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Just a few questions...

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1) I was wondering, in your previous games, you touched a little on the MMA style and I was wondering, you have mentioned a few styles available like high flying and what not but is there a MMA style a wrestler could use... 2) Are there MMA Matches? 3) Will there be deathmatches like Barbwire ropes, Exploding Rings, etc. 4) Could your character be under contract to multiple federations at once, like Low Ki with JAPW, ROH, Japan etc. By the way it looks like a GREAT game!!! Not many games out there like this, so hopefully this will make a huge impact!!! Looking forward to it's release!!! Great Job!
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[QUOTE]1) I was wondering, in your previous games, you touched a little on the MMA style and I was wondering, you have mentioned a few styles available like high flying and what not but is there a MMA style a wrestler could use...[/QUOTE] Yes, there is, for MMA-turned-wrestlers like BHOTWG's Mike Watson and Raul Hughes. [QUOTE]2) Are there MMA Matches?[/QUOTE] No. Only pro wrestling is covered, pure MMA is not. [QUOTE]3) Will there be deathmatches like Barbwire ropes, Exploding Rings, etc.[/QUOTE] No. [QUOTE]4) Could your character be under contract to multiple federations at once, like Low Ki with JAPW, ROH, Japan etc.[/QUOTE] Yes, it has been confirmed that a character can work for as many promotions as he wants. The new way i've coded contracts is a lot faster and secure than the way TEW did it (maximum 3 contracts to a person), and will be used in TEW2005 if and when it comes about.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland]Yes, it has been confirmed that a character can work for as many promotions as he wants. The new way i've coded contracts is a lot faster and secure than the way TEW did it (maximum 3 contracts to a person), and will be used in TEW2005 if and when it comes about.[/QUOTE] If and When? Is TEW 2005 future in doubt?
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