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Not Another SWF Danasty!!!!

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[B][CENTER][U]SWF Supreme TV June Week 1, 2007 Smith Center, Washington DC[/U][/CENTER][/B] The Show opens with [B]Remo[/B] in the ring. He starts by telling the crowd that he delivered on the first part of his promise, he won the Battle Royal at Master of Puppets, now in two months time he will go on to defeat the World Champion at Supreme Challenge. He begins to talk about [B]Christian Faith[/B], but [B]Rich Money’s [/B]music comes on over the PA system. Rich struts out to the ring in a custom Italian suit. Remo looks dumbfounded at him, and asks why he is out here. Rich tells him partially to congratulate his partner on winning such a grueling match. He also wants to point out that Supreme Challenge is not till the end of July, and Times of Trouble is at the end of June, so he is challenging Christian Faith for the World Title at Times of Trouble. Before Remo can talk, out comes Christian. He has to wait a bit for the crowd to die down. He begins by insulting Rich and Remo, calling them the douche, mean money, bags and his trained ape. He says that he has beaten Rich at the last two pay per views, and feels the crowd wants to see him take on someone new, and as far as he is concerned there is no need to wait for Supreme Challenge to fight Remo, they can do it a Times of Trouble. Before Remo or Rich could reply, out comes [B]Jerry Eisen[/B]. Jerry reminds all three men that he is the only person with the power to make matches. He says that Remo is the number on contender, and will be facing Christian Faith at Supreme Challenge. So that leaves him with the duty of finding a Main Event for Times of Trouble, and he has a solution for that as well. At Times of Trouble, Rich Money will wrestle Christian Faith…Rich begins to celebrate, Remo did not seem as happy…Jerry says that is not quite what he meant, as Remo would also be facing Christian at Times of Trouble…Christian looked perplexed…Jerry continued, in a tag team match. Jerry then gave Christian one week to find a partner, or he would assign him one. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #1: [B]Steve Frehley v. Justin Caton[/B] Justin is waiting in the ring. Steve comes out to a decent pop. He is attacked by Justin as soon as he gets in the ring. Justin’s offense last for about ten seconds. Steve then goes on to dominate the match. He picks up the win following Frehley’s Comet at 5:32. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Backstage, [B]High Concept[/B] is standing with [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B], who is dressed in a tight fitting Senator’s jersey, in front of the SWF Logo. Groucho and Elmo talk about how close they were to capturing the Tag Team Championship. They say that [B]Sexual Aggression [/B]planned the double count out because they knew they could not beat them. They would have both been double champions. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #2: [B]The McWades v. Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa)[/B] The McWades are out first, wearing jeans and flannel shirts. The Bumfholes do there usual high energy entrance. Rosa is dressed in a gold bikini. Through out the match Peter and the announce crew put over the McWades’ good showing in the Battle Royal, and how excited they are to have the McWades in the SWF. The match is an actual surprise. Zimmey and Randy seem to control most of it, but in the end Dallas gets the fall when he blasts Randy with a foreign object at 5:52. [B]Rating: C+[/B] A video recap of The Iron Man Match between Christian Faith and Rich Money is shown. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #3: [B]Death Row v. Samoan Wildboyz[/B] Death Row is waiting in the ring. The Wildboyz come out to there tribal music. Once in the ring they do there tribal dance. Ana Garcia keeps predicting big things from them in the near future. If this match is any indication then they are well on there way as they dominate Death Row. Kid Toma hits Knuckles with the Suicide Head Butt at 6:22. [B]Rating: D+[/B] A video package is shown of the highlights from the [B]60 man Battle Royal [/B]at Master of Puppets. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #4: [B]Ryan Powell v. Robbie Retro[/B] Ryan Powell is waiting in the ring. Robbie dances to the ring to his best of disco music. The announce team mention that Ryan took a great beating in the Battle Royal, and point out that if he continues to be beaten like he was that night, this youngster was going to have a short career. Robbie destroys Ryan, who gets absolutely zero offense. Robbie goes over with Murder on the Dance Floor at 5:49. [B]Rating: C-[/B] After the match as [B]Robbie [/B]dances around the ring celebrating, [B]T-Rex [/B]comes running out and destroys the dancing disco stud. T-Rex pummels and beats Robbie to a bloody pulp before the Guru drags him away. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #5: [B]Squeaky McClean v. Skull Debones[/B] Squeaky is out first. He taunts the crowd on his way to the ring. Once in the ring he takes the mic and begins to talk about all of the crowds dirty habits, how they are fat and lazy. Then the lights go out. Fog begins to rise from the floor. A crow is heard in the distance. When the lights flicker back on, Skull Debones is standing in the ring. Squeaky goes right after Skull and gains an early advantage. The two battle back and fourth and put on a good match for the viewers and the crowd. In the End Skull nails Squeaky with the Skull Krusher at 11:35. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #6: [B]The Under Water Union (with Wanda Fish) v. The Extremist (with Cat Jemson)[/B] The Union is out first, at the top of the ramp Calamari and Jumbo do there usual pose with Calamari on a knee in front of jumbo, with Wanda, dressed in a white miniskirt and teal fish net top, draped over Jumbo. Lobster poses off to one side. When the Extremist come out, they are all dressed in black jeans with black sleeveless shirts. They walk to the ring in a single file line, Cat, dressed in vinyl black pants and tube top, leads Alex, Kurt and Henry. It becomes obvious from the get go that this is going to be a six man brawl, not a six man tag match. Every once in a while referee Darren Smith gains controls and get four men outside, but it only lasts for short periods of time. After being frustrated by his lack of ability to control the six men he throws the match out at 11:53. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #7: [B]Sam Keith v. Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell)[/B] Sam is out first, and the crowd seems indifferent to the former World Champion. Then Jack’s music hits and the place explodes. Jack dances out and does his rock star entrance with Bombshell right beside him. She is dressed in silver mini skirt, v top and heels. Sam takes early control of the match. He goes through a series of moves and holds, and the crowd seems bored. Finally after several minutes of being out wrestled, Jack catches fire. The crowd explodes as he unloads on Sam Keith. Jack gets the New York Minute at 12:16. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #8: [B]Runaway Train (with the Guru) v. Groucho Bling (with Dawn the Cheerleader) [/B]for the North American Championship Train is lead to the ring by the Guru, to the sound of trains crashing and derailing. The crowd gives Train some good heat. Groucho is out next, jumping and posing, he slaps hands of the kids on his way to the ring. Dawn is now dressed in a Redskin’s cheerleader outfit. Train dominates the early stages of the match, and it appears we are going to see a new champion crowned. Then Groucho starts his come back. He begins to set Train up for the Bling Thing. The Guru jumps up on the apron, distracting referee Ric Young. From the back comes [B]Angry Gilmore[/B]. He launches Groucho to the floor, hits him with Anger Management then rolls him into the ring for Train to cover. Winner and new North American Champion Runaway Train at 12:22. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B] Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 31.47 (down 5.17) OUCH!! Hallmark : 16.73 (up 5.23) East Euro: 0.00 Cent Euro: 0.00 West Euro: 0.00 J-Sports: .01 Grade: B-[/B]
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[CENTER][B][U]SWF Supreme TV June Wk 2, 2007 Agganis Arena, Boston, Ma[/U][/B][/CENTER] Match #1: [B]Sam Keith v. Calamari Kid (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Both wrestlers are in the ring when the show starts. Wanda is dressed in a short white mini skirt and a teal fish net top. The starts off with Calamari using his speed and athleticism to his advantage. He controls the early portion of the match, but the crafty veteran eventually catches him. From there Sam dissects his opponent and gets the win with the Proton Lock at 5:47. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Christian Faith[/B] is backstage in the locker room. He is waiting for someone. In walks [B]Jack Bruce[/B] and they shake hands. Christian then thanks Jack for agreeing to tag with him at Times of Trouble. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #2: [B]Robbie Retro v. The Natural[/B] The Natural is waiting in the ring. When the Disco music hits the crowd gives a decent pop as out struts Robbie. Robbie does the Travolta strut to the ring. After Robbie shows off some of his groovy dance moves the match gets under way. The Match is a one sided affair with Robbie controlling the offense and playing to the crowd. Robbie picks up the win following the Disco Ball at 5:31. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The camera fades back revealing [B]Dharma[/B], dressed in a white sun dress, standing in front of the SWF logo. She tells the crowd this week she has 2 guests, the Almighty Dollar. Out steps [B]Remo [/B]and [B]Rich Money[/B]. Remo starts to talk, but Rich cuts him off. He tells him I will handle this kid. Remo looks pissed, but allows his partner to continue. Rich goes on to tell the crowd that they are not scared of this over flamboyant pick of a partner that Christian made. Jack Bruce is not in the same league as Remo, and he certainly don’t belong in the same arena, let alone the same ring, as him. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #3: [B]Brett Biggz (with Jessie) v. T-Rex (with the Guru)[/B] Brett is out first, he is lead to the ring by the stunningly dressed Jessie. She is wearing a tight blue top and a black short mini skirt. T-Rex is lead to the ring by the Guru. The match is very one sided. T-Rex just over powers the smaller Biggz. T-Rex by the Extinction at 5:53. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Steve Frehley[/B] comes out to the ring, dressed in jeans and a Dark Destroyer T-shirt. He addresses the crowd. He is unhappy with management. He feels he is being over looked. Last month he was only in the Battle Royal, and as of right now he is not even on the Times of Trouble card. He tells them that the booking committee wants him to make an impact fine, he will prove himself again. He finishes by telling the crowd and the viewers to watch closely as he will be making an impact. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #4: [B]Ryan Powell v. Elmo Benson (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] for the Shooting Star Championship Ryan is waiting in the ring, and the crowd is indifferent to him. Elmo makes his usual high energy entrance. Dawn is wearing a red and blue cheerleader skirt and a very tight fitting Red Sox jersey. This match is completely one sided Elmo destroys Ryan, not allowing him a single move. After several minutes of the match has passed Angry Gilmore comes out to the top of the ramp. Dawn jumps up on the ring apron to get referee Ric Young’s attention. [B]Ric Young [/B]moves to cut off Gilmore, meanwhile [B]Joe Sexy[/B] jumps the guard rail and nails Elmo with the One Night Stand, and then rolls Ryan on top of Elmo. When Ric Young returns to the ring he counts the fall and awards the championship to Powell at 6:01. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Ryan[/B] comes to his senses and is shocked to realize he is holding the belt. He stares at it for a few monuments. He begins to smile. Then he begins to jump around and celebrate. [B]Rating: E[/B] Match #5: [B]Alex Braun and Henry Lee (with Cat Jemson) v. Samoan Wildboyz[/B] The Wildboyz are out first. They come to the ring and do there tribal ceremony dance. Alex and Henry come out in there black jeans, Cat is dressed in her black Vinyl. The match starts out as a good back and fourth tag match. Alex and Henry show great chemistry as a team. After several minutes of intense back and fourth wrestling, the teams begin to get frustrated and both sides toss out the rule book. Referee [B]Darren Smith[/B] finally calls for the bell at 11:41 declaring it a no contest. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]The McWade Brothers [/B]are shown sitting in front of a cabin out in the woods. Dallas is strumming a banjo, while dean is craving on a stick with a knife. They talk about how they have come to the SWF to win the tag team titles. They say they are ready to start climbing the ladder to reach there goal. So they are ready to grab the first rung, at Times of Trouble they are challenging the [B]Squid Squad[/B]. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #6: [B]Skull DeBones v. Angry Gilmore[/B] Angry comes out to the ring first. He ignores the crowd as he marches to the ring. Then the lights go out. The fog rises. The sound of thunder in the distance. When the lights come back up, Skull is standing in the ring. Angry had bailed out when the lights went out. The match starts off with some classic wrestling. The two grapplers go back and fourth and put on the match of the night. In the end Gilmore goes over with Anger Management at 12:26. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Cameras pan in on [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] sitting at his desk. He looks up and announces a match will be added to Times of Troubles. He is proud to announce that he is placing [B]T-Rex[/B] against [B]Robbie Retro[/B]. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #7: [B]Marc Dubois and Squeaky McClean v. Warriors of the Deep (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Marc and Squeaky are out first. They taunt the crowd on there way to the ring. Lobster and Jumbo then come out and pose at the top of the stage. Wanda wraps herself around Jumbo in a sexy pose. The match is a good back and fourth tag match. The crowd gets to see some high flying action from Marc, some scientific wrestling from Squeaky and Lobster and some high impact power wrestling from Jumbo. In the end Lobster catches Squeaky in the Lobster Trap at 11:37 for the win. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #8: [B]Groucho Bling (with Dawn the Cheerleader) v. Runaway Train (with the Guru)[/B] for the North American Championship. Groucho is out first. He does his usual high energy entrance accompanied by Dawn. Train enters next to his typical pyros. The match is a good one. As Groucho tries to use his speed and agility to recapture the title he lost last week. Train fighting from a defensive stand point is unafraid to bend and break the rules, knowing he retains the title if he is disqualified. The bending of the rules finally wear Bling out and Train gets the Train Wreck and the win at 11:50. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Sorry for the long break between updates, it is tax season and I am an accountant so I get a little busy. Anyways hope you enjoyed this edition to the dynasty. [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 35.61 (up 4.14) Hallmark : 16.21 (down .52) East Euro: .00 Cent Euro: .00 West Euro: .00 J Sport: .01 Grade: C[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV JUNE WK 3, 2007 ASHBURY PARK CONVENTION HALL, ASBURY PARK, NJ[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] comes to the ring dressed in a custom Italian suit. He tells the crowd that with Times of Trouble main event being a tag team match, that he has decided that tonight the whole show would be dedicated to tag team wrestling. All eight matches will be tag matches. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #1: [B]Ryan Powell and Justin Caton v. The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] The Shooting Star Champion and his partner are already in the ring when the shoe returns from commercial. The Wildboyz make there entrance to a decent pop. They do the old fashion babyface entrance of slapping hands with the fans on there way to the ring. Once in the ring they due there ritual Samoan dance. The match is really one sided with the Wildboyz controlling the action. [B]Kid Toma[/B] picks up the victory following a Suicide Headbutt on Justin Caton at 5:39. [B]Rating: D[/B] Match #2: [B]Death Row v. The Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa)[/B] Death Row is in the ring awaiting there opponents. The Bumfholes come out with there usual high energy entrance. Rosa is once again wearing a gold bikini. The match starts with[B] Randy[/B] and [B]Knuckles.[/B] Knuckles gains the early advantage and he and [B]Shady K[/B] manage to cut the ring in half on Randy. After a few minutes Randy makes the hot tag to Zimmey. The Bumfholes take control from there and [B]Zimmey[/B] gets the win following a Bumfhole in One at 5:54. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #3: [B]The Dirty White Boyz v. Alex Braun and Henry Lee (with Cat Jemson)[/B] The White Boyz are waiting in the ring. Alex and Henry come out dressed in black jeans with red T-shirts. Cat is dressed in black vinyl pants and matching low cut top. The match is more of a tag team brawl as neither side shows much wrestling. Alex gets the fall following Braun Damage at 5:42. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #4: [B]Paul Steadyfast and The Natural v. Big Smack Scott and Skull Debones[/B] The under card workers are waiting in the ring. Big Smack is out first to chants for him to leave and not to return. Then the lights dim and smoke rises. Lighting strikes the ring and when the lights come back up Skull is in the ring. The team of Debones and Big Smack control the match from start to finish. The two keep blind tagging themselves in, and the other is not happy. The announcers put over that these two will be opponents at Times of Trouble. Skull hit Steadyfast with the Skull Krusher at 6:02. [B]Rating: C[/B] After [B]Skull Debones [/B]picks up the victory [B]Big Smack Scott[/B] jumps him from behind. He gives him the Ego Trip and beats him some more. Then before he leaves he hits him with a second Ego Trip. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #5: [B]Warriors of the Deep (with Wanda Fish) v. Sexual Aggression for the Tag Team Championship[/B] The Challengers are out first. [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] and [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] stop at the top of the ramp to pose for the crowd. Wanda dressed in a pair of white booty shorts and a fishnet teal top drapes herself over Jumbo. The Champs follow with [B]Joe Sexy[/B] taunting the crowd and [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]marching to the ring expressionless. Once in the ring, Joe does his unveiling of his physique. The match however is just average, which is little disappointing as these are 4 guys I have pushed. Angry Gilmore gets the win after putting Anger Management on Jumbo at 11:41. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #6: [B]Squeaky McClean and Sam Keith v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] Squeaky and Sam are out first. The crowd seems indifferent to them. High Concept follows with there over the top, high energy entrance of dancing to the ring. Dawn is dressed in a tight fitting Mets jersey and a tiny orange and blue skirt. Up to this point in the night, this is the match of the night. The crowd really seems to be into High Concept. The heels bend the rules to control the action, then the faces get a hot tag and the crowd explodes. [B]Elmo Benson[/B] pins Sam following a Game Over at 11:51. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #7: [B]Steve Frehley and Robbie Retro v. Almighty Dollar[/B] Robbie is out first to his disco dancing entrance, he struts to the ring like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Steve Frehley is next. The crowd pops, but nowhere near the pop they would have given him a year ago. The Almighty Dollar follows. [B]Rich Money[/B] taunts the crowd on the way to the ring while [B]Remo[/B] remains focused on the task at hand. Rich and Steve start the match. Steve dominates the early stages of this one. He tags in Retro, who continues the assault until Rich pokes him in the eye. Once Rich tags in Remo, Remo simply destroys Robbie. Remo hits the Destroyer at 11:44. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #8: T[B]-Rex and Runaway Train (with the Guru) v. Christian Faith and Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell)[/B] The Guru leads his monsters to the ring. The crowd pops for them, but dies out quickly. Jack Bruce is out next. He does his rock star entrance accompanied by Blonde Bombshell, who is dressed in a platinum mini skirt and a V top. Then the place erupts as Christian Faith makes his entrance. The match is actually pretty good. This is a classic give and take, good against evil match up. In the end Christian pins T-Rex following the Leap of Faith at 22:18. [B]Rating: B[/B] As [B]Christian Faith [/B]and [B]Jack Bruce[/B] celebrate there victory,[B] Remo [/B]and [B]Rich Money[/B] run in and attack them. [B]T-Rex[/B] and [B]Runaway Train[/B] join with Almighty Dollar to put the beat down on the World Champion and his partner. Christian ends up taking a Destroyer and a Train Wreck. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Sorry for the long delay on updates, as I said I am an account and it is tax season. I was hoping for a higher grade on this card as it finished strong, I thought I would at least have a B. [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 31.36 (down 4.25) Hallmark: 17.04 (up .83) East Euro: 0.00 Cent Euro: 0.00 West Euro: 0.00 J Sports: 0.01 Grade: B-[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV JUNE WK 4, 2007 AMARILLO NATIONAL CENTER, AMARILLO, TX[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] in the ring. Jerry spends several minutes congratulating himself on his all tag team show from last week. He goes on to say that this week’s main event will be an eight man tag team match featuring Almighty Dollar teaming with the Tag Team Champions, Sexual Aggression against High Concept, Jack Bruce and World Champion Christian Faith. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #1: [B]The Dirty White Boyz v. Skull Debones and Big Smack Scott[/B] The White Boyz are waiting in the ring. Big Smack is next out, the crowd is really giving him hell chanting for him to go home. The lights dim. Smoke begins to rise from the ramp and isle way. Lightening strikes. When the lights come back up, Skull Debones is standing in the ring, glaring at Big Smack. Peter Michaels reminds the viewers of what happened last week when Skull and Big Smack teamed together. The match gets underway with Skull dominating Lead Belly. After several minutes, and with Lead Belly down, Skull walks to his corner and slaps B.S. Scott across the face. He then leaves. Big Smack quickly hits Lead Belly with the Big Smack Shuffle at 5:52. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Backstage, a small man dressed in a suit is standing in front of the SWF logo. He introduces himself as [B][B]Marv Earnest[/B][/B]. He then introduces his guest, Almighty Dollar. [B]Remo [/B]starts to talk, but [B]Rich[/B] cuts him off. He tells him I will handle this kid. Remo looks pissed, but allows his partner to continue. Rich goes on to tell the crowd that they are not scared of this over flamboyant partner of Christian Faith. Jack Bruce is not in the same league as Remo, and he certainly don’t belong in the same arena, let alone the same ring, as him. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #2: [B]Justin Caton v. Steve Frehley[/B] Justin is waiting in the ring. Steve comes out to a good pop, but once again nowhere near as electric as it was a year ago. The match is one sided with Steve playing with his opponent. He picks up the victory following Frehley’s Comet at 5:34. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Dharma[/B] is backstage in front of the SWF logo, dressed in a blue low cut evening gown. She quickly introduces her guest, [B]Jack Bruce[/B], with [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B] and World Champion [B]Christian Faith[/B]. Jack talks first about how Rich Money would not know talent if it feel from the sky and squashed him. He says that of course you can not blame Rich for not recognizing talent, as he has none. Then Christian speaks, he talks about Remo’s young age, and admits that one day Remo will be a World Champion, but that day is years away, as Christian is just hitting his stride. Rating: B+ [B]Match #3: Sam Keith v. Brett Biggz (with Jessie)[/B] Sam is out first, the crowd seems not to really care about him. Brett follows, with Jessie. She is dressed in a majestic blue, tight, low cut top and black mini skirt. The match starts with Brett using his speed and agility to keep Sam of base. Sam however shows why he is one of the most respected wrestlers in the world and counters Brett’s attack. He then begins to wear Brett down, for the Proton Lock and the win at 6:01. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Joe Sexy [/B]and [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] come out to the ring. They are dressed in black slacks and blue dress shirts. Joe begins to speak about how great a team they are. He reminds the crowd that they are the Tag Team Champions and that makes then the greatest tag team around. Then Angry Gilmore speaks. He talks about some of the great teams in the history of wrestling, and when he mentions one, Joe will say, we are better then they were. At the end they both agree they are the greatest tag team in the history of wrestling. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #4: [B]Shady K v. Robbie Retro[/B] Shady K is waiting in the ring when they come back from commercial break. Then the faux Bee Gee’s music hits. Out dances the Disco Stud Robbie Retro, he struts to the ring like Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. The match begins with both men exchanging punches. They deliver an exciting hard hitting match, featuring a lot of brawling. In the end Retro wins with Murder on the Dance Floor at 6:03. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]The Underwater Union[/B] comes out to the ring accompanied by [B]Wanda Fish[/B]. Wanda is dressed in her usual Teal and white outfit. She takes the mic. She calls the Union the greatest combination of wrestlers in the world today. She points out Lobster Warriors great technical ability. Calamari Kid’s exciting, fast paced, high flying style and Jumbo Shrimp’s Brute power. Rating: D- Match #5: [B]The Underwater Union (with Wanda Fish) v. The McWades and Squeaky McClean[/B] The Union is already in the ring from the previous segment. The McWades and Squeaky enter together to little if any fanfare. The match is a nice mix of styles, with Jumbo brawling with the McWades. The match also features Squeaky showing both his technical ability with Lobster Warrior, and high flying skills with Calamari Kid. Dallas McWade picks up the fall after hitting Calamari with a foreign object. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #6: [B]The Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa) v. Alex Braun and Henry Lee (with Cat Jemson)[/B] The Bumfholes are out first. They do there high energy entrance, Rosa is dressed in a gold bikini. Alex and Henry are out next, with Cat. Cat is wearing her black vinyl outfit. The match is actually a let down compared to most of the card. Alex finishes [B]Randy [/B]with Braun Damage at 11; 47. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #7: [B]Samoan Wildboyz v. T-Rex and Runaway Train (with the Guru)[/B] The Wildboyz are out first. The crowd pops for them, as they slap hands on there way to the ring. Once in the ring the do there Samoan Ritual dance. T-Rex and Train are lead to the ring by the Guru. The match is actually on par with most of the matches tonight. There is a lot of give and take as the Wildboyz use there athleticism to counter the Raw power of there oppenets. [B]Kid Toma[/B] catches T-Rex with a Suicide Head Butt at 11:54. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #8: [B]Almighty Dollar and Sexual Aggression v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader), Christian Faith and Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell)[/B] The teams of Almighty Dollar and Sexual Aggression come out together. The four men pose together at the top of the ramp. Then their four opponents come out together. When they reach the ring, all eight men start brawling. Eventually Referee [B]Ric Young [/B]gains control, if only momentarily. After some minutes of wrestling, it all breaks down again. In the ensuing chaos [B]Remo[/B] nails [B]Groucho Bling[/B] with the Destroyer for the win at 12:05. [B]Rating: B+[/B] I will post the PPV Times of Trouble card shortly for predictions. A[B]ttendance: 5,000 Fox Rating: 31.51 (up .15) Hallmark: 16.99 (down .05) East Euro: 0.00 Cent Euro: 0.00 West Euro: 0.00 J-Sports: 0.01 Grade: B-[/B]
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[QUOTE]Jack talks first about how Rich Money would not know talent if it feel from the sky and squashed him. He says that of course you can not blame Rich for not recognizing talent, as he has none.[/QUOTE] :D Very happy to see this back, looking forward to the PPV.
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Times of Trouble PPV line up: Ryan Powell(c) v. Akima Brave for the Shooting Star Championship Runaway Train (c) v. Kid Toma for the North American Championship Robbie Retro v. T-Rex Squid Squad v. McWades Lobster Warrior v. Squeaky McClean Alex Braun v. Zimmey Bumfhole Skull DeBones v. Big Smack Scott Sexual Aggersion (c) v. High Concept for the Tag Team Championship Almighty Dollar v. Christian Faith and Jack Bruce
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[B]Ryan Powell(c)[/B] v. Akima Brave for the Shooting Star Championship [I]The unlikely championship reign continues[/I] [B]Runaway Train (c)[/B] v. Kid Toma for the North American Championship [I]Don't see Train losing the title yet either[/I] Robbie Retro v. [B]T-Rex[/B] [I]T-Rex might be an lumbering oaf but he's a lumbering oaf getting pushed.[/I] Squid Squad v. [B]McWades[/B] [I]To make Lobster's win look more impressive[/I] [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] v. Squeaky McClean [I]Warrior's destined for greatness and a win whilst his stable partners would set him aside from the gimmicky stable here[/I] Alex Braun v. [B]Zimmey Bumfhole[/B] [I]just cause Braun won the tv match so a zimmy win to balace things out[/I] Skull DeBones v. Big Smack Scott [I]Draw. I like the DeBones / BBS tag team and can see them getting a push in this way. I quite like the reluctant tag partner dynamic they've got going so a draw to continue this storyline for a while longer[/I] Sexual Aggersion (c) v. [B]High Concept [/B]for the Tag Team Championship [I]I need at least 1 title switch and this seems like a very even contest. I can see the title switching back and forward between these two as you build up tag teams further down the roster.[/I] [B]Almighty Dollar [/B]v. Christian Faith and Jack Bruce [I] The tension between Remo and Money is there but I don't see you pulling the trigger on that one yet. The more cohesive tag team to win here with the Dollar's experience together being the deciding factor.[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF TIMES OF TROUBLES JUNE WK 4, 2007 FEDEX FORUM, MEMPHIS, TN[/CENTER][/U][/B] A video is shown hyping the main event between [B]Almighty Dollar [/B]and the team of [B]Jack Bruce[/B] and World Champion [B]Christian Faith.[/B] The video includes highlights of the Faith v. Money matches, and of Remo winning the 60 man Battle Royal. It includes the past four weeks worth of interactions with the two teams. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #1: [B]Akima Brave v. Ryan Powell for the Shooting Star Championship[/B]. Akima comes to the ring first. He gets a decent pop from the crowd, which fizzles quickly. Once in the ring he does the Samoan Ritual Dance. Ryan Powell then comes out to near silence. The champ makes his way to the ring, and the crowd is indifferent to his taunting. The match is one sided, with Akima controlling the pace and the action. When Akima downs Powell and ascends to the top rope, Andre Jones runs in and shakes the top rope causing Akima to fall. Ryan gets the cover and the win at 5:55. [B]Rating: C-[/B] After the match, referee [B]Ric Young[/B] raises [B]Ryan’s[/B] hand and hands him his belt. [B]Andre Jones[/B] gets in the ring, and the two embrace and begin to celebrate. [B]Rating: D-[/B] Match #2: [B]Kid Toma v. Runaway Train (with the Guru) for the North American Championship.[/B] Kid Toma comes to the ring first. The crowd gives him a good pop. Once in the ring he does his the Samoan Ritual Dance. Runaway Train is out next, he is lead to the ring by the Guru and he receives decent heat. The match starts with Train imposing his will on the smaller Toma. After several minutes of taking a beating from the bigger Train, Toma counters him and electrifies the crowd with some fast paced high risk offense. The match concludes when Toma hits the Suicide Head Butt to win the Championship at 12:03. [B]Rating: B[/B] After the match, as [B]Darren Smith[/B] presents [B]Kid Toma [/B]with the championship belt, [B]Akima Brave[/B] runs in to celebrate with his cousin. After flexing to the crowd Kid Toma exits the ring and walks over to the announce table. He holds his hand out to [B]Ana Garcia[/B]. She takes it and they embrace, and then kiss. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #3: [B]Robbie Retro v. T-Rex (with the Guru)[/B] Robbie comes out first. He does his disco dance at the top of the ramp, then his Travolta strut to the ring. The crowd seems to like him. Then T-Rex comes to the ring, lead by the Guru. The match starts with some good old fashion brawling, with T-Rex gaining the advantage. He controls the action for several minutes, then Retro begins his come back. When Retro goes for Murder on the Dance Floor, T-Rex powers out and nails him with the Jurassic Crush for the win at 5:47. [B]Rating: B-[/B] After the match, the [B]Guru[/B] signals to the back. As [B]T-Rex[/B] continues his assault on [B]Robbie Retro[/B], he is joined by [B]Runaway Train[/B] and [B]The Big Problem[/B]. Retro ends up taking an Extinction from T-Rex, a Train Wreck from Runaway Train and a Choke Slam from the under performing Big Problem. Then to add insult to injury, Problem and T-Rex hold Retro’s arms while Guru slaps his face. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match # 4: [B]The McWades v. The Squid Squad (with Wanda Fish)[/B] The McWades are out first, the crowd seems indifferent to the flannel shirt wearing brothers. When the Squid Squad enters, they get a slight pop. They stop to pose at the top of the stage. Jumbo Shrimp flexes, as Calamari Kid poses in a bent knee pose in front of him, then Wanda, dressed in a teal bra and a white leather mini skirt, drapes herself over Jumbo. Once in the ring the match starts with Jumbo imposing his will on the brothers McWade. Once Calamari tags in the McWades take over. Eventually Calamari fights over for the hot tag, Jumbo gets in and starts cleaning house on both Dean and Dallas. Dean flees the ring and drags Calamari out with him, referee Shane Stones tries to separate them. Meanwhile in the ring Dallas retrieves a pair of brass knuckles from his pants and lays Jumbo out. Shane turns around to see Dallas covering Jumbo and counts to three at 12:04. [B]Rating: C[/B] Backstage, [B]Dharma[/B], dressed in a red strapless evening gown is joined in front of the SWF Logo by the Team of [B]Remo[/B] and [B]Rich Money[/B]. She asks Remo about there match tonight against [B]Jack Bruce [/B]and [B]Christian Faith[/B]. Before Remo can answer, Rich Money says he will take that question. Remo glares at him. Rich then goes into a long winded monolog. He talks about how Jack Bruce is a cast off from that other company down out west, and has never won anything. Then he rips Christian for being past his prime. He says they are a good combination, of a never will be and a has been. When he is done Remo starts to talk, but Dharma has to tell then that they are out of time. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match # 5: [B]Squeaky McClean v. Lobster Warrior (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Squeaky comes out to a little heat from the crowd, they seem to want to care, but don’t really know. Once in the ring he takes the mic and hurdles a few insults about the redneck lifestyle in the great state of Tennessee. Then Lobster’s music starts. He comes to the top of the ramp and the crowd gets on there feet and begins to cheer. Then Wanda joins him and leads him to the ring, doing a sexy little skip. The match starts off with some good technical wrestling, both men showing moves and counters. After awhile Squeaky tries to bend the rules, and gains the advantage for a little while. Lobster makes his comeback and picks up the trip to the pay window with the Lobster Trap at 11:57. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Steve Frehley[/B] comes out to the ring dressed in his street clothes. He gets a good pop from the crowd, but nowhere near what he would have gotten a year ago. He takes the mic and addresses the Audience. He tells them once again he has no match on the Pay per View, so once again the great fans here in Tennessee and the millions watching at home are being deprived of watching him in action. The crowd chants for him. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #6: [B]Alex Braun (with Cat Jemson) v. Zimmey Bumfhole (with Rosa)[/B] Alex is out first in his black jeans and a sleeveless red Underwater Union shirt. He has put a black line through the graphic on the shirt. Cat is wearing a pair of black vinyl booty shorts and a black vinyl corset. The crowd gives Alex a lot of heat. Zimmey comes out next with his high energy entrance. Rosa is wearing a gold Bikini top, with a pair of daisy duke cutoffs. The match starts with some back and fourth, give and take wrestling. As Zimmey gains the advantage and the match starts to turn in his favor, Alex dumps him to the outside. Alex quickly follows him and while they are on the outside brawling Alex has the clear advantage. Once back in the ring Zimmey regains some lost momentum and his edge, with his high flying style. Alex does well trying to keep pace, but it is clear that the younger Zimmey is much more at home with the pace of the match. Alex powders out, when he does Zimmey, realizing that Alex is the better brawler, does not follow. Alex decides to go after Rosa, at the same time that Zimmey is coming to her aid, Cat jumps on the apron and distracts Ric Young. When Zimmey goes for his suicide dive, Alex grabs a chair and cracks him over the head. Alex then rolls Zimmey in and covers him for the win, at 12:07. [B]Rating: B+[/B] After the match, [B]Henry Lee, Vin Tanner and Kurt Larme[/B]e run in and begin to assault the fallen [B]Zimmey Bumfhole[/B]. While they are beating him down, Cat and Alex hold Rosa and make her watch. The announce team calls for help, and point out that Randy Bumfhole did not make it to the arena tonight due to transportation problems. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match # &: [B]Big Smack Scott v. Skull DeBones[/B] Big Smack is out first to the ere of the crowd. They are chanting for him to leave and not come back. Then the lights dim, a fog begins to rise from the aisle way. A crow squawks, lightening strikes, when the lights come back up Skull is standing in the ring. The two men get face to face and start talking to each other. Big Smack finally throws a punch, but Skull counters it. Then he throws a punch, and Scott blocks it. Then they both throw punches and a great flurry of punches are exchanged. Eventually Skull gains the upper hand and begins to punish B.S. Scott. He finally catches him with the Skull Krusher and the win at 5:59. [B]Rating: B-[/B] After the match, with [B]Big Smack Scott[/B] lying prone in the ring, [B]Skull [/B]goes over and crosses his arms over his chest. As if he is putting him in a casket. Then as the lights dim, Skull starts to chant. With the lights almost completely out, Big Smack starts to glow blue. The crow squawks, lightening strikes, when the lights come up the ring is empty. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match # 8: [B]High Concept (with Dawn the cheerleader) v. Sexual Aggression for the Tag Team Championship[/B] High Concept is out first, dancing to there music and doing there usual high energy entrance. Dawn is dressed in a teal and white mini skirt and a Grizzlies jersey. The champs are out next; Joe taunts the crowd, while angry remains focused. Once in the ring, Joe does his unveiling of his physique. The match itself is another good match between these two teams. The crowd is really into it and the action is good. There are several near tags and double teams, the finish comes when Groucho makes the Hot Tag to Elmo, Elmo cleans house, and once recovered, Groucho brawls to the outside with Gilmore. Inside the ring, Elmo gets the victory with Game Over at 21:48. [B]Rating: B[/B] The opening video is replayed featuring [B]Remo, Rich Money, Jack Bruce [/B]and [B]Christian Faith[/B]. [B]Rating: A*[/B] Match #9: [B]Almighty Dollar v. Christian Faith and Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell)[/B] [B]Remo[/B] and [B]Rich[/B] are out first. As they walk to the ring you can feel the tension between them. The Team of Jack Bruce and Christian Faith enter together, to Jack’s music. Jack does his usual rock star entrance and Christian tries to mimic it. The crowd erupts as always for Christian. Bombshell is dressed to impress in a platinum mini dress. When the match starts it is a true classic. All four wrestlers put fourth there best effort. The crowd can feel the uneasy tension between Almighty Dollar, yet they work as a well oiled machine. Jack and Christian work well together well. The finish of the match has Rich Money brawling on the out side with Jack Bruce, while Remo applies the Destroyer to Christian Faith. The look on Rich’s face as he realizes that Remo has just picked up the victory is one of disgust and concern. Match Time 22:03 [B]Rating: A*[/B] [B]Attendance: 15,000 (sell Out) Buy Rate: 6.20 Grade: B+[/B]
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Guest Bolton
Great PPV, but I've got some suggestions for you. Try longer angles, as they get bigger ratings (Christian Faith, if given 5-8 minutes, can pull out A and A* promos with ease and Runaway Train despite his C-/C entertainment skills can cut A* 9 minute promos) although with the 90 minute time-slot for Supreme TV, I suggest getting another 90 minute B-Show. Don't renew the Supreme TV contracts then during the waiting period (and your bookings of the soon-to-be B-Show) change Supreme TV to a 2-hour show (via the Schedule menu). Just trying to help.
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Another great show btw. Kinda gutted we won't get to see a BSS / DeBones tag team but I like the way the show went (mostly cause I got a lot of my predictions right :D ) How you handle the Remo / Rich tension is gonna be very interesting. Both are very good heels and I can't see you turning either of them face yet. As i said, will be very interesting in deed.
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV JULY WK1, 2007 ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER, ANAHEIM, CA[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] is in the ring to start the show. He is dressed in a custom Italian suit. He thanks the crowd for there support and reminds them that Remo had won the sixty men Battle Royal to wrestle for the World Title at Supreme Challenge against Christian Faith. He goes on to tell the crowd that it is time to get the rest of the card in order, with that in mind there will be three qualifying matches for a fatal four way elimination match for the North American Title, currently held by [B]Kid Toma[/B]. Those matches will be tonight and are [B]Skull DeBones v. Angry Gilmore, Jack Bruce v. Alex Braun and Steve Frehley v. Rich Money[/B]. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #1: [B]Ryan Powell and Andre Jones v. The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] Powell and Jones are waiting in the ring. The Wildboyz come out to a good pop. They slap hands and talk to the fans on there way to the ring. Once in the ring they do there Ritual Samoan Dance. As the match starts, [B]Peter Michaels, Ana Garcia and Kyle Rhodes [/B](recently stolen from TCW) put over that the Wildboyz requested this match after what happened at Times of Trouble. The Wildboyz dominate the match and Akima pins Andre following the Long Range Head Butt at 5:41. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Remo[/B] is backstage with [B]Marv Earnest[/B]. Marv asks him about his upcoming main event against [B]Christian Faith[/B]. Remo says that he has been waiting a month to get Christian in the ring, one on one, and then the world will see the dawning of a new era. Remo says that the next time they wrestle it will be without Rich, or anyone else. He says that it is no longer the 1990’s, it is time for the torch to be passed to the younger generation, Christian’s time has come and gone, and soon his title will be gone as well. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match # 2: [B]The Dirty White Boyz v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader) [/B]for the Tag Team Championship. The Boyz are waiting in the ring. Elmo and Groucho come out to there usual high energy entrance, and the crowd goes bonkers. Dawn is wearing an Angel’s jersey that is 3 sizes to small, and a red and blue mini skirt. The champs have no problem dealing with there challengers, and Elmo gets Lead Belly with the Game Over at 5:57. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Robbie Retro[/B] dances out to the ring. He tells the crowd that after he was beaten by that monster T-Rex, the Guru ordered his henchmen to beat me down, three on one. Well that is not groovy. So he makes a challenge for Supreme Challenge, one on one against [B]The Big Problem[/B]. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #3: [B]Squeaky McClean v. Burning Exile[/B] for the (WEXX) King of the Death Matches Championship in a hardcore match. Squeaky is out first, once in the ring he takes the microphone and does his usual taunting of the crowd. He then says that his opponent tonight is from the Far East, and a champion, a champion of garbage wrestling, and that tonight he is going to take his title and throw it in the garbage. Burning Exile then comes out. The crowd is basically confused as they do not know who he is or what championship means. The match is a basic hardcore match, with a variety of weapons being used. Burning Exile succeeds in defending his title after laying Squeaky out with several chair shots at 6:19. [B]Rating: D[/B] As referee Darren Smith raises [B]Burning Exiles[/B] hand, and gives him his championship belt, [B]Henry Lee[/B] runs in and attacks with a kendo stick. Henry leaves the masked wrestle down and out. Then he grabs the microphone and gets down next to the beaten Exile. “Thank you, Thank you for bringing my championship belt to the states. You see I was once the King of the Death Match, but I left Japan to return to the states. Sure enough with out me, the attendance dropped, and they went bankrupt. Well this piece of trash (he kicks Exile) has brought me my title. At Supreme Challenge we will face each other for that championship.” [B]Rating: D-[/B] Match #4: [B]Marc Dubois v. Calamari Kid (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Marc is out first, the crowd gives him decent heat seeing as he has not been on TV in awhile. Calamari follows, and even with the presence of the scantly clad Wanda, he gets a minimal pop. The match is just average. The two high fliers just go through the motions. Marc wins with the Model solution at 5:52. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Sam Keith[/B] comes out and addresses the crowd. He says that for years he was the biggest and brightest star in the wrestling universe, but lately it seems like he has lost direction, he is no longer in contention for the World Championship, and he seems to be all but forgotten by the Eisen administration. Well hew has decided to take matters into his own hands and is making an open challenge to any wrestler in the locker room for a match at the greatest stage of all, Supreme Challenge. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #5: [B]Runaway Train and T-Rex (with the Guru) v. The Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa) v. Warriors of the Deep (with Wanda Fish) [/B] Train and T-Rex are out first, they are lead to the ring by the Guru, who taunts the crowd while his men snarl and growl behind him. Next out is the Bumfholes, they do the high energy crowd popping entrance, with Rosa, who is dressed in a Gold Bikini. Lobster and Jumbo are next, they stop to pose at the top of the ramp, Wanda, dressed in a pair of teal booty shorts and a teal tube top, wraps herself over Jumbo. The match is a high light of the show up to this point. The announce team tells the viewers that the winner of this match will receive a spot in the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the Tag Team Titles at Supreme Challenge. After some good three way, tag team action, Runaway Train nails Randy Bumfhole with the Train Wreck and the win at 12:13. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #6: [B]Angry Gilmore v. Skull DeBones [/B]for a spot in the fatal four way at Supreme Challenge Gilmore is out first, the crowd gives him good heat, as he does his focused march to the ring. Then the lights go out. Fog begins to rise in the aisle. A crow squawks, and lightening strikes. When the lights come back up Skull is in the ring. The match is actually a good back and fourth wrestling match. The crowd seems to get into the flow and cheer for Skull when he is down. In the end Skull gets Gilmore with the Skull Krusher at 11:59. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #7: [B]Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell) v. Alex Braun (with Cat Jemson) [/B]for a spot in the fatal four way at Supreme Challenge. Jack is out first to his rock star entrance, Bombshell is dressed in a beaded platinum mini dress. Alex is out next, he wears his black jeans and a sleeveless Painful Procedure shirt with a red line through Jack’s face. Cat is dressed in her black vinyl skirt and top. The match is a good one, with Alex relying on his wrestling more then his brawling. Alex seems to have things wrapped up and when he goes for Braun Damage, Jack slips out and wins with a backslide at 12:28. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #8: [B]Steve Frehley v. Rich Money[/B] Steve is out first and the crowd gives him a good reaction. Rich comes out and the crowd gives him tons of heat. The match is a near classic, as Steve just starts brawling and generally wiping Rich’s ass, much to the crowd’s approval, then Rich hits him with the dreaded thumb in the eye. Rich goes on the offensive and works Steve over for several minutes. Steve begins his come back and the crowd erupts, but as soon as referee Ric Young turns his back, Rich nails him in the crotch with a low blow. With Steve on the canvas in pain, Rich covers him and uses the ropes for leverage to get the fall at 11:33. [B]Rating: A[/B] So the card for Supreme Challenge so far is Remo v. Christian Faith for the World Championship Jack Bruce v. Skull DeBones v. Rich Money v. Kid Toma for the North American Championship in a Fatal Four way elimination match Runaway Train v. Sexual Aggression v. High Concept in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match for the Tag Team Championship Henry Lee v. Burning Exile for the King of the Death Match. At the beginning of June I bought the bankrupt WEXX, basically to have the one title belt as a mid card hardcore championship. [B]Attendance: 4,740 Fox Rating: 32.51 (up 1.00) Hallmark: 17.36 (up .35) East Euro: .00 Cent Euro: .00 West Euro: .00 J Sports: .01 Grade: B[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV JULY WK 2, 2007 RAC ARENA, CATONSVILLE, MD[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with a shot of the Underwater Union arriving by car into the arena parking lot. They all get out of the minivan wearing there masks. [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] goes the rear of the van and opens the hatch back. Just then [B]Alex Braun[/B] and [B]Henry Lee[/B] shut it on top of him. Meanwhile [B]Kurt Larmee[/B] has attached [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] with what appears to be a tire iron, and [B]Vin Tanner[/B] is going to town on [B]Calamari Kid[/B] with a baseball bat. You can hear the disgust in Peter Michaels voice as he calls the attack and Kyle Rhodes calls for security to intervene in the parking lot. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #1: [B]The Dirty White Boyz v. The McWade Brothers[/B] The White Boyz are already in the ring. The McWades come out to the sound on banjo music. The match is an old fashion tag team brawl. The McWades and the White Boyz pound and beat on each other like there is no tomorrow, Peter Michaels likens the fight to a bar room brawl. [B]Dean[/B] scores the victory with Murder on the Mountain at 5:56. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Backstage the camera pans up a pair of sexy legs, to a hot pink mini skirt, and a white top. The face of the body belongs to [B]Dharma[/B]. She is joined by the World Champion, [B]Christian Faith[/B]. Christian tells her that he is looking forward to his show down at Supreme Challenge with Remo. He says [B]Remo[/B] might be younger, stronger and hungry for the title, but don’t count Christian out. He has the one thing that Remo still lacks, he has Faith. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #2: [B]Enygma v. Guide[/B] Enygma is out first, and the crowd seems somewhat happy to see the former champion. Then a strange music plays. It sounds like an unknown Metal song. Out of the back, onto the ramp steps a man with his face painted in a camouflage pattern. He runs to the ring and begins his assault upon Enygma. The announce crew let’s the viewers know that the mans name is Guide. Guide controls the action throughout his match. Then with Enygma lying on the canvas, he ascends to the top rope. Once Enygma rises Guide plants him with the Guided Missile at 5:59. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Marv Earnest [/B]is backstage in front of the SWF logo. He brings in his guest, [B]Squeaky McClean[/B]. Squeaky talks about the importance of Supreme Challenge, and how as of right now he does not have a match for the “Super Bowl of Wrestling”. He says he knows another wrestler who doesn’t have a match either, so he is challenging [B]Steve Frehley[/B] to a match at Supreme Challenge. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match #3: [B]Robbie Retro v. Big Smack Scott[/B] Robbie does his Travolta strut to the ring, with his faux Bee Gees music playing. Then Big Smack stumbles to the ring. The match is not that good, as Retro is on offense the whole time, the announce team puts over that Big Smack is a zombie out, wrestling without soul. Retro goes over with Murder on the Dance Floor at 5:42. [B]Rating: C[/B] After the match [B]The Guru [/B]appears on the Eisentron, with [B]The Big Problem[/B] standing behind him. He tells [B]Retro[/B] that he is lucky to be walking after the attack that the Monster Party laid on him. Now he has the guts to challenge a member of the Party. Fine . They accept. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #4: [B]Sam Keith v. Randy Bumfhole (with Rosa)[/B] Sam comes to the ring first, the crowd acknowledges him, but the response is not even close to wear it was 10 years ago when he was the number one heel in the company. Randy is out next, he dances and does the usual high energy entrance. Rosa is dressed in her gold bikini. The match itself is pretty good, with Randy using his speed and quickness to control the early stages. However Sam’s experience helps him overcome the early stages of the match as he locks on the Proton Lock at 5:47. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Jerry Eisen [/B]comes out to the ring. He says that we already have four title matches set for Supreme Challenge. Now he is going to make a fifth title match. At Supreme Challenge Shooting Star champion [B]Ryan Powell[/B] will defend his title in an ultimate X match against not one, not two, but five challengers. And all six of those men will be brought out now for a six man tag team match. Teaming with Ryan Powell tonight shall be [B]Marc Dubois[/B] and [B]Frederique Antonio Garcia.[/B] There opponents are [B]Zimmey Bumfhole[/B], [B]Akima Brave[/B] and [B]Eric Eisen[/B]. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #5: [B]Ryan Powell, Marc Dubois and Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Zimmey Bumfhole (with Rosa), Akima Brave, and Eric Eisen[/B] All Six men are already in the ring from the previous segment. The match is a fast paced, high flying affair. The action is good, but the crowd seems a little bored with the talent, Zimmey being the only one they seem to get behind. Zimmey pins Powell with the Bumfhole in One at 11:32. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #6: [B]Mikel Alonso and Enforcer Roberts v. Sexual Aggersion[/B] Mikel and Enforcer are waiting in the ring. The former champions make there way to the ring, [B]Joe[/B] is taunting the crowd and [B]Angry[/B] remains focused. Once in the ring, Joe does his unveiling for the ladies in the crowd. The match has a few surprises, as the former champions do not seem in sync at all. For awhile Mikel works them over and Enforcer Roberts actually schools them. The wrestling between Roberts and Gilmore is very good. In the end though the Gilmore gets Mikel with Anger Management at 11:39. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #7: [B]Runaway Train and T-Rex (with The Guru) v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] for the Tag Team Championship. Train and Rex are out first. The Guru taunts the crowd as he leads his monsters to the ring. [B]Elmo and Groucho[/B] come out and do there high energy entrance with the crowd really into it. Dawn is dressed in a glittery pink and blue cheerleader outfit. The match is a contrast in styles, with Train and Rex using power, and High Concept countering with speed. Elmo pins Rex following the Game Over at 12:19. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #8:[B] Kid Toma and Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell) v. Rich Money and Skull Debones[/B] Jack does his rock star entrance, and Bombshell is dressed in her shimmering platinum beaded mini dress. Kid Toma is out next, the crowd gives him a good pop, once in the ring he does the Samoan Ritual Dance. Rich Money follows to his usual heat, the crowd really hates him and lets him hear it. He stops short of getting in the ring. Then the lights go out, the fog begins to rise in the aisle. A crow squawks, and lightening strikes. When the lights come back on, Skull Debones is in the ring. The is actually very good considering the vast variety of the wrestlers. They all put on a top notch performance and in the Skull gets Kid Toma with the Skull Krusher at 11:58. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 31.45 (down 1.06) Hallmark: 16.91 (down .45) East Euro: .00 Cent Euro: .00 West Euro: .00 J-Sports: .01 Grade B-[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV JULY WK 3, 2007 HH HUMPHERY METRODOME, MINNEAPOLIS, MN[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with [B]Jerry Eisen [/B]in the ring. Jerry is dressed in his usual custom Italian suit. He tells the crowd that as Supreme Challenge draws near he has decided that he wanted both [B]Remo[/B] and [B]Christian Faith [/B]in the main event tonight. The problem is he does not want them to tear each other apart before Supreme Challenge, so tonight they will have to coexist as a team. Now who could he get that would give them a good challenge. The Tag Team Champions already have a title defense tonight, so how about the former champions, [B]Sexual Aggression[/B]. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #1: [B]Big Smack Scott v. Randy Bumfhole (with Rosa)[/B] Big Smack is out first. The crowd is chanting for him to leave and never comeback, but BS Scott seems not to hear them as he stumbles to the ring. Randy is out next. He does his high energy entrance with Rosa, who is dressed in a shimmering gold mini skirt and a matching bikini top. The match is surprisingly one sided. BS Scott only seems to go through the motions, as Randy controls every aspect of the match, picking up the win following the Bumfhole Buster at 6:01. [B]Rating: C[/B] Backstage [B]Marv Earnest[/B] is joined by [B]Mikel Alonso[/B]. Mikel says he is here to accept the open challenge from [B]Sam Keith[/B]. He goes on to list all of Sam’s achievements and say what an honor it will be to face a living legend on the grandest stage of them all. That the victory he picks up will propel him to the title picture. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match#2: [B]T-Rex and Runaway Train (with the Guru) v. Biggz Boyz (with Jessie)[/B] T-Rex and Train are lead to the ring by the Guru. Guru taunts the crowd as he his monsters stand imposingly behind him. The Biggz come out to a decent pop that quickly fizzles. Jessie is dressed in a black mini skirt and a blue low cut top. The match is very one sided as Rex and Train just impose there will on the much smaller team. T-Rex pins Brett following the Jurassic Crush at 5:56. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Backstage the camera focuses on [B]Dharma’s[/B] legs and then pan up. She is dressed in a white evening gown. [B]Steve Frehley[/B] joins her, and begins to talk about the challenge laid fourth the previous week by [B]Squeaky McClean[/B]. Steve accepts the challenge and talks about using the match to steal the show and launch him back into the World Title picture. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #3: [B]Robbie Retro v. Vin Tanner (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Robbie does his Travolta strut to the ring, with the crowd thoroughly enjoying his faux Bee Gees music. Vin comes out accompanied by the black vinyl clad Cat. The match starts with Vin attacking Robbie from behind when he goes to put his jacket outside the ring. Vin proceeds to beat on Robbie for a few minutes, them Robbie makes his comeback and finishes Vin with the Disco Ball at 5:53. [B]Rating: D+[/B] In the locker room [B]Remo[/B] is getting ready for his match, he is mumbling about having to team with Christian. [B]Rich Money[/B] tells him to lighten up. That he has a plan, and that this match could not have been better for them. Remo asked what he means and Rich just smiles and says to trust him. Rating: B Match #4: [B]Jumbo Shrimp (with Wanda Fish) v. Dallas McWade[/B] Jumbo comes out to the top of the ramp. He stops and flexes for the crowd. Wanda comes out and drapes herself over him. She is dresses in a teal body suit. Dallas comes out and the crowd barely acknowledges him. The match is a more of a brawl as Dallas and Jumbo just pound and beat on each other. Jumbo gets the win with the Ocean Wave at 6:14. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #5: [B]Lobster Warrior (with Wanda Fish) v. Kurt Larmee (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Lobster is out first. He stops to pose at the top of the ramp, where Wanda joins him. Kurt comes out to decent heat, he and Cat, who is wearing a black vinyl “Cat suit”, come to the ring holding hands. The match actually shows some wrestling. Lobster and Kurt put on an entertaining back and fourth wrestling match. Lobster picks up the win with the Lobster Trap at 12:27. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #6: [B]Alex Braun and Henry Lee (with Cat Jemson) v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] for the Tag Team Championship. Alex and Henry come out to great heat. The hot crowd is taunting Alex as a sell out, chanting for Henry to leave and never come back, and calling Cat ghetto slut. The champs come out and do there high energy entrance to the crowds delight. Dawn is dressed a Twins jersey that is 3 sizes to small and a short skirt. The match is a good display of tag team wrestling, with Alex and Henry showing great chemistry cutting the ring in half on [B]Elmo Benson[/B]. After several near tags, Elmo finally gets the hot tag to [B]Groucho Bling[/B], who goes on the get Henry with the Bling Thing at 11:32. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #7: [B]Ryan Powell, Eric Eisen, Marc Dubois and Zimmey Bumfhole (with Rosa) v. Rich Money, the Samoan Wildboyz and Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell)[/B] Ryan Powell is out first, the crowd seems indifferent to the Shooting Star Champion, and he is followed by Eric Eisen who the crowd is not happy to see. Next out is Marc Dubois who gets a little heat from the crowd. When Zimmey comes out the crowd pops momentarily for him and the stunning Rosa. Rich Money then comes out to about half way down the aisle, the crowd is really giving him good heat, then the Wildboyz hit the ring, and the wrestlers bail out. They do there Samoan Ritual Dance, and Jack Bruce makes his rock Star entrance, with the platinum clad Blonde Bombshell. The match is a fast paced back and fourth contest, with bodies flying in every direction. Eventually Akima Brave pins Ryan Powell following a Long Range Head Butt at 11:48. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #8: [B]Sexual Aggression v. Remo and Christian Faith[/B] Sexy and Gilmore are out first. Joe struts to the ring taunting the crowd on his way, while Angry marches to the ring, completely focused on the task at hand. Remo is out next, and the crowd is just erupting with heat for him. Then Christian comes out, the arena is electric, and deafening. Remo starts off against Joe Sexy, they go through series holds and counter holds, and then Remo slaps Christian and gets out of the ring. Sexy and Gilmore then proceed to beat and double team Christian as Remo constantly refuses to tag. After spending most of the match being beaten down, Christian starts a comeback. He dumps Gilmore out of the ring and drops Sexy to the canvas, before he can go for the cover Remo blinds tags himself in, and covers Sexy for the fall at 12:03. [B]Rating: B+[/B] After the match [B]Joe Sexy[/B] and [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] attack [B]Christian Faith[/B]. [B]Remo [/B]smiles and joins the assault as [B]Rich Money[/B] races to the ring from backstage. The four men proceed to beat on the downed champion. Christian ends up taking a One Night Stand, Anger Management and finally a Destroyer. As the show goes off the air, Remo, Gilmore, Sexy and Money stand victorious over the bloodied champion. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Attendance: 5,343 Fox Rating: 35.64 (up 4.19) Hallmark: 16.52 (down .40) East Euro: .00 Cent Euro: .00 West Euro: .00 J-Sport: .01 Grade: C+[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV JULY WK 4, 2007 ALUMNI HALL, NEW YORK, NEW YORK[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with [B]Rich Money, Remo, Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore [/B]all standing in the ring. They all are dressed in expensive custom suits. Rich has the microphone. He tells the crowd last week as Supreme TV went off the air, they witnessed the birth of a dynasty. The simple beating put on the World Champion was in fact the act of an alliance that shall soon hold all the gold. The four men you see before are truly the most Elite group of sports entertainers in world today. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #1: [B]The Dirty White Boyz v. The Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa)[/B] The White Boyz are waiting in the ring. Zimmey and Randy do there usual high energy entrance that gets a good pop from the crowd. Rosa is dressed in a gold body suit, with a V cut in the front to reveal her cleavage. The match is pretty one sided with the Bumfholes using there speed and quickness to keep the pace moving, and the White Boyz gasping for air. [B]Zimmey[/B] gets [B]Grease Hog[/B] with the Bumfhole in One at 5:43. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Backstage the camera pans out to reveal a scantly clad [B]Dharma[/B] standing in front of the SWF logo. She brings in her guest, [B]The Underwater Union[/B], with a scantly clad [B]Wanda Fish[/B]. Lobster Warrior talks about the upcoming parking lot brawl at Supreme Challenge against the Extremist. He says the Union is sick and tired of the sneak attacks by Alex Braun and his cronies. That is they want an old fashioned fight, then the Union shall be glad to oblige. The hold time Lobster is talking, Wanda and Jumbo Shrimp are caressing and flirting with each other. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #2: [B]Marc Dubois v. Calamari Kid (with Wanda Fish)[/B] Marc comes out to the ring first, he is met by some decent heat from the live crowd. Calamari follows, he stops to pose at the top of the ramp when he joined by Wanda. The match is a fast paced, high flying exhibition, however the crowd seems to think that they have seem these moves a million time before. Marc wins with the Model Solution at 5:43. [B]Rating: c[/B] Backstage [B]Marv Earnest[/B] is joined by the Disco Stud, [B]Robbie Retro[/B]. Robbie hypes his upcoming match against the [B]Big Problem[/B]. He said that the Problem with the Guru’s Problem is that he is unproven. Sure Runaway Train and T-Rex are both proven monsters, but why was the Problem invited to the Guru’s Monster Party. Robbie says he will simply crash the party and have a monster mash. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #3: [B]Big Smack Scott v. Burning Exile [/B]in a [B]hardcore match[/B] for the King of the Death Match Championship. Big Smack stumbles out to the ring with a glazed look on his face, Kyle Rhodes comments that he has appeared to be a zombie the last several weeks. Burning Exile is out next, to virtual silence. The match is not to exciting as Exile just uses every weapon he can find to bash BS Scott in the head. Burning Exile successfully defends his belt at 5:58. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Backstage, [B]Duane Fry[/B] is joined by [B]Sam Keith[/B]. Sam hypes his upcoming match against [B]Mikel Alonso[/B]. Sam thanks Mikel for the accolades he gave him last week, but says that Mikel made one mistake, he is not now and never has been a stepping stone. He says if he was to lose to an oiled down wannabe male stripper who is more concerned with his Pecs then his ability he would never wrestle again. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #4: [B]Brett Biggz (with Jessie) v. T-Rex (with the Guru) [/B] Brett is out first, he is accompanied by the lovely Jessie. She is dressed in a tight black micro mini skirt and a low cut blue top. T-Rex is lead to the ring by the Guru. Guru taunts the crowd as Rex snarls and growls. The match is one sided, as T-Rex is just too much for the smaller Biggz. T-Rex goes over with the Extinction at 5:41. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] comes out to the ring where a table with a chair on either side is set up. He announces that the contract signing for the main event at Supreme Challenge has arrived. He introduces the challenger, and out comes [B]Remo[/B], still dressed in his custom suit. The crowd is really giving him heat. Then Jerry announces the World Champion, [B]Christian Faith[/B], the crowd Erupts as Christian makes his way to the ring, dressed in jeans and a “Gotta Have Faith” t-shirt. The two grapplers get face to face and stare each other down. After several minutes of pleading from Jerry, Christian turns and signs the contract. Once he signs, Remo attacks him and puts him through the table with the Destroyer. Remo then signs the contract and leaves it lying on Christian’s chest. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #5: [B]Eric Eisen v. Steve Frehley[/B] Eric comes to the ring first and the crowd lets him know they are not happy to see him. Steve then comes out to a luke warm reception. The match is surprisingly equal. Both wrestlers trade moves, holds, punches and the crowd seems bored with all of it. Steve Finally hits Frehley’s Comet at 11:49. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #6: [B]Jack Bruce (with Blonde Bombshell) v. Alex Braun (with Cat Jemson)[/B] Jack makes his rock star entrance, and the crowd loves it. Bombshell is dressed in a platinum mini dress. Alex then comes to the ring wearing his black jeans and a “Painful Procedure” t-shirt. Cat is wearing her black vinyl outfit and hears several cat calls of “Ghetto Trash”. The match is an up tempo bout, that has the crowd going. Every time Alex bends the rules for the upper hand, the crowd cheers Jack back into the match. After completing his comeback Jack prepares for the New York Minute. Cat jumps up on the apron to distract referee [B]Shane Stones[/B], and [B]Kurt Larmee [/B]runs in and nails Jack with the Switch Blade Power Slam. Alex gets the cover at 12:08. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match # 7: [B]Samoan Wildboyz v. High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] for the Tag Team Championship. [B]Kid Toma[/B] and [B]Akima Brave[/B] are out first to a good pop from the crowd. When they get into the ring they do there Ritual Samoan Dance. [B]Elmo Benson[/B] and [B]Groucho Bling[/B] then come to the ring with there high energy entrance. Dawn is wearing a short mini skirt with a super tight Yankees Jersey. The match is exceptional average. The two teams of faces go back and fourth, with the crowd spilt on who to cheer for. Eventually Groucho pins Akima following the Bling Thing at 11:50. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #8: [B]Runaway Train (with the Guru) v. Skull Debones[/B] Train is lead to the ring by the Guru. The crowd gives the former champion some decent heat, and the Guru taunts the crowd. Then the lights go out, fog begins to rise in aisle. A crow squawks and lightening strikes. When the lights return Skull DeBones is in the ring. The action goes from there as Train charges in at the bell. This is a hard hitting, brawler’s match with the crowd fully behind Skull. Skull manages to fend off the early attack and begins to gain momentum. The end comes when Skull catches Train with Six Feet Under at 11:56. [B]Rating: B+[/B] The final card for Supreme Challenge is as Follows: Henry Lee v. Burning Exile © in a hardcore match for the King of the Death Match Title Robbie Retro v. The Big Problem Ryan Powell© v. Marc Dubois v. Zimmey Bumfhole v. Akima Brave v. Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Eric Eisen in an Ultimate X match for the Shooting Star Championship Sam Keith v. Mikel Alonso The Extremist (Alex Braun, Kurt Larmee and Vin Tanner) v. Underwater Union (Lobster Warrior, Jumbo Shrimp and Calamari Kid) in a parking lot brawl Steve Frehley v. Squeaky McClean Sexual Aggression v. Runaway Train and T-Rex v. High Concept© in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match for the Tag Team Titles Kid Toma© v. Jack Bruce v. Rich Money v. Skull DeBones in a fatal four way elimination match for the North American Title Remo v. Christian Faith© for the World Championship [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 31.44 (down 4.2) Hallmark: 16.92 (up .40) East Euro: 0.00 Cent Euro: 0.00 West Euro; 0.00 J-Sports: .01 Grade: C+[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME CHALLENGE JULY WEEK 4, 2007 MCI CENTER, WASHINGTON DC[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with a video package hyping the main event for the World Championship between [B]Remo[/B] and [B]Christian Faith[/B]. [B]Rating: A[/B] Match #1: [B]Henry Lee[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) v. [B]Burning Exile[/B] in a Hardcore match for the King Of The Death Match championship. Henry comes out first. He is dressed in his black jeans and a sleeveless black shirt that has a Hardcore Legend logo on it. Cat is dressed in a black vinyl pants and a black lace bra. Burning Exile comes out to virtually no reaction. The match starts with the two men exchanging blows. After a few minutes of this, Exile decides it might be smarter to use his speed. Throughout the match the announce team puts over that Henry is a formal KOTDM Champion. They brawl around the ring, and use various items on each other, but in the end Henry nails Exile with the Asylum Buster at 12:01 to become the new champion. [B]Rating: C-[/B] After the match [B]Burning Exile[/B] is not moving. Referee [B]Ric Young[/B] signals for help from the back. Out come the EMTs with a stretcher. They are joined by [B]Chief Two Eagles[/B] and [B]Pat Deacon[/B]. They put Exile on the gurney and take him out. [B]Rating: F+[/B] Match #2: [B]Robbie Retro [/B]v. [B]The Big Problem[/B] (with [B]The Guru[/B]) Robbie struts out to the ring first to the faux Bee Gees tune he does. Once in the ring he does a little disco dancing. The Guru then leads his behemoth, The Big Problem, to the ring. Problem starts to pound on Retro, but Robbie is not like the smaller opponents that Problem is used to. Retro quickly gains the advantage and begins to work over the green rookie. During the match it is obvious that Problem is a bit awkward in the ring still. Robbie goes over with Murder on the Dance Floor at 5:54. [B]Rating: C[/B] After the match, as The Guru helps The Big Problem to the back, [B]Robbie Retro [/B]has the ringside security pick a couple of kids and allow them into the ring to dance to the faux Bee Gees music with him. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #3: [B]Marc Dubois [/B]v. [B]Zimmey Bumfhole[/B] (with [B]Rosa[/B]) v. [B]Akima Brave[/B] v. [B]Frederique Antonio Garcia[/B] v. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] v. [B]Ryan Powell[/B] in an Ultimate X match for the Shooting Star Championship. Marc Dubois comes out to some decent heat as he struts and poses on his way to the ring. Zimmey does his high energy entrance, accompanied by the lovely Rosa, who is wearing a gold fringed bikini. Akima comes out to his tribal music and once in the ring does his Samoan Ritual Dance. F.A.G. comes out to a chorus of boos, as he blows kisses to the fans. Eric Eisen follows him and the crowd is not happy to see the boss’s son in a match. Ryan is out last, and the champion gets little reaction from the crowd. The match is fast paced as bodies are flying every where. Zimmey and Marc take a sick bump off the top of the contraction holding the belt that leaves both men out for the remainder of the match. While Eric and F.A.G. are double teaming Akima, Ryan seizes the opportunity to retrieve his belt at 14:37. [B]Rating: B-[/B] After the match, [B]Ryan Powell[/B] drops to his knees staring at his title belt. He begins to smile then jumps up and starts running around the ring congratulating himself. [B]Rating: D+[/B] After Ryan finally leaves the ring, [B]Marv Earnest[/B] comes out. He announces he is out here tonight to MC the Supreme Diva Lingerie Contest. He then announces the Divas who will be showing off there assets. They all come to the ring wearing robes. The Divas are [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B], [B]Jessie,[/B] [B]Wanda Fish[/B] and [B]Dharma[/B]. Marv then announces it is time to disrobe. Dawn drops her robe to reveal a Washington Nationals teddy. Then Jessie reveals blue garter belts with a black corset. Dharma drops her robe to reveal a white lace pair of bra and panties. Then Wanda disrobes to reveal pasties over her nipples, she giggles and tells Marv she sleeps in the nude. The crowd goes crazy, it is obvious that Wanda is the winner. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #4: [B]Mikel Alonso v. Sam Keith[/B] Mikel comes to the ring first, with little fanfare. Sam follows with a decent pop, followed by some decent heat. The match is a give and take, catch as catch can match. The young lion takes an early advantage, but Sam capitalizes on his first mistake. Then after working Mikel over for several minutes, Sam stops to taunt the crowd at ring side. This gives Mikel time to recover and he starts his come back. Just when it appears he has the match going his way, he trips coming off the ropes. Mikel grabs his knee as he goes down. Sam begins to work over the injured knee and soon locks in the Proton Lock at 11:58. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The cameras pan to the backstage area, wear we see [B]Rich Money[/B] talking with [B]Darren Smith[/B]. We can not hear what they are saying. But we do see Rich handing Darren a wad of cash. [B]Peter Michaels [/B]remarks, “I wonder what that snake is up to.” [B]Rating: B+[/B] A video is played showing the tension that has been growing between The Underwater Union ([B]Lobster Warrior, Jumbo Shrimp, and Calamari Kid[/B]) and the Extremist ([B]Alex Braun, Henry Lee, Kurt Larmee and Vin Tanner[/B]). Rating: C- Match #5: [B]The Underwater Union [/B]v. [B]The Extremist[/B] in a parking lot brawl. The cameras pan out to the parking lot, where a bunch of cars are circled. On one side of the circle stand the Extremist on the other side is the Union. When referee Shane Stones signals the to groups charge each other and the fight ensues. The match is bloody and violent with all men taking great damage. Jumbo pile drives Vin on the hood of a 74 Ford Maverick, and then covers him for the win at 11:35. [B]Rating: C[/B] Backstage [B]Duane Fry[/B] is standing in front of the SWF logo, wearing a tuxedo. He introduces his guest this evening, they are the Elite. [B]Joe Sexy[/B], [B]Angry Gilmore[/B], [B]Remo[/B] and [B]Rich Money[/B] all surround the nervous interviewer. Joe starts talking about how tonight Sexual Aggression will set the pace as the Elite take all the gold. Then Gilmore talks about the privilege it is to be a part of such a great group of wrestlers. Remo begins to talk, but Rich cuts him off. Rich says that tonight he will regain the North American Title, and it will be the second greatest event of the night, behind Remo reaching the top of the mountain. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #6: [B]Steve Frehley[/B] v. [B]Squeaky McClean[/B] Steve is out first to a good, but not great pop. Then Squeaky comes out to really good heat. The match is back and fourth with both men pulling out the stops. When Steve ascends the ropes to perform the Comet, Squeaky leaps to the top rope after him and nails him with a Superplex for the fall at 11:56. [B]Rating: B+[/B] A hype video is played featuring the three teams in the Tables, Ladders and Chairs match. The video show highlights of [B]Sexual Aggression[/B], [B]High Concept[/B] and the team of[B] Runaway Train [/B]and [B]T-Rex[/B]. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #7: [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] v. [B]T-Rex [/B]and [B]Runaway Train[/B] (with [B]The Guru[/B]) v. [B]High Concept[/B] (with [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B]) in a TLC match for the Tag Team Championship. Sexy and Gilmore are out first and the crowd really lets them have it. Once in the ring Joe does the unveiling of his physique. T-Rex and Train follow they are lead to the ring by The Guru, who taunts the crowd. Elmo and Groucho do there usual high energy entrance and are accompanied by Dawn who is dressed in a skin tight Redskins cheerleader outfit. The match is brutal with all six men laying into each other. There are several attempts by all men to retrieve the straps dangling above the ring, but in the end it is Gilmore who gets them at 21:55. [B]Rating: C+[/B] A video is played hyping the Fatal Four Way for the North American Championship. The video features [B]Jack Bruce[/B], [B]Skull Debones[/B], [B]Rich Money[/B] and the current champion [B]Kid Toma[/B]. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #8: [B]Jack Bruce[/B] (with [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B]) v. [B]Rich Money[/B] v. [B]Skull Debones[/B] v. [B]Kid Toma[/B] in a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the North American Championship. Jack is out first to his usual rock star entrance, Bombshell is dressed in a platinum mini dress. Rich Money follows and the crowd really lets him know what they think of him. Then the lights go out, fog begins to rise from the aisle. A crow squawks and lightening strikes. When the lights return, Skull is standing in the ring. The three men in the ring begin to go at each other, as Kid Toma’s music starts. With the match already under way the champion sprints to the ring to get involved. The match is a future classic as all four men shine. The first elimination comes after fourteen minutes of action, when Rich money pins Jack Bruce while using the ropes for leverage, but referee [B]Ric Young[/B] misses the underhanded tactic. Then at the eighteen minute mark Rich and Toma both cover a downed Skull. The final two then go at each other full throttle. Kid Toma proves to be a worthy champion as he lands the Suicide Head Butt at 21:55 to retain his title. [B]Rating: A*[/B] After the match, as [B]Ric Young[/B] presents [B]Kid Toma[/B] with the championship belt, [B]Akima Brave[/B] runs in to celebrate with his cousin. After flexing to the crowd Kid Toma exits the ring and walks over to the announce table. He holds his hand out to [B]Ana Garcia[/B]. She takes it and they embrace, and then kiss. Rating: A* The opening video hyping the main event between [B]Remo [/B]and [B]Christian Faith [/B]is replayed. [B]Rating: A*[/B] Match #9: [B]Remo[/B] v. [B]Christian Faith [/B]for the World Championship Remo is out first, the crowd rips him and show total hatred for the challenger. Then Christian comes out, the crowd erupts. They are on there feet as the champion makes his way to the ring. The match is an instant classic, as the old pro matches the young and hungry challenger move for move. They pull out all of the stops, then after nineteen minutes of extraordinary action, Remo goes for the Destroyer. As he finishes the move, referee [B]Darren Smith[/B] takes a bump, though it is unclear as to weather or not Christian’s legs even touched him. Remo realizing that no one is counting gets up and goes to attend to the fallen referee. After a few minutes Darren begins to stir. As Remo helps him to his feet, Christian has recovered and rolls Remo up in a small package for the win at 22:03. [B]Rating: A*[/B] After the victory [B]Christian[/B] celebrates in the middle of the ring as the show goes off air. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Attendance: 15,000 (sell out) Buy Rate: 6.87 (highest ever) Grade: B+[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV AUGUST WK 1, 2007 AUTRY COURT, HOUSTON, TEXAS[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with a six minute highlight package playing on the Eisentron of [B]Supreme Challenge[/B]. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] is sitting in his office backstage. The office is very posh, with leather furniture and expensive art on the walls. There is a knock on the door, and then [B]The Guru[/B] comes in. He asks Jerry to make a match tonight. He says that last night did not go the way he wanted and tonight he would like to see [B]Robbie Retro[/B] take on [B]Runaway Train[/B]. Jerry thinks it over for about a second and then agrees. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #1: [B]Justin Caton[/B] v. [B]Skull DeBones.[/B] Justin is waiting in the ring. The lights go out. Fog begins to rise from the aisle way. A crow squawks and lightening strikes. When the lights come up Skull is in the ring. The match is very one sided with Skull just punishing his opponent, it is clear from the beginning he could finish him at any point, but he is in a bad mood and decides to torture his victim. Skull buries Justin with Six Feet Under at 5:35. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The lights in the arena flicker. The ring begins to glow red as [B]Skull[/B] begins to glow blow. A female voice cackles with laughter. “Skull the time is coming for you to fulfill your preordained position.” Then blood falls from the sky to cover Skull. As the cackling laughter continues. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match #2: [B]The Big Problem[/B] (with [B]The Guru[/B]) v. [B]Kid Toma[/B] for the North American Championship. The Big Problem is lead out to the ring by The Guru. Guru taunts the crowd, who really are not thrilled to be treated to another Big Problem match. Kid Toma comes out to a big pop. Once in the ring he begins his Samoan Ritual Dance, but is jumped from behind by Problem. Problem uses his early advantage to pummel the champion, but the green rookie makes a fatal mistake and it is down hill from there for him. Kid Toma gets the Suicide Head Butt at 5:57. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Backstage in the locker room, [B]Joe Sexy[/B] and [B]Rich Money[/B] are looking on as [B]Remo[/B] destroys the place. He is furious. Joe asks Rich if they should stop him. Rich laughs and tells him if he wants to risk his life to save some furniture then go for it. Joe kindly declines. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #3: [B]Big Smack Scott[/B] v. [B]Jack Bruce [/B](with [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B]) BS Scott stumbles out to the ring first. He seems in a trance and ignores the chants from the crowd for him to go home and not come back. Jack does his usual rock star entrance, accompanied by Bombshell. She is dressed in a shimmering fringe platinum mini dress. The match is absolutely one sided. Scott never seems to snap out of his trance, and takes a beating with no real resistance. Jack gets the New York Minute at 5:52. [B]Rating: C+[/B] As the match ends, and referee [B]Shane Stones[/B] completes his count, [B]Steve Frehley [/B]hits the ring. As [B]Jack Bruce[/B] rises from covering[B] Big Smack Scott[/B] for the fall, Steve nails him with Frehley’s Comet. Then he begins to put the boots to the downed rock star. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #4: [B]Squeaky McClean[/B] v. [B]Ryan Powell[/B] for the Shooting Star Championship Squeaky comes out to the ring first. He gets decent heat from the crowd. Once in the ring he does his usual insulting of the crowd for there lifestyle choices. Ryan comes out next and the crowd actually give the Shooting Star Champion some decent heat. The match is a good display of wrestling, with both men bending the rules. The crowd seems to have problems cheering for either wrestler, but they seem to enjoy the action. Squeaky, once gaining the upper hand starts to work towards the finish. When he is using closed fists, referee [B]Ric Young [/B]warns him, Squeaky nails him with a punch and is disqualified at 5:59. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #5: [B]Robbie Retro[/B] v. [B]Runaway Train[/B] (with [B]The Guru[/B]) Robbie struts to the ring first, with the faux Bee Gees’ music and his Travolta strut. The crowd pops for the Disco Stud. Then Train is lead to the ring by The Guru. Guru taunts the crowd as they head to the ring. The match is a hard hitting match. Robbie goes toe to toe, punch for punch with the former World Champion. Retro shows no signs of backing down and finally gets the Murder on the Dance Floor at 11:45. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match # 6: [B]Lobster Warrior [/B](with [B]Wanda Fish[/B]) v. [B]Alex Braun[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) Alex is out first in his black jeans and a sleeveless red Underwater Union shirt. He has put a black line through the graphic on the shirt. Cat is wearing a pair of black vinyl booty shorts and a black vinyl corset. The crowd gives Alex a lot of heat. Lobster comes out next he stops to pose at the top of the ramp where Wanda joins him. Wanda is wearing a Teal Bikini top, with a pair of daisy duke cutoffs. The match starts with some back and fourth, give and take wrestling. As Lobster gains the advantage and the match starts to turn in his favor, Alex dumps him to the outside. Alex quickly follows him and while they are on the outside brawling Alex has the clear advantage. Once back in the ring Lobster regains some lost momentum and his edge, with his high technical wrestling. Alex does well trying to keep pace, but it is clear that the Lobster is much more at home with the pace of the match. Alex powders out, when he does Lobster, realizing that Alex is the better brawler, does not follow. Alex decides to go after Wanda, at the same time that Lobster is coming to her aid, Cat jumps on the apron and distracts [B]Darren Smith[/B]. When Lobster goes for his suicide dive, Alex grabs a chair and cracks him over the head. Alex then rolls Lobster in and covers him for the win, at 11:43. [B]Rating: B[/B]- Match #7: [B]McWade Brothers [/B]v.[B] High Concept (with Dawn the Cheerleader)[/B] The McWades come to the ring to a little heat. The brothers are dressed in jeans and flannels. [B]Elmo[/B] and [B]Groucho[/B] are out next to a really good crowd pop. They do there usual high energy entrance with Dawn, who is dressed in a very tight fitting Astro’s Jersey and a pair of black booty shorts. The match starts with the McWades gaining the advantage through under handed tactics. They isolate Elmo and double team him. With Elmo cut off from making the tag, the Mcwades use a lot of false tags, place switching and pure cheating to keep the ring cut in half. Then Elmo gets free and makes a hot tag to Groucho who clears the ring. As action resumes the McWades are unable to regain there earlier momentum. Groucho gets the Bling Thing on [B]Dallas[/B] at 11:43. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #8: [B]The Amazing Bumfholes[/B] (with [B]Rosa[/B]) v. Sexual [B]Aggression[/B] for the Tag Team Championship Bumfholes are out first. They pose with fireworks at the top of the stage and then run and slide into the ring, while Rosa, dressed in her skimpy gold bikini, struts to the ring. [B]Joe[/B] and [B]Gilmore[/B] are next. Joe saunters while Gilmore marches. Once in the ring Joe goes through his usual routine of revealing his body. The match starts with [B]Zimmey[/B] and Joe and is pretty good action. Both teams put on a good back and fourth match, the champs trying to cut off the ring and wear there opponents down, and the challengers always getting the hot tag. Finally Angry catches [B]Randy[/B] with Anger management for the fall at 11:46. [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 35.62 (up 4.180 Hallmark : 16.34 (down .58) East Euro: .00 Cent Euro: .00 West Euro: .00 J Sports: .01 Grade: C+[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV AUG. WK 2, 2007 VON BRAUN CENTER, HUNTSVILLE, AL[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with [B]Calamari Kid [/B]and [B]Wanda Fish[/B] arriving in the parking lot. Once they get out of there sedan and start walking towards the building they are surrounded and attacked by [B]Alex Braun[/B], [B]Henry Lee[/B], [B]Kurt Larmee[/B] and [B]Vin Tanner.[/B] After several minutes The Extremist leave the pair bloody and unconscious. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match #1: [B]Runaway Train[/B] (with [B]The Guru[/B]) v. [B]Remo[/B] Train is lead out to the ring by The Guru. Guru taunts the crowd, while Train looks on menacingly. Remo is out next and he doesn’t even acknowledge the jeers of the crowd. HE seems focused. Once in the ring, Remo does not wait for the bell, he just unleashes a brutal assault on Train. The onetime monster heel and former World Champion is completely buried by the younger man. Remo finally decides to end the destruction of Train with a Destroyer at 5:46. [B]Rating: C[/B] Backstage,[B] Dharma[/B] enters the locker room of the Underwater Union. [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] and [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] are furious. After rambling on about the cowardice of the ambush by the Extremist, they challenge the [B]Extremist[/B] to a tag match at Welcome to the Jungle. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #2: [B]The Biggz Boyz[/B] (with [B]Jessie[/B]) v. [B]Alex Braun [/B]and [B]Henry Lee[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) The [B]Biggz Boyz[/B] are waiting in the ring, with a scantly clad Jessie. Alex and Henry come to the ring dressed in black jeans. Cat is wearing her black vinyl outfit. The match is a butt whooping. The team of Alex and Henry just simply destroy the Biggz Boyz. They play loose with the rules and in the end Alex gets Bart with Braun Damage at 5:57. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Backstage [B]Skull Debones [/B]is walking down the hallway. As he round s a corner, he is struck with a steel chair. Then we see the attackers, [B]T-Rex[/B] and [B]The Big Problem[/B]. They proceed to double team Skull and leave him down on out. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Then we hear the haunting female laughter. A pair of black stiletto high heels are standing next to [B]Skull[/B]. The camera pans up to a long black lacy dress, and finally the face of a pale brunette, she is wear a lot of black make up, with bright red lipstick. She bends down and tells Skull, that until he embraces his destiny, her father will continue to send every monster he has at him. Then she walks away doing the haunting laugh. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #3: [B]Death Row [/B]v. [B]McWade Brothers[/B] [B]Knuckles[/B] and [B]Shady K[/B] are waiting in the ring. [B]Dean [/B]and [B]Dallas [/B]come out to little reaction. The match starts with some brawling, and both teams bend the rules. The crowd seems confused about who they should cheer for, so they boo both sides. Dean picks up the fall following Murder on the Mountain at 6:28. [B]Rating: C[/B] Backstage, [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B], dressed in a Crimson Tide cheerleader outfit, is standing in front of the SWF Logo. She is joined by her clients, [B]High Concept.[/B] Dawn basically makes a challenge the tag team champions, [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] and [B]Joe Sexy.[/B] She is so sure her team will win the titles, that she is willing to put anything on the line to secure the title match. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #4: [B]Marc Dubois [/B]v. [B]Mikel Alonso[/B] Marc comes to the ring to a little heat, he taunts the crowd on the way to the ring. Mikel comes out to virtually no reaction. The match is a fast paced, cruiserweight style match, the crowd seems a little bored with the high spots style action. Mikel gets to the pay window following the Catalan Twist at 5:57. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Duane Fry[/B] is backstage, he goes into a locker room where [B]Steve Frehley[/B] is doing push ups. Steve gets up and glares at Duane. He asks Duane if he wanted something. Duane replies with a question about Steve’s attack of [B]Jack Bruce[/B]. Steve tells Duane (and the viewers), that he attacked Jack, because it seems to be the only way the crowd and idiots in charge at Eisen Towers, seem to take notice. He says they are living in a time when bad behavior is being rewarded, while guys like himself, and to an extent Jack Bruce as well, are being looked past when championship matches are made. He says they are being ignored because they follow the rules. So he decided to step out of the box, and by attacking Jack, he knows that Jack will face him at Welcome to the Jungle. Then the two of them can give the crowd, and the powers that be, something to think about. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #5: [B]The Amazing Bumfholes (with Rosa) [/B]v. [B]The Extremist (with Cat Jemson)[/B] [B]Zimmey[/B] and [B]Randy [/B]due there usual high energy entrance, Rosa is dressed in her gold fringe bikini. The crowd pops, but it was more out of habit. [B]Kurt Larmee[/B] and [B]Vin Tanner[/B] come out to decent heat. Cat is wearing black vinyl pants, and a black vinyl tube top. The two teams styles really clash. As the hardcore, extreme team plods along against the quick and high spot based Bumfholes. The match seems to drag at parts and the crowd seems relieved when Kurt gets Randy with the Switch Blade Power Slam at 11:48. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #6: [B]Robbie Retro[/B] v. [B]Rich Money[/B] Robbie struts out to his faux Bee Gees, the crowd pops for the disco stud. Rich comes out to great heat, as the crowd really lets him know what they think. The match starts off with some technical wrestling. Robbie eventually gains the advantage and begins to take it home. Rich feeling that the match is slipping away reaches into his tights and nails Robbie with a foreign object. He then covers him for the victory at 12:09. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #7: [B]Squeaky McClean[/B] v. [B]Kid Toma[/B] for the North American Championship. Squeaky comes out to a chorus of boos. Once in the ring he takes the microphone and insults the crowd for being out of shape, boozing, and womanizing, interbreeding rednecks. Kid Toma comes out to a good pop. Once in the ring he does the Samoan Ritual Dance. The match is a fast paced match, but the crowd seems to not really be into it. Kid Toma gets the successful defense with the Suicide Head Butt at 11:49. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #8: [B]Sam Keith[/B] v. [B]Christian Faith[/B] for the World Championship Sam Keith comes to the ring, he receives some decent heat from the crowd. Then the place erupts as the World champion makes his way to the ring. As Christian poses and plays to the crowd, [B]Peter Michaels[/B] reminds the viewers of the classics these two men have wrestled in the past for the World title. The Match, while not a classic, is very close. Both wrestlers put on a show for the crowd. Sam seems to be transformed to a younger version of himself. But in the end Christian retains the championship with the Leap of Faith at 11:48. [B]Rating: B+[/B] The crowd really seemed to be bored with my product. With the exception of Sam v. Christian and Rich v. Robbie the grades were really average. On a different note, the laughing gothic woman is the [B]Devil’s Daughter[/B] from AAA. [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 31.40 (down 4.22) Hallmark: 16.82 (up .48) East Euro: .00 Cent Euro: .00 West Euro: .00 J Sports: .01 Grade: C[/B]
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Guest Bolton
Boo Mikel Alonso! Boo! I like how you're all about the young guys, such as Kid Toma winning the NA title. But I've got one suggestion... [B]PUSH MARC DUBOIS AND THE BUMFHOLES TO THE FREAKIN' MOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!![/B] There. Done my rant. Good shows man, and hopefully Remo and Rich Money emerge as the big future stars they are for you.
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV AUG. WK 3, 2007 FRANKFURT CONVENTION CENTER, FRANKFURT, KY[/CENTER][/U][/B] Match #1: [B]Guide[/B] v. [B]Robbie Retro[/B] Guide is waiting in the ring. The former DAVE star is hearing it from the crowd. Robbie Retro then struts to the ring to his faux Bee Gees theme music. The crowd as always seems excited to see the disco stud. Guide quickly jumps Robbie from behind. After several minutes of being assaulted, Robbie begins his comeback, but Guide catches him with his head down, nails a neck breaker then ascends the ropes. Guide then hits the Guided Missile for the win at 5:48. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Backstage at the catering tables, [B]Darren Smith[/B] is fixing himself a plate. From out of nowhere a full coffee pot is shattered over his head. Then we see the assailant, it is [B]Remo[/B]. He proceeds to beat and destroy the referee. Finishing his assault by putting Darren through the food table with the Destroyer. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #2: [B]Death Row [/B]v. [B]Warriors of the Deep[/B] [B]Knuckles[/B] and [B]Shady K [/B]are waiting in the ring. [B]Lobster Warrior [/B]and [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] come out, they do not even stop to pose at the top of the ramp. [B]Kyle Rhodes[/B] reminds the crowd that [B]Wanda Fish [/B]is not with them this week because she is home recovering from her injuries received last week in the parking lot assault by the [B]Extremist.[/B] Lobster and Jumbo control the action from the get go. They simply put the beat down on the white rappers. Jumbo finishes Shady K with the Ocean Wave at 5:34. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] comes out to the ring. He is dressed in a custom Italian suit. [B]Peter Michaels[/B] and [B]Ana Garcia[/B] discuss how this is an unplanned appearance by the COO of Supreme Wrestling Federation. Jerry tells the crowd that he has come out to deal with a pending problem, that he hoped would not require his intervention. He goes on to say that two weeks ago we all witnessed a superstar destroy the locker room at Autry Court in Houston. Then last week, this same superstar quite possibly ended the career of Runaway Train in the opening match last week on Supreme TV. Then just moments ago, this same superstar assaulted a federation official in the catering area. Not only did he lay his hands on an official, that left the official requiring medical attention, but he destroyed the catering area where all federation employees eat and drink during the long hours it takes to put on such a great show as Supreme TV. Jerry tells the crowd he has no choice but to suspend [B]Remo[/B] until he seeks and completes some anger management classes. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #3: [B]Enygma[/B] v. [B]Steve Frehley[/B] Enygma is waiting in the ring when the show returns from commercial break. Steve Frehley comes out to a mixed reaction. The crowd is unsure weather they should cheer or jeer the former World Champion. The match up of these two former World Champions leaves a lot to be desired. Steve gets the fall following Frehley’s Comet at 6:11. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Duane Fry [/B]is joined backstage in front of the SWF logo by the Tag Team Champions, [B]Joe Sexy[/B] and [B]Angry Gilmore[/B]. Angry Gilmore talks about how he is willing to defend the titles anytime or any where, but he wants to know why, [B]High Concept [/B]are sending a woman to make there challenges. At that point, Joe speaks up. He says that[B] Dawn[/B] offered anything if the Champions would put the belts on the line, so seeing as Gilmore only wants to defend the belts, he will make the stipulation. And the stipulation is her. If High Concept wins, they get the belts, but if they fail in any way to win the belts, then Joe Sexy gets her for 2 nights, the night of and the night following Welcome to the Jungle. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #4: [B]Akima Brave[/B], [B]Mikel Alonso[/B] and [B]Bart Biggz[/B] v. [B]Sam Keith[/B], [B]Squeaky McClean[/B] and [B]Ryan Powell[/B] All six men are in the ring when we return from the commercial break. The match is once again filled with a lot of fast paced action and high spots, and once again the crowd seems only mildly interested. Peter Michaels let’s the viewers know that even though tonight Sam, Squeaky and Ryan are partners, at Welcome to the Jungle they will face off for the Shooting Star Championship. Sam submits Bart with the Proton Lock at 5:53. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #5: [B]Henry Lee[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) v. [B]Kid Toma[/B] for the North American Championship. Henry Lee comes out accompanied by a scantly clad Cat Jemson. The crowd is chanting for him to leave and never come back. Kid Toma comes out to a good pop. Once in the ring he does the Samoan Ritual Dance. The match is a hard hitting affair, as the Icon of Insanity takes the blue chipper to the wood shed. The young champion prevails with the Suicide Head Butt at 11:33. [B]Rating: C+[/B] As [B]Ric Young[/B] raises [B]Kid Toma’s [/B]hand, [B]Alex Braun[/B] nails him from behind. [B]Kurt Larmee[/B] and [B]Vin Tanner[/B] come from the crowd to join in on the four on one beat down of the North American Champion. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match # 6: [B]McWade Brothers[/B] v. [B]The Amazing Bumfholes[/B] (with [B]Rosa[/B]) [B]Dean[/B] and [B]Dallas[/B] are waiting in the ring. [B]Zimmey[/B] and [B]Randy [/B]come out to a decent pop, accompanied by the lovely Rosa, who is clad in a gold fringe bikini. The match is a contrast in styles. Both teams work well within themselves, but the McWades are slow plodding brawlers, while the Bumfholes are fast paced, aerial wrestlers. Zimmey gets the Bumfhole In One on Dallas at 11:52. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Marv Earnest [/B]is backstage in front of the SWF logo. He is joined by [B]Rich Money[/B]. Rich quickly cuts him off and takes the microphone. Rich says that with Remo suspended, he is challenging [B]Christian Faith[/B] for the World Championship at Welcome to the Jungle. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #7: [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] v. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] (with [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B]) Enforcer is waiting in the ring. Jack comes to the ring in his usual roc star fashion. Bombshell is dressed in a platinum mini dress. These two put on the match of the night. Enforcer Roberts shows his value, as he puts on the solid match and makes Jack look great. Jack gets the New York Minute and the win at 11:37. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #8: [B]T-Rex[/B] (with [B]the Guru[/B]) v. [B]Skull Debones[/B] T-Rex is lead out to the ring by The Guru. Guru taunts the crowd as they make there way to the ring. The lights go out. Fog begins to rise from the aisle, a crow squawks and lightening strikes. When the lights come back up, Skull DeBones is standing in the ring. He immediately charges after T-Rex and the fist start to fly. The rest of the match proceeds along those lines, with both men just knocking the snot out of each other. Finally Skull sets T-Rex up for the Skull Krusher, but the lights go out. Lightening strikes the ring. When the lights return neither man is anywhere to be seen. Referee [B]Shane Stones[/B] begins to count, the match ends in a double count out at 11:54. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 31.39 (down .01) Hallmark : 16.96 (up .140 East Euro: .00 Cent Euro: .00 West Euro: .00 J-Sports: .01 Grade: C+[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV AUG. WK. 4, 2007 CHASE FAMILY ARENA, WEST HARTFORD, CT[/CENTER][/U][/B] Match #1: [B]The Big Problem [/B](with [B]The Guru[/B]) v. [B]Skull DeBones[/B] The Big Problem is waiting in the ring when the show opens. Then the lights go out, fog begins to rise from the aisle, a crow squawks, lightening strikes. When the lights come back up, Skull is standing in the ring. Then the haunting female laughter begins. Skull seems dazed by the laughter, and Big Problem ceases the opportunity to attack. Skull takes a little beating from the big green rookie, but he rebounds in time and then takes over. Skull really puts in a great effort, and at the 6:18 mark he wins with Six Feet Under. [B]Rating: B-[/B] As [B]Skull DeBones [/B]gets his hand raised, by referee [B]Shane Stones[/B], the stage, ramp and aisle way start to glow red. The witchy woman appears at the top of the ramp, with a cloaked acolyte, holing a package in his hands. She introduces herself as [B]Cordellia “the Devil’s Daughter[/B]”. She tells Skull she is her to help him embrace his destiny, and to help with that, his disciple, [B]War[/B], has a gift for him. The cloaked and hooded acolyte begins the walk methodically to the ring. Once in the ring he presents the package to Skull. Skull’s eyes about pop out of his head when he looks into the package. Then the lights go out. [B]Rating: F+[/B] Match #2: [B]Mikel Alonso[/B] v. [B]T-Rex [/B](with [B]The Guru[/B]) Mikel is waiting in the ring. T-Rex is lead out to the ring by the Guru, who stops occasionally to taunt the crowd, while T-Rex stands menacingly behind him. Mikel tries to throw some punches at the monster standing before him. T-Rex no sells the punches then systematically dissects his opponent. T-Rex gets the win with Extinction at 5:34. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Dharma[/B] is backstage in front of the SWF Logo. She is dressed in a white low cut evening gown. She is joined by [B]Ronnie V. Pain.[/B] Ronnie says he has been with SWF for a few months now, but never seems to make it to television or the pay per views. He has decided that he needs to be competitive and take the bull by the horns, but in this case the Icon by the chair. He is challenging [B]Henry Lee[/B] for the King of the Death Match championship at Welcome to the Jungle. [B]Rating: D[/B] Match #3: [B]Vin Tanner[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) v. [B]Robbie Retro[/B] Vin is out first, in his black jeans, with a disco is dead t-shirt. Cat is wearing black vinyl mini dress. Robbie struts out to the ring to his faux Bee Gees music. The crowd really seems to enjoy his music and entrance. The match is terrible. These two manage to stink up the building. Robbie wins with the Disco ball at 6:21. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Backstage [B]Marv Earnest[/B] is joined by the Shooting Star Champion, [B]Ryan Powell.[/B] Marv tries to ask about his upcoming title defense at Welcome to the Jungle, but all Ryan wants to talk about is how great he is. He claims he is the greatest champion in SWF history. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #4: [B]Death Row[/B] v. [B]Squid Squad [/B](with [B]Wanda Fish[/B]) [B]Knuckles [/B]and [B]Shady K[/B] are waiting in the ring. [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] and [B]Calamari Kid[/B] come out and pose at the top of the stage. Wanda, dressed in a tight teal mini dress, wraps herself around Jumbo Shrimp. The match is okay at best. Calamari hits the Squid Buster at 5:48. [B]Rating: C-[/B] A video is shown of the last several weeks that highlights the reasons behinds [B]Remo’s[/B] suspension. The tape spends a lot of time on the assault in the catering area last week, with [B]Jerry Eisens[/B] words dubbed into the action. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #5: [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] (with [B]Wanda Fish[/B]) v. [B]Kurt Larmee [/B](with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) Lobster is out first. He stops to pose at the top of the ramp, where Wanda joins him. Kurt comes out to decent heat, he and Cat, who is wearing a black vinyl “Cat suit”, come to the ring holding hands. The match actually shows some wrestling. Lobster and Kurt put on an entertaining back and fourth wrestling match. Lobster picks up the win with the Lobster Trap at 12:14. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #6: [B]Sam Keith[/B] and [B]Squeaky McClean [/B]v. [B]Steve Frehley [/B]and [B]Jack Bruce[/B] (with [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B]) Sam Keith and Squeaky McClean come out to the ring together. Squeaky gets on the microphone and taunts the crowd. He says that they need to stop living there sinful lifestyles. Steve Frehley is out next. The crowd gives him a little pop. Jack Does his usual rock star entrance, and Bombshell is in platinum mine dress. Steve starts off against Sam, and the go through a series of holds. After Steve bests Sam, he allows him to tag out to Squeaky. Steve and Squeaky then go through a series of moves, and again Steve gets the best of Squeaky. Steve signifies to the crowd that he is going to tag in Jack, and the crowd pops. Steve makes a tag, Jack comes in and Squeaky and Sam start bending the rules. Sam and Squeaky continue to double team and work over jack, when jack finally gets the chance to tag, Steve jumps off the apron and starts to walk away, Jack stands dumbfounded for a second until Squeaky grabs him. With Jack’s attention back on the match, Steve returns to the ring and ascends to top rope, then he nails Jack with the Frehley’s Comet, Squeaky follows up with the cover and the win at 12:15. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #7: [B]Alex Braun[/B] and [B]Henry Lee[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) v. [B]Samoan Wildboyz[/B] Alex and Henry come to the ring accompanied by Cat Jemson. The crowd chants for Henry to leave and never come back,[B] Akima [/B]and [B]Kid Toma [/B]come out to a good pop and once in the ring they do there Samoan Ritual Dance. The match leaves a lot to be desired, as the crowd never seems to get into the action, maybe the problem is that the teams style are so different. At any rate Alex pins Akima follow Braun Damage at 11:40. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #8: [B]Elite[/B] v. [B]Christian Faith[/B] and [B]High Concept [/B](with [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B]) [B]Angry Gilmore,[/B] [B]Joe Sexy[/B] and [B]Rich Money[/B] all come out together. Joe does the unveiling of his physique. Then [B]Elmo[/B] and [B]Groucho[/B] come out to there high energy entrance, with Dawn. Dawn is dressed in a local high school’s cheerleader outfit that has been modified to showcase her assets. Then Christian comes out and the place explodes. The match is a good match as all six men go at full speed. The finish comes when Christian catches Joe with the Test of Faith, and Elmo and Groucho block Rich and Angry from making the save, at 20:10. [B]Rating: B[/B] Dharma was late, and when I warned her she felt that I was picking on her, so now she has a strong dislike for me. War is Raul Darkness from TCW. The final card for Welcome to the Jungle is as follows: Henry Lee © v. Ronnie V. Pain for the King of the Death Match Championship in a hardcore match Warriors of the Deep v. The Extremist Ryan Powell © v. Sam Keith v. Squeaky McClean for the Shooting Star Title Skull DeBones v. T-Rex Jack Bruce v. Steve Frehley Sexual Aggression © v. High Concept for the Tag Team Championship, if High Concept does not win, Joe Sexy gets Dawn the Cheerleader for 2 nights. Kid Toma © v. Alex Braun for the North American Championship Christian Faith © v. Rich Money for the World Championship [B]Attendance: 5,000 (sell out) Fox Rating: 34.02 (up 2.63) Hallmark : 15.79 (down 1.170 East Euro: .00 Cent Euro: .00 West Euro: .00 J-Sports: .01 Grade: C+[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE AUG. WK 4, 2007 WACHOVIA CENTER, PHILEDPHIA, PA[/CENTER][/U][/B] A video is play hyping the main event, which will feature [B]Rich Money[/B] challenging [B]Christian Faith[/B] for the World Championship. [B]Rating: A[/B] Match #1: [B]Ronnie V. Pain[/B] v. [B]Henry Lee[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) for the King of the Death Match Championship, in a Hardcore match Ronnie comes to the ring first. The crowd gives a few Painful Procedure chants, but they never seem to pick up steam. Henry comes out to a chorus of boos and chants for him to leave and never come back. Cat is dressed in black vinyl booty shorts and a black vinyl halter top. The two men start brawling from the get go, the action spills outside the ring and up the ramp. They then brawl back to the ring and around ring side. They exchange chair shots, garbage can shots, and other various weapon shots. Finally Ronnie has Henry down, he appears to be going for the Power Chord, but Cat jumps into the ring. Ronnie stops to block her attack, allowing Henry to recover and nail Ronnie with a low blow, and gain the fall at 5:43. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Jessie[/B] comes to the ring carrying a large shirt cannon. She is dressed very scantly, and proceeds to shoot shirts out into the crowd for several minutes as the weapons are picked up around ringside. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #2: [B]Warriors of the Deep[/B] (with [B]Wanda Fish[/B]) v. [B]The Extremist [/B](with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] and [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] come out and pose at the top of the ramp. Wanda, dressed in a sheer teal top with a white micro mini skirt, comes out and wraps herself around Jumbo. [B]Kurt Larmee[/B] and [B]Vin Tanner [/B]then come out accompanied by Cat Jemson. The match starts as soon as The Extremist get in the ring. All four men spend several minutes brawling, until Vin powders out and Jumbo follows. Referee Ric Young follows then out. He finally gets order restored and the match is underway. We are treated to several minutes of give and take wrestling, then Kurt and Vin mange to cut Lobster off from Jumbo. By the time Lobster finally gets over to make the tag, [B]Alex Braun[/B] jumps the railing from the audience and pulls Jumbo off the apron. Lobster then gets nailed with the Switch Blade Power Slam at 11:36. [B]Rating: C+[/B] A video is played of a sit down interview between [B]Duane Fry[/B] and [B]Remo[/B]. They discuss the reasons that Remo became destructive, his passion to become the World Champion, the feeling of ecstasy he felt when he won the battle royal for the honor of wrestling in the main event at Supreme Challenge. The feeling of being cheated when he did not when. He says he had [B]Christian[/B] beaten, but he was screwed. First the anger manifested in the locker room destruction. Then the next week he was put in the ring with a former World Champion, he says he was taunted by his opponent about not being able to get the job done, so he exploded and destroyed him. Then the next week, after watching the replay of the Supreme Challenge match at least a thousand times, he determined [B]Darren Smith[/B] had screwed him, so he made him pay. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #3: [B]Sam Keith[/B] v. [B]Squeaky McClean[/B] v. [B]Ryan Powell [/B]for the Shooting Star Championship. Sam Keith comes out to a decent reaction from the crowd. The heat is good for the former World Champion. Squeaky comes out and taunts the crowd, he calls them a bunch of wops. Ryan comes out and acts as if the crowds boos are actually cheers. The three way match is good. The ground based action of Sam actually blends nicely with Squeaky and Ryan’s aerial action. Ryan picks up the victory after nailing Squeaky in the face with the belt at 11:50. [B]Rating: B-[/B] After the match [B]Ryan[/B] picks up his championship belt and holds it high above his head for the crowd to see. Then he scales the four corners to hold the belt up for the crowd to see. He acts as if he is there all time favorite and he just wont he World Championship, not the cruiser weight the crowd hates who just defended his Shooting Star Championship with under handed tactics. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #4: [B]T-Rex[/B] (with [B]The Guru[/B]) v. [B]Skull Debones[/B] T-Rex is lead out to the ring by The Guru. Then the lights go out. Fog begins to rise in the aisle, a crow squawks and lightening strikes. When the lights come back up, Skull is in the ring. Skull Charges right at T-Rex. He starts laying the smack down on the Jurassic Monster. Skull nails T-Rex with Six Feet Under at 6:05. [B]Rating: B[/B] After the match, with [B]T-Rex [/B]lying prone in the ring, [B]Skull[/B] goes over and crosses his arms over his chest. As if he is putting him in a casket. Then as the lights dim, Skull starts to chant. With the lights almost completely out, T-Rex starts to glow blue. The crow squawks, lightening strikes, when the lights come up the ring is empty. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #5: [B]Steve Frehley[/B] v. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] (with[B] Blonde Bombshell[/B]) Steve comes out to the ring. The crowd is really letting him have. Steve just basks in there hatred. Jack does his usual rock star entrance. Bombshell accompanies him out, she is dressed in a platinum fringe mini dress. The match starts with some good solid wrestling action, but Steve eventually decides to take the low road. He uses the dreaded thumb in the eye to gain the advantage. Steve controls the action for several minutes, and then Jack begins his comeback. But Steve sensing the shift in momentum powders to the outside to regroup. Jack, not wanting to let Steve have a breather follows him out. Steve is waiting for him and they brawl on the outside for a bit, then Steve introduces Jack face tot eh steel post. After rolling Jack in, Steve ascends to the top rope and nails the Frehley’s Comet at 11:49. [B]Rating: B+[/B] A sadistic smile crosses [B]Steve Frehley’s[/B] face as referee Eugene [B]Williams[/B] raise his hand. [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B] is attending to the downed [B]Jack Bruce[/B]. Steve tosses her to the side, and then tosses Jack to the concrete floor outside the ring. Steve follows him out, clears the Spanish announce table, rolls Jack up on it. He then climbs up on the table with him, and pile drives him through the table. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #6: [B]High Concept[/B] (with [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B]) v. [B]Sexual Aggression [/B]for the Tag Team Championship. [B]Elmo Benson[/B] and [B]Groucho Bling[/B] come to the ring with there usual high energy entrance. Dawn is dressed in a tight fitting Eagles cheerleader outfit. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] and [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] then head to the ring. Joe struts and insults the crowd, as Gilmore glares at the ring and the challengers. Once in the ring Joe unveils his physique for the crowd, and then blows a kiss towards Dawn, whose facial expression is a picture of repulsion. The match gets under way with Gilmore schooling Elmo. Then he tags in Joe, who continues the assault. The Champs have Elmo isolated and make frequent tags, and double teams. Finally Elmo gets the tag to Groucho. Groucho comes in on fire, he clears the ring and the crowd erupts. Then when Groucho goes for Joe as he returns to the ring, Gilmore nails him from behind and covers him following Anger Management at 11:42. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Backstage [B]Dharma[/B], who is wearing a tight fitting, low cut evening gown, is standing in front of the SWF logo. She is joined by the World Champion, [B]Christian Faith[/B]. Christian talks about his upcoming title defense tonight against [B]Rich Money[/B]. [B]Rating: A[/B] Match #7: [B]Alex Braun[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) v. [B]Kid Toma[/B] for the North American Championship Alex comes out in black jeans, and a sleeveless Wildboyz shirt with Toma’s face blacked out. Cat is dressed in black fishnets, a black pleather skirt, and a black V-shaped top. Toma comes out to a good pop, once in the ring he begins his Samoan Ritual dance, but Alex jumps him from behind to start the match. Alex spends several minutes beating on Kid Toma, then Toma makes a comeback, when Toma appears to have the match in hand, and ascends to the top rope, [B]Kurt Larmee[/B] runs in and pushes him off as Cat distracts referee [B]Ric Young[/B]. Seeing what has just happened, [B]Akima Brave [/B]sprints from the back and attacks Kurt Larmee. Once again Kid Toma takes control, this time When Cat tries to interfere, [B]Ana Garcia[/B] leaves the announce table to subdue her. Toma nails the Suicide Head Butt at 21:43. [B]Rating: B[/B] After the match, [B]Kid Toma [/B]celebrates with his equalizers for the fans. [B]Ana Garcia[/B] and [B]Akima Brave[/B] join him for some hugs, and poses for the crowd and cameras. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The hype video that opened the show is replayed. The video package features the hype and build up between [B]Rich Money[/B] and [B]Christian Faith[/B] for the World Title.[B] Rating: A*[/B] Match #8: [B]Rich Money[/B] v. [B]Christian Faith [/B]for the World Championship Rich comes to the ring to a chorus of boos and chants of the fans dismay for him. He struts and poses as if it is music to his ears. Christian then comes out and the place erupts. The match is a true classic, with some give and take wrestling. Christian playing to the crowd, and Rich bending the rules every chance he gets. As time goes on Christian is unable to secure the fall on the wily challenger. Then from the back comes [B]Joe Sexy[/B], referee [B]Shane Stones[/B] stops him from interfering, but while his attention is on Joe, [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] jumps the railing and nails Christian in the head with a steel chair. When Shane turns around Rich is covering Christian and gets the victory and the championship at 21:47. [B]Rating: A*[/B] After the match, [B]Joe Sexy[/B] and [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] celebrate with the newly crowned World Champion, [B]Rich Money[/B]. The fans are throwing trash into the ring, but the Elite seem not to care. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Attendance: 15,000 (sell out) Buy rate: 5.83 Grade: B+[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME TV SEPT. WK 1, 2007 BILL GRAHAM CIVIC AUDITORIUM, SAN FRANCISCO, CA[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens with a long white limousine pulling into the arena. From inside the limo comes two hot blondes, and [B]Joe Sexy[/B]. Then out steps [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] and finally stepping out of the limo is the newly crowned World Champion [B]Rich Money[/B]. They are all three dressed in custom Italian suits. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Match #1: [B]Mikel Alonso [/B]v. [B]Ryan Powell[/B] for the Shooting Star Championship Mikel is waiting in the ring, Ryan comes out to some decent heat, the crowd seems to really despise the ****y youth. The match is actually terrible. Mikel is dropped on his head early on (and will need several days off due to short term amnesia). Ryan scored the fall over the groggy Mikel at 5:41. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Backstage in front of the SWF Logo, [B]Dharma[/B], dressed in a white low cut evening gown, is joined by [B]Steve Frehley[/B]. Steve says it is time for him to once again wear championship gold, so he is making a challenge to the North American Champion, Kid Toma. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #2: [B]McWade Brothers [/B]v. [B]High Concept[/B] (with [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B]) [B]Dean[/B] and [B]Dallas[/B] are waiting in the ring. [B]Elmo [/B]and [B]Groucho[/B] do there usual high energy entrance, accompanied by Dawn who is dressed in a tight fitting 49ers cheerleader outfit. The match is better then the opening match, both these teams work well as teams. Groucho Bling pins Dean following the Bling Thing at 6:23. [B]Rating: C+[/B] After the match on the Eisentron a video of[B] Dawn’s [/B]two days with [B]Joe Sexy[/B] is played. The video opens with Joe dragging Dawn into his multi million dollar home. He then tells her it is time to change into something a little more appropriate. He then hands her a maid’s outfit. Then he says it is time for her to get hot and sweaty, time for some dirty deeds on her knees. Joe has her clean his toilets with her toothbrush. The rest of the video is the same, Joe makes a suggestive remark and it turns into a chore for Dawn. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #3: [B]Kurt Larmee [/B](with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) v.[B] Brett Biggz[/B] (with [B]Jessie[/B]) Kurt is out first, to a large amount of boos. Cat gets her usual ghetto trash chants. Brett comes out with a very scantly clad and energetic Jessie. Kurt jumps Brett as soon as he enters the ring and then spends the majority of the match pounding away on him. At one point Kurt shoots Brett into the ropes, and then ducks his head for an apparent back drop, but Brett sees it coming and flips over Kurt with the sunset flip and a pin at 5:46. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Joe Sexy[/B] and [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] come out to the ring. They are still in there custom suits. Joe then introduces the New World Champion,[B] Rich Money[/B]. Rich comes to the ring in his custom suit, carrying the belt. The crowd is really hot for him. Once in the ring he begins to talk about being elite, and how the cream always rises to the top. Then a familiar music sounds. And from the back comes [B]Remo[/B]. Remo is dressed in a pair of Dockers and a button down shirt. Rich and Joe looks a little scared, Gilmore looks annoyed. Remo gets in the ring and takes the microphone from Rich. He tells Rich that Jerry has lifted his suspension, but it appears things have changed since he was suspended. When he was sent home, Christian Faith was the World Champion, and that was his only desire. Now he returns and Rich holds the object of Remo’s obsession. Rich takes a step back. Remo says there is only one thing he can really do about this turn of events. The crowd starts chanting for Remo to lay Rich out. Remo sticks his hand out, and says the only thing he can do is congratulate his friend and partner, once Elite always Elite. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #4: [B]The Natural [/B]v. [B]Skull DeBones[/B] The Natural is waiting in the ring when the show returns from commercial. Then the lights go out, fog begins to rise in the aisle way. Lightening strikes and crow squawks, when the lights come back up Skull is in the ring. The Natural gets absolutely zero offense in this match. Skull goes over with the Skull Krusher at 5:50. [B]Rating: C[/B] The maniacal female laughter starts as soon as referee [B]Eugene Williams[/B] finishes his count. [B]Skull[/B] stares up the ramp as out steps [B]Cordellia[/B]. She begins to ramble on about Skull needing to accept his destiny. That he has unleashed the power, now he needs to accept the responsibility it entails. She tells him that she has brought War to the Federation. And out steps the red cloaked disciple, [B]War[/B]. But Skull has brought fourth [B]Pestilence[/B], and the former Big Smack Scott steps out cloaked in red. Then Cordellia says that it was also Skull who transformed [B]Death[/B] within the federation, at which point the former T-Rex steps out cloaked in red. Cordellia then tells Skull to embrace his destiny or she shall unleash [B]Conquest[/B] upon him. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match #5: [B]Akima Brave[/B] v. [B]Steve Frehley[/B] Akima comes out to the ring to a decent reaction. Once in the ring he does the Samoan Ritual Dance. Then Steve comes out, and the crowd lets him know there displeasure with him. Akima grabs the early advantage. But Steve eventually gains the advantage. He proceeds to dissect Akima, trying to injury his knee. Steve goes over when Akima is unable to continue, referee [B]Darren Smith[/B] stops the match because Akima can not stand at 11:47. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #6: [B]Sam Keith[/B] v. [B]Jack Bruce [/B](with [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B]) Sam comes out to decent heat. The crowd seems to be programmed to react to the long time veteran. Jack then comes out to his usual rock star entrance. He is, as always, accompanied by the platinum clad Blonde Bombshell. The match is a good one with Sam and Jack going through several series of moves. Jack gets the win with a New York Minute at 11:37. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #7: [B]Alex Braun[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) v. [B]Randy Bumfhole[/B] (with [B]Rosa[/B]) Alex comes out to a lot of heat. He might be the second most hated person on the roster. Cat as always hears her fair share of chants. Randy comes out to his high energy entrance. Rosa is dressed in a gold bikini. The match is a fast paced match, with Alex powdering out often to catch his breath. Alex eventually bends the rules to gain an advantage. He goes over with Braun Damage at 12:20. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #8: [B]Joe Sexy[/B] v. [B]Christian Faith[/B] Joe struts out to the ring first. He reveals his physique to a series of cat calls from the audience. When Christian comes out the place erupts. He is still the most over wrestler on the roster. The match is a great one, and has the crowd on the edge of their seats. Joe tries every underhanded tactic he can think of, but in the end Christian wins with the Leap of Faith at 11:58. [B]Rating: A*[/B] [B]Attendance: 4760 Fox Rating: 24.43 (down 9.59) Hallmark: 15.89(up.10) East Euro: .00 Cent Euro: .00 West Euro: .00 J-Sports: .01 Grade: B[/B]
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[B][U][CENTER]SWF SUPREME WRESTLING SEPT. WK. 2, 2007 BILL GRAHAM CIVIC AUDITORIUM, SAN FRANCISCO, CA[/CENTER][/U][/B] A video is played showing [B]Skull Debones[/B] “creating” [B]Pestilence [/B]and [B]Death[/B], by taking the souls of Big Smack Scott and T-Rex. The video package also includes the appearance and taunting from [B]Cordellia[/B], and her introduction of[B] War[/B]. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Match #1: [B]Calamari Kid[/B] (with [B]Wanda Fish[/B]) v. [B]Alex Braun[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) Calamari is waiting in the ring with Wanda. Wanda is dressed in a teal leather mini skirt and a white fishnet halter top over a teal bra. Alex comes out in his black jeans and a sleeveless Underwater Union shirt with a red X over Calamari’s face. Cat is wearing her black vinyl body suit. The match is actually a decent one, the old flier turned hardcore brawler and the young cruiser weight, move well together. Alex goes over with Braun Damage at 5:55. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Dharma[/B], dressed in a tight, low cut white evening gown, is backstage in front of the SWF logo. She is joined by the Shooting Star Champion, [B]Ryan Powell[/B]. Ryan calls himself the greatest champion in the history of Supreme Wrestling Federation. When Dharma points out he is only the Shooting Star Champion, he gets angry at her. Then she brings up that he is defending his championship against another rising star at Under Control. Ryan then goes on a tirade about how [B]Groucho Bling[/B], is not a rising star, he is a tag team wrestler who is worthless with out his partner. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #2: [B]Brett Biggz [/B](with [B]Jessie[/B]) v. [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] Brett is waiting in the ring, Jessie is scantly clad in a black mini skirt and a tight blue Bra. Angry Gilmore storms to the ring not letting the crowd’s jeers affect him. The match is actually good, Gilmore takes Brett through holds and counter holds, and keeps the action following. Gilmore picks up the win with Anger Management at 5:56. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Backstage, [B]Guide[/B] is in front of the SWF logo. He talks about making an impact, and finding his niche. He points out that he is on the rise and soon he shall be at the pinnacle of the business. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #3: [B]The Natural [/B]v. [B]Christian Faith[/B] The Natural is waiting in the ring. Christian comes out to a great ovation. He is clearly the most popular worker on the roster. The match is only slightly above average, but that is expected in this one sided affair. Christian controls the action from start to finish with total domination. Christian visits the pay window following the Leap of Faith at 5:35. [B]Rating: C+[/B] After the match on the Eisentron a video of [B]Dawn the Cheerleader’s[/B] two days with [B]Joe Sexy [/B]is played. The video opens with Joe dragging Dawn into his multi million dollar home. He then tells her it is time to change into something a little more appropriate. He then hands her a maid’s outfit. Then he says it is time for her to get hot and sweaty, time for some dirty deeds on her knees. Joe has her clean his toilets with her toothbrush. The rest of the video is the same, Joe makes a suggestive remark and it turns into a chore for Dawn. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #4: [B]Burning Exile[/B] v. [B]Groucho Bling[/B] (with [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B]) Exile is waiting in the ring after the commercial break. Groucho comes out to a decent pop, and does his usual high energy entrance. Dawn is dressed in a Giants jersey and black and orange mini skirt. The match is craptactualer. Groucho and Exile stink the place up. Groucho gets the fall with the Bling Thing at 5:52. [B]Rating: D+[/B] A video package is played hyping [B]The Amazing Bumfholes[/B]. The video is set to a rock song, and features match highlights of the aerial duo. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match #5: [B]Death [/B](with [B]Cordellia[/B]) v. [B]Kid Toma[/B] for the North American Championship. Death comes out first, he is joined by Cordellia, who is wearing a following and shear black and red dress. She has lots of dark makeup on. Kid Toma comes out to a great pop, once in the ring he does the Samoan Ritual Dance. The match is a good one. Death is a little winded by the end, but overall he performs well. Kid Toma nails the Long Range Head Butt at 12:25. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Match #6: [B]Kurt Larmee[/B] (with [B]Cat Jemson[/B]) v. [B]Jumbo Shrimp [/B](with [B]Wanda Fish[/B]) Kurt is out first, the “King of the Street” is followed to the ring by the vinyl clad Cat. The crowd chant lots of ghetto references. Jumbo comes out to the top of the ramp and poses. Wanda comes out and wraps herself around him. Once in the ring both men start to brawl. The match never lives up to my hopes. Jumbo wins following the Ocean Wave at 12:17. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Match #7: [B]Remo[/B] v. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] (with [B]Blonde Bombshell[/B]) Remo is out first and the crowd really lets him have it. Jack then comes out to his usual rock star entrance, Bombshell is dressed in a fringed platinum mini dress. The match is good but not a classic. Remo takes the early advantage and uses his power to toss jack around, but the resilient Rocker makes a come back. He has Remo staggered and heads to the top rope, however Remo catches him with the Destroyer for the win at 12:23. [B]Rating: B[/B] Match #8: [B]Elmo Benson[/B] (with [B]Dawn the Cheerleader[/B]) v. [B]Rich Money[/B] for the World Championship Elmo is out first with his usual high energy entrance, accompanied by Dawn. Rich then makes his entrance. The crowd gives the champion great heat as he walks the aisle. Once in the ring the match starts, Rich survives the early offensive on slot by Elmo, and then starts to work the challenger over. Rich tries for several falls, but Elmo always manages to kick out. Rich finally manages to get the fall using the ropes for leverage at 15:14. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Attendance: 4760 UPN Rating: 3.92 Grade: B-[/B]
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OCC: I am now running two weekly tv shows, Supreme Tv (televised around the world) and Supreme Wrestling. Both shows are held on Tuesday, with Supreme Tv being shown live on Fox and taped for overseas stations on Friday. Supreme Wrestling is taped to be shown on Fridays on UPN. Burning Exile has now left the company. He was brought in simply to drop the King of the Death Match Championship to Henry Lee when I bought out WEXX Also this weeks shows pushed me up to Global in size. From Swf.com: Matches for Supreme Tv: Ryan Powell v. Brett Biggz for the Shooting Star Championship Henry Lee v. Bart Biggz for the King of the Death Match Championship The Amazing Bumfholes v. The McWade Brothers Alex Braun v. Calamari Kid Skull Debones v. Kurt Larmee Groucho Bling v. Guide Jack Bruce v. Joe Sexy Christian Faith v. Angry Gilmore Plus Jerry Eisen has an announcement!!! Matches for Supreme Wrestling: Guide v. Calamari Kid Death, Pestilence and War v. The Natural, Justin Caton and Andre Jones Skull Debones v. Frederique Antonio Garcia Squeaky McClean v. Enygma Sam Keith v. Mikel Alonso Randy Bumfhole v. whoever is Shooting Star Champion Elite (Remo, Angry Gilmore and Rich Money) v. High Concept and Christian Faith Kid Toma v. Joe Sexy for the North American Championship Plus an appearance of an International Superstar. predictions, oppinions and complaints welcome.
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