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CCW: Rise of the Underdogs (A C-Verse Diary)

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[B]Mystery Worker & Rex Reeves [/B]vs. Dusty Bin & Murderous Mikey [I]Got to go with the mystery worker, given it's a mysterious start and given who else is in the promotion currently! DWN is unknown, so if this is the masked guy, I don't see the unmasking generating any kind of pop. So I'm going against Tigerkinney and thinking this will be someone that fans might know at least a little, so may be Jimmy Cox.[/I] [B]Ginko Kuroda [/B]vs. Nadia Snow - Womens Championship [I]I think you're still establishing the different titles and therefore want strong people in charge of them. Ginko fits the bill for the females.[/I] [B]Lewis Bros[/B]. vs. The Nighttime Knights - CCW Tag Team Title Ladder Match [I]See comment from match above[/I] [B]Dermot O'Logical & Carlos Gonzalez [/B]vs. Tully Arthurs & Kashmir Singh [I]I'm going with the heels here. Gonzalez was obviously brought in to make some kind of impact, and 2 straight losses would diminish that. Plus Dermot lost last week too, so both guys need to recover some momentum. And having the champ lose in a tag builds up challengers for him. [/I] What will Harry book? [I]I'd expect him to put Leo in against Titan.[/I]
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[B]Mystery Worker & Rex Reeves[/B] vs. Dusty Bin & Murderous Mikey- I doubt you'd be using a mystery worker just to job him out. [B]Ginko Kuroda [/B]vs. Nadia Snow - Womens Championship - I know nothing about either of these so I'm sticking with the champ [B]Lewis Bros.[/B] vs. The Nighttime Knights - CCW Tag Team Title Ladder Match - The Lewis Bros won't sign with my diary :( but I think they'll grab this. Dermot O'Logical & Carlos Gonzalez vs. [B]Tully Arthurs & Kashmir Singh[/B] - I HATE Dermot O'Logical and his daft gimmick so I'm going to wish a win on the others.
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[QUOTE=Midnightnick;356408]I'm a dedicated C-Verse reader Prague. It's just drawn me in so strongly. Just ask Derek_b or DaMegaFish, we've had massive convos about it. (All in preparation for making mods.)[/QUOTE] So how do you like my characterization of the jobbers of the C-Verse? And this goes for everyone as well. 4 months are done game time and in 2 months there will be a huge tournament. Let me know if you want to hear more about the backstage dynamics of having a fed full of losers, let me know if you want someone to get more screentime, or even if you'd like to challenge me by bringing up a worker I haven't decided to work with yet. Also, as soon as I have money and spots on my slot Keith Vegas is totally being hired and pushed :D
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[QUOTE=praguepride;357052]So how do you like my characterization of the jobbers of the C-Verse? And this goes for everyone as well. 4 months are done game time and in 2 months there will be a huge tournament. Let me know if you want to hear more about the backstage dynamics of having a fed full of losers, let me know if you want someone to get more screentime, or even if you'd like to challenge me by bringing up a worker I haven't decided to work with yet. Also, as soon as I have money and spots on my slot Keith Vegas is totally being hired and pushed :D[/QUOTE] I love the default roster you've used. Especially Tully Arthurs. He's a poor man's Jim Force, and I always hire the guy. And I totally want to hear more. Suggestions for Roster Additions. Stormette and Biff The Bruiser
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Finally.... [CENTER][SIZE=6][B]CCW Last Words[/B][/SIZE] Friday, Week 2, April 2007 Attendance: 45 [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Kristen Pearce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kristen Pearce slinks down to the announcer table wearing a very tight white button down blouse and a tight short skirt. She saunters up to the table and picks up a mic. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Joining me is CCW's newest manager, Kristen Pearce. So Kristen, I hear you have already made your decision about who you will represent."[/COLOR] Kristen: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"That is absolutely right. It came to me as a sudden revelation that if there wasn't anyone man enough to handle someone like me, then it would take two men."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"You mean you are representing a tag team."[/COLOR] Kristen: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"*giggle* That's one way of putting it. I figure there is no man here with the...courage to take CCW to the next level, so why not get a real pair of men who are already taking CCW by storm. Let me introduce none other then the Lewis Bros."[/COLOR] With a sudden surge of metal the two brothers storm down into the middle of the stage, moshing and thrashing as usual. A couple of the fans in the audience start head banging too. Kristen drops the mic and enters the ring, striking a pose while Craig and Bill mosh around her. [B] Rating: E Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Up first is none other then our mystery worker along with Rex Reeves facing against two of the largest CCW wrestlers, Dusty Bin and Murderous Mikey."[/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Frankie Dee_alt.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Rex Reeves.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Murderous Mikey.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Dusty Bin.jpg[/IMG] Mystery Worker & Rex Reeves W/ Jemma Griffiths vs. Murderous Mikey & Dusty Bin [/B][/CENTER] The match starts with Mystery Worker fighting Dusty Bin. The mystery worker unleashes an absolute barrage of aerial moves, including a massive spinning hurricarama. Dusty Bin recovers and runs for a clothesline, but the mystery worker leaps backwards and hits a reverse moonsault off the ropes and smashes Dusty down. Dusty quickly taps out to Mikey, who reacts just in time to avoid a flying heel kick. Mikey presses the advantage and throws the very small mystery worker into the turnbuckle and then Mikey hits a huge corner avalanche. Mikey picks up the mystery worker and tosses him but the mystery worker lands on his feet and lunges for a tag. Rex Reeves jumps in but is not nearly as mobile or athletic as his partner. Mikey grabs hold of Rex and hits a side slam followed by an elbow drop. Mikey covers but Rex kicks out after two. Both men get up but Rex quickly hits the mat again when Mikey hits a lariat. Grabbing Rex by his hair, Mikey hauls him to his feet and prepares for a huge punch, but a cry from the side distracts him. Jemma is looking absolutely horrified. Rex capitalizes and hits a bulldog on the distracted Mikey, bouncing his face off the mat. Rex goes for the pin but Mikey throws him off and taps in Dusty. Dusty roars in with a clothesline which Rex ducks and taps in the mystery worker, who quickly drops the ponderous Dusty with an Inferno Splash, a top rop 450 splash. [B] Mystery Worker and Rex Reeves defeated Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin in 8:31 when Mystery Worker defeated Dusty Bin by pinfall with an Inferno Splash. Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Harry strolls down to the ring, grabbing a mic and rolling into the ring to stand center stage. The crowd boos him but he waves it off. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I've come here to make my very first book. My very first act as commissioner, and boy is it going to be a doozy. First on the chopping block is a certain young lad who likes to style himself a wrestler, but we all know the truth. So, I hope you're listening from the back, Baby Bailey, because this one's for you. Don't think I haven't forgot how you interfered with that match that cost me my #1 contendership. So tonight is going to be a little payback. A match between you and me."[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/TJ Bailey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] TJ storms out and the crowd cheers as he gladly accepts the challenge, nodding his head while shouting back at Harry. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Oh wait, I almost forgot. I can't believe I almost forgot that it's going to be a hardcore, no DQ match."[/COLOR] TJ again nods confidently, continuing to shout back at Harry that he'll take him anytime anywhere. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Oh wait, I almost forgot one last little detail. It's pretty trivial but I thought I'd let you know, just in case it comes up. It's going to be a handicap match, and my partner will be none other then Titan."[/COLOR] TJ's jaw drops and the color fades from his face (or it would if he was a decent actor). Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"That's right. Titan and I will see you tonight in a nice no DQ match. See ya then." [/COLOR] Harry tosses the mic down and starts advancing towards TJ. [B] Rating: E-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Chloe Dean.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The two stand on the aisle staring each other down before a bubbly blonde suddenly appears, swaying as if to invisible new age music she waltzes right between the two and picks up the mic on the stage. Chloe: [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Whoa man, what's with the bad vibes all around? I've already consulted the tea leaves and let me tell you taht there is some serious karma floating around, you know, man? Like, karma enough to see the lonely flower overcome the approaching corporate zombie and sterile steroid goon."[/COLOR] She drops the mic and starts whirling around on stage while TJ and Harry slowly walk backstage, continuing to eye each other dangerously. [B] Rating: E-[/B] [B][CENTER] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Ginko Kuroda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Nadia Snow.jpg[/IMG] Ginko Kuroda vs. Nadia Snow[/B][/CENTER] Chloe continues whirling on the stage as Ginko and Nadia come out and enter the ring. The two women waste no time and start wrestling before the bell is rung, in fact Chloe has to dive out of the way to avoid a dropkick from Nadia after she misses Ginko. Ginko responds with a series of kicks to Nadia's chest and legs, hitting snap and roundhouse kicks and ending the combo with a huge side kick that sends Nadia flying. Nadia recovers and charges Ginko, spearing her to the ground. Nadia quickly starts applying an armbar but Ginko reverses into an armbar of her own. Nadia hits the ropes and both women return standing. The match turns into a series of throws and then submission holds as the two women go back and forth. At one point after hitting a legsweep Nadia cheats and pops up on the ropes for added leverage on a leg lock. The ref is blind to it but Ginko manages to crawl to the ropes and the two stand up again. This time Ginko maintains the lead by continually throwing and then stretching Nadia until Nadia finally taps out after being caught in the middle of the ring with an anaconda vice. [/B] Ginko Kuroda defeated Nadia Snow in 9:48 by submission. Ginko Kuroda makes defense number 2 of her CCW Womens title. Rating: D- [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Rex Reeves.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Jemma Griffiths.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Rex and Jemma enter from backstage. Rex grabs a mic as he and Jemma enter the ring. Rex: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"I would just like to say that tonight's victory is due to none other then my own lovely Jemma." [/COLOR] The two embrace in the ring and suddenly a roar is heard. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Murderous Mikey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Mikey is standing by the entrance and his face is full of rage. With another guttural roar he storms backstage, and a nervous looking Jemma and Rex follow him, making sure to keep their distance. [B] Rating: F+ [CENTER] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Lazy Joe.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Wizard Of Ottowa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Little Bill Lebowski.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Craig Lewis.jpg[/IMG] Lazy Joe & Sir Arthur vs. Lewis Bros w/ Kristen Pearce[/B][/CENTER] The Nighttime Knights are the first out, and Sir Arthur takes the time to hand his partner a huge steaming mug of coffee, which Lazy Joe drinks while the work crew are hanging the titles from the rafters. The Lewis Bros. come down to their customary metal and they knock over a couple roadies who were leaving, throwing them down and stomping all around, careless about who or what they're moshing on. The match starts with all four men in the ring. Craig grabs Bill and whips him at Arthur and Joe, Bill performs a leaping double clothesline, knocking down both of his opponents. Joe is immediately up though, first punching then kicking Bill. Craig moves to help but Joe winds up with a huge punch, hitting Craig in the face with an elbow before continuing the move and decking Bill. Arthur recovers and climbs the turnbuckle, hitting a missile dropkick against a recovering Craig. Craig goes down and rolls out of the ring, leaving Bill alone against Joe and Arthur. The Nighttime Knights capitalize tossing Bill back and forth before laying him down with a double suplex. As Arthur and Joe stand up they both get decked by Craig, who shoved the ladder into the ring and then charged, leveling both Arthur and Joe. Craig starts setting up the ladder while Bill plays crowd control, alternating between Arthur and Joe to keep them both floored. Craig starts climbing and is halfway up when Joe catches Bills foot and flings him into Arthur. Arthur flows into it by hitting a bulldog, driving Bill's face into the mat. Joe tips the ladder and Craig falls off and drops 15ft down to the ground outside of the ring, lying motionless. Bill recovers and starts brawling with Arthur. Even though Arthur is taller, Bill is the better brawler, punching low into Arthur's side before hitting an uppercut that staggers Arthur back a couple steps. Joe meanwhile grabs the ladder and sets it up before helping Arthur. Arthur locks up with Bill before whipping him into a boot to the face by Joe. Joe turns and starts climbing while Arthur starts dropping elbows and knees onto Bill. Joe reaches the top and starts grabbing for the belts. He just gets his fingers around one when he suddenly goes slack and slumps forward and draping over the top of the ladder. Arthur looks up, realizes that his partner is out of steam and starts shouting at Joe to wake up. Finally Arthur starts climbing up top as well and he just reaches the top when Bill struggles to his feet although he's still dazed. Arthur forgoes safety and climbs to the very top of the ladder and easily grabs one of the titles. He starts grabbing the other one when Bill comes to and pushes the ladder hard. The ladder tips again and this time Joe flies out of the ring and Arthur is left dangling from the still hooked second belt. The belt lets go and Arthur drops to the mat, the blow knocking both titles out of his hand. Bill quickly grabs the titles and runs out of the ring, and physically putting the second title into Craig's still limp hand. The bell rings, Bill and the unconscious Craig are the new CCW Tag Team Champions. [B] The Lewis Brothers defeated Lazy Joe and Sir Arthur in 7:19 when Bill Lewis retrieved the item. The Lewis Brothers win the CCW Tag Team Championship titles. Rating: E[/B] Kristen helps Craig get to his feat and puts the title around his waist. Bill needs no help and quickly snaps his championship belt into place as well. The two champions start celebrating in the ring, queuing the heavy metal and they start jumping into each other, Craig sending Bill flying off of him like a ping pong ball on speed. Arthur is still in the ring and the Lewis Bros continually stomp and smash on top of him. Kristen even walks across the ring, making sure to place a sharp heel of her stilleto shoes into Arthur's back before making her way to the center of the ring and raising Craig and Bill's arms. [B]Rating: F+ [/B] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/TJ Bailey.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Titan.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] TJ Bailey w/ Chloe Dean vs. Titan w/Monique & Harry Wilson[/CENTER][/B] This match was a total and complete squash. Harry and Titan don't even bother using weapons, instead just tossing TJ out of the ring and bouncing him off of the stairs, the apron, the announcer table and whatever else happens to catch their interest. Titan does most of the slamming with Harry directing him where to slam TJ. Midway through his beating, TJ attempts a comeback and drops Harry with a heel kick, but when he tries to punch Titan, Titan no-sells it and chokeslams him back down. Meanwhile outside of the ring, Monique starts pushing Chloe and the two soon start brawling out of the ring, slapping each other and pulling on each other's hair. Meanwhile in the ring Harry and Titan aren't even bothering to cover TJ. TJ spends a lot of time lying nearly unconscious on his back while Harry just bends over and taunts TJ right in his face. Finally Harry puts TJ out of commission with a Humility in the middle of the ring, pinning him by just putting his little finger onto TJ and still getting a 3-count. Outside Chloe shoves Monique into the steel stairs. Titan moves to help Monique up, Harry moves to get control over Titan again, and Chloe uses the opportunity to quickly drag TJ out of the ring, get him standing (barely) and hurry him out of the ring before Harry and Titan can follow. [B] Harry Wilson and Titan defeated TJ Bailey in 7:54 when Harry Wilson defeated TJ Bailey by pinfall with a Humility. Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Carlos Gonzalez.jpg[/IMG] &[IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Dermot OLogical.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Tully Arthurs.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG] [B]Carlos Gonzalez & Dermot O'Logical vs. Tully Arthurs & Kashmir Singh[/B][/CENTER] Tully comes out with his belt, unstrapping it and placing it on the announcing table. Carlos comes out to his entrance theme (a bunch of wild screams) and Dermot O'Logical comes out in his full glory, wearing a facial mask, cucumbers on his eyes and even having his hands covered in moisturizer. Carlos and Kashmir start in the ring and when the bell rings, Carlos starts off with a huge spear that catches Kashmir completely by surprise, launching him into his corner. Kashmir quickly tags off to Tully, who looks surprised to be entered so quickly but he heads in and begins to start tossing Carlos around. Again, Carlos refuses to show any kind of fatigue or damage. Tully tosses Carlos headfirst into a turnbuckle and Carlos gets right back up as if he'd landed onto a pile of pillows. Tully drops Carlos into a piledriver and Carlos bounces right back up, launching punches almost too quickly to see. After the first few punches don't stagger Tully enough Carlos just starts rearing his head back and slamming his forehead into Tully's massive chest. This doesn't do much until Carlos suddenly launches up with a headbutt, catching a shocked Tully right in the throat. Tully staggers, gasping for air when Carlos drops to the ground and trips Tully, sending the giant man tumbling to the ground. Carlos pounces on Tully's back, grabs the sides of Tully's head and starts repeatedly smashing Tully face first into the mat. After almost fifteen seconds of this Tully has a comeback, bucking up and tossing Carlos from his back. Carlos again recovers almost immediatly and charges Tully, but Tully catches Carlos with a massive clothesline sending Carlos almost through the mat. Tully hurries to his side and makes the tag just as Carlos recovers and tags in Dermot O'Logical. Dermot reaches up and peeks out from under on cucumber slice before shaking his head and tagging Carlos back in. Carlos doesn't seem to mind. Carlos pounces on top of Kashmir, grabs hold of Kashmir's head and starts slamming down the headbutts, just one after another after another. Kashmir's face explodes into blood and then he starts tapping the mat. Dale leans in to listen to what Kashmir is trying to say (in between headbutts) and then signals the ref to ring the bell. Kashmir has tapped out, Carlos Gonzalez wins! The refs have to drag Carlos off of Kashmir, but as soon as they do, Carlos raises both of his hands above his head in victory. Dermot O'Logical again peeks out from under his cucumber slices on his eyes, and seeing the victory comes in and gets his hand raised by the ref as well. [B] Carlos Gonzalez and Dermot O'Logical defeated Tully Arthurs and Kashmir Singh in 13:36 when Carlos Gonzalez defeated Kashmir Singh by submission? Rating: E+ Final Rating: E[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, June 2007 [B][U][SIZE=6]May Review[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=5]SWF Continues Losing Stars[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Christian Faith, top star in SWF, has decided to leave the promotion after over 20 years of work with SWF, including four Heavyweight Champion reigns. [Quote=Christian Faith]”There aren't any hard feelings, the biggest problem was salary. SWF is trying to tighten up their budget and I feel that I've put in too much blood and sweat to take a pay cut now.”[/QUOTE] With the continual decline of TCW as well, it seems that Christian will be hard pressed to find another company to work for. Experts say that if this had happened six months ago, Christian would already be a TCW champion, but currently the US market is struggling. Smarks continue to argue about whether Christian will move to NotBPW or go overseas to either BHOTWG or PGHW. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]PGHW Champion Seriously Injured[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] PGHW Glory Crown Kozue Kawashima was injured during a match with Akinori Kwakami. Kwakami flipped Kawashima onto his side and Kawashima landed with enough force to burst his appendix in the middle of the match. Kawashima was able to continue wrestling and fought Kwakami to a stand still but passed out almost immediately after the bell was rung. Paramedics were able to rush him to the hospital in time and it is believed that he will make a full recovery. He will be missing his match tomorrow on the PGHW Showdown Tour and it is not known if he will be wrestling on Friday either. PGHW has not announced whether or not Kozue will keep his title or not. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Retirement Announcements[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] This month, two more wrestlers have announced their retirement. Captain USA, the patriotic hero for NYCW announced at his match last week that the time had come for him to pass the mantle on to the next wrestler. NYCW owner The Stomper (also recently retired) said that he hoped to bring back Captain USA as a backstage worker. Captain USA has been wrestling for almost thirty years, starting out in the Texas Wrestling League where he was a two-time champion as well as a tag-team champion with the Masked Patriot. He then went onto SWF to win the SWF North American title but he soon left to find his home for the last six years with USPW. There he is a two time World champion and a two-time tag team champion, first with Rick Law and Jim Force. USPW owner Sam Strong announced that he would be honored if Captain USA stayed on as a road agent and backstage worker for USPW, in recognition of his many years of working for the company. The Japanese Joshi scene was rocked just yesterday when 5SSW announced that Tora “Thunder” Hike planned to shortly retire. Thunder Hike is without a doubt one of the most popular female wrestler in the industry, being recognized worldwide by Joshi fans everywhere. She has had a long fifteen year career with 5SSW, starting out when she was 21 and going on to being a four time 5 Star World champion and two-time 5-Star Tag Team champion with none other then Sensational Ogiwara. It is unclear what Tora Hike will do upon retiring, and 5SSW owner Sakurako Kagawa was unavailable for a comment. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Votes Are Tallied[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] This was a rather slow month for our online polls. The only change up was that Dan Stone Jr. finally overcame Sean McFly for the “Best Brawler” award which comes as no surprise. Dan Stone Jr. was close behind Sean last month and has been closing the lead over May before finally retaking the lead in the last week. A continual surprise is still Emerald Angel who is still regarded as the best High Flier despite receiving a potentially career ending injury right at the beginning of the year. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]TEW Best Worker Awards[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]"Best Overall Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Tommy Cornell (3 months) [*][B]"Best Brawler in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Dan Stone Jr. [*][B]"Best High Flyer in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Emerald Angel (4 months) [*][B]"Best Technical Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Yoshimi Mushashibo (4 months) [*][B]"Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Joe Sexy (5 months) [*][B]"Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Alicia Strong (2 months) [*][B]"Best Manager in the World" - [/B]Emma Chase (5 months) [*][B]"Best Announcer in the World" - [/B]Peter Michaels (5 months) [*][B]"Best Colour Commentator in the World" - [/B]Phil Vilbert (2 months) [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Promotion Spotlights[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] North America[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] SWF continues to go through difficult times. Although fans agree that the shows recently have been of much higher quality, the promotion continues to struggle. As mentioned before, top star Christian Faith decided to leave when SWF could not negotiate a salary large enough for Faith. On the flip side, the Underwater Union was cut when Calamari Kid did not have his license renewed, leaving Lobster Warrior and Jumbo Shrimp as the last of the union. Finally, the biggest shock of the month was SWF losing both of it's TV shows. SWF Wrecking Ball was removed from the CBA line up while in America, SWF Supreme TV was removed from America-Sports-1. This is the first time in over a decade that SWF is not running a weekly show. In title news, SWF rising star Remo defeated Rich Money for the SWF North American Title. Rich Money has called the match a sham and a crime, demanding a rematch. [*][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] Despite early failures in the year, TCW has already started to recover it's claim of one of the “Big Two” of US wrestling. Selling out all four shows and a PPV as well as putting on some of the best matches of the year for their company, Tommy Cornell appears to be working in overdrive as he has made several internal changes of direction to help capitalize on SWF's continual slide. With their resurgence in popularity TCW is now being considered the most popular promotion in America. If Cornell can turn that popularity into power, he might be able to drive the final nail into the sinking SWF coffin. [*][B]Danger And Violence Extreme[/B] DAVE has gone into a period of recovery, cutting back shows to once a month PPV's now that DAVE Danger Zone TV has gone off the air. The upside is that they have reported making huge profits and their last PPV was completely sold out. It has been reported that while Sammy Bach has extended his PPA contract with DAVE, manager Cat Jemson has left. Many fans have speculated about Cat's continual employment, as she was brought on along with Kurt Laramee who has since jumped to SWF. Her dismissal comes as no surprise to fans as she never developed enough as a manager to keep her on staff without Kurt. [*][B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] The Womens division really heated up this month when Tamara McFly, sister to the world famous Sean McFly, won the NOTBPW Womens title for the second time, defeating Melody Cuthill who was the former champion. Melody held the title for seven months, defending the title 12 times before falling to a vicious huricarama from Tamara. Overall the promotion has seen a return to form. Many fans were disappointed with April's matches, and some speculated that NOTBPW was selling out to try and match Eisen's Sports Entertainment style to prepare for competition in the US, but this month has silenced those critics, and this month has seen them get the MotM when Dan Stone Jr. defeated Jeremy Stone. [*][B]Canadian Golden Combat[/B] CGC keeps on producing the kind of matches their fans expect. Alex and Steve DeColt continue their feud with Alex defeating Steve twice in championship matches, while Steve & Ricky defeated Alex & Jack in a tag team match. The PPV for the month, CGC Chaos In The Cage was very well done with the largest viewing all year. CGC overall has shown steady improvement with both the quality of their matches and the size of their crowds, and smarks are rumbling that “Gorgeous” George DeColt might soon start to seriously compete with NOTBPW, their long time rivals. [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Japan [/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/B] VENOM fans rejoiced as the young masked junior wrestler defeated Yoshii Shiomi for the urning Openweight Championship title. VENOM fans were extra happy because this has effectively silenced the rumors that VENOM was going to leave BHOTWG for a more lucrative INSPIRE contract. The BHOTWG tour is starting to wind down, next month will be the last before a two month hiatus giving wrestlers time to rest and recover before the fall tour starts in earnest. [*][B]Inspire Diversity Group International[/B] Big news for INSPIRE fans, for the first time ever the next INSPIRE tour: PLACEHOLDER will be televised. Japanese Sports Vision 2 will be broadcasting INSPIRE Turboe, a highlight of the best of the best of INSPIRE action. Rosterwise, INSPIRE has started sending out touring contracts to prospective workers around the world, including CZCW worker Snap Dragon. Snap Dragon is considered to be on of the best workers in the small West coast promotion, having won all three titles in CZCW at one point or another. [*][B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling[/B] PGHW continues to rise and expand, announcing in early May that Japanese Sports Vision will be adding PGHW Essentials to their upcoming lineup. In the ring, Yoemon & Joshua Taylor were combined into a new tag team with a phenomenal debut. In their first match together, the two defeated Muruyama & Ugaki to win the PGHW Glory Crown championship title. Muruyama & Ugaki had already made 14 defenses of the title when the new tag team came out of nowhere to beat the former champions soundly. Taylor especially look vicious, systematically picking apart Ugaki by focusing on jointwork. The PGHW International title changed hands as well, with Tetsunori Yasuada defeating Washi Heat two weeks ago. Washi Heat had defended the title 16 times in the six months he held the title. [/LIST][/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Match of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Once again the eldest Stone siblings win the MotM award, this time recognizing their spectacular match at the NOTBPW Grappling Glory PPV two weeks ago. Dan Stone Jr. came out on top over his older brother Jeremy. While Jeremy continued to show superior technical work, Dan Stone Jr's more varied attack scheme continues to defeat his older brother. This time a Super DDT finished off Jeremy after the two slugged it out for nearly a half hour of what is still being described as some of the finest technical wrestling in history. The two elder stones have battled against each other for over a decade, and their performances continue to leave fans with their jaws on the floor. Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone are easily the two greatest wrestlers in the industry today, and many fans wonder how after almost ten years of feuding back and forth the two can continue to provide exciting matches. How long the two can continue winning MotM against each other is up to the smarks to speculate, but this reporter will view the retirement of these two wrestlers as a huge loss to tne industry. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Worst Moment of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The Worst Moment in May goes to SWF. That's right, the entire SWF promotion. This month they not only reported that Christian Faith, their top star will not be having his contract renewed, but they have also had both of their TV shows canceled. Their popularity has been sinking, more and more seats are unfilled at their matches and many of their house shows are being canceled. While rival TCW has already started selling out shows again and climbing back to the top, SWF seems to be on a surprisingly quick spiral down the tubes. Eisen has not issued any statements or made any comments, but many fans who were formerly excited to hear that Sam Keith would be doing the books are now calling for him to be fired. Early in the year SWF's domination of the wrestling world came into question, but now the only question remains if Eisen can pull his company out of the nose dive it is headed in.
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Leo smiled when I slapped the stack of folders down onto the desk. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]“So they all replied positively? This is amazing. Not since the territories were around has there been this much cooperation. This tournament is going to be huge."[/COLOR] I just smiled. For the past month and a half I have been living on the phone, racking up a long distance bill that almost made me have to take out a loan to cover, but the end result was amazing. Canada, UK, even promotion in Japan have all responded positively. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“Yep, we've got WEXXV on board, and Sir Arthur who is better known as the Wizard of Ottowa has agreed to go back home to compete in a special matches for both 4C and CGC. It turns out he's still pretty popular up north, and many of the fans remember him from his manager days. That reminds me, once we finish our current story arcs we really need to get him on the mic more, the guy is hilarious.”[/COLOR] Leo nodded, flipping through the folders. He smiled and nodded when he saw who MAW was sending but looked confused when he saw the CZCW delegate. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]“Who's this guy this... Plague guy? Never heard of him.”[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“I've got some tapes if you want them, but trust me, he's really good. He'll really give our lighter weights some good matches."[/COLOR] Leo shrugged and continue flipping through the folders. He chuckled when he saw the WEXXV candidate. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]“I love this guy!”[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“Yeah, we have him going against Tully. That's going to be a huge match to watch, get some really classic brawling going on with more then a little edge to it.”[/COLOR] Leo nodded and continued flipping. He stopped, shocked when he saw the last folder. I hadn't told him yet, I had been keeping it as a surprise and from the way his jaw hit the table I knew I made the right decision. I wish I had a camera to catch that face. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]“Vibert really agreed to this?”[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“Well, Vibert took some persuasion, I talked to Nemesis instead and he persuaded Vibert. Nemesis told me that his first victory was against you, and I was able to get him to return the favor."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]“I vaguely remember that day. God we were both so young back then, working the indies before he got called up to TCW. I remember the scout was in the audience but I was booked to lose so I had to. He got picked up and went to the big leagues while I stayed behind....”[/COLOR] A brief flicker of sadness crosses his eyes and for the first time I get a sense of how old Leo really was. Here was a man who had spent his entire career losing. For 30 years he had barely won a match, heck he had never stayed with any promotion longer then a year. They'd all just pick him up for a couple months, job him out to every young rising star and then send him on his way. I realize why this place was so important to him, thinking about our roster and how most of the people there never really had a chance. Titan and Tully had their shots but missed them and would have been doomed to wander if we hadn't picked them up, but then there's workers like Craig Lewis who was just like Leo. Or Dusty Bin who had never been given a shot...ever. Not to say that he really deserved a shot but I just shook my head thinking about how these guys could wake up every day to a world where nobody wanted them and still keep trying. It was still easy for Dusty, he figured that he just needed to pay his dues. He was still young but what about Craig, what about Leo. They couldn't still have hope left and yet they continued at it, day in and day out. I still wonder if I will ever be as passionate about anything as those two were. Well, maybe not Craig. That man was a family man, first and foremost. And let me say that his wife cooks up a mean casserole. Leo had finished reading and was still staring at the name DAVE was sending. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]“You know, I've seen this guy wrestle. He's good, I mean he's phenomenal. I still don't know why TCW or SWF hasn't snatched him away but I guess talent doesn't get you nearly as far today as it did in the early days. The Sam Strong era really changed the face of wrestling, and I have to say I'm not a fan of what it's changed to. Anyway, so what's the damage, what did he cost us?"[/COLOR] I just smiled, this was the icing on the cake. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“All it took was one man, Dusty Bin”[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]“You mean DAVE traded us for Dusty friggin Bin!? Are they nuts? What did you tell them?"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“The truth. That he's young, he's huge, and he's raw talent. They're planning on throwing him into a dark match to job for someone, they haven't said who yet. I just hope Dusty takes advantage of it and makes the most of it.”[/COLOR] Leo nodded, his expression of shock slowly changing to a huge grin. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]“This is going to be some tournament, isn't it.”[/COLOR] I couldn't help grinning back. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“It sure is.”[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, June 2007 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE=4]Next Show: [B]CCW Before the Storm [/B][/SIZE]\ [B][U]ccw Hanson Invitational Tournament Announced[/U][/B][/CENTER] The original CCW was a development territory set up by the American Pro-Wrestling Federation and founded by Scooter Hanson. Hanson was also the twin brothers of Jeff and Jerry Hanson who both worked for APWF as referees. CCW's brief 5 year run ended when APWF started losing money and popularity to a rising SWF, and without APWF's support the small Chicago promotion quickly and quietly closed it's doors. Scooter Hanson continued to work as a referee, working in the industry for almost 20 years before retiring. In 2002 Scooter Hanson died from a congenital heart problem. His idential twin brothers also died shortly afterwards. This tournament will be dedicated to Scooter, as well as the other two Hanson brothers as a way of honoring Scooter's vision for Chicago wrestling. The annual Hanson Invitational Tournament will feature wrestlers from around the world. Workers from Europe, Japan, Mexico and Canada are expected to be attending the tournament. The final roster and tournament organization will be featured on next month's bulletins. [CENTER][B][U]New Challengers For Tag Title[/U][/B][/CENTER] Straight from CGC comes Joe and Jesse Gilbert, forming a two time CZCW Tag Team Championship team: The Gilbert Brothers. These two stormed in and demanded a title shot, and Head Booker Gabriel Mossak has given them their shot. The Lewis Bros. were unavailable for comments, but it will be a clash of the brothers next month for the CCW Tag Title. [CENTER][B][U] Harry Wilson To Defend Power [/U][/B][/CENTER] CCW Owner Leo Davis announced that the time had come for Harry to defend his title, and he will be defending against none other then Leo Davis himself. [CENTER][B][U] TJ Baily/ Harry Wilson Feud Heats Up [/U][/B][/CENTER] It has been leaked from an unidentified source that after last months show TJ Baily and Harry Wilson got into an argument after the show. It would appear that Harry has started badmouthing TJ backstage and after the show TJ lashed out and attacked Harry in the locker room. Tully Arthurs was on hand to break up the fight, easily separating the two smaller workers. No injuries were reported, but it seems that Harry is unhappy with working with a "talentless loser" like TJ. Quick Picks: Dusty Bin vs. Kashmir Singh Gilbert Brothers vs. Lewis Brothers - CCW Tag Team Championship Harry Wilson vs. Leo Davis
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Dusty Bin vs. [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] [I]Nice move in conning DAVE to take Dusty Bin in a talent trade :D Anyway Dusty's recent up turn in professional fortunes, won't see him win. Basic rule to go by [B]Anyone Else > Dusty Bin[/B][/I] Gilbert Brothers vs. [B]Lewis Brothers[/B] - CCW Tag Team Championship [I]I'm figuring that the Gilbert's are only here on a talent trade, so I don't see the Lewis Brothers dropping the belts to them, that and the fact that this is the head-banging duo's first title defence.[/I] [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. Leo Davis [I]I can see Wilson continuing to frustrate Leo by holding onto the power, wouldn't be surpised if Titan got involved. The control of the fed storyline between Wilson and Davis seem's to be more at the fore-front than your actual champion or maybe Arthur's Poor Man's Sam Strong babyface act just kind of bores me, sorry but it's a fact. [/I]
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After looking back at my first couple of shows I realize that my show write ups have been getting longer and longer and longer, same with the news reports. I'll keep doing them that way if people are actually reading them, but I think people are seeing the huge blocks of text, scrolling on past them which means that I could get away with doing a whole lot less and still get the point across. Anyway, let me know. In the meantime I'm going to try and shift back more towards the original shorter and sweeter style, with more of a highlight of the match rather then a PBP edit: Also this show is going to be really short because I'm pretty sure the tournament is going to bankrupt the poor little CCW :D
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[CENTER][SIZE=6][B]CCW Before the Storm[/B][/SIZE] Friday, Week 2, June 2007 Attendance: 43 [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Wizard Of Ottowa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Sir Arthur walks down to a fanfare of medieval trumpets, his armor shining under the bright lights. Sir Arthur: "Greetings lords and ladies. I regret to inform you that the previously scheduled competition with Dusty Bin has been postponed to a later date. Apparently Ser Bin had a previous engagement, but I would like to seize the opportunity to root out an evil that has corrupted our promotion. Even as we speak this evil slowly seeps it's way throughout CCW, and as any proper knight it is my duty to vanquish this evil, smiting it from the face of the earth. The evil that I speak of is the aptly named "Evil Spirit." Come out you knave, and face me if you dare." [CENTER] [B] Rating: E- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Evil Spirit.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Wizard Of Ottowa.jpg[/IMG] Evil Spirit vs. Sir Arthur[/CENTER][/B] At the challenge the house lights go out and a single blood red spotlight comes on. No music, no other sound, just the glow of the very dim red light. Suddenly the lights come on full blast and with a few firecrackers going off there is Evil Spirit, standing right behind Sir Arthur. Arthur doesn't realize it and Evil Spirit catches him completely by surprise, punching him in the back of the head and knocking Arthur's helm right off. Ref Dale signals for the bell. Evil Spirit lives up to his name by being seemingly untouchable as a ghost. Arthur is caught and the bell is rung before he can remove his armor, so Evil Spirit's speed and athleticism allow him to dodge the suddenly clumsy and bulky knight. A leg sweep causes Arthur to fall down and he can't get up as Spirit starts dropping elbows and knees onto Arthur's unprotected head. Finally Evil Spirit goes for the pin and Arthur tries to kick out but his armor is too bulky and the ref counts it as a pinfall. [CENTER][B] Evil Spirit defeated Sir Arthur in 8:19 by pinfall. Rating: F+ [/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Kristen Pearce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kristen walks out, flanked on either side by Craig and Bill. Both are oddly quiet and calm with worried looks on their faces. Kristen maintains an air of calm though, and her voice is silky smooth as always. Kristen: "Good evening everyone.Let me just say that I was [I]very[/I] disappointed with the announcement the announcement that my boys would have to defend their titles against a pair of outsiders. That is hardly fair is it. My boys have been here since the very beginning, and I'll be ever so sad if they lost their titles just like that." Kristen turns and walks with the mic, slowly circling around Billl and Craig as she continues. Kristen "But cheer up boys, I would never...[I]ever[/I] let that happen." She drops the mic and leads the brothers to the ring to await their opponents. [CENTER][B] Rating: E+ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Joe Gilbert.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Jesse Gilbert.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Little Bill Lebowski.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Craig Lewis.jpg[/IMG] Lazy Joe & Sir Arthur vs. Lewis Bros w/ Kristen Pearce[/B][/CENTER] Gilbert Brothers vs. Lewis Brothers[/B][/CENTER] Joe and Jesse Gilbert come down, wearing hockey jerseys and carrying hockey sticks. One person in the audience cheers to see the CGC tag team, but the rest just stare at the pair. The Gilberts hop over the top ropes and quickly remove their jerseys and toss their sticks out of the ring. Craig and Joe start things off in the ring, and Joe quickly takes the advantage. The Gilberts are quicker and faster then the Lewis brothers. The Gilberts use their phenomenal teamwork to pick apart the Lewis brothers. Their momentum comes to a crashing halt when Kristen grabs a hockey stick and trips up Jesse. Craig grabs bill from the apron and whips him into the ropes. Bill rebounds with a flying leap and hits a Flying Forearm Smash against Jesse, knocking him out cold. Craig, being the legal man quickly covers Jess for the pin while Bill tackles Joe off the apron. The ref goes down and counts the pinfall for Craig. [CENTER] [B]The Lewis Brothers defeated Jesse Gilbert and Joe Gilbert in 6:47 when Craig Lewis defeated Jesse Gilbert by pinfall with a Flying Forearm. Rating: E[/B][/CENTER] As the metal plays Bill grabs Joe and rolls him into the ring. Kristen slides the hockey sticks in and each Lewis brother grabs one. They line up the downed Gilbert brothers and after taunting their two opponents both Lewis brothers wind up and they both take a huge slapshot against a Gilbert face. The force shoots Jesse right out of the ring, while Joe is knocked into the ropes Bill and Craig throw the sticks at Joe, knocking him out of the ring before walking back up backstage with Kristen walking between them. [CENTER] [B]Rating: F+[/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Leo Davis.jpg[/IMG] [B]Harry Wilson vs. Leo Davis[/B][/CENTER] Both Leo and Harry show a lot of animosity against each other, getting right in each others face before the match and shouting and taunting at each other. The bell rings and Leo slams his forehead against Harry, dropping him down. Leo tries to press the early advantage but Harry comes back from behind and the two duke it out in a classic old-school match. Stiff punches and slams batter the two combatants. Leo drops Harry with a clothesline and while the ref is making sure Harry is conscious Leo pulls out his brass knuckles and waits for Harry to recover. Harry gets up facing away from Leo who charges. At the last moment Harry sidesteps and Leo runs face first in the turnbuckle. Harry kicks Leo in the gut bending him over and Harry hits Leo with Humility, bouncing Leo's face of the mat and bouncing over for the pin. Harry kicks Leo out of the ring and raises his arms in celebration. [CENTER] [B]Harry Wilson defeated Leo Davis in 5:55 by pinfall with a Humility. Rating: E- Final Rating: E[/B][/CENTER]
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[B]12:43am Saturday, Week 2, June 2007[/B] I had just returned home from the show and there was already a message on my machine. Wouldn’t have mattered if they’d caught me at home, my phone is still off the hook. The best part about quitting my old job was that I wouldn’t have to hear the phones ringing constantly. I popped open a drink and hit play as I collapsed on the couch. Machine: [COLOR="Sienna"]“Hey Gabriel, it’s Leo. First I’d like to congratulate you on the show. When you told me we were going to try and do a cheap show tonight I was very worried, but you managed it off and our costs were cut in half this month. We’ll still take a grand loss in the end, but that’s better than the three grand we’ve been losing the last six months. Anyway, I called because I wanted to let you know that we’re going to postpone the quarterly review until after July. I want to discuss the tournament there was well. Second we’ve got a meeting with Tommy Cornell in August. I figured you’d like to be there to get some things discussed and ask any questions you have. Finally, check online for Tully Arthurs. Apparently he did some kind of podcast or something. I’d like to know more about it, it sounded like an interview of somesorts. He did it about a week ago. Take care and enjoy the weekend, I’ll see you Monday bright and early. And come in on time. One of these days I’ll just clean out your office and hire someone new before you even get there.”[/COLOR] The machine clicked off but I was already at the computer, typing in ‘Tully Arthurs Interview’ into the search engine of choice and eagerly awaiting the result. Tully wasn’t exactly hot on the mic and I had never heard him doing an interview before. This could be really good or really bad for our company. I was linked to a [url]www.TEW.com[/url] and after looking through their news archive had the podcast up and running. SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Welcome everyone to another weekly podcast from TEW.com. My name is Stan Raggert and joining me today is wrestler and former “World’s Strongest Man” Tully Arthurs. Tully Arthurs has wrestled for numerous American promotions, including SWF, USPW and most recently startup promotion CCW. So thank you for taking the time to talk with us tonight."[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Tully Arthurs.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“The pleasure is all mine, Stan."[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Alright, first let’s talk about your pre-wrestling years. What were you up to then?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, for me it started with bodybuilding. I really got into body building when I was about 15. I enjoyed working out in the gym, and a fellow gym rat told me about a local bodybuilding competition. I was too young but I faked my age and was entered. Man that was an experience.”[/COLOR] SR:[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] “How did you do?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]" Not well. I had no idea what I was doing. The other guys knew what flexes to use to really pop out your muscles, and I tried to mimic them but it didn’t go too well. I didn’t make it past the first round. However, that failure really drove me to succeed. I practiced a lot, mostly in my room in front of a mirror and I started getting really good at showing off my body. I won the next three competitions I entered. At first I enjoyed the competitions but after the third one I wasn’t very impressed with them." [/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Why was that?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, I realized that bodybuilding itself wasn’t a good indicator of strength or ability. It was all about how good you looked, not about how strong you really were. I saw a three-time bodybuilding champion get his butt kicked in a bar fight by a fat tub of lard. Sure he didn’t look it but that drunken brawler was amazingly strong. Threw a 280lb man straight out the window without a seconds pause. I started looking around and discovered the Strong Man competitions. That was my next step towards wrestling."[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“When did you get involved with wrestling?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“1997. I had won the “World’s Strongest Man” competition the year before, but I had lost this time around and was feeling pretty bummed out by it. Then I got a random phone call from some guy who represented the Supreme Wrestling Federation. They had seen me compete and was interested in pursuing a wrestling career. Eisen would send scouts to bodybuilding events all the time looking for the classic wrestler look, and most guys turn them down. A few like Jim Force crossed over but the majority stayed put. After losing the prize money from the World’s Strongest Man competition I was in a bit of a financial crunch, so I agreed to come in for an audition.” [/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“How did that go?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Not too well. I had never wrestled before and it was awkward. But luckily for me Jim Force was a rising star, people were buying his merchandise left and right. SWF decided to train me anyway. They trained me for a full year before I debuted.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“What was your first match like?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“It was against none other then Jim Force. It was a squash match and I was supposed to lose. Jim Force beat me pretty quickly, but I really enjoyed it. It was the perfect blend of strength and ability without the pressure of the Strongman or bodybuilding competitions. I was nervous as hell though. I’m always nervous starting for a new promotion, I just can’t help but wonder if the audience will get behind me or not.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“You didn’t stay on with SWF very long, would you like to comment about that?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, SWF was trying to create another Jim Force with me. Even had me tag team with Jim for awhile, but the promotion was modernizing and I got lost in the cards. They let me go a year before Jim Force.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“It was over two years before you returned to the ring? What were you up to then?"[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“I tried to get back into Strongman competitions but my heart just wasn’t into it. I actually wrestled a few indie shows, nothing was ever recorded though.” [/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Until your stint with USPW, though.”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Yeah, I remember that day when my phone rang and Danny Jillefski was on the phone. He asked if I wanted to be one of the starting wrestlers for his new promotion USPW.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“So that would be about a year since he left SWF.”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Yeah, I had missed that fight but I heard about it from Captain USA during one of the first USPW training sessions.“[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“You debuted at one of the first shows as Tom Angelus, why the name change?"[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, Jillefski wanted nothing to do with SWF at that time so he made me change my name so I wouldn’t be recognized as an SWF wrestler. I wanted to keep the same initials though, so I just came up with Tom Angelus one day and it stuck.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“You also had a brief tag-team run with Rich Money, correct?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Yeah, that was short lived. We were slated as “The Rich and the Powerful” but after our second match it was pretty apparent that Rich Money was star material and honestly, I wasn’t.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“What do you mean?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, by our second match everyone was cheering for Rich Money and I was just that Jim Force guy who tagged with him. Jillefski split us up and Rich Money went on to a title run while I was left jobbing to Giant Redwood.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“That had to have been tough.”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“I’ll be honest, it made me lose a lot of desire to wrestle. I ended up deciding not to renew my contract in ’04 and I spent the next three years back in Strongman Competitions until CCW.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“What made you come back?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Leo Davis, that guy can be real persuasive when he wants to be."[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Leo Davis, the owner and founder of Chicago Championship Wrestling."[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]"Yeah, he phoned me up and talked for quite awhile. I really wasn’t interested in returning and I almost passed it by until he mentioned that I would be one of the first CCW Champions.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“That persuaded you?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, in the 6 years of wrestling, I had never once won a single title. I was never pushed, I was usually used to job to a monster heel to make them even more dangerous, you know have them beat “the world’s strongest man” to make them really terrifying. Leo promised me that I wouldn’t be jobbed around like I was before, that I would be the premiere face for the organization. I just couldn’t refuse.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“So what was it like winning the CCW title?”[/COLOR] TA:[COLOR="Navy"]”Very surprising actually. Harry Wilson was slated to be the first champion, cheating to get the title and sparking a long feud before my title run, but a last minute decision changed everything. Leo and Gabe decided to go with a different route with me doing the open title challenges and getting Harry involved with other storylines. I was told about 10 minutes before the main event that I would be winning it.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“How do you like working under Leo Davis and Gabriel Mossak?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Leo is a great old-school wrestler. He’s been in the business for over 30 years, and he’s just about seen it all. Gabriel, I like the guy although he’s got some odd ideas at times, but he’s kind of a mystery. Fun guy to hang out with, and pretty hilarious but I’ve never seen him outside of work, he just kind of goes home and nobody sees him or hears from him until the next day.”[/COLOR] SR:[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] “Well, you’ve had quite the title reign, defending against Aaron Mustafa from 4C and DAVE star Shawn Gonzalez’s younger brother, Carlos Gonzalez.”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Yeah, and expect a lot more matches like that. Leo has a lot of contacts within the wrestling industry. He’s wrestled for almost every promotion in existence in North America. He’s called on a lot of favors to get working agreements with CGC and DAVE, so fans let me tell you to expect a lot more guest star matches in the future. Especially with the upcoming Hanson tournament.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Can you tell us about who you will be facing at the tournament?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Nope. The powers that be have told us under pain of termination to not reveal anything before the ‘official’ story has hit the website. A little hint though is that I will be facing off against a European star in the opening match. Fan’s can check it out at [url]www.CCW.com[/url] , the announcement will be released on the first of July.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Alright, it looks like our time is just about up. Is there anything you’d like to say to the wrestling fans out there, something that may surprise them about you?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Yeah, I’ve got one. I have never used steroids, this body is 100% natural. People always assume that just because I can military press Titan that I am juiced up. But let me tell everyone out there that this body is pure. I’m really proud of that.”[/COLOR] SR:[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] “Especially with the pressures in the bodybuilding, strongman AND wrestling community. One quick last question though. You mentioned pressing Titan… how much can you lift over your head?”[/COLOR] TA: [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, I can still clean and jerk about 475 lb. Back when I won World’ Strongest Man I pressed 500 lbs. “[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Wow, there you have it folks. CCW Champion Tully Arthurs. Thank you for talking with us Tully."[/COLOR] TA:[COLOR="Navy"] “Thank you for having me.”[/COLOR] SR: [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Tune in next week when we interview ---”[/COLOR] I stopped the podcast right there, breathing a huge sigh of relief. Tully might not have been the best interviewee, but at least he didn’t screw anything up. Plus I learned something new, I never knew he tag teamed with Rich Money at USPW. I’d have to keep that in mind in case we ever got big enough to attract someone like Rich Money. I liked that tag team name though, “The Rich and Powerful.” It had a nice ring to it. A finished my drink, grabbed another one and started jotting down ideas for a new tag team in the future.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, July 2007 [B][U][SIZE=6]June Review[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=5]TCW Back On Top![/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] After the past few months difficulties, Tommy Cornell announced that TCW is back to where it was six months ago, making it the dominate US promotion. To kick things off they have started negotiations with several ex-SWF workers, like Christian Faith. Despite this announcement, it was revealed that monster heel BLZ Bubb will not be renewing his contract. [Quote=BLZ Bubb]"First we're large then we're small then they can't pay me then they can. I'm just tired of it, I'm looking for someplace more stable."[/Quote] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Emerald Angel Update[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Popular WLW high flyer Emerald Angel had a spinal disc slip badly resulting in him being out of action for the previous five months. Despite this Emerald Angel continues to win time and again the fan's votes for "Best Flyer in Wrestling." We recently were able to contact him during his rehabilitation. He said that the injury was worse then what was originally thought and he would probably be spending another 7 months recovering from the spinal surgery. The surgery was a partial success, and although the disc will not be quite as strong as before, it shouldn't keep Emerald from re-entering the WLW ring at the end of the year. WLW owner Koji Kojima said that Emerald Angel would always have a spot on the WLW roster in recognition for all that he has done. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Votes Are Tallied[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] A month of upsets saw several longtime favorites get removed. Dan Stone Jr. fans have voted in enough numbers to overwhelm the Tommy Cornell vote dominating the boards the last three months. Now Dan Stone Jr. is in a significant lead on "Best Overall Wrestler." Sadly while Dan Stone Jr. fans were voting for him as Best Overall, they did not vote in enough numbers as Dan Stone Jr. lost the "Best Technical Wrestler" award to his older brother, Jeremy. Best Brawler and Best High Flyer were both very volatile this month. For Best Brawler Dan Stone Jr. beat Kikkawa before losing to Sean McFly who ends the month in the lead. Best High Flyer saw even more upsets, as first Marc DuBois beat last month favorite Burning EXILE, and then long-time favorite Emerald Angel took the lead before losing to Nicolas Lopez. Then in the last week available, Pablo Rodriguez shot from behind to beat Nicolas Lopez by just three votes. Finally, former SWF star Christian Faith beats Joe Sexy for "Most Entertaining Wrestler." [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]TEW Best Worker Awards[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]"Best Overall Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Dan Stone Jr. [*][B]"Best Brawler in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Sean McFly [*][B]"Best High Flyer in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Pablo Rodriguez [*][B]"Best Technical Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Jeremy Stone [*][B]"Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Christian Faith [*][B]"Best Manager in the World" - [/B]Emma Chase (6 months) [*][B]"Best Announcer in the World" - [/B]Duane Fry beats Peter Michaels (6 months) [*][B]"Best Colour Commentator in the World" - [/B]Phil Vilbert (3 months) [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Promotion Spotlights[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] North America[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] The Legendary Bruce the Giant shocked marks everywhere by dominating the former SWF Champion Runaway Train. Bruce's size and strength allowed him to crush Train for the title. On overall news the company is slowly recovering from it's winter/spring slump and looks to be following in TCW's footsteps for once. [*][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] With announcements of possibly hiring ex-SWF stars like Christian Faith, Bart Biggz, and Enygma, TCW is poised to secure it's first ever lead over former wrestling giant and long-time rival SWF. [*][B]Danger And Violence Extreme[/B] DAVE is also on the recovery process. After the February cancellation of Danger Zone TV, DAVE has come back with a huge success at Tri State's Plum Park, selling out their monthly PPV to a crowd of 15,000 people. [*][B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] Continuing to impress fans around the world, NOTBPW delivers yet another solid month. No major title or roster changes though. [*][B]Canadian Golden Combat[/B] While still trailing behind NOTBPW as a distant second for Canadian Promotions, CGC continues on track delivering solid PPV's each month. [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Japan [/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/B] Despite being nearly 50 years old, Optimus shows the younger wrestlers that nothing can compare to experience as he wins the BHOTWG Best of Super Junior tournament for the third time, his last win in 2005. [*][B]Inspire Diversity Group International[/B] "Dangerous" Tasuku Iesada defeats Marat Khoklov after 15 defenses for King of Fighters belt, marking the first time in the promotions history that a belt has changed hands. [*][B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling[/B] Pistol Pete defects from GCG for a nice PPA agreement with the dominante Japanese promotion. [/LIST][/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Match of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The extended Stone family steals another MotM moments with the NOTBPW PPV title match between Sean McFly and Jeremy Stone. Sean McFly won, but the match was a beautiful display of technical wrestling, with plenty of reversals and twists to go around. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Worst Moment of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] BLZ Bubb leaving the recently risen TCW was the WMotM.Despite TCW showing a steadily increasing fan size and revenue, BLZ Bubb decided to leave in order to persue larger deals. The only problem is that TCW made him successful, and without their support BLZ Bubb may be on the verge of losing his celebrity status.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, July 2007 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE=4]Next Show: [B]CCW Hanson Invitational Tournament[/B][/SIZE] [B][U]ccw Hanson Invitational Tournament Announced[/U][/B][/CENTER] Finally a break from the secrecy behind the Tournament participants, today Head Booker Gabriel Mossak released a list of the participants for the invitational tournament. The tournament will be a 12-man tourny with a 3-way match in the finals for the Tournament cup. The tournament will be held over two days, with the initial matches 6 qualifier matches being held on Tursday, Week 2 of July. The winners will get a day of rest for the semi-finals and finals on Saturday, Week 2. On Saturday will also be the Womens Tournament start to finish. So without further ado, here is a list of the tournament participants. [CENTER] Womens Division --------------------- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/DEVIL Karube.jpg[/IMG] [B]DEVIL Karube (9-16) [/B] Straight from Japan's prominent female wrestling, 5 Star Supreme Wrestling, DEVIL Karube is a top notch competitor, recently competing for the 5SSW tag team titles for her first strap win. She has defeated many famous female wrestlers, including Joanne Rodriguez and Thunder Hike. [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Kinuye Mushashibo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kinuye Mushashibo[/B] (0-3) Kinuye is hungry for her first win. A burgeoning high flier with an incredibly high level of professionalism, she will push herself harder and harder to get a title win. Odds 8:1 --------------------- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Suzanne Brazzle.jpg[/IMG] [B]Suzanne Brazzle [/B](6-1) The "Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle is a rising star within America's Angel Athletic Association, already competing for the AAA Femme Fatale title. A consistent and technical work, her mat skills are some of the best within AAA. [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Carnival Queen Kendra.jpg[/IMG] [B]Carnival Queen Kendra[/B] (0-2) A former Babes of Sin City wrestler, Kendra has the potential to have huge upsets. Although she has lost both of her opening matches, she demonstrates enough competency in the ring that if an opponent underestimates Kendra, she'll capitalize and pick up the win. Suzanne may be tough competition, that just means that Kendra is even more driven to topple such a famous wrestler. --------------------- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Ginko Kuroda_alt01.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ginko Kuroda[/B] (4-0) The current CCW Womens Champion, Ginko has proven a deadly competitor. With devastatingly accurate kicks and crippling submissions in her arsenal, no woman in CCW has yet to defeat her. [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Nadia Snow.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nadia Snow [/B](1 - 3) Ginko Kuroda has openly acknowledged that Nadia Snow is the biggest challenger for the CCW Womens title. Nadia is an all- around competitor, at home both on the turnbuckle and locked up in a grapple, Nadia Snow is a force to contend with, never letting up and going full bore from bell to bell. --------------------- Mens Division --------------------- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Tully Arthurs.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tully Arthurs [/B](6-1) Demonstrating superhuman strength within the matches, his only loss has been due to a tag partner. Tully has never been knocked out, submitted, or pinned, and has completely dominated the CCW Champion title. [B]vs. [/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/White Knight.jpg[/IMG] [B]White Knight[/B] (2-10) If there is anyone in the world who could match Tully's strenght, Ultimate Combat Ring star White Knight would be one of them. White Knight has won both the UCR European title and the UCR Tag Team title with Captain Hero. Going toe to toe with many monsters, including Scheming Behemoth, Bam Bam Johansson, White Knight has proven himself to be an honorable and efficient competitor, using not only his awesome strenght but also his expert brawling abilities to stand up against the other European monsters. --------------------- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Frankie Dee_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mystery Worker [/B](2-0) Still an unknown factor in the tournament, without anyone knowing his background it is impossible to predict what he'll bring to the table. What is known is that he has an unbelievable array of top rope manuevers. His agility and speed outclass just about any other wrestler. [B]vs. [/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Black Eagle.jpg[/IMG] [B]Plague[/B] (2-4) A well-known name to any Costal Zone Combat Wrestling fans, Plague has performed phenomenally for the west coast promotion for two years. Last year he toured with World Level Wrestling over in Japan, bringing back even more experience and foreign moves to add to his already impressive top rope moveset. In the two years he's worked with CZCW he has won the Costal Zone Xtreme belt twice and since his return to America he has been a constant threat for CZCW's top title. --------------------- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Harry Wilson[/B] (6-2) Harry has proven time and again that he is a credible threat to anyone. Outfighting most of his competition, he often outhinks the tougher ones, using any trick in the book to win. He has several powerful allies who are just as unscrupulous as he is, and have all shown a willingness to do whatever it takes to win. [B]vs. [/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Mainstream Hernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] (2-1-3) A top MAW star, Mainstream Hernandez came to everyones attention when he won the 2006 Rip Chord Invitational Tournament. No stranger to tournaments, he has shown that he has both the skill and the will to take on all challengers. --------------------- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Larry Wood.jpg[/IMG] [B]Larry Wood[/B] (8-3-12) "The Mountain Man" is a very experienced wrestler, working for North of the Border Pro Wrestling where he won three NOTBPW Tag Team titles and the NOTBPW Ed Henson memorial Tag Team Cup before moving to overseas where he competes in Japan's Warrior Engine XXV, a promotion known for it's insanely hardcore style. Strong, tough, and willing to do whatever it takes to bring down his opponents, Larry is a force to reckon with both in and out of the ring. [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Carlos Gonzalez.jpg[/IMG] [B]Carlos Gonzalez[/B] (1-1) Absolutely insane and almost completely indestructable, no matter how many times opponents bash, smash, and crash Carlos, he just gets back up and throws himself at the opponents. His headbutts are particularly devastating, nearly taking down CCW Champion Tully Arthurs. --------------------- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Dermot OLogical.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dermot O'Logical [/B](3-4) Dermot O'Logical is a bit of a random variable in the tournament. At times he has been distracted, obsessing more about his facial masks then the match itself. When angered though, his fury is nearly boundless and he absolutely destroyed Rex Reeves after Reeves messed up Dermot O'Logical's skin treatment. No on knows how he will perform in the tournament, but he is dangerous nonetheless. [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/The Natural.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Natural[/B] (12-3-17) Damian "The Natural" Carvill is another experienced wrestler, working for North of the Border Pro Wrestling, Canadian Golden Combat and United States Pro Wrestling. He even won the prestigious NOTBPW Tag Team title. A multi-talented wrestler, The Natural lives up to his name by being naturally gifted in every area of wrestling. --------------------- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Art Reed.jpg[/IMG] [B]Art Reed[/B] (1-7) Danger and Violence Extreme's best technical wrestler has demonstrated time and again why he is one of the most competent ring workers for America's largest hardcore production. Phenomenal athleticism and personal instruction from none other then Sam Keith Art has developed his own version of the dreaded Proton Lock. [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Electrico.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eléctrico (3-4) [/B] A luchadore from Mexico Primiere Wrestling Federation recognized worldwide from his skill and entrance attire. A two-time MPWF world champion, Eléctrico brings his classic luchadore style to the ring, where his fast pace and quick aerial maneuvers could quickly swing him a victory. He just has to overcome Art Reed's mat skills at the start of the tournament and then the way to victory will be paved for him. --------------------- [B][U]Harry Calls For Unmasking![/U][/B][/CENTER] Harry Wilson is using his powers to demand the unmasking of the new worker. He has announced that if the mystery worker does not take the whole tournament, Harry will unmask him personally. The mystery worker was, as usual, unavailable for comment. Leo Davis just shrugged. The pressure is now on the masked mystery worker to win the tournament to maintain his identity. Quick Picks: Men Round 1: Tully Arthurs vs. White Knight (UCR) Mystery Worker vs. Plague (CZCW) Harry Wilson vs. Mainstream Hernandez (MAW) Dermot O'Logical vs. The Natural (CGC) Art Reed (DAVE) vs. Eléctrico (MPWF)
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[B]Tully Arthurs[/B] vs. White Knight (UCR) [B]Mystery Worker [/B]vs. Plague (CZCW) Harry Wilson vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B](MAW) Dermot O'Logical vs. [B]The Natural [/B](CGC) [B]Art Reed [/B](DAVE) vs. Eléctrico (MPWF) Agree with Midnightnick 100% there. Am really enjoying this diary so far. Especially liked the Tully podcast. Well written.
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[B]Tully Arthurs[/B] vs. White Knight (UCR) [I]Your champion is not going to lose in the first round[/I] [B]Mystery Worker[/B] vs. Plague (CZCW) [I]You seem to be building up this Mystery Worker as somone of note, so I think he'll get the win to amp up the suspense of the angle you have going with him.[/I] [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. Mainstream Hernandez (MAW) [I]Everyone else seems to be going for Mainstream, but Harry has been built up as one of the leading men in CCW, so I expect him to progress, even though on paper Mainstream is alot more talented.[/I] Dermot O'Logical vs. [B]The Natural[/B] (CGC) [I]Dermot on the other hand hasn't really broken through from the mid-card, so I'd expect the Natural to dispose of the Skin Care Obsessive with little fuss.[/I] [B]Art Reed (DAVE)[/B] vs. Electrico (MPWF) [I]Quite simply Art Reed has more overness in the U.S and that will factor into him picking up the victory, as that overness can be used to put perhaps put someone else over in the later rounds. [/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE=6][B]CCW Hanson Invitational Tournament[/B][/SIZE] Thursday, Week 2, July 2007 Attendance: 39[/CENTER] The show starts off with a custom-made video where the exploits of the main event contenders, Electrico and Art Reed are being shown off. Art Reed is shown in several DAVE matches, and the clips really highlight his modified Proton Lock, called the Dreadlock. Electrico is shown working fast lucha matches with plenty of off the rope springboard splashes. [B][CENTER] Rating: D-[/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Random_Male56.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Greetings one and all to the first ever Hanson Invitational Tournament. We've got quite the selection of fighters here tonight, hailing from all regions of the world. The real highlight of tonight is Art Reed, DAVE's most technical wrestler who also had a recent interview in Pro Wrestling Hits Magazine. His match with Electrico should be spectacular."[/COLOR] [B][CENTER] Rating: C- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Tully Arthurs.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/White Knight.jpg[/IMG] Tully Arthurs vs. White Knight [/CENTER][/B] Tully comes out to his standard power ballad while White Knight comes out to medivel fanfare. After stripping off his armor, White Knight even bows before Tully, and Tully gives a nod of respect. Once the bell sounds, the gloves come off and Tully nor White Knight hold back. Huge slams dominate this match as both men use their amazing strength to batter the other. White Knight almost lifts Tully over his head, but the larger man is just too heavy. Tully responds by hitting a "World's Strongest Slam" that knocks the wind right out of Knight, and Tully is able to cover for the three-count. [B][CENTER]Tully Arthurs defeated White Knight in 10:39 by pinfall with a World's Strongest Slam. Rating: E+[/CENTER][/B] After the match, Tully helps up White Knight. The two eye each other in the ring and then Tully slowly extends his hand. White Knight looks at it a little suspiciously, but decides to trust Tully and shakes the hand. Tully raises White Knights arm into the air. [B][CENTER] Rating: E+ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Frankie Dee_alt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Black Eagle.jpg[/IMG] Mystery Worker vs. Plague [/CENTER][/B] Right from the start the fans pick up that this match features two of the more talented wrestlers in the entire industry facing against each other. The sheer amount of athleticism displayed in this one match outshines everything, making CZCW look like USPW, and USPW look like a bunch of old men playing poker on a Saturday evening (which isn't too far from the truth). Even Gabriel and Kristen can't keep up, they can barely describe the reverse twisting moonsault when Mystery Worker hits a 360 shooting star. A few of the moves can't even be described, like when Plague whips himself into a 360 spin laterally, and hits Mystery in the side of the face with his heel, sending Mystery flying. But Mystery worker is right back up. Things finally slow down by the 15-minute mark and the commentary can catch up. Mystery Worker is down because of a surprising leg sweep and Plague is climbing the top ropes, crouching like an perched bird before leaping off in a spectacular Senton Bomb. Mystery Worker rolls out of the way in the last moment, leaving Plague stunned on the mat. Mystery Worker climbs to the top and hits his Infernal Splash and covering for the pin. [B][CENTER] Mystery Worker defeated Plague in 19:08 by pinfall with an Inferno Splash. Rating: C [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Mainstream Hernandez.jpg[/IMG] Harry Wilson vs. Mainstream Hernandez [/CENTER][/B] Harry Wilson comes out c0cky as usual. When Mainstream hits the ring, the crowd pops a little. Mainstream is also fairly c0cky, but in a manner not nearly as insufferable as Harry. From the start of the match, Mainstream takes the lead with a jumping wheel kick that hits Harry right in the jaw. Mainstream presses his advantage by sending Harry through the works, hitting slam after splash after elbow after kick. Harry is in trouble when suddenly Murderous Mikey hits the floor. He runs right down and while the ref isn't looking, reaches in and trips up Mainstream. In that brief momentary pause, Harry comes back and starts tearing into Mainstream on the mat. Harry starts hitting armbars and leg locks to keep Mainstream on the mat and weaken his body. After a particularly long leg lock, Mainstream is limping when he gets up. He charges at Harry but his leg buckles, putting him into a perfect position for Humility. Harry wastes notime in bouncing Mainstreams face off the mat and covers for the pin. [B][CENTER] Harry Wilson defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 11:41 by pinfall following interference from Murderous Mikey. Rating: E [/CENTER][/B] While Mainstream limps away, Harry grabs a mic with a huge smile on his face. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"From those shocked, dumbfounded looks smacked across all of your ugly faces, I can see there is still some confusion about what just happened. Now, I know that with a calculator and a mentor standing next to you that you can eventually put 1 and 1 together, but I'll save you the years of anguish and work by just letting you know that what you just saw was my 'insurance policy.' I [B]AM[/B] winning this tournament. I [B]AM[/B] going to do whatever it takes to get that cup on my trophy case. And Mikey there will destroy anything that stands in my way."[/COLOR] Harry throws the mic at the announcer table, and Gabriel ducks to avoid getting smacked in the face. The crowd boos as Harry walks out. [B][CENTER] Rating: E+ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Larry Wood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Carlos Gonzalez.jpg[/IMG] Larry Wood vs. Carlos Gonzalez [/CENTER][/B] [I]*Road Agent Note: It's going to take us awhile to clean up all of that blood...*[/I] From the start everyone knew this was not going to be an ordinary match. Larry and Carlos spent the first minute of the match circling and sizing up their opponent. Larry was huge compared to Carlos, but Carlos was much faster and more energetic.Suddenly they lock up and Larry hits a huge headbutt to the face of Carlos who is knocked back by the force of the blow. Carlos responds by leaping on top of Larry and reigning the headbutts down. By the tenth headbutt both Carlos and Larry are covered in their and each other's blood. The match goes all across the ring, with nothing being held back. Larry picks up Carlos and slams him into a turnbuckle like a battering ram, Carlos trips Larry onto the corner of the stairs, leaving blood all over the steel steps and a huge gash across his forehead. Larry smashes Carlos' head into the announcer table leaving a huge red faceprint on the surface. When Larry hits his Running Big Foot on a stunned Carlos (a Running Big Foot is a running Big Boot to the face) blood explodes off of Carlos' face splattering the ref with red dots all over his body. Larry finally covers for the pin, roaring in triumph when the ref reaches '3'. [B][CENTER] Larry Wood defeated Carlos Gonzalez in 19:52 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot. Rating: D- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Dermot OLogical.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/The Natural.jpg[/IMG] Dermot O'Logical vs. The Natural [/CENTER][/B] Although Dermot O'Logical outsizes The Natural by a full weight category, once the match starts it is clear who the dominant force is. The Natural outclasses Dermot O'Logical on the mat, in the air, even in straightforward brawling which is usually Dermot O'Logical's specialty. The Natural starts getting really arrogant, taking his time and making every attempt to humiliate Dermot O'Logical. Dermot made a couple comebacks, but they were all short lived as eventually The Natural would reverse a suplex or an irish whip and would quickly re-establish control. After fifteen minutes of almost complete one-sided punishment The Natural turns to yell and shout at the crowd and laugh at his opponent. While his back is turned Dermot recovers and clotheslines The Natural right in the back of the head. He pulls the stunned Natural up into a piledriver and hits a massive Cucumber Crush. The Natural goes limp and Dermot O'Logical capitalizes and covers for the pin. After the match, The Natural is still lying limp in the middle of the ring. The ref checks him and and motions for other backstage workers to help lift The Natural out of the ring, he's been knocked clean out by the piledriver. [B][CENTER] Dermot O'Logical defeated The Natural in 15:57 by pinfall with a Cucumber Crush. Rating: D [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Art Reed.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Electrico.jpg[/IMG] Art Reed vs. Eléctrico [/CENTER][/B] Art starts up by charging Eléctrico and knocking him down and locking him up into an armbar. Eléctrico reverses and this sets the stage of a fast paced match with constant reverses. Art dominates the ground game but Eléctrico stays in contention by hitting some rapid fire top rope moves. The turning point comes when Eléctrico tries to hit an splash from the top rope but Art rolls to the side, and then rolls back and locks in his Proton Lock. Eléctrico screams in agony as Art cranks Eléctrico's ankle. Eléctrico fights out of it, dragging himself to the ropes. Art doesn't let up though, picking up Eléctrico into the Dark Matter (a german suplex where Art holds on the bridge for the pin). Eléctrico tries to kick out but he can't, Art has too much leverage and the ref calls the pin. [B][CENTER] Art Reed defeated Eléctrico in 22:01 by pinfall with a Dark Matter. Rating: D+ Final Rating: D [/CENTER][/B] Quick Picks for the Next Round Womens Tournament DEVIL Karube vs. Kinuye Mushashibo Suzanne Brazzle vs. Carnival Queen Kendra Nadia Snow vs. Ginko Kuroda Winner of the 3-way final for the Womens Final? Tully Arthurs vs. Mystery Worker Harry Wilson vs. Larry Wood Art Reed vs. Dermot O'Logical Winner of the 3-way final for the Hanson Invitational Cup?
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[B]DEVIL Karube[/B] vs. Kinuye Mushashibo [I]I'll give the edge to Karube[/I] [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Carnival Queen Kendra [I]Brazzle has more uspide[/I] Nadia Snow vs. [B]Ginko Kuroda[/B] [I]I think your current Womens champ needs to be in the Final[/I] Winner of the 3-way final for the Womens Final? [I]I'll give the nod to [B]Brazzle[/B], as I think she's more likely to stick around and it sets up a legit challenger to Kuroda for the Womens Title[/I] Tully Arthurs vs. [B]Mystery Worker[/B] [I]I'm torn on this one, as Tully is your champion but then again if going by their finishing move, the Mystery Worker is who I think it is , then I can't back against him.[/I] [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. Larry Wood [I]Wilson will weasel his way into the final[/I] [B]Art Reed[/B] vs. Dermot O'Logical [I]O'Logical caused a bit of a shock to get this far, but he won't be going over two established names in a row, and Art is alot more established south of the Canadian Border than The Natural is.[/I] Winner of the 3-way final for the Hanson Invitational Cup? [I]Even though I feel Art and the Mystery worker are miles ahead in talent, I feel that [B] Harry Wilson[/B] your top heel will somehow concoct a way to win. The Mystery worker then gets de-masked, only to reveal that he has another mask on underneath.[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE=6][B]CCW Hanson Invitational Tournament Finals[/B][/SIZE] Saturday, Week 2, July 2007 Attendance: 37 [U]Dark Matches[/U] [B][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/DEVIL Karube.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Kinuye Mushashibo.jpg[/IMG] DEVIL Karube vs. Kinuye Mushashibo[/B][/CENTER] Poor Kinuye would have looked lost if she had to do anything other then react to DEVIL Karube's awesome offensive. DEVIL dished out a nice mix of ground and aerial offensive, ending with a rolling leg drop off the turnbuckle called DEVIL drop. [B][CENTER]DEVIL Karube defeated Kinuye Mushashibo in 4:45 by pinfall with a DEVIL Drop. Rating: D- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Ginko Kuroda_alt01.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Nadia Snow.jpg[/IMG] Ginko Kuroda vs. Nadia Snow[/CENTER][/B] No love lost between these two women, both went hard at each other straight from the start, both women using similar styles although Nadia's was a bit grittier. Nadia tried to get a quick early pinfall, even using the ropes for some illegal leverage, but the ref saw it and Ginko returned to the offensive, hitting a huge roundhouse to the face that dropped Nadia for the count. [B][CENTER]Ginko Kuroda defeated Nadia Snow in 3:59 by pinfall. Rating: D- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Suzanne Brazzle.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Carnival Queen Kendra.jpg[/IMG] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Carnival Queen Kendra[/CENTER][/B] Another squash match, Kendra didn't stand a chance. Suzanne kept the match grounded and worked some good technical moves and even hit a submission. She dominated the event though, and hit the Miracle Connection. Suzanne's Miracle Connection is a rather complicated maneuver where Suzanne whips her opponent into the ropes, and then runs backgrounds to bounce off the ropes perpendicular to the one her opponent was sent to. The two women then intersect in the middle where Suzanne hits a running Hurricanrana. Despite it being a squash match, Kendra was competent in the ring, Suzanne seemed to really bring the best out of Kendra. [B][CENTER]Suzanne Brazzle defeated Carnival Queen Kendra in 4:45 by pinfall with a Miracle Connection. Rating: D[/CENTER][/B] To start off the show, the women wrestling for the CCW Women's Division are announced. All the women stand up front and Gabriel takes the mic. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Random_Male56.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Gabriel: "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the exciting conclusion of the Hanson Invitational Cup. First it is my pleasure to introduce you to the women of the CCW Womens Division." Gabriel reads each of their names and they step forward, waving or bowing (or in DEVIL Karube's case just looking menacing). Gabriel: "Now, in a 3-way match for the Womens Cup, we will have DEVIL Karube, a versatile joshi from overseas 5SSW. Suzanne Brazzle, a rising star in AAA, and our very own Ginko Kuroda, CCW's Womens Champion. Now, without further ado, here is the CCW Hanson Invitational Womens Cup match." [CENTER][B] Rating: D [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Suzanne Brazzle.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/DEVIL Karube.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Ginko Kuroda_alt01.jpg[/IMG] Suzanne Brazzle vs. DEVIL Karube vs. Ginko Kuroda [/B][/CENTER] A twenty minute match of excellence, this match could have been a main event for AAA. The match became a rotating 2 vs. 1, with first Suzanne and Ginko teaming up against DEVIL, then DEVIL and Ginko against Suzanne. That went back and forth with Ginko staying out of the line of fire until Ginko slapped her "Dragon Clutch" on DEVIL which Suzanne barely broke up in time. The three women stayed grounded throughout the match, and the turning point came around the 15 minute mark when DEVIL Suzanne whipped Ginko right into a drop kick from DEVIL and Ginko went down. Suzanne and DEVIL faced off and Suzanne took an advantage when DEVIL stumbled over a still unconscious Ginko and Suzanne hit her Miracle Connection. [B][CENTER]Suzanne Brazzle defeated DEVIL Karube and Ginko Kuroda in 18:32 when Suzanne Brazzle defeated DEVIL Karube by pinfall with a Miracle Connection. Rating: D+ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Larry Wood.jpg[/IMG] Harry Wilson vs. Larry Wood[/CENTER][/B] Harry is visibly nervous about entering the ring and for the first minute the two played cat-and-mouse with Harry doing his best to avoid the massive monster that is Larry Wood. Harry even ducked out of the ring, only entering after Larry stepped back to allow him entry. When Harry entered, Larry quickly rushed Harry, whipping him into the turnbuckles and hitting a massive avalanche. Larry dominated the entire match, enjoying toying with Harry, throwing him around like a rag doll with absolutely brutal savagery. Right when it appeared it would be the end for Harry, Murderous Mikey makes a surprise appearance. Mikey runs down the aisle and grabs Larry's feet, tripping him down. Harry quickly recovers and hits a dropkick to Larry's gut, winding the big man. Harry then hits a quick Humility, bouncing Larry's head off the mat. The ref just barely gets to three before Larry kicks out, and Harry and Mikey quickly run backstage before Larry can recover. [B][CENTER]Harry Wilson defeated Larry Wood in 15:08 by pinfall following interference from Murderous Mikey. Rating: D- [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Frankie Dee_alt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Tully Arthurs.jpg[/IMG] Mystery Worker vs. Tully Arthurs [/CENTER][/B] This matchup was a figurative David vs. Goliath, Tully is over a foot taller and at least a hundred pounds heavier then Mystery, but Mystery shows no fear about entering the ring with Tully. As soon as the bell rings Mystery bursts into action, an almost blur as he launches a relentless series of aerial attacks. Dropkicks, splashes, flying roundhouse kicks, Tully is reeling from several different directions at the same time. Finally Tully catches Mystery and the match completely changes. Mystery is slammed against the ground, the ropes, Tully's massive fists, the turnbuckles, Tully's fists again. Tully throws Mystery against the turnbuckle but Mystery recovers and rebounds, launching a spinning roundhouse kick that hits Tully right in the face, dropping the giant. With Tully down Mystery again launches into his aerial spots, hitting more and more spectacular moves. After hitting a rolling 360 degree Senton, Tully is dazed enough for Mystery to hit the Inferno Splash and move on to the finals. [B][CENTER]Mystery Worker defeated Tully Arthurs in 15:50 by pinfall with an Inferno Splash. Rating: D [/CENTER][/B] As Tully and Mystery walk out, Mikey is thrown down the ramp towards the ring. Larry Wood storms down, shoving past both Mystery and Tully, and proceeds to slam Mikey's face into a bleacher. He then whips Mikey into the ring steps, smashes his face against the apron and rolls him into the ring. A confused ref shrugs and signals for the bell to be rung in a surprise match up. [B][CENTER]Larry wood angry about the earlier attack finds Mikey backstage and beats him down to the ring. Rating: F+ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Larry Wood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Murderous Mikey.jpg[/IMG] Larry Wood vs. Murderous Mikey[/CENTER][/B] Larry Wood is furious, constantly screaming about how Mikey cost him the Cup. He throws Mikey into the turnbuckles, powerslams him into the mat, and throughout it all Mikey can barely recover before Larry bashes him again. Right after a corner avalanche, Mikey recovers a bit and ducks a huge haymaker from Larry and Mikey rolls out of the ring, running towards the exit, but Larry slides out and tackles Mikey and drags him back into the ring for more beatings. Larry laughs when Mikey's face explodes from a series of headbutts from Larry, and at that point Larry decides he's had enough and hits a huge Running Big Foot (a running boot to the face) that drops Mikey down. The ref signals for the bell when after finding out that Mikey's been knocked unconscious from the kick to the face. It takes Dale, Gabriel, and a couple roadies to haul out Mikey's massive frame. [B][CENTER]Larry Wood defeated Murderous Mikey in 7:37 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot. Rating: D [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Art Reed.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Dermot OLogical.jpg[/IMG] Art Reed vs. Dermot O'Logical[/CENTER][/B] Dermot O'Logical comes out in his usual facial mask and cucumbers. The ref motions that for Dermot to get ready for the ring but Dermot lazily stretches and even yawns as Art Reed comes out. Dermot O'Logical is still not ready when Art enters the ring, and soon both he and the ref are yelling at Dermot O'Logical to hurry up. Dermot meanwhile is wiping the last of his facial scrub from his face when the bell rings. Art wastes no time, tackling Dermot in and applying an armbar right away. A surprised Dermot O'Logical frantically scrambles for the side. Art is punishing Dermot for his earlier rudeness, stretching Dermot O'Logical in all sorts of ways. Around the five minute mark Dermot comes back with a solid offense, cupping Art's head in one hand and punching hard right into the face of Art with the other hand. This really surprised Art, who stayed staggered long enough for Dermot O'Logical to hit his Cucumber Driver. He goes for the pin but Art kicks out. The two stand back up, facing off and then lock up. Art quickly drops down and flips Dermot O'Logical in a beautiful arm throw and then drags him back to his feat to hit the Dark Matter. Dermot O'Logical is down for the count and doesn't kick out. [B][CENTER]Art Reed defeated Dermot O'Logical in 15:54 by pinfall with a Dark Matter. Rating: D+ [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Art Reed.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Frankie Dee_alt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] Art Reed vs. Mystery Worker vs. Harry Wilson [/CENTER][/B] For the final match of the tournament, the tournament cup is highlighted next to the ring, the shining gold gleaming in the small darkened gymnasium. First Art Reed walks out, and the crowd pops to see the DAVE star in the final match. Then comes Mystery Worker, and the crowd pops again, especially after his aerial display against Tully. Finally, Harry comes out with his arms rasied high in the air and the crowd boos as loud as thirty people possibly could. The match quickly becomes a fluid display of wrestling, as all three opponents launch themselves against each other. Mystery and Art are fluid, never pausing as they launch attack after attack, Mystery going up top while Art grapples on the mat. Harry stays out of the majority of the fight, just sitting back and looking bored at times. When Art or Mystery turn their attention to him, he still seems passive not making much of an effort to attack nor does he seem to take much damage from his opponents. Around halfway though a fire seems to light under him and after Mystery knocks out Art with a flying back elbow, Harry smashes Mystery from behind. Harry attacks Mystery relentlessly, stomping him to the ground and then mounting Mystery to land fist after fist into Mystery's mask. Finally, Harry grabs Mystery in a headlock and starts peeling off Mystery's mask. Before he can get it off though, Art recovers and smashes Harry from behind with a running forearm. Harry is down and both Art and Mystery team up to punish Harry. The crowd shouts with approval as Art whips Harry right into a missile dropkick from Mystery. Harry drops and it becomes a 1 vs. 1 battle between Mystery and Art. The two battle back and forth, evenly matched when suddenly Art ducks a roundhouse from Mystery and hits a one-leg takedown. Art wastes no time in locking in the Dreadlock, cranking on the ankle as Mystery shouts in agony. Harry recovers and rushes to break the hold but in an awesome display of agility Art hops up and hits a kick to Harry's face while still maintaining the lock on Mystery. Mystery taps out at the same time as Harry drops from the kick. The bell rings and the ref raises Art's arms in victory. Art beems as Gabriel hands him the Hanson Invitational Cup and Art takes the trophy and raises it high above his head. Harry rolls out of the ring and sulks backstage, but Art helps up Mystery, who has a slight limp from the Dreadlock. Mystery, faces the crowd and with a flourish whips off his blank white mask to reveal a red, white and blue one underneath. The crowd pops when they recognize the former TCW star and indie legend American Elemental. Art holds Elemental's hand up and the cup with the other. [B][CENTER]Art Reed defeated American Elemental and Harry Wilson in 22:52 when Art Reed defeated American Elemental by submission with a Dreadlock. Rating: C- Overall: D+[/CENTER][/B]
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