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Commentary Anomaly

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I wanted to share this... thought about putting it in tech support, but decided against it. If the help files are any indication, commentary basically doesn't follow any logic aside from giving general descriptions of all the behind-the-scenes stats giving. Still... [QUOTE]Round 2 The two fighters come together in the center. Mountfield leads with a left, but Dean easily avoids it and comes in close to throw some body shots. It all gets a bit scrappy, but it ends with Dean falling to the ground. Replays show that Mountfield did catch him with a jab, but it clearly did very little damage, Dean had already stumbled while taking a step backward. Regardless of how it happened though, Dean is down, and Mountfield is quick to rush in to capitalise. Mountfield presses the advantage and starts wailing away, although most of the punches aren't landing very well. A few are though, and Dean can't do much more than cover up. An elbow finds its way through, and looked like it landed on the bridge of the nose. Big right hand from Mountfield, who is expending a lot of energy on this attack. Dean tries to grab a guillotine, but can't get it. Left hand, connects, from Mountfield. That landed hard on the chin, and that convinces the referee to get in and stop the match. A controversial decision. [b]Mountfield wins via second round TKO at 6 seconds.[/b] Christian Mountfield wins the GAMMA World Light Heavyweight title.[/QUOTE] That's a hell of a lot of action in six seconds, isn't it? ;)
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