat fight between Wanda and Cat, Lobster begins to regain the advantage. Lobster wins a bloody match with a pin fall at 11:52. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #6: [B]Squeaky McClean v. Steve Frehley[/B] Steve is out first to a great pop. He does his basic posing and what not. Squeaky comes out some good heat and strolls to the ring, stopping every so often to tell the fans to clean up there lifestyles. The match starts with Steve just dominating the smaller Squeaky, but he is unable to put him away. Late in the match Steve has Squeaky laid out on the canvas and signals he is going to the top rope for the Frehley’s Comet. Then [B]Remo[/B]’s music hits and Remo comes out to the top of the stage. Steve stares at him, mean while Squeaky has recovered. He rolls Steve up from behind for the cover with a handful of tights, as soon as referee Ric Young is in position Squeaky puts his feet on the second rope for extra leverage and the win at 11:58. [B]Rating: A*[/B] [B]Jack Bruce[/B] comes out to the ring, to his normal rock star entrance. He is dressed in his wrestling attire. He takes the mic and says that before his match tonight he would like to introduce his new manager. He goes on to say that he hopes that she will end his losing streak. He introduces, the [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B], who [B]Peter Michaels [/B]is quick to fill in there past history in the other company. Bombshell is dressed in a shiny gold mini skirt, gold heels and a gold tube top. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #7: [B]Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell) v. Alex Braun (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Jack is already in the ring from the previous segment. Alex comes out in black jeans and a sleeveless blue Ace Freeze shirt. There is a red line through the logo on the shirt and on the back is new writing that reads “the heat of the Extreme has thawed the Freeze”. Cat is dressed as before. The match starts with some good catch as catch can wrestling, and continues with solid wrestling and counter wrestling. After several minutes of being unable to gain the advantage Alex powders out to confer with Cat. He climbs back into the ring at the 9 count. They lock up again and again some solid wrestling occurs, but no advantage for either man. Eventually Alex gets Jack to chase him out of the ring and around ringside. During the chase a little cat fight breaks out between the valets. Both men stop there action to separate there women, during which Alex clobbers Bombshell. Jack attends to his fallen manager and forgets to get into the ring before the ten count, giving Alex the count out victory at 11:41. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #8: [B]Rich Money and Sexual Aggression v. Christian Faith and the Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa)[/B] The heels are out first and do there usual bits, with Joe disrobing and Rich taunting the crowd, while Gilmore glares at the audience. Next out is the Bumfholes who get a really good pop. Christian follows to a deafening pop. The action starts with Anger and Randy. The match is good but not great and the crowd pops every time Christian is in the ring. In the end however Rich Money pins Randy for the win at 12:04. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Attendance: 5,000 (Sell out) Fox Rating: 36.65 (up .13) Hallmark: 11.43 (up .02) Eastern Euro: .00 Central Euro: .00 Western Euro: .00 J Sports: .01 Grade: B-[/B]
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I cried when Alex Brawn won. I marked when Rich Money won (even if he is a heel). And I did something else when Wanda appeared in a towel but I'll keep that to myself... And hey, T-Rex scored a C+ match up which must be somewhere close to a career best for him.
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[QUOTE]FROM SWF.COM Matches annouced for next weeks Supreme TV: Big Smack Scott v. Calamari Kid Jumbo Shrimp v. Andre Jones T-Rex v. Kid Toma Sexual Aggerssion v. Biggz Boyz for the Tag Team Titles Zimmey Bumfhole v. a new signing Lobster Warrior v. Kurt Larmee in a hardcore match Jack Bruce v. Henry Lee Squeaky McClean/Eric Eisen v. High Concept plus scheduled to appear Christian Faith, Remo, and many more!![/QUOTE] show will be posted tomorrow
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF Supreme TV Apr. Week 4, 2007 Kellogg Arena, Battle Creek, MI[/CENTER][/U][/B] Match #1:[B] Big Smack Scott v. Calamari Kid (with Wanda Fish[/B]) Both Workers are in the ring when the show starts. Wanda is dressed in her usual fish net type outfit, teal in color this time. Calamari does his best to utilize his seed and quickness, but BS is just too strong for him. BS goes over with the Ego Trip at 5:56. [B]Rating: D+[/B] The camera pans to backstage where [B]Dharma[/B], dress as scantly as the censor will allow in white, is standing in front of the SWF logo. She is all giddy when she introduces her guest, [B]Christian Faith[/B]. Christian is in typical form. He teases Dharma a bit and then gets around to the subject of [B]Rich Money.[/B] He says that Rich is a future World Champion. However, he is the current World Champion and he is not ready to pass the torch just yet. [B]Rating: A[/B] Match #2: [B]Andre Jones v. Jumbo Shrimp (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Andre is waiting in the ring. Jumbo comes out to the top of the stage and posses. Wanda follows him out and drapes herself over the hulking Shrimp. The match is not very memorable as the Jumbo just basically pounds Andre till he is ready to finish him with the Ocean Wave at 5:41. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Remo[/B] comes out to the ring dressed in his street clothes. Remo is greeted by the crowd with massive heat. The crowd just hates him. Once the crowd quiets down he begins to berate [B]Steve Frehley[/B]. He calls Steve a flash in the pan. He says yeah Steve was the youngest World Champion ever, and Steve had that great undefeated streak to start his career, but who has he beat since. Ever since Runaway Train recaptured the title from Steve, Steve has only beaten nobodies. Yet for some reason Steve is still main eventing the pay per views. And that has been a joke. Steve did not belong in the Hell in the Cell at When Hell Freezes Over, and he did nothing in the match, Christian got the win and I (Remo) provided the highlight. Then at Nothing to Lose he beat Big Smack Scott, a mid card piece of trash. But that propelled him back into the title picture, where at Awesome Impact, he lost to an over the hill champion. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #3: [B]Kid Toma v. T-Rex (with the Guru[/B]) Toma is waiting in the ring. T-Rex is lead down to the ring by the Guru, stopping ever so often to growl or beat his chest. Toma tries his hardest but the Jurassic Monster is just too much for him. [B]Ana[/B] sounds disappointed calling the action as T-Rex picks up the win with the Extinction in 5:45. [B]Rating: C[/B] A video is played hyping the return of Runaway Train at The World is Watching. Rating: C+ Match #4: [B]Biggz Boyz (with Jessie) v. Sexual Aggression[/B] for the Tag Team Championship The Biggz come out first with there high energy entrance, but it is obvious that the pop is for there scantly clad manager, Jessie. Next out is Joe and Gilmore, Gilmore marches and glares his way to the ring, while Joe struts and flirts with the female fans. Once in the ring Joe goes through his disrobing ritual, while Angry glares at Jessie. The match is as good as any the two teams have put on recently, just a shorter version with Joe nailing the One Night Stand on Brett at 5:36. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Another video is played. This one of a being rising from a grave yard. Once the lightening strikes and illumines the scene, we see it is [B]Skull DeBones.[/B] The video ends with a graphic saying Skull will return at The World is Watching. After the video is over [B]Peter Michaels [/B]and [B]Duane Fry [/B]announce that Skull will be facing Runaway Train at the ppv. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #5: [B]Zimmey Bumfhole (with Rosa[/B]) v.??????????? Zimmey is out first, accompanied by the bikini clad Rosa. Then the announcer announces his opponent, debuting tonight. [B]The Natural[/B]. Zimmey and the Natural lock up and put on a really good match, the biggest problem with the match is none of my fans knew who the Natural is. I even selected Michigan for his debut, being close to Canada. The vision of the crowd reacting to me stealing one half of NOTBPW tag champs did not pan out. Zimmey scored the victory with the Bumfhole in One at 12:28. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Alex Braun [/B]is backstage, he looks at the camera and begins to tell a story of a young independent wrestler. The young man was a great flier, and the sky was the limit. Then one day he got the call, he had made the big time, he was getting a contract to wrestle for the company that made Sam Strong and Rip Cord. He signed to work for Richard Eisen and the SWF. And this is where the story goes bad. You see they did not want this young star as he was, they wanted him as they saw him. They put him in a stupid costume, and made him say words like Dude, Radical and Awesome. Then when the business took a downturn they fired the man. The reason given, no one likes comic book characters in wrestling, they just are not real enough. The young man was crushed. He could not believe it, he was not the comic book character, and he was a wrestler. So he found work with a smaller company, he went from working Arenas, to working high school gyms. He made sure he became real, he would give his all every night, there was blood by the galleon, and then Jerry Eisen called, the SWF wanted him back, well they wanted the comic book character back anyways. So the now beaten and broken tarnished star turned on Supreme TV. What is the first person he sees, a walking, talking Lobster? He knew then that he had to save this man, you see it is to late for him, but this Lobster was still young and had great talent, so I am going to bleed the comic out of you, not because you are a joke, but because I know what your future holds, I am your future if you continue to relive my past. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #6: [B]Kurt Larmee (with Cat Jemson) v. Lobster Warrior (with Wanda Fish)[/B] in a hardcore match Kurt and Cat come out first. Kurt is dressed in his black jeans and without a shirt, they get decent heat; probably do to Cat’s tight black leather outfit. Lobster comes out with his comic book hero outfit, and Wanda is still dressed the same. This match is more of a fight, with Kurt gaining the early edge as Lobster seems not so sure of the hardcore rules. After a few shots to the head with chairs and other implements of destruction, and a nice little cat fight between Wanda and Cat, Lobster begins to regain the advantage. Lobster wins a bloody match with a pin fall at 11:14. [B]Rating: B-[/B] After the match [B]Alex Braun and Henry Lee[/B] start down the ramp. A lobster turn to face them then a man grabs [B]Wanda[/B] from behind and drags her out through the crowd. When the camera crew catches up to this abductor in the parking lot we see it is [B]Vin Tanner [/B]shoving Wanda into a waiting van. [B]Rating: D[/B] Match #7: [B]Henry Lee (with Cat Jemson) v. Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell).[/B] Henry is in the ring from the previous segment. Jack dances his way to the ring with the gold, but scantly clad Blonde Bombshell. The match starts with the two locking up and doing some basic moves and counter moves. As the match progresses it quickly becomes obvious that this is Henry’s best the match since he has been here. These two have great chemistry, but that was not enough to get Henry the win, Jack with the New York Minute at 11:36. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #8: [B]Squeaky McClean and Eric Eisen v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] Eric and Squeaky are out first, and that is when I realized my mistake. I had put Eric Eisen in the main event, and the crowd hates to see him wrestle. Then the crowd popped for Dawn and her champions, not the one covered by a blue and yellow lace bra, but [B]Elmo and Groucho[/B]. The match was not as bad as I had worried, the other three stepped it up to cover for Eric. Eric did take the fall, with Groucho pinning him following the Bling Thing at 11:47. [B]Rating: B-[/B] So that was the go home show before the pay per view. My booking error doesn’t appear to hurt me to bad. Here is the final card for The World is Watching: Jack Bruce v. Henry Lee (just added due to the chemistry) Lobster Warrior v. Alex Braun in a hardcore match Elmo Benson © v. Eric Eisen for the Shooting Star Championship Groucho Bling © v. Squeaky McClean for the North American Championship Sexual Aggression © v. Amazing Bumfholes for the Tag Team Championship Skull Debones v. Runaway Train Remo v. Steve Frehley Christian Faith © v. Rich Money for the World Championship [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 36.45 (down .20) Hallmark : 11.42 (down .01) Eastern Euro: .00 Central Euro: .00 Western Euro: .00 J Sorts: .01 Grade: B[/B]
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[B]Jack Bruce[/B] v. Henry Lee (just added due to the chemistry) [I]Seeing as its Bruce and seeing how its a late addition without a storyline behind it I can see Bruce picking up another win here[/I] [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] v. Alex Braun in a hardcore match [I]Firstly, that promo by Braun was awesome. I can see Warrior going over but I don't think its too long before he turns heel and aligns himself with Brawn.[/I] Elmo Benson © v. [B]Eric Eisen [/B]for the Shooting Star Championship [I]Personally I'd keep Elmo with his partner in the tag ranks.[/I] Groucho Bling © v. [B]Squeaky McClean[/B] for the North American Championship [I]See above[/I] [B]Sexual Aggression ©[/B] v. Amazing Bumfholes for the Tag Team Championship [I]This one could go either way but I'm not sure the challengers are ready. This could be the major upset of the night though.[/I] [B]Skull Debones[/B] v. Runaway Train [I]Just cause I dug the video hyping his return[/I] [B]Remo[/B] v. Steve Frehley [I]I flipped the coin.[/I] [B]Christian Faith[/B] © v. Rich Money for the World Championship [I]Money can chase it for a bit longer. Once he wins the title he should have a long run with it but for the time being the legend continues.[/I] Interesting to see T-Rex didn't make the PPV. For some reason I can just see you repackaging as being from India and calling him The Great Rexi - not sure where the inspiration for that came from. Once again though, that Brawn promo was AWESOME!
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF THE WORLD IS WATCHING April Week 4, 2007 Dunkin Donut Center, Providence, RI[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Show opens the standard video hyping the main event for tonight’s pay per view, featuring [B]Rich Money [/B]challenging for [B]Christian Faith’s [/B]World Championship. [B]Rating: A[/B] Match #1: [B]Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell) v. Henry Lee (with Cat Jemson[/B]) Jack dances out to the ring first. He is wearing a Shawn Michaels’ like outfit, with all the little mirrors on it. Bombshell is dressed in a silver mini skirt, and halter top. Next out is Henry dressed in Black jeans and no shirt. Cat is wearing black vinyl pants with high heels and a v shaped top that barely covers her breast. The match starts with Jack going to lock up, but Henry plants a fist right between his eyes. Henry makes it clear from the on set that he has no plans to wrestle Jack, he plans to pummel Jack into defeat. Henry continues his assault for several minutes, then he whips Jack into the ropes, and Jack comes off and nails a flying cross body. Jack goes through a series of moves and brings it down with a hold, he is trying to wear Henry down. Cat tries to motivate her man, but in the end Jack gets the three count following the New York Minute at 11:34. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The camera shows what appears to be the boiler room under the arena. [B]Vin Tanner [/B]is there with [B]Wanda Fish[/B]. He is tying her to a chair. As he finishes the knot, the door comes crashing in. [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] burst through the hole that once held the metal door. He begins brutalizing Tanner. In a matter of minutes Vin is covered in blood and unconcious on the floor. Jumbo unties Wanda, and she rewards him with a kiss on the cheek. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #2: [B]Lobster Freeze v. Alex Braun (with Cat Jemson)[/B] in a hardcore match. Lobster is out first, by himself and to a decent pop. Alex Follows dressed in black jeans and wearing a shirt with the SWF logo crossed out on the front and on the back he has written Ace Who? Alex waste no time attacking Lobster, once he has him down on the canvas, Alex rolls out of the ring and retrieves an item from underneath it. When he gets back into the ring he raises it above his head, a baseball bat covered in barbwire. Before he can use the weapon however Lobster recovers and proceeds to attack and disarm Alex. Lobster controls the match for several minutes, and then when he goes for the Lobster Trap, [B]Kurt Larmee[/B] jumps the railing and nails Lobster with the Switchblade Powerslam, Kurt rolls Alex on top of Lobster for the win at 12:20. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Peter Michaels[/B] tells the viewers that he has just received word of some video that was shot earlier today. He says he is unsure what it is of. The tape plays and it is of [B]Eric Eisen[/B] waiting in the parking lot. A Ford Focus pulls in and Eric approaches it. He takes what appears to be money out of his pocket and tosses it into the window, then leaves. A few minutes later [B]Darren Smith [/B]emerges from the car, counting the money. [B]Rating: D+[/B] The camera is backstage, the view circles around what is obviously a locker room. Standing in front of the mirror, adjusting her top, is [B]dawn the cheerleader[/B]. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #3: [B]Eric Eisen v. Elmo Benson (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] for the Shooting Star Championship Eric is out first, he is wearing black spandex pants. When he gets into the ring referee [B]Darren Smith[/B] smiles and nods, but does not check him for foreign objects. [B]Peter Michaels [/B]says “I guess that explains the footage we saw, this match is going to be highway robbery.” Next out is Elmo, he does his usual high energy entrance, and Dawn bounces around with him, in her orange and blue cheerleader skirt and her green and orange tight fitting bra. Darren Smith begins to check Elmo, but Eric attacks him while distracted. Eric throws several closed fist, which Darren appears to ignore. Finally Elmo counters and throws a punch of his own, only to have Darren Smith in his face warning him. While Darren is yelling at Elmo, Eric sneak attacks Elmo from behind. Eric uses the ropes to choke Elmo, but Darren goes over to confer with the time keeper instead of counting. When Eric goes for the pin fall, he gets several fast two counts. Eventually Elmo begins to mount an offense. He even manages to hit Eric with the Shock Wave from Next Year and goes for the fall. Darren Smith gives a solid count and Elmo retains his title at 11:34. [B]Rating: B+[/B] After the match a dejected Eric leaves ring side, while an ecstatic [B]Elmo[/B] and [B]Dawn[/B] embrace and begin to celebrate. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #4: [B]Squeaky McClean v. Groucho Bling (with Dawn the Cheerleader) [/B]for the North American Championship. Squeaky is out first. He struts to the ring taunting fans. Groucho comes out to basically the same high energy entrance of his partner. The first several minutes of the match is text book wrestling with moves and counter moves. Squeaky, boring with the legit action pokes Groucho in the eye with his thumb. Now on the advantage Squeaky continues to use underhanded tactics to maintain his edge. When Dawn climbs up on the apron, Squeaky sensing what she is up to, covers his eyes. She keeps her top up, but Groucho rolls Squeaky up for the win with a school boy at 12:01. [B]Rating: B[/B] As [B]Groucho [/B]and [B]Dawn[/B] begin to celebrate his win, [B]Elmo[/B] races down the ramp to join them. The three friends pose and dance for the crowd and hold there belts up high. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #5: [B]Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa) v. Sexual Aggression[/B] for the Tag Team Championship Bumfholes are out first. They pose with fireworks at the top of the stage and then run and slide into the ring, while Rosa, dressed in her skimpy red bikini, struts to the ring. Joe and Gilmore are next. Joe saunters while Gilmore marches. Once in the ring Joe goes through his usual routine of revealing his body. The match starts with Zimmey and Joe and is pretty good action. Both teams put on a good back and fourth match, the champs trying to cut off the ring and wear there opponents down, and the challengers always getting the hot tag. Finally Angry catches Randy with Anger management for the fall at 11:43. [B]Rating: B+[/B] After the match, [B]Rosa[/B] rolls into the ring to check on [B]Randy.[/B] A sadistic smile crosses [B]Gilmore’s [/B]face. He snatches Her up and delivers a vicious power bomb. [B]Rating: E+[/B] Match #6: [B]Skull Debones v. Runaway Train [/B](with the Guru) Train is out first, the former champ receives good heat. Then the lights go out, lightening strikes the top of the Eisentron. Smoke begins to rise in the aisle. The lights flicker and then come on. Train is facing the entrance ramp, but behind him is Skull Debones. He taps Train on the shoulder, when Train turns to face him, Skull nails him with a throat chop. From there the two veterans proceed to brawl and fight like they where in the main event. Both men tiring, but neither backing down from the other. Finally Skull gets the Skull Krusher and the win at 21:31. [B]Rating: B+[/B] As [B]Skull[/B] gets his hand raised, the [B]Guru[/B] begins signaling to the back. [B]T-Rex[/B] charges the ring. Skull cuts him off, but [B]Train[/B] joins in and the two monsters proceed to beat the tar out of Skull. When referee [B]Ric Young[/B] tries to intercede, the Guru holds him back. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #7: [B]Remo v. Steve Frehley[/B] Remo is out first wearing plain black boots and tights, he does get massive heat from the crowd. Steve’s music hits, and the crowd pops. Steve hits the ring and the two start exchanging blows. Steve gains the upper hand, and the two settle into a wrestling match. The match is not a true classic but it is what is expected from two young rising superstars. They grapple, they fight, and they even get the crowd involved. Steve climbs the ropes for the Comet, but Remo catches him and counters with the Destroyer at 21:46. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #8: [B]Rich Money v. Christian Faith[/B] for the World Championship This match is a classic from the get go. Rich draws great heat upon his entrance, and Christian’s pop is thunderous. The crowd remains vocal the entirety of the match, either chanting for Christian, or degrading Rich. As for the action we get a catch as catch can wrestling match for most of the match. The performers play the crowd with every turn and twist imaginable. Rich uses choke and sleeper holds, and the crowd chants Christian back into the match. Christian has Rich in the corner, he climbs up to the second rope and begins punching Rich in the face, the crowd counts along. Both men score several near falls. Around the twenty minute mark it appears Christian is setting up for the finish, when from the back comes [B]Remo[/B]. He attacks Christian, referee [B]Shane Stones [/B]calls for the bell and awards the match to Christian at 21:39. [B]Rating: A*[/B] With the exception of a few angles I am extremely happy with this show. [B]Attendance: 15,000 (sell out) Buy rate: 6.24 Grade: B+ [/B]
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[CENTER][B][U]SWF Supreme TV May Week 1, 2007 Civic Center, Eugene, OR[/U][/B][/CENTER] The show opens with [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] in the ring, dressed in a custom suit, holding the mic. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I will get right to the point, I, Jerry Eisen, COO of the greatest Sports Entertainment Company in the history of the world is proud to announce my next great idea to drive this company to even greater profits for the share holders, and my family. At Master of Puppets, I truly will be the greatest puppet master of all time, as I am having a three ring, sixty man over the top rope battle royal, with the winner getting a shot at whoever holds the World Championship at Supreme Challenge. Yeas I said whoever holds the World title, because Rich Money will once again face off with Christian Faith for the World title, in a sixty minute iron man match, with Remo banned from ringside. The battle royal will not only feature current SWF superstars, but I am issuing an open invitation to former SWF champions, and we will be holding qualifying matches at independent shows across the World.” [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #1: [B]Akima Brave v. Alex Braun (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Akima is out first to decent fanfare, well mostly from [B]Ana Garcia[/B] at the broadcast table. Alex is out next dressed in his black jeans and a sleeveless black and red shirt that the logo is blurred on the front (obviously a DAVE logo) on the back it says Brains and Braun. Cat is dressed in Black fishnet, high heels and a red vinyl skirt and tube top. The match starts with Akima having some offense. He controls the early parts of the match, with Ana squealing delightfully. Unfortunately, he makes a rookie mistake and Alex makes him pay. From there it is a text book wrestling from the former Ace Freeze, with him getting the victory following Braun Damage at 6:16. [B]Rating:[/B] [B]C-[/B] [B]Dharma [/B]is backstage, dressed in a white tight fitting outfit. She is joined by [B]Christian Faith[/B]. Once the crowd dies down Christian begins to tell the viewers how at the World is Watching, [B]Rich Mo[/B]ney had [B]Remo[/B] interfere and get him disqualified. So tonight he has asked for and been granted a tag team match against Almighty Dollar. And then after he teaches them a lesson he will go on to Master of Puppets and defeat Rich Money in a sixty minute iron man match. [B]Rating: A[/B] Match #2: [B]Kid Toma v. Squeaky McClean[/B] Kid Toma is out first to a decent pop, mostly from Ana att the announce table. Squeaky comes out to some good heat, with the crowd covering there eyes and chanting “he’s afraid of Pom Poms”. Squeaky goes right on the offensive, but the crowds chanting and taunting of him begins to take a toll. He changes his focus from Toma to the crowd, which gives the kid the opening he needs. Toma fires off a series of moves and then nails Squeaky with the Suicide Head Butt at 5:52. [B]Ana[/B] just about has an orgasm. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Darren Smith [/B]is backstage at the hospitality table getting a cup of coffee. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] appears behind. Eric tosses a wad of money over Darren’s shoulder. When Darren turns to see who is throwing money around, Eric punches him in the eye. Eric then proceeds to kick and beat on Darren, and then for good measure he dumps the industrial coffee pot on him. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #3: [B]Justin Caton and the Natural v. Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa)[/B] Caton and Natural are in the ring waiting the Bumfholes. [B]Zimmey and Randy [/B]come out to there usual high energy entrance. Half way down the ramp, they stop and turn back towards the entrance, out comes Rosa, moving slowly, but dress in her skimpy bikini, and a neck brace. The match is very one sided with the Bumfholes controlling the action. Zimmey picks up the win with the Bumfhole in One at 5:46. [B]Rating: D+[/B] A video is played showing the highlights of the [B]Rich Money v. Christian Faith [/B]main event form the World is Watching. The crowd loves it, and they boo when [B]Remo[/B] runs in to save his partner. [B]Rating: A[/B] Match #4: [B]Dirty White Boyz v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] Dirty White Boyz are waiting in the ring. High Concept dances to the ring, with Dawn dressed in a green and yellow modified (tighter, shorter) Oregon Ducks cheerleader’s outfit. [B]Groucho[/B] and [B]Elmo [/B]control the match from start to finish. Elmo picks up the win when he nails [B]Lead Belly[/B] with Game Over at 5:51. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Dawn[/B] grabs the mic before climbing into the ring. She says that she is the most excited person in the world. That when one of her men when the battle royal, they will go on to Supreme Challenge to face and defeat the World Champion. That will give [B]High Concept[/B] all of the singles gold to be had, but that is not enough. She then challenges [B]Sexual Aggression [/B]for the tag straps at Master of Puppets. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #5: [B]The Underwater Union (with Wanda Fish) v. Extremist (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Union is out first, they do there typical comic book hero entrance. Wanda is dressed in Purple fish net, pink heels, a pink skirt and a shear purple top. The Extremist march to the wring dressed in black jeans. The match is more of an all out brawl. Referee [B]Shane Stones[/B] losses control several times. Towards the ten minute mark, [B]Lobster [/B]is taking an unholy beating, he has been isolated for several minutes. Then [B]Vin Tanner [/B]makes a mistake and Lobster shoots over for the tag to [B]Calamari Kid[/B]. [B]Henry Lee and Kurt Larmee[/B] hurry in to try and stop the tag, [B]Jumbo Shrimp [/B]cuts Kurt off and they tumble over the top rope to the floor. Lobster and Henry also fight out to the floor. Calamari Kid nails Vin with the Squid Buster for the win at 12:02. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #6: [B]Angry Gilmore v. Skull DeBones[/B] Angry is out first, he does his focus stoic entrance, barely acknowledging the crowd. The lights go out, the raven squawks, the fog rises and so does Skull to the top of the ramp. The match is a great example of text book wrestling, holds and counters, moves and reversals. Eventually Skull gains an edge and has Gilmore in the corner, he comes charging in, but accidentally clips referee [B]Ric Young[/B], who goes down. As Skull sets Gilmore up for the Skull Krusher, [B]Joe Sexy[/B] runs in, nails Skull with the One Night Stand, rolls Gilmore on top of him, then revives the referee. Winner at 12:01 Anger Gilmore. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #7: [B]Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell) v. Runaway Train (with the Guru)[/B] Jack is out first to his usual rock star entrance, Bombshell is in a platinum miniskirt and a purple lace bra. Train comes out to his usual heat. Train controls the early stages of the match, overpowering the smaller Jack. But as the match wears on, train wears down. When Jack has the match in hand and begins to take it home, Guru jumps up on the apron, Shane Stones goes over to warn him. [B]T-Rex [/B]slides out from under the ring, nails Jack with a chair shot and leaves. Train recovers, hits the Train Wreck and the win at 12:09. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #8: [B]Almighty Dollar v. Christian Faith and Steve Frehley[/B] The crowd is in hyper drive as the teams enter, both [B]Remo [/B]and [B]Money[/B] get tremendous heat, and the pop for Frehley is only second to that of Christian. The match is an old fashioned donnybrook. Christian beats Remo like a government mule, and tags in Steve. Remo goes low and nails a shot to the mid section (a little lower). Remo and Money then isolate Frehley. After several minutes of being beaten, Steve manages a tag to a fresh Faith, but referee [B]Shane Stones[/B] misses it. The drumming of Frehley continues. Finally Christian has had enough, he charges in and Remo powders out. Money takes a swipe at Christian but misses. Christian chases Money down the aisle and up the ramp. Remo seeing the beaten Frehley lying in the ring rolls back in, hit the Destroyer and picks up the win at 15:06. [B]Rating: B[/B] I am excited bout the upcoming battle royal and have sent out contact request to several top workers, I can’t wait to see who I can get. [B]Attendance: 4,886 Fox Rating: 37.94 (up 1.49) Hallmark : 11.82 (up .40) Easter Euro: .00 Central Euro: .00 Western Euro: .00 J Sports: .01 Grade: B[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF Supreme TV May Week 2, 2007 Tom Gola Arena, Philadelphia, PA[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show starts with [B]Rich Money[/B] coming out to the ring. He is dressed in one of his custom black double breasted suits. He tells the crowd how great it is to be wealthy, how unlike them, he was accustom to having what he wants, when he wants it. How he has only the best things in life. He drives the best cars, flies in the best private jet, lives in the best neighborhoods. He says there is only one thing left for him to acquire, and that is the World Championship. [B]Rating: A[/B] Match #1: [B]Calamari Kid (with Wanda Fish) v. Kurt Larmee (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Calamari comes out accompanied by the stunning Wanda Fish, Wanda is wearing a short white skirt and white following top. Kurt comes out in his black jeans and Cat is wearing her Black vinyl mini and tube top. The match starts with Calamari trying to use his speed and quickness to hit and run, but eventually Kurt gets a hold of him and begins to beat and batter the small comic book hero. Kurt hits the Switchblade Powerslam for the win at 5:50. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Joe Sexy [/B]and [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] are sitting in the locker room backstage. Joe is wrapped in a towel around his waist, Gilmore is polishing his boots. They say that they are both excited about the battle royal, and that they have the best odds of winning, because there are two of them, and they will act as a team, and have each other backs. Then they address the challenge laid fourth last week by [B]High Concept[/B], they say they would be glad to accept the challenge, they could use the warm up for the battle royal. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #2: [B]Jumbo Shrimp (with Wanda Fish) v. Henry Lee (with Cat Jemson[/B]) Jumbo comes out and poses at the top of the ramp, Wanda wraps herself around him. Then they skip to the ring. Henry comes out in the black jeans and a sleeveless black shirt, which he keeps on during the match. Henry tries to jump start the match, but Jumbo is just too big and too strong for the icon of insanity. Jumbo goes over with the Ocean Wave at 5:53. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] is sitting in his office. There is a slight rap at the door, and in walks [B]Eric Eisen[/B]. Jerry invites Eric in and tells him to have a seat. Jerry begins to tell Eric that being an Eisen has certain rules they must follow, and over the last couple of weeks Eric has broken two of the rules and embarrassed the family, and more importantly the company. Jerry tells him his first mistake was trying to bribe a referee, as everyone knows that SWF officials are beyond corruption. Then when the referee did not cheat for you, you assaulted him. If you ever do something to affect the integrity of this company or Family again I will not only suspend you but I will kick your behind, now get out of my office. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #3: [B]Lobster Warrior (with Wanda Fish) v. Vin Tanner (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Lobster is out first, he has a much more subdued entrance then his partners did, he seems to be concentrating on his match. Vin is also subdued in his entrance. The match is as close to a wrestling as any of Lobsters matches against the Extremist. Vin tries to put up a good match, but Lobster just out wrestles him. Lobster gets the win with the Lobster Trap at 5:58. [B]Rating: B-[/B] After the match is over [B]Wanda[/B] slides in to raise Lobsters hand. [B]Cat [/B]Jemson, who is visually pissed at the results of the matches tonight charges in and attacks Wanda. The Two begin to pull each others hair and roll around on the ground. Lobster and Vin watch for several minutes, then pull then apart. Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia are appalled by the actions of the two divas, Duane Fry seems to have enjoyed it. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match #4: [B]Death Row v. The Dirty White Boys v. Biggz Boyz (with Jessie)[/B] Death Row is out first, they rap themselves to the ring, which the crowd seems to hate. Then the sound of motorcycles revving up, and out comes Dirty White Boys. The Biggz follow with a decent pop, but that could have been for the scantly clad Jessie. The match is not put together very well, maybe because of the lower rung teams. The basic concept was you could tag anyone’s partner. But it turned more into a handicap tag match. The Biggz did prevail, but the crowd seemed bored, match time 7:54. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Backstage, [B]Robbie Retro[/B] is talking to [B]Rosa[/B]. He is bragging about how after he wins the battle royal he will go on to main event Supreme Challenge, which is like the super bowl of sports entertainment. He says after he wins Rosa should hit the disco with him. At that point [B]Zimmey and Randy [/B]come around the corner. Robbie seems a little surprised to see them. The Bumfholes each do a disco imitation and Robbie kind of laughs, but it is the hurt please stop making fun of me laugh. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #5:[B] T-Rex/ Runaway Train (with the Guru) v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] T-Rex and Train are out first. Guru leads then to the ring and they do the basic heel ignore the crowd. Once in the ring they begin to taunt the crowd. High Concept does there usual high energy entrance. Dawn is dressed in a tight fitting 76ers cheerleader outfit. The heels control the early going with there power, but as the match wears on the better conditioned fliers take control. The end comes when Elmo nails T-Rex with the Game Over at 11:43. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #6: [B]Squeaky McClean v. Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell)[/B] Squeaky is out first. He taunts the crowd on with way to the ring. Jack does his rock star entrance. He dances around with the platinum clad Bombshell. The match is actually very good. Jack wrestles and plays to the crowd, while Squeaky takes the occasional short cut to gain or regain the advantage. Jack hits the New York Minute at 11:56. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #7: [B]Steve Frehley v. Alex Braun (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Steve is out first to a good pop. Alex follows to decent heat, the crowd is taunting Cat bout her fight earlier with Wanda. Steve is the aggressor at first. He takes the fight to Alex. Alex takes a tremendous beating, but refuses to stay down. After being dominated by Steve for most of the match, Alex catches a break when Cat distracts referee Ric Young after sliding Alex a pair of brass knuckles. [B]Ric Young[/B] misses Alex laying Steve out. Alex then hits Braun Damage for the win at 12:27. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #8: [B]Remo v. Skull DeBones[/B] Remo is out first to excellent heat. Skull follows with his eerie entrance. Peter, Ana and Duane keep putting over the past battles between these two. The match lives up to the series as these two beat the living tar out of each other. At one point the competitors end up outside the ring brawling. Remo gains the upper hand and clears the announce table off. He places Skull on it, and then climbs up there with him. Remo puts Skull through the table with the Destroyer, and then climbs in the ring to receive the Count Out victory at 11:51. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 37.26 (down .68) Hallmark : 11.84 (up .02) East Euro : .00 Cent Euro : .00 West Euro : .00 J Sports : .01 Grade : B-[/B]
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[CENTER][B][U]SWF Supreme TV May Week 3, 2007 Magness Arena, Denver, CO[/U][/B][/CENTER] The show opens with [B]Remo[/B] coming out to the ring. He is in his wrestling gear. He takes the mic and begins talking to the crowd. He tells then that we are on the dawn of a new era of sports entertainment. That following Master of Puppets, he will go on to Supreme Challenge where he will become the World Champion. He says that the current landscape of sports entertainment is dotted with fossils and dinosaurs, like Sam Keith, Alex Bran, Runaway Train, Enygma, and Christian Faith. He says it is time for then to put the other foot into the grave and make way for the future, correct that the present of sports entertainment, men like himself, and Rich Money. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #1: [B]Steve Frehley v. Paul Steadyfast[/B] Steadyfast is waiting in the ring. The pop that Steve gets is outstanding. As Steve slaps hands and make his way to the ring, the announce team puts over that Steadyfast is a sound technical worker. Once the match starts it is hard to tell that Steadyfast is anything more then the typical enhancement talent. Steve simply dominates, and finishes Paul with Frehley’s Comet at 5:48. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Dharma[/B] is backstage in front of the SWF logo, she is dressed in a cleavage enhancing white evening gown. [B]Christian Faith[/B] joins her. He talks about the excitement swirling around the locker room. He says that everyone keeps coming up and telling him that they will win the battle royal and the shot at his World Championship. He then goes into his long diatribe about putting his Faith in God, and how it is God who has brought him to the pinnacle of this business. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #2:[B] Death Row and Andre Jones v. Robbie Retro and Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa)[/B] [B]Death Row[/B] and Andre are waiting in the ring. Robbie dances along side the Bumfhole in there high energy entrance. Rosa is once again decked out in a shimmering gold Bikini. The match is better then average, but it is one sided. The Bumfholes and Retro just are too much for there opponents. Zimmey scores with the Bumfhole in One on Andre at 5:47. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Rich Money[/B] is shown sitting in what appears to be the back of a limo. He sets down his Forbes magazine and addresses the camera. He once again repeats his monolog about having the best things in life and always getting what he wants. He says he feels sorry for [B]Christian,[/B] being bothered by everyone telling him that they are going to face him at Supreme Challenge, because Christian is not going to make it to Supreme Challenge. He says that Christian is at a great disadvantage at Master of Puppets. The match will continue for an hour no matter what happens. The simple fact that Rich is younger and can afford the best trainers makes it obvious that he is the odds on favorite. [B]Rating: A[/B] Match #3: [B]High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader) v. Extremist (with Cat Jemson)[/B] High Concept are out first, they do there usual high energy entrance. Dawn is dressed in tight fitting Rockies jersey and a purple mini skirt. [B]Vin Tanner [/B]and [B]Kurt Larmee[/B] come out in there black jeans an all business attitude. Cat is wearing the black vinyl mini and tube top. The match is surprisingly one sided. High Concept isolate and destroy Vin Tanner, he never tags out with Kurt Seeming to get distracted every time Vin was close. [B]Elmo[/B] scores with the Game Over at 5:55. [B]Rating: B[/B] As [B]Cat Jemson[/B] is tending to [B]Vin Tanner[/B], [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] comes out to the top of the ramp. He says that last week was a disgrace. That there is no place in the SWF for cat fights, this company was built around solid competition, not two divas pulling each others hair and rolling around. With that in mind he has decided to book a match at Master of Puppets, the match will be a first in the SWF. The two opponents in the match shall be Cat Jemson and [B]Wanda Fish[/B]. [B]Rating: D-[/B] Match #4: [B]Samoan Wild Boyz v. Sexual Aggression[/B] for the Tag Team Championship. The Wild Boyz come out to a decent pop. They do a Samoan ritual dance before the match. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] struts to the ring, with a glaring[B] Gilmore[/B] following behind him. Joe does his revealing of his body and then gets out of the ring. Gilmore and [B]Toma[/B] start the match, and the kid actually gains the advantage. Toma has a few high spots before Joe hits him from behind. The champs work over the kid for awhile, then he gets the hot tag to [B]Akima[/B], but the champs’ underhanded tactics give them the advantage again. The Champs win when Joe Sexy gets the One Night Stand on Akima Brave at 5:58. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Eric Eisen[/B] is back stage in front of the SWF logo, he begins to taunt his brother, saying how dare he call him an embarrassment. Well he will show [B]Jerry[/B], by winning the Battle Royal and going on to win the World Championship at Supreme Challenge, then he will be there father’s favorite and he will be the one power. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #5: [B]Alex Braun (with Cat Jemson) v. Jumbo Shrimp (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Alex comes to the ring first, he is wearing his black jeans and a sleeveless blue Ace Freeze shirt, with the loge spray painted red to blur it out. Cat is wearing a leather mini skirt and tight leather tube top. Jumbo is out next, he stops to pose at the top of the ramp, Wanda comes out, dressed in a white mini skirt, and a teal v top, and then drapes herself over Jumbo. The match is more of a fight then a wrestling match, with the smaller but more experienced Braun doing most of the beating. Wanda tries to encourage her man, but Alex gets the when after using a foreign object at 11:54. [B]Rating: B-[/B] After the match, [B]Wanda[/B] climbs into the ring to check on Jumbo Shrimp. [B]Cat Jemson[/B], cuts her off and the two begin a cat fight. Both girls are rolling around on the canvas pulling at each others hair and clothes. [B]Rating: D[/B] Match #6: [B]Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell) v. Runaway Train (with the Guru)[/B] Jack is first to make his way to the ring, he does his usual rock star entrance, dancing to the ring with the scantly clad Blonde Bombshell. Train is out next, he is lead to the ring by the Guru. The match starts with Train imposing his will on the smaller Jack. Train continues to beat jack for several minutes, but he is unable to finish him off. Jack eventually turns the tide and nails Train with the New York Minute at 11:39. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #7: [B]Squeaky McClean v. Lobster Warrior [/B] Squeaky is out first, taunting the crowd on his way to the ring. Lobster comes out, without Wanda. The match is a good technical match, Squeaky tries to bend the rules to gain the advantage, but Lobster always makes the come back. Lobster goes over with the Lobster Trap at 11:57. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #8: [B]T-Rex (with the Guru) v. Skull Debones[/B] T-Rex is lead to the ring by the Guru. Then the lights go out, the fog begins to rise. A bell tolls in the distant. The lights flicker, and then come on. Standing in the ring is Skull Debones. The two competitors begin to beat on each other. T-Rex gains the early advantage, but Skull refuses to stay down. Skull gets the win over the visibly tired T-Rex with the Skull Krusher at 11:46. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Computer is back up and running, updates should be more consistent. [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 38.38 (up 1.12) Hallmark : 15.36 (up 3.52) East Euro : .00 Cent Euro : .00 West Euro: .00 J-Sports : .01 Grade: B[/B]
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I've never been a great fan or user of SWF until recently, so I've taken a fresher interest in keeping an eye out for SWF-related dynasties (I think the last I read was Shmoes beforehand). One thing with SWF is that there seems a certain amount of almost ready-made story to work with (places and roles, yadda seem more defined that some of the other promotions) and it's good to see you staying true to some of that to a point (like preparing to pull the trigger on Remo and Rich Money's rise to the top). One thing I have really enjoyed though in particular, is your use of Alex Braun/Ace Freeze. You've created a story behind his return that warrants his push, especially his quest to 'save' the likes of Lobster Warrior from the cartoonish charicture he currently is. Someone else touched upon it, but his promo several shows ago was top notch. I'm also liking the relationship/friction between Eric and Jerry Eisen and any match involving T-Rex that doesn't stink up the show deserves respect, lol.
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF Supreme TV May Week 4, 2007 Faint-Ewing Coliseum, Monroe, LA[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] coming out to the ring in a grey off the rack suit. He takes the mic and begins to belittle his little brother [B]Eric[/B], saying the remarks by his brother on last week's show were uncalled for and rude. He has decided that if Eric was in such bad state of mind that he absolutely had to win the Battle Royal to reach the pinnacle of his career, then it would fall to him as Eric’s loving older brother to help him. So with that in mind he was making a match for tonight, Eric would be facing a top tier wrestler, a man who could work on the main event level. Eric’s match will be against [B]Skull DeBones[/B]. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #1: [B]The Dirty White Boyz v. The Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa[/B]) Dirty White Boyz are waiting in the ring. [B]Zimmey[/B] and [B]Randy [/B]come running out to the top of the stage, the crowd pops. Then as they dance and pose the lovely Rosa saunters out in gold bikini. She dances between the two brothers and then leads then to the ring. The match starts with Randy and [B]Grease Hogg[/B] representing there teams. Grease uses his size and power to gain the early advantage. The White Boyz do some frequent tags and manage to cut the ring in half on Randy. Rosa keeps the crowd cheering on the downed Bumfhole, finally he gets the hot tag to Zimmey. Zimmey hits the ring like a ball of fire, he manages to force Grease Hogg from the ring and then nails [B]Lead Belly[/B] with the Bumfhole in One at 5:53. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Cat Jemson[/B] is standing in a dark ally. She is dressed in her usual black vinyl, this time pants and a halter top. She is brushing her hair. She stops and looks at the camera, “When I was a little girl I spent several hours playing in allies like this one. You see life was not all colorful and bright when you grow up in the projects. I had to spend my youth with the junkies, the pushers, the whores and the gangstas. My life was anything but easy, I was lucky though it helped me grow up strong, it made me a survivor. I used my looks and my brains to pull my self up from the projects to get my piece of the pie. I still surround myself with elements of that society, the guyz of DANGER and VIOLENCE to the EXTREME, but they are a part of me. [B]Rating: E[/B] Match #2:[B] Death Row v. Squid Squad (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Death Row is waiting in the ring. [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] comes out to the top of the ramp and flexes, [B]Calamari Kid[/B] does a kneeling pose in front of him, and then Wanda comes out in teal and white and drapes a leg over Calamari’s shoulder and her upper body around Jumbo. The match stars with Jumbo and Knuckles, and Jumbo is just to big and strong for [B]Knuckles[/B] to mount any offense. After beating on Knuckles for several minutes Jumbo wipes him into his own corner, where he quickly tags in [B]Shady K[/B]. Shady K fairs no better against the mammoth Shrimp. Jumbo tags in Calamari who hits the Squid Buster at 5:55. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Wanda Fish[/B] grabs the microphone. “What a sob story that Cat just told use. All that video proved is that you can take the girl out of the projects but you can’t take the projects out of the girl. She is still a crack whore, and those guyz of danger and violence, she likes to be around, gee they are just like the pimps and hustlers she is used to, hell Kurt is her Pimp and everyone knows he is who brought her up out of the ghetto.” [B]Rating: D[/B] Match #3: [B]Paul Steadyfast v. Lobster Warrior (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Lobster comes out and joins Wanda during the commercial break, as does Paul. The match is your basic one sided affair with Lobster toying with Steadyfast. Lobster gets the Lobster trap at 6:01. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Dharma[/B] is backstage in front of the SWF logo. She is dresses in a tight white sundress. She is joined by [B]Steve Frehley[/B]. Steve talks about the upcoming battle royal and what the opportunity means to him. He talks about how he has been on a quest to regain the World Title ever since he lost it to Runaway Train. He talks about how everyone in the business knows there is no bigger deal then main eventing Supreme Challenge. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #5: [B]Runaway Train & T-Rex (with the Guru) v. Biggz Boyz (with Jessie)[/B] Train and Rex are out first. They are lead to the ring by the Guru. The crowd gives them decent heat. The Biggz do there high energy entrance and Jessie is wearing a tight short black mini skirt and a blue flowing top. The heels control the match against the smaller former champions. . T-Rex gets the fall following the Extinction at 5:41. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Robbie Retro[/B] is in the locker room, he is chanting and dancing by himself. [B]Sam Keith [/B]walks in talking to [B]Squeaky McClean[/B]. They stop and watch Retro with looks of pure awe on there faces. “What the hell are you doing?” asks Sam. “Oh, I am practicing my victory dance for when I win the battle royal on Sunday!” “When you win the battle royal? You? Are you serious?” Squeaky replies. “Yeah, you have about the same chance of winning the battle royal as Squeaky does, and that is none!” The three argue as the can fades to black. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #5: [B]Kid Toma v. Remo[/B] Kid Toma comes out first to his native music. He does his ritual dance once in the ring. Remo is out next. He has a look of determination on his face. He ignores the taunts of the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. Once the bell sounds, Toma surprises Remo with a vast array of offense. Remo spends several minutes on the defensive. Then Toma makes a mistake, and Remo capitalizes. Remo then begins to dissect his opponent, but every time he tries to end the match, Toma kicks out. Finally Remo hits the Destroyer for the win at 12:19. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #6: [B]Eric Eisen v. Skull Debones[/B] Eric comes out first, the crowd is really not happy to see him wrestle. Then the lights go out, fog begins to rise from the floor, thunder is heard in the distance. When the lights come back up, Skull is standing in the ring. Eric tries hit and run tactics against Skull, but he doesn’t have much success, all he manages to do is prolong the match. Skull takes the fall with the Skull Krusher at 12:15. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #7: [B]Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell) v. Alex Braun (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Jack comes out to his usual Rock Star entrance, with Bombshell dress in what is best described as a platinum stripper out fit. Alex comes out with is scowl on his face. He wears his black jeans and a white SWF shirt, the SWF logo is crossed out in red paint, and on the back he has written SWF where careers die! Cat accompanies him, but is visually shaken by the crowds’ taunts of “Ghetto Trash”. Alex takes the early advantage with some classic catch as catch can wrestling. Every time Jack tries to mount a comeback, Alex pulls the hair or pokes the eyes to maintain his advantage. Jack finally catches fire and makes his comeback, he seems to have Alex ready for the New York Minute, but Alex counters, causing Jack to hit the canvas hard. Alex goes for the pin, once the referee is in position Alex puts his feet on the ropes for leverage and the win at 12:16. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #8: [B]Christian Faith and High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader) v. Rich Money and Sexual Aggression[/B] The heels come out first. They all come down together. Rich and Joe taunt the crowd as they enter, while Gilmore remains focused. After [B]Joe Sexy [/B]reveals his physique, High Concept comes out. They do there usual high energy entrance, with Dawn wearing a UL-Monroe modified cheerleader outfit. Then Christian’s music hits, and the crowd erupts. Once Christian is in the ring and the crowd settles down, the match begins. The match is a sound technical match for much of the contest. The heels cheat and double team, and the faces come back. As the match approaches the fourteen minute mark, Christian has Rich down and it appears he is going to go for the Test of Faith. Joe Sexy comes in for the save, but [B]Groucho Bling[/B] cuts him off and they fight over to the corner where, [B]Elmo Benson[/B] gets involved. While Joe is fighting with the two members of High Concept, [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] grabs a steel chair and lays Christian out. Unfortatunatly, referee Ric Young sees the chair shot and disqualifies his team. Winners by DQ at 14:42, High Concept and Christian Faith. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Only real note of interest is that [B]Ana Garcia[/B] was late for the second time, so she was fined. The only matches announced for the PPV: Sexual Aggression © v. High Concept for the SWF Tag Team Titles Cat Jemson v. Wanda Fish 60 man Battle Royal for the main event at Supreme Challenge Christian Faith © v. Rich Money in a 60 minute Iron Man match for the World Championship. [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 36.64 (down 1.74) Hallmark : 11.50 (down 3.86) East Euro : 0.00 Cent Euro : 0.00 West Euro : 0.00 J sports : .01 Grade: C+[/B]
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[quote]from Swf.com: A Partial List Of Competiors In The Battle Royal Remo, Steve Frehley (ex World Champ), Runaway Train (ex World Champion), Sam Keith (ex World Champ0, Enygma 9ex World Champ), Madman Boone, Hell's Bouncer, Demon Spite, Danny B. Bling, Freddie Datsun, The Wolverine, Tank Bradley, Black Hat Bailey, Land Mass, Puerto Rician Piwer, Jim Force, Captain Usa And Many More[/quote] All Members Of The Roster Are In, Except Rich Money And Christian Faith.
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF MASTER of PUPPETS May week 4, 2007 Allstate Arena, Chicago, IL[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with a video promoting the main event between [B]Christian Faith [/B]and [B]Rich Money[/B] in a sixty minute Iron Man Match for the World Championship. [B]Rating: A*[/B] When the wide shot of the arena is shown you can see 3 rings in the center of the arena. Match #1: [B]High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader) v. Sexual Aggression [/B]for the Tag Team Championship. The challengers are out first. They do there usual high energy entrance, with Dawn dress in a tight fitting Cubs jersey and a blue and red cheerleader skirt. The champs follow with [B]Gilmore[/B] doing his focused march to the ring, while [B]Joe Sexy[/B] stops occasionally to taunt a kid or dazzle a female fan. Once in the ring, Joe reveals physique. The match starts with Joe Sexy and [B]Elmo Benson[/B] doing some back and fourth wrestling, eventually Joe gains an advantage and then tags in Gilmore. They continue to make frequent tags and isolate Elmo. After several minutes Elmo makes the hot tag to [B]Groucho Bling[/B]. Groucho clears the ring and follows Gilmore to the floor. They continue to fight out into the crowd, while referee [B]Darren Smith [/B]counts the 10, and calls for the bell on a double count out at 11:31. [B]Rating: B[/B] After the match the four competitors continue there brawl around ringside, out into the crowd and finally up the ramp and into the back. [B]Rating: C+[/B] A video is shown of the history between the [B]Under Water Union [/B]and [B]The Extremist.[/B] The crowd is really not impressed with this segment and some use as a bathroom or snack bar break. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match #2: [B]Cat Jemson v. Wanda Fish[/B] Cat is out first in a black, form fitting body suit that appears to be vinyl. The crowd starts in with the “Ghetto Trash”. Wanda follows dressed in s low cut teal top and a white mini skirt. The match is more of a cat fight, with both women going through holds and positions to show off there assets. Wanda wins with the Dish of the Day at 5:48. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Peter Michaels[/B] climbs into the ring and takes a mic. He tells the crowd that the last match was exciting and got his, um heart, pumping. He said that before the Battle Royal he wanted to give the crowd a further look at some of the SWF Divas, so why not a Windy City Bikini Contest. With that [B]Ana Garcia[/B] comes into the ring from the announce table. She disrobes into a hot Pink string Bikini. Next out is [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B], wearing a red Bikini top, with a black “2” on one side and a black “3” on the other. The butt of the bottoms has the Bulls logo. [B]Dharma[/B] is out next, she is wearing a black string top that covers almost nothing and a pair of Whitesox booty shorts. Finally [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B] comes to the ring in a robe. When she drops the robe, all she is wearing are logos, a Bears head over the left breast, a Cubs logo over the right. Her buttock is covered with a tiny Blackhawk’s logo, and the front a Bulls logo. The crowd pops and declares her the winner. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #3: [B]60 man over the top rope, three ring battle royal.[/B] Peter Michaels, Ana Garcia and Duane Fry explain that twenty men will start in each ring, once only ten remain, and then the thirty remaining wrestlers will all move to the center ring to finish the match. The winner will receive a World Championship Match at Supreme Challenge. The wrestlers in ring one are: Remo, Skull Debones, Alex Braun, Jumbo Shrimp, Zimmey Bumfhole, T-Rex, Marc Dubois, Big Smack Scott, Vin Tanner, Enforcer Roberts, F.A.G., Akima Brave, Shady K, Justin Caton, Hell’s Bouncer, Freddie Datsun, Black Hat Bailey, Land Mass, Captain USA, and Dean McWade. Remo and Skull go right after each other and continue to beat on each other till the ten entrants have been elimated. Alex, Vin and Dean work as a team to put Jumbo over the top rope, but Jumbo takes Dean with him. T-Rex goes on a tear and tosses F.A.G, Akima, Shady K, Justin and Captain USA. Freddie removes Bailey. Zimmey, Marc, Enforcer and Hell’s Bouncer team up to toss Land Mass. Ten remaining: Remo, Skull, Alex, Vin, T-Rex, Freddie, Zimmey, Marc, Enforcer and Hell’s Bouncer. Ring Two: Steve Frehley, Angry Gilmore, Randy Bumfhole, Joe Sexy, Elmo Benson, Robbie Retro, Kurt Larmee, Sam Keith, Henry Lee, Eric Eisen, Andre Jones, Knuckles, Lead Belly, The Natural, Demon Spite, The Wolverine, Ryan Powell, Puerto Rican Power, Ronnie V. Pain, the masked Buffon. The tag champs double team Elmo Benson, but fail to get him to the floor. Frehley tosses the Buffon. Eric and Randy go over together. Henry and Kurt double team and remove Retro. Sam Keith removes Andre, Knuckles and The Natural. The Wolverine and Ronnie beat on each other, but both remain. Puerto Rican drops Ryan and Demon. Ten remaining: Frehley, Gilmore, Sexy, Elmo, Henry, Kurt, The Wolverine, Ronnie V. Pain, Sam Keith, and Puerto Rican Power. Ring three: Runaway Train, Lobster Warrior, Jack Bruce, Groucho Bling, Squeaky McClean, Brett Biggz, Mikel Alonso, Enygma, Bart Biggz, Kid Toma, Calamari Kid, Grease Hogg, Paul Steadyfast, Madman Boone, Danny B. Bling, Tank Bradley, Travis Century, Jim Force, Dallas McWade, and Mr. X. Train destroys Mr. X. Lobster tosses Tank. Jack removes Dallas. Groucho beats and tosses Century. Jim Force presses Squeaky into the front row. The Biggz double team Grease Hogg. Kid Toma drops Bling and Alonso. Madman tosses Enygma, and Calamari floors Steadyfast. Ten remaining: Train, Lobster, Jack, Groucho, Brett, Bart, Kid Toma, Calamari, Jim Force, and Madman Boone. Final Ring: The final four are Angry Gilmore, Remo, Elmo Benson and Skull Debones. Remo and Gilmore make a pact to help each other eliminate the other two. Once they are gone, Remo quickly tosses Gilmore for the win at 59:45. [B]Rating: B[/B] The video hyping the Iron Man Match for the World Championship between [B]Christian Faith[/B] and [B]Rich Money[/B] is replayed. [B]Rating: A*[/B] Match #4: [B]Rich Money v. Christian Faith [/B]in a 60 minute Iron Man Match for the World Championship Rich Money comes out first, styling and profiling. He taunts the crowd and does the usual heel stuff. When Christian’s music begins the place erupts. Christian comes out to an enormous pop. The match starts with about 20 minutes of solid wrestling. Rich Money gains the first fall when he rolls through on the Leap of Faith. Then he gains the second fall a few minutes later by using the ropes for leverage to gain a fall. With the score two falls to none in his favor Rich gets a little ****y. When he makes a mistake Christian counters with the Test of Faith to score his first fall. Then realizing he still has a one fall advantage Rich tries to avoid Christian and powders out. Christian follows him to the floor and catches him, after beating on Money for a bit, Christian puts him face first into the ring post, and rolls into the ring to gain a count out fall tying the score at 2 a piece. With time running out Christian scores the decisive fall with a small package. [B]Rating: A*[/B] After the show, which I thought was good, I began to hear rumblings from the exiting crowd. So I went to the net and found the viewing public felt the same. They felt cheated because there were only four matches on a 3 hour pay per view. The only other note of interest was that [B]Cat Jemson [/B]arrived late, I warned her and let it go. [B]Attendance: 15,000 (sell out) Buy Rate: 6.23 Grade: B-[/B]
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Kinda saw Remo winning but I liked the PPV overall (even if i would have been pretty annoyed with paying to see only 4 match ;) ). Those females need to be put into their place otherwise they're gonna walk all over you and keep showing up late!
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